THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. -AND- BLOOMSBUltG. PA. Frlilny JUoriiliiRr. April 20, IStO. a TIIK COLUMBIAN Una the Largest Circulation of rnijr paper published In Northern Pcniurlvunlni niitl Is lse much lamer sheet tliu miy of Ittcolem nornrlesa nml U therefore tUehelt meitllim for mlvertlllhg In Ihli section otitis Stale. XVIoro Fraud. That linppy combination of Sal nt and Soldier, IIaJ. Ocri'l. O. O. nowaru, flnmmnnilpr.lit.niiliifnrtlloFruCdmaU'A Buvouu, &c, lias apparently como to Brief. It seems Dial tho General wish cd to build an University, bearing his name, to no run by uio l- rccuinaivs mi rcau, but being interested in tho innnu fiipiurn of n lxitcnl brick whoso prlncl- til IiHrriill(nt was sand, bo Insisted that this worso than Worthless material should bo used. Of course, as any one could have told, except iiOriiaps so em inent n, Christian warrior in Howard ihn litltlilitir' W.13 not fairly up until it came down and "great was tho full thereof." This Is bad enough Cm. n Snlnf lint thorn tt vnrso to como. ,..,...- - tlm nvmears that irnwnnl advanced moncv out of tho United States Treasury, appropriated W tho lionnfU of llio Bureau, and took In roturn therefor, nt par, tho bonds of tho First Congregational Church, of which ho is n Drlgm anu sinning hkiu (though temporarily under a misneij. These bonds aro not worth a bawbeo jn the market, and thus tho matter stands. Now, if tho "righteous" do these things, "whero shall tho sinner and thq ungodly appear ?" Radical horoes and moralists aro like Howard's brick a trifle sandy, and generally go to pieces when, a storm of Investigation beats upon their worthless material. Absenteeism. Wo really think it is about timo that somo stops should bo takorr by tho pcoplotocorapelSenatorsand Members of Congress, to attend tho sessions of their" respective bodies. At a recont meeting of the Senate but Jive membors were- present out of soventy-two all told. Tho same state of affairs prevails in the House. Now, it may bo amus ing for tho gallery loungers to sit and listen to tho ridlculous.excuses offered by tho Honorable gentlemen, but it is rather cxpenslvo entertalnmont. Tho .salaries paid ,by, their constituents aro supposed to bo in lieu of services rendered tho Stato and country, and aro altogether too high for buffoonery and .neglect of duty, It Is sheer robbery and nothing else. It Is said that are certain members of the Houso draw ingsalary, .who have, scarcely been in .(.Washington this session. It is true ttliat very often tho country would bo b' li these law-makers did not feet together at all, but it is hardly a valid excuse nor ono they would bo, apt to offer. By all means let Congress' men and Senators show somo regard fur. thoantorcsts of those who bond thcra to Washington, ftnd present tho appear- ancp, at least, of .doing something to. earn their money. Food Tor tho Thoughtful. Tho fanner starting to his work has a shoo put on his horso with nails taxed 67 per cent., driven by a hammer taxed CI percent. : cuts n stick with n knlfo taxed GO per cent. 5 hitches his horso to a plough taxed CO por cent. IIo returns to his homo at night and lays his wearied limbs on a sheet taxed C8 per cent., nnd covers himself with n blan- kot that has paid 230 per ccnl. Ho rises In tho morning, puts on his hum ble flannel shirt taxed 80 per cent., his coat taxed GO per cent., shoca taxed 35 per cent., mid hat taxed 70 por cent.: opens family worship by a chapter from his Blblo taxed 25 per cent., nud kneels to his God on nn humblo carpet taxcil 1G0 per cent. Ho sits down to his humblo meal from a plato taxed 40 per cont., with knlfo nnd fork 80 per cent. ; drinks his cup of coffeo taxed 47 por cent., or tea 78 per cent., with sugar 70 per cent. ; Beasons his food with B:lt taxed 100 per cent1, popper 1!97 per cent., fr splco 379 por cent. Ho looks around upon ills wi fo and children, nil taxed In tho samo way ; takes n chow of tobacco taxed 100 per cent., or lights 11 cigar taxed 120 per cent., and then (hunks his stars tlint ho lives In tho freest and best government under heaven. If, on tho Fourth of July, ho wants to havo tho star spangled banner on real bunting, ho must pay tho Amorlcan Bunting Company of Massachusetts 100 per cent, for this glorious privilege. No wonder that tho Western farmor Is struggling with poverty, and conscious of a wrong somowherc, although ho knows not wlicnco tho blow comes that Is chaining him to a lifo of endless toll, nnd red 11 c ing his wlfo and children to beggary. Tho Ono Hundred Dollar Bounty. Tho question as to what clasa of soldiors aro entitled to tho one-hundred, dollar bounty under tho recont decision of United States Supremo Court, is at present eliciting much interest through out tho country. The following points havo been Submitted to tho Second Con troller for his decision: "Under tho act of July 22, 1S01, sol diers who wero honorably discharged to accept, promotion, after having .served two years, wero paid tho S100 bounty. Why, under the recent de cision of tho Supremo Court are not soldiers who enlisted prior to that act. under .the President's proclamation of .May 0, lsuu, cniiueu ,10 iuu uouniy, whether they served two years or not, and whether such service was as an unlisted man or otherwise? The- con tract with .tho United States was that tney snouiu receive jiiuu county wnen honorably discharged. Is not a pro mot ion hirhonorablo discharge?" Tho Controller answers tho abovo questions as follows: "Tho decision of this office was against payment of bounty even In the cases arising under tho act of July 22, 1801, on the ground that when ono nartv releases tho other fiom tho oblieation of a contract for the benefit of tho latter, thero is tho end of tho ncroemont! for It would be one-sided hiw that wpuld hold ono and discharge tho other. But as many payments had been inado before tho subject was urougnc 10; ino notice 01 1110 Treasury Department.' the nractlco was not ills- turned. In the caso now presented the .1 . r.. i .. .. .1 .. ... t...,i .. .1 ...... rnont of bounty to officers promoted from tho ranks, tho Government yiel ding tho service it had a right to de mand under their contracts of enlist- ments for Uio benefit of tho officer,1 was held to bo inenuitable and Illegal, and it Is not Sanctioned by tho opinion of the Runrpmn fYinrl." Onr Sown, AVoseo they nro industriously at work nt our Normal School in arranging tho beautiful grounds around tho buildings. grading, planting, arranging tho flow er beds," &c. Prof. Carver knows how to join tho "utile" with tho "tlulce" and lias procured a scientific gardonor from Philadelphia, a well educated man and formerly employed in tho Boyal gardens of his Wurtcmberglan Majesty. Tho Latin names of ail tho plants flow like water from his lips. Under his management tho school will soon bo surrouuded with a Iittlo Paradise. A gigantic idea fills our brains, fills them to bursting almost. Could Blooms burg not bo supplied with water, cither from tho river by a steam pump, nnd building a reservoir abovo tho Normal School, or from water-rich Light Street? For drinking purposes wo should great ly prefer tho latter, not much relishing to havo tho wash-water of our friends at Wllkcs-Barro, Pittston, Towanda, Athens, Blnghamton, &c. But tho en terprise would bo a good ono and would pay. Who would not like to havo a fre3h continual stream of water in his houso, kitchen, barn, wash aud bath ing rooms. Who would not Ilko to adorn his promises with elegant foun tains, nnd how much more sccuro would not tho wholo placo bo, if wo had hy drants all over, on which to screw tho hoso and play on any incipient flro'in no timo. Tho Kxohango Hotel would not havo burnt down, Mr. Lutz's store would still flourish, and our friends would not havo had to run for dear lifo if such an institution as a Water Com pany had oxisted in Bloomsburg. Thero aro so many WJiiskoy Companies which mako money. Let us for onco havo a Water Company with tho samo privilege. It would bo premature, wo think, to speak of gas. A Gas Company could not exist here, although our neighbor, tho Doctor, furnishes gas very cheap, although of an inferior quality, 4hero foro wo desist and bid you good-bye, dear Editor. Normal School. IW Delaware tho colored voters have ably an gwere J Bayard's speech and the subsequent reso lutions, by resolving to have nothing to do wlUi the Democratic party. j-rcu. Now, is tills really a fact, Mr. For ney? or isn't tho wish father to tio .thought, and Js not the "resolving" furnished by whito men of black pro olivines instead of by tho "colored voters" themselves? That work of light .fiction, the Press, has con tallied so many Ku Klux enormities, which really originated within the, walls of the print I.. oUlco, that wearon Iittlo Inclined to.bcllovo that it is impossible to got a porfoctly correct story from it concern' lug any subject in which tho word "whito" Is struck out, Mr. fjTBVEXBON, of Ohio, complain ed of tho notion of tho Houso on Wed. nroday, In refusing a sent to Mr, Byphcr, of Louisiana. Ho says that Mr. Shel don, from samo Stato, was admitted, though his opponent lincl ten thousand majority, yet Sypher, whosp opponout had only nine thousand majority, was rejected. This was hard upon Sypberl BuwpitJ), Pcun., April 20. aen. Ucorgo V. JfeClcllun and a number of leading, iron manufacturers arrived hCf A yesterday for tho purpose of ex niiilillng recont discoveries of vast iron, oro deposits Ju this vicinity, Tho loca tion of cxleusivo iron manufactories is In contemplation, Tlib party will jpoiid several days In tho county. A Horriblo Story. SMAIiW'OX AMONa THE INDIANS. Commissioner Parker, of tho Indian Bureau, has received a letter from General Alfred Sully, Superintendent of tho Montana Indians, in which ho reports that tho ravages madoby'small- pox among tho Gros Ventres and Asslnlboln tribes havo been so great as to almost oxcecd belief. By General Sully's lotter It appears that sinco last September to tho flrst of February, when tho small-pox broke out among tho Gros Ventres, thero havo been 741 deaths, which leaves only about twelvo hundred of tills nation allvo. What makes this calamity still raoro to bo deplored is, that, of nil tho Indians in Montana, tho most friendly towards tho whites aud among tho Indians most disposed to accept civilization are tho Gros Ventres, and they havo suffered terribly. I am informed at 0110 timo that deaths at tho agency wero so rapid that tho fow men there could not dig graves fast enough. They had to fill up tho Ico near tiio forts with tho dead and then cover thorn up. It was for- tunato that the weather wascold.otiior- wiso It would havo been necessary to auanuon tno agency. Jt further appears urn wnen uio uiscaso wasat its height those suffering with it would prevail on their friends to carry them from their huts Into tho open air.whoro they would crawl to tho river side and ro main for hours Immersed in tho lco cold water. Tho consequence was that many took cold from tho oxposuro and died In frightful torment. Others committed suicido to oscapo further suffering. Tho locality of tho camp was mado known by tho cries of tho sick, which could bo heard a long way off. Under tho superstition common among the Indians when groatly aiillc ted by disease, ono of their medlcino men was klilod to propltltato tho offen ded deity. Tho sceno for long weeks was appalling in tiio oxtremo, and it was only through tho exertions of tho physician nnd tho fow cltizons employed for tiio puiposo that tho ravages of tho diseaso woro checked. Tholato action of tho commissioner iu Bending out an abundant supply of vacclno virus, it is thought, will provent tho recurrqneo In futuro of such terrible mortality among all tho tribes Instead of admitting Georgia, tho wonato has passed a bill which practl cilly ro-opons tho wholo question of reconstruction In thutBtato,aud renders its restoration more uncertain than It seemed to bo a month ago. As it comes from tho Senate, tho bill facili tates Indefinite dolay, which is not what tho country wants, or what tho people of Ooorgia oro ontitled to. The subject Is onco inoro boforo the Houso Reconstruction Committee, nnd noone knows when or whero it wlllond. limes, Kail J&oad Mooting1. t A largdaiidicnlhiislftstlo mooting of tho friends of: thofHunlock tfrcok','A Muncy jBalllllioad.t Was hold In tho Columbus Academy,1 nt Now Columbus LuzornocontyJ PA.,lpn Thursday after noon, A'prll 7th 1870. ' Tho meeting was organized by tho appointment of O. W. Eves, Esq., of Mlllvlllo, Chairman, W. S. Mouroot Esq., Secretary, and Myron Follows, Esq., Treasurer. Tho following Business Commlttoo Was appointed, Jonas Doty, Ami Har rison, James McIIonry, John McIIonry, I. K. Krlckbauin. Kov. Dr. Klllgore, Prlnclpnl of Columbus Academy was then Introduced, who stated tho objoct of tho meeting, and delivered an ad dress of somo length, presenting nnd discussing tho many advantages tho construction of this road afforded, nnd closed by soliciting subscriptions suffi cient to procure n certified copy of tho Act of Incorporation for said road. Tho nppcal of tho speaker was nobly responded to, mid tho asked for amount obhlncd. Tho Business Commlttoo presented tho following report : Ilesolveil, That tho Treasurer pay tho amount of enrollment tax, and other expenses to Hon. John Koons, who Is hereby requested to procure a certified copy of tho act ot Incorporation of Muncy Rail Itoad. llcsolccd, That wo recommend n meeting of tho Commissioners named iu said Act of Incorporation, to mako nrrnngoinonts to open books, and secure stock of said road, as soon as practica ble. llcsolced, That tho proceedings of this mooting be published in tho Lu term Union and Jieeord of the Times of Wilkesbarre; Columbian nnd JiepubU can of Bloomsburg, nnd in tho Muncy Luminary of Muncy. Tho report was unanimously adopted. On motion ndjourncd. C. W. EVES, Chairman. W. S. MoNrtoE, Secretary. FOK TIIBCOI.UJI1IIAN. How to Treat Watches. It is not so much pars!moniousnoss,as carclessnessjtiiat causes tho ruin of thou sands nnd thousands of watches, many of them of considerable valuo and often truo paragons in their works. If a man is carclos3 with his watch, Which cost him $30, $00, $100 or $200, is ho likely to bo careful with himself nnd with others? His pills, his powdors and his drops, though microscopically small, havo often a great effect; wo pralso him, wo esteem him, we lovo him as our friend ; but is not ho our better friend, ho who teaches how to remain sound, well and freo from pain without medlcino? 1. It is better to havo tho watch con tinually going, than 'only nt times. 2. Wind it daily as nearly as possible at. tho same time. 3. Wind slowly but steadily and feel If It is enough, for many watches havo no stopwork.i 4. Open tho watch as seldom as po3- tlulo for air and dust aro destructive i. Bo careful not to como with tho watch too near to magnets or mngnctlcal or electrical machines or apparatuses, and of courso never play with magnet ized objects with watches or with tho hands if tlioy aro of steol. 0. Keep your watch always lu a situa tion whore It cannot beoomo vory cold; but if it happens to get cold, do ,npt wind it whilo cold, for tho main spring is apt to break then, 7. All subtllo machinery must bo kept clean from dust; flrst of all watches and clocks, but how often and at what intervals cannot well bodoflncd, ps this point depends greatly on the treatment nud tho character of tho work. Fully nine tenths of the watches averulned in illsrerjardof this, "Wo disliko having our watches disturbed as long ps thoy run well." We'reply: good watches by careful treatment cannot help going well till their last breath is gone ; till tho, movement is irrecoverably de stroyed. Regelar treatmont cleaning and lubricating by a flrstclass workman included, will extend tho lifo timo to a wonderful extent. After much reflec tion wo consider, that tho watch cau bo ruined In los3 than 20 yeais, which properly treated would reach tho ago of a century In tolerably flno order. Not all parts of tho work need lubrica ting and cleaning with equal frequency on account of the vast dlft'erenco in tho rapidity of their motion. It may bo sot down that tho cscapomoiit requires fully four attendances while tho rest of tho work does ono. Aud this can bo done for a triflo in about ton minutes. 8. Damp and moist air is also very destructive, and on no account open a watch under such circumstances, for It will rust tho steel parts and affect other motal. 3. Don't use an ill ilttiug key or you may break tho ratchet, or tho click, or tho click spring, or tho watch might slip out of your fingers. 10. In winding mind nothing olso hut your watch. 11. If you cxposo your watch to a warmth of ovor 00' Fahrenheit, tho oil if it Is the .best, will ovaporato, it being voiauio men ; in consequence tho lubrl cated parts becomo dry, and tho friction will act on tho metal instead of on tho oil, and will thus eoon destroy tho dell cato pivots nnd pinions. 12. Tho ruin of any watch U aston ishingly accolorated by using it in tho clothes of laborers while working. Temperature. Cold causes watches to gain, heat to loose. This should bo ro membercd as It will obviato much un necessary regulating. Chronometer Balances, or as somo term them Com ponsatlon Balances counteract this ef fect, but watches supplied with them and adjusted to heal a;icoW,nreoxpen slve,-lf not thus ndjusted thoy nro hum bugs. Position, This also is nfrultful totirco of difference in thogoingrato of watch es. Tho amount of difference is gen. erally in an inverted ratio with tho mo chanical quality ofthomovemout.Usual ly, but by no means lu all casses, when a watch hangs It runs slower than when placed horizontally. Now these rules although truo nnd candid, cannot all bo Itemized so as to Ho spoil to every one's understanding, In a nowspaper paragraph, Thoy aro tho fruit of a long pcrsovoring osporl enco howover, and n sound nnd deop knowlcdgo In the science of horology, it. .. SUNIlUllY. Anrll 20 A vurvdohtrim tlvoflro has been raging hero during last night and tills morninc. Nino bulldlmrs havo been consumed, nmonir them ox-Shorlff Vnudlko'g hotel, two residences, nnd several stores. T.n-a about 125,000. Insured for 110,000. Rorrlblo Tragedy In Baltimore. Baltimore; April 21. A, horrible fragcdyjiccurredl In thUTclty. this after noon About four, o'clock"?; Mrs. Catha rlno Marsh, residing wlili hor, mother, father arid four yo'uiig.clitldrcn, at No. 09 Central avotiu'6, proceeded to school No. 13, whore her son James, eight years of ago, was a pupil. Sho called him into tho yard, enticed him to como bohind a shed, nnd thou cut his head almost off of his body with ft butchor'sknlfo.whlclishohad borrowed a toW minutes before' from a neighbor ing shop. Sho then wont homo hurriedly, and there cut tho throats of her llirco re maining children, ns follows: William, aged six years. Mary Jane, aged flvo years. Georgo, aged four years. All threo of them appear to havo ex pired almost instantly. Their heads wero nearly severed from their bodies. Tho child murderess next cut tho throat of her nged mother, who Is fatally Injured nnd cannot survive At tho coroner's Inquest this evening tho testimony wont to show that Mrs. Marsh is hopelessly Insane, in fact to night is said to bo raving maniac. Tho murderess is tho wifu of a barber named William Marsh, formerly of this city, who left her about a year ago, aud Is now said to bo lu Now York. Congressional. Thursday, April 21. In tho Sonato yesterday, very Iittlo was accomplished. During tho morning hour n fow bills wero Introduced. In tho Houso tho discussion of tho day was on tho resolution to admit J. H. Sypher to a scat as Representative from tho First Congressional District of Louisiana. Tho resolution was voted upon nnd carried by 78 to 73. But when Mr. Sypher was called to tako tho oath, objection was made, and then, after considerable skirmishing, tho vote adopting tho resolution was reconsider ed, and a resolution carried declaring tho election in tho First Congressional District of Louisiana invalid, thus bar ring out Mr. Sypher. Fuiday, April 22. In tho Sonato, yestorday, tho principal business of tho day wits tho passago of tho Northern Pacific Railway bill. Mr. Thurman's Amendment for freo Government trans portation in timo of war was rejected, and tho bill was finally passed by a party voto. During tho morning hour sovcrnl bills wero Introduced : 0110 to exempt farmers who sell their own pro ducofrom taking out aproduco-broker's license. In tho House no progress was made in tho Tariff bill owing to tho absence of Mri Schenck. Monday, April 25. Tho Senate, on Saturday, was not in session, In tho House, Mr. E. D. Peck, mem ber from tho Tenth Ohio district, was sworn In. A resolution was adopted limiting tho indcilnito leaves of absence already granted to May 2, unless here alter ordered. Tuesday. Anrll 20. In thn Ronntn. a largo number of bills, both private and public, wero disposed of. Among uio latter tho most Important was, a Din covering tiio subject of the enforce ment of tho Fifteenth Amendment. In tiio Houso. n vnrlotv of now hills. Including a number for ninklnn now land eratlts. woro Introduced nmnnv tho most Important wero tho following; vesting tno powers of United States commissioners in registrars of bank ruptsy ; for tho reduction of taxation and tho abolition of special licenses ex cept on cortnin articles ; and changing tho standard weiehts of sliver coin. A resolution was adopted for a bill pro- viuing pensions for all surviving sol diers of tho war of 1812, and another providing a burial-placo and a monu ment lor tnoiato uen. mwiins, tho ex pense to bo defrayed from tho contin gent fund of tho War Department. Wednesday, April 27.-Thero was no marked featuro yesterday in the Senate proceedings . Mr. Wilson renorted his substitute for the Houso Army bill. It reuuees tno number of enlisted men in tho army to 25,000 by July 1, 1871. In tho Houso tho tariff debatn neon. pied the greater portion of tho morning session, nnd was also continued through tho ovoning. Tho paragraphs under discussion wero tlinsn rolntlnc in iron. During tho morning hour a roll-call of memuers snowed the number of nb sentees to bo fifty-eight. Terrible Crash. Richmond, Va., April 27. A torrl bio calamity occurred here this morning. Tho floor of tho court of appeals, in tho Stato capitol, gave way and precipitat ed hundreds, gathered therein to hear tho decision In tho moyoralty caso of Ellison vs. Calhoun, upon the conserv ative caucus then sitting in the hall of tho House of Delegates below. Among tho killed aro P. H. Aylott, a distinguished lawyer; Dr. J. B, Brock,- reporter on tho -bntjuirerandJiiaminer; Samuel Eaton, clerk to Mayor Cahoon : Captain W. A. Charters, chief of flro department; N. P. Howard, lawyer; ash jjovy, a Richmond merchant: C, Watson, of Danvlllo railroad ; Hueh Hutchison and Lowls N. Webb, of this city ; Mr.Schofiold,abrotherofGeneral Schoflcld; P. H. Murry, Jr., Senator Bland, (colored), and Powhattan Rob erts. It is supposed that twenty members of tho legislature ore killed and wounded. Thojudges of tho court of appeals all escaped unhurt. Ex. Governor Wells was badly injnrcd. L. M. Chandler, counsel for tho Cahoon mayoralty caso was injured. About two hundred persons wero hurt by tho accident. Tho greatest oxcitement pro vails. Hundreds of persons nro on cap- ltol square, weeping and walling as tho dead and dying nro brought from tho building. Oov. Walker escaped un hurt, although on tho court room floor at tho time. The Supreme Bench. With the confirmation of Judu-o Timi! loy tho United States Supremo Bencii Is onco more full. Wo glvo n list of tho Judges, with their oges and tho dato of tncir appointments, as follows : Salmon P. Chose, Ohio, A2 ArjjS(' Nathaniel Clifford, Mnlno, CO 1850 Samuel Nelson, Now York, 77 1815 David Davis, Illinois, 65 18G2 Noah H.Swayno, Ohio, CO 1802 Samuel F. Mlller.llown, 51 1802 Stephen J. Field, CallfornIa,53 18G3 William Strong, Pcun'n., 01 1870 Jos. P, Uradloy.New Jcrsoy,G7 1670 Be sensible and read a llvo paper. Hubwribo for tho Coi.UMiiiAN, Ziatott Xfows. INDIAN WAH. Washington) D. 'O., April 25. Thoro, is now nn Imminont, nlmost certain, prospect of nn Indian war. Tho advices received yostorday aro supplemented by still more startling nows, official nnd unofficial, rccolvcd to- day nt thohoadquarlors of thoonny. Within n month nt loast 20,000 Sioux aro oxpoctcd to bo on tho war-pnth. Thoso.with their allies of tho Choyonuo nnd othor northorn tribes, will mako n formldablo force Tho causo is, ns usun', tho failure of tho government to livo up to its treaty stipulations. Tho Indians say that, having been neglected tho past winter, thoy intend tonvongo themselves this summer. It scorns not nt nil unlikely, Judging from tho tonor of current despatches from tho Far West, that tho adminis tration will soon havo forcod upon it, In ndvanco of further special legislation by Congress, tho responsibility and oxpenso of ono of tho m09t sorious con flicts yet initiated with tho savages of tho Plains. WiLKESiiAnitK, Penn., April 20. Tho rlso In tho rlvoron Monday night carried away 4,000,000 feet of logs from tho dam at Tobyhanun Station, on tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Wes tern Railroad. London, England, April 25th. Des patches from Athens, In Greece, havo been received containing tho Intelli gence that three Englishmen nud tho Secretary of tho Italian Legation wero murdered on tho previous Friday -by robbers. Efforts to savo thoni woro mado by tho Greek Government but without effect. Tho English Press nro loud in denunciation of tho outrage and demand indemnity from tho Greek Government. T 1ST OP APPLICATIONS FOR Thomas 11. Taylor WHimyorJacouj' 1). W. Ilobblni Thou. J. Hliuman, wemey i' . i iaii William Williams J. 11. llnyt O. W. Mniia er jnenu it, ivti.iui Humuel KoRtenbauucr joiin it. miotics Wro. II. Orange. Woolien n. Itnwn jspnourovi-r Henry A. AVeldciunul Thomas dcroty A. W. Creamer m if-T,nii o'llnlr Thos. O'Connor lienjaminj. wimiiiin I'ntriclc I., llurke fnli.i tl llrntitinn HlcphenThomos l imries uirn-s Hobrrt Farrcll Mrry Chapman lii.ilnl tni'rhif.tni1 .lames Howry Jlionias ivinier limilol Morris Aaron 1'cnou .lnlin L. Kline Mrs. Ann M'Klcrnan Joseph Wallace Chas. II. Dlettcrlcli K, Creasy Isaiah Yeaaer LudwlK Thlclo Joshua Womor J. W. llcnm A. K.Hmlth J. E. Longenberger Aaron W. Hess W. K.TuMh Jacob (Inod ltohr Mcllenry (5. W. Yaolo William Vet til Hcurv Whllesell John Ucuroto niobmi' Heaver llentcm ilerwlck Cataivlssa Ceulro Centralla SiTavem R'Honso Lit.' Store. Tavern JTnveru Tavern K, Houso Tavern i, I.lq.Sloro fl-VHouso nloomlburg Market lUport. Wheat Dor bushel - - 41.15 live " I CO Corn " o Oats. " - 0 Flour per barrel . 7 CO Cloverseed - S (0 Flaxseed 2 05 Uutter 40 Errs - 2 Tallow 10 Potatoes h 10 Drieo Apples Hams Hides and Shoulders H R 0 I Jird por pound H -v Hay per ton 18 00 InoN No. 1 Scotch pis J 12 No. 2. " " ,-10 Illoom r.'J LUMBEH. Hemlock Hoards ner thousand feet 816 CO I'luo " " " (one Inch) IsaCO Joist, Scantllns, Planlc, (Hemlock) IS 11 Shingles, No. f per thousand 8 (J " 3 ' 7 (0 Hiding ' " ft. 18 (J Philadelphia markets. FLOUK Northwestern snportine at Northwestern extra- Northwestern ramllv Pennsylvania and Western suncrllne. Pennsylvania and Western extra M Pennsylvania anu western rainiiy...... Pennsylvania and Western fancy ........ Rve flour wheat Pennsylvania red, Vi bus. ... Houthern " California " " " white " Hye Pennsylvania rye, v bus Cokn Yellow, " White. ' Oats bus rnovisioss .Mess rorK, y out iUVKH jjeei, " Dressed Hogs, n Smoked Hams " " Shoulders V B Laid. 19 ID Skkus Cloverseed V bus Tlmolhyseedf bus Flaxseed ' CATTLf. lleef Cattle tb Cows. & head H1IKE1- ( Ei lions is tun ids .81.2.13 i.y ..t.60 1.75 ... S.00II.5U 5.7JS 0.7J .-0.OOll.W 0.2S .Il.OOQJ'.TO . 2.60(8 IMS 3.20 .M.1S3I3.10 ..S1.10$M6 .$i.i73Si.r . IBcMU'iC 831.5C it .50 , lfc18c 13S I7ciai2;c 89.00Mll.k 81.37 82 5 ncai'o 8403800 7MMc MARRIAGES. SAVAOE-COLE-In Light Street on Thursday April 7, 1870, by Joseph Lilly, Esq., Mr. Joshua Savage of Jackson twp to Miss 1'imellne Colo of Sugarloaf twp., Columbia couuty, WOLAVF.H-FOltD-On April 7th, 1870. at Or ansevllle, by Hcv. N. Spear, Mr. Samuel (1. Wolaver, of Ilenton, to Miss Maggie L. Ford, of Flshlngcreek twp. JIEHItELL-DOSTON-At the houso of tho bride's father, on the 7th lust., hyltev. O.s. liattcrshy, Mr. Lewis P. Merrell.of Espy, Col.l co., and Miss Lovlna Medora lloston, of Shlck- sniuuy, ro. DEATHS. TrtAUll Near CntawlsRa.on the Htli Inst., Mr. John Traub, aged 03 years, 2 months aud 12 H ENDEnsiIOTT In Wlilte Hall, on Mouday the lllh Inst., Michael Heudershott, In tho 7itli year of his sge. KL1NETOB In Plymouth, Pa. April 18, 1870. Mra. Elizabeth Kllnetob, aged 71 years and 15 days, FITZGERALD At Town Hill, on Saturday. March lotb. 1870. Mrs. Francis Fltigcrahl daughter of Nathan Dodson. PHESTON-In ltohrshnrg. on tho 17th Inst., Car oline T.. wlte of Jarnes L. Preston, nml il.mirti. cr of the lato Isaac and Ann Luklus, of Phlla- uuiiuuu, ugeu a: years, o months and 18 days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TVTOTIOE.-TO WHOM IT MAY J.1 , CONCERN. I.the undersigned sold auoto to bamuel Lelby for eighty dollars (880.00) aud ..;n .1 v- .B" ulvmlIUK bum nolo until theljulaneo u paid to mo. The note Is from Samuel Broslous. ltoarlnKcroek twp. aud dated February luth, 1870. Payable In one year Conyngham twp., April 29, 1870-31. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. ESTATE OK JACOB 11ABTLEV, DEC'D. Letters or administration on thoestatoof Ja cob Hartley, lato of Franklin twp., Columbia co. dec d.. have been eranted hv tho itpviuiai- nr.oi.i county, to John Hartley and Christian Hauler. Of Franklin Inurn.lilii Cnlnn.l.ln All nOTKOns liftvlnir rlnlmn nril.m.n.t. n..i..ui the decedent aro requested to make them kuown. find tliniin lllflplltrfl In mnlra iu,. ' JOHN HARTLEY, CHRISTIAN HARTLEY, apr2)'70-(lw. Admlnistrctors, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1Ai? UATUAHINE UEAltllART DEC'l). Letters ol administration on the cstato of i L"i!'a ,c?uut?' "freosed. have been granted by i'Jfi nSJlliffi0' tala c?1;11' y to Stephen Ueai hart residing In tho township and county aforesaid. All persons having claims against Uio estato of the decedent are requested to present them for settlement, and those Indebted to the estato to logout SclV,? ",8 uuaerle"'. an,lnlstra- n,. .. STEPHEN QEAHHART, Bpr297-t. Administrator. JTEW MILLINERY GOODS. MISS LIZZIE 11AIIKLEY ihify'iV8 J"8' returned from the city, offers to t he ladles of inooinsburg and tho county, all the n cwest and prettiest styfes of y' SPHINO HATS, Fancy Goods, Notions, ao., selected with ureat care and with the desire to satisfy all ti"t". and they cannot fall to slvo satisfaction. ' f Ramsey llulldlug. Main Htrfct. lllopmsburg, April 20, Wo-Ht S900 -WANTED AN ACTIVE traVed S ot$? ftZX&X COFFEE, aud SPICES. To suitat li ?in'tn v. i fwiil F've -a salary of 8000 to 81.000 Byrar'ntave travel' io.oraddress Immediately. "l"u"Efu. Appl J. PACKER & CO.. nniwro-j. i:..,lUne nIal Mills'' api m-lt. hi liowery, Now Xpik. N OTIOB, , . ."".s v, mu mot-Kuoiuers or uio itiomns. bV,WuLeriir I'istltiite and Stato Norma lKSool will he held In the Hall of the Institute Ton Mon llH.fJi"''.! l87l. tween !" houfs of t?o nM-fn" .ilve cleric P. M., to elect n Upara of Trustees to serve lor ono yea r. J.O. FitEEix. L. 11. RUPERT. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE -tVlo i, ,OK. WAMIAA MASON, DEO'lJ. Letters of administration on the estate of Isabella Mason late of Fall Urook i!f flof c,?UD.,y- Ieceod. haw beenrauted hv the Register of said county to Chafics w Miller of illoom township, Coluinhla , count All persons having claims against thoesta"e of s&tt ttthSay:1 UMt Trtl70-iit. AdmluVs'trator. LL KINDS OF JOD PRINTING neatly exooutAd at th- iv, . . . ... 'fluting omoe. ' " mcul Conyngham Tavern Oreenwoo.1 Hemlock Locust Madison Main Mllllln Montour Orange St'utt HonKe Tavern WELLINGTON H. ENT, Dlooiusburg, April 15, 1870. l'rothonotary. (fo nnn a year andexpen- tSC .JJJ bus in nuents to sell tho cele brated WILSONSHWINO MACHINES. The best machine In thowor'd. Hitch alike on both tides. One MACHINn without .Money, for iurther particulars, nddress 22 is, 'Jin fi., rnnau a, iu. nprS'TO-'Jni. ORIDQE NOTIGIJ. A umueiHi or ii ypT ceiu. on me cnpmu wmcit of Uio (finimuy will lioiuht (u thoStocklioklurH of tiio Cftlnwlssa Itrltlfiu ('ompniiy, on or nflrr April 10th at tho olllcu or tho TreaMircr of tho Utimimny. (ii;o. h. OlMJEUT, t'atnwlfKn, AjirllH, lKT0-.1t. TieitHiuer. SEE THE FIGURES! LATEST DRY (I00D3 (iUOTATIONH I m. p. LUTZ's HEW IRIOH LIST. llllOWN SHEETINOS. B OOTS AND SIIOKS. CliAUK M. UUOWN, GRNTHK STHKET, ADJOtXINO THE bTOUK OV HOIimiS'H A KVER, A lull tiiul complete nssortiuent of rciuly mftilo boots ami shoes for men. women nnd chlhlren Just reeelveil nml for h.iIo ut reaaouftblo rutos. vnriotlcs to sultnll clascn of customers. Tho bst of work tlono nt short notice, an heretofore. Olvo him .icall. nprS70-tf, M-OTICE. All persons Indebted tothc underslgncil cither on Koto or Boole Account, aie hereby notified to nuiuu incir uccouiiiH nt once, or inpy win oo roi. lericunccoriiiuH 10 mw. j. u. ltunrat, i). llloomsburg, April 1, lb"0-tr. TN THE OIHUIANS' COUKT IN 1 nnd for tho Countv of Columbia. Tn t)m mot. tcrot the Knt ndmlnihtrator or Jeremiah Kline, late of Jackson township, deceased, fot spccUlo performance of contract. February 8th, 1870, U. W. Sillier, Kkq., appointed 1tiiiuiiTOiMiigi iu HUiU IUUUI UI I'UItiritL'L lly the Court. Certllled from the llccord. Wkixingion 11. Knt, Clcik. To persons Interested In tho abovo case, tako notice, that I shall attend fortho puriKisotif my appointment nt my olllco. In Illooinsbur, on Saturday, tho 2od day of April A. n., 1870. nt ten mar5"U-4w. Commissioner. N O NEW DISCOVERY 1 ! ! ed and well Mocked Kitknitukk fc Ueddinu AVAitEnooMS or II. It. LEWIS, t n., nro the cheap est in tho city. lie is now selling I'arloh Hiti ia IU I L.VHII, 11AIK UJ-OTII, 11FPS Or iEltilY. W AL NUT CIIA5IDEU MlIiTK 111 Oir. fir VAi;xiir? I'nT. TAOE FUKNITUBE, nil Styles; JlKDUINU AM) Mattumis, various sizes, cheaper than auction prices, Como and fcee, nnd be lonvlt'ccd. You win fcuvu iinuiuy uy giving us a can ueiore pur chaslnc elsewhere. Tr. It. L12WI8, Sit., 1131 JIAIIKET STHHF.T, I'll I I.AUKLI'II T A, IS'ext dour to cor. of J-'lltccnth at, aprl'70-3m. COUGH, COLD OH SORE THROAT Requires Immedhle attcnllon, as ui'kiuul uiicii tt'biiiL in an incura bio Lung DNcnsc. ltltOWN'H IIHONTHf AT. TtUtritV will almost invariably glvo Instant relief. For UronchflH, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive uud Tliroat jnseasc, incy nave a soothing cf- Hlncors ntnlPiililift Ripiilv-fTKiikf. ifim iaik and ttunglhcuthooUc' Owing to 4ho good lcputntlou and iiopulnrlty of tho 'iiochee, many wortblets and cheap ImU nuiuns nre ouorru, wnifu nro gooa lor nothing, lto btiie to obtain the (run UROWN'S llRONClUAL TUOCIinfJ. SOLU EVE It Y W If K It K, uov, l'ca-Gni, A feet. KEGISTER'S NOTICK-Notick is heicby Blycu to all JcKaleet., creilltora ami other persons lntcrestert In the estates or the lc Kpectlve tlccedcnts nnd uilnorH, that tho follou--Inmulmlnlstrntlon ami uu;irill:ili nc-counts have been tlleil lu the oilleeoi tho Uegt&tcr or Colutn blncounty.nud will bo met.enle.1 for conlliuia tlon and allowanco In the Orphnus' Court, to bo held in Uloomsburg, on Wednesday, the 1th day or May. 1S70, it two o'clock iu Uio urtcruoou of bald day, 1. Account of John Gunman, Uuardlnu of Kyker Hosder, minor child of ileiny Hosier, lato of Heaver twp., dee'd. 2. First nud tlnal account of Franklin Chris tian, ndm'r. of Ynleutlue Christian, lato of Mad isontw,)., dee'd. .1. Account of Johu Btaley, ndm'r. of ElMm Albcrtsou, late of Oreenwood twp., dee'd, t. Tho ilnal account of Wlllluni Creasy, auar dlau ofHuaunna O'earhart, minor child ol Joseph Ui'Uilmit, lato of Catawlssa twn., dee'd. p. Tho account of Janieo Jlasieis, ndm'r. of 1 homos l'utbcl, late of 111 cenwona lu p., dte'd. ,.!', T"S,'!!h,t ""'"untor Win. HaKenbiuh and WI son Mellclc, ndm'is. of 1'eler Mellclt, late of Scott twp:; dee'd. Iuo,fll,l,t ?'!? flnal OfMiunt of Nicholas Klmtt, pdm'r.ot l'redcrlck ltohr, lato of Uiten wood twp., dco'il. . The llrst and linal account of John It. Moy. deceased''' " ,ur""au 10,0 of Ol'uugo twp. u. The llrst and final account nr Michael K. Hra;,uere'li:,1,r-Jblm K,u-iaiu 10. The llrst nud final account of I, W. Hart HromIl?pU,tdec.1!l'1',Un',, H- MC',r111- lal 0( 11. The account of Thomas Crovcllntr. Jr nili,n ri.?f Ju,in -M'Hor lato ol Hcolt twp., dei'd. i.-', ",e ,llc,couut o' Jacob Htlue, ndm'r. or ?SuS.'.,!t '"Olimian, late of Locust twp., deo'd. ii : I'lO'i'ount of hiolomon Neyharil, Ouar I 'n,ifuJ,if ""woau, Matilda I,, llownmn, Martha B. llowiiian, Mary J. Downus. WlnHclJ i?M,nV.,?idtJiJ,nIIl'l0WI"',nf''norcu ileo'd aumucl A- uwuau, late ul Mllllln twp., u,,'; i"ri!lncu "to'H'nry Wertmau, Jr., Hxec twp' dce'll Wcrlm". Br., lato of Moutour nnri'-m ' W1LI.IAMBON H. JAC011V, nnrl 70. HcsUtir. yiDOW'S APPRAISEMENTS. The following appraisements of real and ner foual property set apart to widows of decedeuts. hnvo been filed n, the office of the IleglsuF of Columbia county, under tho Itules of Coin t, aud will be presented for nbsolulo confinuatloiiT to tho Orplmm' Court to bo held in Hlooinsbnri:. in ?..fTs-,a!4 ?ouut''u,Wednesday.tho tin day of May lk,o at two o'clock p. w., or said ilay, uulens exceptions to such toi'Ilrmatlous uio pievlously Kc'.U'talieBne?0,,,, iM lu a Co'l. coVdecu' I'aVl1' Fry' IaU 1eavet twP twaiV,&d.W Colllll!lKutllir. lut " Sugarloaf ileeld'.Wll,0W f VQl" lal of nlro twl'- deoMWllW f V0Ul' Cu,nr. "to of locust twp.. dco'dW'llQW f amts ,tl'l'ni Iat0 of tocust twp., Col. ci'dc aM f ll0"J' LUW lal ' Moutour twP- nnrl'7,1 WILLIAMSON H. JACOIIY, "I"1 7U- lleglster, JQ ENTIfl T R Y . H. C. HOWmt, DENTIST. .'i.'LP0nru"y.oire"i, llU Professional services to ii',?itt.d'?.n,id Kiut'Muen of lilnonisbumi ml vl clnlty. He Is prepared to attend to ull tie arl. pus operations In tho lino of his prof 'stion aiili Is provided with the latest lin roved i-oncki in Tkbiu which will he inseitei on gold pluUu? nw "IV1 r!!bljf,r '"",0 10 l0,,l well iii 2 "St ural leeth. Teeth extracted by all the new auJ uost approved niethods, and all npcrat ous "n lUi?ii ili rcfully una propel ly attended to" Co,u?tU&e,'ia!0O,? f8W dr" Bb0" jnwoiusuuri,,'boll A DJIINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Ji. USTAI K or JOHN THOMAS, DEO'lJ. l'tleik. fif fill til I diet fd, I.... .... .,....T.T ... . ?":f?,a" 'aSui ?' '''"?. Cblumblaeoun! o'f sold county to Sarah VbmV.n.V'L, ?..vJ.'!,1f twii., and county aforesaid. All persons huvlni claims against the estalo of the decedeu t u ru. lUcsteiVTo present Ihem for seUlemeu and thoo indebted to the eslute to inako i Sj ment .. tho uudcrclgncd, adnilulstratrlx, wH mnt "uiiiy aWS'IBWl AuWul.tfa?f,, PXEOUTOR' NOTOJ3. M... "V M. IIAVCOCK. CH'l). XI...I.H . lHVu"1,11"lry on tho estalo of Marv Msgdollno Haycock, laloof l'ranklln townsiTi.: I olumbla counly d'eo'd, have TlSSu granud by ;,li..'tl'l(l?l''r of suiJ county to John O. llenley (lLt ru"l' lownshlii, Col. .., All phsous hilvi nBr?.c ,1Sl".,,".C1!a,.,"tAl! "" lequesteU to fouu.?: iffiSi uud;w"e,ir,V,0JersiUta it'h'e'fo'.l ?naLJuaJv:: tffy?jjsj.sy8 4-i 4-1 40 Inches 84 Applctou "A" Agawam I'cppcroll -'K" llnnl Mlllq 4) llKltlO " -l Cnncstoga Massachusetts ii Pepperoll Bhectlug 9-4 A reasonable rodnctlou by tho pleco, nLEAGHEH MUBLINB. Wamsutta fruit of tho loom Hop.) Itlver llallowell (Heono Manure, Co, Hoot Mills Canoe Kneeling . rinow fusing 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-1 4-4 21 Inches '.7 . " 11-4 4.5 " TICKINGS!. Concsloga extra 4-4 "A. A." 7-tt 11. 11. . Co.extraheavy 7-v Check shilling Hlckoiy Bhlrllng llluo Uenlms rut nt Cnoheco Merilnnia Hproguo Aincrlcnn Ilunnells Concsloga Atnonkeag Arnold Gftruer Colutnhlau (lloncovs Wellington llest plnkn Light Bhlrlliigs lied oil calico 7-S CAMUItlCH, Slnglo fold (nil colors) Itollcd Armuics l'aclflc Manchester A Job lot at Laucostur Glasgow Columbia Clydo Nankeen DELAlNB GINGHAMS. 14 III 13 1. IS Ui 10 49 21 0 1? 11 ii 8 !M a )to25 20 25 12'. Mil 12jl iu 10 10 8 as me i-4t CUASH. American at J.I0-12:15-1S llussln 12)J-la-lS4 llalninral Skirts Novelty gored SHAWIX. Hlstnrl 4 20 20 00 00 Miranda (strlpp) 3 4 4 I 00 to II 1 Imitation l'atsley Mozambique llrocha l'.ilsloy TAULBCOVEH9. Wool 1 I" J, llest felt Colored Linen 1 TABLK OIL CLOTH. Printed patterns Wood colors (by tho yard) Floor oil cloth 6 1 H, Ml ALI'ACAS KUDLION IlltANH. Uiack ntSo-iO-lS-SO-OO-M " pure mohair at 7S-1 Wi 1 Colored nt Jj-40-15-60 " single fold al BUMMl'.lt HHESH GOOH3. Chcnoropllus t 25 to IMalds SO to Dress ginghams Wool Oclalus LAW.NH. Victoria Bpraguo l>u French organdies Haudsome patterns , s,. BILK. lllaok at 1 C0-1 CO-1 75-2 00-2 ! A i Colored Japanese 1 French poplins 1 20 HO I 00 Illnck Colored Hrcss Linen BATIN. I-1 3-1 180 to 2 2 s WHITE G0OD3. at 18-23-3.40-M-CO A nt nt 20-'.V-45 A 50 41 m 59 06 - m m M OTl 40 1 25 5-1 63 Fkiuo l'laln cambrics Boft finish " l'laln nainsook Htrlpo " at 40-45 Flald ,." at , 40-15.4 Figured ' at " 50 A ' Victoria Ijiwu 10 to Twilled Long cloth Bnlsse at 40-50 A Tarleton white A colore.1 Irish Linen nt 2$.35-40-50'M-7j 1 Oi.t Nottingham laco for curtains 23-35-15-50 A Embroidered ourtalui on sulsuo HANDKEHCHIEFH. . Ladies' Linen C-8.10-12-15-20.25-:i0-35-l'.r 50 ' " HemstlKh SO to Hi Child's Hemmed 10 lellts at 10-18-51 40 45 50 A U I.adlo's I.lic.i nt 1 00 1 23 A 1 50 TADLIJ UIAl'lillS. IlleachSutln Damask 8-1 1 13 7-1 00 Hrown Loom dice 7-1 50 " Cream " K-l e.1 TOWELS. Ited bordered Illicit 10 13 18 20 30 A S " " it figured Double damask 50 NapkLus at (IS to 4 00 per dozen COUNTEUl'ANES. Honey comb pattern 11-1 1 05 Marseilles 10-1 (J 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 " 11-1 at i 113 00 A 4 00' Hoop skirts 50 to 1 25 French Wove corsets 7.1 HattccnJeau " 15 A full lino nt Umbrellas Ladles Reticule l'AUASOLS. 40 els to 3 75 75 " to 4 00 3 73 l'Al'EH COLLAIW. Astor 5 Perfection 25 Dickens best n Napier cutrs to A liberal discount ou 1 ols of IoO or over Gouts' neckties aud hows at 10 to 73 HOSIEIIY. Indies while at grey mixed mac ilack dents Hose 10 lijai 25 40 & SO ii 10 to 50 GLOVES, Ladles LIsloJ: Ilerlln thread loto 43 " Hop guautlots (riding gloves 175 ..M'ltovory pair warranted) 125 Gents thread 23 tn 60 " Kid i ik) HERUfE'SSALEa." lly vlrttio of Hnndry tvrfts t coiintj-"nnrt0 1 mi ilirectM d7,c,M SlS In llin townslilp of Ilrlarerb , eoiiUiluliiK abmA htiMrMln "Uto, ess, bnunded by, lamia cr H, 8C'"" tS"1' tho helm of B. V, Headly mi iiA10 "flUia Luremo county lino on ihT 1w h?'v Mlrabeth BmliherrnS3 PeterVi1' b"u others nn tho west wlnLf;!1 ?" "o1,;" U.I f 1 f lur AI 1 1 1 I in T'iia k Prunl.."" Ibl Hnnlc llnr'n, Wagon llViVsoLST """'nisiSI WlikenTc MS IT' lllftrrtft(nfT....ilJ.OU Stllltnl. 1 ALROi At tho. snmo timo and nlM ..... I scriueii lot or ground sltnniA i! iollot-i.. I ship, Columbia cS"my,Xft three acres, moro or less l,ni,l, , nK WatiI?.nl William Kllnetol) ami llcnrv Trlh is erected n Frame Tnvtrn iilr".0?11. on with the appurtenances. " hu""U'ra, Bclred, taken In execution .. . uio properly or wuicon u. H6siitr "il ALSO! At llio (Alllo tlinn ni.,1 i . . est In a certain tract of iaiul il!,.''.nil.J"t'"lK,l iimVnbendernndtheffi mining fifty acres more or0iy,oh,"Bl itamseymt'rly Wnc" ALSO! lourlii of a rerln n liilliotnwnslilpsoflirlarcrMffiM.w.Cj sjltil enllllt v In Ihn wnm .il.." "n,l Ush n-. .1 pnit orfceven hundred acre i',T,'lMs-w. same townshlns in llio miiA .,,'. '".ore or W, to wit : Smuel J, l'eiiIcr,NaThan1i. s wn"l ander Cochran, also the' u 1 H 'nv,1 four hundted acres. nu. . ,'.ll'-f tm I ship lu tho warrantee name nf n l?!1 wi also the undivided nnc.fourth?,, Tt nl In 11 linrl. r ln,,.i f.. ""'M' H tb( Ci surveyor Nathan Heael,,?o . unKll'"! acres, moro or less. ' l,un,nJ nlnetrl.1, lanen in execution nn.i i , tho proiwity or James N. Jones? h ALSO! ground, contnlnini: ahoui ir n"1'1.011' lJ iho north by laud, of Fens crSr..MMs south by lands of George Bcott iStt'.vllu by lands of PhlllpBeeslioltz. anJo11" Beized, taken In execution amltah,, the property of Samuel Overdue, Ul ALO: At tho Banio time nud placo a eirhin km. I and lot of ground, iltimtoiuthat7ir!ifla!!l dlvriled ly Thomas I m khuaSj?:;1''! lot Of J. Dextcrs nail knitting Cotton Coati white sjswl cotton " " . " " uy lh do. Common ' " " Colored ' " 100 yds spools PINS. llest quantity . 2d ' NH12DLKW. John Eugllsh . Co 11 Hemming ,V Sous Tooth brushes Whale bones (30 inches) - - -nillllONS. 8 IK)- 5 S 2 6-19 15 " 0-3 '10 Talliity No. 1 pur yard letspof plei " - S " " o .. .. lecii Cord edge" 2 30 45 fill (.1 1) I 50 VELVin1 immoNM. lllaek No. 1 to (!' per piece 40 to 2 40 Colored" i .rli 3 4 to 40 ' 0 to 25 In addition to tho abovullst I have a full Hue of dress trimmings und buttons. White plquo trimmings, White and black lace edgen Hamburg edges and Insertions. Ladles linen collars and cuffs, luco collars, Tlsiues.bareges and dotted luco lor veils. Alpaca braids, Elastics, Suspenders, Portmoules combs, I'ockot knives, Toilet wurw, Ac, Also n siuull slock of carpets ua ready mUi elothlug, which I will closo out at cost. Cloths, Uusl. uurs, ItepellauU ladies' clolhs,Haltlnuts,Cot tonades, lied, White and plaid llnuuels, Opera flannels, Canton, aud everything generally kept lu u first class Pry Good Blore, ltcmombcr the placa lsut U. 1'. Lull's In Ilrowcr's new building mat to Iho courl Olouso, MaluHt. Uloomsburg, pa. twenty-four. with shop beliTdTowMS ftlt ofion sixteen feet by twiMityrffSJ Hclzed, taken In execution nndtib. ,m lho m-nnprtv nr M M i7iinn... ,u u oe inlj J ALSO i At tho same timo ami place, all tint end I piece or paicel of land, situate In Mimint JI Hhlii, bouiu'ed nnd described as foil oist vli-J nnd two tenth pcrchtM to u hUmc, iiortiulil IliiU Ul'lilUUri Wl'M hPVr 111 V.liiltr uiwl ll,.i,.i.l n stone, thenco by lands ol diaries KlIniiM noutli.Mxty.loiir degrcts wit,thlrtj-lotrl f.!l four perches ton slcme.tliuicelriiil William l'urr south, thlny-slx ileEnniJ four and four-tenth perches to a post tlnal ....... u. i,ui. lutiuiuui siiuui UrCMj-tTatJ gieen, east iiuy-iour anu eiglit.lcntli itrttal iu...,. bit.ij'ii.u nuu liirtl!-iuri(r'i grees enst twelvo and llvc-lcntii rrcnatl nost. south thlitv-nlnn ilnm. ...t .i.r. 1 and soven-tcntln perches ton stone 'm fcl ""nil mu 13 -uini. null a nail ucgrctH ml till 'I --, ""ii si.i-1-iiui rviciie-s ioiuepmort4 ginnfug. contnlnini; tuentv.tivn iutmitii.J hundred and eleven perches of lan.ljtrlctmiJ uiuuu iiiuHuiim more or less toeiner wi;a : nnnurtenances. Helzed. taken 111 exncuMnn nml tn J tho propel ty of Samuel ScliwepponbelKt i A LSD; At tho snlim time nn,t iilii-i. n mtnU tn I land slluato lu Urlarcreek lownsbln, muM on ino norm nyiaiiils ol joiin u. Jjoiby Hannali Sponenoeiger, on the east ly laofcl Btcniiell Thomas nud Jacoliv. ou tlie&iQ'Jil public road leading from lleivlck to Ilitcl burg.oii thowestby tho Ilrlar Creek, on it I is crccii'ii ii irumo grisi mill, piaster mmii saw mliln frnmo dwelling bouse, frame i'i with tho ntiulirtfii.iliiVH. Also nn!inR.inietll about Ihrie ucii-s of ground situate tu ul township and county ruljululnlog liinilnalll Jacoby, D.mlel Iliunu ich nnd Hit N'urtA toil Canal. Seized, taken In cxceutlou nrvilto be s-ilcl uio p.operiy oi jusi.iu MOltlllX'.VI. MILLir.Hl nprJj'70-ir Slicfltl QOURT l'ROOLAMATION. Wlii.iin.ts, thoHon. William Elwoll, Prulil .Tmlirn nf llio Court of Over anil TeroillM li Gonernl Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Ms I nrttiit lN-jii-M und Ciiuit ill Common I'lejxae! I plmu'H Court III the Jlitli Jmlleliil IiislriiUl ivised of the i-oimtles ot CoiumM.1, buillnm.'l wyonitliK.iind tho lion. Irani Derranl Inl loiirno jNSiCHllo Jliuge. in uiuiiiui. iwij luivo issued ineir proceiu, ucuruiguuii.i .In,. ,,r l.'fli. i,i IIim venr nf rnir liiru. I thousand, eight hundred and seventy l l m,ih,.ri. fil hiiliiliiurntiiirlof Onr aDd il mine.' and UeneraHiu.iiterhessliuuolUiin.1 Court of Co.jmim l'le.isiind Uriilua'aCraitl Illooinsbunt, lu tho nullity of Columbia, on I llrst Monday, being the 2nd dayol .Majmri coiuiuuo ouo ween. . , v'nii,, i.i,n,i,v .,K'.,n. lii flu, fiironer. til 4 Justices ot tho Pellco, and tho OomUUiloll said eounly ol Columbia, that tiny bo IM'I llieio 111 ineir fiiuper ieiBi.i, in u "'" -j i-.., ..,,.,,, ,.r t.,i,l t,l Mm- i,l Jl.v. ii a Util'l ords, Inciulsitlonsnnd other inmiubMl do those things which to their ofllcn mf 1 to bo- done. Aim tiioso mai ), ucogiilzunce, to piusecute ualtht i"Jl oueia uio or may no in u u said county or coiuinuin, io Ihcrolo proscoulo them ns shall o PJ, .','.'"".". .. .tV, .iV,.i?, rii.,.. n.iiLdulllW ... uiug, iiiw isnuij u -i "'I. , , , l.asssj las, nf our Lord, one thuu.ud fU I'-s'J drudand seventy, and lu Ita H uiuii year in uie ii''"l''",.N",, uir i il'J) H wiaies in rfiniei ieii. wuu u-i. -'-r,-!.'! 11 nniiiiilmiir A liril 1. 1SZU. "'1 filtAND JURORS. liloom-Lott Wertz.Jolm A. iunilot.f'l Drhircreek-Wesley Hugeubucli, nw M iseuemiaii riiiieiiuousi-. n llcnton-Johu W. llelshllue. ,,J iter wick Hoi o. James Jacoby, Lew U'1 uer, wein jhiwhihii. llenver Thomas Lulz. . Centrnlia Hoio'-H. A. WeUensnol. Conj nshani-Wllllam (jiKxluiBU. Flshlngc.cek Samuel J. 1 euler, Gleenuuod Joaepn .;.,, i ,i,n On llemlock-Hugli i). Mcllrlde, Jelml' Win, t". Ulcharl. Jacksou-Clluton Lewis. teI Mt. Pleasant-Daniel MiCarly, Aw lUehr. Oiiingo Isaao Dlldine. winu itl l'ine-D.iulel (lieene, lleiijaioln 1 HM-! 15ETIT JURORS. X FOll MAY TEIIJI, li"-. ... .. llloom-Caleb llarlou, tnr" . Charles Forstei'.Jouathun CromUo,!"1"' I l't'lBf . . ,. u ,. ... ii,ir,i. iirinicreeit j,i..oiiiii.,--" 4 "ilW-James Conner, U..WJ.W HerwIcU llmo'-Gto. A. B'1M,,mHirJ llenvor-Elias Mlller.l'eter t-licinninti, -i , unvis. Centro Stcnheu Wolf. . Couyughiuu Hccse Davis. Mr Flshlngcrcek-John Hutiou. 1 -,,1 FrnuklTn-Wm. llohrbticli. JwKsl Urecnwood-liobut ltobbiiis. J"au I ael, Jacob Btaley. , llcmlock-Tlionius W I '"" . , & Jackson-Augustus Everliart, u. V Locust George Felte.mau, Jlontour-W. M. Monioe. , Mimin-A. II. Creasy. IU " 1 , 'ffij, Oiausc-Hobcit Oman, He"" am K. llowmau. . itoarlngcicek-Adaiii OubK Bcott 1.11 llurlpjan. Bugailoaf-Ocar Lewis. Afl.,1.1 V KltlCKllAUM. Clcik. . hoir' TIIOS. J. M LLU ''" H KLIB11AHA.MA.N Ji N OT1GE. ..... ... TMi," 1U ,1 " '111. il rri-lnis fif tte l'llor in , ., 1 11 havo under their chaise tiuiO .!u gJ 7 undo lespcetlvely.uud uue 'Jf",yeir ivl.lnl, lln.v u.-lll i.m.i nut to Hiu"r until IS) ears o.,. ,,.., 0 Tlirf' iitoomtburg, April u, i-m-" 1 vtr r v t rjrii r A 'rn 1 1'S , .,Vvk. pre .. I miATlSOF l Alllieis ...-- ' ..JrfKifll' A A B letters nt niuninisuain"' uslnt. tiej-o on Iho eslute of 1 'a JWJi l of Cunyiigham townsh p, ' o;u",. (..!. Columbia county to Dennis 1 Ijriw ham township, All poisons luiU 'i, ilC demnuds against thoiatuto nnd l'"! reqm-stid to mako tlieiii kn"uinuu I ueuteu tomakepayineui, ,.vs.-mllVa" nprl5'70-0w . .iii tYtlMtf'-"" - - ...ntim C'0 THE FOLSOM ".yN bZ O - Twcnty.Fivo , Ito""....! Machlue. The chiaptst I;'- ;hri7jv- V tho Market, -l t j m ';' ' a In ul! commission allowed, roriii'"--. yo,7;i Uless, A.H.HAMH.10N, GemAH'" ' mil St., 1'hlla,, 1'n, 11 I 17i9J??Q?.,?Pt'Mli.fBriiVi'!iil KSMTRUFI H.lll . ...HUM ,, ein lestamentary ou iue roi , Lcltcro lestamentary ou lii 'J'T- cols Klnsbury. lute of Heuton toivii ,',,,, ii. county, ike'd. have beeu S 'i, ,Tr ef I"" of salu county to KHJab "W i'lalw" ' lis prul UFV . or u Columbia """.,- jmueiit. '".fl slntu either ou no to, ;J" .k.cntW H Wf MUUK ttfl'UUUl Mill 4- ' r.j ccutor without tuiay. fUJAU rUffi tn llm i. ot book aniSr-UCiv,