THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AND- BLOOMSBURG. PA. rrldnr Mornings April 1, lSlO. V TUB COMJMMAlf ha. the Largest Circulation of any paper jmullshert In Northern lcnmylvnli anil Is lao much larRer sheet than svnjrof Itseoum porarltlt unit ! therefor the beet medium for advertising In thle section oft lie Stale. Tho Crowning Iniquity. That our prcsont Legislature tics crvw tho roputfttlon of being tho most corrupt leglslatlvobody ever assembled in tho United Btatoa, Is proved by their passngo or "An act to facllltato and so euro tho construction of nn additional railway connection botween tho waters or tho Susquehanna and tho Great Likes, Oinada, and tho North-Western btatesf by extending tho credit or cor taln corporations to tho Jers6y Shore, Pluo Creek nnd Buffalo Hallway Com- wan v." Tho substanco or this bill Is that it proposes to tako from tho Sink log Fund, nino and a half millions or dollars In tho shapo or Penaa. B. B.Co., and Allegheny B. B. bonds, (which aro pcrrectly good,) and to put In thclr.placo tho worthless bonds or tho nbovenatned "Jersey Shoro.Plno Creek and Buffalo Ballway Co." which pro poses .to construct a road through what is now,aud always wlllbo,a wilderness. If their bonds aro good why mako this transfer? If they nro. not, legislators have no business to rob tho Sinking Fund, for tho benefit of this or any oth er corporatlon.The present Administra tion have already bankrupted tho Treasury, and taken illegally ono and a half million dollars from tho Sinking Fundj and now the cormorants would rob the people of a much larger amount. To many it Is a matter of wonder that mora public Indignation is not excited at such n flagrant outrage. .The difficul ty is in the Frets. Tho Morning 1'alriol located at our political and leglslatlvo centre first sounded tho tocsin of alarm, but ever sinco has been strangely silent. Considering tho war Jt threatened to wage on rings and monopolies its sllcnco during the present crisis shows that po ten t arguments havo been used in that quarter. So with tho Age. It has giv en in its adhesion to thoring,andhcnco forth has no claim to bo considered an organ of tho pure Democracy., Many Democratic mombere will at tempt to justify their votes on this swin dle on tho ground that their localities will bo boneQtcdby lt.To this we answer that no local advantago will compen-. sate for endorsing a swlndlo or this na ture, and any Democrat who does it is untrue-to his party, and Jays himself open to tho charge or having been bought. Itiswlth pleasure wo record thofact that our Senator, Hon. 0. B. Buckalew, and our member, Hon. Oeorgo Scott, voted against this measure, thus Justifying tho confidenco our peoplo have placed in them. They da not wear the collar of the ring. However much other coun-' ties may havo been disgraced, Colum bia has the satisfaction of knowing that her representatives can neither bo bought noi' coaxed into tho support of theso Treasury thieves. f Old Time. yj AVo have before ua tho first volume complete, or The Columbia Democrat; the first number or which1 was Issued at Bloomaburg, on Saturday, April 29, 1837, by John S. Ingram. Tho paper Is exactly hair tho sire or The Colum bian, and Is published at two dollars a year. It Is well printed for the time, and the advertisements aro illustrated with cuts of houses, barns, mills, horses, canal boats, and stago coaches. Among tho Editorial announcements in tho first number is the following. 1 On Sunday last wo had a sovere enow storm, which continued rrom enr Jy in tho morning until night. Some or our folks are almost despairing for warm weather." In tho number for July 22, J837 we nuu trio subjoined notico. "jesy-Wc neglected last' week to notice the ceremonies incident to tho laying of uio corner stono of Saint Paul's Church In this village. Tho spectators were numerous, and tho resident pastor or mo congregation, (Bev. Mr; Drake,) was assisted In tho services by the Bev. May, of Phlladelphla,and tho Bev. Mr. Smith of Muncy. It will bo a splendid edifice; and our enterprising towns man, Mr. E. II. Biggs, who has under taken Its construction, Is hastening its completion, which will probably bo ac coraplished this fall." Tho corner stono was laid, Thursday, July 13th J837. Tho Banks and paper currency are the great burthens of Mr. Ingram's ed itorials, with now and, then, removal matters. As we go along, wo find tho Bov. Jeremiah Shlndle giving notico that his subscription Hats are in tho hands of Charles Kahler foi settlement. Wo find Win. Kitchen, John Fruit, Ellas M'Henry and Peter Kline, an nounced as .candidates for SherlfT. Wm. Boblson advertises his lino of mall stages, from Northumberland to Wilkosbarre; and Insists that ho can deliver passengers twelve hours earlier than tho boat lino, which is run by P. xuc u. uiicnrjst. Going on through, wo find that Dan iel Snyder, January 0, 1838, respectfully luionneu mopuuiio tliatho had "tak en his son William Snyder into Copart iieremp, m nis tannery;" Noah S. Pren t tiss advertises his livery stable: D. Tobias his drugs and medicines; George winver ma ary coous store: Buncrt Barton their Ktireriwlnn in v.. tt m,. and O. B. FJ3her a new assortment of store goods; while John B. Moyer pro poses to tickle tho palates of the public uy serving up to tiicin nt Jils Befectory, iiou ujmera. in mo numoerror January 27. 1838 we find tho trial of Thomas P. Poke for tno murder of John Dornell. Joshua W, ixiiy, ueorge A. Fr clc and II. w. Thornton, Esquires, appeared iorthQ wjmmonweaitn, and John Cooper and joud u. Montgomery for tho prisoner, juugo jmiis jjewis presided. Tho lur. ore sworn In tho cause woro, Jonathan i-ursej, reier Appieman, Aid Holden, Win. Glrfon, John Shcaror, John Mc Wlllinms, John M'Mahan, John Oh!, John Bemley, Alexander Cblloy, John nernng ana joiin Wortraan. Consta. ties appointed to wait upon tho Jury, Iram Derr and James Edgar. AssocI- ato judges, Wm. Montgomery, Leon ardBupcrt. Tho trial commenced on Monday, January 15, 1838; nnd tho Iftijt court charged thojiiry Thursday even ing. After an hour's deliberation, thoy returned a verdict or "voluntary man slaughter." Tho 80ntonco was, four years to tho penitentiary. Thocounty expenditures for 1837 wero fCS22.S7. In.numberM Ingram nud Mills retire, nnd Henry Webb Esq., assumes tho control of tho paperjlngram posals for publishing "Tho Pottuvlllo Emporium," Wo aro indebted lo Miss A. D. NVelih for a look nl Ihese relics of tho past; nnd would gladly glvo more, but lack of spaco prevents. rrotoction for Minors. Tho following Is n synopsis or tho bill passed by tho Lcglslaluro providing for tho health nnd safety of person? in coal mines. Tho bill )a a lengthy document, covering soino Huveiuccn pages 01 pnn ted inrtttcr.tuul very carcnilly prepared Sections ono and two provIdo,that tho owners of coal mines shall inako a full and accurate map of tho workings of tho samo, on a scalo of ono hundred foot to tho Inch, and shall deposit said map with thu Inspectors of collieries for tho districts within four months from tho passago of this act. Section Ui r co provldoa that four months ufter tho passago or this act it shall not bo lawful for tho owner or agent of any anthraclto coal initio or colliery worked by or through a shaft or slope, to employ any porsou in work' ing within it, unless. thero aro In com munlcation with ovcry seam or stra tum of coal worked in such coal mlno or colliery, for tho time being at work, at least two shafts or slopes, or outlets, separated by natural strata of not less than ono hundred and fifty feet in breadth, by which distinct means of in gress and egress aro always available to tho persons employed In tho coal mlno or colliery; but it shall not bo necessary for tho two shafts, slope3 or outlets to belong to tho same mlno or colliery, If tho persons therein employed havo avallablo means or inercss bv not less than two Bliafts, slopes or outlets, ono or moro of which may belong to another coal mlno or colliery. Section fivo enacts that in case whero tho provisions of tho act aro neglected, tho Courts can issue an Injunction pro hlbitiug tho workings of tho mines where such violations occur. section i). xno owner, lessee, ope ration or agent of ovcry coal mlno or colliery shall erect or provide at or near tho mouth or entrance to such mine. and maintain thosamo at nil times when" men aro employed, in such mine, a suitnblo building or buildings supplied with soft water, and properly lighted and warmed for the uso of tho men cm- ployed In such mine, to wash and change their clothes when entering tho mine una returning iiiereirom. Section 7. Tho owners or agents of ovorycoal mine or colliery shall pro vido an adequato amount of ventila-, Hon, not less than flfty-flvo cubic feet per second of puro air, or thirty threo hundred feet por minuto for every fifty men, and as much more as circum stances may requlro, which shall bo circulated through tho face or each and every working place throughout tho entire mino, to dilute, and render harm less, and expel therefrom tho noxious poisonous gases to such nn extent that tho entire mlno shall bain a fit stnto for men to work in, and a mining boss shall bo appointed to oversee the ar rangements for ventilating, to see that looso rock- is carefully secured against falling, that tho arrangements for signalling from tho bottom to the top and vice versa are good. Ho and his assistants shall carefully oxamlno tho mines every morning, and watch to prevent explosion or evil effects of foul nlr. Section eleventh provides that none but compotent, sober engineers shall be employed. These aro tho main features of 'the act. In addition to them it provides that tho Governor shall appoint- three" per sons as mine Inspectors for Luzerno and Carbon counties. Tho remaining sec tions or tho bill simply deflno their duties. The following amendments wero added: An nmendmeut requiring the dri ving of shafts (or second opening to each mino) at once, with three sots or hands, working twenty-four hours. An amondment flniug operators 15000 for employing boys under 12 years of ago. An amendment fining tOOO and im prisoning not more than six months an engineer who leaves or refuses to ori eratohls engine when mbnor animals aro In the mlno. An amendment authorizing widows to maintain action for damages'. Oood legislation. Wo tnko the following from nn ex. enuugo, anu uo not iiunu that any worus 01 ours arorequislto to oxplnln Its meaning. "Wo commend it to our readers ns ovldenco of thocaro and at tention bestowed on public business bv .1 t- 1, f i , , . . - uiu wise u-gisiaiora nt riarrlsburg. "Tho pvenlng session or tho Houso Was marked bv tlm mnaf r.r.l-lnoa in-iv latlon that could lin tm'nnfnrrl inn,, Incorporating railroads and other com panies, wero passed by simply reading their titles, nnd It was nsrertnlnmi in vuv iitoumu;, mm, u utiuijmuy nan neon uKiuo which would enamo to construct n six-foot wido through tho entire length of tho 11 . x. um wa3 nuerwurds recon muereu unuer 1110 system pursued. I Was absolutely f,,, II, tonts of tho bill to bo known beforo tho To IXang or Not to Man?, Iho bill Introduced in tho popular urancn 01 1110 legislature last Monday, leaving It to tho discretion of lurlea sitting on trial of felony nunlshnbl with death lo render a verdict erndine- uio punisument of tho culprit, Is un uersioouio do in lieu of the bill abol ... lawug ueain ponauies. Tho bill now pending provides thntlurles mav ro turn a verdict of guilty, and fix tho ponauy either as death, imnrlsonment for l!fo, or for a term not oxceoding nrteen years. .NEW YORK, March 28. A man this afternoon purchased 1,600 flvo-twontles of Messrs. Henry Clews & Co. In about flftoen minutes later ho returned, and rpqucsteu the uumbers of tho bonds purchased, showing a cut In tlio breast I'uc&ut 01 111s coat, iroui winch somo adroit thief had skillfully removed tho uonus, There Is no clow lo tho thief. Ban Fjuncisco, March 29. General QoorgoHi Thomas diedatefcht o'cloct ovenlng of apoplexy. Tho Columbia County Invasion. jexxm ultin'ukd. In tho followliigleltcr received by us from Mr1rCh'npln,hal'gcnUemcn ro furs to certain papers published by us In our last number nud gives sonio In teresting details of his case. - - - -- Nr.w Coi.mtnus, 1 March 7th, 1870. J 0.,B, ItriOCKWAY. Esq,, Dear Sir. .Enclosed .find, n Jotter, to. and from Messrs, Wndsworth nnd Fltzegcrald. I hardly.know what more to send you. I will, however annex a brief .sketch of ray career for about .17 years previous to my arrost by tho military. I moved to Now Columbus, April 1st 1817, und en gaged in tho mercantile business. In 1803 I .was elected njustlco of tho pcaco, in Huutington township and was re elected again in 1833 in tho samo town ship, which was strongly Bepubllcau, without opposition. J.n 1830 I was elected a member of tho, Legislature from Luzerno county. In 18GJ, I was elected n Justlco of tho. pcaco again. Arrested Aug. 31st 1801 by the military and transported, with n rush to Fort Mlflltn whero 1 remained until tho 10th or Dec. 18CI, during which tlino I suff ered soveroly with thou gue and rheu matism, which disabled mo to such an oxtcnt that I was obliged to uso crutches for somo time. On tho 18th of Dec. 1S(1 nn order camo to Fort Mlflllu for my removal to Harrlsburg for trial,whcro I arrived on tho evening or tho 10th, and was innrched up to Canterbury Guard ,IIouso near tho Stato Capitol Hotel, whcrol waskoptwith Daniel M'Henry and others; Daniel M'Henry's trial clos ed and mlno was tp come next. I was called for on Tuesday, Dec. 27th, but tho Commission was not ready. Dec. 5 th, was called for again; this tlmo tho Military Commission was ready, I was arrnlgucd before tho Star Chamber and ono witness F. M. .Ikler examined against mo uud N. J. Hiss was asked one nuodt ion and my trial was over. It lasted about ono hour. I did not call a wltncsi. Ou Saturday an ordor camo for my discharge nnd It appeared strango enough to be permitted to walk the streets of Hurrlsbuig without a guard by my side, or n the rear. I arrived at homo on tho 2d of January, lSGo.Abuut tho 12th of December, 18G1, Col. East man tho command or Fort Mifflin sent for mo to come to ills quarters whero or course I made my appearance, whan ho inquired if I know whatl was nrrosfed,ftn I'answered that I'did not; then I asked hi 111 tho samo question, ami received for naanswer that 1 was arrested for resisting tho draff In Col umbia county. I very pointedly inform ed him I did not llvoin Columbia Coun ty, which nppeared to surprise him very much; lio then informed me that he had a.lctterthat my wife had written Gov, Curtin which ho handed mo to read, Gov. Curtiu had forwarded my wife's lettfcr to tho War.Department nnd tliey had sent it to Fort Mifflin, whether to increase tho severity of my imprison-, mentor relax tho iron grasp of tyrranl- cal despotism I knew not sho talked plainly to them nt nny rato. During my interviow with Col, Eastmnu I told him I liad nothing to regret, that I had never resisted tho draft or advised oth ers to do so and if! had my life to 11 ve over again I did not think I would act differently from what I, had sinco tho war commenced. I havo not got a copy of iF. M. Ikler's evidence bofoio tho Military Commission. I think it can bo had oI .A., J. Ilerr, Esq., who was my attorney before tho Military Com mission. It differed materially from tho two affidavits, or his,, I gavo you taken in Fishingcreek or Benton. Soon after my arrest in 1601, a report was in circulation that somo or tho intensely loyal In New Columbus wero to bo ar rested, and in great haste they reported to iCoi. Stewart' at Benton who very generously Informed them that ho would "notify them when ho wished to see, them. '' ' ' I, think this with the other papers gavo you gives a brief outllno of ray ar rest and lmprlsoumont, and you nro at liberty to put it together lu such shapi ns you may think host. Should you ro qulro any further information I will carefully give It, if in my power. Yours very Bespcctfully, ' D. L. CHAPIN. P. S.f might remark hero that It Is not customary for merchants to ask tholr customors'wbat they intend to do with their purchases. I ha!d sold cuu caps and lead for seventeen years, to any 'one of my customers who called for It nnd John Ikler's children had beon in the habit or coming to tho storo frequently, D, L. C. Memoranda from Mr. CiiAriN's Diary : Tho following extracts from Mr, C's diary will now bo given In con nection with his statement above: "Harrisburo, Dec. 23d, 1801, This evening George Henry, H. H. Hirlo man, Abraham Ilartman, Bussel Mc Henry and Valentino Fell, arrived hero from Fort Mifflin nbout 8 P. M; Geo Honry, Harlcmnn and Abraham Hnrt man all yory feeblo and sick. Saturday, Dec. 21th, 1801. This morning as I awoko and looked out through tho window I discovered It was snowing finely. Sunday, Doc. 2.r)th. This bolng uuristmas it was observed In Cantcrber ry-wltli great solemnity, although tho placo of my confinement was not dec orated with corols nnd bowers of ever greens, yet it gllsteued with brlchtnnd sinning bayonets. Tho day was clear nnd cold and tlioso permitted to enjoy ineinreeuom gaily improved tho on portunity or spending n Merry Christ mas by slelgh-rldlng with tho buxom nnd gaily dressed ladles or Harrlsburg, wnoso spanning oyo nnd lively conver sation kept time with tho ringing ortho oeiis until tho closoortho oventftil day. iho two Hlrlemans nnd A. Hartman aro qulto sick. Monday1, Doc. 20th. Cleai' and cold with lino Blelghlng. In tho ovonlng D, ai'iienry and Chapln called at the Buehlcr Houso and had a nleasant In tervlow with tho proprietor Georgo nouon, w10 vory Kindly Invited us to UIno with him tho next day. Tuesday, Dec. 27. Weather tnoder ato, cloudy, with rain. D. L. Chapln's trial beforo a Military Commission. hav. ing been adjourned until 10 a. m ho warf called for and requested to report 10 uapi. jonnson for trial which ho promptly did. Thero' not being a full board the Commission adjourned until i j. M., when for the samo cause It wna again continued until Weduesday 10 a. iiartman, u. and Hi HIrlcraan and Buase! M'Henry all sick. Wednesday, Dec. 28th. Warm sun shono out finely destroying tho sleigh- Ing, At 10 a. M., D. L. Chapln was callcdifor, nnd immediately started for the Court Boom whoro ho was'nrralgn cd befofo tho' full Board of Military Commlsslon. Chnrges nnd specifications woro read to 'all (,f which "ho1 pleaded not gUUty. F. M. lklcr thov'prlncIplo witness against him was called nnd ex amined In chief, making certain state ments, .which ,hq acknowledged under oath, upon his cross examination, that ho had sworn to differently upon anoth er occaslpn.Tho "counsel for thb defense then submTfc(i "tho 'caso with a low remarks without calling any witnesses for tho defense. At rJ r. Jt, Samuel Mc Henry, John Lemons, Bcnjnmln Collcy Joseph Vnnslcfelc and A. L. Davis wero called for and requested to report to Captain Johnson for trial. B. M'Henry and A. Hnrtman, G. and II. Hfrlcman sick. During tho week u largo num ber of citizen prisoners'. anil drafted men woro brought In from Clearfield co.,Pa. During the latttr part of tho day a largo number were called for. When Wm. Wlllholm's namo was called ho aro?o and stopped to his father, Jacob Will helm, nn old man aged sixty-one and extended his hand to his aged paront, who with eyes suffused with tears ea gerly grasped It. They kissed each oth er nnd parted. Abraham Gregory, a citizen from Luzerno county, was called out for trial this afternoon but his case was adjourned until to-morrow. Thursday, Dec. 20. Tho trial of Samuel M'Henry nud others was res umed to day, nud Commission adjourn ed In tho afternoon until lOA.M.Thurs day, Silas Karns nud Reuben J. Davis wero called about 1 o'clock A. M. to pack their traps and start, and report says they started for Bloomsburg." Communication. Mr. Editor, Zenr Sir: Tho last grand Soclabloat tho Normal School was qulto a big, cheerful thing. Board lug nud day scholars mingled in most beautiful harmony In Uio large, magnl ficcnt Chapel. Promenading, soci chats, songs of tho gleo, club uud th most Interesting calisthciilc perform nnces, conducted by Miss. Julia Guest and Martha Wolr enlivened thocvonlng and gavo somo occasion for npproprlato. ndvlco by tho head of tho institution Professor Ludwig nt tho Piano nnd Master Blckley. with, his Violin were celved with great pleasure nnd tho most maiked attention, nnd Mrs. Best sang one or her very best songs. It was pleasant evening only saddened by tho thought or parting, parting from our pleasant school, parting from friends, perhaps never moro to meet them Alas 1 such Is life I Why should we not tnko a lesson and a warning? As tho following morning wo bid adieu in our beautiful parlors, many a silent tear coursed down pale cheeks, and as tho crowded cars emptied their contents hero and there on the way, wo could not help thinking, when and whero shall wo' meet again? How soon shall somo of us bo called to tho last resting placo with tho last train to tho ctcrna home, and what a home? WilkesBarre 1 March 23, 1870. J Mr. Editor, Dear .SYr; Wo had yesterday a very excellent Concert In our Liberty Hull ; such u concert ns Is seldom given In smaller places. A very good quintette of German artists on brass instruments discoursed cood mus ic ofSappo, Verdi nnd Gobussi in good stylo and with very great precision, Tho Misses Hughes from Bochester, McAuall and Mrs. Hughes sang most dellghtfolly and artistically and Miss Hughes performed besides very skill fully on tho Violin. Wo Imagined our selves back to tho'days of our youth when our ears wero charmed with tho sweet melodies executed with masterly skill upon tho samo instrument by tho world renowned Sisters Milanollo, who played at ovory court of Europe. Messrs. Marsh and Jones sang with great npplauso soveral comic songs, Professor Spencer from Phlladelnhla brought us back to tho old blessed times when wo wero enthralled by Litzt and Thalberg and tho Concert giver. Pro lessor Heller, astonished us by his very great proficiency, Why cannot our dear little. Bloomsburg enjoy thosamo privileges ? A Card. To the gentlemen and ladies who, on the 14th oflust month, so cheerfully and Kinuiy mauo us a visit and left us as tokens or their esteem, funds, produce. etc., In tho aggregate amounting to about $150, wo desire through tho Col umiiian to return our unfeigned thanks Wo would also nssuro tho good peoplo or tins unurgo that all previous donations from them nro hold In grateful romcm branco, and that the smilo of tho Great Father of nil mercies and tho saving graco or the precious Bedeumer may over rest upon them Is tho devout prayer or tho Pastr oand or her who shares with hlra,thojoys and sorrows or an Itinerants lifol J. Fearon Brown, Ornngoylllo April 1st 1870. Obituary. Hon. Plerro Soulo, or Louisiana died in Now Orleans on Saturday last aged CO years. Ho was In many respects a remnrkablo man and had filled many posmonsor honor m tho Government 110 was or French birth nnd camo to this country in hls2tth yesfr, when ho studied law and acquired much reputn lion as nn nbloand brilliant lawyer. In 1817 ho was elected to fill n vacancy In tho Sennto ortho United Mates, nnd was ro-elected in 1819 for six years but resigned In 1853 to go ns American min istcr toHpnln. With John Y. Mnson then our minister at Paris, and James Buchanan, thon our mlnlsternt London ho aided to preparo tho famous Ostond manifesto for tho forcible solzuro of Cu ba. His manners were polished: his ureas neat, careful, und Parisian; his nacits modotnte; his elocution exquis ite, and rendered ugreeubio by his trench accent; and his abilities of a high order, Ho had taken no part In public matters for some tlmo beforo his ueath. of Qou Ordered. Wash, INOton, March. 27,-Secrptary Bout well has directed tho Assistant Trea surer nt Now York toBoll2.000.000of goiu tmu purchaso 2,000,000 worth or oonus, on account or tho s tiklne fund. during tho month of April, and in ad. dltlon thereto to purchaso 2.000.000 worm or bonds for tho special fund, making in all a sale ori2.000.000 or gold and a purchaso or 1,000,000 worth or bondsfor tho month ofAprll equivalent to throwing $0,000,000 of gold Juto tho market. and otnors. Ever sinco wo havo been connected with The Columbian, wo hnvo mado It n specially to give In full or a synop sis of all our Court procccdlggs and Im portant legal decisions, nnd for tho rea son Hint as tho peoplo nro nil bound by theso decisions they should kuow thorn. Below wo glvo nn Important opinion by Judgp Mayer or Clinton County: opinion of .TUDqnMAYr.n, In tho matter of tho application or Philip Keller nnd others for Hcenso lo keep n hotel or tavern ! By tho sixth section of tho net of As sembly of tho 20th of April. 1838. rciru- latlnf tho crrnntlinr of licenses bv tho Court of Quarter Sesslons.for tho salo of liquors, to tho keepers or hotels, inns, or taverns. It Is provided that. "Licenses to vend tho liquors aforesaid or nny of .1 1 ... 1 1 1 : .. . ,,.1 t -.1,1 A,r . 1. II1UU1 ifllllll UU IIMIIlt-U IU i;ili4l;iia UI IIJU united states or toinperato nauits and pood moral charade", whenever the re- qukemcnts 0 the laws on the subject are compiled with by such applicant." It is objccied on tho part of tho opponents to tho granting of licenses to tho peti tioners that they havo not complied with tho requirements or tho law In re lation to tho assessment and valuation or the vearlv rental or tho houso which tho petitioners intend to occupy for tho purposooi a hotel, xnaiii is an essen tial prerequisite to bo complied with bv ovcry applicant lor a 110101 ucenso 00 foro tho Court can grant such a license In order lo detcrmino whether this pos. ition is maintainable, it will bo neces sary to refer to nnd cxnmlno tho vnrf. ous acts of Assembly which regulnto tho granting of licenses by tho Court, for tho purpose of ascertaining whether an assessment and valuation of tho yearly rental of tho houso 'Intended tn bo occupied as a hotel by tho petitioners is sucn a requirement 01 tho law as Is necessary to bo observed by tho appli cant for a Ilcenso beforo ho can nsk tho Court to grant it, and whether It is tho duty 01 tno court to reiuso such a license, whero It appears that no such assess ment or valuation was made. On tho 11th dav of March, mil. nn act of Assembly was passed, by tho sixth section of which it I3 mndo tho duty or tho Commissioners or overy county, previously to ovorv trlonniul assessment, to send to tho assessor or uvury waru, lownsnipanu district with in tho county, their precept, requiring him rntnm In such form ns tho Commlsolnnnra oi.nii direct, of tho names or all Inn-keepers nnd tnvern-kceners within th Ivo ward, totvnshln nnd district nLi nt such other persons as mail be desirous of keeping inns or taverns therein, and also iu mauo a just valuation of tho yearly iiuti.. ui uvmy ma uiui lavcrn therein and of every houso in which any per- ui-uusiiuusus itioresaiuoi Keep Ins an inn or tavern. 1 By tho soventh section or tho snmo act, thoossessors aro ronuireil tn fnlrnnn account or the names and surnames or i. , '""weepers nnd tavern keepers within their respectlvo wards, town ships and districts, "and or all persons who may bo desirous or keeping Inns or taverns thereln.nnd who shalrrequest to bo so returned," and shall mako tho valuation directed in tho sixth section, and return tho samo to tho Commission ers. no Htn section lirovldes, that tho Commissioners shall direct notico to bo F ,.f tho valuation, and appeals to bo hold In tho samo manner, and nt tho same tlmo and place, as appeals aro ..wj. ... luiuuuii 10 couniy rates and levies, nfter which thoy shall exomlno, equalize nnd nrllnaf. thn vnlnallnn turned to them, nnd shall deliver tho valuation so ndjusted by them, together with n computation of tho prlco or tho license in ovcry case, to tho clerk of tho vuun 01 garter sessions or tho respec- n.i lu uuiiieu in ins omco. J. no ninth seetlnn nmuliliunj (nlio . "Every person intending to apply for a ilcenso to keen nn Inn nr fmnm oi,ii at tho annual assessment, designate to the assessors tho houso nnd property which ho may Intend to occupy for that iiuiiiusu, mm uesiro mem to maKo eval uation or tho vearlv rental fhnrnnf nnri return his namo nnd application to tho Commissioners, to bn hv f hpm roim-nn.i tp tho several clerks or tho, Court or wuurier oess ons or t in rpstiw un county." On tho 31st day or March, 1850, nn ot'ier net of Assembly, regulating tho section of which it Is provided that "All D,uu ui jiuuura. whs imHSPfi. tv t in ia.i. iJcnuuH applying mr ucenso and class!- i unuer tho 13th section or this act shall bp assessed and returned as provld ed in thoGth, 7th, 8th, and 9th sections . i reiaung to inns, taverns, nnd .v.u...a u, vinuus uiiu spiruous liquors, passed tho 11th day or March, A. D;i834 ""d thoso classified under tho 12th and 1-lth Sections Of this ncf. ahull 1,q.,co,i and returned by-tho persons nnd in tho nmuiiui iiroviueu oy law, in tho sever al counties orthis Sfate.fortho appraise ment or mercantile taxes." Those classified under the 13th section or this act wero all hotels, Inns nnd tav erns. and. bvthn nmvlclnm, nf !, mi section or tho same net above referred to, aro to be assessed nnd returned in accordance with Jlio provisions or tho 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th sections or tho act of ' Assemb y or 11th or March, 1831, Those classified under tho 12th and 14th sections orthis samo net or 1850, woro venders or vinous, malt, or distilled liquors, cither with or without othor goods, wares or commodities, and tho keepers or eating houses or rcstau rants, who aro to bo assessed and ro turned by tho appraiser or mercantile taXCS. Tho 1 It 1 Brwtlnn nf tl, .,. Assembly of 1850 was afterwards sup- . .. occiiuu ui mo act Ot April 20, 1858, which merely changed tho classification nnd rating of hotels. Inns and taverns from H, tal of tho houso Intended to'bo occupied for n hotel, to tho estimated yearly sales of liquors In said hnnsn. T,, nJ iV.i s. S?id tlllr(1 section of the net of April 20 11,1858, It is enacted that tho ......niu v winy Bines oi nil applicants for such licenses shall bo assessed as Provided n tho lfith section of tho net i or,. ' approved iuarch .list A. D. From a careful exnininniinn nr ii. v,l..J..r i.,,",'?'' " "'Wu f hT ii,n t "i,f,"?h'"u'Z " . ""Parent Moinmiu wis provided a raodo by which nvervlmfni . .... ern, and every houso Intended to bo uuu ui.uJ!i-u iora noiei, inn or tav- !',iltn0.ibonss.?ssea nml valued, nnd by tho 9th section of tho act or 1831 herclnboforo referred to: itlsinenmj.nnt upon pvery person Intending to apply for a Ilcenso to keep a hotef or tavern, -v, ,,.,, uaauasiiiuni nnu valuation mado. In nccorilanen win, tim m. m. 8th. nud 0th sections of said net of' 183 '. nnd the 15th section nf thn i nr ii .i! A3i8innc'l!otl,Q3ascctlor'of "'oact of .,'. V, .1003. Tho oviileni-n n,l,li.nn,l i. -..- n . tZr.a i "f""n? ' tllcso app ca- assessment and valuation. What Is tho duty of tho rvmi-t 9 'pi, " bly of AprllBa mw. nn, r "VfiS?u; nrn .nll.Lj',.' ! .v.l u i ' Kmi licenses, de clares In Plain and nnnnnlunnnf i. ni i Ti. "' oiuies oi temper, a e habits and good moral character, "whenover the requirements of the aws on tho subject ure complied with by nny such nnnlicaut." iTiijinr,mn,in ".careful Investigation or all tho acts or ii-Kuiaungino saio or liquors and conferring upon tho Courts tho power to grantllccnses, nnd after an Im partial consideration nf tlm ,,. r submitted for our decision, wo nro ot umi, un ussi'ssmcnt and val uation or tho yearly rental or tho houso Which the annlicant Intmuli In n..n.. for tho purpose or a hotel, is such a ro qulrcmont or the law as must bo com- Piled With bv such nnnlfmnt hnln u. Court can grant him a license. Wo. t hcroforo. refoso to grant tho appllcal tlon of tho petitioners for a llconso to keen a hotel. Wa hnvn nri-lvl nt (),! conclusion under n senso of tho obllga tlon that reels upon ovory Judicial frl. bunal to ascertain what the law Is, uud Important to XXotol. Keepers when onco clearly ascertained to declare lt. nnd enrorco tno law nun uccinrou. This decision docs not. however.' pre clude tho Court from granting n llconso to keep an eating nousoor restaurant 10 tho said petitioners. latest Wows. Execution op the Murdereii oi Fourteen Human Beings. Whee ling, March, 21. Thomas D. Carr was hanged in thocounty Jail nt St. Cloirsvlllo,,OJiIo, to-day for tho murder or Louisa C. Fox, near St. Clairsvlllo, In January, 1809. No ono was admit ted to the Jail but tho sheriff nnd his assistant, nnd the newspaper reporters. Carr was cool and collected throughout, but tho recklessness which character ized his conduct during his trial had entirely disappeared. By his own con fession ho is believed to havo been tho greatest murderer over born In this or any other country. Ho acknowledges having prepctrated fourteen cold blooded murders, nnd mado fivo un successful attempts to tako llfo beforo tho killing of Miss Fox. This cxecu Hon was tho first that over occurred In Belmont county, and tt created great excitement. Touus. France March. 27. Princo Plerro Bonaparto has been ncqultted of the murder of Victor Nolr In spite of tho strong appeal mado by tho Pro cureur General for n verdict of guilty with extenuating circumstances. Tho Jury was out only ono hour. As soon as tho verdict was announced tho counsel for tho partie civile demand ed $20,000 damages; und, In conso quencoof this demand, tho Prince was not released from custody. This amount has been finally awarded to tho prosecution und will orcourse bo paid by Bonaparte. Washinoton, March. 28. Tho War Department declines to appoint tho colored youth recommended as a cadet to tho Military Academy by Benjamin F. Butler, on tho ground that hu is not or tho required age. St. Louis, Mo. Marcii 28. President Grant pays taxes on $10,000, and Gen eral Shermaa on$23-j,000 worth or prop crty in this county. Des Moines, Iowa. March, 23. Ac counts havo been received hero or tho freezing to deatli of twelve men In tho northwestern part of tho Stnto during tho recent storm and cold snap. Six others nro missing, nnd It Is feared havo met with a similar fate. Shenandoah City, Schuylkill county, March 29. A terrible accident occurred at tho coal mino of Blchnrd Holckschcr, situated a few miles from this place, at an early hour this morn ing. It appears that while four men were descending tho shaft to commence tho day's work the ropo broke, prccipl tating them to tho bottom, a depth of over sixty feet. All wero Instantly killed. Tho names of tho unfortunate men havo not yet been ascertained, but full particulars nro hourly expected. Legislature. senate. Thursday, March 21. Tho morning session was occupied in tho consider ation of the appropriation bill. Inquiry was mado whether tho bill to aid iu tho construction of a railroad from Jersey Shore to Buffalo had been sent to the Governor. HOUSE. Thero was considerable excitement during the morning session over tho Tuinaquannd Delaware Ballroadbill, which had been sent to tho houso from tho Senato, and which tho latter wished to recall. senate. ii i day, March. 25. A motion .to issuo attachments fo defaulting wit nesses in the Diamond-Watt case was ugreed to. An act was passed creating an auuiiionai District Court Judge. HOUSE. Tho bill providing for a Stato pooln gical survey was reported favorably, after which a bill was passed to erect a monument In honor of tho Pennsvl vania soldiers who fell during tho ro- ueiuon. HOUSE. MONDAY March. 28. Mr. Elliott asked leave to liitroduco a bill repealing me iaw lor tno better collection of de linquent taxes, passed last week. Mr. Elliott said that there was somo mystery about tho passage of tho orltr- not Kill .....1 M.-i . . . . " ...... uuu unit u wouiu uikoh lariro amount of money from the city Trca- sury. ino iiouso refuted to suspend tho order. Congress. Friday, March 2-0.-In tho Senate, yesterday no business was transacted. In tho Houso principal business nf tlm morning was tho final report of tho Mili- uiry ommitteo on the Baloor cadetshlps, tho substanco or which was that thero wero no moro cases to hn nntmi Tho Tariff bill occupied ti. tiou of tho Houso durlni tho retnutnilnr oi tno session and iu tho evening. Saturday, March. 20.-In thn ate, yesterday, a bill was introduced for the reduction of tho army. It adopts uu oKii:L-a Biiusianuaiiy with tho Houss, uul 1'ioviues luriner for reducing tho uuuiuLT oi enlisted men to 25,000. In tho Houso, tho subject of cadet ships sales was again brought up. In Committco of tho whole tho debato on tho tariff was resumed early iu tho day, mm cuimnueu through tho session. At 5 P.M. tho Iiouso adjourned until to uay mr general debato only. Tuesday March. 29.-ln tho Senatn. yesterday, various bills and resolutions of no general Interest wero Introduced, and considerable dobnto took plnco upon an Inquiry by Mr. Drako as to tho causo of tho delay in reporting tho bill for tho ndmlsslon orToxas. In tho Houso both tho mornlm nml evening session woro mainly dovoted to tho debato on tho tariff. A nnmw or members oxpressed their views among thorn Mr. Cox. who madn long speech Iu Uofonso of freo trade. No progress was mado with tho bill. Wednesday March. .10.T,, in Senate Mr. Shermau reportod u substl tutofor tho Joint resolution regarding th? incomo tax, which provides for tho taxing or Inconioj received during tho present year at tho rato now ostni.iui.,,.1 and thereafter nt threo por cent. The aonora! Deficiency hill was roporlod with amendments. In tho Houso, tho Eleeti nti fVtm. mitteo reported adversely on tho claim of Mr. Sogar as a Beprosontativo at largo from Virginia, and against Mr. Beading, tho sitting In ll.n Beading vs. Tuylor case. Mr. Logan mado a long reply to Oon. Sherman's letter condemning tho Army bill; and thon tho Tariff bill cosldorcd. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. jTOTICE. All p,'rTi Indebted to the umlenlgnoil cither on Nolo or Hook Account, nre hereby notified to fteiiio incir nccouniA nionce, or mr win ue coi, lcclrd nccordlui to law. J. C. RUTrElt, M. D. llloom.biirK, April ', lS0-tr. O NEW DISCOVEBY 1 1 ! It linn loni been known thnt the old eitAblUh c,l nnd well Mocked FunNiTUiiK a lUDDl.ia Wabkboohi of II. R. LEWIS, fn., nre;th8 cheap est In tho city. He Is now sclllna 1'aiilor Bdits In Pumir, HAin Cloth, Hitr or Tinnv, Wal nut CHAMBER SUITS In OlLOT VAimiSIt', COT TAOE FUBNITUBK, kll tylOJ IlEDDIHU AND MATTBKsiKs.vnrlous sizes, chenper than miction prices. Co uio nud see, nnd he convinced. You will save money by giving ns a call beforo pur chasinK elsewhere. n. R. LEWIS, Sit., 1131 MAHCKT BTBEKT, PHILADELPHIA, N Next door to cor, of Finoenth 8U nprl"!0-3ra. pUULIO SALE -o VALUAUL.E REAL ESTATE. In pumuauco ofan order of the Orphan's Court or Columbia County, IX, o HATUilHAY, the UM day of April, lf"0, at 1(1 o'clock In the fore noon. Taul Fry, Administrator, Ac, of David Fry, Sr., luto of Heaver township. In said county, dee'd, will eipose to sate, by publlo vendue, ou the premises, a CEBTAIN TBAOT OP LAND, .llnnln In lli.nvpr fmvnnhln 111 Kald COUlltV. nd JolnlUR lands of John Loimeubergcr on tho uorlh, lauds of Daniel Blngley on the cast, lands of rul Fry on the west, midlands of Oeorge W. t ry ou me bouiu, CONTAINING FIFTY ACBES, moro or less. All Improved land, wheroon Is ercciou u GOOD DWELLING HOUSE nnd other out-bulldlngt, a good young Apple Orchard on the premises, and good water at the UweillUK HOUSO. 1.HM, mo etiwue ,JI nuiu uu u. WELLINGTON 11. ENT, Clerk, --Conditions or Sale s Ten por cent, of one-fourth or the purchase money to he paid by tho purchaser ni tlio striking down of the prop erty ; onc-fourth less the ten percent, to he paid on tho confirmation of the sale; the balance to be paid lu ooe year from the confirmation ot salt, with Interest Iroui tho time the purchaser gets possession of tho said premises. All the gram now In the ground as well as mo grain nnd Kmlfl tn tin inwn and nl.mted mlor to the 1st daV of April A. D. 1871, nro reserved, the straw of the same to remain on tho premises. Possession of said promises win uo given on me isi tiny oi April, A. D., 181, Purchaser to pay (or Deed and """"V- PAUL FRY, Reaver, April 1, lS70-3t. Administrator, EPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THK FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF RL00M8UURO At close of business, MARCH 21th, RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts U. H. Ilouds tosecureclrculatlou, Due frjm Redeeming and Reserve Agents, Duo from other National Ranks, " " " Hanks nnd Unnkers Current Expenses, Taxes paid, Cash Items (Including stamps,) mils of other National Ranks Frut tloual Currency (Including nickels, Legal TenderNotes. 818,119.50 i2,m,n S3,nui,ts 7,281,(11 1,100,i.l 1.083,2) S ID, ,) 80, 17,773, JMl.MMt LIABILITIES. Capital Htock paid In, I jo.OJO, Hurnlus Fund. 6O.0OO. Discount 3,5(1(1,10 Exchange, l,(XX,Gt interest, 3,033,43 1 UIIU. C,1II,K National Hank circulation outstanding. 4.1.W. Individual Deposlu, 1CI.V3U.I0 Cashier's checks outstanding, 115, Hue to National Hanks, 11,719,21 " " other Ranks and Rankers, 1,078,03 il31,IW).l3 STATE OF PENNA. ) I .until n fYJiunhtn I s.s. t. . . .t.c u. n.u ma. naiiuuai T T 1 Tnaltn f'n.lil.. f .1.- T.-l . ., , the nbove statement la true, to the best of my .T. 1 TTtflTTM Canute Kubmlttcd nnd nltlrmed to before me, this SSth Wm. Peacock, Notary Publlo. ?K?.T'iT-rA"!!!-yfm- NcaI O R. Paxton Wm. SIcKelvy, Directors. "YyiDOW'S APPBAISEMENTS. .iu,Ui.uWiui,uiii,ruisuuieniiioi real ana per sonal property set apart to widows of decedents, have been riled In tho olllce of the Register of Pnltimhtn "mint,, nna.l, .1 . '- i will be lirekcuted for absolute conHnnatlou, to the Orphans' Court to bo held In Rloomsburg. In aiid for said county.oa Weduesday.tho 4th day of May 1S70 at two o'clock p. v., of said day, unless r1 J . . . .. ".awuus aro previously tiled, of which all persons Interested lu satd estates will tako lintr 1. Widow of David Fry, late of Eoavor twp., Col. co., dee'd. 2. Widow of ColllusSutlltr. late of Sugarloaf twn., dec d. I 4e?d " iaio 01 yemre iwp. 4. Widow of RcuJ. Camp, late of Locust twp uru u. S. l'lltnu,nrnun.n t..,.. ... J ... dee'd v.v.b mta oi locust iwp., ,, WILLIAMSON II. JACOBY, "l"1'"- Register REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all legetees, creditors and othor persons Interested In the estates of the re- .,.,..v.H.uu,uwul ma. .110 louow- lng administration and guardian accounts have th-en rllHit In the nrll-n nnh. ......' blacounty. aud will bo presented for contlrma- held In pioomsburg, on Weduesday, the 4th day of May. 1870. at two o'clock In tho T ifi..,, .it said day. .-" "VJ"""!- joiiu nuuman, uuardlan of Kraer Hosier, minor child of Iloury Hosier, late Of lwflXTa1 turn ilcm'tfl " ,.2- first and final account or Franklin Chris .. . . nlvu,.ucl unsnau, late or Mau Atuoum oi jduq uiaiey. adra'r. of Etlsha Aiuerison, iaie oi urccnwoou twp., dee'd. 4. The final account of William Creasy, Guar dian of Susanna Gearhart, minor child ofloseoh Gearhart, late of Catawlssa twp., tlco'U. Ti7,m..iC 1 1 . "-""ica Aiasiers, num'r. or t ti,. :,;r, ' w uirEawcwi vwp., uee'd. km rw',,' laioor vim, ,1 ,t? V111, accocut of Nicholas . V y; . lentil j.uur. iaie 01 urecu. wood twp., dee'd.",? ' I1"4,,i' nount of John R. Moy. deceased. 'uu, ,u' urRnse ,WP' II 'I'll ft flnl am,I . ..... . . ... RoonV't&d0 Jbn K, ' III Thn tirel eh,t nn.l . . - ... man, Executor of Beujatnlu S. Merrill, late of llloom twn.. dee'd. p;r,A,."s T,r;. ;.p owpp. "u'r. or S. llowmnn nnd John H.'liowman. minor child deoM ' "ow"n, line 01 juimiu twp. WILLIAMSON II. JACORY, nprl'70. Register. GBAND JUBOB8. l'OR MAY TERM. 187(1 Rlooiu-Lott Wertz, John A. Funston. Freas llrown. NiuSnUl EllM Vo'- llenton-John W. Uelshllno. Heaver Thomas Lutr. Ceutralla Uoro'-I. A. Weldensaul. Opnyujham-Wllllam Goodman. IshlugcHek-Sainuel J. Pealer. Greenwood Joseph W. Eves. Win.l(fuchIanBl' Mcllrlde.Jou"'lver, Jocksnu Clinton Lowls. Ike'ler.,'lea'"""-I,'""el UcCuttr' -Andrew J. Orange Isaao Dlldluc. Pine Daniel Greene, llenjaraln Wlnlersteen. 13ETIT JUBOBS. X FOR MAY TERM. 1S70. Illoom-Caleb Uarton, Charles Karnwalt. Charles Forstcr,Jonathan Cromlse.IIenry Zup plnger. Ilrlarcreek-J. C. Smith, Geo. W. Rower, lohn G. Jaooby, ' Hentou-James Conner, Reuben J, Davis, Berwick lloro'-Oeo. A. Ream. jjUeaver-Ellas MIller.l'eterHhellhamer.Davld Ceniro Stephen Wolf. Conyngham Reese Davis. Jishlngcreelc-John Buttou. David Doty. 1- rauklTu-Wm. Rohrbach. Jackson Clever. aeVSaTe1'' ltUU"1' Julm WjMkl- Hemlock Thomas W. Pursel. Jekjon-Augustus Everhart, Oeorge Hurle- locust George Kettermau. Montour W. M. Monioe. MIQtln-A. II. Creasy, Hiram Eckroto. um'Kfioma1;"' 0"'U"' Haury ,Muu' Ul" lloarlugcreek-Adam Oable, Scott-Ell Ilartman. Hugat loaf-Oscar Lowls, Attest Wm Khickiiauu, Clerk. MollUKOAI Mim.aud, BhtrlO'. Titos. J. UELL1VER, 1 Jury ELIBHA IIAYMAN Conj'ri ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Nllna l,l,.p.l,ffnlu.nll..l 1, 1 - 1.011, Esq., Asslgueo of I'ete r M. Traugh, has Sled 1! ,..??i!!'.", 'VB.?,llf,r w!li' the vouchers thereof ciuX or.u!!,hUUl',arlrl,, u,,or 1,19 ''""t'h'iffiy -Uerwlck Gazette please copy. A BCH STBEET r 1.A1IIII.-1. liritlDlinitnn rf nniibiiuuDn, 5JI A11C1I ST.. UXLOW NINTH T rillLADKLI-niA TUB tlLll 1 ISJTAULISlliilJ VrAND. IhoNewBtyJesof '. k i"rg stock or ..,"A" IN GB . . . " . , -""""i-uum ivaies, unu will be sold at u great reducttou front last season's urici ENGLidii liituHHKiji nt TS! S.,.rlii.J !?: goodslu proportion. JOS. IILACKWOOD. lu-gui. hi aku ttU I'hlladclplila. QOUBT IUIOOLAmXtTBnT WllKltKAfl. the 1 till. Win, Judge or the Court of tivi d' !'H, Frui, Oonornl Jail Delivery Cof I W TcrraiSfr of the Pcaco nnd Court of tiS!, u'r .,' phnn's Court In the ko, JuaWMi tSiZ F.'Mann Assoclnti Jmiiel 0? fe" i tSikl tho'nsXnd, ilght imndred andPSr S medlrcctd for lioldlngCot?rtef nenl nd 5' nilncrnnd General Quarter BeiSf". w I t.'.4 uourtoi uommon 1 lean and iwi""hPii Illoomsburg, In tho county11 bfftte'" CoVtK first Monday, being tho SutdM?.bl. tfth! contln uo ono week. "" ' Mar 'iff . Notice Is hereby given, lo ii, ,l Justice, of tho Pence, in'a thi fiS?1?11", lo ,y jald county of Colum'bla,Ut ,'a? gf "''f W of t there In their proper person at VS .'V IIimlim forenoon of sn'ld Jnd liny 01 Maifi W orils, Innnisltlonanna 0 her fJillHi teitC do those filings which to tielr nra ta t to bo douo. And those that rJ",sl'PettS recognizance, to prosecute aVe.,uJ t oners that, nre or may bo Tn ','i ,n Prli said county of Columl,i 1 1" 0 JHor thero to prosecuto them as .11.11 0 l"'n ii, rors are requested to be m.,J, L'l",'! V? Joil 1.4 rors are requested to be nunliinlS1.' V? Jul j. mice, 1 rc.b'y t.?'ll,e'r !'. iw I K burg! B. of OU drpti third year of tho TJSSK&J ' Btarm; 'UK VERY LAST NOTIciT All Persons Indebted to tne wm , nnd pay their accounts by tlio , jjPleiu (ill after which time all BcroVm, i" fJ ' Mm, the Iinnds ot n proper olllcer f'r tsllltloUcMI Ronton March 25, 1870-lt. Jl' K' KVLrett, T?kEOUTOR'S NOTICE ' Hi KHTATR Or J. O. 1TA1II In - Letters testamentary oil thL1' Plainer Into of cntWlssa 'townih S! J-tt county.dco'd.have been grantedbv I'lF'bu Columbia County to llenrr l'r,7iH'eJle8ller5 sa, .Columbia county, Pa. All L,f U,,S claims agaliistthecstalenreVeiuSS'l" lutll them to the Executor In Colin,ib?i ll0l,,ti Those indebted to tho estota " mem, morignge or book accuunl Z tit' (' payment to tlio Executor wlthouueffi11 II1.-VTI1. '' HENRY lt'A,i,V- mar. 25'70-CW, "wutor, I EXECUTORS' NOTICE J ESTATE OF CHAI1LES F. MANS ntl-'r, Letters tostnmentarj on the MtatJSfts F. Mann, lato or Reaver liwnshin county dee'd, havo beon Brautffift.ft'wiiii orsahfeountyto Cnrolln. IinninS An.W" of Uesver.col. co., P.i. All rVrso h,, en?ta ngalnst the estato'uro Jenuted to "VsirS" to tho Executoia In Columbia , rli,i!5 'JS Indebted to the estate either o nSte S,(,Tllw mortgngo or book account wl ti make &""' to the Executors without delay. " p'fm(M CAUoLine Maw mar'JO-Ow. AUJa,4 A TIDITOII'S KCtVinw trlhutlon among creditors of ihe"!laWS purpose of 1,.h "SWin SnTO Fjg Vi2?m;b.ur!',0" Monday, the 18tli day Sr l5 1870. nt 10 o'clock, A. Si'. All Stu&n h,S claims on snid estate nro iciulred tostleS 2 .aid fund F lKl"Ur''11 frm fn,nl"8'fofPVol marl87w. FUM JtRUSTEES' NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Ceorte Hartmu of Hemlock townflilp. Columbia mm, Z convcyctt his rent estate sltimt1d In suliiin. shin, to the underslgimllii trust for tliepurjxi In tho deed of trust named. All iwomwE ed to the said George Hartman sVlil mtt ment to tlio mid Trm-teis; nud thoke ttffi, claims or demands wilt mnko known the uii count " Pa ' I,u'llllurnicl'-S C ' yA,lbs B. IIARTMAN 1 - . WILLIAM M. IIARTMAN Tr marl8'70-4t. o NE CENT BEWARD. Albert Ilenrv Hliinnmon. mi nnnrfnii tnh. reward Is offered fur lit.i nHirn. am tuinnnitM hereby warned OKatnrtt harboring liim or tnut lugnnu Kiviug mm crcuii upon my flcconnt,u I will ray no debts of hts contraction, fiiii nKeu uuoui la years, aua ran away Marcfi Ii lust. WM.H.11THI1L MONi'OUU IIOUSK uuiu:ut, va, WILLIAM UUTLKIl, Proprietor, Tills Houso having been put In thorough repilt I tn 11UVT iiJCII lur 1I1U IVVV UI gUCIU. .IS I pitiua wii4 uu tfpurcu io tiisure mc pcrwci com- (ui kin mo trn,vi;ii.'r3. iiiu nopricior luiicai i (ill nro nt ntililtrt nalr-rmnna 'Pl,a Ims will hi Htock od At nil time with flue liquors anJclpal muni (yn. "VTEW BOOT AND SlfOK ST0UE, JL 1 CIS.TJ1IK HTlti;i-71' lt:ii()W nuu 1UNS KYKR'-S WlOUt:. Tho untlerHlf!tieil liavlnt hi'pn hurni-J ml il the recent destruction of the Kxcu&iuo Uaiti, I has taken the atore ns nbove, whtra lis Unci I prepared to furnish his patrons with tho beiitf I custom-mtdo work. Thmkfulfor past fsvon, I no soiicna n coniiuuance. marmiMf. CLAltlC M. BK0WS, A bsoluto Divorces lei;ally obtained In I New York, Indiana, Illlaoli till oils mnies lor persons irom anyntaie or tuuni lecal evervwtiere; desertion druakf-nileM. DOB- bupport, elo., sulll-lent cause; no publican cuargo until fiivorco ouiaiueu, auiu ,m ijusiucsn estautuueu nnecn years. Aititreu. M. IIflU."iH AtlonnT. -n. Naksau street martjlO-ani. New York lit; TN THE OBl'lIANS' COUIIT IS I 1 and for the Countv of Cnlumbla. lDtbemit-1 lernrtlio Knt admloUna I oi jereraiau iv..ine, iaie oi jacjiuu .um,.r,. deceased, fm specltlc nerformanco of codwai Kehruary 8th, 1870, C. W. Miller, Ek,i.,ppobw commissioner to taae prooi oi luim , tin fl r-....rl f..rllll.,.l rmm tilt! ltL'COrl WKLLISdTO.S H.KST.ttol To persons Interested In the above CSM.WJ notice, that 1 shall attend for the purpose. I nw I appointment nt my office, In Uloombor8,Ji naturuay, mo uay oi April H u oiock, n. iu. i, mnr257U.lw. (.'ommlilMi. JpiBST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, REST, PUREST, AND CIIUArST' SATISFACTION OUAltAXmll! I 'l, Ii, .t,.s ii,,,ui,ltv.nudDrl!l!B' cy, Tt has no equal. , hft11. Bold hy all dealers In Paints IhMghou! the country. j I3ABKEB, MOOnE & MEIS, SUCCE.HS01-.H 70 T. MORRIS PEROT 4 CO- Role Proprietors, Philadelphia, r-i Dealers in all klmHof DRUGS, OILS, PA I NTH, GLASS D1T.STIWS, AC, AC. Caution.-OwIhb to.lhe l"P0 ,,!"ft2j )ur "First National W 'hi , Ltad, o ueiy lartleshnvo been Induced '0!ffrJk'piL lousarllclo ttudcr tho sntoo iiame- Z 'oro Reware of Counterielts, 1M no Is put up In extra heavy lln r lots, wHu patent metallic wire lisiy iii.l il,nn.,.,anr BABKEB, MOOBEAMEInI On each label, For sale by marS5'70-ly. MOYEBI.IWTIWW I TN THE COUBT OP COMMON JL. 1-iitSAM UI-' U)t,iuun vw" . .. ni:l'I BCIKB FACIAS TO DBINU IN WIPO I Nathan Creasy va Catharine Loiigenherger widowof Geortje I)tigeu- K0.155W Term isi ucrger, ueo u., ei. at. . ltd Tho Commouweallli of Pennsy 1 ,m Bherlir of the county of' Colum'' 10 "Vltt! whereas Nathan Creasy heretofore i r B, mo inirieenin uay oi ovy. -rrrnln thousand eight hundred and six !'" t Court of Common Pleas before oar Jj llloomshura recovered JUUBmei", -;,.rn(y,o ecutora of nil nud slocular '''fjSJe'WfB iisiiui 1.1m vrcuiis WlllVil w - .... .wBl lierer lute nf vnnr pnuntv decease '"I.Z dehX or sum of one liuudred and ("J" an fJ nnd slxtyslx cents as alio twf Lij 'siii seventv-flvo cents which, to l"(i.K'..iclil Creasy were adjudged lor hi; c! aeieoM which lie sustained by occalon of tije 01 mat ueut auu wuerea ii; - ifl tut enbergcr dledselied of real i fJ nJtJ county of Columbia which J".";'" Kllwfl m mu sain uHiuarine .,,,,aT,;r-'7 ij-uwb-j wife of John Keltrer. Lydla wlf ' ' 'ffsitM'fl bcrt. Naomi wile of mv,Li"h"m''-n lain Longonbereer and Mary .,Manisn,tfB Aiarney, I'athailuo wife of SftJJ, viWM auein inner nnuwiepnen s''''"u.rV.trdea"J,J heirs of the bald George lfitajSSaiMlvll u whereas tho said ain 1 -.T(-irein5l to understand that the sold Jadi'" ,nr,'l wnoiiy unpaid una uusatuneu "-riy , i us to nrovAta for tilai a nroper reai;,,', belnif wllllug that what Is J""1,,1" forulrfSl should be done, so accordlug to I ' a pWtWJ Act of Assembly lu such case wr""-'.'! uu, wu commanu you vmi", riizawm the said Catharine 'umgeuberger, J- SW sviuiam jonn,Lainarine ,-,oniI- Mc Z-M Loiuttrnberger, nud Mary wife J'"'0- I.U? J ey.Cathartue wife of lavU.tu,uXrl WSJ Uller nnd Htepheu Miller thai "Jjtyiwjj our Judges at Rloomsburgnt our f"up'0'iW ! Commou Pleas, there U, Wf'S, if sMfJ Monday of May next to show cau fJ0at"l ttmv huva t knuur nr av why ''4 '...naWrW ueorge Ixingeiibergerdeceascdshalli;, tlcI mid paid out of the said real e'TOlta 'l said and have you then and lljf'f '',11, "1 . Witness the honorable Wllliui ;.11J,burg dent Jud )s the llonoraoia ihooiuih" dgo of our said Court ft "'Ka, ufti day of Kcbruury.A. u-'"j, ra-.r. WMUliOCOS elghteeut rs'I. m1!1 1 toarlt'70-tf.