THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARMER'S COLUMN. Farm-Yard Song. 11 v J.T, Tnownntoai. Over the hill the rami boy goes, 111 shadow lengthens Along Ih land , A giant stuff lu rt giant hand I In tho poplar trees above the sprlug, The katydid begins to sing) Tho early dews are ailing I lntothestonoheapdartsthomlnki i Tho swallows iklm the river's brink ; Aud home to the woodland fly the crows. When over the hill the farm-boy goes, Cheerily calling "Co,' boss 1 co', boss I co' 1 oo' 1 co' I" Farther, farther oyer the hill, Faintly calling, calling, still "Co", boss 1 co', bossl co',1 co' I" Into the yard the farmer goes, With grateful heart at the dose of day ; Harness and chain arc hang away i In the wagon-shed stand yoko aud plow ; The slraw'a In the stack, the hay In the mow, Tho cooling dews are falling; The friendly sheep his welcome bleat, The pigs come granting to his feet. Whinnying mare her master knows, When Into the yapj the farmer goes, Ills cattle calling 'Co', boss! co', boss I oo'l co t co I' While still the cow boy, far away, Goes seeking those that have gone astray, "Co', boss I co', boss I col cot col" Now to her task the milkmaid goes, The cattle como crowding through the gate. Lowing, pushing, little and great; About the trough, by the farm yard pump, The frollcksome yearlings frisk aud Jump, While the pleasant dews are falling. Tho new milch hotter ts quick and shy, But the old cow waits with tranquil eyo ; And the whlto stream Into tho while pall flows When to her task the milkmaid goes, Soothingly calling "Ho boss I so, boss t sol so t" Tho cheerful milkmaid takes her stool. And sits aud milks in tho twilight cool, Saying, "Bo, bossl so, boss I sot sol" To snpper at last the farmer goes, The apples are pared, the paper read, The stories are told, then all to bed; Without the crickets' ceaseless song, Makes shrill the silence all night long; The heavy dews are falling, The housewife's hand has turned tho lock ; Drowsily ticks the kitchen clock, The household sinks to deep repose; Hut sllll tho farm boy goes, Hinging, calling "Co boss I co', boss t co t co t co I An on the milkmaid, In her dreams, Drums In the pall with flashing streams. Murmuring, -'Ho, bossl sol" Atlantic Almanac. Hoot Crops for Feeding. Wo bclirJVo thoro Is a steady increase in tho cultivation of turnips, parsnips, beets, and carrots, for feeding cattle. Intelligent men who havo tried tho ex periment fairly ate not content to go back again to feeding with hay and grain exclusively. There is a great craving among cattlo for something succulent and Juicy in tho winter, that is best met by theso roots. The animals thrivo better, and other food goes fur ther, for this chango in the diet. "We havo no doubt that the cultivation of roots as field crops would oxtend much moro rapidly if farmers know how easily they could bo raised. With suit able implements nearly nil tho culti vation can bo done by horse power. The only occasion for tho hand hoe Is in tho first weeding and in thinning out tho plants to make a good stand. Old ground Is. better than a fresh turned sod, as tho soil needs to bo finely pulverized. Wo have always had tho best results from deep plowing and subsoiling. Fine compost or concentrated fertili zers should bo used, ono-half plowed in and tho other half sown broadcast and harrowed In. It is a help to soak beet, carrot and parsnip seed for a day or two before sowing. Then mix them with superphosphate of Iimo, and sow with a drill. Tho young plants make their appearance beforo tho weeds, and tho rows aroso strongly marked that they can bo hoed out with very little labor. Tho cultivator should bo started between tho rows as soon as tho plants are visible, very much labor is saved and larger crops are realized by timely and frequently cultivations. Stir the ground between tho rows every ten days until the plants get -possession Tarsnips should bo put in early in the spring. Carrots sown Juno 8th make a good crop in the latitude of .Now York, and Ilutabagas and Wlilto French tur nips may be delayed until July 1st. It is easy to raise from COO to 1000 bushels of roots to tho acre at an expense of not moro than 15 cents a bushel. Try an acre of roots. tinier. Agr. Usoful Hints. A bit ofgluo dissolved In skim milk will restore crape. Hlbbons of every kindshould bo wash ed in cold suds and rinsed. If your flat Irons aro rough rub thorn with fine salt and it will make them perfectly smooth. If you aro buying a carpet for dura bllity chooso small figures. A bit of soap rubbed on tho hinge of a door will provent Its creaking. Scotch snuff put in hole whero crick ets come out will destroy them. Wood nshes and common salt wet with water will provent tho cracking of a stove. Btronglyo put inhard water wlllmako It soft as rain water. Haifa cranberry, it Is said bound on a corn will soon kill It. Cold Ouatard. Sweden to your taste, ono quart of iniiK wiin wnito sugarjstlr into it a tablospoonful of wlno In which a rrm. net has beon soaked : if this does not flavor tho milk sufficiently add more wlno without the ronuct ; or, if tho uso of winoisnn objection, tho rennet may bosoeked In water. In warm weather ono hour before His to bo served will bo the proper time to make Jt, as It is noi goou lr tlio curd Is hard. As soon as tho rennet is put into tho milk stir it iu cups to coagulate. Or you may servo inn a glass uowj. it Is to bo eaten with cream, It may be inado as abovo directed, without the sugar, and served with sweetened cream and grated nutmeg. A few years agolt wasstated In some of tho agricultural papers that four quarts of alr-slacked lime, applied to a ton of clover hay would prevent Its heating Iu tho mow if cot in half cured. I tried It on my clover, putting it Into tho barn In n condition that It would not have kept a week without thollmo, uiid Jt cnuio out In tho winter as nlco as any hay I over saw. Potatoes tire, as a geuentl thing, worked too much. Ono harrowlojr, after they nroabout two Inches high, with the (jack or Iho harrow, to Jovel ground anu to destroy weeds, then two plow- Ings is enoughj but they should not bo limed up Jt injures Iho vine, and, Jn our opinion, causes the rot many times Hhrn it might bo avoided. THE YOUNG FOLKS. Dllly Flaying School. iiy it. F. El 1,1, A. "There, nowl If that Isu't Just too badl When I worked all this long day, till almost dinner (lino, dro'ful hard, to getall my children ready to go to school; and now mamma says maybo perhaps somo company might como, and I bet tertako my playthings up-stalrs. Play- things! H'mt Just as though I couldn't havo lots of boys and girls, nnd send them to school, nnd not havo them bo playthingil "I'm tho echoolmistrcss, now, I be: andl'vogol mo two sticks little ones, not as big as mama's groat one 'causo I p'sumo sorao of thonnughtlest ones will havo to bo punished. "It'll tnako mo feel real had, I know; but I'sposo I must, If they don't bo careful. Oh! I must havo somo names for them, or olso I shan't know who tho naughty ones aro. 'Now you great wax doll, that got all tho hair molted off ono sldo of your head when you fell on tho stovo, your nanio is Sturm Mnriu Ann Jano Ami strong. "Oh, my! that's such it long namo, Mm'frald I can't member names enough to go round, 'causo I'vo got n big china one, nnd fee llttlo china ones, and a wooden boy, and two tin soldiers, and a candy boy that whistles. 1 6hall havo to whip him I know I shall 'causo ho makes a nolso Just as easy iw nothing. And then tho baker gavo mo a ginger bread boy, that is a poor llttlo lamo boy, 'causo I bit one leg off, to soo If It was swcctl "Then I made ono with mama's hau' chief and a ball of yarn, and two with my aprons; and I'vo got over so many paper ones, too, nnd ono great long class, all taking hold of hands. That's what Kato cut out for mo. Oh, doar! I don't know how I shall over get along with so many. It Is such a great 'spoil- slbll'y. I heard papa say so. "I know what I'll call that ono that wears such n dirty dress, and goes bar' foot. That's Maggie Flynnl It looks Just llko sho does when sho goes by and pulls off mamma's roses through tho fence. And thoonowith thorcd checks, that I put somo paint on, I'll call her Nancy, 'causo I know ono Miss Nancy that always has red checks on when sho goes to meetin'. "And this ono with her faco almost rubbed out I think you'd hotter bo 'Mandy Miles. Mandy 's always crying, and I guess sho'll get her faco nil rubbed out somo time, nnd then sho'll look llko you. And this llttlo gingerbread boy, I don't know whether to call him Swcot William or Jimmy Bond. I know t poor llttlo lamo boy, and Mi namo Is Jimmy Bond, an d his mamma says ho isjust tho sweetest llttlo boy that ever wa3. I do 'claro I guess his mamma bit his leg and mado him lame, elso how did sho know he was so sweet? Surel I never thought of that beforcl "I'spcct I must, call tho ono I mado out of my apron 'Dllly,1 'cause It's all mo, only tho cob I put In to mako it sit up straight, and 1 don't need my namo now, 'causo mlno is Missis Schoolmistress. I guess this wooden ono won't learn much, 'causo I think he must bo a blockhead! "Now you that aro on tho fablo, 'mo mber you is tho first class, 'causo you aro tho highest up ; aud all you that aro In the window aro tho next clas3, and the primer class may stay in the chairs. "Oh, my! if hero isu't my kitty! Now I'll Just run nnd get mamma's glasses aud put 'em on her, and sho'll mako a nice 'mltty man. I saw where mamma put her glasses, and sho won't know if I get them, 'causo sho novcr wears them if sho is goln' to havo comp'ny. Thoro, now, kitty; you sit right iu tho big chair, and hear my chll'ron spell. "You great Susan Maria Ann or something, your may spell 'horse.' Say b,' 's,' 'm,' 'a,' 't,"p'andl guess that will spell horso and carralge, 'too, p'r'hap3. " Now that littio teaily mito of a china doll, that didn't havo any name, moy spell 'bird.' No! that's too largo n word; you may spell "caterpillar' that's; smaljer! I guess Iwou't hear any moro spelling, but I'll havo a class lit goog'fy now. I know lots of geog'fy. I heard Johnny sayln' it out of his big book. 'Now, then, Dllly, what State do you livolny "Mertcanl" That's right; and wheredocsGrandma Fletcher live? 'Don't knowl" Well I shall havo to punish you, If you don't know that. I'm 'shamedof youl know! Sho Hvos In Undo John's great red house, way up In tho country. Now, you must 'member next time. "Mandy, what you think is tho big gest placeln till tllo world? 'New York!' Yes, indeed! guess it Is; 'cause every body koops goln thero most nil tho time. " Now, you llttlo gingerbread Jimmy, which of y our hands is tho Eastt 'That one.' well, nnd Is tho back sldo of your head North or South? 'Don't knowl H'm Jdo. It is always North behind you, and South Itfront of you. Johnny's book says sol "Now, Nancy, what you llvo on? 'Tho earth.' What is tho earth mado of? 'Dirt and water. What is there at both ends of It? 'Somo potest' And what goes round themlddloof It? 'A icrum-fmcel Why Nancy, you'vo got your lesson splendid. You'Uho at tho head nnd havo tho meddle! "Now, I'll hearthoclassln'rlthmetlc. Susan Ann, If you had two apples, and Johnny el ght, nnd Mary flvo, how many should I have? 'Ticenty-im-tlx!' That's right. Well, If I gavo them all a way but one, how many should I havo toft? 'Not any!' How many is ono and two? 'Iiucklorny shoo ce und four open tho doorl' That's right You'vo got your lesson so well you need not say tho rest of It. "Now, wo must slngabout 'Mary had a llttlo lamb,' and then wo'U bo 'amlssed and have noon, 'cnuso I'bo awful tired, and hungry, too; and I guess I shan't be Bflioolmlslrees any more to-day. "Oh, dear mo I I forgot all npout my 'mltty man, nnd he's lunnednwny with mamma's glasses sticking right on his head, and I don't know whero ho has gonoto. Kilty! kitty I kitty I Oh, hero, you aro, drinking your milk, and you'vo dropped your glasses right luto tho sau cer. Ido'clarol Now I shall havo to wath them. Dear mo! I shan't ulay with you any moro to-day, now you'vo mado mo so much boddcr. I'm going to lielp mamma get ready for com'ny this afternoon." DtmoreU'i Yoima America, Stoves and Tinware N EV STOVK AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH UAUENllUCH, Mftlu Btreet ono door ribovo V Momleii hnll's A largo fiRiortnicnt of Htnvei, Heaters nnd ItntiRoi ronutflntly on liaml, ftiul for mile ut llio lowc-Ht rntca. Tinuliig In nit Us brnnchPH carefully ntlomUtUo, mid sMUfiictlon RuaruuU'til, Tin work of nil kltuU w holi-Kulo nml retail, A iriru u rrqncBieii. TOVES AND TIN WAKE. A. m. lturisivr auuouucos to his frleuds and customers that continues the abovo business at his old place on MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURO. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of article found In a Stovo nnd Tlnwara Es tablishment In tho cities, nnd on tho most reason able terms. llepnlrlnsUon'oatthoshorleetnotlce, 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. N KW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OH MAIM STREET, NEARLY 01T0SITK WII.LK11 8T0IIR, BLOOMSnUHG, TENN'A. The undersigned has Just fitted up and opened It If now STOV13 AND TIN SHOP, n tli In olnee. whero ho Is pre pa retl to moke uii new Tin Waiik of nil kind in his Hue, nnd do repairing wiui neatness nnu uwpnicn, upon lue must rensouabltj terms, lie also keeps on haud BTOVE3 OF VARIOUS I'ATTKltNS & STYLES, which ho will sell unon terms to suit purchaser, fit vn him n mil. Hols n uchhI mrrliniilc. nnil deserving of tliopuhllo patronage. J! loom s bur;, April 116, 1S67. Foundries. s HAIUVLESS A IIAUjtfAN, KACILU FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING bltOF, STOVES &. TLOWS WHOLESALE & RETAIL TIIK CELEBRATED MONTROSE IRON I1BAM AND TUB HUTTON WOODEN REAM r LOW'S. Castings and Flro Brick for rennlrlntr city Stoves. All kinds or Brass or Iron casting muilo to order upon short notice. it. r. niiAiii iico.-) is x-tO.iiAu.HAfl, nioomsburc. l'a. I'ronrletors. Mur.l9,'0Si-tf. 0 KANGEVIIjIjIS foundry, MACIIINK BII01 AND AUU1CULTUUAL WU11KM. Tho undersigned desires to Inform liU filtnds nnd the publlo generally, that ho has rebuilt and emargeu ins rounury nuu uciainuaiaujt.niHi re moved nil his business from Light Utreet to tho above namod place, where in connection with msi'uunury no win conunuo 10 inanuiacuiro Whnnler's Rnllwav Chain II orse-l'ower nnd Thresher, (Improved), (. 'am ell's l'a tent. TIIUESUEIt AND CLEANER, either overshot for Tread-Vower or uudeishol with Lever-Power, lie also manufactures to order and 11 ta up all kinds of MILL Q E A It I N G , Circular Saw Mandrels, Patent Slides for Raw Mills, the latent improved lion Ileum Plows of dlllcrent kinds Wooden Ileum Plows, Double Corn Plows, and Plow 1'oluU of every descrip tion generally used throughout the county, 1H0N KETTLES, HELLS Cellar Urates, Stoves, Sled and Sleigh Holes, nnd In fuct everything generally madelna couutiy Foundry. 'Ihoso wishing to purchase Machines would do well to ex limine his machines, nnd the lmproements made on the powcr,by which at leait 20 per cent, of tho friction is taken oil', ALL MACHINES AllE WAKUANTED to give good satisfaction, and terms made to suit fturchakers. All kinds cf ecuutry produce taken u exchauge for Plows nnd costings. Thankful to his friends and patrons for past favors lie would htlll continue to sollcllthe same. WJLLIAM SC1IUYLKH. Apr.0,G9-tf Orangevllle Pa, ANTED AGENTS FOB THE KING OP HOUSE BOOKS: TUB AMERICAN farmer's house book. It outsells.ten to one, any book of Us kind publish ed. 40th thousand In prews. Agents doing better now Uut n ever before. Also, for OUB FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Iu both ENGLISH mul GERMAN, Embracing the ALLOPATHIC, HOMEOPATHIC, HYDRO PATIIIC, ECLECTIC and HEMIAL modes of treatment, Sll closely printed pages. Trice only 82.50. ZTie most complete, reliable ami rj)ou !uiy family medical book (11 existence. Address O. P. VENT, rubllshcr, IB W. till St., Cincinnati, Ohio. febH'90-lm S.'-.v.-j a... .i.i,uriin n.iinni.. I inrinnsiLU. tlie.7 Want thO mrisrrkiniiliir nml luu.1 Lllfn.. I1I..GI Vv . - " n . ... . .. . . . subscription books published, nml the moitlib. eraltmm. Hcmtforclrciilnrs. ThcyivlllcoKtyou nothing, and mayboof great beneflt to you. fcbll'70-ly. Insurance Agencies. Q. L O B E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. Plluy l'reeman, President, H. C. Freeman, Boo Cash capital over 52,000,000, all paid. J. B. BO BISON, BLOOMSBUllG, PA GENERAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. , Aug. 20,'ffi)-ly. JNBUUANOE AGENCY. Wyoming , 1170.000 JRtua , 4,000,000 Fulton. 800,000 North America iloo.OU) City 450,000 International 1,400,000 Niagara. I.OOO.OUO Putnam &30.0G0 Merchant .... .. 1130,000 Bprtngficid GVO.O'X) Farmers' Danville..... (00,000 Albany City 400.000 Lancaster City . 210,000 York Horso, Death & 'J liult 03,000 Home, New Haven ... 1,000,000 Danville, Hort,o Theft FItEAB liltOWN, Avmt, IlLOOMSllUlUl, Pa rauiB.CI-ly, For Purs WsUr, m luiscuebriloai-stnp, catireij usieieil, durabls sad rella bUt equal to tbs good old-fujliloaod wooden Pump, aud rjb24&b2b coil Ins thin hall the monty. ull trr&ngod 0 as to t tion-freazioe. aud In comtrnetlon so iloinla tbat sn ens can put it up and IMP It In rtpalr. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP UVM MADS. Oct.22,'69-(ira. D ENTISTBY. II. C. IIOWEU, DENTIST, Respectfully offers his professional services to vub ituiies uuu ssuiiemeu 01 uioomsuurg and VI clntty. nrenared to attend tnnlltfif. vnrf. pus operations In tho Hue of his profession, and ts provided with the latest Improved I'okcilain 11 wmcii win uo inserieu on koiu plating, silver and rubber base to look as well as the ualV ural teeth. Teeth extracted by alt the now anil most approved methods, and all oiwrallous on theUetflCarerullvfllt.l nrnn.W a I f ...ii 1 ml li Hesldence and oltlce a few doors above' the) illoomsburg, Jan. 31. 'twit ft UEENWOOU SEMINARY. The Spring Ternfof this Institution will onen 011 MONDAY, APRIL Mh, 1S70. and tho llrst quarter of fcleven wicks will terminate 011 the llrst of July, when there will bo a vacation until tiie sui ui August. Jloardlmr students, not placed under lliolm. mediate charge of relations, are expected to I, . 1 Quiuiumy, uuu ouariicrs inusi juru ii iucii uvu luweis, Ac. TERMS t Boarding and Lights, per quarter IMOO Tuition, do 7.00 to si) uu wuveuiio class uo 4.uo lu aw Washing extra, and all hills payable, one-half lu advance, and balance at or Wore the end of me 'limner, t or luriliir particulars Inquire ol Mlllvllle, March 4, 1870-2m. I'rlncliiil. ?OIt SALE. About nrty-flve fset 13i in. Hhartliuj wilh plate couplings ami hangings complete, now iu use but too light for our work, AUoslxty feet new suartlng ln. slid 2 In. turned, with plate coup lings aud adjustable hangers. Will be sold cheap AImj oueTbreah'njfMuchliif. Apply to d.,7.' N. W.HAMPLKtfcOO. Drugs and Chemicals. PIllENIX PECTOnAIi CWREH COUOIII P1KEN1X PKCTOltAIi CUltKil COUOIII P1UENIX PECTORAL CUREH COUOIII 25 ClCNTS. Tho Mueulx 1'eMoral will euro tho diseases of tho Throat nnd LungH, such an CoMa, Cough. Croup, Anthnia.IIronchllls, Catarrh, Koro Throat lioarsenpnn, wimoniug uouku, nnu mimonary Conauinptlon, ThN mrtllolno n prepared by l)r, Lovl Obcrholteerof rhlladelphla, nnd formerly of riio?nlxvlUo, Ia., nnd nllhouRh It has only been otTered for five years, moro than one mill mnndforltlB lncrcaftlne every day. Many of me ueinu unigKisis ouy 11 in 101s 01 live Rros, aud not a few of tho Country Storekeepers try oneBrosfttntliua Nearly every ono who lina ever Hold Ittcstlllea loltHiopularlly(nnd nearly all who havo used It, bear teixtlmouy to IU won derful power lnrurliiR Coueli. Wo nroconfldent that thero Is no known medicine of such great vaino to tho community as thorno?nix rectorai, It has cured cases of tho mostpalnful and dls trashing courIi, of years standing. It linn olvfii limijiiit rollff InHnpllsnf touchlnir. It has Instantly stopped tho paroxysm of vnooping cougu, ami greatly snorteucti us uu ration. It linM rtirnit Prnun in n fnwr inlnnlm. Consumption has been cured by 11, whero nil nllirr roiiirxlloa liml fnllpil tn tin poimI. Hoarseness has been cured by It In n single UIRI1U Alany physicians recommend lt.and others nso It theniHelvesnnd administer It lu their practice while others orposo it because 11 takes nway incur uiiHincss. Wo recommend It to our readers nnd lor fur thcrpnrtlculars. would refer you to tho circular around thobottlo where you will llud numerous ceriiucnics given uy perKous who iiuvb imt-u iu It Is so pleasant to the ta.ste that children cry forlt. It Is aslimulalliiff expectorant, giving strength at tho samo llmo that ll allays tho cougn. Tho proprietor of this inediclno has fo much confidence lu lis curative powers from tho testi mony of thousands who havo used It that tho money uorciimucd 10 any purcuascr wnuis nol satisfied with thoeircct-s. It Is to cheap that nil can buy It. I'tlco 25 Cents, Lnrao Dottles tl.00 It Is prepared only by LUVl OIIKUUOLTZKU M. D., No. 15S North Third Hireet. Plilladelnhtn. N. II, If your nearest Iirugglst or Btorokeoper does not havo tills mcdlchio ask him toRct It for you, nud tto not letliiui put ou otr wltli somo other preparation becnuso ho inarfes moro mon ey on It; but go or send at onco to somo sloro wnero vou Know It is kent. or semi In Dr. Ober- liollzcr. Hold by 10. p. Lutz Druggist, lllooms bnrir, and H. W. Lrcasy, ,t (., I.tghl Hlrcet, and nrnny every urugisi nuu siorcKecpor in Colum bia County, dec. 10,'00-Cm, 910,000 UUAIIANTKXC, BUCK IiEAD KXUKIS ALL OTHER I.lIAI) I Isl, Tor Its tlnrlvalod Whiteness, 2d. Tor Its Unequalled Durability, ltd, For Its Unsurpassed Coverlug Pnuierty. Lastly for Its Economy. 63-H COSTS M!S3 to paint with Ilunc Lead than nny other Whlto Lend extant. The samo weight covers MORK BUltl'ACK, Is moro DUR- Aiii.u, nnu wanes wuivlt, HUCK LIIAD, is tho Cheapest nud Best. 10,0110 aUARANTKE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS. 1st. V'or ltn Unequalled Durability, Sd. l'or Its Unrivaled Whiteness, :tl. Por its Unsurpassed Coverlug Property. lastly, for its Ureal Kconomy, being tho CHEAIT.ST, HANDSOMEST, and most nuiiAiiI.K Whlto Paint In tho world, n u Y o N i, Y HUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND HE CONVINCED. HUH faction Ouarantcod by tho Maun facturcrs, BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expressly for Painting uuti-auks, uut I1UILDINUS or every descrlp tlon, FENCES, Ac. THIRTY-HIVE DIFFER ENT COLORS, Durable, Cheap, Uniform, and iieauiuui snaaes. Samplo cards tent by Mall If desired. Dealers Orders will be promptly executed by tho manufacturers, FRENCH, RICHARDS Jt CO., N. W. Cor. Tenth and Market Streets, Jau2S'70-ly. Philadelphia LORlLLAItD'B "KUIIEKA' Smoking Tobacco Is an excellent article r,f DTnmilfllnl Vlmlnln wherever Introduced it is universally aumirod, It is put up In handsome muslin bags, lu which orders for Meerschaum Pipes aro dally packed. LORILLARD'H I classed bv all who com YACHT CLUB sumo Itastho-ilnest of Smok ng Tobacco " !" "n,,uo of tho t ., . I choicest leaf grown; It fs nntl-ncrvous lu its effect, as the Nicotine has been cxtiacted: it leaves no disagreeable teste alter kmoklng;lt Is very mlld.llght in color and wclght.henco ono pound will lastns longns3 . uiuiuaij ivuuivu. jii luia uruuu WO also paci orders every day for llrst quality Meerschaum ripes. iry It and couvlnco yourselves It Is all lb i-imitin io Uf, "1 111. r iPtXJil Ul- AJ.L." LORILLARD'H I This brand of Flna Cut C E N T U It Y I chewing tobacco has no Chewing Tobacco. Xar'o.0ri"tU,ni,rlwr.t?.o;:i """' uei cncwing touacco in tlio country LORILLARD'H S N U P F 8 I havo now been lu cen. eral use In the United "'' 'UII niknowleitged "Uio best" wherever imaics over no years, If vmir kt.nrrlrnntir.r .inn.. , ifj'i?L,,''.lt','.n".k,'vm lo.ect them; they aro sold by respectable Jobbers almost everywhere. Urcniar of prices forwarded on application, i , . P. LORILLARl) 4 CO., Jau.!l'70.3m Ncw Vork, o MNIBUS LINE. The uudcrsignod would resjoctfully announce to tho cltliens of Bloomsbnrg and the publlo gene rally iua no is running an OMNIBUS LINE between this place and the different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), toconnectwlththo several trains going South and West on the Cata- wiasa and Wtlllamsport Railroad, and with those going North and South on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad. His Omulbusses are In good condition, commo- uious anu comfortable, and charges reasonable. pel sous wishing to meet or see their friends de part, can bo accomodated upon reasonable charge by icavlug timely notice at any of the hotels. JACOB It UIRTON, Proprletoi o UANC1EVILLE ACADEMY. ORANOEVILI.E, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA PROF. E. J.SCIIOONOVER, Prluclpal, MRS. E. J. HCIIOONOVER, Preceptress, This Institution, for tlio education of young Ladles and Gentlemen, will ro-open under cinirKu in i-roi. Hcnoonovtr.ou mokday April 4.1S70. 'Icai hers. of acknowledged ability and lllull OrdCr Of taleilt. Will limhlncnl lnm,li department, and no effort spared to securo to pin ma iMuiuugu uuu juuicious cuilllre, Iho course or Instruction will include all tho branches usually taught In High Schools and rrc.iiiimi im ui niu tlfhl rilUU, Hiieclal attention given to Normal School miming nuu i;i)iuuiemai lusiruciion, TEItMS: i-nmary iieparlment 3 to J5 per Quarter 11 ighcrll ranches to to h per Uuarter I)CATIoN:-Thls excellent Institution Is lo cated lu a pleasant village of about six hundred lubabltaBfa frie from the temptations of a lurgo clly-ahoutslx inllea from the Rail with dally comuiunlcatloii to the diriereut roads, the buildings aro situated upon an elevation, ho'altiiy CalUirU' Elovei'l,,d Perfectly .CAW?.N1.,AU '''0K lS70!-Sprlng session begins April 4tli, 170 and continues 13 weeks, following which thero will bo a vacation or alx weeks. ran icrm commences August 15, 1870, continuing 11 weeks. Winter term opens November 7, 1670 EXPENSES: Boaid can bo obtained iu prl vate famlltra nl t-l FJI In -..k.1 . desirable rooms will bo furnlsliod to ttude'uts iviaiuug iu pruviue tor lueniscivcs. Scholars will be admitted at uuy tlino during the session although It Is preferable to commence with the term. atOmngev1merPa"CUlar8,'lJ,ll'C" "la ""'P1. AUOIPS UAW IIO.NK SUPElt l'JIOSPIIATE OF L1JIE. TRADE MARK BPIUNO 1870. V A It M E II 8 ! INCIIEAHG YOUB CHOI- or CORN, OATS, POTATOIIS, WHEAT AND ORABS, As wnll iu ADD TO THE FERTILITY OK YOUR SOIL Hy a Judicious aud Economical mode of MANURI HO. OCT THE VALUE OF YOUR OUTLAY THE riitna ni.AOUCi, OUTAIN HETTER FILLED EARS AND HEAVIER (IUA IN. KEEP YOUR SOIL FREE FROM NOXIOUS it ir.iA-9. MAKE YOUR LANDS PERMANENTLY FERTILE. n..n- urvwixr . . v BiA,w4fl j curs ui constant use, on all crops, has proven that Baugli's Itaw Hone I'uos. uuillia IMI'IIUVKU AND STANDARD For sale by Agricultural Dealers cencrallv. JJAUdH A SONS, m r . iauuiiiciurers. Offlce-No.aiB, Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. luunowwn. Hail Roads. LAGKAWAjNNA AND BLOOJIS BUBO RAILROAD On andtftdr Jan, 17, 1570, Passongcr Trains will run as follows! ... Uolng North, doing South. Arrlvo Arrlvo I-nvo Leave p.m. n, in. p.m. a.m. Mcranton IU5 11.00 . 4.00 7.20 Lcavo PllUton .lt 10.30 iSl 7.50 Kingston 7.50 10.03 (i.00 8.20 l'lymoutll 7.8.H 9.4S 8.10 8..-V) Hhlcksliliiny..., 7.68 0.00 0.10 0.1 Berwick 0.03 H.30 0.30 tl.l'I Bloom 5.2S 7..W 7.30 10.17 Danville . 4.50 7.H 8.10 10.&5 Leave Leavo Arrive Arrive North'd. 4.11 0.40 8.1.1 11.3j Connection made atRcranton hy tho 10.40a.m. train for Oreat Rend, Blnghaniton, Albany aud all points North, East and West. D.T. BOUND, Sup't. CATAWISSA RAILROAD On nnd after MONDAY, Hep, 6, 1869, ranscnger trains on thoCatawlssallailroadwlllrun attue rollowlug named hours t Mall BoKlh, htatio.nd. -Vrill iVorW Dep. 8.43 n.ra Willlamsport. Arr, COO p. m. " O.fC1' Muucy. Dep. 5.28 " " 0.47 " Watsontown, " 4.57 " " 10.U1 " Milton. " 4.10 " " 10.15 ' Danville. " 4.00 " " 11.0? " Rupert. " 3.10 " " 11.17 " Catawlssa. " 3.3J " " 12.21 p.m. Rlllgtowil. " 2.25 " " 1J.5S " Summit, " M " " 1.03 " (Ulakako. " 1,40 " " 1.9) " E. Mahony June. " 1.30 " " I?,I5 "Diue.Tamaqua. Dlue. ' 1.10 ' " 4.25 " ReadliiB. " 10.40 n.ia. Arr. 0.15 " Philadelphia. " 8.15 " or. "I To Now York via. Read t lug or Mnuch Chunk. I iuui nun luimuhl ARC II Mauch Chunk. f -M NoChaugeof cars between Wlllfanisport and l-niiaucipuia. uiu. Vi E1JU Suy'l. gROWN'S FAST FREIGHT TltOM PHILADELPHIA TO BLOOMSBUltO, aud Intermediate points. Goods forwarded with care nnd despatch and nt low rates. (loods, at Philadelphia, must bo delivered at Bltncr & Co's. 811 Market Street, For full par- UCUI1M1, "i'l'l HI SCHOYLER A ROBINSON, Proprietors. Aug, . R. R. Depot, Bloomsburg.Pii. VTORTIIERN CENTRAL RAIL- X . WAY. On and after Nov. 15th 1800, Trains wll leave Nouthuhukuland as follows : NORTHWARD. 853 A. m.. Dally to Willlamsport, (except Sunday) mrcjiiuirH, iiinuiiuiiigiiii, uocucsicr, liuualo, Susnenslon Brldee. andN. Falls. 050 P. ii., Dally, (oxcept Sundays) for F.lmlra aud Buffalo via Erie Itallway from Elmlro. 5.30 v. M., Dally, (oxcept Sundays) for Wllllams- Iotl. . TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 10.25 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINUTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.10 P. SI. Dally (oxccptSuuday's)for Baltimore Washington aud I'nltadclplila. KD. H. YOUNO, Uonural Passenger Agent. Alkreu R, Fisue, Uen'l Supt., READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Dkckjuikii 27lh,l8C9. Orcat Trunk Lino from tho North nnd North Wont forPhlladelphla.Now York, Reading, Potts villo, Tamnqua, Ashland, Shamoklu Lebanon Allentown, Eastou, Ephrata, Llllz, Lancaster, Columbia, ii.c, Trains leave Hnrrlsburg for New York, as fol lows: At 5,35, and 8,10 a. in., 12,20 noon and 2.05 p. m., connecting with similar trains on l'cnna. Railroad, aud arriving nt New York at 12,15, noon, 8,40 0,50 and 10,00 p. m. respectively. Sleeping cars accompany tho 5,35 a. in., and 12.20 noon trains without chango, Rcturulug: Lcavo New York at 0,00 a.m. and 12.00 noon and 5,00 p. m. Philadelphia at 8.13 a. m, and 3.30 p. m. Sleeping cars accompany tho 0.00 n. m., and 5,00 p.m., trains Irom N. Y, without chango. Lcavo Hnrrlsburg for Reading, Pottsvltle, Ta maqua, Mlncrsvllle, Ashland, shamokln l'luo Urove, Allentown & Phlla'd. at 8,10 a.m., & 2,05 A 4,10 p.m., stopping at Lebnnon and principal way stations; tho 4,10pm. train connecting for Phll'a Pottsvltle and Columbia only. For Potuvlllo Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill aud Susquehanna Railroad, leave HarrUburg at 3,40 p.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,30 a.m., connecting with similar train on East pa. railroad returuiug from Rcadlngat 6,33p.m. stopping at all stations. Lcavo Pottsvlllo at 5,40and 0,00 a.m., nnd 2,15 p.m. Hcrndon ut 0.30 a. in., Shamokln at 5,40 aud 10,40 . ui,, huiihuuui i,im u.iu. uuu ihj noon rama qua at 8,33 a. m., aud 2,20 p. m.for Philadelphia unuxtew luru, Leave Pottsvlllo via Rchnvllrfll ami Rnun hauna Railroad at 8,15 a.m. for Uarrlsburg, and 11,30 a. m., for Pinourovc and Tremont, uvuuiug ivvwiuuiuuuiiuu iruiu leaves 1 Ollli- vlllo at 5.40 a. m., passes Reading at 7,30 a. in., ar riving nt Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m. Returuiug. leaves Philadelphia at 4,45 p. m., passing Read ing at 7.10 p.m., arriving nt Pottsvlllo at 11.30 p.m. Potutown Accommodation Trnlmleaves Potts town at 8,45 a.m. returuiug, leaves Philadelphia at 4,00 p.m. r Columbia Railroad Trnlnn Ir-avn nmlf,w, i 7,15 a.m., and 8-15 p.m. for Ephrata, mix, Lancas ter, lyUlUUlUlU, Perklomcu ltnll Road Trains lenvn Pfl.HnmAn Junction at 0,00 a. m., 3.00 & 6.30 p. m. returning : leave Schweuksvllle at 8.05 a.m., 12.45 noon, and . -I. y""vnuB ivnu similar irains on Reading 1 tall road. Colebrookdalo Railroad trains leavo Pottntowu nto.ioa. m and 0.20 p. m.,icturnlng leave Mount Pleusantat 7.00 and 11.25 a. m., cohnectlnB with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Cncster Vulley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8,30 a. m. and 2.03 and 5.02 p. m. returning, leave Downlugton nt 0.10 a. m., 12.45 noon aud 6.15 p. m counectlng wltli similar trains on Readlug Railroad. On 'luudays, leavo New York at 5,00 p.m., Phil phiu ia 8,00 a.m.and 3,15 p.m., (the 8,00n.m. train rumi'.ng only tolleadlngj) Pottsvlllo 8,00 a.m.j Harrlsburg at 5.35 a. in. and 4.10 p. in. and Reading at 7.15 a. m, nud 10.05 p. m, for Harrls burg, at 7.23 a. in. for New York, and nt 0.10 a. m and 4.23 p.m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage. Season, School aud Excursion Tickets to and from all rolnts, nt le duced rates. llaggago checked through; 100 pounds allowed each passeugcr. Q. A. NICOLLS, ,, . Ocncrnl Superintendent, Rending, Ts ., Dec. 27 lsto. "TiELAAVARE. LACKAWANNA, & it jwiL,uu,u. winter arrango ment, Jan.17,1870. Trains leavo as follows: EA8TWAI1D. WKSTWAnn. Ac- Ac- com, Mall STATIONS. com, Vln l Ar V in..,.. Ar Ne'w York. Ly A M. 6.00 6.00 4.15 4.20 1,00 3M 1.21 12.55 12.45 5.10 jjurciay ex.) ...Christopher St..-, 8.00 8.00 8.15 8.40 11.30 I Newark!!""'.!! wasmngton via Ccn. Rlt. of N.J -new lorK ltiot Liberty tX) ...NewIIanipton -Oxford . Ilridgovillo. ...Philadelphia 0.00 11.15 11.45 11.55 7.30 8.45 3.4(1 1.30 Phllllpsliurg"" .Manunka Chunk.... ..Delaware ....Mount Bethel 11.05 12.3S 12.3-1 12.15 12.00 11.40 11.30 11.20 11.09 12.05 12,20 12.30 12.15 1.00 1.10 1.20 wnier uap .....Htroudsbu ...... Hpraguevliro Hcnryvlllo ..Uaklaud Forks Tobyhaiinn Uouldsboro Moscow Dunning m I ..IS 10.51 1.3' 10.32 10.10 2.18 0.551 2.30, 2.5J 0.45, 0.15 3.03 3.45! 4.07 4.15 .12 .50 1 .40 5.V7 4.55 4.25 3.50 3.35 3.15 l-.SI A.M 8.11 HM 8.10 7.65 1 7-38! ..Clark's Summit!!!! 0.30 0.58 Factory vliVe!!'.'."!!!!! 10.18 10.40 4.31 ...... mcuoisonw ....Hopbottom 4.55' 5.15 8.33 5.55 11.10 1I.U3 7.13 11.28 uiuniru.-ie .,, ....New Mttford 8.5 11.51 0.40 12.13 ureal iiend 12.33 A.M, I'.M. I'.U. CONNECTIONS. fA1, MSt.lvmLon wl"' KrloRallwny. Mall Train reachlngBiWohe nuu Accniuinodatlon Train from Scrauton connects neettng with 'JYain on Byra'cu' MaSffi'tiff" ;J'Jk&LUytaW- Oswigo, &a. at 5.10 f. m. for Albany and the North at 2.80 v. u ' nal VHS if iViSi ,,",uR1""nt0n "f ter the arrival letha'aIr,i?1nl1r0,! Ir,al" L!!avc U'nEhamton af. In it ?inr v "iW Vi'r.KlPre,i8.leavlng Buffa 8 15 A ir? ' also'Tlull leaving Syracuse at ' At iJiirt'intn., .lll. T .. . R ii ...V.' "i" .i.-ituwaiina a nioomsburiz ..' .'h."".11 V6'8"" Hudson Canal Co. It. It roVruti'iVI Vork Ptt with Tialus if. iJton, wllkenbarre, Illoomabui-i? Dan. Carhop e " 'M.'''tflclZldiui t-aruonuaie. Mall 'Iraln to New York, and the wm?mi1""0.u, ,0. lbf!''mton alsi'Munect with trains on the ubovo-named roads. The Ac commodation from Bingliaraton couueots with Lackawanna and Hlooiusburg for 1'lttsloii Wv. omlng, aud-WUkcs-llarre. u''orl'"lou y- At Manunka Chunk, with Belvldero Delaware iff- .' SI." lr'u 'mm New York aud Iroai SF'ra.n TO.nnoct wltli the tralu from and to 1 hljirtelpliU, atopplng at all stations, r i: ""iVBio"i wiui worris & ijisex R, R.. ror Now York.Newark.MorrUtowu.Dover, Hacktits town, Easlon, An. W. '. IlXLI)TEAD.Sui!t. . autiui, ueu, pass, nud Tkt, Agent. prcrcd to furnish all claieVl , consUul em Ploymcnt ut home, the whole of the lime or to? . . . " ,wtMii ijusiuess new, iieiit aud KISS uSt: KS"m flu'r SIX casfly eu fromoUc. tot5 tier evcnlnir. mul sum by devoting their whole time lo tlio bus!. . am earn nearly as much as uuu. That all who sro this notice may send their address, nml mi n.a i.,,Di,..Jl "'' uiinarallelul otferi To such as are not ... qitiiwimi, wg vin .enu si io pity ror the troub e of writing, rull iwrtlculars. V valuab o sample, which will do to commence work on hii (' i "bu host lamlly newspapers :.T'. w ree uy man. iieauer, 11 you Ai1itiIiSrJnAiloul'Ironluljle work, address lio. Jn.2no.3iu Dry Goods & Notions. N EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WINTER CI0OD3. DAVID LOWENRERa Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at his storo on Main Street, two doors abovo tho American House Bloomsburg, l'n., where ho has Just received from New Yorkjiud Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOT1IINO, Including the most fashionable, durable, and handsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of nOX, BACK, ROCO, GUM, AND OIL-OLOTII COATS AND PANTS, of all sorts, sizes and colors, llo has also replen ished his already largo stock of FALL AND WINTER SUA WIS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS 11-ANDKERCHIEl'H, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho irns constantly on hand a large nnd wclt-se-eot cd assortment of CLOTHS AND VEHTIN03, which ho Is prepared lo make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and lu the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWEtRY, ofcrydctcrlptlon,nuoaud cheap. His casool Jewelry Is not surpasscdjlu thlsplaco. Call aud examine his general nssortmcn of CJiOTHINO, WATCHES, J EWELR , AO. DAVID LOWENBERG. c. a m a it it havo Just received from tho custom markets ft largo and well selected Htock of D It Y GOODS, OO.VSrSTINd OK Cusslmors, Jeans, llest blenched & Hiown MiuIIuh, (Jallcoefl, Ticking, TnUo LlneiiH, Cotton A All wool flunnels, AC.t Ac,. A (,'0O4l stock of Itiullcs dress goodij, Iatest btylett a patterna, Splcot of nil kinds. Good stock yroceilcs, tiueensware, Stono ware, Wood &. willow ware, Flour fc Chop, Alto Kitchen Crystal Soap for denning Tin, Brass, Ac. Alt goods sold chenp for cash or pro duct. IIo would call tho attention of buyer to his well aud carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In tho coun try, feeling confident that ho can Bell them goods at such prices ns will on Hiiro satisfaction. Nov. 5,'CD-tr O. C. MAIlU. jyTIIiLKH'S STOltK. FREH1I ARRIVAL OK FALL AND WINTER GOODH. Tho subscriber has lust returuod lrom the cities with another largo and select assortment of FALL AlW WINTER Q00D8, purchased In New York ana rhlladelphla at tho owest flisnro, and which ho Is determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured else where In Illoomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES DRESS GOODS of tho choicest styles nud latest fashions, togcthci with n largo .assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmcres, Shawls, Flanuals, Silks, Whlto Goods, Llncus, Hoop Skirts, Musltns, llollowwarc Cedarware Queeuswaru, Hardware Boots and Shoes, Hats aud Cups Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklug-Ulashe, Tobacco, Cuifce, Sugars, Teus, Rico, Allspice, Glugcr, Cluuamnn, Nutmegs AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kent in conntrr stores, to which ue Invites tho attention of the publio generally. The highest rrlco will bo paid iur country produce in exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER & SON, Arcade Hulldlngs, Bloomsburg, Ta, ftONPEOTIONEBY. Tho undersigned would respectfully announce to the publlo that he has opened a riini.i.i,asi 1-U.M. J.;UT10NERY STORE, in the building lately occupied by Fox & Webb .. ..u .n ,.iaimiU iuiuihu an uinus or PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUIT'S NUT'S. RAISINS, AC., AC., AO. BY WHOLK8AI.B OK KBTAII. lu short, a lull assoiliuent of all roods I his Una of business. A variety of DOLLS. TOYS, Ac, alven inf"r 11,8 "oll'1,lJ - I'arllcular atteutlon II It E A II AND OAK KS, of all kinds, fresh every day, ourihtmas candies, ch i8tm as toys. arantetd.","'"w, aDd llf"tl'' will N0Y'22'18'W- EOKHART JACOBS, K ll(J H A N J) I S E NOTICE IS HF.REI1Y GIVEN To my frleuds and tho publlo generally, that all miY (iooi)s, anooEJuiis, QUEENSWAltE. NOTIONS, AO., ure constantly on hand aud lor sale AT RAUTON'H OLD ST4N1) Bloousuuro, uy JAMES K. EYER. Mi'Alto. sole Ai' rn-i... .... . or . lot eiiusiauuy on haud. (febS1 '(17. qahwaoe manupaotouy, Illoomsburg, l'a. M. O. SLOAN A BROTHER HaVe Oil llllllll ailll fnr Ultln nt tin nni.l j,., ble rates u sploudiil stock of CARRIAGES. BUGOIES. aud every description of Wagons both I'LAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mnilrt nrtlm nml i.wi .i..v. able materials, and by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from tho estab. Ushmeut will bo found to beof the highest class aud sure to glvo perfect satisfaction, They havo n lurk n nnn Ukknrf r.r ' HLEIGIIH of alt the uowest and most lashlouablo stylos, well and carefully mudo aud oflhe best mater ials. All lUMIUII-llllll lt lirnrlr lu Au1r.t .u II lu beltoyedthat nono superior cnu bo found in tho llV,iO. UV-ll, g Ia A T E BOOPINQ, .VERY VARIETY MOS1' FAVOItADLE HATES, JOHN THOMAS, AMD CAHl'ER J, THOMAS Ilox, 277. Bloomsburg. l'a. Dry Goods & Grooorios. G HAND OPENING GRAND OPENING (IRANI) OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DftY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND DAI'S, HATS AND CAIH, HATS AND CAl'S, HATS AND CAl'S, HATS AND CAl'S, noOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING HHA1)Y-MAIH CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIMO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOK I N G-G LASHES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES LOOKING-GLASSES. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES. GROCERIES, IIUEENSWARE, (JUF.ENSWARE, tiUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, IIUEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, fish fish, FITH pish, grain and seeds, grain and seeds, grain and seeds, grain and seeds, ura1n and seeds, Ac, io. Ac, AT NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL McKELVY, McKKI.VY, McKELVY McKELVY, MCKELVY, Noi thwest cornor ol Northwest corner of Northwest corner of Northwest corner of CO.'B, C'O.'S, CO.'S. CO.'B. CO.'S. Main and Market Street, Main and Market Streets, Main aud Market Streets, Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streeu, BLOOMSBURG, PA., 11LOOMSUURO PA BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMSUURG PA. HLOOMSnURO, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In large unanttties and at reduced rates, alway on uaud. Miscellaneous. No Himnuo, It Is uvirranlnl to cure lost or Impaired Taste, Smell or Hearing, Watering or eak Eyes, ollensivo breath, Ulcerated Throat or Mouth, Pain and Picssuroln tho Head, and loss ol Memory when caused, ns all of them fre. qiiently nre by tv.e ravages of Catarrh. It is pleasant aud painless to use, contalus no strong poisonous or caustic drugs, hut cure by Ut mild toothing action, I will pay J500 Reward for a caso of Catarrh that I caunot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS EVERY -. WHERE. Pjiick Only 60 Ct;NT3. If your Druggist has not yet got It on ealo. don t bo nut oil with somo worso than worthless strong sluir, "fumlirator," or poisonous caustlo solution, which will drive the tllteaie to the lunat Instead of curing It, but send sixty cents to me and the remedy will reach you by return mall. i0or raekllses" I81 naldi 82-w. on doien for Send n two cent slnmp for Dr. Sago's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the Proprietor, , , ... It. V. PIEItCEM. D., Jan 7,'.0-3m. BurrALo.N.V. NEW COAL YAItD. Tiik undersigned respectfully Inform the cltltens ol llloomsburir nnd Columbia county, that they keep al tlio dlrterent numbers orstovo coal and selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelvy, ileal A on mo wharf, lo weigh coal, hay, aud straw. .r . . " . :u i',ur ul uuuaio scales ......-., .. .,ln(JUIt ..nuii. io ueuver coal to those who deslro IU As they puichasea largo r,---, , "l-iii iuhitii u siineriiir ar ticle, and sell nt tho very lowest prices. Please call and examine for yourselves before purchas lug elsewhere. J. W. 1IENDERS1IOT. AUGUSTUS MASON. rpiIK unilorHlRiicil will tnko In ox- JL change for Coal aud Groceries, tho following named articles :-Whcat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Pota toes, Lard, Hain.Shouldcr,and sldo meat, Butter I.h..,shurg Mar. 19 .',.. W- "DERSHOT. fia,RKER'S9 &ti CrBEST, IN THE YOuLD.iiJ How York Offico 27 BEEKMAN ST. dee. 2I,'C8-Cni. H 0. HOWE R," " ipeued a first-class HOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP. AND FUIt H-rnnw at the old stand on Main Street, Bloomsburg,a few , 7.. " " vu.UM: 1IOU. ma stock lscom posed of the very latest aud best styles ever oiler, ed lo the clllxens of Columbia County. Hecan accommodate tho publlo with the followlug gooTts ..,. i . . wr neavy double so ed kthts,:,sb'.B.a"4. men's tlnii boots and shoe? of all grades, boy", double soled boots aud.shoea of all kinds, men's gloyo kid Balmoral siioea.iucu's. women's, boys'a and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove Vld Polish very flue.wiimen's morocco llaln'orals aud calf shoes, women's very hue kid buttoned gau ged and sowed: ""...puonsuom peg. . . m u'" ca" ""eniion lo his flue assort lUent or HATS, CAl'S, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comprises all the new aud popular varl. etles at prices which cauiiotfallto suit all. These goods nre ollered at the lowest cash rates and luV;.!!;!.1 . . w, cuw io.kivu sansiaciion. a call beiw! tn,be,roiro.Vurcil,a"u.B '''twhero as It Is JgAHLY HOSE l'OTATOICH, Till! GREAT TOPIO OF THE DAY. The subscriber has n limiitui .....i.. ... .i, Eurly Rosa Potato, which he will sell to those wlshljc to lirocura ihlu .i.,iti.i .-..i.i- n. .i. low rate of Two Dollars per bushel. IIo has, miii- m me iicsv varieties of STHAWDEHHY, IVASl'llEIUlY, HOT.HOUSE AND OUT-DOOR PLANTS. all Of Which Will bokei.tnn li&n.l ...! r... . ..i. lu their season, ' ' PRICE LIST OF EARLY ROSE I'QTATOESi Per pound, 23Ceuls Per peck, 75 cents! Per half bushel, WXU Per bushel, 12.00) Per barrel, litt). Sowing MachinoH. G rtOVElt A HAKEIt'S SEWING MACHINES. Tho following aro selected from lh6us.i testimonials of similar character, as , " M tho reasons for tho preference for the (in BAKEit Machines over all others, novit4 ' I llko tho Orovcr A Haitn, it ,. tho first place, because. If I had I ani c,lli". In should still want H drover A Baker?an,ini er. I a Grover A Baker, it answers the t,nf''lullri tho rest. It docs a greater varl" mE' of afl tt la easier to learn than any other frk 1 Croly (Jenny June). ' -IMri. "I havo had fsevorat venr.' with nGrover A Baker Mnelilnp. wbhif irrli(i mo ureat satisfaction. I think tll"orn ''.,,I,,t'n er Machine Is moro easily mniinirM " llablo lo get out of order. I prof? ?tf, '''.."M l(t Baker. decldcdly."-Mrs. Dr. Wan. V'X" I havo had'oua In my fa""'.," Vork. two years j aud rrom wlmtl know,. ,'oromi Ings, aud lrom the testimony of mT, friends who nso tho same, I can har,,ny or Or anything could bo more cuinplcia or X.kcV w satlsractTon."-(Mrs, General Uiau", '" "I bcllevo It to be tho iu.i .. considered, of nny that I hive i s ,,'J" lhl"H very simple and easily learacdiii 'i?- u tho ordinary spools Is n great adilmiL s,,0, Brro,r4, A" toSSit? Vr;n;palknchrn'ifa!!dWplrere1VJr:l',1' llaker to them all, becauso 1 co ift,i!S MroT" more clastic. 1 llavo work now In thi !S",cl1 U-li I'll wn ilnnn .. Z v"v IU Hie honi which was dono nlno years ago i, iJ1 good.-Mrs. Dr. McCready. No u'vi. fib ,lu' third Street Now York! r' U,i ftJ- rents which frollcsomo boys wl 1 lnsii. !,' .W cloth. It Is In my opinion5 h " , r in0 miW.?1' Beecher.n"y 1 ,mVo lrlc,l''H'"il "i?J "Tho Grover A Biker Seuhu i,, hns rendered In every respect the iHmt'i?1,1 satlsrnctlon. it combines ao many lo..Wwl w"h beauty of execution and ico ,wv S, T that It Is a necessity in every housthoNi W,1'' Governor Ocnry, Harrlsburg, i.,Ul0IJ. -(Sri. havohad IhoOroverA linksru..ti for ten or twelve years tu couft, 5?t nVoft' house. 1 hao seen nnd known cverr k J,."1', family Bowing, both personal and accomplished upon tin! urover A llaker l im 1 to tho entire satlsfuctlon of oj wivm' k-Liuc-u. iiiuv. nu-piicn ii. Tyng. "I find Iho Grover A Baker stliih .m wear as long as tho garmeut, doSimSMl. garment In fact. Tho stitch will not bias seams, when stretched, as others do neither docs It draw thu work."-tMrs i,r i-fi ing, i EastTwenty.fourth BlreetJ j!w Vork"" ... Wohavonai-over & llaker SewlniM. eh no for seven years In constant use, iSm , , felling, tucking, and everything llint t , can do. 1 1 Is preferred m er all cithers on W! of Its durabli'ity or work, elastic!! "dX K of st tch, ifasc i of movciiu-nt, ami slrai.ticM construction." Mrs. Ucn. lluel. 1 ... "Thero could bo no greater cuinf..rn,. amlly than n Grover A u.x&l Hei Ing ta , I have insed one for Iho last nlnonr "ten j(2i and I think it Is ilecidedly tlio host famllrW Ing Machine." Mrs. Alice II. Wlilai i K Rev. Dr. Whipple, See. Am. Ml." ffilXS . . "I have had an opportunity of nmL Ing nnd using other varieties of machine" tat '"i "! ".'"r,11,1. "lu uiovcr A linker slltcb ii '-Durlni? Hie iintt nLi... . . . had n Grover Baku- Sewing Mnclilncla Sn! stant lue, nnd It hns never n-cniired tin lcMtre. pair. I toko great pleasure In riimtiiiiiK the Grover A Baker ns tho very hi st sovilni mS chine for family use."-.Mr. J, G. l'lij fiUiaVw Twelftli street, New York. 1 ' M ' "It Isso simple In IIh hlriicturethatltla exceedingly dl jllcult to get It out or onler. toS of my llttlo glrls-ouc llve-ainl-a-half aaa tS other fouryenrs-caii rewstinlnht acamionit without aRslstalice."-IMi. A. C. low ifcf Rev. Archibald C. l'oss, Wist Jliirtleth street New York, . "Tho Grover i Baker Miu-hlneH nfhl lieui-fll'to mankind that I niton Uol ns llioucbit would do me good to trumpet Its pnil-,1 stir and ..-... ,tiu ...iu a iiiiiu in in my I'lauiest Slud: but I would not cxchnugclt for the moat uHI; Ivo I ever saw or any other raakc-iMn, Viuoj wife of Prof. Wilson, of Hobart College. ... i-Tho Klinpllclty of Its construction, Dm facility with wlitcli Its uw Is ucoulr, J.ilitUj'i ty, strength, and elasticity or Its Mluti.anit iu adaptability to alt kluds oi work, are vua.'iAi which tlonot all belong at once to (inyvthtrm chtne." Prof. Hcushaw, of WlllUtou Mm, nan-, "My wife Is delighted with her Grouu linker Bowing Maehlne. She r refers tlieVrovtt A Baker to any other sho has seen, -liter. A. At Fisher, Philadelphia Conference. ... Vo havo used one of tfiuer.i BAeri Sewing MochlncHlor about teu sr.iri.nnil con sider it cannot bo excelled. Itiuus smooililf. satisfaction." (Mr. Edutti Hunt, el ljike street, Chicago, The Grover und Baker Sowing M.iclilno Con. pauy mauulacturo both thor.lailio btilcbuj Iiock Stitch Machlues, and oircr thu public I choice of tho best machlues of botli kluds, a their establishments In all Iho largij cit es, an1 through agencies lu nearly all tou-ns Umiu;tiout tho country, Prico Lists and bamplcs ol aewlnr In both stitches furutshed on application to G rove r a Baker S. M, Co., l'lillade-lplila, or to J. A. U0I1AN, Uluomslu.-g. JUU025Vly teWl'A Hardware & Cutlery. rPUE NEW IIAHDWAItE STOKE X NE PLUS ULTRA. Having eulaiged our Store Room anajia OPENED A NEW SUPPLY, directly from tho Manufacturers, pureliasnlloi casli, ou u declining market, w e are uripaiiwli offer the samo lo FARIIEIIS. MECHANICS, BUlhCElW, nud tho rest of Mankind, n general itoek, u; prising nil tho kinds nnd qualities usually tr I n ltn-.l ll'..M llln,U .,111.1,1, III 1 Hi USUJ of the county, at unusually low prices. All thosowhoorodeslilousoriHireliaslnjtooJi In our lino can savo Money by looking liutm New Hardware Storo. t Pleaso give us a call and examlncoiir iioctu RUN VAN 4 WARDLN, Apr. 23.00-lyr uioouisburi,W. Jaixhi K. Smith. J. It. Himl gMITII & SKLiTZEJi, Importors and Doaltrs In Foreign aoJ Pouief !l II A It 1) W A It K, U U N H, C U T I. E R Y, Alt., NO, 401) N. THIim brUKh.T, AB, CAI.IUM llltls PHILADELl'lllA. Nov. ai, (.7-tf. JB OOIC AOENTrf WANTHI) FOR STRUGGLES AND TltlUMl'IH OF P . 'I' . HAU X V M Will 'i-nirti. i. .r Tn nno iJirge-.v-: Volu; t :.-', a.. .iiri.itr,,! in i.nit- I Ocrmau-33 Elegant Full Vw r.nsn; .... uviiiniu u.j'aiiiii - It embraces Foiirv Yeaiw llKCOttri-TioM uiaiiusy ijiie, as a aieiciiuni, -" -imU.' Lecture r and Shuwiiian, and gives accout" his Imprisonment, Ills 1'allure-. ' hS,ji ..U.UllCllll lUUH I1IIU llllj".."..- Ilnmt Personal Reminiscences, replete ivl"'." v Anecdote und enlerlalnlug lf"? n book puhllshod so nrcoptablo to n oryouo wants It, Agents aresellt" jra'y,, 100a week. Wo otter extia t'r""',.iil.- trated Catalogue and Terms to Agent; J. II. BURR .1 to .' A'Sd. feb25'70-lni. llurtfuw. to""- 7J.ET THE BEST. Mlllicrm'u fnimni- T,. I ill 111 f 1 (Klltll"P l"S ii.. i.. . .iiiikiirLyii1-- ever laveuted. Tho subscriber 1 IV a I lil.nvn lnv..,Hn n..,l.,ll l, l-H tlV UiaH1" 1'May,lVlw.Le ""friLmW- T)OMESTlO ECONOMY I CAMPILLION CAltrllT A new, cheap durable, heallhy. nJl! vi.nrm mVKlUNOI A bubslltuto for oll-clolh at oiio-tulrJ tM This carpet Is produced by a r;'l,!"'Ssi tlou of strong, heavy paper, prlii"-" u proof enamel whtcli receives Iho ?,!, nJ tlio colors and paper endures wiuju'" ,( 11 ders the carpet bright und beautiful m Its cost renders It available I08llcl'j;'ju cAvviiuiuuiy eiuouiii nnu ai" J i r . .iirn i I111VB iio&l iu nil uuu i iiiim . l!l!ll' u e uiiiL-ii laiior uiui ii"" T.',tiuiialiyUJ ..uii iiici Liiiuiiiiiiuu i-.iimi. n,r neji' case may require, (which costs but i .'r,.,1n lust ludetlutiely. even nu iige.and'';!"'...' iiewuuu uiigm : ill us uso ii" , ieiciw'' Is placed upon Iho paper fur w '',ir;, uiunJ ly upon sho w liter-proof coalliig, W tint Muma iiaeu uuir lu ivm." ,. ni-ii uas recently been used fur a vaiin -urui' iu. iiiiui... luuL.iiuui 1.. i-.uivi-. iiuici.uiu iuu nisi, uiieiuiH,K. -. ..ytir w Auicrlcu, tu convert it Into caj I"' "Lia! . ma, uii couecue 1110 uo un e i""-,-, isii"1. no iiavu iiurt liuse-u inw i irt IUiiiw couuly und euu furulsh the carpel io at manuluclureis prhis,, ,, ,, ,sBl! You ure Invited tajcaall VlaU1 giH.dsatourstJro. M'KLLV. t-A'' Bloomsburg, Deo, H'W-tf. Nil Tli rtliPVIVfl t)l- .V;,pi IT titiim nniioHVl'lTHE Ol-'.'.f. im CHURCH, 1I1.0OJ lu'ruiJ Tho uuderslgued having Ju",,!,i luii' tho cities will a largo ussorlnunj , and chairs or all kinds, also a .wn." 'vW(' of trunks, traveling huB"i1Vn,mniiyt''','1U conlldent ho cuu sell cheabj r thu t,rl "Moro than two-thirds or nil n. . , donoln my family for tlio lai l , 5 U L.f ' Uono by Groer A Baker's Slaclil i,c n,,i fV'w" bad n varment i Innr ... V""d ' et Sofas and Iaiunges coiutunlly uu b Kir orcouutry produco tukcu l,'?X,rurt f ture. Please glvo him u call he'ei" "lt4iill elatewlirit. Mr.I9.C9-ly marltf. w- A.a. luUir.U-II,