u (Iffltttmlrimt AN II BLOQMSDURQ. PA. rrlday Moi iilngr, May 13, 18TO. f-TIIK COl.tlMItlAlV ha. the Largest Circulation of nny iier published III Northern lciiin)lrnl, mid Is alia ft much larger .heel than any of Its cotciii parrlei uil la therefore the best medium for Kdrertliliiff In this section oftha Slate Gin and Milk. Tlio Inventor and, probably, tho solo consumer of tlio above remarkablo bov orngo Is tholtov. Chutlea B. Smythr, ft I'ro3byterlan preacher, whoso trial, on the chargoorabRorblngthosalil mixture, lias roccntly tnkon placo befuro a rever end body or his peers. From tho facts brought forth during this trial.it ap pears that tho Itov. Cliarlc?, did, on a certain Sunday morning, In company with two reporters or n "sensation" paper, enter a restaurant and then and thcro partake of gin and milk. Tlio de fence offered was, that ho drank It as a medicine. Now this is doubtless a strong point and worthy of cons!dcra tion, for it seems Imposslblo that any well regulated stomach could havo re ceived such a heterodox doso as any thing clso but medicine. But why should tho Rev. gentleman vex his sys tem with so vllo an admixture when tlio Pharmacopeia offers so much that Is nasty and unpleasant, and why par tako thereof In a restaurant, on Sunday, and with reporters of a "sensation" paper? Wero theso adjuncts necessary to render tho dosoadditloualiy unpIcaS' ant? Mr. Smytho further states that hodldnotpayforthorerreshlngdraught, not thinking it right and proper so to do, on tho Sabbath. Now this is really very delicate. It was all right to go to the restaurant, step up to tho bar and drink this beastly combination of tin combinablo fluids, which even tho re porters aforesaid could not swallow, but It wa3 wrong to pay, afterwards. Oh 1 Smythe, Smytho, wo should fancy you would blush at tho sight or juniper berries and weep upon meeting a cow. The XVco Voto in Illinois. In tlio Illinois Constitutional Conven tion, May 1th, 1870, tho report of tho Commlttco on Miscellaneous Corpora tions was considered, when tho follow ing important amendment to tho Con stitution, reported by the committee, was agreed to by a unanimous vote. Bemarks In its favor wero made by Mr. Mcdill, Mr. Browning, Mr. Coolbaugh and Mr. Haines of Lake : "Tho General Assembly shall provide by law that In all elections for directors or manncrers of incorporated companies. every stockholder shall havo tho right to vote, in person or by proxy, for tlio number of shares of stock owned by him lor as many persons as tnero are directors or managers to bo elected, or to cumulate said shares and givo one candidate as many votes as the number of directors or managers multiplied by his number of shares of stock shall equal, or to distribute them on tho samo principle among as many candidates as ho shall think fit ; and such directors or managers shall not bo elected In any other manner after tho adoption of this constitution." That means reform on an extcnslvo scalo in corporate action. Every Incor porated company In Illinois is brought under the new plan of voting, thus so curing Just representation to tho stock holders and striking an effectual blow at mismanagement, favoritism and cor ruption. Thanks to tho good men of Illinois for this important step in tho course of reform I Indian Fighting. In view of tho recent hostilities be tween the whites and Indians and tho imminent danger of a general war, it is not out of placo to properly estimate the fighting qualifications of tho red men. It lias been stated, as coming from high military authority, that tho 4000 available troops on tho plains aro fully equal to the 10,000 of their oppon ents, now in arms. This may bo true and would bo, doubtless, if a pitched battle wero to be fought, but tills is not tho Indian method of warfare They scatter and light at long ranges, care fully avoiding actual collision in bodies, trusting to a harrasslngsystcm of night attacks and tho cutting off of scouting parties and detached companies rather thana general engagement. It will take much time, trouble and expanse, and many Uvea to subdue 10,000 determined savages, with an unlimited territory to roam over. Jt is not to be doubted, that tho troops would eventually con quer, but the final accomplishment of tho defeat and subjugation would not be a work of days nor ouo of llttlo mo ment as many persons seem to imagine. It Is always n weak point in an uriny to begin a war with too coutemptlbio an opinion of tho enemy. Secretary Boutwell. Wo do not bcllovo that the pooplp of the United States will, In time to como, look back upon tho administration of Mr. Boutwell with anything HUoa feel ing of pride, or assign to him a promi nent position amongst financiers. Tho unanimous opinion on both sides of tlio Atlantic Is, that as a Secretary of tlio Treasury ho Is a most decided failure. Tlio reason is, not that Mr. Boutwell Is designedly a mlsmanagcr of tho finan. cos, but that ho lacks ublllty and decls ion. Tho orders issued from tho Trcas ury in tho morning are Uablo to bo modified or recalled by noon, and by this vacillating, and undecided course lie has succeeded in destroying all faith in him and frequeutiy in Inlllctiii serious Injury to tlio markets. Ho Is a representative of tho class of second rate men appointed by Mr. Grant.whoso strongest point Is tho selection of unfit and Incapablo politicians to fill Impor tant ofllces. Mr. Boutwell Is Immeas urably Inferior to either Mr. Chase, Mr, Fessendcri or Mr. McCulIoch, having neither tho natural ability, prudonco or decision which thoy possessed. The following gentlomen oftheRad leal persuasion aro desirous of being nominateu ior Governor of this State General Jno. F. Ilurtranft, Colonel Jj. H. Cake, Hon. G, Dawson, Gouornl Lemuel Todd, James II. Campbell, Wayne M'VoIgh, John Cessna, Thos E. Cochran, Francis Jordan, J. M. Campbell, D. J. Morrell, Harry AVhlto, W. W, Kef chum, Horace Porter, James L. Graham, Geo. V, Laureuco, Ellstm W. Davis, E. Blllingfelt, Wlliner Worthlngton, John Covode and J. W. Forney. Other announcements will bo made in duo tioio. Tho French Election. Tlio voto on tlio plebisoitum which look placa in franco on Sunday last resulted In un overwhelming majoilty In Its favor. Tlio meaning or tlio word plebtscitum may not bo known to some readers and wo woutdsay hero that It Is a law mado by tho peoplo by direct voto without tho Intervention or tho leg islature. Tho following U tho iuc.-ttlon which waa submitted to the voto of tlio French people: Will tho peoplo ncccpt tlio liberal modifications of tlio constitution of 1832 on tho following bases: 1. Responsibility of Ministers in pro senco of tlio Chambers. 2. Institution of two Legislative Chambers. 8. RiStoratlon of tho constituent power to tho nation. Tlio majority in Its Aivor will proba bly exceed flvo millions. Although nom inally It purports to bo in advocacy or liberal reform, yet Its real object is to sccuro by a popular voto tho national ncccptauceofthosouof tho present Em peror as tho next occupant or tho throne; in other words to guarantee his titlo as Napoleon IV. Tho plebisciliun Is so cunningly worded, that those, who aro opposed to the Government, In voting against it aro forced, by so doing, to voto as well against liberal reform. Tho election passed off qulotly, no disturbances having occurred oven in disaffected districts. Tlio voto was a largo one, oxcocdlng eight millions . Somewhat Severe. For fear somo of our rcaderj may in tend to remoo to Cincinnati, wo pub lish tlio subjoined article, showing what frightful conditions of physical demoralization obtain In that city. One of tho cltlzoiu having died sud denly, a physician after examination made tho following roport or tho pro bable, causo of dorttli. Wcwondor thnt tlio nnfortuuato deceased held out ns long as ho did. "It Is evident, I think, that Mr. W. had a phlegmonous Inflammation of tho fauces, which involved tho tonsils, tho adjacent areolar tissue, tho solt palate, the epiglottis, and tho superior vocal cords. An cedematus stato of the arytenoeiilglottidcan folds ensued, constituting that condition known us cedema of the glottis. Tho modo of death was by apneca, n considerable Increase in tho effusion suddenly tak ing placo whllo he was asleep." Pennsylvania Stato Sunday School Convention. Tho Annual Convention will bo held at Harrlsburg, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Juno M, 15, and 10. Gcorgo II. Stuart, Esq., Is expected to preside. Each Sunday-school in tho Stato is requested to send two or more delegates. Pastors and Sunday school workers aro also Invited to nttond and participate. It is requested that tho names of thoso who expect to attend shall be sent to Rev. Thomas II. Rob inson, D. D., Chairman, or John M. Sayford, Esq., Secretary, of tho local commlttco of arrangements at Harrls burg, on or boforo tho first day or Juno, so that places or entertainment may bo provided. Secretaries of county organizations are requested to immediately send their address to tho Stato Secretary, Lewis D. Vail, Esq., 703 Sansom Street, Phila delphia, so as to rcceivo printed details. Whero thero is no organization, tho Secretary wishes to correspond witli somo earnest Sunday-school worker,and rdquosts that his or her namo bo for warded to him. Pennsylvania Rcscrvo Association. Tho next annual meeting of tho sur viving officers and soldiers of tho Penn sylvania Reservo Volunteer Corps, will bo held on Tuesday May 17, at Lock Haven. Tho oratorof the day will bo Col. Wm. B, Mann, of tho 2d Regiment. District associations and Individual mcmbersdcslriugoxcurslon tickcts,will address Major John C. Harvey, Record ing Secretary, Chesapeako Nail Works, Harrisburg, Pa., who has been nego tiating with tho Pennsylvania Central and Northern Central Railroads. It is deslrablo to havo as largo a turn out as posslblo on the occasion, or tho members or this grand old Division. Tho Lock Haven boys havo mado great preparations for the reception of their old comrades, on tho occasion. WM. M'OANDIESS, Vico President. John H. Taqqaut, Corresponding Secretary. Destructive Firo in tho Mountains. White nAvr.N, Luzerno county May 4,1870. Extcnslvo flre3 Jiavo been burning In the mountains around tills place for soveral days. To-day thoy approached tlio lino of tho railroad and caused somo detention to tho trains, Those that passed down tho Lehigh had to run thogauntlot of flames and donso smoke. Tholargolumberlngostablish incuts of Thos. McICean and Stoddard, Braden & Co. caught firo and nro still burning. It is estimated that In each of their piling yards thero Is fiOO.000 ieot of lumber valued at $20 per thousand. Thero Is no hopo of saving any of it. Great fears nro entertained that tho nu merous contiguous mills will bo reached by tho firo and destroyed. If tho flames aro not stayed boforo thoy roach tho mills tho wholo town of Whlto II a von will bo placed in Jeopardy. Thero has been no rain In this locality for somo Umo,and ovorylhlng combustlblo burns liko tinder. It is supposed that tlio firo was Btarted in tlio leaves and under growth of tho forests by sparks from a passing locomotive. Franking. l'OSTMAeTEH ClllMWF.LL would bo ublo to reduco letter postage from threo to two cents por half ounce If tho frank ing business wero abolished. It would manifestly, therefore, bo greatly to tho advantago of tho public If tho Senate passed tho Bill, which tho Houso sent to It, carrying out tho proposed reform. But Senators do not liko tho idea of paying tho postagoon thelrown letters. The bill Is to be quietly strangled. Tho public cannot reasonably expect to en Joy relief at tlio oxpouso of its solf-sacrl flclng representatives in Congress. Timet. The citizens of Helena, Montana, on Monday, proceeded Inavory deliberate manner to try two prisoners, A. Lo. compton and James- Wilson, who con fessed tho robbory and attempted mur der of a citizen on tho 27th of April. A committee- of twenty-four was named lotry the caso: a verdict was found at 2 P. H. i and at 4 v. h. the prisoners wero executed by hanging them ton trco. THE COLUMBIAN Court Proceedings. tcOSTlNUKD FKOSI LAW WEEK. Thursday, May C, 1870. Samuel Mellenry and Joslah Klino v John Ittchnrds and S. F. Richards. On motion of Mr. Brockwny, rulo to show causo why tho appeal should not bo stricken olfj contiuuod. John McAnall vs Jeremiah Jncoby. Jury return a verdict for tho plaintiff for $183.00. In tho matter of tho cstato or Gcorgo Pfell deceased. Petition to reopen ac count; on motion of C. B. Brockway, II. II. Grotz, Esq., continued as audit or. In tho account of tlio administrators or Isaac Richnrds deceased. On motion or E. R. Ikclcr, Esq., O. G. Barkley, Esq. appointed auditor to distrlbuto proceeds In tho administrator's hands among tho heirs. ThoCatnwIssa Rail Road Company vs tho Danvilio llazlcton and Wilkes Barro Rail Road Company. Tho do fondant moves to dlssolvo the Injunc tion in this case. Sheriff's Deed to A. B. Stowart for tract of land In Brlarcreek and Fish ing crock townships. Sheriff's Deed to Isaac K, Schwcp penholscr for a tract or land in Mifilin township. Sheriff's Deed to Jacob Schuyler for a lot of ground In Bloomsburg. Tho Danville, llazlcton and Wilkes barro Rail Road Company vs William McKolvy Defendant's counsel moves to dlssolvo tho injunction obtained by Plaintiff in this case. Rulo granted to show causo, J. S. Brobst vs Jacob Bower by agreement of counsel W. II. Abbott, Esq., appointed auditor to mako report distributing tho procoodsor tho Sheriff's sale Petition or C. B. Brockway Executor or Isaac Davis deceased: rulo to show causo why an order or salo should not bo made, Petition for roviow of road near tho houso of John Wnnich In Mount Ploas ant towusliip. Stephen II. Minor, Joslah II. Furman and Peter Illllmycr ro-vlowers. Petition for a road in Fishlngcrcok township near tho houso of William Ikcler Samuel Roan, John J. Mellenry and Benjamin Warner viewers Petition for n ro-viow of a road In Hemlock township near Gcorgo White night's-Stephou Baldy, Clinton Ellis and 8. D. Rluard ro-viowers, Petition for view of n road in Jack son township near David Young's S. A. German, Enoch Fox and Joseph Dribleplcco viewers. Petition for appointment of viewers to extend Fourth Streot in Uloomsburg westward from Market Street M. G. Hughes, Gcorgo Scott and Joseph B. Knlttlo viewers Petition for a bridgo In Sugarloar twp. over West Crccek C. B. Mellenry, John Sutton and William Ikcler view crs. Petition to lay out and vacate a road in Orangovlllo near David Herring's Grist Mill Robison Ikcler, Peter Caso and I. K. Krickbautn viewers. Petition for a road In Scott twp. near Trench's Mill dam Charles H. Doeb ler, John K. Grotz and J. J. Robblns vlowers. Petition for a roviow of a road in Briarcteek twp,, near Henry Doak's, John Snyder, David Herring and A. B, Stowart ro-vlewers. Petition lor a road near John Wa- nich's in Mount Pleasant township E. G. Ricketts, Rohr Mellenry and Miles Williams viewers. Petition for a private road in Benton Township near Andrew Runyan's house Ezekicl Cole, (Jackson,) David Yocura and Jefferson Fritz vlowers. Potition for n ro-viow of a road in Franklin township no.ir Valentino Voght's James McNinch, C. Rawnnnd Clinton Margcrum vlowers. Report of viewers of a road In Bloomsburg near O. A. Jacoby's con firmed ul. si. and width of road fixed at fifty feet. Report of re-viewers in Catnwlssa township near Hughes' Foundry con firmed nl. si. and width of road fixed at elghty-threo feet. Roport of road in Conynghnm town ship near tho "Rod Tavern" confirm ed. Report of ro-vIower3 of road in Cata wlssa township in tlio southern lino or South Street, report set aside. Report or viewers of a road In Frank lin township near Valentino Voght's, width of road fixed at thirty threo foot. Report of view crs of a road in Lo cust township near Win. Thomas' con firmed. Alloy In Orangovlllo, beginning at Church alley, confirmed. Report of viewers or road In Jackson township, near Augustus Everiiart's, confirmed. Report or salo or John K, Robblns, administrator of Benjamin Lowo.dec'd. confirmed nl. si. Petition and application of James Kiefor, commlttco of Daniel Gearhart, n lunatic, for sale of real estato. W. H. Abbott, Esq,, appointed auditor to ro port facts with his opinio i. Petition of Samuel T. Lowls and Elizabeth S. Lowls, for appointment of guardian. J. Y. Shannon appointed, Potition for guardian by Edward W. Warlug and Rachel B. Waring. Wm. Peacock appointed. Petition of Walter Mason for guar dian. Waltor Mason appointed. Tho second nccount of Isaac Sclg frled, commltteo or Dorcas Crovcllng, a lunatic, confirmed nl. si. Petition of Isaac Solgfrled as com mittco or Dorcas Crovcllng, a lunatic, for discharge Tliocommittoo discharged upon paying over to tho commlttco ap pointed In his placo, tho funds In ills hands. Petition of Samuel Crovcllng, for np polntment us commltteo of Dorcas Crovellng, a lunatic. Petition to Inqulro of tho lunacy of Anthony W. Davis. Wm. II. Abbott, Esq., appointed commissioner. Ton daysnotlcoto bo given to tho alleged lunatic, and also to Julia A. Davis, his mother, and Eliza Davis, his sister. Report of salo of Reubou Bellas, com mlttco of Benjamin Boono, a lunatic, confirmed, nl. si. Tho court directed n Grand Juiy,nnd thirty alxTraverso Jurorsln tho Quartor Sessions, Oyer and Tcrinlnor, nnd Com mon Ploas to bo drawn for September term, 1870. Fhidav, May 0. Report of C. B. Brockway, auditor in tho estato of John Boalor. Referred back to auditor. William A. Case vs tho township of Bcott on motion of Mr, Frcezo court granted leavo to Jiavo n execution AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, ngainst tho dofondant nnd collect Judg ment and costs. In tlio first nnd final nccount of M. E. Jackson asslgnco of P. M, Traugh on motion of Mr. Llttlo, O. B. Brockway npolntcd to mako distribution. Aaron Person vsSaniUel Lclby rulo granted to show causo why Judgment should not bo stricken off nnd execu tion bo stayed. Martial law In Georgia, Martial law in its mostoffenslvo form has been proclaimed In Georgia. Tho courts, Stato nnd Federal, arolu full op eration there, no Insurrection exists, no calls for troops havo boon mado, nnd yet n mcro captain of Infantry is now trying ncitlzon for his llfo. When tho Inst Geor gia bill was under discussion tho Uni ted States Scnato voted down every proposition authorizing tlio suspension or tho writ oflmbea3 corpus, nnd yet now, by mcro bruto forco and vlolouco, without tho faintest color of law and without the least pretenco or necessity, General Terry, In commnnd or tho troops stationed In Georgia, approves tho rufllan behaviour oThls subordinate, and tells hlra in so many words: " I'oii will not permit the prisoner to be produc ed in Court,or admitted lo bail, until de cision in the premises is rendered at these head-quarters." Tlio writ sued out In behalf of tho kidnapped Georgian, has accordingly been dculcd. On Wodnos- day,Mr, Beck offered a resolution In tho lower Houso of Congress, to Inqulro of General Grant tho authority of this pro cedure, whereupon Mr. Shank objects, and tho Radical majority, by sustain ing that objection, stifles tho call. So It lias como to this, that tho days of tho Jleado doni!nal!on,vlien men woroput in n sweat-box nt Fort Pulaski to tor- luro them into giving ovldcnco against other men, havo returned to Georgia, and Congress abets tho wrong. It Is rumored that Orant thinks tho best thing that can bo dono with tho Stato Is to mako it a permanent military pro vince. Just as tho reconstruction soro is healing, this man, and his backers In tho House, tear open tho ulcer, infuso into it new venom, and irritato nil Its pestilent humors anew. More than this; to enter tho Stato or Georgia in time of profound peace, and drag a citizen before n military commission for Ids Ufa Is a direct Insult nnd men nco to every ono In tho United States. It revives tho worst days of tho "llttlo bell, "and betokens a lawless and un governablo temper in the admlnistra tion which threatens, if not checked, to do, at perhaps no very distant day, In Pcnnsyh'nnla what It now does In tho South. Lancaster Intelligencer. Where's lUCcrcurT A very pertinent enquiry is started, whero Is Mercur? Is ho in attendance at Congress, or Is ho skulking like so many others? Ills former friends around hero must not badger Ulysses too severely. It will bo remembered that Bradford county, Mcrcur's homo, has been noted in tho past as a free' trado district. It received this namo from tho steady support It gavo to Davo Wilmot, nt tho time, tho most advanced freo-trader in tho State. Bradford Yankees for rree-trado, and Columbia and Montour Radicals for a high tariff, places Ulysses in n peculiar position. No wonder ho dodgos. But ho will ultimately straighten up mnt tors. Somctimo henco tho American will bo publishing Mcrcur's tariff speech, which ho never dolivcred. Then how tho Montour Rads will throw up their hats, and go off in an exstacy or delight. Mercur is cunning; knows how to throw dust, pull tho wires, ic. ir ho is a pigmy In Con gress, ho stands a very "triton among tho minnows" in this locality. Yaei ligeneer. An attempt at this early day to estl mate tho crop prospects of the year must of necessity prove In many res pects unsatisfactory. There Is n ten dency in tho bucolic mind to look nt tho dark side of tho ruturo, and tho weather is generally too cold or too warm, too wet or loo dry, to entirely meet tho fanner's view of fitness. It Is safe to allow a largo margin for natural despondency. On tho whole, so far as our exchanges Indicato, tho prospects for a good harvest aro fair. The cold and open winter did somo damngo to winter wheat, but to this tho heavy snow-storm of March affords a partial corrective, and In nil parts of tho coun try over which Its protecting mnntlo was ppread tho crop will bo unusally largo. Tho Indiana papers aro less despondent than n weekor two ngo,and, whllo somo reluctantly connedo tho probabilities of an nvorogo yiold,othors beliovothnt tho harvost will bo abun dant. Missouri seems to have suffered inoro than her neighbors, but oven there tho prospect Is not entirely dis couraglug. Tlio mails from California speak ciieorlngly of tho wheat crop, though a recent (olographic despatch wouiu seom to indicate mat tho con tinuo d drought had effected a very do- cldod cbango. Tho season, though lato, has opened favorably for spring sowing and planting, but too many coutln goncies llo between seed-timo and har vest for any cstimato ortho latter to bo formed at presont. World. New York, May 5. Passengers who left San Francisco on the Pacific Rail way, on Thursday 2Sth ult., at 8 a. m, readied this city at sovcuthls morning making G days and 23 hours in transit, tho quickest timo yet across tlio eontl n cut. WiLKEsn ahru, May 0. A disastrous firo broko out botwoen twolvo and ono o'clock this morning, destroying somo half a dozen barns and outbuildings. Tho cxtenslvo livery stablo of P. Corullf, In which wero thlrty-ono horses, two cows and n lot of pigs, was cntlroly de stroyed. Nouo of tlio stock was saved. Ono pair of horses wero valued at $1, 000. Loss cannot now bo ascertained. Partially Insured. Pottsvillu, Pa , May C.-It Is un derstood from a rellablu sourco that n final and determined secret movement Is on foot among tho leadcrsof tlio pres ent strlko to persuade) tlio Lehigh and Wyoming men tu join them. Thoy nro becoming convinced that unless other roglons suspend thoy canuot succeed. Tlio operators aro stronger and inoro confident. Somo or them say that the men must resumo work within throo weeks. If tho movement to bring about a suspension in Lehigh and Wyoming falls, n decllno In tho price of coal may bo looked for, und n par tial if not n general resumption or work In Schuylkill county will tako placo. Congress. Thursday, May C In tho Sen nto, yesterday, udobnto on tlio Houso resolution for final adjournment on July 4, occupied tho wholo of tho morn ing hour, nnd tlio resolution went over without action. A number or bills wero disposed or,nniong them tlio Houso Joint resolution to pay .tho widow or tlio latoGcn. Rawllna ono year's salary as Socrotary of War, which waa passed. A bill was introduced to incorporate the International Society of tho united States for tho protection of immigration. In tho House, tho Tariff dobato was resumed soon after 12 o'clock, nnd the section relating to steel rails and Bes semer steel was further discussed. Tho duties wero finally fixed as follows: On railway bars composed wholly or steel, two cents per pound; partly of steel, ono nnd n half cents por pound ; Besse mer steel, $30 per ton. Friday, May fl. In tho Senate, ycsterday,rcports from committees wero received as follows: Proposing Indefi nite postponement or tho bill for a pen sion for Mrs. Lincoln; recommending tho bills authorizing a lcaso or build ing In this City for military usos; ad versely on tho bill regulating impor tation or Immigrants under labor con tracts. Tho Scnato adjourned nt 0 o'clock. In tho House, but comparatively llttlo business was transacted. Tho Civil Servico bill was further discussed, and, finally, with tho amendments offered, was on motion of Mr. Jenckes, recommitted. Saturday, May 7. In tho Senate, a bill was reported to sccuro equal rights in tho District. Tlio legislative, oxccutlve, and Judicial appropriation bill was considered until tho hour of adjournment. Tho Hoiuo was not in session. Tuiisday, May 10. In the Senate yesterday Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, was permitted to call up the bill to reduce taxation, in order to afford htm an opportunity to speak upon it, In view of his premeditated nbsonco whon tho subject shall bo considered. Hu spoko two hours and a half, directing attention lo tho subject of dispensing witli direct taxation and tho adoption of a tariff for tho purpose- or revenue and protection. Tho bill to extend tlio timo for presentation or claims for bounty, under the act of July 20, 1SCG was reported with amendments. Tho Appropriation Bill was taken up and tlio amendment to reduce tho appro priation for tho Bureau of Education was debated at length, and tho question was raised of tho advisability of con tlnuing tho existenco or that Bureau and tho Bureau of Statistics. Tho Houso, owing to a prevailing understanding among tho members that no session was to bo held, yester day, adjourned without transacting any business. Wednesday, May 11. In .tho Sen nto a bill was reported from coinmittco to provido for rcrunding certain duties imposed on tito importation of Russian hemp. The army bill was called up and discussed, as was also tlio legis lative, executive, and judicial appro priation bill. In tho Houso Joseph II. Lewis, mem ber elect f rom Third Kentucky district. was sworn in. Tho Northern Pacific Railroad bill was taken up. .Latest News. Sioux City, May 3, Parties arriv ing from Fort Sully report that the Chcycnno agency is in full possession of tho Indians. Tho party ntternpted to land, but wero ordered off by tho Sarapes, who fired over their heads, Major Randall and comrades aro prison ers. Tho Sarapes liavo killed a largo number of cattle, tho carcasses or which can be seen lying along the river banks, St. Louis, May 3. Col. A. Payno nnd M. C. Stapleton, two influential citizens of Monticello, Kansas, quar reled and agreed to scttlo tho difficulty in a dark room, Payno with a knifo and Stapleton with arovolvor. Staplcton's throat was cut and Payno was shot through the lungs. Neither nro ox. peeled to recover. Washington, May 3. Gen. Slicri dan telegraphs den. Sherman that tho Indians havo takenposession of soveral of tho small forts near Fort Sully, and havo mado prisoners of tho command ants. Gen. Sheridan lias again left for tho front. Mr. Vincent Collycr, Secrc tary to the Indian Pcaco Commission fears thnt war is Inevitable. New York, May 8. Daniel Drew proposes to glvo another million to tho Drew Theological Seminary to endow a literary department and mako it a University. Ashi.and, May 8. A great llro oc curred at Ashland to-day. r.loven houses wero burned to tho ground, nnd fourteen families havo been rendered houseless. New York, May 10. Tho jury In tho M'Farland caso returned a verdict ofnot guilty, which was greeted with much enthusiasm, and M'Farland was discharged from custody. To wanda, May 10. A freo trado moetlng was hold in Towanda last night. Major Charles II. Schrinor spoko In the court house, on tho tarlir, two hours, In reply to Judgo Kelloy, and was applauded by n largo andlenco. New Orleans, May 10. Tho prlzo fight which took placo noarLunersvllIo to day, betweon Jem Mace, ox-chuni-plon of England, and Tom Allen, re sulted In a victory for tho rorraer. Tho fight lasted fifty seven minutes, with only ten rounds, when Allen's sliouldor was discovered to bo out ofjolnt. Newspapers and Intelijo encis, "Wherever I havo wandered In my missionary labors, whether In tho East or West, North or South, I havo nl ways observed that whero tho nows paper was taken by thonimlly, thero tlirift.morallty and goncral Intelligent wero to bo fouud. In tho log cabins or tlio West, as soon as my oyo caught sight of tho newspaper, I thought to myself; "Hero at least I will find mor ality, Intelligence, courtesy, and wcl como.as well as a gardon rlpo torecelvo tho gospel seodl" and I was soldoin mistaken. On tho contrary, whero neither newspapers nor good lookw wero to bo soon, thero Ignorance, big. otry, suporstltion and grossness wero found lu all their forms, Yes, I havo often thought that tho nowspaper was tho pioneer of clvlllzatlou, and did much to mako tho way easy for tho successful labors of tho homo mission ary, Lxclmnge. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. tllnomtburg Market iteiiorl. Wheat p" bushel - llvo Corn " - Oats. . " , Flour por barrel - Cloversecd ' Flaxseed...... - - Hutter - Ksri - Tallow - Potatoes Dried Apples - - Hams Hides ami Shoulders Ijird perpouuil liny per toil lrtoN No. I Seotoh pig No. a " 11 loom LUMIlint, Hemlock Boards per thousand feet....... im., " (one Irichl M 40 7 W , 8 ) 2 05 40 20 10 2 M W 17 i 2D , 18 W ta ..,-w .....31) 10 00 Joist, ScantlhiK. Plank, (Hemlock) 0 HhlnglcB, No. i per thousand suing " 2 " " R. ir.":::::-."::::::: is w riilUdelpliln Markets. Northwestern superfine at 'H1" 1-lJ Northwestern extra -??,? J, Northwestern family 6-.5,M.S,5t Pennsylvania and Western extra .5.75JPJ 0.7J Pennsylvania and Western family .9MW H.00 Pennsylvania and W estern rancy ll,wi ' I,.,- Hnll, t.1.25 Whkat Pennsylvania red, 9 bus ,f,W Houthern " " JiG0S2.75 California " " .. fH" white Jt.15i3J3.10 HVE-Pennsylvttiila rye, -f. lius El.00iSSI.0S fous Yelluw, ,.?,,! M'l.ll.. Sl.17Al9l.il OATH-ftlllS QtfH Mass lleef, " W.M Dressed Hons, V a Mctauc Smoked Ham " l,c(il " Hhouldcrs V 1! . 13c I,nrd,Vir 17cal2c HKED3 Cloverkced V bus f9.Wlji9.ol -ritnnthVKpnil lms St.37 Flaxsci-d " J2.M Cattle -lleef Cattle V ft 8c?c Cows, Abend t45tW) NHKKP lo Mtn Hoos-tl 1(10 lis (11313.0) MARRIAGES. KMNE-COM:.MAJ-Ou tho 8th Inst., by J. It, rurman, i;si air. a. it. iiiiue, 10 .mss nus.ui na Coleman, uotli of l'lshlnsereclt twp, HKim-JOHNHON April Till. 1ST0. by Rev. H. Wilson, Mr. lico'go W. Iterr. uf Wnshlmjtou vllle, nid Miss AUca Johnson of Jersey town. IinNDRICKPON' RUN VAN April lull, U.7 tho same, .Mr, Auram nenunciison 01 uney iwp. Montour ro., and Miss Angelina Runyau,of Joril.m twp. Ijycomlnj ojiinty. GRnuOttY-IlLOCKtlOH-On tho 31 Inst., by llev. i)r. lioiiqson, .Mr. .101111 mogory una .miss Aim ltlockstge, both of D.iuvlllo. KURTZ-LONO-At Turbotvllle, on the 2llh ult. by kov. .lacou r. wampoie. ..ir. i. jj. Jsuriz, to Miss Jcuulo Long, holh of Milton. CRARY-mni-On April tho Mill, by tho Rev. ii. r. King, Air. Mason 11. crarv, nnu ansa . Kate Ulrd, all of tjhlckshluny, l'.i. QUICK FUEKZH On tho 5th of May, 1S70. nl 1110 resilience oi inu uriuti's miner, ny iiuv. ,ur. Cullen, Mr. Wm. Quick und Miss Chrlstlno u. Kiceze, DEATHS. LUEIllIU-Xo.rTurliotvnio.ontl.i) 17lhof Mnrch Levi 1. llelber, aye 1 11 yiur.s, 11 months nnd M days. WAGNnU-InMincitoiiotwp., on tho Z'A ult. Howard, sou or uimries ami u.iroinio was uer, agcti '1 yearn, i iuouth3 nud 1 dayn, IIAUEft Near Mmcatonevillo, on tlm 23th ult. .Ificob Mtelmcl, sou oi William and Josephine Harer, aged 8 months and 1J days. WINNHK-Iu Uuckhorn.on tho 2Stli of April, ls7i, Mrs. Anna Winner, ngad (il year and 11 months. KMMUr-In I'rosty Valley, on tho7lh Inst., Mr. .lames Ummctngod 71 years, 5 mouths nnl 17 dayb. KSSICK-Near White Hall, Montour ro., ltf l'Jth uU.,llalseu JUsslclc.asndT'Jicars,? mouths nnd 11 days, KMNn-Atl!entou,nu the 17lh ult., Mrs Cath urine, vllo of John hi. Kline, aged about 33 yra. K LINK At Ilenton, on tho 29th ult., Elijah, sou of John B. Kline, used about 5 years. HT1LES-AI Ucnton.ou tho JOth ult., Amanda, wilo of Ittchard Htllcs, nged 37 years und 7 mos. Lines on tho Doath of Jcuuio. Now our darling Jennie's bleeping In tho cold and silent grave, She has lelt us, darling treasure, for cold Jour dan's storm to braro, She has braved It, she has braved it, though tho Uonn was raging high, Says she, "mother you can spare me, I am uot afraid to die," Lo, the mother gontly whispers "Jennie dear Ma would not know how to spare you, uulus Gad wills that you should g' But the angels cacao and took Iter to tho nuns ion of tho blesl; "Farewell, parents nnd little brother, I am lean ing on Jesus' brcaKt," 'Dearest parents, alt through hlckness you have watched my feeble way, And I thank j ou for your kindness, though with you I cannot htay ; But dear parenu how much I love j on that no mortal soul doth know. And you too, dear llttlo brother, but Jebus calls tllV, x mutt gu. "But dear parents come nnd meet mo at my lUeised heiwenly home. And teach dear brother to iovo Jesus, for he Bays all such bhall come ; Kiss me qulck.my deure.U parents, for my breath is going fast, And let mo kiss myllulo brother, for this kiss wm uo inu iasi, ll.u.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TQISSOLUTIOX Tliecrwpartncn.lilDhcrctafnrcexktlnsbctWpeii .? . ... twi'. ii. o. n.ujv, iihi uiiH (lay, ma' wilved by mutual convent, W. 11. KooWH, Illoomiburg, May 7, lsio-at. 11. J. CIi.MtK. ICKI WO. tllB llnilorhllZllMl llfrllV fort HV Mi,l Tama. MattbeWS. Ot UemlOCiC tuwithhtn lllnnnrpnt. n lar ni we havo any knowledge, of tlio llioft of uir, Ltiimnn,Ki- mucii umc.es were recently ktolon from in. 'i'liero H no proof that ho was In .111, lllUUUCl IIIIIHII-UICU, oiiAnr.rssAoi:, 1I1IIAM XKVHAllT, o. w.jiittu:, llloomsbura, .May 13, lSTO-ut, jSJOTIOK TO TAXPAYERS. Thero will ho n meeting or the Town Council of llloomsburg, on Tuesday May 2tth next nt 111 o clock A. M. in the Orand Jury room of tlio Court Home, ror tho riurnoaoof heat lug nppenls from Biich persons as deem themselves errone ously classified lu tho Assessment IJsU. Thoso iitii'ii-Mcu wm timo notice nnu attend If thoy keo lit. lly Order or tho Council. V, COOLKV. llloomsburg .May 13, 187i)-2t, Hccrelary. ADJIIXISTKATOU'S NOTICE. lisTATn of rimnnmcK iiaiitman. Br.nnc'n, Letters or Administration on tho estate of Frederick Harlman,Hr.,latoof 1-lshlugercek twp. Columbia county dco'd., havo been granted by the i Register or said county to I. K. Krlckbaum, pr Ilenton twp. Columbia county. All persons having claims ngainst tho estnto or tho decedent nrd u quested to present them for tettlemeu., nnd thoso indebted tn thn estate to mako pay ment to tho uuderslgued, administrator, witli- U"'""J . J. K, 1UIIUKIIAU.M, mayW.O-Ow. Admiulstrator, s HERIFF'S SALE. liV VlHUQ Of (t Writ nf Vn.llltunl VvrAmiD l SUed OUt Of tllfi Court of IVmimnn llf..u nf v,l. uinuirt county and tn me directed will bo expos cd to wile by public vendue or ontcry at the Court Houso in Jlloomsburt'.nt 10 o'clock In tho foreuoou ot Saturday. Juno 4th, lbTU.tho follow fi inmiu, LU Will All tleff ll.lniltS rlfht ttfln nml Inlaro.) n,,.l clalm of, lu and to u certain tractor parcolof ..u o.luu.d n 11 iiiuiir luwiiHiup, uouuueu on tho north by William OlKer.on Ihe cast and fcouth by bnyder.nnd on tlio went by Kchrum, ing the same land formally owned by tho lutt Ur, John ltamsev. Heized, taken In execution and to bo sold as luujuuijcuy ui jiuiifN ii, uampy. mayl3'70-3w. Bherlir. "DRIDQE NOTICE W o will meet tho Commissioners of Noithmn. bcrlnnd county, on Thursday, May 19th 1S7U. for the purposo ofexamlulnit the Uto for a County i!!cidi-.ovcr I,VP,ni;crt'c'c' to bo erected on tho line between the two counties, nt n point In rnnkllu township where sail bridgo Is to Li AIiO On Frldjiv. tho mil, lnE, ... .mi.ni.. Beaver township to tako steps to'iuovo tho old .A'i'Si0TT1"!,',loublo.,ra'lt"rl'!'0 over Fishing, creek below lllooLishuri.. moa.1u n ,iDU, i.. posalswlllbo iecelTednt this olllee until' Juno Mil, lor lurulshlng shingles to cover said bridge. ..v. Bum);!,.!,, jxny OUU WISIUU1 lo correspoud hy lei tcr with us can do so. Ail communications will bo promptly attended to. ill 11 I B i omco Juu0 ""'i lm n,,a IJAVIU VkauuU, ) Coinmrs. , , OYHUH HOlllllK'S, J Col, Co. Attetli Wm. Kiiickiiavm, Clerk, Commissioner's Otlleo, 1 llloomsburg, Muy U, 1S70, A UDITOIl'S NOTICE. t.i IlHYivar AND final account ok m. k JACKSON. KSa.. AS.SlQNi:i riv 1'Kri.if r ...,,,,1, 'Iho uudersigned nppolnted by tho Court 'or Common l'leas or Columbia county. Auditor to u.n,..u.,.,u,, i,,iiK cieuiiorsoi tno liai uuceln tho hands ,if M. .'. T.nL.u,... iv,X . - i S?S? yJr'Ti1, Trough. will meet tho parties IKLh!.!'1 "rt1'" Purpose or his uppolntmont nt the olflce of M. Ii Jackson lu llerwlik, Columbia county.on Friday. Juno loth, 170. at II A. !.. und June Uth. 1870. nt li a m am ,.r.Vi,....u ed orhavlug claims ngainst the said l'etcrM. 1 rough are reo,ustod Ui nltcnd.or bedebarrwl ..mvvu.,u. Ul)l Ul lllU SUlll IllllU , iuavl3'70-lw. Auditor -Uerwlck Qaietts ploaso copy. A Friu Mj KINDS OK JOB PRINTING Xlbatlv executed at TlfB Pji, ttiii , . w u,A. UMTOR'S NOTIOI3. . LF.STATES OPCATItAlllNB I.tirm Al-KTElt I.UTZ. r; tt.n nri.i (TimrL nf Columbia county. tnlcr nlidtlio Auditor appointed by tho .Court, on exceptions with power to innlio distribution of tho money In tno bauds of William Mil!! ad- miuisirainr oi uuuiorinu i,ui, imu Peter l.utr. decensd, will meet tho pnrtlcs Interested, for tho purposed his appoint incut, on Monday tho 13lh day ot Juno noxt, nt 10 o'efook A. M nt tho ofllcci of C. 11. llrockway In llloomshurit. Id said county. All parties Interested nro requested to attend, or bo dobnrred from comlnir In foi n part ofthosnldfund, -,,,. la 1J. imuuti iia'i mnvl3'70-4w. Auditor. i-llervlck (latetto please, copy. ATI.MT Hook.-Ancnts sell 100 per week. Price, H MY ". Adihess h, KTEDU1NH. Hnrtford.Ct. Cinr A DAYt 10 now nrllnlrs for AfrcnU. py HamrlcsW, A, 11. BHAW, Alfred, Mo. SAblCSMEN.-flcncl for Circular, nflrst class iuislnoss nnd sternly employment. 11, F. HOWIi, 37 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ilcndrllle TlieoloRlenl School. Unitarian ; M cducnteiMInlstcrsjJIWByenrtnpoorstndonU fifglns Aug. 11), Apply to. 1. l.iftcraoicMead vlfie, Pfl. 0 U1IIOUS, HOW BTHANOKI-Tho.V(irHJ iMtllet Private Companion contnlns tho desired, Inforiuntlnn, Kent irno for stain p. Address MRS. 11. METZUKR, Honoyer, Pa. t.,t ivir.i. iav AflUVTS nsnlarvof 83.1 W wonlr nr nllnw IL binrfl COinhllSSlon tO Hell our now Inventions. ....... In...nll,,n. A. , rot, . . W. V UNK .V CO., Marshall, .Mien, WANTI2U, AOKNTS. 80 Watch freo.glvcn gratis to every llvo man who will net ns our Anciit. llnslnnss light and honorable; pays M0 por day. Address lLMom ot Kennedy & Co. Plltsburg, BOOK AOKNTS WHNTI51J. "IMtllO 0 me While Home." No opposition. Hteol engrav ings. Rapid Hales, ror circulars, nuuress u. o. PuiiLisntNa Co., N. Y Cincinnati anil Chicago. Ct 1 T l.tCJlllWVr Wanted Inn paying business, SALLSMbiN H.KESNnnv,J Chlstuut fit. Phllailelpliln. 11SYC110MANOY, FABCINATION OR S01I1-l't-n AiiMfN-n ion uncos-cloth. This wonder- ml booi has full Instructions to cunblolbo rend er to rasclnaio eiiucr sex, or any iiiiunat, hi, in. Mesmerism, Hpirltuallsin, nnd hundreds of ptli- Re.idlngndilrcs,i,wlth 10 cents postage, tn T. W. EVANa&CO.,No.RHo. ElghthSt.,Plilladolphla. TAlt SPANal.Kl) UANNEU. A lnrgo 40 column paper, lilotr size. Illustrated, novo .t intibni.M., iWirr. Wit. Iiumor.ncmdHC fun Mnftcnan nf n RCimllllO Ullldl. nnd tO tll6 OXPO suroofHwlndllng. Humbugs, ,tc. Only "octs.n year, nnd a superb engraving "Lvannelino,' 1 i.'i i.t.nm!.i. 30.0()0 circulation. Monciirc united lo (III illuimkU. It Is wide-awake, fewness, 11 ill ill ill. iry iniNH. ".v' iJY r-i-L-Lii. l ltrJi:. Adutcs-s tin, iiiusuuie, iu DATENTS. X Inventors whowlshtotaltoont Lottern l'nt cut nre ndvlsed lo counsel with MUNNA CO..ed ltorsof tho AWraflrtc American, who hivo proso. entcd claims bernro tho l'atent olllro for over Twenty Years. Their American nnd lUnopoan I'lueiH agency is uiu inwv ah-iiii, 11, inu world. Charges less than nny other rcllablo nsency. A pamphlet containing tun instruc tions to Inventors is sent grniis. lUIN LU, I'arit itow, isow ion.. QNE MIUjIONoA.OUE9 UUUlUlJ 1UHA u .s u a t.nt ..nto. nt. S.t nor ncro. nnd Howards, tor cash. or on credit, by tho Iowa Uailkoam I,aniCi. Uallrnads already built throngh the Lnnds. nnd on nil sides or them. Orent Inducements to set tlers. Hend ror our rree lMinpiitot. it gives pri ces, terms, location; tells who should como west. wnuii nicy snuuiu uuuii, nuv ,vii. , sn" plans nud elevations ot in different stylos of rpiutv.nindo houses, whlcli Iho Company turnlsh ntlrom $250tojj00 ready to set up. Maps sent It uc&ircu. Ainu-ess V, W, WAljlvl.it, I ice J'lesiueni. Cudak HAl'ius, lown. A MODEL HOUSE. r. llelii!? ncrlnnle.T havo madcliousc p'.nunlng a t,i.clnl study, uuo built last season has proved n model ot convenience, beauty und economy. Dcscrlntive circulars or riaus, Views, etc., with general information ofvnluo to all, sent free. Address (with stamp or script if convenient). OEO.J. COLUY, Aichltoct.Wnterhury, Vermont. Sr.. liJIl'LUYillliST, SKI. HUNDHEDB OF AOKNTS mako from 5 to 810 per day, In selling our Fatknt Kxtensuin Ueki. and hwifts, combined. Used In every family for winding Yum, Kllks, Worsted, AO. Vluds full sized skein, nnd welEhs less than ono pound. AllllN't'M WANTED. For terms e ad dress A. 1,. HTAltlCE & CO, Auburn, N. Y. iuayi37D-iw. UY THE BEST, Till: UF.D I.ION 11UAND, BLACK All? AC J Is superior to nil others In color, duality nnd price ; to bo found only nt 31. 1'. LTJTZ'S Dealer In Dry Goods nnd Notions In Hrowcr's new uuiiuiug next lo mo iuuii. auui. iniii btteet, llloomsburg, l'n. mnyll 70-tf. nUIDOE ELECTION. An election of ofllccrs or tlio Catnwlssa llrldgo Company to servo lor the cnsulnz year, will bo held in Cutawlssant tho house or .1. 11. lvlstler on Monday, aiay aid. uuo. H. uii.iiKUT, Catawlssa, May 0, 1S70. secretary. N0T ICE. M ucrsons knowing tliemstvlvcs to bti lndebt ctl in the J.Ntnlo or Jacob l'.yer, deceased, nro hereby not Hied to ettio tbelr nccountHHt onco, othonvUu they will bo collected according to iti, ti, ii. iUUU-iiill, llloomLburg, May 0, 1870-tf Administrator jgENTON HOTEL, W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, 1113XTOX, COLUMHIA COUNTY, PA. This well known House havlnz been not in thorough roiialr is now open ior tho leceptlou of visitors. No tho perfect comforf. of guests. -.llliS 1HVII SINtiai IU t'ilMHU llfnrf. nT miostu 'rim nrntirlcliiK Thft nrmtrn.t nr nUo luns n Stnire li-om tho Hntfl to lUnnmOiiit-ir iHieiiui:m.iiu iituiur oil J. UL'bUUy, J. IHlI'tiUHy couan, cold on soke TllltOAT lleoulres lmmcdlato nttentloti, ns neglect orten results In nn lncuru- me i,ung xJisease. llKOWN'rt llItOXCllIAI, TltOrilnH will nlmost invariably glvo Instant mllnf Vttr II.,i.nlir,fL u,i....n Cntarrli, Consumptive iiful Throat inseascN, uiey nave a hootntng ef- SlUKers nndl'ubllo fipcnkcisuso them to clear nnd strengthenthu voice. Owing lo tho good reputation nnd popularity or the 'i roc hes, many worthless nnd cheap tint tullonsnre ollered, which aro good for nothing. 10 sure to ohtnln Ihe Iruo UHOWN'H UltONCHIAI. Titocnr.s. bOLO EVliWUEBE. nov. 12,'ca-Cm, JgOOTS AND SHOES. CLAttlC II, UUOWN, CKSTBB STREET, ADJOININa THE STOKE OF IIOIIUINS & EVEIi. A lull nnd completo assortment of ready made hoots nud shoes for men, women and children Just received nnd tor sale at reasonable rates, varieties to suit nil classes or customers. Tie h st or work dono nt short notice, as heretofore. ui,uimuwii( tapra7u-ti. OTIOE. All persons Indebted to the nnilerKlnd ,.lll,o ou Note or Ilook Account, are Ifcreby notified to settle their account atouee, or they will be col, i,,.-,i.-i,i,i:i-uiuiii!i iw luvr. J, u. JlUlliill, At, V. llloomsburg, April 1, 1870-tf. HUM IS NO 1'ATKNT MRniOlNl? lITTSIIHTri gotten up todupo tho Ignoiant nnd credulous nor Is It represented ns being "composed of raro nud precious substauccs brought from the four ii. IJI . i. " Ll c.ut";d seven limes across tho ureat Desert Of Hnlinrnli nnl i. i,n..iru t ....... "J518' 2 ,J.r.01,.Kl, ttcr" t' Atlnntlo Ocean on two Bhlps." It is a ttimile, villa, toollv iHt'i'S11"'" Vf'Mt Bvccljlo lor CATAititn aim il'".'? '",E 1'KAI'," also for oirensive llreelh Loss or Impairment of tho Sense or Hmcll.Tnsto V.rr JiSrl".B' . JV'uterliia or Weak Uyos.l'itln or l'ressure lu the Head, when oaused.ns they all 1 oiler, lu good falth.astaudlug lteward of W0 .. v.,u ui ,uiuiiii mub i uuiiuui cure. Fort sale ny most DituaawTS uvurtY. WllEUE. 1'jucc Only 60 Cents. , w!!!: ''?,t l"11'1- receipt of Bixtv .l u.' t"ckaSes for 61 Wor'l Djzou for on Lutairh. Address tlio Froprlolor, .imuii'T! ir 1'IFllCKM. 1).. mayl3 70-tf. 1Iuf-ai.o, N, V. 1, XJ A BUSINESS OAHD3. VIH1T1NU CAitua, LUTTIIU HIIADS, BILL HIIADS, l'ltOllltASIMra, I'osTKiia, AO.. AO. Neatly rtntl Clicajily I'rlntotl Fioin tho Latest btylcu of Type at the COLUMI1IAN OFFICII.. QOLUMI1IA COUNTY OO-OPEnATIVl-n TP. T. r v t.i . n - iwv, pa. OFPlCKRHi (III.llKltT It. FoWLUlt ... DANIKI, BNTDKlt .'."' Ciiaklks B. 'owr.Kit,..r.""',""'' M. C, McCollvjm. ,...,', HAMUEt, KNomt, .,.,r.,r.', " wl SUfl MEDICAL ZXAMts-fZ W. If, llnADLKY, Jt, D. , nnAnn n,., v,AS,St I stt(i-nTnt. Wit. H. Woodin, .. ' n.U.KttNn. ,JSHm . a.CnKVMIXa. "- atiXIUlAIj AOBXTi Jf. O. MCCOI.LUM COXXTITVTto.x AUT1CLB I.v..... The name, stylo, nnd title .,; I Mini bo the Columbia Co mS'A116 Assori.,,.1 iter Association, ' itraiivl AltTICLK lt.-oiiit Tho object or tho Anrvi.ii .. . V llcr or Fathers, Mothers, W Z-1111 tho I deceased members. ' v lao""1 H Orpin,' I ARTICLE lIt.-MEMDEKai,, . Scc.U Thorenuisito .,, ""?' "r. be'ai 'tiSTk VZm J setting forth his 'name? "''i 'rK'l dence, nnd paying his luidnt iofriM cant must ruriher produce n mcj l T"iri certlfflng that ho is a UtVefS lueiuoer. w weaul . The business or tho Assoclailrm . uucicu uy vo Trustees who shall T" w J i.v iuu icgui ar Rtnled TnnV nunU i soelatlon in October ot each ycj?. "'""'I AIlTtCI.E V.-OFFlfEIls At tlio first meetlug of Hia t....! venr. I bev slmll ..nt 7. r..' ,".e ."lilten In Secretary nud Treasurer t r7.,',l'S1,'Uo year. AllTItXE vt.-ru.tn. th'Jro simil be" n i ,. terest of which shall be1 "wSS'MZ said fund to bo provided! tilu'Z AU11CLK VII, All inollllIlM fl nm,,,.1 .1.- inu,iAin ...in.?.. . .:; ".-u"iKBUon n i nitiiVotthe iruveu in a suuseoueni meeting bv t I Court to hnvu sMd atnen duoSi. niiS?? I1U lriirtlt'Ctl. IllH.llfl.Miii. il.-.i.'.' uioj it r-LA ns 1 liUSTEKS. ntlim shall bu i imliiilud hy m t. .,''1 shall bo elect ed by ballot nil ill ' I of the Association to l,l,i,i ,,"n..'!a ini. j lit, iiioiiei iv nnu iiiiLirib.. ... . nf (lelnher. In uieli v.m '"'"' "rsiaon: i'or me purposo of such (leciinnifcaivl tees for the tlii'.o bVlng.sba.lffi nnd hours ror opening and closing the poll. 'A ,7,lZiieJ, 'f " f'W taw tho olllceof Iho Assiiclnllini.lii tli.. Tn...n.,.r 1 ou. ino irusiees s in l no i kttn.1 ..m.i .... ll.u.l.lp.l ,ln,..ln,...ri... . ",1 f i i. "''""""Jtvi'ni.jniy.L wti-.y, . iin-viiinis may uecauetl irt President nt his dlscntlon orliy nnrthnrii' Trustees. ini..i i.,.i,,uu -s.. 1111. 111IU i I IISIIIK IS 1 1 II 1 1 rnnxiiinTa n h.l 5th. Tlioolllrcrs. or this Asuerlnllm, .h.nl a l'rcsidcnt, a Vice President, heereturT is 1 Treasuter. and such other olllcers. H.,w.l ngents, ns may bo necessary. The i'psiAl Vico rresldeut, Hccrelary und Treasuring 1 uiecieu uy luo Aiusieesuiiu aoiu omcelyr (: year. BCTIE3 OF OFFICERS. Gib. Tho President, shall Dieslilp el nllmJ Imzs or the ltoaid of Trustees. i,ii,l Khol h I tho clilet imilingement nnd controlef tlieb.1 uess oi tno Association. All contractsonU'.l ot the Association shnll bo made by htm or tl uer ins nuiuuriiy, 11usua11see1n.il propar olds of tho businesH and inin-ii-tlnn. nf , Association areicept. JiosnaiiapiioiDtaat: piuyees nnu may reiuo o meiu at pleasure. He shall see that n denoslt at all lQnnerll, bo inado fron timo to lime la sudi luiik llauks, as the Trustees muy direct, lie shall, nually prcpnro and submit lo the Anoelnttoi their unnual meeting lu October, aa accuQ!i tho business of the Association for Ihe prectd year, and a statement of the nshi'tSAiid lud lies of tho Association. All arancles In Hoard of '1 rustees shall bo lllli J l,y sppolmi by Iho Fresldent. Tho Vice President shnll In riie absence nr, ublllty or tlio Fresldent net lu lil I'lncA BECllETAIiV. 7th. T ho Secretary shall ktep ttieacEn tlio Association, nnd a record ot all ptronif ployed, llo shall keep tlio lulnutesorilieSc. or Trustees ; notify the Tiustees of all Meellli communlcnto to oillcets, Agents, t'ommiu Ac, all resolves ami ordcisntlecllaigthemln uiseuarge oi incir iiuiies.nnn neriorm suea u duties und services us maybe rviulreJ;D! tuo direction oi tno rresiucni, THE TJtEASCItER. Sth. The Treasurer shall receive all inonei I tho Association und denoilt the nimelnrj llaukor Hanks, designated by Hie hoard oirfl tees. After iiavlin. thn currciitcxijeiisesUietl nnco shall bu securely Invested as toeRoartl rruaiccsmay tiueci. lie snnu iiiaseuiiiuua inents pursuant lo Instiucllcusof tbo ifoert '.trustees. It. Kh.il! further tin the ilute nf theTreaiuni tako chariro or all nronertles or the AsaoctW I nun to collect nil uiviueiius, iuiertsi,ivuw that may accrue from sucn iutliiiieosM nliinn ll,i cn,n lit thft ,r..l If of t ho AitfiCtat Ho shall also givo such Honda as lie Ira j miy irom tune to timo icquire. nfh All nnirnra nn,l dnllcs. not hcrclO 31 und discharged by tho l'resiatnt dtirln(U n n ,....,i.,,in. oi,.,.rU Ltmtl 1,h eiere cess oi tno jiuuiu ot a rustees. inn. All A..c.... 1.f.l,Pi, ll.i. noe? of t' ty and titty earsi Inclusive, may be stolil ny limiting piopcr iippinauuu i loiiowmg lurni i Columbia County Co opcratUe Relief Auxal liny. I'll,: Tho undersigned desires lo become a rata I of tho above Association and suwcnuri following regulations s 1st. To pay nvo dollars into tUeTreassrjJ Ihn limn nf mnlclns this apnllcallon. 'I dollar on or beroio Iho 1st day of JMtt'II each year thereafter aud live dollars ira ..,. ...in. i.. ,i,i,i nfier tbo ileatai ...,i.,. .1 ,ii i, ,,in been ttven til Secretary, so long ns tlio Association ntrall ono thousand or less; after reachlm one imi aud. the payments nt tho death of 1 O.nllhft r,rr.,-,rHnnnfelv less SO that no P01 fl holder shall receive more thau Ave tu 1 dollars. To keep tlio Secretary Informed urn r ,n.i,i,nfind in caso of i" I fromorchauce lulils orberresldencotoiW1 1 some ouo to act ns his or her agent to P Falling to observe nny of the ""J1 hereby ngreo to forfeit all cum" """" I moneys previously paid to this Aoc""""t Inclosed nlcaso flud live doilara asmf bcrshlp Fee, i Signed. Town, County, Stato, Ago, Occupatlou, In fuvorof Whom, , i..M certify n regular rnysiciaii uu .jbe! with no disease likely to prv fat1'aiin'r,, applicant for members hip. I county uo-oporauvo ifccuci Mlmieil. 11th. Kach member shall w '"LSaUlr cerllllcato of Slembeishlp and ou''"usA upon payment ot his yemly d f1' '.iVo amoa"1! tion, together with ft iccelpt tot t lie w , M ... , sesseti upon tne iieniu 'i said nmouuL Is nnld. , 12th. Any member falling o M;Jn,rij lars and ten cents within thlfiy,u''i'"f, o ll forfoits all prior payments r member of tho Association. nth. In ease a member dlf 'fbfnni "J or otherpeison eutltled to tl e i wj ,M p I As soclat ton, t he money shall heco iu , lU orly of tho Association except i ",luu I lent ior tuuerui uainju.", . , . ii ...,i..n,tprfJcJbJ'l nth, All ciuestions ma" ,", uy inenjj Jotlty of tho Trustees present n'rJ,Jrjed, uu inu yeas uuu J ;."," TrukteeB. .1 the demand of anylwooftlwTruw fl ,,i In case or a tie vote the prcsldlut. " havo the rnfttlncr vote. 15th. These lly-Lawsmay ' healiereJr?tl cd ot any meeting or l'18. .JjMnciirM'f '. fourths of Ihe metriliers ;Prc""u "r suil. f. vtucu luni ,1110 uwivw ,!T( vru nreVK'u' cnango nt least ior si .T .. .... a .....,n Inn. mocilUB , uA.."". ,ffl,sri! ICtli. The Board of Trustees u rliu receive such compensation for tni" the Hoard nay determine, 17th. Tho fee for medical I ""'"'MiJaSt ouedollarUDtobepaid by JWOJI rtiil ilcdical Kinmluerat the time tue given. LOCAL A(lEyi: J. II, ClIKMUEnUN 11,1. FuHTNKU.m '' , all 1 It. II, I'.ATUIf. aij;i (1.M.HOWE1.L I1! HlCllAllUHTlLrJ'.. 'i,'!,Tr'tUOnl,'f H FltKO, LAUBAtn jam. 3l,'70-3n