FARMER'S COLUMN. Oow Manuro. Tjik very bo3t mnnuro for nil kinds of flowers, strawborrios, nnd other small fruits, la cow manure. In facl, actual test lias demonstrated tllat It Is valuable nsn manuro for all kinds of vegetation, and better than anything elso for tho flower and small fruit garden, Cows feed upon licrbngo principally tho grasses, in tbclr green or cured state nnd tho very essence of that hcrbago is applied to tho plaut3 in tho shape of well fermented manuro. I saved tico cords of this valuablo fertiliser last fall and winter In tho following mannor: I kept two cows, and a whcolbarrow and spado In my barn lot. I built two pens eight feet long, four feet high, and four foot wide, and covered them over with boards, lcavingonoend open. Knowing tho value of this manuro, and tho difficulty or saving It properly If left lying about uncollected In tho yard for tho pigs nnd other stock to destroy, told one of my boys that I wanted him to lake it up with tho spado and barrow every morning and ovenlng, at milking time, and wheel It to tho pons and throw it in. By way of encouraging him to do this work regularly, I agreed to glvo him twenty-flvo cents every Monday morning, as extra pay. lie was faithful, and at tho end of four months I had two cords of manure, worth more than tho sumu quantity or any other fertilizer known, at a cost or only four dollars. 1 would not have token twenty dollars for It tho first ot March. At that tlmo I composted the two heaps with an equal quantity of sods rrom tho roadside, wetting down tho mass With soap suds, and on tho first of April applied it to my flower borders and strawberry beds ; and such flowers nnd fruit I never had before. Its good effects will bo seen for years, or as long as I deslro to keep tho beds In cultivation with berries and flowers. Stamford, Ky. ' Woodman. This. Is an experience worthy of im itation. Who can tell a better manuro story'.' Ekedinci Si'KiNd I'ios. ltev. John "W. Haskell, of Lisbon, Conn., bought on May 1st, 18C0, a pig, eight weeks and thrco days old. It was not largo of Its uge, but was thrifty, and of tho most approved breed in tho country. Ho kept it till It was two hundred and twenty-flvo days old (seven and ono half months.) and then killed it, when it weighed 837 pounds, having gained an avcrago of ono nnd ono half pounds a day from Its birth. Ho might havo sold it at 15c. a pound, and It would havo brought him $50.55. On September 1st, ho bought another pig six weeks old. Ho kept it until it was ono hundred nnd twenty-two days old (four months), and it weighed, dressed and dry, 140 pounds, having gained an avcrago of ono pound and two and a half ounces a day. Ho fid both on ono half wheat shorts and one half Indian meal at first, grad ually decreasing tho quantity of shots and increasing tho quantity of meal, until Iholast month, when tho shorts were left out entirely. In addition to tho meal, tho spring pig had tho milk of a cow and heifer, was regularly fed, and was permitted the rango of a pen about twelve feet long by six feet wide. It is exceedingly raro that a hog shows such an average Increase a3 tho ono first named. Taking our Eastern spring pigs, they are generally killed at from nino to ten months old, and tho general avo age is not over two hun dred and fifty pounds a growth of less than a pound a day. "Wo bclicYO that our farmers could save qultoa considerable sum by a more careful nnd generous feeding of their hogs. Tho general plan is to "keep them along" during tho summer with slops, sour milk, etc., waiting till fall before feeding much grain; whereas meal fed from tho day tho pig is four wooks old till tho day it is killed, all that it will bear and keep healthy, Is money welLinvested. There can bo no question about tho matter if corn can ho bought for $1 20 a bushel, nnd pork brings twelvo cents n pound. Onions von Poultry. It is a well known fact to tho owners of poultry that tho occasional uso of onions, mix ed and fed to poultry with their other food, is ono of tho best ways of keeping a yard of poultry in health, I am afraid it hft3 not received tho attention and uso that Its merits really demand. I am well satisfied that tho uso of this vegetable would prevent three-fourths of tho diseases that a poultry yard Is subject to. Not that it Isacure-allafter disease has onco secured a hold, but I know that I have cured cases of most fcvcro croup by its uso" after standard remedies bail fulled. I.bccomo convinc ed that if ait article liko this would euro, tho occasional uso of It would bo a preventive, and such I have found It to bo not only in croup, hut In all thoso diseases that poultry arc liable to under carelessness nnd mismanagement. EowJs will readily eat If It 1 sliced flno and mixed with their food. Glvo it as often as once a week oftener if you choose it will do them good. Hake a trial of this vegetable, breeders of poul try, and then you will know for a cer talnty how to appreclato it. Ex, Treatment of Young Pias! To mako pigs thrive, tho feeder must tako an interest in them watch their prog' resa from day to day; seo what they relish, giving them always enowjh but never allowing them tolcavetviy. Keei their appetites always whetted up. When their mother is finally taken away, they hardly miss her ,antlgo on thriving without Interruption. What is called mange results either from heat of too many bolng together, or elso from Insufficient food, It can bo cured by removal of thoso two causes, and giv ing a thorough washing nil over with soap-lather and tepid water especially behind tho oars. Till very cold weath cr, glvo no straw, or if any la allowed, chango it frequently. Nothing contrib utes moro to mango In hogs than dirty etraw. Sweep out thoroughly tho plank floor, on which alone bogs should bo al lowed to sleep, and whitewash tho sides and corners. Boll or steam small potatoes, pump kins, squashes, cabbages, turnips, also meal, and feed tho young growing pigs with them, Glvo them access to char coal aud occasionally wood ashes, as an appetizer, and thero is no difficulty in making money out of pork. I'ractlcul Winner, THE THE YOUNG FOLKS. Johnny Toarful. II V flKOItOK roorKit. I'll (oil you of the queerest tad I They called him Johnny Teatlnl ( ' A very orry way lie liud Of novcr being cheerful. Ho cried tho moment ho got up; He mnde n din at dinner With tears enough to nil a cup Ho novcr grow much thinner. Ho crlod lit splto of nil you said To keep tho teem from streaming ; He crlod when ho was put to bod j Ho crl6d while he was dreaming, His doleful eyes of pigmy slzo W'oro dim with ovcrilowlng ; A walking shower-bath ho was The shower forever going, They told him that the moon was round, Enough, that set him bawling; Ho scared the kittens off the ground By constant caterwauling, nut though his tears tell thick nnd fast, They never did his woes end; Folks wondered how tho drops could last; They trickled down his no&e end. His kites were never made to suit; Ot course that made htm bellow. He crlod for green, forbidden fruit This aggravating fellow. Why, If you only called his name, In team you made him Jump up; It really was a perfect shame, Tho number ho could pump up. What cared ho for tho sprlng-tlmo days, l'or flowers, or this or that bird? Why, when ho went hli moody ways Each roblu, Jay, aud cat-bird Flow up and shook Its downy head. While gayly hummed tho May-Tico; And this Is what tho birdies said; "Cheer up, cheer up, cry-baby." And how pour Johnny's fato I slug : He roso one mornlug early, And In his eyes tho usual thing There stood the tear-drops pearly, Ho kicked, and splashed tho water round They brought to wash his face In Then quietly dissolved! they found Ono huge tear In tho basin I Piiockastination. A lady who found It dlfllcult to awako as sho wished In tho morning, purchased on alarm watch. Theso watches are so contrived as to strike with a very loud whirring noise, at any hour tho owner pleases to set them. Tho lady placed her watch at tho head of tho bed, and found hcr- fcelf effectually aroused by tho long rat tling sound. Sho Immediately obeyed tho summons, and felt better all day for her early rising. This continued for sevoral weeks. The alarm watch foUli- fully performed Its olBce, and was dis tinctly heard so long as It was opeped. But nftera tiuio, the lady grow tired of early rising; and, when sho was wak ened by tho noisy monitor, sko merely turned herself nnd slept again. In a few days tho watch ceased to rouso her from slumber. It spoko just as loudly as over, but sho did not hear It becauscsho had acquired tho habit of disobeying it. Fiudirig that sho might Just as well be without an alarm watch,sho formed tho wise resolution, that ir sho over heard tho sound again, sho would Jump up instantly, and that sho never would allow herseir to disobey tho friendly warning. Just solt is with conscience. 1 f tvo obey Its dictates, even to tho most trifling particulars, wo always hear its voice, clear aud strong; but if wo allow our selves to do what wo have somo rears may not bo quite right, wo shall grow more sleepy until tho volceof conscience has no longer any rower to awaken us. Dime Novels. A certain minister of tho Methodist church has a son, who returned from school n few months since with a report of cholarshlp below the average. "Well," said hlafather'you've fallen behind this month, have you." "Yes, sir." "How did that happen?" ' "Don't know sir." Tho father knew if the son did not. Ho had observed a number of dime novels scattered about tho house, but had not thought It worth while tosay anything until a fitting opportunity should ofler itself. A basket of apples stood upon tho floor. And ho said: "Empty out those apples, and tako tho basket and bring It to mo half foil tr chips." Suspecting nothing, tho son obeyp, "And now," ho continued, "put thoso apples back into tho basket." Vhcn half of theapples wero replaced, tho son said: "Father, they roll off. I can't put In nny moro." "Put 'em In, I tell you." "Ilut, father, I can't put them in." "Put them In?" No, of courso you can't put them in. Do you expect to fill a basket half full or chips and then fill It up with apples? You said you didn't know why you foil behind at school; and I will tell you. Your mind is liko that basket. It will not hold moro than so much. And hero you' vo been, tho past mouth, filling it up with chip nuvtVlme novels." Tho boy turned on his heel, whistled, and said, "Whow! I seo tho point." Not ndlino novel has boon seen In tho house from that day to this, Kz A Kind Word To Young Men. Thero Is nothing that clings so per tinaciously to an Individual ns habits acquired In early youth. The boy who lounges away his evenings on tho corner, In tho lager beer saloon, or In idlo and unprofitable conversation Is laying up for himself o.storo ofmlsery which will plaguo him for tho rest of his lire, and tho youth who at eighteen makes tho humiliating confession that hols already bo completely tho slavo of tobacco or ar dent spirits, that ho cannot glvo them up, Is to bo regnrded with pity. Good habits, acquired In early Hfo nrojusl as lasting as bad ones. Tho young man who spends lib evenings at homo in pleasant nnd profitable study, or In tho company of thoso from whoso nssocla Hons ho will lenru only that which Is good nnd ennobling, must havo a do praved heart und tasto If ho docs not become n useful man. Such thoughts as thoso should be pondered the young men of tlio present generation, so many of whom nro wasting precious moments nnd hours In moro than profit less pursuits. A Testimonial. 'Denr Doctor: I will bo 170 years old, next October. For 03 years I havo been an Invalid, unablo to movo except when stirred with a lover; but n year ajro last Thursday I heard of tho Graulcular syrup. I bought 11 buttle, smelt at tho cork, and found myself a now man. I cai. now run twolvo and a half miles an hour, and throw nlno somersaults with out stooping. I 8. A llttlo of your Allcumstoutum tJalvo applied to tho wooden leg, reduced a compound frac turo In nineteen minutes, and Is now covering tho limb with a fresh cutlclo of whlto gum plno baric. Amerie an COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Stovos nnd Tinwaro. TKW BTOVE AND TIN S1I01 IHAIAIt ItACJENtlUCn, Main Street cine dnnr nbovo II MentlclihaX'a Store. A largo assortment or Htovs, Heaters ana Ranges constantly on hand, and fur salo at tho lowest rates. Tinning In Bit Us branches carefully attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. Tin work of nil kinds wholesalo and retail, A trial Is requested. Apr.v.ey.ti gTOVEd AND TINWARE. a. at. nur&iir announces to bis friends nnd customers that continues the above buslnoss at his old placo on MAIN BTHEET, BLOOMSIIuna, Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, "Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety or article found In a Btovo and Tinware Es tablishment In tho cities, and on tho most reason able terms, Kepalrliigdouoattheshorteslnoltco, '& DOZEN UII.K-PANH on hand for salo. "VTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STREET, NKAItt.Y OFrOSITK NILlEIt' STORK, ULOOMSIlUlta, TENN'A. The undersigned hns Just fitted up and opened STOVE AND TIN SHOP, u this place, where ho Is prepared to make up new Tin Wakk of all kinds In his lino, and do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon tho most reasonablo terms. Ho also keeps on hand STOVES OF VAItlOUH PATTEKNS & STYLES, which he will sell unon terms to suit nurrhasersi Give htm n call, lie Is n good mccliaulo, and uescrving oi mo puuno patronage. JACOB M-ETZ. Uloomsburg, April 20. 1807. Foundries. iVItl'LESS & HAItMAN, EAot.K rovsnny and manufacturing: Eiior. STOVES A rLOWS WHOLESALE 4 II ETA I L TIIK CEXiKnKATKD MONTJIOSK IRON BEAM ANI1 THIS 1IUTTON WOODEN BEAM PLOWS. Castlnffs and Klre Brick for renalrlneclty Stoves. h All kinds of Brass ur Iron failing made to order upon snort nonce. B. F. HHAltl'LUJS A F. B. HAUMAN, lllnomsburg, Fa. Proprietor. Jlar.l'J.'tHI-tr. Q HANG H VJ LLH FOUNDRY, .MACHINE SHOP AND AUIIICUI.TUHAI. WOitlvH. TIih uiutt'rsli'iieil desires to inform his Mends ami tho public generally, that holms rebuilt and enlarged mis rouiiury unu iiiiciiiiirmiuii,iiijii re moved all hlsbUKlness Horn Light btrtet tu the abovo named place, wheio tu cnunecMon with hU Foundry ho will continue to mauulacturu Wheeler's Hallway Chain Horse-Power nnd Thresher, (liiipiovcd), CarucU'a Fatenl. THHEHHEIt AND, either overshot for Tread-rower or umlcrkhol with Lever-Power. Ho ulo lnahulucttiri-s to oi der and Ills up nil kinds ot MILL GEARINO," Circular Saw Mandrels, Patent Slides for Saw Mills, tho latest Improved lion Ileam Flows of dlllerent kinds Wooden Ucam Flows, Double Corn Flows, and Flow Points of every descrip tion generally used throughout tho county. IRON KETTLES, 1JELLS Cellar Orates, Stoves, Sled and Sleigh Soles, aud In fact everything generally made In a country Foundry. Those wishing to purchase Machines would do well to examine his machines, and the Improvements made on tho powcr,by which ut least 3) per cent, or the lrlctlon Is ti'ken off. ALL MACHINES AHE WAllUANTED to glvo good satisfaction, and terms made to suit fairchnsers. All kinds cf cr untry produce taken n exchange for Plows and castings. Thankful to his friends and putrons for past favors ho would still continue to soltaltlhe same. WILLIAM SCHUYLEIt. Apr,9,6D-tf Orungevllle Pa. Wall Paper and Painting, -pil'OKTANT TO I1UILDEI13, HOUSEHOLDERS & TENANTS. The undersigned would nnnouuco to tho citi zens of llloomsburg and vicinity that ho Is pro pared to execulo II O US E, H I 0 N, AND O It N AM E N T A L PAINTING In nil lUi branches. PAPEIl HANGING Carefully attended to. Strict attention to business and good workman ship It is believed will mcnt nf.ilr showof public patronage. Shop on Catharine Street between Third and Fourth. MarA'CU-Iy. WM. F. CODINE. Insurance Agencies. Q.LOBE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY o If NEW YORK Pliny Freoman, President, II. C. Freeman, Sec Cash capital over 52,000,000, all paid. J. 11 HOIJISON, IU.OOMSI5UP.G, I'A (lUNEKAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug. a),'(W-ly, N S U It A N CE AGENCY, Wyoming - UTO.iXHj 2tna 1,000,00c Fulton - 300,000 North America 360,000 City.. .... 100,000 International 1,400,000 Niagara. 1,000.000 Putnam - 630,000 Merchants S.10,000 SprlngnV.d 670,009 Farmers' Danville 600,000 Albany City , 400.000 Lancaster City a 0,000 York Horse, Death & Theft.... U,000 Home, New Haven 1,000,000 Danville, Hurso Theft F11EA8 mtOWN, tfinif, mal8.C9-ly.' BLOOUSKUna, PA For Purs Water, m HSdBUTCHltf tbia celebrated rump, entirely tasteless, durable mJ relia itej iufcl to tb good cldaihlooed wooden Pump, tod 6248.676 TcT Pl'lAc coat lesi than half tho montr. Kair arranged 10 u to to con-freeilnx, and la com t ruction 10 iluple that anv one can put It up and keep it In repair. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOW MAD- K N T I ST li Y . tU C. 1IOWKU, DENTIHT, U provided with the latest Improved Pokcm.ain 1KKTI1 Wlliuil will ue inserted uu ifiiiu iuuiiiik. silver and rubber hose 10 look as velljn,the nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted hv all the newauil mcKtupproved methods, and -ill operations on tile loeifi carefullvnlid nroneijV lltlctldrd In. Residence nnd otllea u few doors above the court House, sumo side, liloomsburs, Jan.Sl.'liStf nitAND OPENING OF FUIINI VJT 1VUK OPFOSITJS Til K OLD Kl'ISCOPAL CHUUUII, llI.OUMHHUltU, Pa. Tho undersigned having Just returned from tho cities with a large assortment ot Furnlturo nnd chairs of all kinds, also a largo assortment 01 trunus, traveling nacs, confident he can sell cheuni Sbacs, and cedar ware, feels cheaper than nny Furniture dealer In this county. Material for repairing Hofui und Lounges constantly on hand. Lumber or country produce taken lu ejecbauye for furni ture. I'leasoKhe hluiiv.eull belo'-e purchasing emewnere. w il. llAmi. fubiniMf. N 0 T I 0 E. All nersons knowlnir themselves to he lndebt. cd toJ. II. purse or J. 11. l'urel& Co .wlllpleue call and settle their acoouuui by thellrst of April next us we wish to havo the Jlooks settled up J. 11. 1'UitSEL CO. llloomsburg, Feb. 18, 1870-4t 1 BUSINESS OABD3, J VIHITINU CAltDB, I.ETTEH HEADS, 11ILL HEADS, rttOUUAMMES, I'OSTEIW, 40., AC. Neatly nnd Cheaply Frlntctl From I ho Latest Styles or Type at the tJOLUMUIAN omcK, Drugs and Chemicals. pikknix rECTOUAii cuitEs cotraii l'lltKNIX I'KKTOHAb CUHKR COUOlli l'MKNIX PECTOHAIi CUH1M COUUHt Tltn Plironlv t'wtnrnl will cure lhn disposes nf tho Throat nnd Lungs, such n Colds, Cough. Croup, Aslhmn.llronchltls, Catarrh, fore Throat Hoarseness, wiiouimiKuuiigii, imu i uiiuuiimj Consumption. This medicine Is prepared by Dr. Levi Oberhollierof Philadelphia, and formerly of Fhcrnlxvlllo, Fn,, nnd although It has only been oircrcd for II vo years, more than ono mill Ion bottles havo nlrendy been sold, nnd the de mand ror it is increasing every nay, .Many oi lhn llctnll Drinralsts buv it In hits of five cross. nnd not n few of tho Country Storekeepers try ono gross am time, nearly every ono wno inn ever sold It testified to Its popularity, and nearly all who havo used it, bear testimony to Its won derful power In curing Cough. Wo are confident that there U no known lneillclno of such great vnluo to tho community as tho Plucn It Pectoral. It hns cured cases of tho most painful and dis tressing eoimh, of years standing. It Iiiin ulvpn Instant relief In snellsnf cotlll tllltr. It has instantly stopped tho paroxysm of Whooping uongn, ana greatly snoi leneti us mi' ration. II tin. pnrpil f'rnun In n fpw minute.. Consumption has been cured by II, where all nll.ny votnp,llp1inil fi.Mpil In ,1 pnml. Hoarseness has been cured by It in n sluglo .Many physicians recommend It.nnd others uso 11 themselves nnd ndmlnlstcr It in their pracllco while others opposo It beeauso It Hikes nway llieir misiucss. Wn mpniniiirliil It 1 n nnr rpnitprM und for fur1 Iherpartlculars. would refer you to tho circular uround tho bottlow hero you will find numerous certincates given ny persons wno nave useu it. It lssopleasanttolho taste that children cry fiirtl It Is astlmulatlnKexueetorniitiElvluKstrcngth at tho same tlmo that it allays tho cough. Tho proprietor of ihls medicine has so inucli confidence In Its curative powers from tho testi mony of thousands who havo used It that the money will bo refunded to any purchaser who Is noi saiisncu wiin mo euecis. It Is so cheap that all can buy It. Price li Cents, Largo Uottlcs tl.uu Ills prepai ed on 1 y by LEVioimmioLT.EiiJi.i)., wnnt.rj.sAi.rc nRUfiaisT, No. 15S North Third Stleet, Philadelphia, N. 11, If your nearest Druggist or blorokeeper does not havo lids inedlclno ask him to iret It for you, nnd do not let him put you on" with some oilier preparation uecause uu uiaices moru mon ey on lli but go or send at onco to soino store wneroyoii Know it is Kepr. orsenu 10 jr. uoer- IIOII7PT. MOIII IIV 1.. 1'. I.IIIK lirilKiriHi. I11I1IIII13- burg, nnd II. W. Creasy, ,t Co., Light Street, nnd nearly every uiugglsl aim sioreicteper in c-oiuui' bla County. u cc. nvtj-um, Tho uudersluncd would Inform the cood neonlo ofUloomsburg nnd sutruundlngs, that he has moved his Drug Htore from tho old stand to his ficw uooms, on ino wesc sine oi wuiu sirccc. uelow Marxcc Aim inai no lias luuy repienisn ed his stock of lulu's. Medicines. Chemicals. Pat ent Medicines, Pcilumcry, nnd Yankee Notions. -ALSO- Coal Oil Lamps nnd Lanterns. Lamp Shades nnd Fixtures cetierally, for repairing tho worn, Coloring nnd Dyeing matorlal furnished to suit, any quantity, and for nny Shade or Color. Funicular attention pata to putting up Physi cians' and Family Prescriptions. Thankful for past lavours, no woum oncii a comiuuauco oi the same. HcmcmbcrtlieNewStaud. on Main Street, west side, below Market. uec. ju, ey-ijin, bnuiiuM i.iiuia. rpo CONSUMPTIVES. L Tho Advertiser, havlne boen restored to health In a few weeks, by n very simple remedy, after having suffered sovcral years with a severe lung affection, aud that dread disease, i 'onsumptlon is anxious to mako known to his fellow-suller-crs the means of euro. To ull who deslro it, bo will send ncopy of the prescription used (free of charge.) witli the direc tions for preparing and using tho hame, which they will lind a sure Cure for Consumption.Astli ma, llronchllls etc. The object of the adver tiser, in sending mo Prescription is to ucnent thealllictcd, and spread information which he conceives to bo invaluable: nnd lie bono every sulfererwlll try his remedy, as it will cost them uoiiiing, auu may prove n uiehsing. Pintles wl&hlne; the prescription, will pleaso nddrchs llEV.EUWAilD A. WILSON. Williamsburg. Kings county, New York. Nov.:u,'t!My. $2,000 A YEA.K AND EX ii:msks To uncnts to Kelt the celebrated WIIAO.N HKAV- INd MAClUNim. The best macliiuo lu tho world, tilttch alike vn both aides. Unk Maciunk without Monkv. For ltuthtT pan iculurH, atl- urch8 JiN. uui St., rniiia'tv, l'a. reuirio-tr. IJlXECUTIUX'S NOTICE. J KSTATK OK GEO. KELTIE, HEO'D. i.cuer.s le&iuineiunry on ino Chime or ucorgo fCellcr. into of FiHlihicureek towiihhln. Columbia county tlec'il. liavo been crantcd by tbo Ueslstcr of ha lil cotmtv to Kusati Keller of Flttblmicreek. touimuui eouniy, 1 a. au CTttn :n uaviiiR claims against tho CKtaieaTo retiuested tojireKent them iu uiu jjhtuuis iu voiuinuin conuiy. liioho luil eb ted to the estate either on note, judgment, mortKOKO'or book account will maku imyment tcbV'O-Gw', Kscculrlx. TO Til U WORKINO LLAk.S re urn now prepared to furnthh nil classes with constant em- pioyioeni i jiome, me wnoieoi inoiime or lor tho sparo moments, lluslucua new, light and fr on table, I'ersous ot cither sex easily earn rom Sue to 83 per eveulnp, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole tlmo to the busl nom. Hoys and girls earn nearly us much us men, iiiut an who bso inis noiico may bena tncir aaarebs.ana test th business, we make IhU unparalleled otter: To such us are not well satlfttlcd, wo will tsend SI to pay for the trouble of wrltlncr. Full nartieuliira. n valuobln ganipie, wmcii win uo 10 commence worK on und ncopy of The People's Litcraw Omipanlwi uiiu vi iitu iitrthL iiiiu iivbi, lumiiy uuwbpnuers published all bent free by mall. Header. If you want permanent, profitable work, address E, C, ho largest nnd bett lamily newspapers ALLEN A CO, Augusta, Maine, Jan.2P70.Um S1 i ATE llOQPING, r. VERY VARIETY A T MOST PA-'f-UABLB BATES, JOHN THOMAS, Ann CASl'Ell J, THOMAS Ilox.OT. lllooinsbnrg, Ta. Mar.19.0Wy A DJIINISTBATOU'S NOTICE. ii LSTATEOr VALENTINE CHIlISriAN IlKO'n. Letters ol administration on the ostuto or V, Chrlhttsu lato of Madison tun.. Coluniljla Co. deceased, have beun arnnteil by tho Keistster.of i.oiuiuoia eouniy 10 irauaini inriiunu oi .Madison townsiiip. All jiersons navinitclalms or demands against the eslutu of thu deceilolit are requeMcu to iiiuku tnuiii Known, aim inoso in debtcd to maUu payment. FltANKLIN CHlilSTIAN felil7U-0w. Adiulnlslrator, POMONA NUltSEHY. 30 YEAIW. ICentnclcy Htrau berry, Colossal Asiiaraetis, Everybody can have thu benellt of ;:o years' ex. oerlencG In my new deserlittlvo-Cutalogno of M IJiies iur lu Leuis. lulls WJiat uiiti wneu lo plant. WM.l'AllllY. tebll'70-3t. Clunainluson, N, J, A N T E D AOENTtH'OllTHE KINO OF HOUSE BOOKS: '11IK ANK1I1CAN rAllMI.ll'ti IIOItSK 1,101.', It oviUclla.tcn to one, any book of Us kind publish cd, 40tli thousand in press. Agents doing belter now than evor before. Also, for OUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN In both ENGLISH and QEHMAN, Embraclug the ALLOPATHIC. IIOMEOl'ATHIC, HYDltQ. I'ATHIO, ECLECTIC and HEUUAL modes of treatment, 511 closely prlutod pages, l'rlco onlf 150, The tnont complete, reliable anil jyiou faoy family medical bock in cxhtencc. Address C V. VENT, PublUlier, M W, 4th bt., Cluclnnull, Ohio. febiroo-lm O.F,VEiT 3 Dsrtl.r St.. N.T. or 38 W. 4lh.. riaclnsatl, 0. If they want the mewt iwpularatid l,t belllnir suliscrlptlon books published, and the most h& ral(fru. Scud for circulars. Theywllleostyoii nolulng, and may bo of great benefit to you. fcbll'70-ly. He. no w e it, ipcncd a flrst-rlnss llOOT, SHOE, HAT CAI', AND Kim STORE, at the old stand nu Main Street, Uloomsburg,a few uwi.liuui. IUVUJIII, JJUU.O, ills BUM 1 IS COIU' posedof the very latest unit hcststvlescver oQer. ed to the citizen of Columbia Countv. 11a can accommodate the puhllo with the following goods i., .iiviunr., urn, jiieii . iietivy uouuiu suieil stoga boots, ineu'u double nud single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stosa shoes of ull kinds. ineu's tine boots and shoes of nil grades, boy's double soled boots and.thoc or ull kind., meu's glovo kid llalmural shoes.meu's, women's, boys's and misses' lasting gutters, women's glove kid l'ollsh very flue.woiueii's morocco lialii'oralsand can siioes. women a very nue Kia nutioued gall' ers. In short boot, ot all descriptions both peg ged and sewed. He would also call atteutlou to bis fine assort' mentor HATH, UAKS, KUIM AND NOTIONS. which comprises all the new and popular vurl etles ut prices which cunnotfallto suit all. These goods are ollered at the lowest cash rules uud will bo guaranteed to give sutlsfuctlou, A rll Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as it is ueueveu imu beuer uargaiua are to be loiuu man ui any otuer place tu me couuiy, l)eo,0'07 Rail Reads. T ACKlAWANNA and blooms- IJ 11IIIKI RAJLIIOAD On and ertar Jan, 17, 1570, Passenger Trains will uoingnorin. Arrlvo Arrlvo p.m. a. m. doing South. Lonvo Leave p.m. a. m Scrantou 8.13' 11.00 4.00 Leave 7.20 Plltslon S.1I 10.S0 4.33 7.60 Klucston .., 7.a 1u.u1 0.00 k.m Plymouth 7.31 IMS 6.10 WVi Hlilckslilnny.,., 7.6S 0.(0 0.10 11.111 licrwicK m C-J u,i llloom ... MS TJil 7.30 10.17 DaUVlllO 4.60 7.15 8.10 10.65 Lcavo Leave Arrive Arrive North'd 4.1J 0.1i 8.15 11.31 Connection mado atHcranton by tho 10.40 a.m. train ror flrent llcntl. lllnahamton. Albiinvnnd all points North, East nnd West. ' 11 T. ItnlTMIl Qm.'l. iHATAWISSA BAILROAD-O11 and J after MT5NDAY, Hep. 0, t8M, PuascURer trains on tho Cntawlssa Iluilroad will run ut the following named hours 1 Mull Unlli. STATIONS, Wllllaiusporl, Muncj', Watsoutoivu. Milton. Danville. Itupcrt. titawlssa. ltlngtnwu, Hummtt. (tuakakc. 1 M.I..MI. Mail Xorth Arr, (I.01) p. 111. Dep.B.'Jt " 4.57 " " (.10 ' " 4.00 " " 3.10 " , " 3.32 " " 2.2.5 " " 1.50 " " 1.10 " " 1.80 " ' 1.10 ' " 10.10 a.m. Dep. K. I)n, 111 " t.11i'' " 0.17 " " 10.(1", " " 10.15 " " 11.05 " " 11.17 ' " l'iZJp.tll. " IMS " 1.IH " " l.'JO " " ,1.5 "Dluc.Tamanua. " 4.25 " lteadlnir. iJiue. Arr. 0.15 " I'liiladclphla. 8.15 " To New York via. Head- I lug or Mnucii Chunk. From New York via, I fiinlp r 0.5.5 NoChanueof enrs between Wllllamsport and Phlladellillla. GEO. WU11U Buy'U gllOWN'S FAST FIIEIOIIT FItO.M PHILADCLPHIA TO IlI.OO.MHllUlt(l, and lutermedtato points. Goods forwarded with care and despatch and nt low rates. (loods, ot Philadelphia, must be delivered at Itltner v Co's. 811 Market hired, For full par ticulars, apply to WAltE A r.oniNSON, Proprietors, Aug. 20.'03-tr. It, It. Depot, liloomsburg.Pn. NOUTIIEUN OENTHAIi RAIL WAY. On und after Nov. 15th 1809. Trains wb leavo Nouthumiikhi.and na follows : NoimnvAitD. Vfi a. m.. Dally to WilMamsnon, (except Sunday) lot Klmlra, can and alalia, Itochester, ItuUulo. Husnonslon Uriilne. nud N. Knlls. 050 p. M., Dally, (expeiil Kuudays) for Elm Ira and lUUTulo via Krle lutlway from Klmlra b.'M i', si., lJally,(exccplHumluys) lor Wllllams- pori. TUAirJS SOUTHWAHD. IQ.C3 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINGTON AND PlIlLADELPniA. U.lif V, M. Dally (exceptSunday's)for Baltimore WatlilniUon aud rnUadelphla. KD. H. YOHNO, (loneral Tassenger Agent. Ar.ria:i) H. 1'j.skk, (JfM'l Hup!., JEADINO KAlLnOAD. WINTKH AUUANOEMENT. Monday, Dgcgmiikk 27th, 1SC9, Great Trunk Line from tho North nnd North west forrhlladclplila.Now York, Heaillng, 1'otls vllle, Tninaqua, Ashland, Hhamoktn Lebanon Allentown, K.iston. Epbrata, Lltiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Trains leave Harrlsburg for New York, as fol lows: At 5,y.j, and H,lu u. mM V2,'20 noon and p. mM connecting with similar trains ou lVnua. 1 tall road, uud arriving ut Now York nt 12,15 noon, 3,4Ultt50 and 10,00 j. m, lesp'ectlvely. sleeping cars accompany tho 5,3 ju. inland 12.20 noon traius without change. UelurniiiL': Leave New York nt 0,00 a.m. and 12.00 uoon aud 6.U0 p. in. riilladelphfa ut 8.15 a in, and a.3U p. m. Kleeping cars accompany tbe y,oa a. m., and 5,00 p.m., trains from N. Y, without change. Leave llarrtuburg for Heading, Pottsville, Ta matmu, Mlnersvllle, Asliland, tilmmokln l'iue Urove, Allentown tfc l'hlla'd. ut U.lOu.m.. it 2,05 & 4,10 p.m., b top plug at Lebanon and principal way Rtutlous; the 4,10pm. tialn connecting for PliU'a l'ottsvllle and Columbia only, For rotUville Hchuvlklll Haven nud Auburn, via Bchuvlkill und Husfiueliuuna Iluilroad, leuvo Harrlsburg ut 3,40 p.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,30 a.m., connecting with tdmilar train on East Pa, railroad returning from Heading ut 0,35 p. in. stojiplng at alt stations. Leave Pottsville at 5. Wand 0.00 n.m..and llcrndou at V.30 a. in., Uhamokin at 5,10 und 10,10 a, in., Ashland at 7,05 a.m. and 12;t0 noon Tama quanitt3J a.m., aud 2,20 p. m.for Philadelphia and New York. ' Leavo Pottsville via Kchnylklll and Snsque huuna Iluilroad at 8,15 u.m. for Marrlsburg, und li.ttuu. iu,,ju i iuuuiuvuuuu xrumum, Heading Accommodation Train leaves Potts villo at 6. 10 a. m,, passes Heading at 7,30 u. m ar riving at Philadelphia at 10.20 n. in. Ueturnlntr, leaven Philadelphia ut 4,15 p. m., passing Head lngat 7.10 p.m., arrlvlngut Pottsville utu.30p.m. l'ottstown Accommodation Traimleaves Potts. town nt 0,15 a.m.,, icturulug, leaves Phlladelpiila at 4,00 p.m. Columbia Railroad Tialnu lcavo Heading at 7,1 j a.m., ami o-jj p.m. lor jpuraia, Litiz, ljancns Perk lorn en llall Hond Trains leave Perklomen Junction nt 0,00 u. in., il.Q) & 5.IW p. m. returning: leave Hchwenksvll lo at ti.0.5 a.m., 12.45 noon, and 4.15 p.m.. conuecllng with Himllar trains ou Heading Hall road. Colcbrookdale Pall road trains leave Pottstown nt 0.10 a. m and 0.20 p. mMicturnlng leave Muunt Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. in., connecting with Criester Vullev Hailroad Tinlus lcavo Tliklce nort nt K.yoa. m. nud 2.0.1 and 5.02 n. m. rctumtmr. euvu ik)wiiiui;iuii nt u.j.u a, in,, jam noon ana i.15 n. m.. con ucc tine wilh similar truii,s tin jn-aaiug jiuiiruuu. On Hundavs. leave New York nt fi.00 Phil. plilaut 8,00 u.m, and 3,15 p.m., (the 8.00 u.m. train ruuuiijg umy 10 iveuuing;; I'OLisviiio o,vu a.m. HarrlKburg at 5.35 a. m. and 4.10 p. in, nnd burg, at 7.23a. m. ior'New York, "und nt 0.40 u.m nud 4,25 p. m. for I'liiladclphla. uoinmuinuon, mileage, weapon, bcnooi anu Kxcurslon 'lickets tu und from ull rolnts.nt m- duced rates. liaggnge checked through; 100 pounds allowed General Huperluleudcut, Heading, Vt,, Dec, 27 ltJW. DELAWABE. LACKAWANNA, & WIXTKHN ItAILltOAD.-Wlnter arrange- uieui. J Ull. II, 101 U. 4TUIUS 1CUVU us lOIIOWS. EASTWAIIU, WJ.STWAliP. Ac Ac STATIONS. coin com. Via M. A K. Dlvls.iA m. Arl Now York. ILv Foot Jlarclay &t.) 8.00 ....Christopher BU... S.00 Hoboken K.15 Newark 8.10 ....Wasliinnton limi via tea, till, oi JS.J ..ftuw ioric (J'Xiut IJberlj 6t) n.00 11.15 ... is ew 1 1 a in pton ..... ..uxroru li. i ....uriuKoviiiu.,., 11.55 t'uiiaueiihla,.' 7.30 8.15 11.05 12.05 12.20 12.30 12.1.5 1.00 1.10 Trenion. 1'iillllnsbiirL' .Manuuku Chunk.... .ueiawaro.... ...Mount llcthcl, water uap. niruuusour ira... ..HpraKuevlllu.. ..llenryvtlle.. I ...Oakland l.:w l.r, 2.10 2.31 2.32 roms ......Tobyhauua........ Uouidsboro Moscow Dunning crauton ...Clark's Summit.., ...Ablnaton 3.(1.) 3.451 A.M 11.30 U.M 10.18 10.40 11.03 11.28 11.51 12.13 12.33 l'.M. 4.07 J.I.J ., Factory vlilo ...... n lcnoison......... 4A5 6.15 ....jiopuottom. Montroso ...New Mllford... Great Ucnd 6.3 5.55 (1.10 J'.M, Connections. Atlllughamton with Erloltallwav. Mall Train from New York couutcts'wlth the Express Mall, leaving lllnghamlon ut 8.37 1'. M.,wllh n sleeping Coach nttuched, stopping at nil stations, and reaching Hullalo the uext morning at 6.20. Accommodation Train from Hcrauton connects with Way Train leaving lllugliomtou forOwego and Ithaca and tho West nt 2.00 1'. sr.; also con necting with Train on Syracuse, Illughumton & N- X' V:1 ,u.r Byacusc, Oswego, Ac., at 6.10 p. m. and with Train on Albany Ai Susquehanna It. 11, fur Albany und the North at V.30 r. it Mall Train lea es lllnahamton after the arrival (3.17 A. M.) of the Night Express from llairalo. Accommodation Train leaves lllnghamlon af. ter th" nrrlvulcflhe Day Kxpress.leuvlug llull'u lo at 7.00 a, i.; n'so, Train leaving Hyrocuso at 8,15 A, M. Attjcranton, with Ijirknwaiiua it llloomsburg It. 11., und Delawnro .V Hudson Canal Co. It. H , Mull Train from New York connects with Tinlns for pulsion. Wlikeslmrre, llloomsburg, Dun. vllle, Norlliiimberlauil.oiyphaut, Arclibuld.and Curboiidale. Mull Train to New York, anil tho Accommodation to lllngliumtou also connect with trains uu the above-named roads. Tho Ac commodation from Illnghamtnn connects with Lickawauuu uud llloomsburg for I'lttslou Wy oming, und wllkcs-liarre. At Miini.ukii Chunk, with Ilclvldero Delaware H. It., .Mall Trains from Now York nnd Iroia Hlngliamton conucct wlth-the train from and to l'hlludclplilu, ktopplng ut all statlona, AtNew Hampton, with Central It. It. of New Jersey, foraud Irom New York, Elisabeth, Plain Held, Hmiierville, Ac. At Washington, wtlh Morris At Essex It. It., for New Ynrk.Kewark.Morrlstown, Dover, Huckctts town, Huston, An. W, K, HALIWlCAD.Htipt. 11. A. HENRY, Ueu, Pass, uud Tkt. Agent. l'.M. 5.00 5.00 4.15 1,011 lisb l.Z) 115", 12.40 5.10 XM urn tins 12..11 12.15 12.00 11.40 11.30 1120 11.00 10.51 io.:u 10.11) 0.M 0.15 .12 U.15 -.50 Ml ,40 8.115 6.7 .W 4.65 7J5 4.55 5'3S 3.5!) 7.15 3.85 0.51 11.15 0.40 r.u A.M. G DEST III THE WORLD.iJf New York OlIIco 27 DEEKUAN ST, ' dec, 2I,'6C-Cm, Dxy Gooda & Notions. jyj-HW BTOOK OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WINTMIt U00D8. DAVID LOWKNllElta Invites attention to hl stock of CHEAP AND FA8HIONA1ILE CLOTHINU. at his storo ou Main Htreet, twodoors abovo tho American Hmna llloomsburg, Fa., where ho has Just received front New Yolk and Philadelphia n full nssoltment or MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHINO, Including tho most fashionable, dnrablo, nnd lmlu,"0,no imEsaaooi. consisting of IlOX, SACK, nOCO, OUM.AND 0IL-0L0TH COATSAND PANTfl. of all sorts, slscs and colors. Ho has also replen ished hlsnlicady largo slock of l'.W.Ij AND W1NTF.UHHAWI.S, HTltlPEl), FJOUHKD. AND PLAIN V1MTH SHirtTB, CIIAVAT9, STOCKS, C0LLA113 HANDKEllClIIErS, OLOVIB, HUSPENDEKS, AND FANCY AUTICLES Ho nas constantly on hand a largo and well-sc cctcdnsRorl incut of CLOTHS AND V15iTINGS, which ho Is prepared lo make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and lu tho best manner. Atl his clothlug is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELUY, ofovcry description, fluo nnd cheap. Ills c.moo! owelry Is notsurpassedlln thls'place. Call and cTamluo his general assortmen of CLOTHINO, WATCHES, JEWELUY, AC. DAVID LOWKNHERO. c. C. M A K i iiavojiibt received from tho eastern markets largo and well (selected utoclc of 1) It Y GOODS, CONSISTING Of Canslmers. .TeaiiM, llestbloacliedtt llitiwn Mmdliis, Cnllcnes, TIi kliiK-t. Talilo Lin nt, t'ot ton A Alt wool llmmeK .ic, .lo., A K"d istoek of LadU'H dri'Rs Koods, L;4let btylcs X patterns. HlIce of nil kiii'N. Uocn stock urneerti'H. (lucensware, Klone ware, WofMl A willow wari Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Hoap for clcaiiluij Tin IlrassAtr. All goods sold clienjo for canli or pro d ucc. Ho would call tho atteutlon of buyers to hi: well and carefully selected a&fcorlment which comprise1! overy thins usually kcjt In the conn try. feeing confident that ho can sea them goods at such prices as will ciiMirc satisfaction Nov.5,'C9tf C.U. MAHK. M iLLEit's stohe: KHESH AKUIVAL OK KALL AND WINTKH OOODH. Tho subscriber has lust returned fluid the cltii with another largo and select assortment ol KALL Al.D WINTKH OOODH, purchased lu New York and Philadelphia at the owest figure, and which he Is determined to sell on as moderato terms as cau bo procured elbe wUero In Bloomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DRESS OOODS of the choicest styles, and latest fashions, together with a large assortment of Dry Uoods aud On ccrles, consisting of the following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmercs, Shawls, Flauuels, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hnllowware Cedarware (incenswnre, Hardware Hoots and Hhocs, Hats and Clips Hoop Net, (Jinbrellus, Looklug-Olassej, Tobacco, Coll'ee, Sngnrs, Tcifs, Klcc, Allspice, (llnccr, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN HALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which no Invites tho attention of the publlo generally. The highest price will ho paid for country produce In exchango ror goods, S. H. MILI.KH A HON, Arcade Uulldlngs, llloomsburg, Pa. QON FEOTIONERY, Tho underslirnikl would rcuniu'iriillv niini,ii,'A vu ino puuuu imu uu nas ojieucu II KIHST-CLASS CONKECl'IONKHY HTOIIK, In the building lately occupied by Fox A Webb wuero no is prepared ro uiruisu an kinds or PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, KHENCII CANDIES, FOHEIUN & DOMliiTIO FltUlTH, NUTS, RAISINS, 0., AC, AC. ny wiioi.U8At.h; on hetaii.. In short, a lull assortment or alt goods his Hue orbusliuus. A groat variety of DO LLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for the Holidays, Particular atleutioi Kiveu iu II It E A D AND OA KHS. of all kluds, rresli every day. OHHIBTMaS OANDIKH, O II I H T M A H TOYS. A call is sollcltcil, uud sullsfucllou Will giiiiiuuiet'u. Nov, 22, 1807. ECKHAUT JACOI1H. E It O H A N II I S E NOTICE IS HEHEUY (1IVEN To my friends and the public generally, that all muug ui dhy aoous, aitOCEIUES, QUEENWAItE, NOTIONS, AO, are constantly on hand ami lor tale A-r HAHTON'S OLD BTAND llLOOMsnuna, ny JAMES K. EYEH tTTAUo, Sole Agent for:EJ.I.a I'hosphate or I hk, Laige lot constantly on hand. febS'W, QAHIUAaE JIANUPACTOItY, llloomsburg, Pa, M. O. SLOAN A llUOTHKlt Havo ou hand and for ialo nt tho most lease bio rates u splendid stuck of OAltHlAOES. iiuaaiEfj. and every description of Wagon, both PLAIN AND KANOY warranted to ho made of Iho best ami ilnr. ablo inuterlals. and by the most experienced workmen, All work sunt out fiom the estab lishment will he found to hour the highest class and sure to give perfect satisfaction. Theyhuvn H L E I U II S of all tho newest ami most liiklitounl,!,, .ii-l well aud curcrully made uud oflhe best muter' iuU. All Inspection of their work Is mked as It Is ueueveu imu none supcnur can no found in tr A DMINISTItATOira NOT10E Jl EHTATE IIV lilTVIl VIPl'Tl Tilffl'll Letters of ad.nlnlstratlon on the eslntt ol Pc 'ler.iiiieoiuenireiowusuip.coiuinbia count deo'd., have been unuiiixl by tlio ItegUtcr of sa: COUllly. to 1). 11. Ilavlliuu.of Celltrn Inivnulil All Peisons having claims ordemuuds ngulnil the decedent are reiiucstttt to make them known. iiu iuusu iiiueuicu iu iiiuKe liuymeu'. D. i DAYMAN. OU2nO-6l. PA. Dry Goods & Groceries. Sewing MachinC8l riJlAND Ol'ENINO uiiAnn ui UltAND Ol'ENINU (JIIAND Ol'KNINO UllANl) OI'ENINU or FALL AND WINTKH OOODH, KALL AND WINTKH OOODH, KALL AND' WINTKH (lOOI)H, KALI, AND WINTKH (lOODS,, KALL AND WINTKH OOODH, conslstlnn ot conslstlug ol consisting or consisting of consisting of DHY OOODW, DHV OOODH, DHV OOODH, DHY HOODS DHY GOODS, HATH AND CAPS, HATH AND UAPH, HATH AND CAIW, HATH AND CAI, HATS AND CAVH, riOOTH AND HHOKH, 11O0TH AND HIIOKH, HOOTH AND BHOF-S, HOOTS AND HIIOKH, HOOTS AND SHOES, HEADY-MADE CLOTHINO. HKADY-MADK CIX1THINO HKADY-MADK ClAlTHINO, II A DY-MADU CLOTHINO, HEADY-MADE CLOTHItlO, IJOKINa-OLARSEH, LOOKINO-OLAHHI'M, LOOKINO-OLAHHEH, LOOKINO-aiiASSKH, LOOKINO-OLA&SES, NOTIONS, NOTIONH, NOTIONH, NOTIONH, .NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, l'AlNTH AND OILS, 1'AINTS AND OILH, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, OIlOCKllIKH, OUOCKltllOH, OltOCKItIKH, UHOCKHIKH, altOCKHIEH, IIUEENHWAHE, OUF.KNSWAltK, liUKl'.NHWAUK, OlIKENHWAIti:, liUEENHWAKE HAltDWAHK, HAltDWAHK, HAltDWAHK, HAHDWAltli', HAltDWAHK, TINWAHK, Ti.NWAHK, TINWAHK, TINWAHK, , r TINWAHK, HALT, HALT .HALT HALT, SALT, F1H1I, KIB1I, 1'lHll, KITH K1S1I, OHAIN AND HEEDS, OHAIN AND HUKDS, OHA1N AND HKKDH, OHAIN AND HKKDH, UHAIN AND HEEDS, Ac, ilc. Ac, AT McKELVY. NKAL A CO.'S, A CO.'S, A CO.'S. A CO.'S. MclCELVY, NEAL MCKKLVY, NKAL McKKLVY. NEAL MclCELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest corner ol Mulnnnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market HtretUi, Northwest corner of Main and Market HtrweU. Northwest comer of Main nnd Market Streets. Noithwest corner of Main and Market HtreeU, P.LOOMSniHtO, PA., BI.OOMSI1IIHO, PA , llLOO.MSIIUHO, I'A., HLOOMSIHlItO, PA., HLOOMSIltJHO, I'A. I HON AND NAILS, IHON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IHON AND NAIIX, IRON AND NAILS, In large Quantities and nt reduced rates, alway on uanu. Miscellaneous. No Huhiiuu, It Is uarranted to cure lost or Impaired Taste, Smell or Hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, nllenslvo breath, ulcerated Throat u, .uouiu, i uiu mm x iessuruiu me jieau, auu loss nt Meinorv w hen ciuhmI. ns nil nr them Irn. qiicntly are by tV,o ravages of Catarrh. It Is pleasant nnd painless to use, contains no strong poisonous orcnustio drugs, but cures by titmtld ll'lt I'lfl flit tun. I will pay S500 Howard for a case of Catarrh una x cuuuot cure. KOH SALE BY MOST- DHUQOISTS EVEUY WHEltK. Pkice Only 60 CENia. If ypur Druggist has not yet got It on ealc, don't bo put oir with some worse than worthless StrOlli; bttltr. "furillfflitnr nr iiolsniw.iifi .nitLl! solution, which will driec the dUcaietolhe lww instead of curing It, but send sixty cenu to mo nnd tlio remedy will reach you b- return mail. I'.our pneknges, post paid, 2.00, ono dozen lor scud a two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet nn Miilnrrli 1h,i,.u. , Un..i.,. ' 1, l l,I,..llflW T Jan 7;70.3m. ' IIuVfalo.N.'V B I.OOMSllUHG NOUMAL SCHOOL AND LIT EHAltY INSTITUTE. UOAHD OK INHTHUCTION. HEN11Y CAIIVER, A. M rrlnclpal, Professor of intellectual and moral science, nud v..v. J I,U,IHIUUIUI llllMJlllUgi Miss Sarah A. Cnrver. rroper,li-oa Ttuclicr of l'rench, Dotnny and oriiumcntui uiunciies, IsnncO. TteRI A Tl Professor of Ancient languages and Engllsli J. W. Kerree.A.M. l'rnrtusor ofMalliematlos, uud practical ns. tiouomy llev. 1). a John, A. M,, l'rolo sor of chemistry uud physics. Teacher of geography. 'hlsUiry A Book-keeping James Drown. Absl tant teacher of mathematics English uiiM .iiieo .u, vurver, feactier of Music on tho piano and lnelodean. .o Tt.1,1. T 1, . Teacher of Vocal Muslo and instrumental niutl Miss Julia M. Guest, ' Tent'lurnf iiumII Slr.lirul The KALI, term will commenco Aug. 8. 1809 and until our Imaidlng hall Is ready for occupan cy, on application to tlie I'rlnclpdl, students will bu furnlslied with honinu in i,l,.nb,i,il. rn,r,niuu v 10 ... 1 .,l,r "luoeius to cuiumeuceai ihoop cnlngofthe term, but when this Is lmprectlca- I A MmV mil PhlK. nl IIIIV Minn March 20 1S08. AT K W GOAL Y A II r. 1 TUB undersigned tespectfully Inform the citizens or llloomsburg and Columbia county, thut thev keen all tlin iltni-i-ent nn,,.i,.ru ..r.t.....! cool and selected lump coal for smithing purpo- 7. . ,r "jwwiii m neivy, rieuia Co h ) urnacej with a good pair of Hullalo scab on the wharf, to weigh coal, hay, and straw. Likewise u hoiso and wngon, to deliver coal to ..u iw.u ,., u ii, as uier purchase n large uinount of cool.they Intend tokeep a superior ur llcle. nnd sell nt the very lowest prices. Please call und examine for yourselves before purchas. iuj,,,.sniirii'i j. i . i, ur.iiniitn. AUOUKTUH MAbON. TIIH unilorgltrnctl will Initn I ll fiv- X cliaiiKa fur Coul nnd arocerles the following mined urticles :-Wheat, llyo, Corn, Oats, l'ola toes, Lurd,Haiii,Hhoiildcr,nndklde meat.llutter, i&ll H;',',uA!l?i.'1'.l!.1,'.l:!!t. S"1.' 1118 , H1.Vw(,i,jb mvii K.jii ;uru, , V. HUNDEIWHOT. -MM. VJ-if, "7 O It 8 A Li 12, 'i'ho undersigned olleis todlspnseuf at prlvnte sale, nn rmiiiiiiililii t.,iiu lint VALUABLE HOTEL STAND, ?LI.'.?i'tRf.r,.iV 9JV,mbl? fnu'ity. Pa., known ns i ,.y ulnut Hotel," and now occupied by Bum- It Ufuvorably located for the transaction ol business, and If properly kept, would uov lull to snli1iUf"M0"M u" '"""'Ifcsslon, conditions etc 6. 11. HHOCItWAY. Aug, suas-tf. Agent. A DMINISTltATOIt'S NOTICE. IV. KSTATKor John riygit, lito'n. Letters ofudinlulslrutlon ou the estate of John Dyer, of Conynghain twp, Columblii counly. dt e'd., havo been grunted by the lleglster of salil county, to Wm. (JikhIiiiuii of Conyugham twp All pel sous liuvlugclnlmsor deinnuds ugalnst lite uiwwiiit . ..ijuvtim iiiuiuim iiiem unow ll ,unu lllllMll I lllll'l.tCll 111 lllUkA IrflVlllwtll ' W41. UOflnVAH G.ltOVEU .t UAKKH'S " BEWINO MACHINES. Tho following are-selected from n. Usllmonlah of similar charact. """Wli the reasons for the preference for ti, n I"M"I I lUKRnMachlntmovorallothers 0,,vul I liko tho drover A tiai,..,. I Ilia llrst Placo. heenii , i 'lnf ' Mneki.. . I shnuM still wan t a n rover 4 liffi-f' bft", I nClrovor Halter, It answe, th. A1"1 '"itfi I the rest. It does a Breatcrvarlpiv.r,''(il.ll It Is easier to learn than any wi,.? V nk Croly (Jenny Juno). r "'""'SMi,, Ml "i navn una aovcral v..i I wltlioOroverAllakcrMachinf it,", tfIHrW meiircntsatlsractlon. t thiS ,.d?.hthh,.TI?l . - ii H iir,. ."ra .- in ; """r innnniT,i liaiicr, ueciueiiiy." (Mrs. tir v;:.'""'nt ;i "I havo had one in VMW two years 1 und from whatl iu" T'l'toiil "I bcllovo it to bo tl iii ,, conslilcrod, of any that I havo kJ" """H very slinploundeas y learned' ii,?ow"' Us the ordinary spools 'is , , aml tlKV"i slltch Is entirely rellabloi Unl '"iS worlr heniilllullv! 11 lu "." etmmiS work benutilullyi It lsuit iiS,M"li,l'Iil order."-lMrs. A. '.M. Hron llrooklynj l'wncr, j ima M linker to them all, bccii so l1 cowtS? V,rov" I ... "More than lwn.ihu.i. . ... .. I ilonoln my family for the last tJ. ! "it ""In I uono Halter's Machine s m i had nBarmentilporiiciHlinii, l,'"."!'."""! rents which Irollcsomo boyswili i,T',i,..1,,'l cloth. It is Hi my oplnloTru, t. r 'h. ' "i1"! ... "Tho. (Irovcr & IUker Heivm. I nas renueren in every respect tiie i . satlsractlon. It combines So , am'0dtel with beauty ot execiillonauil ceo rnJiVSu,l that It is a ncccssliy lu every laSSJ.'.'K'! Uovernor Oeury, Harrlsbuig, i'J ",l0l.-.llal , "l navenad IhoOroveri liaku..i, lor len or iweivo years ,in consuui irS ,l ianiily sowing, both personal an,! iL, I'.4,,l accoinpllshed upon the urover iltokiffl!1! I tu nm viuiiu rainniituimii Cll fill u Iia . ... cerned."-ltev,Hteiihcn tU'fyng, wear as long as ll,a garments 0 5 (tarineut lu tact. Tin. stlicii wliliu,tb5 ' urorerai linker btltch bla Hcams. when Ktretclicd. at ulhu fr l neitherdoc It draw thu work -J ri.a. uuui senilis, wnuu sirelc olhi-r. rfTT neither linen It draw the worit."H ,n ii? iS lug, IEaHTweuly-luurlhstlceTx,v,;.I'1 lug, lKaHTweuly-luurlhHtieet.Ntwv.rr & ... i.Vo hnvo u a rover A B.ikerSsin :hlno for seven years lu constant tiii. k J.i5 fciung, tucKing, and everyihiiirf that tii s7ZW can Uo. IllHincrerrod ov,nn.7,h;..:""lltK' or Its durability orwork, elasikiiy.u.rj.S.I of st tell, ,enso of movement, ana VlmplHRI loiislructioii." IMrs. Oen, llucl. ",U,H A II lrl nn.7BUB ''There could he noyrenkr pnmfftMk I ally than ii Oroyer ,v linifer "iSKi1 . lamiiy man u urover ,v UnUer Kculiu u;ii' I havo used one fur lliolastnluoor usSSl and 1 thluk It Is decidedly the OfMt'S'fcll lim Mac i no." .Mrs. Aln-n n i'iV..t"'.'''I llev. Dr. Whipple, Sec. Am. .Ml.,. a!,!S' ... "i haoliadiin oppoilimlij-or,Uj,J ,.. u.,u,i,,u ,.tilvill-M,l I UllllUrt-hfl I Mrv much Mifer Uiu (lrnv,.r i!'.....'.m. l o VuCr iVmch Tub oi i eV,V iV,';:.?"! (ft eiiillv liliilortiioil ii in I I.....,, I.. ...i.-u .ri I li D.Sniili6rii,Ht;iuis. slant ute. and It bus newr ui,iiir..,in..r..i? ...i. i ,,,i... """wi thoOioer & linker kb thu very hi n ttii,,S rhino for family use." Mrs. J.O.I'hiii. irt. Twelfth sireet, .New York, '"ii i. .'. , b'"" ,.chbuiu in n.coiumcnl,'i ,, f" klmplo In Itsbtiucturetlnllt, cdlngly dlfllcult tu gi t It out or wjtr. b 15' little glrls-onu llve-sml-a-lisllnidt ! exceed 1 1 of my little Klrls-oiie llvc-tin.l-ii.liairamt til r lour vturs inn new i.trn i,,t,t unnn,. . without lil-slslulHC." Mis. A. c. l'o llev. Aichlbuld C. 1'oss, auWcsi Ililrtttth sti ,..V.r ' I .IDtl 1UIIH "TllU CllttVtr iL ltn1:cr Mndilnol. j, lieneflLto liiiiiiliiud limi I firim iwi . n,n nuntuuu ...u bu'ii iu .iiiiiijh.1 nn iiraiSULtfiil but I would not exclianiiolt for tl,t;iiatnp(i uu jl cyi'i r w it m it r iuhkc,-H MIS. wlfo of l'rof, Wilson, of HoLart Cblhee, Tlio simplicity of Its construction,: facility with which Its uv(. u aaiulrnl.thelH iy, biitnui, unu riuMic-iiy oi iik Kiiiclitaut I, adartulilillv lo nil klmU ni wntU liilct do twt alt bilong at once lo nny id, t chmc " 1'iof. Htm-haw, of NVllllhloneimnuj "My wlfolsilellghtul tiilh lnrOrov, linker ScwlugMacliiiic. Mie t n ferstlie Cm A Duker to anv other slit! Iiiihmiii. '-ilttv. 1 , KIs her, rnUadelphla Coufeieuce. 'We havo used one of Gnaerj iUe bowing .Machines lor ubotiitcn ) tats, no, k siuer itciuiuui. ue exceiicu. itruni imnoifr was never out or lcpalr. and civet ttrynnr, satisfaction." Mr. EiHi in lliuit,MLikii!ir; Chicago, Tho Oroveraud llakcrScwIugMtcliltuCMl pany mnnulacturo bolh tho Elastic ttitchi. Lock Slllch Machines, aud o!Rr tlio pnblk cholco of tho best machines of lmth klndvl their establishments lu nil the Uracil h,l through nBoncies In nearly all towns tliroo!s I tlio country, l'rlco Lists and s.imjilei ot In both stitches furnished u ujUcatioa Qrovcr .1 linkers. M. Co., 1'ailailelflila.orlo J. A. DOlliS, Ul'luUUbo'l I Iuuo25'00-lv I Hardware & Outlery. rpino NEW iiAiimvAuisbiuT,'! ,,, J-. ni: PLUS , .lt llUYtng ciiiiugeii win uiu,. , OPENED A NEW SlTl'LV, Hrnv from ilio Miiiiiir.ictuiert.l'Brcliwli cash, ou a declining market, w care firfu. I offer tho same to rAHMKHS. MECHANICS, liUILDUa anil the rest of Mankind, a gcaeral fcWfk, w prising nil tho itinu unu qu"ij 7",r; I l n nftv in, i-,l Vnr Kline, sc ablo tolMW-l of the county, nt unusually low li'kts. I All those whoiiroUeslrlousof partlmiast! in our line can savo iuouey uj, iu,...B new iiaruwaru nioie. .i.,ft,. twill Please glvo nt a . . . "wk; I ' ' Illooiilft t a,T,i J, 1LM s Importersund Dculcrslu KoreljarJUDoBiKl II A H 1) W A B E, ii tr Ms. OIlTLEliY, 4&i NO. lODK.TimtUBTnKKT.AH.CAl.W)"11' iniir.nil.'.M'lIIA, Nov. w, trr-tr. PUIIIiIO 8 A I- k OK- . T F V A Ii U A II L E ItEAI. In pursuance nf nn puler of IlifC"'" lIV1 mon Pleas of ('oluiiililacoiiiiij,' "-. DAY. March 20th liT0, at 1 ,ieK noop, ltculien Hellas coniu iim' " Utiii( and Estate of ilenjanjlu yn? " i Oraugo Tnwiifchlp, counly of ; iioso i.. sale by publlo vtmluc, on we F1 u certain jiuusu auu t. n T of G It 0 u "i . . ,,1tol situate In the Iwp.anilcouni'i'"',;-,,!,!. i,r tni.'io r Mr.lnrhi Drake, Jat0" ii?nl . fi,.; r i r, six sin !, rj i mining '"; " ?,d bow l strict measure i uurii. mi? i.u.i.'". , y,i,,,iiLi) sniiii slluuto in IliolownshlP JUyJVi Im,H Ulorcsald, WELLIN010N H. a A burn. 14ito the hesaie. i-';-:,.:,. In ono vinrfioni thu conntinn"'n ,t,r Interest Iroiulliu nrbt w liii.Lk.l.,. irenil-is first day of April A. D., lf.0. ' W -,m' for Deed mill Hllllillis. HM1'"" rmtt. uiuiigeviiie, 1'i'u, i.-, ioiv-v.. DOJIESTIO ECOKOJU! r,r. nAUTUTI CA.11 -11.1,1V' A new, cl.cun duinble, heallhy. a"jB t.m nnif rnVEHlNC" .il.trllM'1 A substitute for oll-cloiu at - 1 "riml s"..e.l proof enuiiicl which receives 1,011. ?.' the colors uud paper cnduris tl,',uiin l1 ders Hie curpct brignt ii"", ' V,Tiiii- . tl tkemo, Its udvuntiigcs ure C,i,itil 'I lutemiaxl In no dust! It does Vjoi'l tukeii tin und eleuued like ol , net i '. tv.e suves inuili labor and '""""is iunW1,!Il with llietHiiiiplHlonJ-naineltsw U, i cuo muy rciiuirc, iviiuu ''"',,, ,,j ulVu I last inilelliiiiely, even uu age,! iiw t bt'J newnnd blight : In lis ueiio ' Vieil I. plaied upon l)io papa tj uiuiipim 11 .7. ......ire ll'elu ;Vn'll per ueing ii.iuiiiuj i """-..,!, tyo' r,,al uusrtceiiiiy neen umu.."- r,:....ui,uji"':i i rtceuiiy neen unu " ...uudv i iu fur Dunks, tools, Ilourbi B"11 lnl.ut;r id. bill the li st ntltnipl,'1 .'ft, u ,n nun for trunks, lools.nour "'fr, tat-wr Allierlilt. to convt rt il '"'V.mVc sui'"' u I lug, all concede It to be u n ut tt (l,r t J Wo huvo puiciiuktd I he "Hi to I"" I couuiy and tun luinlshlhecsil' puiei, uu Amerltu ul iiianufactuicispiliij uuiactuici. ri ,.i urii i''-: .ii ,'.u uru InvVtil "iW'x Y. ''U ntourHoie. W-" ' o- 1.1 llloolUkblllg.llLC, Il'eVtl nigs, nun iiuiu me icstiiiiouy or ,,,, '" friends who use the same, I ciu i. ?," ., oiiytiilng could bo moio compit",1; JI'liS satlsraclloii."- .Mrs. Ucncrai ilr beSI Jill i Cokiiitioks or HAI.K,-it i AjpaiaM fourth of tho purthas" mo r &vm purcliusernt lheslilliing"u'1?'KPIiai Uiiu-fouiih less tho ten. lr t ut i ""M u Toit sale; XAbout.y-llveftcti:;;:;iifa. but ton light for r,'"h',ini I, "" Km kbuftlng rti In. und s In. I 'hi iw" lings and iiiijusiat leba ;s " A, ,,ly lg j(l Alkti one'lhrekhing MatbH 'yi'Lt' dee. 17,'60-tr. AdiiilulstraUir, Jan. Sl.TlMlw. Admluistruu'r.