The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 25, 1870, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE YOUNG FOLKS. A Colorado Story, (Concluded.) Wliero wro IhcyV'Alas! tlioy did not themselves know. Tlioy only know tlmt tlioy lind been awakend sudilonly by a thump mul tlmt whcntlioyjunifieil out of (ho ennoo nnd started togo homo, everything wns different. Thero was no foot pntli, no clearing whero tho tree had boon cut down, no soundof father's axo near by, nor of mother's song and the stream was rushlngon very angrily over Its rocky bed. Tho canoo. which had been broken looso nnd,borno by the current, lloated txwny with them miles and mile from tho stnko, was wedged between two groat stones when they Jumped out of It; hut now It was gone tho waters had taken It awny. After n, whlloln their wanderings, they could not oveu find tho stream, (hough It Roomed to bo roaring In ovcry direction around thum. Now tlioy werolntlio depths of tho forest, wandering about, tired, hungry, and frightened. Two nights they cried themselves to Bleep in each other's arms under tho trces;andas tho wind moaned through tho branches, Wlnnlo had prayed God to savo them from tho wolves and tho Indians and little Nat screamed, "Papal Mammal" sobbing as If his heart would break. All tlioy had found to cat was a few red berries that grow close to tho ground. Every hour tho poor children grow fainter, and, at last, Nat coludn't walk at all. "I'm too tired and sick," hotsald'and my feet's all tut. Hy toos and tackles Is In tho boat. O Winnie! Winnlel" ho would cry,wlth agrcatsob,why don't mamma'n papa come! Oh! if mamma'd only come and bring mo some bread!" "Don't cry,dear," Winnie would say, over and over again. "I'll find some moro red berries soon; and God will show us tho way homo. I know ho will. Only don't cry Nat, becauso it takes away all my courage" "All your what?" asked Nat, looking wildly at her, as if ho thought cour age was something they could eat. "All my courage, Nat." And then, after searching in vain for moro red berries, she would throw herself upon her knees and moan : "Dear Father in Heaven. I tan't find anything moro for Nat to eat. Oh! please show us tho way home!" What was that qulcksound coming toward them ? The underbrush was so thick Winuio could not see what caused It, but sho held her breath in terror, thinking of wolves and Indians, for thero wero plenty of both, shd know, lurking about in these great forests Tho soud ceased for a moment. Seizing Nat in her arms, sho made ono moro frantic efforts to find her way to tho stream; then, seeing a strange look In tho poor Ilttlofaco when sho put him down to take a hotter hold, sho scream ed: "Nail Nat! Don't look so! Kiss Win. nie!" "Hello, therel" shouted a voico through thounderbrush,and In another instant agreatstoutmancamostamping and breaking his way through tho hushes. "Hello, there! Whatoulrth'supnow? Efold Joo hain't come upon queer gamo this time. Two sick youngsters, starving, too, by Josh! Hero, you yomiguns, cat of this 'ere, and glvoan account uv yourselves." With theso words,ho drow from somo whero among tho heavy folds of his hunting dress a couplo of blscutls. "Hold up! Not so sharpl" ho said, "you must havo a llttlo at a tlmo for an hour yet. Hero, sis, give me the baby; I'll feed him; and as for you, jest sco that you, jest seo don't mor'n nibble." "Oh! glvo mo a drink I" cried Winnie, swallowing tho crackorln twobItes,and for an Instant forgetting Nat. Tho man pulled a canteen or fiat tin flask from his bolt and gave her a swallow of water; then ho hastened to moisten Nat's lips and feed him crumb after crumb of broken biscuit. "Another hour," ho muttered to himself, as ho gently fed the boy and smoothed back the tangled yellow hair from tho palo little face, "another hour and ho had been past mendin." Winnie looked up quickly. "Is ho going to die?" she asked. "Not ho," said the man, "he'll como through right end up yet. Ho'a got a fever on him, but we'll soon knock that under. How'd you get little?" Winnie told her story, all tho while feeling a glad certainty at her heart that their troubles were over. Thostrnn g er carried a gun and ho had a big pis tol and an ax and a knife in his belt. Ho looked very fierce, too,yet sho know ho would not harm her. Sho had seen many a trapper beforo sincesho camo to tho West, and though this renin looked very grand and woro a wonder ful hunting dross all embroidered and fringed, and a hat and yellow leggings, she felt suro ho was tho very trapper who had been at her father's cabin a few weeks beforo and taken supper aud warmed himself beforo tho flro, while he told wondorful stories about Iudlans and furs, and about having many a tlmo had "fifty miles of traps out on ono stretch." Sho remembered, too, that her father had told her tho next day that trappers lived by catching with traps all sorts of wild animals and selling their furs to tho traders, and that this particular trapper had been very successful, and had great Influonco among tho Indians ono of tho big men of Colorado, as ho said. Theso thoughts running through her mind now as sho told how thoy had been lost for thrco days and two nights, and tno sight of Nat falling peacefully asleep on tho trapper's shoulder, mado her feel so happy that sho suddenly broko forth with "0,Mr. Trapper? I can run now. Let's go right home!" Tho stars camo out ono by one that night and blinked at n strange figure stalking through tho forest. Ho had a sleeping child on each arm, and yet carried his gun ready to flro at an In stant's notice. Trudging on ho mut tered to himself; "Well old Joo, you'vo bagged all sorts of giimo in this forest, and trapped most overything ngoln', but you a'nt never had such a raro hit o' luck as tills. No wonder I stood there on tho odgo of tho timber land, listening to I don't know what. Reckon here's a couplo o' skins now'il bo putty popular at 010 market at any rate fetch most any prlco I could name but I'll let'em go cheap; all tho pay I want for theso Is Jest lo hear theklsscH of (hem poor frightened-Hello! (hero'sallghl! What ahoy! Neighbor, helloj hello!" "Got 'em bolh," ho shouted as thrco figures, two men and a Woman, camo In sight through tho starlight. "All right, got 'em both." Tho children nro awako now. What sobs, what broken words of lovo and Joy fall upon tho midnight air! And through all, Wlnnlo, wondering mid thrilled with strange lmpplncss, is Bay ing to herself: "I know Qod would show us tho way hornet FARMER'S COLUMN. Mako a Scrap Book. Kvery Intelligent, progressive farmer takes n paper. This Is a fixed fact. It h to bo hoped too, that ho has half a dozen Journals, of ono sort or another coming ovory month. But, however that may ho, when ho reads them over ho often says : "Now I wish I could remember that item ; and put it in prac tlco next Beason. I bellovo I will out and Bavo It somowhere." Ho does cut It out and puts It in His vest pocket, or between tho leaves of a book, or in somo out of tho way place, whero thero Is llttlo chanco of his ever seeing It again. Now when ho cut It out ho took a step in tho right direction. Why did ho not go on a llttlo further, and pasto It in a scrap book? Then it would havo been permanently saved and very convenient for reference. Preserving papers in files would savo all tho articles, but fow would over take tho troublo to look all through them for somo point they wish ed to read over again. It would seem too much llkolooking'forthopruvcrbial "nccdlo in tho hay-mow." The scrap book gives you tho very cream of your papers. Thero aro usually only a few articles In each one which seem to have been written oxprcssly for you, and you do not caro to save thoso bolonging to somebody else. You do not caro to read tho columns on bco-kcoplng, when you nover owned n beo lu your life ; but probably your neighbor takes moro in terest lu that than any other depart ment. It Is tho beauty of every good paper that It has something in for every ono. Tho houso-mothcr can never buy as good a receipt book as sho can mako hy carofuily saving tho useful receipts and suggestions sho meets in her weokly paper.. Tho book should havo a simple classification; tho receipts for cooking should bo placed by themselves, those for general housework may Do placed in another part of tho book tho samo directions on gardening, care of children , etc. Such a book is a great means of econo mising in tho courso of a year. Just tho right thing in tho right placo often saves dollars of money, and dollars' worth of tlmo and troublo. Just such h ints and directions wo meet with from week to every good paper, and it is tho putting it into practice that makes tho dlffcrenco between tho thrif ty, successful farmer and his opposlto. Of courso if thoy aro forgotten they can not bo put into practice. Tho mind, unless it lias been severely disciplined, Is apt to hold knowledge as much as a sievo does water. It needs many helps to mako tho mind useful. Tho very act of cutting out tho slip and pasting it in is a great help towards recalling it and if tho details aro forgotten, thero is tho artlclo itself you can turn to It readily. Thus you can bo benefited by theoxper- iencoof hundreds ot peoplo you have nover seen, but who havo kindly noted down their own success or falluro in tho various departments In which you aro iniercsted. now to Oultivato Norway Oats. It will bo lmposslblo to glvo very definite directions as to culturo, so much depends on tho condition of tho soil. Tho samo advantage, in proportion, is gained on any soli that oats aro over grown on. Last season wo contended that on rich or poor land wo could assuro doublo tho yield that tho other varieties would produce. Tho result proves that they will do much better than this, while 'in many instances good crops havo been secured on land that other oats would not produco anything. They require no extra culture, but may be highly cultivated without danger. Our rule for seeding is ono bushel to tho acre, which Is ample for ordinary ground. If tho soil is poor, tho quantity should bo Increased; if very rich It should bo ro duccd. Somo of tho largest crops havo been produced from a seeding of 10 to 20 pound-J to tho aero. It must have room to Bprcad, and If seeded too thick it will choke itself. On tho richest soil they grow stalks sufficiently strong to hold up tho heavy weight of grain with out lodging, if sowed thin enough to glvo them room to grow tho immense number of shoots that spring from ovory kernel of seed. Thoy maturo about the sanio tlmo as other oals, and should be harvested whon about half cured, as tho weight of tho berry renders them moro liable to shell than common oats, when too ripe. How to Make Coitef.. First, sol emnly determlno in your own mind never to allow an ounco of ground cof fee to enter tho door of tho kitchen. If no ono about tho premises understands tho art of roasting coffco, then buy it ready roasted, and try aud find a-dealer who has not soaked all tho essential Julcofrom tho coflto beforo putting it into tho oven. If tho roasted berry Is about twlco as largo as when green, dopond upon It you havo been defraud od. Get an earthen pot and put tho ground eoffeo In a clean white flannel bag, and bo suro to put enough In, mid drop tho bag into tho pot. Pour on boiling water and let It steep ; do not boil It. Tho coffeo will steep In twenty minutes. Nover break an egg, and nover up with water tho second time. Pour on lu tho beginning tho amount of water needed. An ordinary tcacupful of ground coffco is sulllcient for thrco per sons. Uso Java, Mocha, or Java and ilio mixed. Follow this receipt, and you will nover complain of poor coffee, Am. Jiuilder, An individual of much practical ox porlcncosays that green elder, deposi ted In and about mows of grain, will provo an effectual preventative against tho depredations or mlco and rats. Theso animals nro frequently very des tructive In their ravages, aud If a rem edy so slmpio and cosy of attainment bo efficacious, it deserves to bo known and remembered by all. Wo have long known that tho stalks of tho common uiullcn will drlvo rata from tholr haunts. Stoves and Tinware. N KW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. IHAIAII IIAUKNUUCH, Mntn Miroet nne dnnr abava 15. Menileniiall'fl Htore. A large Assortment or moves, neater aim Han kc constantly on hand, ami for Bate ut tho InwriL ruton. Tinning inaU Its branches carefully aUendeiHo, and satisfaction Runrantteil Tin wortt oi an Kin us wholesale ana retail, A trial Is reqnettetl, S' TOVE8 AND TINWARE. A. M. MJrEKT announce, to his friends nnd customer, that continue, the above business nt his old place on MAIN STREET, ULOOMSBUUG. Customers can be accomodated with Vakcy STOVES of all kinds, stovepipes, Tinware, and every va riety or article round In a Stove and Tinware Es tablishment In the cities, and on the most reason able term,. Repairing done at the shortest notice, a DOZEN MILK-I'ANH on baud fur (ale. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OH MAIN STHEKT, 1UMRLY 01T03ITK VILLXU BTOUK, IlLOOMSBUltG, TENN'A. Till undersigned has Just fitted up and opened STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n tills nlaco. where he la nrenHTful tn mnliA nn new Tin WahioI all kinds In hi, line, and do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon the tuua. reiuiuuuuiw wrjiiB, lie also Keeps onuanu STOVES OK VARtOUS PATTEttNS STYLES, Which he will sell upon terms lo suit purchasers. (Jive him a call, lie Is a good mechanic, and JACOB MKTZ. Uloomsbnrg, April 26, 1807, Foundries. s IIAItPLESS & IIARMAN, EAQLE rOUNDKT AND HANUrACTCIUNO SllOf, STOVES & FLOWS WHOLESALE A RETAIL TUB CELEBRATED HOKTttOSK IROK UKAU AND THE II OTTOS WOOLEN BEAM FLOWS. Castings and Fire Brick for renalrlne cltr Stoves. All kinds of Bras, or Iron casting made to order npon siiort nonce. B. F. BHARPLES3 A IN 8. HARMAN, Bloomsbnrg, Pa. Proprietors, lIar.lO.'119-tr. o RANQEVILLE FOUNDRY, MACHINE SHOP AND AGRICULTURAL WU11KB. The undersigned desires to Inform his friends and tho public generally, that ho has rebuilt and enlarged his Foundry and MachlnoShop, and re moved all his business from Light Street to the ahovonarnod place, where In connecUon with his Foundry he will continue to manufacture Wheeler's Railway Chain Horse-Power and Thresher, (Improved), Curuell'H Patent. THRESHER AND CLEANER, either overahot for Tread-Power or uudershot with Lever-rower. He also manufacture) to order and Ms up nil kinds of MIIjIi gearing, Circular Saw Mandrels. Patent Slides for Saw Milts, the latest lmnroved Iron Beam Plows of uiuerem Kinus woouen iieam iiows, uouuie Corn, Plows, and Plow point, or every descrip tion generally used throughout the county. IRON KETTLES, BELLS Cellar Grates, Stoves, Sled and 81clgh Soles, and In fact every thing generally made In a country Foundry. Thosewishlng to purchase Machines would do well to examine his machines, and the Improvements made on tho power, by which at least 2(1 per cent, of the friction Is taken off. ALL MACHINES ARE WARRANTED to give good satisfaction, and terms made to suit fiurchasers. All kinds cf country produce taken n exchange for Plows and castings. rnanKiui lo mi irienus sua pairons lor pam favors he would still continue to solloltthe same. WILLIAM SCHUYLER, Apr.9,C9-tr Orangovllle Pa. W ANTED AGENTS FOR THE KING. OF HORSE BOOKS: The American r Aim En's house rook, It outsells.ten to one, any book of Its kind publish ed, 40th thousand In press. Agents doing better now than ever beforo. Also, for OUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN. In both ENGLISH and GERMAN, Embracing the ALLOPATHIC, HOMEOPATHIC, HYDRO PATHIC, ECLECTIC and HERBAL raodos of treatment, 511 closely printed pages. Price onlr 12.50. The moit complete, reliable ami ppou- laay family medical look in exittence. Addross C. F. VENT, Publisher, 38 W. 4th SU, Cincinnati, Ohio. fobU'90-lm ?l llsrrliy St., !t.Y.or38 Vt'.tlliM., ( ln-lui,ll,0. r they want the most populnrand Imi selling sulxcrlptlnn Imoks publlilied. nil. I tlii'iiioXlib eraltertiu. Send for circulars. Thevwlllcoi.tyou nothing, and mayhoof great benefit to you. febino-ly. Insurance Agencies. Q.LOBE MUTUAL) LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY o r NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, H. C. Freeman, See Cash capital over S2,00O00U,all paid. J. D. ROBISON.BLOOMSBURG.PA GENERAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug. 20,'09-ly. NSURANOE AGENCY. Wyoming ............ Stnn. Fulton....... 1170.000 4,OO0,0OC 300.000 North America...... City.- International....... Niagara Putnam Merchants ... ...... Springfield Farmer,' Danville Albany City......... 360,000 450,000 1,400,000 1,000.000 (30,000 330,000 670,000 C00.0O0 400.000 2(0,000 63,000 1,000,000 Lancaster City.. York Horse, Death & Theft.... Home, New Haven Danville, Horse Then FREA8 BROWN, Avenl, maia.69-ly. Bloousbdro, Pa For Purt Wsler, n tail Mlecrstsa ramp, ssureij isiltuil, dursbls sad rtUs blsitqailtoths good oid-fualoosd woodia Fntnp. sad wtllllthln half th. mossy. Xiilly arranged so u to ts noa-frMiinx. sad la coDjtrnctloB so ihapU tbtt ,n on, can put It up and sua It I, npilr. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUUP NOW MAD? Oct.22,'C0-6m. D ENTISTRY. H. O. HOWER, DENTI8T, Ittwneclfully offers bis professional services to elnltv. Ifo lit ni-ATiArpit tn attend tn all the varl ous operations In the Una or his profession, and Is provided with tlia latest improved 1'okcel ain Tkbtu which will bo Inserted on gold p .alloc, nllver and rubber base to look as well as Che nat uratieetn. Teeth eztractea uy auuia newauf most approved methods, and all operations on the leelu carerullvniwl nrnr.eilv attended tn. Uetldenc and oMco a few doors above the (jouri jiouse, same side, 11 looms our. JanJUtUiti REENWOOD SEMINARY. The Snrlutr TetnlYif thla Institution will nnen on MONDAY, APRIL lkth, mo. and the Url auaricroi tieven weeas win terminate on ine rst or July, when thero will be a vocation until the first of August. Hoarding students, not placed under the Im mediate charge of relations, aro expected to board at tbe Seminary, and boarders must turn is n ineir own loweis, ac, TERMS i noardlng and I.lghU, per quarter 13300 Tuition, do 7.00 to 8 00 do Juvenile class do 4.00 to SO) Wash lng extra, and all bills liayable, one-half In advance, and balance at or before the end of uio iiuarit-r, for furuitr particulars inquire oi WM. I1UROEH8, Mlllvllle, March 4, 1870-Jm. principal. s LATE HOOFING, EVERY V A H I E T Y MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CASI'EK J. THOMAS Box, 177. Uloomsburg, Ps, Mar,19.60-ly ,SU"'"U BUTCHLa Drugs and Chemicals. flKENIX rECTORAT, CURES COUGH I I'IKKNIX PECTORAL CU1UM COUOlll P1KKNIX PECTORAL CURES COUUUI Cents, Tho riicenlx Poctorn. will cure tho .'diseases of tho Throat and Lungs, such na Colds, Cough. Croup, Asthmn.lJronchltls, Catarrh, Boro Throat Hoarseness. Whooping Cough, and Pulmonary Consumption, This medicine Is prepared by I)r Levi Oberhollecrof I'lillndelphla, and formerly of rho?nlxvlllet Pa,, nnd nlthongh It has only been offered for five years, more than ono mill Ion bottles have already been sold, and the de mand for It is Increasing every day. Many of tho Itetall Druggists buy It In lots of flvo ktoss. and not a few of tho Country Htorekeepcrs try onegrofsatfttlmo. Nearly ovcry ono who has ever sold It ten tines tolts popularity, and nearly all who havo used It, bear testimony to Us won derm I power In curing Cough, We nro confident that there is no known mediclno of such great Vftluo to the community as the Phconlx Pectoral, 11 has cured cases of tho most painful and dis tressing cough, of years standing. It has given Instant relief In spells of coughing. It has Instantly stopped the paroxysm of Whooping Cough, and greatly shortened Us du ration, It has cured Croup In n few minutes, Consumntlnn has been cured liv It. whero all other remedies had failed to do good. lloarsenesi has been cured by it in a single night. Many physicians recommend lt.and others us It themselves and administer It In their practice while others opposo It because it takes away their business. We recommend it to our readers and for fur ther particulars, would refer you to the circular nround tho bottle whero you will llnd numerous certificates given by persons who have used It, It Is so pleasant to tho taste that children cry for It. It Is nsttmulatlngexpcctornnt, giving strength at tho same tlmo that ll allays the cough. The proprietor of this medicine lias so much confidence in lta curative powers from tho testi mony of thousands who have used It that tho money will be refunded to any purchaser who Is not satisfied with the effects. It Is so cheap that all ran buy It. Price 25 Cents, Largo Dottles 91.00 It Is prepared only by LEVI OnEMIOLTZEIt M. D WHOLESALE DRUG 0 1ST. 'No. 153 North Third Street, Philadelphia, N. B, If your nearest Druggist or Storekeeper docs not havo this mediclno uk him to get It for von. and da not let him nut vnn nir with Dome other preparation because he mates moro mon ey on It; but go or send at onco to soma storo whoro vnu know it la kntif. nr Rpnil tn Ur. Ober- holtser. Hold by K. 1. i.utJ! Druggist, 1J looms burg, and II. W. Creasy, a Co.. Light Street, and nearly every druggist and storekeeper In Colum bia County. uec. juw-um, T 10 CONSUMPTIVES. Tho Advertiser, havlne been reKfnrml fn bantu. having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that drcau disease, Consumption Is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the menus of cure. To all who desire It. ho will scud ncony of the proscription used (fico of charge.) with tho direc tions for preparing nnd using the same, which they will llnd a sure Cure for Oonsumptlon,ABth- , jHuuviiiu. civ. xiiu uujeci, ui me auver User, Intending the Prescription is to benefit thonfttlctcd, and spread Information which be conceives to bo Invaluable: and ho lmnen nvprv sutlererwlll try his remedy, ns It will cost them uuiuiug, mm mux prove a uicssing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address ItEV. KDWAHU A. WILSON. Williamsburg. Klnga County, Now York. Nov.2u,'C-ly. 9(0,000 OVAUANTEE. BUCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTIIEIl LEAD ! 1st. For lis Unrivaled Whiteness, 2d. For lta Unequalled Durability, 3d. For Its Unsurpassed Covorlng Property. Lastly for 1U Economy. O-It COSTS LESS to nalut with ItiTmr T.irjn than any other White Lead extant. The same w.l.hl .nv... Umil' Dltl.L' . OI.' ABLE, and makes WHITEB WohlC. B UCK LEAD, Is the Cheapest and Best, $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTIIEH ZINCS. 1st. For lis Unequalled Durability, s,l. For Its Unrlvnled Whiteness, 3d. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Property. Lastly, for Its Grout Economy, being the CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, nnd most DURABLE White Paint In the world, nu v ONLY ISUC1C LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: THY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Sttlsfactlon Guaranteed by the Manufacturers. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expressly for Painting COTTAGES, OUT BUILDINGS of every descrip tion, FKNCKH, Ac. THIHTY-FIVE DIFFER. i.N i i-uiAJitM, uurauiv, uncap, unuorm, and Beautiful shades. Sample cards sent by Mall If desired. Dealers' Orders will bo nromutlv executed bv the manufacturers, FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO., N. W. Cor. Tenth and Market Streets, Jan28'70-ly. Philadelphia LORILLAllD'S I Is an excellent nrtlclc "EUREKA" of granulated Virginia; Smoklne Tobacco I Wherever Introduced It omouing jouacco i, nriivT.aii mlmlro.1 It Is nut nn In handsome mnslln baes. In which orders for Mecrsohaum Pipes are dally packod. LORILLARD'S I claused by all who con- YAOHT CLUB lume It as tbe "finest of BmolElna' Tobacco I all;" It Is made of the smoKing lODacco choicest leaf grown i It Is antl-ncrVOUS In lis effect, as thA Nlfnilnn lias been extracted'. It leaves no disagreeable .unto uiin auiu.i,g,.v I VVty JUUU,UgIlb 1Q COIOT and Welch t.hence one nnumf will lnat. of ordinary tobacco. In this brand we also pack orders every day for first quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try It and convince yourselves It Is all It claims to be, 'THE FINLST OF ALL." LORILLARD'S I Thla brand of Fine Cnt CENTURY I chewing tobacco lias no Chewing Tobacco. 'Vla' or TB,u?erlorllSDJ'; doubt the best chewing tokacco In tho country. LORILLARD'S S N II V V H havo now been In pen eral use In the United , ,,,, , , , States over 110 years, and still,1 ih- used. " "v v "" If your storekeeper does not havo theso arti cles for sale, ask him tn cot ti,nn ..... 'i .v.jwi-u,. juuucib miuuab overywuere. circular or prices forwarded on application. ,., P. LOUILLARl) 4 CO., Jan.21'.0.3m New York. o MNIBUB LINE. The nnderslgued would resiclfully announce to mo ruiicns 01 Bloomsbnrg and the public gono- ranyina ue is running an OMNIBUKJNE between this place and the different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going South and West on the Cata wissa and Wllllarnsport Railroad, and with those going North, and South on tbe Lackawanna and Uloomsburg Railroad. His Omnlbusses are In good condition, commo dious and comfortable, and charges reasonable. persona wishing to meet or see tholr friends de part, can bo accomodated upon reasonable charge uy leaving timely notice at any of tho hotels. JACOB L OJRTON, Prop?lto,, rnilE BEST IN THE WQRLD, THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN J1.600 CASH. FOB 1870. 81.500 CASH. A FALUABLE PREMIUM FOR ALL. This splendid Hlustratod weekly Journal of popular science, mechanics, Inventlon.euginecr Ing, cliemUtry, architecture, agrlculturo and tho kindred arts, enters Its twenty-fifth year on tho first of January next, having a circulation far ex- ceeuing mai 01 any similar Journal now publish- The Editorial Department of tho Scientific American Is very ably conducted, and some of the most popular writers In this Country and huropo are contributors. Every number has IS Imperial pages, embellished with Hue Engrav ings or Machinery, New InventionsTools ror tho Workshop, Farm and Household, Engineering Works, Dwelling Houses. Public Bulldlugs. A Journal 01 to much Intrinsic value, at the low price of IJ a year, ought to have, In Ibis Ihrlyingcounlry.A Million Headers. Whoever reads the Scientific American Is en tertained and Inslrui lcd, without being bother ed with hard words or dry details TO INVENTOItS AND MECHANICS, this Journal Is of special value, as it contains weekly rejiort of ull Patents Issued nt Washing ton, with copious police, or tho leading Amerl can and European Invention,. The Publisher, or the Scientific American are tho most Exten sive Patent Solicitors In the world, and have un equalled facilities for gathering a completo knowledge of tho progress of Invention and DIs. ovory throughout tho world: and with a view to mark the quarter of a century, during which this Journal has held tho first place In scTentlilo and Mechanical Literature, tho Publishers will Issue 11 J anuary flrstthe Urge and splendid Steel En fodi hy John Sartalu of Philadelphia, eull- the plate costing nearly 11.000 lu engrave, and contains nineteen Ilk enesses of I llnstrlous Am erican inventors. It Is a superb work of art, Hluglo pictures, printed on heavy liapcr, will bo sold at 110, bat any one subscribing for tho Sclentlrto American the paper will be sent tor one year, together with a copy of the engraving, ou reoelpt of 110. The picture lsalso ottered as a premium for clubs of subscribers. -l,6W CASH PRIZES.-t, In addition to the above premium, tho Pub lishers will pay 11,500 In Cash Prizes for list, oi subscribers sent In by February lo, 1870. persons who want to completo for these prizes, should tend at once for prospectus aud blanks for names .viui. ui nuKuiuiv Aiuvricuu, one year s&uk six months 11.60; four months, 11.00, To Clubs 10 and upwards, terms tUOper annum, Speci men copies sent free, addross the Publishers, , MUNN 4 CO.. , . . 87 Pork Row New York. How to get Patents. A pamphlet of Paton Law, aud instruction to inventor sent free, doc, tt.-ea-tt 25 iiiK $11 Rail Roads. TACK AW ANNA AND BLOOMS- IS BUIia RAiLROAl) On nnd ,fUr Jan, 17,1870, TaMengor Trains will run as follows! Going North. Golng.Soutn. Arrlvo Arrlvo Lcavo Leave p.m. n. m. p.m. a.m. Scranton 8,15 11,00 4.00 7.20 Leave I'ltUton 8.11 10.30 4.32 7.60 Kingston 7.W 10,03 &.() 8,20 Plymouth......... 7.84 9.41 6.10 Sblckshl!iny., 7.68 9.00 6.10 VM Berwick G.03 8.30 0.50 Ml Bloom m.......... 6.28 7.63 7.30 10.17 Danvllla 4.60 7.13 8.10 10.63 Leave Lcavo Arrive Arrive North'd 4.13 0.40 8.43 11.35 Connection made atScrauton by the 10.40 a.m. train for Great Bend, Blnglmmtou, Albany and all point. North. East and West. D.T. BOUND, Sup'l. ATAWISSA RAILROAD On aud after MONDAY, Sep. 0, 1800, rnsscnger trains on the Catawlssa Railroad will rim at the following named hoursi ifail ISoith. stations, y Mail Xorth Dep. 8.1.5 n,m Wllllarnsport. Arr, (1.00 p.m. " O.Hi1' Muncy. Dep. 6.28 " " 0.47 " Watsontown. " 4.67 " " 10.0.3 " Milton. " 4.40 " ' 10.45 " Danville. " 4.00 " " 11.03 " Rupert. " 3.40 " " 11.17 ' Catawlssa. " 8.32 " " 12.2a p.m. Hlngtowu. " 2.23 " " 12.68 " Summit. " 1.50 " " 1.08 " Qunknke. " 1,40 " " 1.20 " l Mnhony June. " 1.80 " " 2,15 "Dlno. Tnmaqua. Dlno. " 1.10 " " 4.23 " Reading. " 10,40 a.m. Arr. 6.43 " Philadelphia, " 8.13 " n "-. I To Now York via. Read I lng or Mauch Chunk. From New York via. I . R Mauch Chunk. '5j NoChangoof cars between Wllllarnsport nnd Philadelphia. GEO. WE1IU Suy'U jgROWN'S FAST PREIQIIT FROM PHILADELPHIA TO BLOOMSBUltG, and lntermcdlnle points. Goods forwarded with care and despntch nnd at low rates. Goods, at Philadelphia, must be delivered at Bltner&Co's. 811 Market Street, For full par ticular, apply to U Ubl. Ub t JXLL OVA. .A IU(JI1VIUID, Aug. 20.'C9-tf. It. It. Depot, Bloomsburg.l'a. TORTIlERN CENTRAL RAIL- J.1 WAY. on and after Nov. Uth 1800, Trains w! lcavo NoRTiioanxnLANO as follows : NORTHWARD. Soj A. m.. Dally to Wllllarnsport, (except Sunday) forElmlra, Canandalgun, Rochester, BufTalo. Suspension Bridge, nnd N. Falls. 1 : ju , uuiiy, icxcepi tunuaysj lor J!.imira anu BufTalo via lirte Itallwav frnm Klmlrn 6.30 i'. if,, Dally, (except Sundays) for Wllllams- TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 10.23 A.M. Bally (except Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINGTON AND rillLADHLPIIIA. 11.10 P.M. Dally(oxceptSunday's)for Baltimore tMllluglAJU UUU A UllUUUllllllO. ED. S. YOUNG, General Passenger Agent. Alfkeu R. Fiskb, Oen'l Supt., JEADINQ RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Dkcembsh 27th, 1809. Great Trunk Line from tho North and North' West forPhlladelnhla.New York. IleiMilntr Pnttu, vlllo, Tnmaqua, Ashland, Shamoltin Lebanon Allentown, Easton, Ephratn, Lltlz, Lancaster, Trnlns leave Harrlsburc for New York. n rni. lows: At 6,33, and 8,10 a. m 12,20 noon nnd 103 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Penna. Railroad, and arriving nt Niw vvir nt 12,16, noon, 8,40 0,50 nnd 10,00 p. m. respectively. Sleeping cars accompany tho 6,S5a. m., and 12.20 Returning: Leave New York nt nml 12.00 noon nnd 5.00 n. m. Phlladelnhln nt H l!S a. m. aud 3.30 p. m. Sleeping cars accompany tho 0.00 o. in,, and 5,00 p.m., trains Irom N. Y. without change. Leave Harrlsburg for Reading, Pottavllle, Ta maqua, Mlnersvlllo, Ashland, Shamokln Pine Grove, Allentown & Phlla'd.nt 8,10 n.m.. & 2,03 4,10 p.m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations: the 4,10pm. train connecting for Phll'a Pottsvlllo nnd Columbia only. For Pottavllle Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrlsburg at 3,40 p.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,30, connecting with similar train on East Pa. railroad returning from Rcadlngat63i.m. stopping nt all stations. Lcavo Pottsvllle at 5,40and 9,00 a.m., and 2,45 p.m. Herudon nt 9.30 n. m., Shamokln at 6,40 and 10,40 n. m., Ashland at 7,03 a.m. and 12,30 noon Tama qua at 8.3J a. m., and 2,20 p. m.for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsvlllo via Schuylkill nnd Busquc banna Railroad at 8,15 n.m. for Harrlsburg, and 11,30a. m.,forPluoGrovoandTremont, Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts vlllo at5.40 a. m., passes Reading at 7,30 a. in., ar riving nt Philadelphia at 10.20 n. tn. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4,45 p. m., passing Read- mi, ih 1-ivji.ui,, ui.tviiitvi, i-uiiviiiu at u.iw p.m. Pottstowu Accommodation TralnMeaves Potts town at 0,45 a.m.,, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4,00 p.m. 1,-oiuiuuia jiauroau Train leavo iteadlng at '.15 a.m.. and U.I5 n.m. for Knhmtn. t.hi r.n..-B. ter, Columbia, Ac, Perklomen Itall Road TrnlnRlnavn Pnrlrlnmon Junction at 9,00 a. m 8.00 & 5.30 p. m. returning : loavoSchwcnksvillont 8.03 a.m., 12.43 noon, nnd l'.iu., uuuuuciiug wiiu similar trains on Heading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains IcavoPotlstown nt 0.40 a. m and 0.20 p. m.,retumlng leavoMount Pleasant nt 7.00 and 11.25 a. m., connecting 5vlth similar trains on Reading Railroad. iucsicr v auey xuiuroau Trains leavo Bridge port at 8,30 a. m. nnd 2.05 and 6.02 p. m. returning. leave DoWntncton nt fi.Ml n. tn.. 11.4. nnrni fl.,,1 5.15 p. m., connecting with similar trains ou ibpuuiug xiuuroau. (in ftnmlnv'B InnvA VanrVnrlr nl RfVln.n Tll,U phla at 8,00 a.m. nnd 3,15 p.m., (tho 6.00 a.m. tralu lui.u.uK uuiy to ibruuiug;j X'OIISVIUO e,w a.m.: Harrlsburg at 5.33 a. m. and 4.10 p. m. and Reading at 7.15 n.m, and 10.05 p.m, for Harrls- blirc. Ut77.23 a. m. for New Ynrk. nn.l nt OKIn m and 4.25 p. m. for Philadelphia. i-ommuiauon, jsiucage. Hcason, school and Excursion Tickets to and from all points, at re duced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each pasjeuger. U. A. , General Superintendent. Reading, P, Dec. 27 lMitl. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & WESTERN RAILROAD. Winter arrange ment, Jan.17,1870. Trains leave as follows: WAUI). WESTWARD. Ac- Ac- STATIONS. com. com, r.u. Vln f .f. I.. I.L.iu A M. Arl New York. (Lv 5.00, 8.00 4.4 tvot uarciay fir.) ...Christopher St... , Hobokcn Newark- Wlwhlil..lnr. 8.00 8.00 8.15 4.20; 8.40 1,00 110 via Ccn. lilt, of N.'j" ...,ew xorK 3..K1 0.00! 11.15 11.45 121 ....New Hampton,.. . 11163 11.1 llridgevlllo 11.55 5.10 ....Philadelphia.....'." -Trenton.......... l'hniitiLi.M- - 70 8.45 3.46 1 :m 12.3.11 !.Mauunku Chuuk'Z 11.03 12.031 12.33 12.15 ueiawnro , Mount Bethel 12,20 12.30 12.45 12.00 1I.4A .waier uap .,! ..Slroudbbiiri... 1.00 1.10 Hproguevlire. 11.20 11.09 10.51 in i Henryvllle... 1.20 l.u Oakland rorks Tobyhanua....... Gouldsboi-Q. Moscow Dunning.;,,..-., Scranton ...Clark's Summit,. ...Abluglon.... 1.30 2.10 2J) 10.19' 0.55 9.45 0.15, 2.52 3.03 8.15 4.07 A.U 9.3( .12 .60 8.43 8.35 9.68 10.18 10.40 11.03 11.28 .40 6.27 4.65 4.25 8.52 4.15 fi.13 4.31 7.55 J'SS 7.15 S.5I Nicholson. 4,63 0,15 6.33 6.65 0.10 ....uupuuuom. m...Montrose New Mllford ......Great Bend. 11.61 (Lin ! 12.13 12.33 V.H A,M r.u, r.M, CONNECTIONS, At lllnghamton with Erie Railway. Mall Train fromNow York MiniirptRullh lha l.-n.A.. fnn leaving lllnghamton at 8.37 1', u., with a sleeping Coach attached, slopping at all stations, and iwavuiuK uuutiju me uexi morning at 6,20. Accommodation Train from Scranton connects with Way Train leaving Blnghamton for Owcgo nnd Ithaca and the West nt ZOO v. u.: also coil, nectlngwlth Train on Syracuse, Blnghamton & and with Train on Albany Susquehanna H. R. for Alltnnv and the Knrtli nt 5 Hil i. t .Mall Train leaves Blnghamton after the arrival (3.47 A. M.) of tho Night Express from Buffalo. Accommodation Train leaves Blnghamton nf. iS'il'S Sfr.'va.l.on,"e Express, leavlug Bulla 815 a ' ,u"0'T,'alu leaving Syracuso at AiDcrauiun, wun jjicitawauna & Bloomsburg SiJilan,a VolawSro .lI'"lsou Canal Co. It. It ftf," ?.f.'!Ln'iom.ffSw otk .niiects wltli Trains for l'lttston. Wilkesbarre, Uloomsburg. Dan ville, Northumlrlacd.OIyphaut, Archba d.and Carbondale. Mall Train to New York, and the m?m.moatl0.1 lo. U'nehamton also connect with trains on the above-named roads. The Ac. eommodatlon from Blughainton connects with' Lackawanna and Uloomsburg for I'ltUton Wy oming, and wllkes-Bnrre. r At Mununka .Chunk. Willi Belvldoro Delaware ifiVV' '.aU Trains rom New York and Irani chamton connect with the train from nnd to Philadelphia, stopping at all stations, AtNewIlamptou.wlth Central it, R or New neIdtfcmrerlB.e'.i,c.NeW Vrkl '"".h.Pialn AtWashlngtoii.wllli Morris & Essex H.U., for New York.Newatk.MorrUtown.Dovor, HacketU. town.Easlon, Ac. W, F, HALLHTEAD.Supt. It, A. HENRY, Gen. Pass, and Tkt, Agent OTlE Vt5li$iNU Il$ss--v8 ireu5w prepared to furnish ull classes with coustant em. iloymcntathome.the whole of thetliuo or for the spare mpmenls. Business new, light and profitable. Persous or either sex easily earn from 60c to 15 per evening, aud a proiwrtloual sum by devoting their whole time to (he busl uess. Boy, anu girls earn nearly as mnch as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, aud test the business, v. e make this unparalleled offer t To such as are not well satisfied, we will send II to pay tor the troub o or writing. Full particulars, a valual 'lo sample, which will do to commence work on aud a copy pt The i'eoplt") Literary Cbmiwnfon one or the largest and licst larally newspapers )iubllshed-all sent free by mall. Reader. If you Y?'Jt,r';r!n'l"eu profitable work, address lio. Dry G-oodfl & Notions. Jq"EV STOCK OI' OLOT111JNU. Fresh arrival or FALL AND WINTKIl GOODS. DAVID LOWENBERU Invites ntlcutlon to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. at his storo on Main Street, two doors above tho American House Bloomsunrg, 111., where ho has Just received from Now York and Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, dnrable, nnd handsome DRESS aoons, consisting of - BOX, SACK, ROCa.OUM.ANDOIIi-UlAllit COATSAND PANTS. of all sorts, sizes and colors. Ho ha, also replen ished his already large stock or FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRirF.D, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS S1IIUTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, SUSPENDEItS, AND FANCY A11TIC1.ES He nas constantly ou hand n large and well-se- eotcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared lo mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd In the best manner. All his clothing la made to wear, and Most of It Is of homo mauufactnrc. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, of a cry description, fluo nnd cheap. Ills caseot Jewelry Is notsurpossedjin thls!placo.. Call aud examine hlsgencral nssortmen of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY, 40. DAVID LOWENBERG. c. C, 1 A It H have JustrecelveJ from tho eastern markets n largo nnd well selected Block of DHY GOODS, co.nbi.stinq or Cnisltncrs, Jeans, licst lilutchcil & Itrown IMuslIiis, Calicoes, TnUlo Linens, Cut ton A. Alt wool flannels. .'ic, ,1c.. A gomt fctock of I.niUcs dress goods, Latest styles A ratterns, Bplces of ull kinds, Good stock groceries, Qucensware. Htono ware, Wood A willow ware, Flonr & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin, IJrass.Ac. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In the coun try, feeling confident that ho can sell them goods at such pi-Ices as will ensuro satisfaction, Nov. 5,'CO-tf C, C. MARK. M ILLER'S STORE. FISESII AKKIVAIj OK fall and winteii aoou.s. Tho subscriber has lust returned from the cltloa with another large and select assortment of FALL AMD WINTEIl OOOBH, purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the owest figure, nnd which ho Is determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured elso where lu Bloomsburg. Ills stock comprises IvADIES' UBEliS GOODS ot tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo '.assortment of Dry Good and Urn. cerles, conslulug of tho followlug ai tides Carpets, OU Cloths, Oloths, Cnsslmeres, Shawls, Flannels, Hlllis, White (loods. I.Incus, IIoopHklrts, Muslins, llollowware Cedarware liuoenswaro, tlardware Boots and Hlioes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, . L00Ulng.Cllas.1ej, Tobacco, Coffee, Rtigars, 'leas, Itice, Allspice, Olnger, Cinnamon, NutmcgB, AND NOTIONS OKN RALLY. In short, everything usually kent In country stores, to which no Invito, the attention of the publlo generally, Tho highest price will bo paid ior country produce In exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER SON. Arcado Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. QONPEOTIONERY. The undersigned would respectfully announce to tho publlo that ho has opened a FIIiST-CLAKS CONFECTIONERY STORE, In the building lately occupied by Fox A Webb where ho Is prepared to furnish all kinds of puaih is fahuv CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, 40 4C, 4C, I1V WHOLESALE OU I1XTAIL. In short, a full assortment of all goods In his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Jkc, suttubleforthe Uolldaya. Particular attention BREAD AND O A K EH, of nil kinds, freiui every daj. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OHISTMAS TOYS. Sl,nrnAirt ao"c,lc1. satisfaction will h Nov. 2a. 1687. KCKHAltT lAmns "AIT E Iil) IIANDISE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To my frlencU and the public generally, that all DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AO., aro constantly on hand and for sale AT llAUTON'H OLD STAND BLOosrsuuua, ny JAMES K, EYKll, ,TAJ"'' Bo'8 Aeent W' PnosriiATK or 1MB. Large lot constantly on hand, rebs'07. QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa. M. O. SLOAN & BROTHER Havo 011 hand nnd for sale at tho most rcasona bio rates a splendid stock of OAltltTAflTH KlinmiM and ovory description of Wagon, both .u luwiu uj inn ucsi anu most dur wlek .'."'I'ft , 1iy.,.,ie J0?"1 experienced llshment will be found to be of tho highest class and sure to give perfect satisfaction. ll hoy have also a flue assortment of HLEiailS of all the newest and most lashlonablo styles well and carefully made mid of tho best induS Ai Inspection oflhelrwork Is asked as Ills &.mtr1? "mt "onokl'lrlorcan be found In the country, .tat-tr. T"1?, S0.8.0?.1., IMPROVED TAM- .fflnM,V.t'"uJ.fiAf. 'niese ma. r.:r.r -"ua. uuruuieanaeiasiio stitciif nui sew wiiu easeetery variety of cotton wool. " If Jnd with les power and nftsVthau any" f XI 7"lu""i AKuuu waniou in every town Liberal commission allowed. For tefms n ! circular address. A.H.HAMILTON. febl8'7n. 1?,?',!lj0.,L'lie'',m" B. "-"' I'hllad'n, Pa., Sol, Agent A Ll, KINDS OP JOB PRINTING Dry Goods & Groceries. RAND OPENING URANII Ul'lininu OllANI) OPENINH GRAND OrENINU GRAND OPENING or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting or consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CA1W, BOOTS AND RHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIWG, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, OROOEKIES, GROCER IRS, GROCERIES. GROCERIES, OUEENBWARH, OUEENSWARE, OUEENSWARE, OUEENSWARE, lJUEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT HALT SALT, 8ALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, PITH FIBH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HKEDS, URAIN AND SEEDS, Ac, AlcKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL MCKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. N01 thwest comer ot Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner or Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and MarketStreets, Northwest corner or Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Street,, BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMHBURO PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NA1IX, IRON AND NAII.H, IRON AND NAILS, In large onantlllca nnd at reduced rates, alway on uanu. Miscellaneous. quentlj- aro by tke ravagea of Catarrh. It Is lui-usmu anu painless 10 nso, contains no strong poisonous or caustlo drugs, but cur ly itimild toothing actum. I win pay500 Reward for a case of Catarrh that I cannot cure. FOR BALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS EVERY WHERE. Thick Only W Cents. If ypur Druggist has not yet got It on sale, don't bo put oir with some worse than worthless strong stuir, "fumlcator," or poisonous caustic solution, which winlrlMlA 'cHarofA (ui, instead or curing It, but send sixty ccnu to mo nnd tho remedy will reach you by return mall. lw ""S' P8t rald' 82.00, one doicn for Be''d two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address tlie Proprietor, 1""u""" ,... R. V. PIERCE M.D., Jan 7,'70-8m. BorrALO, N, V, AT E W COAL YARD. -Ll The undersigned respectfully inform the llnnmuhtirir nml rv.iMi,u ... that they keen all the different numbers of stove coal and select) :iea lump coal ror smithlne nurntv. -tr-, uu lueir wnari, auioining M'Kelvy. I rt n.l n nlKn " , . . neaia w furnace; wituagood pair or Buffalo scales on the wharf, to weigh coal, hay, and straw. Likewise a horso and wagon, to deliver coal to those who desire it. As they purchase n largo fiMu?i ' c?!il'.tl.'?y 'nteud tokeep a superior ar i.LnetS1;11 01 1118 vefy lowest prlcei. I'lcase call and cxanilno for yourselves before purchas ing elsewhere. J. W. HENDEItsilOT. AUGUSTUS MASON. THE uniiorslBiied will lako In ox chiingo ror Coal and Groceries, the followlna nuiued articles :-Wheat, Rye, Corn, OauY, Po5 toes, Lnrd, Ham,Shouider,nnif side meSuliutUr JiS'K' c" "f. '!". hlgliest cash prliei, St his" Grocery Htore, adjoining their coal yard, Bloomsburg Mar. 19,'00-lJ; W' 1IEi)ER.SUOT. "An BEST 1H THE WORLD. iT tENOIOaACISCUJUl .V-t'OHW Now York Offlca 27 BEEKMAN BT. doc. 2I,'C9-Cm, O. HOWER, ias opened a tlrst-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP. AND (lilt umi... SS"f,4 l"1?,?,"? 'alf " ."" Vtstyles ever offer! ...." Wl vioiumuiu uounty. 11b tn railMfiK men-rfln"boo',. and'sl 'afl'gaSi. "bSi if)uJj'f'?1,r1,LooU.''nu','o! " iKs'-m?; glove kldilalmoral shoes.uieu's. women's bnv.'I fii.'.uU" ' llu"'ig gaiters, wo neii gij've Sd iSr'Il' very flne,women', morocco BaluToaU ind cair shoes, women's verv nn iim.i."! .V.a tilt ..i". ;'1.0.r.t.booU' " deacrlptlonrum, mentor UlJ CA" ttWent"" to hi, nne assort. HATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS, which comprises all the new and ponular vn DOU.O'07 " m-suuniy. POWDER KEGS AND LUiinER, W,M, MONROE COM Rupert, I'd., Manufacturers of POWDER EEGH, und dealers In all kinds ot LUMBER. U-lya nolle, that they are prepared to accomodate ueir custom with dispatch, and on thseheape. No HUMllua. It lsunnanfeil to core lost or Impaired Taste, Smell or Hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes.offenblve breath, Ulcerated Tnroat or Mouth, Pain and Pressure In the Head, and loss ol Memnrv wlinnrnniwl n, nllnf than. fu. "SHOT Sowing Maohjnea vji .iu n..A rnllAn.l..n nA -.I..I. k . testimonials of similar character, si , 14 uiurciuuu- .u, ,ua .reieronCQ fOrthao -1 HAsin Machlntm over all othors. ""Ol ''Hike the Graver A nv..i. the first plaoo, becanse, if t bsA Moola w Bhnnld still want a Grover Sil,0' i1 n Grovcr A Baker, It nsw"r, "hVr, UA the rest. It doe, n areaUr varletv'tt J It Is easlor to learn than any othir "L. il Croly (Jenny June). ' "'"".'Su Bakor, docldolly."-Mrs. Dr. v,ti. !.DrOTi I have had one lu iai Umul'Vi two years! and from what I J Ings.nnd.from tha testimony of m."1" friends who nse the same, I can iSV1 l , anything could be moro ooinnlet,'" h satisfttctTon."-Mr. OencraTornir 2 "I believe It to be ih. .. . considered, of any that I have ki,M1 "It vory simple and euslly Icarnod. is-" ll tho ordinary spools Is a great f.,Mltl J stitch la entlreW rllJi,i.Trf.Bl. MvantsJ.1" work beautifully It Is not liaiS. .""! ordcr.'MMrs. A. M, BpoouJ, bJj Brooklyn; t""or, is Bond iiJ pr.cIpalch1nlsr,an3dWpt;clcbtelk'Nt Baker to them all, becauso 1P IVSIu I more elastic. I havT woVkSi",",!!1' wWch was done nine vctrs SjrT iS aS good.-IMrs. Dr. McCrcadV KBMi0,'Sl,l.l:il3 third Street New York. ' 1 '""t'wj "Moro than two-thirds of til iv done In my family for the last u oy, IS! "Pi done by Grover & Baker's Macuh?. S1 had a garment rip or need lnend SS'..11 1 1 'm rents which frolicsome boy, Twin ffiif!' cloth. It Is In my opinion DrftribSSS.'1 Becechefr.a,,y 1 ''"it"ri?uSJJ "Tho G rover & Bskcr Hni.. has rendered In every respect tH is. satisfaction. It comblnci so rasnv V with beauty of execution and ecoriom. i 9 that It Is n necessity In over lfoSG" Governor Geary, Harrlsburg. l'a n,ci(;-ih ''I lmvolind Uionmv.i.ii.L for ten or twelve years In constant , 0 house. I have seen and knowq levmlS," family sewing, both personal aaa H.W ui-i-tmijiiiaiiuu upuu me urover 4 UaksriiT lo luo vimru Baiisiaciinn nf nit ... -"u f vjrovcr uascr iiitA wear as long as the garments ilc!t,i!5 garment In fact. Tho stitch wllUiuIS blaa seams, when stretched, as othm 7!? neltherdoes It draw tlm woFli??-? ft",, "iS lng, 1 Enst Twenty-fourth Street) Sew ,-'Wel"lvoaClrovcriiBakerSeliii chine for soven years In constant ale KiC felling, tucking, nnd everything thMth. ,15 can do. 1 1 hi preferred over all & he" Sf g o r Its durability or work, elastlcity,a0,HJ "Thero CllUld bnnn .(.,. .. family than n Grover & Baker a'ilniiS!.1 "I have luul an om.nrti.hi.-... . very inuch prefer the Grovcr 4 ltam, qffi strength, ehibllclty, and beauty, l havVlS; uiuvt ii uciiiuu a., rmuiuu inn, coniirattioi, so easily understood and kept In orJer"-jvJ E. D.Banborii.Ht. Louis. "'"".-tu . . During tho past eleven ytm I w had a Grover & Baker Sewing Mathltnin slant use, and It has never required tiiWi pair. I take great pleasure I II r twin mm - the Orovor & linker ns the very bent htviMti chlnoforfuinlly use." IMrn. J.O.riirfo IiavI Twelfth Btrt-et, New York. 1"J10.wi "It in kn Rltnnln In ItmUui,) ,t.... ftf liiv lift In o rfa21nna II T-n.n .1 - r without nstilstnnee."-lMrn. A. u Foss.wihi ltev. Archibald O. Foss, V(Htihirtl?Uil(t New York. " - -aiio uravcr a liiuicr inuciiimii mil bcneilt to intuiklnd tlmt I often feel Mtbontli would do mo good to trumpet lu praliej iVui near. Tho ono I have is of tho plainest La hut I would not exchange It for tbomoBtiiun ivo I ever saw of any other makMal1liIi who ui x iui, wiisuiisui iiuuHri toiiege. - - iuv KimiHictiy ui lis coaainicufin TflfllltV Willi Willill llu iiLit Ic niwiilru.l th.t.. ty.btrencth.nnd elntlelty of lumitcutk uuiiuuiiiijr iu un iiiuui ui wont, ore q tvhich do not all belong ut weeto anum fiOif," l'ror. llenshawt of V llllfctoDBemiu.7, llUfo ntlfA s .lr.ll..t.t.,.l .-111. ...n Fuller, FmlaUelphla Conferenco. II u Jiuvn uam UUU ui Uiuivri nu slder uennnot lie cicellcd. It rum imncitl'i ClllCAgO, Lock Btltch SlachliioH. nud offer the DQblLt rholrn nf tho hrst mnchtueti of Loth klniki llinlr pr. nliliHlimpntit In till thA lAr?,) iff through agencies In nearly all towoitiuouiiU In bo tli Htltches fLirnhhcd ou aimllcitioa G rover a IJalcur H. M, Co., I'UlladelphLa, oila J. A. U0UAS, Ulooimbiui Hardware & Cutlery. rUTIW XTTXir ll A TTf A 11 W. M III J NE 1'LUa ULTHA. jiflvmor emureeu our oioru iwuw OPRNEIJ A NEW SUITLY, ouer the name to FAItMERS. SIEClIANICa. UUJLDER1 anu me resi or AianKinu.u ueucnw v- nriaiiiir me iliiiub uuu uuiiiih" - 1.. 11 lruitrlnffinu All H1UMB WllUUIBUCnlllUUHUI t-my.. Ntw llnnl warn Ht.nrA. X'iUlUit) KVU UH H UAii u"l";,.v. ,,nvV UUNYAN A WABDD, 4 nn nn i - ttlnnrTIKriliri.fI jauuu on tin, - gMITII & SEIiTZEB, imuoneraRnu ueaicTB iu ruicii HARDWARE, O If Ma. o U T L E It V. all. NO. 400 N. THIRD STItltST, AB.CAL101'"'11' PIIILADKLPIIIA. Nov. 22, ( TOOK AGENTS WANTED FOB. STItUGGLES AND TU1UMPH' Of 1. T. BAKNUM. VriUimn Jan Ullll 1 n nnH. 1 T1ULOU uuu 11 (Tin ii ll. i .1 l.ii'irniiL r uii a bv ... imiiiiBuuuicut, ilia iTIctnrlCll I rated rntalninm nml Terms lu AK,T,'1. feb257a.lrn. l&Ttms ET THE BEST, RtJ iuq dcsi nroieciion aicuimi iw'".:',. iu ever Ihvontcd, The nubacrlber H J JOMESTTO ECONOMY I oAMPirxioN cAitrnri A new, cheap duruble, heallhy. vi .nnii. rovElUNO! A substitute for oll-elolh atouO-H1"111" prooi enamel wnicii rectivei i vr. ' Vnd the oolom and nnnpr endures WUHi'H;- tii dera the rnrnot lirlirlil aud beaUlllUi " ls.ot.ifl lis , am nu fulIOWi ... ll vrnni tin vinmAil. ..( fWHSV. I m ail nv iruuire. i wiuuii -v"- - v. i.dvi v us. iuuduuiimiv. tivru mu aii'-t : ....j trii u piacea uiion tho paper r at' &$it ' . . ..- - - ,i,n rmuiu even for truukn. roofu. flour baK US, imkii lias -asw... 1 1 fn, u variirij -nl America, lo mnvcrt it into can 01 .".i o uuvo pureiiakeu io 'r;ni county and cuu fumUli the carpti i 4-You are Invited tjcall ai'.l, goods at our store. JI'KKL"' iuooiusbiirg,Dec. u wt-i"' G T a vn inTIVfl 111' f Vlr 1U11M OPPOHITKTiir- :,;; iil . Tho undersigned having JuVm j-urjf the fllleawltlia Uree aM""w.e"L iti: I IlllUril. 1ILUU"'""... rlll ' U 1.1111 UI Ml IUU, , ' - .1 af Viill JlUcllL Jlu CjlII Hell til!1!' V a M ItV . 7 M ... ttlllll MUJ - .... zr. i.. TiMiuukv --.I ture. rille glvo him u call heJfl with n Orover A Baker Machlne.h'.'W mo Krcatsatlsfaotlou. I Ihlnk tnen'.11" er Machine 1 moro easily man?"',v,'l2 llnbla to cot out of nnl t Ji ".n'M. in? and I think It Is decidodly the lt fLii.ffl febll7ltt.