THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COtUMBlA COUNTY, PA. FARMER'S COLUMN. Covering the Bnrn-Tnul. In ntimoroug parts of our county, wo frequently boo farmers cover tho entlro or nearly tho wholoof tliclr barn-yards. This urlsos, wo suppose, from tlio opin ion, that covered yards amply repay their ownors tho additional expense by yielding far richer manures than thoso yards not thus protected from tho ovnporntlnjr rays of tho sun and tho washings of heavy rains. It Is truo that tho sun lias a detrimental effect on an unprotected farm yard so. too. have the rains, but no yard open to tho falling rains and ovaporollug rays should bo destitute of a good covering of straw to prcvont tho passing off of such vapors slnco many of our farm cm must havo noticed tho extreme slow nets, in tho drying-out of a bunch of uowly cut grass, a small pllo of manure or a inolst portion of earth, when cov ered with n rnodorato thickness of hay or straw. Tho barn yard, by all means, should bo protected from nil accumulations of water exterior to its limits and the droppings from tho roof should bo car ried off by means of spouting so that tho yam is not uuruenca with more water than actually falls from tho clouds immediately over It. Wo need not say to tho thrifty agriculturist that a good depth of rich and pulverized soil of modorately rolling surface, will read ily hold a heavy shower of rain, and bo too, will a well constructed barn yard partly or wholly filled with manure ; slnco such collections hold much solu- bio matter ; therefore, aflor building u straw shed sufficiently largo to protect tho cattle from cold storms during tho day, wo can scarcely seo any pecuniary advantogo to bo derived from tho largo additional outlay requislto to tho cover' Ing of tho whole yard. But, on tho other hand, thero are de cided advantages to bo gained, of a chemical nature, In not covering our yards ; of which, however, we can just merely touch on, in this short graphon. By taking wheat as an examplo for illus tration will be remembered that from sixty-flvo to seventy per cent, of this valuablo cereal Is composed of starch. Starch is composed of carbon a gas entering largely Into tho composition of wood, coal, llmcstono and marble together with oxygen and hydrogen gases, in tho proportions tho two latter form water. Theso threo gases aro al ways present In the atmosphere, are absorbed by water In a vaporized state and aro carried tolhe barn yard and to tho field to enrich tho soil and fcrtlliz ers of tho soil. Snow seems to possess greater affinities for gases than water and hence the cauBC for the vigor and greenness Imparted to grain, so fro quently observed after the falling of a fresh snow: therefore, by roofing tho barn yard we deprive it of matter that aids in making up the bulk of our grain and grass. Nitrogen gas, In connection with tho threo abovo named is found in wheat flour, composing tho gluten of said flour, a substance highly plastic, tenacious, giving tho dough of newly mixed bread, Us light, spongy appear- anco, and forming about twenty-five per cent, of the whole Nitrogen, like carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, is ab sorbed by water and by snow,and when rejected from the yard tho latter is de prived of a certain per cent, of a highly useful ingredient to our soils. Although having just merely touched on tho rea sons for not covering tho yard, yet enough has been said to show tho draw backs attending tho practice, believing tbero li no real advantage- to be gained, whilst thero are many disadvantages, not ecn hinted of. Tho remaining fivo per cent of wheat, is compo&ed partly of o rganic matter and partly of alkalies but to make the shortest mentioning of the fifteen simple subalnnces,composlng such matter would bo entirely superflu ous in anything short of an agricultur al Journal. V. H. W. Protect the Farm Implements. It is, we bcliove, a universal practice with all good farmers to gather-up the Implements of the farm and snugly place them under shelter at the close of the farming season, whilst tho plows, harrows and other utensils aro often exposed to the sun and rain for weeks during tho summer, being left where woleavooffwork. All bodies expand inoro or less by heat, but iron expands far more than wood, therefore, if a wag on is, exposed to a hot sun for a few days, tho tiro becomes too largo for tho to Hoc, daylight appears between them, .the points where tho different parts of tbQ folloo aro Joined, eoparato and a shower coming up, finds its' way Into tho Joints which finally rots tho wood. So, too, with tho plow standing under a hot sun; tho mould iKinril and land sldojncreaslng consld orably in bulk, open their connecting points with the beam and handles.whlch renders tho article looso and shackling, uosiuos exposing thoso Joints to the de caying elements. Although jointt of woo a in our farming utensils should bo partlc ularly looked after, yet it is decid edly to tho husbandman's Interest to keep all Hooded toolt out of tho weath or, for if not so dono their exterior parts soon rough up, take In tho air and moisture and "wear out," perhaps, In about ono-fourth of tho tlmo they would Jiavo uono with good usage, Tho sun, rains and QtmospheroBoon tell on ex posed wood, but they act far moro rapidly on iron, unprotected. "When a well scoured plow, through usago, is allowed to stand out of doors from under cover of a good wagon houso under a warm sun and damp atmos phero for only a comparatively short tlmo, tho metal soon tarnishes flmt taking u blue, and afterward a red an poaranco forming oxides or rust of iron ; In this instance twelvo parts by weight of the oxygen of the atmoi phero, unites with twenty-eight parts of tho metal ; consequently, If tho mould board absorbs ten pennyweights of oxygen it will rust out an ounco and a half of tho iron as much perhaps ns a summer's wear with proper usage. All kinds of business, it is said, require energy ana dote attention to mako them pay and wo havo oft times thought agriculture, in this respect, stands among tho foremost. V. II- W. Bkujueh on Sokes on a House. Please glvo directions for a good wash It. G. B. Vcrany, Ind. Aus. Boll smart weed in chamber iye; after boiling put in a Uttlo soft soap. Wash while warm, two or three times a day. If tho weather bo cold, dry with a hot brick or cover with cloth, American Stock Journal, THE YOUNG FOLKS. Supposot Suppose my Utile lady Yourdoll should break her head, Could you mnbo It whole, by crying Till your eyi-s and noso nro'rcd t And wouldn't It he plensanter To treat It as n Jokei And say you're glad 'tvrai Dolly', And not your hoad that broke ? Bupposo you'ro droned for walking, And the rain cornea pouring down, Will It clear cn any sooner Because you scold and frown T And wouldn't It be nicer For you to mllo than pout, , And o make sunshine In the homo When thero Is none without I Suppose your tank, my little mutt, Is very hard to get, Will It make It any easier For you to alt and fret 7 And wouldn't It be wiser, Than waiting like a dunce, Togo to work In earnest And learn the thing at once 7 Bupposo that some boys havo n horso And some a coaoh and pair, Will It Iho you less while walking To say "it Isn't fair?" And wouldn't It bo nobler To keep your temper sweet, Andln your heart be thankful You can walk upon your feet ? Suppose the world don't please you, Nor tho way somo people do, Do you think the whole creation Will ho altered Just for you 7 And Isn't It my boy, or girl, Tho wisest, bravest plan, Whatever comes, or doesn't come, To do tho best you can 7 rrincosa Euss and tho Minor's Boy. CONCLUDED.) Tho noxt day was tho third day, promised by tho Cut ns that of her arrival, and as soon oa Hons was up, thero canio a grand carriage, drawn by six horses, whoso sleek skins shouo from tho beautiful condition thoy were in. Besides all this, thero was a soventli horse, lod by a servant, and this liorso was for tho Miller's boy. Out of this flno carrlago stepped n beautiful and dazzling Princess, and who should this bo but tho tortoise-shell Cat, that good-natured Hans had so willingly served for seven years. Tho Princess asked tho MUlor whero hor little servant tho mill-boy was, and ho answered: "Wo could not think of taking such a dirty, ragged littlo boy Into the mill j so wo sent him into tho gooso-honso, whero he now lies." Tho Princess desired him at onco to fetch Ilttns, but before ho could come, tho poor fellow had to draw together his smock frock, in order to cover him self with decency. Then tho attendant brought some elegant clothes, nnd after washing Hans In roso water, put them on him, so that no king looked half so handsomo and well dressod. Thereupon the Princess desired to see the horses tho other apprentices had brought home, and finding ono blind nnd tho other lame, sho ordered her servant to bridg in tho horse he had in his keoping, nnd as soon as tho Miller put his eyes on it, ho declared his farm yard had never before contained so fine an animal. "It belongs to your youngest appren tice," said tho Princess. "And tho mill, too," rejoined tho Miller; but the Princess bald ho might keep that, and iho horso as woll, for himself. Willi theso words sho handed her faithful Hans Into the carrlago, and then getting In herself, drovo away. They went first to tho littlo houso that Hans had built with silver tools, and which had becomo a noblocastlo, where in everything was of gold and silver. There the Princess married him, nnd ho was 0 very rich that honeverwant ed anything all the rest of his life. Is Your Soul Insuxied. "Pa," said a little boy, as ho climcd to his father's knee, nnd looked into his faco as earnestly as If bo understood tho lmportanco of tho subject, "Pa, is your soul insured?" "What aro you thinking about ray son?" replied tho agitated father. "Why do you ask that question?" "Why, pa, I heard Undo Georgn say that you had your houses insured, and your life insured, but he didn't hello yo you had thought of your soul, and. ho was afraid you would loso it; won't you get it insured right away?" The father leaned his head on his hand,and was silent, no owned broad acres of land that wero covered with a bountiful produce, his barns wero oven now filled with plenty, his buildings wero all well covered by Insurance; but, as If that would notsufllco for tho maintenance of his wlfo and only child In case of his decease, ho had, tho day beforo, taken a llfo policy for a largo amount; yet not ono thought had ho given to his own Immortal soul. Mrs. II., exclaimed u littlo urchin, oa running into a near neighbor' Jiouso, "mother wnnletl mo to nsk would yo pioaso lend er'yer cnndlo-uioulda?" The moulds wero given him, and ho rail-homo. In a few minutes ho return ed with this nuery;"'tJIothor wants to know if yo'dhokind enough to lend 'or bo mo wlckin?" Tho wicking was measure off, aud ho again tieparieu. uut lio soon appeared again, and said: "Mother would bo bo thankful If you had a littlo taller ye'd uo so itinu as to lomi her?" Mrs. II,, good-naturedly produced tho dealred articlo, and as tho boy started for tho door.shosald: "Wouldn't your mother like to havo mocomo over and mould tho candles for her?" "Wtt, yis," replied tho boy. "I reckon sho'd like It fust rate, cos sho evu alio uiun't understand It very well; uutkiio don't Jlkolouo troublin' he neighbors, so sho wouldn't ask yo." Two Kinds of aiitLS. Thero aro two kinds or girls, Ono Is tho kind that appears best abroad the girls that aro good for parties, rides, visits, balls, c, and wlioso chief delight-Is in such tilings. Tho other is that kind that appears best at homo tho girls thift aro useful and cheerful in all tho pre cincts oi norno. 'iiioy differ widely In chatacter. Ono is motli consuming overyuiing aoout ner: tuo other is sun beam, Inspiring llfu and gladness along nor patn way. Now It does not no cessarily follow that thero shall bo two classes of girls. A sight education will modify both a little; and unito their good qualities into ono, A DARKE V elvos tho followlnir reason Why the colored raco Is superior to tho wime raeot "All men aro mndoofclav. and, liko tho meerschaum plpo, aro moro valuablo when highly colored. Stovos and Tinware. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAIllIN Illicit, Main Hired ono door nhovo 1. Mrndenhair more. A largo assortment of Htoven, Ilenters and Ranges constantly on hand, nnd for salo at the lowest rates. Tinning In nil Us branches carefully attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. Tin work of nil kinds wholesale nnd retail. A trial Is rcquostcd. Apr.v,09-lf GTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. UUrKIlT announces to his friends and customers that continues the ahuvo business at his old place on MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, stovepipes, Tinware and every va riety of arllclo found in a Btovo and Tlnwaro Es tablishment In the el tics, aud on tho most reason able terms. Repairing done at the shortest notice. DOZEN M1LK-FANB on hand for sale. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. on main mmir, dearly orrostix vili.kii' BTOKE, JlL00M8BUltG, PENN'A. The undersigned has Just fitted upnndopcned lilsuow STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n this place, whero he Is prepared to mako un now Tin AvAnts of all kinds In his line, and do repairing with neatness end dispatch, upon tho uius, ii-iisimiiuju iru8, no also Keeps on uunu STOVES OF VAHIOUB PATTE11NS A STYLES, which he will sell upon terms to suit purchasers. Give htin a call, lie Is a gotod mechanic, and deserving or tho publlo patronnge. JACOB METZ. nioomsburg, April 28, 1807, Foundries. jgllARPLESS & HAItMAN, SAULS FOU.VDItr AND ANfFAC.1UHI-NU SHOP, STOVES A TLOWS WHOLESALE A HETAIL THE CELUDIIATED W0.NTH03K I HON I1KAM AND TUB IIUTTON WOODEN BEAU PLOWS. Castings nnd Firo Brick for repalrlngclty Stoves. All kinds of hrass or Iron casting made to order upon short notice. U. I-'. SHARPLESS & P. B. HARMAN, nioomsburg, 1'a. Proprietors. Mar.ltl.'ClMf. 0 ItANGEVILLK FOUNDItY, MACHINE SIlOP AND ACUUCUIiTUItAL Tho undersigned desire to Inform his Mends and tho publlo generally, that lie has rebuilt and enlarged his Fuuudry and MnchtnoShop, nnd re moved all his business from Light btreet to the abovo named place, whero tn connection with his Foundry he will continue- to mauulncture Wheeler's Railway Chain Horse-Tower and Thresher. (Improved), Cumuli's I 'a tent. TIIHKSHKU AND CLEAN Kit, either overshot for Troml-Vower or undershot wllh Lever-rower. He also manufactures to order and tits up all aluda of M I L Li G E A Jl I N G , Circular Saw Mandrels. Talent Hi ides for Saw Mills, the latest improved Iron iSeam 1'lows of dllteient kinds Woodeu Ueam Tlows, Double Corn Plows, and Plow Points of every descrip tion generally used throughout the county. IKON KUTTLE8, BELLS Cellar Orates, Htoves, Sled nnd Sleigh Soles, and lnftict everything generally made In a country Foundry. Tho&e wishing to purchase Machines would uo well to examine his machines, and the improvements made on the power, by which at least 20 per cent, or the friction is taken otr, ALL MACHINES AUG WAH It ANTED to give good satisfaction, aud terms made to suit fiurchasers. All kinds ct country produce taken n exchange for Plows and castings. Thankful to his friends and patrons for past favors lie would btill continue to solicit the same. WILLIAM SCHUYLEIk Apr.9,03-tf Orangoviilo Pa. W ANTED AGENTS FOlt THE KING OP HORSE BOOKS: THE ASIEltlCAH FARUElt'S HOME BOOK, It ontells,ten to one, any book of Its kind publish ed. 40th thousand In piebs. Agentsdolng better now than ever before. Also, for OUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN. In both ENGLISH nnd GERMAN, Embracing the ALLOPATHIC, HOMEOPATHIC, HYDRO PATHIC, ECLECTIC and HERBAL modos of treatment, 511 closely printed puges. Price only 12.50. The mott complete, reliable and ppou lazy family medical book tn ezttlcnce. Address C. F, VENT, Publisher, S8 W. h St., Cincinnati, Ohio. fcbiriXMm ?,'!irtl,rStv!'.-Tl0r33w'tIlSt" flnrlnnsll.O. If they want the inostpopularond best selling subscription hooks published, and thotuojllio. eralterms. Bond for circulars. Theywlllcostyou nothing, and may be of great benefit to you. fcbino-ly. Insurance Agencies, Q.LOBE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. rilny Freeman, President, II. C. Freeman, See Cash capital over 2,000,000, all paid. J. B. HOBISON, BLOOMSBURQ, PA rf GENERAL AGENT, For Luierue, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug. S0,'C9-ly. NBURANOE AGENCY. Wyoming ., .Etna. 1 170.000 1,000,000 Fulton. ... 800,000 560,000 North America.................. H..., City ... International..... M M Niagara. 450,000 1,400,000 1,000.000 530,000 110,000 670,01)0 500,000 400.000 1X0,000 05,000 Putnam Merchants Hprlngneld Farmers' Danville...... Albany City . Lancaster City.... .. York Horse, Death fc Tliolt.... Home, New Haven ...... Danville, Home Theft 1,000,000 FHEAH llltOWN, Aiient, maid C9-ly, IlLOOMsnDKfi, Pa Foi Puis Wtler, nit lauseLsbrileiraiDii, surely titleless, durable sal relit, bill equal to tuo good oll-fttihloned wooden Pump, lad tlVDElT St rl,Lt con leu thin half the moniY, Esillr imaged so u to be aoa.fVeexIng, s&dta conitraetlon lo BlmDle Ibit in; one cin put It up ind ksep It in repair. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOW UAD- Oct.22.'69-6m. "WILL. YOU HU1N YOUIt EYEHIdHT IIY USINO COMMON ULABSEH, When you can purchase LAZARUS & MORRIS'v CELEU RATED I'EItrECTED SPECTACLES AND EYK-OLASSES THE BEHT IN THE WOULD. They aro recommended by the Faculty for Purity of Material, llrllllanty of Finish; and their Ktrcngtheninit aud Preserving Powers, in which they excel all others. "They last many They can only be obtained In liLOOMsnvna pa., Of Miss A. D. WEBB, BOOK BTOIIE, MAIN BTKEET, Sole appointed Ageut for this place. No Peddlers l'.k Tiira .t, urnntftu MuUUIflCllirlllfr lint Irlun. luarlsTTO-Iy, ami uuru, iXJUu, ARCH BTREET CAIU'ET WAUEUOUSE. tkU ABCU ST., 11KLOW NINTH ST., VIIILADELrlllA. . THE OLD ESTAULlHIiliD bTAND. Iterelvlng for the Spring Trails a large stock of theNewHIylesof OA Itl'ETINGH purchased at the lowest Gold Hales, and will be sold at a great reduction Ironi last season's prices. KNGLIH1I DHL'MrtELBal 11.60, and air other goods In proportion, JOH. 11LACKWOOD. Iur2570-3iu. 833 Arch Ht. Philadelphia. Drugs and Chemicals. PI1CF.NIX rECTOItATj CtHlFfl COtlOIll PHCKNIX PKOTOIlAii CUltKS COUOI1 PIKKNIX PECTORAL CUHKH COUGU I 25 AM Cents, y. The rhrenlx Pectoral will cure tho diseases of tho Throat and Lungs, such as Colds, Cough, Croup, Asthma, lirnnchllls, Catarrh, Hora Throat Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, and lMlmonary Consumption. This medicine Ispicpared by Dr. Levi Oberholttcrnf Philadelphia, nnd formerly of Phcenlxvllle, Pa., nnd although It has only been oirered for nve years, more than ono mill ion bottles have already been sold, and the de mand for It Is Increasing every day. Many of tho ltetall Druggists buy It In lots of Ave gross, nnd not n few of the Country storekeepers try one gross at a tlmo. Nearly every nno who has ever sold It testifies tolls popularity, and nearly all who have used II, bear testimony to Its won derful lxiwor In curing Cough. We are confident that thero Is no known medlclno of such great vnluo to tho community nsthoPhumlx Pectoral, It has cured cases of tho most painful aud dis tressing cough, of years standlug. It has given Instant rollcf lnspellsof coughing. It has Instantly stopped tno paroxysm of Whooping Cough, and greatly shortened its du ration. It has cured Croup In n fow minutes. Consumption has been cured by It, whero all othor remedies had faltod to do good. Hoarseness has heon cured by It In n slnglo UlrhU Many physicians recommend It.nnd others use It themselves and administer It In their practlco while others oppo.o It because It takes away their business. Wo recommend It to our readers and lor fur thcr particulars, would rofer you to tho circular around tho bottlo where you will Unci numerous certificates given by persona who havo used It, It is so pleasant lo tho taste that children cry for It, It Is astlmulatlngcx nectoran I, giving strength at the samo tlmo that It allays tho cough. The proprietor of this medicine has so much conlldcnce In its curative powers from tho testi mony of thousands who havo used It that tho money will bo refunded to any purchaser who Is not satisfied with the elfcels. It Is so cheap that all can buy it. Prico 25 Cents, Largo IJottlos 11.00 It Is prepared only by LEVI OllEHHOLTZEU M. D., WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, No. 15S North Third Bireet, Philadelphia, N. 11, If your nearest Druggist or Btorokeeper docs not havo this medlclno ask him to get It for you, and do not let him put you ofT with some other preparation because ho luarfes more mon ey on ft; butgoorseud at once to some store whero you know It is kept, or send to Dr. Ober holtzor. Hold by K. P. Luis Druggist, liloorns burg. and H. W. Creasy, a Co., Light Street, and nearly every druggist and storekeeper lu Colum bia County, dee. 10,'0it-(im, $10,000 GUAUANTEIi. BUCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHEIt LEAD I 1st. For lis Unrivaled Whiteness, 2d. For Its Unequalled Durability, 3d. For Us Unsurpassed Covering Property. Lastly for Its Economy. 3It COSTS LESS lo paint with IIuck Lead than any other While Lead extant, Tho same weight covers SIOUE SURFACE, is moro DUU AI1LE, and makes WHITER WORK. 1HTOIC LEAD, Is tho Cheapest and Best. S10,ij GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS. 1st. for Its Unequalled Durability, 2d. For Its Unrivaled Whiteness, .11. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Properly. Lastly, for Us Ureat Itconoray, belug tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, nnd most DURABLE Whlto Paint In the world, nVY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Uuaranteod by the Manufacturers. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expressly for Painting Beautiful shades, Sample cards sent by Mall If desired. Dealers' Orilcrs will be piomptly executed by the manufacturers, FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. W. Cor, Tenth and Market Streets, lan2S"70-ly. Philadelphia LORILLARD'S "EUREKA' Smoking Tobacco Is in excellent articlo of granulated Virginia j wherever Introduced it Is universally admired. It Is nut un in handsome muslin hues. In whloh orders for Meerschaum Pipes aro dally packed. LOItri.LAltn'K 1 elnsseil liv nil nrlm ,. YACHT CLUB some It in tho "finest of TT.i rr i 1 fill It. I Tlimlrt i"if iha onioning louacco ::,-',-; v r, . Is antl-net-vous In !lMf.rrprt n. Him '(.!t.. has been cxtiacted; It leaves no disagreeable taste alter la very mlld.llght in color auu wcignt.nenco ono pound will last as longas3 of ordinary tobacco. In this brand wo also pack orders every day for first quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try It nnd convince yourselves it Is all ,b timing iu ui, -iiici I'inrjii LORILLARD'S I This brand of Flno Cut CENTURY I chewing tobacco has no Chewing Tobacco. I tfll or superior any. doubt tho best chewing tobacco In tho country. LORILLARD'S I have now bcou In gen B N U F F S rul uso In the United and still ncknnwlnl,.i ..ih. i... V.,.......J used. " ""';" If vour ktnrcltr,Mwi. .1,.na nt nu.a clcs for sule. ask him to get them : they aro sold by respectable Jobbers almost everywhere. .wrcuiur oi prices rorwarded on application. i o..., P. LORILLARD i CO., Jan.21'70.3m New Yorlr. QMNIBUS LINE. The undcra,lgned would resiwctfuUy announce to the cltliens of Bloomsbnrg and the publlo geno- laujr ma no is running an OMNIBUS LINE between this Diaceand the different iiMa.u. pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the nvciui Hums going Bouia anu west on the Cata wlssa and Wllllamsport Railroad, and with those going North and South on tho Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, Ills Omnlbusses are In good condition, commo dious and COmfortablA. Ami nlmnrn. KiwimVl. Persons wlshlntr in meat n, una tl.Alr .la- part, can be accomodated upon reasonable charge uy leaving ninety uouce at an OI MlO hotels. .iaiaju u uauiijN, l'ropneioi, qriCngeville aoaFemy". ORANGEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTV.PA PROF, U. J.SCIIOONOVER, rfluclpal, MRS. U J. SCIIOONOVER, I'rcceptrosH, This lnslitntlnn. for tlm ,ltiraii,,n nrVn..n Ladles and Gentlemen, will reopen uuder chargo of Trof. Schoonovtr, on Monday April 4.1MU. Teachers, of acknowledged ability and high order of talent, will bo employed in each department, and no cilort spnrod to secure to pupils thorough nnd Judicious culture. The coursoof Instruction will Includoall the usuuiiy uiiigiii in Jiign Bcnoois and Special attention given 'to Normal School iiantiuH nun lyiimiucrciui lUSiruCllOU. TERMS: Primary Department 3 to 55 per Quarter Higher Branches 'i to 8S per Quarter LOOATIoNlTlllK PTPnllttf InultlMllnr. IU ln cotetl In a plenaant village of about six hundred Inhabitants free from the temptations of a uij-ouwisn nines iromine nail with S.?"'rLc!,.'0.muulcl',l0' to '' diilerent roads. The buildings are situated upon an elevation, nrrounded by a bcaullful grove, and perfectly . cAf',1?NI?An von 1K0 i-Snrliig session begins April 4lh, l-,0 und enutlnues 13 weeks, following which there will be a vacation of six weeks. ,-, y ..v....o,iiiu-. to, io,i', continuing 11 weeks. Winter term opeus November 7,1070 oontlnulng 11 weeks. . EXPENBIS: Boaid can I obtained lu pri vate families atliom$S.50 to Jt.Wper week, or .... u luinisiitiu iu siuuenis wishing to provide lor themselves. Scholars will be admitted ut any tlmo during with the terni. ....0. loco.ii.nence atOmvmeli'CUlBr",l,1J,'e," 1110 r''P'. p A U 0 IPS It AW UO NK HUPEIt PHOSPHATE OF LIME rf0fnE MARK jiw- SPRING 1870. FARMERS! JNOiiEASE vouu CHOP oy CORN, OATO, POTATOia, WHEAT AND URA&S. As well as ADD TO THE FERTILITY OF YOUIt KOIL By a Judicious and Economical mode of MANURING. aETTHE VALUE OF YOUR OUTLAY THE FIRST SEASON. OUTAIN BETTER FILLED EARS AND HEAVIER GRAIN. KEEP YOUR BOIL FREE FROM NOXIOUS WEEDS. MAKE YOUIt LANDS PERMANENTLY FERTILE. Over SIXTEEN years of constant use, on all crops, has proven that Baugh's Raw Bone Phos. phate may be depended upon by Farmers. HIGHLY IMPROVED AND STANDARD WARRANTED. For sale by Agricultural Dealers generally, 11AU011 &. HONS, nm v. .. . Manufacturers. Office No, 20 B, Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, mrlS70-6ui. ss WW Rail Roads. T AOKAWA1NNA AND BLOOMS 1 J Rimn itAii.nnAn On ands-fUr Jan. 17, 1870, Pasitnger Trains will run ns ioiiowii ..,.. ,, , .. Going North, Going South. Arrlvo Arrive Leave Leavt n.ra. a. m. n.m. a. m Hornnton. ......... 8.13 ll.UU 4.00 Leave 4..12 S.0U 6.10 6.10 6.30 7.30 8.10 Arrive 7.20 Pltuton.......... 8.11 10.90 Klnslon ........ 7.60 10.03 llymonth , 7.S1 9.48 Bhlckshlnny,.., 7.M M Berwick ......... .03 8.80 Bloom 6.28 7.6.1 Danville - 4.50 7.13 Leave Leave MnrtVt'.t i IS A 411 7.M 8.30 Ml 10.17 10.69 Arrive 8.43 11.3.1 uonnestlon mnue aixcramou uy tue iu.iu a.m. train for Great Bend, Blngnamton, Albany and all points North, East nnd West. D. T, BOUND, Sup t. CATAWISSA RAILROAD On and after MONDAY, Sep. 0, 1809, Tassengor trains on the Calawtssa lhulroad will run at the following named hours 1 .Vfall Durtli. STATIONS. Hall AVfA Dep. 8.13 n.m Wllllamsport. Arr, 6.00p.m. " 0.15-'1 Mnncy. Dep. 6.28 ' " 0.47 " Wntsontown. " 4.67 ' " 10.0 " Milton. " 4.40 " " 10.13 " Dauvlllo, " 4.00 " " 11.05 " Rupert. " 3.10 " " 11.17 ' Catawlssa. " 3.3-J " " 12.21 p.m. Itlngtown, " 2.25 " " 12.68 " Summit. " 1.50 " " 1.08 " tluakake. " 1.40 " " 1.20 " E.MahonyJunc. " 1.30 " " 2,13 "Dlno.Tamaqna, Dlno. ' 1.10 " 4.23 " Reading. " 10.40 a.ra, Arr. .43 " l'hlladelphla. ' 8.15 " nr. J To New York via. Read t lug or Maucb Chunk. From New York via. I Mauch Chunk. f "M No Change of cars between Wllllamsport and Philadelphia. GEO. WEBB Huy't. JgROWN'S FAST FREIGHT FROM PHILADELPHIA TO BLOOMSnUltG, aud Intermediate points. Goods forwarded with rnre and dcsnatcll nnd at low rates. Goods, at Philadelphia, must ho delivered at miner ao's, MiaiarKci Htrcct, iror run par- tlculais, apply to BC11UYI uc.iv w jtuiiinnun. nuunuium. r l t, .., i .. . Aug. 20.' i-tf. It. R. Depot, Uloomsburg.Pa. TVTORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL- 0.1 WAY. On and after Nov. 15lh 18S9, Trains wl) leavo NoiiTiiUMBEnLAND as follows i NORTHWARD, 353 A. M., Dally to Wllllamsport, (except Sunday) rorttimira, cananuaigua, itocnesler, Bunalo, Suspension Bridge, aud N. Falls. 630 p. ., Dally, (except Sundays) for Elmlra and Buffalo via Erie Itallwav from Elmlra. 5.30 ! ii., Dally, (except Sundays) for Williams- TRAINS SOUTHWARD, 10.23 A. M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.10 P.M. Dally (except Sunday's) for Baltimore wusuiugioii ana i'uiiaueipuia. ED. H. YOUNG, Goneral Passenger Agent. ALFRED It. FlSEE, UeU'l BUpt,, JEADING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, ArnlL lSth, 1870. Great Trunk Line from the North aud North west for Phlladclnhla.New York. Reading. Potts- vllle, Tamaqua, Ashland, Bhamokln Lebanon Allcntown, Eastou, Ephrnta, Litis, Lancaster, Trains leave Uarrlsbure for New York, ns fol- lows: At 5,35, and 8,10 a. m., 12,V0 noon and 2.05 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Penna. ltallroad, and arriving at New York at 12,13, noon, 8,10 0,50 and 10,00 p. m. respectively. Sleeping cars accompany the 6,35 a, m,, and 12.20 UUUII IIUIU9 WfllUUUI UllUllKtl. Returning: Leavo New York at 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon und 5,00 p. ra. Philadelphia at 8.16 u. m, huu o.ov ,i. iu. nicopiug cars accompany the v.OO n. ra aud 5,00 p.m., trains Irom N, Y. without change. Leave llHrrisbura-for Reading. Pottsvllln. Tn. raaqua, MlnersvUIe, Ashland, Bhamokln Pine Grove, Allcntown & Phlla'd. at 8,10 a.m., & 2,05 & 4,10 p.m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations: the 4,10pra. train connecting for Phll'a Pottsvlllo and Columbia only. For I'ottavlllo Schuylkill Haven aud Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Uarrlsburg at 8,40 p.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at a.m., connecting wiiu similar train on East ra. rauroaa returning irom lieauingatG,, Leavo Pottsville at 6,40and 9.00 u.m..nnd 2.45 n. Herndou ut 9.30 a. m,, Bhamokln at 5,10 nud 10,10 a. m.. Ashland at 7.05 a.m. and 12.80 noon Tnm,. qua at 8.33 a. m., and 2,20 p, m.for Philadelphia Leave Pottavllla via Bchuvlkllt nnit Rn,nn. hanna Railroad at 8,15 a.m. for Harrlsburg. and 11,30 a. m., for Pino Grove and Tremont, Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts- viue aiii.iu a. in., passes iteaumg at 7.80 a. m., ar leaves Philadelphia at C,15 p. m., passing Read. iuk it. o.w i.ui. , unit inatik 1 u tin vine at v.w p.m. Potlstown Accommotlatlon Tralnrliwivtf Pittt. town at 6,25 a.m. returuing, leaves Philadelphia at 4,00 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at :'" r.'". iwi x.pnxata, iiiiiz, iuicas. Perkiomen Itall lload Trains tnnvn TArVtnmt, Junction at 9,00a. m 3.00 A 5.30 p. ra. returning! leave BchwenkBYllle at 8.05 a.m., 12.45 noon, aud j. p.ui.. uuuuvuiiiig wiia similar trains on Reading Railroad. uoicorookuaie iinuroad traius IeavePottstown at 9.40 a. m nud 6.2U n. m..rpttirtilnf, lAnvallnnnt Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. m., connecting with tiutua un ivcuuiug Itaiiroao. iucsier vunev iiaiiroau -i rains tjtvit iir!firrn, port ut 8,30 a. m. aud 2.03 and 5.02 p. in. returning, leavo Downlngton at 6.20 n. m., 12.15 noon and S.15 p. in., connecting with similar trains on iwituiua- itunruau. Oil klUlllnv. InnV. Vnw Vnrlr ntlMnm Ttt.ll. phla ut 8,00 a.m. nnd 3,15 p.m., (the 8.00 a.m. train i"""i"K vuiy iu iveuuillg',1 l'OUSVlIte B.U0 Harrlsburg at 6.33 a. ra. and 4.10 p. m. ami ItPfllllltt. llt.TIS n m ntt.l lltltn m burg, at 7.2J a, m. for 'New Y'ork, and at 9.40 a. m unu m p. in. iur i-iiiiaueipuia. wvu.u.u.u..uu, viucuKO, actiauu, C3UUUU1 null Excursion Tickets to and from all points, at re duced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed cavil i-n.rnuKci. G. A. NICOLLfl, .. . General Superintendent. Heading, Pa , April 2) 1870. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & WESTERN RAILROAD. Summer arrange- wcu., 11111 11, iojv, AIU1US leuyU IUI lOllOWBJ EABTWAKD. WESTWARD. Ac- com, Ex- Mali BTATI0N8. K.u press press Ae- com. Via M. A E. Dlvls.j Ar New York. (Lv A II. t-.IC, liob TTo 8.00 4.10 8.15 4.23 8.(0 4.60 11.28 7.35 9.00 6.00 11.15 7.9) 11.43 7.S0 11.63 8.00 7.30 3,10 8.45 4,4'2 11.05 7.03 12.00 8.06 12,15 8.20 12.25 8.30 12.40 8.43 12.5.i 8.55 1.03 1.15 1.30 9.26 1.48 8.41 2.06 11.6s 2.19 10.09 2.3(1 10.29 2.48 10.38 3.20 9.03 3.40 9.15 a 9.21 4.01 9.35 4.20 9.64 4.39 10.12 4.67 10.80 6.15 10.17 6.30 11.02 r.u, A.M. li-uut jiurcitiy ex.) ...Christopher St... Hohoken , ......... Newark- .....Washington J via Con. RIC. of N.J. iYtw lorac axtlitierlsHt) -.NewIIainptou... Oxford llridtrovilln 1000 8.40 7.40 S.48 1.21 12.17 12.371 0.50 R.45 6.10 3.50 1.30 ...Philadelphia ,...... 1 renion....., Phllllpsburg...... .Manniiku Chuuk... ...... .Delaware........ ...Mount Bethel ...... Water Gap........ .....Stroudsburg .....Hpraguevllfe Henryvlllo ......Oakland ........ Forks.......... Tobyhanna Uouldsboro ...Moscow Dunnlmr -;ui 6.33I1ZS0 12.23 12.03 12.52! 11.88 1 .28 11.18 11.02 1 10.401 10.27 111.14 11.50; 9.40 9.10 Scranton r.u. 8.80 9.10 9.21 9.50 8.80, ..AillngtOU .Factory vllle ........ ....Nicholson........ ...Hopbottom. Montroxe ...New Mllford.. -...Great Bend 1.S5 1.391 8.14 7.521 10,30 1.21 7-3T 7.15 11.00 12.110 12.33 I.l-O 1219 1233 A.M 0.51 ISM A.ll, Trains do not stop at Stations where the Time Connections. At New Ifiintittan ulit. rd..,rni i it Tile Mall and Express traius eanward and west- A1, Washington with Morris A Essex It. R. Mall and Express trains make close and reliable connections with trains for New York. Newark. Motrlslown. Dover, Waterloo, Hacketlstown As! 1 it wSnanKal-nunk with Belvidere Delaware v "1 passengers reach Phlladelnl utn, uy o. 4, via Kensington. Passengers on n' ',a Vh'!,",t'Il'hra in time tS take the UAtPK ):ZlatLlV"?0'" aax Washington. e-VtlfJ??101 w,1" lcowannn 4 Bloomsburg n.iitware 4 Hudson Kail Roads. Trains oil wifki0 nU."ru?.'ct wl,Ul .our for Wtutou, Vt llkes-Barre, Berwick, Bloomsburg. Danville "'r'P'.1.1!"'! Archbald aiiciCarbondaleT' "auvu'' At Blughamtou with Erie Railway, stall No I connects with Express Mall oil Erie IUI way ten1.0, "W2 '-w' w,lUtt sleeping cowt Tau l?Jn,'J'v1vlSl! Bt Uunal at .20 nelt moinh". Swergcr,saTd,iCirr111 0 wny tm,n ,ur Alhauy a Susquehanua Ralllload. Fourtralus il.aJu,1,.cuc1,' wa' between Blngbamtou aud Albany. One leaves Illnghumlou at 2.30 11 in andajrivesatAlbauyatl).00p.iii. ''l'-u.. Hyracuso, Blnghamton 4 N. Y. R. It. Trains for Sy racuse lea e at 7 a. m. and 8.24 p. m. Train! (om1li,,",v)t lha.m.ands:i)V. iu. ":.'"fiNuy' . W.F.1IAI.LSTEAD. won 1 i n... aim iK i, Agent. Bupt J OTie vSriinJ iLASSva areniw prepared to furnish all classlswlth consUnlenX ldoymeiit at home, the whole of the time or the spare moments. Lualness new. light and prontablo. Persons ol either sex iiiny en from Wc. to 15 iter evening, and 1 TprorortlomS sum by devoting heir wfiil. time K (he bus" jicss. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. lhat all who see this notice may send their addrtsa and test the business, we make this unnsraleled offert To such m iwnot well satisfied, we win lend II to i"y for the trouble of writing. Full iwrtlcuUrs.'a valuabiS sample, which will do to commence work on and a copy of The iVenle'i Uterary lltZ"? !rn0L1i" -l('l nrijait family Mey"pS Mu, im uy luau. iteauer. If vou ALLtN 4 CO., Augusta, Maluo, w Dry Goods & Notions. JkJEW STOOIC OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival or PATJi AND WINTER G001. DAVID LOWENI1ERG Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. at his store on Main Streot, two doors above the American House Bloomsburg, Pa., where ho has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment or MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable, and ""Ua"rae DRESS GOODrt, consisting of BOX, HACK, ROCO, GUM, AND OIL-ULOTU COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts, sties and colors. Hohasalso replen ished his already large stock of FALL AND WINTER BIIAWL8, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS 11-ANDKERCIIIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He nas constantly on hand a large and well-so- ccted assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTING3. which he Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, of s cry description, flue and cheap. His caseoi Jewelry Is not surpassedtln thlsTplaoo. Call aud examine hlsgencral assorlmeu of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY , AC. DAVID LOWENDERG. Q C. M A R R have Just received from the eaalern markets a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, oonhistino or Casslmcrs, Jeans, Best bleached A Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotton A All wool flunnels tc, Ac, A good stock of Ladles dress goods. Latent styles A patterns, Spices of all kinds, Good stock groceries, Queensware, Stono ware, Wood A willow ware, Flour ii Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin. Brass,Ac. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. He would call the attention of buyers to his well and carefully selected assortraeut whteh comprises everything usually kept In tho coun- try, feeling confident that ho can sell them goods at such prices as will ensure satisfaction Nov. S,'60-lf C. C. MARR. jyILLER'S STORE. riiniii ivituivAL, ur FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The subscriber has lust returned from the cities with another large and select assortment of FALL AWD WINTER GOODS, purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the owest figure, and which he Is determlued to sell on as raodcrato terms as can be procured else where lu Bloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a large '.assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmcres, Bhawls, Flannels, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Bklrts, Muslins, Uollowware Cedarware Queensware, Hardwari Boots and Shoes, Hats aud Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklug-Glasse.1, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Clnuamon Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kcDt In conntrv stores, to which lie Invites the attention of tho publlo generally. The highest prloe will be paid mr ooumry proauco in exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER A SON. Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. QONFEOTIONERY. ..ShlS!,??."".?? w2uld respectfully announce to the publlo that he has opened a FIRST-CLASH CONFECTIONERY STORE, In the building lately occupied by Fox A Webb ",b f'jnti ctitu luruisu an Kiuus or PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS NUTS, RAISINS, 40., AC, AC. BY W1IOLKHALI OU K K T A I L. lu short, a full assortment of all goods his line of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., SVilS I" ,or,he HolWay- Particular attention BREAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, rresh overy day, CHRISTMAS CAN DIES, OHIBTMAS TOYS. uaSuteedr0""1"1 ""'"' will I "oy'la-ISB7' ECKHART JACOBS. jyfERjUHANDISE NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN To my friends and thepuhllu generally, that all DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AO., ir cunsiauuy on hand and lor sale AT BARTON'S OLD ST4.ND llLOOUSBUKn, IIY JAMES K. EYER, IX-Al.r. a . . .. lv -"- ,-""" "r..M.Ig- 1'IISSr-IIATK or " unusianuy on hand. feb8'C7, QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa. M. C. HLOAN A BROTHER Have on hand and for sale at the most reasona ble rates a splendid stock of iiascua CARRI AGES.-- RtlOmKl and every description of Wasous imih PLAIN AND FANOY warrttuted to bo made of the best aud moat dui. able materials, aud by the Mt iiMrini workmen. Alfwork seut out from iK eitabi llahment will be found to beof the highest clai SLEIUUB of all the newest aud most lsahlouabi .tvi.a well and carefully made 'and If tho",? miu'ti ii!i;?fct.lou cf tuelrwork Is asked eSint ttat umi '"P'rlor can be "un Ills found in lit Nov.W,'6-tf. TVTONi'OUIl HOUBE LTX RUPERT, PA, wniiiAH UU7LEB, Proprietor, rronncior i.n ww Dry Goods & Grooenefl. G HAND OPENING GRAND UPfcninu GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING or FALL AND WINTEn GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ol 1 consisting of consisting of ' consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND OAPH, If ATS AND OATO, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND BHOES, BOOTS AND BHOES, BOOTS AND BHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY.MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTIUHO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKINO-GIiAHHES, LOOKING-GLASS ICS, LOOKINO-OiiASSEH, LOOKING-GLABSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND Oil), paini's and oils, paints and oils, paints and oils, paints and oils, groceries, groceries, groceries, groceries, groceries, oueenbware, Queensware, oueknhware, 8ueenbwa1u5, queensware hardware, hardware, hardware, hardware, hardware, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, HALT, SALT HALT UALT, SALT, F1B1I, FISH, FISH, FITIi FISH, GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, Ao., Ac AC, AT MoKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL CO.'S, CO.'B, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'B. Northwest corner ot Alain ar.d Market Streets. Northwest corner or Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Htreels, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., BI.OOM8BURO, PA BLOOMSBURG PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In large quantities and at rednced rates, alway on nanu. Miscellaneous. No IIuuuuu, It Is iirrmieil to euro lost or Impaired Taste, Smell or Hearing, Waterlug or Weak Eycs.ofleuslve breath, Ulcerated Throat or Mouth, Pain nnd Pressure In the Head, and loss ol Memory when caused, as all of them fre quently aro by tVo ravages of Catarrh. It Is pleasaut and painless to use, contains no strong poisonous nrcaunic drugs, but curei bu itimlld toothing uction. I will payjaw Reward for a case of Catarrh that I cannot euro. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS EVE11Y WHERE. 1'kice Onlt 50 Cknts. If ypur Diugglsl has not yet got it on sale, don t be put otr with some worse than worthless strong bluir, "funilgator," or poisonous caustlo f!?i&n''?1"c? w ?'"'""' ,!" foiAe lunii Instead of curing it, but send sixty cents to me and the remedy will reach you by return mall, fitil l,ttclEet Post paid, 62.00, one dozen lor Send a two cent slamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the Proprietor, ",'",,Bl i.n .a PIERCEM. D.. Jan 7,'70-3ra. BuvrALo. N, Y. NEW COAL YARD. The undersigned respectfully inform the H.'.'f6."' U'oomsburg nnd Columbia cointy. i!i.,.h i,P tuo ulffercntnunibers ofstove coal and selecUd lump coal for smithing purpo ses on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelvyf SealA Co's' Furnace; with a good pafr of BuflaU scales on the whsrf, to weigh coal, hay, aSd straw" Likewise a horso and wagon, to driver coal to those who dnlre It, As they purchase a Isrie i'tSV'tSH11 8e" tlla vcry lowest prices. Please .L",n1 """""o forymirsclvis lifore purchas Ing elsewhere. j. w. llENDHIlsllOT AlTnilU-IITU tncnti 1 aIIK underalgncu will tnko in 1 chamro for f 'onl n.l nmraru. t,- named articles t-Wheat, Rye, Corn. Oats T l,ta. toes, Lard, Ham.Hhoulde' side meauBu ler Eggs. Hay, Ac, at the highest cash prices at his' Grocery store, adjoining their coal yard ' Bloomsburg Mar. lO.-OO-ly! W KNDEIWHOT. .(BREECHi' ."1" - t a.J ) BEST IH THE W0RLD.iu)f tEiofOaAemcuijui .VSONM" New York Office 27 BEEKMAN BT. dec. S4,'(8 tm. ipeued a first-class BOOT, BHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUR STORE, &vbe'kfd0ltt ged-andiewe' " rn'eut of UU "'wtlon to hi. flue assort. HATB, OAIU, FURS AND N0TI0N8 bellBvej tU1bac'01re,lrc'iaslng elsewhere as It is iSS. "'P" tu'coTnt'y0. "e t JJARI.Y ROSE POTATOES," " HIE OHFAT TOPIC OF TUB mv The subscriber has a limited aupply of the Early Roso Pclalo. ul,i,i, i . ,,. . 'I, y..0. w !!,! , ,.. . . . -vu I" muse mw1;1aJ,Vo7T:CoU""l,-y."'lV'V'' also, twenty of tbo Best Varieties of " bTRAAVllERRY, RASI'IJERRY, HOT.IIOUSE AND OUT-DOOR PLANTS all Of Whllll Will I n,l .......... ..! in their season. ,u,e' PRICK LI8T OF EARLY ilO-E I'OTATOIB Per pound. 85CnU Perpeck,75(eiiU! Perhaii husheMlOiO, Per bushel. ,w V Zu"k!w, marlb70-lf. BSKTk IK. Sewing Machines. G ROVER & BAKER'S BEW1NU MAU111ME8, The following aro selected from thou..., testimonials of similar charactor, ai eDr, , tho reasons ror tno preicrence for the fjiav. BAKKn Machines ovof all others. T" ee '-j like the Grover A Baker Mshm. . the first place, because, If 1 bad ani I -ls should still want Ci rover A Raker" snd iS ' a Grover A Baker, It answers the pnrSS,. V'l tho rest. It does a greater variety Vr mVl, It is easier to learn than any other.''LtM!5 ."H Croly (Jenny June). "".J.o. "I havo uau several years' .... with aOroverABaker Machine, which? mI?' meurentsntlsfActlon. I think tho Grnvi. er Machine Is more jnsllv mnnseiSi 1, Ma ilable to get mit of order. I prefer thi'n iHi h Baker, dcchl.dly.'MMrs. Dr. Wsttl 2lfv' . "i navo nau use in my fainii. -"'a. two years; and from what 1 know of t,10 Ings.nnd from tho testimony of initnu .0,- rrloii.l.. who usu tho same. 1 ..m h... Of in anything could bo moro coinpictoor i.llf ho sallafactloii." Mrs. General Oiaut, "nl" ! bcltevo It to bo the btat .n ... considered, of uuy that I havo kiVoi "?. very slmplo nnd easily learned) tlietfuji'.l' the ordinary spools is a grearajAml"8,ri stitch is entirely rcllahloi It uwi Sn if?1 wora ueiiiiiuuuy i it is not liable In,.. : llaker to them all, iSecnuse l' con"",? VielS ! moro elastic. I havo work now ln i 1 I w which was done nlno yours ago, whk ifSS good.-! .Mrs. Dr. Mouroady, No.4l SitT.. F third Stieet New York. m T,tJ. "Alore than twn.thlnU nr . u .i.. . . douoln my family for the last iKore ri hlii "I dono by Grover A inker's Uchlne,itd " had a garment i lp or need mending exc!!.!' rents which lrollcsomo boys will iiwi. IS cloth. It is In my opinion bj far I he ' Be1ec.?r.n"y 1 toTB "'-"Aitril'f.'c'L'rV w's'S, . . "Tho Grover Biker Sewing MatMn. has rendered In every respect the moatS.,,2! satisfaction. It combines so mauy MtmSSS with beauty of execution and economy -fi fi32 that It Is n necessity In every houelioid-'-u-Governor Geary, Harrlsburg, Pa. "' Mri "I hnvnhad tho G rover A Baker Machlni for ten or twelvo years in constant i in 2! house. I navo seen anil known every kind A family sewing, both personal and houattoff accomplished upon theUroverAUakcrM.rK to the entlro satisfaction of all who wii. S ' ccrucd."-Rev. Stephen H. Tyng. " "I find thp Orover A Baker atltcU m wear as long as tho garments do-ouiwtariS garment In fact. The stltcli will not break bias seams, when stretched, as othera do" ni neither does It draw the work."-I.Mra. Dr iiiL lng, 4 Enst Tweuty-rourth Street, New York, e . '-Wo havo n Grover A Baker BetrlmMv chlno for seven years lu constant uae.beramSi felling, lucking, and everything that the n3 can do. It Is preferred over all othen on acMmt ol Its durability of work, elastlilty.andSS of stitch, eno of movement, and Umplicitr 2 construcilon."-.Mrs. Gen. IlVl. ? m' " "Thero could he no greater comfort li a family than ii Grover A Baker Hewing Machiti 1 havo used one for the last nine ur ten vtirt and I think It Is decidedly the bust family 8. i1!"-"-''!!?.6,!,''!'!6 l Whipple, wlti ot ,, w. u, ...u. ..tier.. iiBataiauon, "I have had un opportunity of eiamln. Ing and using other varieties of maihlnea- tan very much prefer tho Grover A Baker stitch tor strength, elasticity, and beauty. I have nern to oilier mnchlno so simple lulls coii.iructlon a o easily understood nnd kept In order."-ls!n "During tho past eleven reara I Lava lmil a Orover a linker Sewing Murhl je In con slant uie, and It has never ri-uuJredtbeeaat re pair. 1 take great pleasure lu rccommratoi the Grover A linker ns theerv htstRewln. chine for family use." (.Mrs.J.G. l'hyfe,10V(it I Twelfth street, New York. I "It Is so simple In Us structure thatltli exceedingly dliriculi to get It out of orJer. Boia of my little girls one tlvc-and.a.huir aud tu oilier four years can sewbtrnlglit aeamaeoK without assIslHiice."-Mrs. A. O. Fosi, wired Rev. Aichibnld C. Foss, 1DJ West Thirtieth itrMI New York, "The Groves A Baker Mnclilnela aotbi benefit to mauklud thatl ortcnfcelnsiboiiiQii would do me good to trumpet Its pralata farul near. The one I have Is of the plainest klod; but I would not cxchangetl for the moat ixptu. lve I ever saw of any other make. (Mrs. WIIms wife of Prof. Wilson, of Hobart College, "The simplicity of Us construction, tti facility with which Us use Is acquired, the beta ty, strength, and elasticity of Its stllcb.snd Ht adaptability toall kinds oi work, ore cuaaiM u-aiWi do not all belong at once to imyplAfr nu cMne." Prof, HeLshaw, of WUUstou tienilcarr. "My wlfo Is delighted with her Grortra Baker Hewing Machine. Hhe prefers tlie Orow a linker to any other she has sun." KeY.A.A; Fisher, Philadelphia Conference, "We have used one of Grover A Bakeri Bewlng Machines lor about ten yeniB.anilHn' was never nut of renalr, and give err general I satisfaction." Mr. Edw Iu Hunt, 81 Lake itrttt I .incagu. Tho Grover and Bakor Sewing MacUna Col- pauy manufacture both the Klaallc fjtitchual Lock Blltcli Machines, and offer the public i choice of the best machines or both klnJ,l:l their establishments iu all the largecit ea, il!l through agencies lu nearly all tuwni tbrouffeotf I the country. Prlco Lists and sampea of sowing! In both stitches furnlshod ou nppMcatloti ul Grover a BukcrB. M. Co., Philadelphia, oi lo j. a. iiohas, Uloouiilunj. Iune23'89-ly fibtntl Hardware & Cutlery. THE NEW HARDWARE STORE! WB ltT.lTH ULTRA. I jHavlng enlarged our Store Room and Jul OPENED A NEW BUPl'LY, i1lrr.(lv ft-tttn flm M n tt it riii-lttrt-rri. Iilin-Iiaislh cash, on a declining market, w o are prcpaired u offer the same to . FAllMEltS, MECHANICS, IiUILDUA anil Mm i-ORt nf Tnntr Itt.l it fitnpritl Block. CeD- ltrlsltitr nil Ihn UlntU Anil mutinies uanally kltl Inncltyllard Waro Store, suitable tothewunl oi tue county, at unusuauy low prie-ea. H Alt thftBAU.Iinnrailnulpl,ilunr ItltrrlinimaKOO In our lino can savo Money by looking Is. at Its new itaru ware more. . , a Please give ns a call and examine our iwaiti HUNYAN A WAKDaV I Apr. 23.00-ly r B loooiaburi, ft I Jacob K. Smith. J. K. SM-ri S MIT II & SELTZER, Importers and Dealers In Foreign sndhomit i HARDWARE, GUNS, OUTLERY, 0 KO. 409 X. TMIItD SrnKXT, AB. CAttOWIll, PHILADELPHIA. Nov, 22, Q.ET THE BEST. itunson's Cojipcr Tubular Llglitnma tho best protectllin ngalnst dUnaltr Ly-1 inuw over mvoutcd. Tho subscriber is roir:,l above lnvctiLlnn. ntifl nil orders by inall 1 person will bo promptly attended to. I Mnyl5,'68. K. 11, 111DLEMAS I JOIMJTIC ECONOJIYI CAMPILLION CARPETI A now, cheap, durable, healthy, nl I FLOOR COVERING I A substitute for oil-cloth at one-third tMN"J ti.i. . ... , t .....itlurcMlMl .i ". i'in iutiui:t:u w ,7, nrnattl'i lion of stroug. heavy paper, pilntrd lawn " 1 tal colors, and coated with a tough, "V rJII proof eiiumel which receives the fjil tho colors ami paper endures wo-hh " ,1 uti" me carpel ungui ana m-snn.". - Ucliiu, ItsaiivHlitugcsiireasfollul-- jl us ciisi i-c-uuers ll avaliauie iu ,.n exceedingly siuooih and glossy, smll I lutes next to no dust: It does iml S .ndtll lukeu up and cleaned like other C'W'liJii.l witia itiucu lanor anu irouuif; kl ti casu may require, (which cils but trUjJJ last Indttlnijely, even an agc.""d'"liS new anu bright ; In Its use uo ici"" ;:1oi, U placed mam Ihe paper for w ear, ad J fa divu mr iruuas, i-iuiis,uuur "";'. i-roH I purel.bul tho Ilrst attempt, either '"JfSffl Aiucrlcu. lo convert It luln cnn-i t or now Ing. all concede it lo bo an intlre ,lon! I wi navo l urihnbcu tno rig";. iuj couuly aud inn furnish the csriJ d inn furnish the csri-i t"- JYou uio Invited li'tlcall !'uKVrlWill gitndsatnurstjre. M KELi, WW I t mauuiaciurci J-You uio I Hids at our st.t BliKimsburg, Dec. ll'ds-tl. g L A T IS R O O F 1 N 0' BVERY VABlETY JOHN THOMAS, AKU OABrEll J' J"jJ llox, J1IIH...I- nRUENWOOD SKMlNAltV. The Spring Term of tlal luelltuth wUJl quarierof Eleven weeks will ltr"Sni rlrst of July, when this e will be a y siaw jinaruiug stuuenis, not ""late charge of relation Wetili I Mb tup DUUIIUttl, Ish their own towels, AO. TERMBI ill Boarding and Lights, per quarter ; lul.'.1' ,......,..,... S2 Vim V i , Washing extra, and all bills l r"f,,el n advance, and Lalasceat or fUoiil"l tu utmiicr, a or lurinei "yj(, JJlIltUiJ"! Mill vllle, March i, 1970-Viu. PRINTING Neatly executed at this Offlo