The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 20, 1870, Image 2

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gloomiJtatty gtmtxvt
rrlilny aiornlni?, May 20, 1BT0.
f TIIIJ COLUMBIAN hut the Largest
Circulation of any papar pnbllslieil In
Northern Pennaylvanla, and Is lm a
much larger sheet tlian rnijr of Itscotem
porarlest anil la therefore thebeat medium
for advertising In tills section oftha State.
Railroad Charges.
Wc give In another column tho correct
tost of tho net recently pmaeil In rojarJ
to charges by tho Lacknwnmia nnd
U'oonwburir llallroil Company. It
ri'peiils tho act of IftW which allowed
tho Cotnimnv '' rhp ny tunnuiit
tllt.V pli'fl - '! fl'l ! tMIU'.Ul(!'l of
f i-c ijh 'irjmvengew i'r lil-tuiciM undor
U-i nllk- , Iwlng tliom ftj v lip prlvl
leoi charglntf twenty . -ntn per ton
on freight nud twenty cuts per pm.-tjn-ger,
w henover tho rates undor tho gen
eral railroad law shall not, for short
distances, amount to so much. Tho
act is one of local Interest In all tho
counties through which tho road ex.
tends, and Is also ono of evident Justice.
Tho unlimited power of tho Company
In making charges for distances under
ten miles, was ono liable to abuse and
has been in fact, abused in recent years.
In one caso a shipper has been paying
fifty cents per ton for a distance under
threo miles who will now pay out
twenty cents. Upou anothor kind of
freight, for about threo miles of haul,
where tho charge has been thirty cents
it will dropdown to twenty. Of course
these acts refer to casos whoro tho ship-,
por furnishes his own cars.
Congressional Duties.
Tho absonco of Senators and Itepre
entativw from the sessions of tholr re
spective bodies, has called forth much
comment from tho public prints, and
Homo rather savage advice has beea giv
en to tho Honorable gentlemen, to earn
their salaries by sorao decent amount
of work.
Washington advices contain the In
formation that, at a rocent meeting of
radical llepubllcaus held in that city to
ratify tho nomination of S. J. Bowen
for mayor, Senators Tipton and Thayer
and Representatives Ela and other
members of Congress spoke.
This perhaps may account for tho
non-attendauco of Senators and mem
bers during the sessions of Cougre,
They urc speech-making and Interfering
in local politics, with which they have
no concern, and endeavoring to forco
on tho peoplo of Washington, a negro
nominee for mayor. It may be that
the constituents of Messrs. Tipton,
Thayer, Ela aDd others send them to
Congress for this purpose, but wo doubt
It. Certainly there are enough matters
of importance claiming tholr attention,
Without their stirring up tho very dirty
and ill savored puddle of Washington
politics. It is bad enough to have Sen
ators from such a rotten-borough States
as Tipton and Thayer represent without
having them intermeddling with affairs
which do not concern them.
Decisions Which are Decisions.
Some wag records tho following "de
cisions" under the internal revenue
"The latest decisions of the commis
sioner of Internal revenuo cover tho fol
lowing points: Parties using paper
collars must use them from tho original
packages ; that is, from the box in which
they havo been purchased ; and a three
cent revenuo stamp must be attached
to each ono when put on. When the
collar becomes soiled, and is turned
with the clean side out, it must reccivo
another three cent stamp, and must also
be conspicuously stamped with tho word
"turned." Boxes when emptied cannot
be used a second time, but must bo do
stroyed'in the room where emptied, and
tho assessor furnished with a certificate
of the fact. If thrown out of the win
dow or carried out in tho coal scuttle or
wash-tub, such boxes will be subject to
export duty.
"Bootblacks aro required to use their
blacklngjust as they find it when tho
box Is opened adding nothing to' it
wlmtever. Tho act of spitting in the
box and smearing tho content with tho
brush constitutes thobootblacker a mix
er or reclifier, or manufacturer of black
ing and ho must pay tho ordinary man
ufacturer's price. Each boot blacked,
' for which tho sum of five cents Is paid
by tho wearer, must receive at tho ox
penso of tho bootblack, a four and three
quarter cent stamp.
She Pennsylvania Blosorve As
sociation. This well known organization held
lfe annual meeting at Lock Haven on
Tuesday last, and as usual was well at
tended. Qcn Meade presided, and Col.
William B. Mann delivered tho oration.
A telegram was received from Minister
Curtin, dated St. Petersburg, in which
ho said, "My spirit is with you, bravo
and faithful friends."
The election for officers resulted In
lion. A. G. Curtin being re-elected
president. Tho other officers oloctod
were Generals McCandlcss nnd Barnes
vico presidents j Anthony T. Laws, ro
cording secretary; .Coionol Taggart.cor
responding secretary, and Colonel Tay
lor, treasurer.
Phiirdelpbia was selected as tho
place fur tho next meeting, and ou
townsman, Gen. Wellington II. Ent
received tho high honor of bving eloct
ed orator for tho occasion.
A banquet was held In the evening
At the Fallon House, at which speeches
wero made by General Meuriu, tho ora
tor of tho day, and others In response to
toasts which wero given.
Impoptant Decision. A question
of considerable importance was lately
decided by Judge Chapman, on a caso
in Montgomery county. It was who'll
er tho town council of tho borough of
i'ottstown had authority under tho
charter to make a valuation of taxablo
properly In said borough, wJth a view
to taxation for borough purposes. Tho
caso was decided negatively by Judgo
Chapman, Ju an able and extended
opinion, lu which ground is taken that
tho regular assossor chosen by tho ueo
pie for that special purpose, has alone
the right to asheM property for city and
ugu hcu s utate anu couuty i
purposca. I
An Act for the draining qf swampy
and wet lands.
Hnc. 1, Any swampy or wot lands,
belonging to sovoral owners dlsjolntly,
may bo drained at thecommou expense,
under the following regulations.
Skc. 1!. Upon tho petition of n minor
ity of said owners of such wet or
swampy lands, forming u continuous
swamp or marsh, tho court of quarter
sessions of tho county, or If lying with
in two counties, tho nearest court, shall
appoint threo disinterested persons,
who shall bo commissioners with pow
er to view tho wet lands dcscrlbedj nnd
If In their Judgment to drain them
shall bo practicable, they shall proceed
to lay out a drain, measuring tho length
nnd ascertaining the depth, as near as
muy bo with ordinary facilities; thoy
shall also have power, nud it shall bo
tholrduty, to ni.iko it survey of such
swampy or wet laud, to got its contents
nud quantity owned by each land-holder,
and inako an estiniato of tho cost of
cuii-tructing said drain.
Sue. 3. Said commissioners shall also
estiiualo the damages sustained by any
of s.dd laud holders, or any other per
son, by tho construction of such drain;
ulo tho proportion of the cost of con
struction to bo bornobyeach land-owner
owning land.
Sec. -1. In assessing tho amount to bo
borne by each land-holder of tho cost
of opening such drain, tho estimate
shall be raado with reference to, and
based upon both tho amount of land
mado nselcs3 by such swamp and tho
benefits which will result from such im
provement, and in no caso to exceed
the ostlmatcd benefits.
Sec. C. If In tho judgment of tho
commissioners tho swamp is a public
nuisance, then they shall havo power
to say what portion of thoexpenso shall
bo borno by the township or townships
in which said swamp lies.
Sec. fl. If any ono of the partlcsshall
feel aggrieved by tho assessment and
verdict of thoso commissioners, then
upon hlsnppeal and petition, tho court
shall appoint six disinterested commis
sioners to rovlow tho whole case and re
port, and their report, when confirmed
by tho court shall bo final.
Sec. 7. When their proceedings shall
begouo through with, tho ownors of
such swamp and tho supervisors of tho
township or townships, as tho caso may
be, shall constituto a corporation; nnd
tho time and placo of Its first meeting
shall bo fixed by tho court, nnd a yearly
meeting thereafter shall bo held; and
said corporation, acting through n ma
jority, shall havo power to open and ro-
pair such drain at tho common expense,
in proportion to tho assessment mado
by tho commissioners.
Sec. 8. Shall havo power to collect
as ordinary debts aro collected.
An Act to protect and encourage the
breeding and culture of fish.
Sec. I. Whenever a man shall have
mado or erected an artificial pond upon
his own land, and shall put therein any
fish, or tho eggs, or spawn of fish, for
tho purpose of breeding and cultivating
fish, and shall give notice thereof,
olther in ono or more of tho nowspapors
of tho couuty, or by written or printed
handbills, put up in public places near
said pond, any person who shall
thereafter enter upon such pond for tho
purpow of fishing, or shall catch or
take any fl3h thereout, shall bo guilty
of a trespass, nnd in addition thereto
shall be Iiablo to a penalty of flvo dol
lars for the first offence, ten dollars for
tho second, and twenty dollars for tho
third and each aud every subsequent
offenco : Provided, That this act shall
not prevent tho owner of such pond, or
any ouo by his authority, from catch
ing or taking fish therefrom.
Sec. 2. Tho penalties imposed by
this act may bo recoverod, with costs of
suit, by any porson, in his own namo,
before any justice of tho peaco of tho
county whero tho offence was commit
ted, and tho person sucing for thesatno
shall bo a competent witness In such
suit; and tho Justice who shall collect
such penalty shall pay over tho same,
one-half to the overseers of the poor for
tho use of tho poor of tho township
whero tho offenco was committed, and
the other half to tho plaintiff in such
suit; and on tho non payment of such
penalty, tho defendantsball bo commit
ted to the common Jail of tho county
for a period of not less than five days,
and at the rato of ono day for every
dollar of tho Judgment, whoro thosamo
shall bo above flvo dollars.
.In Act relative to the payment of taxes
on unseated landi.
Bec. 1. The treasurer of each couuty
In this commonwealth shall keep a
book, to bo called "tho receipt book,"
In which shall bo recorded tho receipts
of all payments made to him on ac
count of taxes paid on unseated lands,
designating tho number, acros, warran
tco name, and namo or names of own
ers, or alleged owners, of each tract of
land, tho township whero situato, and
tho amount of taxes paid, and when
and by whom paid; a certified copy of
which receipt, under tho hand of
tho treasurer and tho seal of tho
county, shall bo tho only ovldcuco of
the payment of the taxes, except where
said receipts havo been duly recorded
In accordance with tho provisions of
the first section of tho net of assembly of
March ninth. Anno Domini ono thou
sand eight hundred nnd forty-seven.
Sic. 2. Tho owners of unseated lands
shall have two years from tho passago
of thli-nct within which to havo their
receipts for taxc3 on unseated lands ro-
corded in said book, when tho same
have not been already entered in a
book heretofore kept by tho treasurer
or tho county for that purpose: Provi
ded, That the provision of this section
th ill not apply where there Is any legal
evidence upon the records or hooks
kopt by the treasurer of tho county to
prove tho payment of said taxos.
Sec. 3. No parol ovidenco shall bo
received to provo tho payment of taxes
on unseated lands.
An Act
To repeal a former act relative to charges
by the Lackawanna & Jiloomsburg
liallro'id Company,
Section 1. lie it enacted Ao That
tho net of 27th of February, 1850, sup
plementary to tho act offith of April.
1852, incorporating tho Lackawanna A
Bioomsburg Railroad Company, bo and
tho same is hereby repealed; Provided,
that it shall bo lawful or said company
to charge twenty cents for each passen
ger and tweuty cents per ton for freight,
for -tho whole distance the same may be
carried, whenovcr tho rates fixed by
tho 18th section of tho act of February
19th, 1819, relating to canal and railroad
companies shall not amount to said
Approved, May 13th, 1870.
John Covodci
John Co'vodo Is ono of tho slock clo wiis
of tho lower body of tho National
Legislature as Drako Is of tho Senate.
Covodolsn mtxtnro of Scotch, Irish
nnd Pennsylvania Butch, and ho resom
hies nn army mulo lit his carriage, bray,
propensity to pull in tho Party team,
nnd occasionally to kick up his lieo'.s for
recreation. Ho Is cunning, without
pride or concern for porsonal dignity or
honor, rich by strategic approaches, nnd
politics is ns mucli a business with him
ns breeding stock or kcuplng shop. Ho
his no abstract Idea of power, or famo,
or anything which Imaginative peoplo
supposo would be apt to irmUo a man
wish to sit in the Congress of tho United
States; for ho belongs to a run-down
Commonwealth where tho highest Ideal
of tho nation Is that it is a sort of In
dian's stow-pot, whero nil tho States Bit
round fishing out bcncQts nnd savory
morsels with their fingers. John Co
vodo grew up dirty nud coarso on pur
poso to qualify himself for this general
grab. Ho cau run ids arm down lowor,
hook out nioro fat and unctuous pieces,
and digest them upon a nioro omnivor
ous and cast iron stomach than Spotted
Tall, or Holo-ln-tho-day, or any oilier
woll-bred savngo familiarly known to
tho Indian agents In the lowor story of
tho Patent Ofiko building. When you
como to statesmanship as a fine art, Co-
vodo's proposition is that it consists in
personal sense, of putting us llttlo into
tho pot as possible, making tho numer
ator small nnd tho denominator al
mighty. Ho would havo thrown in,
had ho been ouo of Macbcth's witches,
tho smallest mho of "blaspheming
Jows," and hooked out tho whole
"maw and gulp" of the shark. Ho
holds his scat in tho present Congress
by tho tenuro of partisan lnjustlco,
having been beaten In the most mani
fest manner by Henry D. Foster, but
given tho seat by ft partisan committee;
and yet this grotcsquo old rascal quotes
rare scripture and assumes nt timo3
moro honesty than tho incorruptible
Stanton. Ho reminds mo of Artomus
Ward's saying of a certain man "that
ho had but ono tooth, and yet this
gifted being plays on tho bass drum."
1011 THE C0I.UM111AN.
GATAWissXjMay 10, 1870.
At u regular meeting of tho Stock
holders of tho "Mutual Building and
Saving Fund Association of Catawlssa,' '
tho following named persons were
elected Directors: J. L. Shuman. N. P.
John, 0. W. McKclvy nnd W. U. Ellis
to servo for threo years, A. H. Sharp
less, W. II. Abbott, K. S. Cleaver and
T. E. Harder for two years, L. B. Klino,
W. F. Blbly, II. F. Clark nnd Jesse
John for ono yenr.
The following officers were elected for
the year.
President N. P. John; Vico Presi-dent-W.
II. Ellis; Secretary-L. B.
Kline; Treasurer A. II. Sharploss.
Tho timo for tho payment of tho
monthly dues, occurs on tho last Friday
of each month between tho hours of 4
and 8 p. m. Tho Association havo de
cided to charge no premium until the
July pay day.
Any further information deslrablo
may bo obtained by communication
with tho Secretnry.
L. B. Kline, Secretary.
Thursday, May 12. In tho Sen
ato, yesterday, tho bill furnishing ar
tlficial limbs to disabled soldiers, was
Tho Appropriation bills woro resum
ed. Various amendments woro offered.
Among thoso agreed upon was one
appropriating $500,000 for a now build
ing for tho State Department, aud an
other for tho enlargement of tho Capi
tol grounds, at a cost of $500,000.
In tho House, after passing an appro
priation bill of $500,000 to supply tbo
deficiencies in tho appropriation for,
tho compensation nnd mileago of mem
bers and delegates for tho year ending
Juno 30, 1870, the Northern Pacific
Bailway bill was proceeded with.
After some discussion a compromise
was effected. Tho House, by u vote of
90 to 77, refused to pass tho bill to a
third reading, nnd it was referred,with
a number of amendments, to tho Com
raittco on Pacific Ball ways.
Friday, May 13. In tho Sonate,
yesterday, tho Army bill occupied al
most tho entlro session, and after
a long discussion wus finally passsd.
Various additional changes wero mado
In it, among tho most important of
which Is the following: Fixing tho re
duction of tho army at 30,000 In
stead of 25,000, as provided by tho bill.
In the IIouso tho morning hour was
mainly devoted to a debato on tho
decllno of commerce. Tho bill defining
tho duties of Pension Agents, nnd
prescribing tho manner of paying pen
sions, was, after a long debato, passed
ns reported.
Saiokday, May 11. Intho Senate,
yesterday, Mr. Sumner Introduced a
bill supplementary to tho Civil Bights
act, to securo equal rights in convey
ances, hotels, theaters, schools, in tho
Courts everywhere. It was referred
to tho Judiciary Committee.
In tho IIouso moro work was done
than on nny other day of tho weok
Tho Naval CommI(teo reported qulto n
number of bills, the most important of
Which grants twclvo months' pay, no
cording to rank, to tho widows and
orphans of all tho officers, sailors and
marines of tho Oneida, from tho date of
her loss, which was passed at onco.
Tuesday, May 17. In tho Senate,
yesterday, tho session was mainly de
voted to a debato of tho bill on tho en
forcetnentof tho Fifteenth Amendment
bnt no voto was taken.
In tho House, a motion was agreed to
postponing all prior orders until after
tho Appropriation bills nro disposed of,
mus virtually postponing Indefinitely
ino ianii mil. immediately after thte
action, on motion of Mr. Bingham, tho
rules wero suspended, and a bill en
forcing tho intent and purposes of tho
Fifteenth Amcndmout passed by a voto
OU31 to ll, without debate.
Wednesday, May 18. In tho Sen
ate several bills wero Introduced and
referred.. The fifteenth nmondmont bill
was taken up nnd argued.
in tho Houso, tho bill rolativo to
American commorco was discussed, but
Hiinauy went ovor until to day, A
voto will bo called for .on It to-morrow,
Guidons, tho lato bogus District
Attorney, gobbled up 120,000 during
tho six months ho and Drowster man
aged to keep tho regularly oloctod occu-
pant out of that office. Poor Gibbons.
Ziatost Wows.
Splendid . Domooratio Victory .in tho'
Empire; States
New York, May 18, 1870.
Tho election yesterday resulted In an
overwhelming majority for tho Democ
racy. Tho city did nobly, rolling up n
majority of 00,000, both on Stato and
local Judiciary tickets, in a total voto of
Tho rural districts havo also done
handsomely. Tho Republican majori
ties havo been reduced in nil their
strongholds, nnd some counties hereto
fore strongly Republican havo wheeled
into lino in (ho Democratic column.
Tho majority in tho Slnto will exceed
fifty thousand, and we should not bo
surprised if full reports show that tho
Stato has gono Democratic without tho
voto of this city. Tho result Is o Wat
erloo to tho Bepubllcans a declslvo
aud complete rout.
Tho entlro local ticket of Tammany is
elected, from Judges of the Court of
Common Ploas down to Assistant Al
dermen. It is u clean sweep in all
There was n sharp local contest In
Brooklyn over tho nominee for City
Judge, but tho regular Democratic tick
et is elected. In truth, there is nothing
to mar our triumph In any quarter. It
is victory on all sides, In every direc
tion, and nil along tho lines.
Maucii Chunk, Pa., May 11. Ad
vices from Hazeltou stato that n sorlous
riot occurred yesterday among sotno of
tho miners who wero celebrating tho
first anniversary of tho organization of
tho iNIlners' Union. Threo men wero
shot, and others wero moro or less
injured. Charles F. Schulicr was tor
ibly beaten. Chief Burgess called upon
tho Hazeltou Zouaves, Captain Swank,
and tho company wero quickly under
arms and prepared for duty, but up to
a lato hour they wero not called out.
London, May 11. Tho groat yacht
raco between tho American yacht Sap
pho, owned by Mr. Douglas, aud tho
English yacht Cambria, owned by Mr.
Ashbury, which took placo yesterday,
off tho Islo of Wight, resulted in a com
plete victory for tho Sappho, sho having
reached tho point of destination far
ahead of the Cambria. Tho courso tak
ed was n southwesterly ono from tho
Nab Light, tho dlstanco being sixty
miles. Great enthusiasm provails a
mong tho friends of tho Amorican yacht,
so complete a victory having been hard
ly expected.
Concord, N. II., May 12. David
Hull, of Centre Harbor, while yoking
oxen, was thrown down, kicked on tho
head nnd trampled by tho oxen on
Tuesday last. Ho remained Insensible
anu men yesterday, ms ago was
elghty-ono years.
St. Louis, Mo., May 12. At six
o'clock this morning, tho night express
train on tho Missouri Pacific Railroad,
which left Atchison, Kansas, last eve
ning, collided near Eureka, twenty
eight miles from here, with an oxtra
freight train going West. Sixteen per
son.s wero killed outright, nnd twenty
wounded. Two, that have been taken
homo, will die.
Oil City, May 13. A raau named
Samuel Deans was killed to-day by
splinter entering his eye whllo sawing
Reading, Muy 13. John Deal, alias
iacharlab Snyder, who murdered Rich
ard Harlan, was oxecuted this morn
Ing. Tho murder was committed. in
October last, near Lcesport.Berks coun
ty. Tho victim was a poor, decropld
vagabond, and tho murder was tho re
sult of a drunken quarrel.
Fort Scott, Kansas, May, 13. An
accouut of tho most diabolical affair
over recorded Is published in to-day's
Monitor. On Tuesday seven men, either
lexans or straggling outlaws from In
dlan Territory, camo to tho town of
Ladore, a few miles south of hero,
After drinking nil day thoy went to tho
boarding-houso of J. N. Roach, and
asiceu to stay all night. Being refused
on account of their drunken condition,
ono or tno party knocked Roach insensi
bio with a rovolver and then went to
the bed occupied by the two daughters
or lloacli, aged twelve and fourteen
years, and ravished them. A quarrel
aroso among the demons, and ono was
shot dead. At day-break tho party fled,
ouulakiug with him to tho wooods tho
youngest girl. Tho town was Inline-
ly aroused, and parties started in ovcry
direction in search of the fiends. The
ouo with the girl was soon ovortakon
and hanged ton tree. Two others wero
found sccrotod In town, and wero hang
cd to tho same tree. Tho remaining
threo weronlso captured, Two of them
wero hanged. Tho other one, at last
accounts, was In custody of tho citizens.
but will probably sharo tho samo fato as
his companions. Tho universal ver
dict hero is that In this instanco at
least tho summary manner of inflicting
punisnmont is ontlrolyjustlllod.
Columbia Pa., May 14. At a meet
ing of tho iron masters held here, ves
terday, tho unanimous feeling was to
stop tno production of pig iron, which
cannot no mnuo nt tho current rates
without loss, aud tho next sixty days,
nearly, if not all, tho furnaces In tho
vicinity will bo idle.
London, May 15. Tho second of tho
threo races between tho yachts "Sap.
pho" nnd "Cambria" was won by tho
lormor, owing to tho virtual backing
out of tho "Cambria."
Ciiilmcotiie, May 10. A horse rid.
den under tho saddle by a German na
med smith to-day ran away, throw
tho rider, dragged him a quarter of a
mile, and finally fell upon and crushed
nun to death. Tho man's body was
terribly mangled.
London, May 18. Tho third raco of
tno international courso botween tho
bappho and Cambria wus won by tho
American 'yacht Sappho. Tho Judges
navo awarded nor tho silver cup.
New Yok, May 12 A thlof named
William Davidson was to-dav cnn.
vlctod In tho court of coneral sessions nf
having attacked nnd robbed Georgo
Lavlnn at tho corner of Blcecker and
Mott streets, on tho night of May 3.
Tho caso was an aggravated ono. nnd
Judgo Bedford promptly sentenced
lilra to tho stato prison, at Siard labor.
for fifteen years.
A femulo artiste on tho piauo, four
years old, Is causing considoreblo won.
dro in Zurich, Switzerland.
nON. C. Ii. WARD.
-Onthollth Inst., tho telegraph an.
no'unccd to us tho death, on that day, of
Hon. O. L. Ward, of Townndn, Pa. By
this Provldenco tho community in
which ho lived has lost ono of its most
vnlued and tho Commonwealth ono of
Its most distinguished citizens. Mr.
Wnrd was widely known ns a high
toned gentleman, a vigorous wrltcr.and
nn enterprising, liberal man. Ho freely
extended his talents, nnd gavo his time
nnd money for tho advancement of all
measures which ho deemed for the pub
lic good. Ho was admitted to tho bar
and practiced law with success until his
prlvnto business required Ills cxcluslvo
His literary tasto and acquirements
woro of n high order. His library, con
sisting of nn ndmlrablo selection of
choice books, Is believed to bo tho mo3t
oxtensivo and valuable prlvato library
In the State.
The death of such a man may bo truly
said to bo nn lrreparnblo loss.
Just One more,
Mr. Sumner Is anxious to havo an
other bill passed for tho protection of
tho negro positively only ono moro.
This timo ho desires to securo equal
rights for tho colored raco on railroads,
steam-boats, nnd public conveyances,
nud in theaters, common schools, and
public Institutions generally. When all
this is conceded, Mr. Sumner admits
that ho can think of nothing left to nsk
iu behalf of tho negro. Seeing that Con
gress has done so llttlo for tho benefit of
tho whllo raco this session, might not
this new claim bo kept over for a time?
Ooco Mr. Sumner said that if tho negro
had tiio ballot, his freedom would be
complete. Ho was wrong, it seems; but
is it not too soon to como beforo tho
country with another "llttlo bill?"
Wows Ztems.
Napoleon III was sixty-two years
old on tho 20th of April.
A laconic conversation: "What alls
your eyo Joe?" "I told a man ho lied."
A California farmer gets as much
for flvo dozen eggs as u Minnesota farm
er does for flvo bushels of wheat.
Tho nickel coined in tho mints of
tho United States costs tho government
between $1.22 and $1.25 per pound.
A man in New Orleans offers to
fight an alligator undor water with only
a knlfo if somo ono will crlvo him $.iDfi
is a dry Baptist, and a Baptist a very
Tho Odd Fellows of tho United
States, according to a lato enumeration,
n.a,n.o,i1.I,,oi . et-.n rr i.
ed by the Popo since Its establishment
ivu j taia 13 uuuut iuur xuiuiuu
pounus, or twenty million dollars.
TMin nnnnln nri1,1 111m t...nn
xuu jji,vsjiu muuiu 1 lau IU IIUVUVjUU
gross do something; but they would
liko to havo Congress remember the ad
age: "when you don't know what to
do, don't do you don't know what."
All rvtnb-ml .llcl.oo tl.nt U 1 ...t.,1.n.l
to cool beforo using should bo set in tho
jmiuiitaii uir, xt win preserve tueir
flavor unimpaired, otherwise not.
"When ho shot nt mo tho third
timo," said a California teamster,
"I began to think ho meant business, so
I up with my rillo nnd put a bullet
ttirougn ins iieail."
It is stated that every farm of 1G0
acres in Eastern Kansas is underlaid
Willi 1.555.000 tons of eonl. or ntnn
times moro fuel than if tho surfaco
wero covered with heavy timber.
Minnesota points with prido to a
uwiuu iu uiab ouuu, o.ovon years anu
eight months old and weighing eighty
pounds, who is tho mother of a babe, a
girl which at Its birth weighed soven
nun ti nun liuunil?.
An nlil Inilir Imlttr 1. Dn(A :.. -tr
w... ...Ua7 m.,MK ... n OIUIU III yu-
tnrhilrv. vnnnnHt- ilnlll..itnl.. . .i
and reached out her half.frozen feet to
mo iron sine, remarked sho "always
did liko those air-tight stoves."
Out in Wyoming tho farmers plow
with tamo buffaloes.
Edinburgh points with pardonable
prido to a man who has been 300 times
MUM UM Jl-llia IIIJU11,
A Connecticut man who has worn
tho samo hat for forty years says It has
boen In fimliinn onvnn timiu
"Oh, ma," said n littlo girl, who
had been to a show, "l'vo seen the
un'iuium, mm iiu wuiks uacicwarus and
nnfu .1,111. t.fa .nil II
Senator Carpenter, of Wisconsin.
who is an ablo lawyer, admits that
radicalism is the meanest client ho over
uuultiuuk io ueicnu.
G(l in in nrnfonf o cri frvi im.
The-old man said ho would beat religion
-A Inivn In Vnrmmif linn
got tho most efficient Uro company in
Ihn nmmti'i, IP.,rt e it' -
v..vVMU..j. i.ivu-iiiuus ui mo mem
bcrsnro under arrest as ineoudlarles
They forced business too much.
fho following notice appeared on
tip west end of a country mooting house:
"Anybody sticking bills against this
church will bo prosecuted according to
..... w. uiuui iiuioanuu.
Hlpsf(l nrn tlini. 41tn -n t .
for thoy nro happy in thinking thoy
phan children, for thnv hnvn nn
til firs id Hninlr tlmm fil.,.,.l
that do not advertiso, for they nro not iyiiii V;U31UIJ1LTS,
u uuiiuryiu ewouryport.Mass..
i t -' i-wiiui vuKiuu unvos inn
machinery, and tho bakery uses threo
hundred dozon eggs a dayl "Think of
that, yo hens," says an exchange, "and
.TillQf. Rnnrlii. im nl.fl.i . .
tint tuiiuruii jn i'.i).
onsburg wero playing together, when
tho oldest one, aboufulno years of ago.
SMS . youngest, ilvd
v -", . "'i mm iu uui. UUW1, THIS
- i ' i wio young-
er struck him with a knifo, inflicting
..... ..v,u .iui l-uusu ins ueatu in
a fwo hours.
,ZiiH Iflshma attending a Quaker
meeting, hoard n young Friend raako
tllO fmlnu'lnn nntin,innn,n..i. tin ...
ron nnd sisters, I am going to marry n
daughter of tho Lord." "Tho dovll yo
It Will J ' Vn ""II r?!. 1He K
ycrfatheVin-Taw!" ul,u'u-0" sco
i 0 ,ro,mnl"3 of a lady who had
been burled ,i.i.,"
at tbo old Lutheran rvmnin,.,, i.
iiV.; I I'liseuicui a por
tion of, which was as silky and soft as
nny ouo could wish for.
KMtSIINEU-FiannK-Oii the 8th Inst bv
tUlp. tolimbVeouuty. ""
to ill.. Mary 'wtlier. of M.m t5wnkhlawl""''
to MKa Joamia, daughter of DauVl Atner.
IIOYLKS-In Koundryvllle, Friday nlht irw
yoST-In Locuat towniUlp.on the 25th ult..Mr
Unry 1 ol, ogod IV yean aud S5 dayi ' '
jcut gulvcrtljjcmrwtu.
m oncmscB non tiie rmftnVAiiox or the
met AiiD ron omen renrosu.
Jlet OrJatncd and Knaetcdly tktTown Own
cil oftht Town of Bloomhurg. and t it
litretiy Ordained and Enacttd ly Authority
of the iame.
ScCTiox I. O Ofcncet against tht Puii'e
AnTICtr. 1, A ny porton found within the
limits of Hi o Town of Ulonmiburg, In a stale
nt lntoxlcatlm, or ilrunkonnen, shall, for
orcry offence, upon conviction, pay a flno
not exceeding flvo dollara, with costs.
Am. 2, Any person found within the limits
of nsldtown, lighting, quarreling boisterous
ly, and to the disturhanca of tho pubtic
peace, or inciting otbars to fight or quarrel,
and ovory person making assault, or assault
and battery on tho person of another, within
tho limits of said town, shall, upon convic
tion, pay a fine not execoding liro dollars
for each offence,
Anr. 3. Auy porson engaged, or participa
ting in any not, rout, tumult or affray, or
inciting thereto, within the limits of said
town, ahull, upon conviction, pay a fine not
exceeding twenty dollars and costs.
Anr, 4, No evil disposed, or disorderly per
ons shall bo permitted to assemblo or con
sregato upon any of the streets, alleys, roads,
sidewalks, or corners thereof, or upon tho
bridges, or other places within the town J and
gach and ovcry person so assembled, incom
paniesor assemblies numbering more than
six persons, shall, upon conviction, forfeit
and pay a fine not exceeding two dollars for
each offence, and costs.
Anr. 5. Full power and authority aro here
by given to any policeman or constable of
the town, ana u snail ue their duty, to nr
rest upou liow, and without warrant, any of
tho classes of persons aforesaid, found assem
blod in manner aforesaid, and to tako and
carry them Immediately before tho President
of the Town Council, or Imprison them lu
tho lock-up, until such timo as they may bo
brought beforo him.
Am. S. Any person found firing or causing
to be Ored within cr upon tho streets within
the built up portions of tho town, any
kind nf lire nrms,firo crackers or squ!bs,shaU
upon conviction, pay a flue, not exceeding
five dollars for each ofiunco with costs, Pro
vided, That this artlclo shall not apply in
cases where tho samo is ilono by a policeman
or constable in tho discharge of duty or to
military muster and parade or upon the 4th
day of July of any year.
Art. 7. All fast or furious driving and ra
cing of horses or other animals within the
limits of tho built-up portions of the town
are strictly prohibited and forbidden and all
persons found violating this article, shall,on
conviction, pay a fino notexcocdiug ten dol
lars with costs for each offenco.
Sectiom II. Qfcnccs Againtt J?ubtic Tolicy,
Health, .(c.
Art. 1. It shall be the duty of the consta
ble.and tho policomcn of the town, to cause
all putrid cr offensive substances, tho heads
and refuscof slaughtered anlmals.bctwccn tho
1st dayof June,and tno 1st day of October of
each year, and all nuisances endangering tho
publie health, aud comfort, to be removed,
and If the owners or occupants of any prem
ises, about which any nuisance may be found,
shall, after due notico thereof by the 'town
Constable, refuse, or neglect' to remove
the samo immediately, tho person so
offending, shall for each offence, pay a fino
not exceeding ten dollars and costs.
Art. 2. If any person shall cast, nrdeposit
any kitchen oflal or other offal, manure or
litter Into any street or alley, or upon any
sidewalk, or pavement, ho shall, upon convic
tion, pay a fine not exceeding five dollars for
each ofience. -
Art. 3.- If any person, shall, within the
town, deposit any dead horse or carcass of
any animal, any excrement or filth from
vaults or privies, and shall leave BUch car
cass, carrion or filth without burying tho
samo at least threo feet under ground; or
shall bury tho samo on or near any part of
tho roads, streets or alleys within the town,
every person so otTe&iling, shall for oach and
every offence, pay a fino not exceeding twen
ty dollars End costs.
Art. 4. If any person shall sell or cxpoio
to salo within tho limits of said town, the
fie3hofany diseased animal, or the llcsh of
any calf under four weeks old, or unwhole
some or unmarketable meat, fish, vegetables
or provisons, such person so offending, shall
upon conviction, forfeit the same, and y a
fluo not exceeding twenty-firo dollars.
Sbctiox HI. Of Heal rroptrtyand Malicious
Art. 1. If any person shall wantonly mn
tilato or fell, or otherwise Injure or destroy,
any shade, ornamental,or fruit tree, or shrub,
berry growing upon privato property, or
along the public streets, roads and sidowal'us
ho shall upon conviction, pay a lino not ex
ceeding twenty dollars and costs for each of
fence. Art." 2. If any person shall wantonly in.
jure or tear down any siju, door, window,
water-pipe, or other real property, or b1ii.11
wantonly and maliciously open or closo any
street-sewer, or strcel-walcr course, or ahull
throw stones, or other missies in tho built
up portions of tho town, thereby injuring
tuj I'uibuuui j.rujperiy, no sunn, upoa con
viction, pay a lino not exceeding twenty dol
Art. 3, If any person shall commit trr
pass upon tho privato garden, door yard, lot
ur iirciumes 01 auy owner or occupant of any
property, and shall feloniously tako and car
ry away any fruit, vegetables, orthinggrown
upon said premises, ho skull, upon convic
tion, pay a line not exceeding twenty dollars
Sectiox IV. Of Ofcncci Against Public
Art I. If any person shall use indecent
iuucvi nullum language oroeguuiyoi inae-
OAnt. rude, or wnnlnn nA.ln,.. n nei...n.
within the presence or hearing of females
j'uo.iitS uiuuk ma Directs UI luo town, no, see,
or they, bo offending, shall bo arrested by anv
noliceman or town pnnqtnlil.i unnn Mi t
without warrant t and upon contiction, pay
u uuu it., cAtcviiiuj; uvtj uonars nua cosis.
Section V. Concerning Pavements, Streets.,
Ik l.
Art 1. Thoowners oroccumnts of nil nn.
ertv in the built un norlionn nf thn in,D
shall within six hours after a fall or deposit
vi gttun ur aivei, reniuvu mo same irom their
respective pavements or sidewalks, and upon
neglect or refusal so to do. they Bhall unnn
conviction, psy a fino not exceeding ono
uuuur(iui i-tiEu uuuiice.
Art. 2. It shall be unlawful to
or load horsos, mulos or wagons along and
upon any sidowalk or pavement within tho
limits of tho town: and anv nerion rnnvitn.l
of such offsnce, shall pay u lino not exceed
ing three dollars for each offenco with costs
Art 3. It shall be unlawful to obstruct the
jiuuuo crossings or iootwaiks across tho
streets, with wagons, carrioges, horses, or
mules, and any nerson wilfuliv t-nUivnrii..
same, shall pay a fine, upon conviction, not
nny conlJ) ior cacu ollenco, with
Art. 4. It shall bo unlawful to throw or
deposit any ashes, oyster or clam shells, rub
bish, dirt, or other filth, or place any wagon,
lumber, or obstruction whatavor nx.
sidewalk, itreot, alley, road, ditch or gutter,
........v. ,..,vM, v. uu.u.ou, nimiu mo town,
unless authorized bv the Counill nr n.
nilssionerof Highways in thorepairof streets,
J ' ivaus, iuu uuy SUCU pOTSOU CaUSin
such obstruction, shall, upon conviction, pay
a fino not exceeding five dollars for each lot-
ivuce was cosis,
Art.C. It shall bo the dtilv rtl,n n.,,i.
sioner of Highways to enforce all ordinances,
regulations and ordors of the Councii.rola tini;
to the repair. Imnroyoments. ilmlnn .7
cleansing of streets, roads, allcysjdltches and
gutters, and report to the President a to
Council all violat'ons thereof; and he ahall
notify all persona caus'ng or permitting any
deposit or obstruction in or nnnn !!...
rimovo it, and upon the neglect or refusal of
.... i..iu, i comply, aticr ono day's co
tice, ho shall remove tho same at the expanse
Jui r PC"a. 80 0ll"?f"""S' t b collected
with fino, not exceeding two dollars and
Section VI. Taring Dogs,
AltT. 1. Allttn.l m.t..J ,
son within the town limits shall bo taxed in
the following manner. Ono dollar for tho
first dog nnd two dollars lor each and ovcry
dog above that number so owned or kopt: to
to be collected in liko manner as (axes aro
recoverable by law, for tte use of tho town.
m.v.i w, b.H v utiu uy any person
shall bo taxed threo dollars and.furtUer.shall
Within t in 1 m nf t
v uu miTu, ttuii m case
any ono is found running at largo it shall be
.iYn V """u' aiii.or nave ti o
same killed as loon as practicable, for which
one dollar from tho town.
Section VII. Concerning Amusements.
Anv 1. Tim TrA.M..l ..I. . m
..... .. ., iwiui ui iiu, wnn uouncll,
shall, upon application, and the payment of
not less than two dollars nor moro than ten
dollars, for each performance, grant licenses,
or permits for publio exhibitions, if in hi,
-r-'-" " -.tug a,u uut ueirimeniai to tho
peace and good order of tho tuwn, and upon
the granting of tho said license, it shall be
the duty of the Town Constable, or police
man annnlnl-.l r. iu, . ...5 . ..
- 7 g mat iiruper uecor
urn and erder Is observed thereat, for which
-v. ,,vo ui ,uau receive irom tuo town tho
turn of ono dollar.
Art. 2, No public exhibition for money fnr hAn.A1n. ... ...i T.
proceeds arising therefrom, shall be applied
.iiu ,ucuhiiu luaiiiuiiuna oi me
town shall be held within the limits of the
"ui. ii a ucvuao ue previous y granted
i i f -r-r--i ". I'vuBuy si twen
ty dollari and costs.
Sxction VIII. Of Animals Jlunning at
.Anr 1. It shall not bo lawful for any hor
des, mules, goats, sheep, swine, or geese to
run at large at any time, within tho limits or
the town, nor for nny cow or calllo to run at
largo within tho said limits, nt any timo du
ring tho hours of night, between 0 o'clock p.
m. and S o'clock a. m., and nny animal so
found running nt largo, contrary to tho regu
lations heroin made, shall be Immediately
seized by tlio Town Constable, nnd taken to
the pound nnd therein confined.
Anr. 2. Tho Town Constablo shall havo the
custody of all animals so taken nnd confined
by him, and shall tako all needful caro of
them, and shall keep a proper register, set
ting forth the description, timo of detention,
and release, and in case of salo thereof, of
tho prlco received and namo of purchaser.
Arts. Tho Town Constablo shall, within
forty-eight hours after tho selauro and deten
tion of any animal as aforesaid, nnd no own
er having taken tho same away, advortise
the samo ny posting not less than fivo print
ed or written handbills, ono upon or near tho
entrance to the pound, nnd tho rest In public
or conspicuous places throughouttho town,
full v describing the animal or animals, and
fixing a ilny and hour not less than flvo
days thereafter for tho publio salo thereof.
Art 4. In eoso no owner shall appear on or
beforo tho timo fixed for salo, nnd pay, or
cauto to bo paid, the necessary expenses of
keening, nnd tho legal fees of the constable,
In tho seituro and uetcntlan of sold animal
or animals , tho said animal Bhall bo sold and
delivered to tho purchaser thereof, and tho
said Constable shall first deduct out of tho
price received, all lawful charges and cxpon
ses, nnd pay over tho balanco to tho Treasu
rer of tho town.
Sectiox IX Costi, Fines and Penalties.
Art 1. In nil cases of conviction boforo tho
Trosldcnt of tho Town Council, of persons
found guilty of violating any town ordinance
rule, or regulation, tho said Trcsident shall
havo power nnd authority to demand and
rccelvo all his legal costs and charges and tho
costs and charges of tho Town Constablo or
policemen, for tho arrest and conviction.
Am. 2. It shall be thodutyof the President
lu nil cases of arrest, by tho Town Constable,
or nny policeman, upon conviction beforo
him, to demand, reccivo and pay over to tho
said ofliccrs, making tho arrest, tholr proper
fees lor 6ueh service! and In case any person
so convicttd shall neglect ot refuse to pay
the proper costs of tho President and officers
and all fines and penalties or give bail for
thepnymontof tho some within fivo days,
it sh ill bo tho duty of tho President lo com
mit the said delinquent ti tho lock-up or lo
tho jail of Calumbia county, until such
timo, not exceeding thirty days, as tho said
costs, fines and penalties shall be paid or so
cured to bo paid.
Section X.Of Arrests, tte.
Art. 1. When an arrest shall havo been
made by tho Town Constable or any police
officer, in pursuance of any Town ordinance,
rulo or regulation, tho person so arrested,
6hall bo forthwith conveyed or taken before
tho President of tho Town Council, or to the
lock-up, nnd Immediate report thereof be
made io the President, who shall, as soon
thereafter ns expedient, direct tho person or
porsons so arrested to be brought before him
for hearing and examination.
By erder of the Council.
Attest: F. Cooiev, Sec'y.
The above Ordinauce takes effect on tho
First day of June A. D. 1870.
Attest: T. Coolet, Sec'y.
Tho undersigned would rcspectrully Inform tho
public that thoy aro prepared to put up, lu tlio
most substantial ami cheapest mannor.tho latest
nnd most Improved patterns of Iron fence, about
houses, ami In gravo yards nnd cemeterjes.
Tnclr beauty nnd permanence make them de
servedly popular, nnd thoy nro being eonernlly
adopted, l or particulars npplv to either
Itloomsburg, Mny 20, 4370-41,
Letters of administration on the estate of Hen
ry ust, Into of Locust twp, Columbia county,
lcc'd.. tinvo been i;rmitoil liv tlin ututf.r ,,r udLl
county, to Ellznbetli Yost nnd Jacob Stlno or
iiwi-usi, luwnMiip. uoiumuin county. I'.u All
persons Having claims or demands ngniust tho
decedent nro iequestedtomaketlicmknown.and
thoso ludebteil to make payment.
mayiO 70-Cw. Administrators.
TNCOIU'ORATION. Notice is horc
X by given that on tho 2nd day of May, IS70.
sundry inhabitants of tho county or Columbia
presented n petition to tho Court of Common
l'leasof Columbia cuunty,iraylng the wild Couil
lo i-rantu C'hnrtcr or Iiicorporutlou under tlio
name, stjlo nnd title nr "Ilio Mutual liulldlnir
nnd Siivlnn Fund," or Espy, I'n., with the rli-hts
and privileges theielu suited, aud ir no sulllclout
cnusu Is bhown lo llio contrary on tho Urst day
of next leim (the tilth day of September, 1670,)
tho prayer or tho Petltloneis will bo granted ac
cording to the net or Assembly In such case
Dloomsbnrg. Mny 20, lb7i -4t l'rotbonotnry
11.' .Irl.nn,.nl1 1. - , ....
, -i, ' .. ." ' uMit.uiiij iu mo iimi. win oi Eliz
abeth Delong, deo'd., contained, will bo exposed
to public tale, on tho premises, ou SATUHDAY.
Juuo IStli, 1S70, nt 2 o'clock In tho nrtcrnoou, Ike
.u..u.t,s UWUIUVU IIC1II J-blillU, IO Wll :
Bltuatoon MillRtrect.ln the town of Ornncovllle.
nnti adjoining joi or Samuel Zlmintrnmu ou the
nun ititui jiiium Rciuiyjtvr on tno cat.
W lint Piili nrn nrnrli..l t t '
a fr nmp stnblo and oulbulldlugs. with largo lot
of fruit trios lof various kinds j being lu iiont
dred fceL ' """" """"i uuouuu.
a-TERMs. Twenty per cent, of the purchase
.r.7 ... 1 . : ".u ftinnuiijoii mo prop
erty: and the balanco April 1st, Ml, when pos
session will be givuii aud n deed delivered. Pur-
...... . ,,UJ iu, vuillvjIIUCIJ UUU hlUIUI),
At the samo timo nnd place, an assortment of
Personal tirmiArtv m.L,i.. r ... . .7. "
atovbVbfir ., mi 7 .ii 5. a A" bT"' ':1""z
inny2)',0-lw. Executor.
lomnouut from Duplicate SiltllO 10
D.T.McItleruan "
Tunuit ree'drrom ealcnfcolt
400 00
ilO.L'O 19
lly orders redeemed 810723 31
" commission 8:o,7.!l 31 a
2 per cent. 211 4, 10WJ M
It Thornton
Vm, tloodinan
00i 33
8503 XI
1TJ7 41
:io ui
1'ATItICK KILLEEN 'j Poor House
Directors of (he Poor House of Ccntralla Ilor
wpoSrfLsUa'id,L6ls,r?c..TOWDahll a
To amount from duplicates
slo.i.-j (S
Tu balance of It. Thornton im j
w, uooum m 210 ui
6 )3 33
J 10,017 tl
lly amount paid asylum
lly debt nf old overseers
lly iimouul paid on farm
3.53 ii
0,317 21
2.000 O)
13 00
93 Si
lly ninmiut paid on contract
uf addition to Poor iiouso
iij iiiuuuub luuiiiieuior over.
ruitoin UOrUUgll
lly amount paid sundry ex-
i i i n'iiuut;ii!i; cor-
lorutlon ior 18wl and IS70
3,013 80 eiO,'J37 SO
Examined unit certified,
JU1I.N 1
JlAIiriN 1'LANs.UAN,
Ileal esUlo with recent liniirrti'emnnlii
I arm valued nl m wi m
Improvement Wi oa
Potatoes "IX S
Humes aud cattlo (jjj Jq
tin .,,.1.1., i'i-.v i,- 310 7.1
018 23
ISO 00
V) 1)
Cloversced, hogs nud poultry
(7,301 13
Raliiuce due on Iarm
inti Li r sioc ruf-
f-M0 00
1,019 73
603 0
i,m 37
i. : VM mum iaiiu
Ilalanco due on the Improve-
mentor bouse
Outers outstiiudiiiK
ualanco In favor district
(7,303 15
WJfS?M D,rcocrt0"
rATHICK KILLEEN, ' froor IIouso
in ,.V,,.V ' "un i loiumuia cuunty.
'"'"L ""'V,'10 Auditor nppolutiHl by tho Court!
i ,,7": "iiu iuwer ui mnuo Ulsiriuullon
ini '.'"'"oiieylutiie bauds of William Lutx ad
ministrator of Cathorlnu Lutz; aud Executor of
I',' Lu'z deceasd, will meet the purtles
lUterCSteil. fnr tUn mi,nA.W l.l V'.
meat, on Monday tlio 13tli day of Juno
" .T'?'0" at tho olllca
' uvnnr t'l IJtUtf IlibUUrlC. IU feat 1 1
couuty. All parlies Interested are requested to
2 theLw iSuii. " comlae ""
maymo-sw. C' IlnCKffir
-llerwlck antello please copy. AUUUor-
OttiimiT H. Fowi.Ktt
ClIAnt.cs h. l'owi.Ki, "'ieepri
M. a McColluu Treu,
nAMunr. KNoun , ""crt-Urr
V. H. DiiAnLFV, M, D. u- . '
noAUD o;,' ms, 'M-H
Wm.II. Woonm, a., rZl'.
it n '"Enni. '
ai:.i:itAL aou.xt
M, C. McColluu,
AnTrn.Bi r
Tho name, style, nnd ii'iu f:
slinll bo tho Columbia Count? tvf ''"otlatin.
iiu iBnui;iiiiiuu, l ltlljvolk
Tlio object of the Association ahu'ii l
lief of Kill hers, Mothors. will.'! be. th...
deceased members. ' V aadorpnan,
AHTICLE llt.-aiiMUER9i
. Siv. 1. Tlio requlslto ouallnnnH '
berslilp nrf. that the npniienni ' s'0?,'. ' tarn.
ncimii, uaie. and soum . ' m n ..r;
,.ff5'J-.A'.'l!;M'1.c''i1'formcmi,...,. . I
' r, Vih" ,VJ"r"L .Won,Vh . I
deuco, nud paying 1,1, InltlaViulff M'!' T tffll
memGerV " " ',c lo
. Tlio buslnois of tho ARsni.iii' '. '..
ducted bv 11 va TritHtn..u .. i... . .fc"SU lm I
vuvu yt-ar, as
etury nnd Trcusuier "to BenVui'S!
year, tbej
A11TICI.E Vl.-ruD. I
In order to secure stabllltv irtii.A . I
there shall be raised n i er iuan.,V ,AMhtln I
terestor which shall be' a, "lt "'..'."""."lil
rent expenses: 2d in ii, .e,,j''"Unoil
hHlisor dcceiised Incmlicrs. , "ri
said ruud to bo provided firm tie Ly.fiS,0"b'l
rtllilCLK VII, I
All motions to amend tlio t',i I
bo imiao in writing, and l,J Um mn! Mo!
llltlis 1 IhH Trusl,:.'. iV A lu consent orthn I
Court to havo siMd amendment sIIoSm' 18
J l'-LA lf,S
1st. Thopropeity and buMncaanfihi. i...A
shall be elected by bi ot n t annual S VI
or tlio Association lo behcldoatueni! 5SJ lB,l
of October, lu each year. '1 MmJ'
tees for ti.i tlino b'elnls haVlX SV.KT!1!
nnd 1
"V." ".!." ."' "J "? ciosmeiiic poll, ... I
hours i for openlnB and closlneihei I, ill
crtlso the sniiui 1,r it. ...-r0.."'11"-!
nnd tlecretaVy s. aTl SS, &S$$Si
3d. Tho Trustees shall hold italcl intttlnuil
the pflleo or tho Assoclnl Iuu, in the Ton" Kl
on the third Mon day or January, April. 3! ,,51
October. Special meetliiBs limy be cm U
4th. ThrcoTrustccs shall constltuleaqoontl
Slh. Tho ofUcers, or this Association, (Ml,
n Presldeut, n Vice President, Secretarr indi
Treasurer, unit such other ulllctrn, clertti:
iigcnts, ns may bo necessary. The l'mlta,
vico Presldeut, Secretary and Treasurer Wii It.
elected by tlio Trustees and hold office for od
duties or OmCERS.
, Mil. Tlio President, shall preside stalled!
Imrs or tho Ilnaril nf TriiMfnn nn.l tl.aii i..J
tho chief management and contrul o tit tu.1
ncss of tho Association. AllcoulractsouUhLl
ot the Association shall be made by hlmorDil
der his nutliorlty. Ho shall seetbat prowrrfl
ords or tho business and trniisactioni oi tm
Association arolcept. Ho shall aiipolnt all til
l'il vvn uuu inn it'iuuYU 1111:111 ui i.icaiuie.
He shall see that n deposit of all moucjiiufl
uu iiiuiit, inuv nine io nine iu sura iiiax i
Panics, ns tho Trustees muy illrert. llpihillil
lltUlllV tuenarn mill snblllfl In llie Assirf..il1nrJ
their nnnual meetlm- 111 Ortolier. nn flirnuntl
the business or tho Association for IliepttctJLl
ji.i., nu . BUlllllUUlIb III IUU llabllb UUU HID I
lies Of tllO AKr.npl.Hlnn. All viipriiinl.. In ' I
Hoard ot 1 rustees shall be illleU by anpolDtmiJ
by tho President. 1
Tlio Vice President shall in the fttiaesci: ot J I
uunuy oi iuu iTusiueiu act lu hisniaco.
7th. Tlio Secretary shall Ucep tlioajtoBfj I
the Association, nnd a reenrtl nf all MrmnirJ
nlnved. llo slmll been thn lulnnrfunt lh.Hi.1
or Trustees : nbtily tliu Trusties of all Unuirl
eoiuinuiucuiu io ouieers, Aacnis, toaimitiif
nil resolves nmt nnli-is iillcptln llipmlnll
discliurgu ol their duties, nnd perrona kucaitil
duties and services ns may bo rcqulrtd:tiiil
tno uircctlou or the President.
f th. Tho Treasurer shall receive all montri I
tho Assoelallon and ileiiuslt Ilia Ktiamlnl
Hank or llanlcs.deslirnnleil bv Ibe hoard ulTal
tees. Alter paying the current expenses tte mi
uiii;o sunn uu secuieiy invi'sieuns laentmiaj
Trustees may direct, llo shall make all uml
ments pursuant to Inbtrui'tlousoriUUourll
It slmll furllier bo llio ilutv nf Ibe Tri-asurul
take charge of nil properties or the Aisociaul
nnd to collect nil dividends, lutcrist,rcutals,l
tliat luuy accrue Irom such investment, tm
place tho samo to the credit uf the .swmug
Ho shall also give such llomlsas the Imivfl
may irom time to time icqutre.
fitb. All nnsrers mill ilntlrs. not herein it I
gated tu paiticular officers, sliall tw
uuu iiisciiurgcu uy ine jTcsiutuiuuuusw. -i
eess ui iuu nuum ui irusit-e.
10th. All persons between the uses of It'l
ij uuu nny years, inclusive, iubj u""j
i,y iiiuaiiii! iiruper iiinuuiiiiuii uuuiun"
following form :
Columbia Counti Co-pjirrolue Kili' Awi
l-tpy. Pa.i
Tho undersigned desires to become amen'l
of tho above Association aud subscribes U)'
following regulations :
1st. Tnnnir lira .Inllnrs Into lheTreaTl
the tlmo of making this application, and
dollar on or beforo the 1st day of JaanJirl
each year thereafter aud Ave dollars anl i
cents within thirty days after the death i
member, duo notice Imviug been given t;t
Secretary, so loug ns tho Association not!
ono thousand or less ; after reacmas uu - j
and, tho payments nt tho death of a aiea'i
shall bo proportionately less bo that M Vl
linMnr cl.nll rnl ,,,r.. Ilian SVO b0Ui4
dollars. Tokeoplho socrctnry Informed oHI
or her placo of rcsldouco, aud In caso oi j
frnni nrMnn.. In 1,1a nr lirtr ri'sideUCd tO aPP0!
somo ono to net us his or her ocent to pay
Palling to observe nny of tho above rnlnj
hereby agree to forfeit all claims as""i
moneys nrevtoiislv iinid to tills ashocmh"-
Inctntip,! nlanun fln.l flvo dollars 0) S'l
berslilp Fco,
In Lworof Whom,
n regular Physician do nweW
wlthuodlscaso likely to provo total.'J''
.apiillcaut for membership, in I
County Co-onoinllvo Itellef Assocmiw- l
Signed, I
Iltll. Each member shall hp
certllicnto of Membership auil on(a,1i xl
bcsicij upon tlio tic.
kuldnimtunt 1.x nnlil
Kill. Any member falling to par lJetrll0..l
. . . . i
r r ,. ,. 1 tu.IU8 WIIUIU Z.nseS W
iwin-119 uu prior ytayinvuia
liieiubcror the Assoelallon.
ini, i..iiMleavlni!l)J,l
or other pel son entitled to the J''' ,M rr
Assoclalfou.tlio money shall 9 0UBt .1
crty of I lie Association except nu amouu
,,. .,, ., ,....i.idfdby,tl
i. hi, vil illlt'suuils Butttt -. ny la"
juuiy ui iuu irusites sw corilf"wl
nnd the yeas and nays shall he rece"" s
tho deiuuud of uuy two of the 1 nmcer stl
in caso or a tlo voto tno pici'""
have the castlni vote.
15th. Tbeso liv.IjiwiiiayhealloreJ,';',,ir
ii. us uuy iiiitliuti ui i" ,.,ucurr I'-"
i ins ui tuo uieiuueis i'i." kUcii
.oil that dun iinllen be lllveu oi u
ehango ut least lor six weeks preiw
16th. Tho Hoard of Trualeea ""'i""!
receive suen compensation iui "-"
nib. Tbo r rr m..iiiul examination
?iW0.l0.r.,, " bt f'S. i'?1f!,lire ieil
given, su.w jjj,!
. . ... ,,.va
J. M. CiiEMUEnr.iN........
II. 1-. f OltTNKH
u. M. Howell
Jan. ai,70-Sm