Itt-'dftftmiriian. "C.Mn -M"rtvT, OR 1fl7ft. i nutrtrlcH or Wauonfl ko to Kills , 11 -riu..m,t u. rni.n,f urn ox i)ius luuiviiiu, Liit j til'liiui. TIIITII1 WUM 1I11IIIU I II lrivw -.-.- I..L. j. jf. i I., nnfftn irnn in .1.. .t ... ,t f iit iirmiiist" in lui 1 1 t..n10 - . .... rp,fi lirtraii ntt. M Unlm , . . ' - - - ...i J it oiniirn t ann nif nui-ruinif , inirtM(;. Tho sleitmliifr slnco the Thcro WttH cuougn.auiu more man i. tmt If fidl ml imtrl ntwl r.f mi dhv". i . . : v r ...mtiii tint Qintin truvni. i Tlri (r K&n. on ltd lilac tins h3 Interest 1m the grist mill prop nt Mlllvlllo. to Joslnh nnd Enoa II i 1 V II V." ..... . --. n,n m Ann niirr. .....,t. tni.n ,.tl,l tlili-,1 on. COniereiicu ui tno luuinuuiat jciiis- i fil I, ii'nii In uQlnn in I'iira. IllSl WCUK. l3illf UUill'SiUll jmu- . iiifium flnn ftf tltnart Mriltnl lllllllll-l IUUIV IIII1V.U -l ' rii-u ii vi it in wuin j v... w. r. i 1 1 j mi. hi,. i . . . int....... -e n,.H ....K.,,.,.1 vliu liitoiul changing tneir places l.v . .... It... fli.ut if Alirll IIOTt. I IllJlll.Y US 111 Uiuui m,iu mnv lnisniit to their nronor ail' ... 'I'ltn nalTiii el Tllfl nitl 114 Willi IIS ..... . . ni...i t .1... ..r.l.n peiuiuiis iiiuu 111 inu ,uiulu u tiiu of tho court of quarter session' on .1 illll. A..!1 .wit. nf Ihnir ha unablo to obtain them at this of court. This niattor should bo i nilifreil. . . . ... c.t t.V I !.). 1I..,. c.i venrs .1 monins ana is oavs, ilei'ensed was in hi3 younger days. l . 1.111...1 .1. I.I.. tlino one iiuiuireu unu uiiyiiuiu -Mlaomun. I' tl I. n I 1 I I n ... ....I.I fnut nu Innt.n luitm llin ftpintl i .. l . i .. . . I in specie in chant'3 to all who favor wiui tt can. - U..1..J nr Tnl.....l 41... 1TII. 1(1 DltLltlll .Jtllllb Ul IIVIUIIUi va.u lull Murch, was generally celebrated UUlltJUl I1IUI.UUUII Vi II1IU lit liiu in wow xoric u.was eauiuaica in oro weru 'lu.uuu irisnuiuu 111 critii-iii.i ni niita litiviricr ni'i'iirriKi tauv ruiJLiu.-Our worthy friunil Pcicoclc 1ms been reamoiiitod f runrvM riK'nirriiiwin ni ivnrrn inr ort' mLTiiorious onifur tines iiitl ex- Uradlev uud tlio "rinir" fought to mo last, out at uto munition or r mubtew, (osfUtliD feUirIo hinges or tho knee, i uirui miyui iuiiuw livuuig," ce. mys tlio l'ltwlmrir Chronicle. oi j arc i ns t no nrst uav or snrinir. s U nn l rrnr. nppnrillnir In thn viiv autlioillv. Hersehel pavsthnffiir ortlierii llciiilsnherts tlio natron ml spring begins ut tho time of tlio eniliat tlio tlino of tho summer Aft fr (ill llin iMof nr iiiu. ii.l..... sun rc-achch its hlplust nositlnit in mnvens at muiuay" o,x paying subscribers nro tliua Iti Til II r tiniir atnnm ln I trnnu (ii iiiinii wii iwiiit jorvt nr n nnvvunu. t'v. 1 ) mnrfi limn n i nt? Pirn vi-nT tail when ho lias uono.Our bub- ' hVHVOO llll IL IIUII I VI IJ till inuK mai an navo paid oxivp mmi. nn (i us vn nrn n oh.ff r.i ut ... "uiHiuv a U illllO III ill UT, 11 DVEiiTisiNG as an Art. Abk tho hiuui princes now lliey obtained rwinlth nnd lliey will Inform you . ,t,,i, 4 limn iuu3 liar ular ncwtpaperH. Bonio men drug Lr 111 IlMMiniWU Willi tfti'of t u f mliMin. 01 fill l liV filliHill timu lin 'Plirnf njs liold a nilddlo place and never luuvouunuer any circumstances. LCCilUi-ft 1 hov Ini'L- tiifulrn otitrti. . . , ... umim iuiiuw to success. It !. an art ii,isrfi-;nil ii- I. nt ii.A.,. r..... ii " 1 IIIU VIIU J 1 1 UOJJVI una ui imm nnv "V I'l'UKT I IIHfP M l-rtlf t Vifw Ilmvin Pnfllnm,,. 1 n i - . . i """i'?, IU111U UVt'l YilMH, 1IIIU ua iiinir iirismiiiii in Biiniiirr. anil aiding In bulldliicr up votir f ai " lr l,luce, cuuiiiy and e. Also, patroulzo thoso who pat M your lncchaiilos. our press, and ?ih'nii J,,lfough your paper, to ' IllClr Utlslnnaa It ulmira lllw.rnl '-'"JW'is to Jlvo and lot live. - ...... illu miiur Kiun oi imsi- "leu. ion find men who will trado "j ...lii v.iii miivinn in nun Qiiinj - ".uu iuaicuo OI HHP. 'ITV IL 1 lln.l . - ---T f.. n nglit iC '.'""'K--UI uu pniniui inings "ITO bo anvso n.iln. n?.! i"?fS'lon? Wo know of nono th is heir to, and ns this malady " frequent and tho subject of J ' earnest consideration, wo givo ' recipe for lis cure, which is y tuat high authority the Lon : "Assoonas tho pulsation l Inillcales thodUenso Is felt, nut ,V v tho snot a fly blisterabout mi Of your thumb null mill lei It i n rn. .1.. i . : . - -- iUT HIV llllliria nr Ihn nvnl.iil nn hill. .1 IIIU l.V'll HUUII Vi,lnu'i directly under thosur i the blister, may ho seen tho i U'lilnl. 1... 1..-1 n.. .i W"H llic point of a needle or a lan. 'iU'U PHInMUI.lUrrntM.K. Tl Tih....i ----- ... j ... . . (i.i.jr losi ,. 1111 10 K"ow n rt'uiy luethed '1I1L Ull nnuil.c ...i.ii. ...X ..... .... irpii ii . l,'roii stoves : nnd we are fl UWU ilSlll 3 flit V lt UU with,,:?"" 11110 hleve,to which Is ""IlUrO IS 111 III. ...nlal,....,,! I. lrnr ..UR". make ii paste, nnd the icni . 11 ''' with it. This guinea an ,ivV" ' "f . - xo iiiil until ni An l. ......... &ric. i . . . - iiiu ui-urtu ui nam. olwim . maleu' The stove must ... "" UPllIlenllnii U imuli. -U111I1 GUI. I . ...... T7--IW BUII..Imin.. i .. . . I in i.i7 y uu useu in tei o ij rl !."'l 8'ove, or In titling U iirftVii";,"1 . t0 render all tho J' "K'n.4'fitla. Ledger. THE .Titi. nm.ivmiv.-On tlio nliht of tho22d'of Mnrch two prisoners' confln6d Iti thn lull In this nluco. cscanod. Onu of thorn wai recaptiirod tlio, next tiny, but tlio other, James Dclauey by name, la Ntlll nt largo. Tlio Shorllf will p.iy I'M to tiny una returning him to Juil. Convention. Tlio Columbia County 'Bundny School Convention luw boon in session uuritip; Tuesday, Wednesday anil Thursday of this week. Tho attendance ins been . largo nnd much Interest been taken. Tho full report will bo given when handed in by tho Secretory. Attention. Tlio froahojt nnd best stock of Dry Goods, Groceries Ac. n Dloomsburir U to bu found on tho shelves of 0. C. Mnrr, Main tt. near Iron. Ho has all tho latest styles. A arco assortment of Glass Waroon hnnd, tho celebrated "dterllnc" six cord spool colt'm, known as tho best In tho uinrKot. races ijrcatiy reauced. Tlir.ltE Is scarcely nnv ncho to which children nro subject, eo bad to bear and so dlillcult to cure as ear-acliP.Uut thcro is n remedy, says nn exchange, never known to full.TakoH bit of cotton butt ing.put upon It a pinch of black pepper, gather it up nnd tie It, dip It In sweet oil, and Insorl It In tho car. I'ut a flan nel handkerchief over tho head to k ep It warm. It will give Immediate relief. Inoiu!ASI:i) Lenoth of Days. Tho first day of February was nlno hours nnd fifty-eight minutes long, nnd tho last day of tho month eleven hours nnd tweivo minutes, being u gain during tho mouth of ono hour and tweivo min utes. In March tho gain will bo one hour nnd twenty-thrco minutes ; in April ono hour and twenty minutes; in May fifty-six minutes, from Juno 1st to Juno 22d, when tho maximum is reached, 10 minutes. KniisiiKTS. People In various narts of (ho country nre watching the weather with much anxiety. In view of the immetiso quantity of snow which has fallen, a warm rain would prove most disastrous, as the vast amount of mel ting snow would swell tlio streams to torrenU nud causo much damage to property. Thcro Is great depth of snow near tho head waters of FshlngCrceklmt ll no rain storm sets in, wo laucy it win passofT gradually nnd without raising tho water to any extraordinary height. Vkndui:s. Tho number of public sales throughout tho country is unusu ally grent. It Is n noticeable fact that goods, cattle, horses, &c, nro bold very reasonably. Persons having sales this spring, must expect, on account of tho scarcity of money, to sell cheap. So much the hotter for tho buyers. Where tho man advertises his property. there is always a greater number of persons nt the snlo tnan u no mcaniy tacks up a "notis of public sail," writ ten oy mmseir. Huoe Turkey. Wo loam from a correspondent that Mr. William Miller, of Lower Windsor township. York coun ty is me lortunato possessor ornturKev. that Is decidedly tho weightiest wo have ever nenrd oriu tins part ortnoeountry. Ho informs us that it Is about six months old nnd bns attained tho treat welghtof eighty pounds. If it continues to increase in size nnd weight ns it has done friend Miller will bo able to gather neighbors "far and near" about his table on tho return of Thnnktgivlrig uny. trngntvHie near Accident and Death. While two miners were engaged In drilling through the rock at Now Mines on Sntunlay last their drill tapped nn old mine from which n two-inch stream of wnter burst upon them with grent force. They hurried to make their escape nnd one succeeded, but his coiniiitninn.WIII. lam James, unfortunately fell down tho siope, over one liunured reet, nnd was instnntly killed. Ills body was recov ered nbout an hour after the incident. Ho was an Englishman, 22 years old unu icuvcs a widow witn ono child. 1'otUvllle Stadard. Piiie in Muncy. On Sundnv mor ning last, between four nnd five o'clock, n fire occurred on Mnln Street, Muney, which destroyed several buildings occu pied respectively by Geo. Gower&Son, boot nnd shoe dealers, J. V. Itecdi r, Joweler.Phillp Peters and 1 Ort. Tho fire originated in the bakery of F. Ort, wnoso loss is considerable, with no insurance. Mr. Peters' household goods were saved, though In u some what damaged condition from hasty removal nnd exposure uower&Bon, uru m-uvy luKL-rs oy nro and inieves J. V. Recder's goods were saved. Stan dard. "That's Wuat's the Matteh." When n circus comes along nnd does not advertise In The liepubllcan, because ol Its limited circulation.ltfortwith abuses tho wholo, concern. So with tho "Peak Family Bell Ringers," tho first nnd best in tho United States. They saw lit to patronize this olllce, and hi nee our neighbor vents his petty splto through Ills local columns. After Insisting that tlio Court House should hou-ed forpuch purposes, lioabu-o.s tho first troupe that appears in town. "Consistency, thou nrt a Jewel." Sad Affaik. On Thursday of last week a little girl teven years of ueo, by the name or Tnbb, residing In Froty Valley was nccldentally shot by her brother, twelve years of ago. Tho boy had a pistol and supposing it not to bo loaded pointed it playfully at tlu littlo girl nud snapped it, when It exploded nnd tho ball entered tho forhead and tuklng an oblique course downward and backward lodged in tho brain. Tho Injury is presumed to bo fatal owing to the inflammation, which will eusuo. Tho bruin Is oozing from tho wound, although the child still lives. i no uan was not extracted. Nuhthehn. families are soltllni. in and around Elizabeth City quito rapid ly. Thoy nro ifo follows: Dr. P. John, from liloomsburg, P,., Aaron Fulmer, from liloomsburg, Pa., Capt. Samuel Waters, from Cntawissa, Pa., G. A. Potter, from Uloouibburg JessoO. Haycock, from Catuwlssa, Pa., lit. .1... u.l T.........I . .- . . ' "itmuu i iniicis.iruui uioomsnurg,ra., In addition to these tho following gen tlemen have purchased with IL vil-W llf soon locating hore: P. II. Chrlstmaii, liev. v. w. Mellck.H. C. Hartman and T. J. Morris. Esd.. nud E. H. Ilrnwer.nll of liloomsburg, Pa., and Joseph Eves, of Muncy, Pa. Quito a number of others nro making arrangements to come. Korth Carolinian. lllfl STl-KItS. Jni-nll Hlivilur nt II. il. ler county, clullenge.s tlio united States to compete with two steers ho has at present on huud. The steers will hn six ycurs old In May next. Ono U while and tho oilier Is red. Tho white tdeer is six feet high ami girths ten feet and ieu iiiciies uign ami weighs 3,125 pounds. Tho red steer Is hIv f,.i.f two Inches around the bndv.niul u-olniu 3,-lSO pounds. We think Mr. Snyder will bear oil' tho palm In contest Willi any man's steers in tlio United Stutes. ine editor oi mo jiutler JleraM states that slnco thev wero last welL'hcil. tlmv liavo Increased fully onohundred pounds each. II011UI111.E. Tho streets of lllooms bUrg.nt this wrltlng.aro In HdUirustliiif statu of liquefaction. The melting of iiiu suuw, ims convened mo inorougn fares Into perfect Sloughs of Despond, and It Is Impossible to cross from one side to thu other without totally removing ull Bcmhlnuco of the polish of respectability from our well as the biiiileof IiiippluebS from our faces. The so-called crossings are In as bad condition as any part of the street, and only merit tlio iiuino from (ho fact that people walk on them that Is, when they eungui uirougn ino mud wnivii them. covers (TOLTJMBIAN AND If Daniel Iilndcnmullt will send us tlio communication ho writes about, nnd If It is on n proper subject, wo wl I insert It gratuitously. HtNrjUtiAlt Tlio ruins nl the late lire in this town nro ntlll smoking with nil abated vigor, nllthough n month has elapsed slnco tho conflagration. This Is really rcmnrknblo In vlow of the quantity of snow which has fallen and melted of Into. "J. S." writes us that ho "has not received tho Inst tlirco numbers of thu Columiiian. In tills Instance tlio fault Is ours, and not tho Post Master's. Wo have stopped "J. S.'s" paper be cause ho has taken it over three years nnd never paid usadollar,nohv!thstand lug our repeated hints on tho subject. Subscribers of that class should remem ber that wo must pay cash for pnper. material nnd labor, nnd unless wo liail tho capital of n Cronus, could not lay out of our money llirco years. We doubt whether "J. S." waits on his customers that long, and ho should do to others ns ho would have them do to htm. Someiiouy IIuiiT. Our editorial of last week on the murder of tho half starved, piaguo-sincKen i-icgan lnuiun women and children, has touched our neighbor on tuo raw, unu no rusnes to t no defense almost tno oniy journal in tho land that liasdoiioso by giving tlio s atement or tno murderers, nut even that condemns them; for thcro Is not n article of testimony that tho Plcaans had anything to do with our border troubles, xne tneory oi wnenuan nnd his apologists Is, that If a man commits murdcr,his wlfo nnd children should bo butchered : If n man steals, his famllv should bo Imprisoned! AudthUIs tho party of "high moral ideas." Phuso.vaIj to Hoos. Wo live In hopes that, when liloom isUmtlly under n town governmentjun ordinance lnmy uu pusscu uuiiisiiui); iiuiii imi huuuis the unsavory quadruped whoso nnme is mentioned above. We can see no good roason why pigs who pay no road taxes and who nre not amenable (o eolleelors.should nsuri our sldowancs nnu suiik proudly through our highways, let them bo banished to more distant and laticnluu: pasturngo or confined to tho domains of tneir proprietors, i-ig, cousiiiered as pork, is not objeetionable.but as a living breat line, peripatetic creaturo it is a nulsatico "Its offence is rank, it smells to Heaven." A Muudkii at Shamouin. A mur der was committed nt siiamoitiu on Friday night last, of which wu learn tlio following particulars; two men wero left on watch nt Estwlck Colliorv who occupied n small house erected for their convenience. During tlieovcniuc some person or persons eamo to tho door and demanded admission, which was refused and the door iicid last. 1' Hiding that tlio men on tlio inside wero dcicrui iticd not to open, those outside com racneed firing through tho door, whlc) was of thin boards, Willi revolvers, One of tho watchmen, named Jiuclmn an. wns shot and instantly killed, am nis companion was snot inrougu tno car. Tho perpetrators ol tuo bloody deed are unknown and tho wholo affair is still enveloped In mystery. Sunbury American. The State License Law. Tho following bill explanatory of tho Stnto License Law,has passed the Legislature. It may bo Interesting to manufacturers and mechanics selling other wares than of their own manufacture. JSc it enacted &c That hereafte manufacturers and 'mechanics who shall sell uoods. wares or merchandise, other than their own manufacture, not exceeding tlio sum or valuo of live hundred dollars per annum, shall not bo classmen or required to pay an; annual tax or license fee: but if sue sales shall exceed the sum or valuo of flvo hundred dollars pernnnum nsaforo said, thev shall heclni.bllled inthosami manner, and renuired to pay tlio same annual tux as is now required to be paid by dealers in loreign niercnunuisu RemaukaiUiI: Escape. Isaiah Rudy, bricklayer, of Williamsport worKing on me siaci; oi inc i roui uu Extract Works, which is now eighty-fi v feet high, tell on the -It Ii Inst., from tl stack to the roof of tho building, forty uvo leei, on ins nanus nnu nice, witn oniy a lew scraicnes and onuses, th ladder was within flvo feet of the to oi mo stacK, nun on trying lo com down, caught hold of the padlock, ( pieco of wood fastened in the brlct woik) which turned and ho eamo down nuicK. On tho 29th ult., a hand was examln Ing tho stack, which was then seventy five feet high, and while looklntr up. i flvo pound plumb fell down plumb on his breast-bono. lie got up about a rod from the building, without any unpleas ant result. n ituamspori lsuiietin. "In publishing tho Court proceeding last ween, inero was a slight error. I the matter of Davis vs. lirockanny. w were made to say, Davis vs. Uroekway Knowlm.' that mere was somedllllcult In the matter ofsottlementof tho Estate of Davis, dee'd., wo were easily led Into the error." llenubhcan. When the attention of the editor of tho Itenubliean-wan called to his mi tako he apologized nnd promised to ro tract. Wo nro now satisfied that hi- original publication was Intentional, or ii M- mem would not navo ueen in gratuitous addition about trouble i settling the estate. There is no trouble wiatcvtr, nor Is there uny such case on our dockets ns Davis vs. Drocknuay. nor does it sound as near like our name as it does llko "Ilradlev." In oilier words, in correcting ono misstatement no lias made two, and all Intentional. "The Cb(ii&iu, of last week, ear rlea Its criticism, which is intended to be funny, to tho veigoof tho grave and wounds tho hearts of bereaved parents by thoughtlessness. This may not bo ignorance, but is It too much to ask that It 4io discontinued?" Iiepublicun. When Drndley penned that nrtlclo ho acted llko a true Republican editor ho lied, and did It knowingly too. Tho criticism to which ho alludes wns not written In this oftlcobut wns taken from the Miltonian, a paper of hisown politi cal proclivities, and the editor of tho Republican Is perfectly well nwaro of this nnd that nothing was further from our Intention than causing pain to any one. Knowing nil this ho assumes tho high moral tone, which lily suits him, and tries to ncmiiro a little reputation as a censor of tfioughtleasncss.Theru's a Dual reward promised In the Blbln to liars and hypocrites, ami Bradley can couut positively on getting his shurw. AVo would recommend to his attention a littlo work written boinotlmu slnco by ono Mrs. Opio, "On Lying" which con tains much that is applicable to his case. The Invasion. Our articles upon tho Columbia County Invasion have heen interrupted for soveral weeks, uut nre now put again lu a course of publi cation In addition to thoeauso ol tern jiorary delay heretofore mentionitl wo desire lo say that wo have waited to re ceive certain papers from D. L. Chnpln Eiii., which were necessary to our ex hibit of his (-use. Our narratlvu had reached Iho proper point for entering upon his case and wu did not desire to give it an Imperfect treatment. Wu think the arrest ami long Imprisonment of this gentleman bhows more of Mil phi malice than theuirestund Imprisonment of any iitherone among the victims of tho Invasion, other arrests were iipially causeless uud unjust, but not onu of them was fo destitute of it plnu hlblo pretense and presented so farcical uu aspect. Four mouths of Imprison ment anil then tlio fareoofatrlal for iho tialo of onu small box of caps and two pounds of lead 1 Titily the. grotcoouu uud ridiculous here, givo distinction uud character to thu pranks of despotic power and may well exclto as much of j laughter as uf indignation, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBtTRGr, cOj'WmbIAWWNTY,' iPA I'uni-to SAtiiiH i Hills for Iho snlo of al and Personal nrmierlv lmvn heon printed nt this olllce, viz ! ut ii. Aiipieinnn, Alt., rietisant.'rdos ay, March il'Jth, personal properly. Kstato of John '1'. Kvims. dec'd..Kinh. Ingereek twp., .StUirdny, March liOtli, IM'iauiiui iruiLTiy A i J. llerulnger, Mniiivlllo, Friday, March 2'ilh, personal property. Estate of lienl. Uoone. OraliL'o. Halur. day, March 20th, real estate. A. K. Hhumiin, Mnlnvllle; Wednes day, March .'tilth, pernnm! property. Win. 1, unu iiliergcr, Mp e, March, personal pr iprr y. licnry j. iviwnrds, iiiiinm township, rlday, Mini-It 2illi, persowll property. Estate Of i-.ll CivvelliiL'. ilce'd.. Scott townshlii. ShiiimI i.v. March 20th. real estate. S. It. Kline. IilL-lit Street. Tuesday. March 20th, pcrs'iual properly. M. E. CoNFEiti'.Nt'E. Tho followlnc ppolntmonts have boon mndo by tho t, E. Conferonco for thu Danvillo Dis trict: S. Unmet, Pre.-idlng Elder. D.tnvll.o -Mahoning street. F. Hodgson: Trini ty street, A. M. Crclgliton; Nor thu tn- ucriaiid, ii. f. Hiuvens wnsntngion vlllo.H. Wilson nnd T. O.Clces; lllooms burir. U. II. Crover: Espv nnd Llcht street, W. M. Memlnger; Orangovilli', j. i". urown and l. Edwards; uorwicic, F. B. Riddle; Berwick circuit, A. Urlt tain, llloomlmrdalo. H. P. Klnir (ono to bo supplied:) Muhlonbuig, II. B. Fort- nor; isnie.siiinny, js, it. ocumjwiiuo Haven, W. C. Hesscr; Hickory Him.W. W. ltce-e: Weatherly. J. T. Wilson: Hnzlcton, F. E. Crover; Jeanesville nud Audenrltd, E. T. Swarlz: Conyngham, N. W. Colburn nnd A. S. Bowman ; Cat nwlssa, II. O. Dill ; Elysburg, II. S. Aictidcniiaii; uiiamouin, js. a. iiuciting ham : Ceutralla. A. C. Crosthwnlto : Mount Cnrmel, P. F. Eyer; Asiiland,' A. W. Guver: Trevorton. J. F. Crala : Snytlertown, D. B. M'Closky ; Sunliury, w. w. wvans; Hoiingsgrove, ii. w. Miller. I. H. Torrencc, Secrotary of Pennsylvania niblc Society, member of Trinity Quarterly Conference. Mukpeu in Plymouth. Our nulch. boring borough of Plymouth has bo- come emulous of distinction as a shire town, and on Friday night Inst put in an additional claim to consideration. At the time mentioned, It is alleged that an altercation took place between members of rather a rough party, at Jessup's hotel, which culminated in a light between a man named John Gal lagher anil Ulchaitl Van Loon,bonof ex-Sherlir Van Loon. Upon the men being separated, Gallagher, it is said. rushed up stairs nnd got a revolver, Willi tno nvoweu purpose oi snooting his antagonist. Upon returning to the sceno of disturbance, lie took deliberate aim at Van Loon, and fired Iho fatal shot. Tho ball entered the abdomen of the unfortunate young man. and death ensued In about two hours. The mur derer was immediately secured, and after an examination beforo a magis trate committed to our county jail. Gallagher asserts that tho deed wns committed In selfdofonco. IIo says that ho was set upon by n crowd and b.idly beaten beforo ho made tho assault whlcli ended in tlio death oi van loon. DIo afforded evidence that he had been subjected to pretty rough usago some where, us ins laco was cut nnd bruited in n shocking manner, but wo nro not nblo to sny how far tho facts will tend to corroborate ins pica ol justitiablo homicide. Luzerne union. LOCAL NOTICES. The next term of Third Street Graded Behool will commence April the 1th, by niu-ai. ii.. w. wvkkooi'i!!(.o, Go and see IIi.Ml John Altstatt nnd get thu latest music out, and all tho new tongs. 1 Aim Latest and Best. E. J. Thornton has received a full assortment of Window Shades of overy style, Wall Paper, Hollands and Fixtures at very reasonable ratej. call and see them. Foil Sale, Two vnluablo lots in tho town of Bloomsburir, on Lackawanna AveniiOjWill bo sold at reasonable rales For lull particulars apply to nl2 8t. W. B. Koons, The farmers who liavouscdSliarpIess v iiarmati's iron ueam jnow acKtiowi edgo it to be the best manufactured in tills section of tho country. Furmers would do well to examine them beforo purchasing elsewhere. nlMH" FuiiNiTunr.l Fuu.s'iTUiu:!! Tho large-it anil beat assorlment of furiiituie of all kinds, in thiscounty is to bo found at James Cadmau's Warerooms, Main Stieet. above American House. Prices lower than any place in town. Try for yourselves. 1. W. invites persons wishing Qucoiibwure, to hit new lot of white ware jut receiving from New York at $4. CO lo $3.00 pertetof -10 piccis Also to llies-pring supplies of Dry Goods no is leiviving weeiiy. A Clergj mail willing to a friend says .My voyage lo iiairopo is iniienniieiy pdbiponcei. l nave tiincovered uie Moun tain of htallh' n this hide of thu At laiitic. Time bottlts of tho Peruviai: Syrup have ie.-cued me from the fang: of the fiend Dyspepsia," Dyspeptic should drink- Irom tills louutalu. llloamiibiirg Jllaikct lleport. Win-ill per bushel Ilye " Corn " Onts. " Flour per bariel Ciuviuseed, KlllXhCl d Ilutlur Kkbs Tallow 1'otatoei. Dried Applei- llauifc h Kldt-M nnd Khoulileri- I,nid per pound Hay per ton Ikon No. 1 tscotcli pig , No. 8 " " H.13 I 10 M -III 7 10 S Kl V 1 5 10 21 .0 If . ti. ...,!I0 Bloom .... t'tl LUMUEll. lleniha-lc Uoards per lliousaud foet l'luo " ' (one Inch) Joint, SeautllliK, l'Jauk,(UelillocU) ...... Hhiligles, K. f per thousamU ,, Hiding " " It. "V.'.'.'."'.V.'.V.V! tie 00 iMi.n 13 id A 1 ( IS I'u riillmlclplila llliilkels. i-'LOUK Northwestern superfine at l.ol Northwestern extra LAk -176 Northn-vsleru nimUr (J.So(.$ 0.7c l'cnns) Itunhi and Western superrlue... e.uuiQ.,M' L-iins ivaniu auu wesltrn extra 3.7.-i(tf& u.Tt unsylvallia and Western lnmilyM I'eunsylvauia and Wesieiti fancy ., 11.5(013.15 tua Sl.U KCil.70 i(iui$ii'i75 9i.a .lort; tl.l'WSl.ii Jl.ii' ti.Eati.i; CVe(.tli.j. f.'I.OO l-iegoc ITili loC ITctiliJie Jtl.tsjidli.Jt 1.17 r.'.ss . 0iBll SyS: imnfio7 liyu uour Wiikat I'eunsylviinl'i red, V bur Huutheiu ' California ' " " wltllo " Hve I'ennsylvunlu rye, y bus ColtN Yellow, .. ., ... While, ' II.11S Vbllfc Pkovisions Mess 1'ork, V lihl,... Mess llei I, " ., Pressed lilies, V lii Hinolted Hams ' Mioutdcrs sA b Lard, V m ,. hKKiiM Clovcrseed Vibus , M TlmothyseedV ,,u-s rlaxseed ' , . ., CATri.K Ueef Cattle s.i It Cows, head r-IIKBl- V. H lions 1- ii f-s A COUOH. COLD OK HORE Xi. TllllOAT lteinlli-es lluliiedlatu attention, as uegft-et otten results In nu incura- ble I-ung plseilfce, KltOWN H liitoM lit al -nioeiits will almost luvauablvul' ivo lustuui relief. 1'ur llruiMbtUs, Asihma, Ciitiirih,t'DUstimptlve, and Throat plseata-s, lliey have a soothing ef- feet. Hhurers and l'ublla Hneaki-rsuso tliein tueltar and slreiigtheit thu voice. Owing tu tho good reputation and popularlty nf Iho 'j looties, luany worthless and chtapliuf. Inlloiisnre otrered, whlcli nro good for uollilng, lie sure to obtain tiie truo IIHUWN'H 1IHONCHIAI. TIlOl'HES. S0LU LVKIHW1IH1IC nnv. 12.'('0-0lu, fill A T e FiioTiT (I, ' BVEBV VARIETY MOST FAVORABLIC KATES, JOHN THOMAH, AMI CABl'EIt J, TIIOMAB llox.277. lllisiiusburg, Pu, MAr.lU.liU-ly Legal Notices. DMINISTItATOH'ts NOTICE .fjL MTAtKttr juiiN'r.iiv.ttt;iHo,n. jlicltrrn of ii'linlnlnir.tllmi on Hio mUIo nf .rlin T. Evans Inln of riililiiRcM6trtnvriiiilili, (Johlmhlii rnuntf, ileccaneil, linvnHiceii (grnntud nr tuo iiriiiBiiT oi nnict i-oumy.itrjncoU ts. Eviuis or (IMonwnoit lowtttlilp,. (,'olamtilii i-outjty. All titrmins Imvlnj ilnlnn nxitlnst the cutntu.'nr tho iloi-cili-nl nt e t tUuHo 1 lonrrscnt lltfiu fur Bcltlamoiit.iniil thoHB Intlebtfil lo tunKtnto to ninko tuiymptii to tint ItiKlemlRnpil mlmlnMrn tor without iltlny, JAUOIIH. MVANH, mnrirju-Ot, Ailtnlnlmrntor. a: DM IiNISTRATllIX'S NOTIO10. iJirATR ornr.nitrin nurr, lintfn. tpr.S Of mltllnlttriillnn mi tin. ... fnlnnl n..n Uupt, Inloor Ictut town.hlpColumbln connty ilco'il., lmvo linen urnnlnl hv Iho Itr-r-l.trr nrtui,! ootinty, to Mary Ilumi, uf Locust township. All pontons hnvlng clnhns onlonmnda ncnlnil tho decedent rto renin mm toinnltollii-niltitown, nnd thoso Indehled to mnko iinvnien. A'AIIY llUl'l", inrtril'iO-CI. AUinlnlatintrlx. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. KsrATE OF WILLIAM HNYDLH, lIKo'H. Ill tlio Orplmns' Cmut of Columbia count v, hilir mm Iho Auditor nppnlutcd by tho Court On inceptions with poiti-rto multn distribution ortho ostoloofsnlil Wllllnin Hnyrter, dee'd, late of mount towtmhlp. In Iho couutv of Colum. bin, will meet Iho pnrtlrs lnlcrchtcd, for thi Snrposu oi ins appointment on Haumifty month y of April next, nt u oeloolt A. M nt the olllco of C. 11 llrocliwny In UloomsbutK, In unld County. All i nrlk-k Interested nro requested to Httenil, or tin debarred from cuhiluu In loi u pntt of tlio mild mm. ' 0. 11. lniOCKWAY, mnrl'iO-lM-. Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, IRTATK OI- Ill'.NJAMIN l.liWIC DLC'D. Letters of ndmlnlstintinn on Iheislnto nrilcn jiiinln Iiownhtlo ol Montour !wp.,Columbltieotm ty. dcceftsit'd. lmvo been urnnted bv tbn Umi-IaImi cifsnlrl county to J. K. Uobbiint iihluinelu tho two., nndeoutilyuforesald. All peiHotiiilinvlnrj . i...i.a ,iuiiiai, iiiu ...uitu in iiiu ui-eeui-uii liru IV- quosted to pretenl them for settlement, nnd thoso indebted to tho estate tu mnkopnymcnlto ,nu nniii.iiii(;iii'ii, iiiiiiiuiihii-.iLorj witnout iieuiy. ..... . J. ..uiiiii.n, feb. 2i,'W-(Jw. Admlulfctrutor, A UDITOH'S NOTICE. XV Ksr.VTis op Jons iii:ai.kii. iiko'h. . I'ho understKned, nppolnted by thu Ornhnns1 Court of Columblfi eountv.nii A inlltni-In innl.'i. ' j ii oi nie u.iiuueo initio nftuim 01 tuo ,.i ui i ii iu uiur, oi iiieesinio oi joiin iieiueruo censt.d,timohK creditors and helm, Mill meet tho pitrtloi interested fm-tho purposoof his nnpolnt incnt nt Ills oftlec, In lllnmnsbnu, on Mnudny thn 11th dny of April, lsrti. nt 1 o'clock. 1. M. All parties Interested or linrlng clnlms oicalnst ...u nun. iniiliu iiiu I fll UUIieil lO lUICnil, OC UO lie- iiirrrii irom coming lu fur it pint of tho Kitld fund. c 1!. IIUUeitWAY nmrlTO-lw. Auditor A DMINlSTltATOR'ri NOTlCl. XX. I-HTATf: rtw t.vurA w.itiinit ninii liettoiHofadinlnUtrntlonon thn'ettnti'of Mtlln nUlCll. llltO Of lllntim InWlHililn fidnmhln iiMuiiy.upcunsed, nnvti noen t-anieti hy tho llefr .-.n-t ,i mini v j in 1 1 y . ii j u hi uu wnnirn in liionms- vara. All tiCrKons linvlntr nlainm iiimtnut. thu estulo of fcnldiloecilcnt nro li-qiic-tf il to rc-Kont wii ivii .-sviviciiiLiiiiuii iiu'vf iiiiitiiiiMi mi innit 'tij iiii-nt iuuiu uiiuirmgneu, wuimut iioinv. JAV Oil WANlOir, lnnrl'TlMlt, AtlmlnlHtmtur. A U1)1T0US NOTICK. J. lmtati: ornnouriG vin-iirh nrriv Jn tlio Oipliftns' timrt of Columblii county, tho Auditor niinolntttl livlhn nnut. ri ripnl U.iw with power to 11 iiiu dlstrlhtitlon, of thu (slntc ui fc;uu iiuursu 1 uigcr uiic oi .louiour iwii.utc a. amoiiR tho lietM nnd hiinl rcnresi'iitiitliR nnd pirsotn entitled thcivto, will mei't tlio imrMiH interested, lortlui purnoseof lils iijipoliitiiiont nt JI, II. LUllu'Hotik-u. Hloomshum, Cul. unM on tho 2lth dny or March, A. 1), ltm, at 10 o'chek A. M., when nuil whero nil in-rihons hnvln rlaltilH on said fund nro rentilrnl tn ntlf ml nr h luii'vi'r ui'uiiricu irom comiug in ior it part of w. ii. AnnoTT, mnrl'70-3w. Auditor. A UDITOH'S NOTICE, xl. i-srATKOi-' 11I.V. r.i.i.r.vit wilson iEi-.'n. In die Orphans' e'ouit of Culumbiu county .Infer nun iiiu .vuuiLiirii)tioiiiieii uy ino maKO dl-.trlbutlon of tliu balaueolu Iho hands oftho .uiuiuisira(or or uie estalc oi j-;njah Wilson de,nmong eieclltors and heira will meet the parties interested lor the purpose of his api oint ment, at Ills onieeln liloomsburg on TiumIiiv, tnn uin uiy ot April, 1S70 nt 1 o'clock 1'. M. All pelfcons tuteliHtcd or having claims against tlio Mild i-fctate are n qui (.ted lo attend, nr bo de baned from eomlnt; lu font pnit of Iho Mild fund. C. Ii. IJllOtliWAY marl ii'-lvv. Auditor. NOT ICE IN PARTITION. i.staiii ok jAc.iii i:vi:it, LAinoi- oi;i;i:ni-doii 'iWP,, COJ.U5ICIA I UlTXTY, JJFCKAHnn. To l'hllln 1 Vver .Tolni 1-vi.i- .l.l-ii.i T-v.. U'.., Ejcr, Anna llltiimulrled Mlth.Iohu WelllVer, Mnrgaiet lutetmni rled with'1 Johnson, Hen ry Eyer, and tho following nepliewH nud nleceh ii,-iiik iiiui-iiiiuii-ii in njirnii i-.j ernow uee u. Mio wns lulermnirlcil Willi Daniel Welllver, to wit; Kilas Welllver. Abigail who was lntennairleii Willi JiK-kson llunynn dee'd., Luclnda who wns luteimnrrled Willi. lohn Pcniott dte'd., ity inierimirrlid with I). 11. Johnson, Cli-orgo W. Willlver, Marj inti-rimmied witli Einslus Ilen- llei'shott., A. intei-inni-i-li .1 1-lll1 inlit. Allen, and I'hlnlas Wi-lilvir, all of wliom mo living in uoiumiila eountvoxi-i-iiM' b iienA t'i. i. er,tli ltsldes lu Co. and Aibim i:jcr,wl-o usides hi tho stale of Illinois, nnd John Ejcr, who resides In tee state or Ohio. That the said decedent, Jacob Eyer, died sol.rdm leu of nud in eeitaluiial eMail-m Columbia county and iteFcrlbed as tollows. jn. i. A trail or land hllu.itelu 11!, mm tup,, bounded by tho .Main load leading from lilooms burg to I.lghtMrcet, lands 01 John tl. I'rceze, lands ol .Mm. Ann Mann, MeKelvy, Neal A Co., Pr. J. C. ltuttcr, lJInomMmrg Iron Co. and others eontiitnlngoue humirtd aiuuevi-n ty-t hi ee acres nioro or lt.s. "!.:'. lot adjoining Iho above ileeiilu-d. known as Iho --llll H11U.-.11" lot. riiiiiniiiiiiir about nine aeies. rso. .;. a iriu-t nr land containing about two li ni nl 1 . a anil 11111 -ihe i,i-us sliiimi-In i-lslilng. netk twp., iiotludcd by 1-lids of Jolm li. Moore, Abinham Young, Wlillati ICiainer, Phillip Ap pleman and otheis. No. 1, Atiaitot laud eontaliilng one hundred acres billet measure,bouiided by hinds ol Hubert llobbius, II. A, -Miller Heirs ot Itobt. Montgiiln-eiy.olhLi-lands of Jacob 11 or nun others, kltuste in diceuwood twp. No.o. A Hail ol laud hlluatu in Ciieeliwood twp. adjoining lands ol Iho lit lis ol Jacon Eyer, lauds ol Wm, I'lilimau, Elizabeth I'lilniniii unit othtrs.eoniulnliig ilnj-iour aeita and nlnity nine perches, strict measure. .No. t. A liuct or land sltuiiln lu Miulisou twp. containing ono hundred acres Mrlct measure, hounded by Pi moll's eu ek, l-'Wilngei-eek mid other lauds 01 thu 1 1 c I r.s or Jacob Ever. N11. 7. A triuti f land situate in MadKou twp. containing one hmtdrtd and Ihlity-ihrio neres and bur pin-Inn, lniiindi.l by lands of.lncb .Mlinulngitne Heirs If Itobt, MolUvonu ry, Jacob pemolt 111.1l oilier lands of the lieiis 01 Jaio-i lit er. Nu s. A tun t of land Minnie in Madls-m twp. ccnlidnitigMxtyonQ ueiesnud llliy-iom-pen-lies slilet iniasure, bouuilcd by lauds ol J u-ob Ho mott, Joiin Ileudeifliolt, l'lilllp Mill' r, i.thtl lauds ol Jacob i'.jii ami nlheis Jo. , A lot ot laud situate In Ol-eenn nod and .Ml. 1'iuasaut tw-ps.. and bounded by lnmls of . mil,, iiuf i.rriMiii neiiKie ami oilier lands nl ibulUlisol Jacob k er contain ing Iwenty-lliue ucies uud one bundled and iiiij -uvo pcieuL.v, hiii.-t mt aaiire, bo, 10. I'olu i.eits and one huudi, d mnl 1 two. ty-blx pin-in s 01 laud ijlngin Oi-eenwood twp. adjoining iho town plot nt Ejer (lmvo anl 1 ing bttwei n I-'ishlngi-ieek and iiiu Mill race, .No. 1 , About nl.vuei-es of vacant town lots in uiy mil 11 iiui 01 inn iiiaigu ol i;yi 1' H Ul-OVO. jvo. 1;. A iirn-K dwelling houseiiud lotolgiouud HOW OLl'LIIiieJ hV aut-uii ein er, i; i-i u .o, I ,, uii. u iiwiiiii: noun, mid lot or 1110 and giiiuud now oe in Ever's llro 1 eeupieu oy v hi. Kiuuu-il slliuitu Nu. II, A llamc Moro house and bit ol (Irouml In V.ivi h (jloe, now oeeunied by Will. 1'liimer. .u. 1j. A 11 .tine dwelling house and lot ot groumiiu i.yei s unite, now occupied ui John D.ulaiHii. No. W. A Irainu dwelling liouso nnd lot of gruuuu 111 i.jeisuiiitc, now oeci,pli.U IjI Juinos Klnucy. No. 17, A fniinn ttwclllii',- hutisc and lot ol giuiiud situatu lu i.jer's on unlet! by I-.IIUiriavlnr. ' , No. ls, Alotof giouiuUPuatt luMadlsuu and Ml. Pleasant twps., Innindcd by lands of Aino, 1'. Kester, Itiuben Wilson ami others contulnlug hbout Iwtiily-llva acres known as die "Water nioiv 101, ' No. 10. A law- mill Willi 11 M-nlee nnir.. In "III die llkoot Iho oterpUw flout thu grist uilll ailjoiulng Hie town of tyer's Cirovojogith crwltliubnul oue-louilhoi uu aero uf laud sit. uato between liiogilst mlll.tall lace nud tlio old ro.iti. No. 20. Iho undlvldt 1 one-linlf of llm Aillntt-. lug deaerll id tiuel of laud wheiuou are el tiled a lareo tlirco sloiy brick ui 1st mill, it well 1 11 house and bullillng with thu niuiurteiiaucesiim bouildld as lollows lowit: Pei:lunlne:ata isist tit tho luterseetiou ol Ceutei and Main streets of me. towutii iyei-HUroo anil rutliuug thence along tlio llueof t'elitlu street, Houlll seventy eight and nnequnrtcr deguesEast, ulnety-elghl nud uuu-hall f, et to a post, tliciice south twenty su,en uou uue-iiiiu iiegict-s wesi, ouo iiuiinruil ami ulnofiel lo 11 post, tlieuce uoilii seventv lect to thu lino of Main street, llitnce ulong tlio Hue of Main stleul. uoith eleven anil three ouar- Itr dtgues 1'ast, ouu hundred and live feet lu 1110 piacu 01 uigiuniug, cuuiaiuiug eiguiy iiious nud oltit huuiired ami foity-slx uud ono lourll Mpi.tiu leit mid said lot nud number ninety tov 111 In the plan ol 1110 town ol l.yei's tlrovu with tho water right and pmlltgis iittarlied to nud bdlougllig lu tlio billd uilll. Also tlio undivided uno-li.ilf purt of all tliat ceitalu other lot, of giuiiiiu siiii.iiu 111 joiittoiuii-, uiiiuwiiiHi la p, afjtesatil, anil bounded nud described ns follows, 10 will iicifiiituug at a pusL ut ino iiuerset nun 01 rtpru.'u alley uud Multt strict.aml ruuulug tlieueu sotitli elctcu and tluec-qu-irtcr degrt-eii wct, one hundred and thltty-slx leet to Ceutro sttct I tlieuco nlon: the lino of Ceuliu sltttt, north beteuty-eltlit nnd ouo quarter degicis wist, ouo hundred uud two feet lo Main sttcut, llu-uiu along Iho line of Main stittt, r.oith tltvtii and three qtnrur ilegrets east, ouo huudicd uud tlility-six leet to Iho bigluuliu, coniuliilug thlr. Itcu thousntid tlvu bundled and lhiil-lu bqtiaio lei I uud being lot number nUiilj .lx lu the plan 01 the luuiw-f Eyci's Glove. You ittul each of tun are licu-by uotl.loil that in puibiiniu-o ol a writ ol partition or valiaillou Issiitd out ol iho Orphans' Coiut of Coluhlbla c-ouuly lor thu pailltiou 01 nf thn leal i-ktulo til said iliciascd, ubite lueuliouetl uud 1I1 i ilbiil, union j die hells mnl It-unl Mprita-u lulives ul the said tleui-attd, 1 Will buld nil 111 qui t cm tho said plolliil s, on lliulstlay, l-'lldat uud Kami. lay. tlu2lst, 1 .1 mul ii.1 dais of Apiil next, Legliiuiiig ul IJ n'elouk in die ion nfiou nf tnld Tliiiisdu, when nun where you niu leiiu-.t-11I tnatleiiil If you II1111U proper. M0lllii:c.I Mil.!.. MtP, nun 1'ii -it, Niu int. rTUuTFOLtiOM IMP1U)VED FA.M- J. ll.Y HEWING MAOIUNE. Tluse 11111. 1 nines mnko u til oug, durable nnd o lullu sill vli 1 will stw with taseeteiy tin My of eotloii, wool 1 11, linen and bill,- goods, from tho lliiust lo the eoarsist, mnl of any required thttliiii ,- i.t Mreal-1-1 speed nnd Willi f- n power uud uolso (liuu auy nllitr luui-lilne. Ag 11N wauled lu tteiy I- n, l.lbi-rul eoinmUslou allowi d. 1 r titiu nud CilCllllll' Ullilicss. h. II AMII.IO.N, No. 7- 1 Chestnut HI, fehlWIt. I'hllnd'a Pu., Hule Auuil 'UUjUMIMV c'outy oo-oi'i:iiati v i: ' R 1 E F A M S O C 1 A T 1 O N , i 1 I or ' 11' l'A. I ' ' ' omennm ( II, l'uwt.i ii, i.: l'reildcut. PANliu, H.sybKit ..., Vlco President, CitAKt.M S. FoWLF. Treasurer. M. C. MeCoI.l.UJi Secretary. Samukl K.vonn Attorney. iir)DWA.I. V.XAmUVMHI f S II. IIiiadlkv, M. D.- W. A. CASK, Mi 1). iioaiid op imtr.cronsi W.M. II. WoOblN, AllllAM HSVUKB, 11,11. Kl.tNK, T. W.EUUAll, II, U. Cm.vtLl.vo. , UVXJm.ll, AOHXTi M. C. McColluu Espy, l'a. aoXUXITUTIO X. AmiCMS I. NAME. Tho name. Rtvle. nnd tllln of llm A.fci.Alnltr.,, fhnll bo tho Columbia County Co-operative lie UcfArsocltitlou, AKTICLli If, OUJECT. i,1''".'.'.''.01 "r "10 Association shall bo, tho re lief of 1-iitlierH, Mothers, Widous andorplians or iicewn-iuti iiieiiiuern. AUrtCLB III. 3IEMUEIUUtlP. AVe. 1. The riiimlulln (iiinllllndl tn.ia r... lernhin nre. that thn nmillenni. i.u i.. .,..n.i lientth, liale, uud Kouud. iS'Ci. '2. All nhnlifnttnlw fur t,,in,1,Aru1.ln Bt...ll bo made. In wrlllnnor In person, tho applicant -i"iub ma iiiiinu, iimi, oucupaiion, resi dence, and pryliiR Ills Initiation fee, Tlio nppli- i-uiiL iiiiihl inn hit itrniineM il mail mil nn.n .al. eeitlfvinu that ho Is n lit (.erion to become it member. Anna. it iv.- jianaoemknt. TIlO IlllidtieKR Of tbn alinll l.n diictod by flvo Trustees who shall bo annually t.t.ivi. i.. inn irKiiiui nviueii uiceilllK OI IMO AS' soutatlon lu October of each year. AnTICLU V. OFF1CKUH. At Iho Unit meetlns or the Trustees In ench cur. Ilii.- iilipn.l.Uiii vi..n i. BimHty and Treasurer to servo tho ensuing year. " AllTICLi: VI. FU.NIl. lu order to secure stnblllty to tho Association hero sbnll bo raised n permanent fund, tho In. letest of tvlllch shall bo applied, 1st to the cur rent expenses; Hd to tho mot hem, widows, or heirs of deceased nicmbeis. 'Iho raising oftho aid lund to he provided loriu tho Uy-Laws. AliTlCI.i: VII. All motions to amend tho ('onstltullon shall lio inade in writlng.nnd by tho consent of three llllhs of tlw Trustee.. If tho ntnendmellt Is Hp proyed nt n Riilm-fiuent meeting by four-tlflhs of IJiolruMecs, application i-liall be umdo lo the I outl to havu (..ild amendment iillnucd. II i'-LA II'.V TUUSTLIH, 1st. The pi opei ty and business 01 litis Associ ation shall ho controlled by Uvo 'IruHtees, who shall bu elected by ballot at tho annual meeting of Iho Auboelutlon to beheld on tho llrst Monday of October, in etieh yoar. 2d, I'or tho purpose of null election tho Tius tees for tho tlino being, klmll determine thoplaco uud boms for opening and closing tlio polls, nnd advertise the same lor tin days prior thereto, nnd Iho Secretary shall nlso notify each Trustco In writing of such election. 3d. The Trusters shall hold stated meetings nt the odlce ol tlio Assocl.u lou, lu tho Town of Espy, on tho thiol Monday of January, April, July, unit October. Hpeilai meetings may bu called by tho President at ills discretion or by uny three of tlio Trustees. lib. TureoTiuslees shall constitute a quorum lo trahbiicl business. OJFICKKS. Gib. Thoofllcers, of this Asscelatlon, shall bo al'iosldent, u Vlto President, Secretary and a Treasurer, and such other olllcers, clerks and agents, as may bo necessary. Tlio President, Vlco I'resldeut, Secretary ami Treasurer shall bo elected by the Trustees mid hold olllce for one year uuriLi or omccas. Gill. H111 Pi,-slil-nt. shall nr.-Hliln nl nil inkl ings oftho Iloaid of Trustees, and shall have iiiu euici in iuaaement auu control 01 tun mi ncss of the Association. All contracts ou bfahalf 01 tno Association snail bo mndo by him or un der his authority. Ho shall sen Hint tiriinpr ren. ords of tho business nud transactions of the Association ate Kept. Jiosnau appoint all em- I'iuj i-es unu iiuty iciiiovo incni at pleasure. He hbnll sen I lint. I dctmslf nT nil iiinnpvu ulinll bo made l'rou time to tlino lu such Hank or lames, as tho Trusties inav direct. He s ml nn. Iiually prepare and submit to llio Association at Iheir annual meeting In October, an account of niu uusiucbsoi 1110 Association ior tuopreeeuiuf t ear. and a HtatelULllt of tho iu,setR mnl Unhtll. lies of the Assoetntton. All vncAnelea In lb lloaril ot '1 rustces shall bo ailed by appointment 0 iiiu 1 lesiuent, Tlio Vie-o President bball in tho ahseucu or dis ability of tho President act In his plneo. SFCltErAIIV, .lb. Iho Htcreiary sliallkeep tiie ac'ouuts of inn .13 fii-iituuii, iimi 11 it-eoiu 01 uu persons em ployed. IIo shall keep tho minutes of tho Hoard 01 irusiees: nomy mo trustees oi nu .tieetings, lolnniuulciltc to oUlcers, Agents, Committees, Ac., all resolves and orders nlltcting llicm lu the discharge ol their duties, and perforin such other duties and servlces'as may bu leqnlred; under Hie dlicctlou or the l'ltsldeut, THE TltKASCUF.It. . ttli. Tho Treasurer shall recelvo all moneys of thu Absoclntlon and depoilt Iho same in such llaukoi- ltnulis.disletmteil by tliollonrdof Trus- tees. After liat llta llui em ii-iit iivunnteH I In. b.-il- nuee, shall lio seeiuely Invested as tins Hoard of j 1 usiees ni.iy oiri'LI. Jlusuail llllt ItO III I Illvesl- intuls pursluinl In lustriu-tlons of the Hoard of Trustees. It shall further in- tlio duty of the'i'tensurer to lalte ihargeiil all piopeltlt s of thu Association, uud to enl lectin I ill hit mis, Intel, -st, n ulnlvlt-., that may accrue trom sucli investment, and liiai-o the same to Ihn el edit of tho Association, ili-Mi. ill also give such llondsiis tho Trusties niny Until time to time liqulre. Mb. All pii.ti-lKiiud tlutles lint herein liele-g-ited to partlculni oilletrs, shall lie exeiclstsl and disi haiged liy Iiiu Picsuiinl during the re 1 ess uf the Iloaid ot Tittstt es, letli. All persons between the arts of twen ty and lllty yeuis, iticluslM-, may be ndmltltd by milking pioper apiilleiitfoii Hi-coitlliig lo lie billowing I111111 : Columbia (bloi.y Ot'Ojirifitit e JitUrf rljieeiiii'wl i:lil. JU.; The titi'l. lhigm il ib.sirestn liLt-nme a uumber ef the above Association and subscribes lo the lollowlng tegtilatlous: 1st. Tojiay live dolturs Into tiiuTrtasuiy at Iho llmu of mailing ttiis application, and one elollar on or before llio 1st day of January of eaeii year thereafter and lite dollars and ten cents within thirty days niter tlio death of 11 Member, due notice liuvliig liten given by Hie htcietut-y, so long as tlio Association numbers oue thousand or less; after leaching ono thous and, thu payments at thu de.itli or a member shall bu piuporlluiialely less so that 10 policy holder shall receive 111010 than llvu thousand dollais. Tokeeji'liu becntnry informed of his or her phu e ef 1 cbldciu e, and lu caso 01 abaeucu fi out or eiungu in his or her it side nee to appoint sumo one to act as his or her ugeut to pay dues. l'ulling to obscito uny of tlio ubovo mles I hereby i.grtolo foi felt alt claims against and nil inoui-vs pietiously paid to litis Assoclatlou. Inclosed pleaso llnd live dollars ns my Mem- btlshlp l-'oe. Tuwu, Counly, Btuto, 1 - 4 Occupation, j j? i In favor of Whom, I t being a regular I'hytU-Iau do hi' it by certify that it In Komi health. with likely to pi o yd fatal, and Is a lit applicant for intmberhhlp, in tho Columbia County Co-operul!vo itollef Association, lllh, llnvU mtnibcr hhall bo furnUhrd with a ccitiilcito uf Mciubcrhhipaud uu ariuual iccclpl upon payment ol hW ycuily duett to tho Absolu tion, together with u lecelnt lor tho amount as fONsud upon tbo death of each member when huld amount H pild, l'2th. Aliv nif-inlifi f t! liny li miv thn flvn ilnl lirsand ten cents wlthluthltly daya after notice forfeit all prior payment at-d ceaseu to boa inviiiii 1 Ki niu tbHut'iit 1 ion. i'Jih luca&en tneuihcr dlcji Icavlu? no holrs or oilnrpeiKou entitled to tho benellta oftho mi'miuui, 1110 money kiiau uccomo tuo prop- I uy nf ilio Ansoclatlou except an amount tmmc lent for Uineiul txp( nhe, 11th. Ulqmhti'iuH ma. Jilt ot H10 TiitMuH pUHtut at any meetUtf, and 1 he 1 ns and nayHhlull ho it corded upon tlm diiinind of any two or tho Trustee.. In (nfaor iUlootetho pieldlni; olllecr fchall Ji:t u thu c.blliii; vote, 1Mb, Tiioto Hyl4tWHm(iy ho itlleuvlor ameud id at any nm tlnu ut tho AMctntl)U, tliree fmtiths o iht' ineinbiTM prcKfiil roueurrint;, pro Mdid that line nut he bo ulvt n of fciich ih-Mred iliutiuo at le. t Ior kU viuli pirvloun tu thy JllCOJl'lf uf tl .Hiclutlon. Hi)., llic III. ,n. I of Tftututf and otllcirs ihull iwcfivo h lull ti'inpfiiMttloii Jiiriht-lr tf rvices at I do Una t d nay determine, I7tli, 'ih fvoior nuilloil examination will bo oiiudollar(tl)ttihepuld ly the applicant to the Mi-. I lim I rxanilmrat thu time llio certificate U k'h J.OL'Al, ,I(?Y7N: J, XI, ( ill MUKiaiN IJIooliI, RI. ImuhLit , . .futawlsa, 1 l.hATON Keiwlclc, U, M. llowttu VunCuimu Itti', Hon ton, riibii. iMUiiAiit. r'uiiinoiintepriUBa. Jjii, '.'l70-:itu COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, n. w. Sample. c. w. neal. l. j. taylor. Iff. W. SAMPLE & CO., Ooi-nof of Muiii Sti-oot, and & 13. Hail Houd, BLOOMSBTJBGr, MACHINISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS; BLACKSMITHS AND MANUPAOTURERS op STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, OHiVRItAIi MACMIMl WOKK AXW lU'.lWlll.S. MILL QEAllINO, SIIAFTINO, rUM.EYH, HANQEItS, HEAD m,OUK8, CASTINGS FOIl FURNACES AND AlflO CAIl WIIECLH AND AXLES BRASS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS, CAR BOXES, 1 " COMPOSITION CASTINGS, AND BAB1JIT METAL BELFIELD'S 013LEI1RATED GLOBE VALVES, STOP COCKS, CHECK VALVES, AIR COCKS, OIL CUPS, STEAM WHISTLES, STEAM OTJAaUS, STEAM riPB AND riTTIWaS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. AGJ3NTS FOR SI-IIVE'S GOYERNOll, Aci-NoWiiEuanp to nu the bi.mi'i.cst and mxir in the woniiD. MlIiliWltlOIITS AND MACHINISTS HUPPI.IIW EITI1EH ON HAND Oil FUUNISHED AT SHOUT NOTICE, VIZ; GUM AND I.EATHEIl BELTING OP EVERY" DESCnilTIOy, HEMP A1II1 SOAP STONE PACKING, OILS, ltED AND WHITE LEAD, AC. LESSEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF HALL'S PATENT DOUBLE DISCHARGE TURBINE WHEELS. LtllEHAL .NDHCEMENTS Ol-'FEllED TO THE TRADE. Also Agents for tho "EUREKA" Smut nnd Seniiratiiiir Machtno and "EX- CELSIOH" Bran Duster. Send for circular. Specimen Machines can bo been at tlio works. BLACKSMITHINO-, HEAVY Oil LIGHT l-'OHGINGS, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED PATTERN SHOP. WE HAVE NOW IN THIS DEPAHTMENT THE LATEST IMrHOVED MACHINERY AND AltE PHEPAltED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF PATTERNS AT SHORT NOTICE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OP TIIE LATEST IMPROVED PATTERNS. THRESHING MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. Buckeye Reapers Repaired AND ALL EXTRA EARTH FURNISHED. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF HORTON'S PATENT HAY RAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. tar N. B. Having put in machinery especially adapted to tho manufacture of Moulding Cutters, wo are prepared tocxecuto largo or small orders, at short no tice, nnd ou very favoinblo terms. Send for Circular and pricolist. N. W. SAMPLE t CO. .May 7,'t-a-tf 0 U U Tj I 0 S A Tj K 0 F v a ii v a 11 Ij i; iiiial nsTATi: In ntirsuanceolau order of the Orphans Court 01 Uolumbla county, l'a,, oubATUHUAY. March 2ith. 170, al ten o'clock lu tho lorenoon. Thomas Creveling, Jr., administrator, tc.,of i;Ii Creo linir. late r if Scott township, in said county, de ceased, will expuso to public half, on tho prem ises, tno following described real estate, to wit : all thatcei tain IjIMKSTONK QUAIUtY, fcltuati In tho towutliip and (Oiinty aforrf-ald, bounded and described nn tollows, to wit : Ueulu nliisnt a corner and ou lino or N. r5. Campbell, theuco alone naht lino north twenty-four and one-quarter degrees west perched to lands of Aaron Koone, thence by land of wild Itoono webtwardly live perches to lino of Jesse V, Mer rill, tlunco by said land touth twenty-four nnd one-quarter degrees east parches to a corn el and to lund oi the bald Jer,M V,Metiltl,thenco by f-ald land oaslwnrdly tlvepercheK to thn placo 01 beginning, containing ONE A C It K, more or lens. Also, the undivided onc-hatfof mi inaieeiiain jimesioue quarry, Hituaio in tiie townshlii and eountv nfnrchnfd. bounded nnd described as tollows : on tho cast by land late of m ui'it uMti, uu niu nuiiii ny iaiii 01 Aiinni IIihuio.ou tho west Hy land of Charleti l,ei and Peter schua, andou thohoutliby laud ot Jcfcso V. Merrill, containing thicc-louiths of an acre, moro or les, excepting and reservlug uuto Jesse V, Merrill, his heirs and assigns, an alley or road on bald premises ou tho east bide oftho Rum',runnlrgKoulh horn tho IUitroad tootlier lands or said .lessa W, Merrill. Also.ull tliut certain piece of gmuui or w n a n f ii a t, bltuatoln tho townshln and county at'orienld. bouuded and described as ftdiowsi Itmluntnu at a corner ndjulnhu; (corge llultyy, tlunco by tlw same southwardly llvu perches to the north iianu ot the i'nuiyivauta Canal, thence nlon fald Canal wtstwaidly eight perches tu u corner ou laud ul Jcko W. A nt . tin me bv bntJ laud northwardly live pciehos to land ot Tow ler k Crovellug, thence by bAld laml eastMurdly eight ptrciicj iu iiiu piuce oi oegiuuing, coiuaining I'uiiy nuuaie x ei cut's, W. If. LNT, Herlc, WConihtion1 or Ram:: The douir f tho wiuow 10 remain enaigeu upwii haiti real t state and the Interest of the bame to be regulatly and Riinually paid to her by Iho purchaser or pur cliasirs, bald IntereHtto bo paid aud computeil from the flrtt lay of April, l7i,and tho principal tube paid to tlio parties legally entitled to 10 ceivo tlio haniu lmnieitlfitelv nnnii Imr il..ith bald dowtr to be h ecu led by bona aud mortenca on tho premiss, 'ien per cent. ot two-tlilrdu wf inw I'luiiiiisu iiiunuy iu do pnui on ine striKiug dowu oftho propeity.onw-thlidof tho purchase money lebs tho ten per cent, to ho paid otithe I 'liuuiuuiiuii ui fcuif, aim iiiu uaiaueo oi ino two thirds to bo paid in ono year from tho confirma tion of bald sale, wUh iuterest on the karoo Horn vuuiiriuiuiuu Til, i, THOMAS cnUVKUNO, Jr., . AdmluUtralor Hcott Twp , March 11. 1570-, p U IJ LIO S A Ij E or V A h V A II h K U K A h 11 ti T A T U Iu pursuauce of an order of theOrphatu'Court of Columbia county. I'u., will be exposed to public iim i'u iuv in itiuuiniir lownsmp in afd county, on Khiuay tho lMh dayol Muiuh nexi oy iewin 1 eucr, guaidlan oftho perou and ehfato of Julia A, Clark n mluor ilausliter vinio,ieim Jl DU1U lUtVllMIJIII UUll county aforesaid, deeeftbed. tho tnulivided on, third of thobo two certain iructs of laud situate la thotownfdilpof Montour, Columbia county, tu wit t Unu thereof adjoining lands of Unmnuel'iru, Amlrew Clarlr, Mary Chirk and tho busquchauim river, coutalulug 100 ACHKS AND 107 rKUCUKS. Til Acres whereof Is cleared laud and In a oo statu of cultivation balance lu timber, wlurrccn Is erected u larufo KU AM 12 DWKLLINQ IIOUS1C, Uuk linrn, aud other cood out bulldlimH with u giMd Appht Oichard, and gout water at thu dwelling. The ther tract adjoining hn.di late of William U. Hurley dee'd, Mary i'lmlc, the tract i.bovo dcvcrlhed and lands or Andrew Ciailt.eontalnlug Wo AUHKS AND HO PKUOIU'S. Tins tinct ts unimproved aud Ii well timhered. Hale tocommeucHiit ten icloclc A, M.( ot mi id day, Conditlousof bale will be made k noun on day or sale. UlWlS YlU rJCll. tiinmllun. We, tl e tiuderiiUned owueibof thoothertwo uudlvldeil onu-thirds of nuid reii estate ab-jvetle-scHlieil will Join the guanllau lu the above side ho that Iho purehabi r or purchawcrM will cut h tlllo lu he biinple for Iho whole of s.ild laud, rj.OItANJIUMAN', feha570-Ui JANKCIiAUlv, 70H HA LIO. About nlly.lUe In t li; in. Khultlnir with i,li CUUlillllCS uilll lliimillle.s etillllileln. unit In iu but InnflKht for imr work, Alsosliiy feet new shafting fit In. uuel tj In. turned, with plale euui lings nud juljiitiii' lcliaiiKcn. Wlllber ild c rap Also out 'thrttli iik iiiieldiio. Aliliiv I H.lMf' lO. dt-c 17 VI II BOILER MAKERS. ROLLING MILLS. AND GENERA Tj MINING CAST1N0S. SALE op V A I. U A n L E REAL ESTATE! In pursuauce of an order of tlio Court of Com mon Picas of Columbia county, l'a., ou SATUR DAY, March 2Cth iwo, at 1 o'clock In the after noon, lteubeu Hellas Coiumlltcu of tho oersnn and Estate of Itenjamlii llontin n lunatic of Orungu Township.couuty orcolutnbia wlllex-DOrt-p to sale b- nublic vendue. 011 the nrcinlKCH. 11 certain liouso and L O T OF G UOU N D, sit uato lu tho twn.aiuU'dunty nroiu-uM.lxmmiM by lnmls of Mclnchl Druke, Jacob Hnfienbueh and others. coutalntncfelxacrcH ntitl tlitvnerchps strict mt'asuio on wtifcU Is trr ctt-tl n liouso Hliil Linrn. Luteliio rutate or f altl IU ni,im1ti Itnmie. sit nut e lu thn tow iislilii of OniiiL'o ami county alorosalil. WKIJ.INOTON II. i:N'l Clerlt, Conditionm OP HAT.n. Trn npr ct-nt nf nnn fourtti of tho iiurclmit3 nionuy to bo n.ijd hy thu purcha.ernt tho Btrltlnff down of tli property Onu-fourth lean tholcn per cent tu be paid at tho coDiirmuiiaii oi inc tuip. inv uaiuucH id ins pam In ono year from tho confirmation of snip, with tnUrt-ht from the llrst day ol Apill A. 1) t.TU, ro.esnlon of the rrenil-es to ho Riven ou tno flrbtiUy of April A. 1., U7, ruicli.'i-scr to pay for Deed nnd Ktnmm. ItKl'IIKN IlLI.AS. orangeville, l-'eb. is, IMO-bt. V UlllllllllfC, rilY "WILIi YOU lima VOUll EYESIGHT hy using e-oMMON rj.vssm, When you can piuchase L A 7. A It U S & M () U It 1 K' rci.F.iiu tfd l'Kiit'Eerrnii S1T.CTACLKS AND EYK-OLASSICH, THE HU.ST IN THE WOULU. They aio l-c-eomiiietitled bv tho racultv i i uniy of Mateilal, llrlllhincy of l lnlsh, i, ml their KtreiiEllicnine nud I'resert Ine l'owets, in ,iiiii-n int-j ,-Ai-i-i nu oincrs, iney list many j ears without clung.-. 'I hey can only bo obtained In JUL O OMSIS Uli,a J'A Of Misa A. IX WEI! li, HOOK STOItE, SIAIN HTKEKT, Solo nppoiutcd Agent for tills place. No l'cdiltt rs Employed or iStipplleil, LAZAItUSiMOliniS Slnnufacuirliis Opticians, nurlii,70-ly. Hnitfuid.Cotin. NEW MACKE11EL, NEW MACE EHEL, AT J. H, JIAIZK'fJ MAMMOTH CI HOCEUY COllNEli MAIS' AMI 1UO.S STI'.IXJB. lILOoVsOl'lle), Largo stock of SALT EISH ON HAND, CI1EA1 EOlt CASH, OH EXCHANGE KOH HIDE MEAT Oil COUNTIIV 1'IIODUCE, AI0 anocEitiES Of nil kinds, received !nlly Irom Eastein nnd Southern Market.. WASII1NO MADE EASY, WITHOUT 110IL1NC1 Oil WAfeH HOAItD M A Y E H'H l'ATENT H O A V, WAItUASTED THU HUT IS Tilt! H11I.H. On huud at Wholesale or Iletall, Merchants sup plied at Muuufiicliircra' prink in Columbia county. T.iK OEM FLOUIl AND SAUCE BltTEH, Tim llr.est thing in theticrldfor woincii to sift tliolr Hour, and lake nlet, lli'tud or Cakes inn articles ul ipost ludlsp nsll-le- In n funilly.Wliole sale uud lielall, A l.AltOE AeHul 'IMEKT CE (JUEE.NSWAHE A OLASSWAllE On liand,evfr)thitig eimhI n rtl a fai ey tuble. Call nnd see. J, II. MAIZE. l:Ioumtbuig, Maitli Is, IsTO-lm. pOWDEH KKOS AND LUMUEll. W, M.MONUHEACO., llurt, l'a., Usnubiciureisof I'OWIJEI'. KEKH, mid doalers In all kinds of I.UMItElt. tflvo nulliw Ibat theyu't Cfi-ii b " otitrklat Hi, 'r custom ttltliiU. palehraud e i iliiuifcn Wi 1 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers