!ft (IpfflumWim AND- I -AI.A.44V.V 1444 44.4. -44A4.-Aj.4 41,, UUIililWIItll IMUULIUI. U fail uotmic, nr Htlltor ft ltd Proprietor. OIHOULATION DBOO. JOD PBIMTIIfO i iieBcriniions oxecaieu wiui uraiuvu uuu uupaicu bi roasonauie rates. STOVES AND TINWARE. CLOTHING, Ac. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Ac. T tfT" nn(vUBliil Anntlin.... Il.l.. CLOCKS WATCHES, AC. BAVAOK,apAiermuocU8, Watches ana eweirj diuwi flu jusmwuw me American ih iir.iiMiiAniJ. wnicn nnu uiock moEer. it I ui'i'inuni., wfucuei, upecinciCH a BOOTS AND SHOES. ntinrch. vl.nJ.1 low uuriiuuu h Kiure. wchl oi mnratsi. viii PROFESSIONAL. lit v. jiMttiviv.ouiKrun j.euvim, Aitilll Bl., WM. M. HKDEH, Burgeon unci Physician. u, K. kinney , Burgeon Dentist. Teeth episcopal Lauren, vl-niu HCELER. Attomev-at-Lnw. nnicA ai 11. III VvKlmllffn 11I...L- I.... I... 111..-. I.- V3-U1 rmrln KxAhntipA lllni.tr. nnni-llm i.Vv.l.n.i... McKELVY.M. D.-Hurecnn nml Tlivul.nn nUTTEll. M. I). Kurcflnn Anil Pliviilnlnn ltODISON. Altornev-at.Law. Ofneo Hurt ...........wi. ...iiiui.-rj uuu ruuer i.nniiB LIZZIE 11A11KT.I-V MUtlno.. 1I,.,... A. D. .WEBB, Fancy Goods, Notions. U vl. ii II M. DERRICKBON, Millinery and Fancv . E. KLINE. Mllltnerv nn.l In..,.,, n.il Qlll IlTbiil linlr.... If. ..I... ..1 ,K .JI1T.TA A RlTIt' tillivtvv t..ii..- iaks ami Dress Pattern.;, southeast corner and West its. vl-nU MISSES HARMAN Millinery and Fancy II. AIAln Ml., llflnw Amor r-nti Tim, .a vli.Jl HOTELS AND SALOONS. MIMA llHTL'T 1... 1) ci.i. ...... ri.. ... 4 pnnir r i t- . . ........ . MAUR. pry Gooda and Notlnnn. aonth. Hl?!f airnr t" . i .... IlECKLEY. llnnf nn,l . itatlooerr. Main St.. below Market.' vuSa , ueiow iron V4"0 M'CDI). Coufcottonery and Bakery. IfftWr-n ir. EROWKIL Drv Gundfl. Oropprl-a. rtrt onr. lniil, una Court Hou&e ulley. vl-u , - "...iiiuiu H uu Ltuire his. viuu OHTON, Orocerlt-H &. Vrovlnlnn- xtntn PVPn -. . . . I.VV vrn . . . . . lire, rinur. rsaii. hiiuuh. U A V II I 111 HP Ibnlnm lit hoiith Vi.tl: i, lulwi nun woitous, Hcot oulto kllli filuin st. va-uia it f ... . iiKrtYV'.rvn, touffcCtloueileB, Main v iitiiriiiui. v .ni I MISOKLLANKOUS. Marble WorkH. nnmlnnr lMur Main Mtre I't. vi.nii I'uuiiij.iL mi.. mniiiirfiniMf'iiru EK.Glllll M..lru. .l Mil. II . ... PlRISTMAV. M..I.11. V i". . .1.. T IQUIVIJ'I! Illocu- Kf.,!,. U,ni,t V..,IH ?OBBINHllf,,,i. - A if en t for Mniibriii'irAin xS.T0S w" l'P-r. Wlmlow Bhailci uurts, Itupert block, ilalu st. vl-i -IMftlUHIlMl. U,..u Af Rtnvl.... .1 .rl story tKsr, . Wr' iJii:ii'V.,0.lo,'aP,"rri over KubLlii. ' ""y, rear or A lnvrim n 1 1 .... VI' if.. . i A. PITMuii.. . ' r.lB.nV.Vi"-" L'".. mutual anil cali ... '"'.uiHniinii.hii . ii........... ii. .ii. i - - . ... X I'A n777. ' .. - - - -iivuium &ia ti .i...i . t. BAltl.ri. . 7. . .- - lick It'll 1?.1"1"' Ka"f l"on Vlifurr.0".".". Castluiis uiAdunt.hi.it (U.HQLKlt .1........ - 1 " w, L'oreil'a (urultura rooms vl-ntaJ llj jAtYinv . . . -i4mi nil.., a.. . .wiuhh nioiir , -.i.HwicA routi, viuio uaKu?iae1,y,;uL1,c. ntueiut comor VOLUME IV - - - NO. 12. Orangevillo Directory, 1 A K. W. COLEMAN. Merchant Tailors and A. Uent's furnishing goods, Main Ht., next door to iue iiricK iioiei. vi-nii 1). ICmintNQ A nltOTHEn.Carpcnters and , llullUcrs, Unln St., below l'lne. vl-nl7 nOWER A HKimiNO, dealer In Dry Oooils, I) Groceries, Iiumuer aud Keueral Merchandise, juaiu bu vin B ltonr M'lieury cor.or Mnln audrini)Bt..vl-iil7 D Tt. O. A. MEGAUGKL-I'lirnlclftn andBurccon Aiam m,t ncxiuoor 10 uoou i iioiei viui7 1) AVID IIEItniNO, rionrnnaarlstMl'l.and Dealer in grain, Mill atreeU vlnn H II. & a KELCIINF.r.. niaekBmtti s.nn Mill Utreet, near l'lne. Vl-rjf7 TAMES B. IIAHMAN. Cabinet Mako; and Vu 9 dertaker. Main BU. below l'lne. V1-UJ7 I M. HAItMAN, Haddlo and Harness maker. ), Malnst., oppsltoFramo Church. virill TOHN FRYMIIlE.Baddleand Harms mnker, ,1 Malnst., above the Bwnu Hotel, vl-nlf Lmwia ji. Hjiiuxi.uittjron rouniier. Machin ist, and Mauuractmer of plows, Mill Bt.vl-m7 MILKH A. WILLIAMS 4Co,,Tnnnerst)d Man ufacturers ofleather, MlllBtrcet, Vl-nl7 QAMU EL 811 AltrLICRS. Maker of the Hay hurst w II.T.IAM PKtiONO Rhoemakernti't manufac Hirer or lincjr, win u, west oi ri ne Vlnts Catawissa. B F. DALI.MAN. Merchant Tailor. Second Rt. , llobblns' Uulldlnc. 2-nIS D H. J. K. ItonDINB. Burireou and Fhvslclan oeconu ntM ueiow main. Vinis pIIiBEIlT A KI.INK, dry goods, grocerlos, and , HUH 2-nl'. jl Keuemi luercuanuiso, Aiain mrcoi f B. KISTLER, "Catlawlssa nouso," North i . Corner Main and Becond Btreeta. v2nlS I KF.ILEIt. Billard Saloon. Oysters, and Ids 1J. Creara In season Main BU v2nl. MM. BR0I1MT, dealer In Uenernl Merchandise Dry (JoodB. Groceries Ae. v'..nls OUBOUEHANNA or Brick Hotel. 8. Knten D bander l'roprletor.eout li-cast corner Main and Becond Btrcet. v2nl2 3, Main Btrcet.' v2nli n TIIMADII ,nn.. I. Qinn.n ... .pi....... w M, H. ABnOTT. Attorney nt law. Main St. Light Street. H. IRVINE, Medical Storo Main Street and llrlarcreek Road. 3aVl H. P. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, first door above Bchool House. vlnttt OIIN A. OMAN. Manufacturer and dealer in ' Hoots and Blioos, vlulU J J. I.EI8ER, M. D Burgeon and I'hyslclnn Oltlce ot Keller's Holer. v2n2; IJETER KNT, dealer In Dry Goods Orocerles. L Flour, Feed, Bait, Fish, Iron. Nails. etc.. Main V1U13 R. B. ENT, dealer Iu Stoves and Tin ware In all Its brauciiei. vlnfO Espy. BF. REIGIIAItD, BRO..dealcr In Dry Goods, Groceries, and general Merchandiser v2nll flSI'Y BTEAM FLOURING MILLS, C.B. Fowler, l 1'roprletor. v2nltl J 1. WERKHEISJCR, Hoot and Shoo Bloroand u " mailllfnr.tnrv. Mlmn m. AI..I.. postto the Bteam Mill. V2ul rn V,'. EDGAR.Susquehauna l'laulngMlllnnd 1 Box Manufactory. v2ull Buck Horn. If 0. 4 W. II. SHOEMAKER, dealers In dry III . goods, groceries and general mercunmllhe. i lrst store In south end of town. v-2-nix Business Cards. M, L'VELLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ashland, Bcbuylklll County fa. (J W. IIILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, wiuvuwuiiiiuui..aiii)( UCIUIY iue UlliVM BXAN Ofllce. Bounties. Itnck.l'AV nml lpn.lnn. nn..iii..... iii... i i . collected. Bloomsburg l'a. sep.SO'W JOBEBT F. CLABK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OMlco Main Street hplnur tlm nnnrl llnnm Bloomsburg renn'a. II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AfTIii Pnnrf.irnneA Alln.. .-.Awiiaii Jill IT . UCIUW L11C3 1,IJ I. U M MAN Ofllce, Bloomsburg l'u. Q B. BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ULO0U3I1UHO, PA, 3r OrriCK Court House Allev. In ilu. in. I.VM1UAM building. IJuni,'67. 17 J. THORNTON J-i. would aunouueo to thoclllzcns of Blooms burg and vicinity, that lio has Just received a full and complete assortment of WALL PATER, WINDOW BHADES, iXTUHK, CO it 1)9, TASSKIJI, unci all other goods In his line of bunlium. All tho neuest ami mruit nnmnv.il iinilariiH .1 ii,. day are always to bo found In his establishment. .ii.v, urf-.. mum oi. ueiow AiarKet. J B. PURSEL, IIARNISS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER. and dealer In CAIU'ET-MAOS, VALISES, FLY.NETB, UUrrAI.0 ltOIlEM, U01UIX-ULAKKXTS Jt'., which ho fels confident he can sell nt lower rate thau any other person In the county. Ex amine for yourselveM. nuon jniru uoor ueiow tne court House, Main Street, Bloomsburg, l'a. Will tO, Dl, g E N T FREE! H. U'liKKrE, BON ill CO.'B SEED CATALOGUE And ouitiKtothe FLOWER and VEGETABLE Qnrilnn, For 1870. l'ubllshed lu Jauuary. Every lover of flowers Wlshllllf this new ulld vulmililn unrlr. fr... ..f charge, should uddress Immediately M. O'Kcefe, Hon A Co., Ellwmigor J Barry'. BlockRochenler, . Y Dic.3.'t..tiiu p I M P L E S. Tho uuderslmeJ wilt rlinpt-ntilt. ...nii vn..i ... all who wish It the Recipe and full directions or preparing and using u simple and Beautiful Vegetable Uulin, that will Immediately reinovu Tuu, Freckles, l'lmales. Blotches, and all erup tions audlmpuiltlesofihe Bklu.leiTvlugthekatuu sort, clear, smooth and beautiful. Ha will also send (rinE) lustructloii. lot pro duclug.by verysl mplemeaus.aluxurlantgrowtli of liair on a baldheud or smooth face tules. than iiuiiy unyMjruiu nrsi application, Tho ubuve cull beobtulnctl bv return hih.11 Iiv addressing Tllon.F.CHAl'MAN.Ctieulst. J', o. Box Sim, lia Broadway, New Yokr. Aug. -,'t-ly. JjJRRORS OF YOUTH. a KtmKiiiui) wuo nuuerruior y vars iroui r-cr-Voui debility. 1're mature Deeuy, u4 ull tltu ff IVcU of youthful ludlkervtlou. will, tor Make of fcullwrlnu buuinulty. ktuiX freetn all who nttHl it. tbe leeelpt aud Ulrectlo. for muklnie the vlimilt- remeily by which he wan cured. Hullcrwra wlihluir iu nruui uy niu Muvt-riit-r n VAfrJcut;w( no by uddrculnt: with perfect coutldek.ee, No. ;C'tdar ktrixt, New York. Nov, 2U,'C0-ly, JOB PRINTING N eatly eiecuteJ at this Offlo ..') w . i ' ) .,.:' . u i ' ;,';' 1 : i-i " - ; . . ? Philadolphia Directory. Aiojor e, n, aktmah. c. ii. nii.HNaKii. M.MortY RTM ANj DILLINGEB & CO., NO. 101 NORTH THIRD BT. PHILADELPHIA, Two doors nbovo Arch, formerly 228, MANUrACTUHEUS AND JOUnERS 1M CARPETS, COriONS, YARNS, BATTING OIL CLOTHS, CARrET CIIAINH. CORDAGE, Uliinn A1MJ3, U11A1H 1IAUB, TJK YARN, WICK YABK, WlltDOW TArKR, COVXni..IS, ALSO, WILLOW AND W00DES WAIIK BnooMH,iinusii(j,i.ooKiKaaLAs.iea,TiiDMxi. feb. 5,'6!?, E AQLE HOTEL. 987 NOUTII Tit I 111) STKKXT, It. D. CUMMINGS, PitopniXTOS. ESTABLISHED 1703. JORDAN ABROTHEH, Wholesala Grocers, and Dealers In SALTPETRE AND BRIMSTONE No 2W North Third St. Philadelphia. G W. BLABON & CO., Mnnufaclurcrs of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SnADES, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Btreet Philadelphia. G ICORGE II. ROBERTS, Importer and Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY', GUNS, Ac. No. 311 North Third Street, nbovo Vliio Philadelphia. C. H. 1I011NE. w. s. kino. i, ii. sxrnKitT. JJORNE, KING & SEYBERT, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. No. 1 Market Street PHILADELPHIA. Orders filled promptly at lowest prices. January 3, ISC'. H. W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO, BNUFF, AND CIQAU WAREHOUSE, No. HO Noi tli Third Street, Bi tuccu Cherry and Race, westslde. Philadelphia. H. WALTER, Lato Walter A Kaub, Importer aud Doaler lu CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, No. 231 N. Third Street, Philadelphia. KEPHEART, WITH BARNES, BRO. & HERRON, HATS, CArd, STRAW OOODS 4 FURS, No. 03 Market Street, (Abovo Fifth,) PlIILASELI'UIA. JOHN STROUP'ct CO., Successors to Stroup A Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH. No. 21 North Wharves, and 23 North Third St Hilladolphla. JIOIIARDSON L. WRIGHT, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 12S SOUTH SIXTH STREET. v rilOLAUEU'JIlA. oct. 22,'ta-Iy gNYDER, HARRIS & BASSETT, iuuuufucturcrs und Jobbers of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Nos. G2S Market, and CS2 Commerce Street. Philadelphia. ILLIAM FISHER WITH THOMAS CARSON A i WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING OOODS, LINENS A NOTIONS, KO. 18 NOnTII lOCItTH STItKET Philadelphia. June Vca.Cra "yARTJIAN & ENGELMAN, TOBACCO.BNUFF Jt BEG Alt MANUFACTORY. No. 313 hOKTlI THIRD ST11FLT Second Door below Wood , PHILADELPHIA. J. W, WA11TMAN. 1', ENIIKLMAJf. AIN WRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N, E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS. COFFEE, SUGAR, MO LABS KB HICK, BI'ICLS, DI CAI1B fcODA, AC., AC. -Ordors will rcc.lve prompt nttcutlon. may 10,07-tf. Hotels. QOLUMBIA HOTEL. By BERNARD STOHNKR. Jiaviug lately purcnnseii ana fitted up tho wcll.knuwu ltoblsou Hotel Property, located a- I tff 100HS ABOVE THE COURT I10CSK, on Ihekamosldoor the street. In the town of Bloomsburg; and having obtalued a llceuso for the sumo as a HOTEL AND ItESTAItANT, the Proprietor hnsdetcrmlned toglvotothe peo pie visiting the town on business or pleasure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM. 111. StllbllllL' lllkO In PTlptlKlvA nml 1. MII...I .. n to put buggies and carriages in the dry. llti promises that everything ubout his establish ment shull be conducted lu an orderly mid law ful manner: nml lm rpjinprifullv aiitti.li.. i.n... of the publlo putronage. Imyl7'o7-tf T HE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA Tho Undcrslnnod would Intnrtn ti.. tpuvultli.!.. lubllo that he has taken the above named estttb Ishmeut and thorouirhlv renitiwi tim .um. rn. the perfect convenloucB of his guests. His larder Will be Stocked With the bekl I (in marlr! nlf....l. The choicest liquors, wines and cigars alway. to . ,. WILLIAM PBTT1T. Apr.23,C9-tf Espy, l'a. JBICK HOTEL, ORANOEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUM ,-,PA. ROHR 51'IIENRY, Proprloior. This well kliou n House, liavhii. Iilhii mil. In thorough repair, Is now open to the travelling public. The bar Is stocked with the eluded iijuurs aiiuciuuis.audiuo lauio will be, at all Iiic4.siiiii11hii Willi Ilia ilellcArte. nf Ihn spamhi. No pains will be spared tolnsurothe eomlortnr guests. uruugeviiio, uec, lu.'irj-lt. J1 O II K B HOT K L, BLOOMbllURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, l'A. The Ulldersluueil Iiaa lAlruir llil. uill unnwn House, lutelv iM-eunleil Iiv flAnrM W. Mniii.i.r- uud has put It In thorough reimlr with entirely now furniture. Ac. Kvery attention will be wild to the comfort ami convenience of guests. Tim bar alwu) s suppllixl vlth the best nf ilnuors aud cigars. T. BENT, TAYLOR muriiTU'om, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LE'lTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, AO., AC. Niatly nml Cheajily Prlutod Flora the liilcstStylcsofType nt tho COLUMBIAN OFFICh. BLOOMSBUllG. PA., FRIDAY, MAECH 25, (iiioiq Joiiliij, A Man's a Man for a' That. "A man's n man," snys Robert Burns, "For a' that and ' that j" But though the song bo clear and strong, It lacks n note for n' that. Tlip loot who'd shirk his dally work, Yet claim his wages and n' that, Or beg, when he might earn his bread, Is not a man for n' that. If nil who dine on homely faro Wero true and bravo, and a' that, And none whoso garb was "hodden gray," Was fool and knave and n' that, The vice and crime that sharno our time Would fade and fall and a' that, And ploughmen bo as good as klugs, And churls as earls ror ft' that. You see yon brawny, blustering sot, . Who swaggors, swcnrs.aud a' that, And thlnkB, because his Btrong rlghtnrm Might fell an ox and a' that, That lie's aa noblo, man for man, As duko or lord, and a' that! He's but a brute, beyond dispute, And no( a man for a' that. A man may own a large estate, Hnvo pnlncc, park, and a' that, And not for birth, but honest worth, Be thrico a man for a' Hint j And Donald herding on the mnlr, Who beats his wlfo, and a' that, Be nothing but a rascal boor, Nor half a man for ' that. It conies to this, dear Itobert Burns The truth Is old, and i' that, "The rank Is but tho guinea stamp, The man's the gold, for r' that." And though you'd put the minted mark On copper, brass, and a' that Tho lie Is gross, tho cheat la plain, And will not pass for a' that. For a' that, and a' Hint, 'Tlssoul and heart and n' that, That makes the klug a gentleman, And not his crown und ii' that. Aud man with man, If rich or poor, Tho best Is he, for a' that. Who stands erect In self-respect, And acts tho man for n' that STrl If! I'll! Ill 11 rtrt II f. (!ni;nt.iiiiuiuii;). THE RENEGADE'S DOOM. A Story of Colorado. A storm .mil meed all dav: tho bel lowing blast carrying with it dirt and lino particles of sand, until tho cloud was not only blinding;, but till it was next to imposslblo for a human being to venturo from under cover without having tho very flesh lacerated ornecl- cd from his bones. Tonts lay scattered and rent in every direction, aud even some of tho "dobio" quarters had been leveled with their mother earth. In deed, Fort Sedgwick presented much such an appearance as might have been expected had a band of Sioux Indians mado a successful assault upon tho placo. As tho darkness caino on tho wind ccabed tosomo oxtont.and then a stead v storm set in, almost as terrible as was tho saud-tempest of tho day. It was densely dark, aud this darkness was favorable to tho movements ofa savago band, who hnd lurked in a shallow ra vino behind tho bluiTs, back about two mllca from tho Platto river. Tho bugles at tho fort had just sound ed tho tattoo and taps, when ono of tho band referred to aroso from his nros- trato position; and as ho did so, gavo vent to a coarso and mocking laugh. Immediately after, a sinnll light shot up. Ho had ignited a match for tho purpose of lighting his pipe; and tho brief ilaino, as ho protected It from tho wind with his fur cap, revealed his fea tures. Ho was hideous in tho oxtreme: and, although painted liko a savago, it was easy loran experienced eyo to de tect the fact that ho was not ono. Then his voico and words woroanother proof: for turning around ho spoko thus: "Men, yon will understand that our work must bo quickly performed. At tho first alarm thoso whom I havo des ignated will dash into tho quarter-muster'.-), the sutler's and tho commissary's I have business nt tho commander's quarters; and this I shall perform alono. I shall bo successful; und If you are not equally so, tho fault will bo your own- not mine. In all cases of this kind you must rcsolvo that you will succeed or dlo, and then you will never know tho meaning of failure. Como, and bo cau tious!" Somo twenty or thirty dark forms were seen to arise as If out of tho ground and then they silently took their way down tho bluffs toward tho fort. Soon, howover,thoband separated, and ovcry ono of tho number proceeded onward singly. Thoso who had received their instructions from tho master-spirit sim ply contented themselves with gaining certain positions, and avoiding ovcry sentinel. Not so with tho leader. When this person had arrived with in a hundred yards of tho hospital ho paused and stood 6liently surveying tho camp. Horo and thoro wero dim lights, but barracks and tonts gonorally wero wrapped in gloom. After a tlmo tho man muttered: "Everything favors mo to night, and I feel liko a tigor. Oh, shnll I succeed? If I do not, deitth will bo tho only thing which will prevent mo. Do I love that girl? I scarcely know. I havo strango feelings when Iu her presence Something of tho past comes up beforo me; but tlio recollection Is liko a dim dream. I am puzzled. Many is lha tlmo I hnvo felt an inclination to spring upon her, oven as tho tiger would upon tho young fawn, and rend hor Into pieces; and then I havo felt again as though I must hold her to my breast, and weep. Curses upon It what is this? Hang mo if I don't think that a tear drop has already Htartcd from my eyes and dampened my cheek. Pshaw ! Mad Leon tho Renegade weep! Pre posterous. It Is only a melted Ice-drop molted by lis contact with my warm cheek. But never shall my heart bo molted." Slowly did thorcnegado now advance, mid as ho approached tho hospital ho crouched lower and lower, until ho ac tually crawled upon his holly liko n.spr pent, Now ho reached tho building, and then ho clung closely to Its walls, still retaining his prostrate position. It was hut a moment after that a footfall was heard, anil a guard passed tho villain, who was not discovered, Tho soldier was closely wrapped in his great cont, while ho carried his carhiuo In such n manner as to protect It from tho damp. Ho did not dream oven that uciun was novcring so near him. A moment lifter, ho turned, and then paused oxaolly at tho placo whoro tho ronrgado was lying. But quick ns tho ngiiuung's flash ho was hulled to thn earth and tho dark monster was upon his breast. A sharp cry arose; and then it iH'camo a ucutn wall, merging into a moan and silence, for a huco knlfo was plunged into tho quivering breast of tne guaru, and liN lifo gushed foith with ills crimson goro. Tho murderer had clutched tho throat of Ills victim In order to prevent an out cry from tho dying man, ond had only partially succeeded. Ho nowralsod his head and listened attentively, but no sound gavo Indication that tho voico of tho soldier had attracted attention. Rulslng tho corpse In his arms, tho ren egade horo him somo distance to tho rear and deposited him In tho dead weeds. Doing so, ho exclaimed : "A good general always Icavos an opening for retreat in easo of defeat, and I will do so by disposing of every guard In this direction. There is but ono moro to deal with, 1 think, nnd ho Is behind tho qunrters of tho general commanding." Mod Leon crept forward ns before, and soon the soldier referred to Bliared thosamofato as tho first; but his cry was louder, und was not entirely un heeded, for a window, whoro a light had been burning, was thrown up and a voico asked: "What Is the matter down there?" Tho dying man struggled hard to speak; but this thorenegadoprovcntcd, while ho answered himself: "Nothlni: that I nm awaro of." "But I heard a cry." "So dltl I; it was ono of tho prowl ing coyotes." No further question was asked, and tho villain saw that tho light which ho had beforo observed had disappeared. Ho know that the strong wind had ex tinguished it, as tho window was raisod and ho muttered: "May tho devil favor mo, and leave that opening beforo ho gets another light, for I can then enter." But tho devil did not so favor him. Tho sash camo down with a crash, and thojlnglo oi mo glass toia that somo of tho panes had been broken by the fall. This was of somo importanco nnd tho villain know It. Tho guard once quiet. Loon cautious ly mounted a shed and crept to the win dow where ho had heard tho voico. Now ho could hear voices, for thero wero two persons in conversation. Ap plying ids ear to one of tho broken lights, ho lUtoncd. IIo could hear ovcry word distinctly, and tho blood ran liko lightning through his veins as tho .sentences wero understood by him. mo voico of a femoio exclaimed through her sobj: "O Harry Graham, is It possible that you tell mo this? I shall dlo. Oh, I cannot llvo, for you no longer lovo me." "1 only lovo you too deeply, Marl- anuo," was the reply. 'Then why do you tell ino that I can never bo your wife ?" "I cannot explain I daro not." "You must, if you would not seo mo full dead at your feet, or iivo to becomo a maniac." "Marianna, I feel that you havo n right to demand an explanation, and this much I will tell you. Something which occurred years ago renders it ne cessary that, a a just avenger, I should kill your father. Can I do this and then wed his child?" "Why, then, tlid you over win my lovo?" 'I was only informed ot tho facts with regard to you this day, nnd I has ten at onco to tell you as much as I daro." "Horry, you must toll m6all. 1 havo never known my father; nnd If his crimes havo been so great that ho do serves death. I cannot blame tho hand that strikes. For the lovo of heaven, tell mo all. "I will. our father's liamo so old Brant, who has had you iu his keeping from infancy .tellsme was Paul Black burn. Ho becamo tho most deadly foes of my own jurents, and for no oth er roiisou than that ho was rejected by my mother. IIo swoio tho most deadly vengeance; hut those who knew him did not believe there whs tiny danger. I can well remember tho night of that revenge, howover. Tho glnro of tho Haines which consumed my homo is be foro mo still; nntl the yells of tho red demons led by Paul Blackburn oro yet ringing lu my cars. Tho ghastly and bloody forms of my parents aro beforo mo; and oven the exultant words of their murderer tiro not forgotton." "Oh, horrible, 1 And my father was this monster?" "He was. And this is not ull." "Let ino know tho worst," "After my father's marriage, your own also took a wlfo, but Ills constant brutal treatment of her proclaimed his hatred. Sho Interfered to save his vic tims, and with a "Single blow ho struck lierjifeless to tho earth." "Ho murdered his own wife my mother?" "Ho did." "But how wero you saved how was leaved?" "Hero is u strango part of my story. I was a boy of seven years, and you an infant of six months. I remember seo. ing you fall from your mother's arms as sho was b trick en down. I remem ber seizing you iu my own. and crawl ing Into a place of concealment by tho river's wide. You were taken from mo some (lino tUtcr by o'd Brant, and al though I hud forgotten him ami your self, I could not forgot thoso events. Only to-day, as I beforo informed you, tho old man gavo mo theo particulars." "Is that cruel father that blood stained man jet ullvo?" "Yen, and 1 have Ju3t learned that, too. I must seok him out for I shall never rest until I havo mot him faco to faco, am! mot him as tho avenger of my slaughtered parents nutt desolated homo." Tho candle had been relighted, but it only cast a fccblo ray around tho apart ment. Still It hlinilll full Ilium I lin fiirvvi I 187o7 COL. of tho speakers, ono of whom was a you-ig ofucor, and tho other n lovely girl of somo clghtoon years of ago. Tho villain ouUldo tho window had gradu ally become moro and morooxclted.and finally oxtended his hand through tho opening; ho pushed back tho spring nnd raised tho sash. So cautiously had this boon dono that tho lovers did not obsorvo tho Intruder until ho leaped to their sides, his oyo blazing with an un natural light, and his alroady bloody knlfo flrinly clutched tostrlko. Upon boholdlng him tho young offlcer leaped to his feet and asked : "Who aro you?'! "I am known as Mad Leon, tho Ren egade," was tho Arm rcsponso. "And what do you want horo?" "I camo for a singlo purpose, but I And that I havo a double ono." "Then explain, and quickly too, or I will call tho guard." "I will oxplaln. Not, howover, bo causo I fear your guard. I came for tho singlo purposo of carrying nwny this girl to my mountain home. But I find that I must kill you." "Tho game of death is ono that two can piny at, you shall find." And Graham leaped toward tho table upon which wero lying his two revol vers. But a singlo shot was fired by the villain ond tho offlcer fell. As ho did so tho rencgado seized tho girl and cried : "Go to thoso whom I sent to their graves years ago, nnd tell them that Paul Blackburn sent you thoro, for I am ho." Ho had sprung through tho window, with Marianna lu his arms. Here, however, ho met his mortal foe, old Brant. Tho fainting maiden was torn from his grasp, and n singlo frorablowahugo kulfosent tho polluted soul of tho retiegado beforo his Maker. As tho blood gushed forth, tho monster uttered a few bitter curses, and then fell from tho roof by tho side of tho murdered guard. This was not tho only work perform ed by Brant. IIo had discovered tho savages, and a single volley, which blazed out on tho night air, sent a por tion of tholr number to tho "happy hunting-ground," and others yolptng liko wolves from tho fort. Young Graham was only wounded, and ho recovered to mako tho orphan his wife. ' A Racy Incident. Soon after tho opening of tho East Tennesseo and Georgia Railroad, thero chanced to bo traveling over thollno.ln a car whero thoro wero but a fow pas sengers, a gentleman who was seatod opposite tho stove, wrapped up in his shawl and meditations. Night eamo on. Presently in bounded a brakeman, loudly slamming tho door behind him ono of thoso country geniuses who, with a laudablo ambition, had a day or two ogono abandoned tho girls, the fld dlo nnd tho plowtall, to climb "In tho world," and becamo a brakeman. IIo had bcon tho king-beo nt all tho nefgh- uornoou rroiics, nt tho house ralslngs.ut tno corn snuckings, nnd at tho cross roads's doggery fighting ground, and now ho felt sure that ho was king-beo on railroads. Strutting up to tho stove, ho slammed down his lantern, kicked tho mud from his huge boots on tho foot board of tho seat, spit tobacco Juice copiously and noisily on tho hissing stoyo, crossed his muscular thighs, took a survey of tho aforosald boots with harness-leather straps, and then be thought himself of the "customer" sit ting opposlto, on whom ho proceeded to bostow a lengthened and saucy look. as though ho doubted tho "customer's" right to bo in the coach at all. At length besought knowledge "Wliar ar you gwlue, mister?" "To Dalton, sir," responded the gen tleman qulolly. "Preacher, ain't you ?" "No, sir, I am not; but why do you ask?" "Oh 1 nothing, only I thought I saw 'Hnrk from the Tombs' sticking out all over you, liko the metislls. You know 1110,1 reckon?" "I am sorry to say that I do not." "Well, I'lljist bo darned; why.whar tno uevii were you raised ?" "At Muryvllle, East Tonuesseo." "Oh ! that oxcuses you, for If over I heurn tell ov thnt settlement afore, I wish I may bo durned, and 1 knows every ploco, I dus." 'You seem to bo well acquainted with tho placo you aro now occupying," remarked tho stranger, almost choking with efforts to suppress his laughter. What placo do you mean, mister? This ero red balnch, covered with dried skins of cows' toungs, or nv oJHcet" "I alluded to your oillco, nnd by tho way, what Is your position on tills road?" "Brakoman, by the Jumplnggomlray. thought overybody knowed that; brakoman over tho Yeast Tonnesaoy and Georgia Railroad." "Unfortunately, I did not know It." "Well, you'd soon found tho fact out If you'd cut up any shines roun' yero, huggln' wlminln, or cusslu', or trying to steal anybody's carpet bag, or talking to tho conductor, or slch. Why, I'd a chucked you bottom foremos' thru that winder, liko dartln' clapboards thru tho crack ov a barn, I mean to run this train on high moral principles. I dus. An' you didn't know I was tho brakeman on this yero railroad?" "Indeed, sir, I did not." "Well, old Slidceasy, nil I has got to say is that for a man of your looks you know lots than any man I over saw. How do you manage to mako a liv ing?" "I recclvo a salary ; I am President of this road ; Wiillnco Is my name ; but I have not tho pleasure of knowing yours ; will you bo kind enough to In form mo?" All symptoms of "king boo" disap peared at this thunderbolt amiouuco ment, and in tho stead wero soon timid humanity, crushed pride of placo, a strong "glt-upnud glt" expression, and most confounded hang-dog, "dono- up" uud "dog-gonod" appearance gen erally, Tho hrakeman slid, DEM. - VOL XXXIV - NO. C. reported Murder ofa Woman by Her Insane Son A Horrible Story. A young man by tho namo of iiuius j. minor was committed to our County Jail on Monday for killing his mother, Sarah Rimer, in thla county, on Saturday, Clh Instant. Bufus J. Blmor, tho murderer, Is about twenty two years of ago, nnd has always been considered by his neighbors ns being partially deranged. At any rato, his actions at times wero quite singular. IIo Is also subject, to epileptic fits. On Saturday morning ho was at preaching and was noticed to bo unusually Irrita ble After preaching ho went to a neighbor's house, still manifesting much excitement, and his neighbors seeing something unusual about him, prevailed upon him to go home Ho went off, but did not stay long, when ho returned, and was again urged to go homo. Ho went off to another neigh- uor-s uorroweu an nx, with which lie cut off one of his Angers, nnd roturnod iioino. itBcoius that ho and his mother. aged about Afty-two years, wero living mono in me soutnern portion of Rowan. Ho says his mother, while- wrapping his Anger, hurt him, which induced him to kill her. Ho first gathered a hoarth-stono which ho throw at her as sho escaped out of tho door. The stono struck tho door, whon ho again seized it and pursued her into tho vard nnd beat her brains out with it. After ho had completod tho bloody work, he built up a Aro In tho house, took up his mother, laid her on it, locked tho doors and retired to bed. Sunday morninir he went to a neighbor's houso nnd told them ho had burnt her. His neighbors not being ablo to get nny satisfaction out of him, proposed to go homo with him and seo. On arriving nt the hou3o thoy found tho old woman, or what re mained of her, lying in tho flrcnlaco nlmost entirely burned up. R. J. Rim er was at onco nrro8tcdand committed as above stated. Salisbury (iV. G.) Ex uminer, March !). That Irrepressible Fx.y. It has attained tho dignity of a public nuis ance. It worries us at every street cor ner. All the ragged urchins in tho city aro whistling, singing, nnd shouting "Shoo, Fly I" Its awful carieuturo stares us in the faco everywhere liko a nightmare In tho daytime. In curd size it is vended at every picture stand, in lifo size it is posted on every availa ble advertising space, and liko other sensations of the day, it won't stay In its own sphere, which in all conscienco Is oxtenslvo enough. It hasn't any con science, nnd ruthlessly Invades all parts of tho social fabric. It has entered tho furnishing stores, and furnishes its do testable namo to all manner of goods. Wo havo tho "Shoo fly hat," and "Shoo lly cravat," the "Shoo fly shirt," tho "Hiiooliy boots, " blacking, cuffs, col iars, sleeve-buttons, suspenders, nnd wnat next tho Lord only knows. Wo venturo humbly to suspect, however, that the next adaptation will bo as a Sunday school song, a psalm tune, or cnurcn voluntary, with brilliant varia tions by tho organist on tho vox humw na stop. And why not, when a distin guished divino quotes it from tho pul pit? It is worse than tho small-pox and dou as tno cnoiorn, and catches moro readily than either. It is tho "fraud" of tho period, and a sntlro upon Itself. "Shoo, Ay, don't bodder mo." Exact ly so; why doesn't it "shoo," ond stop bothering us? But with malice pre ponsoaniaforethouKht.thls nwful"flv only buzzes tho louder, and tho moro wo hear "don't bodder mo," the more It does bother us. N. Y. Tribune. The Progress of Opinion. A Nantucket sea-captain tells tho follow ing anecdoto about a shipmato who nc eoinponled him on ono of his early whaling voyages : Stiles was n simple hearted, transpar cut young follow ; nnd whon wo sailed, had been "paying attention" for somo tlmo to a young lady, who, ho had rea son to think, did not fully rcciprocato his ardent feelings. At all events, tho parting on lier sitlo, was not so affection oto as ho could wish, and ho was Im pressed with tho belief that sho onlv kept him as n stand-by, iu n default of a better offer. "I don't believe." Stiles would say, with a despondent hhoko of tho head, "I don't bellovo Ann Jones 'II havo mo anyhow." When wo had boon out a few months, and had met with fair success, Stiles, tono was modi fled. Tho bunion of his monologuo changed to, "Well I don't know but what Ann Jones Ml havo mo after all." With a thousand barrels of oil under hatches, ho becamo stilt moro hopeful. "Chauco is pretty good for Ann Jones." ho would sny : "Pretty good now." At fifteen hundred barrels ho had assumed a self satisfied manner, and soliloquised "I guess there's no danger but that Ann Jones '11 havo ino now." At two tiiousand burrols "Ann Joues '11 bo glad enough to get mo now, I know." When wo cut tho last whalo that was to fill tho vessel's hold and squared away for home, Stiles throw his hat In the air with n wild Indian yell of triumph "I'll bo da'ned if I'll have Ann Jones anyhow," , It Is rumored in Hnrrlsburg that Governor Major General John W. Gea ry was recently Invited to adtlress tho children of a Public School, and in al luding to Washington's Birthday, put tho following quostlon : "Now, boys, why should wo celo. brato Washington's Birthday any moro thau mine f" hi tho midst of profound sllenco a Ilttio follow at tho foot of the class roso and replied : "Because he nover told a lie." A thief who broke out of Jail lu Ohio tho other day, being captured, told tho sheriff that ho might havo escaped, but ho had conscientious scru files about travelling on Sunday. A hog was killed in Sprlngllold.lllln ols, tho othor day, and in Its Btomach wore found thirty niuls.half u saw, one flloondn suspender bucklo. It Is sur mised that at some period tho animal swallowed a carponler. HATES OP ADVERTISING. One square, (ten lines orlts equivalent In Not. parell type) one or two Insertions, II.M thr Inserllnns, IJ.0O. Itsr-Afcit.il ( , lu.. ait. , oil, 1 Ouo squaro....l2.M IJ,W H,00 J6.00 I10.M Two squares........ g,fi0 6,00 7,00 9,00 11,01 Three squares 6,00 7,00 9,00 12,00 U,l Kout'ttuares.:.i700 . 6,00 -11,00 17,00 24,M Quarter column.. 10,00 .12,00 H.00 20,50 M.M Half oolurall.,. 15,00 18,00 2000 110,00 60,04 Onecolumn80,00 80,00 40,00 00,00 100,(16 Executor's or Administrator's Notice, 83.00 ) Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, f 1.50. Loc.1 notices, twenty, cents a line; by tho year ten cents, ' " " Cards lu the "Business Directory" column, KM rr year for the Hrsl two lines, and f 1.00 for each additional line. jv. ot range DuitL.-Mr. Cross, nat uralist, of Mason Btrcet, Livorpool, had a few days ago a consignment of ser pents from tho-Westlndloa, nnd among thorn a femalo python, which, while on tho passage, gavo birth to tVi young ones. Mr., Cross's promises adjoin a Btnblo, from which thoy aro divided by a two-brick wall. In this stablo was a horso belonging to Mr. John Hender son, shlpstoro dealer, 2 Orford streot, and it would seem that during Tuesday night ono of tho largo serponts .burrow ed from under Its cage, or In somo othor way managed to escape, ond to wriggle through an aperture In tho wall. Hav ing gained access to the stablo, It must havo coiled Itself round the horse, for marks whjch provo this wero found upon tho horse's bock. A fearful strug glo ensued, in tho course of which tho horso, having bitten the serpent near tho head, succeeded in Treeing itself. The accident and Its results do not ap pear 10 novo been discovered until 7 o'clock on Wednesday morning, when tho carter entered tho stable, and oh servot! that tho horso was unusually timid and nervous, and on closo exam ination ho noticed that its back was marked as if beateu with a thong. Pres ently ho observed tho glittering body of a scrpont suspended as it wero from tho manger. Tho serpent was quite dead ; a portion of tho head had been eaten nwoy, and tho lower part of tho body, which rested on tho ground, boro tho marks of having bcon trampled by tho horso'a shoes. Tho horso Itself was uninjured. London Times, lilh ull. Adam's Wedding. An Enclish Journal, tho Brlttannla.has nn amusing nrucie, under tho head of "Adam's Wedding." Tho editor says that ho likes short courtships, and in this Adam acted like a man-ho fell asleep a bach elor, and awoko to find himself a mar ried man. IIo appears to havo "popped tno question" Immediately after moot ing Ma'm.sollo Eve; und she, without any flirtation or shyness, gavo him a kiss and herself. Of that first kiss in this world we havo had, howover, our own thoughts, and sometimes in poeti cal mood nave wished we wero tho man that did it I But tho deed is or was dono, tho chanco was Adam's and ho improved It. Wo liko tho notion of getting married in a garden it Is in good taste. Wo like a private wedding, und Adam's was strictly private. No beaux wero there, no croaking old maids, no chattering aunts, and grumb ling grandmothers. Tho birds of heav en were minstrels, and tho glad sky sued Its light upon tho scene. Ono thing about tho first wedding brings queer thoughts Into our heads, spilo of scriptural truth. Adam and his wlfo were rather young to bo married somo two or three years old, according to tho sagost speculations of theologists mero bablos larger, but no older without a house, a pot or kottlo nothing but lovo and Eden I An old lady, resldlbg not far from Exeter, was perhaps, one of tho most brilliant oxaraplos of conjugal tender ness that tho last century produced. Her husband had been dying, and at length, on tho clergyman of the narish making ono of his dally visits, ho found him dead. Tho disconsolate widow iu giving him nn account of her spouso's last moments, told him hor "poor dear man kept groaning, butcould not die." At last," said she, "I recollected I had got a piece of red tapo In tho draw er, so I took somo of that and tiod It as tight as I could around his neck, and then I stopped his noso with my thumb and Anger and, poor dear I ho went off liko a lamb." Irish Wit. WInchell tells a storv of a stranger meeting an Emeralder who was leaning against a post, watch ing a funeral procession coming out of a houso, when tho following dialogue ensued : "Is thatafunornl?" "Yea, sir, I'm thinking It Is." "Anybody of distinction ?(' "I reckon it Is, sir." "Who Is It that died?" "Why tho gentleman In tho collin, to bo sure," replied Pat with n knowing look. An Invalid son of Bacchus "was about to undergo nn operntlon for drop sy at tho hands of Ids physicians. Oh father, father!" screamed a son of the patient, who was looklngon, "do anything else, but don't let them tap you." "But Sammy," said tho father,"lt will do mo good, audi bhull llvo many a year after to mako you happy." "iso.fatiicr, you won't. Thero never was anything tapped in our houso that lasted longer than n weok." Ax honest old tlarkoy, whoso expec tations of getting a forty-aero planta tion and u domestic Jackass, for voting tho Radical ticket, wero entirely sin cere, now goes back on his friends In this wlso "Dem cortiotbaggottiu, scal awag felIers,doy tell us dar war porwis Ions in tho Constution for wocullud folks, but dat was a Ho dent perwtlon$ didn't come. Fore God, Mussa, I ulnt seen do fust j)iot'u;." A Minister was on his way to church ono Sunday morning, nnd saw a boy on tho river bank Ashing. "My boy,"sald tho clergyman, "don't you know It Is wicked to catch fish on Sunday?" "Quoss I httlnt sinned much yet," said tho boy, without taking his eyo from tlio cork, "hain't had a bite." Minister coughed and went on. A fellow coming out of n tavern ono frosty raornlug, rather'top hcavy, leu on tho stop : trying to regain His footing, ho remarked : "If It bo Iruo that tho Wicked stand on slippery ground, I belong to a different class, for It's more than I can do." What Is Hie difference between a farmer and n Kamstress? Ono gathers what ho sows, the other hews what sho gathers.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers