T m .V ...... 31 Arf-iMr4 Aiiin ir ill. ntimv FRIDAY MORNtNO .unIAM IlUlI-WSfl NICA11TII..I--O.J.W nocse, nv . i- nnofMU A V K.lllor anil Proprietor. .! Mkrs a Tear, sayaMo in Advanco. mrriM QDOO. IKUUi- JOD PIIIMTINO serlpllon. executed will, t'ealuc.n ami dispatch at rwwotiiiMo rates. (If ft I iff Mf lit f it it WyW wf IIP lw VOLUME IV ---NO. 8. BL00MSBU11G, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1870. COL. DEM.---V0L. XXXIV NO. 1. RATES OF ADVBftTIBlNH. One square, (Un I Inn or iU equivalent In Non patetl typ.) one or two Insertion., tUW; three Insertion!, 12.00. Sat. 11,00 6,00 spacx. Ik; One square. . tfXO Two squares....... S,50 Tbreo squares ..... 8,W Four squares.... 7 CO (tuatler column,. 10,00 Half column....... 15,00 One N)lumn.10,(io 7,00 12,00 18,00 sii,ao i. 14,00 7,00 0,00 11,00 11,00 3)00 4010 CM. It. 10,00 1 10, to y,ix i,0 12,00 !, 17,00 2S.00 , so.oo no.oo m.w (VI.OO 100.M Executor's or Administrator's Nolle, 11.00 1 Andltor'a or Assignee's Notice, I MO. Local notices, twenty ceuta n line; by tiie year ten cent. Cards In tlio "Business Directory" column, l.0O per year fur the first two Unci, and 11.00 for each additional line. 1 T ivnn(.nvir 11 1 V I'aO iVll f - - ' " ntU'I.ttT, dealer ins r-'-t"-, ilirvn" - - CLOTHING, Ac. imii"--1-- ..... it.. , ..a nnrlicr 1 .1 totholJrlck Hotel. ittr wiiftri A T.tl Art ,Ultt"V.L - - l.l.l' liia I'liML IfllK'l'i , Druggist ami AiKUliPCur.cn, vl'Uia rtu I lieail corner imiiuiuiu huh ni. 8nectaele A -...a (in iir..iii mni i iiifu Ainicpr. a ur BOOTS AND SHOES. i,nrws iinnt nml Khnf maker. MAIM oniiiKuui a. mud HtiocH. UrocoriCR. cic, .Mam MitKv, PROFESSIONAL. . C. 11UW1.U. Burgeon iicuum, aium ... 0 1110 UOUTL JIOUSP. '"" . F. KINiNLi . Hlirceon lieiiiuiu irem -u Orangovillo Directory. Philadelphia Directory. 1 A K. W. COLEMAN, Merchant Tallm a and II. Usui . lurnitniug goous, Alain HI, next door VMll7 All. HERRING A llROTIIER.Carpcntersaud , Builders, Main sU, below l'lno. vl-iit7 nuwnit II Clrocei Mulliat. lOWIIIl lIKItniNO, dealer In Dry Uooils, series, Luiuucr iiuu ceuerai iiiercuaiiunte. V1-IH7 ntltCK llOTi:!, and refrcsliiiicnt Hnloon. by i) Itohr M'llcury cor.or Mnlu nndl'luilvl-iii7 ,1'hysli'liiii and Burton, 11117 Plnurnnd UrlnlMl'l.nnd 11H7 t1l. O. A.MIXlAltlli: UMalu at,,iivxtdoortoUood'a Hotel DAVID IIKlllllNO. Rlouriuv Urnlor In grain. Mill Htrcut, UH. C. KKI.CIINKH. P.lnckiinlti . Htli-ct, neurl'lue. ,on Mill Vl-1117 I AM I'M II. II AUMAN. Cabinet Maku: 1 tlettiiker. Main Kt., below Tluo, and lTn vl-n 17 I M. IIAHMAN. Haddlo and Harness mnker. tl. Main St., oppsito Kramo (,'hurcli. v.'ull fill T fl, VH1 1 1, T. Uii.l.lldnii.l II..... .....1.... I Main t ubovu t'liu Hwull llolt l. M-UI7 r.WlS II. HCIIUYI.KH. Iron fouii.ier,Mac'liln- iraettuer orjiiows, tiu Hi,vi-ni7 i lt, and Minnin I tlll.KHA. VI.I,lAMB.Ui..Tiuiner.-inliil Mali' JJL ufacturvra ofliathur, MHIHtriot. V1-U17 CAMUKI.HHAHl'I.r.SS.Malcerufthfllnyhurst j iiihiu .ruuiti, itiiiui nv. ttril.I.IAM IIKLO.S'O Klioi-niakcritti mamifno- If ttueror itriek, Aimni., wesvoi r. Majorr.it. AitTMAN, c. if. dillikokiu m. Monv ltTiMAN, DILlilNQKH & CO., NO. 101 NOUT1I TlimD 8T. nilLADELrillA, Two doom nbovo Arch, formerly US, MAN UrACTUllKUD AND J011I1ERS IN UAUPKTH, foriONB, YAIlNf, 11ATTINO, on. ci.oTiia, caui'KT chains, coudaok, Ull, HII AHUS, UUAIN MAOH, TIU YAUN, WICK YAHK, WINDOW rAI'EK, COVK11I.ITH, ALSO,- WII.LOW AM) WOODIW WAllK llKOOMS.inaiSlIM.t.OUKl.NO al.AH.SUf.TltUHKD, fell. S.'C), jgAGLK HOTHL. M7 nORTII 11111(11 nTRKRT, 11. 1). CUMJIINOS, 1'llOfltISTOR. JjtSTAULlSHKU 1703. JOHDAN A UUOTllE.lt, Wholemile Orocers, and Dfiilcn In HAI.TI'OTItK AND 11RIMRTONK No 519 North Third HU 1'hlladclpUln. Catawifina. U P. DA M.MAN, Merchant Tailor, Hccond Rt. I), Koijiiiub' liuuuing. v4 t. . ,f tinntitMU U1V. tt llUHUltlUj ITU. Seen ml Ht.. below Main rilMlF.ItT general inerchandlse. Kurizeon and Flivslclan V-UIO urocertes. and KI.lXK.ilrv iroixli T!. K1BTI.KU. "CuttHWlssa Itonsc." North . Corner Main and Krrond Ktreets. v'inlS t i;r.II.t:Tl. ltlllnrd Kalnon. OvstelH. and Ico li. Cream In season Main Ht. v2uia MM. IlIlOHsT, dealer lu General Merchandise . Dry Oiiods, Urorerlca &c. v2-nl8 rtlTMOIIKHANNA or llrlck Hotel. 9. Kosten- n lmniicr l'ronrletor.bouth'Cast comer Main and rlccoud Street. V2nl2 1. lwlii7ivi, ut'uiri ill niuivnuiiu iiii-iiniii. V7IUS CI O. Main Street. AllIlOTT. AttoriiPV nt law. Muln Ht. V2UI2 Vl-Ud rivl'.Li v l . ai. i;..DUiuriiii nuui iij im iuu. Light Street. I H. IHVINE, Medical Rtoro Main Street and jl.' lirurcrcck itouu. TT V. OMAN il. ubove School lloube. W. ULAliON & CO., MauiifacturciBof Oil. CLOTHS AND WINDOW SIIADIM, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Mrcet rhluulclphla. Q.iCOKaE II. IIOUEUTS, iniporicr auu ieaier ui IIAHDWAItE, CUTLF.UY, ClUNK. Ac. No. 311 Norlli Ihlrd Street, abovo Vino l'hlladclphla. C. II. liOlt.MK. W. H. KINO J. D. SLYIIBIIT. I HOUNE, KING & SEY11E11T, .....n i.e. .... nriAtid No. 421 Market Street riULADELI'IHA. Orders filled promptly at lowest prices. January 3, 1SC3. HW. HANK'S ...... ..... W11U1.IV1A1.C. 1UUALLU, p. ur r , rtii u CIOAH WAHEII0U8E, No. 110 Noith Third Street, Uetwccn Cherry and ltocc, west side. l'hlladalplih). Don't Slop Ovor. Don't slop over," tlio old man said. As he placed his naud on tho young man's head , 'Go It, by all means xo It fasti Qo wlillo leather and horsoshoos laslj do It wlillo hide and hair on horso Will hold tof-other. Oh, so It of con no - Oo It ns fast as over you can, lut don't slop over my dear young man. "Don't slop over. You'll find somo day That keeping an eye to windward will pay; A horso may run n little too Ions, A preacher may prcachjust n fraction toostroug, And n poet who pleases tho world with rhyme., May write and regret It In alter times ; Keep tho end of tho clfort ever In view, And don't slop over, whatever you do. 'Don't slop over. The wisest men Arc bound to slop over now and then , And yet tho wisest at work or feast Aro the very ones that b'nndcr tho least. Those that for split milk never wall Aro tho ones who carry the steadiest pall, wherever you go, go It for tlio fat, Hut don't slop over and freeze to that I "Don't slop over. Great Solomon Onco went n little too far with his fun ; Louis Napoleon, as wo know, I Slopped over on Max, In Mexico; Horace Greeley and Jellersou D., And Hlnton Helper and old J. 1)., Aud Androw Johnson, tho great 'I won't,' All slopped over Tako care you don't. Don't slop ovor. Distrust yourself, Nor always reach to tho highest shelf; The next to tho highest will generally do, And answer tho need of such as you. Cllmh, of course, but always stop And tako breath this sldo of the top; And yon will reach It In wind und strong, Without slopping ovir. Thus ends my song," The Locomotion of tho Serpent. It Is said and In ono senso tt Is true Hint serpents havo no limbs; but somo of tho bona and pythons Imvo at tho bn.io of tho tall, on each sldo of the vent, rt llttlo hook, which Is supported or part nor lot In tho worship, for ho is Deacon Isaacs' Tost. nothing but an outsider. Tho hymn being road, tho choir tako When Spiritualism first mado Its ap In hand tho singing of It. Tho straneer I poaranco In tho vlllago of , old dca hopes that ho will havo moro firmly con Isaacs, a rich man who has stood stamped on Ills mind tho Impression by I'm church for nearly threescoro mado by tho pastor's reading of It. Hut years, was exceedingly bitter ngulnst ,y a bono Imbedded In tho flesh; and thorolstt disappointment for him. Tho all believers In tho "devil's work," as this rudimentary limb is no doubt tho words which tlio minister rend In tho o caiiett it, anu tienounceu apiriiuni- Inslgnllleant representative of tho hind- English language havo been rendered lsts ana spiritualism in no vory gentio Cr leg of tho ordinary quadruped, and by the accomplished linguists In tho language, imagine iiioueacotrs anger, 0f our own lower limb; lust as tho nil) choir gallery Into tho .Tnpanoso tongue, then, when six months after ,vards ho pics of tho malo mammalia answer to or something lllso It. For what ho can round it iind worked Us way into tno tho fully developed breasts of tho understand ont.the musicians might as family, and not only wero his who and well bo Imported artists for Jeddo. Ho daughters bellovers, but ono of them needs n book, or something to help him was a medium, and possessed full pow traiiilato what Is being sung. Entirely or to converso with tho spirits of tlioso helpless for tho want of It, ho patiently who had departed to thafbourno from awaits tho conclusion of this service of which no traveller returns," song, mid as It draws to n close, ho con Deacon Isaacs was mad, dreadfully eludes that tholnhospltablo authorities mad; but ho had wit enough not to I. " A Co.. Whi'clwrlahtH. first door viniu I L17.Z1I: UAKKI.KY, Milliner, ltamsey i una Maui street. vlnKl I VIUl- 10IIN A.OMAN. Manufacturer aud dealer In J Boots und shoos, vluli) I J. I.ElBKIt, M. D., Surgeon and Physician. uiiico ui icucr's iioiei. vtn.i TlETHIl KNT. dealer In Drv Goods Groceries. I Kluur. t ted. Hall. Fish. Iron. Nails. etc.. Main Street. vlulS RH. KNT, dealer In Stoves and Tin waro In all Us branches. vlnto WALTER, Late Walter A Kaub, Importer and Dealer 111 CHINA, GLAB.-J, AND (iUKENHWAHK, No. 231 N.ThlidStrcet, Philadelphia. KEl'llEAUT, wiru Espy. mcy ..nil v I Bl UGiailAHD.A imo.leoler In Dry Good. (JrocTrltii, nud utmerul Mt-rcliaiKlUe. vllull 1,1.-11-1 niliAdl I'lAJUUimi 111.11, J.D,lM)WiCrt J lTonrlctor. wnli) h. Main Kt... Iiplrtur Ainprlrnn ifniliu V 111 -11 I f I). WEIli:iIKI.Sini,liOQtaiHlHh()eHtorartna u nionuftictoiy. Ktiop ou Nniil Hlreet op posiiu tno Kicum Mill. rp W. KlKlAH.HuisqufliAUiia rlunlngMill nud X liox. jiuuuiuciury. J.M UAHNES, UHO. & IIEKUON, HATS, CAPS, STHAW GOODS 4 FUltfl, No. 603 Market Street, (Abovo Fifth,) PlIILAUKLI'lIIA. JOHN STJIOUP & CO., Successors toStroup & Brother, WHOLKHALN DF-AWHtS IN FISH. No. 21 North Wharves uud 2S North Third St lhlladeiphla. T ICHAItDSON L. WMU1IT, Jit. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. I2S SOUTH SIXTH STltKET, l'lIOLAUKLl'llIA. oct. 22,'CO-ly No Lovo in a' Cottngo for Mo. BV X, V, WILI.19. Tbcy may talk of love In a cottage, And bowers of trclllscd vine Of naturo bewltchlngly simple, And milkmaids half divine; They may talk of the pleasures of sleeping In tho shade of a spreading tree, And a walk In the fields at morning, Ily tho sldo of a footstep free I But give me a sly fl Irtatlon. Ily tho light of a chaudeller With music to play lu the pauses. And nobody very near; Or a seat on tho silken sofa, with a glass of puro old wine. And mamma too blind todlscover Tho small whlto hand In mlno. Your lovo In a cottage la hungry, Your vines aro a nest for 11 In Your milkmaid shocks the Graces, And simplicity talks of pic. I You lto down lu your shady slumber, And wako with a bug In your car, And your damsel that walks In tho morning Is blind like a mountaineer. True lovo Is at homo on a carpet, And mightily likes his ease And true love Iioh an eye for a dinner, Aud starves beneath shady trees. Ills wing Is tho fun of a lady, Ills foot's an Invisible thing. Aud his arrow lstlpp'd with ajenel, And shot from a .liver spring. cIPifitcllnncouri. Tho Man in tho Back Few. no Hymn Book. with Buck Horn, s IWI.' n.iiLiini.l 1?.. ii,.enliinii Alma. i-l. I House, Malu at., ltalUer Lcncock n,ujerln- I V 1-11 J I (Uvular UAir-.fi.ii ulw.li.i.iila u.tnll 1-.. Ulock. Main fclreet. vlnU 0. A W. IT. MIOEMAKKlt. Roods, crocirlt-H mid general merchandise. Moro in isooin cnu 01 iowu. (leiilurM In dry M. Business Cards. HI. I.'VEU.K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ashland, Schuylkill County Pu. a V. SMILhKH, AITOUNICY AT LAW, Ofllcn f'onrt TIouso Allov. below tho CoLUM- iuan OIllcc. lioutitleH, llm-lc-Puy uud renslouH eollecteiJ. lJlooiuuburg l'u. ep.'JU'(y7 tiiri tmrt a ti rninnifi JIKI!Kl.i:Y. llnnt nnil HiirtA ttnro tiiv-lra I XJs jOBKHT F. CLARK, A J lUlllN l-.l AT LAW, Onico Muln Hlreet below tho Court limine. Illoomfclmrg renu'n. IIKS imiifrTlt1iA-V ('rnParliilo below J ron Main vl- ATIOUNKV AT LAW, Onico Court-HotiKO Alley, below thu Colum- iuan UlIUc, loomiilmrK ru. uuu i.umuer. couieroi luin nirttt und roan. vi. till ll'I.'Tll f,.f. .11. .....1 t..i Q I). -UKOCKWAY, Ai"Jui;rj;Y at law, ULOOMSIiUKO, l'A. Court Ilouho Alley, in tlio Po- X.UMI)IAI IJlllllllll'f. IJHUI, UJ. Muln bt. and Court JIousu ulh-y, vl-iH'i . etc.. P(ir. Muln mnl IViili-n ttn vl.iii.1 lllllirv. flcuinrliiii A. Ilri.vlililm Xltilt, U 17 J' TIIC li I Sit would uu uiirg and vlclull am t., above Webt. vl-U i.uii dealer lu Cliolco Drv Goodu. and cor. Mam und Muiketktt). vl-mi ,7.1,,,,. IIOHNTON iimounce lo tliocu zeiiHoi uloomit- jiirir anu vieiuuv. mui no hum iut.L rtit'ivtHi uiuii uuu coiupiciu ubHoriiueui ui WALL PAl'Klt, WINDOW BUADE8, FIXTUUKrf, COIU1S, TABSULS, and h 11 other goodKlu his line of business. AH llio new Chl 11 ml most uoniuved iiutterim nf thu : uuy aru uiwu) h ut ou joumi in uih i-Hiuuiuiiineui, uiiir.t), -w-u iuiu ni. ueiow iMiiruei, NYDEH, IIAIlltlS & UASSETT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTIIINO, Nos. 523 Market, and Mi Commurco Street, Philadelphia. YlIiLlAJI FISIIEU 1 i w THOMAS OA ItH ON & CO. WIIOLlUiALU DEAliEUS IN HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS Jt NOTIONS, KO. IS NOI1T1I VOUUT1I 8TKKKT I'hiladclphia. June 4,'C'J-0m -yyAUTMAN & ENGELMAN, ijun-v,tsiui' r Jt nr.uaii MANUFACTORY, No. 313 south Tiiiim BTUKirr, Second Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WAltTMAN. 1'. EsatLMAN. yAiNWitiaiiT & co., wuui.iuiAi.1. uauv.ww), N. 11 Corner Second and Arch Streets, l'KlLAOELrnU, Dealers lu TEAS, SYItUlH. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES ItlCi:, brlClJ', 111 CAUll HOUA, AC., AC, -()rder will ree.lvo prompt attention may 10,U7-tr. 1). PUIISEL, HAUN1SS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, Mil 1,1. It & tON. itenlvr In llrv nni.il. ..!. 'ii.:i,:.r."': ..r.r., ... Mt.ll . ............. ....... . . uiufviiuiiriic.iiiiu i.iiviu.i..rtij. Um lllA rnllr...... .il. ..II MISCELLANEOUS. --v, uioill OlICCI, V I'll 1.1 -vhicih in LUinhpr nf hI1 r hi l'lnnlntr luuowu, VIIH nmci-m . u . .. """iMAf. nuutiin. iriiiiiiT.t iiiiriifNK. "" uiuttt. iuiun a i reel, VdUiu Hon hi km ii ..... . wnir aiiuiu uuu irouitis. vi-u .i iTrni akcih lor lunsou uoiiner uiguiUlI.U itou, IUV1W 1. v.. nuiHjri UIOCU. 1UU 1 hit Yl'M " nirrei. wt-hi 01 Aiiii veL ti. JWIAflt' t.i . uty.iear of Ainerlcuu Houhu, vluU ,OH. VALIHEH, I-'LY-NKTH, UUKFALO HOUrM, noitSK-lU.ANKKTH Ac., which ho fueU contldent he can bell ut lower rme 1 rum any oiner erou in 1110 county, kx h in lilts fur YourselvtH. nnoji imru uonr u-iow iuu court Jiotue, iuin Htreet, liloouihburg, l'u. UUVi 1Q, Hi, g E N T F It E E I .11. U'Jil'.t'.l' l'., A CU. M SEED CATALOGUE And ciuuiK to tlio FLOWER aud VKOKTAllLi: Garden, For 1870. Published In January. Every lover 'of flowers wishing this uew and valuable work, fret ut charge, should uddress linnuillately M, O'Keele, Son A Co., F.ltwunger A Harry's lllockltochester, 41, 1 Itt, .1, UU.'UUI Good reader, supposo n man comes to your house to dinner. You ask him to sit with you, and, taking your places at tho table, the meal begins. Ail that is necessary for tlio enjoyable refreshment of tho Inner mon is beforo you, well cooked, and decently served. You and your family are seated in comfortable chairs, with cushions on them. Your places aro furnished with tho requisite knives, forks, and spoon", to nsslst you in disposing of your eatables, and to promote your comfort as you eat. But your guest is not so well provid ed for. Instead of giving him u cush ioned chair, you ask him to sit on a hard board bench, or on n comfortless stool with no back on it. You hand him Ills food, It Is true, but glvo him neither knife, fork, spoon, nor napkin. At first ho thinks thcro Is soinounintcii- tlonal omission, which ho hopes you will presently supply; somo mistake, which you will rectify. As ho gazes around tho table, however, iio sees all your family supplied with tho rcqulslto table furniture, and enjoying their din ner with it. And ho further notices that his uiifurnlshcd condition awak ens no surprise on tho part of any body nt tho table. With embarrassed mood, and sadden ed heart ho docs his best ut partaking of Urn food set beforo him, but of course fulls to enjoy It. Ho hurries through as rapidly us homay, and, even though ho may not verbally express his deter mination, yet ho Inwardly resolves that ho will never again take a meal in a house where tho hospitality is of tho peculiar sort you have shown him. llut you say you cannot supposo such u ease. You never treat peopio in lliai way when they conio to dlno with you. It would bo very bad manners. Conio then, from tho dinner tablo to the church. Tho church bell rings, and tho church doors aro thrown open, welcoming all who may feel disposed to enter and par tako of tho free Gospel feast. A stran ger, attracted by tno entering uirong of tho church forboro to furnish his pow with a hymn book, becauso they feared ho might steal It. Tho hymn Is done, and In duo time a chapter of tho Itlblo being announced, our stranger looks through his pow for a copy of tho sacred book. Finding none, ho begins to regard himself as n suspicious character; but ho thinks that at tho modcrato prico at which tho lil bio Societies furnish copies of tho Scrip tures to tho destitute, they might havo risked a copy on htm Tho collection boxes nro carried around, and our friend supposes that he, at least, Is exempt. But, to his sur prise, tho collector thrusts the box at him I Ho thinks It Is a very mean trans action, under tho circumstances, and makes no addition to tho collector's pilo of caslu k When tho sermon is delivered, lot it bo over so flno n discourse, it is not In human nature for tho stranger to enjoy It, or to bo profited by It, as ho might, If tho inexpensive courtesy of a hymn book had been extended to him. When tho blessing is pronounced, at tho close, ho departs with n senso of n lack of tho blessedness which might, under other circumstances, havo beon his. Deter mined never again to set foot lnsido of such an Inhospitable church, ho tries another tho next Sabbath, and yet another and another, only to meet, in tho most of them, thosumochilllng ex perienco. Christian peopio, consider I If you want your churches to ring with tho full chorus of sacred song, an important step to bo taken 13 to furnish every worshiper with a hymn book. Tho mombers of tho Church own them, per haps, and havo them either at their houses or in their pows. It is as un courteous to tho stranger to ask hlin to worship with you and to furnish no hymn bookforhim,asitwouldbo to ask him to your tablo, nnd withhold from him tho table tools which would min ister to his comfort. You havo no moro reason to expect him to bring his hymn book to your church, than his fork or spoon to your dlnner-tablo. Perhaps ho would not sing if ho had a book. Try him rather than forcohlm into speech lcssness. Perhaps ho understands not a noto of music. Ho may not bo so terribly behind your Japaneso choir In that respect. Common courtesy tic mauds that you give him tlio oppor tunity to ti'st his powers of sacred song whatever they may bo, Supply every seat In the church with a hymn book. If tho favored sitters In tho front pows aro using a now edition, bearing tho dato of tho present year,do not glvo tho impecunious stranger In tho back pew an old ono of 1835, with tlio back broken, or sldo off.tho corners dog-eared, and tlio fly-leaves scribbled on by tho small boys, who thus improv ed tlio tlmo during tho delivery of tho borinon, which they could not. under stand. Provide good, clean hooks; let every body who comes feel welcome to tiso them. JIako tho stranger enjoy tho blessing of free Christian courtesy, ond it will add not only to tho volumo of sacred praise, but to tho inlluonco you gain over him and ills friends, in draw ing them to tho housoof tho Lord. The Praying People. show It, and ho boro tho taunts of tho uugodly with a meek spirit. Ho know it would bo useless to declare open war; for Mrs. Isaacs nlonohad proved moro' than a match for him, and ho was sure lo bo defeated. Ho must "circumvent the critter," as ho expressed it, and to this ond ho set himself to work. He was a man of sound judgment, and his worldly oxperlenco of fifty years was not thrown away. From tho day It femalo; and Just as our eye-teeth cor respond to tho cantno tusks of tho Hon. Nor Is the serpent restricted to a single method of progression, or even to two or three. Thcro aro even four or flvo distinct ways In which Us 11 tho and slender body may bo used. Tho slow est, but least conspicuous, Is thostoalthy glldo of retreat, when you can scarcely percelvon movement of any ono part, and yet tho wholo body docs advanco steadily ; but If you havo tho courage to place your hand quietly in tho ser pent's path, and allow It to pass over It you will perceivo a sensation as of a scries of dull edges, like thoso of paper knives, striking tho hand backward Each edgo is that of ono of tho broad overlapping scalos, or "scutes,'' which first camo to his knowlcdgo that his cover tho belly of tho suako, and each wife ond daughters wero Spiritualists, scuto is moved forward and backward he never spoko a word against, nor did ho over alludo to it, except in general terms in his morning prayers; but any ono could see that It troubled him; for he was absent-minded, his eyes wan dered restlessly, and ho looked care worn. Tho deacon witnessed one or two"sit- tings" at ids own house, and was satl3- by a corresponding pair of ribs, of which thcro tiro from ono hundred to lvo hundred aud fifty in different spec- les; and so, though completely covered by skin, and capable of but slight hull vldual motion, eacli pair of ribs Is a pair of legs, nnd each scuto Is a single foot, which slips forward without hindrance, but whoso hinder edgo catches upon tho Tho Tato of Toe MC'CHnnls. BY JOHN QUILT.. This horrlblo talo was related to mo by Arclbald Haggorty, tho voune eon- tlemnn who blacks boots: "Mr. Quill, you sen Joo M'Glnnisand mo and a lot of us fellers was a playltv' marvels down to Pino street wharf one day, and Joo M'Giiitils hud no luck. Ho blowcd on his alloy mid said conjur In' over It, and spit on it, and sed '(on overythlngs, but 'twit'nt no uso, for us fellers won his commoners, and his bull's eyo, and his glass agate, and his whlto alleys, until Joo Jist busted out a cryln' and went nnd sot down on a board and rubbed his lists Into hla oyos liko ho was a tryln to gougo cm. And us fellers wo did'nt pay no 'tontion to Joe M'GInnls, nnd wo went on playln and a playln', nnd novcr saw that Joo had gono and sot down on a place whore somo feller had been n shlppin' tills yor nltro-glycerlno. And that thcro stuff, you know, Mr. Quill, It hn;l leaked out all over that thero board on which Joo M'Ginnls was a seltin', nnd tho first thing Joo M'GInnls kuowed his pants was soaked with nltro-glycerlne, liko ho had sot down In the river. Yes, It was. And Joo M'GInnls when lie felt it a glttin' damp ho pranced homo, nnd thought ho'd dry them pants of his'n by the stove. But, you know, Mrs. M'GInnls when sho seed Joe she was mad as fury, nud sho Jist rose right up and snorted; ' 'I say, you Joo, you outrageous vil lain, whero havo you been witli them thcro pants V And then old Mrs.- M'GInnls sho fled, that if lie possessed a llttlo more least inequality, and so servesas a point Just made a rush for Joe, Mr. Quill.and knowledge, ho could get rid of them. So one morning ho started for tho city determined to thoroughly Investigate tlio subject before ho returned. After visiting two of tho most popular medi ums, und paying his money, he return ed homo, satisfied that he could soe through It. Thero was a "sitting" at tho deacon's housoon tho night ho returned; and his daughter Mary the medium in- of resistance by which tho body is pushed forward a little. Aud this little, multiplied by tho hundred pair of ribs, is enough to propel the snako slowly but steadily onward, and in a straight line. Tho abovo arrangement of tho scuto also enables the serpent to move in sov- sho grabbed u holt of Joe, and lay him crost her lap this hero way, you know. Then sho lifted up that number sixteen fist of hern, intendin' to spank Joo M'Ginnls llkosin. But when slio struck that nltro-glycerlno, Mr. Quill, wasn't thero a regular bustln' out of things 1 Je-ru-sa-lera I I guess so 1 There was cral ways, in which tho ribs aro less a kind of crumble and a roar, and a directly, or at any rato less indi- rnrin, tarin', thunder and Hglitln' ox- vidually concerned; for tho backward- plosion, and then about thirty billion vlted tho deacon to tako u seat at tho projecting edges hinder a movement in earthquakes all run into one, nnd old table, which tohcr gratification was ac cepted. Tho spirits wero In good tuno and so exceedingly communicatlvo that tho deacon was induced to ask a fow questions, which were readily answer ed, and his wife and daughters were In any other than a lorward direction, whether tho serpent merely Axes ono region of tho body and then drags tho others after It, or throws itself into ver tical or lateral undulations, by the suc cessive straightening of which a more Joo M'GInnls was blown through the window and tho door.aud tho fire-placo, lu llttlo bits of chunks about tho size of a marvel, and ho never knowed what ailed him, whllo Mrs. M'Ginnls went a nitchin' through the cellin' aud the ccstacles at the thou -ht that fathtr rnp.il movement Is nirected. The great- garrot about ten thousand miles, along would bo a believer, and urged tlio dca- c5' speed Is attained when It elevates with chairs and stove-pipe, nnd pann. con on in his inquiries. th0 body in a lorty arch, and then pro- and torn cats, and soup tureens nnd ona "Has my wlfo always been truo to jecta me neau iorwaru, oraws up tne thing another; anu tne novcr come her marriago vows?" asked tho deacon. I tnlli anu repeats its siep3, alter tno rasn-1 down agin, she didn't. Anil that was To this question thero was no rap in I -" OI ,nQ so-caneu geometer or meas-1 what ailed. Joo aruinnis anu jura. rotum, whllo Mrs. Isuecs sat transfixed urlng catcrpuiers. M'GInnls, as suro as you aro horn. With holy horror that such thought 1118 coramomy ueiioveu mat, somo And now, -air. uuni, couiun'i you give should enter her husband's mind. serpents can lane tno tan in ino moutu a feller a quarter for ChrlstmasY" "How many years havo passed since -nu roll along liko a hoop , but no such lt ,cas a sad fat0) tlmt of young Jo3. sho was untrue?" proceeding is scienimcaiiy oescriDcu. h jiiQlnnls; and what a solemn Answer by single raps. Then camo 5rany species, howover.'inay spring by warnDg it convoys to mothers I How slowly and solemnly, one, two, three, suddenly uncoiling tnemseivcs into a faf should every parent bo to ex- four, and so on, until it reached twenty nuar'y urc" position, uu using uio tan alniri0 her cUM,a trousers with chemi- as it point oi resistance, xno rapiuity cal tests for nItr0 giyCerino before in of this movement is less remarkable ,,,,. , T.ot mnthprs Inv than Its precision, when it is considered tn,3 ,es3on to hcart an( re8olvo hereof that every chango In tho position of tnr nvrpIsr( nvin!r vltrllanco lest any part of tho spiral must tend to affect thv too should ncrl3ll Wrctchett 'How many who claim to be are not my children ?" Again the spirits rapped one, two. Mrs. Isaacs looked dumfounded. "Mercy?" sold Mory. Which are they ?" asked thodeacon, tl10 position of tho head.-Znrpt-T-'a Mrs MGinnIs did, without a chance to Hotels. COLUMBIA 11 O T E L. n v I1ERNARD STOHNER. Havlnif lately iiUnhast-d aud lltUd uu tho welbknuwu Roblsou Hotel Prutierty, located a .W 1JOO US AUOVBT1IE COUKT UOUSK, on the same side of tho street, In tho tuwu of Ulooiusburg: uud having outuiueu a license lor tho same as a HOTEL AND RliiTAHANT, the Proprietor hasdeteriulucd lo give to tlio peo ple VUlllUg lite iowu on uusiue.sur jueii.uie, A LITTLE MORE ROOM. IllNstiihllni'alt.olsexttlislve. and Is titled un lit iiiiL uiL'Uit.K ami ('irnui't'. ill inu Hrv. uu iiriiiiiLfa iliut evervthlliif aLollt his e.iablUll- ment snail be conducted lu un orderly ond luw- , , ,, mllQ . ,,,. ,.r,.uiij v(li, nil manner: uud he rekuccllully solicits uslmre and by tho music Of tho orgllUlSt'ri VOI of tho public patronage. myi7W.tr uni,irv. necentB the invitation and pass es in. Perhaps ho helps himself to a scat; perhaps thesextoii, or tho church committee, may bolect ono for him. In either cute, wo find him in unmolested nossehsldti of a now In tho rear t.nrt of the church Tho voluntary being done, tlio ser- vlco begins. After a brief Invocation pnii1 h e s. The u all whu or preparing aud using a simple and hi Vegetable Balm, that will Immediately The underslunod will ebe.-rfullv iiiuIWvui.-.k1 lo all whu wish It the Reclpu uud full dlli-etlous lieuuinui V reluovu . an, r i uicb, . i.niiit-n, .iiuiiiiia, UUU Ull emu--I lull, n.nl l.ii.iiirltl... .if 1,. u klrl.t l..n, I. ........ .. sou, clear, .11100111 uuu uvuuiiiui. no win also senu iriiKxi lusirucnons lor tiro- duclng.by verysl liiplemeiius.aluxurlanturuwlli oi liair on a i.tiuneuu ur fciuooiu lace lu less iuan iniriv iiuva irmn nrsL aiiiiiieuiioii. 'Ilm above canbeohtaliigd by leturn mall by addressing IHO.x.F. CiTAPSIAN, hemlst. i-. o. iiox or.3, iiu uruuuMuy, row i oar. jgXCHANGE HOTEL. BLOOMSBUIta, COLUMBIA CO., PA. Tho inidersleiicil havluir liurchased this well- known and ceutrallv.locuted home, the Ex- chaime Hotel, slluulu on MAIN STREET, lu lllooiusuiirg,liuiiieuiuieiy uppusiio ino tuium IiIil tuunlv Court House, rrsiwctfullv Inform their Irlends uud the public lu general that tneir nouse is nuw in oruer lor inu recepiiuu auu entertainment of travellers whu mar be dtsnos- eu lu luvor 11. Willi lutir cusiuin. im-- imw spared Jiu expense lu preparing tho Krchuuge for ihe tiitt-rtaluinelit of their guests nellher .hull thcru be uuytlilus wuutluguu their part to minister to their peisouul coiuiort. The liouso Is spacious, and enjo s an excelleut business lo cation Uuiuiuusts run ui ait limes ueiweeu iiiu r.x- chutigu lluuluud Ihe larlous rullrouddeoU,by ivlilih imvelerswlll be nleasantlv couiu.'ed lo uud irmn thu respiillvo stations lu due time to un i t I ho curs. KOONS !t CI.AltlC. mounts uurg, April ,iiHa. T MIE ESPY HOTEL. Aug. ,'i-ly. i.r."?u lo. mutual aud casn vi-nlJ -. SCI, rruuums OF YOUTH, A gentleman wihi fcunereuior yearn iroin rrr r You debility. rreimtUifw leeuv. and ull tho ef fect of youthful Imilscrtllon, will, fur rnika nf hiillerliitf humanity, fceud ireotoitU whu need it, "AMrLi!iv. Xf..i....i..u I-...,, ni I liBini-dvbvwhlclilieMaiteurtd.HuirvrernwliiliuiL' ff.utar IjicIc. il'il CoiiiluaaSniidVntVwt to inoflthy Iho advertU-er't. elucu, can do ci4ultry ,auJtt auU r(,.trt;jt v'MiSi by uurtw.lii with jut rc r t No. 42Cedur t.trcet.'Niw YorV, Mr?IArs .i-Wuetumker und Chair- ei-ulrcd, va-tifci (iJiJ'KU. dealer tn iiluntw, nigum uud Htii, w.iurt-ii KSFV, COLUMHIA COUNTY, PA, Tho uuderwlgned would I u form tho truvclllng nublla that he bun tuken the ubovu uuined ekttib lUbinfiit uud thiirouirhlv re Ut ted iho kumu for tho jierfcct convetileueuaf hlnguetjU. UU larder win uu niiM.-ii.ru w nil ma ulkl iuu iuuui.ri, uuuiuii The ehoieent Ihiuom, wluea and clguuulwayu to UU IUUUU 1U Jll UUf, WILLIAM Apr.'5i,u!Mf Kiy, I'd. ,uhj, w, Loreirufurulluio room I itAffi11111111116 Uroivli Hton7 '-tiuoiiikuurif.iicrwicu rnnti. vi.iiIr idn,rf r'll,'ryrubllc,uorlbeui,t corner XT ANTED. 100 Farmers' Sons TV and others out of employment, call make iruui 173 lu 1150 per month, from now iin.uext opriug, uy auurv.sing UA11CI.AY a cu., sr .. 010 Arch Street, PlilladilpUa JHIOK HOTEL, ORANOEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. llOllIt M'HENIVY, Proprietor. This well known House, having bceu put lu il.,if.iiiDli ri-tiiiir. lu now ooeu to the travelllui- public Tin' bur 1. Hot Un! with Iho choicest liquors BiidclKuis.undlhu table will lie. at all ilniu Miitinlln.1 wllb Ihe delicacies of the seasou. No jiains will be spared lo Insure the comfort of euesis. Oruugcvllle,dec.lO.'CU-tr. Billiards. A STRANGER TAKES TWENTY-FIVE CENTS' WORTH. Yesterday a stranger strolled Into Washington Hall,"htsted it" four fluid ounces of benzine, and Invited tho mix ologUt to play him agamoof billiards. As tlio barkeeper hadn't time, tho anx ious stranger invited everybody that came in, but all declined. Thou ho wanted to know If unylioiUj knew how to play in this toyn. Just then M'Crackcn camo In, and tho blllhtrdlst tackled him. Mac. iild ho would play a game, and tho stranger's coiiiitcuaneo brightened. Ho pulled off his coat, selected acue, critically squint ed down to hit) 11 It was straight, bal anced it, carefully chalked lt, and got ready. "Well," said Mae., "whoso first shot?" "Oil," Mild tho stranger, "you tako tho first." Me., .shot and couuted. Ho kept ou shooting and counting until tlio stran ger got interested. Ho followed him around tho tablo, and watched each jhot, and btlll McCracken counted, making all sorts of fancy shots. Then tho minister says, "Let us sing tho one a bored look spread over tho stranger's thousand uud ninety-ninth hymn," countenance, Ho went to tho bar and which hyuin ho proceeds to read. Tho "hlstcd in" moro benzlno. Then ho peopio who belong to the Church liavu sat down and read tho newspaper. Then hymn books of their own, and turn to ho fidgeted around. tho placo. Our strauger friend has none And all tho tlmo McCracken kept on mid nobody hands him any, Ho Is counting, until finally ho ran tho ganio obliged to depend for his knowledgo of out, put ou his coat, and nonchalantly what is to bo sung ou what hehcars tho walked out without saying a word, minister read. Ho makes all tho effort Tlio discoiulltttdstrangcrstared vacant his memory Is capublo of; galled by ly after McCracken for a. fow moments, tho Incivility dono him, and ieellng and then with another "hist" at tho that lie Isuu unwelcomo lntrudor. At benzine bottle, paid his bill uud walk- first ho thinks thu church must havo ed out with tho remark that ho bellov- been too poor to provide a hymn book ed ho would go over to Torro Hauto for his uncushloucd teat. But ho sees and play blllards. tho carpeted aisles, tho Malncd glass who now seemed bo Intent on tho sub ject that ho paid no attention tohls com pan Ions. "M ary, Sarah," rapped tho spirits, tho names of the two daughters, the older of which was under twenty Mrs. Isaacs could stand It no longer, "It's n lie! I didn't 1 it's a lie!" She shrieked, rising from the table. "They uio your children, Deacon Isaacs; and God knows it." "But tho spirits aflirm differently,' said the deacon In n solemn voice. "Then they lie I" said tho wife. "But If you bellovo them In every thing clfco, why not in tills?" "But 1 don't believe in Hum at till; It Is all foolery." "Nor I," shouted Mary. "Nor I," added Sarah. "Then," said tho deacon, whllo a smile Illuminated his countenance, "we will bidthtm good-bye, and leave those things which God has wisely hid from us to bo revealtd in his time." Tho deacon's evening devotions wero churticteriztd with more earnestness than usual, and the family retired, fully satisfied that tho spirits and mediums did not always roveal tho truth. Mrs. Itaac-s was eo glal that nouo of tho neighbois wero present; but somo how tho story got wind, and so fearful were the spirit dames of N that t hey might bo caught in tho tanio trap which tho deacon had set, that Spirit ualism was drlveu entirely from tlio village. Magazine. get off any last words. the frescoed walls, tho gilt organ pities, and ho is convinced that tho llimuces of tho establishment must bo In prosper ous loudltjon, And as ho further con templates tho goldcn-cdgcd, morocco bound hymn books, and tlio cushioned pows of those who nro of tho happy number of hnbltunl worshipers lu this tauctunry, ho realizes that ho hnsnclth- A nuughly llttlo boy blubbering bo- camo his mother would not let him go down to thu river bank on tho Sabbath upon being admonished, said; "I didn't want to go tx Bwlmmln' with 'cm ma, I only wanted togodown an' ice tho bad llttlo boys drown for going a bwlmmln on Sunday boo hoo." A largo Keg. Man Yyenrs ago thero wero few strict ly tempcianco ptople; shepherds and lloeks even imbibed from tlio same bot tle. A merchunt In Connecticut, a good church meniLer, by tlio way, had Just received n hogshead of New England rum, which was standing it. front of his storo os tho Bov. Mr. Bobin- so ii passed. The storekeeper, nailing ids pastor, said; "If you will send mo down your keg, I'll fill It for you," nnd ho did not havo long to wait; for soon utter camo along not exactly a keg.but something very much overgrown In tho r-auio lino of hoops and staves, ris ing indeed nearly to tho full dignity of it barrel. Tho merchant gazed upon It with astonishment first looking nt tlio hogshead us if to gaugo its capacity, and then glancing at tho family barerl of tho minister. "Mr. ltobinson," finally spoko tlio dealer, after ho hud tuuen a Bulllclent survey or tno prop erty, "what will your keg hold?'1 "Well." was tho reply, "I don't ex uctly know, but It's my opinion that U trill hold all you can get into ill" Thero was no dodglug this, anil tho merchant had to como down lo tho full est lueasuro of his generosity. "What did tho Israelites do after thoy crossed tho Bed Sea?" asked a su nerlntendent of a Sunday School. "They dried themselves," said nshrlll voiced llttlo girl. One Week from my Diaree Monday, Had suckers for breakfast, Suckers and sassidges nro tho 2 lux urys ov life; the other luxury iz cozy boots. Tuesday. Awoko with a splendid hedake, caused by drinking two much spring water tho evening previously and going to bed at 9 o'clock precisely. Breakfasted on tho butt end ov it sass Idge, and folt liko a dorg. Wednesday. Ilckolectcd ov asking a mail in Missoory if beans waz a suro krop in his parts. Ho said they waz, "az bcrtuin az a revolver." Itcflektcd on tho danger ov carrying concelcd wecpins. Itcllekteil again ov being In Nu Hainshlre during a sovero sno storm, and innocently enough remark ed that I never see eimythlng liko It, and waz told by ono ov tho barroom boarders that it war n't nothing; ho had seen lt fall over a thousand feet. "What?"scd I, "a thousand feet on tho level ?'" "No," said he,"buta thousand feet from on high." I relloktcd how cazy It waz for sum folks to Ho and tell tho truth at tho sumo time. Thursday. Bekolekted onco moro ov belli on Bed river, in Arklnsitw.und sceln a largo pieco ov frame-work by tho sldo ov tho road; inquired ov a prl vato citizen who waz leading n blind mulo by 1 ov his ears, what that framo work mought be. Ho sed It was "a big fiddle, and lt look 3 yoko of oxen to draw tlio bow, and they had to haw and gco to chnngo tho tuno." Bellekted on that passage in tho poet which scz "man iz fearful, and wonderfully made;" nnd thort tho remark might apply to Addles in Arklnsaw without splicing tho remark. friuay. viziteu my wasnwomuii, and blowcd her up for sowing ruflles and lucks onto tlio bottom of my draw ers. Sho waz thunderstruck at llrst, but explulned tho mystery by saying she had tent me, by mistake, a pair that bolonged to . I blushed liko blled lobsters, and told her sho couldn't bo too kecrful about such things. I might havo bin ruined for life. Saturday, Writ this dlarco for tho week from memory, anil am satisfied I have got a good memory, neflekted upon theonlty of human wishes; ro llokted how often I had wished to bo rltch, and how seldom my wishes had been gratified. Besolved In tho futuro not to wish forcnnythlng until I had lt three weeks, and spo how I liked It. Josh Millings, A waggish Journalist, who Is often merry over his personal plainness, tells this story on himself: " I went to a chemist's tho othor day for a doso of morphine for a sick friend. Tho atslslant objected to glvo it to mo without a prescription, ovldently fear ing that I intended to commit sulcldo. "Pshaw I" mid I, "do I look liko a man who would kill himself?" Guzlng steadily at mo a moment ho replied, "I don't know. It seems to mo if I looked liko you, I should bo greatly templed tokill myself. Food For Children. Is your nursing babe, eight months old, feeblo nud inactive, its teeth com ing through tho gums already blacir ana defective, and Its soft, flabby flesh indi cating a want of muscular fibre? chatigo your own food ntonco, and glvo up butter, and finoflour.and cakes, and puddings with sweet sauce, and tako Instead, beefsteak, oat-meal or barley porridge, with milk and uubolted wheat bread, grlts.peasoup, otc.,wlilch abound In phosphates and nitrates, and in ono week you shall soo an Improvement In tho condition of tho child; but If your own health will not admit of such a change, wean tho babe, and give It tho milk of tho cow, oat-meal gruel, eta; and for tho next child, bo suro nnd com menco furnishing tlio material for bono and muscle at least fourteen months earlier, and Its teeth will not bo detec tive, or its muscles feeblo nnd Hubby. Nor aro defocttvo teeth and undevel oped muscles tho only or tho greatest ovils that accrue from neglect to furnish sultablo matcrlul fur tho foundation of that structure which Is so Important as to bo denominated the "templo of God.' Whllo nil animals, In their natural state, living as thoy do according to na tural laws, ralso all their young, and bring them perfectly developed to full maturity, a perfectly doveloped young mau or woman, at full maturity, with perfect teeth and sound lungs, nnd well developed muscles and brains U a rare exception to tho general rule; and to overy reflecting mind tho reason must bo obvious; wo neglect to learn, and ut terly disregard tho plain laws of our being, and thrso terrible suiR-rlugs and bereavements aro the natural and Just penalties for our disobedience. A Strange Dream. A friend of ours had a singular dream a fow nights since. Ho dreamed that ho went to sleep and slept lor fifty years. When ho awoko from his half-century slum ber, he heard somo men talking about a now amendment to tho Constitution. Wondorlngly, ho asked them "what amendment ?" They replied "tno is- 675th." From a conversation with them ho learned that a mulo had boon elected to Congress from Georgia, and thero wero somo contesting his seat. Tho omeudment was proposed to meet tlio exigencies of tlio easo and lot tho mulo In, From tho emigration of mules Into Georgia In tho last year, wo havo no doubt but that they aro largely In tho mnJority.-lf("aiia (7.) Constitution. Tiiky have a fellow living in Lafa yetto,Ind.,who is humility personified. Tho other day ho asked a young lady if ho might "bo allowed tho privllego of going homo with her," and was in dignantly refused; wheroupon ho in quired, very humbly, If ho might bo "allowed to sit on tho fouio aud boo her go by."