Ann- pMflltED KVEIIV FRIDAY M0HNINO m cottmnf Af litiiLntNO neAiitiik count uousit, nv ..hi r r- h n f- r I I I I 1 W m ii 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 . i ii i v j i i i i r i Ettltor ailtl Proprietor. ' !Two Dollars a Year, paraMe In Advance. aiROXJiiA-Tiorr bboo. rnn umTfTlNO (description" executed .U'AJ'c"'"1"" n"U STOVES -AND TIN WAKE, i MIPfiHT, dealer In Rtovcs ,t tinware. Un e'ri block, atnlu st. went of Market. vl-nM .,. sir.TZ. denier In stoves niul tlnwnro slnVtrcet, above court homo. vl-nil CLOTHING, AO. i roWLNHKItO, Merchnnt Tailor, Main 1 duor above Amerlcnn House. vl-iH I tOUHI8. McrchnntTnllor unit Agent lor DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Ac. IAJTZ, DrugKlKt Hiul Apothecary. Mum nt. 7 Ilia H)fc VJiJi..-, y I'm KiwM TlMiwirloti niul K inHiAr.(irli a CLOCKS, AVAl'CIIKS, AC. i m'liVirAltl). Wntch and Clock maker. rttoutheiiHt corner Alain nnd Iron BlH.vllt fZUrriNOEH, Wfttchci. Hpectaclcs & ry Ac, MolnHtreet near west 8t, v3nl"j BOOTS AND SIIOKS. B MJLLEDlSIt, Manufacturer una dealer In iwiti imii whops. Main street, onnoslto htils- IlllOWN, Hoot and Hhocmaker, Centro t, rear 01 itouuini .x ion , ) HUTZ.Uoot 'and Hlioeninlicr, Main St., vllartinau'a storc.went of Market, vl-l) M PltOFJiSSIONAL. . H. C. HOWKK. SurBtoii Dentist, Main M.t . VM. M. HKUKlt, Kurneun ami Phyalelnn, -j n. P. KINNKY. RurEton Dent t. Tcoth Irtictctl wnnoui pain; 31Muhi., ncany up t liplscopul Clmrcli, vl-nif 1:. ikkIjh. Aiiornev-ni-iJiw. uiuct. a L" V3-UI u. liAtvJvijm , iwiorm'y-ui-i.nw. uinco, m floor lu Kxcliaugu lllw k, ucnr the "Kxclmngo lit a.m. i;.Diuuruu ttiiu a iij niviivii. al.ln AInli, ui l,..1r., 1nrlrA villi) II. F.VANH. M. 1). 'HuriM-nii nml Ili x rlnn. . KOUIKON.' 0k Hart- iau'h Lulldliig, MoliiHtrttt. NiMi'JO building .Main .strti!, W-nU li( OKI. 1111(1 BUIUUIHTY. IXCIIIIIIFM 1 1 IIICK. 111 II .stt si. i)KHitii;KM. .Mil itinrv 11 nil i-iiiipv t'loiiUit nml DriNH l'n t tirii knntlii imt rfininr Ulllld WL'hltttft. VIIl4I nijU Xl,.li.(.t hfllnro A liinplimii Ilniirii 1-1 1 1 1 HOTELS AND SALOONS. lEKIUAX HOl' John Lineoclc. Main rtei.wtsioi ironklreel. vinu .IIIIHIA lini'l.'I. In' II M nlmii, Allilll M LEA COCK. Ovslcr and I'lntlne saloon. Amerl. u wjsier nuioou, wnniebaieauu letau. r.x eIllock,MuinkUett. vl-nl'J C. MAHR. Dry Gocsls ami Notions, south. Meat corner Main and Iron Ms. vl-nl.t I.HEESHOLTZ.dealpr In l.r rl,.n.l. ctm. cerles, Hoots, Shoej, Ac., comer Alain and streets. v3-ii) A. BF.ClvT.nY. T?not niul hlia ,tn. l..lru 4 stationery, Mnln tt., below Market. 1-u II ... . ""i-viiunerj , Groceries etc., lain t., below Iron Vl-lll J MKNDr.NHALL, Ocnernl Stock of Mi rehnn- uwe ana Lumber, eoincr of Mnln Rtnet nml a .i wrmi .... ivliolecule ami letnll. I'ii-Iihiumi nim lr. m. ii "un liu, iiatsrmi Cjips, Hoots uudShoes, Jtulu st above Court House. vl-uia J. UrtOWEH, Dry Goods, Grcrferles. etc.. cor. oiuin si, aim couri House nuey. vl-un , eic., cor..JIalu nnd Centro sts. vl-ul I . QIHTON, Groceries 4 Provisions, Main ten below Market. vl-nll "Use. Main St., above West. vHJ ;".'-" hmu & u.,ueuierslli llty Goods, urct'fcrll'h. Hour. I', il Unit VI. I. In.,, x.'...!1 i... ,u,, diuui uuu xtiniKei bis, vinu , MILI.KIL ion ,i....ii.r I.. 11... ,in...i. tlrocerles. om-i luus, ftc, Kxehenisc mock, Mnln tt, ' vl-nli tUAMlvH .1 A. V, HAYHUIIST, Dt alers lu (rceerles, Coufie tlonerks and Kullnns.Kmt. 1LLIAM EllAKML'H. Confeetloneiles. Main i., near ma railroad, vJ.ulJ MISCELLANEOUS. SilT5!.N' S'ltble Works, one door below lixtOmce.Mulnhtiiet. vl-nll 9"5 ' 0)1(1 LUMllLlt CO, mnnumuurers "niiten ers In Lumber of all kinds: I'lanlin; Ueurilierolliond, vlnlil 0;vn:u.llue Maker, nnd Whltn and Fancy -"urrtIMOIlOMIl, VIII 17 "C'IIMISTMAnT Saddle. Trunk A Harness ""er, Bhlve's liloeu Main Streit, vJiili) HnillllTCU 1lrilw,r,Tnli. u,.nnt..l .l,i.f,i,i "orthwest conier Main and Hon sts, vl-ulJ fr lllDLKMAN, Afc-eot for Munsou's Copper rut-utur LlBhtnliig Hod. navl J.TIIOUNTON, W'jdl Paper, Wimlo "M njtures, llupert bloek, Main st, lmlow Rbndes n.COHF.I.L. Furnltuie Hianns. three story "'an, Main Btlen. west of Mnlkit st. vlnlJ , I'hotoiii nplic r, ovi i Kobblns i. oiiiht, jiiiiiii si, ii fl-SUHN. denkrlll Meat. Tallow. ele.. Chei "mu s alley, ui.r of Ainerlcau House, vlnll 'UN A VIIVT-M ...T. dl.. w,nnj w vi, iiiiiiiini nun riisu . "rellisuruluueouiiantis.llriiwer'M llolld. , '..wiieei, M.IUJ lf . - - dT.v?.1-a"maNi cnuinetmnker nud Chair. Kt't I rooms Main stuet Lei. Iron,', .K,'.liAlll'r'K A Co..Mttehlulsts, llnst lllootus- ..ulirL'.aeQr I Jiflr ll ll lnnlliii,u imulnnl ,l,n.i iiacuiuery inndo and lepalied, va.nii i, . r' ItlnUI.KH. dealer lu nlanos. oruans and " o. W. Coreil's furniture rooms Vl-lilS ViiriiV 'IW"! waiuie anu iirown riiunr ctSl lllooinnlnirv I i-rulplc inAil. vl.t.ln ' Msu,St',''.I,'olryt,u,'Ilc,'lui'lllftu,t corner "tniianil Markil st. vl.ull 1 ri 'if rti VOLUME IV NO 11. Orangoville Directory, I .t VI. W. COM'.MANi Merchant TnlloiHinnl A, Oont'H rnrnUlilnsgolHlR. Main St., next tlnnr to the llrick Hotel. vl-ti!7 I I). lIKltniNtl llIlOTIIF.rt.Carrehlcrsntid A. lluildcrs, Main at., below l'lnc. i-nl7 nOWKIt A HUMtlNG, ilcnlcr In Dry Goods, n Groceries. Lumber unit geticinl Meichinidlsc. Mnlnst. i-ul7 IJIIIMC IIOTHL nllil Icfrrstitnelil Sillnoll, by ) ltolir M'Henry cor.ot Mnln nhdl'ltiosl.,vf-nl7 ilTo. A.Mr.dAIUlKUriiyflclimnnilSiirainii. Main st., next door to Good'B Hotel l-nl7 DAVID HlillUINO. Flour and Grist MiViind Dealer In grain, Mill Slioct. inl7 II. A C. KKLCHNF.H. lllncksmlti 1,011 Mill Street, ucnr Fine, vl-niv 1 AM ISS 11. It AltMAN. Cabinet Mlllio: J derMlccr. Main St., below 1'lno. .mil Un. vl-n 17 JM. HAltMAN, Saddle nml Harness maker. . Muliiftt., oppslto Frame I'hmch. vniill IOHN FKYMIiti:, Saddle nnd HarniRs I MaluH.. above the Sunn Until, inaUer, VMlrf I EWIH 11. SL'llUYM:it, Iron romwer.Madiln. Jj 1st, una Mnnurnctuicr of plows. Mill si. vl-nl7 MH.EH A. WII.UAMH 4Co.,Tunnprsftinl Man ufjutuiers oriiather.MIUKtne:. V1-IH7 SAMUI'.Ii HIIAltriilXH, Maker uflliulIayhurKt Uraln Crndlo. Main Hi. 72n3. WILLIAM DLLON'O Kli(enial:eral.'l lnannfae turerof Ilrlek, MlllBt.,wistori'iuo vlnll Oatawiasa. K. DALLMAN, Mcrrlinnt Tailor, Second Ht. llobbliiH' llulldlug. VJ-nlf DH. J. K. IIOHTMNH. Burgpnn sml PiiyHlclan Hteuml St., below Main. v'J-ulS GIXjIIKUT A JCLINK, dry gootlfl, Kior,'iioH, niul geuenil nicrclmnrilM.', Main Htn-ct v'J-nl2 I II. KISTLKK, "Cnllawlsda Honice,' , Corner Mntn anil Hernnd Streets. North v;uis L. KKII.l'.It, llllliiiil Halonn, OyhtiT, nn Ico C'icnm In neuson MulnHt. '2nV2 M. IJUOIIMT. UfttlHT In Oencrnl Mfichnndlio , Dry UmulK, Clmcerlef Arc, v2-ulS Ci UK (i II K II A N N A r Ilrlck Hotel, S. Ko-itcn. n bHinler rmrrlctor.soiith'Cnsttornt'rMRlniinil Hucoiul Btrcut. vul2 I). ltlNAHD, dialer In Stoles and Mnln Street. rln.wtire, vSnli M. li. AI1UOTT, Atloiniy at law, Main St. VJ11 '.2 Light Street. I II. IKVI.VM, Medical Stoic Main Street and A" llrlorcicok Itoud. v3nl'J V. OJIAN & Co., Wheelwright, first door above School lloui.c. vlnlll JOHN A.OMAN, Miuiur.icturer and dealer In Hoots and Shouj, vlnld T J. LlilSElt.M. I).. KurKeon and Pliyslclun. Olllce at Keller's Holer. Min'.-? 1)i:TKIt KST. dealer In Dry Goods Groceries, Hour, hied, Salt, Flub, lrun, Nails, etc., Main Street. vlnl5 RH. KNT, deale ail Its bianthe deater In Stoves ami Tin waru In VllllU Espy. F. Hi:iUIlAi:i,A imo.,(letil(r In Dry CJoods, Orofi-rk-N, anil tineiul ML-rehandUt'. vl'ull IVl'iuiirk'tor. ' ...... vZn)j IlUllV U'PI M l'TllIIMVn MIT T CJ I' U 1 f D. WKUKIIi:iHi:n,riootniulShnKtoroanil mamilactury. Shop on Main Ktrcut tp- fp W. KDCIAH.StiMiuuhftunu Planlnu Mill niul ! llox Maunfiictoiy. v'Jnll Buck Horn. XI G. it V, H. SIIOKMAKllIt, dealers In drj 111 . Koods, i;roceiles and Kinernl meieliaudlse. Flr.t stole In south end ot town. M!.nls Business Cards. Jl. L'VELLE, A1TOI1NKY AT L.Y, Ashlaml, Schuylkill County Pit. M. n W. JIILLEU, ATTOltNUY AT Oftlee Court House Alley, below the C'oi.itM- niAN Oltlie. Uouutles. llaik-Pay and Pensions collected. llloomsbuii; Pa. scp.'Al'u? ROBERT V. CLAKK, A I I'.i ,V1 liilVi , Olllce Main Street below tho Couit Hollhe. llloomsburii Peiin'n. J II. LITTLE, AliUliabl ATJiAW, OitlCH Ciuit-lIoue Alley, below the CoLUM- iiian Olllce, Illoouisburi: l'n. c. UROCKWAY, ATTOltNUY AT LAW, llLOOUSllUUrj, A. m-Oinre- CVuit House APey, lu tho Co Jan I,'b7. IA'MllIAN tilllldlllH. T7 J. TIIOR All woiiltlunuo huri! nnd vicinity, IIORN'JON uoiiuceto thccltuuisol lllooms. lv. thnt in tins Just rieelved a lull nnd couipleto uisoitment oi WALL PAPLH, WINDOW BIIADIA trlXTUllKH, COllllS, TASSKIJI, mih1i.1I other coods lu his llueof busiiicsi;. All Iho newest nud most appi oved patterns of the day aie always to be found lu his istablUlimcnt. innr.o, eun .mnu ni. uhiuh iiiinti. J B. BUBS Kb, M A N U I- A CI U 1 1 E 1 1 , aud dealer lu CAUl'irr-IlAOH, VALISES, ri.Y-NKlH, UUFKAI.O Iioniri, JIOKSK-llI.AMiI.Th Al'., which hu feels citnlldeiit he can hell at lowei rate than any other perhon In the county. Kat stin 1 list fur viiiirhflvt-H. hlioj) 1 nil ti uoor dciow u.e uouri iioube, niiii biieui, inooiuvuuiK, ru, uov. io, u. g E N T F R E E 1 ji, w iiii.n, pu.i x r- SEED CATALOGUE And nuiHK to tho FLOWIUt nud VHOIITAIILI! Garden, For 1870. Piihlished 111 January, llviry lover of flowers wishing this new nud Miluablo work, frei id charge, should mhlriss Immediately M. O'Ktefe sou & Co., bllwnnger A llairj 'a lilockltoeheter( l inc. n, uveui n I M 1' L 13 K. The understand will eheirfullv iiuill o-UKiti lo nil who wish it the Iteclpe nml lull dlieeilons or piepnnug nun using n simple uuu iiiauiiiui Vicetnblo llalm. Hint vv 111 liomidlalely lemose Inn. Viiekles. Plmnles. lllotches. nnd all emo tions uun liupuruilh oi i lie rain. leaving l lie same soft, clear, .month uud btiiutlful. Ue will uUo send (hiki) lisli net Ions for pro ducing by veiysl niple meiius.ii liixuriiiiit growth of lialr vii n biildlituil or smooth hue In lis. thun thirty ilajs Irom llrst appllcnliou, 'Hid nlrtiveciinbeobtnlned by return mnll b) adilllislug 1 IIH. 1'. I'lIAPilAN, ( hi mist. P. t). llox Siai, IU5 lrouday, New Yokr. An.', 0,'oiMy. f DOWDER KEGB AND LUMlllCR, W, M, monhoi: & CO., llupert, l'a., Manufuoturers of V0WDF.K KKUH, iilid dealrrs In all kinds of LUMIiKU, Ulvs notice thnt they are prepared Ui ucconjodnt their cuttom with dispatch, aud on Ibecheapei erms. Philadelphia Directory. Major 11. AUTMAN C. II. M, MOHV llTMAN, UIliLINOEK A CO., NO. 101 NOItTII THIIID HT. I'lIlLADBM'lIIA, Two doors above Arch, formerly Asut'ALTUiii:if) ami Jommns is CAHlT.Tft, COllONH, YAItNS, 11ATTINO, OIL CLOTHS, UAHPKT CHAINS, COltDAOK, OIL SIIADIM, GRAIN MAGS, Till YAUN, WtCIC YAIIS, WINDOW I'Al'J'.K, COVM1I.KTS, ALSO, ll7..Oir ,tA' VOODUX waiu: IliuiouH.niu'i.iiKH.T.noKiNn ru.AssiJi.TnUNK'i. fe h. 0,'CJ. JAULH HOTEL. '4 '4 J No K1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 S r K K l.T, It. 1). CUMMINGS, l'ltoi'iumoit. JSTAIiLLSllEO ms JOIIDAN AllltOl'HKll. Wholesale Grocers, nud Dealers In BALTPKTIli: AND HUIMSrONi; NoUIUNoith ltdrdSt. Philadelphia. G. W. HIjAIION A CO., Mnnurnctuters 01 OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW M..ADUM, Wnrehouso, No. 121 Nurth Thlid l-treot Phtlndeliihla. Q.HmtOEII. KOHEKTrii Importer and Denier In HAHDWAHU, CUTLllltY, GUNS, Ac. No. 311 North 'lhlrd Sticet, above Vine Philadelphia. C. It. HOKNK. W. S. KI.Mt. J. 11. SI.V11IIIIT, OKNE. KINO A SEYBEKT, WlIOLLSALi: DllY GOODS. No. 121 MarltitSticct PIIILADLLPIIIA. Ordcis lllled promptly at lowest pi lee". Jauuary 11, 1WH. TT W. HANK'S W1101.i:SALK TOllACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAIl WA11KIIOUSK, No. 1 Ii! North Third Street, Ititween Cherry and Itace. wcbtsltle, Philadelphia. J II. WALTEK," Lato Waltel ,t: Kaub, Importer and Dealer lu CHINA. QLAS8, AND QUEKN8WAHK. No. 231 N.Thlid street, Phllidi'tilila. KEl'HEAUT, WITH I5AKNES, liKO. A IIERKON, HATS, CAl'd, BTHA W GOODS A KUIIS, No f 0 i Market Street, (Above Fifth,) PllII.AUKI.riUA. JOHN STItOUP & CO., .Successors to Ktroup &, brother, whom:saia': dkai.kuh in Kitii. No. '21 Noith WhancH nud '2o Notth Third St ihlhulotphla. ICIIAKLSON L. WKIOUT, JK. ATTOHNl'.Y AT LAW, NO. liS SOUTH SIXTH STUICIIT. I'l!OI.AIIKI.l'lllA. ncl.2!,'CD-ly gNYDEK, I1A1UUS A liASSETT, MauufneturerH anil Jobbeisof MllN'B AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Nos. 5'Jj Miuket, and 5J--Coiniutri Street. Philadelphia. "YyiLLIAM FISH Ell with THOMAS C A 11 H O N A v wnol.i:s.u.l: DEALEUS IN HOSIERY, MEN'S FUI1N1SIIING GOODS, L1NKNH A NOTIONS, NO. IS NOUTH kOUUTH STllbKT I'lillntlolphln. Juue 4,'(i'J.Cm "yyARTJIAN A ENGELJIAN, iuiii:L.u,i-uri' A hi'.uau MANUFACTOHY, No. 313 .noiith nn no siiu i t Second Door below Wood PHILADF.LPIIIA. J. W.Waktmas. P. K?UK1.MAN, "7"AINWKiaHT A CO., uui,r.nAi,i. uiiui.i-.iin, N. 11. Corner Second nml Arch Btieets, Phii.aiiki.I'IIIa Dcnlcis lu TL'AH, HYltUl'H, COFFKK, BUGAIt, MOLAHHK ltli'K, Hl'IC'KS, 111 CA11II SODA, AC, AC. S-Orders will ice Ive prompt attenttoiii may l(i,CT-tf. Hotels. Ii U 51 II J A II O T E L H v ISF.llNAUIl STOHNUlt. llavlui: lately run band uid llttid up tli Moll known ltoblsou Hotel l'ropeTly, loomed fi,w noons aiiovi: ntK i-oriiT novsi:. on tli. Kiiitui side of tho stint. In thu town liloouisLuru; and luiMUi;oiiiniutu a iiceusu lor the same as a HOTF.L AND H1T.UANT, the l'n pi let or hnsdetl mil lied to nlv e to the pt pie isiiin inn itiiiiiuu oiiMiiiss or picuaure A LllTLK MOIU-: KOO.M. His stnblltiKtiUo Is (Xtinsle,nnd Is tilted up to ut bueults nnd ennhigts in the dry. Hu promises lliul everjlhluu aLoul his estnblUh uieiit siiull be coniliiittd lu all ordi rly nnd law, fill mnuuer; and ho tesptcttuliy soliclis a share ol Hie public pnlrunuuc. uiyn' T IIE ESPY HOTEL. KSPY, COLUMIIIA COUNTY, I'A. The undersigned would Inform the travelling public Hint h has taken tho above named estnb. Ilshuii lit and thoroughly retltted the same for the pelfccl coinenleucuof hlsgllests. III. larder will be stocked Midi tho best llio market uttords. Tlie choicest liquors, wines nud clgins always lo be found 111 Ills bill', WILLIAM PF.TTIT. Kspy. I'll. JRU'K HOTEL, OIlA.S'GKVII.I.i:, COLUMIIIA COU.S I V, PA. ROI1R M'HENRY, Proprieior. This well known House, having been put In tl.oiouh repair, Is now open lu the liiuelllug public, 'Hie bur Is stocked uilh the choicest Illinois ami elents.nnd the table will be. nt nil tiluis, supplied is till the delicacies of the season. No pains will be spurt d lo Insure the com lot lot tim-sii,. uraugev iiie, nee. iivu'ju. P O R K S 11 O T E L, III.OOMSI1UUG, COLUMIIIA COUNTY, I'A. Tim undersigned has taken Ihls well known House, lately neeupUil by Georga W. Mauger, ami has put It In thorough repair wllh eutliely new hi nil I u re, Ac. lively intention will be paid to the comfort and convenience or uuests. 'Hie bar alHti)N supplied with llio lu st of liquors uud cigars. T, 1I1-1NT. TA YLOK. liHirH'7D-3iii, BUSINESS CARDS, VlHlTI.S'a CAllDS, LL'ITLK IIHADS, HILL HllADS, PKOOHAMMKH, P0STK1W, iU., AC, Neatly and Cheaply Printed From the Latest HtylcscifType at the. COI.UM1IIAN OFFICh BLOOMSBU11G. PA., FRIDAY, AP1UL 8, 1870. Qjhoicf Poetry Tho Ilottso that Jack Built. Ik-holtl tho Mansion ro.ucJ by dipilal Jack, Hco thu inaltfitorol In many n plethoric Hack, In Iho pioud clrqnuof Iv.tu'n blvo lac, Maik ho7 Iho lat'a foloiilnui finjri Invu lo Tho KoMcn Htaroi In JoIhi'm pivtlt m lat1. Anon with velvet f.tot ami Tanuiln Htrliles. Subtile Ortnmlkln lo his quarry ijllilos j urunaiKin Rriin, wno Mo.v the florco rotluttt, WIioro tooth InaMomiK Johiiuir mckcloth rent I iil now, the tleep-inuuthed immIho roo'naisiiuH, That Vexed thn avenger of tho Mnlon unit, 8lored In the hallowed preolncHuf that Imll Thnt ro-o completu at Jack'n creative cull. cru utalkstho Itiipetuom cow with rrumplod norn, Whereon tho oxarerballtijs houn 1 was torn, ho b.tyed tho f)Uuol uuhler bout tint slow Tho rat pred vcwmi. whom Icuen f.ti' r.n thronuh The iextllo (lbre.s that InvotvisU tho Kialu That lay lu Hans' InvlnUtnilomnln, Here Wrtlks Iho forlorn danucl erowuod wllh rue, lactlleroiiH spolU froiu vaeetno nun who draw. Of that eorulouUta beast, whoio tortuom born Tossed to tho cloudy In ileriia, vindictive (j )rn, ho uayliiK hound, whoie braiii;.irt h irl; and .stir Arched tlia lltlio spina and roared tho Indignant fur Of lwt that with vermlnlcldut claw Htrutk tho weird rat, In whoso lniatlnto in iy rocking unit that orst In Juan'iteourt wo Haw. Itnhed lu n'lusiM iit garli that necms, In tooth, Too hmz a p'ey to Chronos Iron tooth, Heboid tho man, whoo amoroni lips Incline nil or young Kros oscu!utivn I5n, olho lorn mntdrii whiso lact-alblo hainU, Drew nlba-lactlo wcilth trom Uctcal glands )f that Immortitl bovine, by wIhhu horn Distort, to icahiiH ethereal wan borne, ho beast ealulcan, vexerof thaltdy Ulji"iC rpiadrupcdal, who made die The old mordaccous rat, lint dared duvoui nturodauootu malt In John's it iiuo-ith bower. o, here, with hlrsuto hoaors dod'jj, .suctrluit, Of look J, tho prlost who Unko 1 n Hymeu'H golden band tho wlyht un thrift Vho4omoaiiKexlgtioiH btarcd from many a ri It, Acn as ho kissel tho virgin all forlorn, Who mllkod the cow with Implicated horn, Who lu leroo wrath theeiulno torturer skied, Ih it darcil to vox tho Insidious murlcldu, Who let auroral ellluenea through the pelt OfthntMly rat tint lobbed tho place that Jack built. The loud cantankerous Mianghao comes at last. Whoso shouts aroused tho shorn cccleslast. Who scaled the vows of Hymen's sacrament; To him who robed In garments Indigent, Inosculates tho damsel lachrymose, The emulator of tho horned brute morose, Thattosiod tho ilog:, that worried tho cat, that hilt The rat that atn IIih malt that lay In the hoae that Jack built. On tho Approach of Spring, touxii os a i.Awvrn's nijiK. Whcrens on reitnln boiiKhs nudsprnys Now divers birds are heard to slug. And sundry tloweis their heads upialsc, Now therefore hall thou coming spiinir. Tin) songs of those snld birds nrouie The memory of our youthful hours, As green as thoso snld sprnys and bought, As fresh and sweet as those sild Mowers. Tho blrdt uforesaid, hapy pairs, Lovo, 'mid the aforesaid boughs, enshrlue-i In freehold nests, themselves, tlislr heirs, Aduiliilstiators nud nsslgns. Oh, busiest term of Cupid's couit, When tender plnlntltrs ncllon brlnr. Season of frolleaudof sport, Unit as nfoiesald, coming Bpilng. rStiiiiCiiliinroufi. (IUU FARM OF TEN AttltUS. Wi: lived once ill the city. Wo had a pretty, couvi nient house, ami were thoroughly comfortable, until sumu evll-ilispo.sed person lent to our mother a copy of "Ten Acres Enough," which gave her an agricultural fuver,resulting lu a determination to ell or rent our beautiful city homo and buy a ten-acre farm In the country. Wo argued and entreated. It was of no uvail. Go we must; and go we did; and before tho house was furnished at thnt. Wo arrived at our estate ouo chilly day lu April. Far-.ieelng mamma had previously sent Frank out with direc tions to "procure servants anil have tho houso warm ami comfortable." Rut such extravagances as servants wero not to be had in the region where we weie toboltle, for lovo or money, and so alter a day spent In fruitless attempts on his part to conjure up one, Frank slurted for tho city, just as wo loft it. As a matter of course, ho carried tho door-key in his po-ket, and as mamma had taken pains that the house bhould bo burglar-proof, wo could not possibly gain admittance. Wo stood upon the piazza, shivering and shaking like Har ry GUI of old, when our attention was suddenly attracted to tho street, where we t-aw a mo.-t diverting spectacle a cow driving a man. I suppose, how ever.that when they started upon their peregrinations tho ortler of their line of nirrcli was reversed. What a lively, playful cow it was! Tho man preceded her by eight or ton yards, with a ropo lu his baud, one cud of which was at taehed to tho cow a horns. IIu was coming toward us at u rapid rate, and tho "sweet crenturo" In Ills wako was tossing her head up antl down, and tf.v reerlng at full tilt after him. Tho man brought forcibly to mind Artemus Wnrd's description of thu "Oallaut nd viinco of the Federal troops towards Washington" alter thu Hull Run battle. Man and cow turned lu our vii rd. "(ih, mamuiit!" I expostulated, in terror, "tell him to tako her right out. What has ho brought that dreadfulcrea turn here for','" Rut before our mother could speak, tho mint announced, "hero's yer cow, ma'am." "My cow?" Maminii turned pale. "Yes, ma'am." "Hut I said she was to hugentlo," fill tered mamma. "So sho Is," replied that false-hearted one, "as genllu and playful us a lamb." Anil ho dodged around a treoas the cow made a precipitate rush at him. "Shall I leavo her here, ma'am V" ho panted. "Oli, nol" wo nil exclaimed In chor un: and mother ordered him to tako her to the haru, uud put her in thu stall, if ho euuhl. 1 wish emphatically that "lliut was all," llku tho rliymo In Mutliur Gousu but It wasn't by any means. They had Just disappeared from sight, when wo heard a fearful shriek, and behold the innn spin tlirouuh llio nlr, nnd como crnslilnf? down tlirotifjli n codnr tree. i'lio cow, "Kcntlo ni a lnnib," had toss ed lilm, mid tho toss nnd tumble litul brolfcn Ills let'. Wo were In n jilcasant picdlcftinont, trfilyl The liouso locked lip; no train from Roston fur two hours: it cross cow nt law; man with a brolc en Ipk to tako cart) of; and three help. leys leiinilcs in distress. Tho ton nercs were a little beyond enough Just at that period. Jleanwhllo tho cow was r.iiiip:int,"Oh, jratid," exclaimed Rose; 'holla 1 I'm sure I heard n innn whistle." clear, melodious litcnturo from "Der I'lehehutz" sounddl up from the road. Holla 1 holla I" I fccreained; "help! helpl" and nyi)iin' man turned In at the avenue, and stood looking nt us. "Oh 1 do come here, sir!" we called lu chorus tiualii. "Oh ! do catch our cowl" for hhe appeared to bo ruminating which of us should have tho next toss. Thoyounu man sprang over tho hedge and mother directed his attention to the vendor of cows, who lay limenslblo upon tho grass, thoroughly cowed. "If one of you will step over to my place, the next on the right, there are two men wliocan come up and remove Iiim," said the stranger, after examin ing the broken leg in a professional way which at once proclaimed that hu was a doctor. "Roslo, will you go?" asked mother, Ilosio looked askanco nt tho cow, but undertook tho errand. Thu stranger held tho galo open for her to pass out, saying: "Tull them Dr. Murrav sent you. Michael and John aro to bring up a cart with n mattress." Then Dr. Murray advanced towards tho cow, who, seeing ho was not afraid of her, immediately grow submissive, After sho was properly secured, and the poor sufferer's broken limb bound up with n splint, mother explained our unfortunate situation to Dr. Murray, who immediately proposed to us to mako his houso our homo until our own was habitable. Mother demurred, but ho insisted, and so it came to pass that when the in jured man was sent homo in tho cart Roslo had been dispatched for, wo nil started en route for Dr. Murray's. Mother explained her grievances. "You see, sir, all this was so unex pected. I ordered our furniture from Wuro's last week, and 'twas to havo been delivered Monday. And I told Frank lo be surennd eugagea couple of servants directly, and have tho liouso ready for us. Then that dreadful cow I why, sir, tho man declared that she was perfectly gentle. I can't imagine where Frank Is, either." Tho doctor assured her that thu cow would bo gentto enough if her calf wero with her,and advhedils being sent for; explained how impossible 'twas to ob tain servants in tho country; suggested that Frank had gone to town lo procure them; condoled with her over tho non appearance of the furniture; and, as by that time wo had reached his house, ushered us Into his warm, cheerful par lor, anil begged us to remove our out side garments ami make ourselves thor oughjy comfortable, while lie went to set the cow driver's broken lea, nr. .Murray's parlor wasa very inter esting study. The room itself, long and wide, with a multiplicity of alcoves und niches, and long, deep windows, opening upon thu verandah and lawn, was delightful. And then everything was In keeping. Light straw matting covered tho floor; tho furniture was cov ered with limit vo linen, and every nr tide of it suggested comfort. Theio was uu open lire lu front of which, on a bright-colored rug, lay stretched out ifi mmense St. Rermird dog, who greeted us in a dignified maimer, and then re timed to his comfortable quarters. Hut tho walks, thealcoves and deep windows! theio lay the charm that held Rosie autl me speechless with delight, Pictures, statues and flowers; oil paint' ings, engravings, water sketches; every variety of plctiii'o,and all of them gems of art; statues in bronze, inarblo nnd plaster, a collection that must havo icon gathered from all parts of tho world, with infinite taste and apprccia turn. Ami me nowors: well, if you had heard Resin's prolonged exultant "Oh, how splendid !" you would havo known what they wero to us. There wero several deep rccessOs till. ed with book-shelves, and as no inhos pitnblo glnss doors, polished and locked up, guarded the ti'ea.siires,they wero ac tcesible. A piano, little and guitar showed i-onichudy was musical; and strewn around tho room wero beautiful foreign nickiincks, bits of marvel from all the points of the compass, and a huge pile of photographic' views from foreign purl Wo concluded that Dr. Murray was a genius, and must havo spent most of his time In travelling. We said as mud to him when he returned. 'Oh, no," said ho ; "I havo travelled a little, hut ihtfeu are Philip's. He's L'reat traveller." wo remained hi tno iioutu until iaio in tho iifternot n, when Frank returned from Huston with two servants, uud at the Mime time threu loaiU of furnlturu arrived for us from Ware's. For some days It stormed heavily, giving us an excellent opportunity to make our now homo habitable. Mntluir had let tho liou-.u lu town, with tho furnlturu and carpets, ami our now homo had been carpeteil, curtiiitiod and newly furnished throughout. As thu e.irpets wero all down, thu curtains all up and tho furniture nil new, it didn't tako in long to "settle." And (hu shining of lliu miii upon our fourth day was hailed with delight. Wo began out fanning operations. Acting upon lliu doctor's suggestion, mother had sent ouo of his men for tho calf, ami after breakfast Fitiiik Invited us alt lulu the barn to sue it. "Poor little creaturo I" sild Frank, "he's been standing ntlll hero for threu whole days; I guess I'll tnku him out, uud exerclsuhim a little." "liuturen't calves very strong?" sug gested Roslo, Frank laughed scornfully. "As If I couldn't hold a e-df!" And ho proceeded to untlo her ami led her j out. COL. Then such n scenu I The moment tho calf felt tho soft grass under her feet, away sho wont over hill, dale, brush and briar, dragging poor exhausted Frank after her, and causing him to practice gyiunnstlc3 In n most ludicrous way. 1 never had Imagined that my broth er possessed such nn nptltudu, for sur mounting obstacle?; bugo bushes wero tnkon uta Hying leap, stono walls prov ed no Impediment trees wero dexter ously dodged, and no French dancing master ever exhibited a greater variety of steps than Frank's elastic limbs ac complished, to say nothing of thu calf's. Finally thu interesting performance was wound up, literally and figurative ly, by tho ealfs's dodging behind a tree, ami then around and around It, ending Hug tho rope so us to bring himself to a standstill, and Frank, suddenly, Into a horizontal position, thereby causing him lo Imagine that tho ground had Mown up and hit bun on tho head. Dr. Murray's factotum, Michael, who had been leaning over tho fence,hugoly enjoying tho wholo scone, now camo forward ami offered his services. With his assistance, thu calf was soon lodged safely in tno barn, and Frank was tak' en in hand by tender-hearted mamma who, fearing that, llko Jack in tho story book, ho had broken his crown treated him as D.imo Hill did her son lo a plaster of "vinegar and brown paper." Jut as the operation was completed thu expressman reined up his horses before our door, ami, alighting, lifted n great box Irom his carl, which ho de posited in our front entry. "What is this, mamma V" we incpilr ed, eagerly clustering around It. "Seeds, my deals, for tho vegetabl and flower gardens." "Oh! you darling!" said Rosie, giv ing her a hug, and then dancing off for n hammer. Hut Frank was beforo her, and com ng up witli a hatchet, soon had the box open. A variety of parcels, large and small all numbered, greeted our eager sight as wueach plunged In a hand to inspect their contents. "What is this, mamma?" "And tills?" "And this?" Mamma looked wondrously wise, as, taking tho first package, she looked first into it, nnd then around it, nnd finally, after a second inner inspection, ventur ed the suggestion : "I think tlieso nro squash seeds." "Oh, mamma!" I exclaimed, "I know they are not squash seeds; they nro threo times as small." "Perhaps they are eantelopes," sug gested Frank. "No, they nro cucumbers," declared Rosie "Are you sure, my dtnr?" asked mamma, meekly. Rosie replied that sho was, mid label led the package neatly. "Now, what aro theso?" said Frank, holding up for Inspection a very bulky package. "Onions I" exclaimed mamma, tri umphantly. uut," taid I, douiiiingiy, "they do not smell nt all; Rode, do you think they aie onions." "Maud Leigh," cried my sister. "I am heartily ashamed of you. Onions, in deed! they are bulbs for thu flower garden -hyacinthe, narcissus, crocus, etc.; but they might its well bo tiro crackers, for all tho use wo can make of them now ; they cannot bo planted un til next fall. Don't you know, mamma, that only gladiolus bulbs and a few of the lilies aro suitable for lato spring planting?" "Stop your lecture on botany, Rosie, Posle, and tell us what is this;" and Frank held up a bag of something. Roslo took it, looked nt it, sniffed at it, and, making a very dubious face at It, avowed that tlio contents wcro"noth ing but sawdust In huge grains." "Anil hero aro two moro bags filled with tlie Mimu!" Frank cried, indig nantly. "It's a shame, mamma," we vehem ently sympathized. Frank's declaration, that tho seed dealer was a "rascal," was interrupted by a knock upon our front door. Our visitor was Dr. Murray. "Good morning," ho said pleasantly, us lie entered the hall, and then glan cing at tlie array of packages, ho remark ed: "You aie making extensivo garden preparations I see." "1 sliouid think so," answered mam ma, n littlo milled ; "the seednian has bent methree bags of sawdust." "Sawdust! my dear madam, thcro must bo some mistake." ".ico for yourself 1" cried Frank, toss ing him tho despised parcels, at the contents of which tho doctor merely glanced, and then, with a not wholly suppressed binile, named them mangold wurzel and beet seeds, "Thero must bo a catalogue," said he, "aceompanyiug thu packages, and in It corresponding numbers to those on tho wrapper will glvo us their names." "An instantaneous search produced tho e italogue. Wo consulted It eagerly, anil Roslo wrote tho names, as tho dif ferent packages wero identified, upon their wrappers, with frequent interjec tions and remarks in parentheses. "No. 10, Mignonette, ah ! that Is nice! 10, Turnips, bah! 1 1, Sweet Peas, mag- nlllceut! ll, Carnations, splendid!' etc,,' finally going olfln a (hitler of delight, with her apron eoqiielllslily drawn up and lllled with a prospective crop of flowirs, her hair very picturesquely disarranged, and her sweet voice warn HK. "Wu aro lliu ilowers, bright, sweet tlotters; Oilsnrlug woof sunny hums." Ami not unlikoa bright, sweet flower, herself, wa-. our pretty Rosie. Meanwhile, Dr. Murray remained patiently by mamma's side, advising, explaining, and giving all tho general liifiirmatlou requisite for an amateur gardener; seemingly duvotod to mam ma's interests, but really concerned In liUowu and Roslu's, if frequent stealthy glances In tho direction which she had departed, aud a Hush of pleasure at her return, might bo taken as Indications of thu same. 1 .i I 1 1 DEM. - VOL. SO.' When tho hist packngo was liilcen out! rank removed tho box. The doctor remarked persuasively to mamma: "1 1 camo over, Airs. Leigh, hoping to be able to luvelghi your young folks into akliiga horsnback rldo with me." "Hurrah I" shouted Fr nk, returning; 'what toy you, girls?" " es, yes, by all means, If mamma Is willing;" anil dear mamma, not liking to &poll our pleasure, gave her consent. Dr. .Murray was determined that no obstnelo should stand In our way, nnd oven when Frank suggested tho rather alarming ono thai wo had no horses, he waived It aside, declaring dial "Phil." always kept a cotiplu of sadille borses, nnd hu had two of his own. Isn't busplendtd?" whispered Roslo n my ear, as wo donned our habits. 'I full Just like giving him a hug, and ailing him a darling!" Which announcement would have irobably pleased the doctor as much as R horrified me. That was n glorious ridel I wish I could fully describe It, but have only time lo rcrnurlc that thu doctor and Rosie were mutually Interested In each other, and Frank nnd I wero left to our own resources a good of tho time. On our homeward routo wo took the postolllco road,and Dr. Murray brought to us, with his own letters, ono to me, post-marked "Paris-," and forwarded from Huston. Ho bunded mo the letter with an air of surprise, which greatly augmented the Hush which pleasuro and embarrassment had sent to my face. "Why, Maudle, that is from Allston," Frank hoodlesMy remarked; "and I brought you two last week. V ell, lie is devoted." "Ho still, Frank," tald Rosie; "come hero ami arrange this girth for me; it Is loose." "Allow me," exclaimed Dr. Murray, starling forward. A caieloss motion of Ids hand throw his letters to tho ground, and tlioro among them lay ono In Philip Allston's own handwriting, nnd nddrcssed to Dr. John Murray Allston." Philip's bioth cr, I knew; but what had our Dr. Mur ray to do with them? Then It flashed upon me. Hoforewowere engaged Philip iiad told mo that he nnd bis brother had lived from boyhood witli their uncle, Dr. John Allston, and all being now physicians, they wero known In their native plnco as Dr. Allston, Dr. Philip and Dr. Murrny. I laughed to myself nt his surprise when I should write to him that wo wero his next-door neighbors at home. Anil I would not tell Dr. Murray for n while yet. Hut Rosio spoiled that part of my plan, for when Dr. Murray rode besldo her again ho said: "So your sister knows Phil.?" "Dr. Allston?" inquired itosie. "Oh, yes ! they are engaged." "Indeed!" exclaimed Dr. .Murray, with n smile of pleasure. "Shall I tell you, Miss Leigh,howl have heard your sister described? As , " 'My Maud Innll her glory, Foiovernud ever mine I Queen lose of the rosebud gulden of glib -Queen Lily and Itoss lu one!' ele." "I thought your sister beautiful, and wished Phil, had rrcon her, beforo en gaging himself to nn English Maud, for he wrote me that ho was made happy in London." "Yes," said Rosie; "Maud was visit ing there. Hut how canto you to know Philip Allston so well?" "Simply because ho is my brother," replied tho doctor. How About Elijah? A Methodist minister was traveling, through tho west of Illinois twenty years ago. Illinois was a wild placo then. Ho traveled twenty miles 0110 daj before coming to n farm house. Hut there bo was received with hos pllallty. Chicken pot-pie and corn dodgers composed his supper; but to a hungry man these aro m good as a stuffed turkey. Thu fine old grandmother of thu Iioibo was most profuse in her hospitality Sho pressed tho pot-pie on the holy man's pinto till ho could eat no more. And then, when tho family was gath ered around tho great log chiintioy and Its blazing (Ire, (ho venerable daino opened her mouth, and then spake: "Ah, well-a day! it's 11 great comfort to havo a minister ofthoGospel inthcso parts. IPs twenty years agono now sinco I havo seen ouoof 'em. I've been a readlii o' my Hiblo all that time, and a waltln' to see a minister to ax him a question about suthn' I don't rightly understand." "Madam," answered tho curious minister, "I am so tired with my long rldo that I could not enter Intou serious question till I havo slept; but if you will ask mo to-monow morning, beforo I bet out, I will answer it to tho best of my ability." The old lady expressed herself satis fied, and tho canning minister secured a soft couch for the night. Tho noxt morning grandma was up early, and hard at work frying slapjacks for tho minister's breakfast. This last being despatched, tho old lady was still in a nervous (ldget about her question, whilo tho holy man's horsu wassaddlcd and brought to tho door. After adjusting his saddlo bag.s nnd shaking hands with nil tho family, he mounted hU horse, and turning lo liiir asked: ' Antl now, Madam, what is your question?" "Waal, minister," said she, "yer know how it sou in tho lllblu, that nrter Elijah was made 11 propliotl,thi httiveiis opened and Elijah was taken up lo heaven In a chariot and horsiM ' fire. It's better nor twouty year sin' 1 llrht seed that in tho Rlble, and 1 havo puz zled over It over since; an' thero ain't a soul ruitn' theso dlgtjlus knows uny moro nor 1. Hut you're a mlnlstor of thu Gospel, 1111' ought to know all them things. Now what I want to know is this: Did thu Lord take up Elijah right slick to heaven, or did ho go klnde slttntuntllclar?" History lias not recorded llio minis ter'd reply, Onward. . XXXIV - HATKS OF AOVFiltTIBlNO. One so,urrc,(Un lint. orlU equivalent In Noo. pnrcll typo) on or two Insertion., II.Mt thr.t lnsertloii.,2.k. ( . , r , . ,i "jT Onc.quare I2.W tJ.OQ 11,00 18,00 I10,t Twonquaic S,50 6,00 7, CO 9,U0 li,M Thriiojquarcf.KS.W 7,00 e.oo 12,00 .ll.ft Foui qaarcIii..7 00 9,00 ij 11,00 t17,MYatoo Quarter column.. 10,00 12,00 14,00 20,30 '&J Half column.. 13,00 11,00 M00 90,00 60,0 Olio column -.30,00 .110,60 , 10,00 GO00 100,09 Executor's or Administrator's Notice, tl0 t Auditor or Assignee'. Notice, Local notliW, twenty cents ft Hhe; by tlieyear ten cents, cVrdi lntlio"nnslnesnireclory" rolumn,t.0 it ytit for the first two line., and ll.OUfor Mfc, md!tlorlnllln . Sho rat Contributor Corrects', -. History. llEBIVrsKOMF. !N'011TANT t'ACTH nlflllT A lato writer professes to provo be yond dlsptitothntno Fticli person ns W1U Ilnin Tell over existed, nnd thereby knocks tho story Df tho npplo Into.a; cocked hat. ICxehange. Certainly not, wo knew that at tup time. No such man over lived, nnd he didn't shoot nil' npplooiT ills hoy's hcadj ami he didn't reply to Gcsler when asl ul why ho had concealed another "arV row" In bis shirt bosom "ter kill th'ec,' tyrant, hud 1 slain ino boy !" hs Ihtf luelo-dramatlo gentleman says in "tlie play; 'causo why, thero witsii'Qiny Gesler, nml Tell didn't Jiavo any boy, and ho couldn't shoot with n crossbow,, nnd the applq crop vas entirely eul"ofjj that year, anyhow. Generation after gencrutlon of credu lous nnd confiding readers havo been taken In regarding Tell and a reat many other heroes of tho past. Vfo havo lndisputoblo ovldence that Chris topher Columbus didn't discover Amer ica. America discovered him, but ho got to n newspaper ofllco first and took nil the credit to himself. No such man as Columbus over iived. Alexander tho Great didn't cut tho Gordlan Knot, but got ono of tho Dav enport Brothers to untie it, und lib didn't weep because there wero no more worlds to conquer; but laughed nnd kicked up his heels and wickedly said, "It's only this world and tho next nnd then we're through." Alexander tho Great was no great shakes after all. Tom Allen could whip him the best day ho ever saw, and we'll bet on It. Julius Ctcsar has gono into history. as a victim of assassins. No such thing. Ho hired folks to kill him for a sensa tion, and so tho widow Crcsar could col Icct his life insurance. Rusiness was dull at the time antl ho made money by It. Honnparto didn't die on tho Mt. St. Helena, because ho never went there. Ho put In a substltuto and then fled to Canada, whero ho still lives, keepings toll gate near Maiden. IIo frequently visits Detroit, and lias reached tho old idvanced ago of'clgbty.flve. IIo wasn't captured by Powhatan nnd Pocahontas didn't resctio him, for ho was released on a writ of habeas corpus issued by the United States Supreme Court. Shakcspcnro never wrote any plays, fiis plays wero all written by Uourci- cault nnd adapted to tho stage by Mc ICcau Buchanan. Washington dldu't use n hatchet on his father's cherry tree lie took his knifo and girdled it and ho could tell a lie, if ho wanted to, but ho didn't want to; ho knew ho could get off oasier without it. Ills name wasn't Georgo Washington originally. Thero wero so many peoplo named George Washing Ion, and so many counties aud towns called Wasjilngton (including the capi tal of tho nation) that he camo to like tlieuamojiuid had his own namo chang ed to George Washington by net of the legislature. How history does IIo. Tho fly has Its uses. He serves to keep bald-headed sinners nwakeiitcliurch on a warm day, so that their uurcgeuurale hearts may bo touched by the preached word. A gentleman asked aiiegro'boy If hu wouldn't tnko'n plnclfof snuff. "No," replied thcdurkny, very ''respectfully, "me tank you. Poinp's'ntua not hun gry." ' - A lady teacher was endeavoring to Impress upon her pupils the torrlblo ef fect of'tho punishment of Nebuchad nezzar, saying : "Sovon yoars bo nto grass llko n cow," when it boy asked; "Did ho glvo milk?" A lady has a Sunday-school class In one of tho churches. Two brothers at tend It alternately. Ono Sunday a lady asked one of tho boys if ho would be thereon tho following Sabbath? "Oh! 110," says he, "I can't, its my turn to saw wood !" Rabies are thoeouponsnttnehed to tho bunds of matrimony. The Interest is duo at rnudoni. . Why was Pharaoh's daughter llku a broker? Recatiso sho got it littlo pro phet from tho rushes on tho banks. A bachelor, in commenting upon tho largo amount which Queen Victoria saves annually from her s.ilary,remark ed that "thero was a widow worth going for." Mr. Sinimssays if it" wasn't Tor tho holo In tho hoop you couldn't put It on tho barrel, and tho barrel would burst. A correspondent (iininarrietl)suggosts that Solomon's wisdom was duo to tho fact that ho had seven hundred wives, whom ho consulted on all occasions, Loving wife at Long Hrancli "Tho horrid surf makes pio keep my mouth shut." Sarcastic husband "Takosomo of It homo with you." "Thkn your watch dou't run regu lavly?" asked a Pike's Peakjeweller or a customer. "Not a run, soured 011 1110 twice yes today." Tin: Pennsylvania Rcservo Associa tion will meet at Lock llnven on Hie 7th of May. Tho HepubUean says a meeting of tho Soldiers lu that vicinity was heltl on Thursday week to complete arrangements for the reception anil en tertainment of the members of tho As sociation, nnd nnother meeting is to bo hold on tho lllst Inst. Col. Win, H. Maim, of Philadelphia, will deliver the address nt the meeting of tho Absocla. Hon in May. Kvuuy Americnn boy lias aright to lenrti whatQvorlpinestirado his own in clination, underdils father's direction, may lend lilm to. And when hu lias leniiud it, any man bus a right to oiler lilm employment, and ho lias n right to accept It. All combinations that In frltigo upon thiho aie against the plain- est interests o tho community. A young lady nronouf tho Urt fam ilies of Hridgeport, whoso father inndo 11 foitiitiu selling motqulto-bar blankets furnriiiy me, went into a drugstore, tho other day, and asked for a bottlo ct "Hair Manure" It was "Rencwor" that she wanted.