THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. MR AIM'S COLUMN. Sprlnc; Sintlnu; ol' Corn. During Uio summer season or begin tilnji of Autumn wo seldom escapo moro or teas tlrougli.t Homollme.?, m iliitliig tho latter tmrl or August, 1809, Itlueo serious as materially to Injure tlio iiaturago nml to occasion i groat reduction In tho amount of tnllk uml hntter. During tho trying portion of last year I was much pleased to seo Hint niimbew of farmers In this neigh borhood had that sufficient foresight gicatly to diminish thoovll. Tills was nccompllshrd by tho spring sowing of Indian torn, to bo cut while green and given to tho cows. Somo persons sow ed tho corn thickly, othon drilled it in; tho latter having tho advantogo of working with a cultivator whlleyoung, lessening tlio weeds, keeping tho ground In better condition, and pro ducing t heavier crop. What anxiety ni iy bu prevented by this prudent 'i ' .i t merit, and iiuw greatly it adds i 1,1 tciniort of tlio tattle at a lime ' i ' frniM hi so dried, thiit It burns tlni iippllcatiim of flro. i 'li 1.11113 uri- supplied so , , tint tin -pistil v doi'i 11 t full !iv appm.uli ni uitr. When i f.ivnro'l 'tn j'lt'i-i coi-'i tuny I'lU'u; U! i, i.u.iiiu of griisj li li:il i tun 00 uied fur .soil r 'i.i niij . cut, dried, und kept ' i winter, whr-u ii will be (omul much J', i' ", .utwhmuloi lliivowsthan fodder . " nrn, wliluh hit ripened the grain. Tlii) umhI quantity for sowing broad east la from three to four bushels; drilled in, half that amount will sufilce. Farmers who havo tried this method of keeping up their supply of milk, and butter, during tlio scorching heat of summer, or after nutumn frosts havo diminished the crop of grass, I think will never again depend upon uncer tain pasture. Tho amount of land and seed required is certainly Insignificant, compared with tho return which It af fords, to say nothing of tho feeling of satisfaction which it produces, to seo animals securo from tho misery of a short nliowanco of food. It will bo a very great improvement in American husbandry, when the cattle shall not only bo supplied liberally during tho grazing season with green food for soil ing, but also with n sufficiency of rooti, beets, carrots or turnip, to altcrnato with tho dry food of winter. Dark Stables. Any person who has felt tho pain and Inconvenience of coming suddonly from a dark room into tho full biazo of day, will easily conceive tho necessity of lighting a slablo in a proper manner. This is too often neglected in confined stables, and tho consequences nro most distressing to n human observer. The poor horse,led suddonly out tohls work, showshispain quickly Inunmlatakeablo expressions, stumbles, and runs against anything that may happen to bo near, until the oyo has In somo degree ac commodated itself to tho new circum sta nccs under which it is placed. Nor is this all. By a continuance of this chango from darkness to sudden day light, tho eyes become seriously In jured. Tho retina, or sensltlvo nerve, bo comes dull, and moro or less useless; tho horse's sight is Injured; ho starts and shies at objects which ho sees im perfectly; and many a rider who has received a dangerous injury has to thank his inattention to this simplo cause, rather than any vicious habit of tl"- ammal, to which It has been at ' -'id, nidus is almost certain to be 1 ; by Inattention to tho above but even blindness is lost i C"'',".r.'us to tho rider thun imperfect 4glit. Aiittriean Stock Journal. Br.noM.Corn JU (itl'a-ieuA cor respondent of tho 7t!'t r v ii t i ng fr nn Nine Folnts, Luiicastur eoiiiny Htys : Broom-corn has not rr.eolved tho cul tivation and uttention which Its impor tance In the family of domestic plant, and the high price which it commands, entities It to. To most rarmers it is a crop about which they have little ox perienco and information; and now, that Its cultivation is beginning to bo regarded profitable, many Inquiries are mado concerning it. As regards its cul tivation, that la tho samo as othcrcorn ; tho only difference Is, it must bo plan ted thicker. Manufacturers llko tho brush fine, and consequently tho corn ought to bo plauted pretty thick In tho row, and cut off beforo it is fully rlpo, about tho beginning of Septomber; then tho brush will havo a uniform col or, which Is vory desirable, as brooms of a uniform greenish color will com mand n higher prico In tho city. A good aero can bring from flvo hundred to a thousand pounds of brush, which brings now In Philadelphia twenty cents per pound, or four hundred dollars per ton. Broom com is now tho most prolltablo crop that tho armor can raise. , l.azy Farmers. i Laziness prevent n man from got ting offhis horso to put up tho first rail that gets knocked off tho fence, and through this lazy neglect a whole field of corn is seriously damaged. Laziness keeps a man from driving ono nail when ono woulddo, and finally costs a carpenter's bill for oxtcnalve re pairs. Laziness allows a gatotogot off tho hinges and Ho In tho mud, or stand propped by rails or a stable to wreck and damage hundreds of dollars worth of nrovender. Laziness, in short, Is tho right and proper nnmo for nine-tenths of tho ox cuses given for bad farming. But bv far the most prolific of tho many wasto. that nro duo to laziness Is tho waste of Ignorance But tlio waste Is in itself so guat.aud has bo many ramifications, tliul weMiall havo to deferits discussion for another time. To Prevent I'lles fiom TcuKlntr nurses iuf or threo mhuII handftills of t I, nv s, upon which pour tw or , . uri-of cold wutor; lot Klnfuio . .. and pour tho whole next "' i i .' ml" n kettle nml let It boll ' i quarter of no Imur. When cold . ".fit for ui'. No ninro Is ro quid Mian fn luoi-tt n n iqiorgc, ntld beoro (tit h'umi- g,.i - nut ni tin- stuiile. Jet tho.,0 jmrts wlui ii rt must iriitaliie- bo emoared over with tho liquor, viz., between nnd upon tho ears, th neck, tho flanks, dc Not only tlio lady or gentleman who rides out for pleasure will derive benefit from tho walnut Jcavce thus prepared, but tho coach man, tho wagoner, and all others who I Ufco horbttf during tho hot months. THE YOUNG FOLKS. Ton Littlo Injuns, Ten littlo Injuns KtanJInu In n lino Ono toddled homennd then tlicro were nine. Nine little Inlnii twinging on n gate. One tumbled nir nn.l then them weicrlclit, Klglit little lnjilui never hear,! tit tic.ivon, One ktckrd the bucket nml then there were even, Bcren Utile Injuns cutting up tricks. One liroke Ills neck nlul then there were six. Six little Injuns kicking nil nllve, Ono went to lied Ami then (here were Ave, Five Utile Injuns on n cellar tloor, Ono tumbled In,nnil1hen thcro worofour. Pour llltle Injuns out on n spree, Ono iten J ilrunk, nml then there were three, Three llltle Injuns mil In n ennoo. Ono tumbled overboard, nml then thcro were two. Two littlo Injuns foolln' with n gun, Ono shot tho other, nnd then llicio mi one, Onellttle Injun llvln' nil nlone, He got married, nnd then lliero were none. rmsr cttout's. Ono llltle, two little, thieo 1 1 1 tin, fuur little, live littlo Injun boys, Six little, seven little, eight little, nine llltle, ten little Injun boys, u.vcoitE vnr.sE. One llltle Injun with his little wife, Hved In n wigwam tho balance of his life, One dadde Injun, nnd one mmimy squaw, Soon raised n family of tcu Injuns more. HtCONI) CIIOKUS. Ono little, two littlo, thrco Utile, four little, flvo little Injuns more, Six llltle, soveti little, cl-Iit little, nlno little, ten littlo Injuns more. About Minnie Golilwlng. A TRUE BTOUY. I1Y JULIA SI. THAYEIl, "0 mamma," cried Itosa, wlthallttlo scream, nnd a sudden rush across tho room, "my birdlol my ldrdiol I do believe It Is dead 1 See! It doesn't move at all, but remains perfectly still at tho bottom of the cage!" Tho cago was quickly lifted down nnd, truo enough, tlicro lay Minnie Qoldwing, stiff and stark. Nota fcalh er flultcied, tho whlto claws were curl' cd up pathetically, nnd tho dear, littlo bead of eyes were covered by tho filmy lids. "O, my pet! my dear,daluty darling! what shall I do. mamma?" nnd Rosa threw herself into mamma's arms. weeping violently; nor were mamma's eyes quito dry, if tho trutli bo told Rosa was tho first to speak. "Just yesterday," sho murmured, mournfully, "sweet, littlo Hinnlo was hopping about, siuglngsohapplly! such a tamo littlo thing, and loved mo so dearly! Mamma, whatacZshodiefor?" and floods of tears burst forth anew. "Not certainly for want of loving care, Rosa; that is ono comfort. You seo tlicro is a sweet drop at tho bottom of every bitter cup, if you could only find It." But Rosa refused to bo comforted.und mamma held her close to her tender heart, feeling very sorry for her littlo girl; for sho knew this was a real and bitter grief. At last sho said. "Come, darling, dry your eyes, you havo other pets to love, and many pre cious things left to enjoy." "NotMug llko birdie," sobbed tho child. "Thero's Tina, tho dear old kitten." "I would much rather it had been sho," persisted Itosa. "And a host of doll babies." "They are senseless, nonsensical things," cried Bosa. "O mamma, if sho had over so teenty weenty a soul, I wouldn't mind it ; but now I can never, never havo my darllngMinnlo again." "Bosa," said mamma thoughtfully, "In that bright hereafter, where all tears are wiped from our eyes, no good thing will bo denied us. And who shall say that thero your birdie, a littlo, winged joy, may not como flying at your call, and warblo its own sweet song foryou? Does that comfortyou?' "And O, I know what my precious canary will bo changed into then," said Itosa, smiling brightly through her tears; "a Mird of J'araiUscV nnd with that sho slid softly down. Bosa now scmcd to find a mournfHl pleasure in preparing for the burial of her pot. First sho explored her own ltttle sanctum, and brought thenco a small comfit box, prettily ornamented with a bright bouquet of flowers. Sho then searched mamma's bureau for a bit of soft, white merino, and a tuft of snowy cotton. Tho box lined and cushioned, Itosa, with a very sad faco, laid in it tho dead bird. Then she scraped and polished a piece of petrified wood, from her cabinet, for a headstone. Not far from tho house Is a wild bit of land, in springtime- covorcd with vlo lots and buttercups. Thorn Rom lias consigned to mother earth many a dead bird and tiny quadruped. In this littlo cemetery lies ono of Tiny Velvet's vic tims, a dear littlo squirrel. Bosa placed this epitaph over him : bunny bright, Dlcil of n kitten's bite, Sept. 12th, nt ulght." And over a precious, little, dead mouse, taken out of a trap, sho wrote: Mousie, you died Your stomach to appease; nut nit in vain You couldn't gel tho ilu&so.' ineroissnnoiiior monument to tlio Unknown, ft f "Alone, .' Unknown, ' Here they lie, Flint uslceu Let UH weep inyl" That last doesn't sound ono bit llku Bosa, howover. It is now a we question with tho littlo girl, whothor to bury Mlnnlo In this sacred spot, or somo distnnco away, in a littlo, shaded square, formed by four beautiful tlowerlng shrubs, on the lawn. What mournful pleasure sho takes in all thoso touching arrangements; and yet her loving heart is not satisfied. For a long time sho has been slttinc with a bhect of drawing paper beforo her, pencil In hand. Beeping ovor her snouider, I see, O, such a beautiful pic ture I Surely there Is Inspiration tho inspiration of grief. Minnie lying In a little, open, flowcr-decked coflln; a mveiy ciiurub at the head, and two oth ora hovering nbovo, dropping a garland upon Her bosom; and near tho foot sitting nil forlorn upon n stone, was tho dearest littlo sprito, crying reuilv to oreaKM icart. Kaphas! might havo4louo better, but Jio-sa'd mamma declares that she shall think this tho nicest picture In tho world, ftveu If shollvcstoLoathousand years old. A smaht boy was asked by his father what business ho followed. "Tho mar ble business," replied young hopeful: nnu i want tin cents to buy stock." Ifo got it. Stovoa and Tinwnro. "XTKW BT0V13 AND TIN S!I01 1H.WAU UAUENUUL'n, MnlnHtreetoue door nbovo II. MeudcnlmU's Mlnrn. A Inrgo assortment of Htnves, Heaters nnd llaues constantly on hand, nnd for snto nl tlio invent mi,a, Tinning In nil lis branches earorullynttcmledto, nml BAliii.-ictlon guaranteed. Tin work of nil kinds wholesale and retail. A trial Is lequested Apr.O.llUir a TO VIM AND TINWABK. A. M. UUl'EllT announces to his friends nnd customers Hint continues the above business nt his old place ou MAIN BTKKET, IlLOOJWUUncl. Customers enn be accomodated with FANCY HTOVES or nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinwaro nnd every va riety of article found In n Btovo and Tinware Es tablishment in the cities, nud on tho most reason, nblo terms, llepntrlng done nt tho shortest notice, 21 DOZEN MII.K-l'ANH oil hand for sale. JTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OS MUN STltriT, NKAItt.T OITOSITK MILLltR' 8T0KR, ni.ooMsiiuna, tenh'a. Tut: undeiclgucd hns Just fitted up and opened STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n lliU rtlnf(. wlieru lie In nro nn rod to iiiuho tin new Tin V A uk of nil kinds In IiIh Hup, nml tlo repairing Willi iirntncss nnd dispatch, upon tho iiiubi. misuimimi icrms. no uiao Keeps ou imnu HTOVIM Or VAIUOUB rATXKUNS &HTYIjK8, whtrli lio will He 11 imon terms to suit nnrcliruiorfl. Ulvo him rvrall, Ho In n goad utccuaiitc, nutl JACOB METZ, nioomsburB, April 28, ISfcT. roundricfj, gllAKI'LESS & IIARMAN, CVOLn FOL'NDHV .1KU MAKUt'ACTUIlIKa HIOP, STOVES .t l'LOWH WHOLESALE & HETAII, TIIC CKLKHltATCD H0NT10SK IRON 11 RAM ANP TUB llt'TTOS WOODEN UEAM l'LOWS. f'asiUnrr and I'lro nriek for renalrluz citv filoves. All kinds of llrass or Iron castlUK mado to order upon snort noueo. ii. i: HiiAnri.ESrf & r. ti. haiiman llloonisbur, l'a. Troprletors. lar.iy, liy-w. QltANG HVIIiliE FOUNDUY, .MACHINE SHOP AND AGIUCULTUItAL WOltKS. The underpinned desires to inform his friends and tlio puhllu Kenerally, that lie lias lcbulll and enlarged his Foundry und Mnchluo Shop, nnd re moved nil his business from Light Hired to the bis l'oumliy ho will continue to manulncluro Y nceicr h luinwiiy 1.1111111 iiiirau-i-uwer nun Thresher, (Improved), tamell s ratcut. riniEHiiuH and clix,vm:u, either oversliot for Tread-rower or undershot with Eever.l'ower. Ho also mtimiluctiucs to older nud ills upuu uuuisor Jt I Ij lj O E A Jt I N O , ClrculiirSnw Mandrels, l'ntent Slides for Saw Mills, tho latest Improved Iron Ileum l'lnws of Ulircient kinds Wooden Ucain l'lows, Doublo Corn Plows, nnd l'low l'oinis or every uesc-np, lion generally used throughout the couuty. IllON KETTLES, I1ELI-S Cellar Orates, Hlovcs.Slcd nnd Sleigh Soles, nnd In laet evcnthlni; generally inailelun country Foundry. Thoso wlshtnt; to purchase Machines would do well to examine his machines, nnd the Improvements made ou tho puwer,by which at least per cent. 01 too iricuou is luucu ou. AM. MACHINES) AUE WAEUANTED to gtvo good satisfaction, and terms mado to Null purchasers. All kinds cf country produco taken In exchange for Plows and castings. Thankful to tils friends and patrons for past favors ho wouldstlilconllnnolosollcltthesame. WILLIAM SCHUYLHU. Apr.9,C0-tf Ornugovllle l'a. Insurauce Agencies. Q. L O D E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY O F NEW YORK. Pliny Fieemau, President, II. C. Freeman, Eec Cnsli capital over 82,00O,XW, nil paid. r. U. RODlSON.DLOOiilBIlURO.PA GENEKAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycomluc nnd Columbia counties. AUB.S,'li9-ly. JNSURANCE AGENCY. Wyoming 5170.000 ;Etnn 4,000,000 Fulton 300,000 North America 3W.OO0 City - 450,000 International 1,400,000 Niagara 1,000.000 Putnam MO.uoo Merchants 850,000 SprlngSeld 570,000 Farmers' Danvlllo 690,000 Albany City 400.000 Ijineastcr City SCO.OOO York Horse, Death A Theft... 05,000 Home, New Hnveu 1,000,000 Danville, Horso Theft FIIEAS BROWN, Ateil, mui8.C9-ly. IltooMannno, I'A -yyI1Y WILL YOU KUIN YOUH EYESIGHT UV X'SINO COMMON GLASSES, When you enn purcha&o LAZARUS & MORRIS' CKI.F.11UATED 1-EnrECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, lllLi uuiT JW tjik WOULD. They nro reeommended by tlie I'ntully for tlwrr-'a,- . .muiuurjr 01 i'inisu,BUU their StriutlheniUKnud l reservlng l'owcra, In which they excel ull olheis. They lasl many They enn only bo obtained In JlLOOJKllUJtOJ'A., Of Miss A. D. WED Jl, HOOK STOIIE, MAIN STItEET. Solo nppoluledAsent for this place, No 1'eddlciH .LAZAUUSiMOItUIH ,. , ilnuulaciurlngoplleluus, niai 18,70-ly, Haitlurd, Conn JPJUST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, IIIWT, 1'UHEST, AND CHEAl'lCSTl SATISl'At-nON OUAIIANTKEllI For Whiteness, Durublllly.nnd Urllllau ey. it has no eounl. Sold by all deulersin 1'ululs tlirnuchout nARKEIt, MOORE & MEIN, BrctTjifcona to T. MOIUilH TEIIOT & CO. Hole Proprietors, Philadelphia, I'tt., Diulerslunllkludsof DIIUOH, OILS, PAINTS, CLASH, riVKMUri'8, AC., AC. I'ArrnuN.-Owlns U the popularity 01 our "Hut National While Lend," other! t-xi.i.-N um o oeen inouceu loollernspu- ..w ... ,,v(w u((Url il;(;xumu IluIni. -1 Mere- joro newaro of Conntericlls. Tho cenu-' . v.." M 'u euu neuy nil paint un!l theuii,eof'1 ",tlUl" wfre "amUc,,' HARKEIt, MOORE fc MEIN, On etch label, l'or tale ty ionrai'70-ly MOYEIt 1II10T1IEUS, Uloouisburg. 1 ftQDfi -WANTED AN ACTIVE Ji?yJJ, ma, rueh County in thoSlnlcii, ,8!i".B.',l O"1!. lako orders by tninple, for TEA, COFFEE, nud HI'ICEH. To nilluble men wo will Elvo a salary of tmi to I,000 aymr, nbovo travel, lug nud other expense, end uunsoiiuhlo com inlwluu on uilw. Iminedlalo upiilleolions ore sollclled from proper parties. Iluieience exchnnged. Apply to, orndJiow Immediately. J, 1'ACKEU t CO., ,, .. "Contluenlal Mills pr2070-lt. SSI Uowery, New Xork, J OI5 PRINT IN- Neatly exoculed at this Offlo Drugs and Chemicals, nifKNix rncToitAii rtmm cotiont 1'IItKNlX VKOTOllAIi CUHKH I'OUOH riKKNIX l'KLTOUAIi CUlUil COUUUt Tlio I'lironlx Tcctoral will euro tho diseases of llio Throat nnd lAing, inch ns Cnlds, lnili, rronp, AMliinft.lJronchltls, Catarrh, Horo Thruat llnarscnpRR, Whooping Cniight nna rulmonary (Consumption. Thin meillclno In prepared by IT. Ijovl ObcrhoHzcrof I'Jilliulplphm, ami formerly of riitpnlxvllle, l'a.. nml nlthoiiKh It has niilv been offered for live years, moro than one mill ion bottles havo already been Pohl. find tho de mand for It is Increasing every day, Many of IhoUctallDrugelstsmiyUtn lots or flvo Rro", nnd not a few uf tho Country Hlorelecepeis try ono gross nt a time. Nearly every ono who has ever sold lltoMIUeM In Its popularity, nnd neiirly all ho havo used It, bear tentlinnny to lu won derful power Incurlng Cough. Wo are confident thnt there. Is no known medicine or Mich great valuo to tho community tw tho rmrnU Tcctoral. It han cuted cases of tho most painful and dis tressing coutth, of year staudlnr;. It lift") slvenlnstnut relief Incnellflof coughttip. It lias Instantly storped tlio paroxj-Kin of Whooping Cough, nnd greatly shortened Its du ration It hat cured Croup lu n few minutes. Consumption has been cured by it, whero nil other remedies had failed to do good, Hoarseness has been cured by It In a slnglo ntpht. Many phystchni 1 eeomincnd It.and others uso it themhchesaud administer It In their practice while others opposo It because It takes away their business. Wo recommend It to our leaders nnd lor fur therpnrtlculars. wouhl rercr you to tho circular around the bottle whero you will find unmerou ccitlhcntes ghen by persons who havo used It. It H ho pleasant to lhe tasto thai children cry for It, It li a, Rh hm Mretifith at tho Mime- tlmo that it allays tho rough. Tho proprietor of this mcdiciuo has ro much couthleuco in its curallN o powers fiom the IckII mony of thousands who havo used It that the moneywlll boicfundcd lo any puichuscr who Is not mtuMicu wiiii 1110 rneeiH. H Is cheap 1 hat nil can buy II. Pileo lii Cents, Iugo Hollies SIM t It rrcn.iicd nulv hv IjKVI OllEUUOLTZnit M. wholusai.k imuntasT. No. HS Koi Ui Third Hiteet, riill.idelphla, N. It, If journeaicsl-DruRftlst or hloiekeeper do?n not havo litis medlcino ak htm tocet it for you, and do not let him put you oil' with fcome other preparation becauso ho matts moio mon ey on ft; buteo orbend lit ouco lo bomo ftoio m hero 3 ou know it is kept, orf-end to Dr. Ober boltzer. Holil by M. I. iamz DriicclKt, lllooius buif?. and II. W. Creasy, A Co., IlRht Htreet, Md ueai ly every di legist and btorekecper In Colum bU County, dec. lO.'O'J-Cm, SIO.O0O GUAUANTKU, B UCK LKAD kxci:ls all otiich lead i 1st. For lis Unrlvnled Wliltenet-H, Ed. l'or lis Unequalled Durability, 3J. For lis Unsurpassed Covering Troperty. Lu&tly for Its Economy. 3-It C03TS LISS to paint with lli-cn LtiAn than nny other Whlto Lend extant. The mme welBht covers MOHE BUUl'ACE, is moro 1JUH A11EE, nud malces WIHTEIl WohlC. MUCK LEAD, Is tho Cheapest nnd Uest. tlO.OM (IUAUAnTEE. BUCK UNO EXCELS ALL OTIIEI1 ZIKCy. li.t. For its Unequalled Durability, !!d. Tor its Unrivaled Whiteness, ;vi. For Us Unuipabsed Coverlni; rionelly. Lastly, for lis Onat icouomy, belUK tho CIIEAl'IiST, 1IANDS01IRST, nnd most DURAllLE White I'alnt in tho world, 11 U Y ONLY IJUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED, rutlsfncllou Guaranteed by the Manufacturers. BUCK COTTAGE COLONS, Prepared expressly for Painting COTTAGES, OUT llUILDIJi CIS of every descrln Hon, FENCE, Ac. TUIHTY-KIVE DIFFER ENT COLORS, Duiable, Cheap, Uniform, and lleaullful shades. Sample cards sent by Mail If desired. Dealers' Orders will bo promptly executed by tho manufacturers, FRENCH, RICIIAUIW Si CO., N. W". Cor. Tenth nnd Market Streets, Jan2S70-ly. Philadelphia o MNIBUS LINE. Tho undersigned would rcsi-ctfullynnnouucoto tuo citizens of llloomsbnre nnd tho" publlo eeue- nuiy ma ne is running nn OMNIBUS LINE between U1I3 place and thediflercnt railroad de poU dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going South nnd West on tho Catn wlssa and Wllllamsport Railroad, and with thoso going North nnd South on the Lnckawnnnn nnd Bloomsburg Railroad. Ills Omnlbusses are In good condition, commo dious nnd comfortable, nud charges reasonnble. Tereons wishing to meet or uee their friends de part, cm bo nccomodatcd upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notico at any of tho hotels. JACOB I, GIRTON, Froprlctoi. QUANGEVILLE ACADEMY ORANGEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, l'A l'ROF. E. J. SCHOONOVEIl, Principal, MRS. li J. fiCIIOONOVER, I'rcceptrew, This Institution, for tho cdncnlion of young j,uii.-n tinu wi-iiiieiueii, will I'C-oiicu unucr chaiRo of l'rof. Schoonovtr, on Mo.npav April 1, 1870. Teachers, of acknowledged ability nnd high older of talent, will bo employed In each department, and no cllort epaied to secuio to pupils thorough nnd Judicious culture. The coursouf lnstiuetton will lneludonll Hie blanches utunlly taught In High Schools und Seminaries of tho Hist rank. Special attention given to Normnl School training and Commercial lustruUlou. TERMS: Prlniary Deparlment $3 to .5 per Quarter Higher Branches JO to SS per Quarter LOCATION: This excellent Institution is lo cated in a pleasant village of about tlx hundred Inhabitants freo from tlm t,mntntin,iu nt n largo city about six miles from tho Hall wit it ""''""""."iioii 10 1110 uuiereni roaus. The buildings are slluated upon nu elevation, suripuudcdby a beautiful grove, nnd perfectly healthy. . CALENDAR FOR 1ST0 :-Sprlng session begins April h, IMO and continues 13 weeks, following which thcro will bo n vacntlou of six weeks, tall tenu commences August 15. IS70, continuing 11 weeks. Winter term opens November 7, 1070 continuing 11 weeks. EXPENSES : Board enn bo obtnlnpd In nrl, vate families at liom 82.00 to 84X0 per week, or desirable rooms will bn furnished to students wifcituig iu proviue lor inemseivcs. Scholars will bo admitted nt any tlmo during tlio session nlthoughit Ispreicrnble loeommeuco with the term. For further particulars, address the 1'iluclnal. nt Orangovlllo, l'.i. ' ' niuris iihim, B A U G 11 ' S ItAW HONK KUPElt I'HOSWlATE OF LIME TRADE MARK HI'JUNG 1870. P A It M ERSI INCKKASK YOUll CHOP Olf CORN, OATS, POTATOES, WHEAT AND GRASS, As well ns ADD TO THE FERTILITY OF YOUH SOIL uy a J uu iclous and Economicnl mode of MANURING. GET THE VALUE OF YOUR OUTLAY THE fliwi rji'.AUiN, OBTAIN BETTER FILLED FAILS AND HEAVIER GRAIN. KEEP YOUR SOIL FREE FROM NOXIOUS WlflIN MAKE YOUR LANDS PERMANENTLY FERTILE. Over SIXTEEN years of constant uso, on nil phalu may bo depended upon by Farmcis. HIGHLY IMPROVED AND STANDARD WARRANTED. For sale by Agricultural Dealers (,'eiiernllv. BAUOH A SONS, nt v. , Mnnufneiurers. Ofilce Nn. 31 S, liclawnre Aveuuo, Phllndel,hla muri870-Cin, O NEW DISCOVEKY ! ! ! It hasloiiiilieen known that tho ol.lrstablish. ed nnd well stMked ivumituiik & lltcuniNU WAUinooMa of II. R, LEWIS, tit.,nie tho cheap, est In the 1 l y, He Is now selling Paiilok Huiis In Plush, Haih cloth, Run orTsmiY. WaL- NOT Sl'lTSlll OlLor VAllNISlt : COT TAUE UIIN1TUIIF, all fctylesj BmmtMi AND ...iiuwrw, viiiiuus sizes, euenper tuau auellou prices. Como ondste, and boconvluctd. You will save money by giving us ncnll bdoro 1 ur eiiaslng elsewhere. 1 If, It. LEWIS, Sit., lili UAIIKETM1IU.T, I-IIILAllkLPIIlA, Ncit door to eor, of l llleenlh HI, nprl'70 3m. SS-'i'1"0 I'PKOM IMPROVED T ,. '"'"ily-llvo Dollar iamlly Sewing Machine. The dieatiest 1,'fiL f?lni hlui,i,w. tho Market. AiienUuimtcdititttrii'is.n.,,i commission allowed. For terms nnd circular, nil. "!'"!. A.S. ilAMiL-io.N.aeu, Agent, No. Ton Chest. llutStl'lllla l'a, 0p, li70-3m. SB2 A YKAR AND EXPEN. rr v nwi n nKlll9 iU Mt'll 1110 CC10 bruted WIIJJONSEW1NO MACHINES. The best machine lu tho world, ttileh uMe vn Mh tUUt. Onb Machjnk without Monkv, For further j i,rs-7llJV,,i " ' ""u ... - . Rail Roads. T ACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS- on nnd fUr Jan. 17, 1870, Pas no tiger Trnlmulll run as follows) , 4, , . lining norm, uoing nouin. Arrive Arrive Leave Leave p.m. a. in. p.m. n. tn, ...I 8,15 11.00 4.00 7.K) Lenve ., 8.11 lO.flO 4.8J 7.M ... T.W 10.111 6.011 WS) ... 7.M II. W 6.10 l.:io 7,61 two 0.10 B.Vil .... 0M 8.110 11.50 II. U 5.2S 7M 7.1-1 10.17 4M 7.13 8.10 10.M Leavn Ixsave Arrive Arrive .... 4.11 0.4H 8.1.1 11-11 Bcrnnton lMlUlou Klnntoii IHohinlllll HlilckPhlnny.i ltloniii JJuiiVlllo NorthM Lion mmio niHcrnuion uy wit) iu.iu a.m. uniil lur milhv i)cmi iiiiinniiiiiiuii, rnuuujr nnu nil points orlli, ltasl nud Went, c ATAW1SSA RAILROAD-On nml V- niier aiu?i ja i nop, u, rnssenjr trnlnnou the Ctitnwinna ltnilroad will run ntllie following named hoursl JiiU Soith. mATtoN3t Matt .YorM Dep. R. II a, in " O.IS1' " V.41 " " 10.01 " " lii.ll " " 11.01 ' " 11.17 ' " I2.3ip.rn " V2M " " 1.0S Wllllamsport, Muncy. Wntsontown. Arr, mm p. m. Dcp.6.2S " " 4.S7 " " 4. W " " 4.CX1 " " 3.10 " " 3.:i2 " " 2,25 " " 1.60 " " 1,M " " 1,30 " ' 1.10 ' " 10.40 n.m. illlllOll. Danvlllo, " Rupert. ' Ciilnwlssn. ' Rlnstowu. ' Summit. ' 1 ounknke. 1 E. Mahony June, ' Dlne.Tamaqua, Dluo. lteadlim. Philadelphia. ' I To Now York via. Read 1 Ineor Mnueli Ohunlc. " I. a) " an " 4:n Arr. o.U 0.25 From New York via. i Munch Chunk. - I O.5.' NoUhansoof curs between Wllllamsport nnd 1'hlladclphhi. GEO. WElllf Suy't. JROWN'H EAST FREIGHT FROM FJlILADELrillA TO llLOOMSilUilO. and lnlermedlalo polnls. Goods forwarded with 'tlnods, at Pliiladclpiil.i, must bo' delivered nt llUtier fM'M. Nil Miutfnl Mtfi.,f 1,'.,,, full nr. tlculojii, npplv to SCHO YLEll .t lloniNnON.I'roprlelon, au, u. uj'ii, ii. 11. ucpoi, iiiooinsouig,i'n. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. On nnd nfter Nov. 15th 1809, Tinlus wll lenve NoiiTiif.MUEni.ANn ns follows : NORTHWARD. f43 A. .. Dally to Wlllhnnsport, (e.tcept Sund.iyj jor i.iiuini, i,HUIluuuljll,l, Itiicncsicr, IIUUIUO. Simnenslon llrldse. and N. Fulls. 650 i: si., Dally, (except Sundays) for Elmlrn nnd llulliilo vlii Erie Railway from Elmlni. 5.30 i-. St., Dally, (oxcept Sundays) for Williams- TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 10.25 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA, 11.10 P.M. D.illy(oxceptsunday,s)for Baltimore Washington nud Pullndelplila. I'.U. O. lUUiNU, General Passenger Agent. Alkuku R. Fiske, Geu'l SupC, READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monoay, At'nli. lSth,1870. Great Trunk Line from tlin North nndNnrih. West fur l')illndelplila,Now York, Ecnulug, Putts vllle, Tumanuii, Ashland, Shnmoklu Li-banon Allentown, Easton, Ephralu, Lltlz, Lancuster, Columbia, &c, Trains lenvo Harrlshurg for New York, ns fol lows: At 5,3.5, und 8,10 n. m 12,20 noon and 2,03 p. in., connecting with similar trains on Pcnuu. Railroad, nnd nrrlvlng at New York nt 12,15, noon, 3,10 0,60 and 10,00 p. m. icspcctlvcly. Sleeping cars accompany tho 5,y5a, lu,, and 12.20 noon trains without change. Rcturnlnc: Leave New Yorknt 12.00 noon and 5,00 p. m. Philadelphia nt b.1,5 ii. in, iiuu u.ou j. in, oieepiug ears accompany the U.00 a.m., und 5,00 p.m., trains Horn N. Y, without cliauge. Leave llarrlsburir for Itemllni.. PoUhvIIIa t. maquu, Mlneisvlire, Ashland, shumokln Pino urove, .ueuiowu v l uijau, at s,10n.m., A 2,05 4,10 p.m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations: tho 4,10pm. train connecting lor l'hll'a Poltsvllio and Columbia only. For Pottsvllio Hcbuvlklll Haven and Auburn, via Krhuvlfetn and Susq,uehauuu Railroad, leave Harrlsburg nt 3,40 p.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,30 n.m., connecting with similar train on East i n. raiiruiiu returning irom iieudingat015n.m, stopping at all stations. Lea o Pottsvllio nt S.IOnud 0,00 a.m., nud 2,15 p.m. UtlllUUl, l W.W '-'UilUlUl.lU lib o.m nun iu i a. m Ashland at 7.0j a.m. and I2.:m noon n-nmn qua ut 8,33 n. m und 2,20 p. m.for I'lilladelphln IaVO PottSVlllo Via Sclmrlkllt nml Ruennn. hannn Railroad at 8,15 a.m. for Hnrrlsburg, and 11,30 a. m., for Pine Grove und Tremout, Reading Accommodation Train leaves I'otts- vino Hiu,iu u. in., passes uenuing at 7,:ni a. m nr- town at (1,25 a.m.,, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4,00 p.m. Columbia Rnllrond Trains lenve Reading nt uiiw w-u i.iu.iui- A.puraia, i.iiiz, x.nucaS' l'erkiomen itali'ltoad Trains leavo I'erklomen u uuw.u,, w.w m. o.w o oy p. ni. returning : lenve Schweuksvlllout 8.05 n.m., 12.45 noon, and Rladm2-itaHroad:tlU8 W'"' hlrallar tralns oa Colcbrookdale Railroad tralus lenvo rotUitown at 0.10 a. m and 0.20 p. m.,returnlng leaveMount l'leasautut 7.U)nnl I1.25n. in., cohuecllng with " ...... .n uu 1,TU1U IVtUllUUll. Cuester alley Railroad Trains leavo Brldco port at 8,o0n. m. nud 2.0j nud 5,02 p. in. returning. Ieavo DuwnliiKton nt 0.20 n. m.. 12.4", noon mid 5.15 n. in., connecting with similar tralus on Reading Railroad. On Sundays, leavo New York nt 5,00 p.m., Phil plilnnt 8,00 a.m. nud 8,15p.m., (tho 8,00 n.m. train .uiiuiui; uuiy 10 jbcuuiug;; i-oitsviiio 8,w n.m.; Hnrrlsburg at 5.33 n. in. nnd 4.10 p. m. and Reading nt7.15 n.m, and 10.0,1 p. m, for Harris burg, nt 7.2Jn. m. for New York, and at 0.10 a. m u,i. j,, in, ,ui i iiiiuueipuia. Uommutnllon, Mileage, season, School and Excursion Tickets to and fiom all points, at re duced latos. Baggago chocked through; 100 pounds allowed O. A. NICOLLS, ,. ,, General Supcrlntcndout. Readlns, T.i , April 20 1670. "HELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & uient, April 11,1S7U. Trnlus leavo ns follows : KABTWA It P. WKSTWAni. Fx- press Ac- com, Ac. com, Kx- Mall STATIOXS. Mlln press 1 ' IA St. I'.SI. TTo 4.10 4.25 Arl New York. (Lv rvot jtarciaj at.) ..Christopher St.-, Hoboken Newark- Wntlitnnt,.., 8.00 8.00 8.15 8.40 4.60 11.28 via Cen. RIt. of N.'j" 7.35 ..iew ork (Hiot Liberty Ml ....Newllnmpion...., Oxford llridKOVlllo ....Fhllaileliihln.. Trenton-..., Flillllpsburg- .Mauunku Chunk.... Delawaro ....Jlount lleihel 5.00 11.15; 7.1l 11.43 7.50 11.51 8.00 3.30 4.42 7,30 it 7.03 12.00 12.15 8.U5 8.20 8.-W 8 11 I2.'ir. ........ H,v VUM .waier uap l' in ......Ktroudsburg , 12.5.11 8.53 ...npragueviliu , ...llcuryvllle l.U, 1.15 1.30 1.10 2.IKJ 2.10 ...Oakland l).2li rorirs...., -i'ni.t.i,....n 0.11 ..Oouidsboro.".".'.'.',',' 0.JM 111. (HI MOSCOW Dunning . 2.31) 2.4S .'l.'Ji 10.20, 10.38 O.fH) ftctauiou ...Clark's Summit,... 8.30 0.10 .25 0.6H 3.40 0.15 ...Auiugion M ..Factory villa Nicholson ...Hniibottom .Moutroso - New Mllford,,... Great Bend I 3.40 4.01 4.20 0.21 0.35 0.51 10.80 11.011 10.12 4.67 10.30 12.00 12.3,5 8. IS 10.47 6.30 11.02 1.(0 I'.Sf, A,St, A.M. lswul'iVed? "0t l'lol al stall01l!' whero tho Time CoNSEcriOMS, n-ft!',n ""nipt"" wltli Central It. It. of N.J. llio Mull and Express trains eastward nnd wesU ward connect wfih trains for New York. Klteil both, 1 sin Ilelil. Homervlllo and otlai" tntlom. sA'i Wu iH'Stuu with Morris & Essex R, It .Mall and fcxjuoss trains niako closo and reliable connections with trains for Now York. Nowurk Miirrlfctown. Dover. Waterloo, llaekottstow i Ac At ManunkaChuuk with lielvidere Delawaro ....v. v-ioso eounecnous are made by Mall and l-xpress tni ns, with trains for I'hlladelnhln Trenton, Plillllp.burg, liolvidere. Ac. II? 'fraln No. 2, passeniiers leiieh IMillndniVnii. J. A. f... . 'ir",,ljy ti- hu ,Ktiislitou. Passengers on n,1' n."'' ,.u I'''' 'lilphU lu tlmo to uke th" 11.30 i. m, train for II iltlinore nnd Wash iiutoii x cJ.tull V" Lackawanna t nsburg & Delawaro & Hudson Rail Roads. Trains on culin' will our trains for Pit stoii W Ikes-llarro, llerwlck. llloomsb "re, uinvlflt,' u,i T':n' Afelibald ami Cnrbondale. " Al lllugliamlon wltn Erie Rallwav. Mall No te!!"!". I1".1.1' Kxl " on Erie ilalltm?: ;r. i is , wiiu n s eep ug coach ut. ?i Jl'.ur'vl!,,B"1 Uulaloat ll.20iiext mornlig. OwVgo7lthana'iSrrlU W"y WBlu for Albany, One leaves lllnghainton ut 2.30n m and ntrives nt Albnnynt o.oo p.m. T.., r ,'"c,llie. lllughamton i N, Y. It. It. Trains v.Muauicuvvut Yn.m.nuu (1.25 n.m. Trains rom Hyrneuso nrrlvo nt 11.40 n. ni. nil.i 8 : p. m " "liliV Pt 1 V...i t. . W; "aelsteUd. 4M oupi. E N T I S T It Y. h. e, nowEH, dentist. iiSfS.'.iffil'tV .!r.', Pro'oulonal services to ....', Bwiinciiiuii oi niooinbuurc and vl clully, Holsprepaitdtontte.d tunlltLo vnrl. pus opera! onsntbo Hue of UU prolesslou.nud Is provided with the latest Improved Foucelain Tketji which will be Inserted on gold plating silver and lubber base to look as well as the nat ural teeth. Teeth extruded by all tho tiewnui . T.uvn, iiieuious, ano nu operations on the tcctfi careful ynndpropeily attended to. . . r w "uu owico h iew uoor. above the Omrt House, same side. jnouwsuurg, jan,8i,'08tr A KINDS OF JOB PRINTING 912 iTii 0.00 4.35 8.33 4.10 0.00 1,01 IcOO 3.40 7.40 1.21 5. IS 12.17 12.37 0.50 6.10 5.41 3.50 0.30 1.S0 5.3lrl2.S0 6.28 12.2,5 6.11 12.08 5.02 12.52 4.51 11.3s 11.2.S 11.18 1.1C 11.0.' t.01 10.10 3.15 10.27 3,31 ln.ll 3.15 0.50 .'1.05 0.10 8.00 2.10 II. HI 7.80 8.S1 7.15 8.30 (l.l 1.65 8.11 0.10 1.30 7.62 6.(0 1.21 7-37 4.67 7,15 1.10 1210 0.51 3.15 1236 0.30 I'.SI A, 21 A, II, Goods & Notions, , N 13W STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. DAVID LOWENRERQ Invites attention to Ills stock of C1IKAF AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. nt his store on Main Street, twodoors nbovo the American Houso Bloomsburg, l'u., where ho has Just received from Now York nud Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, dnrnble, nnd hnndsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, HACK, ROCG, GUM, AND OIL-OLOTIl COATSAND PANTS. of nil sorts, sizes nnd colors. He hns nlso replen ished his already Inrgo stock or FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVE3, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho nas constantly on hand n largo nnd well-se cctcd assort mout of CLOTHS AND VUSTIN03, which he Is prepared to make to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd In tho best manner. All his clothing is made to woar, nnd most of It is of homo mnnufactnre. GOLD-WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ofo ?cry description, flnonnd cheap. Ills caseot JoHcirylsnotsurpnssed;in llilslplnce. Call nud esamlno hlsgeueinl assorlmcn of CLOTHING, WATCHIS, JEWELRY, &t. DA.VID LOWENBERG. c. C. M A It It havo Justrecelvcd from tho civUcrn mnrkcts n large nnd well selected stock of D 11 Y GOODS, COK8IHTIKO Or CusslnitTS, Joans, Uebt blrflcheil & llrown Miiilins, U.l!coc, Tleklt.tfs, Tablo Linens, Cotton t All wool (IiumelM, .tc.t Ac, A gotjtl stock of Ladles dress goods, Latent styles a patterns. Hplces (if all kinds, CJood stock groceries, Queenswaic, Htoue waro, Wood t willow ware, l'lonr&Chop, AUn Kitchen Crywlal Soap for cleaning Tin, Brass. it All goods sold clicnp for cash or pro duce. lie would call tho attention of buy era to his well nnd carefully selected ntsortincnt which comprises everything usually kept In tho couu try, fecllug- eoulldcnt that ho can sell them goods at such prices as will eusuro satisfaction. xov. 5ca-tf a c. MAiut. jyjILLKU'S STORE, FRESH ARRIVAL OF l'ALL AND WINTER GOODS. The subset iber has lust returned Irom the cities with another laro and select nssortment of FALL Ai.D WINTER GOODS, purchased In Now York nnd Philadelphia nt the owest llsure, nnd which he Is determined to sell on as moderate terms ns enn bo procured else where lu Bloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest slylos nnd lntcst tasldous, tugotlict with a Inrgo assortment of Dry Goods nnd Gro ceries, consisting of tho following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths. Casslmercs, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Whlto Goods, Linens, Hoop Skills, Muslins, Hollowwnre Cedurwnre Q,ueemwuro, Hardware Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cups Hoop Nets, Urabrollas, Looklng-Olassej, Tobacco, CofToe, Sugars, Tc.ib, Rico. Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN BALLY. In short, everything usually keot In cnunl.rv stores, to which no Invites the attention of the puuuo generally. The highest prico will bo paid for country produce In exchange for goods. 8. II. MILLER & SON, Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. QONFECTIONERY, The undersigned would respectfully to the public tliat he has onened a FIRST-CLA&M CONFECTIONERY STORE, J?ith.oLul!dlu',a,t'lyoccur,lelby Fox A Webb where ho Is prepared to lurulsh ull kinds of PLAIN 4 FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS NUTS, RAISINS, AC,, AC., AC. uy wholesale or ketail. i,iVii,l!ho,?l a.fuU (u'sort"ient of all roods lu hU Hue of business. A great variety ot DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., RUenbto'0rll'B l,0"dtt' Articular attention BREAD AND OAK ES. of all kinds, fresh ovcry day. CHRISTMAS OAND1KS, G H I 8 T M A 8 TOYS. guafimtcV"CUel1, Bn'1 """"""i will b Nov. 22, 1807. ECKHAHT JACOBS. EKUHANBISE NOTICE IS HEltF.IlV mvnw To my friends and ih.n.i.n. ., kinds ol ".., uuu an DRY GOODS, QROOEIUES, QUEENSWAItE, NOTIONS, AO., are constantly on hand and tor tale AT BARTON'S OLD STAND BLooirsntTito, uy JAMES K. EYEIl. fii-vljn. Solft A.rftl f-'l . . 'J,r" 1"' eiustantly on band, febm. QAItRIAQE MANUPAOTOItY, Bloomsburg, Fa, M. C. SLOAN A BROTHER Have on hand nnd for snlo nt tho most lensona bio rules n splendid stock of CARRIAGES, BUOaiES. and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mado of tho best nud most dur able. Materials, uud by tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out from llio eBtab. Itshment will bo found to hoof tho highest class and sure to give pciiect tatlsSiclton, ueyliave nlso n line atsortineut of ' SLEIGHS of nil the newest nnd most loshlouablo styles, wed! and carefully mado nud oflho best water. A'l Inspection of their work Is nskul us It Is believed that iiono superior can bu found In the country. Nov. 20.'oo-tf. rpiIE VERY LAST NOTICE. arterPaJl,lVif ?CS!',n!,", '.'l0 -Sli"."8 AVH. tlie hands ol u proper oltlcer for rolleciron. Dry Gooda & Grocorios G RAND OPENING (IRANI) OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting nl consisting of consisting of oouslstlng of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTH AND SHOES HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTH AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING I'.EADY-M A DE CLOTI 1 1 NO, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIHG, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OIKS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAIN'IS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, IIUEENHWAEE, tiUEENSWAEE, tiUEENSWARE. IIUEF.NSWARE, QUEENSWAItE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, FIT11 FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ac, Ac. AC, AT NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL AlcKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY McKELVY, McKELVY, Northwest corner ol Northwest corner of Northwest corner of Northwest eorner of CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Main and Market StreoUi, Main und Mnrket Streets, Malu nud Mnrket Streets, Mnlu and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, TA., I1LOOMSI1URO, PA 1ILOOMSI1UHO, PA BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS, J RON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In large quantities nnd nt reduced rates, alway on uanu, Miscellaneous. AT E W COAL YARD. J.1 The undersigned respectfully Inform the citizens oi iiiooinsuurp nnu loiurnoia county, that they keep all tho dlfferentuumbers ofstovo coal and bctccted lump coal for smithing purpo ses, ou their wharf, adjoining M'Kclvy, NealA Co'b Furnace; with a good pair of Itniralo scales on the wharf, to weigh coal, hay, nnd straw. Likewise n horso nnd wagon, to deliver coal to those who dcslro It. As they purchase a largo amount of coal.tliey lnlend tokeep n superior ar ticle, nnd sell nt tho very lowest prices. Plense call nnd exnmluo for yourselves before purchas ing elsewhere. J. W. HENDERSHOT, AUGUSTUS MASON. THE undersigned will tako In ex change for Coal nnd Groceries, tho following named articles : Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Pota toes, I.ard, llnm,8hnulder,aud side meat,I!utter, Eggs, liny, Ac, nt tho highest cash prices, nt his Grocery Store, adjoining their coal yard, , , J. W. HENDERSHOT. Bloomsburg Mar, 19,'Kl-ly. E BE5I IN THE WORLD. new York Offico 27 BEEZMAN ST. dec. 21,'eO-Cm. 0. HO WE R, ipencd a first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUR STORE, nt tho old stnnd on Main Street, Bloomsburg.nfow 0nob?iVO "'"" House.' His stock isVom. posedotlliovery lalestnnd beststylesevcr oner ed to the citizens of Columbln County. He enn accommodate the puhilowllhthefollowlnggoods nt the lowest rules. .Men's henvy doublo soled stog i boots, men's doublo and sfnglo tap soled ,lJ1'b'";,u' me" " 'I'-iyy stoga shots of all kinds. boots uud slioc. of all grades, boy's gluyo kid Balmoral shoes.meu's, women's, boys's and muses' lasting gailcrs, women's glove ild Polish very tine.womeu's morocco BalnToralsand calf shoes, womeu's very Hue kid buttoned gait "ed nudSeweih001" ' Ucs'ltlons bo'th 6peg. wnu'J also call utlcntlon to his line assort- HATS, CA1-S, FURS AND NOTIONS, which comprises nil tho now nnd populnt vnrl. etlesnt prlceswhlcliennuotfalltosultall. Thcso offeied at the lowest cash rales and i'i1,1;0,.15".",'''1?1'""1 '"Klvo satisfaction. A call s solicited beforo purchasing elsewhere as 11 Is believed that better bargains uro to be foind ''i" t any other place l5 tho county. ?f III...I..1.. V ' ' . . ' 1 I II I f,"!f,i ii""' "'iforelreulars. Theywlllcostvoii" nothing, nnd may bo of great benert t til ylSu feblHO-ly, JjURLY ROSE iTVrOES HIE CHEAT TOPIC OF THE DAY. The Sllbseilber lm. n llrnlibt .... i.. .... Early Hose Potato, which ho will sell to those W lfebl.lir tn tiroriit-n il.u nvAA,i...t .. r ..... ..i,i,U , iieiy,ni lue low rnto ofTvio Dollars per bushol. He tos uisu, twenty or me utst Vnrictlcs of STRA-WUERRY, RASI'IIERRY, HOT-1IOUBE AND OUT-ECOR PLANTS, all of whkh will l... i .. . .... i , ..... r .. , ., , -,.. iiauu, uuu ior sate, lu their season, PRICE LIST OF EARLY ROSE POTATOES: Per nonnd. M rvniu Tvnfli . . ..... bushel, UM i Per bushel, J2.00J Per barrel, 15.00, marWO-lf. ' LspyVlV' g L A T E ROOFING, EVERY VARIETY MOST FAVORAHLE RATES. JOHN THOMAS, ami CASPER J. THOMAS I!ox' llloomsburg, Pa. Mnr.lO.OO-ly " A XIOII STREET jXX CARPET WAREHOUSE. WJ Altfll ST., IIBLOW NINTH NT.M'IllLAIlcr.rillA. THE 1)1.11 ItHTAIII.lHIIl'n NT1 KM, f Itecelvlng for the Spring Trade a large slack of imp- . J.HI AH AIII-LC f5v-T",rlJ""T.-,-r-'-''- , C A R I 13 T I N G H purchased nt the lowest aold Raits, and will be sold at n great reduction fiom lasl season's nrlces OLIHH BRUSSELS ut 11.60, and allPotlie; goods lu proiiorllou, JOS. IIIACKWOOII luarM70-3ai. 833 Arch St. PfHadeliliUi. SowingMachincs," G HOVER & RAKKU'H BKWINO MAOIIIMpS8 The following are selected frL testimonials of lmllF.i,... '. " '"omni. tho rensom for tlm . . 1 ven Mnri,in.;::v. . ror the o; ... ..rr.i,,i,r;,v"''ui"". ,ai the first place. bccnuse,lnIlk,ffatbll, I "J,"'ltlwr.aVerAIll?eH bo rest. It : Vi " l.Sl?l It Is easier lo lenrn than n iy 0 ,V!!' it ,1 Croly (Jenny June). olllcr- -lirij I ..?.,". 1 A'J:? J!S:1 T.veral f , I v,:;.v ,"ril'i,iiine.hiii er M.ehlno is nioroVVsllvV1'60 rffil liable to get out of order. I J?V"''. "il l 1 Baker, decldedly."-(Mr.. ths Gillil "I have had ono In in J '?.! two yearsi uud from wliatl L'?m"f CI lugs, nnd irom tho testliiinL'WIuil frlniids w in lisn ,i, i:!"?" 0fm.nJ"l anything could bo more Tcum? wharJ'J Sfl nitisfaciTon."-( m p. f.. 1 Wo or f.r? 1 1 . . ... ,. "v"l'aiurmit ""wtl consldere'do1 "nSy'Sf't1'? 'lj" tai, . J very siinplo nnd cosily fjatne,,,'"0"-l Bioolilyuj npooner, M IicSyg"! r;i;cip;i,i,nchSsf?lusdniruei; which wns dono ,V .V!. ? taH. !,l gpod.-tMrs. Dr. Mecfeadv 'l.-E.0.'Slll.lrI iinru nireet, new York, ' " li I donr 30".1,",,,.VT?-'hii-Jr,,i,lh J done by orover A? lliiktl's mUS,': iiuu a garment l ip or need inen.i i-' 1 I cloth, it is in n J ' ninVIr!l,1,li'l nblo ofuuy I hi-e 1? cd.''-r 'n,0M1T'l Boether, ' li",II(ujj "Tho Orover A Biker ni.. I with beauty of executlonandSll?Mjil inai it is a necessliy In every ir.. S,"t I Governor Genry, Hurrlsburg, 1 4'-ll - KI..U1KU1 inourovtrAp.v,.!, family soHlng, both m,.S?b.OTI necompiislicd upon tho un,iw.i.:.t I to the entlro satisfaction of nli ccmcd."-IRev.Slci,hcnii I lv'" "t "f find tho Graver lijkrr un, I wenr ns long ns tho cariiieni. garment In met. Tho stitcii win nouS I neltherdoes It draw th, wofk w i,!Vl lng.4EastTwentv.foiiii i s tiiSit''?-! . . . ..Wo havo a Grover A ttikerSe.ii, i chlno forsoven years iu constant ii I felling, tucking, and c erj thing' itat ttahl can no. It Is preferred overall .iihwiiv.'11 1 o, lis durability of work, ela I? ysndSI of stitch, ease of movement, and 'K SI coustructlon."-t.Mrs. Oin. ini.i iIInPirati a ,,.!. .','.'?1'.cr0.!'"l,.!J 1' tMm M I have used 0110 for the last nine in,"l nud 1 thlnlc It Is decidedly th "best lug JIncblnc."-.Mrs. Allco 11. vi I nn'. Ill Rev. Dr. Whipple, fcec. Am. JliTiVil lnVn,..l.,li?. very nmch pic lerlbe Grover 4 b.ik ijlil I tnlpnrs,i'!;e!!!,,:, .!,l.'.1,o,,,,, XlEl E. DVSnnhoni Sti Louisr "''ua'- -.1 . '-Durlug the past tletcn jean I J had a Grovir A llaker Hewing MKl i .eii ,1 slant ue, nud It has never ri-TiulteditoffJI pair. 1 tuKu great pleasuru hi ricummnitl the Grover A Baker ns tho very be ,t ieS,l chine for family ue."-lMr.J.U,l'nie "It. Ill l,x .lmnl In 1, exceedingly dllllcult to get It out ut order 11 of my little glrls-0110 llvt-nnd-n-ba!f a'ad ,1 other four years ran si w stralsM sinmj J without assistance."- .Mrs. A. 1'. Fosi til Rev. Archibald C. I'oss, -JudWtst ThtrUtattl - " iiiuuiiinri ,s niuitT .uatnmois u benefit to mauklnd that I ollenteclMthml u...u .... ... bu.,u ,u uiBWS 1ST J iiiiii. 11m niiui Hutu in in me plainest ij nun wuuiu iiui eeiiuiigeii ior moniouerfri lvo I over snwor any oilier nmke.-lMrnii Wife Of Prof. Wilson, of Hubart L'ol nee. l.-l.n .t.,.llnl,., r.t l.a ,. ..I 111, .i, t . , I . 1 ihui-iiuihub 1.1.1111J 11,111 it nun uq 1111: n 111 iiuill'll, IDtB ty, strength, nnd elasticity of lissmi,ni( n.lnntnlilll).' t,i oil Milu t .l, . I which do not nil ielony at wee to niu)!ff I chine." l'rof. Hcnshaw, of WUIlstonseiMiI '-My wifo la delighted wllhlierOrol A linker to nny other sho has sun."-i:eu Fisher, l'lillmlelnlilii t'nnferi'iifi, "We have used one of Grorcrs Eill nutviug iiisiuiit's lur tii'uui iru jeHn,aa slder u cannot bo excelled, it runs iinux was never out of repair, and gives verrje: satisfaction." Mr. Edwin llunt.HLaltii Chicago. Tho Grover nud Baker Sewing MachlneC iinitv mnttiilnt,trA lutllt I Iia Vl.islli. Mltrl Lock Stitch Machines, nud ul.'Vr tho fui'. cholco of tho best mnchines of both kind- tlinl- rclol.lUlnnnnla I, nil , I,., I,r-al,i.( through ngeuclca lu nearly alitor a tUrouj. tuo country, rrice Lists ami samiiet 01 tev In both stitches furulshed ou appllealio: Grover A Baker S. M. Co., Philadelphia, o:to J. A. H0BAS UtooxtU Junc25'C!)-ly 1st Hardware & Cutlery, THE NEW IIARDWAltKSTO; NE PLUS M.TIt.l. I ifnvlng enlarged our Moro liwm Mil opened a new nurnv, directly from tho Manufacturers, pimliiwl castl, ou a uccuuing luariiei, w uiiiei'iq.- b ofrer the same to FARMERS, MECHANICS, EnLDEEl nnd the rest of Mankind, a general sloei, 1 nrlsln,. nil the kinds nlul nullities usually 4 In a city Hard Waro morn, suitable loltnl of the couuty, nt unusually low prices, I A II l,nkn.vli,illf,i!nkrlrillSOf lHirchablllS I in our lino can save .Money uy looking 1' I new Hardware sioro, . ,1 Pleaso give us a c ill and exaralnoourstoc.1 RUN VAN i- WAI1UI,J Apr. 23.09-lyr uiooraiinuj,! Jacou K. Smith, J B. fIl1 MITII & SEIrZEE, Iin porters .mU Uealcru lu Foreisa ftndDoinl HARD W A II E, GUNS. OU T L E It Y, AC, NO. -109 N. THIRD BTBEET, AB.CALUlBl1'lj rillLAIIEH'HIA. Nov. 22, 67-tf. .'or Puro Vilcr, u. tliljcelebratc'irutnji entirely tasteless, djratlo snJ relia ble; eiiual to tb. EOOj ol J fialilODeil troojen I'umn, sud riu'"iT.!ii FV coat less than hall th money. Kailly arran-nJ 0 sa to bo non-frcozlng, soj tn eooatmctloa bo eiuui that any one can put It up anil keep It In repair. THE DEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP M Oct.22,'09-Gm. G1 ET THE BEST. Unison's Copper Tubular UfliJ"'" best protection against J'fJV" 'mu! m M the ever Vtl IMVeillL'U, 1UU biiij.m." ,.,.11 II uuovo invention, uud nn oruv -person will bo piomptly ntteniifU its May 15,'ii8, L, u. ni" s PECIAL, NOTICE. Couteniiilniliu.n. elmnso In our Oral,' determhii.,1 In lntr nut tho entire tocli 0 I celebrated Surcit Pnosi'HATi:oirU'i!iII 1IONIATKU Feiitimzeu, at 0 RE AT la Y REDUCED MICE Extiia Inducemenls will be olferc'H01''' and Dealers. , B...1, l....n ..nroeiiroMf""'" first qunllty from n hcuso established o"'1 ty-two years Is seldom offered, Dealers w 111 bo alliw ed a heavy rfClU' addition to our reJuclioa in price, HURRY IN YOl'lt OltDKf-s' ALLEN A NKKDI.ES South Delawauk AvK.sui:,l'""'i,,tl'' npr870-8t. Dwi'viimnh RI5 MINAHV. Vl, H T, nf IhlS lUStltUllV! a ou MONDAY, APRIL ll'Vn iMittint quarter of Lleven weeks wl'l '"!f,ctio' nrsi 01 juiy, w lieu tneiu 1110 urn or August. . . i,i unu" Boarding students, not ll,u ', ip ' iiicuiuiu tilulgu ui . s-i. ,ar. nil., bonrdnt He Seminary, uud boaw" i.ii turir uuu tutvs-i, av, TERMS 1 Boarding and Lights, per nuarter M v I Tuition, . tf1? V14! uu uuveuiiuviua .ol.lf.0Wt Wmliln IK lia, oud nil wiij EfJS tW 1 n uilvniifi Sf I SSSi-Ys. W!ss. A III1I..II1. II 1. A .tl-W-ll. 4 WMiV' MUIUI IS7IV-