A1. l It q gjlflsiitslwvg gjiiwti'Ht. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING 5 tub coi.uaniA! nuiLnisa hkaiithk count MOUSE, II Y CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, Editor inil Proprietor, Mms-Two Dollars a Year, jayaMa in Advance. OIHOTJIiATION SBOO. JOB PHIKTINO , tall descriptions executed with neatness unit Blooinsbitrg Directory. STOVES AND TINWARE. i m. iiui'i'iiu , ucaier in biovpr aun.rnre.uti Mnln Btfeot, above court house. vl-n(3 CLOTHING, &C. AVID LOWENI1ERO, MerchautTatlor.Maln st., 2d door above American House. vt-ntl 11)0 Aiew i ciiiuuinviTiiiH t.iiit;iiinii, iruiuiTtu nnr Mnln si... over All iipi". ftinrn. v:i.ti! drugs, CIIKMIOALS, Ac. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. 1, A v aw p,. ufjucr iu uincBK, WAICI1CS 1111(1 (hum iiuuiiAiuj. wnic i firm uiock m niter. ncarMJiinivoaKttuuvt muiuuuu iiuu kin. viij Jewelry ic, MnluUtreet near V?bt 81. V3 nl5 (tATHCAIlT. Watch and Clock Mr.lter.MriT. I. EFL liri'l'l. UUUW Vl'llli BOOTS AND SHOES. POLLKDHIl, Manufacturer ond dcnlrr in Hoots mul Klioci. Main Btnel. oi-nositu i:ln- M. IUIOWN, Hoot mid Hhoemnlcer, Ccutro , street, rear or ltoUutns A Kycr'n Store. vl-nl3 below llnrtman'B store, west of Market, vl-jj I'iCtlW ltljUiliU. iU U II U 11 ICLUfl'r UIIU UL'Uifl 111 Hoots nnd Hhocs. (Irocerles. etc.. Main tttreet. PROFESSIONAJi. It. II. C- llOWElt. Hiirernn IlnnHst. Mnln m. above the Court liouft?. vln 1. It. IK ELK ft, Attoiney-nl-Law. Offlcc, 2d floor InKxcliange Illock.ucnr tlio "Kxchamro ntei -I... i I u. i , AUorncy-at-Lnw. Ofllco, 2d i. lloorln JKxchaueelllnrk. iw.nrth"i.'vni.n.,,n 11 ltK,T!lr.VV t II Pnnn Til .i R. EVANH. M. 1").. HntL'pftn mul Phi-wl,.'..,, south side Malu stuet. below Market vi.nj.t C. llUTTElt, M, P. Purcon and rtiyhlclnii , Market street, ubuve Mnln, vl-nia B. K0I1IS0N, Attorney-at-Law, OllHulImt , niau's building, Malta street. iMiii.J PETEItMAN, Millinery and I'aucy Goods, , opposite l'piscopal Church. Main M, vl-i.ii Af.iAi, iiAliKiji-jl. flllllincr. llnniKcv i iiuiidiruf wain street. vi.n.t 1 1 looks, ntul BUillont-rv. l:clni tn'n m.K-ir tnin KS M. DEHIlICKKON, Millinery nnd Eancy IHB.U KLINE, Millinery and taucy GoodR. i alum biiicv uviuw iuruui,( Vi-lll 114. JULIA A. A HA UK IIAHKLFA, Ludles flunk mul l)rrN l'niiorn . m.ni iimt IK MISSES II A KM AN Millinery and Fancy (J (AXIS. XI ft Iti St.. lii'lnw Arn(irliin Ifniun vuJl HOTELS AND SALOONS. JlLHIl'AN 1I0UHE, by John Leacock, Main ftini-i. f,i irnii ktifit. vl.uli .... .0 'JLuuuiA HOTEL, by II, Rtc ilicr. Ma n h above Court Jlnnsp. v u. of iialu street, ' vl-J3 LE.VCOCK, Oyster and Eating isalooii. Ameri- , Call lluUSe. MlliU tl.. nnU lt-r I eufwls IniuTln. ii.iv at jAUJin.tomccuonrry, unit cry Still liX-tlii- Ua imn ...1.,1, , ni. i it.T -I -n vv t., tlU1J MERCHANTS AND GUOCEIIS. C. MAltll, Try aoods and Notions, Roiitli west corner JIolu and Iron Mb. vl-ni:! D.BKFRItnTT'A ,11. i., , ... i ;..rir"""v .""a onoo btore. noons . ..nuuery, jiain si., below Market, vl-nl l ti IhJiniFf'S, ctlouerJr erocerle, etc., Slain rtEii,?-0I.I.IAr'L" Of neral Stock of Mcrclmn- rlck road. ' ' l"Vl.nti Ox a wpmi f... . R. HOWER, Ilata rnd Cups, llootn nnd BIioch. J. BnoWEn, Dry Goods. Grocer!?, etc., cor .i ilalust. and Court IIoubc alley. vl-n OBBlNSiKVEn. dealer In Drv nnnds? flrn. E'r ..'llT,0N Orocerita & rrovlslons, Main nnelbolow Market. vi.iui f,!'51rf!l'i Qrocerlcs nnd Ocucial Merchan- Main fat., ill,,. V.i WfkL vl. 1.1 , fi-Aij & CO., dtnleiBln Dry Goods, cor. Malu nnd Market its. vl.nll !) MILLEIt 4 tON. dealer In Drv floods. jiionV ,l,,,lnenwre, Hour, t-nli, bliots. tn f V,", lufcctlonerlca and Kotious, Scot. 'Mill, mue, Main t, . viNnlS 'in ii t. . it .u..iwi,Tfuuf'. lonrettioneilcB, sia n a., near the mi mn.t ... n WI8CEIiLANE0US. .i,1J!mN 1V".,Uo Works, one door l.elow "iSjil1"!1 J.UMI1KII CO, mamirarturen ulcin.Ti;. :z! 1 '.""'uer 01 an uimis: I'lauiuK v I u Id 'S1t;caou!,al''' "urt W"lle nuJ r.",'!c k"rn?hM'?tiB,,1,e' Tr!"lk A "'"' B.llliiii,, ;t, . aiotor Lii,!,i , , "i,r..v, .i;J9"KT0N, Wall l'aner.Wlnrtow Shan, uiures. Itunert I.lru'L- i . .; 7 i 7i y.COHPli ,". ..- - - - - Jll" Wwt, c,t or Market H. vlnft .5qSENM0CK.l-l,n,.,..,,. ...,.,.,... . --Jtrs btore. Maln.t " ' . i j l.;9"..,.'.v'ui!.' viW' ''ulBtreel '.,ihoh t-i m iiunu oik?,? , Cubl net innk i-r and Chair- - -''" lCl LCI, JrOU. V3-11ZI .""jJiMr AASS,,,M''1,,I,U,, lMt Hloonn. ''Jl.ckinfr'- ' 'llnKsinadoatHiort "'""yniadeaudJenalied. V.'-nSl "Mt u, v, coieii-a furulluw rooYni Vl'HIS Muiblo and Drown Rlon7 . ---..muuri;,i;crwlcK roan, YMlIll ' 'SlLtiSf.iK.,?!?'ry rubficornieaiTmier r""1"". vl.i.ll 'IU''1,;,llu furniture, trunks, coder w oie, UCar the J'orks Hotel. Vl-ul5 VOLUME IV ---NO 15. Orangevillo Diroctory., A& E. V. COI.i:M AN, Merchant TnlloIR and , Usui's rurnlBhlnB cooilt, Malu Bt., next door totlio llrlck Hotel. vl-n!7 II. llKItltlNO A lmOTUKU.CarnciilerRntid , llullders, Mnln Bt., below l'lno. l.nr nOWI'.tt A HEItniNO, dealer In Dry Gooda, I) Groceries, Lumber nnd general Merchandise, Main st. vl-nl. B HICK HOTKIi and rcficslnncnt Bnloou, liy mitir ii iiuiiry cor.ui .Main nnm iU0KT.lviui7 DIt. O. A.Mi:OAUOKl,,l'hyi,lclan andSurKfoiY-, .Mnln Bt., next door to Oood's Hotel vlni7 DAVID llKIUtlNO. riourund a7ianii i,"nnd Dealer in grain, Mill Ktreet. vlnl7 Hit. AO. KKrxJHNKIl.Dlaeltsmltii.ou mTm Hlrect, near l'lne. vl-n47 1AM 1W II. IIAHMAK. Cabinet Mako; and Un. J dcrtnkcr, Malu Bt,, liolow l'lno, vl-u47 I M. UAItMAN, Baddlo and Hnrneks maker. iJ. Main Bt., oppslto Frame Church. V2nll 10I1N KUYMIlllI.Bndillennd Hnrutss maker, (I Main tl., above tho Bwnn Hotel. vl-uli LKWW H. BCHUYI.KU, Iron founder, Shu bin. 1st, and Manulactuier of plows, Will Bt.vl-nl7 MIMCH A. W1LUAMH ACo.mnnorsand Man uraclurers ot kathcr, Mill Htnou V1-U17 SAMUULBHAHPLISH. Maker ofthellnyhurst Grnln Cradle. Main Hi. vHuS. WILLIAM DULONO ShocmnlierntMi mnnnfac. turcrof llrlck. Mill KU, west of l'.ne vlnJO Catawissa. B P. DALLMAN, Merrhnnt Tailor, Second HU IlohblUN' ltuUdlug, v2-niy I) U.J. IC. ROItUINH. Hurirwm ind rhytclan qkcwiiii ni in'iim iiiii. Vw-nin G ILIlKItT A K'l.lNli, dry gooils, gincerlcs, and uiii-iui inerciiaiKiisd, .Main HI reel v2-nl2 II. K1STI.KII, "Cnttawlsa Houso," Norlh I . Comer Malu anil Second HtrecU. v2nlH KF.ILKIt, DIllHrd Saloon, Oj-stcrs, nu ' Ico J. Cream In Reason Malu Ht. v2nl'J M M. BROIIRT. dealer In General Merchandise nllcnnrvTi w i it.... it. ... I. . v w;vi'I"1,"v in iiiiui iiiiiei, ivosicn. , 1 lintnlAr llninrlnln, en., ,1. ........ ... . ...... . , ... '"0..i...... iu. in l lilllIU mill Bccond Ktreet. v2n!2 D. HlKAIltl ilrnlir lii Ul.n... n.wl .!. , Mnln Hlroct. v2nld TM. II. AIIIIOTT, Attorney nt law. Mnln St. Vll.lf Light Street. A IRVINK, Medical Bloro Mnln Sttcct and 1." urlnrcrccklioad, v3nll) HI OMAN & Co., Wheelwrights, first door . nbovo School House. vlnlu IOIINA. OMAN. Manufacturer nrnl dealer In I IIooIh nnd Bhocs, vlultf .1 J-rdUSKIt, M. D., SuiKoon and l'livklrlan. Oillco nt Keller's Hotel. v2u27 PETIUt ENT, denltr In Dry Goods Grocelles. Hour. heed. Halt, l-'lkh. Iron. v.iu- .to Mni.. Htrcct. 1 "viuu R. S:.I?NT ltIltf 1" Stoves and Tin wnro In nil Its brnnches. vlnlti Espy. BV. m:iaiIAHD,.v IlUO.,dcnler In Dry Goods, Oioct rles, nnd general Merchandise. v2nli PHPV HI HAM FLOUItINO MILLS, C.H. Fowler Jli l'roiirletor. v.'nlt f I). WnnKHKIHKIt.llootandShooStoiouud fi"i,!uf"'"ry- Wlu'' 011 Blrict "P- V2u tn V. EDGAIt.Susqucliannn rianlngMlll and vl'nll Buck Horn. Til O.S1T.1I. HHOKMAKim, dealers In dry ill. poods, eroeeiles and iteucrnl luticlmndlse. l lrst Mom In south end or town. 2 nl8 Business Cards. jyj 51. J.'VELLU, ATTOItNKY AT LAW, Asldnnd, BchuylklU County Va. G. W. IHILLEIl, ATTOHNF.Y AT LAW, bias Ofllcc. Uouutles, Ilncis-Pny ami rcuslons collected. lllooinsbuig I'n. scn.'jra nm.n('n.irtTt...i.n lll.n l.nln. ,K f.. .... R' OUEIIT K. cr.AItK, ATTOISNIIY AT LAW, Oillco Main Slreet below tho CnurL llnni.e. Illoomsburg l'enn'n. II. LITTLE, ATTOItNKY AT LAW, OttlCO CnUrt'lInUf-li Allev. lielnw IIia Pumtu. 1UAN Ollke, lllooinsburii l'u. q n. iniocicwAY, ATTORNKY AT LAW, m.ooM.fimuu, i-a. OFKirK Court lloupo Allpr. In IIih Co. LUHHIAM bullclliiB. Jaul,'(l7. 17 J. TIIOHNTON Jjit would aunouueu tolhocltl7.cnsnrillooms bumand vicinity, that ho has lust rii'Htvod a lull and coinplcto n.sortinent of WALL l'AI'KU, WINDOW BHADKH, rixiunui, conns, TAbsMjj, and Lll other iroods tn bis lino of biiklne hw. Atl tho neweht and most uppioid patterns of tho day nui alwab to bu iotiud In his establlAbmeni. uiur.o, vj'ii main ni. neiow Mniuet, J Ii. I'UIISEL, HAUNFAS, HADDLK, AND TRUNK MANUFACT UltUIt, nud dealer In CAItrKT-IJAGH, VALISKH, FLY-NKTH, uvrrAi.0 l.ouui, iioiisF..m.AKKr.Ts At?., which ho feels confident he can sell at louer rata than any other peuon In tho county, V.x. tunluo for ourselvis. miou iiuru uoor umow ino court House, .Main Street, hlnomshuig, I'a. nov, 10, o, s K N T F H E li ! M. O'KJIUFK, hON A CO.'S SHED OATAI.OOUE And ciuiliB In tho FLOWKK and VF.aOTAllLK Onnlon, For 1870. rubllshcd In January. Kvcry lover of flowers wlshluu this new and valuable work, fret ol charge, should addrtss Immediately M. O'Kccfe Hon A Co., hlluunger .1 ltany's lllockltochester, a. i inc. a, uv.'Uiii ) IM P Xj K S, The undeuhiuej will thi-erfulU' mall CiitKiii ta uU whuwtkhlt thu KttJpo and Jull dlrcctloiiM or Drenaiiuu and iuiuii a ninlo and lituiilllul .Vtelable Italin, Unit w 111 liuiiK diattly reiuou kott, clear, nioutli and beautiful. UewlUut6oteud(KHk) lt-fctiiK-tlons for pro duel n by verjhl tuple iiu-anu.a luxuriant vrowlti ol Inilr mm I'uldhead nr nuoolh fucelulfba thuu tlilrt)' da s lituii Hrxt upillcation. 'iliu aUitMan beolitiilued by return luall by addrcwtlbK '1 HO. l CHATMaN, ( htwUt. 1 (i. Ilux 5128, IWj luoadway, Now Yokr, AlliT l( 'l-ll.ll' ' ' pOWDElt KEOS AND LUA1I1EI., lluperl, I'n.. Mauufuctttreis ol lUWDKK KKGH, tmd dealt i s In all kinds ol LUMllKlt, ulveuotlo that tl'oy are prepared to an.omo.tsl Ihelr custom with dispatch, and on the cheapen Philadelphia Directory. Major e. n. AiiTMAN, c. n, uillinueii. m. uonv UTJIAN, DILUNQEIl & CO., No.ioijroitTn thiiid ht. Philadelphia, Two doors above Arch, formerly 220, MANUrACTUnmtS AM) J011I1EBS IN CAIII'ETS, COTIONH, YAltNtt, jlATTING, OIL CLOTHB. CAItPITT CHAINB, COllDAOK, OILHHAUES.OItAIN HAGS, TIB YA11N, WICK VAIIN, WIM10W I'At'Jtlt, COVt 1ILITH, ALSO,- II7..01l,-4A'Ii WOODLW WAllli Illl00MS,UlIUHKS,I.00KIO at.ASSLS.TUUNKS, fob. d.'OO. JAOLE HOTEL. aa7 Nonnt TitiutiHTHLRT, It. D. UUMMINGS, PrtoritlETOR. ESTABLISHED 1703. JOIHUN AllItOTHKU. Wholesale Gtoceis, and Dealers In SALTPKTItr. AND I1UIM8T0NK No 2J9 North TljlrdBt, Phlludeliibla. Q wrflLAllON & Ct5., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW Hr.ADKS. Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Street Philadelphia. Q.EOUQE II. I1011EUTS, Importer und Dealer in IIAIIDWAUU, CUTLEUY, GUNS. f. No. 311 North thlid Street, nbovc Vino Philadelphia. C. 11. HOUNK. W. 8. K1NC1. J, II. bEVllKKT. TTOltNE, KINO & SEYUEItT, WHOLESALU DRY GOODS. No. ill Market Slreet PHILADELPHIA. Orders HUcd promptly nt lowest prices. January 3, ls(W. H, W. HANK'S WII0LESALI3 TODALCO, SNUFF, AND CIOAIt WAHKH0H.SK, No. lit) North Third Street, IKtweeu Cherry nnd llace, west side, Philadelphia. II. WALTER, Lnto Waller A Kaub, luiporler and liealor lu CUI.VA, OIHS, AND liUKISNHW A UK, No. 231 N.Thlid Street, Philadelphia. M. KEI'HEAHT, WITH HAltNES, 11110. & HERllON, HATH, CAP,-!, STRAW GOODS A FURS, No. 50.1 Market Slreet, (Abovo Fifth,) PllILAliKU'lllA. JOHN STIvOUP & CO., Successors to Htroup A hiother, WHOLESALK DKALK11H IN FISH. No. 21 Not til Wbnives und 25 North Thlld St 1 hll.ulc phla. JICHAHDSON L. AV1U01IT, J II. ATTOItNKY' AT LAW, NO. 12S SOUX1I SIXTH STREET. l'ltOI.ADKI.rUIA. oct. 22,'CO-ly gNYDElt, IIAIUUS ct liASSETT, Manufacturers nnd Jobbers of MEN'S AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Nos. G25 Market, und G2J Commerce Street. Philadelphia. "ILLIAJI EISHER WITH THOMAS CARSON A I... W110LKSALK DEALERS IN HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS A NOTIONS, NO. 14 SOUTH VOUItTH HTltEKT I'liiliulelnlila. Juno t,'C0-Cm "yARTMAN & ENGELMAN, TOHACCO, SNUIT A SEOAIl MANUFACTORY, No. 313 2.0KTH TIininsTBt.trr Second Doorbdovr Wood PHILADELPHIA. J. W. Wautuan. P. Engelwin. "yAINWRIGIIT & CO., WHOLESALE OROCERS, N. E. Corner Second nnd Arch Streets, 1'iiir.AUEi.rnlA, Deulcrs lu TEAS, SYRUPS. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES KICK, Sl'IClS, III C'AllU 80BA, AC, AC. 4V0rdcrs will reo.Ivo prompt attention, may I0,07.tf. Hotels. Q O 1, U Mil I A HO T E L. 11 v HKRNARD S'l'Oll.VKIl, Huviui,' lately purtliiikid ai'd fluid up the well Known Itobisou Hotel Pjoperty, located n n.w uooim aiiovk Tim couitr house, on thuMiinusldoof tho street, In the town of lllooiiitl.uri:; and having obtalm d a license fur tho suiue us it HOTEL AND Ill'hTARANT, the Pioprietorhiisdeteimlued to ulvetothu peo. plu visiting the town on business or pleubiue, A LITTLE MORE ROOM, HiasluhllUBnlfcoisextinhle,uud isfllted up Input buggks und euriluKes lu the dry. Ho IllOUllses IhllL eVMVllilni nti. it! l.lu ......1.11.1.. inent shull be conducted lu un oiderly und law. lul mnnneiuind In. lespeetlully solicits u shum of the. publio palronugo. iuyl7't)7.tf T HE ESPY HOTEL, ESPY. COI.IIMHIA milKTV HA ' - " I .. Tho miili.i kl.'iu.il 1..1.1I.I l..r,..i. ii.n in.... publluthut In, bus taken tho above named estab lishment mid thorouuhlv letllted Ibu sumo lor Iho perfect convenience of hlsauists. Ills Innler .. ... ..wnr., mi iiiu oesi iiiu iiuiraei auorus, the choicest liquor,, wlnis and clgaisulwajs u bu fnuii.t l,i I. U ur . WILLIAM PETTIT. Apr.Bl,(0-tf ,. Espy, Pa. JgRICK HOTEL, OUANOKVII.LE, COLUMIIIA COUNTy, PA. HOUR JW'HENRY, Proprloior. This will known House, having been put lu thoinuiili lepnlr, Is now open in Ihu tiaellliiK public, Tho bar is stoiktd with tliu choicest lliiuoisaudclsars.anilthe table will be, ut all Hmes.supplled with tho delicacies of the union. No pains will be spared to Insure the comfort of guests. Oruuguvllle, dec, lO.'CO-lf. J7 O R K S HO T E L, III.OOMSUURO, COLUMIIIA COUNTY, PA. The undersigned I. u. taken I li lis well known House, lately occupiid by Geurge W. Mauger, uud lias put it lu thorough lepnlr with entirely newiurullure, Ac. Every attention will bo imld to thocumfort and e'ouvenleuco of guests. 'Ihu bur ulwas supplied with tho best of lliiuorsaud tluai" T. RENT. TAYLOR. iiuiiH'"0-3ui, B UfcilNIXS CARDS, V1.S1TIM1 CARDS, LETTER HEADS, HILL HEADS, PUOGRAMMICH, PObTKIM, A&, AC. Nfiitly mul t'lipui)y Printed From the Latest Styles of Type at the COLUMI1IAN 0KFICK fufliitttfttJi BLOOMSBUllG, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 18T0. llliiitcllancou!: 0l! FARM OF TEX AORKS. (CONCI.UBED.) "Hutj'ou?" sahl Rosle, coinplctt'ly puzzled. "I um John Murr.iy.nt your service," he unawend. Then, coming to my side, Philip's brother expressed himself hhjlily irratt fled ut our prospective relationship. "And Uncle John will bo pleased." ho said. "He is in New York now, but wncn iio returns m By I not bring him Immediately (o you?" I begged him to wait until his broth er's arrival, which would bo very soon, and ho kindly agreed to comply with my wishes. Then wo rodo homo fo as tonish mamma. As Roslo had explained, whllo visit ing my English cousins, I had met and loved Philip Allston, and had loft Lon don his aQlanced briJc. Nono of my family had over seen my lover, and al though Murray Allston's remarkable resemblanco to him had struck mo at once, I had not mentioned It, and tho misunderstanding in regard to his bur namo had prevented my surmising tho relationship. So that mamma's amazed questions: "Rut Matidle, my dear, how was it possible yon should have been sostnpld? Does not Dr. Murray look liko his brother'.'" And Dr. Murray's: "It is generally conceded that I do, but Maud has not paid me tho compli ment of thinking so" Were, to say tho least, rather embar rassing. Rut, after all, you may bo very sure that it was quito agreeable for us to have a handsome, talented, and, withal.rather practical young man "running in," as tho country folks say, at all hours, keeping a brotherly look out for our comfort, and setting right our innumerable blunders in regard to eur (on acres and llieir cultivation, nnd all in tho kindest nnd most unostenta tious way. Still, notwitlistai'ding his caro nnd protection, wo did havo some ludicrous experiences and ndvPiitures. My oldest sister, living at Washing ton, with her member of Congress hus band, had two small embodiments of mischief, named lespectlvely Georgo and Sue, and aged six and four. These responsibilities were forwarded to us by express, "tho pure country air would bo so beneficial to them," their mam ma wroto, and they arrived in season to find plenty of green strawberries.and to experience all tho stages of cholera morbus. Rut I am anticipating. Tho first day of their arrival Guor gie's bluo velvet knickerbockers and Sue's dainty white skirts repoacd quite contentedly in our laps and frequent were our exclamations, "What sweet little things!" "What dear, docilo lit tle darlings !" etc., and tho children's bright eyes and dimples danced in glee at their merry anticipations. "I'll rido horseback, Auntlo Mautl, won't I?"nsked Georgie, again and again, nnd I, unwary female that I was replied always, "Yes, dear;" suppos ing, in my ignorance, that my darling little nephew would shrink from ful filling Ills request. "Sue's fecded the chickens!" was that young lady's triumphant remark as she camo to mo in tho afternoon with an empty box in her hand. "Have you, darling?" risks Auntie Rosic, taking tho tiny fairy into her lap. "What did you give thorn V" "This box full, plenty of it," answers Sue, as we observe, horror stricken, tiiat tlie box is labelled, "Fino Tnblo Salt," which artido of diet Dr. Murray had strictly prohibited for liens. So Sue was forbidden to feed tho chickens again, which almost broko her heart, and emr best liens sickened and died from the eflects of the chloride nf sodium. Georgio was very much Interested In the cow and calf, and used to watch them eagerly whllo mamma fed them with corn, meal or something equally palatablo to cows and calves. Tho possessor of tho lacteal fluid had a way of shaking her head, and advane ir.g rapidly towards as, with her noso down to tho ground, and struck terror to RobIo's heart and mine. Rut mam ma insisted that it was only because she wished food or water, and laughed at our fears. A last "One mom we missed him from tlio accustomed spot." (Alluding to Geor gie.) And Just us wo began "wonder ing where tho dear boy wus," our cow dashed by tiio window Willi Georgio upon her back. Wo had only time toseo a little, whltu frightened face look piteously Into ours, as they passed tho window; boforo wo could reach tlio door tho cow was tear ing down tho street at a fearful pace. Our bravo Ilttlo boy held bravely by tho horns, but wo knew his tender An gers would booh unclasp, and shudder ed' to think of tlio mangled heap wo might find on our path as wollow down to tho road after him. Rut Michael was our good angel this time. Hearing tho noiso nuulo by tho clumsy animal's noois, no tooueti in tier direction, anu quick at thought was at tlio gato, Inter cepted tho cow, and rescued our faint ing treasure. 'Dear Ilttlo Oeorgie, if his sunny eyes hail been closed to us forover" Wo never could ascertain how tho child got upon tho cow's back. To nil our inquiries ho persistently replied that ho was "giving Iter feomo cnrii.and sho put out her bead and jerked him up quick." It might liavo been true; but it few days after, upon my Investigating the cause of a scratch on his nose, he Inform ed mo Unit lie hud stepped on It. Georgo wus quito subdued for bomo days after his adventure with tho cow, which, by tho by, wo wero subseemcnt ly obliged to send away, for sho ran at mamma and hooked her.and also Fuuik and our chore boy. Rut StiOjiiot having got ' Intomtsslf," as sho nxprcsseil her brother's dilemma and being "eo muts gooder," was it dal ly trial totis. If wo wauled a particular hen shut up, Suo would bo suro to go nnd let lior out. Bho would chaso alt tho setting hens. oiT their nests and "pankum"wlth sticks; would catch tlio Ilttlo chickens nnd duck them In tho cistern; fell Into tlio "pig's dcii,'ono Sundnyjust after sho was "dressed for church; insisted upon sitting In my lap all tho time when Philip, who bad Just returned, wns calling; anil tlio first tlmo Dr. All ston, tho elder, visited us, Informed him ho "wasn't so nlco as tho man Auntlo Maud kissed." One hen, u particular pet of mine, ob stinately refused to lay her eggs any. whero savo in our now carryall. Ono week day wo succumbed to this Idiosyn crasy, but on Sunday wo banished her to n dark barrel. And as Rosio had mado nil tho fowls so tamo they would oven nt a distanco descry lierbonny faco and run to meet Iter, saluting her with all sorts of accompaniments, they also wero captivated on tlio seventh day and thus prevented from displaying their secular enjoyment on tho Sabbath. Georgio behaved well at church; but as nothing could induce Suo to "sit still nnd not speak out loud," wo decided, after onosevero trial to leavo her at homo with tlio servants, but "Let us have pcacol" being our motto, allowed the wilful young lady to accompany us In tho carriage and return homo with tlio driver, coming for us at tlio closoof tho services. Ono particular Sunday, mamma had extended an Invitation toarisingyoung clergyman, who preached for us, to uc company us homo. Our party were up on tlio church steps with Dr. Allston, Phil, nnd' Murray, when our pretty bay span was "brought to" in style. Murray opened tho carriago door, nnd was helping mamma in, when, "with many a flirt and flutter," and u good deal of squawking, out camo my pet hen, directly into tho rising young cler gyman's face, nnd a silvery Ilttlo laugh from tho coachman's box indicated tho perpetrator of tho mischief. The hen was caught and returned to her favorite nest, where sho continued to tax her musical powers so strongly that none ol us would ride. Wo sent the carriago back with Dennis, tho lieu und chagrined Miss Sue, preferring for ourselves a quiet walk. I was very glad Frank was not with us. I fear, had ho been, tlio hen would Iinvo left much of her pnalin of life un sung. Wo had n pleasant walk until closo to tho house, when, with a loud "kutcher, kutcber, caw, caw, caw," down boro our Rrabma upon us, followed by tho hens, ducks, geese, and two peacocks, the property of Phil., but retainers of ours, with a dreadful hissing, quacking and screeching. Sue had released them Wo wero obliged to submit to tho feathered escort and their mellifluous serenade until wo readied tho door. Tho next day wo dined on that Rrah ma rooster. And Rosie, learning wis dom by experience, was more distant to tho fowls. Tho country would havo ceased to bo America had wo experienced no trouble with our domestics. Trial after trial wo endured, embracing spinsters, wid ows, anil even whole families, each one proving moro impertinent and indc pendent than tho predecessor. Georgio and Stio's mamma sent us from Washington acontrnband of "most exemplary character." Mamma sent him to help Dennis get in the hay, and as lie was reported to bo "perfectly reliable regarding thcehil dren, "Georgio and Suo wero allowed to rido on the load. Louis, tho "sable exemplar," put tho children on the load, got himself up af ter them, mid then perceiving that ho had left the i cilia on the horse's back, reached after them with a pitchfork, which stuck into tlio horse. Tlio spirited creature sprang forward, overturning and smashing the hay-cart, breaking Georgie's collar-bono, and lit tlo Sue's wrist,ttnd badly injuring him self against thostono wall. All three of tlio Dts. Allston wero in attendance upon us for n month. At tlio end of that time, Louis acci dentally discharged Murray's fowling pieco at Frank, badly wounding him In tho face; and on tlio ovenlng of tlio samo day, when mamma, in accents of terror had declared that hoshould start In tlio morning for tho District of Columbia, ho set tho house on fire by falling upon a lighted kerosene lamp, as ho sought his couch. Either terror or common senso made him shout "Fire! fire I" anil Murray, who was fortunately In the houso, ex tinguished tho flames with water fiom tho children's bath, opportunely at hand. To do Louis justice, ho did iimuso tlio children capitally; but his exploits with pitchforks, firearms, and combus tible iliild served to alienate him from our ton acres. Wo returned him "with thanks" toourslslcr, who has not since been heard to lautl him so highly. Georglo's broken collar-bone did not keep him out of mlschlof. In Dennis's nbsenco ouo day, ho surreptitiously pos sessed hlmsolf of one of tlio horses, und managing in bomo Ingenious way to mount tlio animal, rodo forth, in Ills own Imagination a very Don Quix ote. It wnssomo time before wo missed tlio child, and when wo did, Dennis in formed us that ono of tho horses was nlso missing. Wo sent to Dr. Allston's, thinking Oeorgio might havo gone there, but no ono bad seon him. Homo ugaiu wo went, searching thoroughly house, sta ble, garden and grounds, but iioioguisli little latl did wo find bidden away, us wo had hoped to find him. Then wo all went forth, and at a neighbor's learned that half an hour boforo Georgio had ridden by, politely touching his hut to her. Our amazement was only exceeded by our great distress. We flew along lu the direction she had In dieatetl, and beforo long our eager search was rewarded by n sight of tho young equestrian coming toward us, silting easily upon tho horse, who trot ted gently along. Fear and anxiety gavo placo to anger anil resentment. "You naughty, naughty boy!" I cried, bursting Into tears. "Why, Auntlo Maud! you said I it i COL. might I" exclaimed tho young hopeful "Georgie I what n naughty story I" I cried. "You did, too. Tlio day I camo," ho whimpered. "You did, Maud," said Roslo ; "I re member." And so I did, nnd I remembered It, too ; but as Geoi'glo know perfectly well that I did not mean ho should rido nlono. or atnny tlmo without permis sion, I punished him for his llbbobav lor by bnnlshlng him from all our rides for a week. When tho probation was ended, ho and Suo wero permitted to occupy tho front seat with mo ono morning as I drovo to tho post-offlco. Tho horse was without blinders for tlio first timo In his life, Roslo nnd I having decided them superfluous cruel ties. Ho behaved ndmlrably, merely looking very Intently upon everything on or about tho road, and working his ears in a nervous manner. When wo reached tho office I urn dently lifted Sue out nnd stood her up on tho pavement, nnd, telling Georgio to sit very still, went In for tho mall. Directly my back was turned, tho mlschlovous child flared open a largo umiircila just as tho horso looked around to tho carriago. Off bo went, liko Donntl's comet. Oeorgie, still grasping tlio umbrella, was pitched over backward, and finally out of tho carriage. Tho horse contin ued his rapid flight, until, panting and exhausted, lie stopped beforo our door: his condition and tho empty carriago seniling Rosie Into hysterics, nnd mam ma Into a fainting fit. I walked homo with tho two children nntl tho luckless umbrella in tiio hot sun, wishing desperately that people who wero silly enough to havo little boys would keep them at homo nnd cultivato them themselves, instead of burdening their good-nnturcd relatives In the country. Tlio ilttlo fellow was contrite enough when he saw-liis grandmnmma's and Aunt Rosio's alarming state. Rut tlio sinccrest contrition will not mend injured horses. Louisand Georgie had ruined our span. However, in this last Instance I drew nil the blame, as all but Philip censured mo for driving without blinders. After this little episode wo had a com parntlvely quiet timo for n week or so.- Rut soon mamma dlicovered that our expenses of living wero mucli more than they had been In the city. Now, though this Idid not materially affect our monetary circumstances, it was di rectly contrary to tho principle of "Ten Acres Enough," in which trentiso Mr. Marvel sets forth tho pecuniary econo my of a country residence. "We must make the farm support us," argued mamma. "Hero wo nre buying butter nt tho rate of sixty cents a pound," cried Frank, consulting tlio storo books. "Now, mamma, General Hooker (that was our cow,christened by Rosic) must furnish us with butter henceforth." "That's an excellent idea, Frank. I wonder it did not occur to me," quoth mamma. Anil presto ! our two lamed bays wero harnessed, nud Rosie and I despatched forn chum, to town, actual ly, for wo could not obtnin ono In tho country. Our ideas on tho subject of churns wero rather vague, nnd an insidious salesman easily persuaded us to pur chase a good-for-nothing patent urrauge inent, which iio would never havo sold to any ono else. Wo took our "wonderful bargain" homo, and mamma, nfter duly admir ing it and congratulating us upon our wisdom in its selection, ordered Den nis's wife, our Hibernian, to skim the milk and save all tiio cream. In a day or two sho was told to mako sortiD butter, and sho followed a very novel recipe of her own, savini all tho cream, very iirectually,nnd attempting to churn tho skimmed milk. "Deed then, Miss Leigh," sho appeal ed to mamma, "this Is no good at all, at all," as her red arms vigorously ro tated theiron crank, whirled round tho dash-board with a resounding splash, splash, splash, whllo through tlio ven tilators in tho to)) of tho churn Issued jets of milky whey. When Rrldget was exhausted mam ma twirled tho bundle, then Rosle, nnd finally I spun it round and round. "Mamma," cried Rosie, peeping Into tho churn, when strength hud deserted our aims and faith our hearts, "Iho cream is as thin as water." "CWtme is it you'ro saying?" cried Mrs. Dennis, squaring her elbows and expanding her mouth. "Isn't it cream?" asked mamma, who was again at tho crank, suspending her labors. "No, ma'am, sure! It's tho milk; tho cramo's In thojar," With exclamations of Impatience at sucii egregious siu utiiiy, wo eoiieu Dennis to removo tho contents of tho churn to tho pig's trough, Then re plenishing tho iiiucliino with cream, wo renewed our exertions. Philip came In, ami ho finally brought about nu ounce of butter from three quarts of cream. Tho churn was warranted to bring butter In threo minutes, and wo worked at the handle by turns for threo hours nutl a half. When tho golden (?) butter filially came, leaving iiminma to work it, Phil, and 1 went out to the spring among the cool cedars. There tlio young man mado boiiio very incoherent remarks regarding white bunds nnd iirms,bronze brown hair, etc., ami demanded from mo that I should namo tho day, and then, without allowing mo to demur, named a very near ono himself, answer ing to my objections as to time, etc. ' You are such rt Ilttlo goose, Muud, that I must take euro of you myself." 'Relng so adapted to tho euro of geese," I rejoined. And thus decidedly, not a lu Tenny son, wo camo to an nmlcablo under standing us to tlmo uud place, et cetera, Phil, only stipulating that my pet hen might not bo nllow'ed to accompany us This so pleased mo that I did not try to resist, but id lowed this simple heart- i . , i . . .Hii f' t i . i . 1 c -s i j ..-- -! Kks,ur" i w 5 "rVu- h it .' DEM. - - VOL. XXXIV to tho church door In tho carriage On our way to tlio houso wo mot Murray nnd Rosie, looking decidedly conscious nnd superlatively happy. As Phil, had received nn excellent appointment in London, and insisted upon fulfilling it with a bride, nnd ns Murray, Phil., nnd Dr. Allston, tho older, all insisted that both weddings should take placo together, the rapid wny In which wo mado our prepara tions half crazed mamma. , Oeorgie and Suo wero despatched to Washington until tho celebration was over, and their papa and mamma pre sented to us, In tho children's name, a couple of beautiful nnd valuable saddlo horses, among other wedding presents. Tho wedding went off with all possi ble eclat. Tho rising young clergyman who had dined with us on tho unfortu noto Sunday, when Rosio's fowls dis played such nffectlonato proclivities, performed tho ceremony. Frank gavo us both nwny, nnd afterwards danced at tho reception with the loveliest girl I over saw. Phil, nnd I went to London, Murray and Rosle wero mamma's near neigh bors at Dr. Allston's, and beforo mam ma had tlmo to feel lonely for us, Frank's nforesald lovely partner agreed to bo his forover. Last year Professor Allston, myself nntl our two boys, Phil, and Johnny, spent the summer holidays nt tho old homo. Murray nnd Roslo wero thero with u fairy Maud, and Frank's two elves, Lulu and Fred., were as beauti ful as their mamma. Old Dr. Allston, Uncle John, seemed as much in lovo with Roslo as Dr. Mur ray. And dear mamma, grandmammi now, with silver hair and sweet placid face, welcomed a collego graduate and a tall, graceful maiden, as Georgo and Susy. Tho farm of ten acres, under Frank's skilful management, was a thriving in stitution; but notwithstanding Mr. Marvel's opinion to tlio contrary, Iio doesn't think "ten acres enough," and was very glad of an opportunity to purchase one hundred more, which is to bo a plnyground for Lulu and Fred, when Phil, and I conic homo for good. A MYSTERIOUS VISIT. 1IY MARK TWAIN. The first nofico that was taken of mo when I "settled down," recently, was by a gentleman who sald ho was an as sessor, and connected with tho United States Internal Revenue Department. I said I had never heard of Ids branch of business before, but I was very glad to see him, all the same, would he sit down? Ho sat down. I did not know anything particular to say, and yet felt that people who havo arrived at tlio dignity of keeping houso must bo eon vorsationai, must bo easy and sociable in company. So in default of anything elso to say, 1 asked him if lie was open ing his shop in our neighborhood. Ho said ho was. I did not wish to appear ignorant, but, I had hoped ho would mention what lie had for sale. l Vc'iiturea to ask him "how was trade?" and ho said "So-so." I then suid wo would drop in, and if wo liked his houso as well as any other, wo would give hltn our custom. Ho said ho thought we would like his establishment well enough to conflno ourselves to it nnd ho never saw any. body who would go oil' and hunt upun other man in his line after trading with him once. That sounded pretty complacent, but barring that natuial expietsion of vil lainy which wcallliave, the muu look ed honest enough. I do not know how it camo about, ex actly, but gradually wenppeored to melt down and run together, conversation ally spiaking, and then everything went along us comfortably as clock work. We talked, and talked, and talked at least I did. And we laughed, and laughed, and laughed at least ho did. Rut all tho time, I had my pre&enco of mind about me I had my nutivo shrewdness turned on. "full head," as tlio engineer says. I was determined to find out all about his business, In spito of his obseuro'nnswers and I wus determined I would have it out of him without Ids suspecting wlial I was at. I meant to trap him with it deep, deep ruse. I would tell him all about my own busiuc'ssVnnd ho would naturally so warm to mo during this seductive burst of confidence that ho would for get himself and tell me-nll about his affair beforo lie suspected what 1 was about. I thought to myself, my son, you Ilttlo know what nn old fox you nro dealing with. I said: "Now you never would guess wiuit I mado lecturing, this winter nnd last spring?" "No don't beliovo 1 could, to savo me. Let mo see-Ict moeco. About two thousand dollars may be? Rut no no, sir, I know you couldn't havo mado that much. Say seventeen hundred maybo?" "Ha-ha! I know you couldn't. My lecturing receipts for last spring nntl this winter wero fourteen thousand, boveu hundred nnd fifteen dollars. What do you think ofthnt?" "Why, It Is amazing perfectly amaz ing. I will mako a note of It. And you 6ay even this wasn't all?" "Ah ! Why, bless you, there was my income from tho Rull'alo Impress for four months about about well, what should you say to about eight thousand dollars, forlnstauco?" "Say I Why I should say 1 should liko to see myself rolling in Just such another ocean 'of niHuence. Eight thousand I'll make a note of it. Why, man I-and on top of all this-1 am touu derstnnd that you had still moro In come?" "Ha-hn-hal Why, you're only In tho suburbs of It, so to speak, There's my book, 'The Innocents Abroad' price $3.C0 to $4, according to tho bind ing. Listen to me, Look mo In tho eyo. During tho Inst four months nnd u half, raying nothing of Bales Lemro that hut just simply during the four mouths uud ti half ending March 13, I 1870, wo'vo sold ninety-five tliotisiinil UATKS OF ADVKRT1S1NU. Ono fintlftre.ftf n ltne. nrlt. rnnlvnlpnlln Noti. pnr.ll type), ouo br twoiniertlou, ji.G0i throe mflrt-rr.;..! U M -' 1 Si'AUK. IK. 2M. 8. ex. Ir Onosquare . W.W iviju .on 18.00 110.00 Two squares..,.. M Bin usi ojin 15.00 JthrCiitqriftroitA.. 8,00 1 ln tfo i2,(nf 18,00 Four Bffitnrcs.T. 7 00 ,W tl.OO IT,00 2,00 Quarter column.. 10,00 12,00 11,00 mflb 80,00 Halfcolumn 15,00 18,00 2000 80,00 00,00 Ouo cohtmnM..10,00 30,00 40,00 60,00 100,00 Executor's or Administrator', Notice, (3.00 Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, tt50. Local notices, twenty cent,' a line! ly tho year ten cents. Cards lu Iho "Iluslncss Directory" column, H.00 per year for tho llrst two lines, and tl.OO for each additional line. copies of that book 1 Nluety-ilvo thou sand I Think of It. Average four dol lars n copy, say. It's nearly four hun- tireu thousand dollars, my son. I get halfl" "Tho suffering Moses I I'll set (hat down. Fonrteen-seven.fi ftyi'lght-two hundred. Total, say well, upon my word, tho grand total Is about two bun dled nnd thirteen or fourteen thousand dollars. Is Unit possible?" "Posslblo! Iftiioro'snny mistake it's tlio oilier way. Two hundred nud four teen thousand, cash, Is my incomq for this year lfl know how to cipher." Then the ecntlcmau irot un to tro. It camo over mo most uncomfortably 'that maybo 1 had made my revelations for nothing, besides being flattered into stretching them couslderably by tho stranger's astonished exclamations. Rut no ; at tlio last moment tlio gentle man liiuukd mo n largo envelope , nnd said it contained his advertisement; and that I would find out all nbout his busi ness In It; and that ho would bo happy to hnvo my custom would, in fact, ho proud to havo the custom of a man of such prodigious income; and thut ho used to think that there wero feveral wealthy men hi Rulfalo, but when they camo to trade with him lie discovered Hint tlicy barely had enough to livo on; and that iu truth it had been such a weary, weary ago since ho had seen a rich man faco to fuco, and talked with him nud touched Kim with' his hands, that ho could hardly refrain from embracing me In fact, would es teem it u great favor if 1 would erf.liim embracome. ed stranger to thtow his arms about mo and weep n few tranquilizing tears down tho buck of my neck. Then ho went his way. As soon as ho wus gone, I opened his advertisement. I studied it attentively for four minutes. 1 then called up' tho cook nud said: "Hold mo whllo I faint. Let Maria turn tho batter-cakes." Ry nud by, when I came to, I sent down to tho rum-mill on tlio corner otid hired mi artist by tho week to sit up nights and curso that stranger, and give mo a lift occasionally In tho day tlmo when 1 came to a hard place. Ah, what a miscreant Iio was I His "advertisement" was nothing in tlio world butn wicked tnx-returnti string of Impertinent questions about my pri vate nll'uirs, occupying the best part of four foolscap pages of lino print ques tions, I may remark, gotten up with such marvelous Ingenuity that the old est man In tho world couldn't under stand what tho mostof them were driv ing at questions, too, Hint wero calcu lated to mako a man report nbout four times his actual Income to keep from swearing to a lie. I looked for a loop hole, but thero did not appear to bo any. Inquiry No. 1 covered iny caso.as generouslynnd asamplyns nn umbrella could cover an ant hill: "What wero your profits, in 1S09, from any trade, business or vocation, wherever carried on?" And that Inquiry was backed up by thirteen others of mi equally searching nature, the most modest of which re quired information as to whether I had committed any burglary, or highway robbery, or by any person or other Se cret source of emolument, had acquired property which was not enumerated in my stntemeut of liicotno as set opposite to Inquiry No. 1. It was plain that that stranger had enabled tuo to mako nn ass of myself. It was very, very plain, and I went out and hired another artist. Ry work ing on my vanity tlio stranger had se duced me into declaring an Income of $21 1,000. Ry law, $1,000 of this was ex cmpt Irom Income tax tho only relief I could see, and it was only n drop in tho ocean. At tho Itgul ilvo per cent I mui-t pay over to tho government tho appalling sum of ten thousand six hun dred ami fifty dollars, Income tax. 11 may remark. In this nlace. that I did not do It. I am acquainted with a very opulent man, who.-e house is a palace, whoso ta ble is regal.whe so outlays are enormous yet n man who has no Income, as I have often notlcid by tlio revenue returns; and to him I went fur advice in my distress. Ho took my dreadful oxhibi lion of receipts, lie put on Ids glasses, ho took his'peii, and pre-to! I was ti pauper I It was Iho neatest thing that over wo. He elfd It simply by deftly innuiimlullnir tiio bill of "Deductions'1 Ho Mt down my "State, national und municipal tnxes"ut to much;my "losses by shipwreck, Hro, etc," at so much; my "losses on fides of real estate" on "livo stock bold"-!-on "puynicuts for rent of hunii steads"-on "repairs, im provements, interest" on "previously taxed salary us un officer of tlio United States army, navy, revenue service," and other things. Ho got astonishing deductions" out i each ami every one of them, And when ho w.is dono ho handed me tho miner nntl 1 saw nt a gluneo that during the year 1800 my in come, lu thu way of profits Iihi bcj'ii one thousand ittotunarca anujujy (for. lar and forty cents. "Now," said he, "tho thousand dol lars is exempt by law, Whnt you want to do Is to go nnd swear this document in and iny tax on tho two bundled nnd fllty dollars." V h lo lie was iiinklnct h ssneeeh his Ilttlo boy Willy lifted a two-dollar green back out of his vest pocket and vanish ed with it, and I would bet anything thut if my btrnnger wero to call on that little boy to-morrow, bo would mako a llil so return of Ids Income. "Do,you," said 1, "Do you always work up llio'deductlons' after this fash ion In your case, sir'.'" "Well, I should say so! Iflt weren't for thoso eleven saving clauses under tho hrnd of 'Deductions' 1 should bo beggared every year to support this luittiul and wicked, this extortionate und tyrannical government." This gentleman stands away up among Iho very host ofthosold men of Ruflulo tho me n of mora) weight, of commercial Integrity, of unimpea chable K-.elal fpntlessiiess-iiiiil so I bowed to bis example. 1 went down to Iho ruvenuo ollice, uud under the accusing iyes of my oldvlfltorl stood up and swore to lie after He fraud niter fraud, villainy after villainy, till my immortal sou) wus coated inches and inches thick with peJury nud my self respect was gone for evei and cut, lint whatofit? Ills nothiug wore than thoiisHiidt of the highest, and richest, ami pi oddest, and most respect td, honored and courted men Iu Amer ica du every year. And o J don't care. I um not ashamed. I shall simply, for the prei-ont, talk Utile and wear tiro preof gloves, lent 1 full Into certain hab its Irrevocably,