IBloorasburg, Friday, April 0, 1870. ITHE lo bulidlnu of Ilia Kxchntigo Ho- t will begin on MdiHitiy. I Tin-: CoinmlislotM of nowly cli-ctou ntlcw of tlio IVneo, nro at tlio Kcgls r'.i olUco. Ii'ostmahtium will coiifor iv favor hy Um.iiw i.Miirvliiir us If nny of our fcpers nre refused, or uncalled for, will find tho Huiusilull lorway uats 10 no a iirsi mum vnnuiy. lo ndveriiseiiiuiii uiauw unu. those of our subscrllierH who have knnL'C'il moir iinsi-oiucu iiimrMra Uilil notify iHinomptly. lArl'MCANTS for Hotel, Ktutmtriuit I i i Innnr Rtfim llt'i'li-i'M mIiohIiI si'iii ft'lll I tlielr petitions at once, ih tho law 111 iiires tlueo weeks' imiilleatlon jiruv Ifourt. 1(111' iVir.oiNiA Lands. A. K. lloberlson in. . ni Livncnuurir. viririiiiu. imver fcefor&rtioa iiuiiiiii-'i ui viiiuiujiu minis Hand in tiiiUBiiui'. iuost 01 uii'in aio fcscn. i()l!it tliniiks aro duo our neighbors of k llepuMictm lor a wen iiruiieu pain llot containing tho Act ineororating TnVI. Ill 11 liniUKIlUriT. Illlll lllSO hl'd- i of tho Acts referred to in me hnrter. true Into Kditorial Oonvontion hud uooii uiicct 01 jouncing many ihih- kimru to mi nero to incir it uiidncu in. in tho first iiluco the rates ln..M lin rnncnmil.ln. mill lhlll 1f11wrn(l lumlcrnll circumstances. ... Tut., llmnrvrnlli Prns-i ,if fhttRliitn nrn inrltf tirinnliTintm In ilnnnlinnllii' i.lin jitcinplatcd robbery of tho Sinking bm ntui nsnnnimiv snvni'ei nn too Ijruillg i airioi, aim jiio lor iiiiviii neil forces with tho corruptionlsts. f'r. would call attention to tho ad- b-tlacnietit. to bo found in nnotlicr futnn, of Allen & Needles. Farmers Bio desire nuro and cheat) manures. not do better than purchase of this til Known ana rename linn liavo lopped olf tho nanus of Kiut ono Hundred non-imylmr sun tibcrs, and propose to continue the mclice. men navo no more rignt to Loa newspaper without naying for than they have to purchaso goods Btliout pay. Sew PAi'Kii. Tlio Messrs. Uurtch. iho formerly edited and published tho iriiiiton RegMer liavo just started a few daily "Tlio Morning jnows." tiiov ivd alto a Bunuay edition, wo wish km all success and their energy and llience certainly deserve It. Eev. W. J. Kyeii, of C'atawis'-a, lias routed us with a copy ot tlio Colum k Demockat. dated Doe. 29. 1838. Ingtlio UGlli nuinbcr of tho second p. Ho Informs us that he has ken it ever sincu its publication, a frioil of about tiiry-Jice years. Who Pin this County can sayns mucnv j'u have received a copy of tlio l)o iit Advertiser et Tribune which con- kmi list of several hundred law and W mil cruduates from tlio University PAnn Arbor Michigan. Among the Iter we find tlio iiiinio ol w. M. mo- . funiierlyof this County. Wo tin- latum! that ho jirojioses to locate at In urn. InsTMAbTEKS AlTlJl.VIT.Il. Willltllll itishel has been appointed postnias- at wvansviiie, Loiiimiiiii county. i; (J. Michael, resli'iit-il ; J. K. lilt- lucnucr to no postmaster at jnom.ii- ek, in pmco 01 n. iv, isruntuige, ro ped ; C. It. Hock, at I.iinostmiovillo, butour county, vice II, V. Funk, re- IlK'll. IVr. cannot publish tho cominunica piufour Mltllinvillo correspondent several rca'ons. Iirst, there Is no nomo to it. Btcunil, wo might do injustico to in put parties. Pally, tlio mutter is libelous, and lis Plication would subject us to tho risk mw sun. !ox't depend ujiori your own lungs if; uso the lungs of tlio Press, on't depend alono upon your own 14 1111(1 Dili Inline i,f itlmi- ,,,,,i,- US: USft PIf'flln nnu-or 1,' nAaall.lf, tnwl Ike it known by printers' ink' that mv linpareii to uo imsiness. HI at small profits, for cash, and iko it know through thoiowspapcrs. PiSAiToixTjiENT. Just as our side liks had becomo walkable, and our E, V JU,T 1.111.-3 ,1 UW.UH les of snow and behold! all is slush r uiT nnstinesa. Wo nro decidedly .vu,viu ji lll(llil llll average winter by crowding all our r '"i invuMiuw siorms lntoino nrst B, spring, it is trying to I temper and hard on shoo leather. t'EKEVTllTFf uo i i ii feet. t Hieso spo iatorsaro yet imrsuing fcd warn ng of tho Columhian- wiij.vii.i mil iiueiy ueeu no o two gobblera and mourns their 11 mllwrlr.,1 ,i...n4l. 1 .if. i En liT. " "uiu uiiu msjfusi. vo v n yp1nScnco "e,co "nil speedy i " l"lsu uustracittrs ol pPJSanil envnrtlimn .lti, i li&es . im ntiiiiiiuiiiiu l C r , r"TFM ?' "Ies, and E Ir.i.'An 'V.' ".v ,llu "so or J)r Kfi Hvo llxtract or Ooldeii leal DUeovery. Sold by druggists : &5,r;."-'JAu"'l'Oi V.. and -.,uim,u ()1 express Chnr- l5?wl'.l.V.T.UIi;. StAIlCH 1S70 AT KmnrK'.'OT ' t Sunrise.- ton ii.n ,7,1 " "" .Hiniinuin i1"1'! Averngo27J. During I " - J,mo "fonnd tho moon "e Htli, observed nt 8 p.m. Pigeons tlnJ . " " """'oers on tno ailli; 'Jwrleanngiibout tho last of tho un, fH vs. HuoficwAV.-Thls enso, Ul' 1)t,co"10 soinowhnt celelnated intm l ,,u, "Ll " "eioro 1 110 liCg lf0n an npplleiition to change thw 1 1 l"""'" iuouumr to mis uouiity. a ihoK purpose uuanlniously pass- ilr,n, .ui t an active light wr.s 'tii i, 4,10 House Coiiimlltee, to ith ii ws ""lerren, by Ager mid K (-'unsel, mid u menibir of Waturo from Dauphin. Tho v,?meul tho Dill by substi of,wr Jnumnorlntiil County as the I1. tt aK Last week it canio bo Sr, i,ou',ci and-was freely iIIscihs- bw. Hi" '""'iiiiHii viuiuih specc Gr.?fMr. Ager. in which 1 o ut. kieSini .rtt.w l,nrty ltmVl which lS, 1 10 b-V Msru. Dill and Scott i r-'Mi. and Tiino.,,i Wni.i. i,..- I he i.i 1 1 -t,,o result was tho passage ' Ulll changing the venue to this 'rliii il ll , 'il' that tr.ijcaso will l8llvn . . ."'"yt where the wit. wn, ' UUI" pnnles are well "TTE Wanti-.ii. Wo aro anxious to getn ll,l(Jllll III llllll.liiun, mi iiui;i, ll ,i', jiiinnhlft In leo will bo p.ild, lltiOOMHiiL'iui M. 11, A H. F. Asso, Nearly twenty-four hundred dollars was paid Into the institution nt tho la-t IIK'UIIIIH, un oiiiuiiiiiy un) ( ltlsmin, Money was sold at preinluins from $07.0(1 tn 4'JI.OO perslmto Tin: election for Town ofllcers will occur on Tuesday next. Much Interest Is limillrnalnl In 11, n nunll r I, -. IIIU 1VI31I11, I U IIWJIU and bellovo that sonio competent man iv ui do ciniseii wno is iiieutiiied Willi tho growth and interest of our town. WATCH THEM. Collins. Tint, iwm a- Mortimer's Minstrels who recently gave nn f.Nuiuiiioii in tins town, allliougli very good as far as their performance was concerned, were ory bad pay, and wo advise nil editors to whom they may nppiv for printing, to gel their money In advance or they innv bo stui'k as wo were. It is with nil honest piTde whl h tKes above the trammels of party prejudices that wo clip tlio following compliment to our Representative iu the State Sen ate rrom ono of tlio iible-t Republican Journals of the State. "Al trillion Wliivlteil tn Hi nliloniicrliur Hun. Clmrhi u. Ducknloiir In nppnsiiltm in Urn niuni uiii hill which w) Hit i'IwvIiiti', Un li hy oiltlH llio ablet t reiiresentnllvf ofhls iuu I v In Un' HMintc, nml l llio riml di't, (il lalltr Onvh a i-na-Nfli'iitiuiiH legist itor." We have been watching with consid erable Interest the course of Mr. Duck alow In the Deglslature and our initio ipallons have been far exceeded In tho stialglit-forwnid, lionest course bo seems to have pursued. Wo have con scientiously opposed Mr. H. In the past and we Just as honestly render him tlio prniso which ho Hchvvvcu.llcpiMlciin. LOCAL NOTICES. Goon Xl'.wsi'oit Till', FAliMiut It is n fact beyond dispute that Schuyler A Low, of Orangevillo, Manufacture and Sell more Plows than any other es tablishment iu Columbia or Montour Counties, if not in tho State, for tho simple reason that they make the best Plows, and ofrer the faireat chance, that of returning it after giving it a fair trial if it does not give perfect sallsfnetion. nlillf For. SaIiK. Two valuable lots in the town of liloomsbuig, on I.aekawanii i A venue, will be sold at reasonable rates For full particulars apply to n!2 III. W. II. Koonm. Till; World Renowned Singer's New Family Sewing Machines embody and combine tlio improvements suggested by twenty years practical experience, and takes the front lank as tho leading Sewing Machine, not liable to get out of order, doing a greater range of work and using a greater variety of threads with a liner needle than other machines, as one machine is expected to last a lifetime. Purchasers will find it to their interest tn get tlio besl, mid its name is "Sixoius." No Si.wiNCi M.U'inxiM in Hie have sustained so high a reputation dining tho last twenty years as the Singer, they aie simple, durable, ea-y to learn, and adapted for any kind of goods from heavy beaver cloth to the llnest col lar. UloomnIjiil-K Ulnikit ltciinrt. Wlieul per bushel , Km " l.i; I III M Cut n " Outs. " r loill pel lianel Clovet -.eeil .4 Klnxveed S i'5 ID 'J , 111 in . -Vi Hitler KlKi VnM, iu I'litafues , ', Dliril Apples Hums Widen and Shmilderf- una per pmiiul lluy t ei ion ID IK IK) 1IMIN No. 1 Kcritell liiu Nn. 1! " " l.iomn MJMItKH. lleinluek Ilnards per thfiuxiiiid u it I'Ine " dine inelu .... llll ' JoUt, Kcititllni, riimk,(IItMii!ciel;j KliluifleH, No. 1 per thousand Slillng " " ll. '.V.'..'.'.V....... .... .. li Is ii Ifhllnilcliihln llliiikrl. I'l-oirn , North i'etile.ni Mipcrhuoat Noilhwstern oxtuu il.a .. . I..V'(S I 71 , U..jlli.j) . 0 (Ji.ij.,it 5.7 s-!.! 0.7E U.iUUIl.10 II.Vii.l.t2S Sli.SC "1 fi WS1.7I !fJ.lHlfC,'.7& : .ijfi.ii. iii JI.IJ.i.3l.ii l.lTmii.i; 0-'ea Si i. .n SS1.5U xj. (0.1)1 17l(,Jil!'l l.!C iveiiiaj 1.37 i.'.E5 e-ftf) iiu.5 WilEi' 5.1 li, :iiu.nu7 NorihweRtem lanilly I'euilsyUitnhl mid Mislern hiipeiaiie.. Pennsylvania am! We-stein ixtra 1'ennnylvanla iinil Wistem lanilly reiinsylvatila anil We.slent taniy , uve. uoui , V hi:at i'enusylvaiilu itj, 1ms niiuiiiern Canrnrhia " " " irhlle ' UVB l'unnsilMinla lye, V lai1' 1'ollN Yellme, " While, ' DAT!. fbUS I'KOVI.slOMi .-UeM I'Olli, l l)IJl llcss lli el, llrcssed Unas, v l. JSiuoUed Hums " " Mioulderu 1 Lulil.TI r) BlCKIia Clovelbted 'il bus iinioinyseiu i uus Klaxbeed ' Cattle licuf Uattiu'tilj Cows, ll head HlXKKl' tf U uoos n lllll us COUCH I, COLD OR SOHH Til UO AT Kniulies inuuedi.itc atteiitimt, as Hewlett, olten results In an iueura- lilu I.lltlK Disease. llltoU'A'.s niloMlllAl, 'I'lcoriit-s I will aluuist luvallahlv L'Uo Instant flelllf. 1'nr I'lroneljitls, AkllililM, I'atiuih.i'ousuiiiptWe ami 'lhroat Dlseasis, the have a soothing el- HI nirois inul lhiblic Sm iikf'isiisu tlic-m toih-ni nnil htit'iiKtlUMi tlio vnlcc. Olii to tlio uoml itputnlion ami popularity nf tlio 'iroclioh, many m million ami tluap Iuu tutlous aio oiU'iL'tl, wliiili ait1 ijnml Jur miilili.g, Uo rlirt( to nbtalii tlif Into JiUOWN S JlttUM'UlAL T110C1U..S. HutA KVf M WIlKItr. nov, 12,'fc9-Cm. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. qo nnn a ykak and rxphn- ,UUU H1".H to iiKillts to sell the cell InaleinviI.SONSllWlXO M.U'IIINIX. 'I'liehet niachlneln IhoworM. tltth itttkc on both n(f. Use M.u'lllNi: wiritoui' Monkv. Vot luiiher paitieulaiH, adiliihH N. Llh Kl., l'lillad'a, I'a, ' apiV70-"lni. UIUClK NOTICE, a il 1 villi iiil nl .1 iur i-nl. (in thtw.iiiltnl Htork of tlio Cumpany will hopuM to llio sticl:lultlmh of the Catiiwlbsn Itildu (-'ompHtiy, cui or alU-r April 10th ut tlio olUco of tlio Tummiht m ilio Ooinpnny. OKO, UI IJIKIU, Chtawlfcsa, AriHH, ISTO-St, 'i'lensurtr. JOOTH AND SIIOKS. CI4.VU1C M. UftOWX, CKNTliU bfliKKT, APJOIN1NU T11K feTuitK CM HDHUINS A VA VAU A lull ami coiuplt'to nsoitint-nt of icailv maIu IiooU n tul t-liofs lor mt'ii, women aiut iiilKliuu hut rcci'lvt'tl aii't for sulo at u-iihonatilo latt .. YurictU's to suit nil I'lauicii ol customers Tho lifstol work ilono al tihoit uoIU-tt an lin etofoic, (llu lit 111 .nail, lapiS7iMf ADMINISTItATOH'S KOTKJJ3. USl'ATUOK HANIK14 ANlll, JiUj'lL i, tli ib oruili.iliilstiatlou 011 il.V i-htnto ol Dan lei Audo, latour Madison twp. Cofniahhi ottiily, Uto'U,, huo boon jiiantuii by I ho lWisler ot ttubl fiounly, to John Amlo o Malls-i tvi All persona IuwIh claims or ilimiiiiiK nyalii.st tint tla-eiltnt an. ifquvhtut toiuakuthcm know n.ainl those luilobica tu niaK imj uu-nt. - 0 JOHN ANIii; aprS70-(Jv, AilmhiMiator. XKCUTOIt'H NOTU'K. 1J rni'Ain nt i--i.iy.iin.r-n i.i..v. m t.L-lti-iMtOblami utuiyon tho hllzihc-ih llelnuir, lutu of Dtaii(! towushp, folllluhif 10, deu'il., Iiavn been ui auteil liy lliu Ueijlster of Mild ' 'uiii J in 1.UWMI11 I'eioiii;, 111 uiuiiuu iwp. L'OI ell. I'a. All persons hnvlni; uUlms n'.ilnsi tho mmie am ruiuesteil In present them o tho Hxucutnr In Culuiiilila eouuly, I'a, Tlinsu ludehteil 10 the esltiti, either on note. Judgment, nioilgngo or book necouut will inako payment In tliu i:.ee nlor wllhout ilclay, X;i)WAliIll,i:r,ONll, llplt.'70-l)-, l;ieeulor, A UMINlbTUATltlX'S NOTHiuT XV. tSTATi; Of JOHX TlloMAM, ni;r'n, LetteiH nl adinlulstiatloii un thui&lale. of Juhn Thomnn Into nl llloauisburis, Columbia vuuii ty, ilteinkud.linvo been L'lanteil by tlio IlegUlei nuald eouuly lu Haiali Thoiiias lnhlli, In the tu p,, and e, unity ulorebulu. All peioulinii!t,' elaliaM aguliist lue estato of the ileeodent am lu iiuebteil to piesent them for ketllumwnt, and IhosuliuUbled In the estate tu inalie pauunl 10 the uudorMiiiued, uiluiluUtrntiU, Mltnoul delay, h.VUAIl THOMAS, api8'70(lv, Adiiitiilstiatru', JOB PBINTING Neatly exceuteil at tliU Oaiio A mHBlili "COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM SB UllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY p "J! 1, 1 (J H A li K , 0 1 VA Mf A II 1.1! Ul! A I, IIIITA T t.l In puuu.inci! of an order of Iho Orphans' limit ', "I'O'ilili county, I'a,, on matuKIIAY, April M . t - ",v'";'.,t ' "Im arttriioon Win, Mii.tr.ller.ijilniliilstrator Ac, of .lohn Itnlthard, Into i.l Madison twp., In mid eouuly, ileo'd., win oiposo to silo, by public, vonduo.nll that coil 1I11 incssuago or TltAUT OF UAN1), ullieiln In M.i.1Ij,. fn i.i 1.. ..11 . jolnliiBliinilsof Vnleullno Uhilsllan'on llionoiith', lnllds nf lllilllinll Towliscnd oil Iho Must. lamU or jnei Mil ion Iho north, nml hinds of.Iiwepn oirell un the east, contalnlnu HiX'PY-nvl! A C it 13 S more or less l.ile tlio eslatn of mild deceased. Wi:i,l,lNllT()N II. KNT, Clerk. CoMiiTiosft of Sale, Ten per cent ol.ona follrlh or Ihe puiehasc money to h iiald liy tint puiehaMral UiostrlUnn down of tho pinpetlr 'ilie-loinlh less tho leu percent In bo paid ut tha conllrinnlloii of Iho Mile. The linlnucu In Im pnld 111 one year finm Iho conllriilntlon of sale, with 1 ' pun naser rcis possps- si 11 ol tlio mild premlies. All tho ninth III llio K1011111I as well as Iho uraln and seeds to ho sown pilor to iho 1st day or April A. 1). 1W1, aro leservi d, Ihe sliawonlio Name lo reinnlli 011 llio puinlses. r,Hs,'i',lim or Iho premlX's lolioulv en on Ilia ilrst d.iy or April A. 1)., 171, l'urihas cr In j ay fur Heed and Slumps. ,, ,. .... fr .0. li.fSi l.l.lil.ll, Mndlsou, April 7, 1S70. Admlnlslralor. Si...:c IAlj NOTICK l.'niileinplallliKii eliahge In our linn, wo h.ivo deterinluid to ttusenul tho enltro stock of our celclualedHri'ini 1'uosi'ii vti: or I.ntH anii Am- MllVIATllll Fl.HI II.IZKK, III OUKATUY HKDUCEI) 1'IUCKSI II niA Inducements will bo otl'oi'cdtn Farmers mid I)ealci.s, Kuclinunppnrlunltyto procure Mnnurcs nf the llrst quality fi mn ntiouso established over twenty-two years Is seldom otleled, Dealciu will ho allowed 11 lioivy pcico itaiie Iu addition to our reduction In pi tec. nuititv is' Yoim oittiiiits. A UUKN & NKKDIjES, 4JHuirii 111:1, vwark Avuxl'i:, riiii.Aiiui.i'in 1. nprS'70-st. II "-Tow to cum: consumption. Tin: l'liimopiiv or int. scnr,xcKs (J lll-.AT AIKDICINKS. Will people nucr loarn to know that a tlisciisccl llvei nml slomacli nci; I'HMiilly illsraso tho cntlro syt-tom? 'I he plainest Principles of common heiise tench this, nml yet llicroaio luiml.OilK ho rlcliculo the liUa.nml 1 ontlinie In tho course whlch.alino'.t Inevltahly brings Iht'in pH-mntmcly tolho rave. Hvlin; as the iiinjoilty of people do, at complelo vari ant o, llh Iho laws of nature, it must ho npp.ir cut to all that, sooner or later, nature will le vetiKH hoiseir. Hence we lliitl thut jiersoiiH who ImlulKe to excess In the uve of very il h or Imll jjcstllilu fooil or Intoxicating lt ink, iuviu lahiy nay tt heavy penally lu the end. The slomacli lief nines disordered nml ie fuses tn net; the liver f.ills lo perform Its (mictions. dyspepsU nml lis nueiKiiiiii 1 vus iniiow, mm sim inn suueriny in dl victuals pel st 1 1 cllnulntf to the thoioimhly ex nloded ideas of tlio imsl. Dr. KCIIKN'IMC'S iiinil, icliics aie leeomiiH'nded to alt such. Thej h-ln Mile nml certain relit f whciever they nicmed as din i-ted, and all that Is necessaiy to establish their lenulation wltlievir nltintf m in nr wn- manliiiho land is nl.Uraml lmpnitlal trial of Hit-in, inosu who niohueinicai on inis poini, and who hao icimttted lntevcsted peisons to ptejudite them against these now eelebiated lLMiudios lor Consumption. ilNcard thtlrpieju iliccs, and be governed by Ihu principles of rea mhi and common sense. It tho svstem is dlsor-(h-iel deptnd upon it, in nine cases out ol ten the scat uf tho i.Koidcr will he found lu tho stomach and liver. To cleanse and invigorate ine Minimi n nun losiimuiatoi lie liver lo Health v action, use hUin-.NCIv.S ,MAM)UA TvU iMlJiS The chilly lucicasing demand lor tliesu jiills is tho hest evf deiicool their value. Thousands upon thousands ol hoxes aie sold d'dly. Why? Himply Iipc-uim they net promptly and oflicicntly. Invalid who may ma Unci It couveutent to call on Doctor HL'itKNCK In perou aie Informed that full and eompieio uireeiions lor usu accompany each package ol the MAMiUAKi: t'rr.i.M. iiiTriMnfir svntii ANllSKAW'lIKDTO.N'IC.-Tlie.o medicines will euro eonsLimplion unless the luns aro so far gonu una ine paueni is eimieiy iieyomt tue leneii ot imdlenl ndli f. It may he asked hy those who aio not familiar U Ub the il'I lies nl thi'M! i'U at leimdics. "Haw ilo Dr. SCIIK.N'CK'H inedieines ell'ect tlielr won- ilei ul ( uus of eitnsUHiplloli ? The answer Is a shun e one. Tht'V ht'iiit 1 ht-l r Wink ot lesloiation hy tnlnglm: llio klomach liM-r and bowels Into an active healthy condi tion. It Is food that utiles this toimldahlo ills ease. M'll I'Nl'K'S MANDUAK1! I'lLLS net on tne liver and stomach, prom ling tecietlon, an I ienio lug the bile and slime which have lesult id from the iuaetheor toipld eomlitiou id these oigaus, and ot the system generally. 'Jhlsshig gish stale ol the body, and the eouseiiueiil tie euniutallou ot the uiihenllhy subvianees named pieMiit the proper digestion ol lood, niid, as a natuial eonst;iiuence, creates disease, wlilcli re-.-.tilts in piMia'lm nml llnally lu death, KCIlKNt'Iv'S PULMONIC Hlltri' ami SUA- Wi:i:i TONIC, whtn taken riRiilnily, mingle with tho loocl, aid tho dlgestke organs, make goi.ii urn blood, ami ns unnmiai consequence, give llesh and stiengtli to tho patient. Let the laeuliy say what ll may. this Is the only true cure lor consumption, l.xneileuco has pioved 11 beyond tho shadow of a doubt, and thousands mo to-day alive and ell whoa lew years since were H-gaided as honch-ss enes, but who weie Induced tolly Dr. isuil KNCK'rt remedlei, and weio restored to permanent health by their usq; Oneot the ft i Nt steps the physlc'an shnuUl take witii u eonsuui'tle patient Is to lnvlgoviite the si .stem. Now how is this to be doae? Certain I v not hy giving luedlt im s that exhaust nd ener vate uudlcines that Impair instead of Imptove the lunctlous of the digestfo oifcans. Doctor KC1ILNCICS medlclueseleause the stomach and bow.-Is ot all substances which aio calculated to In Hate or weaken them. They cieato an appe tite promote healthful dlgrstiou mnko good blood, nml, as a consequence, they Invigorate and stienythen the entire system. ami moiots peclally those pails which aro diseased. If this eannot he done, then thocasomtist bo regarded ns a hopeless one. If the p.iyslclan llnds It impossible to maken PATtKNT Fi:i:b HPNiiitv, 11 tho diseased person cannot partake of good nourishing lood and piopeilv digest it, It is impossible that ho can gain In llesdi and stiengtli ; und it Is equally im possible to bring a patient to this condition so long ns tho liver Is burdened with diseased bile, and tho siomaeh laden with unhealthy slime. Almost tho first request made to ihe phyMeiuu by a consumptive patient Is that he willp-e-si'i Itm nii'dlcliies tli.it will lemovoor allav Iho cough, night sweats and i-Ji'll-, wlileh aie the stiie attendants on consumption, lint this should not be done, ns the cough is only an eiioit i.l tint n i i tiiii'liovo ltsdf. and the niuht s eats and clitlU mo caused by the diseased lungv Tlu lemedles ordinarily presciineu no moio naim Hi in t'oiitl. Thev Imimlr tho lunctlous of tho stoma !, Inuiyilo heallhy digestion, and nggin- nm inui'M iiiiim euro inn uimmvj. Time is, nfier nil, nothing like lads with which toMibtftauliaten position, and It Is upon t.ietM I li.it llr. Si'lfKN'Ck' lello-4. Nl'lll 1 V llll Who hnvo tnken his medicine In ncconUnco with his till, ctlons hao not only been cuiedof consump tion, but, fiom the lact that tlieso medicines act ullh wondeilul power upon tho dlge.stlvo organs patients thus euied spiedlly gain tlusli. Cleans, lug the system of nil liuputllies, they lay Ihe touudatimi lor i solid, subsiautla! stiucture, Ut'Nfni-iiir thi-ho ni'i' nw lo health, thev create an appetite. The foodls properly assimilated ; t lie qu.iutiiy 01 Dioou is noi oniy nu n aseu, uui is made lieh and strong and In the lace ol such a eomlitiou of tho system ull dise.H must ho ban llied. l ull directions accompany eacn 01 ine meui 1inh. 1.11 t tin r it U nut iihsululel v necesatV (hut : i,!Lllenl Mimilil llr. M'lII'NClv liel'MdUllly. ! unless they desito to have their lungs examined, j f or UUS pin o,Q ne is ai uis prineipui unit e, 1. Noithsivin Kt.. lorner of Couimeice. I'iiila- delphia, every Haluida Horn DA. M, until I AdViie U elon without chiliiro. but for a ihor.aih oxanlu UIou with tho Uespirometcr lliu i-li tie Is Jj. i'riee ot Iho i'uinionie isyrup ami nwiwrtu i'f.iiin .!i,-i i :ji tu. i iiotibt. or n.rA a halt dozen. .Mtndrake 1'ills cents u box, 1'or salo hy nil diuBgists, uplVTiMy. IN i:hkl, AT J. 11. SIAIZL'S M A HI M OT If (I itOU K U Y COllNlUt ilAIN AND IUUN hTItKlHH, III.oOMSItl'llll, T.argo stock of SALT HUH ON 1I.VM, CIIKAI' FUH CAW1I, ott iwciiANUM rou hum: mkat ou COWNTUY lMtOJJUCi:, A I iO ' (J it o a K t J K s Of all kinds, reu-Hed Dally Horn Kail mi and southern Mar.n ts. WASlIINd MAUK KAHY, wrniuur ii jilino ou wahu hoauh M A V V. U'rt I'ATHNT SUA I', uai.iunii n tki: hi.yi' in 'tin: wuli.h. On hand al Whnh sale ni Hi tall, Merchaids sup plhd ul Aim utaituiei' lufciw In Columbia county, TmK okm fi.ouu and kauok Tie tineiitlliiliK.il the woild Un wtlutti to hilt their llour.und lake nice liuudor CaLfHiun ailiites nl most h.dU) etiklblo In u famlly.Wliolo- sate una iu-i.ui. A LAlUli; Af-HOUTilLNT OY QUKKNSWAUK it CU,A89VAUw On hand, cei) Ihiny toodtoHlR fm-cy tubte, ClUiiihUcc, J, II, MAIZU. lUdonittburu, Muiiii IS lsTO-Im lU KINDS OV JOU PIUNTING ii neatly t)iecuto4 at Til Columbus Htin fribtitiii offlo. Ll'ri SALH ANDM IN COLUMllIA CO. Agreeahly o tho provisions or an Act of As seinhly entitled nn Act dliectlng tho mode of fcClltiw tinscnted lntidft fm- taxes nml other pur poses, passed Hip thlrleciilli duv or March, Vill, and tho furlher MipploiMiuifH thereto tuissed ou the Mill day of .Mimh ISi7(andtho 25lli day c.f Mnich, lSJl,nnd tholitliday of March. 1S17, tho Tioiumcr of Cidumbla county, licrehv nlves no tice lo nil pernons concerned t herein, t lint unices Iho County. Hond, Hchnol, l'oor, Ilouiity nhd Htnto taxes dnoon tho follow Ihr tracts of uuscnt M laudMfSltualoln Columbia comity aio paid before tho day of s lie, the whole nr such parts of each tract as will pay Ihe cost s ehargnbla there on, will ho so'd t iho oiirt House, in tho town of lllnomshurg, l'n , on tlu 1'lth May of June, !S"i. and toconlinuii m adjoin nmettt, rrom day to day furarrea'age or taxes due ksM County, and costs nccrufd mi i ieli tract lespeiMlvcly, No. orAetes, V .1 antees or Owiilm. Hot, Cls. ci:ntuk. All 1L1. I1 llcnj iinlii I vi I'niiii'T iiil:ih, Mst (i at ('tllUH'l' S.IHIIH 1 11 in lli'Wllt !: llcHl'illct 7 ai l''rli. Wlllluiu Kit 1 114 (luoil .liicnlj 7.1 wifely I'lilllps Nl C'ATAWIiMA, We.ivi'i' I'.llim 11 Viinl.H ll.M 113 Clewi'll Jnonli Jr ll M l.rnbit .1 H a II llllllnyor M ,t (Ico M SO CIOWPII JlHt'lill id 1.OMYNOIUM. .loriliin llobert lli'J 10 I'liittr Amlri'w (1.12 jo W'nlkcr I.cwls 07'1 ill ltiiklnn Thomas (12 S7 llusloii Mmy 110 4.1 UilMtDll Tliotiuui (,2 57 Itnitou .Mary 1 lo 41 l'nxtmi Kllnu Si Shurilwn lug a llcnslpy Jolnmoii ill ll llllt7lll.llllCl'TllomiH vill II Vlpl:u!nhnln Alnns 1.11 A7 Hlmrnoii Win. lion 81 llU'UtmmGcnrgo m io IlillisTliolilns 10 OS lilluU'ilmtilli, Klllifl ti Co I ll 1 .1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 11 1 ll 1 1 1 lliu 11 4 Hi l.olby .1 V ,'l 57 MatrltH a :-i lti'lllliuMtlW 2.11 Wtrtinni. liunlcl 2 4: Wall.icn Win I 11) l'l'nnk Yocuin 2 17 Wiilitcr I.uwH a (il Kllno John 21 M Younx.Ioliit mi in Ileum .loilmii A7 is lliuwn Nutlmlilel ami (7 Cleiivor Elian 01 l.'ooko 1'iitliiulno 2 01 Coolc IJavry 8 02 IvIinKOi'iuim 1'ieil (101 ICaelielrls (Jeo 71 (looatiiaii Wm 1 a') Kline John la 70 I'ISIIINaCUEKIC. li't :i) 111 Km .11 ('i 7 '7I M) .ml Uol 170 lior.'iM) S of 17(1 it nl aso iw :im a-ti itV) ai 11m Mi a I lot 1 j 7 " 2 " 1 s 325 lul liJ tvi 1 lot 1 2 " a ii'i :i i x II 1.1 M an 17 ai u 11 1IK) II I 17 aw a is .in li 7V llmkalew Win lHt Doty ft lVulcr !l 11 .) 4.1 M 1 11 1 .11 a as 10 n l in l-'leekenstlno Niithan l-'reas A Iliiirman tli-isliiKi-r Jucoli Ikcler Win .Ioiils ltkOiinil Jone4 .liuui's N Jlniri Williams AliiiilKoniery Daniel Kfl ratlcun.i II W l'eulcr Samuel J IVlUer OeoiKu Uiinni-vt l'hlllp " Aliinliatii Wlillcnliiiit Wm .aner.ohn I'ltANKMN. llojer Kilwnnl Kawx .tame.s I.llley Ahrahain .Swank (leo oiti:i:Nvooi) twi li ittiii n t' I'oojier Mnrk I Ikcler. A J Kline Daniel .Mi licit .Ini li Titnian Abraham Kst C'KNTUAUA liOltO'. Ai tor John Itoyle Jolin Ciillaliaii James t'UNey Jolin Dnisilierly Mleliael Dleksou Daniel Kline .b Kulnbulil Jolin Jesse I.elilifli Mulianoy It It Co .Mail-Jen Tliomas Maihen Thomtus McOiah .lames Nevin Mleliael Kelly Mieppnril It !' Willieli l'ltdellelc ZciBler William (laolu Henry Moiuii John 1) Moore (Jraeo .Mr Yah lillllll S 1 Mia Qulnn 1'atilek ( tuition lleraaril ('aim 'f errenee Kelltr Willow Lovelauil 11 A Mc'vltincy t'has Maio Jnlin ColllnsTT Ilunly Joint O lintiey Jolin Ktl,rant James 1 1 1 en James lieever Daniel l)aK Henry rellsleuilaeher J II Jiiues Ann T .Mrs ' Kline Caroline l,nlljj;ell i'.it .Mel-aiuhlili 1' -Mtltiiliy Thoiiias .Mill'l.liylliMKet Munlliiiu Jolin MtinlhanTlioiiitis .Mai lis I.loil .Matks (Jeo-;u .Mellimh James Wilsh .Mm Mil Kline Jolin Cain Oiinn (ioll Mleliael Duikin Kllen llltUHt'ltlClJlC TWr. Apilu I'aul llowman .lesso llrlltaln Wm A J HIMl Keubeti Ueilcll Klltliun llillieo I.euls llryan (iny Clem WT 1) Kvims Wm Hicks Jeti.se. 1'etUer Samuel J lteeeer Abraham Staekluittse Joseph llul Kult Ail.un Sltler Jaeob Spolienlieti; l'lillip Yost John Zaner John HiiAYimTwr. L'uhiinbla Coal a Lumber Co .1 hi Hi M 1 50 IU 13 10 IIS 1 Oil 12 IS as 2 01 .1 (1) a as li n 11 01 1 17 til I .1 10 70 a as .1 u J :l Iuu 1(M l ai 17 .1(1 IM is ao 12 11 II 07 7 .r. a so .1 is 7 il I 13 40 40 II 2S a os I 10 7 00 a si 1.1 0.3 a M a o: a si 1 .10 !j (XI 2 ai 1 01 ai M 1 77 I M 3.1 .", 5.1 7 17 2 (13 I .SO 1 II 1 SI 10 .II) 00 2 07 2 SI 2 2a 1 '.II 10 10 10 10 2 20 2 21 1 17 10 1 70 1 111 1 27 1 ,13 12 'JO 12 110 1 S3 aj 2.3 as 70 u os 12 If) 13 (H u ao a 21 03 0 15 12 110 U 11 11 21 :;i a il 2 S a a : 1.1,1 loo llHJ IM 'Jill IN 1'J 111 111 LliO Ul Ull 2 lim 10 IM 100 aso IHO 1 LO Ul 0J ajo Im) I'M In) 11) 40 llll iXJ i!7 US 27 OS 21 (.0 27 (S 1 S.1 7 as 11 11 0 11 SI 01 7 10 12 ao 0 13 0 SI 2 sa 7 20 SI (1.1 0 35 Davis ln v I'lkk HenJ 1' Fry tmvlil llarriiier Jacob .Miller i:ilas Mann a Iloat Noer Catharine. Koyer (IffutKo NiltiKesser Ueori;o t'elilleher Moses siilpman II W West lliiek Mouulatli Coal .V ltont'ompany Moi risDanlel lir.KTUX. Armstrong Hannah White. Tracy ltuekle William rcnniiii;loh Jesno It IlKMI.OCi;. Aii)ileman William Alilileinau D 11 'I H IS li .3 SS .S '.7 a (hi t 71 u M lim ai M a 15 7 77 11 U.1 5 31 7 ai Unifier Kumuel Calnpliell I, M Hauls Jacob JACKSON. UK) M il 111 lllll Jilf BIS rpitKASUJUOUV cit UNHMATIID LAI Wanner Philip A Co 17 71 Htephen William 4 so Jnlin Kilu llll " " 1151 l.OCUSl'. Iillllnitlon ' lioinivs 11 00 l-'lsher Jolin a 12 John Snniiul 2oo Miller Jacob 2 .IS Hiioails John A Jnicph 7 SO Kaj crs William 2 00 Uilston Thoinan 3(11 lleesn Daniel 7 SO Huston .Mary 7 so ltiislon Ch irlotte. 7 so Kp)hoMsJohii 7 so Myers Mary 7 so Huston Tiioina. a 01 lleese Daniel 7 SO Hui-ton Mary 7 so KiistoiU'h it lotto 7 so lti in. l.ls Jnlin 7 s i MyelN Mmy 7 VJ OIUMIK, llaeliiillcli Isaae 7 ai Uvuielt Jauifs 1'lst 5 2:1 Jones Ilieliiilil j sii Hverelt Moses a ba K'ellerH llillK I II Heuliii;D.il.l ul riNii. Jaeoby O A 11 10 Heath Hj Ivestur j ol 00 40 at Si 71 1110 ao iJllfllKI IJdI 190 jlofl'IO 12 of ami y. 01 ni loo 5 of rl ?nf i;i 5 ol 'jo ol am J lit UKJ no ll.lt IWAltlNdCUHHK, IllllKeleil Isaac 2173 liuiiusThos.ir a 32 DcueHtlloro 20 7.1 lluuer (leoillu M .Mollis Daniel 2 In Duly 1'j.eileilek a l mKl.UH.O.U'. Cole William lift 4 OS Colo IVel.lel ai S7 lttlekaluw Jaiiifu 3.100 Kills Henry W 5 65 (1om Nathaniel al on ItohertUiuy 2.3 'Jl (learlmit Wlllluiu 27 US (learliait UeoiKO s W Montgomery Hub! lCst Id 20 Atollciiry Daniel Jr 11 M Yoinii- Abiulmiu a nt Juliu Kilo a M MAIIIfcON. MnserJaeib '.:! 112 Kticleh Jusejili also MONTOUU. (Ihjir Jolm 2 ui (Imves llrotlieni 10 70 l.elby Jacob 2 0(1 KutUNcy Juliu Kut 01 a.'i 1.1 so 10 '.'.1 iuO 7:1 am M am 5.1 aixi HI IS ijoflll) tii M.UNII. KllnKitmnn Kllmlioth 1 21 Hosier Jucolt ft M Mann Clias !' jo ui Miller 11 (I list ru Miller l'lillip 7 irj Hhninnii Daniel ilfcM f,s Mlitinina lsuLili " I fa Hiiieclt,Mrobt,Ycttoi'.ilIniik I SS letter I.ftfto it 7S Ycttcr 1) A Isnao s ai cttcr Dnnlel ll a (Juicy Udwnnl . n 7(1 longenberirer Clcorgo ilcc'il n (11 Duly Frederick a 71 MllUNr l'MJASANT. Ato Jolin r, m Mei.'ariy DanUl 71 JIII'KMN. 7 lil il 10 m (.7 ilnnoo Kill ID 171 21 II ,1) llrown David Hr Clensy Henry Creasy l'eter Keller John l.ulz Hlir.ahctli NuiiResser (leo Nuss Jacob ronebieker Jacob Parks Halnuel I' st, Sul I lir Joel .liiiincriuan Joshua 2 II) V S7 2 SS S 01 10 lo no v 01 1 17 2 80 2 SO 8 (W , , , ,, DAVID UiWUNlilMUl, HloomsliuiK, April n, 1S70. Treasurer rjMlKASUlUilt'S SAIjH OlAHtjATKDI.ANDM IN COI.UMHIA LOUNl'V. Also tho f.illowliiK lots, iloeo4 or parcels of Heated I jlllils, lellirned by tlio tax collectors, nro to bo sold nt Iho snmo time, under the provisions 111 nn act of Assembly, entitled "An Ai t relating In the sain of lands lor laxes tn Columbia Coun- Jf ..fi'.'.m, .'luif ll ULII, ISUS: Acios. Names of Owners. Taxes. iii:nto.vtvi'. MlllsJohn Hiirleiuiiu John Koons John HutllirWAsli l.aikhtlcoi go lmiAiicitnii'i;. Mai llii Kll.a Thomas Josl.ih IIHAVIllt. Clink Andlew tract Italllalil John Kst Hubbies Heirs Mann llaldy & Crlswell drover Htephen Miller & Mann lllttenbender ,t llrel-eli CONYNG1I.VM. lliown William llrcnncn Jacob llrenneu Wlllluiu Haveren 1' Taylor tlobt Casey John "Lowci" I.ludermuth U 1) Mcglicn l'eter Crane Domlnick Dyer Jenks Kllno John l.'i;en l'utrtck lluiko John Hiatlley l'eter llrtulley James Iluller Thomas Centre Turn plko Co Cliaiimau William Coniy ilnry Dewiy James I lushes ltieliard Mcegliun Anthony Mecihau Patrick McKieruan Anna llcnucr Jacob Hurt Aiuliew Wynn Deviuls 1 Velio -M M McDonnell Pat llyrney William Preston Iinprovemont Co UotiKhen Pat Oiiug.ieu Tiios Joicy Peter Murphy Tims Murnliy lticlmrd Koehelrlcs Jolm Kulttlo Jonas McMauemou Philip CIINTIIH. Ill own M I, l''HANKl,IN. Cromly J'llla Ann I'lHlIINacitHlIK. Yuplu Mleliael IM OltiniNWOOI). Comstock Win Tnlilenv Moses Wlltts Moses Welhoiel KU.abclh Wllltemaii H P Dreiblebis Jmes HEMLOCK, Wlillenlaht Peter Kst MONTOUlt. Mliiiihan '1 lioiuas ohanoi:. Kiutkey James W PINK. D.iusnn Hannah Clave Jotiu MJCSAItt.nAl-'. 1 GO 27 I 71 00 I OS 2 :u 51 GO 100 01 .'121 5.1 2 401 2f!S IM 10 70 7S 00 1 i' 51 00 2 lots 2 " I " 1 " I " " 20 1 lot 1 " 2 " 323 1 lot 1 " 1 " 11 00 8 10 0 00 12 ao 11 00 2 M .12 00 10 2 17 10 Ul 2 25 .1 (0 1 31 1 n 1 50 2 13 1 .50 1 .V) 0 I 3 1 12 1 1 50 .'1 18 1 (.3 1 2 10 1 10 1 .10 1 50 27 50 1 50 .1 01 2 to 2 .10 2 SO 1 7.3 a si a 50 1 lot !'1 40 3 2 lots 8 2 02 5 '.II 1 10 II ll'l S3 120 (loiili r Lavinu 11 Kline Casper (Ml .n.iss 11 a. 11 IVustermaclierf ievi.llnf;.vCiil2 uo JACKKON. 50 11 Kill hen William .1 1(1 IUmi Junius a 10 DAVID I.OW1-.NI1F.RCI, Uloonisbiirg, Miirchs, Is7o, 'I'reasuier. A KCI1 STHKET IV CAHPUT WAUKltOUrti:. S.I2 Altrll ST.. 1IUI.OW NIMH sr., 1'IIII.AIim.l'lll.l. Till; (11,1) CSTAIlLIHIHlD hl'AND, IteeciMiiK loi tliuKprliiK Tiade a larse stock of thoNelv.Stlesol I'A II I'll TIN OH plllcliascd lit Hie lowest Gold Kales, and will be sold at ill-nut liiluctlon Iroin last season's prices. F..N(jI.IMl lIHC.Shfl.LHiil Sl.50.lind till other Boodslll inopoitliui. JOS. III.ACKWOOD, luar25'70-3lil. 432 AtillHt. Plillodel.lila. ipiIK VUUY LAST NOTICK. All l'usons Indebted to mo Mill please c tit and pay tlielr accounts hy tliu inMdle ol April, after which lime ull accounts will bo placed lu the hands ol 11 ploper olllcer loi eolUcliou, II. 1'. KV Kit KIT. iieuiou jiitreu -1, is.u-ii. K N T 1 S T K Y . If. C. HOWF.lt, DKNT1HT, Itesnecllully ofters his piofesslonal services to ine i.uues mil! Kuuuei uen Ol liioonik nil ir nml v ellllty. lie is prepanil to attend toulltl.h varl. mis operations 111 tlio line of his nrnfeniilnti. and Is provided Willi Ihe luKst Imploded 1'oucehin TUKTII whlcll will be IliKerled on fold plutliie. oiim Miiu linmil uiu lo IUUK us f en us mo nai- nral teeth. Teeth extracted bv all Hit-new nnO most approved mithoils, nml ull opeintlons ou the teeth carerullyand propony ntteuded to, Itesldenco and nrllee a few doors nliove the unia iiouse, same sine, iiioomshurie, .lau.ai.'bstl A1 SSIC5 N K K'S NOTI CK. Nollce is lieieby elven thai Morrison K. Jack son, l.n., Assignee i f Peler.M. Traui;U,has tiled his account, torn tber Willi Hie vouclieis thereol illlhoofllce ol the Plotbollfitiirv In nml m Hi.. fUOII.J Ol 1.1'JlllllUKI. Wi:i.I,lNOTON II. KNT, lilar-j ,0-ot. I'rolhonotaiy irllerwtck Oayi tie please copy, JyTOTICK. All persons Iinkblcd In lliu linderslsiieileillier ou Note or Hook Account, aro hereby untitled to settle their aeeniinls ut once, or they will bo col. Iccledaceordlni! to law. J. c, HUlTKlt, M, D, lllooiusburs', April I, lS70-ir, N JO XHW DlbCOVKHY ! ! ! II lias loin: been known that tbo old establish ed and well stocked i'liiiNi'iiiiir. A llf.nniMi WAUKliooMsorll. It. I,i:WIS,Hl!.,iire Iho cheap est In llio city, lie is now sellluir P.iti.mt Hinrs lu Pi.rsii, lUm ('Mini, hkiw urTKiiuv. Wal nut C11 a si 11 lic si iis iii on. or Vau.msh; cor TAI1K Ft'll.Mllllll:, nil sljlos; IIkduikii ash .MAni:Kssi-.s,vailoiis sizes, elieaier than niicilou pi lees. Come and see, und bo e-ouvliieeit. Yon will save inoitey by ulvlng us ueull beloio pur chusiiu! elsewlu ie, II, 11. I.KWIH.Hll., llll MAKICr Slltl.l.l', I'll 1 1. A OKI. I'll IA, Next door lu cor. of Fllti elllll St. Ilpll'70 3lil, Absolute) Dlvoic'Ori legally obtained in New Yoik, Indiana, Illinois and oilier Mates lor pi isous itotii any Htnto or Country legal everywhere; deseiiiou drunkenness, non support, etc.. sulllcieut cause j nn publicity; uo ch.iiKu until divoiie obtained. Advice tree. Hustings cstniili-Jicil llllifn yeats, Addiess, M. IIOU.M:, Atluiney, No. 7S Nuss tu Htieet uiiil2V70-3ni. Now Yolk City. IX TUK OUIMIAXS' C'OUItT IN X and lor lliu Cniiiiiv ol Columbia, In the mut ter ot tho petition of W, II. Kilt udmilllslllllor of Jelemlali K luc, lalo of Jackson township, (leec.lseil, lot speeltfo pelforinauco eif coulracl. 1', lu 11:11) hilt, 1S70, C. W, Miller, l.'si iippoluted lomuilssloiier to tnko presif 01 eonttiiet. Hy lliu ('mill, Cerllllod Iruni tho lleeoid, WKi.i.iNinuN 11, KNr.cieik. Tu peisous Interested In tin abovo ease, take 111. lice, Hint I sliullntteud for lh puiposu.t my upiHjluliuiul at my oilieo, lit tllooiiisbui;;, 011 Haiiud.iy, the 2.11 day ul April a. 11., 170. ut ten 11Vlmlc.11 C. W. Mll.l.lllt, ii)iir.'5 7o- Iw. t'oiiiinlssiiiiii 1, j flX lit! UTt IKS' XOT1 G'li. IJ KSIAI'll Ol' e'll.VKI.K I', MANN, m.ei'ii. Letleis lestniut'Utat) on Iho islnte nl Chmles F. Maun, into ot liouvcr township. Coluiiiblu louiily ileo'il, liuo been liranu-d by tlio lleiilsler ol snldesiuuly lu Caiolluu Mannum! Allen .Mann ol ltoucr,Cnl, eo IV, All pel so s liuvlnu claims iiualust Ihu e-lule aro itouesled lu pieseui them tu tho l.'xeciitois In I'uliiiiibiu county. Those I111I1 bled In ll.o cstiito either nu nolo, liiUs'ini-iil. moiluiiKi' or Look iieiuiiiii will inuko liuyiiiim lu Ihol.xecutn.s without itelay. CAUOI.INUMANN, ,.. , ALI.KN MANN. luiitSS 7i'-ilw, i:xi cutors, i,r0'UH iiousif J-'- ltl'l'lJilT, I'A. WH.LIAJI lliniil.lt, I'loprlelor, Tills llousoliBvli'ii! been put In ttiomuiih lepair U now eiiM.il ii.r Iho mvptlou of. nuests, No pains will bo spared tu ensure Iho pel feet com iottofiho traNelers. Tnu J'tuprlelor soiiclis ti sliino of ptilillo patrouuue. Tliu bur will bo stocked at all limes with lino liquors und vIkhiii. 1HT OF OAUaiM KOll Till AL. AT i .MAY TEltM 1870. l.illlo. f Dniilul F.Ki ylieil, 1 Vs ( Josr pit (Jriixi'I, (D.tnl.l I'.liejbcit, i vs U'aiilel Mnrlz. lMw.uel Jicl'iill.el, nl. vs Jnlin Hweeney f William LoUKeubcreer et.nl s llluu.li W, Mclieynotds.et, at. ( 1). I,. Chiipln, Vs ( Wllllnm Hvelnnd SJiicoli Mleliael, vs HuinuelC. Krlckbauiii, ( Jolin ColeuiRii, vs CMlcliael C10111111. f John Hliliiinan, vs ITlios. j, Vniideislice (Ciitrles It. (lieeu, i vs (.Peter Hclilia. J (leorKO Zalr, I Wllllnm McKelvy, 1 Juliu Appiiuate, Vs Thomas Polk, John Apptegntc( vs Tliomas Polk. ilteuben II, King, vs Kllslm 11 Pursel, ff'nia 1 A. I 'i'U'1 limit's iidin'r. - vs IVnleiillno Htout, ut. al, fThomns llcnlleld I vs (.ITrlaliCanipbell. 1 Hcrdle, use, 1 1!, II, CrcYCllug.ct.nl, f A ,t J. Itelnoelil 1 vs ilatksoii, ; I.lltje, KIcHurt. Clnrk. a l'ree?.p. llllkeri, I Clinic. l-'ieer.o, Krceo. 0 Clark. Clark. 7 llroekwny. Claik, M Pree.e; Kaliler, 11 Claik, I'reee. lo Clark. l lee.o A Claik, 11 Knorr. Freeze it Clal k. 12 Kunir. I.lltle. la Kabler. Clark. II Flee7e. Tl eee, 15 Ikcler. Clark. 1(1 Freeze. Knorr. 17 Clark. WhltmoN'cr. IS Freeze. Claik. Ill Kabler. Ilrockway. SI Clark. Freeze. 21 Clark .1 Knoir, Freeze. 22 Claik ,t Knoir. Freeze, a Clark A Knoir, (.Lcckawftunu .1 11. 11. It. Co. f Alexander Collcy - vs (.All uns Cole. (Monroe llruudni-o vs (.Ullsua II. Pmsell. f Michael Grover use. vs C If. B. Mm r. (Stucy Jolin, vs (.Mary John's Committee. fHtacy Jolin, vs (.Mary John's Committee. f Stacy Johu, vs (Mary John's Committee. Cl.uk .1 Uiockwuy Peter Hcliug, s is Mltle. Uiockwuy. 25 Whltmnyer, Marrllrotheis. 20 Fl eeze. Knoir. Ktihhjj A Huiler. Abbott. 27 Whtlmoyer. 28 flui Is. Claik. 20 FlX't-ze. Wlittinoycr. Ilrockway A. 1W Thompsuli. Clink. 31 Heeler. llroekwny. uil'le. Fleeze, 3.1 Whllmoyer. Jucksun, 31 llaikley. I.lllle. 33 Fl eee. l'leee. ao Cl.uk. I.evelle. 37 Utile. Uuldy. as Clail; .1 l'tei re, Lliu le, .10 Knoll, CI. 1 ik. 10 llaruley. Fueze, 11 Jack sou. I '1 eeze. 12 I. 111,'. Koblson, I.l fiulily. lthuiles. 41 ltiiiclewuy. .Miller. 41 Jackson. Butler. 10 Ikiler. Howell. 47 I.UUe. Little, 4S Miller. tCllalles Lee. f David Lewis, gtuud'an. i vs (.Collins Hutlln'sadln'r. (Continental Coal Co. -! vs (.Leliisli Valley It. It, Co. ( Wm. Marr, 1 v I Hughes & Huclele. ( Ann Maigerutn; s (.David Hunt, etux. iHainuel Whltlnyer, Wllsco? Deitlcrlili. ! Thomas Hughes, use, Wesley Itttckel. (Frederick Hossler, -! vs lUldeou O. Hossler, ct. nl. fHumuel Kline, vs Preserve Conner, it. ul. f W.I1. Kline, vs (AbrulinmMi et. ux. lYbruham Moore, c-t, ill. Jncoli tlllbert, j vs. (ejeorge Struusser. f Jolm McAnull, 1 v-s (Jeremiah Jaeoby. (Wm. llrooks, et. ux. vs Win. Htrtitlicis, ut. ux. f Joseph O. Kiauicr, 1 vs ll'elersmllh. ('Ihaehir a Co. et.ul. s. Win. Uoodmau, (Win, M. Maitln, et. ux, VS (Tlniolhy Pagan el. ill. (Icorgo Ilouel's executor, vs D.iwd 1!. Hower (.Mollis noscubacli.et, ui, ( vs (A. J. Hviins, (C. 1). Fowler, use, VS (.lleubell Miller. I Hubert Uoretl. 1 (lluuiLy Me Itiealty, et.al. I Chillies II. Wlllielm et.sl. (.Michael Woods. ( Duuiut Hliude-s, IWllluuuTyson (SlurplessA; Htirinan, i vs (Clutrles I), Fowler 1 Melchlali MiiUi's tuim'r, i s (.KUasCllgcr. (C.S. Fowler. -! vs (.Jcsso D. lllce. (Daniel Uogait, 1 vs I. A. Wllot Patterson, et. nl. WKI.LIl.'OTON II. KNT, Plotli'y. G lUKioxwoow s uariXAitY. 'llio Kiirlne-Term ol this Inslltutlon will onen on MONDAY, APHIL lMli, ls70. and the Ilrst riuullerof hlevcn we-eks will tciuilunte ou Ihe Ilrst ol July, when thele will be n vueution until lite Hist o! August, Itouldillg students, lit)! placed under thelm niedluto elialge of ri'latious, nro expected to boaidttt tl o Seminary, and boauleis must lutn Ish their own lowuls, ac. TKRMb: lloaretlnguiid Lights, per fiuailer SHOO Tuition, do 87.00 to si) do Juvcnileclass do 1.00 10 51U Washing extra, ttiui till bills pnuble. one-half lu udsalice, and balitncout en before tbo end ol Ihe eiuailer. For further paitlculars Inriulre eif WM. HUIlOhss, Millvllle, Miircli I, ISTO-Vln. Principal. pon SAbB. About fltlylheleet l(lii. Hhiillllig with plalo lOupUliLS and blinglns eolllplete, nm lu use but too light for our work. Alsosixly fe'Ct new shutting '4i In. und 2 iu. tinned, with plate coup lings und adjustable hungers. Wlllbesnld eUuup Also ono Threshing Muchlijc. 'P(' ,u dec. 17,'0-lf. g L A T E It () O F I N G, EVER? VARIETY MOST KAVOUAUIiE HATES, JOHN THOMAH, ANIi CASPKU J. TIIOMAH llux. '277. llloomsburg, Pa, Mar.10.oe.ly N OT ICE, Tim niihllii urn liereliv cautioned not tu our- chftso or negotiuto twfi liroiulssory notes druwn lie llio imilerslened III favor ol J. Wesley Y'olie. ns uo value bus been 1 1'celveet therefor, Tho notes uro for soveniy-uio uuuurs eucn, uaieii February 21th, IS70, und aio paynble, one, six uioiiths alter elutu with interest therefiotn, the other, eight months lifter elate with Interest theutreuu, .AC11AHIAII KHAMF.K, JOHN II. DAVIS. Heaver Valley, Muich IS, U70-1I, I ? X liO UTO ri'S NOT 1 0 K. .lli I.SI.VIK UP .1. I,. I'l A 11 I.Kit, IIK1"U, I,i.ilcis testumculury on tliu estato ol J. (1. I'lalilei' lulu ol Lllluwlss.1 tow llsllin. Collllutilu count v,dee'il,liui' beeligr.llllcetliy Iho Heglsler of 1 oluiublii I'nunty lo lleuiy PI ihler ot CnliiMls sa, Coluiulila county, Pa. All persons having f'lallils llgaiusi 1110 1 siaieai u 1 cim-nii-u 111 iii.-n,-if i ibeiii lu Ihu Kxeeutor lu Coluiuhlii County, I'a. Thnsu Indebled tu thoeslalu ultlierouiiote.Judg in, nl. iiiiirlL.iii'u or book account will inako iayiiicni lu iho Kxiculnr wllhout delay, 11KNHY I'FAIlLKlt. mar. 2i'7o-Gw, Kxoeutor, "yn Y WILL YOU HU1N YOUH KYICHKIHT UY VSINU 1'OllMiiv iir.ihsrs. Win n you can purchasu li A a A H U o & M O 1 U 1 S' Sl'ECTACliUfcl AND KYK-ClIiASHKS, Till! IllWr IN THE WOHLD. iiivj ifiu rri-iiiiuiifiuilfl liy UO I'HCUlty ror Purity of Miileilul, llillllaney uf Flulh;nd lliclr Hl'eiiglheuiug nnil Pieservlug Powers, lu ,,,yj --v un uiners, iney ust iniiny ) ears wllhout eliiingi). ' "f mo uuiuineu 111 jiLooiisiwna j'a Of iMIsh A. 1). V Ell U, llOOK HTOHK, MAIN HT11BKT, Mule uppolnted Ageutfur I his place. No Peddlers Liup 10 ed or isupplled, LA.AltUH A MOHIlm is t.i.. Mttiiuiaciurlng Opticians, Iiisi'l8,7(i-ly, llurlfiiril.tVinu. PA Legal NotiCCfj7 A DMINISTIlA'Pflll'M Nii'l'llMi". JL tJUATKOl' .KIIIN T, I1VANS. I)l:i'n. . . .. nuiillllislrAlloil un lim f-l ile nf ! Lvaiis l.ilo of Fl.hlimcr nk InwuMill ,'" "lia '"Utity.ilei-ias'sl.liino b ginulful Of tln!en,' t "'f ',W ' ""'J' ' J"''01' H' l!vi!U Mr ii.. '. ' '. H'iul eouuly m jaeon fs, i.vuus AllnVrl,, !'?'1. .'''wn'I'IP, Columbia l ounly. ii, .Vn i. " ,l,avl"ll claims ag ilnst Iho i slalo 1,1 .mi i.Sfw . 1 .L. . " f". V l ri 11 0 , 1 1-1 loinescill thclu for .. iimnu lllllOUII'll 111 inako linyiiient t, underslenc. lor wltlioui di lay, j wiAitt, innrlt'70-01. A ..I "'i numiulstrn innrll i0-M. ALliiiluMmU.r. A OMiNIHTItiVTHlX'H NOTK513 J. l-STATK Ol' OKOIUJK IU'lM', llKO'lt LoUoiH nf ndntlnlvt rut Inti nn llw ni.ti ,.i n ... Hutiti, Into of IkicuiI township OtlniuMn t'ounlv dec 0,. Imvo ticcti urniiltMl hv llio lit rN1p .r iiTi county, to Mnry Hupp, of IVx-int tfiwiifthlti. ah piTMotiH ntivitis rifiim or uGinutids nnlti,t tlin tiprt'lli'lil nri) li.ntti.oli.il In imitrn t lin tn L- ni.ii. n unci tliosu liulcjitcii ten imiWu pavnioii'. a1jA lb 1 lllll 1 1 iiuiHl'iO-fif. AiIinlnlHtiiitrlJt. A DMINISTUATOU'H XOT1C13 XV lunrn iiii Mini eiM wifti tur-'t. l..ll......rn.i .. . . . '.. . ... ui 1 iiiniiiiiisiriiiionoii ine esiaieoi i.i 11 tie ,1 miii'ii. iHiu in iiuioiii lowiisii 11 1 ifiiiiiinn. county, deceased, have been crunted by tho lteif t.v. . n ml nulling, lli JUCOU !! IIUICU Ol UIOOIIIS- . .' 'V rersons navini! ciuinii imainsi ine eslnto or said decedent urn reeiuesleil tomesent I hem for settlement, nml those Indebled iniimlt luiyme nt tolho iinderslgiied, without ilelav. J.M llll WANIlill, miiH'70-Cl. Adinllilsliator. A UDITOH'S NOTICK. JL KHTATK Ot'llKOHflt: YINOKIl Iikf'ti. lit theUrpluius Cnurtnf Columbia county, Iho Auditor niiiolnteil hy tho court, ou exceptions wllh tiowor tn 11 oke distribution, of the estntc of snld Ooorgo Ylnuer Into ef Moutour l ii.dec'd. amonir the hells mid lternl rerireselitutles nml nersons entitled thereto, will meet tlio parties Interested, for tho purnoscofhls appointment nt F. II. Little's olllce, Bloolnsblllif, Col. Co., on tbe mui uii; "i -uiiieii, t. u, isie, ni iu o ciock A. M when nnd wheio nil peisons hnvltiii claims nn said fund are ronlllrcd Innlli-ml nr 1m forc er debarred Irom coming lu for u pait of , ' W. 11. A11H01T, marl'70-3w. Auditor, A UDITOH'S NOTICE. Il KSTATE OF 11KV. V.I.l.TAll w 1 runs irf' t. In tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county.Oter ulla tlio Autlltorntinnlnteil liv in,, f ',fi i ,r.i,A distribution of the balance ill tin, linoils nf Ilin Administrator of the estate of Elijah Wilson dc- euiiscu, tinioui; ci euuors nun neirs win meet tnc mines imeresieu lor 1110 purpose of his npi olnt. meut.nl his olllce In llloomsburg on Tuisday tho IMi day ol April, 1S70 at 1 o'clock 1'. JI Allpcisons interested orhnvlii claims against tho snld eslatc nro rceiuested lo attend, nrlio de barred from conduit in lor n tmrt it tlio said fuuil. , C. 11. llltOUKWAV marl',0.w. Auditor. JJ-OTICE IN 1'AltTJTlON. i.sT.vii; of jai'oii i.ytH, mik or ii!i.i swoun rWl'., IOI.U.M1IIA tOl'.NTY, DEC UAbl.D. To l'hillpl'. i:yer,.lo!iui:yer,Ailnini;ver, Wm. I.jer, Alilia Intermarried wllh .lohn Willlvcr, .MaTOirctlnlcimairied wIlliKatn IJnhnsfin.lIen ry l.jcr.nnd Ihe followinc nephews nnd nieces beliiB lliccliildleli or Maiuh Eyernow dee'd. who wns inleiiiinlllcd with linnlpl Wt lliver, to wit; h'las M elllM'l'. Abiiillil Mho Was inleriiu.frleil wllh Jackson Uunjan dcc'il., I.uelnd.i who ,as Intel married wllh .lohu Iieuiou dei 'd., rinuiry inteiiuanli'il Willi I). It. Johns m. Uioibu W. Welllver, Mnry Intel ninri led Willi i:rnslus lien. ilershotl.Cuthiiilno A. Inltriuauled wllh Jolm ..uen, nun 1-niiitas eiuvi r, all of whom are llvlntr ln Columbia cuuuly ex. e t I'hineiis W'ulll- ei-.iwiu le.siucs in L.i en. nnd itain ITycr.who .lo.i.o .1. mi.- .Tiuil ui iinuois, aiiu JOIIIl l icr, wiio lesiilcs iu tlie Suite ol e. hiu. That Hi - il t decedent, Jacob Kyer, die el mIMIii f. e-urnuel lu certain nul estate in Columbia county a 'd deserlbe-d as lollous. No, 1, A liuct of land mui.J, Pi IP,. mil Iwp., boutuleit liy the .Main loml 1" nlu g fio:n lllouiiis liurit tn l.ialitstrLcl, lands ol John n. rntKu lands or .Mrs. Ann .Mann, McKelvv, Neal A- in, Dr. J. C. ltultcr, liloomsbuiu lion t'o.und others eontalnlniiouo huuiUld iiiKlsetl:tj-tliue titles more or less. A lot adjoining Ihe abovo described, known as tlio ",-till House" lot, conlnlnini; about nlno acres. No. 11. A tract of land euut.ilnlnii about two hundred und llfly-llvolieiis slluato Iu Fishltii; iltek twp.. bouuiled by 1 mils of John U. Jiooi... Abrahuui oung, William Kramer, l'hlllin An llciuuu and otheis. No. I. A tract of laud contain!!;; one hundted aeies strict lueasuri'.bouuiled by hinds ol llobetl llobblns. II. A. Sillier Heirs ol Until. Monti'.! o. cry.othcr lands of Jucob E-J er nnd otlteis, sliualo in tireeuwood twp. No.5. A trait of land sltunlo iu (liLenwuod twp. ailjolnlui: lands ol llio Heirs ol Jacob Eyer, lands ol Wm. Falnuan, EHznbe.h l'uiimiin und ii uivis, ci.iiiiiniini; niiy-iour lu tes and ninety nine porches, stilct measure. No li. A tluet ol land slluntn lu Madistm tup. 1'ontalullti; one hundred en u s stilct measure, hounded by Hem. ill's click, I'MiliiL'ircok and other lands ol the Hell's of Jacob Eyer, No. 7. A trac-teil land sltuntein Mmlls.n, u,-,, con ttiliilni? one hundted nnd thlny-ihieo neies nnd four pelchcs, bounded by ltinds of Jucob .Mauniiiij.tiio lleli h of Itobt. Montgomery, Jneeili lleinott and other lauds of Iho hells ol Jacou Nn. S. A tract of land sltuiiln In Mi,.liw, t eontalnliiKSlxty-iiuonelcsaiid lifty-lnuriieiclies n.,..v i",i.iv, , '.illllill'll liy IIIIIUS Ot JHIUO lit' niott, John llendeisholt, l'hlllp Miller, olhe lauds of Jaeob E er and olhi'ts. No.!-. Alotoi laud slleialo in Cltcenwood and Ml. l'leuMiut twps and houudud by lanils ol .iiiuiew .iiiinr, rump .Miner, llemi;o lleaKle nnil oiiu'i-iiiiins tu i ne liens oi Jacob 1'jyer colltailt l"B tu'tulj-lliiie aeies and one bundled and uiij-iite jii'ii-iies, since lltcilnine'. Nei. lo. Fotti aercannd one uuiidiid nud twen- i) iiiiii'iiiui iiiiiu 1 nig in ejteenwood Iwp. niljoiulne; tlio town plot ot Ejer's (Irovo and lylna between l'lshineereek nnd the Mill lace. Nei. r. About sli ncii's of vucnnt to.vn lots 111 Iho town plot ol Iho villuuo ot Hi el's Orove. No. 11'. A brick dwelllliL' house un. I lot fifi.rnnn.l now occupied by Jucob Welllver, Eyer'slinne. No. ij. A iiruk uwelllni; house und lot of Bioiiuu iiowoe'.uiiicu uy wm. Krnmci: situate No. II. A frame store house and lot ol (Jround III I'A Cl S tlroM-. HOW OeClinfeil bv Wm K'inowir 'i5l 'V.'r"!uu Iw-'llluiS house nnd lot of D11IU11111' virove, now occupied by Jolm No. 10. A Irnmo dwellliu; houso nnd lot of Jsinne y " 0rovt'. uow nplea by James iso. ii. A friuiio dwelllni; houso nnd lot ol "v..8l,u"te t J Urovc.uow occupied by Ellhu laylor. .c'..!,, A 1(,t of Kround situate In Madison and .Mt. l'lensniit twps., bounded hy lands of Amos I. Hester, lleuben Wilson nnd olheiscontnlulug sbeiitt twenty. live ueres known nsthe "Welter litsht lot," No. iy, a snw mill with u cood water nower. to wit : the uso ol tho overiilus from Ihe grist mill udjolutni! tho towu ot Eyei's eirovc,toi,'eth er with about one-fuurtli ot an ucro of laud sit nutu betwx'tn the grUt mlll.tnll ineo nnd tho old road. No. 20. Tlio undivided one-hair ol lite follow ing described tlaet ol land wliereou aio erected a largo threo story brick grist mill, dwellln;! house mid bulldlui; with the appurtenances and bounded as ioilows towlt: liet;innlui; ut a pest iuu ti.t, ii.l-i,uii ui e.e!iiei mill .iiain SU'eCIS ol tho town or E'yer's Orove and running thenco iiiouK iiiuiiuuui venue sucei, isouiit seveltlv elghl and unequal lev degle-es l.asl, niuetv-olglit and nue-hul! net to n post, thence touili iwcntv seen nud ono'ltnlf degrees weiti ono liuudteiil and nlno leet to a post, tltenee uottli fcevitily lect lo tholilioof Mailt streel, llti-nce I'lonj; the line orMaln street, norlli eleven und thr e riuur ler decree's Eust, one huiniied und Iho lei t to tlio pk.ee of beginning, e'uutuluing i iglu i tiiou.. aud eight huuurcil and loi t -sl and f iu li.nrlh siit.ire Itet and said lot and uuiuIhi ulnt v sev en lu lite plan ut llio town ul l.. i - eiunl. u i,h tlie water rlglit nud privilegi s ai'i'inUio .md belonging lu the said mill. Also tl.o uudi idisl one-lialt putt of nil that icM-iiu iilpr h,i ui ground sltunlo in Ejer's ejnne, eu'.-ctiM iu,i t.,, af'llesald, nnd bounded audi! s.'r.l.t d as !l,l!o!. tn wit: llegimilngatli post at the inler-ei'lluu ol .spnno alley and Mnin stieet.utut itiuuitig thenco south eleven and threc-iu nt. r il'-erns wcM, ono liuuilied n tul lliliti -six u et tu i eutre street iiiL'ueo iiiun i no lino in it.iiu si.i'l'I lit ll 111 seventy-eight und one iti:tllel debtees wt. one humlred und two leel lo Main sti. i, tiu-u o along tho Uuooi Mulu sti , i, nm Hi .ini-n tltd ttneo eUurlcr ditfieis , i t, .nn' I, nr. .ml . mi Ihftly-six feel to tlie lu utituln . i ..o n n.n il.ir teetl lliousiiud llio lillililii,! ..nil llnttj-liio siiunro le'tt it nil belli,' lul ip'in ii . iMio, -&i. in the pl.ill of Iho town it lull's lit uve. Von lend e.ichnlou uto hiuhy null'. id that tu lairstianco ot a writ ol laililiuti oi ul,.-it i,,n Issued out ol tliu IJlph.ittf' lutnl ol t'oiuiilh.u eouuly for the partition or valuation ni ih,. r.-ni estalu of said dieeaseil. ubuvt. iiu.nl I, m...l ,n,.l di'seribed, among the lulls and 1. gal leprtsei -mlies of iho said eleceitsed, 1 wilt lp.id uu ir eiuest on thusald preinisis, ou 'Ihursday, Frldnj und Saturday, the 'Jlst, '.':d nnd 2id duys of April next, beglinilugut 10 o'clock ill tlio loretioon ol snld Itiuisilay, wlieu nud witcreouut-cioiuust-id tu attend 11 you tlituk proper. .MUItDEU.U .MIl.rfAlit), innrl'7C-at. Khcrlir. JjUHST NATlONAJi WI1ITH IjKAI), I 1IIWT, 1'IIItEVi', AND CHEAl'l'.Sl'I H.Uisl'Al'IION lU'AltA.NI tl.Ul For Whlleltess, Ilinniiillty and lttUllall cv. 11 tins no eiiual. Hold by nil dialeisln Faints lliiniiglioul HAUKHK, JlODHl'2 A Si KIN, T. MtlUltlS 1THUT t '(. Huh) riopiUlm-s, l'iiluilelliii, kiak'iK in ull KltuUni Dlil'US, OIJ.M, PAUNTS, (Ji.AHM, mnm'Krrf, .ic, av, (MriittN, Uuluu to the i'nulntllv nl our "Ihfct National White Uml," ot lu i pjirtics imf awn inutK-ici tu oiit-r :v nu rlulIM 111 t It'll! ULtlf. I" tilt' klllllH lllllim 'I li..n. luru lUHMiru ol (.'ountcrit'ilK. Tim uvmx Uio U put up in on iu hi'iixy tin puint Imiih, wait pau-nt iiKluUluuTiu imiulltM, Ou fuch luWI, For fcalw by mar'rtly. moyi;k imoTJiiniH, lllouinhburu. AUDITOIt NOTICE. miaii. i.r jai-ui! i!r.llll HT 11FL' II, TUB uueleralgiiwl, iiijliituj bj- lliu Orllllanl!, Ceiurt ult'uliiin iilii nuiiity, .MiJIlur tei inukoiiu. Irlbutlon ttiaunui'mlilurkui lio itnto of JncoU (Jtiurliart laluoi liriiimo tw., Uulumbla rountv ., ........... ..,,,.B .(iiiutee.'! jur me miriiei.o eil Ills iiii,lnliiii lit m hU ulllio In Ilioeinuuiiiu, em Meiinlay, the) lull day ul in l liiTii, ut ig o'cl!K.k, A. SC All pw.oi.i lmH i elnliiisoii Miiilili!tiiii)iieiilie',l ie. ult'iii or tiiij fuui, ' """nm in lor n iitt or inarlS70-lw, .Mielltor, (, UifMiiii. v, 1 1 1 In ii i F.I well, l'reslileril ie l.'dilit ol eivei niid Tirinliier nnd .lllilere ol ttli (iBiiur il lull Delivery, t url 01 Qtmrtcr HoMloni l-omiiiK, mm thf Ilun. ItTm l.'ii -ma Cliarlos Milllti vstii lilti .III "t i 'iliiiiilil l r-nnntv hao ItMUdl Uiqir i.rccfj.t, bs.. mu'luu tliomh itny of VvU, In yt-r ol our ftnl, out thousniiil. e'Kht liumlit'1 uiel mihi. tind to mctliit'ct rtid fr luiMlmr- (. uiloioy r und Ter- unrr nn'i Mmorni uuiiuer wfjSKUj-. i mo i-enco, 'mil Lot 1 'nmnicm Vlv ti .m M ii nh i n ' nrt. In lllooiiislitiii'. tn thi rniitilv 01 ( c.lutitt.i'i (in tha lliKt Moinhty, being tli"!iiI ''i ' " iicxt.to I lllll III HO (lllll WI't'K. Ndth'O N Inn 1H1V ult 11. 1) li ii'i 1 I. Il) mo .IiiMIcck nl tin Pi 'ne. "iiil Ui ('iiii' iiiiilc of the n.ilil ffitmty of iJnltimlihi, (Uui tli j )i liu iiHiid inciq 111 1 ucii r jimiK r in - 1 ' 11 't iiiiiiv luiL'ituuii 01 mini ami nny 01 ii ii , ui n ineir r?- Olds. Iii.inislllfiiis fiiul H'O, to lull n ',f 1 1 1 1 iiiT-s whleli In I i.n upp.'rtnin und hy the pi la nt ol tha Mhm1 nnd ju .t. .lu ItttCllll- liloouii I in1 eur i- lit hnn f f si iiniiii, i,.i ii,., i ! icolinr.ali,'e, to .ri. li' . .i nn; is lli.tt aro or in . I i in said county t,t . I . t nl.l . I . lucre I., pi i, ,i, , ,,,.1.1 riil'rtiiri renin st, .i i,, t. n1 i llllCC,lll Ii'i 1 i 1 i . , ' - . hilt' , Hi. Iiit , , , r H. I ol our l,i. ul, un, tn .a -. Hied and m vi-hu . i o iif ninety i tint Wnllo't 111 I.AIU), in'iin. llilrd yeai ol tho lnili'p.uiU m , Hiali . ef Ann rli-u. .MiiUiti s i Illoumsburer, April I. I,s7i. rntANi) .ruuons. VDT VDll MA V TEltM, IX7U. Illooni- Lolt, Weil, John A. I tin -l-m, 1'it'n.i Ihown. Itrlnrorrclt Wcsloy Hucnljii-h, Ullai VoBt, N litiuUh rtlttonliotmo. Itcnlnn .lohn W. llelnhlhic lierwiclt lturo, Jaiiu's.lacoiiy, lii;l Llio iben ili r, Hi th Itowman, Heaver 'thomas Lutn, Ctntralia Iloio'-H. A. Wtlilcnsfihl. Conj nglmin William (iomlmnu. KlBliliiKcrf tk Hamuol J. 1'ealer. Greenwood Joseph W. Eves. Hemlock-Hugh D. McUrldc, John (lutllver, Wm. V. Rlchart. Jackson Clinton Lowls. Jit. 1'leosaiit Daniel MeCarty. Andrew J. Ikeler. Orange Isaac 1)1 Id! no. Pine Daniel Greene, Iionjamlu WlnterBteeo. PETIT JUUOIIS. FOll MAY TKHM, 1S70. liloom Caleb liarton, Charles FarnwRlt, Charles rorbtcr,Jonathau Croinlsc, Henry Zup Itlncer, lirlarereek J . C. Hmitli, Oco. W. liower, lohn O. Jaeoby. Benton James Conner, Henben J, Davis. Jtcrwick Umo' Geo. A. Itcatn. Heaver Kllas Mlller.l'etcr hSliellhatner.l M Davis. Centre .Slcphrn Wolf. Conynfiham lteesa D.ivJs, KlshiiiKcreek John Hutton, David Doty. Franklin Wm. Itohrbaeh. Jackson Cleaver. tiieenu'ooil Jlobeit itoubfns, John McMleh r.el, Jacob Htaley. IteniloeU Tlioiuaa W. l'nrse). Jaek-un Augustus Uverhait, Ueorjo Hurle tnnu. Locust Uiorgo Fettcnnan, Montour W. M. Monioe. Mililin A. ll, creasy, Hiram KtKrole. Oinnjn Rohcrt Uninn, Henry Dolon, Hir am 1j. llowiuan. Unailnc-icfli-sAdnin (.iablc. cott Ml Havtmim. btiailunt OM'.ir Jju in. Atti st V 31, Kuickjjaum. Cletlt. MoKDi.i-Ai Mim. Mtn. Micrtir. THOH. J. v Lhl.lVUU, Jury 1.I.1MIA 1IAYMAM T IDOWS APPRAISEMENTS. The ("11 tu,: .i, i i .i ii'citt.s of teal nnd ner sou.! l top ti-, --ct i' i ii i l tu widows ol dectdeuta, liavt hidudMlin tin ohii'cj of tho lUylMer of I i i!i . s.unt , mulct' tho H tiles of Coiut, and lil li t'ii -i nt il litr iilciJute contlnnatloii, to thi Difh ,) c ait l j he held lu llloonisbnrn, In ittid for hiiid eounty.ou WeJncsd'iy.the 4th day of May ivru at two nVloc U i. w., oi said iln, , unlcsii cKe"ptloiiH to Bueh funlhinaUonHrre pievlously 1 ltd. of Which ull oeiscms IntcictLd lu said e rt'il . will take nonet : I. Widow of David rjj.lut Col. (.o dfu'd. uf i.uii a- twp.. 2, Widow ol Ct'itiiiHutlili, luLf i hucailoaf twp., dee'd. y. W.iItiM ( i Ii fir P.'it. i Itiln nfCintrntwii. dcuM. li idow of 1 eni. Caiiir. I"L o Lccllst, two.. ikc"d. .). ulo ul Cli-uiijC lliiv p, UiU ni l.oi u-t twp., ilce'd, ti. Widow or ilunj. Liiwc liVni Mmituur two. Cul. Co.,dec'd. wir.LiAMs- ii. .iA;onY, Uit-itur. uprl'TO. 7K0JSTI':irs NOT1C15. NoricB 13 J. V heiehyBlveii to all hilf (, ereditorn and Tiliu v persons Inltioed in the t tutes of tho re hpcetho dceedenUand mhioi'M, th.it tlio lullow luii adiniiiifjtraliou an I yivud-itii .icrount have bci'ti ll h'd in the ollU-col (he i.:-'hiMli of Colum bl.i county, and will b.- pu i nd-d fm' . .niilriua titi and ullownuco lo. tbo Oiph insiourt, to tw held in IIIiuiihsIhiil'.ok NVulm - I 1 lib iUv of M;i) , WO, i.l Lu ...luckin ibi said day. 1. Aeeoiuit ol John Hum in Kysi v llo-!li r, niiiioi 1 1 I ! t 1 1 i o I lli-nver iwp., du-'d. 1 list and 1Hi.il .c i .Mn i ' ill. I ! IK'Oll of iitui.ili.iii of v il - 1. 1, Into . i'i V 'hi flnis t) ii, i ih- f t Mud tl.iii1adiii'i ul V-di ntm iwon t i., di i-'d. !. ,( c mm oi Jtihn 'iislin A Mn rtsDii. Ini oi i Jit u ,. nml i m ' J. lin- li uu I lice ou in oi i mi i'ii i v.thiai dlan ol sti-iuin.i (b uli u-t, niltn-r i-hil.J ut Joseph (ieai ha 1 1, I. it' oi l'.iuivts i Uvn.,di d. ). Tlie m fount of Janus Mtiaeti , .ulin'r. of Thomas l'uisui, hitj ol Circi'uih'urnl t. , dt-o'd. n. 'i'iie Hi st account of Win. Ib. i, nluti'li auj WINou MullcU, aUm'iK. i Ti'if-r Mtiicb, Into of Seott twp:; dee'd. 7. The lirst and llnal aenunt d Nb-holas Kindt, adiu'r. ol l'udeiirk Itobr, iato ol (Juen un twp., de-'d. b. The ilrst nut llnal nc4ount ol John H. Moy tr, ndm'r. of John llattiuan, late nl Uiango twp. dceeascd. li. Tho llistaud final nccount orMiehael F. Kyeily, ndm'r. ol Dr. Jolm 1 IClnge, late of liloom twp.,decd. 10. Tli ilrhtund final account of I, W. 1 1 art man. Executor of lleujamln H. Meitlll, la to of liloom twp., dee'd. 11. The nccount of Thomas Crevellnjr, Jr.. adtn'r. of John Miller Into oi Heott twp., dee'd. 12. The nccount of Jaeob 8 tine, ndm'r. of Frederick Lohrman, late of Locnst twp., dee'd. 13. Tho account of Solomon Xeyhard, Guar dian of J. 1. llnwinau, ilatikla JM Bowman. Martha K. How man. Jkrv J. itownnm. Wlntlnlil H. Bowman nnd Johu H. Bowman, minor child en or sumuct A. Bowman, late- ol jlltlltn twp., dee'd. II. Tho account of Henry Wert man, Jr., Exec utor of Henry Weitmau, Hr., late of Montour twp., dee'd. WILLIAMSON II. JACOBY, aprl70. Kcglhter. JEPOItT OF THE CONDITION of Tilt: MHtaT NATIUNAL BANK OF BLCOMtaUUItO At eloe of buiiitsB, MAUCH 21th, WO. UK-iOimCKS. Loan- and Discounts l s. Bonds toMi-ttreeiiculathm, Din) irom lU'deemiuK and Ibseno Agent, Dm Hum other National Banks, " " ' B.mb3 and BanUeis t'urn nt Kxpenet', 'luxi s p.dd, fash Jttnib (ineludlmj stumps,) JU1U ol othor National Banhs Fi.'t-l'onal Curicney tini-lndinir nickels $H!,tl9.5tf 5XU0O l.'.VJ7,79 i-i,aui,la T.si.ui 1,110,54 1,HJ,2S ()71,51 11(1, ) MJ, 17.T7J, I... r;) 'IVml. Kl.st,. UAWMTUX " w Capital t.toelc pai-l In, i.ijOO, Surplus Fund, .ixh). Di si- nml .l.iu.io Kxehun-e, l,ir,(W luteivijt, a,n;ij,43 iu and r v. N.llI.W rintltjiin.1 f .i ili fli'iHii .ii .i. ..mi i itt.iiii . nu,-. indiviituui IK portiiit, " iiji!liij!io CahW' iV . '.i ktu n tint ii.i.'. in. tuu'i. ii..,. aBau'Cn 11,719,- ' " - ' '.'iiKs nud Buultur, l,07(,(a 8 J i l,i, J3 S'mi'H.FFiwNNA. 1 ( ou,ty uj t vi itnbiit. ; s.s. i .r t Tn tin r"f.Mit.i. ..ru.., pi ...i i 1 dtii .i Bjuonihbii'yr, do t.dt.unlv alllnu that ltU'Aledg: an 1 buBe!. .i. r 1 1 sum, Cuhler. Mnl.o.ltf.e.l I ..tl' '.). .... ..... . ,v w .!.!. ... ... , . . ( Hit' T J IS iVIll day ut Muuii, Js.u. Wii. ru wu 'K, Nut.-t I'ubllc, m. i r '.;:. ' r it. i-.tx on, Win, .HeKolvy, Uiroctorn, ' v a u u.via K iiini, i.iiv r i;. In lmriiuuiu'it olan oider ol lb Oinii m'u I'.mri ot Coinmbl. Uonuty, IV., mi s.Vl'li uha V, the nay ui in, ii i c u u iu the ion- iit .iiiiii 'oiuii'i'wi mn, i . , (ii i'avui I'ry.felr.. I itO Of Bl.lVm lotl-.n,H. it. nl.l . mnlv ib-i'd, will expuM hi li , i , i ti , bii Mid preumiH, il tKUT.y N TUAt-1' t;K Ii Y.NJI, i-illllllU 111 lliilli'l ll !!il 111 in mil ii Hilly, nel. mi ,i ili.'i i i- nn Km "ii lli.' i i I, lamU Hi'' "l. "iBeV, Jt.lliil.l-, Limb, nt Jnlin I , llf.llll, 1 llltlfflil liilnli I ih eil i'.illl I't'y on Ih. i -l,i I'ty on 111) Miulli, COiTAlNll(i l'V A 1 1 KS, mutt' or 1 11 . ' i u.'l, . 'i iiiii la IliflOlIll UtujU li', l.l.I.i.M 'i ii .-i: .IUU ntlar i.iiI-IjiiiMiu , 11 vi,,,l .,t,iu .i,iiu tlllllllltl fill llio iti ilileK, i.mt i;,i..,l l!.iuiutlltu elwclltll lin life. Uile- Uu i s'u' l i.il ilii.'il. Vl l.l.l.NUIu. II. l-.N'l.Ulllt, t.-lliMui ium, e.l Sai: 'lin jier cent. o one .Jeiitlllt ol llic littii Im Miuiite lo bo lmlil by llio I'Uiiluui i in IIiwuiiliiUKilouiim Uiu Droii. fily ; oiio-luiiilli U Kt. lliu lin ikirvunl. lo bo nulel oil llio eoullllililUuli ol lllumli'j tau Luluuco to bei imld In ono jeeir lloia Uiei I'onllriliatlon ol Mile-, Mllll illll'l.'.l Horn Uiei tli.io tho liDIClluw Kelt imttcttlou ofthu tulil iiifniitot,' All the Kr.im now lu tbo Kround u-, wvii aj tim Klaiu' tie'ila tn bo mik ii una l'lamtil iirlor lo llio lht iIh of Al.Hl A. 11. 1671, uri re-ters.. tho ttiuV of tK Aiirll, A, 11., IMI. l-mcliatrr In buy for uvni 'and Klulnnu. i-Ayianv, Aelnilulttratort Ili-.iver, April I, l7i)-3t. nnusTKics' notjck. i.tlco lt lii'ieliy Kljeii that Ucoiko Ilarlmau of Hi'iiiloek towii.l.lp. C'eiluinbla eounty. liiS e-oiivi-yc; liln tta e.iuto tlluali'.l la iulutow" f lil .. to Ihe. iiiiiliitlgiiea in liuti lor theiuriw In (no ili i'd of liiikl nuinie . All ncnoni IndsliL. nu nt to H e Miiel l'iiiM-j mill thoto havlnE vmty.Vtt. ' " "'""'"".Columultt 'ami s it, llAl.TMAN W1U.IAM Jl IIAIi'l'M N f Truntfca.