FARMER'S COLUMN. Atjout Driving. Drlvo slow Tor a mllo or two, until the horso gots warmed up, tlion Incroaso tlio speed grnilunlly j If urged boyoud his natural gait for a day's travel, It will lnjuro hlin, but for an hour's drlvo, you may put on a Uttlo oxtra spocd. Bo careful abou t watering when on a drlvo. Two gallons will refresh him as well as fotir, and will bo hotter for him. If brought Into tho stablo very warm. lot him cool a Uttlo beforo tho blaukot Is put on, for If put on immediately It will add to tho hoat. If not very warm, blankothlm at onco. As soon as cool. clean and rub him down rub his legs well. Do not lot him stand over night Without boing cleanod and woll-rubbed. Do not forget to food. In toachlug a young horso to drlvo woll, do not hurry to sco how fast ho can trot. Kcop each paco clear and distinct from tho other that is, in walking, mako him walk, and do not allow him to trot. Whllo trotting, bo equally careful that ho keeps steady at his paco, and do not allow him to slack into a walk. Tho reins, while driving, should be kept snug ; and when pushed to tho top of his speed, keep him well in hand that he may bear woll upon the bit, so that when going at a high rutoof peed, ho can bo hold at his paces, but do not allow him to pull too hard, for it is not only unpleasant, but makes it often dilucult to managu him." Tho Dyspoptio Farmer. It is a curious foot that our dyspeptic farmers, liard-worklng,carly rising, big dinner-eating, though they bo, tako bet ter caro of their horses than they do of themselves. As tho horses como, steam ing with work, you will always hear: "John, let them cool oiT bfforo you feed them." Cut tho farmer who insists on this treatment of his horses will sit down to tho dinner tablo hot and fatigued and commence at ouco to satisfy his cravings of nn unnatural appetite. And after din ner ho bolts off to tho field, fretful and uneasy, under the impression that his employes nro taking undue advantage of him of n fifteen minutes' rest ho til lowed. Tills man cannot understand why his neighbor, who cares for his stomach as niudi as lie does for his horses, and who vats at tho proper tlmo and in the proper manner, and insists on every man having a icst of half an hour after luting, is so free from sickness, is al ways In such a humor, and accomplish cs so much moro than himself. Wo havosoino farmers of tho dyspeptic typo in every neighborhood. When at work they move like whirlwinds; tako scaicely time to breathe, eat llko a hungry man at a railroad house, and when off duty aro stiff-jointed, limping about like spavined horse?, morose, and as uncomfortable as our most confirmed city dyspectics. Ex. How Alucn ? How much better is your farm than it was one year ago? How much lovelier havo you made your homo by tho planting of trees and shrubs? How much better is your stock of horses, sheep, and cattle? How much of error havo you discovered in your mode of treatment of tho differ ent crops you have grown? How much havo you learned from your neighbors, from your agricultural paper, from your experience in relation to your farm op erations? How much havo you done to aid your wife and daughter In their household duties by furnishing them with improved household utensils, and the better location and arrangement of wells, cisterns, walks, wood piles, cell ars and dairy rooms? How much of kindness and charity havo you shown towards tho needy and tho helpless? iiow much better husband, father and brother aro you than you were one year ago ? Now is tho timo to reflect upon all these things. Concerning Houses. To prevent balls of now on horses' fcet--Let the nooi nnu. iciicck oo weu neanea, anu then rub With soft soap previous to their going out in snowy weather. This will effectually prevent balls of snow from collecting on tho foot, which will some times eauso the animal to fall, and if not, mako his progress doubly toilsome. For galls on horses' backs! or necks ono of tho most effective remedies known is an application of whito lead moistened with milk. When milk is not at hand common white lead will answer. If applied in tho early stages of.tho injury tho euro is certain. To test a horso's eyes, look at tho eyo carefully, when tho horso Is iu rather a dark stablev ,Noto tho shape and size of tho pupil, carry this carefully in your mind whllo you turn tho horso about to a strong light. If tho pupil contracts und appears much smaller than in the first Instance, you may infer' that tho horso has a good strong eye; but if the pupil remains nearly of tho same size in both cases, his eyes aro weak, and you had better have nothing to do with him. An excellent liniment for wounds, sprain, bruises and swellings may bo madeas follows: A pint of good vinegar, a'plnt of soft soap, a handful of salt, and a tablespoonful of saltpetre. Mix thor oughly and bottlo for uso. This is very efficacious, and is cheaply and easily prepared. Western Stock Journal. Old Cows. How lone Is ltprofltublo to keen a co w ? I consider n cow I n her prlmo (all things considered) from flvo to ten years old. Some, cows hold out much better than others, as with men and horses ; and aro really as young to all intents and purposes at twelvo years, as others aro at nine or ten. Never keep a cow through tho winter after she gots to going down hill, or kill a super ior cow on account of her age, If her teeth are good, and sho Is all right, without any signs of deterioration. Cows should bo milked regularly, and by steady milkers. Smith was telling some friends about a wonderful parrot, hanging In a cago In tha door of a store on Btato street. "Why," said ho, "that parrot cries "Stop thief!" 60 naturally, that every tlmo I hear it, I always stop. Now, hang It, what are you laughing about?" The English farmer boasts of an ad vantago over his American brother in tho superior character of tho roads in that country. Ho is right, and will bo for an age to come. THE THE YOUNG FOLKS. A Story for Childron. LtTTLK Charles was at school, and though Just twelve years old, ho was head of tho class In arithmetic. Ills fathor had como homo from his work; his mother was out that evening visit ing a neighbor whoso boy was vory 111 of inflammation of tho lungs. Charles, sitting with his slato on a stool near his father, said: Now, do plea30 glvo mo an account, and you will sco how soon I will do It.' "Well, I will," his father said. "Thank you papa." "Aro you ready?" "Yes, sir," "A rich lady onco found lying at her door, ono summer morning, a Uttlo baby, wrapped In an old shawl. Sho could not find who laid It thcro but sho resolved to rear it, und gave it out to nurse, keeping an account of all It cost iior. When tho Uttlo baby had grown up a fluo boy of twelve years of ngo, sho wrote out tho account thus: A tmran Inr Icpnnliuv Infant three venrs fit $100 a year............ 1300 00 Clothes for 11 years, al $SJ a year....... 210 OU Food for twelve years, at ISO a year- 600 00 Lodging for 12 years at S'ii n year SOU 00 TAnnhlnir. books. Ac. far six Tears at all) a year - CO 00 Doctor and medicine., when the boy was 111 three times, 110,. ami 10 - MOO t'lMSOO "Now tell mo the sum of it." Charles nftera Uttlo explanation, bo gan, and multiplying found out tho fig' urcs marked opposlto each article, and adding found that tho Uttlo baby had cost tho lady SI, 525. "How much money!" tho boy o.r claimcd. Yes, it is indeed, Charles," said the father. "Do you think you could pay as much?" "Oh, no! I have just ono half crown grandpapa gavo ino." "Woll, but my boy do you know you have to pay all that and much more, to a kind lady?" Charles started. "Yas you are Just twelvo years oldjand that kind lady nursed you, clothed and taught you. I thought Charles forgot who did nil this for iiitn, when ho put on a sulky faco this morning, and went so slowly on mamma's errand to tho baker!" Tho Uttlo faco was bent downward and covered with blushes. "Let me see your account, Charles thcro is something moro to put down.- For twelvo years mamma has loved you, watched over you, prayed for you No money can tell how much tlioso prayers aro worth. When you grow up you might pay tho $1,525; but how will you pay mamma for her love.'" Charles' eyes filled with tears, and he said, "I will not bchavo so again, I can never pay what I have costlior." When mamma camo homo, Charles showed her tho account. Sho kissed him, and said: Oh! if my Charlie grows up to oe good man, I will bo paid for all." JS.S. Star. Tho Smack In School. Tho following incident in a district school is told by Mr. William Pitt Pal mer, of Now York, President of tho Manhattan Insurance Company, in a poetical address beforo "Tho Literary Society," in Stockbridgo.Massachusetls, his native home. A district school not far away, 'Mid Berkshire hills, one winter's day. Was humming with Its wonted noise Of three-score mingled girls aud boys ; Borne few upon their task latent, But moro on furtive mischief bent, The whllo the master's downward look Was fastened on a cory-book ; Wbeu suddenly, behind his back, Rosa sharp and clear a rousing shack I As 'twere a battery of bliss Let on in ono tremendous kiss I "What's that7"thostartlcdmai.torcrlesj "That, thlr," a little Imp replies, "Wath William Wllllth, if you pleatbe I saw him kith Thuthannah Peathe I" W 1th irowu to moke a statue thrill, The master thundered "Hither, Will I" Llko wretch o'ertaken In his track, With stolen chattels on his back, Will hung his head In fear and shame, And to the awful presence came A greaV green bashful simpleton, The butt of all good-natured fun With smllo suppressed, and birch upraised. The threatener faltered Tm, amazed That you, my biggest pupll.shoulj Be guilty of an act so rude I Before the whole set school to boot What evil genius put you to't?" 'Twas she, herself, sir," sobbed tho lad. 'I didn't mean to be bo had But when Susannah shook"her curls, And whispered I was 'fruld of girls. And dursn't Ulss ababy's doll, I couldn't stand It, Blr, at all, Bnt up and kissed her on the spoil I know boo hoo Ipught to not, But, somihow, from her looks-boo hoo I thought she kind o" wished me to 1" A Uttlo boy named Knight, whore, ccntly entered thomlsslon school of New London, was told by tho teachers that ho must be a cood boy, and when ho died ho would go to heaven. Tho Uttlo bov was well pleased with tho prospect, and promised to bo tho best kind of a boy. Tho next Sunday no appcaruu m his place, looking Borrowfulj and tho teacher asked him If no nau uecnagoou boy. "Yes," ho replied. I'vo tried to be good; but It's no use. Tho boys say I can't go to heuven If I am over so cood." "Why do tho boys say that?" abked tho teacher. "They say," rerlled tho boy, with tho utmost simplicity "thcro'll bo no Knlyht thcro." A young lady, examining her class ut Sabbath school, risked, "What la tho pomp and vanity of this world?" A little girl, looking up in her face, very Innocently said: "Tho flowers In your bonnet." A few days ago a gcntleraau whoso proboscis had been lost was Invited out to tea. ' 'My dear," said the good lady of tho houso to her Uttlo daughter, "I want you to bo very particular, and to mako no remarks about Mr. JenklnB' nose." Gathered around tho table, everything was going well; tho child peeped about, looking rather puzzlod, and at last startled the table: "Ma.why did you toll me to say nothing about Mr. Jenkins' noso; ho Jiusn't got anyr- The Utlca Herald tolls tho following story : "Two maiden fllstew, Polly and Sally Heed, aged 85andB3, who lived alono In scanty circumstances Iii Brook field, Madison County, wcro found by a neighbor ou tho morning of tho 12th Jnst, Tolly dead on the floor, and Sally lying on tho bed In a helpless condition Tho latter died on Saturday. They were both terribly mutilated about the head and face. They had often beforo had frequent quarrels on tho most tri vial provocations. Tho weapons used wero a pair of tongs and a stick of wood, No inquest was held." COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Stovos and Tinwaro. N KW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAGENRUCH. Main Street one door above E. McndenharVs Store. A large assortment or moves. Heaters and RnnKos constantly on hand, and for sale at tho lowest rates. Tinning In all lis branches carefully attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. Tin work of all kinds wholesale and retail, A trial Is requested. ipr.v,wti gTOVEd AND TINWARE. A. M. uuri'-ux announces to his Mends and customers that continues the above business at his old place on MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY BTOVES of all kinds, Blovepljie, Tinware, and every va riety of article found la a Blovo aud Tluwaro Es- tabllshmcut In the cities, and on the most reason able terms. Hepalrlngdoneuttheshortostnotlce. 15 DOZEN MILK-PANB on hand for sale. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STREET, HXARLT OFFOfJITX M1LI.IK1 BTORK, BLOOMBBUHO, I'KNN'A. Tit understand! has Inst fitted tin and onened Ull uew STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n tlili nlace. where ha Is nrenarad to make tin new Tih Ware of nil kinds In bis line, and do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon the most rcasonaDie terms, ue Rllu seeps ou uanu BTOVES OK VARIOUS PATTERNS & STYLES, which he will sell nnon terms to suit nurchasers- Glve him a call, lie Is a eowd mechanic and ueserviugot tuu puuuo patronage. JAWU 111. 14. llloomsburg, April 26. 1867. Foundries. gllARI'LESS & HAItMAN, KAOt.n FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING SHOP, STOVES A TLOWS WHOLESALE RETAIL THE CELEIlHATKn MONTROSE IRON BEAM AND THE XIUTTON WOODEN HEAM FLOWS. fSisflnp and Fire llrlrk for renalrlna city Stoves. All kinds of Brass or Iron casting made to order upon short notice. .. llloomsburg, Fn. proprietors, Mar.l9,'(J-tr. QltANOEVILLE rOUNDIlY, MACHINE SHOP AND AGRICULTURAL WUUK8. The undersigned desires to inform his friends and the public generally, that ho has rebuilt and enlarged his Foundry and Machine Hhop, und re moved nil his buiilueSH from Light Htreot to the above named place, where In connection with his Foundry he will continue to manufacture Wheeler's Railway Chain Horse-Power and Thresher, (Improved), Carnell's Patent. THRESHER AND CLEANER, either overshot for Tread-Power or undershot with Lover-Power, lie also manufactures to order and IltJi up all kinds ol MILL GEARING, Circular Saw Mandrols, Patent Slides for Saw Mills, tho latest Improved Iron Ream Plows of dill'urunt kinds Wooden Ileum Plows, Double Com Plows, nnd Plow Points of every descrip tion generally used throughout tho county. IRON KETTLES, BELLS Cellar Orates, Stoves.Sled and Sleigh Soles, and In fact everything generally made In a country Foundry. Thosu wishing to purchaso Machines would do well to examine his mncblncs, nnd tho Improvements mado on tho which at least 20 per cent, or tho friction Is taken oil'. ALL MACHINES ARli WARRANTED to give good sattsHtcttou. and terms mado to suit purchasers. All kinds cf ccuntry produce taken In exchunge for Plows and castings. Thankful to his friends nnd patrons for past favors ho would still continue to sollett the same. WILLIAM SCHUYLER. Apr.O.CO-lf Orangevllle Pa. Wall Paper and Fainting, JMPORTANT TO BUILDERS, HOUSEHOLDERS & TENANTS. Tho undersigned would announce to the cili- zensof Bloomsburg nnd vicinity that he Is pre pared to execute HOUSE, SI ON, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING In all Its branches. PAPER HANGING Carefully attended to. Btrlct attention to buslncis and good workman ship it Is believed will ment a fair show of public patronage Shop on Catharine Street between Third and Fourth. MarJ,'C9-ly. WM. K. BODINE. Insurance Agencies. Q. L. O IJ E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW Yomc. l'llny Freoman, rresidont, II. C. Freeman, Sec Cash capital over 2,000,000, all paid. 1. I). KOBISON, BLOOWSBUItO, PA GENERAL AGENT, For Lucerne, Lycoming and Columbia couutlcs. Ang. ai,'C9-ly, J N 8 U It A N OE AGENCY. Wyoming - iKtuo......... Fultou ........... 1 170.000 4,(00,OOC 800,000 North America.... City...... 300,000 450,000 1,400,000 International ....... Klagara 1,000.000 (30,000 330,000 570,000 000,000 400.000 Putnam .. Merchants , Bprluglleld ............................. Farmers' Danvllle.......... Albany City... Luncaster City , York Horse, Death tt Theft.. SfO.OOO 03,000 1,000,000 Home, New Haven...,....., Danville, Horse Then.... FREAR BROWN, Agent, BLoouanuno, Pa maUCS-Iy. For Purs Water, dm tbia cel.brstod rump, . OBUTCHltf. entlrelj tlllelllS, durable and rails fala i .qoal to the cood old-faiuloQea IlUlT ST woodan Pump, sad rT" eoit lait than hall tha money, easily arrasgod a u to U non-n-MilDg. and in conitructloa soiimnl. tbt an; one can put it up and kee( it In repair. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOW UAOF Oct.!a,,69-0m. ENTIBTRY. II. C. yoWKU, DENTIST, Respectfully offers his professional services to tue ladies aim gsntiemeu ui iiiiaiiuiuuik nuu v. iMitv ir t. tirotinrftd tnattend to all the vari ous operations in the line of his profession, and Is provided with tho latest Improved Pokckxaim Tumi which will be Inserted on told plating. sliver and ruuuer u&se to iooje us weji as mi uv iirttlilh. reoth extracted bv all the new an most approved methods, aud iil operations on tha tAftlli rj.rernllvaml nronbllv attended to. Residence aud office a few doors above the Court llouss, same side. Uloomsburg, Jau.Sl.'CStl HOWE K, Lia-i opouei i opeiied a flrst-clus BOOT, BIIOE, HAT CAI AND FUIt HTOHE. at the old Hand on Main Street, llloorauburif.afew UOOr IlUOVe UiatJOUrb JIUUIU, Jill VUCltiSCUIU' nwl f tlm vnrv laleMtuinl beutstvlpa ever onVr i iyi the, rAtittiiim of Oolumlita County, lie can accoinmudate the publlowltli the following eooUs at the lowent rates. Men's heavy double bolej atoga boots, men's double and single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga Hhoee of alt kinds, men's fine boots and shoes or all grades, boy's doubleioled boots ofaUklndu, men's glove kid Ual moral suoes(men's. women's, uoys s ,nrl mliiMOit luutlnir putt era. wnmeu'i ulove Kid J'ollfch very lino, women's morocco UalnorulK and calf ho, women's very fine kid buttoned gait- em. in luon uouia ui an utwvripuuu uvvu ir Ait Hawed. He would also call attention to his fine assort nieutor JIATH, OArs(KUllS AND NOTIONS. wiiir-h Anmnrisei all the now and Dovular vorl' etios at prices which raunot fall to suit all. These goods are otlered at the lowest cah rates and will be guaranteed to give satUfuctlon. A,call Is aollclfed beforo purrhaslng eUewhere as It Is believed that belter bargains aro to be fond man ai any ewer ptace m m oouuiy. Dec. Q'ffJ BSS.TAdS'-k Drugs and Chemicals. riifusix FECTonAL cures cough i F111EN1X PECTORAL CUItKH COUGH) F1KEN1X I'ECTOHAL CU11ES COUUU i Cents, Th n Phmnli 1 Velum. Will rum thfi illsrnftlM Of IhoThroiU ami I.miRi, such nn Cold, Cotigli. Croup.,,Ciitarrli,Horo Throat jlonrienrnH, Yiioomnn wimg", nun ruiiiiuimij uonsmnpuon. nn meii-ruio is prepureu vy nr, IsevlUberholtzcrof Millndolphltv, find formerly of rhcrnlxvllle, 1'a., nnd nllhoiiKh It has only been offered for flvo years, moro than one mill inn lmitlaB linvn ntrmiifv iirfn nltT. nnd IliA (la mftinl for It Is IncrcnMlnfE every day. Jinny of the Kciflii JjruKgiBi ouy n in 101s 01 nve cross, nnd not n few of the Country Btorekeeper try one uross nt utlme. Nearly every one who lias ever "OKI mcbliiiPK iou popuinniy, mm ntmriy nil who have used It, bear tobllninuy to Its won t.ern.l power In curing Cough. Wo nreconfUlent that there is no known tnudlcliio or rucu great valuo to tho community us thePhcpnlx IVctoral. It 1108 ClirOu CUnCM oi me inOKipaillllll 1UIU Ulft trc.SHlng courIi, of years fttanrtlni. It haw trtvnn InHtuliL rAllef 111 ancllB Of COUSlllUlT. It has Instantly nlopped tho paroxysm of V Hooping uougii, nuu grcauy Buunenuu no uu ration. Tt linn fMirjl rVmin In a. tnvt tnt mi in. Contmmptlou hum been cured by It, where nil other remedies had fulled to do good. Hoarseness has been cured by It In n single nlsht. Many physicians recommend It.ond otheis uso It themselves and administer it In their practice whllo others oppose It because It talccs away ineir misinc.. Wn rnnnminciifl It to our renders nnd lor fur1 lntlnss ii'i.itl.l rnrnr vnii In tlift iMrntllnr nroundthobotto where you will find numerous cettllicates given by persons who have used 1U II Is ao pleasant to iho taste that children cry It U nstlmulatlngox nee torant, giving strcnuth at the same tlmo llmlil allays the cough. The proprietor of this medicine has so much confidence In Its curative powers from tho testi mony of thousands who have used U that the moneywlll bo refunded toany purchaser who Is not saiisneu wiui wiu cucuin. It Is so chenn that nil can buy It. Price 23 Cents, Largo Uottlcs f 1.00 It In prepared only by 1 1 LU'i M. U. Kn. Km 111 Third Hired, rillladelnhia. N. 11, If jour nearest DniKijIstnr (storekeeper does not liavo this medlclno auk lilm In net It for ynn, nnd do not letlilm put you oir Willi Borne other preparation because, ho ina.tes moro mon ey on ftj but go or send at once to some store where you kuow It Is kept, or send to lir, Ober- hnltvnr. Hnlil li 1!. 1' l.ntx Drili'L'lsl. Illooms- burc. nnd II, W. Creasy, A Co., Light Htreet, nud nearly every druggist nnd storekeeper In Colum bia County. ileo.ll),'(i'J-Cm, The undersigned would Inform tho good people of Bloorasburg and surroundings, that he has moved his Drug Storo from the old stand to his Now Rooms, on the West side of Matn Street, below Market. And that ho has fully replenish' ed his Btock or Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pat ent Medicines, Perlamery, aud Yaukce Notions. -ALSO- Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns. Lamp Shades nnd Fixtures generally, for repairing tho worn, Coloring nnd Dyeing material furnished to suit, any quantity, and for auy Shado or Color. Particular attention nam lonutliiifr nn Physi cians' nnd Family I'rescrlplions. Thankful for ivoum uiicii, n cuuiimuuicu ui ihosamo. Remember the New Stand, on Main Street, west side, below Market, dec. 10,'(W-3m. EPHHAIM P. LUTZ. rpo CONSUMPTIVES. ThnAdvertUcr. havlufi been restored to health In u few weekK. by ft very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption is anxious to mauo Known 10 ins iciiow-suuer pt-H I Im mrjinH nf rurn. To all who desire It. ho will send acopy of tho prescription used free of charge.) with the direc tions fur preparing aud using the same, whlcli tiicv will find n. mire Cure for Cons amotion .Asth ma. Hronchltis etc. The oblect of tho adver tiser, in sending the Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which he Conceives in uo iiiYitiuiiuu'; nuu uu iiuij vwry bufferer will try his remedy, as It will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tho prescription, will pleaso address IlEV.KDWAUD A. WJUjON. Williamsburg, Kings uounty, jsow xorK, Nov.iMUMy. Qio nnn a year and ex- To uirents to sell Ihecelebrutod WILSON' SEW- INO MACII1NK8. The best muchine In tho woild. Stitch alike on both sides. UNK MachINK without moukv. or lurtiier panicuuirs, aa dress 25 K. Uth bt., rhllad'u, Pa. febU'70-tf. POMONA NU11SEBY. SO YEARS. JCcnluckv Htrawbcrrv. C'oloshal AsDarairus. Everybody can have the benefit of SO years' ex perience in my new iicscripuvs uaiaioguo oi uu uaccs lor 10 Cents. It toll what and when to plant. WM. I'AHHY, luuii'.u-tii, uiuuaiuiniiou! r.. Ji rtRAND OPENING OP FUHNI' U 1UHE OPrOSITETHK OLD EPISCOPAL wiuiiuu, ULiUuaiHiJUiiu, x-a. Tho undcrslcned havinir Inst returned from the cities wltli a larao assortment ol Furniture in of trunks, traveling bags, nnd cedar ware, feels confident he can sell chenner than nnv Furniture dealer In this county. Material for repairing Hofas and Lounges constantly on hand. Lumber ur cuuuiry jiruuuuu uiKeu ill excuuuu lur luiiii- ture. l ieaseuivu 111m a cui weioro iiurciuisiu; elsewhere. WM.HAlill. ftblliO-tr. ANTED Auta is tu It TU t. KING OP HORSE COOKS: TlIR AUEBICAN J-AUMEll'S IIORSH HOOK, It outsells,ten to one, any book of Its kind publish ed, 40th thousand In press. Agents doing better now than over before. Also, for OUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN. In both ENGLISH and GERMAN, Embracing the ALLOPATHIC, HOMEOPATHIC, HYDRO- I'ATIIIC, ECLECTIC and IIERRAL modes of treatment, all closely printed puges. Price only $2.50. The maif complete, reliable and jypou- laay futility medical look In existence. Address O. VENT, Publisher, 33 W. 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. fehll'00-lra C.lF.lVlElNiT ? Barclar St.. K.T. or 38 W. lhSt., fine Isnatl, O. f tlioy wont tha moufpopulnraiul best selling subscription books published, and the moJI lib. (ralKmi. tend for clrrulare. TlieyAvllloostyoa cothlne, and may boor great benefit to you. fcbll70-ly. I 0 E , All nersons Indebted to the Subscribers on Judgment,notesor Hook account are hereby no uucu, nu cany payraenini name win Have cosm. McKKLVY, NKAL & CO llloomsburg. Feb. 2, 1S70-U A DMINISTItATOU'S NOTICE. 21 ESTATK O V VALKNT1NU CIIHI8TIAN UEIO'I), letters ot administration on the estate of V. ChrlHtbm late of Madison twD.. Columbia Co. deceased, have been granted by the Heglster.of ix)iumuia couniy 10 rruuKiiu imnsuun oi Madison township. All persons having claims or demands agalnU the estate of tho decedent are requesiou to mate tnem Known, nnu inose in ruAnau Luiusimn fcblT0-C'. Administrator, EXECUTUIX'S NOTICE. KSTATE Or GEO. KKLIJIH. UKO'D. Letters lestninentarv on lhe cstjite of Geori Keller, lute of Klkhtugcreck towubhtp',Uolumu! county dee'd, havo been granted by the Heglster oi tain couniy wnuban Kciieroi ribningcrccic, Columbia county, Pa. All perso s lmvlug claims HUU1UML 1 lit CUILUIU UTH ri'dUmiCU IU I)IU('I1L LllUill to tho Kzeculilx In Columbia county. Those Indebted to the citato either on note, ludemeu mortgage or book account will moke payment HUUAN KHLLER, f eb i'70-6 w, 15xecu t rlx. b b s fc s s a ft b b b s tj tj TO TUB WORKING CLABSi-We Ure now nreDared to furnish all classes with constant em ployment at home, the whole uf the time or for the spare moments. Buhlnesa new, light and profitable. Perilous of either sex easily earn from 60c, topper evening, and a pioiKtrlloual sum by devoting their whole tlmo to the husl nets, iioys and girls earn nearly as much us men, That all who sto this uotlco may send their address, and test the business, wo make this unparalleled oiTeri To such as are not well sa tutted, we will send fl to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, u valuablo sample, which will do to commence work on and a copy of Th i'eoptt's Llteruru tVmjm ten one of the largest and lcst lamlly newspapers published all sent free by mall. Header. If you urnnt. ii0rmnniiil rtvirtlnltt urnrlr nilila-uaiu 1 I' ALLKN iCO., Aujutfa, Haiuc. ' Jau.2l70.3iu A COUQIL COLD Oil BOI1K THROAT uuquirea imnicuiaio aneniion, as ncKiucioiicnrckUiisin uu incura ble LunK Disease, llnoivn's liiui.NrniAl. tuociies will almost Invariably Rive instant I'ulnr'rli, t'lnnuinplhe aud Throat mseases, tney have a soothltitf ex fect. blnccrs anil Pnbllo Bncakers uso llitni to clear and strcnutlien Iho voice, OwIhk to the good reputation and popularity of the 'iroches, uiauy worthless aud cheap Itul tstlous uro oflerctl, which are aood ior iiolhlng, ue suru vu uuu.114 tiio irua jinowN-a iiitoNciirAi. tiioches, BOLD KVKUVWHKHI. nor. ll,'C9-in. A Lti ICINDH JOB PRINTINQ I J neatly exeonUd at Tub Coldhuuh Uteam I rtmuai umes, 25 immm w Rail Roads. ULOOM8- T AOKAWANNA AND JLJ 11U1UI HA1L.KUAU On andrwr Jan.17,1870, Passenger Trains vlll run ns ruiinwsi U0IDgr4Orill, Arrlvo Arrlvo p.m. a, m. Ooliiit South. Leave Leave p.m. n. m, Hcrantoiu 8,45 11.W 4.m Leave 7.50 IHtUloll 8.11 Kingston ..,.... 7.U) I'lvmoutl 7;H KI.W lO.dl 0.00 8.3U 7A1 7.13 Leavo 4..13 7.M Ml) Ml) 6.10 0.30 7.3U 8.10 Arrive 8.211 o'.w V.4'2 Hhlckshluny,., 7.M iicrwicK V.VO llloom Danville ............. 1.50 Lcavn io!.M Arrive North'd 4.1J 0.111 8.43 connection made atRcrantou br the 10.40 a.m. iiTfenMhWSWff Albany and D.T.llOUND.fiup'U pATAWISSA ItAILllOAD- On flllll V-' alter muni"li m-ji, u, loui', A.MaiiiiKi- trains on tho Cntawlssa ltuilrond will run ntthe foluiwing nameu Hours i Matt Hovth, 8TAT10K8. Mull Xorth Wllllamaiiort. Muucy. Watsoulown. Milton. linnvlllo. HuperU Calawlssa, Ulugtowu, Hutnmlt. Arr, 0.00 p. hi. 0.15 uep, mi ' 4.67 ' " 4.40 ' " 4.00 " 3.10 4 " 3.33 ' " 2.23 ' " 1.50 ' " 1.40 ' " 1.30 ' ' 1.10 " 0.47 " ' l)M " " 10.45 " ." 11.05 ' " 11.17 ' ", " 12.68 " " l.tW " 1M " 2,15 " 4.23 Arr. 0.43 " 9.25 " auakako. " E. Wahony Jnnc. "Dlne.Tamaquo. Dlno, iieauiuc. " 10.40 o.r&. l'hlladelphla. I To Now York via. Head 13 lng or Maucii ciiunk. Krom New York via. I Maucii Chunk, NoChangoof cars between Wlltlamsport nnd I'Uliaacipuuu ur.u. iijjUjj ouy u JJItOWN'S PAST FKEiailT FIXOM rlllLADELl'IIIA TO BLOOMBDUltO, and Intermediate poluts. Goods forwarded with film nml ttesrinlch anil nt low rates. floods, nt Philadelphia, must be delivered nt miner a io s. nu juurKet aireci, for mil par ttntilius. atinlr to WAKE A IIOniNSON, Proprietors, Aug. 3Ve9-tr. U. ll. Depot, llloomsburg.l'a. ORTIIERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. On and after Nov. 15th 1809, Trains wli leave NonTncMUKRijiriu as follows 1 NORTHWARD. 73-3 A. Mt Dally to Wltllamsport, (except Hnndny) I lori-jinuru, uuuanuauiua, itocnesier, jjunuio. Suspension Bridge, and N. Falls. C30 p. H., Dally, (except Sundays) for Elmira ana llulfalo via Erie uallwav from Klmlra. S.S0 r. M., Dally, (except Sundays) for Willlams- ' TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 10.25 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.10 P.M. Dally(cxceptHnnday's)for Baltimore waNiungion auu 1'niiaueipina. KD. R. YOUN11. General lnssenizer Aucnt. jii.niuiJ lit pjsuE, uen i nupi., JEADING RAILKOAD. Monday. Decemder 27th. 18C9. Ureal Trunk I Ana from the North and North- West for Phlladult)hln.Now York. Heaulm?. l'otM.- vlllo, Tamuatia, Ashiund, Bhumokln Lebanon AUentown, Eaaton, Kphrata, Htlz, iJincaJiter, Columbia, tic, TiuliiH leave llarrl.sburg for Now York, as fol- luwni ill inm o,iu lit jii., u,w uuuii mm .us p. m.( couuecung wuu similar, trams on cnna. I tall road, and arrtvluc al Now York at 12.15. noon. 3.40 0.&0 nnd 10.00 . m. respectively. bleeping curs accompany the 5,3d a. m.,aud 12.20 uoou iruini wiuiuui i-iiuiiKt'a Iteturulmr: Leave New Yoikat 0.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon nnd &.0U p. hi, Philadelphia nt 8.15 n. m, nuu o.jy p. hi. oicvpiug cara accompany tho y.oo n. m., and fi.OO p.m., trains from N. Y. ithouicuauRe. Lcuve Ilarr'jiburiifor Ilcadlnc. Pottsvllle. Ta- maqua, Mluersviue, Ashland, Hhumokin rine illlSUlUHU U. II, UU U. 1.11 I LV s.,UJ I 4,1U p.m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way I stations: the 1,10pm. train connecting for Phfl'a 1 Pottuvlllo and Columbia only. For PotUvUle I UchuylkUI Have a ana Auburn, via Schuylkill and Husquehanna ltallroatl, leave ltarrlsburg at ,40 p.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at ,30 a.m., connecting with similar train on East a. rauroau returning irora itcaumg at u,ao. m. itorrjlnu at nil stations. I.cavo Pottsvllle at G,4land 0,00 a.m.,and 2,43 p.m. lieiUUUU 11 L Ut IU., OllUUlOiilU Ul OtW UUU JU,U n. m.. Ashland ut 7.05 a.m. and 12.30 noon Tama qua at a. m., and 2,20 p. m.for Philadelphia Leave PotUvUle via Bchuvlklll and Susana. hanna Itallroad at 8,15 a.m. for llarrluburg, und ileodln Accommodation Train leaves Potts vino aio.iu a. in., passes iteaumg ai7,a) a. m., ar riving at rmmucipma at w,m u. m. Keturnlug, leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 u. m.. nasulmr Read- lug at 7.40 p.m., arriving at PotUvUle atu.30p.m. i'uusujwu Attuiumouuvioii iraimicuvesfoiis town at a.m.,, returning, icuvcu rnuodelphlG at 4.00 n.m. uoiumma itauroaa inuns icave Heading at .13 a.m.. auu o-io n.m. ior iDiirairt. j-illz. iancaa- IV l t UIUUIUIU,U.Li, 1'erklomen 1U11 Iload Trains leave Pcrklomen Junction at lf.00 a. m., aoo & 5.30 p. in. returning : leavoHchwenksville at 8.05 a.m., 12.45 noon, and 4.15 p.m.. connecting witu slmuar trains on Heading Itallroad, Cotebroolcdale llallroad trains leave Tottstown at 0. 10 a. m and 0.20 p. m.t returning leave Mount PleiiMintnt 7.00 and 11.25 a. m., connecting with similar tralus on lleadlntc Itallroad. Chester Valley Itallroad Trains leavo Bridge port at 8,30 a. in. nnd 2.05 and 6.02 p. in. returning. euvo lJuwiiiiiKion ui u.u a, ui., noon auu .15 n. m.. councctliiE? with similar trains on ibunuiug iiaiiruuu. rttx ti.,i,,lin-u Inni'u V,,ii! Wr-r nt R fUl n m Tll.U. phla at 8,00 a.m. and 3.15 p.m., (tho troln running only to Heading;) i'ottsvlllo 8,00 a.m.; llurrUburg at 5.33 a. m. and 4.10 p. m. and Heading at 7.15 a.m, and 10.05 p. in. for Harris- uurir. ui. l in. ior new loru.auu aLU.4ua.1n and 4.25D. in. for Philadelphia. uomiuuiaiion, jHiicoge. seuson, bcuooi ana Kxcurslon Tickets to and from all points, at re duced rales. uaggnge checked through; 100 pounds allowed until I'iianuiier, U. A. niUULi.L.13, General tiuperlntendenU Heading, Pa., Dec. 27 lStO. TTiELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & jlJ vi cnri-aii iiAjuiiuAu. winter arrange- uiuui, jan.w,iO(if. ataius leave as louowsi KASTU'Altn. WEHTWAnD. Ac- Ae- STATIONS. com. com. Via M. A E. IJIvla.lA M. Jill 1DILll'llk lIV itwt Jiarclau il.l 8.00 8.00 1 8.15 8.1-1 ....Christopher St.... .lIoboken NowarkH.....n.. Washington ........ via Cen. Illl. of N.J. 11 All ... new lorn (bo( Liberty t) 0.00 1 1.2:11 ...New Hampton 11.15 ri&i 12.15 uxford urldgevlllo , ....I'nlladelphla .Trenlon..w Phllllnsburir 11.45 11.55 &.1U 3.18 7.30 8.45 11.05 1X05 12,20 12.30 12.45 MM lis) -ManunUa Chunk..H ..ueiaware. ....Mount Detliel..H. Water Oap. 12.15 12.U0. 11.411 ,....wtroudsburg...... ......HprnBuevllle, ...... 1.00 1.10 11.20 1 u.imI llenryvllle Oakland Forks Tobyhauna....m ......Uouldsboro. . ........Moscow. , Duunlug......... Bcrauton , ...Clark's Summit,., ...Ablnaton 1.20 1.3$ 1.31 2.10 2.31 10.51 10.32' 10.1'jl U.5TI 0.15 0.15 8.4 1 8.35 2.52 3.U1 3.45 4.07 4.15 4.11 A.U .12 .CO 0.30 0.58 .40 10.18 &.VT K.19 ..Factory vlllo 10.40 11.03 11.28 7.551 T3S1 .....mcnoison.. ...Hopbottom..... M...Muntrose .w. ....New Mllford..... .......Oreut lleud 4.55 6.15 5.85 1.25 !LU) 7.15 11.51 S.1B 3.15 0.5) 5.55 0.10 12.1.1 12.33 0.40 A.M ir.u, Connections, At Tlinnhamton with ErleRallwav. Mali Train from New York connects with the Kxpress.Mall, Coach attached, stopping at ull stations, and roachlm? llutrato the next mornlni? at B'HY Accniumotlatlou Train from Bcrunton connects Willi Way Train leaving lllnghamton for Owego and Ithaca and the West at 2.00 v. u. also con iiDcilugwIth Train on Byracnse, Ulughamton it N. Y. It. IU lor byracuse, Oswego, &&, at 6.10 p, m. uuu wiiu iiuui im Aiuuuy a. nusiuenauni it. It, lur Ainauv uuu tue piorui ui .iiu i. M. Alall Traill leaves lllnehamlon after thnarrlvnl a. u.t vi me nJKut impress irnra liuualo. Aeoommouaiioii irain leaves iiinenatnuin nr. ter the arrival of the Day Kxpreas, leaving Uutfa lo at 7.00 A, v.; ulso, Train leaving Byracuse at 8,15 A.U. AiDcmuiun, wiiu uujmwunasa jfioomsourg It. It., una Delaware A Hudson Canal Co, 11, U.. Mail Train from New York connects with Trains for l'lttston. Wlikesbarre, llloomsburg, Dan ville, Northnmberlaud.Olyphant, Arch bold, and Curbondale. Mall Train to New York, and the Accommodation to litnghamton also connect with trains ou the above-named roads. The A c commodatlon from Dlnghamton connects with UKKawuuuH auu uiuuiusuurg jor 1 Jlislou wy. ouilnr. aud wllkes-Darre. At Manuuka Chunk, with Belvldere Delawure It. It., Mall Trains from New York and I row lltuiliamtou connect with the train from and to 1 uuiuieipuia, vwppiug ut uu stations, At New Hampton, with Central H. It. of New Jersey, fur and from New York, Elizabeth, Plalu Held, Homervllle. ic. ' At Washlngtou, with Morris A Essex It. It., for New York.Newark.Morrlstowu.Dover.Ilackelts- lOWIl,l-asuiu, nn, v, t . llAL,14TKAL),BUpt, 41 .. iibiiivii uvu, a-tuis uuu 1 jit, Ageut, brWSoudie ' i i3" t i nrv - CBEST IN THE WORLD.iT VrrMEN.ii - -V..ilslt ttun to "i A cism w vunii' New York Offloo 27 BEEKMAN BT. dec. !l,'ao-ra. Dry Goods & Notions. TMEW BTO0K OF OIjOTHINQ. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WINTEIt O00D9. havii) liOWENHKna invite attention to his slock of CH KA V AND FA8I I ION A lll.K CLOTI 1 1 N H. at Ills storo on Main Btroot, two doors above the American Home Illnnmnlinri' I'll.. where he lias Just rccolvwl from New York aud Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTIIINO, the most fMlll.Uable, dnrnblo, and handsome consisting of .,- 1IOX, HACK, ItUUl.', UUNii u uiu-uiiui CUAloAlJl'irjr. of all sorts, sites and colors. Ho has also replen ished his already largo stock of I'AU, AND WINT15II SHAWLS, , BTKIPKD, KIQUKED, AND 1'IAIN VE8TH BHinT8,CIlAVATS.BTOCKJ. COL1.A1W IIANDKEIlCinErs, OLOVEH, BUSl'ENDEltfl, AND FANCY AKTICLES He nas constantly on hand a largo and woll-se- eotod assortment of CLOT1W AND VrMTINOS, which ho is prepared lo malco to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notleo, and In the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCXIES AND JEWELRY, of every description, fino nnd cheap. His caseol Jewelry Is not surpnsscd'lu tliis'place. Call aud exnmlno hlsgcneral assortmcu of CWTHINO, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC, DAVID LOWENDKRO. rpiIE CHEAPEST AND UEST X ALT ADA now MANurAtrrunnD is tub Dooni.K w.tnr RED LION IillAXD to be found at tho popular dry goods storo of the undersigned whero everybody buy their SILKS, DUESS GOODS, FURS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, (JLOVIW, AC, 40. and any thing that they wnntln the lino of dry goods. M. P. LUTZ. MAIN STREET OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, BIiOOMSBTJUO, FA. Nov. 12,'09-t , Q C. MA It It have Just received from the eastern markets a large nnd well selected stock of DItY GOODS, C0H8ISTINC1 OF Casslmers, Jeans, Rest bloached & Drown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Tablo Linens, Cotton & Alt wool llaunels, dc, Ac, A goKl stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles A patterns. Bpicos of nil kinds, Good stock groceries, Quecnswarc, Btono waro, Wood & willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin, Drass,c All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment whlcli comprises everything usually kept In tho coun try, feeling contldent thai he cau sell them goods at such prices as will ensure satisfaction, Nov. S.'CO-tf C. C. MARR. jyILLEIt'S STOKE. AlllllVAJj UF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The subscriber has lust returned from tho cities with another large and select assortment of FALL AWD WINTER GOODH, purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the owesl ngure, ana which he Is determined to sell on as moderate terras ns can bo procured else where in Uloomsburg, His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles aud latest fashions, together Willi a large .assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, CasslmercH, Bhawls, Flannels, HilltH, While Goodl, LI 111 us, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, ilullowwaro Cedarware Queensware, Hardware Roots aud Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glasso.1, Tobacco, Cotrco, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usnalty kept In countrv stores, to wlilcu tie Invites the attention of the publlo generally. The highest price will bu paid ior country prouuee IU exchange for goods. H. II. MILLER & BON. Arcade Buildings, llloomsburg, l'a. CON PEOTION EltY, FIRST-CI.A8S CONFECTIONERY STORE, .... In the building lately occupied by Fox A Webb n i'iojiui on w, luruisu an ainus or PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS. NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AO., AC, BY WHOLESALE OH 11 KT Al L. In short, a full assortment of all roc his Hue or business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitubleforthe Holidays. Parllcuhtr alteutlon KU BIIEAD AND OAKEB, of all kinds, fresh every day, ouuibtmab candieh, chibtmab toyb. a can is solicited, and aatlaraction will b Nov. 22, 18B7, ECKIIART JACOH8. hyjEItOIIANDISE HUT1CE IB HEREBY OIVEN To my friends and the publlo generally, that all DItY GOODS, aitOOEHIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AC, are constantly ou hand and lor sale AT BARTON'S OLD STAND BLO0MS1I9H0, UY JAMES K. 1SYEH, n-AUa, Bolt Agent for:El.uii' Piionruan o ins. uirge lot cousiauiiy-un baud. irebs'tTr, PA. Dry Goods & Grocorios G HAND Ol'ENINQ OUANU OI'KNINO (111AN1) Ol'KNINU UHAND Ol'KNINU or WINTKII GOODS, WINTER GOODH, WINTKII GOODH, W I NT Kit UOOIKJ, WINTER OOOD.4, PAI.Ii AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND consisting ol consisting o( consisting or oonslsllng or consisting of DRY GOODH, DRY GOODH, DRY GOODH, DRY GOODH DRY GOODH, JIATH AND CAPS. HATS AND OAI-H, HATH AND CAPS, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES, BOOTH AND BIIOEH, HOOTS AND BIIOEH, llOOTH AND SHOES,- BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING RKADY-MADK CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTIIINO, READY-MADE CLOTHItlO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOO IC I N O-O LASS EH, LOOK 1 N U-U LASSKH, LOO K 1 N O-G LASS KS, LOOKINO-U I4AMSE3, NOTIONS, NOTIONH, NOTIONS, NOTIONH, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OIKS, PAINTS AND OIIJ1, PAINTS AND OII.H, PAINTS AND OILS, P AJ NTH AND UlLii, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, OUEENSWAllH, tlUEENHWARE, OUBENHWAIIE, lJUKENSWARK, O.UEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HAHDWARK, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT SALT HALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, KITH FISH, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND BEKDH, GRAIN AND BKKDH, GRAIN AND MEEDS, AC, AC AC, McKELVY, NEAL 4 CO.'H, McKKLVY, NEAL A CO.'H, McKELVY, NEAL t CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. MCKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest corner 01 Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main und Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market 8treet4, Northwest uorner of Main and Market Streots. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, RLOOMSI1DRO, PA., I1LOOMS11URU, PA HLOOMHHUHG, PA., ULOOMSBURG, PA., 1IL00M8UURO, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILH, IRON AND NAILH, IRON AND NAILH, IRON AND NAILS, In lareo onantltles and at reduced raU. alwav on uauu. Miscellaneous. n loomsburg normal school and lit JJ ERARY INSTITUUE. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. HENRY CARVER, A. M Principal, Professor of intellectual and moral science, and i"wtj nuu iiuciieu ui leucuiug. Miss Sarah A. Carvar. Procpntrpsv. Teacher of French, Botany anu oruauaentui branches. Isaac O. Rest. A. n. Professor of Ancient Languages aniLEngllsu uuiuiuar. J. W. Ferree, A. M. Professor of Mathematics, nnd practical i tronomy Rev. D. C. John, A. M., Profe sor of chemistry nnd physics. F. M. Bates Teacher of geography, history A Book-keeping James Brown, Assl tant teacher of mathematics Gr mmar. Kngllsb Miss Alice Carver Teacher of Music ou tho piano and melodeau. Mrs. Ilattln T. Itevt Teacher of Vocal Music and Instrumental musl Miss Julia JI. Guest, Tcachtr of model School. The FALL term wltt rommtnu n im. ............ ufa uuu ,0 icuuy ior occupan cy, ou appllcallon to the Principal, students will bo furnished with homes In pleasant families. It IS better for Students tnmniminia,l cnlng of the terra, but when this Is Impnictlca. ble they can enter atany tlmo. March 20 lSOs, QMNIBUS LINE. The undersigned would ros)ctfully announce to luocuiieus 01 iiioomsunrg and the publlo gene- imiijt tuu ue is running an OMNIBUS UNE between this place aud the different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with n. several trains going South nnd West on tlm ntn. wlssa and Wllllamsport Railroad, and with those going noni, ana south on the Lackawanna and uloomsburg Railroad, His Omnlbusses are lu raod condition, enmmn. dlous and comfortable, and charttcs reasonable. i-erBons wishing to meet or Bee their friends de part, can be accomodated upon reasonable charge uj traviug tiuieiy notice at any of tha hotels. JACOB L UIRTON, Proprletoi. AT E W COAL YAH T JL 1 Tun undersigned rcspectrully inform the uua u illUUIIInUUI! that they keen all the tl .y HP a. t..e"-tnnere'nt numbe oXo'i uuai uuu selected lump coal for smithing puri- "''K'' "'""'F M'Kelvy, Nen'l A "thilrwhaerfWto' S,8! rtt'f H' ""'V 1,w"c" 1 iViv.S., w.. frf" to V'B'1 cou'. Iy. ""d straw, Ihiu. ...l.n .1 , 1. . amount OI coal, tl lev Intiu,l lnl-nna ,nn.,A. ticie, nuu sell at the very lowest prices. Please .. E.aiumu wr yourselves ueiore J. w. JIKWIIKIIHIIOT, AUGUSTUS MASON, TPIIE undorBlcned will tako In i?"' ty"1' Haoi,Shoulder,an J side uieat.Bulter. r.KUS. llav. An.. Ut tlm liluliAcl .utl. .,-i..u ... Grocery Btoro. adjolulnu: tlielr coal vant. ' .T W UVUIlIiMiutivn WANTED.-TO ALL OUT OF EM- in Vtru h wouiusny mat whot we kave w..v. j vU i. uu uw iiiiua or experiment, a iiiose who have followed It lor years will testify. Vie can prove tovouibatvou nr iii-niA,T,,;iJ can ,.,ove to Tun Thatyou S'lCTi lu tUonDTIlutert innvniimi,l.,,,.,ni.u. l ".l.T renuireu to mart. iuniT.i v . Nov.M.'Ci.Sm. 010 Arch btreet, Philadelphia. s LATE HOOFING, EVERY VARIETY A V MOST PAVOHADLE RATES. JOHN THOMAB, Attn CABPER HO. "7. Bloomabure. isuum. lu- iuiit.tti.iitf-iy Q.ET THE BEST. Miinton's Copper Tubular Llghliilng Hod Is th e best prplccflou against dlsusier by llglitiilu! ever Uvcuted. The aubscrlber Is agiut for the ..,.t wuu.nuu uu uruers vy mall or person w 11 be promptly aiteuriedio. May 15,'ea. K. U.JJ1DLKMAN. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, AO., AO. Neatly anU Cheaply Printed From tho Laltal styles of Type at the COLUMBIAN OFFICE, Sewing Machincg' GltOVEIt A HAKEU'S ' SEWING MACHINES. Tho following nro selected frnm listlmonlais or similar character, a it tho reasons for Hie proferonco for the ri """l DAKKn Machines over all otlit-i-. """Viu liikoinoGrnvcr ft Biltn.u . Iho first l'lnoo, beennso, If 1 if'j "j'Mni, , ft lirover a iiiwr, it answers tlis xm, "' ni tho rest. It lines n greater Tarl"lv r C?',lii it Is easier lo lenrn than nny otlior "Li?" ! Croly (Jenny June). nMrijTJ "I liavo had aeveral yrr,i wiiu n u rover j iiiRcr iuac line uhl.i 'vh me reat satisfaction, I thlnklliat ul .h"'l'n r xtarlilnn is morn tn.ilo .i.-!,r"etlB two yenrsi nml fmiu what! itu0 S ti ,f0"l lugs, und 11 om tho testimony ufVV'ut friends who nso tho same, I can , 1?J M ttil nnytlilng could be moro ouinploti orJY;Wl siitlsfactioii."-Mrs. General Uraut , . . 1 ueiiovo 11 to bo His Im.i ... I cousiuereu. oi nnv that I l,ou. 'i iqidkbi very Hinploandoually learned! ui,!;,"' Hal the ordinary spools is 11 greut a'iI.i rum. tuiutij leiianie; i,l,,. ;""iHI Iwora uenuiiiuiiy ! 11 Is uot iuti Iu"4 prZ?pAnK. linker to them nil, Ueci!!is0 l'T-S , ! Vj"!'" more elastic. 1 iinve work iiuw h t IT'I third Street New York, u,"Ti(.l "More than two-thirds of 01 11, I 1 Oiiolu my family for the lait IvojeanhEB I done by (rover A Baker's Machine all T I had n garment 1 ip or need mend s J, J,!?9 1 rents whlcli Irollcomo liovs w,ii V.W'f?'"l I cloth, It Is In my opinion b rartlismi!iv!"l ue!"1' 1 VoSrleu,:'! "Tho Grover A llbor u,..i. .. I hns rendered In every respect tbi ff .'c".lll sallsraction. It combines so hianr ndv..uwl with bcauly or execution and mnont IfSSl that It Is n necessity in every liouSiV- f?l Governor Geary, Hirrlsbuig, pj. " "1 Ii-m or twolvn Vfnr. 11, ,.;,..,;.."e.r,1l house. 1 havo seen and known everrk HSI lainlly sevvliig, both personal an "K&l occompllsliwl upon the urover A Rakei mSS! to tho entire satisfaction or all cerued'-lllov. Stephen II. Tyiig. ,,re l "I find tho Orover lint, 1 ..I wear ns long ns tho garments do-onti.;,!i:l garment, in ract. tuu stitcn will notbrtViTli bias seams, when stretched. a niiien ,.! neither does 11 draw tho work." (Mrs. h, A-I?l lug, 1 East Twenty-rourtti SireelJ.New Yoit 1 . . i-Wo havo it Grover A U.ikerSeulniWl chine forsoveu ycnis In conitaat uie.liemmlll leuing, lucaiog, nnu cverytn iu that tin tiiZU canuo ltlsptererre.lovL-rall.ftl.t, VmSi I 01 lis durability of work, elastlcliy, anO iK,'! or allien, ease oi movement, and slutiliois? iouslructlon."-lMrs. Gin. lluei. ' a1' 1 hnousctl one ror tiiu last nhieor .en vm-I and I think It is ilecldedlv tlm lin.r r.ii.'l lug jinchine." JirB. Alice II. Whipple Vissl Rov. Dr. Whipple, Bee Am. MUs. AssociauS. I ... 1 nno iinunn opporlunltyofdimil lntiand uslue: oilier varieties i-r iiiftii-,..TI very much pnler tho (liuver A llaker utfi,l strength, elasticity, and beauty, 1 havismlnl other inactilno hoslinnlo fn iim rr.t,n,.. ri i-nslly undcrstuod und kepi luorJtr.'Mial 'During lhe past eleven years I banl hadiiGrovtr a Baker Hewing MaihlceluMil slant me, nud It has never rinulrcd ttie leutiil pair, I lake girut pleasure lu runmnenilliil rhino for family use." Mrs, J,u. i'hj fe, IDsVea iweutii btreei, now 101a. "It Is so slmnto in its xtiiiftiintfc.tfti.l exccedliiRly dllllculi to cet it out or rain, luil v. ..if 11111a iim nnu 111 v-11 llll-ll-uail lad U other four venrs can sew kitiikMit mmtA.l without assistant o."-.Mri. A.U. Fos.lm Rev. Archibald t. Fuss. 2il:lVi-ht.'iliirtii.ih.iMl New York I "Tho Grover A Baker Muclilno U uftil beueflt to mauklnd Unit I olten ftel us ihonil nuiiiu mi iiiui,utivi iu 11 iiiiipei 11H praiMrsiufUca neur. The one I have tu id the platDCKl kind I but I would not i-xcl.nliccltror lhcliKist!iK,l Ivo I ever wiwot any oilier,wi!Mil wiioot I'roi. wiison, 01 Jiouurl Lollcge. "The slintilltlty or Us tonstructlo,Ci ruclllly Willi which lis ui-c'is ncqulred.the twaa I ly, silt ngui, uuu cinMii-iiy 01 iia suu.u,ana litliiptablilly lo all kinds ol work, me oMfal tlhich do not ell biloitti al once li nny tiler tl r11ic. i'roi. iieusiiuw , 01 i iiiinion&eullliUr, "My wlfulsdelltililcd with tier Gimnl Baker Sewing Machine. Hhe 1 rtfersttie Urcrrl A llaker to nny other sho lios feccii." Rev. A.4.1 1- lauci, L uiuiueipiiia uuiiiuieuee, "Wo havo used one of (! rove-r A EitrfJ Bowing Machlutslor about ten yeuis,&udcil sider ltcnnuot bo excelled, llruim mnootul was never out or repair, and gives verygonml sallsracllou." Mr. l.dwln Hunt, HI.iterjl uincugo. Tho Grover aud IlakerSdWligMacbliitCi liauy manulucturo both the Elastic btllclii&l Lock Stitch Machines, and oIK-r tho pu&llt 1 ciiolco or thu best machines o( both kind,i,l their establishments lu ull the l,tri:eclt.,ul tlirouch agencies In nearly all townsttrouimil tho country, l'rlco Llstsand Hitiupleiof senl In both stitches furnished uu aipllutloatl G rovir .1 IiaUer S. M. Co., 1'hlliuleipMu, or to J, A. bOUAJ, llluatiubn-T I Iuiie2','lia-lv Mill Hardware & Cutlery. NEW II A ItDWAHB STOEl . NK PLUS ULTRA. I Having cniargeu our nioiw OPENED A NEW BUl'l'LV, I directly from tlie Maiiufucturers.purcaM CUSll, Olml Ul'CHIllUg UIUiaci,vr ovr- oner the same to VAUMKILS. MECHANICS, l!UIUEI.t and the rest of Mankind, a general . l pr s ng all lhe itinus ami mism .-1 (n llnr.l Wnrn Hlnre. suitable tOtliel- of Hie county, ut unusually low P';. J All inosownourouwiuuun wi 1, LV.TuTn,' UJ lii our lino can buvo Money uy lookluglua.u New Hardware Storo. , .,..,, will Please glvo us a YiBfi"yAN WAHBB.h I Anr.23.C0.lvr Blooinalnishl j. It. fw JACon K. Smith. g M I T II & HEIiTZ h iv, Importers nud Dealers In Foreign anil IW I HARDWA P. E, GUNS. CUTLER Y, KO. 400 H. TIIIlll) STIIECT, .CAI.W,U' I PHILADELPHIA. Nov, 22, n-tr. p U 11 L I C SAL I: 1 I v a r. ir a 11 t. 11 lll'.AL r.SttB Iu pursunuco nf nn order of l1' "J'mpI DAY. March 2(lth lb70,at 1 n'W,,iii1 noon, Ilenben Bellas coininni " )t,!sl Orungo Township, county of (-'.' "aJ nosotosa obv nuu 10 vtuuuc, u certain jtouso anu LOT OF a It 0 U M'i Bitunlalnlha u.n ami nillltV aiOrtt"V" Kg, . .-1.1 imnau' XiiWEr, strict ineasure on which 1 ereeteu barn. ll" the Alato of said lit ul'. 5 "" township, ''JVl NLIM' aforesaid. WELLINGTON 1L .. fi 1-AUniTTnCU nn H1I.1T. 1111 F-. "..M.T ..t.. I luiiriuoi uiu i.uiviiiuie ,i1H trv One-I COUt urination or the aie, :,i.i 111 uue ytar 111 111 1111. iu.....--- . ...,i i- liii.i,-.r ,1, tii-kt. linv 01 1"",..., ,ji ntkl ilnv nr Anrll A. 11.. lo.e. ;.i,l o- wvm uuu diiuij -lit tx,liii" uiuugeviue, x vu. 10, io.w-v.. DOMESTIC ECONOMY I niltvnTI L.'AOll'M.l.lUi1! A new.ihoop durable, bcallhy, J 11 vi fwiii mVEItlNO I snb.lltuto for oil-cloll. nt oue-i lIuMU-- I . . . ..l'lllllUlv nuul wlili-li rectlvex f h and paper :lurw la nn if mrw fctnrinil. uml dOSsy, SU" lates next lu no dust! ltdot'i laieaueillonoauslj ltuot- rPt:l.uu not ri-4M":ji. avuvt uiucu juuor uuu uv"",i,iiiaui'-. I I WII II I lift Ullltll 1 1 ll-kia HTIlHIllCl'W 7 ...((111. If J. THOMAS Y"f ,"',7;, ,r :."', ,-ucciudl'ui 1 liuwatul lirli.lil , in Its uso no iv"-. .., ruci 1. -..1.7..7. ..V.T.U'A r.VT... r..r wl'lir. ui".7,-J ly uiiiiikui umerri iiwin-.i.'-'r.. ...iiji tier OMinir liken niiiv 10 sct-iuv r ... imir nas receuuy been useu iur w r,a vit: eve n for tniubu rnnfa. Hour bag" ?.. 11 pai el.bul tl.u llrst atleiuit,clth''r.' .r. luici,uui lliu lirsv mini. ".'"'.,. A.nerl.-n I i, II IlltU tlirpCl u ... lug. ail tuiitede It to be an ntli " ,,,, ntf lu 1 at insuutucluitrs iiili't's. .. 1 msih1?! -Ysu are lnllid itxtnii, : -v.ii,.' goods at our atoro. MKLLi tiiooiukburg,Dtc. nwu. T70R SAJjE. -X- . . . i.,,iinl ' Auoutnrtynvoitct m ut". coupll: but lei lUlnvs ami 'll1bSl7:u,lit,,' loollghl forourwoik, A ; fu'.'.i, Jf tl uhl forourwuia. " r" uii " iti In. und 21u. IBii'ffi'SJoUl' a uiljustutle liuniii rs. , Viily l , b 'Ihushiiig Wll"!IsJA'llJ', dats ktiarittuf Hugs and Alfco tibti dtc. n.'cs-if,