The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 22, 1870, Image 2

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$h OpolumUtan
Trlrtny Mornliift April 180.
if TIIU COtiUJIIIIAN list tha Largest
Ulri ulnlluii or any paper pnbllilnd In
Northern I'ciunjlvonla, and li also a
ittiicli larger iheet titan any of Ittfcotem
pnrarlei) nml la therefore the beet medium
for advertising In title eectlon oft It. Stale.
Masonic Demonstration
For months past tlio Masoalc frater
nity, belonging totho Catawlssn Lodge
and Chapter, have been busily engaged
In building a Masonic Hall, which on
Tuesdnv last, was dedicated "in ample
form." The building is a largo threo
storv brick, nnd is located near tlio
Academy at tho upper end of tho town
The basement has been leased by tho
mercatitllo Arm of Yottcr, Lool, A Co.
The second story consists of a fine, spa
cious town-hall. In tho upper story is
tho Masonic Hall, and accompanying
niite-roonis. Tho celling Is finely paint
ed, and tho walls frescoed. A uiugmfl
cent Brussels carpet covcia tho Hoom,
and tho furniture and decorations aro
all now and appropriate. Tlio build
hi" has a gravel roof, mid Is warmed by
heaters. Upon thowbololtis creditable
to tlio energy and tasto of tho Assocm
1 1011 .
Tho heavy rains of Sundny night
and Monday had so swollen tlio creeks
and river that it was almost impossiuio
to reach Catawlssn from tills side of the
river. This fact prevented hundreds
from attending tlio ceremonies, who
had expected to do so. Tho morning
trnln broucht theGrand Master, Hohert
A. Lamberton, tho Grand Secretary,
tho Grand Senior and Junior Wardens,
and theGrand Marshal. At 111 A. M.
tho Lodgo and Chapter assembled at
their old hall, and tho Grand Lodgo
officers and their substitutes met at
Kosienbauder'9 Hotel: Tlio proces
sion, numbering over ono hundred,
marched in tlio usual manner tj tho
new Hall, preceded by tho Catawissa
band. Wo may hero remark that our
neighbors have one of tho finest bands
In this section, considering their oppor
tunitics, and arc making rapid progress.
Tlio usual tolcmn ceremonies of dedica
tion wcro observed, alter which a lino
address was delivered by Grand Mas
ter Lambcrton, who was followed by
numbers of visiting brethren. Among
tho Speakers wcro District Deputy
Grand Master Knapp, andUro. Irish,
a Mason of fifty-two years standing.
At 2 P. M. the Lodgo closed, and
those present, including many of their
wives and tlaugters adjourned to tho
second story of tho Academy, but a few
yards distant, where n magnificent din
ner had been prepared by tho ladies of
Catawissa. Wo will not attempt a de
scription of what was there, but simply
remark, that there Is nothing good to
eat but what was there, and that if any
of our friends want a good cook for a
wlfo, ho should get her at Catawissa.
In the afternoon tho officers of the
Grand Lodgo loft for their respectlvo
homes. In tho evening, however, now
attractions appeared, and having been
disappointed in tho expected arrivals
from abroad, tho Catawlsslans fell back
on their own resources, and tho result
was tho finest ball over held in Colum
bia county. Wo arpnotart adept In such
matters and therefore will not attempt
a description in detail. Tho dancing
began between eight and nino o'clock,
and continued until two in tho morning.
Tho public hall in tho Masonic Buildiug
was used, and tho Masonic rooms nbovo
wcro given up for tho occasion to tho
indies, who gazed curiously enough at
tho emblems of tho order displayed.
Most excellent music was furnished by
Eepatz's famous band of Williamsport.
Some sixty couples wcro present, and
generally fivo or six sets were on tho
floor at a time. Tho utmost decorum
prevailed; and not a single improper
word was uttered nor was tliero any
drunkenness or dissipation among tho
dancers. At midnight a splendid col
lation was served at tho Academy, and
tho fables almost bent with tho weight
of tho edibles. Cakes, fruit, oranges,
lees, etc., besides tho moro substantial
kinds of food, woro there.' In profusion.
Tho young people of Catawissa owo
tlio Masonic fraternity a debt of grati
tudo for having furnished them so
much genuine pleasure, and the day
was ono lone to bo remembered In tlio
annals of "ynancicnt town."
"J Happy Kentucky Tamily
Thu secretary of tho treasury has re
ceived a letter, In which tho statement
Ismailo that In (ho third lovenuo dis
trict of Kcntucky.thcro exists tho great
est enso of nepotism on record. Tho
collector or tho distrlrt, E. L. Mottloy,
has a brother, H. V. Mottley, as a gnu
gcr. Theiissetfor, W. E. Hobson.isa
cousin of tho collector. Hobson has In
his tfiUohls father, uncle, son, father-in-law
and two brothers. Assistant as
sessors, clerks, gaugers, etc., aro all
filled bv his and Mottlev's kindred.
Tho secretary referred the matter totho
commissioner oi internal rovenuo,
with tho endorsement that a change
must bo mado, and tho happy family
dispersed fiom tho government care.
Tlio commisslone? notified tho two
miislnn that thovmust ntonccmakon
chnngo, or they would probably hear
from tlio rresiuoni on meir account."
All of which may bo very true, but
Hobeon's choieo in tho matter Is only
tha of others in high nuthorlty.
Wliero Is tho member of Grant's fam'
lly, or relative, howsoever dlstaut, of
that eminent chieftain, who is unpro
vided with a place at the pubiio crib?
From Jus voncrablo father to the portly
brother-in-law who keeps tho door of
tho Whlto IIouso, ail live at the public
expense. Thero Is not, unfortunately,
anv commissioner to notify him to
"mako n chango." Of tho two, Hobson
or Qrant, wo prefer Hobson, who has a
precedent for his action in tho high
places of tho land.
The Trenton True American has tho
following with summary of Grant's re
construction of Mississippi;
"Itcconstriictlon" In Mississippi is an
Instructive little study, Tho President
makes Brovet Major Central Ames
commander and Provisional Governor,
Brovet Major General Ames makes a
Legislature. The Legislature, In a
spirit of reciprocity, makes Brovet Ma
jor General Amea Senator. And then
comes tlio said Ames und certifies that
tho said Ames lias been so elected."
Advantages of tho Tree Vote.
Hefnrmed voting has tho following
Military effects, Illustrated moro or less
fully at our lato local election!
1. Tho expulsion of disfranchisement
from popular elections. Men do not
voto and hso their votc-i. Thoy uro not
counted out -ostracised deprived of
all volco lu their government. This In
justice they havo often suffered In both
general and local elections, but will
sufler no longer when reformed voting
shall ho established. How much of con
tentment and of Increased attachment
to republican Institutions must this ono
beneficent chango produce 1
2. Tho best men can bo selected as
candidates and olectcd. Availability;
a mero capacity to get votes and often
tho worst votes In tho community tho
whiskey boys of saloons, tlio bigots of
churches, tho purchasable and tho tim
id citizens loses nearly all its irapor-
tauco In tho selection of candidates.
For tlio floating voto tho voto subject
to influence will no longer hold tho
balance of power hot ween parties nnd
control elections. Tljo Independent,
upright citizen, unskilled In tho cor
rupt devices of majority voting, can nf
ford to bo a candldato and can succeed
lu splto of tho rogues and rulTalns of Ills
district. And in ofllco ho can defy
them, for thoy will not hold his ro-elec-tlon
and his future lu their bauds.
3. An unembarrassed and bolter so
lection cau bo mado by tho voter from
among candidates. His freedom of
choice will bo a reality and not a delus
ion. Even the degree of his preference
for a candldato cau bo expressed by the
frco voto. Ho can givo all hU votes to
ono candidate; ho may distribute them
among candidates at ho shall think fit.
For tlio first timo thn principle of self
government Is to be realized lu elector
al action. Thovoteristojudgo for him
self, and not tho law for him, how his
votes shall bo bestowed.
4. Under tho free voto but fuw candi
dates at popular elections will bo de
feated and they and their frionds mor
tified and soured in mind for tho future,
But a single candidate for member of
our town council underwent defeat at
tho late election, and the running of a
surplus candidate aroso out of particu
lar circumstances and wa3 nu excep
tional case. Ordinarily thero will bo
but six candidates Instead of seven.
But under the old plan of election thero
would havo boon at least twclvo candi
dates and six of them would have been
defeated. Six beaten men in tho com
munity would havo meant discontent,
resentment and retaliation hereafter.
At all events, a reduction of nearly ono
half lu tlio number of candidates at
elections would bo highly advantageous
and desirable.
fi. Finally, the Frco Voto strikes off
two-thirds of tho oxponso and cono
quent corruption of elections. It takes
away most of thomotivo to corrupt vo
ters, for under it tho necessity of buy
ing majorities will no longer exist and
press upon parties and candidates.
Wo will conclude with a single addi
tional remark. Tho free voto in order
to its complete operation to its thor
ough renovation of our electoral system
must bo applied to tho nomination of
candidates as well as to their election;
to tho primary as well as to tho legal
olcctlons. That it can bo so applied
with convenience and effectually wo bo
liovo will bo proved at no distant day
In this county of Columbia, which now
onjoys thohonorablo distinctiou of hav
ing had held In her principal town tho
first truly republican and entirely just,
liberal and reformed election ever held
in the United Statts an election in
which no man felt that ho was stealing
power from his neighbor or that his
neighbor was stealing power from him!
Senator Lowry on the Murder of
Mrs. Surratt.
In a rcmarkablo speech on tlio sub
ject, Senator Lowry spoke as follows in
regard to tho execution of Mrs. Surratt.
" As an atonement for tho wrongs of
tho South, the great men of tho North
at Washington put to death by.r-tran-gulatlouanold,
respectable, religious,
Catholic mother, who will go dowu in
history a victim of injustice. This wo
man's execution was a monstrosity that
history will point at as "judicial mur
der." Sho was tried by a military tri
bunal when sho was not subject to mil
itary duty and executed with indecent
liasto by tho order of Andy Johnson,
(and ills cabinet did not attempt to stay
lils hand,) In violation of all law and all
conscience. I wash my hands of her
blood, for I appealed for her life nnd
declared ' 'the teas not a subject lo mill'
teiry duty, she hail no epaulets upon her
shoulders, she had no spurs upon her
boots, and could be tried legally only by a
civil court," and I belloved, and so ex.
pressed mysolf, that no civil tribunal
would convict her upon such testimony
and hang her by any court whom tho
Lnrd'.s Prayer was' read."
rorgcry of the President's Name
It has eomo out to-night that tho
Prosldent has discovered a forgery of
his name by a person who was anno hit-
cd to a Federal ofllco in tho Itovenuo
Bervlco. Tlio papers aro now in tho
hands of tho President for critical ex
amlnatlon, and your correspondent Is
not at liberty to givo particulars until
tho preliminary investigation of tho
incis i.s eonciuueu.
Wo clip tho above from tlio Phlladel
phiif" Press, and must confess our sur
priso that any man of Republican proc
livities should havo so conducted liinv
self. If It wero n difficult thing for ono
of thnt moral party to obtain an office,
wo should not feel so shocked, but It is
not bo. if tlio "person" was not a ro-
lativo of tlio President, why did not ho
subscribe- for something, or buy sonio
thing for his Excellency nnd thus estab
lish an undoubted right to somo of the
public spoils. Out on such contempt!
bio pars Imony I No man has a right to
use Mr. Grant's namo without paying
for It.
Of Course
Among tho telegraphic nows from
Washington In tho following Horn:
"Tho commltteo recommend that in
tlio tax bill the Hanks bo relieved of a
portion of tho government tax now im
Tim odious Incomo tux, which hun
dreds of thousands petition for tho ro-
pcul of, coming out of tho hard earnings
of individual citizens Is to bo retained
and tho rich monopolies aro to horellev
al. It (s of a piece with tlio regular
class legislation of tho radicals. Money
keeps them in power and to money
thoy bow tho pliant knee, that thrift
may follow fawning.
Tho Frco Vote,
An election was hold In Bloomsburg,
Columbln county, on Tuesday, tho 12th
Instant, for a Burgess nnd six members
of Council. This election is important
for bolng tho first ever held In tho
United States according to tho plan of
cumulative suffrage advocated by Sen
ator Buckalow, to whoso persistent
efforts It Is duo that so much Interest
mid attention havo been awakened lu
regard to tho need of reform lu elections.
Bloomsburg Is tho home of Senator
Buckalew, and ho has. had tho gratifica
tion of seeing tho principle of tlio "frco
voto" first put in practlco under his
own personal observation.
Tho Columman of Bloomsburg con
tains full particulars of tho election.
Tho Burgess was elected under tho old
majority rulo, but tho bIx members of
Couucll wcro chosen in accordanco with
tho following clauso of tho recent act In
regard to elections In Bloomsburg.
"When six persons aro to bo chosen,
each voter may givo ono voto to each of
six persons, ono voto nnd a half to each
of four, two votes to each of three, threo
votes to each of two, or six votes to
Thero wero two tickets in the field,
tho people's nnd the democratic. Tho
pcoplo's candldato for burgess was
chosen by a majority of eleven votes in
a voto of four hundred and thirty, and
tho democrats carried four of tho six
councllmon. The voto In Bloomsburg
has been very eloso on a strict party
Issue, tho democrats generally carrying
the town by n voto of from twclvo lo
sixteen. As we havo seon,tho opposition
to tho democrats carried tho burgess by
eleven votes. Then, according to tho
cumulative suffrage plan, if adhered lo,
each party was entitled to throo mem
bers of the town council, nnd each could
havo obtalued threo by a proper effort.
At this dlstnnce, It "seems that tho
people's party lost ono candldato by
finesse, when they might havo secured
three, having carried their burgess. It
Is evident that tho system docs not
allbrd much opportunity for tho display
of genius In party trick. Under tho
old majority plan ono party would havo
had all the members of thu town leg
lslature,aiid a largo minority, approach
ing tlio majority In numbers would
have had no representation. By tlio
new system, tho legislature is divided
in strict accordanco with party strength
at tho polls. Tho tyranny ofmajorities
Is modified audallcvlntcd. Every voter
deposits his ballot In tho urn under tho
conviction that It is not lost, it' lio do re
side in a locality where tho majority is
against him. Tlio democrats in Lan
caster county, under thissystcm,would
have ono ov two representatives in the
legislature, and tho republicans of
Berks would havo as mnny. They
would not bo practically disfranchised
so far ns tho choice of members of Con
gress and representatives in tho State
legislature is concerned, as at present
is tho caso. Thus would the interest in
elections of tlio citizens living in a
county where thu majority is largely
against him, bo powerfully stimulated
by giving lilm n motive for oxcrtion.
Both parties would bo compelled to
present their best men as candidates,
under penalty of defeat. Elections
would be purged of much of tho cor
ruptlon which now makes them so ro
pulsive; Above all, Justico would bo
dono to minorities, and tho true spirit
of popular representation preserved.
Tho election in Bloomsburg, in itself
unimportant, is interesting as tho first
under tho just nnd equitable principle i
of tho "frco vote." Morning Patriot.
Our Town.
Easter Sunday, and in fact tho wholo
previous week was much celebrated by
our Lutheran, Iteformcd aud Episcopal
friends. Tho Institution of tho Lord's
supper, tho death of our Saviour nnd
his glorious resurrection aro indeed
worthy to bo remembered, and wo liko
thcto denominations all tho better for
their doing so.
Bloomsburg is beginning to look
much nicer ; trees aro sprouting, the
grass has assumed the soft green which
is so pleasant and beneficial to tho eye.
Tho borough seems proud to bo a bor
ough, to havo a council and a burgess.
Wo hope thnt tho newly elected may
be energetic and efficient and if it is not
premature, wo would humbly suggest,
that soon, very soon, n law may bo
made, to forco tho property holders
to mend tho sidewnlks, or to havo in
stormy nights, liko last Sunday oven
i ng, n lantern placed that passers by
may bo warned orholes.spllnters.gullios
nnd other dangerous nuisances.
o might also suggest that a whole
some restraint might bo put upon cows
calves and hogs, which enter their
neighbor's premises without fear and
without Invitation, spoil tho iievly nr
ranged yards, and mako most hand
somo imprints upon carefully mado
0 J'ntrcs cotiKiipltquide nlusduliUcon
sultautl In plain English. "O townfathers
who havo delicate matters in consulta
tion," yours Is a great work! The bless
ings or curses of thousands will follow
you. Choose, O I ehooso tlio former!
Our school Is flourishing, tho num
ber of day scholus ami hoarders Is
greatly Increased and what a lino lot
of manly boys, flno ladles, earnest
students! It is truly pleasant to soo
them In study, and playhours! Como
and havo n peep at them, Mr. Editor!
N either teaciiois nor scholars aro afraid
t o bo heard. NoitMAL School
P0TT8VH.LK, April 10. Tho coal-
breaker of E.Silllman & Co. at Mahanov
City, was burned last night, together
with all tho machinery; the work of an
Incendiary. Tho loss is estimated at
G0,000; insuranco $20,000. Two now
slxty-liorso power engines, Just erectod,
woro dostroyed.
Wim.iamsi'oht I'.inn, April 18. It
has been raining continuously for tlio
last forty-fivo hours. Tho river lias
risen soventeen feet and it is still rising
at tho rate of four inches an hour. Tho
Loyal Kock,Lycoming,and Pino Crooks
aro now higher than thoy woro In 18G5,
Tlio creeks west of Locklmvcn aro not
so high. Somo dnmago was dono to
tho canals, which will probably taken
weok lo repair. Tho Northern Central
Hallway between hero nnd Elinlra has
beon badly damaged. No trains wcro
run over it to-day.
WiLKKJiiAitui:, April 10. Tho coal
operators at Plymouth mado another at
tempt this morning to load tho Beading
cars, but tho men engaged In doing it
woro stoppod, and tho operators form
ally notified bv tho Minors' Union that
if any moro coal was furnished to tho
Schuylkill county operators, work
would bo stoppod immediately.
Our Civil Service.
One hundred millions of dollars, one-,
fourth tho rovenuo lo bo raised by our
tax and tarlfflaws, vnnUhosboforo It
reaches tlio Treasury. One-fourth of
tho impost laid for tho support of gov
ernment upon tho labor of tho working
classes and tho ability and capital of
thoso who do not llvo by wages, goes to
maintain Idlers and cheats in tlio pub
lic offices. Ono-fourth the price paid
by toll for Its protection by law feeds
tlio worthless lives of thoso who creep
Into placo to corrupt or break law. It
has coma to this, that tho government
founded for tho greatest good of tho
greatest number manages Its pecuniary"
affairs for tho benefit of tho worst fow
at tho cost of tho many. In tho cust
oms department, It Is estimated by tho
highest nuthorlty that from negligence
and connivance, which defects In tho
law assist, the government docs not ro
eclvo moro (linn one-half tho duties It
is entitled to. At tho port of New
York alono thero Is n yearly loss to tho
rovenuo of over thirty millions. Tho
(axon spirits fails by tens of millions
to yield Its duo fruit. Tho Journals
teem with accounts offrauds and de
falcations In tho public service, in
which tlio successful scoundrel scorns
to swoop at less than a fortune These
operations vary in their mothods,belng
conducted sometimes with tho secrecy
of collusion, nnd sometimes with tho
boldness of dcllanco. Tho scout of
such corruption ntlracls from afar
clouds ofohsceno hlrds whosottlo upon
our coasts as fraudulent Importers,
thrlvoby tho aid of venal accomplices,
aud return homo witli their spoil to
defanio republican institutions. Tlio
gibbet, that melancholy sign of civil
ization which greeted tlio voyager to a
straugo shore, should riso besido our
light-houses to punish that combined
breach of hospitality and honesty com
mitted by tlicso Hessians of trade.
Other plunderers along our extended
frontler.unitlng skill with daring, oludo
tho payment of duties by smuggling,
to tho ruin of honorable merchants as
well as to thoinjury oflhogovernmeiit.
Still moro outrageously, illicit distill
ers, trusting tho supineness and dis
daining tho safe purchase of official
friends, intrench themselves in tlio
heart of cities, and wage a littlo war
against the troops sent to dislodgo t hem .
And others still, boldly steaming into
tho largo ports, buy or watch tlio op
portunity of landing parts of their car
goes in fraud,and pay from tho plunder
for tho desperate services rendered In
somo cases by their villainous tools in
maiming and murdering tho faithful
officials set to watch them. No wonder
that, with decency discouraged by
such associations, and honesty deterred
by such dangers, tho civil sorvlco sinks
steadily Into deeper discredit. No won
der, when Congress rejects an enlight
ened plan for its reform, that on tho
very day that plan was defeated, a
fraud by n Treasury clerk should havo
been detected to an amount that would
hnvo paid for tho expense of estab
lishing it. Thus, instoad of creating
schools for training young men in tlio
varous branches of tho civil servico,
as oilier governments havo done, wo
convert our public offices into semi
naries where every art of fraud is taught,
and pay our pupils for learning to cheat
us moro shrowdly. Tho United States
indeed "builded worsothan thoy knew"
in erecting on the island of Manhattan
that stately pllo which invites tenants
worthy of tho edifices of Blackwell's,
shelters inmates whom tho hospital
and the bridowell would welcomo homo ,
and promotes Its candidates from tho
pot-house through ; public servico to
tho penitentiary. Pity that so fow
exchange official pap for the moro
wholesomo black bread and broth of
Sing Slug.
Yet this dilapidation of our finances,
and tho consequent strain upon our
resources, gravo as theso mischiefs arc,
do not comploto thovlow of the seri
ous evils inflicted by tho wretched con
dition of our civil service. Theso con
spicuous samples of nogllgenco per
mltlcd and wrong tolerated by the su
premo power dcpravegcueral morality,
and loosen tho strictness of integrity
in private affairs. It is a grievous ovil
that dishonest officials tempt and taint
their associates; it is n fearful danger
that ovory four years now hordes of
unprincipled men, despising work, nro
cast out from the public olllcos to get
their living at tho expense of tho com
munlty; but this Influcnco Is far less
subtle and corrupting than is tho idea
thus implanted in tho public mind that
tho slato does not neod or caro for vlr-
tuo in its civil servants. What squeu
mishness, to complain of individual
breaches of trust, of legislative hribery,
or venality in tho courts, of universal
faithlessness in work, wlion tho stale
itself founds a perpetual lottery of 11.
cense, and distributes its quadrennial
prizes among tho most cunning and
rapacl ousl Jlnrper's Magazine.
Deatli has been holding high carnival
in Columbia county, during tho past
winter, and tho littlo ones havo been
tho victims of tho sorrow giving feast
In tho towns, In tho rural districts, in
tho valleys and on the ridges, tho wall
Is heard of "Itachel mourning for hor
children and refusetli to bo comforted
because thoy aro not." Many a homo
lias been made desolate by tlio destroy
er, and many a heart stricken with Hor-
row as one, two, threo and oven moro.
havo been carried out ond laid away in
tho cold grave.
Tills is Indeed terriblo, and oven
Whero tho fover has not entered, par
cuts feel a painful anxiety. Tho father
looks upon his household pets with In
creased affection, and tho mother press
es her babo closer to her heart, fearing
lost tho next victim of tho Insatiate
monster may bo her own darling.
Under theso afflicting circumstances
how cheering is tho light of our sub
limo faith, that recognizes a higher, as
well asa future state. Bellovlng that
"Ho who was abovo Is allvo forovcr
more, ami has tho keys of Hell and of
Death," and "becauso I live vo shall
llvo also" "for of such is tho Kingdom
of God" our grlof Is assuaged and tho
burdon of Borrow is lightened. Our lit
tlo ones havo gono from tho sight of oui
eyes, but not from tlio faith of our
minds nor tho lovo of our hearts. Thoy
leit us as children, as children wo shall
always remember them, tho glory of
Heaven will beautify, but not chango
their forms. In tho form of littlo dill
dren will wo look for them If wo nro
permitted to enter tho happy courts,
and only lu such forms could wo recog
nize them. It Un beautiful thought,
that wlillo so largo n proportion of tlio
human racodlo In Infancy, what a largo
proportion of the hosts of Hcavon shall
bo littlo children. It goes far toward
reconciling us lo tho sacrifice, when wo
think of tlio sorrow thoy hnvo escaped
by being removed from earth so young,
nnd of tho certainty of tliolr happiness
in Heaven. Havi:n.
HTn.T.WA'rmt, April f, 1870.
CKNTItAIJA, April 10, 1870.
Tho Coal works nro oil Idlo nt present
In this locality. Tho men nro engaged
making gardens aud planting thoso
already mado. They say they will
not work under tho basis of 1809.
Taking nil tilings into consideration,
Miners nover get adequately compen
sated for their labor. Thoy nrosubject
cd to untold hardships, besides tho con
stant danger attending their vocation.
Tho strlko amongst tho Brakomcn on
tho Broad Mountain and Heading Hall
Itoad is ended.
Tho men consented to work at tho re
On that branch of tho road leading In
hero, of courso they nro Idlo having no
coal to tako to market.
Tho branch of tho Lehigh Valley
Iload connecting ut Haven Hun nnd
leading to Mr. Robinson's now mines Is
nlmost graded and tho brldgo over It nt
Montana will bo finished In about threo
it Is said this gentleman will com
menco to build his Company houses for
miners at an early date.
An accident occurred at tho mines a
few days ago, which Is worthy of notice
Whllohoistlng near of coal, tho drum of
tho hoisting Englno gavo way and was
cast into tlio shaft, and caught in tho
timbers beforo reaching tho bottom.
Tho wagon with its contents went all
through and was smashed amongst tho
men engaged In sinking. Mr. Davis,
ono of tlio employees, was riding on the
car at tho timo of the accident nnd wns
seriously hurt. In n slopo of this kind
and with such a heavy pitch (say about
15 degrees) thoro is no placo to run nor
timo to do so. This may bo considered
by the men employed at the bottom as
a miraculous escape from sudden and
unexpected death.
On Wednesday whilst William E.
Young was engaged in delivering stono
nt tho bridgo now in courso of construc
tion over the Railway at Montana ho
was suddenly Btruck by n piece of tim
ber on tho hend. Tho injury dono how-
over is not of n serious character.
Thursday April, 11. In tlio Senate
yesterday a bill was introduced for tlio
rcllof of thosomado widowsand orphans
by tlio loss of tho Oneida. In tho mat
ter of tho contested Florida election
caso tiio Judiciary Commltteo reported
in favor of Senator Gilbert, now repre
senting t ho State. Tlio Georgia debalo
was continued, but tho questions invol
ved not decided.
In tho Houso tho most important
business transacted was tho disposal of
threo contested election cases. From
tho Sixth District of North Carolina
Mr. Shobcr was admitted to tlio scat,
nnd sworn in. In tho Louisiana caso,
Hunt agaiust Sheldon, tho majority ro
port, declaring tho latter entitled to tho
seat, was adopted by a parly vote, Mr.
Bingham alono voting with tho minor
ity. In tlio Pennsylvania caso, Taylor
agaiust Reading, tho House, by another
party voto, concurred In tho majority
report that Mr. Taylor should tako tho
scat of Mr. Reading, tho sitting mem
ber, and ho was accordingly sworn in.
The llouso at fl o'clock adjourned.
Fiiiday April, 15. In tho Sennto
yesterday, after an unsuccessful effort
to fix somo dcfinlto timo for taking n
voto on tho Georgia bill, tho dobato on
tho subject was resumed.
In the Houso tho Tariffbill was taken
up early in tlio day, and thodebato was
continued until nearly 5 o'clock, when
a recess was taken until evening for a
further discussion on tho bill.
Satuuday April, 10. Iu tlio Senate
yesterday the Census bill as amended
by tho Senate Commltteo was passed.
Mr. Sumner introduced a bill to reduco
poatago rates, which ho said ho should
movo as a substltutofor tho bill abolish
ing tho franking privilege Tho bill
r educes the postago on n half-ouuco let
ter to ono cent, nnd substitutes for tlio
franking prlvllego stamped envelopes.
A long debate again ensued upon tho
Georgia bill.
In tho House, with tho exception of
disposing of tlio Deficiency bill, but
littlo business was transacted.
Tuesday April, 1!). In tho Senate,
yostcrtlay, n bill was Introduced dona
ting two hundred thousand acres of land
to tho improvement of thoUnner Miss
issippi. Mr. Drako introduced a Joint
resolution for an amendment to tho
Constitution authorizlnc tho President
on sufficient proof shown, to suppress
domestic violence in any Stato, and
giving Congress tho power to enforco
tho net. A resolution of inquiry was
adopted as to alleged charges of an at
tempt to Improperly influcnco tho voto
of Senators on the Georgia bill. Tlio
further discussion of tlio 1)111 was thon
proceeded with.
In tho Houso, Mr. Jones introduced
n bill for tho apportionment of tho next
Congress, fixing tho number of mom
bers at 27.1, oxcluslvo of representatives
from nowly ndmitted Stales. Ho mov
ed tho previous question, which was
seconded, and tho bill was passed by u
voto of 80 to 83. A memorial for n
medal to each man of tho First Penn
sylvania Battalion, arriving lu Wash
ton April 18, 1801, called out somo do
bato, and It was finally referred to tho
Military Commltteo. At 2 o'clock tho
Tariff discussion was resumed, nnd after
disposing of several minor sections that
relating to lion was reached. Iron In
pigs being tho first division, upon tills
a long debato ensued, and without dis
posing of it, lato In tho afternoon, n re
cess was taken until evening. At tho
evening session tho discussion was con
tinued upon thoquestlon of a reduction
of tho duty from 7 per ton, as reported,
to or $5. Tho latter amendment was
finally adopted by a voto of 00 to 01.
Wkdnk-sday April, 20. In tho Son
alo yesterday, In roferonco to tho pro
nosed Arctlo Expedition, tho sum of
f 100,000 Is appropriated, but tho details
of tho expedition and tho choice- of its
leadorls left to tho decision of tho Pres.
idont ; tho scientific matters will bo
controlled by tho Nntloual Academy of
Sclenco. Immediately aftor tho oxp'lra-
discussion was rosumcd, and continued
tiiuii miu iii iiiu uueruoon.
In tho Houso, at tho evening session
tho paragraph In tho Tariffbill relativo
to scrap-iron was considered, Tlio
duty fixed by thoreportwas 0 per ton.
This was, after a long discussion, so
amended as to mako tlio duty oh cast
scrap ta, and on wrought scrap JO per
latcst News.
ltrvTfiv.Anrll A Gooriro HuilliOWuH
tima ltnriiniiml nut. nf tho Stato nrlson
yestorday, whero ho was sentenced
twenty -two years ngororarson, to servo
for life. Ho Is nowflfty-nli.oycnrsold.
Ai.t.v.ntown. Anrll 10. Tho largo
steam tannery of Keck .0 Co., in this
city, was burned to day. Tho flro is
belloved to havo orlginatcu in mo en
glno room. Tholoss Is $150,000 to $200,
000. nartlally Insured. Tho owners
nro absent In Now York.
Columma, April 11. James Martin
and ten othors, colored, voted at n bor
ough election hero to diiyjor tho first
timo in Pennsylvania under tho fif
teenth amendment.
Toledo, April 11. A man calling
lilmsolf Augustus Tatlerbrook, a Prus
sian by birth, nnd hulling from Texas,
wiw deflated hero ami Masonic swindler
by R. E. Richards, M. O. Wngonor.nnd
others or tho Masonic lwiiiti oi ueiiei,
Ho has recently beon operating In Chi
cam. Milwaukee, and other cities. In
all of which ho obtained small sums of
money of tho Masons.
PottsviMiK, April 11. A plumber,
named Foster, was badly burned hero
flits nflernnim bv tlio nxnlostou of n
barrel of gasoline, with which ho was
filling a patent gas machine, and which
ignited by striking ngalnst matches I
tho pocket of tho imfortunatoinan.
Ni:w YonK, April ll.-Priuco l'icrro
Napoleon Bonapartoariived ut this port
last evening on board of tho English
steamship Idaho, and took passago un
der tho namooi J.;K. Huviello.and was
attended by his valet, Carl, who speaks
English imperfectly. The passengers
did not know him.
Pottsvii.i.i:, April IS. Patrick
Burns, an outsldo boss at the Swift
Creek colliery, at TiH&irora, was shot
In the head anil instantly killed uy un
known parties while going lo tho col
liery this morning.
Nkw York, April lfl. Tho propeller
Wells, engaged in towing coal barges to
tho various points between Elizabctli
port, N. J., and Jersey City, exploded
hero boiler about 1J o'clock yesterday
morning, wlillo lying at the coal dock
on tho Kill von Kull, opposlto Sailor's
Snug Harbor. Her engineer and two
firemen and a deck-hand wero killed.
Only ono of tho crew survived.
Ulooiimutirg Murket lleport
Wheat ner bushel
ltyo "
SI. 15
1 to
7 10
8 00
2 05
Corn "
Out. '
Flour per harm
Dried Applet
HldeH und HhouUter:!
Tjird ncr tinutiil
Hay per urn IS U0
i non
No. 1 Scotch pig
No. " "
Hemlock llourds iter thou-mml feet.
... JJ!)
, S16 (0
Pino " " " (ono Inch) mu'.O
Joist, Hcuntliug, rianlt, (Hemlock) 15 ui
UhliiL-leH, No. 1 per thousand- 8 10
" -i " " 7 uu
HldlnB " " n 18 10
I'ltllatlelplilii Market!.
Northwestern supcrhno at
Norlhwebtcrn extra-
Northwestern family
Pennsylvania nnd Western superfine.,
Pennsylvania and Western extra
Pennsylvania nnd Western ramtly
Pennsylvania and Western laucy
81.25a l.m 1.75
. 0.101.4 ti.75
. 5.00M.50
5.7.'X!SS 0.7E
. U.50(ulll.00
Ityo Uour....
Whkat l'e
-eunsYlvaulu red ' bus
Culirorutu "
" whlto "
H k Pennsylvania rye, V ,,lIs
Cohn Yellow,
Pkovisioss Mess Pork, Y bul
.Mess lieer,
Diessed llojis, lb
Smoked Hams "
M Khouldcrs v H
l.ard, V m
HlEhUS Cloversted bus
Tlmothykeed yi bus
Flaxseed M
Oattms lleef Cattle lt
Cows, & head
HltKKl' "p ft
Hous 100 tts
811'( 1)1107
PltOSSEll-DUOGI.lE-In Hie M. K. Church at
UlopiusburB, ou WtdDtfcdny.Apllllilli.byllev.
11. 11. Creeir,nfslsled by ltev. H. Humes, Mr.
I. ewellyn Prosserof AHiluud.toMlssrSuialii:.
Ilroglle of llloomsbuit;.
lIAUNAl!AUH-llEI,WI(!-On tho Mst lilt., by
II. e ltev. Wm. J. 1:5 er, Mr. Iklwurd Haunabacli
to Miss Mnry C. llelwit-, both or teulralia, Pu.
I.VANS-DAVIK-Oii tliclKth day of March, nt
tho house of Philip Calenders, Itoss twn., by
Khlcr Mnnlott, Mr. Kilns Evans to Mlssbusan
unrig, ooiuoi iieuiou.
rUIWEL-TOWNSENII-.U Ilnck-Horn. 011 tl
iltn u l.,by ltev. II. Wilson, Mr. l).nnl's Pursel
.ui.. j-.iinuu r.. iow menu, noui or 1111
Horn, Pa.
KMlTir-PAVn.. 0.1 ...
W llson, Mr. Norman K. Hmith, and Miss Mary
I.. J. Cox, both of West Hemlock twp; Montour
. 1" , ; . . UU,K' 1 noay anil en
2oll , l-.dwln Ornut, son 01 licnjamln P. nnd
hophln SharplesR.aged 3 yrs, 5 mos. aud a days.
Nil a mT.r(.HT iti..1
-' !""". "crueri.snii 01 llelljamlu I-', lllld
. utl...-n,uvu t ) 1,, y nius. nnn -JJ uas,
"ISKfirS. "'? "'.. "t Willow Spring
W llllt Mlllard.son of Jesse and Mary J. Illeks
iiBid 20 yeais, i mouths and 10 iluys.
MENHf-II-Morcli 6II1. in Mifflin ti.wno.i,, .1,.,
I'l-"1' Iho SOtli nil. Hurali Adclla. D.iUL-hier
or u v. and Mninndu ritout.nued 0 yeais u
MOIIT-On lbo 27IH nlt..(;hai!c8 (Imiu, sou of
y uuu -iiuranuii wont, uged years, 10
' "- "jn
1., 111
, and
!mii..i- Ki . J,,-uui;l,,,leroijareu ,
10 days. ' ' ' ,,,0,m
.. oiuinnumtTS ui 1 no uiooiun
J, J 'lf3flV'tit"teaiHKtateNnriiuil8chool(
A limnilnni.r C-in.i.t..i.i .
o dock P.M. and nve o'cUck V. M.. to dec
. ..onvo ,,i on , lur oiiu year.
J.O. I-nEKzr. I,. i.'m;PEIlT,
prS!7Stary- l'""'de'"
Letters of administration on tho estato
'.vfH W.!i!j. llc,cta;11. "vo been granted
Miller of II loom township. Columbia eon
All persons liavluk- cla'ms against tho estate of
tliJ 1 decedent mo requested tonieseut them fur
..ivi,i,in,MMu .mis,, iiiueuteu 10 inn estate lo
...w ij i"e umiersijjueu niiminisl
(!. W. Mil. I. I'll
Letters of administration, w ImU 11011 cum
IcntumcHlo maun, on tho estato of Walter
,wvu wl jtiuum lowiisuip, Columbia
co unty, deceased, have been ijruntid by the lieu-
, wwmy. i-j u. . aimer 01 iiiuoins
burjj. All persons having clalma aRatust the
estato of tnld di cedent aro requisted to present
Iheui forselllcmeut, and those Indebted to inako
payment to I ho uuderslisned, , llhout delay.
, ... . . , , , Administrator,
npii! ,0-Ct.J ile tonft lien rum frtfamriifoummo
XJ ESTATK Or 1IEN11V KISQsnilllv. Iiko'ii
Letters testamcnlary untho iMalo of Henry
Wusburr. lulu of ljeulou township. Columbia
eouuty, dee'd, hnve been grunted by Iho UeiiUter
of said eouuty to Elijah Kullmer of Pino twp.,
Lol. co Pa. All persons IiuWiik claims uiialnsC
the tslate are requested lo present them lathe
Executor In Co ambla eouuty. Thoso Indebted
10 the estate ellher on note, Judgment, inortiuiito
or book account will make payment lo tho Ex
it utor without delay,
nprt.i'70-flw. lixeciitur.
neatly executed at tut Colukuian HUmto
ting omoa.
tfioe THE FOLSOM iflii'JiuvJ'JU
ltJ"Tweiity-Flvo Knllnr Family Bewliiff
Mnchlnc. The cVafc' l-'lrat ClnM Machlna In
eomtnl!nn nllowc.1. For term, it.i.r f rr.ilnr i , .
mit HI., 1'lilla,, l'n. tnPrli '"-i'1
mi. ... rn..niirlrmnllnnnllll
iillmvniico on Wednesday, tlio llh dny or May
next, liio rnuowuiR nccounnowiii ","""""
account nflcnno Hi'lKfrliil.foinmltlcopf tho ticr
kon nnd calnto of l''",1 j jjJaTo'rl'il M-'nt,
nprl370-3t, i-roinonomrj-.
.. . . ,,r linnpnf lllnnni fiwlittlillt
havo under their charge two Ocrman bo. nicA
7 nnd II respectively, nml ono liealthy Rlrl ol 7,
.ViViV . iiwv will bind out to responsible persons,
until 18 years o'" ov THK r00u,
lllooinsbiirg, April 15, iiO-Ji.
Letter ol lu.niluistrntion cum Uttamcnto an
nexo on 1110 csiiuo ui i hi" 'y1"" a,:.
renufKii-ii niiiuinm ,.v...
debled lo mako payment. .,,........,.
oprl.V70-0w. cum trttamcnto annej
.J.. Itnvrtlr lain nf Vrflnkllll tOWHRllIn.
rolumlila county Occ'il, lmvo been Rrantcd by
.i 11 t,.t..r.r.l I nmiuli rt .Tnlin (1. 1 1 fttl ICV.
l,i ..AlL.r. A A.?; aii VinrwfVii lmv-
. ....l.i ii.a nt. In 1 11 riff) iniintp(l to
pitscnt Ihein to the Kxecutor In Columbln
county. Thoso indebted to tlio cstnto either on
note. Judgment, mortgage or book nrcotint will
lliaiiu payiiie... .o .... -iVN'aiiENiliiY;
nprl50-Gtr. Lxeculor.
Bernard Htolincr
Jolm Leacock
O. A. Jucoby
Tliomas II. Taylor
Wldmver A Jacoby
1). W. ltobblns
Hio. J. Hhnmnn
Wesley 1'. l'intt
William Williams
j. jr. iiojt
cl. W. Manger
Jacob H. Klstler
Hiimucl lCosteubauder
John It. lthodes
Win, II. Ornngo
Stephen It. ltawn
Isaac drover
Henry A. Wcldensaul
Tliomas (lerety
A. W. Creamer
Michael O'llalr
Tims, O'Connor
UenJaniluJ. Williams
l'atrlck L. lliuko
John 1). ltrennan
Klepliell Thomas
Charles Coles
ltobert l-'arrell
Mnry Chapman
K. llouo
Liu. Htore,
li Houso
Daniel uarringiou
James llowey
Thomas Kllker
Daulet Morris
Aaron Person
John L. Kline
Mis. Ann M'Klerunn
Josepli Wallace
Chns. H. lllellerlcli
II. Cien-sy
Isalali Yenger
Llldwlg Thlelo
Joshua Womcr
J. W. Ileam
A. K. Hmlth
J. 1C. Longenbciger
Aaron W. Hess
W. lt.Tubbs
Jacob (Jood
Ilobr Mcllenry
V. W. Vanlo
Wllllnm l'ettlt
Ilenrv Wlillesell
11. Houso
John 'Kcki'oto " "
llloomsburg, April 15, 1K0. Prothonotary.
iJii.UUU RHSIn acents lo sell tho eelc
brnted WILSON SKWINll MACHINUS. The best
machinoin tboworJd. 6htch aliAc on both titles.
Onk Maciiini: witiiovt Money, l-'or lurther
particulars, uddrcss -"J N. IHli HI., Plillad n, l'n,
A dividend of .1 per cent, ou tho capital Htock
of tlio Company will bonaldto tlio stockholders
of tho CatawKMi Jtrldge Company, on or niter
vrii win ntino oiuco oi lao irensurcr oi mo
uomiinny. ulu. c. uiijiititi,
Chtuwidsa, Aprils, 1870-3t, Treasurer,
KoitniNs A i:vi:it.
A lull nnd comploto assortme nt of ready moJo
uooia uuu hnoe ior men, women ami cnuuren
Jutt receivctl and for salo at reason a bio rates.
varieties to milt all clauses of customers. Tho
htjstof work dono at short notice, as heretofore.
uive Dimacaii. iaprs 7U-U.
All nrsons Indebted to the iiudirJirnrMl either
on Note or llook Account, are hereby not 1 lied to
buiuu inujr accuuniM at once, nr iny win uo eoi.
ircieuacconuiiK iu law. J. u, nu i ll-ill, 31. u.
llloomsburg, April 1. 1870-tf.
L and for the Countv nf t'nlumbta. Tn tha mnl.
terof the petition of W. II. Knt admlnlstiator
of Jcicmlah Kline, lato of Jacksun township,
deceased, foi speclllo performnnco of c-oiitracu
l'obruary bill, 1S70, C. W. Miller, Hsq., appbiuled
wii.ii.iwiuuui iu iiikv piuui oi euuiraci.
lly Hie Court, Certliled from tho ltccord.
Wellington II. Knt, Clcik,
To persons Interested In tho above case, Inkc
notice, that I shall attend for the purpose of iny
appointment nt my olllce, In llloomsburK, ou
Saturday, tho Bid day of April A. n., 1S70, ut ten
v. i,iui n. it. in. L , IV . i.111,1.111,
innr-Ji70- Iw, Coinmlssloner.
It has Ions been known tti.-il II.a ,tl,1 .lnl,llkl
eil aud well stocked Fuiinitciie i IIeiiqino
AnmtooMs of II. It. LKWIH, r!K.,iirothocherp
est lu tho city. He Is now selllnit PAiiLou Sum
In, Haiii Clotii, IIki-s orTKiiuy. Wal
nut CllAM)ll:it HL-llh In Oil. or VlltSTsin l-n-r.
taiib 1-uiiNiTUKK, all stylesi IIkdiiinu ami
-.a, iiicac-s, viuious sires, cueaper man nuciion
prices. Como and see, and be lonvtuced. You
... rinc jui.uey uj- giving us i can ueiore pur,
' If. It. LKWI8, Hk.,
Next door to cor, of Fifteenth ht.
lteoulres Immediate attention, as
ii.-Kit-iTi uii.-H ri-siuiK in an incurii-
uio Lung Disease.
IIHOWN'8 lIUONrillAl. T1ini-llb-s
rr,.ll,.r l.-.,r !,,...,..!. r. l" ,V.l......
I Will almost' irlvn lnt.t,nl
catarrli.Consumiitlvo and Throat
jjiscuscs, iney navo u sootninir ef-
HllU!(-lSandPllhlIc Knealcel-Hlisn lllfln l.lunr
nu,, i-i.,-ui;iiu.i iiiu voice.
uulni; lo tho Kood lepulntlon nnd popularity
of tho 'iroo lies, many worthier and cheap Imf.
uti luti.-u, ivimjiiiiu boou ior noui ng,
llo sure In nblnlu the true
nov. lS.'OO-Cm.
XV hereby slven to all lciratees, creditors n
. . c,tlu 1,1 eaiaies oi inu re
spective decedents and minors, that the fol low
ing administration and Kuardhin accounts have
been llled In the olllco ol iho UeBlster of Colum
bia county, nud will bo presented for conllrina.
I 11 1 111 , IW W.I'HUIIII IA1UII, 1(1
i . r .'luwillSUlllB, uu tY euiiesuuy, iuu illl u
of May, 1S70, at two o'clock lu thu afternoon
klliil llflV.
1. Account of John Hhuinau, auurdlnn
Kyser Hosier, niluor child of Henry Hosier, I
tiiuiu .Mji,, titrg u,
i First and final account of Franklin Chris-
..u,t,u.,,i, ui t uieuiiiiu i.urisiiun, laio oi Mini
3. Account of John Htaley, udni'r. of Kllslm
AlliOftbrm tnf a ivf lt.nAi.iunA.1 . I . t i
. t. Iho nnul account of William Creasy. Guar
uiuu prMubanmi llearhart, minor child of Joseph
p. Iho account of Jumes Muitir, adni'r
jMImiu Mellvlc, adm'rM.of l'cUrMcllcl:. lato
7 'I'lu. Ht-il .. ... . , ... .
Kluut, uJm'r. ol Frederick Hohr.Jutu of Gu
B, Tho iTrht anil final account of John It. Moy
, ... ,, ut uuuu 4tauiuuu, tmu ui uruu jO
e twp.
y. 'Jhe firfctnnd flun account of Mfchuel
l.yerly. adm'r. tf Dr, John 1 Kluire. luto
iiiuuiu iwp., ueu u,
It). Tho nut und llual account of I. w, Hart-
iiiTir.Iirtvvr. t "i '-MJ"ullu icrnii, laio
II Tlia ilmm...,. .. ai ..
uvwiiiib ui jiiuiiiiui L.Teveiniu. j
Ml'" r. ot John Miller lulo oi Hcott twp., dei'd
vit'iH .'i iu,ic0l"jt of,Jlu"u HUuc, aWr.
1J. lllO llCCOUIlt OfKolonioii N'..vl,i,r:i 11
v,.t . uJ,i.1, ""W"1"". Mallldii 1. llowman,
Martha 8. llowman, Mary J, llowman, Wlntte! J
r.i. f u .low.uuii, lllllM.rC
"-.mud rft. iiowmau, laio or miiuiu
. . .""w..i'i iii-ury tvciimau, jr., i:xec
"' ",'.f,,,t"r' Wertmau,-Br,, lato of Montour
II. Thu account of Henry Wei tman, Jr., 1
twp., dee'd.
E N T I a T n Y .
IJespeetfully offers his professional tcrvlces to
the ladles and euutleuicu of llloonubui-ir and Vl
clulty. He Is prepared to attend to all tin. varl.
pus opoiations lu tlio lino of Ills profession, aud
Is provided with tho latest Improved 1'okcklain
iKKlii which will be Inserted ou itold platlUK,
. ........ VW! ... ....... t.m .. i , , ,iq I, Hill.
ural teeth. Teeth extracted by all tho new anl
most unproved methods, and ail operations on
the teeili curefullvund tirooetlv utLn,tA,i i
ltesldeuco aud olllce u few doors above' the
Uloomsuurf, Jaii.Jl.'Ulf
l .'lilMrlillill
Vlrluo nf Hnndry writs nt t
s, Lovnrl Facias. iViT.iV?' rnilik.
po lifts
nut nl
county niul to mo illreciM ,i .WMtSiUI
alo by public vendia'1.1 "eiS;l
f tho Court or Common i-r '"flm L'l
IV anil lo tnn Tii.-I".0!1 lfr.iv!.l
nt oile 0.r, t tWtj,
of Monday May
In t he townrtilp 0f Dr nrcreel, i I
fontnlnlna: nliout ono lES1" U, I
Iran, bounded, br lan.i. ViV'J ntrM .'l
Iho helm of R.V.lleadlj-on ti mlrtffiil
Lurcrno eonnu- linn .? .S tlio i,,n?,."i
Kllxauctli Hmlflicra nn 1 iKS 'Wi l RSI
olhern on tho west, where ?n n?i?'
llrlst Mlll.twn Vmtm Tlhve i hi it ?rwlS V
llanlc llarn. WaKon H.u,e0 'S3 f5'
Iiipm. Willi tha nmmi-ln....... "utl Olhp..fli
joiitli. nnd by lands nf ViS'"WmiifSI
jlnod, taken n execution" nn,i , .
property of Hcuhcn Miller, J lo I m
At the Mima timo nnd plnis. 11,. .
serl bed lot nf srnnn.t .i,.1.-???.' l foils..,.
.iVln ifMr,nil,i7, -..V.".7."'u""'nUrl
a...,-, fcuiiiy...niiiftiKi
'""""l nioru ur less, lioiinii,. f . r"vJ li
follows, to wit i on tlio north iX?"11 ?
innelt.nn tlm nnt l. . Iu' !'l llh,!.
on the Month by lauds of eii?!,.1 Si,
William Kllnetol, nnd lUiirf-4vlh Mffi
Is erected n Frame Tavern ii ; , on !
with tho appurtenances "'"Hi'rtu.V
Helzed, taken In execution ..
tho properly of Uldcou u. 111?,"')
At tlio somo timo nnd ,,,, . . I
:st In a. certain tractor l.i ml 1 1 ! .n,n'" lu J
lllttenbondernnd tho helrinr intu."r,i;l
talnlus llfty acres inore" -l
tlio i
HcizL-u, taiteii in execution mi,l ii I
piupui.jr wi uiiiues ii, u,irinPyt
A t. Mm uniiin 1 1 fun iimui...
fonrtu of n certain tractor uS'Sii'JlH
certain tract of uiiCmiS 'r'Hl
shlpi of Ilrlarcreel niif 'SfM
In tho tnwnshl
said county in
lleoser, contal
pnrt of boveu bundled ncr", '2OTM)t
Mimo township, In the folloi'nLI't? .h
tn wit! Sttimnl .T. 1M
Her Cochran, nlso the und i I
ir Iiundred ncrcs, inoro or lo, ia.w,it1,
nlso tho undivided one-foiirihSr B"l
ins inn tract or land In said --
survey of Nathan Head,, Sniaffi 'IfH I
acres, more or less. '""'! mi.j 1
eeireu, inuen in oxccul on nn l i i I
tho property of .lames N. joi!f""J tn ' M
A,lil,',i '""I'Sir"'!10 "'I'1 1'1"".!!!! IUt.,.1
around contnl .,.Y,o T,.""?1!,;!
tho north by lands or 1-Vm ermC- I
soulli by lands of tlcorao hJo I ; I
by lauds of Piillli.Seci,nii, oll,Mdl'i"l
eir.eii, initcn in extent on anil in u -I
Iho propcily of Hamutl Over-lor". " "'1
Al Mm Kiimn Minn nti.l i . . I
bui-K ltnowiiasHciiltoii luiNo.iu'f,,M,.;i
uivuieu uy i nonius llawk iHanjj a it'1
frontlns on .Main street on the ""nth JtSl
lot of J. L. Shalinon ou the cast TWnfKl
!V','S V.,,..t.!!.0 'J'"1 ' WB I
twentv-four, with sh,,,, liehlnd ,SoS,t
ft k tolioti sixteen feet Uy,0
Ulr.,l l.l,n I.. I
ti n rmV v . r M MVS " ?" '
At tho sumo. Iline and place. nil n,ni I
r,v,,rf I'&ss'i?'". Mimmvi
KiiiliiK at a post, Ihenco by I.ind, of i0 1
Aten north thiily.-iiInedoi;i;..s TOi (1,1,1! I
and two tenth perches In a stone, liotthiii
ono deiirecs west sevi-ntv.r.inr 1 n,... 1
a stone. Uienco by lands of uharl Kline?!
sou 1. sixty-four dierw-s iwn ii.i,V..Kl
six-tenths perches to 11 pnst, nonh tons J, I
west. fourjieielies ton Htoiie,ihtiicebvl
Wllllnm Pair south, tlilrty-slx iligrrti'J
.uu. ...... ...... -, 1 iiL-riiit-s 10 n pew, 11,11
land of Michael (liuver soulli titcnir-lii
grecs, cast lirty-rouraudelKlit-nutli urtt
n stone, south elahty-llve and three-onanc
glees 1.11st twclvo and llve-tuiilt Rrcim
post, south thlrty-ulue dosrecs ciA, ilm
und soveu-tenths perchei ton stono snli
north thlrty-olnht aud a hairdrgrni n.n.
ty-two nud six-tenth perilns to the iiluti
clnntmr. contninltn; tut-iitv.iu-,. norM.hi
hundrod and cloven perches or l.unl.rlt
uro bo tho homo moiuurlcss tit;ether vlti I
ui'imi ii'iiuiices.
Helzed, taken In execution nndlo bul
1110 property 01 nainuei MctiweppenbeiKr I
At the same timo and plncc.acertiialril
luuu siiuiiiu 111 liriarcrecK low nsuip, ixe
on the north bv lands nf Tnlin 11. .nhrl
Hnuuali HponenberKer, ou the cast Ly lit!
Mtcpiicu Tliomas and Jacoby, on the siu-1
1U11110 roau leauiuj; irotn nenviiK to Kka
iurR, on tho west by the IlrlarCreek.ea 1
Is erected 11 frnmu t;rist mill, plnster mini
saw mill n frame dwelling )iuiim, frame i
wiiu 1110 iipiiurieualices. AlMiatluOHamel
auout liireo ncrcs or uronua situate In 1
townshili and countv adloitliliiui! landtof
Jacoby, Il.vulet ltamuach anil the North llr I
Canal. I
Weized, tnlien In execudun and to bctvl
me property 01 josiau ilioliub,
apr!50-tf itol
WilEUKAH. thollon. Wlllluiu EltnlLFltil
Judtrooftho Court of t)ir niul Ttrmlcal
or tho l'eace and Com t of I'liiiiiiKin riemul
11.1 nerai jail iieuverv. uouri ui uuar i-r iv.
iilmii'H i:ouit in tne jot 1 Jti, i-l.u P s r.ii
posed of tho counties ol Coluintil.-l, Sulliml
WyonllllK. and the lion. Irani Pi-iriiua l- Assocl.llo Jtldees of tiilullltjla P I
hnvo Issued Ihelr piecepl, be.iriut: d.itet!i
day of l-'cb. In tho jear of our binll
thousand, cli;hl hiindlcd and si-t-nt)' ail
nioiiiiecieu ior iioiiiiuniiLoiiriiii ojn .tu
miner and Uenei'alOuailerScsloi.8o(R.ii
Com t of Coiumon plc.11 and urplian'a tvi
llloomsbure, 111 tho coiiuly orrolumUa,!
first Monday, belni: the 'Jn-l d.iy ol Maj nu
continue ono week.
Noticu Is hereby kIvcii, tnilio toMi-r, t
justices 01 tno l eace, uuu uio ion.ini.
said county of Columbia, tlic be ili
thero 111 their proper person 111 lo oc I
lorelioon 01 saui 1111 u.i 01 .n-ij,
nr.1, liinillLlllntlh niul .llllt 1 liu-nilirJi,
do tllose tilings which In Ihtlr oilliii itp-l
to no uone. Aim .mi. .t- -7-1
.,.nn..l-,n..,. 1.. ..r,.v,,.ltn HLll list IM I
oners that me or nuy be hi Uw J.itil
said county of Columbia, to l IM
thero lo piosecuto lluni us slull w
nils 1I1U leipi.-sieu 'u i, ,,." -
.......f.l.l.. ,,.,l,olrii,.l n, 1.1 eJutB I
,T. buri!, thelstd,iyiirArrll,l"ll;l
l.h. of our Lord, one lliotwin,! tlsi I
I'-v-'l dreditnd seventy, and I"!".!
iiuni year m uiu i''u. I'v . . . . .iiiih
Klates of Amulcil. .MollDKC.M MIUfl
lltiuitiivl.iiii'. Atiril 1. Ii70. hUirl
Vjr ronMAVTKit.M,iu.
Ilhiom-Lolt WerU, John A, run
llrh'r'creek Wesley HiiKeiibtuh, E"-"
lNehemiau rtiiieiiiiouse.
llenton .101111 tv, in-isii...... ,..,,1
llerwlclc Iloro.Jaiura Jacoby, wuw-l
dcr, iicin iiowniau.
Heaver Tliomas I.uU.
Ceutrnlhilloro'-H. A, NUl eniuul
l-'Ishlngciick-SaiHiu-l J.,l'''iilr-
lllecnwooil josepu -"" 1 ca
Hcmlock-Hiifh i". McllrlJcWioM
Will. I", lllcharl.
Jiu-kNon-cllnton Leu-K , I
Mt. l'lensaul-D.inU-l Mclnilj.
Orange Isaac uiiuine. 1
Pluoillaulel (Ireeue, IU nj unln 'm I
tdetit junons. , .
JL ro t MAY Ti;il.n, ',,,,. Fail
Illooni-Caleh llarlon, ..VSf.i inl
Charles l-orster,.Ionnthau froinUiJi"-1 1
'" M
1 erwlcic iioro ueu. .1. """I,"1,,,mtr
i.eiiire raii-pnt-.. u
Coiiyiighnni-lleeso lji - tut u Ml
l-'lslil ngcrcek-J.ihn riultou. Jttt w 11 1
l-'rauklTu-Wm. llolirbac 1. i :"J l 1
ael. Jacob Htaley, ,1,,,.,
JleiUIOCK mount. .. . "",",, 1
Jackson-Aiignslui l-'.vtilwtl. o"W
Lru'-iist nenreo Fettcmiall,
Montour-W. M. Monine. , , rlt. I
Mimin-A, II. Ciensy, Illr ' "w
Oiiinge Hubert Oiunn, ll1"r, 1 I
mil is, limviuaii, ,,11,
ltoiiringcreik-Adain Cable
Hcott-icll llarti.iun,
Hugailouf-Oscur Low Is.
Wm Khickuaom. Clerk. ..nsliCI
TIIOS.J. WKLI.nl15. 1(1
Tho fiillowhiL' nniiralseuieuls of ''''.'' !
soual property set apart to ",0 ,h;
navo ueeu nieu 111 i" - nfttt l tu"'l
ij.11111.1u11. iuuuiji ... ,-,nnrui-
will bo presented lor obsolu lo ul
tho Orphuin' Court lo l'.'H ' 1 ,v tlicl'l
and for said couuiy.ou 11 eoi.'"--;- j y,
May 1M0 ut two uVloek v. -i' ' ,,ta ire
exceptions lo such coiillrinatlo "''.Ij 1
Illcd.of which ull persons lid"1
esltttes will lane nonce i ivate'l
1 Wl.l,..., r.f ti.ivl,l l-rt. lut'i 01 l-1 I
Col, CO., llCO'll. ,. , .... ol M
2. w'ldow of Collins Butlllf im "
tw.l'-.',l,'-;ft!-. r. e late ol'""-'!
i. Widow of UchJ. Ciimp.Uie 011
ueeu, ,, mi.. tiU
6.( Widowof OconioUui'p.I-"1
Vldow of llenj. Iww UXv vl iUU
anr 17(1.
twp., nud county nfori;a 10. ,,
claims uualnstllioesinloofll'i'' ..
quested lo piisint ,,, utiikrl ;
tiiobouiuit.ii-a t iiiu ,t"t' '"ii
the uiidersluiied.udinliilsirolr,,,,;,.
i iliuil.l'
npri'70-Ow, '
Neatly ciecultid at thU Offlo
LSllera of ndlnlnlstiatlou 011 1 '
Thomas lale of illoonisuura, , t
ty, deceased, have '."".ii;,.
ol said counfy 10 harah i' V. r.