THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sfltf (ifflUtmlran -A Nil- BLQOMSBUHG, PAi Vrldar Mornlnsr, Mny 0, 1870. tr TUB COLUMBIA! lias til largest fJIreulMloit of any paper published lu Northern Pciiitsylraitlii, anil ll alto a much larger duet than any of Itseotem. porarleei anil I therefor the beet medium ror advertising lu thla seetlon oftho State. Our Indian Policy. Advices from tho Indian country aro fetich as to Justify fears of a general war. Sumo 20.000 Sioux, It Is reported, aro already on tho war path and aro to liojolnod by moro northern tribes. Tho reason given for tho dissatisfaction of tho Indiana Is, that thoy havo failed to receive their annuities, and wo have no doubt but that It b a correct one. For many years the Agonts deputized to de liver to thpuo pooplo their annual In HtalluimiU have shamefully robbed them, and by the distribution of whis key havo dono much to degrade and l.'inoralize them. It is useless tout to nipt to conciliate theso wandering rii'oi as loi g as Agents aro allowed to .v sd!o thi'iu. Moro honesty is irapor- l.i'idi d. It is the root of all r U ul'le 'ind Qtuikfr Commissioners ( no vail, whilst fair words i .i oti-A'i uy loui How much K'ruiau - massacre of women and children has had to do with tho general u.T'.itisfai.'l.oii it is impossible to say. That it lias h."l nn iutlucnco wo have no douhl. 11 is but a poor excuse to offer, that the Iudians are guilty of atrocities. Wo aro presumed to bo su perior to them in civilization, and out rages inflicted by us degrade us without Justifying us in them. Cameron's Courtesy. Tho New York World having coup mcnted severely upon Senator Carncr ou's publication of a breakfast table talk with Mr. Jefferson Davis, which occurred beforo tho war, and which tonds to show the Honorablo Senator's high abilities as a prophet, tho Day retorts sharply and draws a parallel between tho ingratitude of Mr. Davis and that of Mr. Cameron. Now wo aro notawaro of any rulo of logic which makes a right out of two wrongs. Tho J)ay devotes Itself to tho refutation of nn argument which was never advan ced. Tho World was not discussing Mr. Davis, but Mr. Cameron, and wo fail to sco how tho publication of a prl vato conversation which was hold whilst Mr. Cameron was tho guest of Mr. Davis, Justifies him because Mr. Davis was guilty of ingratitude to tho Government which gave him his early military education. Tho point was, whether it was a proper thing to givo to tho public a private talk, for tho purpose of making political capital, and whether tho amenities of social llfo aro only- to bo regarded by thosowhoaro not "loll" and United States Senators to hoot. Hon. William Montgomery. This prominent Pennsylvania demo crat died at his resldcnco, near Wash ington, Pa., on Thursday last. Mr. Montgomery was born at Canton, Brad ford county, April 11, 1819, and was educated at Washington collego. Ho graduated In 1839, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1812. In a few years he won distinction in his profess ion, and also became a recognized leader in tho democratic party. In 1850 ho was elected to Congress, whoro ho serv ed two terms. During his congressional career his name became conspicuous in nnectlon with tho so-called Critten ion Moiitcoinery amendment, which jo "nded as a measure of paclflca- h lv the slavery excitement. The Uttf years of hU llfo were clouded by ft 'Oinful family misforluiio. It will bo remembered that ho llgured In tho Dinsmoro murder trial as counsel for ids own son, who was indicted lor con nectlon with the crime. Howard. "The Investlgitlon of (Jan. O. O. Howard's ofll cbU conduct liutlms far tolled to develop a sin gle fact to his official dishonor." Sxshange. Ah ha I Well that is tho way Itepub llcanslook at these things. Tho truth is that there does not seem to bo any such thing as "official dishonor" now-a-days. Tho investigation has brought to light, that Oen. Howard used Qov ernmcnt money for private purposes and took In eschango therefor worth loss Church bonds, which wo prosumo, as things go, Is qulto right and proper. Gen. Howard having been one of tho Radical saints must needs bo upheld, but suppose he had been a Democrat and dono this. How would things bo then? Eh? Slection Contest in Phlla. Decided. Philadelphia, May 3. Judge AlllsoD, of tho Court of Com mon Pleas, rendered his decision this morning In tho contest, for tho District .Attorneyship. Tho Court decides that Shopherd, do mocrat, was elected by a majority of thirteen over Charles Olb bsna, tho Republican candidate at tho election in 18G3. This has been n curious case. First Shepherd entered on tho duties of tho office by a certificate of election : then contest oniucd, when tho Supremo Court decided that Cllbbons was ruling out tho voto of a certain division on account of fraudulent votes; and now tno common Pleas decides after a re count and almost lntermlnablo aru ments mat Shepherd was eloctod. The Houso of Representatives, In Commltteo of tho "Whole, has ralsodtho duty on halr-pInB 60 per cent, ad valo rem. The honorablo mombers havo struck a brilliant lead. May they fol low on through chignone, swJtchis, Draws, rats and mice, shoo-flles, jilalta, pauu, powaer. waus, and all tho para phercalla of feminine finery which from the days of Isaiah (chap. 3, v. 18) wave ueen used in the subjection of man. Jreai. Tho Geruiantown Telegraph an uiiuiKiti Cylonel Jolw W. Forney as a ctititiiuaio for Governor to succeed Gov cruor Geary. A correrpoii dent reports thoavcrago prico of voUb lu 14 Houditin Carpet Bag Legiblaluroul. ' Jl,37i 1-cr dozen, 6 por ceut off for cash.." , Court Froeccdlng-s. Court mot on Monday, May 2d, 1870, tho Hon. William Kiwell, President Judge, and his associates, Hon. Irani Dcrrand iron. 1. S. Monroe, on tho bench. John A. Kiliislou, Ei., Appointed Foreman of tho Grand Jury. Daniel Iey hard, Bamuol Btcllornml Isaac Mcllrldo appointed Tipstaves. Constables' returns received, and tho Constables elected for tho ensuing year sworn lu nnd their bonds approved. In tho matter of exceptions to tho ac count of John IColchuer and Lavltia Davenport, administrators of Jno. Dav enport, deceased, on motion t 13. II. Little, Esq,., C. W. Miller, Esq., contln tied as Auditor on exceptions with pow er to mako distribution. In tho matter of tho account of tho administrators of Andrew Proas, a commltteo of Stephen Walp.ou motion of Mr. Jackson, Qoorco S. Coleman. Esq. continued ns Auditor. Com. vs CharlosSnyder Fornication nnd Uastardy Charlc3 Snyder and John S, Monsch bound In tho sum of five hundred dollars for nppearanco of defendant at next term. Com. vs Daniel GIgerj Court order forfeiture of recognizance to bo stricken off on payment of costs. Exceptions to tho account of Win, Lutz, administrator of Catharine Lutz, deceased, and Executor of Peter Lutz, deceased, on motion of Mr. Jackson, C. B. Brockway, Esq., appointed audit or on exceptions. Com. vs Jacob Flick Fornication and Bastardy Wm. Crosslcy bound in the sum of five hundred dollars for the appearance of defendant nt next term. Com. vs Thomas Penrose Assault and Battery Recognizance filed, on motion of E. P.. lkelcr, District Attor r.oy, tho court grant leavo to enter mt. pros, on payment of costs. John Shipmau vs Thomas J. Vander sllco on motion of Mr. Frcezo, attach ment for Jacob Gulst a witness for do fondant. S. Hcrdic (use) vs B. II. Crcvellng, et. al., affidavit of defenco filed. Stacy John vs Mary John's commit tee by agreemont of counsel Judgment for plaintiff, for $190.12 consent of parties. Win. Spotts for tho uso of Thomas Hughes vs Wesloy Bucket on motion of Mr. Clark rulo granted to amend tho caption of this caso so as to read Thomas Hughes endorsee of William Spotts vs Wesloy Ruckel. Vm. Brooks et. ux. vs Wm.Slruthors et. ux. Jury called. Com. vs. Philip Cain. Assault and battery. AtruoBlll. Com. vs Peter A. Kline and Deimer Goldon, ct. al. A true bill. Petition of John Waltz, Guardian for salo of real estate, C. B. Brockway, ap pointed auditor to report facts and his opinion. Report of Wm. II. Abbott, auditor on oxccptlons nnd to make distribution among the creditors of tho estate of Gcorgo Yinger, deceased, confirmed nl. si. Auditor's report In tho estate of Wil liam Snyder, deceased, confirmed ni. si. Auditor's report in tho estato of Eli jah Wilson, deceased, conflrmod ni. si. Return of inquest in tho estato of TJiomas W. Young, deceased, confirm ed ni. si. Petition of Mary Rupp, administra trix of tho Citato of Georgo Rupp, de ceased, for salo of realty for paymontof debts. Salo ordered of lot first men tioned In petition. Petition of Jenny Mostellcr for guar dian. Daniel Rambach appointed guar dian. Potltlon of Lullo L. Johnson for guar dian. Mason 0. Johnson appointed guardian, Return of inquest in tho estato of Jacob Eycr, deceased, confirmed nl. si. Petition for the appointment of guar dian of minor children of David Gear- hart, dee'd. Sarah Gearhart appoint ed guardian. Petition of Flora A. Klino for ap pointment of guardian. Georgo Markcs appointed guardian. Report and return of sale of real cs. tate of tho minor children of Calvin B, Relfnyder, dee'd, confirmed ni. si. Report of salo of tho real estate of David Fry, Sr., deed, confirmed nl. si. Report of salo in tho estato of Ell Crovcling, confirmed ni. si. Report of salo by Lewis Ycttcr, guar dian of Julia Ann Clark1, and petition for contlnuanco of order as to lands not sold, confirmed nl. si. Auditor's report appointed to report facts and opinion in tho matter of tho petition of John Wenncr, guardian of Oscar E. and Wm. W. McBrlde, for prlvato ealo of realty. Prlvato salo ordered. Petition of John Staley, admlnlstrtv tor of Ellsha Albertson, dee'd., for dls charge ns ball of William D. Albertson guardian of his minor children. CIta tlon ordered to show causo why other surety shall not be given. Petition of Benjamin McHenry for cllschargo as ball of William D. Albert son as guardian of his minor children. Citation ordered to show causo why other surety shall not be given. Return of Inquest In tho estato of John Richards, confirmed nl. si. M. V B. Kostotibauder vs J. Hlnderlt terand Henry Hlnderllter-applicatlon for subrogation, rulo to show causo why Henry Hindcrllter shall not bo subro gated. Sara h Colo vs William Mostellcr and Jacob H. Fritz application for subro gation, rulo to show causo why Jacob H. Fritz shall not bo subrogoted, J. J. Brower vs Pino townshlp-on motion court grant leavo to Issuo exo ecutlon. Petition for incorporation of tho Mu tual Building and Saving Fund Asso ciation of Espy, It Is ordered that tho application for Intorporatlon bo pub lishod lu ono nowspaper nt least tiireo weoks beforo tho first day of noxt term. Report of 0. W. Miller, Esq, Commis sioner to take depositions in appllca tlon of Jacob Barnkest for polntinent of Mr. Miller continued. Exceptions to report of ro-vlewers of a road in Madison township near Jacob Issuer's. Report of io-viowew to vacato a road In Pino township near Elislm Taylor's confirmed nl. si. Roport of ro-vJewew of a road lu Jnckson township uenr D, Youngs con firmed nl, si. Report of road views In Locust town- ship near J. J. Campbell's confirmed Report of viewers vacation road In Hemlock township near Levi WrJirhts. conlirmod nl, t.1. Exceptions to report of viewers of road in Montour township through lands of Francis Evans and others. Report of tho ro-rovlcrs of a road lu Pine township confirmed nt, nl. Report of n road In tho town of Cata wlssa oxtendlng Fourth strrot confirm ed nl, nl, Report of viewers of a road In Jack son township near Samuel Hartman's, confirmed til. si. Petition to transfer Clcmucl Mellon ry's tavern llccnso to Audrow T. Iko ler license- transferred by tho Court. In tho ostuto of Jcramlah Kline, de ceased, on motion of C. B. Brockway, Esq.,0. W. Mlllor continued Commis sioner to take proof of contract. Petition of II. M. Ilocknmn, high constablo of Berwick borough, for tho appointment of n deputy Lovl Kutz appointed. Rcmonstranco from citizens of Con tralla borough, against licensing now hous.'s in Centralla. Jacob Kostcnbaudcrnppolnled super visor of Franklin township. Thomas Adams nppolnlcd overseer of tho poor of Brlarfcrcck township. Mathlas Gilbert appointed supervisor of Mount Pleasant township. Petition for appointment ol super visor of Beaver township ; Tilman Rlttenhouso appointed. Com, va Philip Cain Indictment, assault and battery a true bill. On motion of District attorney, court di rected a non pros, to bo entered on pay. mentor costs. Com. vs James Harris Iudlctmcnt, Fornication and bastardy. A truo bill. Com. vs Joseph Hess and Frank Hess luuictmoiu, cheating uy faiso pro- tense A truo bill. Com. vs John U. Leiby Indictment, perjury a truo bill. Coin, vs Win. Bahmo Indictment. assault and battery a truo bill. Tuesday, May :i. Win. Brooks et.ux.vs Wm. Struthors ct. ul. Verdict of $175.00 for plaintiff. Tho account of M. E. Jackson, Esq., assignee of P. M. Trough, confirmed nl. si. Report of Wm. Maslcllcr, adm'r. of John Richard, dee'd., salo of realty. Petition for salo of real estate of Ly dla Wanlch, doe'd., for payment of debts. Salo ordered. Report of E. II. Little, Esq,, to ascer tain tho amount duo on bonds given by Jacob Gearhart, jr., to tho heirs of Ja cob Gearhart, sr., and to whom paya able. Confirmed nl. si. . In the estato of A. W. Rea, dee'd., decree for specific performance of con tract In making a deed to Wm. Pelfer by Annie M. Rea, administratrix. Exception to tho auditor's report making distribution in tho estnto of John Bcalcr, Petition of Valentino Wintersteen, guardian of minor children of Adam Wream, to raise monoy on real estato In Lycoming county. Ordered that tho sum of flvo hundred dollars bo raised of lands In Lycoming county. Emanuol Brown vs. Philip Ort On motion of B. K. Rhodes, a rulo granted on thoshcrlir to pay tho money raised of the sale of tho property of Philip Ort, into Court. N. J. Hcndorsholt vs. Bloomsburg Literary Institute, &c Rulo to show causo why tho sheriff should not amend his return. Conyngham township vs. Tho Bo rough of Centralla On motion, Court grant leavo to Issue an execution against defendant. Catawissa R. R. Co. vs. Tho Danville, Hazleton & Wllkes-Barro R. R. Co. Injunction granted restraining tho de fendants, their agents and employees from putting in their crossing across tho Calawlssa railroad. McAnall vs. Jncoby On motion of Mr. Jackson, attachment issued. Thcodoro P. Swazo vs L. V. Myers on motion of Mr. James tho court di rected Judgment to bo entered against tho plalutlHY Com. vs J. G. Morgan and M. A. Kccfor Disturbing tho public road, recognlzanco for tho appearance of tho defendants at next sessions. Wednesday, May 1. William Marr vs Wesley Ruckel verdict In favorof defendant. Com. vs Ocorgo W. Edgar Fornica tion nnd bastardy Recognlzanco for feited. Com. vs Wm. Buhmc assault and battery verdict, defendant guilty In manner and form as Indicted. All licenses advertised granted ex cept Samuel Leiby, P. F. Burke, Ben jamin Williams and James Dowey. In tho matter of tho estato of Jacob Goho, deceased, rulo granted on tho heirs to appear on tho first day of noxt term, nnd nccept or rcfuso tho estato at tho valuation, or show causo why tho samoshall not bo sold. In tho matter of tho estato of Eliza beth Lunger deceased-rulo granted on tho heirs, to appear on tho first day of next term and accept or refuse tho es tato at tho valuation or show causo why tho samo shall not bo sold. REI'OIIT OP THE G It AND JURY. To tho Honorablo tho Judges of tho Court of Common Pleas now eonmrls lug a Court of Quarter Sessions of tho pence, In and for tho counly of Coluin ma. Tho Grand Inquest of tho Common wealth of Pennsylvania, inquiring for mo, oody or tho Court of Columbia county, respectfully represent that wo navo pursuant to our required dtttv calmly and deliberately inveslliratod all bills of Indlctmont presented for our consideration nt this term, nnd havo passed upon them accordingly, that wo havo examined tho public buildings ami nnd mem in good condition, ox ceptlng tho Jail yard wall and tho stops icnuing uieroin, winch wo recommend repaired. All of which Is respectfully suwniueu. John A. Funsto.v, Foreman, , THE INCOME Tax SWINDLE. TllO United States Senate ha3 voted to re tain tho income tax In tho assessment for Internal rovcnuefortliocurront voar. This Is tho worst specimen of legisla tion that has characterized Cougrcss tha present session. It is retrogrado icgls- lauon hi its most wretched shapo. It stains tho Journal of thoSenato with an act that is in wanton disregard of tho wishes of tho peoplo, aud a deliberate Violation of Justice toward nil honest tax-payers. A'. 1'. Herald, An Irishman bnvl tho Water to sava n limn frmn rlrnivn. ing, upon receiving u slx-ponco from tho person as u reward for hi&BorvIce, looked first nt tlin Hlrnnnrvi tlini, ( him, and ntiastoxclaimed, "Bojabors, 1 UUl OVCMiald fur tho lob!' County Fair. Tho Exccutlvo Commltteo havo called a meeting of tho members of tho Agricultural Society for tho purposo of solccting officers to servo during tho ensuing year. Wo havo ropcnlcdly urged that this meeting bo held nt a tlmo when It would bo con venient for a largo attendance from tho country. It appears that tho reg ulations of the society prevent llsbolng hold nt tho tlmo wo suggested, there"- foro wo must do tho next best thing which Is to sccuro ns largo nn niton danco as possible Thcso annual ex hibitions aro not Intended to bo moro gala days. If properly conducted and supported by tho pooplo they can bo mado of real nnd lasting benefit to tho counly. Let our farmors and mechan ics commenco now, to mafco prepara tion for tho fall exhibition. Till aud plant and cultivate with a vlow to ex celling In your department. What Is done', endeavor to do In tho b03t possi ble manner. Lot eath strlvo to this end and whothoryou succeed omot you will nt tho end of tho Boason havo mado Immense strides which will cnablo you to commenco tho noxt year far In ndvauco of whero you now are. When you meet In thu fall with men from dif ferent sections of tho county you can comparo notes with each other, exhibit your crops, and arrlvo at tho best con clusion. Wo hold tho opinion that Co lumbia county can bo mado us rich in agricultural wealth as any section of the State. To do this our farmers must bo live, earnest men, not squandering recklessly upon their soil, but Judicious ly advancing all tho while. Whatever you ralso either of grain or stock let it bo of tho host quality or breed. If un able ulouo to do this, Join with your neighbors and by combined effort you can succeed. Wo hops thero will bo such an attendance at tho meeting on the 21st of tho present month as will In- dleato that our pcoplo aro going to take an unusual interest in in tho matter. In this object wo can certainly unito without political bias. Our neighbor ing paper will Join us In tho effort to do good In this direction. Lot us go to work. Republican. Tho Stato national Guard. Wo givo below an official announce ment of tho staff of Gen. Osborno. Wo nro pleased to learn that tho General is determined to revivo tho rallltlaof this division, composed of tho counties of Luzerne, Wyoming aud Columbia, and to mako it a credit to tho Stato. Ho has called to his assistance officers who have all seen actlvo sorvico, and who will take prldo in making tho move ment a success. Wo hope, now that tho proper Initiatory steps havo been taken, that companies will bo speedily formed through Luzerno wo ought to havo almost a regiment in this city. llEAnauAnTiaOTii Division National) OtiAnn oir Pennsylvania, V Wllkci-Uarro, April S) 1370. J General Order No. 1. Tho following nnmcd officers aro an nounced us tho staff of tho Major Gen. oral commanding: Lieut. Col. William L. Wilson, Ply mouth, Assistant Adlutant Gonoral. Lieut. Col, Georgo N. Raichard, iviiKua-jurru, jissisiani inspector lien cral. Major Charles M. Conynghmn.Wllkcs- jjuiiu, jiiu-uu-i;amp. Mnjor Cyrus K. Campbell, Piltston, Major Albert P. Barber, Plymouth, Quartermaster. Major Charles 0. PJotz, Wllkes-Barro, v-uiuiiiissary oi suusistonco. Major Charles B. Brockway, Blooms burg, Judgo Advocate. Major M. L. Blair, Ilydo Park, Pay master. Lieut. Col. Charles II. Wilson, Ply mouth. Sunreon. They will bo oboyed nnd respected ilLXUlulllgiy. IMJWItf H. U3110KNU, MnJ, Gen. Commanding, Scranton Itcpublican. Columbia County Teachers' Asso ciation. A mooting of tho Columbia county Teachers' Association will bo held at Berwick on Saturday tho 11th day of way itS7U at 10 o'clock n. m. Tho fol lowing program mo Is announced by tho uommittco. FOKENOON. 10 to 11, Opening Addross by County oupennienuent, u. U. Harkloy. 11 to 12, DIscussIon-"Causosof failuro m teacning,"openod by Mr.S. B. Miller Al'TEUNOON. 1.00 to 1.15, Essay, by MIsi Scnio Smith. 1.45 to 2,10, Class exercise Arlthmo tic-Prof. F. M. Bates. 2.10 to 2.20, Discussion on same, open cd by Miss Sue E. Thorn nson. 2.20 to 2.15, Roport-"How shall our puunc scnoois Do mado moro popular aim moro userul,"by Mr. Wm. Snydor. 2.15 to 3.15, Discussion on same, opon ed by Miss Kate A. Botz. 3.15 to 3.30, Class oxercIso-Readlng. 3.30 to 3,15, Discussion on same, open ed by Mr. A. B. Hartmau. 3.15 to -1.10, Class exercise Grammar Prof. H. D. Walker. 1.10 to 4,20, Discussion on same, open ed by Mr. G, W. Dartch. 1.20 to 1.3), Class oxcrclso Orthogra phy & Spelling, by Mr. Albright. 4.35 to 1,45, Discussion on ed by Miss Mary F. Wooloy. EVENINO. Lecturo by Rov. John Thomas nt 7 o'clock. Tho Commltteo respectfully request tho attendanco of all toachors nnd par ticularly tlioso who havo work assigned in mo programmo. F. M. BATES. Chairman Com, Bloomsuurcj, April 23th 1870. Communication. Bkhwick Pa, May 2d I870. Our townsman E. J. Bovniau has frequent ly lectured in our midst freo of charge. His lectures have invariably evinced careful preparation, and havo been lis tened to by appreciative audiences. It is proposod that his farewell u bonollt; and accordingly ho will lec ture In our Odd Follow' Hall tho forth. coining Tuesday night, tho 10th Inst HH subject will bo of general Interest. "Our Cuuntry, Its Past and Future" void of political bias. As tho speaker Is well known, doubtless thero will i.n a generous turn-out of our iiconlntiii.tvn substantial appreciation for past ser vices. Patriotic airs will bo sung upon the occasion by our best singing talent. Tickets of admission 35 cents nan lm procured at Jackson & Bowman's stnro. also at tho Bank, and at tho door of tho Hall on tho night of tho lecture. Como one, como all. Commltteo. of Arramreinnni. fl. G, Jackson, f). 0. Jayno, Jno. Evans, O. , R. woouin, ucorgo Thompson, y, Hughes. Conpross. Thursday, April 23. In tho Sen ate, yesterday, u bill was reported, among others, to organize tho Terri tory of Oklahoma, and to consolidate tho Indian tribes undora territorial form of government. Tho bill for en forcing tho Fifteenth Amendment was mado a special order noxt after tho Franking bill. In tho Houso, tho Tariff dobato again occupied tho greater part of tho morn ing, nnd an ovening session, tho va rious sections relating to iron being still under consideration, Durijig tho dcbalonn announcement of tho Rich mond calamity was made, nnd a mo tion mado to adjourn, which, nfter deliberation, was withdrawn. Friday, April 29. In tho Senate, among tho bills Introduced yesterday, was ono to Incorporate a National Academy of Letters and Arts; also ono removing disabilities uuder tho four tecnth amendment ; also ono rovlslng tho coinago lnws. Tho report of tho commltteo In tho Florida contested election e,so, In favor of Mr. Gilbert, was adopted. In tho House, the Election Com mltteo mado a roport hi tho Third Louis iana Congressional district election case. Tho report was nuopteu aim is in favor of 0. B. Darrall. Tho bill es tablishing a Department of Justlco passed, ns did nlso n Joint resolution directing tho purchasoofa portrait of tho lato Major General Thomas, to bo placed In tho Capitol. Tho Houso went Into Commltteo of thoWlioloou tho tariff bill, nnd ngaln discussed tho iron items. Saturday, April 30. In tho Senate, tho Houso bill providing for n portrait of tho lato Gen. Thomas, passed tho day before, wa3, after somo debate, referred to tho Library Commltteo. A number of reports wcro received, and and some now bills introduced, among tho latter, ono by Mr, Wilson, provi ding u new modo for tho selection of military and naval cadots. In tho Houso tho most Important event or tho day was a long discussion on tho question of granting public lands to aid hi tho construction of railways. Tho debate occurred on tho Senato bill granting lands to tho road from Port land to Astoria and McMinnvlllo, In Oregon. It was finally passed by n voto of 97 to GO. Monday, May 2. Tho Senate was not In session on Saturday. In tho Houso a motion was agreed to that when tho Houso adjourn Thurs day it bo until Monday, May 9. A largo amount of business was taken from tho Speaker's table and dlsposod of. Tuesday, May 3. In tho Senato, a resolution was adopted relatlvo to so amending tho patent laws a to give tho Government tho freo uso of every patent hereafter Issued nnd disposed of, among them ono to Incrcaso tho number of United States Supremo and Circuit Court Judges. In tho House, a bill was passed to allow Mrs. Lincoln a pension of $3,000 a year, A resolution was adopted ma king May 30 a public holiday forever for tho decoration of soldiers' graves. At 1 P. M. the House went Into Com mltteo of tho Wholo on tho tnriffbill, and discussed the iron section. Wednesday, May 1. In tho Sen ate, yesterday, various reports of minor interest were received and several bills introduced. Among tholatler was ono tp furnish medals to Massachusetts and Pennsylvania volunteers. In tho House tho morning hour was mainly dovotcd to a discussion of Mr. Jenckes' bill for tho reorganization of thocivil sorvico. A concurrent resolution was ndoptc for a final ndjaurnmcnt on tho 4 th of July. Considerable progress was mado with tho Tariff bill, all tho sections relating to Iron being disposed of and also soveral relating to steel. Latest News. Philadelphia, Pa., April 27. About 2 o'clock this morning Police Officer Max arrested a man for behaving disorderly In Third-street, abovo Mont gomery avonue. Ho was attacked by another man, who attempted to rescuo tho prisoner, when Officer Max used his revolver with fatal effect, killing both men, whoso names wero Hugh Murtagh aud James Welsh. Tho ofilcor was so verely bcaton beforo ho fired. His as sailants wcro ongaged in a fight togeth er when ho interfered, and thoy both joined in tho assault upon him. It is said the deceased wero onlv iniliih'lnn- In n sham fight, their object being to find nn opportunity to beat Officer Mux. Pottsville, May 2. To-day being tho first anniversary of tho Miners and Worklngmens' Benovolent Association, an organization formed for tho purposo of establishing n uniform basis for wagc3 throughout tho cool region, it was generally observed by tho miners in thlscounty. Tho principal feature of tho day was tho parado of tho dif ferent branches or tho organization from St. Clair to Port Carbon.thenco to Palo Alto, thenco to Pottsvlllo, and back to St. Clair, where a largo mass mooting was hold. .AVhilo tho process ion was forming a saluto was fired, during which n cannon exploded, In stantly killing a lad named Theodore Johns, nnd soverly Injurlug David Williams. Tho parado was thirty minutes pass ing ono point, and contalued over four thousand persons.who conducted them selves well with onooxccptlon. While passing tho offico of tho Miners' Jour nal, groans wero given by ono delega tion. Alter reaching St, Clair, tho pro ccsilon was dismissed for ono hour, after which a mass meeting was held In the open air. on Parvln'a hill. Tim speakers urgoil tho men to hold out to tho end for tho old basis, and accept no compromise from tho operators. Tho general Impression, however, Is that tno miners will not hold out much Ion. ger, but will go to work nt reduced wages insldo of two weeks. HARRIsilUIia. Mav ".I with law tho Hon. W. W. Irwin fn. day assumed chargo of tho stato troas ury of Pennsylvania. His bond, under tho now law. is $500,000 and Ids Iiam.Iu. men aro J.O. Bomborger.of Harrlsburg ; Gcorgo K. Anderson, ofTitusvlllo ; W. Vnuklrk. uud S. B. MoElrov. nf nut j. burg; William Kennedy, ofNew Brlgh. ton; lapnraim Hinitn, ucnjamlu Wild, A. P. Lacock, John Mo Donald, mid John F, Dravo, of Beaver. Each of theso gcuUcmen Is bound in tho sum of $50,000. Pennsylvania Stato Sunday School Convention. Tim nntmnl Cnnventlnil. for the VCar 1870, will bo hold nt Horrlsburg, Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday, Juno 14, 15 nnd 10. Georgo II. Stuart, Esq., U nvnwfivl to nrcsldo. Each Sunday School In tho Stato is Invited to send two or moro delegates. Pastors or niuirchn.q. Rnnerlntendcnts of Sunday Schools, and prominent Sunday School workers front nil parts oi tno suuo aro Invited to nttend nnd participate, Our Sunday School brethren from other States aro also cordially welcom ed. It Is requested that tho names of thoso who expect to nttend sunn uo sent to Rov. Thos. II. Robinson, or John M. Say ford, Secretary, on or be fore tuonrst uay oi Juno, as it will lit! NKf'EKHARY for tllO'-U WltO WOllUl avail themselves of a reduction of fare on tho railroads, to procure excursion tickets bewro leaving their homes for Harrlsburg. Tho commltteo of arrange ments will sreuro orders for tickets for nil who notify them In tlmo to do so and forward them. Places of entertainment will bo pro vided for all who gh'o duo nollco of their coming. T. 11. lloniNSON, J. M. Sayi'ord, Sec. Chnlrman, Too Fast. A radical waunino. Wo would respectfully suggest to tho leaders of tho Republican party that they nro crowding tho "colored per son" a little too fast for their own good and for his good. Isegro suffrago Is a bitter pill Tor at least ouo-halfof tho men who havo hitherto voted tho Re publican ticket. Hence tlmo should havo been given thorn beforo another and a worso doso was exhibited. This crowding of tho negroes Into ofllco while thero aro whlto men qullo as deserving and as well qualified won't win in the long run. It will break tho Republican party down. It will rcduco tho negro to a worso condition than ho occupied in a stato of slavery, if that is possible. It will sooner or later lead to his extermination. Politicians nnd fauatlcal idiots who cannot read tho signs of tho times may elcvato tho negro to tho United Statoj Senato aud to tho platform of Conventions, but they can't find endorsement nt tho polls forsuch disgusting conduct, and they will find it out when too lato. It is probablo that both parties will strlvo for tho negro voto. Wo predict that this foolish policy of elovatlng negroes to offico nnd of catering to them for their votes will result in tho formation of what will bo termed "tho Whito Man's Party," which will bo strong enough to carry tho next Presidential election, If wisdom in tho selection of candidates is observed, and thero is not too much rebel democracy mixed up with it. Such a movement Is Immi nent, and if mado will break up tho Republican party, which would bo a de plorable event for tho country. Lot us secure thu negro In his right to tho ballot, but for tho salvation of our party for tho welfare of our country for tho good of tho negro let us dis suade him from seeking or accepting office. Seymour Und.) Timcs-R ulieal. Slews Items. Virginia has 121,020 negro voters. Watts Is said to havo written 097 hymns. A colored man In Philadelphia is worth $000,000. Chestnuts aro fifty cents a pound in San Francisco. An Alabamlan lately killed eight een owls In ono day. An old lady of Indiana has mad a a quilt of 1,"),8,'!(! pieces, San Francisco high waynion uso tho lasso. In 1800 Potter county only paid $12 for boardiutr prisoners. Mrs. Smith & Husband is tho style oi u xerra iiauio mm. Tho Fifteenth Atnondm cnt.It is es timated. make3 900.000 now voters. North Brookfield, Mas3., has a babe bom with onlv ono ear. A Methodist church has boon built in iiuuon county, towa, lu tbreo days An Englishwoman has willed $10 000 to Jelf. Davis. Buffalo brewed 153,000 barrels of uccr last year. iiunry w aru ueociicr's salary has uoen increased irom S12.500 to $17,500. Oftho 70,000 miles of telegraph In luisuuuuiry iiiu western union uom pnnyowns 52,000. T.Tnd 1 f.lmoi, ft, ATrnn you havo to look sharp or they will iuriy acres or so into A Vniltli vUr mLt.nA 7.-' . ll Ullllir vu- man lrom suicldo in tho Erio canal has uuuii urresieu lor assault and battery. .i.i,i,Mi;u iiui uiuiriiuii out ni k mno. The Hon. Joab EpamlnodasSquash ...u u.i.ii lin-wii-u u iiieiuucr oi tno linn sas Legislature. Dogs paid $2, 000 tax in Kentucky la3t year and killed $50,000 worth of uj, i,ijr ui uiuuucnig tno account. "A klss,""sald a French lady,"costs .vulu jj. minus more tiitin anytli ng else in cxistcuco." A Cinelnnatiau pawned his watch m i V u,ms' waving parted mm nmu nu suugut eternity. Livingstone, to find out whether ho Is ui nui. 4.UI3 Will SClllO It. .tv,S(;J,,00lm.",tcr m Ireland adver tises that ho will keep a Sunday-school twice a week TucsdnvHiiiiilKiitiiriiiiva ,. mmn.,15omb,rty,(7e',(!S,'l'3thl,t ''"If T Vi 'c, "' AU11" uuvo sturveti to death sinco September. An Tlltunlj ...... ...,ll. ...i..., . . " - "? h"i;uiijB"',v'iuuiirie(l a man named Button, sunt a bill to his : " s ii'iiuws: -to milking ono Button-holo, $2 60." Anna Hayes, a twolvo-year-old girl, has a colored school of twenty scholars at Morgantpwn, West Virginia, tho "Kpaufl'ui'lla rugnlng from slxteou to thirty-five, Tobacco, it is reported, is grown very extensively in tno southern por tlon of Bucks county, Pa., and tho re turns from lhn rim iii.i I, I, .l.l.. erutlvo. J Iio product Increases every year, from tho Increased urea sown. A South Carolina paper declares that a young man who lost his wife Inst wcck.tniirrlednuothcrwhtlo friends were making preparations for tho funo ral, and with his hrido followed tho remains sorrowfully to tho grave. A clergyman remarked over tho Bravo ofu tricky politician, who was nover known to do anything without somo Liiiister purpo,o, that it "would boa great consolation to his friends If hoy could havo ascertained his motlvo in thus suddenly leaving them." i I-"A-n.0'u" merchant onco Instructed his clerks as follows; "When a man comeslnto tho store and lull's of his teftW. ,,lm! lf 110 ,alk-r E ) n'i'f i?ut F. tu soli to him; lf ho doUar " rcl,ion, don't trust him a ii.T;1?0! c'e,ufleIli Republican, states 1 S i 'i S U00 wa9 cut tllla wlnterou ho land of Mr. E. A. Irvin, on Whit uier Run, thut sealed 5,487 feet and produced twonty lli-feet logs, ouo ll loot and ono 12-feet long. Lovo in tho Indian language, Is, 'SclmlcudnmowltchownRla'. It must bo qtilto on undertaking to toll n squaw that you lovo her. A tnnn In A Itnnfnu-n rnpnn 1 1 V lliadn n bet (hat ho could drink four quarts of ooniicu wnronoiHo wnisKuy ut uuu Bil ling. Ho won tho bet easily. His corpso looked quite natural. A Negro In Brazil hasjust died at tho advanced ngo of 150 years. The reason wo publish this Is, that wo want to mako all tho niggers bollovo thoy can llvo to bo 150 years old by going to Brazil. Help us circulnto this. ,inni.DnmDTiitli n ItanhV Inf of people as wo bud hero yesterday," said a landlady In Indiana to a nowly nrrlvcd guest; "thero wero thirteen couples of 'em." "What, thirteen couples Just married?" "Oh no, Sir, thirteen eouplesjust divorccdl" A country girl, coming from tho Hold, was told by her cousin that "alio looked as fresh as a daisy kissed by tho dew." "Well, It wasn't any feller by that name, but It was Stovo Jones that kissed me; 1 told him that every ono in town would find It out," Brlghani Young ha3 resolved to go Into tho matrimonial business nt last, as will appear from tho following no tire: "Married In Salt Lako City. Utah, on tho 10th ultimo, in tho presenco of tho Saints, Elder Brlghani Young to Mrs. J. it. Martin, Miss L. M. Pernio grast, Mrs. R. M. Jonlekson, Miss. Susio P. Cleveland, and Miss Emily P. Martin, nil of tho county of Berks, England. No cards." IMoom.limg MarkM lienor!. Wheat r bushel.... Hyo " Corn " Oat. " , ... I'limrperharrol Clovcrseeil KlnXRecil lluller S 1.13 1 It) 8.1 40 7 tW 8 (X) 2 05 40 20 10 Tallow Potatoes Drlcii Apples llnnis uMna n .l Ul.nn Mum . . F.KB1.. Iml per pound 20 Hay per ton la w IKON Vn 1 Kri,trli rf ?I2 No. 2 " " - ,- lilooin LUMllUlt. Hemlock Hoards per thousand feet $10 CO Pine " " (one lucji) lsaai Joist, Scautllnp, rionk, (Hemlock) . 15 00 8 00 7 00 18 O ouingies, ino. i per muuiuuu Hldlug " " ft. I'hlliulelphln llnrketi. rtonn Northwestern at. Northwestern cxtia Northwestern famllv ...J.Wtf-i 4.75 ii rji.A it. 73 Pennsylvania anil Western superfine, Pennsylvania and Western extra Pennsylvania nnd Western family Pennsylvania and Western fancy i... !.8.SO911.00 IH'il WlIKAT Pennsylvania red, has Kyo Hour. ni nnfflsi.70 ntmuiiTii California " " whlto " Hye Pennsylvania rye, i bus Coiin Yellow, " White, ' Oath vbus Provisions Mess Pork, i bbl Mess Ueef, " Dressed Hog, 11) Hmoked Hums "tu " Hhoi-ldcrs a I.anl.V lt Hiceds. Cloveiseed vibus Tlmothyseetl V bus Flaxseed " Cattle llecf Cattle lb Cows, & head Hiiekp V H) Uoas-ti 100 If.s 2.00!M5 ..t3.lS6tt3.10 ..51.40iiSl.I5 .. Jl.SU ,.tl.nti.n f.U.K 82-lv) . KJeoc 13c , 17e12! JI.37 S'2.55 So!!C , flXiSU) I139S13.U MARRIAGES. JONES-MANN-On the 2nd lnst.,liy Itcv. J. P. Tnsttn, Mr. D.ivld T Jones to Miss Anna K. iiiuu, uoui oi uioomsuurg, rj. HHOAT-WF.ISS-On tho 10th of April, by tho 11.11. 1.- T llnl.- nt IHnnn..k 111 I ... ...... t K. llhoiit ol Lur.crno Co., to Miss Mary Ann iiuissui luiiiiiiimi county. KI'.IPnU-CUUMlCIIED-On llm 2ltlf lllf., at the hnusii of Mr. Kelper, of Mount Carntel, by iiev. i i . i-ycr, air. ueorgo j. iveiper, oi mi, Carinel, ana Mrs. June cuiiutchel. ot Ashlaud, DEATHS. U1T In (lieeuuood, on the2Gth nf April, Mrs. Mary I!. Utt, wife of Oeorije W. Ult, ntseil H J UlllS. KNOlUt In Illoomsbnic. on tho27ult.. liertmm bou of Col. K.unnel. and Mrs. Knorr, nged I j cms, u iuuiiiMS uuu i, luiyi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JRIDGK ELF.CT10N. in election oi ouiccrs oi mo u.uawissa nrlilno Company to serve lor tho ensuliu eur,vlll Go .iv.i. ... L.iu,iYiunL mo utilise Ol .1. Jl. IvlsllOl on .Mojiuay, fliay aru. UH.Ui;ilT, Untawlssa, May 0, 1 S70. Hecretary N O T I C li , All tinrf.nn lrnnwliir 41iAitn.nh'nu In tn iH.t..i,i. oil In llm JOstato of Jacob ICyer, tlt'ccuvctl, nro n.iuuj imuiii;u vu M-uif iiifir uucuuiiiK in once, otherwise they will bo collecteil nccorillntr to I.IW. W 11 MI T llt illoomsburg, May C, ISTO-tf ' AdmlnUtrat'or B ENTON HOTEL. W. F. 1'IATT, Proiiriotor, 11CXTOX, COLUMDIA COUNTY, l'A. This well known House hnvim luion i,i ln thoroush ropalr Is now open lor tho reception of . J......n 1....U i.cirii siuireu in ensure tho perfect comfort of guests, The proprietor nisei runs a Btnue from tho Hotel to Illoomsburs i t i i r I iiiesmiy, iniirsaay ABMINISTBATOB'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF WM. I,. UE1TTERICK, PKC'I). , v., v -v.ulluu u" 1110 esuiio oi win. I,. Dletterlck lato of Centro township, Columbia ......... .,' mr bi.uiicu uy inu iiegisier of said county to Stephen Deitterlck resldlne In tho towuslilp and county aforesaid. All persons having claims against thu estato of the decedent are leiiuesteil to present them for setllement. and tlioso Indebted to tho estato to mako pay ment to the undersigned, adralntstrntor.wlthoiit msyOiO-Ow. AdmlnMrator. A BMINISTIIATOU'S 70TIOE. -r-.. ESTATE OF JOHN TKAUI1, DEC'D. Tmnl.6!"!0 rd!"l,UU,ratln 0U '"emtO Of John i . , . "-. " uuiuiuuia count pAS mV iXt Hee",Kr'l!.lcd ,by lho "HSWer of sal ....nir; v- "" i'"iis uaviug cinnus nualnst the estate of tho decedent uro n quosted .1 i". , ., . . ociMtiui;iii,imu IIIOSO 111 Uebted to tho estate to make payment to thouu ilcrslsneil, administrator, wltTio'it delay. inay0i0-6w. Admlnlstrntdr, AGENTS WANTED FOB BPItOS PECTUS T PIIEUI IBLE .JjYltlOS A MAfiTEIlIA' VEH31FI CATION OV THU hUHUMU POWltV oV T1IK I1IULU nrnimnti.rtil inn.n.. . .. mei;orulld0i.oinfn merit , ? ',i", V.1. '. "r B'??.- '""' hi',Si!i,r.ol,,,.u Vewu,"J fBlual Jeslsn. showlni "f,te of blndlnir, etc" sent oW ...... u .-...x, iv, niitu-tepiuti as Aeonts.iiuit n sam. ami th MnV't i n,J 'J, terms, efiVddress parucu.ars CP. VK.NT, Publisher, mayO'70-tf 3 Darclay St. Now York. Shaking and Burning. It Is not necessary to Inurnpv frnm n. to Alaska lu order to cinerliii-n thu nf n. heat ami cold. Tnousands undergo all tho In conveniences nf this thnrmnii,oirini .11.,,. every day, or every oilier day, us tho case may ,.v, ,i,mi, mo iruuuio 01 moviug over the ,,,,lttl,i,lU, ,V WUIU Willi Illl'SA IIIVA nlllii... ah..l. era. What are they doing to expedite their re turn toil medium toniperaturoT to break the chills and banish tho foyer? Are they dosing themselves wllh nulninn ii,nr.,i,., 1. . lho soundness of tholr bonei and Impairing the ' "".ii oiuinsnuiinei'voussystom? Homo 01 uiom Uoubl.but not lho majority of Is believed 'im, -" ,u.uu ui iinsiuiicrs Htomach Hitters nsa harmless and certain Bpo. v....u. inu uuuiiguo is understood and appre ciated lu nllmrtd r I,A nn,.nt... . . ".... j truoiu jiiier mlttenls prevail. The residents of such localities "... luwiBiiraujr ui tun spring as a pi ol co tton against the mtasma by which they a-o sur rounded! not nil nrihK,., n.i.nn. ..... . ., il', wi it uimu adherence to error is the specialty of somo peo. ..... ...v imniuerf If thero Is any fixed funt 1., ii,nr.,.,.,,,... ,, thUi that tho Hitters are n far better safeguard si..i, mi ino varieties 01 pcrlodio maladlos produced bv iiiiwholesomo exhalations than an y drUKOr COlUnOUnd In llm mntn.ln mMll.,n, ,i.A profession. Thlsusscrttou Is made with all duo ...j.uvi. n, mo icuuy, uui ueing an important truth, and ono that nearly concerns tho health of lama scttlpmmitfi lu varlnn, tv.rl. ... t... " " v., iuu country, ana indeod of tho publljut large, It Is ui,iuu luiirieeisiy, r ouuueu oil uuipio and UUlm. peachable testimony, It delles dlsprovul, Til lirpnlr tin fill I Is find,, na ...i, . prevent them, thero Is uothlug' so reliable ns this wh. olcsomo vtsjoUiblo rcfitointlre. QOLUMBIA COUNTY " ": oo-orniiATivE RELIEF ASSOOlATi0v or 'i IMl'V, PA. OFPICL'R.? Oll.IlKUT It. l'OWt.Kn Dam i ki, bN vdku Wciid CltAllLKS S. I'oWtMl v,C0pr(,l(e J M. C. McCol.l.lrw. ... Trej.,,... HAMUKt, KNOIlil Attorof W. H., St. 1). w ' " " iioaiid of ntnncn,,. 'D' Wm. H. Wooiiin. a . ' n. ,.. J VC,.,-DaA. aitXUHAt, AO Ext. jr. c. JtcCoi.i.tiM ri,h. uuxHTirvrrox ATvrin.K t . . . ' .".ME. ThP linmr. Myto. nnd lllln .... . f If i ' ' L-onmy LVn,?:', , --.. uugg "f iltcenwd members. ' " W0"31wUrpK,' A11T1CI.K Itt. Mr,,. See. 1. Tlio requisite ntiniMmn borhln nrn, thai tho dpi" i can ?!! mm licnllh, hale, nml sounli, ftnt 8lu" W la ,j . See. 2. All aupllcaltnnror tnm, bomiuloluwrliWor Hi nSS , rslllP iSai i-nnt nmst further produce a TI-e'S rnrtlrvlmr thnf lii. iu . 'I11 wrt'!" Somber. " " " f1"' to D IWiiiB that ho Is 11 nt Ber,n,, ', ".ri;li A11TICI.E IV t iv. ,1, ,1 v v., n'r. ."JV",".11".0" Shall Tlin Imatiin.u tit !1,a a . Jleeled nl lho regular stated mm in ?!!" oclatlou lu October of cach "ar, s M "Jl AKTICLK V.-OmcLHS ..iViS.J.ttiKr.?'!,?' ! TricM i .... your. 10 lL' tmuit. AUTICLE vr In order to sccuro stability to'th'r. 1. . , said fund to bo junvlded torlu ti, ."" ""H AKTICI.R vt, j-..s. A1l'S0,,!?1.l'r!P, ,?in ,"'5, Constitution k, tilths oftho Trustees. If ho iraeS'dm!1!'' proved nt a subscnuent mi"t Si 1S1, S sL llmTriialepa. niintlriilln,, :f.' ? V ?uur-nnian Court to havo said aincuiline'ui ullo'vej.6 m' 11 V-LA WH THUSTELS. 1st. Tho propel ty nnd business 01 this A,, ntlon Bhall bo lonliolled by 11 Tr,rii !J' shall bo elected by ballot nt tlio annual JiJmiS of tho Association to bo held 01, 1 i 1 J ,'!? in of October, In each year. mmt 2d. lor thp purpose or such e oclloaUeTrai, tees for lho tlmo be nghalldeleraloeSffi und hours for opening und closlnguia wiKJ ndvcrtlso tho same for ten days prlntiMS nnd the Hecretary shall nlso iioilIyfMhSl In writing of such clectlou. "iraw Sd. Tho Trustees shall hold ilstoil meninRu tho omee of tho Associalfon, In Hie Tom ol lit. on tho third Monday of January, iH October. Hpeclaliiieetliigsmuy lie tulip) Z President nt his discretion or by any threetith. Trustees. 4th. ThreoTruslees shall csiiislllnleinioin In lrnnini.1 ItliullinLC 1 oi'Kici:ns. oiu. , hu uiiit-.-in, in mis .AssiTiauou, taaau n l'restdent, n Vlco President, SccreUrr udi .LUnU.v., ..i... ...... u,um., uerum ngents, ns may be necessary. The Pratim Vlco President, Hecretary and Treasurer rIiaii elected by lho Trustees and hold omee tot on j - DUTIEM OF OFKICURS. Ctli. Tho President, shnll preside at all nirtt lugs oftho Hoard of Trustees, nnd shall tsn tho chief mnnngement nnd control ol the tail ncss of tho Assochillon. AllcontrHctsonU'isI ot the Association shall be lundeby hlniOTQQ. tier his authority. He shull see that propcrm. ords or tho busluct-s nnd trnn..nclloni,ofeJ Association mekept. IlcshulloppolnulleiD. piuyees unu may removu iiiem tit pleasure. Ho shall sco that a deposit nf all nioiuyt i!il bo mado fron tlmo to tlmo In udi Uoku llauks.ns the Trustees mav direct. IleibaUei nuiilly niepare and submit to Hie Assrielatlouii their nuuual meeting lu nanonU tho business of tho Association lor ll,cprepiilin year, und ustulemeutot tho aseiiaiiil Uabm llMitfil r1 "I , ml..... 11 t'.n .1,1.1 l...nnnn ..... hv llm Pniitlili.tit ' i iiu . iru i rfsiueiii snail in um&iAiiireDlU'j' anility of tno 1'resiiieiitiiciiii his place. 8Eci:f.taui 7th. '1 he Si-in tary shall keep the accunuil tho As.ooiattou, nnd n rt eoid of all ienonieD- lllmn,l 11,. cltnll l.nnn lhn ml.liu ..1,1.1 Pk. of Trustees ; notliy tho Trustees of all Mutton commuulciilo to otllcers, Acents, cmnmittM, Ac., nil resolves nnd orders iiilectluirtliera In Hi discharge ot their duties, and pfitirm HueliUUt duties uud services ns may he iL.uired; ttaer uie iiuecuou 01 mc 1'risui 'in. the TitnAsniri., 6th. Tho Treasurer shall receive al1 i.ioaeysot lho Association nnd deposit tho suuieiii.ud llanknr Hunks, designated by ihehoiirJofTrci. tees. Alter paying lho curient oxptniestliebil unco shall bo securely Invested as llie-Uoardd Trustees may illicit. He shall make all rmtft menu pursuant to'1 lUUoarld irusiees. It shall further bo tho duly of iheTrrwrwii talto chargo of nU properties of the Aisocnilici nnd to collect nil dividends, Interest, renukle, that may nccruo. fiom such innstnuu', im place the same to the credit of the Asso jiIIa Ho shall nlso givo such llondsts tho IrutM may irom iimeto umo reqeire. Oth. All powers nnd duties, not herein fc gated to particular officer, shall he citreMi und illschurged by tho President durum ui cess oi mo lioaru oi rrusiies. Kill. All persons between tLo ascioft" ty ttudfllty yenrs, Inclusive, may bo aitoliw by mnklng proper application nccoidinsM-B luiiowing loiiu ; CWiimolK County Ot-operatiie RclitJ Aut i.'siw, IK.: The undcrslgucd desires to bceomo a mem nf tlinnliiivi. Aiunplnltnn mid sulibcrllie! lo W fullowing regulations : 1st. To pay flvo dollars Into the Treaturf 1. the tlmo of making this application, and i dollar on or beforo tho 1st day of Januarf" each year thereafter and live dollars om cents within thirty days after the Ieat ' member, duo notice having been elven tW Secretary, so long ns tho Association nuW ono thousnndorless; nfter reaching one io nnd, tho payments at the dentil of a merntw shall bo proportionately less so tluloo P0 bolder shall receive more than llie tUousi" dollars. Tokcepllio Secretary lufornieil oiw or her place of residence, and lu cue o'bK"t' from orehaugo luhls orheriisldcucetoappo somo ono to act ns his or her agent to pay11"1 Palling to obscrvo nny of the slxne ral j iiuieuy llgreu lo loneil nil ei.m"' moneys nrovlouslv nuld to this AsocUtion. Inclosed plcaso find lira doiltrs asnr bershlp Feo. Signed, Town, County, Btnto, Ago, Occupation, In favorof Whom, iv regular Physician do hereby certify J Is In G . . j jt with nodlseaso likely toprovefaUl.'11,1'1',, applicant for membership, m " Couuty Co-operatlvo llcllef AssMlatWD. ... , S'.p' Simied. , lieartM inn, jiiien member snail uo 'ui" ,:iirioet certllleato of Membership aud an a um ui upon payment ol his yearly A?liJaouBl lion, together with n leceiin ior 'V;,bir " ses.ed upon tho death of e.icli men101' satdnmouut Is puld. , 12th. Any member falling to my , 'I'Si'n'oUff lars nnd ten cents within lliirlS'.uJJ, to M ,.'lvil, nil fillui Ji.lj 11,,-ii.a - member nf llie Akkiielntlou. 13th. In case n member dies leav'nsJnM or other iioisuu entitled to the w'1',,i,e ffr Associalfon, tho money shall hew 'uf jUc eriy oi uio Association eAevpi .V... ,u. ttlll.tlil I .in. ....uui, , .I Jorlty' of tho Trustees P'fs"",'!' JiiJsr1' uuu me yens nnu liujs i"1"" ,..,.,.. ,, tno ueinund of nny two oi me ; YrHeeH"' lu caso or n Ho voto lho presidhis linvo tho casting vote, . l.'.lli. Thee. llt-.T.nn-amnr be alio ;C'A0r I id nt nny meeting of tho A so i . i ., fourths of the inennieis pit-sent f1",, d -lrJ vldod that duo notice bo gljen of j W t'uaugo nl least lor six siti-i. i meeting of tho A ssuciutlou. ( (Mj 10th. Tho Hoard of Trustees and e Jlrt,. receive such compensation lormt" the Hoard nny dotenulue, , w 171 li. Tho fru for medical """'"llJautli"!' ono uouur(Jl) tu be paid uy ;ertiM" " Medical lixaiiiliierut Uietliuotlie cen Elven, local A(ii:xrs: jjoona. tt"' Vsll W'S 11 ..nntOO. 3. M. riiKuucnbiH - 1 . Ij J.U11TNE11 It. 11, KATON fl. M. llniuu. r ltICIIAIlIlHTII.I'j!'.,.'.T.ll.'.' . miitr-l'l' t'licu. LAUiiAcn rum" Jan, 21,'70-Sm