The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 04, 1870, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. utn -AND- BLOOMSBUllQ, PA. FKIDAV, JIAIICU 4, 1810. -TllK COf.UJlniAN has the Largest Irculatloti of any paper published In WorlUcrn PcmisylTiinlft, unit Is alio a much larger sheet than any of Itsootem- perarleii and le therefore the best medium for advertising In this section oflhe Stale! The Bale of Oadetships. Tlio recent investigations in tho llouso of Representatives at Washing ton havo produced sonic good results at last. The ilov. B. P. Whlttemoro a South Carolinian carpet bagger has been oxpollcd from tho Houso. Wo say expelled for that Is really tho caso Although the llouso was foolish onough to accept his resignation and only ad ministered a cuosuro, but this of course is virtual expulsion. It is reported that ho is making preparations to run for Congress again. Vo trust that ho may bo refused admlttauco if his negro constituents do olect him. Golladay of Kentucky and Dewecso of North Car olina havo also been convicted and havo sent In their resignations. Sever ttl others arc shaving in their shoes, and will doubtless resign to savo expulsion. Speaking of Whittemore's caso the Philadelphia Press says. "It Is to tho creditor tho .Republican party that It daro purgo itself of its unworthy mem bers. Tho Democracy never attempted anything dT the kind." Very true, for I ho Democratic party have never been burdened with "carpet baggers" a genus of political rascal solely and entirely the property of tho Republican party ,n lart of whose political creed it is, to put money Into their purse without any very troublesome scruples of con science as to the method. we look witii much interest to see whether tho House will follow up Its good work and expel Mr. Uutler of Tennessee who also sold an appoint zuent In the Military Academy, but who offers in defenso tho fact that the money was used to defeat Andrew John ton I We must confess our inability to detect anything meritorious in this ap plication of money dishonestly obtain ed. Another member, who richly do serves expelling confessed to having sold an appointmcnt,but states that the proceeds were used for educational pur poses in his state which is good 1 If report tpealts truly there are some mcnibeis from Pennsylvania whoso ac tions demand what one of them would coll "Inwestigatlon I" If all tho Representatives who have been concerned in any manner in this disgraceful traffic could bo expelled turn their scute and prevented from Over resuming . them, then could the country rejoice and bless the day that ingenious carpet baggers first hit upon this new plan of thievery. But wo nro not sanguine enough to belieo that such will bo tho case, for as toon as the investigations begin to render uny prominent members uncom fortable, then they, dreading tho result, will, under tho party lash, havo the matter dropped. No ouo will be injur ed save and except such weak and com paratively friendless members as can be made scape goats for the sins of the rest without materially affecting tho parly. The Bev. B. P. Whlttemoro did not do a wiso thing when ho employed Dr. B. F.Butler to defend him. That proceeding rendered it certain that there was "something rotten In Denmark." Female Suffrage in Wyoming. "Imramie City, March 1. Among tho Jurors drawn for tho March term of the Albany County, Wyoming, Court were eleven ladies, Borne of them tho wives ot tho most prominent citizens. The excitement caused by this proceed ing is immense." Ah, ha I These bo tho results of suff rage sufferings towitl Now indeed,can our fair friends appreciate tho fact that they of Wyoming havo fallen heir to such Ills as heretofore only masculine flesh was subject. How wo do pity those unhappy creatures of tho sterner sex, who may bo unlortunato enough to form part of a Jury on which aro half a dozen Impracticable but obstinato women. How funs the adage? "When a woman will, she will, you may depend on't, And when she won't, sho won't, and thero'a an end on't." gerlously speaking, however, this Jury servito will doubtless havo tho ef fect of restraining, in many localities, the ardent desires of tho feminine world for suffrage. As tho inconveniences and annoyances which accompany mas culine political privileges crop out, wo fancy the halo which surrounds the vot ing power will loso its roso-tint some what, and tlio benefits ofsuffrago dis appear before tho hard realities of Jury service, militia duty and similar un pleasant but necessary concomitants which environ a voter. Don't becomo tuffraganf. ladles, you can mnko men nilserablo enough ns you now nre.wltli out harrassing their souls in tho Jury box or trying their patience nnd their sense of politeness at tho polls. Tho lato Charles X. Mann. At a meeting of tho Bar of Columbia County held at tho Court Houso Bloomsburg, February, I7th JB70, on motion of Mr. Freeze, Hon. William El well was called to tho chair; and W, Wirt was chosen Secretary. On motion of Mr. Clark, who stated tho object of the meeting, tho chair appointed Mr, Clark, Mr. Little and Mr. Whitmoyer a Committee to draft resolutions expres elveof tho sense of tho meeting on tho death of Hon. Charles F. Mann, lately elected an Associate Judgo of tho Courts of said County. The Chairman offeied the following. BeioUed, That wedeeply syinpathlzo wun mo luraiiy auu menus oi juago Mann anu tenaer to mem ourconupier. ccb on the death of our esteemed fallow citizen. Resolved, That the County has lost an ewumauio gentleman wno, una no uvea, would have shown himself an able, JlesoUtd, Thut these resolutions bo nieci itmonir tho papers of this Court. and a cony of them furnished to the family of tho deceased. Tho publio debt statement shows a decrease of t0,600,000 since tho Feb ruary Btetement. Tho coin In IhoTrcas y ia $102,000,000, and tlio currency 110,000,000. t a Washington's Birth-Day. Tho Twenty-second of Pobruary last was tho 133th Anniversary of tho birth day of Washington. It has been a day very generally observed until within tho past fow years, thoso in which tho Pvcpublican party was sent, for our sins, to rulo tho land and destroy historic landmarks. Almost ovory prominent man in tho Ilcpubllcan ranks has, by a most peculiar and extraordinary clear ness of vision of that romnrkablo parly, been discovered to havo resembled tho Father of his Country. Lincoln was tho first model and thoy havo pepctuat cd tho resemblance In nil his followers of position. Wo havo no doubt that Ben Butler is very llko Washington; wo cannot hoo where, but then wonro not a Republican. If Washington had been tho virtual Instead of tho nominal parent of this favored land ho could not havo expect ed, possibly, his children to rcscmblo lil u more. All do not possess tho char acteristics of tho great first President, for ho would not lio (vldo! cherry treo et al) nor steal, uor swear, and nny Ito publlcan of good standing in his party issupposcd toboubloto do theso trifling but acceptablo deeds for his political co-laborers, but Washington had traits which all good Republicans possess. Poor George! wo aronlmost inclined to think thnt It would havo neon better for him to havo lied about that cherry treo and been thoroughly spanked and not havo turned out President nnd Father of his Country .Wo know that he suffers keenly when ho looks down from his high placo, whero Republican? nre unknown, nnd sees such a crowd of miserablo scitllawags nnd thieves and blackguards, yes, even down as low ns Republican Congressmen, claiming to posses his attributes. It must neces sarily hurt his feelings. If this plague cf tho Republicans Is to rest ou tho people for many years and no deliverer arise, wo expect to seo the 22d of Feb ruary utterly forgotten, and Brown's, Jones' and Robinson's nnta' occasion celebrated with due ceremony when it can be dono nt tho public expense. IVXonaghan vs. Conyngham Sown1 ship. This case, which excited considerable Interest in Centralla and Conyngham, has Just been decided by Judgo Elwell nnd wo publish his opinion nt length, not only for tho benefit of our readers in that section but for the information of tho legal profession, ns tho decision embodies a very important principle in law. Tho cases wcro brought to our Court by ccrlioraris, Messrs. Spinney nnd Darling acting as Attorneys for the township, and Mr. Welle for the plain tiff. Col. Freezo had charge of the cases on behalf of tho township, when they camo up for argument on the eerlioraris. Martin Moneghan. Nos. 75 to 133 vs. I Dec. T. lSGSexi Tho Township of Con- Jcept Nos 82, 02 yngham. J 91, 00, 07. Relaxation of costs, opinion of the Court by Elwell, P. J. The plaintiff having a demand of about fifteen hundred dollars against Conyngham township, for goods sold and delivered upon up wards of two hundred orders drawn by tho Overseers of tho Poor for tho sup port of paupers, instituted fifty-four suits beforoajustico of tlio peace at one lime, by summons rcturnablo on the samo day. On tho return day,ho claim ed in each suit, for "goods sold and de livered" and specified tho number of tho order on which they wcro deliver ed nnd tho person therein named as payco. Hoobtalned judgment In each of tho fifty-four cases for the amount therein claimed. Upon certioraris by tho defendant theso Judgments wero brought Into this court and aulrmcd as lo iie debt, tlio defendant having leave to eauso"lho costs to bo retaxed." (seo opinion filed in No. 75,Dec.T ,1808) The defendant by counsel has filed exceptions to all tho costs except In ono case, upon tho ground, that thoy wero unnecessary, vexatious and oppressive. It appears by tho cvldenco taken up on tho rulo to retax, that theso sovcral orders did not constitute several nnd separate contracts, but wero accepted under n arrangement between tho Overseers of tho Poor nnd tho plaintiff. When therefore, tho plaintiff deliver ed goods ou ono of them, ho did not thereby acquire n separate cause of ac tion against tho defendant. His de mand against the township was mere ly Increased by that much. It was one debt, nnd he could not split it up into sums of less than one hundred dollars,ln order to bring tho amounts within tho jurlfdlction of a Justlco of tho peace. If ho might do this, a tradesman can lake his day bcok and suo In a separato suit for each item got at ono lime; and a store-keeper might bring a separato suit for each charge through every page of his day-book. To permit thIs,wouId bo to dlsregnrd all tho objects for which tribunals are established and mnlco jus tlces nnd courts tho Instruments of mon strous Injustice and oppression. In Townnda Bank vs. Ballard 7 W. & S. -131, it was held, that tho Court has power to strike from a bill of costs, every chargo for what Is not necesiary, and especially, what appears to bo ffjr atlous and oppressive. In that case, tho plaintiff having 92 flvoelollar bills of the bank, brought as many suits before n justlco of tho peace In three batches, obtained Judgments, Issued executions troin the Justlco which wero returned nulla lona, took transcripts and filed them In tho Common Pleas nnd Issued executions thereon. Upon n rulo to strlko off tho costs, it was held, by tho Supremo Court, that nil tho costs, ex cept In ono case, should bo stricken off, bo far us regarded tho defendant, Tho doctrine of that caso is so exactly applicable hero that I am relieved from giving other reasons for my conclusions But I will add, that if tho collection of his debt was all theplalntlff desired, ho could have attained that object by a slnglo suit In tho Common Pleas, in which tlio costs would not havo oxcecd cd ten dollars. It is also worthy of note, that after recovery of his Judg ments against tho township, ho could not issue execution, until ho hud re moved them by transcripts into tho Common Pleas and thcreoblaln au or dcr of tho Court. And thus, at every step ho would make fifty four times as in uch cost as was actually necessary for tho collection of his debt. "Laws" Enid Huston, J. In tho caso before died, "uro mado for Iho purposo of dolngjusllcc, between parties, and Courts aro established for tho purpose of olTecting ttila Justice. But thero havo been and wo fear will bo, cases In which 'a party having undoubted right, en deavors to enforco such right In a way opprosslvoK to tho opposite party." Whenever such an attempt Is made It is tho duty of tho court to seo to it that tho unlawful purposo Is defeated nnd tlio oppressed party rellovod from tho burden unjustly Imposed. This caso Is unllko that of Boylo vs. Orant, 0 Harris 102, there tho demand was split up and notes given in order that suit might bo brought beforo a justice, whllo here, all tho facts, as they now appear before tho Court, aro op posed to any such vlow of tho contract. When theso Judgments wero otllrmed, as to tho debt, thero was nothing upon the record showing how tho dobt origi nated, uor that tho soveral items claim ed. In truth, formed but ono debt. As tho caso now appears I am of opinion that equity would havo tostralned tho plaintiff byinunctIou from prosecuting this multltudo of suits, aud thus havo provented vexatious litigation. Illlllard on Injunctions 213. Tho defendant might havo appealed to tho Common Pleas, where tho suits would huvo been consolidated, and nil costs strlckon off except in ono suit. Bank vs. Ballard. Tho only rollof which wo can now afford tho defendant is to strlko off aft the costs made by oral the, instance oj th plaintiff, in obtaining, sustaining or en forcing theso Judgments.exccpt ono. Wo havo no power lo compel the plaintiff to pnycosts mado by tho defendant. Under this ruling tho costs will bo ro taxed as follows: In No. 75 Dec. T. 1808 full costs allow cd. In each of tho other cases tho fees of tho constable nnd of the Justlco up to tho tlmo of rendering Judgmont the attorney fee of plaintiff's attorney, the fees of tho Prothonotary on motion aud issuing cxcutlon and tho fees of the Sheriff on serving same, aro stricken off so far as they can be charged to the defendant, HIX'Al'ITULATION. Struck off in each of 53 suits, Justice audConstablc $1.59 Plaintiff's Attorney's fee 3.00 Prothonotary on Execution 90 In tho aggregate stricken off, $290,97, besides tho Sheriff on executions. Before proceeding further, It will be to tho interest of tho partles,by consent to consolidate these Judgments nnd thus prevent to one or th; other further unnecessary costs. By thk Court. The 22d February at the Blooms burg State Normal School I Notwithstanding tho gloomy predic tions of some croaking weather proph ets a beautiful, but rather colel day,greet ed us, as wo looked out of our windows on this mermrablo day. We expected much not only from tho lecturer Thorn as K. Beecher, but also from tho ac knowledged talents of many of the pupils of tho Normal School, and wo were not mistaken. Tho afternoon exercises wero all ex ceedingly well performed. As wo en tered tho spacious, well built chnpel.we wcro struck with tho tasto and order in which the students were seated, like the people of old in a Roman amphi theatre, beginning with tho eldest scholars and tho top filled with tho primnrlans! A galaxy cf prettier.happl er faces could nowhere bo found. The wholo blessedness, which Washington's birth brought for tho country, and the Normal School for tho State, seemed lo bo reflected in their cheerful faces. Tho singing was excellent. Chorusses wero sung with great precision and power, Solo:), Duetts and Quartctts with intlnito taste. A very good Duo was played at tho piano by two very ablo lady per formers. Tho compositions of tho la dles wero well composed nnd admirably read and Ihe declamations of tho gen tlemen well memorized nnd well de livered. The oration on Washington was "forllter in ro," nnd "buavitcr in modo I" Sovcral gentlemen made short speeches, namely Rev. D. J. Waller, Messrs. Armstrong and Gundy, County Superintendents, Thomas Chalfant and R ov. T. K.Bcecher,complimentlng t ho School, tho orators and essayists, not only for their style but also for their matter. And now we had to witness a really touching Ecene. A committee consisting of two Indies nnd two gentlo men, presented Mr. Carver, with c magnificent gold watch and gold chain in behalf of scholars and teachers. Tho chairman of said committee addressed Mr. Carver ns follows: "Prop. Carver, Dear Sir: Upon nn occasion llko tho present when by tho birthday of our school we aro reminded ofourindebtedncsstoyou, we, teachers and scholars as a whole, could do no less than show our respect and gratitudo to you In a manner some what different from tho usual way. Hu man naluro is ever desirous of a chango and tho respect which wo over endeav or to show towards yourself, consisting of attention and obcdlenco to nil your injunctions for our welfare, did not ap pear to sauaio our ucsires to appear thankful for all your kindnesses or at least seemed too monotonous. There fore upon this day In which wecomem- orate tho birthday of him towhom as an I list r u incut in tho hands of The Divine Creator, wo aro indebted, to some extent, for civil nnd religious liberty together with Institutions of all klntls and while upon this samo day wo commcmorato the birthday of this Institution with which wo aro Intimately connected by hand and heart, wo felt It right that by a gift of somo description wo should show our esteem for him who bears tho samo relation to tho Stato Normal School of Bloomsburg as Washington does to America. In tho presentation of this gift wo hopo that you will re celvo It not as if Intended as an equiv alent for nil the many benefits which wo havo received nt your hands, nor Jn uny manner tending toward an equiva lent, but only as un object whlch.belng brought to your view, will remind you of our thankfulness to you; wo feeling utterly Incapable of over iu any respect benefitting you as you have benefitted us, nud wo also dcslroyou to know that whllo wo present this to you tu a gift. not as u rowurd,that it is our prayer that you may receive that roward which is not in tho lmndj of man to glvc,tho ro ward of eternal life." Prof. Carver, visibly touched, was so moved by this entirely unexpected surprise, that ho could scarcely answer, thanking only In broken tones. Itov. T. Beecher thought that somo llttlo emotions of Ihe samo kind would bo very beneficial to his system; but look ing on nil theso smiling happy faces ho felt himself more than ever convinc ed, that gratitudo is not only one of tho subllmfst but also one of tho most beautifying virtues, bringing us nearer to heaven and visibly Imprinting upon grateful hearts nnd faces our blessed Bavlour's word." "It Is moro blessed to glvo, than to receive." A splendid dinner awaited tho invit ed guests, trustees, Clergy ,and boarders after a very pleasant nnd soclablo chat iu tho roomy, tastefully furnished par lors and tho evening exercises wero the crowning point of ono of tho most glor ious days this youthful Normal School ever witnessed. Organ music, beautiful chorusses, de lightful solos and the sparkling, well conceived lecture of Itev. T. If. Beech er, which enchained tho most fixed at tention of tho well filled Hall for near ly two hours. Subject was Education nnd principally tho question, "How far tho Stato should Influence, direct nud control It?" Everybody, scholars, toachors and guests were pleased with tho whole day's performances and wo do not know whom wo shall compliment tho most, tho scholars for their talents, skill and order, tho teachers for tholr patlenco nnd success, or Bloomsburg which has tho honor to possess such n precious oil ucatlonaljowclt May it live a thousand years and Its shadow never grow less 1 ts3f Tho Free Vote in Illinois. In tho Convention to amend tho Con stltutlon of Illinois, on tho 10th Inst., Mr. Jlledlll, tho chairman of tho Com mlttco on Electoral nnd Representative Reform, mado an interesting and able report, accompanied by a proposed arti cle of amendment, applying tho princi ples of tho Free Vote to nil elections for tho legislature hereafter. By liU plan, which Is likely to bo the ono adopted, tho Senate of Illinois is to consist of 51, and the House of 153 members. Tho Senatorial term Is to bo four years, nnd the representative term ono year; and sessions as heretofore, nro to bo biennial. Seuntorlal aud representative districts aro to bo formed every ten years, each to elect three members, and nn nddltl onnl member In thoso years when sur plus fractions of population nboyoa ratio, shall, when added together, havo ac cumulated to tho number of a ratio. This last, featuro is borrowed from the Constitution of Ohio. Practically three or four Senators will bo chosen together from each Senatorial district, aud a like number of members from each reprc sentativo district at all future elections for members of tho two houses. This general plan, so far, wo believe, is pre cisely the samo as that recommended by tho legislative committee of the con ventlon, and thus nppears to meet with general assent. This will mako a larger number In each house than wo iu Penn sylvania nre used to; but ns tho legls lature meets only onco in two years,tho plan may bo very proper, and will not bo burdonsoino to the people. Bo this as it may, it lays a foundation for tho convenient application of reformed voting In tho election of representatives, Mr. Medill's committee, therefore, recommend tho following concludlnf section in tho article reported by them "In all elections of senators or renre sentatives each qualified voter shall be entitled to as many votes as thero are senators or representatives to do elected by the same constituency, and may dis tribute themtor enual fractions thereof) among tho candidates, or concentrate them upon one, at his option, nnd the canuiuaies nigne-st in votes snail bode clared elected." Tho practical working of this pro position is shown In detail In the fourth section of tho bill now pending in our legislature, "to define tho limits and to organize the town of Bloomsburg," nud for regulating elections In that town, which will contain some four thousand Inhabitants within. its now boundaries. The fourtii section provides as follows: "To tho end that the electors of Bloomsburg may exercise their right of suffrage freely and without undue constraint, aud niav obtain for them. solves complete representation in their local Government, tho nlau of tlm Frnn Vote shall bo lawful, and Is hereby authorized In tho elections for officers of said town and for all officers to bo chosen by them exclusively. In nil cases whero moro persons than ono are to bo chosen in said town to tho samo office for tho samo timo or term of ser vice, each voter duly qualified shall bo entitled to ns many votes as tho number of persons to bo so chosen, and may poll his votes ns follows, to wit." Hero follow regulations nppllcablo to tlio different cases whero two, threo, four or six officers aro to bo chosen. For tho present wo will cite only tho clauses which rolato to tho election of three or four 'persons, becnuso theso illustrate tho practical working of tho plan pro posed In tho Illinois Convention. They aro as follows: "When threo persons nro to he phnuon. each voter.may glvo ono voto to each of tnreo canumates, two votes to ono can didate nud ono to another, ono voto and a half to each of two, or threo votes to one-." "When four persons are to bo chosen. ho may glvo ouo voto to each of four candidates, ono vote and a third tn e.mli of three.two votes to each of two.or four vuira 10 one. We omit details as to tho manner in which ballots shall bo voted, and tho provision for filling vacancies as foreign to our present purpose. But it will bo seen that tho Illinois proposition Invol ves a great extension of freedom of choice lo tho elector, and will enablo parties to represent themselves fully by their own votes. In practice a party at an election will select but ono of the vari ous modes of voting nbovo mentioned, so that thoy will not all bo used nt tho samo election. Tho number of candl dates eclcctcd forsupportwlllboinpro portion to thoesllmated strength of the party, though the will of the Individual in distributing his votes will bo uncon- trolled. Parties will vote for a smaller or a greater number according to elr cumslances, and ns their interests may eiiciate. Tho plan Is flexible, and will so easily adapt Itself to tho relative strength of parties in a district, that no considerable number of tho peoplo will loso llielr votes, orgo unrepresented. Tho result will bo In all or most cases that a majority will elect two repre sentatives iu ndlstrict.aud tliemluorlty oue; and when four repiescntativesaro to bo chosen from adlstrlct.tho majority will choose three nud tlio minority one; or, If tho strength of parties bo nearly equal, each will obtain two. Tho re publican minority In southern Illinois and thodemocratlc minority in northern Illinois will each bo represented Iu tho Stato legislature, Instead of being ells- naiciuseu as at present.whllo tho midor. ity In each section will retain their lull sharo of power. In short, tlio days of gerrymandering will bo ended. Tho occupation of tho professional manlp- pulutors of ballot-boxes will bo gone. Corruption at legislative elections will receivoa sovero, if notn deadly blow. This Is a consummation most duvoutlv to bo wished by every citizen who cher ishes tho lirinciides of renrcsentntlvn government. Mornlny Patriot. Wegro Suffrage. The momorlal against negro suffrage, prosentotl by Mr. Saulsbury in tlio Son- uto, quotes tho following interesting oplnlonsof cmlnont statesmen of all par- tics, Abraham Lincoln included, on tho question of negro equality. John Adams said : I havo novcr read reasoning moro ab surd, sophistry moro gross than the suutlo labors of llcl vctlus and Rousseau to dcmoilstrato tho natural equality of mniiKiiui. Thomas Jefferson said : Nothlnir Is moro certainly written In tho book of fato than that theso people (tho negroes) nro to bo froo, nor Is It less certain that tho two races equally frco cannot 11 ve under tho samo government. Daniel Webster said: If nnv trentlomnti from tho South shall propose a schomo, to bo carried on uy mis government upou a largo scnio for tho transportation of tho colored people to any colony or any nlaco In tho world, I should bo qulto disposed to Incur almost any degrco of oxponse to accomplish that object. Henry Clay said : Of tho utility of a total separation of tno two incongruous races ot our popu lation, supposing it to bo practical, none havo ever doubted; tho modo of accom plishing that desirable object has nlono (itviueu putuic opinion. Stephen A. Douglass said : I bcliovo this covornmont was mado by whito men for tho benefit of white men nnd their posterity forever; nnd I am in favor of confining citizenship to whllo men or European uirnt anu descent, instead of conferring it upon negroes, Indians, nnd other inferior races. Abraliam Lincoln said: I nm not. nnd never have been, in fa vor of making voters or juors of negroes nor of qualifying them to hold olllco nor to Intermarry with whites; and I will say further, iu addition to this, that there Is a physical difference be tween the whito and black races, which I believe will forover forbid tho two races living on terms of social and poll tlcal equality. Congressional. Thursday, Feb. 21th. Iu tho Senate yesterday, a resolution was offered by Mr. Spencer looking to tho abolition of tho military school at West Point und tho naval school at Aunapolls. The credentials of II. R. Revels, tho colored Senator elect from Mississippi, wero presented by Mr. AVllson, nml a long debate ensued upon the question of their regularity. Tho paper was finally received, and a discussion then took place upon tho reference to Com mitteo. In tho House, immediately after tho reading of the journal, tho intelligence of tho death of Hon. Anson Burling game wasrecelved,nndMr.Banks mado a brief speech In allusion to tho unex pected event. Four of tho membcis elect from Mississippi took tho oaths of office. The Houso then took up the caso of Mr. Whlttemoro, charged with sell Ing cadetships. Mr. Butler, of Massa chusetts appeared as his counsel, and urged a postponement until tho final ro port of tho Committee, nnd after somo further discussion, nnd a request of Whlttemoro himself, final action was doferrcd until to-day. SEKATE. Friday, Feb. 25. Yesterday, nfter the houso amendments to tho political disability bill had beeu concurred lu, a number of bills wero lu troduccd, among them one, which was agreed to, recit ing that, In tho opinion of tho Senate, tho existing volumo of tho currency ought not to bo increased. Tho subject of Senator Rovcls' credentials was then taken up and discu tied, but not dispos cd of. iiouhj:. Tho resolution for tho expulsion of Whlttemoro was called up, which gave rlso to an animated debate, during which Mr. Whlttemoro sent to tho Speaker n communication, stating that he had tendered his resignation to tho Governor of his Stato, und It had been accepted. After much discussion as to whether ho could resign or not, n rcso lutlon was passed declaring him un worthy of a seat In tho House. SENATE. Saturday, Feb. 20. In tho Senate yesterday tho credentials of General Ames, Senator elect from Mlsslssslppl, wero presented and referred. Among tho bills introduced was one to proveut prize fighting, by making it a misdo meanor punlshablo by Imprisonment for two years and a lino of$2,000 for en gaging in a prize fight in nny Stato or Territory, and half tho seutenco for aiding such fights as seconds or sur geons. Tho discussion In regard to tho admission of Mr. Revels, tho colored Senator elect from Mlssis3ippl,was then resumed, and finally concluded. Tho resolution of Mr. Stockton to refer the credentials to Committee was rejected by a party voto of 48 to 8, and on mo tion of Mr. Wilson tho oath was ad ministered to Mr. Revels. A resolution was adopted to extend tho inquiry in reference to tho salo of cadetships to the army and navv. and to ascertain if any officer was implicat ed. x mho amendments to tho Legisla tive Appropriation bill, appropriating $1-1,600 and J91.000 to tho Board of Ed- ucatlon nnd tho Carton City Mint res pectively, wero both adopted. The In dian appropriations of $3,188,935 wero men tauen up, and, In Commltteo of tho Wholo, tho system of Indian treat ies was discussed at length. Tuesday, March. 1. In tho Sennto yesterday Mr. Sumner introduced a bill designed lo enforco the universal suffrago amendment to the Constitution. Tho"cvent of tho day was a long speech by Mr. Sherman, as Chairman of tho FInanco Commltteo. In exnlanntlnn nml support of tho Funding bill. In tho nouse, or tlio dozen or moro hills nut in no ono was of special Interest. Tho do- batoofthe session was on tho Tmtinn appropriations generally, and tho recent inuian massacro by Colonel llnlrf.r'j command, General Sheridan's policy, and General Hancock's position lu par- iicuiur, Wednesday. March 2 i n tlin Hon. ato yesterday the bill to extend tho time lor tno prosecution of dnlirw fr additional bounties until Dec. 1 was ro ported from commltteo. Tho consid eration of tho Funding bill was thon In the House a resolutlnn rmi. surlng John T. Doweeso. lntn ttnnro. sentativo from North Carolina, for hU complicity in tho salo of cadctships.was pajsed after some discussion, mui ti,r Committee charged with investigating lurmer cases were instructed to confino their lnnulries to members of tim ent Congress and to thoso holding n. ecutlvo or Judicial offices under tho Government, Ziatcst Hows. St Domingo, Feb. 20, via Havana, March 1. Tho Dominican Republic has formally declared for annexation lo tho United States. Tho vote, which was officially proposed to tho people by tho government, has been taken, nnd,tt3 re corded hero, shows un overwhelming majority lu tho affirmative. Point de QAiiiK, Ceylon, Feb. 22, via London, Feb. 23 A collision occur red near Yokohama, between tho Pen insular and Oriental Company's steam ship Bombay nnd tho United States corvetto Oneida, Tho latter sunk with all hands, numbering 120 men. Tho Bombay was slightly Injured. It Is not stated that any of tho olllcors or crow of tho Oneida wero saved. CuiCAdo, Feb. 23. A letter from Fort Sully gives particulars of a despe rate fight between threo hundred Sioux and Crow Indians early In January, nbovo the mouth of tho Yellowstone, ou tho Missouri River. The attack was mado near sundown, under tho Chief, Spotted Eagle, who was killed. Tho Sioux managed to overpower tho Crows overv ono of whom was killed In a hand'to-hand encounter. The Sioux lost twclvo killed on tho ground, and flvo died tho next day. Many moro wcro dangerously wounded. Paris, Feb. 23. Anson Burllngamo, tho Lhlneso Ambassador, died nt St. Petersburg this morning after four days Illness. Ills death will cre.ito a profound impression over all Europe, and particularly In P.irl, whero ho was so well and favorably known and so much esteemed. Richmond, Va., Feb. 23. About 7 o'clock tills evening, while Franklin B. Hovey, of Chenango County, N. Y., was on his way to tho Northern depot to start for his home, hu was fired at by John Gcrhlser, of thu Seventeenth In fantry, who was standing on tho side walk, drunk. Thu ball entered Ilovey's bralu, mortally wounding him. Gcr hlser, nftrr running through tlio streets aud firing at tho Police, was arrested. He is from Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, Feb. 21. The Mormon preachers were warned out of tho village of Salt Meadow, L. I., by a vigilance committee,' on pain of being mobbed. They left for l'atchogue,but expected to return, when a serious disturbance was feared. Gaia'eston, Texas, Feb, 21. Firo last night destroyed a block on tho north side of Strand, between Fremont and Twenty-second streets, and tho oppos ite block on tho south side of Strand. Many of tho houses wero of llttlo value, but wcro filled with largestocks of goods. Tho loss is estimated at $1,000,000. New York, Feb. 2-"i. A freo-trado meeting was held yesterday afternoon In the rooms of the lato open board of brokers, on Broad street, Now York. Jackson S. Schultz presided. Letters wero rend from Congressmen Brooks ond Cox, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, nnd others. Addresses were mado by Samuel J. Tilden and Win. Cullcn Bry unt. Port Chester, N. Y., Feb. 25. Samuel Button, n young man from Wcstfarms, was attacked by two men who cut his throat nnd robbed him of $100. Batton is not fatally injured. Providence, R. I., Feb. 20. Tho schooner Benjamin Butler, Captain Fowler, from Elizabethport, N. J., for Providence, was run down and sunk off Watch Hill, at 1 a. m. Friday. Tho vessel was cut in two and went down instantly. Four men were lost Cap tain Fowler, Joseph Northrup, James McKenzIo nnd the colored cook named Amos Malbone. Tho mate, Groreo Northrup, was picked up by tho steamer 'Jhelis, after being lu tho water half un hour, and was not restored to conscious ness for several hours. Oxford, Miss., Feb. 20. A fearful accident occuned about 4 o'clock yes terday "afternoon to tho regular morn ing train on tho Mississippi Central Railroad for New Orleans. The train, leaving Humboldt behind time, ap proached Buckner's Trestle, which is forty feet high nnd over a ravine, at a nigh speed. Tho engine cro?sed safely, but tho rest of Iho train ran offtho track, crushing tho trestle and completely wrecking tho baggage, mail, express and three passenger cars. Twcnty-ono persons wero kill ed nnd fourteen or flf teen wounded, among them the PresI dent of thorond. rhocausels thought to have been the unsound timbersoftho trestle. Worcester, Mass., Feb. 27. A bold robbery was perpetrated in this city yesterd oy afternoon. Two men entered tho houso of Timothy Barrett whennll tho family but a boy 13 years of age wero absent, knocked down tho boy and tied him with a clothes line. Tho rob bers carried offgold watchc3,gold chains, jewelry, silver and other articles of value. Thoy havonotyet been arrested. Boston, Mass., Feb. 27. P. J. O'Con- nor, 0 years of age, took a mlxturo of strychnlno and beer last night, and was taken to tho City Hospital in a hopeless condition. A neatly-written nolo was fou nd upon him, of which tho following Is nn extract: "Whoever finds my corpse will pleaso telegraph to P. P. McIIugh,No.51 Ann-street, New York, and will glvo It decent burial. I nm tired of life. Rum Is the causo of all evil." Souanton, Feb. 28. The holier of iieaung iurnaco number tnreo, nt the rullrond iron rolling mill of the Ijieka wanna Iron und Coal Cnmnnnv. nf i ntj city.cxploded about 5:30 this afternoon. j. poruon oi uio root, witn nil its heavy timbers, shafting, seventy-ilvo feet by nincty.five feet, was blown into tho nir, and fell with a tremendous crash. Thu shock of tho explosion shook half tho city. Twenty or thirty men wero buried In tho ruins. Tli steam tilled that part of tho mill for half an nour beroro tho work of gottlug the peoplo out could bo commenced. Minn bodies havo been recovered. Scranton, Feb. 23. Thero win uo stoppago of work on tho part of tho miners to-day, in this portion of tho conl fields, tho employees of tho three largo companies, the Dolawaro Laoka wanna and Western, tlio Pennsylvania Conl Company, nnd tho Delawaro Canal Company, refusing to turn out. Tho men In tho vicinity of Wilkesbarro hnvo tho matter under advlsemcnt.and thero was no turn out thero to day. New York, March. 1. Another lior- rlblo murder was committed hero last night. Patrick J. Mehen, Editor of tho Jrlth Avierlcan was shot dead by it man named James Kcenau, No euuso is assigned. Toronto, Ontario, March l.-i'Tho VnrMiorn rnllwnv clovnlor. containing obout 120,000 bushels of grain and 10 000 barrel1" of flour, was destroyed by llro this morning. Tlio loss is o.uimi, cd at $250,000. New York, March. 1. Great anx iety is felt for tho safety of tho Liver pool steamer, City of Boston, and tho Bremen steamer Smidt, both greatly nvor ilnn. Tho formotf lias moro than ono hundred persons on board, tho latter moro than tnreo nunurcu. legislature. SENATE. Houso bill authorizing tho Commis sioners of Highways to appoint thcirsu pcrvlsors. Passed by n parly voto 17 Republican yeas to 11 Democratic nays. Houso bill regulating tho manage ment of Iho Slnto Treasury, requlrlug tho Stato Treasurer to glvo bonds to tho amount of $500,000 ; fixing his salary nt $5,000; requiring him to keep tho funds In ono or moro banks in this Stato at tho best rate of Interest that can bo obtained with power to chango tho deposits, but not to placo moro than ono-fourth of tho aggrogato in any ono bank nt nny ono time. Mr. Bllllngclt moved to amend by requiring proposals to bo received each mm.!!, fhr flin rpdomntion of tho Stato loans; requiring tho best proposals to bo accepted, and provldlngthat thomonth Iv proceedings of tho commissioners shall bo published. Tho bill was discussed until tne nour of adjournment. HOUSE. Mr. D.ivl.4. ns chairman of tho Com mltteo of Ways nr.d Means, called up tho annual appropriation bill, which was considered In Committee of the Whole House, Mr. Webb in tho chair. Tho hill was nasscd through thu Com mltteo of tho Whole, und will bo con sidered by tho Houso to-morrow. SENATE. Wednesday, Feb. 23. A number of bills wero considered and Introuucou but none of general Importance. HOUSE. The bill tolncreaso tho salary of As sessors S2.50nasscd. Four applications for dlvorco wero passed. HOUSE. Tuesday, March. 1. Among tho bills Introduced wns ono authorizing married women to bo declared femme sole traders; also, a Joint resolution urg Ing Congress to placo tho nnvy yards on n civil basis. SENATE. Friday. Feb. 25. Among tho bills introduced was ono relative to court in terpretcrs, aud ono regarding Jurymen. Adjourned until Tuesday. HOUSE. Tho general appropriation bill was under discussion during tho morning session. A message from the Governor, vetoing tho Houso of Correction bill, was received. Adjourned until Mon day. HOUSE. Wednesday, Mnreh 2. Among tho bills introduced was ono urging Con gross to repeal tho present Incomo tax 1 nw; also, ono making it n niisdemcau or in election officers to refuso to count t ho voto of any citizen on account of race or color; also, ono providing for a final adjournment on March 31. Joint rcsol utions wero reported directing the Governor, Attorney General, and Aud itor General to urgo tho General Gov ernment to pay tho border raid claims. Tho general appropriation bill was con sidcrtd. SENATE. March, 2. An act lelttlng lo costsin criminal cases. Tho bill reads as follows: Section 1. That Iho laws relating to payment of costs lu criminal cases shall not be so construed ns to compel tho payment of costs by tho county where tho ease has been settled or ar ranged by tho parties, nnd the parlies to tho case, tho prosecutor and defen dant, or defendants, shall bo liable for tho payment of tho costs in nil such cases. Passed. HOUSE. An act to prevent nud punish tho pub Ucatlon of obsceno advertisements und tho sale of noxious medicines. Passed From the Commlttceon tho Judiciary Go nernl,as committed, joint resolution proposing an amendment to tho const! tution of Pennsylvania. MARRIAGES. IIIU.ER-NIXON-At tho residence of tho B ..,..,., v ..iu join uui uy mo licv, N. .Mx-ur. Mr. John T. Sillier, of Greenwood, to llus Jluiy It. Ninon, or Ml. rieawint. HICHART-KLINE-In Omngevllle, on Feb. 19, 5Wi (r.? ,J.-,Kltlmr,i or l'Wilngcicelt lo Jllksllnchein. Kline, or llenlon. SMITH-piRTON-At tho M. E. l'nrhonoBe, ..w... iu..,, uy uev, J, A. AieJK'K, -'irwwiuri-w u. ,-Mujui, una .Mlm.MnryA. Ulr ton, nil ol Col, to., l'u. J-'IRIIEH-IXWIS-AI the Fome plncc.nud by it, nnd Mlta Elliabetli Lewis, nil of blooms burg, ra H. WllhOll. Mr. U'm lUlIm.-. n'..Y Kin'na I'j nn. both of Liberty two., Montour Lilimy i de KCHLOYER-SSIITH-In Rerwlck. Keb.Jth.lS79 by itov. H. H. Henry. .Mr. Wins Bcliloyer to Miss ClirUilunnnhrallb. botholNcwoneck.Luzerne county, To. KIilNnER-yARNER-Pecomber S8IU. ISO!, by l,:XiA.U-,l01l,en..l"!i,lJ!,,e",,K'l118."" Lyuln Vnruer, buih of fealem, Luzeruo co. ",MP0I!rT.,,r Itev- A- M- Crelghtou, 1 f 1 Mr"i Chrlnlopii Hpronts und ..- ....... v ... -.uii,v, Hum in ijueusv uaie. i;itAl'l'-minnn,i ),.. ir,n, ,, i. ,,, ii.... It. DueiiKer. Wni.o. Knur lo Caroline HinltU .mui ui kBiiiaim, I'AllKER-KLINl-On Feb. 10th by John Lore "-. .Mr, . Jetke M.l'uikir of (Jreenwood Iwj) - ..wwvvlm d, mint, ui urungeviue. HARVEY RHONE On tho ISUtb. day of Doeem ur JSU, by U. F Savaue, lUiq., Jfr. Jacob F juiriry oi nuRauoni ly MisHBarnli o. Rhone 11 ENDER PEALER On the 18IU ult., at rei.ldeneo ol Iho bride's father, by Itev, the A. , both HA VAnK M'llI'.NTIV An Vl, uu. .,...... . place"'" ,0 Mary A.Mcllenry of Same JIEAIl REELTAtTown Hill, Feb. 27th, by 1. O. H..V.1 , ,ii fVi ,,lrm "-Mead uudHiiHiu r ,.11,1 LTER A t the parsonuiin at I urbotvltle. by Rev. tl. Hill, Mr. J. n. eiurdner . . . uu" i.yiomiUK eo, to MUa Hara i W tr of Ltincntone, Monlour co. IIIJCHI.EH I-RAHMUS-lu Bloetnsburg, on i lutidav evenlnir, Feb. 15th, by Rev.U. F. Alio- i . , . ' ,.' y "uicmer, 10 i rs. juarma i: taut, all of Illoonnburg. DEATHS. i'lVS'iSfT-'i? ,n,,.00,mburiT. "f Couuimptlon. on "ina'lJdajiV K"c,,eu' "B01' 85 yi'ur". Smoutln 1'ETEIIB-Iii Ifolleubnck, Feb, Oth, Mn. Kllta- uuiia dajs ',u"u" eicr,ui;eu years, I) inos, RlNORD-lii IllooiuiburK, Feb. 1870, FulTetcr, iiuut titer of John and Maty Rluoid, ugeil 2yrs, MII.LAHIi In lllootTUbiirif.on Feb. lOlh.Mar- ... ,m,uri,.ui, ui ..niu .ill, IMIIirilUB Alli um), ugcdsl ytars,4 mouths and U days. WKIJER In Wedgdown. ou Veb.SJ, Mary K., 1 mouth aud Si days. IIOWEIt In llkiomiburg, ou Feb. lfctli Hairy, sou or II. e',. nud euoltne Howe r.ngt-d 2 years 1 uoutu unit tl dnys. W'HENRY-Ou Feb. IStli, of narlet fever. Noble Han ey, sou of Edward nud Mary A. McIIeury of ikuloii,iic.cdll years, i! mouths uuditSUays. NEW ADVE N OTIOE.' JWX, ?"5 "Jlea Ian,,. ..... or nilvprlUIni of April next. prlUIni h niliPi".". will uAlSl i , r "'.'''( inem iu,.-. "oe..l niAruiu "AVlbl'MI - . T..rnu A TTnt'rnnta xt. l"" uoun or cohiSi ku VMi'1?!! R.V. ilUtrltiut on ol IhsuKhuw-o ft'iortoT Ailmlnlslralnr, ot Iho mi . TO' tana,!1' cciwd, itmonit creditor, iknrl hid.01" B 2 mi live inn region Tor thn tiV ' meat nt his omco. ln in(ffi?.,80fliUi kWioU mnrlTtMtr, 'WWKtfJj'l 1 Tr r11Mmn . . I J3T.VTK OP LV1.I. OTICl! Ittersormlmlnlirniionm,.Vl,,t'tc'ii.' Wntilali, lata of lllfmmn?",;"ii. conmy, inccueil, hove hiou . ""P, Ct,. Islt-r ol said county t,, j?.0' .WW'UriH1 pnymon I to iho MiHlcrMsMpVl. wm M It il ....... .... --i.iiiciii.imii ihnui. laMi.fl iarl7l-0t. JAL0..VA!i7il ominuiiai A I ID I TOIL 4 Mrim";rt- ,5?.TA,,?' : V. VrL i 1,1 inter r a'"lio 'Audita 1 on exc of the estate" o f d 'wilK !? 'k? KI of llloom townahl h. 1 i nyder, oF J bin, will meet the -',!!,,08 ,S'' C V "PPoli tmenl on 1 uay oil Hie cou tin mtv. All iVii.. J ,v llmi,nr,,,.l end, or bo debarred fronvSif? of t lies' i Ul fund. rund. """"Jinibi,! mnrl'70-lw. CD. UKOCKVatI hoi A UDITOIt'S XnTTnu in alia dlstrlbu lm,"! n" i K' ' V. ''A'CtfrSl Administrator of ihe estate nil ifi, W l consed, nmolig creditors nud iilr. parties iir .".u."l'"illiniil ,w , rtnrn. 1X7,1 . i-rr "'eriMed or hava cl, r.J fund: m tii.' mirror I rrntn .-.. ,t.... . - iiviiu.k. nmri-T .1,. -'--.wi.iv.ii 1 ilfcl A UDITOIt'S NOT1CK. h .,"TA.T.?..!":Vf.0I!? y.xotttitf! tnoliB tho helra nml ltcid reZ.Z.',f'-11 K it: Li ie'o'lHce'i iiomsLir"! claims on mii.i n,nd me renuir,4 ,,' ?l marrro-ln-. W- 'I-ABBOT" I Mil OUKUNWOOI) SEMIXAuY, nunrtcr of Eleven eek";ilKK ii i 'l """dents, not plaw! onto oar lit tV , "n u PI UlltJIX: Ronrdlng und LljUits, ta-rquartrr 'i union, (i i-M.i do Juvenile elas !, iJJI tlio quarter. forliirihtr.attlcularitaI Mlllvllle. Match I, lwi'in. 1 N OTICK IX lwnTmox. fcJil'ATE 01' JACJII UKII, lATEO CfiUjI TWT., LOI.UMUIA ttll'M., IilCEl'ttl To riiillpl. I:y,r,Jolini:yer.A(IamEfil Kycr, Anna Intcunairlt il wraiJoUtl MarKiiretiUteimarrlcawithbatnlMcitsI rv L.VCIMUH. IIih tf.llmitn.r ,,i,l1(,B. ... 1 being tho clilluicn of hnrah hjt-rDowdKtl ub iiiiL-iiuiirriiu wun J'iinit-l Mellim.ll KllflS WclliVPr. AhliMlil Whn vm tnt.wJ with Jucksoti Itunyiiii deeU, LuclLiIaiil iiuumiarneu wiui joun pewoU tlaiLCJ iiiicrmarrittl wall I. it. Johnson, &? WelUvtir. Mary luunnarriej witliKnwiJ Ucr-htiott, C'uitiarliut A AiiLMi, u ii 11 I'liiiitiis vt-iiltr, all ofrtnl UvImk lu Columbia conmy exrcMPlilcral reHitlLH In thu Stauuif lllliioU.unttMEl wliu ii'skles in tlinHliilOfti tliio. Ttmliil ueceueut, Jacob ler, ciii'd t-eizcjia Jtt.l lu eeriuli. leal fstulo In Columbia cm! lU'hcrtbwl uu lollouh.' I No. 1, A tiaitoi land bltunleln Sloucl boumlea by the .Main iniiukuihiijf Ironitl uuri; io -Mgiuhueu!, ihhus ui j mm u.ji laiius of .Mr. Aim Mauii,.MtKchy,ta!i Dr. J. U. K utter. IJIoonihUiiir InmlaiM I euntutniuy one jmiitirtU nnubtuuty-Uirrl more or less. I o. if. A lot nrijolntns the fikudi uuowu us mu 'vuii iioue ubout nt no acres. I A tract of land contatnlnj ital nuuaioa mm imne umshnuaieiui crutk twp.. bounut'd by 1-mUoi MdG.1I Abrulum VountS WHUaki Kruiuer.l'likl tilniiiaii unit nibtrK. I No. 4. A tract of laud cutitalulngonet:! ncreu hit let menhure.bottudetl byiauiiicfij ltobbUi,iI A.. Miller Ueirsol Kulil.lUl cry .oilier iuuuh oi jacuo i)ithuuvivi In (lrtiwiiiil (vl'ii. I Kn. Ft A in.i t ,,f tlttintr? i!l Cl tup.uOJ(lnliJt;hiHUicl tliu lit iri of JawtJ JuiiUs oi Win. l uluuaii, hl;?.uUiri laup- otut-m, contuining nnjMour wi No. tf. A iraclot land biiuatelnMmli-l contutnluir e liiinditd mres tincl bouuded by UtuiotL'h uuli, ilbiL(iftfB oiiior juuus oi iijeiiLirnt'1 juuju No. 7. A unci i f lund bliuniem MaJJf- iuutulnlug onehuiidnd mm laiy-Uwl nnd l,ur iicicbth, buimUid b)nDi).K luuuiu.ino Jieirs oi iioui, ' Uemoit und other iumis of the litirni Na 8. A tract of land situate in 511 ct'UiainiiiKhlxij-oncucicsuau MilcL suituuit. tom.dt-d ty Vj!,?iil molt, John lUudiii-hutt, lLUip- lunUw of Jacob Uir Mt. i'lWant lupw., and bouiideJ br i Auiliew MllUr.rbillpMllUr.b'-EAj oincr Janus oi uio jiumui r-; Iiil' twtuiv-ihrio Hens and (juciutm ntiy.avo.perchts, btilt-t nuiuure. 1 No. IU. iouriicuKaiidiu?liucdrtiiU' ty-hlx ptrtiubot jauuijiuK"' w'",., f.o. r. About klxmns of vacant ;JJJI 1110 lowtl plul OI Hie MIIUK' Kn. J2. A brlek di-lllua noiiscuudW'l now oeeuiiled by Jucob clliur,;i No. 13. A bn'u oel'llcKn.?J giouuu now octujiitu - in isyer s urovc. ..iMolli No. 11. A truino ttore liomc "J ""J In Kyer'a Utove, nuw oii,ti'ituJ ; 10.13. A Ituioe uweiiuiK L-roundln i:er's Glove. now ucror . - ,..,. !,,,!. nil ground In lijcih Uroe, n..iviu'1(,"l No. 17. A frnme fSSSI Otouud situate lu t el's Uroie.n"! juiuu jnyior . .,. inVidJl No. 18. A lot of ground Liaf'K Mt. l-lcuhuut twiis., unSSil !. Kebter. IteiUien WIIunonJolt'T tbout tueiity.llve """"" MSilW-A.winUlwItb.l"a io win the iuoui mu ,",cki mill adjoining Ibo tonof er with about otw-lourtUoi , uate between tlio grist nilll.t""'"" THeundhMrf ii lane thuefctoiy U UUUhU UUU Ullliuiuh ll.-muDIEI-l bounded as tollows to w "jwntl elKlU and one qnarter ufrct I unu one-nun uej i'?,.A itutit, 'J seven aud one-half deKteiS J"' J nnd nine feet to n iw'i."1!. Thmwl- feet to the lino of ''"'"."ivtuluil! lino oi aiaiu Kiici."-.;,irril sua f"i ler desiee-. li'.c.?ffinWl ti,o water rlKhtand I f" ,"lli,oiJ beloiiKlng to the said u 'uU ! on , -half imrt of all U ") I crouud blluate In 'J',"',,i,utW,' SJ,TJiiild. and bounJf d auJ'1' ..,1 to wit! 1 re'"nl Cit.;-1'K Bpriuo alley und Mai lLautrt rCI south eleven u'',,VtVM8efttt2l one nunurcu j f e'en thence uloua the nne j 'r,,rdfPi I leveuty-eleht and one 1 lltl VJ hundn-d and lwli.Vul,ut,ii''!Sl ulons the line of Mai''ls? ',1,1 tnreo quarier jiinnliii!.j d.1 square feet nud belni! "r-,im tl!a plan of the town of W r(WJJI .sued out ol TheOjl''" iKt county for the mitlllo',ur!'ie a"t estato of said dec -TooJ'ffil deserlbed.ainoniJ llw !'e'rJj,I '1 next, beglunluB ' " 'j'"ne P said Thursday, when BUJ '" . ed to attend ft '" nto&Alvi marl'I0-8t. The co-rurlncrshlP ''"aud Juli tween Ne.son H. Tit a"'" " ilito- Kspy, eoiuinuia " Vj ed by luliiuui jj !( lJjjl '70-!t. "lil - -rTT febS5'7 DMUSTUAj;OlV A . .iia,o.l flioul""'.:,. , II" i.i, tt Jaiulti juiuiii 7", - 1,-ni gru""1- ly, ueei-aseu, -"--, uobui'.-:, ,r oi said county to J. K. "jj, All ffi, twii.. nud county "'"V.Jlo of t1"' ' iik claius against in?.'",1' m l que i . 1 the u Indiuieu iu V.iiiiIuUtrW ' rcu. a.'(a-ew,