The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 25, 1870, Image 2

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    Htf W fifth
.4-TUB COLUMBIAN has th Lttlll
Circulation of any paper pnblUheit In
Northern PcitiitylTjmla, and .Is also-
much larger sheet lhaaanx ofltieolim-
porarleii and thsrror thsbsat insdtnm
for advertising In this ssctton ofthe state.
SCoro 'Slobbery.
We nil remember with what a flour
ish of trumpets atail shout ofsclMauda
tlon tho Republican pnrty of thla Sla'lo
In 1BCG, nn'nounced tho nbollahment of
the tax on real estate, find how they
claimed tho united support of tho citi
zens for bo noblo tin alleviation of tho
public woes. The better Informed Dem
ocrats ofthe Stato wcro loath to bellevo
In the honesty of this act, and did not
accept It as a proof of willingness on
the part of tho Republicans to minister
to tho publiq good,- or as an evidence of
tho prosperity of the Stato flnancos un
der their management. In other words',
it was believed that' thcro was a very
largo nigger In tho wood pile of the
Commonwealth. Anil behold 1 theso
surmises have proved correct. Exper
ience showed that' the income, thus
done away with, was necessary to meet
the expenses ortheextra vacant admin
istration, and therefore, rather than ac
knowledge their blunder, thofalnking
Fund was made to supply tho desired
amount. In tho recent examluationjin
Harrhburg, of tho' administration of
tho Stato was given in
testimony that the Sinking Fund had
been robbed of a million and a half of
uoiiars, ana that 'tho State Treasury
teas bankrupt. That Is, tho monoy
which the Constitution provides shall
bo used to pay'tho State debt, 'had been
diverted from Its proper purposo and
used to fill up the hole in tho revenue,
made by the stupid', blundering finan
cial policy Inaugurated by tho Rop'ub
licans as a catch-penny dodgo to on-
snare unthinking voters. Hero's a flno
commentary on .Radical flnanclerlng'td
bo sure; and now tho peoplo will have'
the satisfaction of knowing that, to
bring tho State back to tho condition' In
which It was in he spring of 18GB, they
win nave to pay a million and a half of
dollars used for the benefit of the Stato
Treasurer and his friends, instead of for.
tno reduction or the Indebtedness ofthe
Commonwealth. 1
1 These be thy Goda, 0 1 Israel !'
A Spectacle.
Mr. Octoroon Ttovols 'tepoko a piece"
the other day.'ln the U. S. Senate : and
"Mr, Morton followed, eougratulaUng
Senator Revels upon the fact that he'
had so well vindicated tho ability and
intelligence of His" race and tho country.,
Mr. Morton said that in exchanging
Jeff Davis for Mr. Revels the country
had lost nothing in ability, and gained
much In patriotism and lovaltv."
Wherein' Senator Morton told a palpa
ble, unmitigated and deliberate false
hood. As to ability, .neither Bevels nor
Morton, nor both together equal Jeffer-
son Davis j and' patriotism, thero
Is llttlo or no, difference,, except as to
manliness, and thcre.'Davls has the ad
vantage, between Julm who endeavors
to destroy the Constitution, sword in
hand, and him who, in the, Senatorial
chair, by his vote, seeks "and compasses
tho samo' end ; both alike are traitors.
But how did the Octoroon "vindicate
the ability and Intelligence of his race
and the country?" Morton knew, evory,
body else knows, that whatever of
"ability and Intelligence" Revels has,
Is due to'bls white blood, and not to his
African. It Js demonstrable nearer
home for that matter. And yet grave
and foolish Senators inflict such twaddle
upon tho country. It Is sickening and
disgraceful ; and. even the nojro, if he
possessed one-tenth the "ability and In
telligence" with which they accredit
him, would be disgusted with the fawn
ing sycophancy.
Kr. Collector Bailey.
Another pet of tho administration
has como to grief. Jf;F. Bailey, col
lector of Internal-Revenue for tho Thirty-second
District' of New York, who
has rendered himself notorious by the
vigor of his prosecutions of alleged
Governmental defruuders,has defaulted
and absconded, Indebted to the Govern
ment to tho extcntof, It Is supposed,
$200,000. His bond which is signed by
some of the wealthiest men In Now
York, will reduco tho actual public loss
$100,000. Mr. Bailey is reported to have
said not long binco, that ,,he did not
desire money but rather the namo of an
honest public official" or words of that
import. Ho Is one of tho class of hypo
critical scoundrels who are constantly
being exposed and who cloak their ne
farious schemes under tho earb of pa
triotic dovotlon to tho iutercsta of the
Nation. Investigations show that Bai
ley's defalcations began when ho was
collector of tho Fourth District in 18G7,
and that his subsequent transoctlons
havo bcou made to cover losses Incurred
then. Nothing is known of his where
abouts, but diligent search Is being
made and, ho may bo caught, and por-
haps sent south to carpet-bag it for tho
United States Senate. In tho mean
whllo Bailoy greatly distresses his
liC&Ulativo Piety.
De Lakoe Is a negro member of the
tJoutli Carolina Houso. He brought an
applo-pio into the Chamber, tho other
day, anu generously divided it among
the members occupying seals near him
Tho dainty lunch caught tho eyo of
Elliot, another negro member, seated
at a dlstanco, and ho rushed across tho
hall with tho demand, "Gib mo somo
ob dat pie " As tho pie, so Do Largo's
liberality had diminished, and thero
being but a single slico remaining, ho
replied to Elliot's demand by ramming
that hastily In his own mouth. Elliot
was not to bo so easily robbed of bis ex
ported treat, Llkoancaglo he pouuc
ed upon tho member from Charleston,
and, grasping him by tho throat, en
deavored to choke him into a inoro gen
erous state of mind. Being tho stouter
and having the advantage In position,
ho standing and tho.other fceatod, Elliot
succeeded in Jamming Do Largo's head
down upon his chair, when tho latter
ended tho encounter by using his knife
upon his antagonist's leg, sending him
away to his seat, amid tho laughter of
Jie House. .
legislative Relaxation.
The 7bptc, is tho namo of a now
Radical sheet lately started In Harris
burg, having the two-fold nmbltlonof
supporting John W. Geary for tho
Presidency and publishing such Insuf
ferable stuff as tho following taken
from Us columns. Our readers may
now see how certain of tho hard worked
SonatorB and Mombera, spond their
lelsurohoufs" Tn tho evening nud (per
haps) may think moro highly ofthe,m,
for thesiuno. '
'A bill In commcmorntloir of tho Fif
teenth Amendment was held last night
at tho Kxchango by the children of
"Afrlc's burning shore." Tho fomlnl
ncs wcro dressed lifcood tasto. dnncod
gracefully and exhibited flno examples
of eontllfty nud nrourictv. Their malo
companions wero no less rcmarkablo
for their, good deportment; and, taken
nltogother, tho affair was a decided
success.- Mixed up with those of darker
complexion thero wnatv goodly sprlnk
nngoi paio laces, some or mom belong
ing to the member of tho leglslnturo on
both sldbs of tho Houso, showing an ap
preciation of tho occaslou. It wasqulto
pleasant to seo these gentlemen trip
ping It off morrllyli tho dauco with
somo of Ethlop's darkest daughters.
xnis Dan wnsin an respects as interes
ting and well-conducted as if It had
been gotten upandconflnod exclusively
to tno "wnito trosn."
.Serious Squabble.
Richmond,- Va., is in a singular stato
of domestic, warfare. There are two
Mayors and. two separate and distinct
sots of subordinate officers, each claim
ing Jurisdiction in that city ; tho ono
set elected by tho citizens, tho other
appointed by tho military authorities.
On Sunday night last a collision oc
curred between tho police of ono Mayor
and thenogro adherents of, the other,
in which ono white' man was killed and
an unknown number of negroes killed
and wounded. We had understood that
Virginia, had been reconstructed and
admitted to her old placo in tho Union,
but, if this bo so, what right have the
military to, appoint officials, whose,
choosing is supposed to bo tho preroga
tive of. the citizens ? At whose door
should tho deaths of theso unfortunato
men be placed?
If only such ofllcors are to bo elected
by tho peoplo as aro approved of at
Washington or tho Head Quarters of tho
Department, then is tho admission of
Virginia but n fraud and a sham, and
sho is in no wiso entitled to tho name
of a "Sovereign State."
Something liko Truth.
The New York Sim, one of tho bitter
est and most extreme Radical newspa
pers In the country, thus speaks of tho
Chief Magistrate of the nation.
If this outspoken expression of u
opinion, which we doubt not, is shared
by, many, others, is to be, taken as evi
dence, thero is much dissatisfaction in
the Republican Camp over their Mili
tary Commander and somewhat of a
correct appreciation oMiis abilities as
an Executive officer.,
"We do not mlsinterDret the nubile'
judgment when wo say that no man
ever cnosen,,io tno rrresiuenuai ouice
stood so low at tho close of tho firsVyear,
oi nia term, in tno estimation oi tne
leading minds of his party as General
Grant does. In .short, General Grant,
has, at tho close of his first year, proved
so lamentablo a failure, both' as a states
man and a 'politician, that no well-In-
lormea ana iar-sccing itepubllcan con-
templates nisrcnomination as u possi
bility : whllo a lanro bodv of tho wiser.
and more cautious' members of tho
larty apprehend that his courso must
nevitably break it In nieces befora'tho
uoxt Presidential election."
General Quant's sporting friend
George Wilkes, Editor of Willies' Spirit
was caned on Broadway, New York,
oneday last week, by MaJ.W.W. Lei
and of the Metropolitan Hotel. The
provocation was an abusive articlo in
Wilkes' paper. Wo have not learned
whether this will cause an Increaso In
tho army or whether New York
put under military supervision. If it
had occurred a llttlo further- south it
would undoubtedly bo done.-Wilkes' in
timates that all kinds of fearful punish
ments will eventually fall on the head
of Major Leland,. but does not stato In
what mannoror by whose agoncy. Con
gress may yet bo called on to legislate.
Ma J. Iceland out of his boots.
New Fapcr.
Harbisburo, March 16, 187O.
"The Dally 1 5fbic.wlth Dr. John If.
iGiiion, lattj private secretary to Gover
nor ueary, as suitor anu Proprietor
mauo its urst nppearanco tins evening.
Tho editor, in his Salutatory, foreshad
ows a firm determination to adhere to
the principles of tho Republican Party.
and to support Governor Geary for tho
next Presidency.'
Well 1 well I "If tho little boys mind
their p'd and fj's, and tho llttlo girls
their manners, they may somo day,".
Ac, Ac. But seriously, what has Gea
ry douo to Glhon, that tho latter should
thus expose him to tho laughter of tho
nation? Ifthatsubjoctis to bo'tho-Daf-
ly Topie,, will be a cheerful newspaper.
"TiiELowisburg board of school direc
tors mako no distinction in tho pay of
...ui. tvuvuvia uu ucuuuill UI BOX. lUai-
iflcatlon is tho only standard. Will
our board be equally Just next year?"
If you know anything, Doctor, about
your own would not
havo published thcabovo harmless squib.
Tho School Directors of Bloom Town
ship havo made no distinction pn ac
count of race, color or sex. J)o try and
bo accurate once. Even your sub
scribers complain of your blunders.
The yory latest Presidential ticket
which wo havo Been Is B. F. Butler
for President, B. F, Whtttemoro for
VIco Prcsldont. With ncarofullyassortod
cabinet of tho same genCral strlpo of
men, wo should undoubtedly have a
sirongienm, one which would causo.
wo should Imaglno, a largo emigration
from tho shores of tho United States to
Russia and other liberally governed
couutrlos, when life might not bo alto
gether n burden.
Anotuku Incident lnconnectlon with
Whittemore's expulsion has como to
light. It Is said that while the inves
tigation was going on, Mr. Nlbiack, of
Indiana, went over to Whlttemoro.and
"Whlttemoro, I'll tell you how you
can retain your seat."
"How?" asked tho dealer In cadet
"Get a Domocrat to contest it," was
tho reply,
P. D. Morrow, Esq., of Towanda
has been appointed by Gov. Geary nd.
ditional Law Judgo for tho Bradford
district, In pursuance of an net recently
passed by tho Leglslnturo.
Tho Columbia County Invasion.
'xxxn y
This gentleman was, in 1801, a mer
chant "and justl'co of tho poace- rosldcnt
nt New Columbus on tho border of Lu
zerne county, and had previously rep
resented that county in tho Leglslnturo,
Ho was nrrested.nnd taken to Benton
church, 31st August, 18GI, and tlionco,
with tho othor citizen prlsoners,to Fort
MIfllln on tho Dolnware, where ho was
dcfalncd until taken fd Harrlsburg for
trial on tho'lDthof December following.
On the 28th of December ho was tried
boforo tho Military Commission and
promptly and honorably acquitted. Ho
was finally discharged from custody on
Saturday tho 31st of tho samo month
and permitted to return home, having
been prcclsclyor months within tho
grasp of military power.
Tho following is tho official announce
ment of tho finding In his caso,ns approv
ed by MaJ.'-Gon. Cadwalladcr, In genor
al orders No. 4, dated at head quarters,
Department of Pennsylvania, Phila
delphia, January 14th, 1805.
"Beforoa Military Commission which
convened at Harrlsburg, Pa., pursuant
to Special Orders and of which
Brig. General Thomas A. Rowley, U.
S. Vols. Is Presidont, wero arraigned
and tried:"
"2ud. Dyer L, Chapln, a citizen of
Luzerne county, Pa., on tho following
charge and specification!
Charge: Aiding nud abetting resis
tance to the draft.
Specification'. In this; that tho said
Dyer L. Chapln did furnish, sell and
deliver to ono Francis M. Ieklcr, gun
caps and two pounds of lead, more or
less, to b6 used against United States
soldiers coming up tho valley of Fish
lngcreek, in Columbia county, Pa.
knowing-the samo were to be used' for
tho purposo of resisting tho said soldiers
of the United States:
This dono oii or about August 14th,
18G4,at or about tho village of Now Col
umbus, Luzerne county, Pa.
To which chargo and specification
tho accused, Dyer Ii. Chapln, a citizen
of Luzerno county,Pa., plead not guilty.
Folding: Tho Commission nftor ma
turo deliberation on tho ovidenco ad
duccd, finds tho accused, Dyer L. Chap
in, a citizen of Luzerno county, Pa., as
follows :
Of tho Specification Not Guilty.
Oftho Chargo Not Guilty.
Arid tho Commission does thereforo
acquit him."
The accusation on which Mr. Chapln
was tried appears almost farcical up
on Its face; but slight and frivolous as
It was, It was found to bo unjust and'
false. Besides, it was either concocted
some time after Ids arrest or made to
take tho place of more material matters
of accusation which could not be sus
taihed. It was first heard of, or pro-
duced In a formal manner, when Col.
Albright came upon his expedition as
an evidence hunter toward tho end of
September, but other matters of accus
ation, or a different 'form of tho samo
accusation, would seem to nave been
bruited about before. Wo havo heard
that a bill or voucher of Mr. C's for "2
lbs. of lead," was read or reported as "2
bbls. of lead;" the clear inferenco being
that ho, was engaged In procuring or
furnishing supplies for tho so-called
"insurrection." Another wonderful
statement made concerning him is ven
tilatcd' in tho correspondence which we
subjoin an.d which will fitly conclude
tho present number. Wo submit it
without remarks as it fullv exnlalns it-
self, but we will hero say that in our
next number wo' shall sketcli tho rise
and progress of tho ridiculous accusation
upon which Mr. C. was finally tried
and furnish tho othor leading partlcu
lars of his "case now referred to.
!New Columbus, Pa. 1
March, 2d, 1870. J
Messrs. P. C. Wadsworth, and Jacob
Fitzigerald. Dear Sirs:- Will you do
mo tho favor to reduco to wrltlnrr n
statement mado In your presence by
Gwynn Tyrcman concerning a report
that ho hint put In circulation about see
ing my team hauling n Cannon throuch
Town Hill, tho latter part of tho sum
mer of lSGl.andobugo
Yours very respectfully
D. L. Ciiapin.
Town Hill, Pa. 1
March 3d, 1870, J
Hon. D. L. Cjiapin. Dear Sir:
Your favor of tho second Instant Is bo
fore us, and contents notod. In com
pliance with your request wo annex tho
following statement.
About tho time tho military forces of
tno United States, wero marched up
I' lsniugcreek, in the latter part of tho
summer of 1601, It was reported that
Gwynn Tyreman had occasion to be up
latoono bright moonlight night, and
had seen your team pass through Town
Hill botwecn midnight, and day light
with n cannon which your team was
hauling to Benton or Flshingcreek in
Columbia county for thoconscripts,wlio
it was reported woro congregating there
In a largo forco to resist thodraft. Sub
sequently wo wero In A. J. Hess' storo
In Town Hill, and heard him ask
uwynn xyremun about seeing your
team hauling a cannon to the conscripts
in Beutou and Fishlngcrcek, in answer
to which Qwyun Tyreman, replied
that ho had nover seen your team haul
Ingacannon or anything ofthe kind
and that ho had started tho report Just
to croato an oxcitemont.
Respectfully Yours.
P. O. Wadsworth,
Jacou Fitzgerald.
Mr. Qullau O. Ycrplanck, a gentle
mau eminent in political and literary
circles, died In Now York, on Friday
marcu ih, 1870, ngcti tsa years. lie Had
been a Sachem of Tummany, President
or tho Century Club, an Editor of Shak
speare, a Vestryman of Trinity Church,
a member of the Legislature, a member
of Congress, Author of two or three
law books, n Professor In tho General
Theological Seminary of tho Episcopal
Church, and wrlterof some Theological
Treatises, Ac. Ac.
Tho Episcopalians of Now York havo
lost heavfly, as has tho wholo country,
In tho death of Fcnnlmoro Cooper,
AVashlngton Irving, Fits Greene, Hal-
leek and now of Gullan C. Verplanck.
The London ifYwieji speaks of tho r ep
reson tation of minorities as a subjoct of
discussion, with a view to its adoption
In all the free legislatures of tho world
nnd'dcclaros noto it, all yo ambitious
politicians of tho future ("proportion
al representation Is the crood of all the
'men in tho front rank of tho party of
Nowi Xtcmi.
''Sheboygan, Wisconsin, has had 118
aays 01 continuous eloigning;
. Thoro nre 210 Lodiresof tho KnlehU
of Pythias, In this Stato, Philadelphia
claiming 80 of tho wholo number.
A (rontleman In Cincinnati lost a
child tho othor evening by tho nccldon
tal breaking of n kerosono lamp with
which no was rebuking him for making
too much nolso.
-A Washington corrosnondont xavs
that Kansas Is tho Pennsylvania of tho
west a rotten commonwealth.
A Tro v nanor sneaks o f "a man with
ono eyo named llobort Welch," but
does not toll what his other oyo was
AYounuhuly in Chicatro mado n
bet of a kiss tho othor day, but tho bet
was declared nullbecausoshodldn't put
up .tho stakes.
San Francisco meditates getting a
ator supply by laying pipes from Lake
icier. 112 miles distant, tit a cost of
A tantullzlmr old fellow in Nash-
vlllo has left six widows $5,000 aplcco,
upon condition that they shall nover
Elcrhtv-ulno dozen of liens' cses con
stituted part of the donations to a cler
gyman at mon, im. x., 1110 oincr even
ing. -Treasurer Spinner reports that thero
aro $102,247,410 70 in specie, and $7,710,
011 14 In greenbacks in his strong safes,
ready lor uso Dy 1110 government.
A debatlne club not far from Eliza
beth lately discussed tho important
question. "Whether a rooster's knowl-
cago 01 uayorcas: is mo result 01 ouaor-
vation or instinct."
A table cloth was set on fire, in a
linnsri In llincflMmton. tho other day.
bv thosunshinin'r through a cold-fish
globe, which acted as a "burning glass."
A Missouri man. who recently de
molished nn old trunk, found $3,083 con
cealed between tho wood and zinc bot
tom. Tho story got abroad, and now
mere isn't u wnuiu iruuK. wiuiui uuy
miles of his house.
They have a fellow in Montreal who
offers tn bo put into a coffin nnd buried
lor nvo Hours. lor- 5U. rnoy wans to
mako it three days, but he won't agreo.
An Illinois woman finds fault bo-
causo her Husband made nor uo nis
housowork, and frequently chastised
hor, for fivo months after ho had a di
vorce in ills pocket.
In thirtv-seven countios of Pennsyl
vania tho County Commissioners havo
complied with tho requestor tho School
Department and furnished offices for
the County Superintendents.
A minstrel troupo was organized in
Indianapolis on Monday, played Tuos-
dav nicrht. "busted" Wednesday morn-
lug, anu xnursuay nitornoon tno icauer
went to sawl 111: wood at lour.sniiiings n
An astronomer predicts for this year
ri comet nf such brilliancy nnd so near
tho earth that our nights will bo almost
as bright as our day.
What is that which a man does not
want nnd struggles against as long as
possible, but having once got it, would
not part with it for tho world ? A bald
A Kentucky paper says Leslie"
Coombs Is looking as young now as he
did when he first camo to this country
with his friend. Christopher Columbus,
3S0 years ago.
A boy in Illinois, a few days ago,
laid u train of powder through tho kitch
en and then fired 11. "lust to scaro ma."
He hasn't been able to sit down with
any comfort since.
A Cincinnati reporter woko up a
bridegroom at a hotel In that city to get
tho particulars of his wedding. Ho
owes a neighboring apothecary five
cents for court plaster.
Thero is nn old lady In Lynchburg,
Va.. who savs sho mado a pair of socks
last fifteen years by merely knitting
leet to tnem every winter, nnu legs
every other winter.
A tavern boaster tho other day,
vaunting his knowledge of tho world,
was asked by a wag at his elbow if ho
had boon in Aleobra? "Oh yes." said
ho : "I onco passed through it on top of
a stage."
A rich man died in Malno recently.
and his "last word3" to his heirs and
friends woro : "Plant mo as soon as I
am cold, and don't cart mo around for a
sido snow. Remember i'eaoody.-'
A man In Leavenworth wont out to
drown hlm3elf, but met another who
called him a liar. That saved his life,
for tho thrashing ho got, in attempting
to correct the false impression, put nil
tnougnt 01 (icatn out 01 111s mmu.
An Indiana lawyer, flndiuc his
principal witness too drunk to testify
when ho was wanted, addressed tho
court In a four hours speech, in which
ho touched upon everything, Including
tuo l'liteentn Amenumcnt, nnu nnauy
111s man camo to time.
Tho National Baptist, In the courso
01 an cuiionai arucio, says "11 candi
dates for baptism present themselves,
whoso pnysicai cieanuness is questiona
hie. we entreat tho administrator to In
struct them to wash themselves at homo,
and to uso soap. Tho baptistry Is not a
bath-tub, and when candidates enter it
tney do not go in to batno."
A soldier's widow in Leavenworth.
Kansas, lately employed a claim agent
to collect ono hundred dollars bounty
duo her husband. ''She then had tohiro
another lawyer to collect tho monoy of
tno ciaun agent, anu a tniru to collect
what was left of tho second. Sho finally
received twenty-seven dollars.
"Yes," said Mr. Quill, in n discourse
upon tho mlllenluin, "wemay nil llvo
to see the lion lio down with tho lamb :
but It is likely they will bo Insldo of
each other, and tho lamb won't bo on
tho outer side neither.
"Ticket sir?" safd a railroad cnn.
ductor, passing through ono oftho trains
tho other day, to a passongor. "My
faco Is my tlokot." rcpllod tho other, a
little vexed. "Indeedl" said conductor,
ruiiuig oacK ins wrisiuanu nnu uispiay
Ing a most powerful bunch of fives.
"well, my ordorsaroto punch all tickets
passing over this road."
A lazy man In tho West lias Inven
ted a novel apparatus, ciilleil thn"Antn
matio Firo Llirhtcr." It consists of a
small clock on tho plan of an alarm clock
which at any desired hour lights a
match and ollod wick on tho stovo
hearth by means of a connecting wire.
The kindlings in tho stovo nroso arrang
od that thov aio readily limited, nml nil
that Is needed is to deeldo nt what tlmo
you want your llro startod in tho morn
ing, set tho clock properly und go to
wii-tiji. j 1 win uu iiiu rest itseii.
Persons curious about tho wages of
royai ioik uuroau may nnu it consolatory
to know that thcro is paid to Aloxander
11. $3,250,000, or $25,000 a day; Abdul
aziz, tu.uuo.uuu, or f ih,ouu a day ; Na
poleon III . $5,000,000. or II.?l!lii iW.
Francis Joseph, $1,000,000, or $10,050 a
day ; Frederick William L, $3,000,000.
or $8,210 a day; Victor Einniouuel, $2,'
100,000, or $0,810 a day, Victoria, $2,000 -
uw, oru,-fu a uay; .Licopotu, juuo.uoo,
or $1,G13 a day. In addition to this sal
ary, each sovereign is furnished with n
dozen or uioro flist-class houses to livo
in witnout any charge lor rout.
In tho Iowa Senato.on tho 8th lust.,
soon after tho Senate was callnri tn nnlnr
tho Doorkeeper announced, "Mo3sago
iruui iiiu ii.uu3u," nnu miss Mary is.
Sponcor, Engrossing Clerk of that body,
appeared and modestly said, "Mr. Presi
dent." That officer renlled. "Ml
Clork," and Miss Spencer proceeded to
read, in a clear and distinct voice, a
mcssago from tho House In relation to
certain bills which had passed that body.
At tho conclusion of tho mcssairo tho
ociiaiors approved 01 mis nrsc omciai
act performed by it woman In tho Iowa
Henato, uy a general clapping of hands.
Bldrldgo onIioyalty."
Mr. Eldrldco.'i of .Wisconsin, is not
particularly enamored, of tho Radical
cant or loyalty, tho other nay in tno
House, ho said:
"Tho word "loyalty" I havo always
despised. I dosplso what is called a
"loyal" man ; I hoto him from thocrown
of my hoad to tho solo of my feet. I
onco undertook to lllustrato to tho
Houso by a story tho moaning of this
word "loyalty;" and as tho liouso may
have forirotten tho Incident I wish to
repeat it for' tho benefit of my friend
from Massachusetts. Tho question was
nsked why a friend of raino , could not
get tho contracts out of which ho could
maKO money uunug tno war, anu ono
who wns nblo to get contracts and mako
monoy. 11 loyal man, told him the rea
son why ho could not was because he
was disloyal, and tho reason why ho
could was because no was "truly loyal.'
My friend says, "Now, what do you
mean by loyalty?" "Mean?" ho says;
"why It Is a feeling which pervades a
man, that Influences his wholo conduct.
that mako him really what ho Is, or
what ho is not." "But." said my friend.
"what docs that mean?" Ho replied,
"It Is n feeling." "Well, then, how do
you feel?" "I feel loyal." "But what is
that feeling?" Ho then replied, "I feel
as though I wanted to steal something
or kill somebody." Laughter. And
that Is loyalty. You havo mado that
word tako tho place of tho true and noblo
old word tho foundation princlplo of
tno repuono anu 01 tno nation to taito
tho placo of "patriotism." Iam patri
otic, but I am not "loyal." It is n word
which does not belong to this country;
but only belongs to Massachusetts.
HAnRisnuRd, March 18, 1870. Mr.
Purraan introduced tho following reso
Sesoh-ed, That Wm. W. Irwin hav
ing appeared before tho Senate Com
mittee on the Treasury Investigation,
nnd refused to bo sworn and clvo ovi
denco to tho said committco in such
matters as tho Senate deems necessary
to tno penormanco 01 tno legislative du
ties of tho Senate, thosaid William W,
Irwin is hereby adludccdeulltv of con.
tempt, and thereforo tho Speaker oftho
senato ue nnu is ncrcuy authorized and
directed to Issuo his warrant to tho Scr-
ireant-at-Arms. authorizing and reouir-
ing him to produco at tho bar of tho
Senato Wm. W. Irwin. thero to bo hold
and subject to such orders as tho Senato
may maito in tho premises.
The motion making tho resolution
tho special order for Wednesday even
ing, was agreed to.
House op Representatives.
Tho Senato bill oxtending aid to tho
Jersey Shore, Buffalo and Pino Creek
Railway, tho Pittsburg, Virginia and
Charleston, up tho Monongahela valloy
tho Clearfield and Buffalo, and tho Erie
and Allegheny Railroads, was cotuli
Tho bill authorizes tho companies
abovo named to exchango their own
bonds for thoso of tho Pennsylvania
and Allegheny Valley Railroads, now
in the Ktate Treasury.
The bill passed-yeas, 59; nays, 31.
Harrisburo, Mareli 10. Tho fol
lowing bill was introduced by Mr. Find
lay, obliging railroad companies to-kecp
their ticket offices open for ono hour In
advance ot tho depnrturo of each train.
Tho Senato bill to aid tho construc
tion of a railroad from tho Susquehanna
river to Poit Allegheny nnd Buffalo,
was considered. -
The Houso gambling bill of Mr. Beans
was considered.
Mr.-Elliott said that under Its pro
visions a man who played a gamo of
billiards for a glass of ale could be sent
to prison.
Mr, Beans called the previous ques
tion, under tho operation of which tho
bill passed by G5 yeas to 13 nays.
Washington, March 17. Tho Geor
gia bill being taken up H. R. Rev
els tho colored Senator from Mississippi
made a half hour's speech. Ho was lis
tened to attentively by a crowded boos
Dan Sickles was confirmed as minister
to Spain by a voto of 45 to 13.
Tho deficiency bill was passed, after
which tho tariff bill was discussed until
Friday, March 18. In tho Senate,
yesterday, among othor bills Introduc
ed, was ono to organlzo tho now Terri
tory of Oklahoma. But llttlo progtoss
was made with tho Georgia bill.
In tho Houso thogreater part of tho
session was occupied with tho proceed
Ingsin tho caso of Mr. Butler, of Ten
nessee, charged with improperly dis
posing or a cadotship to West Point.
Tho first voto taken was upon tho reso
lution of expulsion which was rejected,
a two-thirds voto bolng necessary 102
to ha. Arter somo debate- a resolution
of condemnation merely was unani
mously adopted by a vote of yeas 157.
Saturday, March 10. In tho Senate
yesterday, the Judiciary Committeo re
ported a resolution declaring that Gen.
Amos is not ollglblo to a seat in that
body from Mississippi. Tho discusslou
on tho Oeorgla bill was begun soon af
ter tho expiration of tho morning fiour
and continued up to adjournment.
In the Houso but llttlo was accom
p'isbed. Tuesday, March 22. In the Senato,
yesterday, tho greater part of tho seas
Ion was occupied with tho debato on
tho Georgia bill, the question being up
on Mr. Drake's amendment, authoriz
ing tho Presidont to dispatch troops to
any section of a Stato represented to bo
In Insurrection. A bill furnishing tho
Southern States their quota of arms
from ISCt to 18G5, or tho equivalent In
ordnanco stores, was passed.
In tho Houso, of tho bills reported
from Committees tho most important
appropriates $20,000 to aid tho Sisters
of Out Lady or Mercy In Charleston.
0., to rebuild their Orphan Asylum
destroyed during tho war; It was
promptly passed. In Commltteoof tho
Wholo, tho Tariff hill was debated at
The Now York Herald Bays, tho
Funding bill was worked up for tho
special benefit of tho national banks;
that tho plan is to do away with tho le
gal, tondors and plaeo the wholo circula
tion In tho hands of tho national bank
ers, who will control Congress, tho ad
ministration aud tho matorial Interests
of tho country for their own benefit;
and that the power thus possessed by
tho national banking monopoly will be,
used to prevent a return tosnwln tmv-
mcnts. j
latest IVowSj u .
Jntncs W. RlployJ of tho Unltc'dfstates
Army, dled'nt his rcs)d6ncin this city
last night. Ho was both In Windham,
Conn,, Dec. 10,1701, and received his
first commission in tlui nrmy Juno 1,
1814. Ho has been for somo time In
fccblo health.
Scranton, Pcnn., March 17. At n
nulling 'of tho Board of Managers of
tho Avondalo Relief Association, held
on Monday last at Plymouth, tho fol-
.1 !. Wl Tt.
lowing resolution was nuoptea re
solved, That tho Secretary Is hereby
directed to commonco suits against nil
delinquent subscribers to tho Avondalo
Fund ; but In each case to givo twenty
days' notice before any steps bo taken
to enforco tho collection of tho same."
New York, March 17. A torrlblo
explosion .of nltro-glyccrinc occurred
to day at tho Llttlo l'crry iarm, nuout u
mllo from Ridgcfteld, Hergen county,
Now Jersey, resulting In tho loss of life.
On ono sido of tho river bank was situ
ntcd Schaffer's nltro-glyccrino manufac
tory, a long low building ono story In
A number of uera wero cnipioyeu
about tho works to-day. A lot or gly
corino was to bo shipped, and tho men
wcro engaged in carrying It from tho
building to a sloop at the river bank.
Tho glyccrino was put In bags, uno
. . . 1 1 .A t. t
man, wiuio carrying a uag, iosi ma
hold, and tho bag-full exploded. This
explosion caused n second bag to ex
plodo with a worse effect than tho first-.
Tho factory was blown to pieces, anu
four of tho workmen wero blown into
llttlo bits. Tho leg of one man was
found threohundredfoot.dlstaiit. Nono
ot tho bodies could bo recognized, aovj
en men wero very badly injured. The
windows of the houses' Over n mile dis
tant were smashed by tho force of the
HARRiauunu, Pa., March 18. After
the adjournment of the Senate n dls-
grac6fu'l encounter took placo in tho
Chamber between Senator Nagio and
Llndcrman. It appears that during the
morning session Mr. Lindermau made
use of language which Mr. Noglodcem
od personally Insulting, and after tho
adjournment Mr. Naglo demanded an
explanation which was not satisfactorily
given, whorcupon Mr. Naglo took his
redress in his owu hands, and blows
wero exchanged. Mr. Limlcrniau was
tho sufferer. Mr. Josuphs of tho House
and others interfered, nnd prevented
further difficulty.
Philadelphia, March 10. Stacy
Bancroft, an old nnd highly respected
merchant of this city, formerly of thu
firm of Bancroft, Bcnver & Co. died to
day, aged 70 years.
St. Johns, N. B,, March 19. A sin
gular phenomenon occurred u't tho com
mencement of tho storm yesterday
morning. A rumbling noise was heard
and immediately afterwards n portion
oftho bottom oftho harbor on the Carl
ton side sunk, bodily; so where before
at low tide was beach is now twenty
feet of water. Somo of the wharves
wcro destroyed nnd lumber carried
Fall JUVer, March 20. Thla after
noon while n largo congregation was
assembled in nn incomplete French
Catholic Church to witness tho blessing
of tho corncr-stono, tho floor gavo way,
and about 250 people fell 12 feet info tho
cellar. Ten or twelve are known to
havo had their limbs broken
Scranton, Pcnn., March 20. On
Thursday night a serious accident oc
curred ut tho Delaware and Hudson
Canal Shaft, No. 1, known us Kern's
Shaft, situated near Plymouth, by
which ten men were seriously, though
not fatally, injured. From somo de
rangement In tho machinery tho car
riage, on which was a car containing
tho ten men, started down tho shaft
without tho counterbalancing weight
Before It reached the bottom tho brakes
wcro applied, but not quick enough to
stop tho carriage, although Its fall was
much lessened In velocity. The shaft
was 3G0 feet deep.
Baltimore, March 21. On Sunday
morning, a little girl, whllo toasting
bread at a stovo In tho upper part of the
city, had the misfortune to set her
clothes on fire. Sho ran into tho yard
and before hor mother could come to
her relief from the second btory oftho
dwelling, sho had literally roasted to
Washington, March 21. Tho Sen
ato confirmed tho nomination of Joseph
P. Bradley, of New Jersoy, nsassociato
justlco of tho Supremo Court of tho
United States, by a voto of 4G toO,
Pottsville, Pa., March 22. This
morning at 7 o'clock, thobollcr or tho
coal breaker or tho Woir Creek Dla
mond Coal Company, near Minersvillo,
exploded. Tho building was demolish
ed, nnd tho boiler curried over a hun
dred yards. Tlireo boyp, wero Instantly
killed, and nine wounded. Tho causo
of tho explosion is not known. Tho
boiler was in good condition beforo tho
explosion. Tho coroner's Investigation
is progressing,
ALBERTS ON-YOUNO-In Omugevlllu, on tho
(if JiLi'lf uitn
lULE-HACONH-Ou Clio lOtU hist., by Jlevj !
toMlu .VnmHU llacoua, or Jortluii township,
KKELEn-AI.llEUTSON-Oii tho lith hist., by
bra. In Vjtt Imr A All.&tur r u, -.r
TIIOMAB-DATXMAN-In Ciitawifcsn, March
u ml
MHh C, A. Dalluan. both of CjiLiu Issr.
viinniTi' uiitr . . . .
.uuuui-rm-AviiiuiiiiraB juace ami uyihe
' .v,( lunula tfnuj i ui j.iituurt;
?,l1!MAN70n.!.hP "th lnt.,at the residence
C?pTI.n n..Ii!on' C llerthn Dcm
" 1 uofcttinonu uie. seed
I year, 11 niontliiiaiid 17 day.
UOLU In Ilentnn.on tlmitii in.i
jgfoftsr1 twp-IlouJamlu
BY1CKH On the Cth lnm. near Klynuunr. Marv
W. Co,' MH. ruwdft'u? ihlyioeV. "u'itd 71 Jft
BANDEItH-Iu Hue Iwn.. m v,.i. .mm. t
HKSa-Iu Buuarloaf twn.. IV).. 1111, , ).!.
Sni W dayb "" 1:fl,e Til month
nearoit Charley, how we mUa Mm
Hut our lovo to him la kuIu
f lo U wltli 1,1, lluio1 brftt Sf
In the laud whero la no raTlu.
All l'eron Indebted to mo p'S'SO-V,'
nml pay tliolr account by tho mltlille ol Aprl I,
S trr wtilcli llniBiill iwrountii will Ijo i.lM-ca In
tho linnda ol n proper ofllcer for "'""'"'ft, rr
Ilenlon MorcliZS, 18.0-11.
,on! ESS. Am 5ne.fof Peter M. Tmiwb, lm. filed
nU BTOiiinl, together with the voucGers thereof
l " the cilice ot tlio l'rothonotiiry in innrt for 1U1O
County of ""b,,VKLMNaTON Ht KNT, -
innrl5'0-6t. . itouiouuu..,.
wUerwlcK aiuclte pleaso eppy. -
kstatk or j. a. l'FAHLKn, niso id.
iln ty,deo-d.bavo been Brnnledby the leg later of
Columbia County to Henry f f hlor of t
,n, Columbia county, Viu All persons linvlns
claim against tho estate aro requested P"5?"1.
them to the Executor In Columbia County, Pal
Those Indebted to the estate either on no e, Jud ji
ment, mongaga or ; ,. i.
nymeniwuiu 4-..i. j
ranr. 2570-Cw. Lxecutor.
-rcxECUTons' notice.
F. Mann, lato of Denver township Columbia
county dee'd, have been granted by tlie lleElster
ofaaldeounty to cnrollno Mnnnand Allen Mann
of Beaver, Col. co., r.. All perso i j having claims
agalust tho estate aro requested to present tbcm
to the F,.tecutoi In Columbia county. Those
i-olters testamentary on tho estate or vuarin
imiomcu 10 me esiaio timer .m uu-t, -i
nnwioic account wi l make payment
to tho ifxecutor. nta.JrjIlfB MANN
fx ruii'trr wAnntiousn.
niviiiff for thoHDrtUB Tratlo alarge stock of
purchased at the lowest Gold Hates, and wl It be
sold nt a great reduction from Inst season's prices.
nNtll.IHII IIUUSSKLSat 81.50, and nil other
A btoluto Divorces legally outmncti in
A v Vnrtc. Indiana. Illinois nnd other
Htulos for pcrkonsfrom nnyHtate or Country.
legal every wnere; ut-iuruuu uiiiunriim.., .......
support, etc., sntUclcut cause; no pu l city : uo
charge until divorce obtained, Advlco roe.
liusmeha cbuiuiisneu iiii.i.-i.j
No. "tl Nassnu Btreet .
Now York City.
1 nnd for tho County of Columbia. In tho mat
,nfn nMitinu of W. II. Knt administrator
of Jeremiah Kline, lato of Jackson township,
deceased, mi speeino lierrormanco oi comruui,.
Kobruary nth. IsiO, C W. Miller, Kso;., nppolutcjl
commissioner to t ike pronf of contract.
Hy the Court.
ueriiuou iroiu uiv i.ui-uiu.
WCI.LINQTON 11. 11.HT, l.ieri.
nv. lurtnni tntprr-Rtnl In the above ease, tako tiiat I Hlmllatu-nd for the nurnoso ef lny
appointment at lny otllce, In Bloomsburg, on
Baturday. tho 23d day of April . n.. 1870, al ten
o'clock, n. m. C. W. MII.Lt.Il,
in.iw. Commissioner
For Whiteness, Iluiablllty.aiui Ilillllaii
cy. it has no equal.
Hold by all dialers In Taints throughout
tho touutry.
t. jionma PKitoT & co.
Sole I'roprlitors, l'hlladelphla, l'u.,
Dialers In all kinds of
CAUTION.-Owlng tn i the iippujaiitj- oi
our "First National White Lead," other
uni-tlra lmvrt tipcii Induced to oiler a feliu
rlousartlclouLder the samo name. There
fore Uewnre of Counterfeit. 'Iho uenn
Ino is put up In extra heavy tin paint
pois, Willi patent metaUlo wire liaud'cs,
and tho name ot
On cuih label,
For sale, by
MOYF.Il llltOTlinrtS.
The rnrtrVIAS SYltUP main t;-e vr-sl sironir,
and expi-Udl c.i-.cliys,ipil.v!iiihili:.iii.Miltu
Nili-BE'ii On-M ViriuziKa Aocst MtuN'.
Cautton.-: sure you pet Pi ft'jrvn.
1'amplilcisfrrc. J. r. iilNSMiiltl-:, 1 n-i-rktor,
No. sa 1 ley ht., New York-.
Hold by lirngsHU geui-rally,
Tho Soason and its Bangors.
The human body la chiefly composed of tis
sues nnd fibres as aensltlvoto every chango in
the condition of tho atmosphere as the most
dctleato electrometer, or the quicksilver In a
barometer tube,
The stomach, tho skin, tho nerves, tho lungs
and the excretory organs are especially liable to
bo aflected by these variations, nnd the best de
fence against their disastrous tendency is to
keep the dlgestlvo machinery, which feeds nnd
nourishes tho wholo sjsteni.ln good working
If the stomach is weak or disordered neither
tho blond nor the bile can be In a healthy state.
and upon tho fitness of theso two Important
utiius lor tho omecs assigned to them by nature
and tho regularity of their llow, health In a great
measure depends.
When tho air is heavily laden with chilling
vapors, as it oricn Is at, this season ol tho year,
the digestion should bo an object of peculiar
care, ir ll is wcakand lauguld, Iho whohi phys
ical structure will bo enervated. If it u vigor
ous, the entire organization will be stronn to re
slst the untoward uud depressing lullu enco o
a damp and vitiated atmosphere.
A puro nud powerful tonto Is therefore espec
ially needed as a safeguard against tho diseases
most common tn the Spring, and Hosteller's
Btomacli Hitters being the most wholesomo and
potent medlclno of tho class at present known.
a course of it Is particularly advisable at this
period of tho year. The stomach will thereby be
lonea anu strengthed, Iho liver nnd bowels regu
lated, tho nervous system braced up, and nature
pui in ii siaie oi aciive uerenco against tho mias
ma which superinduces Intermittent and remit
tent fevers, rheumatisms, nervous debllltv.
headache, hypochoudrln nnd other complaints
wincu nre npi 10 assail mo uutoned nud unfortl
fled organizations. The body isstrengthenod with
out exciting Iho bralu. and cousenuentlv nn nn.
pleasant reaction follows Its reviving aud rono
vaung operation.
Notlco U hereby given that George Ilarlman
of iuinlock township, Columbia county, lias
cnnvei-ed his real cstuin kliimip.i i ..i. ,
till n, i the undersigned in trust lor thepurposes
lu tno deed of trust named. All persons linlcbt
ed to the i.nld George llartmnn will make pay.
ment to tho said Trustees; and thoso having
claims or demands will mako known tho siunu
without doloy, to them nt ilnckborn, Columbia
county, I'n. '
rsTATE OP lAf-mt nirAiMii,. i.l.....
fT.HS !J1,ll.erlKV?11' PPo'utod by the orphans'
Court of Columbia COlllltv. And li.r tn mntn .ll.
trlbutlon among creditors of the estate of Jueob
XXZ i ,.i i 'wji, uouunbia county
dee'd., will meet tho nartlus Intervsini n,
purposo of his nriw'nlment at tils oiiirn m
ViS',?mfbf;."t'.0,n f londay, the IStli day of April
IS?". l 10 o'clock, A. M. All persons hnvlng
elaiins on said estate aro requited to attend or
.7,V,B" w.uuiivu iioiu coming in lor ii pari o
K. H.
The subscriber has n limited fciimdi. nf tit,
Farly Hose I'otalo, which lie will sell to those
w )li )g to procure this excellent variety, ut iho
iv iuiu ui iwo uoiiars per imsiiel. Ho has.
also, iwenly of the Ilest Varlotlos of
all of which will be kept on hand, and for sale,
in their soasou.
ruici: list or iuuly Horn: fotatobs
I'eriiouud, 85 Cents j l'er pcck,73ieutsj IVrhalf
uusuei, i.ue f rer uusuei, f j-er buriel, a.u,
iiiarlS'70-lf. Ksjy,tti.
t . 1
E A KM Kit S
INCtlfcAll S-ntT-
As well n
Ily n Judicious and Economical ,5 . W
-1 A Ni U 11 I Nn.
H'lft.- Iril1 n. .
ut' Ml.m:Ij ViKb .
iii-JAVtnn iiiiA AIlHxii ,
kkup YQun Hoir. Minn vn6, v..
over HiXTisiiX
crnnq. 1ms nroven ti
years of consinnt .,
udeil mini.! H.!1" ft
piiiito inny uo uepenuei
or sato by Agricultural Denim enm
UAUiTti V? t-
oniee-No. 40 H. Delaware AveuL'B'm.
r)NE Cent uewaiui,
jiioornirnry pinna non, an api,rF!i.
duly Indentured, having abicon Vi .. ' '
roward Is offered for his return in '. ""'N
linrelit-ivnrneil inirnln.r l.,Vi..""...A 1 1'lrljn,,:
ing nnd giving him cre.m nn Z I
will pay no uuuis OI ills cunlrlnii I
ged aliout IS ye.iM.nnd ran nwv'r."'."
ran awav ,,, ,!
Cntawlssa, March II, 1S70-
lyA- nurnivr, pa.
This Houso having been pnllnthnrouthl
is now open f..r the reception of nlTOl
mlns will ba sp.irodU eusurutlioil,".".!1 '
ortoflhe travelers. Tno lwK
''fffrn-So-u "mc!' wll"',1", ''iW.idl.Sl
Jn.n iionil,
The undcrslgnc-a having bon, burnc-dci.
tho recent tleslruellon of tho KrcS, lull
bns tnkti tin. fclnri. H4
prepared to furnish his p,iir..,' inhltaKJI
ctistom-mido work. I'd for m ffll
nu suiii-iiH a i-oiiiiiiuance. -
mnru'flMi, CI.AllK It. BI-J, I
wnrrnntt'd to Lo fmiu srid
from tho Originator "Ii. w. H.msJell." rSiiil
VI. l'l-leo. 4 ilusbels sin- l n,,ti,i .', ...
paid 5 piiunds Jl, 1 quart :s cenn. 'r1
iii. I ,. -. . -:
usiiet to iho acre.
II. ir. mtniw
T OT1 O E .
Tho public nre hereby caulloind iiultoul
chase or ueuotUtu two iirmuu.(.ri-ntu. aSIM
by tho undei-Klgiied in l.ivor or J. WesW 11
ns- no vnlne bus lieen reeelcii (iierefTr. Tsl
v. V." -Hit. i ...I . . uitB
mouths nrierihito with Interest thirclrli5
.. l ........ ..- .nii-i u.iii- mm inin-1
therefroni. 7. CIIAltHH KluliEtl
Denver Vnllcy, Mnu-h H, lKTi-lt,
oitANaKViLu:, coLUiinrA cou.ry,pJ
ritor. K J. HCHOOKOVIIlt, rilnclM
JUtS, U J. KCHOOKOVKU, I'rtceidrra,
TlliM lllfctlttltlmi. for Ilit rdnrnll.-in f,ftJ
clmrRo of Trot. Urlioonovtr, mi MonditaI
4, 1970, TcachrrH, of uckiiDWlcJuetl Abllii;iJ
I -nil ion una Uenllemen. will remwn nnfi
iiiKii omer or inieni, win bo wnilyed latH
Ucnartment. uud no ctlort snared to wttnl
puiu iNinmiiiu mm juuiciouh culture.
Ilio course itf iii&lrurtlnn u ill lndmlsallti
uranrni-H usually uuiyiit in iiiyii sctiocltL
HomlnarlCH or thu first ia.nk.
i ruin ni nnu i niiiiit(,i.r...t t... .....,.... 1
ilinarv lli-imrtliif ut 51 to Ii MfQjsvl
Higher Drenches il to linjxJ
LOCATION: This excellent lnstltutloa b.l
cnted in n pleasant vilbige of nuouulihiiaA-fl
iuhabltanls lieo rrum the temptatloui otl
larco city about six miles frumtli. lUUrJ
dolly communication lo tlie dlmreil raj
The buildings aro hiiutiu-u upen an mi-viu i
surrounded by u benutirul irote,nol P'rtri
licnlthy. I
CALENDAH I'Olt lkTO: -Spring MldqaKfl
April nil, lsvunnu eontinui-s uu-iK,wii-j
wiiii-u ineie wm uo u lutimuii wi ...
Kali term commences Ausust 15, !S7ii,iiiii-
11 weeks, winter term opens aoiuuiw
continuing 11 weeks.
T.-VlitfVSI.'H lt,iiml .-Mi 1,1. filitll niJ!B
voto families allium S.'.M to !iiOirnt
desirable rooms will no iiiriusaeu m
wishing to proviao lor ineiiistnn mill li iiilinltti-d nt mil ume
the session nil hough It Is i.rcli ruble townKi
wun mo term.
For further particulars, ndius- IneK.
nt Orangevllle, Ta.
inuria (U-iiiii.
Jacob Sluimuu
Calhcrluo Ixingenberger
widow of Oeo. Longi'ii-lipr-'pr.
deo'il.. et. al.
No. Jl Maf I
Term lit I
Tho Commonwealth of I'ciinsylyanjiM
euenu oi tno couuiy m ";i -,;ri
whereas Jacob 8immau heretofore to 4J
eight hundred and sixty nine in ow CJJI
Common fleas ncmro our juuji- "- --
oveied judgment anlnVt "iVHlto toj
ercuiis which wiriu,.- "..i.tL-l
or your county, uou'ii, ior u i".r .
hundred and tlilrty-llirce dolUisandtW;!
as also twenty Jollais iind wMfVl
which to the said Jaeou bii uu.ui
for his costs nnd charges which Je "JJ'S
oca.louof tho dctentloiie thatiUM!
ns tho snld aco. Iyingcnborger IM,
real estatoln tho said eonutyp
descended and came to tho said
enbciver, Elizabeth wife ;f J fK
wlluol lleubon Kesbi-lt, aoiul itt
Curey, Martha wife ot Wm. -l"'"
Longcnborgor, Wm. IoB-";t " J
wlfo of dallies McAl-iriiey, Ultol" "
David Kbuinan. Ell7.abetli ill
Allller. widow and Hells nrtiiesa UU m 'j,
eubei-gcr dee'd. And wheri.u tue
Hhuuian lias given us i , " "'"mTjuIJ
wid judSmeui remains a'B"l
sallslled and has besouchtus lotrou"
us Win
o belu:
should In
whal is Just In I
cording to tho rnrm oi i -.j.m I
...... - , l,,.K-Jl'B
such t
berger, Elizabeth wlfo n'i?inAeoj
wlioof lteuben Heyberl, !""".", f i
Curey, Maltha wire ol Mm. ,J"";,irrll
LotiKeiibei-Bor. Win. toniieubcrger, r .
nnk Itnown to the "' '" ivrfo, Ll
tuse innueniin iui" Lfd
juiues jieiiiiriK-f, ,)";'""'", ct. nlien
Mhuinuti, Ullz.ibetli Miller '1"','S
that they bo before our JuJ,1;,'S,aruii1
at our comity Court ur Cominoa ia
bo held on thollrst .Moiida) -i rfJ W 'VM,,
causo if anything they has u loU " ;ulii
said judpmeut so recovered "er,Ei"i
Loug'iiberger nnd James McAUjWfj,
JSC of tho wild Ueorno l-i'"."'
not bo levied nnd paid out of Ife w .
ot which thosaid Uco. lousi LT,'n!jtliiril
nanrnrranlil nml ImVO VOU t""1 0,1J I
Witness the Honorable WllllAn' '; m
dent Judgo of our slid Court at '.', ul
eighteenth day or l-ibru'irj-, --
eight bundled nnd seventy. 1,..JluiH.E,
Nathan Creasy .NdliU'l
Cathntllin IniBi-nlii-m" f rBi!sl
widow of
.... ""B". llu0''1." S1' . ;f ivau.ll",1' i
mo vuiiiiiniiiiii-iiii.. , ....inmllilt w ,
Bherlir oftho swuniy ''VSore w S
whereas Nathuii Creasy hf flffi, A. P
tho thirteenth day of fc'- .l'u";,.:pini'
thousand eight nun; n." :"-, ur
ivmri ,ir -i, ..mum l'lojs oeioif ' , mi
lllooinsbuig rei-overuil .""JVjic.lW'?
llum Ingenbeiger nnd Ji "goof.'
eentors ol nil and r''fi'lllro of llW't
rights nnd credits whleli w jeoiul M,
l.nrur Int.. nf -niir COUIlty UWJVl,Bir
limn iiongtMiueiu.-i 'V'V.,1 iho fi'Jou'-i7l
eentors ol all and slugi 'rJ?ur(t'-l
boi-Ber Into ot your county
dobt or sum of one bundled iiuo ltllitijm
uud uixtv-Hix cents ttii,,ty51o MlJti'
of that debt : uud whei eas i ' u in u
cuborger died seized V1, ',,,!, -ttidid f
county of Columbli wh.'H' "'niirivr, t
to the said Cuilurluo, I'"u'.A70"t Kf
wlfu of John IMfyllvtfX
of W'illhuu John, t allur e Lo" p( m
lain Lougonborger ''l?YiavM,'M".f-
Alarnev, fnthnilno wire oi i -y ie tv-m
iibi lli Miller mid Hleplu'H ill" cr(ei;
elm of Iho said Uiorgoliensjyf"'
uud whersu3 iho 'ald"N'l!K!uaiiuui';
id wheriusiho said Natlm" - tmKHM
. 1 1 uiuiurtuiiid 1 hut the sa Id "Ti iju ll
us lo understand tin
wholly unpaid and'
holly unpaid nnd unsaid"-"" nicdJI'J
i to nrovfds for nun " vn:.:, la
being wllllus that whal ' '",he
er, Lydla w re"' 'Ji.itM
,f 'Edward iltrie'i,'.
, Cath.irlne IflnnVjnirt f,
iindMarywI 'e Jo.
of John KletltT
muni u wuo ui w Tni';lllrs'ij.
William John.tVtluriiwIflJH'jjiBirty'I
I,onL'nbc riser 'niul Mary w f j' 1 JJ
cy.Cntharlne wireoi .i. iW'.i
Alliier und Hlepheu Mil er in"J ul,iyi
our Judges nt llViibui aj iia o K
Monday of May next W '''".Vlsl JJ'l
they havo to know or Wli1uuilK
Ueorge l-oiiKeiibeitoi'df frtaie
J and paid out of the ' Ji ,utd,si' , 1
1 said lloorge Lunge libel ger "'"i,ii.. I
iild and havo you I lie . I
o'oursahl r'jj'i A
dent Jims
"AW Ilft