Bloomsburg, Friday, March 4, 1870. John U. Lclby, of OilnwiMa lown. hip, Is nt present Bojournlnc In North TmvATioN Visit.- Tho Mend of ho ltov J? Feu o Brown of Oran?; Ilk wll innko lilm doniilion 1 . ,1.,, ihi mhofthls month. HO mifmK'" - Tiid now Masonic Hull at Cutiiwlssri lint nppomuhliiB completion. It Is 'A, I...IU linnrlsonieiV lllllillll'tl find VI. , . , . l I... 1 Ilnml It nil M,mtl PlPfl Will UU UlC 1IIIU3I llllll i. tiimi in tint interior 01 iiiu omiu. 1 LIIV ... ... .,,,, ..nil! In ilppllnn till 111 Isll- nrr it u inn-nj ... "1 " 1 t.i Itu nnliirn ntwl VlMn I Is iiLisu" " :. N tmbllCAtlOfl WOUiUKruuiy uiu wiiiur, HUDDB.V DBATII. un rriuwy uvu i.iut ii I nil tin i i jrnniiii . ii iuriiiit:ii llllli I no v ... n IriMII It (I HIirillll'H. IIII'II Mllllllt'U linn " - 'i i y.H w presume " I'll iii "I'l---: . ... 4 ...hi. nit ti iiithin n niinrL innn neior IS llUUllll A co operative Storo will soon bo Btnrt tt. I I .1 I I II. IU IlltllM Wit Wl I TUT u use. The projectors nro inonoien- ...i ., u uni ltd aiititinrmiM win in i-.i 1 1 rn-lfl ,11,1 timiUUill 1 11 nimv wu..v ..... . --- . i ri nil jail hkatii OF A Soldier. Mr. 1311 . i. it 1 1 l... T.nU,.tll vtinntIl 11 HU1U1UI UUiuiL iiiumtoumuiii oil 111 lllla immu un xnuiauwy i 31. Ill H; I U illiKUinih iiuiwj, ui vv.i- . Iln ufiia 1. 1 1 rind nn Ktlitflntf .tlltni-i linhfiiM H 1 13 ortin tin ti Innii II ltriUS lUlf 111 U UUU v Uiiu umiii ifc a Want SurriiiED. For suvoral .1 ltnn.1.....t,i,.nJ r tfinirriiiih o ucu in lown. icurn . A I........ i.nnit n r. f Tksipkiiatuuh ov Fkh. 1870 AT mn. snmia-ouscrveu ui suurmu. ) Wll IIIU MlOll -U"l I I 'I'll. i. BliUWlliir LUlJlUlt;iICWll lib IX ill III! lUliLIIIULU (lUUlll L lIUUlOi UYL'iatu pnt i about in Hicnod. rou. nnio i i r r Thk new Post Office. "Comi.y." Is ll i.. n. Lt 1 t niunu auii iipiiii'i muiiiuui uuuiii.i x tt ltiiimr llirnn tttili.j li'iiat rf 'I'livlint I Iln And IIHMfjIIII tllimu lfltfli lf ll'lniil In 1113 JIUilltJU II1LU V . U.UliY ui jjanviiio. i'il. 11 ih KiinniiiMi "Tho station nircnt on Vermont rall- heburb? Wo nnsumo I in Intorwl-i in lw ijoaruoi uircctors 01 mo now company un it nvinir iirfim ni ir. nn iror IloTKL Chancu;s Tho followini? lioiiton ill iilnnn nf Aiwtrnur ilrnlftr wick, in nlaco of C. I). FowIit: Jorn. inluh LonKenberKer.Malnvillo, in place Wo ar rnmiu'llml tn flnfiir novirni cummumcntionH until nnr novt luann Clearing the Wueck. Tho work ...j 1. I.. ST 1 mi V. n UVPrir U'nw ovnr tlin inn inntfiiri,ii .... y . j n I III Nlnti "hn nnnnrit nr iiiuirj vniiiis i' i nnrir ia i ncm nint nnmnwnt atinn. Wnuliull lmll iirttli if.ILrl.f tlm ii i tin ritM pqq Tf UMfrnnt llu hulnn i .... 1 Till 111 Iw r fI llin Inn I.. T J I liriT UIlll VICinilV niltm innn 4111.1 I,, n ...w fiiguiui: lUllllllUl UU . Jtl Ul'liLIIIL IIIU - w ..... --fc T Vliio, HUSU Mill . . ' w nii,i u inu. x iii.u ui I((v uiu in u ruiiiijv . .kwu iiiu iivuuvtuiti niiuii we renr will find that thoy liavorfoi Well lis hauttetl "n snfl thine- Tub Sale op Milk Tho Iwrlsjuu rn nna nmn inr.iii it .. 1.111 ...I.I..I. vtaes that any nersou contnietitiL' for nnm Anrin .1 . i . . . " ....... ...... . i.v i.i.. l: inu DUlim it leas valuable, shnll ho Imrrnil frnm - -n .m.uii.1 I J . . . . ill.. 1.111 it. Ulat UUV liersoil kllnivlllilv Hulllnirnr offer ng for salo Impure, udulterated or uuwholesomo milk slmll bo deemed Ruilty of mlsdcineanor and liable to a 'i,6 of fifty dollars for each ollence, or thirty days' imprlsonment.or both; and mat any person kcoplng cows for the product on of milk for market in a crowded or unhealthy condition, or ICealUir tllpm nn fnml lll.l tirnrlnmia unwholesomo milk, sliall be subject to n f i "oiifiiw iu niuiu iiim John H. Vrnn'SJi waa catfnrulv I.kmIj that . ,1 t ..." ii m i v. i j inua- t-'U )V a irtll nn tl dhusBinoe been eonllned to his bed! injuries aiinougn palnrul aro i ac"o9ofCol.Freczomay bonttrlb - iiuicii oi mo credit of saving r.XClmni'n f,. r e- uiuvn iivill lltnuUklMUli I1U Ami ? "J.'0" tllU ri,0f 0f 1,10 Ill0Ck . h me nercesi oi tno nro, tour water on tho mioking rafters and "no cates tearinir off (ho hum ing in Iner WWrds, Ulld llirnwllli- llirm linm uu M ld iiK, ti,,, WIlt,r of Uiu property, f'yj l'osu routing stores therein, to 'h ' ywo ,,,m ,uut'1'' Wo bopo mu.u ,u uunuiiiitu ins euiiimuiu wvtry iii our next issue. re All 'UIJJC llLAJWI X' llUM our uaders have lit ard of this a connection with tho Ilea huml man c do. l)on I main witness ugains Inst ii. esier, rnor nnu iuuy. iiMP.,ie.,i'.nB " J'lvk up u Philadelphia nn Lllr?, Nc(-: wu 11,111 tl,u fnllowlug Sudiow: niougnt ueioro judg " l."9 caso of Thonms Dooley. cl liar. ei ,i ii " exiiodlnif a faro board K?ffl'"B or u livelihood ntu ta tJ r1 8trtl!ti uelow IJuttonwooil and tuv rern vood lb i"tiini.f . ..'"lL'rVi,.n vonllct of gu uilly hn. i s ."ml u"8 "lls " poor i !nan that VIIIh """""""""iioiiesiiiiiuuu ni about iV; wiiou no took tho tavern Z .. .,nonJ "K (fumbling ta in,, i mere, uun inner v: luitl. clicmustnnixn. Incluulpg en tt L'rnV.i; i "'u-"CO 111 IIIUCUBO, ( III trautcd u new trial." court VK notlca Govnrnor Qenrv linn In. currod tho dlspleaiuro of tho editor of tho ltlnmruhuri' 1lrnuhlli,in In iirnnnin. Iiik to appoint Mr. Monroe, to tho vn. rant Aswclnlo Judgeship of Columbia i-miiiiy. wo aro sorry lor mo uovernor. It is n great pity that his duties ns Uov ernor of tho Stiito Interfcro with his de slro to plcasu everybody. Tunkhan nock Republican, A Valuable Magazine w imvn received tho HrsE number of a new Miiunzino "Tho Tee'inoloi-lst" which although moro especially adapted to tlwi lien urt1!....... -r....T.r.n...L. I ...v, it. ui iiiiiuuiotiiiitiiiuuv:iiirurH llliu Ilulldvrs, yet contains a laro amount of rending matter of general Interest. iiis n largo worK or -11 pages and is Well Illustrated. This M.tmizlnn will supply a want long tM untlwo wisli It good speed. 1'ricu $2.00. It Is lsuod uy inn inuustrini Juuilcatlon Co. 170 uroutiway, New York. If you havondhchareofrom tho nose. ofl'enslvo or otherwise, nartial loss of the sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes watering or weak, feel dull andstupld or debilitated, pain or pressure in tho head, tako cold easily, vou inav rest assured 'that you havo tho Calarri. Thousands annually, without manifest ing nan oi tnonoovu symptoms, termi nate In consumption nnd end In tho L'ravc. No dlseaso is so common, more deceptive or less understood by phy slclans. tt. V. l'lerco.M. I).,of llutlalo, N. Y,, Is mo proprietor oi ur. Hugo's Catarrh ltemedy, a perfect specific for Catarrh, eoiu In tho head, or catarrhal headache, w'J'pn.ho sends to uny ad dress, post paiili for sixty cents, or four packages for $2. Sold by most drug gists everywhere Otm Thanks. Aro duo to Mr. Qeorjfo E. Elwell, son of our President Judge, for an invitation to attend tno colouration oi wasiungtoirs iiirui Day nt tho Trinity "College Cabinet," as, However, tno invitation only reached us on tho Unit or March, we thought wo would not go, in fact wo lull u ueiicacy" anout attending so lute n tno fceasoi.. we see oy tno namoru papers that tho students of Trinity did louor to mo natal day ot tuc 1'iitiier oi lis Country, Among other entertain tieuts tho Kutcrneau society gavo u grand Parlor Concert. The name of Mr. Ii wel I. iiimears in a iiroiulueiit enar- acter in an Operetta performed by tho socioiy. we would nave oeen vastly pleased to havo been present but as the adverse fates willed otherwise, wo can do no moro than tender our thanks for the Invitation and bestow our blessing on the society, which wo hereby do. Poor Skamstuessks. Very few. ivo those whoso missionary duties lead them Into tho ndoves of tho sowing women of tho cities, know what a frlirhtful warfare is constantly being waged by tlieso poor women against starvation. Occasionally however we become possessed ofa few items relating to their miserable strngglo for exis- istenco. of which tho lollowine will tcrve for samples; one poor soul makes vests ni eignieen cuius uiiieeu ior wholesale house. Sho can earn $8 a month by working fourteen hours a day, Including Sundays. Sho pays $.'! a month for her attic, and has two small children to hupport. Sho has eaten meat ouco only und then it was L'iven to her sinco Thnnkseivinir Day, Another"!! llnlsher"of flno shirts, makes about S2 a week, working hard for it She has a giaudmother to support, and "has often lived for weeks on bread and water, in order to afford tho old woman a nttio urotn every nay." Puiilic Saliw : Bills" for the srAv of real and personal property have been ir nteu at tnis oiuce. viz: Wm. lllppcnfittel unarcrecK, Tues day, March Sth, personal property. Geo. Tovoy, Hemlock, Wednesday, March 9th, personal property. D. F. Bomhoy. Hemlock, March 12th, personal property. Kstatu of David W. Clark, deceased, .Montour, Friday, Marcti lstn, real es tato. Kstato of'Ben . Lowe, dee'd., Mon tour, saturuay, lnrcn linn, rcai esinto. Jistato oi uyrus i-ry. iiee-ii., iiiooms. burg, Saturday, March 19th, real estate, instate or ll. ll. rntz, aecu., ugur. loaf, Saturday, March lUth, real estate. A. J. Berninger, Mainville, Friday, March 'MU, personal property. Kstato of Beni. Boone. Orange, S.itur day, March 2Cth, real estate. A. K. Shuman, Mainville, Wednes r.,H,il. OMll, i.,i,iiiiiI ,ip,itir.t, UllA , .11.1111.11 UUllll 1111 Dl.llll. IMWI'1.1 11 , Win.Longenberger, Maine, March, personal property. Teruiule Deatu or a Max in PouomcuEi'Sii:. A terriblo nlfair oc curred at I'otighkeepsio, on Wednesday morning, it appears mat ior some time past vagrants havo been in thu habit of crawling under tho arch o.'er tlio boiler at the lower furnace in that city to sleep all night, because of tho varmtn ootaineci more, un u'uesiuiy night, ono of these poor wretches. named Peter Ferdon, crept there. while bo was hlceninir. tho engineer opened tno mow on cock, ami too pipe leading to tho archway where Ferdon was asleep soon filled Iho place with ono dense volume of steam. Ferdon, yelling with pain, crawled out us best ho could, anil endeavoring to i scape, fell Into n tub of hot water which was located under tho dripping pipe. Again ho crawled nwuy. shrieking horribly and attracting help. Ho wfts picked up and scntto the alms house.wherohodied in great agony. Tho llesh was literally stripped irom him, and parts of the Doiioms ot ins met were leu near tno arch wherotho tcrribicalfuiroccurred. Coroner Andrews held an Innuvst. tho jury returni d a verdict in accordance witn tno auovo lacts. iieccuseu was tin intemperate man. The Late Finn. Among tho suffer ers by tho recent tiro In this place, was Mr. Clark Brown whoso boot and shoo storo in tho hotel building was of course destroyed, together with iiis entire stock. ins toss win amount to wuu. not insur ed. V. II. Oilmore, Restaurant, loss ss7uu io ijsuu, not insured. ;u. r. Jiuti. had his stock of fancy goods Insured for iG.OOO probably enough .to cover his losses, noons it uurk. wo understand. were insured fot 30,000 to 10,000. Many of tho hceuuitntri of tho Kxelmniro lliiictr adjolniug tho hotel building, experien ced losses irom tno injury, destruction aim men oi meir goons, during nnu ni ter removal. Miieso losses win range irom Sfuu or tsuu downward. Tho hold ness of tho thieves was nutoulshlue:: in many cases they carried offgoods under mu very eyes oi meowners, wno, tliiuic ing they wero retnoving them tq places orsarety, did not interrero. jor wero these depredations committed by men omy, us divers oi tue so caned inir s?x (most im-ruir in tins case) were seen traveling oir with dry goods and gro cerles. But on tho other bund tho wo. men did much servlco nt tho outbreak of tho fiio in carrying water Sc and even assisted hi dragging tno engine wucn women ought to vote. Tho lino largo panes of glass In th ironi winnows ot mowers new stor wore shivered by thu heat. They wero valued ut t200: losured. Mover Bros.. in tho storo adjoining Mived theirs by covering them with carpets. There havo been no duvohinuionts which would explain the origin ol tho lire, ami it win piooaoiy Dover no ucu nitely ascertained, Both tho citizens and llremen did all that could ho dono and to their oxer Hons, and tho calm which prevailed may uu imputed mo saving oi tno J.x change Block. Wo earnestly iiopo that tills de struc live uru limy servo to direct tno putiiu attention to tho necessity of some sulll dent supply of water. Aslt Is, thotowi: Is at tho mercy of tho fiery element more especially if uu event Hketheubovt occur when thu punins uru ublu to furn ish but llttlo water, its may ho tho ease in a continued arougnt. us mtv water works by all means lest at som time u greater evil than tills ovcrtiik us. It is a wise plan to lock tho stublo door previous to thu abstraction of thu uorse. SSS2IlrMPMPTOOMSETmG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA ItlflSlllll tl.nt (hn ton. Penn., with tho exception of A. PnrdeaACo'smen, havo stopped work. LOCAL NOTICES. Books Now Miwln nml in struments of all kinds to bo had at Als- inn s uourt Houso alley. AVE liotlco H. II. Miller A Hin i-dltlnrr milton largo stock of goods by Brown Line. They sell a creat innnv inmU for the simple reason they sell cheap. Foil Sale. A nm. fturU,,, U'.ifmn and iloublo set of tug harness, can bo iiuuu ii in ii Hiw ngure. Apply to Isaiali llagenbuch.Malp Street opposite inivi jiuiui, Irj.t Notice. Hv ill vl Mil tinrlt, I jwlin T,?l. der J. J. Hnrvviif ilinfliirljiiun r-hnmii will preach at tbtf Court House In Bloomsburc on Tlilli-silnv V.unnlnrf March 10. Services commence at half tost seven, The Public nro respectfully iiviivu in iiiieuu. ni) t. I'Al'KR BAOS. Wll lliwn nn hnml n fine assortment of iinner hnis nf lnrio and small sizes which wo will sell nt ity rates. nS-lt. Cnour irencrallv com is on in tlin iiigui wnen it is not easy to get medi cine. Tlu-reforo lake 2.'i cents nnil Iniv a bottlo of Pliocnix Pectoral and keep it uiiiu you neeu ll, no it Receipts of "TIXD COXiUZVXBXAIT for February 1870. iopni & Clurk Kl WiJ 11 Knlttlo 0 00 2M ll Kitrlieii 2 ID' Est of Kreil Hpss V Wvlllvvr .1 6(1 A urou l'eroon 2Wt. 11J Ml Uiu ,1 '-' 'Jl, IMiillks .'IUJ. I K KrlcktMUin iHunn Mowry 27 4A Ueo Derr 2ui Ir.mi llerr 1 IMWin lAtiioii HO'ijiXnlliun Milter till) ;Je-s Cospcr 2 lt i Lu v Is Mr h u y 1c r 2 (U, Aiirnu Hiultli HUr.t LoiiKenberiior ll li.iiili-l KCuny 200 Allen Kuttormnii Hilsmi Keller m 2 to 2 00 .iin -..I ntueo Keller McKclLir, Hmltln juruiiii .Totill N Uordou 200 2 IK) IlluukH J vunaerHllco 2W A .1 l'lescntl KVHU Welllvcr Mrs Lnuis Nuns 2 IM 4 00 2 00 201 200 200 2 W 200 2 00 TJ Welllver J Ulelmrt John Jejlinril Jnciib M Ulrlou w. J i.urenuiu AlnseN l-.veretl 2lv SIK) 160 s'.y SID ai 2 00 2 Uu SOLI 2 IX, ! 2 ml. jj h lluteliliison tht in Jus Kvetett Kil uiu Ueo WhltenlKht (leo Htlorilnerjr llobt a Hut I 2i 1 00 l'r tz A. U Hwliihcr w in aiasiener Estate of John Helctmrd I)r J J I-lser 2 00 .ISO 200 Mteplien Wolf iiianKn Joseph Curlier CUUeuther lleofe Vuncu Illanks 1 60 200 200 3 00 2 011 200 2 00 am 1100 2 0.1 i"i 2i 2 00 sou 6) 2 uG 2 01 WIlllninrurKel J J Cuinpbrll Win J lluike Charles Abti 11 11 Wllitersteen Win Wllitersteen lleuben Hhuinan Aaron W Hens Uanlel Motrls David Miller l,eliiucl llralcn EUlnuud Hehclt Will AHll 2W istepheii Too Joseph 1'ohe 2l 2bul iHaiiiii liower soul 2 UU 2Vi ' iceintill li liower 1 llobhlus llaulcl Lelby J 11 Auiliierinau Win HtimeliHllel C KMenscli 2 2 Huml Kefchller Amr.1 Crul lllaiilcs awjosenllUKultllB Ml Illanks 2 25 w iiuuenbuch 2UU.Mtepnen llaldy 20U It.ewls i:ckroth 2UuiJWmKiner SOU 'Allred l'ene 2UU juincsKlfciier II 2.V T J NilRlo 2WJI) F llomboy - 00, V Wlnters'een 2 2-j John M'llenry ;,uuljainesLnkp '-'miiluvld lleinolt '" WmGHulck , l-iillauer ramlly - w Jeremiah Hlmlt 2 t', 1'aul Kline lit U John 1 eu Solomon Dlemcr 2 UU, 'John LeuBOll i))Ut Duvld It Waijner 0 ut) .losepli Artley :iai oeo iovey 2 0i, imniel l-ealer 1 1", Levi LTate Hi Mm 11 Houck uiiuriuii uower 21") IW 11 .luniliv J 11 p'rll. 11 W fry 0 1) I'owler 2 00 i; ii u.iiuy M E Jackson' 1130 .10) 2 00 200 300 ;ioo 2: 200 2 0J 200 IIU0 2 00 m 2 00 2 00 fiOO 2 00 Aiiaiewtihuinali W il Lanilerbacli UharleH llillei: Joseph llllle: ifcuoueii Apiiieiuiio l'hlllp lll'hH Jnnies Jueoby .Moan m iTlieri ItlaukH 1 11 l'eilcrolr Win A Kile lllnukH tsainuel XithM lVler J LiliO! J C Ayer& i'o. Jaiiieh Cnuuor 2 W :i io I Smith 1 S Muuroo Kil lliutitian l'eier Heller li 10 100 210 4 00 llelhuel Whlpplo 'lliomas Onldeii 2 John 11 Heller I tl ii E lieardslcy M l .1 (W Isaac AllureWH - w,ia 31 .Musiencr 2 0U Wm Harllel Jacob Knlttlo I "" snml Hauenbucli ,5,Wm M'Urlde llOj'rowlKlkendall 2co,ijau()i)i.:vans ato ,j HM'Nlnch lou Cyrus lleiclmrit E Eckert l l'AfcellM I) , s. John Kressler !.' Joeph LUley 2o .1 .M lliiiiuau 200 Win I', i.eiiiy Instate ot Michael 2 00 2 00 1 00 200 2 00 2 00 ;i7o to 2u0 1 II) 1100 5110 HuueuOUcll Ellas Watts t iea llagelibuch W. 11. Koons 11 e' lilttrlck John .Moiilall Allleil CU'Miillg Win htrautl ruilip Dclrehn Wm UelhlB lllunks in LoiiKerberer 2 00 till Henry lV H ll Henry Whlletell 3 'J'bthweppelllielher 2 l louek I (HI Wm llarils 3u,il 1.-. Kilviiu 200 210 2I 400 1 40 3 5) 100 2 0J 3 50 360 liarry Hannah u. JoliuMnytr 2ti,jj c tills 210 j o AinmeiinaM Jueoo Hi uiuheller Win Luiunbell r,' llledtienuer sr l'eter llelnibuen ii W Mauser 1' lilies hue l Illanks Aioses Miirklc liianus 1'liouias Hltter llemy llluterlllcr 4 On III I 2W A K fthiimuli A .1 lieriiinuer w ivneuen 'IhomiiH iullh Ulooiusburg "larkct lleport. Wheal per bushel J1.15 . I l 85 40 . 7 U) .. 8 00 . 2 S U 20 10 40 . 2 6 5 ,. .0 '.0 , 18 10 .... ei2 tio SSJ live ' C01 n " Outs. " Flour per bariei Cloverseed Flaxseed Duller Tafiow 1'ntatoeK Dried Apples Hums HUes and Hhouldirs Ind per pound Hay per Ion I non- No. 1 Scotch pig Bloom ,'. LUMBEB. Hemlock Boards per thousand feet I'lne " " " (one inch).. .... (10 0) 1SU20 15 l0 m, 7 ly 18 "0 Jo'st, Hraullilig, l'luuk, (Hemlock) Shingles, No. 1 per thousand. Siding ft. . I'lill.delplila Mai bus. Floiui Nollhweslerll superhueat li.'cp 4, Northwestern extiuH 4..ifv 17C Nortliutsteru family ti..-i)6o t.7 I'euusyu aula uiid W estern superllue... 5.ou..ii.6t l-eunsvli aula and W'estem extra.. 5.7SMHI 0.7t l-eiiusylvuula and Western lamtly Pennsylvania uud Western fancy llyu Uour W 111 a r l'eiiusylvaiila red, V bus , tl.5iK.ll 11. 10 ll..Hkpls.-.'6 SU.2J 8l.&ifiS1.7i t!2.0Ovt2.7& DJ.20 t3.154SEJ.10 81.1 1 1. a 8l.i7ji.i; 02eft 6.x 331.51 SJ i..Vj 8Uc9 tfi-OSlUl IJ 17c(?12Ue 89.o0i3i).lt il.Sl , 9i-01IU5 5381 IUSSH07 rsouiuern " " Caliiorula " white " Iti E IVnusylvalila nc. V bus , Cillt Yellow, , White, ' OArs (.bus l-liovisioss .ness I'lirK, v itui H uess iieei, - Dressed Hogs, Di biuoked Hauls - ' sihouldels '( tt Lard, n D, Skkijs Cloverseed 11 bus j uuoiiiyseeu v uus Flaxseed " CATTLK Beef Cultlet!i tows, head SHB.K1- y lb uoua n iw U.H COUGH, COLD OH SOUE TIIKO AT ... 1U' nurts iiuniftiiaio auenuuu, as neglect ntten rcmilts In an lucuru IiIh Lunt; DIm'uko. JlltOW'H ItKQMltlAL TKOCIIKS wlllalmnit luvurlulilv uUe Instant relief. For llrouchllfs AMhimi, Cuturrli,'i)nsuiuitivo uiul Tliruat lU'teuhe, they have a hootlitnj; ef Tt. Hlinrrrn and l'ubllc Hnt-akcrH iihii tliein to clear ami kirriigtlicn tlio voice. uwint; io ma koou repuiauou ana ponmnruy ot thu irouht-K. iniiuy wortliloMi uml cheap Imi tations uru otfeml, which arv gooj lor noihlutf. Uu Mire to olitulu the true jBUOWN'H HUONCIUAL TUOCillH HO 11) KVtHYWULHE. iiov, 1'VrO-Cm. PUBLIC SALE V A h V A D U K It K A L 12 S T A I K. I n purauunco of an order of tho Orphrtiu'Coiirt nf Columbia county, 14., will be fcxpoiodto public halo ou thu premise ln Montour township In Haldcouuty. on Khiday ttie IStli dayot March next by howU Yotter, tuanUuu of tho per-iou uml eatate of Julia A. Clurlta mluor duuliter of DavM W. ClarJt, lato of bald township uud county uforetiatd. docea-ed, the undivided onv third of thoto two certalu tracts of laud situate la thu township of Montour, Columbia county, to wll: Out) thereof adjoining land of Kinanuei JjHZuru, Andrew Clark, Mary Clark aud the Hiutiuuhunua river, coulutnlui lUii ACH1W AND 107 PKHCHES. 7ti Acres whereof Iv cleared Uud and In a o i Htate of cultivation balance in tluiber, wlKroon 14 1'lccludu laro KUAMI3 DWELLING IIOUHE, liunl; Itaru, uud other good out bulldiu with n, Kood Apple Orchard, and itood watur at thu UHelUu. The thertiuct udjol uiiiu lauds late of William O. Hurley dee'd, Mnry Chirk, the tiact ubove dekcribeil uud land nf Andrew flat k, containing Oh AOJtES AND 110 PKRCIIEH. Tins truct U unimproved uud N well timbered. hale to commence at tun o'clock A. M.. ot ild day. CondltloHM of kale will he mode known ou day of bale. M2W1H VlTKlt. Uuurdluu. We, the underHlKued owners of the other two undivided oniMhmUof mild real estate ubove de sirihed will Join tue guardian tn the above huIo mo that thu purchaser or purchaser will gtt u title lu lee Hiiuplu foi the whole ot uld laud. M.UUAHUUMAK, M)2.V7J.ll; JANriiljAltK, LL KINDS OK JOB PUINTING neatly ezocuted ftt TUK Ooluhbiah BU&t) (liitlngomo. 1 A gTATKMENT OF THE FINANCES or iiik COUNTY OK COLUMBIA. . . n.K?1')JPnnnty MW to January I, WTO. JACOU VOI1K, Jk., Treasurer of the County of iiiiuiiiuiii, in nccnuni Willi laid coumy ror County purpoe for the year A, li, 1S09. I Mil. Jams Tnummint outnlaiiilluK for 1WW tn,, previous yearn ItVCTIV ." iiinuuiii inTAiiuiiur a iupori Innuary IM9, 1'n.l. ll.llrnill uMliil fenm r irnn.n 1,00217 1100 183 2 00 8107 no Feb. 2 To Cutawlssn Col'r. 1S5S lOday tut . i " -.Tl"- in'MKie lur unlike pianK Ill TolI.ivldHavftie.olilhrlilM.E.ek, Mar. It To llemlnek rnl'r. nilillllniiul l,r Apr. 15 To UoorKO Evans, I'oorOvurieer, IS 20 5100 2S.01039 1(5 19200 1M00 80 00 30 00 .122 '.0 3540 1,977 03 6.10.1 tjoo 8500 41 ID 1000 157 00 16 To .1. It, Frill, oiinnla of estray. JlllyllToamount of County tax nsnes. neu ior l(",u, Auk 19 To James 1'arnsiyorlli, plank iu Jt-Bso oieman, jury lees lor lew ims, To JpR.ft ?nlnirilin. fine.. Bert 13 To George Evans, I-oor Overseer, Nov.O To Jas, McCormlelc on tils costs. Dec 10 To liavld Mavagc', old bridge, Bu- To note ol 1X00 discounted First National Hank, Uloomsburs', To seated and unseated taxes re turned, To redemption money In hand, Tnn-nount outstanding onHlate for I8IW, To nmount received for use of court room of sundry persons, To amount received on Mllltla fines, SI To Jesse Coleman, Jury fees, M ' lines. To cash paid Assessors. c.. man- aging dog fund, . 6000 To Ten day list, Fi'lilngcrccli, IfCi, added, 0 00 112,417 20 I'll lly amount outstanding for 1809 nnd pre vious years liy amount outstanding for 1869 011 State' tax lly nmount refunded to A, J. Colley for S,(S5 15 3109 33 00 lly amount Interest paid liloomsburg Hank on 13,000 By amount paid Htate over amount ns Hessed with amount outstanding By amount commission allowed collec tors By auiuulit exonerations do do lly amount County orders redeemed By amount Treasurer's commission on S.10,700 00 By amount bnlanco duo and paid over 4iM 63 OS 1,103 72 soon 30,932 VI 1,211 0.1 00) 17 ,., a oi.i iuiii,,jn,, ireaiurer, 01 LOllimuia Colin- ij-111 account Willi Tax on Hogs, ln). nit Jan. 0 To amount outstanding for lttts, ,o IS 11 07 Tonmoiuit assessed for 1NJ0 1,10100 11,231 OT fit. By amount outstanding for 1S09. ir. lly amount (sheep orders redeemed 1,100 12 By amount commission allowed collectors 11041 By timount exonerations ' " 12211 By nmount paid assessors. Ac. mannslng dog fund 50 00 iiyuiuouui ireasurer s commission 70 31 By amount balance duo and paid oer 170 IS STATEMENT sliowlug the amount of County and Hog Tax assessed 111 each district In the County f.iriti. and thobululicc unpaid 111 each muni. rm,iutT Ol, 100;. County County I Hog I Dog lil.strlcts. AseHsedl Due Ass'd. Hue Bloom 6,425 IE! 51,1 KS 1J53I 10160 Brlarcreek 1,212 41 9118,1 01 ixl 11 (x) Beaver 019 31 1K140 OiOO Benton 713 81 aw 7:1 :,S5o 105) Berwick 701 in 191 07 21 00 Centro l.OCTll Kt35l O.S50 Catawlssa I; Ml 05 2IHfi5 7150 US') Centralin 774 31 77s OS 8 00 KOO (JonyllKhain... 2,S7.1:!4 0.18114 40( 20 00 franklin 07.157 270 49 37 00 Flshlngcreel;. l,0K.'lts 11010 (i95o Greenwood ... 1,281 IU 221 37 81 .) Hemlock 1,01161 378 OS 59 50 29 45 Jackson 201 40 :3 60 Locust 1,11461 f.K10,1 12060 0 JO Maine lliatis 141 80 3851 Montour. 95400 228l IIS) 1S40 Mlflllu 1,124 41 1GS87 7.150 Madlmn l,OW32 19190 IM50 Mt. l'leasant, lillJ&S 610) Orange 780 82 3J9 75 60 00 I'lne .-H7 09 sou) lloarlnscretk 121:17 21)2 37 SO 50 10 50 HugnrlcMf 28157 8!) 51 4100 8O1) Htt 1,812 21 373 22 40 00 28.01039 7,517 09 1,111100 2119 45 . uu 1. , nun iiib is ine iiinouui uuo prior 10 I80J, Counts' 1 Dog Districts. Names of Collectors, tax. Tax. ('entralla Bor. 1MV). W, H. Itclnbold 580 jiuuison, isoti. .iiieou lleclllel 0178 Bloom, 1808. J. H. Furman 261 ol Conynghum, isos. V. T. M'Kler- nan, der'd. 219 04 39 00 Total Adilnmnuutdue from 109 Amount due on County Add amount duo on Slate for 1809, 8,085 15 5109 Total d-ie Expenses for the year 1809, Bald Auditors for county set tlement. JS.120 21 $313 81 S7I00 25 00 " Auditors for Protb' and Iteglster accounts. -" Assessors for Spring us- 1900 513 71 sesiiiMiii, BltlDOi: CONTItACTH " W. A. Kile. Cole's creek. Sugsrlon! Balance, " Daniel Mellenry, Raven creek, FlRhlnccrk, Bal. ' Ell Mendenhull, West ck. Benton, D.ivid kiavage near E. Cole-H.Sugarloaf, " John Legott, building Jt repair, Blue, " Brldgu repair to sundry persons, - Blsk Books for county olllces. " County Biilldlngs.repalr. Ac. to rtothonotary and ltegistcr'saud l.-ommls-sloners' olllce, Court Houso fence, Jail, fence and buildings, " cleaning Court House, " I'ommlssioiier'H att'y, E. 11. Ltltle, " Court crier. M. Con'man, " t'onimouweulUi costs, " Couslable Itelurns to Court, " Commissioner Mont.Cole " . '- ii. Yeager " " Wm.o. (Jiiiclc ' " C. Bobbins. " ('ommlssloiieis' clerk W. Krlckbaum, " Court House extension, Balance, District Attorney E. It. Ikeler, " Elect Ion ex penses.uprlng - I'lill, ' Fox and wild cit so Ups, 2iio on 10J7I 38000 885 6) 11000 1,081 11 1.170 0.1 193.00 85211 3100 7500 102 60 1,317 00 23 33 3.1200 270 01 212 00 3200 05000 1,552 00 1S3 31 OS 00 1,10 70 79( 02 II 110 75 I 8 3 718 10 llujuVsts on dead bodies, INCIDENTAL EXBKNSI1. 1'uui J J. lloDDins ,1: 1-0., for rocis-i mailing C. llonm, Koons it Clark, boarding 02 50 Police Mhlle til tall. K'ooiirt ,fc Clark, hoarding .lury, Doiiohoi! trial. IIWOU Kooim ft Clark, boarding Jury liuiry trial. 10000 ' M. C. Woodward, guaid- Iiik prlHoners, 2li00 m. ii, tinier Aison. two chandeliers for C. Itoom, " i:. II. Utile, fepH in suit of Ccutralla rollce. 172 :u ' i eiie. Attorney forfentralla rolleebill, 2,i2iH " M. Millard, Hherltr. ou Kl. Fa. ior accrued back Htato debt from l&M to 1MW with lots, und cost. COM .ft Sundry pen-on, 177 02 fl,aridOft " Insurance, l coming Co. fA 5U JurorH, s iai 41 " Jury cotumlMsloucrit, 7U37 ' Medic 1 1 attendance on prlKoucm. l.i 01 Pout moitem cxamlua'n, woo reniienuarv uun i.una tlo Hospital, i-i2i i-nuiououiry, t,o; email, ui JTlutJntf, W. II, Jueoby, I t.i Unci, Mo " rrlntiiiB C. U. Ilrockwny, 3U70 ' M J. H, KaudtTH, ou account. ,1D00 :tl7 7ti " Postage und 8lamp.t, rt t0 " Itoud uud bridge iewn, 21 0) Hoad dauiose to sundry pernotiK, 2,ft10i) Kegutry KxpouseH JWJS " ltcKMer, Tieusnrei' Huuds, Ac,, UOj " Sheritt boarding prUou- eru, Ac, and conveying convict- lu H, eeiilten tlary uud II. of Itenige, 1(01 01 " Htatlonery for Court, il W isheep damage, LlttftJl " TIpKtuves. M Tax refunded to twns. 11207 " Teachers county Insti tute, C, U, Jlurkiey, 69 Amount ororders Issued In 1SJ, $Ji,H2iS5 Deduct iheep orders lshiied, J1.16U1 And tax refundod, 11207 1,007 04 Kxpenses for tho year 18i9. f2S,5lltJ7 HTATKMKNf OK DOG TAX. Amount sheep orders unre deemed for Ustff, 51 7A ' bheep orderrt nnro- deemed for lsW, 302 Od M Hbtep orders unre- dceiubd fot 1J., 1.079)3 81(2) 21 Induct umount dog fund on nn huml, " amount uncollected, corn's uud ex. include J Excess of da mage over said fund 17(1.8 313 81 430 03 STATEMENT OK COUNT ORDERS, fotal amount orders redeemed lu IS09, ),932(7 Leilucl umount old order re deemed lu ImIO, 2,177 23 Given amount, redeemed of 1800 t-W,74 Add Jnu't of hOO not redeemed, -U t. Gives nmount Usued In S,06 71 Amount due for lsiI7. H. viewy, istw, Total. iiVJftt We, tho undersftfued, Auditors or Columbia county, being duly elecjed to udfnst aud settle tho accounts of the Treuhiiier and Commissioners of Columbia county, do hereby certify that we iiiwv uy inu ujiicu oi inu ireusu'er aim i.oiiiini Nloners. in lllonm&hitrir. nnd curpfullv examined the accounts und vouchers of the same from the Istduy of January A. 1. Jstitl to the 1st day of Juuuary A. 1, IS70, uud Uud them correct in the lurt'Kuiog Biuiemeiii, ami wo niiu unuiaucuuue Culumbla county on County Tux tdx hundred and; three dollars und forly-betu couts,(ioo.l,l7), und DogTux one hundred und seveuty-six dol- lars canteen cents, (f 170.10). from Jacob one, jr., Treasurer of said rutin t v. (liven under our hiinds inu lourtu uay or January a. i. JACOR JfARRIH, nmnt A.J. Ar.HKHTKON. L PMW U, J.CAMPUELL Auditors. J JAOOII YOHB Jr., TmtAnunitn of Coliimhla yiainir, in account Willi tho Oiininonwejlth of l'ensylviiulajor the year I)It. To nmoiiut of Htate quota for 1611 an fix- en ny iioarn oi nevenue Com', Tii ninoiitit nuotuj-jinlll lax as fixed liy Itoanl of licvenmii)ininllonem. ll,ts1ID2 28881) 12,123 Jl 721 W . CIl,' I y Hlato Treasurer's Receipt Aug. 8,1900. y " ',' . " " 1, 1809. l!l "ill " nllowo'1 col'cctorn on ,1.'?;",.mlk",0" allowed Treasurer on . 11,711 17 nl 1 pereent. lly tstate Tnasurer'a Uecslpt Aug. 0, 1,001 n 111 76 :n 13 27123 1142 271 Ilycjimiufsslons allowed collectors, on lly commissions allowed Treasurer on chip ui i perieni., 12,123 II The same In account lth Tax on Dank stock lor mu i rm loun in uiuinnia couniy, int. To amount of said tax assessed and col- iecieu m iwii, 373 pn nn. By StateTreasurer's Iteceipt.Aug. 20,1809 30000 By " . Sept. 1818S0 5209 ny commissions allowed collectors at S By commissions allowed Treasurer on " ffiq .i 111 1 per cent., , 3 fl) 1075 00 The name In account with Eating Homo License Jin. To amount of said License lor 1809 300 00 By State Treasurer's ltccelpt, July 20. 809. ' 313 By State Trensurer's commission on 1100 111 , per eein., k The, same In account with Tavern nnd Liquor To amount of said License for 1809 1,025 00 159 DO 003 01 21123 60 00 on. By Stale Treasurer's Uccelpt,March8,l8G9 By " " " July 211, 1u', B.V " ' AUK. 20, 1809. By Treasuier s commissions on 81000, ut 6 per cent., By Tieasurer's commission on S2K0nt 1 per cent., 25 1,025 00 Tho same- in account with retailor's License for me- cur isoif. nn. To amount of said License for 1869, 1,172 00 ' rn. By State Treasuicr's receipt July 14,18011, By " Aug. 20. ISO,). 328 37 21127 0,1, imrj, 439 00 102 85 17718 Sept. 18,1869, censo In lsos. By am't overpaid on said Llcenso In lsos. liy ireasurer u commlsslc isslon on S1000 at 5 per cent., By Treasurer's commission on 1103 at 1 iter cent. 50 00 105 1060 7 00 By Printers publishing Mercantile list (3) By John Hlgllnger's License, exoner ated not collectable. By state Treasurer's recolpt, 5118 11,472 00 We. the uudcrshmed. auditors f rtitiimii comity lu the Htate of Pennsylvania, do hereby in nij urn iiiMut,ui me vuiiiiiiissioiiers and Treasurer's olllce In Bloomsbun- on iho iluv of January, A. D. lS70,-and did settle nnd aJInst tho several accounts required of us by law.agreu nbly to the several acts of assembly and supple ments thereto according to the best of our judg ment nnd ability. In testimony whereof we have iieri'unio sei our nanus mis sin uny 01 January A. D. 1S7H. ' JACOB 11 AltKIH 1 ,,,.. A. J. ALIIEIITKON V J'V U. J. CAMPBELL f Auditors JACOB YOHE.Jn., Treasurer of tho County of Columbia, 011 Militia Fines lor 1861 and 1S05. niK'. nil. Jim. 0 To amount outstanding 5108 (0 Clt. By amount outstanding Irom collcctois 812 00 By amount commission allowed collectors 2 82 By amount exonerations " " 10 50 By nmount Imlanceduc and to couniy 41 18 8108 00 we, thu undersigned, Auditors of Columbia County.havo examined Iho loregolng account of .Mllltla Fines, and llud tliem correct. We And In tho hands of the Treasurer forty-four dollars and eighteen cents which is transferred and charged to County tax for 180. In witness where- 01 we nave Hereunto set our nanus tins rourlbday JACOB HAnnis, ),,.,,,,, A.. I. ALUEIirsON, V "Jly U.J.CAMPBELL, j Auditors, :, Feb. 11, 1870. Bloouisbiirg, fjMIE BEST IN THE WOULD. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SLOW Cash. Fonl870. J1.500CASH, A 1 ALU ABLE ritEMIUM FOR ALL. This splendid Illustrated weekly Journal of iuiriiit.i si-it-iiue, luvuiiiuitcH, iitveniiou.enKiueer lmr. chemtstrv. architecture, nfrricnitn nmi thn kindred urn., enters Its twenty. tilth year on the iihui juuuuiy iiii, iiuviiiKHcircuiaiioniar ei' ceedlng that oi any similar Journal uow publiftii ed. Tho Editorial Department of tho Eclentlflo American is very ably conducted, und nome of the most popular writers ln this Countrv uud ;u rope uru contributors. Every number has li Imperial pages, tinhelllshed with fine EiiKrav itms ot Machinery, New Invent lous.Tools for the WorUhluip, 1'ann and Household, Engineering Works, Dwelling HouHeo. Public ljulldlugs. A Journal ot h much Intrinsic value, at the . .. w j in iiae, in iniH iiirivuiK country, juuiou iieaoers, Wlioever rends ihu Scientitln AniMricnti t n. toitained and inntructed, without being bother ru ti mi imiu tiiu.i ui iir urutili, TO INVENTOUH AND MECHANICH. thWJouinnl Ii of special value, ns It contains weekly report of nil Tat nts Issued ut WftHhlhi. ton. with cimloiiH notices of Iho lendlm? Ahu-m can nnd Euiopeau Inventions. The l'ubllshers oi mo ricicnuuc Atnerican nre me most Kxten slve r.itrnt HoliettoriHln the world, nnd have un eU.illed facilities for gathering n complete kuowledgo ot the progress of Invention nnd Ills overy throiiRliout the world: and with uvlew to mailt thoquarter of ncentnry, during which this Journal has lield the tliHt nlaco ln Helen title and Mechnnlcnl Liternture, thel'iibllshcrH will lisue u .i amiury nrhiiuo htko anutipienum Kteel tin rav Ing by John Kutalu of Philadelphia, en ti le j: the plate costing nearly Si.OOO to engrave, nnd (kUiiittiiin iii'. iiikcut'Diieinii iiiusilitjlia IU ericau Invcutois. It Is a superb work of art. tilnglo pictures, printed on heavy naner. will be sold at 910, hut uny one subscribing for the Scientific American tho paper will be scut for one yenr, logemer wuii a copy oi uio engraving, on iccelpt ot ff 10. The plctuiu isulho olleied ns u pieniium lorciuos ui su use niters. CAHII PRIZES.-fia In addition to tho ubove premium, the I'nh, Ushers will pay 81,000 in Cash Prizes tor lists of suuscriuers sent in uy reuruary in, isiv, I'erions who want to complete for ttieiso prizes, htiould send nt once for prospectus nnd blanks for names Tetms of iSclcntltlc Amvrlcau, one year S.1.00; six months ShOO; four mouths, 81,00, To Clubs 10 uud upwards, terms $i.&0per annum. Kpecl meu copies bent iiee, address the Publishers. MUNN k CO., 87 Park Uow New York. How to get Patents. a pamphlet of Paten Laws and instruction to Inventors hem free. dec. 21,'CD-tf. G EUMANTOWN TELEGHAPH. A FAMILY AND AN AOU1CULTURAL JOURNAL, Devoted to CHOICE LITERATURE, Including Poetry, Novelette., Taleis, nnd Moral und Enter mining Heading, generally; In the Literary De pnitmeut we bhnll prtseut tho choicefct varieties within the rtnch of our extended means, nnd eiual to uny thing to be fouudluany Journal or mUiVUUICULTLTRE AND HORTICULTURE, einbrnelng Knrmltur. Oardenlntri Frult-Rulslng, etc. Our faboro lu this department tor over thlr ty 3 ears, have met the cordial approbation of in Jill nuu rfimute imuriuui mu upuu uicio ri j nn- portint bra iches of fndiiblry uud tn protect all so far an within out power unulnbt the tulhe doc trines nnd beltlsh purposes of tho many empirics nnd bein.atl'Mi adventurers by which the farmer Is lucesMiutly ubsalled. This portion of the (iermantwn TeUgwph Uulnne wonh the price of Mibfccrtpilnn. NEWB DEPARTMENT. 1 he same Industry, cure, nnd disirlmluntluu Ingathering und pre puiiuic the btirriug eentsof the day, eipressly lor this paper, whith hitherto has been one of its marked leatures nnd given bticli universal batUfaitlon, u 111 betnutluued with redoubled elforts to meet the increasing demands of the public TiiKBtH. Two dollms and fllty cents per an num. No orders received without the cash, uud ull Mibhcrlpttons Mopped nt the end of the time paid for. Hpeclmcu numbers sent. Address Lilt' i. i' ti..-a. Editor and Proprietor, itoivn, Philadelphia, Pa, Jun2s'70-2t, (li-rmmi PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Ou and altrr Mu.ndav, Nov, 15th lt6, the Trains nn tho Philadelphia dc Erie Rati Itoud will run as lollows: WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leave. Philadelphia 9.H3 p.Ki, " " " Northumberland.), M arr, at Erie. H.Wp.ui, ERIE EXPRESS leaver, " ' " Norl'd...'. 11 11 urr. ut Kr!t li).(l 1CLMIRA MAIL leuve. Philadelphia 7.V)n.iL. North'd " " arr, atLuckllaren.... E.VHTWARD. MAIL TRAIN Uuws Erlo ' " Nurlh'd " " arr. at Philadelphia ERIE EXPP.IXSleuve. Krle... " " " Nort'il..... " ' arr.atPhlladelpliia.. ELMIRA MAIL Iti'vt. Lock Hummi. " " " oiln'd........ ' 14 IMilladeiDhla... ...1.111 p.iu ,..7.'A) p.lll .... H.lOa.m ....11.10 u.m .ti.vo a. in p.iu ..ri.4jp.iu, K.00 a. m, ...11.30 a. in. D.W) p. Ill, BUFFALO I.Xl'RlSliavi Win.poitl2.i5aiii. ' " " Nnrth'd 2.U) a, ui, " ' air, at Philadelphia 9.23 u. in ExpieKn runt eiiuneets at Coiy, Mall Ka.t ut Cory und rvluuiim. ue.t at Irviiietnti Willi 1 1 u In Inn Oil Creek niiu Allegheny River 1V1.II (iiiuii, A. L. TYLER, General Superluteudeut. Wllllaiusisirt. POWDER KEGS AND LUMBER. W. M. MONP.OKACO. Rupert, Pa., Manulaeuirer.or POWDER KKGH, vud dealei. lu all klud.ol LUMBER, Ulvo notice "thai they are prepared Io accomodate their custom with dlapatch, and oa the cbtapea erne. QOLUMUIA COUNTY IjO-OI'KHATI V K UELIKF ASSOCIATION, or EHBY, I'Ai UlLUEllT H. I'owlfji President. ..Vice President. Treasurer. iianiki, Hsrnr-n 1IARL1-.S S. FOWLRR M. C. SICCOLLUM Secretary, .iMUF.L KNoun, .Attorney. MEDICAL EXAUlXllllSi V. 11. llliAtil.l-Y, M, D. W. A. CASK, M, D. 110 Ann or I'inr.civnai Wm. 11. Woodim, Abram Sxvngit, H. 11. KLINE, T. W. EDOAn, II, 0. Clir.VEMSCJ. aF.XrniAI. AO F.ST I M, C. McCoi.LCK Eipy, Pa. COXsriTUTIO.X, AI1TICI.B I. NAIIK. The name, stvle. and iiiIa nr tba A..niniiH shall be the Columbia County Co-operative Be lief Association, ARTICLE II. OBJECT. The object or the Association shall be, Iho ro- lief Of Ffilliem. Mitthpra Wl.lm... n...i ... deceased members. -"-...10. ARTICLE III. HEVUEllSHir. tier. I. The renutella nn1lnA,l. r- ... bershlp are, that the applicant shull be In good health, hale, nnd sound. . Src.2. .All Replications for membcrshlD shnll iSiuSS rSi?' V,,tor ln Person, the applicant 1 . 0 . . ""'"y. ."nc, uvcuimiion, resi. deuce, and paying his Initiation fee; Thu appli. cant must further produce n medical certlncate. certifying that ho Is a fit person to become a ARTICLE IV. MANAnESIENT. The husiness.or tli A.finolil,11 Dl,nii 1.,. ducted bv live TrilHleev wlm klmll l, a,,.,., .11.. elected at the regular slated meeting of the As- .VW....U1. ... j iuuiii 111 eucn yeur. ARTICLE V. orFICERS. At tho first meetlnir nr Mm TnuiM. in An.i. year, they shall elect n Preslilnnt . view i,..i,i.,,i Secretary and Treasurer to servo the ensuing ARTICLE VI. rUKD. Ill order to Rrpnrn ftlnlill lit. In .1... ft .UA.... Iherc stiall bo raised A nerinntient fun, I ilm in terest of whlcli shall be applied, 1st to tho cur rent c.Vpensesi 2d to the mollicis, widows, or heirs of deceased members. Tin, miIbIhi, nr n... said fund to be provided forin the By-Laws. ARTICLE VI I. All motions tn limpnil Ilia IVMiulllntlnit .1..-I1 bo mnuo lu writing, and by tho consent of thieo- .iiiiii, ui mu nusiees. 11 me nmenumeut laap proyed nt ft subsequent meeting by fuur-illths of iho Trusties, nppllcatlou sliuli be mado to tho Court to havo sulil nmeudmeut nlloMed. J! r-LA lf,V Ut. Themonertv nnd hu!iinvH iw tiu Aknci. ntlou shall bo controlled by live Trustees, who ahull he elected by ballot nt the nnnual meeting of tho Association to beheld on the lfrst Momlny of October, in each your. 2d. For the lUiriinxis nf kiiMi riWIIm tltn Trim. tees for Iho time being, shall determino tho place nu iiuui i iui wivuiijb uuu closing ino pons, nnu advertise the same for ten days prior thereto, nnd tho Secretary shall also notify each Trustee IU tftllllltt til OWV.ll .Itl'UUU, 3d. Thn Trust PPM nhnll lmtd wtaf fit inrnllniTu nt the nfllceoflhe Ahsoclnllnn. In llin Town of 1-vrn.. on the third Monday of January, April, July, and uciuuiT. npccui niceiings may uocaueu ny tne President at his discretion or b miiv lhrfn nf thn Trusteeii. -1th. Thiee Trustees Rhnll cnnstllutn n nnnrnm to trnusnct business. orricr-ns. ."th. Tho ofUcers, of this Asseclatlou, bhull ho a President, a Vice President, Secrctnry and a ifcitsurer, aim huca oiner omcers, cierics una nireniH. as mav oe necessary, iiio l'mstrtpnt Ice President, Kecretary nnd Treasurer shnll be eietieu uy inu iiusieesuua noiu oinco ior ono year. duties of orriCKii4. 0th. The President. Khali nrpsMn ni nil tnof. ines of the Ronrd of Trustees, and shall lmv me cuiei management nnu control or the busi ness of the AsHuclullon. All contracts on bitlulf oi me Association snail be mndn by him or un der his nuttiorliv. II ( kIihII upp, thnt nrnnor rt-n, ords of the bulnesfj nnd trnuMictlous of the Association are kept, lie sua it appoint all em pioyees uuu muy remove mem ni pleasure. lie shall see that n donnslt nf nit rnotiAva itlinll he made fron time to time In such Rank or Ranks, as tho Trustees may direct. He shall an nually DreiMiro und nub mil to the AnKOfiuiinn nt their annual meeting lu October, nn nccountof the business of the Association for thepiccedlng year, and a statement of the assets and llablli- ues oi i no Association, iu vacancies in tue uoaru ot j uistees shuu be lined by nppolntment The Vice President shnll in the absence or dis ability ot the PrKldeut act lu hisplace. faKCKRTAHV. 7th. i ho Secretary shnll keep the nccounts of me .AN-ocnuioii, nnu a recoru ot nn persons em ployed. He shut) keep the mlnutesof the Hoard of Tiustees; notify the Trustees of all Meetings, cornmunlcato to ofllcers. Agents, Committees, Ac. ull roolves nnd ordtis aikctin thein ln tho discharge ol their duties, und perform such other duties und services ns maybe rerpilred; under the direction of the President. THE TKKASL'UF.R. Hth. The Tioamrer shall iccelveull moneys of the Association and deposit the same In such Rank or Ranks, designated by the Romdof Trus tees. After paying the current expenses the bal ance shall he securely Invented as tho Hoard of Trustees may dlieet. He stiall make nil Invest ments pursuant to Instructions of tho Roard of Trustees. It shall further bo the duty of the Treasurer to taku charge oi ull propeitics or the Association, uud to collect nil dividends Interest, lentals, Ac, that may nccruo from such investment, aud place the same to the credit of the Association, lie shall ulsogUe such Hands as the liustees nitty Horn time to time lequlrc, Oth. All powers and duties, not heieln dele gated to particular otllceis, shall be exeicUcd und discharged by the President during Hie re cess ol the hoard of Trustees. 10th. All persons between the nges of tweu tv and lift v ears. Inclusive. mav be admitted by making pioper nppllcatlou nccoullnglo ,hc juuovv ing mini ; Columbia County Voopcnttie little Asm lotion The undersigned desires to become a member of theabme Association nnd suUcribcs to the following it gulntlous: 1st. To pay live dolluis into the Treasury ut the time of making this application, und one dollar on or before the 1st day of January of each year thereafter and tle dollars nnd ten cents within thirty days after the death of a member, due notice havlugbeeu given by tho Secretary, so long us tho Association numbers one thousand or less; after teaching one thous' and, the payments ut Iho death of n member shall be proportionately less so that no policy holder shall ru-eho mote tbun lUo thousand dollars. To keep '.ha (Secretary Informed of his or her place of residence, und in case of absence from or change in his or her residence to appoint some one to net as Ills or her agent to pay dues, Fulling to obseivu any of thu above rules I hereby ugree to forfeit nil claims against and nit moneys previously paid to this Association. Inclosed please tlud five dollars ns my Mem bershlp Ft t. .sP'K'ir To wii, County, State, Age, Occupation, In fivorof Whom, u ngular Physician do hereby certify that Is lu good heullh, with nn disease likely tn proi o fatal, nnd Is a fit applicant for membership. In the Columbia County Co-opcrathc Relief Association. Signed, M. D. lith, Each member shall be furnished wllh a certificate of Membeishlpand an annual receipt upon payment nl his yearly dues io the Associa tion, together Willi a receipt Ior the amount as esrd upon the death of each member when said amount Is paid, 12tli. Any member falling to ay the live dol. lais and ten cents within thirty days after notice rorielts all prior payments aul ceases in be n iiiciub. r nf Iho Association. I3lh. In ruse a number dies leaving no heirs or other peison entitled Io the Let ell is nf the Association, the money shall become the prop, erty nf ihe Association except au amount sulllc lem ior funeral exienses. 11th, All questions shall lie decided by u ma jority nfihe TiusticH present tit uny meellsg, und tliejeus nnd nay shall be rieorded upon the driuund of uuy two nf tho Trustees. In rase of a lie vole the presiding nillrer shall have the casting vole, 13th. These By-Ijiws may be ulleml or amend, rd at any meeting of ihe.Assoclat'on, three fourths of tho members present concurring, pro vided thut duo notice, be gncuofsuch desired change ut least lor six wciks previous to the meeting uf the Association, lOtb, The Board of Tiustees aud ollleers shall receive such loiiijiciisatlou lor tin Ir services us tno tioaru nay ueieriuuie, 17lh. The fto for medio il examination will be one dopardlj lobe paid by the applicant to the Medical Examiner ul the time Ihe certificate Is given, LOCAL AaKXTS; I, M. riinmiKiius.. II. P. l ulITNLU,. ., R. II. Eaton (1. M. IIowul,, IUCllllUHlll.kjl.. FllKU, LAV11ACH Jan. Jl,70-!m Bloom. . . Cutawlssu. , Li rwlclt, Vuu Camp. , .....Beutou, l ull mount springs, COLUMBIA IRON WOBKS, N. W. SAJII'IiK. 0. W. NEAL. L. J. TAYLOH. iff. w. sample; co., Oornoi- of Main Stroot and Lf & 33. Rail Road, BLOOMSBURG, DP-A.. MACHINISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS; BLACKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKERS. MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, HBAURAIi MACHINE WORK AM) UEPAIU9. 1I1LL UEAIUNO, BIIAFTINO, PULLEYS, 1IANOE11R, HEAD BLOCKS, saw jultljTj oE-A-niasra- of all jBH3srrs. CASTINflS Willi IflttlVAi'M " - - y - i viiU AND AWO CAB WltHELS AND AXLES BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS, CAIl UOXKS, COMPOSITION CASTINGS, AND BAIiBIT METAL UEI.FIELD'S CELEUHATED QLOllE VALVES, STOP COCKS, CHECK VALVES, Allt COCKS, OIL CUI'S, ' STEAM WHISTLES, STEAIYI OTTAaES, STBAIVI SirB AND riSTINaS OONBTANTLT AGENTS FOR SKIVE'S GOVERNOR, ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE SIMPLEST AND BEST IN THE WORLD. MILLWRIGHTS AND MACHINISTS SUPPLIES EITHER ON nAND OR FURNISHED AT SHOUT NOTICE, VIZ; OUM AND LEATHER BELTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, HEMP AUD SOAP STONE PACKING, OILS, RED AND WHITE LEAD, AC LESSEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF HALL'S PATENT DOUULE DISCHARGE TURBINE WHEELS. LIBERAL .NDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO THE TRADE. A SO APi'lltS fur llin " KI7UK.K A Hmnl , , , " , ' t . lyj-'.uaiuiv" urnn iitibicr. bciui ior circular. Bpcclmcn Mnchlnca can bo been IU IIIU WUIllM. BLACKSMITHI1TG, HEAVY OR LIGHT FORCINGS, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, ,,r.pllv atlnn AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED WE HAVE NOW IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY AND ARE T'REPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDSOr PATTERNS AT SHORT NOTICE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF THE I.ATHST IMPTlnvltn PATTP.TtNB. THRESHING MACHINES, A SPECIALITY. Buckeye Reapers Repaired AND ALL EXTRA PARTS FURNISHED. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF l-IORTON'S PATENT HAY RAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. -N. B. Having put in machinery especially adapted to tho manufacture of Moulding Cuttcrs.woaro prepared toexecuto largo or small orders, atshort no tice, anil on very favorable terms. Send for Circular and prico list. May..9.u N. W. SAMPLE it CO. p U B L I 0 SALE -o r- V A I. U A II L E REAL E S TA T E In pursuance nf an order of tho Orphans Court or Columbia county Pa on SATURDAY, March 19. hTO, ut ten o'clock In the foronoon, Jacob 11. Frltz.adiulnWtrutoror Henry ll. Fritz, lain oi ruuunoui lownnnip, in huiu couniy, tie reused, will expose to sale, by public vendue, ou the. preinines, a certain messuage and TRACT OF Ii A N D, situate ln Sngarlo.f township aforesaid, bound ed by lauds of Je Fritz, Joilnh R. Fritz, Sam uel Fritz, und William Hess, containing Thirty. mi, .vi.iv-., iiiuio i,i , in,, i7iii j -ii, c iii-rea oi irhlch is cleared land; tin applourcliatd on Hie premises; late tho estate of said deceat,ed, situ ate ill the township und count vu foresaid WELLINUION II, ENT, Clerk. -CoNmrioss ok Sale: Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase mony to be paid by the purchaser nl tile Ktrilclni; down of the prop, erty; onc-fourlli leys the ten percent, to be paid at the couilrmatlou ot the sale; the balance to be paid ln one year from the confirmation of vale, with Interest from the conllrmatloii nisi Purchaser to pay for Deed nud Stamps. JACOB 11. FRITZ, Sugarloaf, Feb. 23, 1830-3t. Administrator. fNCORPORATION. Notieo is here- X by given lliut on the 8th day of February, ls70, sundry inhabitants of Columbia county, pieiicuted a petition to tho Court of Common Pleas or said county, praying the said Court to grant u Charter of Jucotporutlon, under the name, tylo and tlllo or "The Mutual Building uud Sal ing Fund Association or catawlisa," with the rights uud privileges therein slated, uud if no tiuillclcut citttvc is aliowii to the con trary ou tho llrst day of next term the prayer of the pelllloneis will be grunted, according to tho Act of Assembly in Mien cao iniulo nnd provid ed. BythoCouil. W.1I.EN1'. fcbir;o-4t. Piothuuotury. THE FOLSOM IMPROVED FAM ILY SEWING MACHINE. These ma climes lualieu strong, durable and e'usttc stitch; will sew Willi ease every variety ot cotton, wool, en, linen uud t-tllt goods, from tho fluent to the coarstsl, uuu oi uuy reiuireu imcuiicss ni great er sjieed and with lei s power uud noise thau uuy oilier machine. Agents wanted In every town. Liberal commission allowed. For terms and circular address. A. H. HAMILTON, No. 7u0 Chctnut St, fcblb'7-J-lt. Phllad'a, Pu Bole Agent. gHEIUFF'S SALE. v virtue nf sundry wrils of VendlUonl Ex ponas, issued out of Uiu court of Common PJens of Columbl'i Couniy, and Io ine dlieeleil, wlil he ..v,,i.ii to nubile s.110 or outcry, on Hie nremlses on satin day, March 1.', ls:o, nt one n'clock ln I ho nlleruoou, all that certain Tract nf Lund, situate in the lownslilnof Centre. In suld county. bound ed as follows to wit i by lauds of William lieu- UK tuns Adams, .uron iveicuner, ami outers, eoillllllllug ni.-vij n--nr, mini, n nr.. lllivivuil is erected a Store, thite Dwelllni; Houses, Saw Mill, inline urisi ,uiu, luacusuuiu s nuop, wng nnniulier's Shop, Shoemaker's Shop, Barns, Stu bles, ixe., Mitll iippurtenalices. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold a. Ihe pioperly of Aaron Fullmer. 1 ' Mnimsiwr Mrr.r.Aiin feblS'70. sheriir. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE OK MA11Y JOHS, DEO'D. l,eiiers ui auiiinn",. ,., Tnrv .Tniin lute of Maine townslilo. Columbia couuty. deceased, have beeu granted by the Reg. lster uf said county to Sarah Brown und B. 11. Miller Ot lil'ioill lO USUI!', V.UIUU1U1U tuuuij, All persons having claims against tho estate of tho decedent urercquetel to present them for settlement, and those Indebted to lueesinte to make payment to the undersigned administra tors without delay. hiiaii BROWN, S. H., Jan. 21,'iO-Ct, Administrators. LORILLARD'S "EUREKA" Braokiug Tobacco Is in excellent article of granulated Virginia; wherever Introduced it Is universally auuiireu. It is nut up in handsome muslin liaas.ln whlcli "rdtrs lor Meerschaum Pipes nre daily packed. I OHIt.LARD'S I classed by nil who con- vfi'll'P lil.lTIt sume It as the "finest of A1i,f,;Tnin; e,. all;" It Is mado of the Smoking chJlc,M it.I1( grnwn It is iiutl-ncivous lu lu eaeet, as the Nicotine has bien extiactcd; It Itavea no disagreeable taste alter smuklng;lt is ery inlld.llght in color and welght.hencooue ponnd will last as longusl or utdluaty tobacco, lu this brand we also puck orders e ery duy for llrst quality Meeischaum Pipes, 'irylt undeouMneo s ourselves It U nil 11 c.alms to be, "1 HE V INl-Kf OF ALL." LORILLARD'S il his' brand of Fine Cut (' H N T U It Y chewing tobucco has uo HiniciiiiJ'Miu I i1ul f superior any. Chewing inbacco. wlerft lt wabout iloubt Ihe best chewing tobacco In the country. LORILLMID'S I have now heeu In gen S N V F F S Ural use in Iho United Slates oier 110 years, nnd still aiknowledged "Ihe best" uhejeier used. If ) our storekeeper does not hnio these ai ti des for sale, ask him to gtt them ; they aro sold by respecluble Jobbers almost everywhere. Clrcuhtr of prices forwarded on application. P. LOltlLLAUI) & CO.. Jaii.sr7U.3ul New York, O T 1 0 E. All i ersons kuniTlnir thciusrlvc. In lie lndebt l to J, 11. 1 urselor J, 11. l'uistl A Co , will please cx.ll mid settle their ucoouuia by the first of April ui us iiu wisu iu navo me ikiuk seiiitxi um J. II. PUltSELACO, llloouitburg, Feb. I?,. it bTl'. ROLIJNG MILLS. AND OKNEBAL M1NINO CASTINQB. ON nml Knnrnlt -Vfn,.l,ln.. ur" sepamthiK pcclmcn M J ...... 11 1, ., ..,1.,,I1L1 1,1,11 610,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHER LEAD ! 1st. For lls Unrivaled Whiteness, 2,1. For Its Unequalled Durability, 3d. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Pi 'erlng Property. j.uuiy ior us r.couomy. es-lt COSTS LESS to paint wllh Bccic Liah thnnuuy other While Lead extant. Tho fame weight covers MORE SURFACE, is more DUK ABLE, and maues WHITER WORK. BUCK LEAD, Is the Cheapest nnd Best. $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS. 1st. For 11. Unequalled Durability, SJ. For Its Unrivaled Whiteness, .1 1. For its Unsurpassed Covering Property. Lastly, for its Ureut Economy, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, ami most DURABLE White Paint in tho world, H u v 0 x L Y BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Sitisf action Guaranteed by Iho Manufacture!, BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepaied expiessly for Painting COTTAGES. OUT BUILDINGS of nverv descrlp tlnii, FENCE'S, io. THIRTY-FIVE DIFFER ENT COLORS, Dniuble, cheap, Uniform, and Bcautllul shades. Sample cards suit by Mall If deslied. Dealers' Orders will b- pioinptly executed by sjlio manufacturers, FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. V. Cor. Tenth and Maiket Street., Jan28'7C-Iy. Philadelphia JOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR STRUGGLES AND TRIUMPHS OF P. T. B A R N U M. Wrlllen by Himself In One Large Octavo Volume Neariv 800 Pages Printed in Engllih and German 33 Elegant Full Page Engravlngc It embraces Fokty Ykaks llrcoLLCTioiia of his. Busy Life, as a Mt tenant, Manager, Bajker, Lecturer and Klinwmsn, nnd cives aecounu of his Imprisonment, his Failure, his Successful European Touri and Impoituut Historical and Personul Reminiscences, replete with Humor, Anecdotes uud rntertalnlug Narrative. No book published so acceptable to nil cla.set; Ev ery one wants It, Agents are selling from 50 Ui 100 n vrefk. Wo olhr extra terms. Our Illus trated Catalogue aud Terms to Agents sent fre.. J. B. BURR & CO .Publishers, feb'70-lm. Hartfoid.conn, Q.ET THE BEST. .Munion's Copper Tubular IJghlnmg Rod U the best protection okulnst disaster by lightning ever lxveuted. Ihe subscilber is ogent for th. ubovo Inveutlou, and all orders by mall or la person will be pioiuptly attended to. . Mayl5,'tw. ' E. B.B1DLEMAN. JQOMESTIO ECONOMY I I'AsiriLii.iua L..viii'r.ii A rew, cheap durable, healthy, and B FLOOR COVERING ! A substitute for oil-cloth at one-third the cost. This cornet Is produced by a necullarcombln Hon of strong, heavy paper, printed lu ornamen tal colors, and coated witha lough, elastic, water fiiooi euainei wuicu receives iu wuier, protect, he colors and uaner endures waslilOK. aud ren ders the carpet bright and beautiful In the ax isriue, it. uuvauiugev me ns imius. i lis cost renders It aiallable loallclasies; It Is exceedingly smooth and glossy, nnd it ui cumu lates next io no uust; ituues uut (ctuiru to 09 taken up and cleaned llko other carpet, aud thus saves much labor and trouble; By re-coatlng with the Cainpllllon Euameltorraslonally as tlw rase may require, (which costs but n trine,)ltwUl last IndeHmiely, eirn an age,and always appear new and bright : In its use no reliance whatever Is placed upuu Ine paper lor wear, but exclusive ly upon she waler-pinof coating, (ho ngurud pa- er being used only to tecute lite colors. Paptf las recently been used for a variety of purposis, even for trunks, toofs. Hour bass nud wearing ap parel, bul the Hist attempt, either .In Europe 1 America, to conveil 11 into carpet or tlo.r co7 lug. all concede it tobeun intliosueccssl We have purchased the right for Columbia county aud can lutulslitbe rorjcl tn luetehaau at manufacturers prlcts, j-Y.u are Invited tulrall ard examine ui. goods at our store. M li l.l.V Y, NliAL ii CO, Bloomsburg, Dec. il'u-tl. P OR SALE About nity.nvofiet IJ; In. shafting wltliplst. counllugs and bang ut. rompieie. now iu um St tooflgliiforourwoik. Also sixty feel nirw sbamng til In. aud lu. turned.; with plate coup lings aiTdudJi'slailoluuiiers. W'lllbosold chp Also one imos ... --'.bXmY'LI; t ,1; & CO. dee. it, ov-ir.