A N 11- I jtrAttVKIVIIl'fY (71 I Pill 1111'. I I ... .MMMis- initllAV MnllNTNG 11... J--" ' I cOMIMIItAN nOIMIIMO SBAHTiimilUItT IICIL'SE. 11Y Editor nml Proprietor. m. s.n. vi. wMfrVlA In AdrAnfifi. - . - r-i-riri JOB PIIIKTINQ descriptions executed wllh licMncFH nml Uispnicu fc cmu"u'v ..... STOVES AND TINWARE. CLOTHING, &o. m inWENHERG. McrchftlitTnllor.Mn n 2ll ClOOr ftOOVC- AlUtTldlll IlllUSe. Vl-lll.t MOUIvIn. iucrcunni innor nnti p.cm lor 1.11 1 ln LUIHI RU .1 IIUlllCClll V. ill II III SL.. Apothecaries, VI-1H3 CLOCKS, AVATCHES, AC. SAVAifi iicaicrin (jkhup, waiciics mm im iiitniiAiiif. which iiuti vjiock iiiiutir. COOTS AND SHOES. Church. vlnl3 iu iirjis. iiuui. aim mioeiiinitxr. iiiaiiiM.. mooiu3uur&, yiiiij PROFESSIONAL. H. C. 1ICAVKH. Burgeon DenlUt, Muln M.f jvu l no Louri iiuuHf. i-nw IV Hit itJUiijiVi nuiKvuu iiuu rujeu inii. u, r. KUNwiiY , surgeon ncnui. tcviu IM'lSfUUiil IwlllllUU. V1-I11U lKKLEll. Altnrnev-ut.Ijiw. Olllcp. iM itnr tti KTchaniM! HliifU.nrnrtliii "Kvi'hutii'M wchj- bv if..Kiiruei)ti nnu rnMc nn. Ulll RIUU 1111111 Oil L'L'l. Ui'iuw .liarKi'L. VltlHj , RUTTEH. M. 1). Httrgeoii nnd Physician iirkel street, iihnvo Main, vl.tit'l IIOTtlsnV. At1nriiov.nt.ljiw. Out Hint. 1.1.1 M It II V Mr 'A M'V I If 11 I I W ........... j ...... .""'J """"l LIZZIE UARICLEY. Milliner. Rnmse IISI'V 1-nfl A, . WI-.IIH, I'nliey Goods Notions, Vl-lll-l M. DEllUICKKON. Jill nelV Illlil IllUM- Main St., opposite Court House, vi-nii . E. KLINE. Millinery nml luney Goods. . JULIA A. & HADE HARKLEW I.adlo' nil Wputl vl.nJTl M1SSKH IIA11MAN Millinery and Kimcy HOTELS AND SALOONS. W, Maimer, eiiht tnd uam hi reel. vl-11 ltr.lni.inif nL Saloon. Ex vl-1113 JMYKIl It JALOllV.L'onlecllonfiy, nuiii-rj ku iiiocK.iiaiii hireti. . MAltlt. Drv CJoorts and Notion, kOUtll' V1-1H3 . RVF.siinr.TZ. dealer m i.ry uooini. uro. ufteutM. YJ- . llKfilT.F.Y. Hoot and Hhoe store. bnolTR Rliitlniierv.Mnlll St.. below Market. Vl'llU T imiiiui iron viiu i.tm IH.-M 1 1 A 1 .1 . I ii.iiprui mm Kin All rrmiii inn nun i.niiiiier. t'liriiL'r oi .1111111 nuvik 111111 . IIIIUH J.II, III j Uinw. uiim i Hi., v.., .wt - OIUTON. arocerliB & l'rovlnlouh. Main . EVKU. Groceries mu (luueral Mcrciiun- I.VV WAT. .1- i'fl .Inn iiru In Tlrv Iimu1i . iu. cur. jiiam uuu jaarBL'v un - - - - - '-i ' - -- - -i ropfrlH niiammvt'iirn l-'tnlir Kllll. SlltlOS. HAM ! .tr A l.1 1 1 A Y 1 1 1 1 1 ( SI. IIHlllPI'M in rorcrlfjt I'Mirniif.ni.riim nml Nut nnx. Si'nl. .1.1.1X1 TIf 4 U I ITti r... t ..t,AI Mmi Mil 111 MISCELLANEOUS. "Tir.u. i mm Mnit-r unu nun iiuu riiiirv . OIIltTfaTHf A XI CJiwIjIIa 'I'm i ill- ., 1 1 unwell. 'MniibUilllll Ullllil IIUU l"i illll INTnV W'.ill IVhiaf W'lti.liiw Klimlt'H LvurV uins,.' kf..t.,T.i ' vl.lt u"i ucnirrm ileal. Tin low, cu, luihi i - iinvj , iitui in Aliii,ni"u,iniiii-, in Mulnbtri-m. 1 1 vi.nll - wiwiflri. vuuiiil'lliiuiEr turn tnun , luuiUI AtUlU KlllVb Wit lIVMi tt-JIl .HAMI'I.l' A, fn H(ir..l.lnls.tu l'nwl l(lruiiu. MacUtntry muJo and riulrcJ, v't.n'.l wuibiUl i,, . L.iiii-(i miuimui" uu,t V1-1U3 '-Ai o( K. Notary ruLUc. noitL tut corner tin una Market hi. vMUl VOLUME IV -NO. 7. rtvun..!!!. TM . ., ... 1 I . - . ' " vHi.iu wnuumiy, Jfuiiaaeipiiia ;iJirectory. ii K:.VC' '-'"''P'AN, Merchant Talloisnnd ImI 1 X ri!t".l"l.118 goodi. Main Ht,, next door to lliu llrlck Hotel. vin 17 11. HKUltlNa IlUOTIIi:il,farrenleriihd lluilders, Main St., below l'lno. V1-1H7 MOWKIl A HKimiNO, dealer In Dry (lond, MalllBt. ' vl.m-7 l'i!c,l J!?TE'' B"(1 refresbment Haloon, by ) llohr M'Hcnry cor.ol Main nudlMnost.,vI.tiij nil. O. A. MH(lAH(lKli,rii slolaii nnd Burneon. W-'laln 8t,,icxldoortoUood' Hotel vl-nii MY1' 'K"!.Sir nn,iort7t Mld,"rTrTd U Dealer lit uraln.MHI Street. vlulT U II. & C. KULOHNint, Hlacksmtli , on Mill V1-U17 1AMESH. HARMAN. Cabinet Make: and tin O dertnkcr. Main HI., below 1'lue. vl-ul7 I J'. 1'AU.MAN, Kaddlo and Harness maker. It Slain st oppsils Frame Church. ;nll 10I1N FltYMinK.Snddlennd llninisa maUer. I Main n., above IboHwnn Hotel. vl-nl7 HW1MH. RUHUVtiKll, Iron fonn.ier.Maeliln. I 1st, nnd Muiiufaetuivr of plows, Mill Ut.vl-ti47 Mn.HU A. WII.MAMH ACo.,Tnnnersnud Man. ufacturer. oriiathor, Mill Htreei. vl-n)7 SAMUEIiRHAItrLrxs.Makcrorihellnyhurst (iraln Cradle. Main Ht. v2u5. WII.MAM DI'.LONn Hliociiiakpriitui iiianurae tuicror llil(.k,MlllHt.,weslofl,.ao vluU Catawisna. V. DAM.MAN, Merclianl Tailor, Second St. Itobblns' llnllillllg. V2-U1S 1J Second St., below Main. ,T T 1. niilin Suri;eoit and lMiyslclan Vifi-U10 GILIIF.HT A KL1NK, dry gnnila, KrncerleH, and general nieicbnndise, tain Stieel v.nU II. KISTt.KIt, "Caltawlssn House," , Corner Main and Second Hlreets. Nortli vSnlS KK1I.U11, Illllard Saloon, Oysters, , Cream In season Main St. n 1 Ico v.'nl'J MM. DllOllHT. dealer In Oencrul Merchandise Dry Uoods, Urocerles c. v2ul8 IISQUUHANNA or llrldt Hotel, M. Kosten bander rronrletor.soiilh.cnstcorner.Mnliiaiiil Second Slleet. v'.'nl2 SH. UINAItli, dialer In Stovea and rin-waro, , Main Stieet. v'.'nli WM. II. AIIIIOIT, Allorney nl law, Main St. van 12 Light Street. H. IUVINE, Medical Htoro Main Stieet and lirlnrcreek Itoad. H. V. OMAN &. Co., Wlieelwrlfhts, Hrst door abovu School House, vlnlii JOHN A.OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer hi Hoots and ShocH. vlultl T J. LKISEH, M. 1)., SuiKcon and Physician. " Olllee tit Keller's Hotel. V2u27 )ETEIl ENT, dealer in Dry Onoda Orocerles, x riour, re cd,Salt, l'lsh, Iron, Nails, etc.. Main viu Id RH. EN'P, dealir In Sloves und Tin warn In all its blanches. vlnitl Espy. EP. UK1UIAUD,A llll0.,denlcr 111 Dry Hoods, ' Uloccrles, nnd eutiul .Merchandise. v2ull PSPY STEAM KI.OUltlNO Mil tt, U.S. Fowler, V21I IU Proprietor. I D. WlMtKHEISI'.ll.liiiotiindShooStiirennd u llianullietorv. Shim fill .Mnlli Htret nil. osllotho Steam Mill. v:ul II W. ElKJAn.Snniueh.imm PlanlngMIU and L' llox Manufactory. v2ull Buck Hoxu. HI O.A-W H. SIICKMAKKH. dealers In dry 111. KOOtls. ert goods, erocerles and general iiicrcbnmllse. First store In Nouth end nl town v. n in Business Cards. M. M, L'VELLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ashland, Schuylltill County Pa. J W. JIILLEIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllco Court Hcaisn Alley, below Iho t'ol.UM iiian Olllce. Rouutics, liacli.Pay and Pensions collected. lllooinsbuig Pa. sep.'Ju'li7 JORERT F. CLAJUC, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllco Main Street below tho Court House, liloomsbiirg Peiiu'a, II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllco Couil'llollse Alley, btlow the CoI.l'M. iiian Oillcc, lllooinsbuig Pa. c. lUtOGlCWAY, ATrOHNllV AT LAW, JtLOOMbliUltO, 1'A, Ot-KICK INiurt Hmibe Alloy, In IIih (o- LUMLtl AN UUIIUUI. IJIlIll.u, J. T1I0UNT0N won hi unmuinco to tliocltl.etmof UlfKinis- iii-L'nna vie in tv. Unit to hum iul uculvi'U a xuu aim coitipjciu uhhuitiuciu ui WALL rAl'KU, WI.NDOW HHADS, nml t.11 oilier gnoiU In liU Hun oflmsliifkn. All tlio nt!veit uuilniost npptoved patterns of tho ttny aro aivvu)U 10 uu lutittu in iiih i'muuiiaiiiuuiu, Iliar.i), uyll .uuin rsi. www .mmiivi. T D. I'URSEL, ' HAltNl-SS, SADDLE, AND TUUNIC MANUFACTURER, and dealer in CARPCT-llAGH, VALISES, FLY-NiriH, UUKl'Al.O II0IIL8, JIOUSK-IILANKHS if., which ho feels cnutlilent he can sell nt lower lalo than any oiher peisun in mo coiiiuy, i.x Shoptblid disir below Iho Com t House, Main Rlltci, lllllllUIMlllli;, i ii, WOV, 15,'ti7, C E N T V R E E ! M. O'U'EEFE, HON A CO.'S REED CATALOGU10 And iiuil'K In Iho FLOWER nnd VEGr.TAIII.F. Clnnlc'ii, Eoi"1870. Piibllshid in January. i:vuy lover of llowers wishing this new mill laluable woik, Ini in charge, should addresl Immediately M. O'keele son A Co., Elluuuger A Harry's lilucURochesteri N, Y DicVWI.-iin) 1 I N V h E S The underslguej will (heel fully iniill(nitK)lo nil who wish It tho Recipe nod nil dluillons or ptcparlng and using u slmplu and lliautiliil Veeetablo Halm, that will Immidlatcly. remou 'I nil. Fieckles, Pimples, lllolclus, and all trui-llolisnlidlliipurltllHoriher-Ulii.leavlnBlliesanie son. clear, Ainooih and beautiiiu. viii iiiun fii.mi ibiiKsi Instructions for pro. .1....1..., i... vrvd nml., ttii'iiiis.ii luxuriant urowlli of lialr on a Imldhcad or nioolh fiu u In less than thirty days Irom first application. 'I he iilHivocniiheohtained liy return uuill by addressing 1 llll, F. ClIAl'M aw, t neniisi. r. 11. no Oln, llfci iiuiutiwiii , Aug. u,'UMy, 17RR0RS OV YOUTH. A griitlemuii ho mllerrd for yeais fioin Ncr- ..in.... ii..i.iniiirii linqiv mill iill tlio el n"V: " a fnfi l lndh;cVetu.;K'wnrforaU, t.f nillerliig humanlly, nnd frreloii 1 who need It the receipt und dlreitloinior ini King inosiiuiie leinedy by which he iiasiuud. Sul eiirswUhii i In nri. I I.V ItlO IlllVClllhCl N CJ Iiri irm v, ... so ,y addressing v, ill. ! "ySfJ?1 irtBTOraf . No. I'JCedar strict, New YoiV. Nov.Stl.'tiU-ly. irrma'pn mil Faiimf.us Soni and othera'out of implo) ineiit, '''"'' from 174 to SI5U tier month, from, now till next Bprlijg, by addnsslng iiaiici.a -V'' (iiu ArcliMiect.l'hluidelpUn Noa,I,'C9-3iii, Mnjorn. it. ArtTtA!, C. It. D1I.MXUKK. M, UollY KTMAN, DlLIiTNOEH & CO., NO. 101 NOUTH THIltt) HT. 1"H1I.AI)KU'HIA, Two doors above Arch, formerly?.!), MANUPACTtlnKItS AND JOIiniCRS I CAKl'ETS, COriONH, YAIIN3, 11ATTIN0, OIL CLOTHS, CAIU'KT CHAINS, C011DA0K, OIL SHADES, OUAIN I1A0S, TIE YA11N. WICK VAKN, WI.NIlOW PAI'EII, (OVF.Ut.llW, ALSO, mu.ow Axn wooniw wam: llKOOMH, IIHUJIII.S.I.OOKIMI UI.ASItx.TltUNKK, feb. 6,'ffi). JAOLE HOTEL. iiST NOIITII TlllUllBTKKET, U. 1). UU.MMINOM, l'noPltimotl. STAlJLisilEDl793T " " JOIIDAN AnnOTHEll, Wholesale 0 rocers, and Healers In HALTrETUK AND IlHIMBTONi: No 219 North Third St. l'hlladelphla. Q W. ULAIJON & CO., Manufuiturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Win chouse, No. 121 North Third Mrcct l'hlladelphla. Q.EOIIOE II. 110IJEHTS, Importer and Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLEIIY, OUNS, Ac. No. 311 Norlh Third Street, iihm o Vino Philadelphia. C. II. 1I01INK. W. B. KINO. J. II. ML) IIIiKT. TDTOIINE, KINO & SEYBEUT, WHOLESALE DItY 0001)8. No. 421 Market Street PHILADELPHIA. Orders filled promptly nt lowest prices. January .1, lbtiJ. TT W. HANK'S WHOLESALE T011AIXO, SNUFK, AND CIOAU WAREHOUSE, Ti'o. llll Nmlh Third Street, lktweeti Cherry nnd Race, westsldo. Phlludelphhl. II. WALTEIl, Lato Walter .V Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND O.UKEN8WAKK, No. 'ill N.ThlidMrict, Philadelphia. J.w- lvEl'HEART, WITH RARNES, RRO. & HEURON, HATH, CAPS, STRAW GOODS A FURS, No. Ml Mailiet Street, (Above Fifth,) PlIII.AllEU'lllA. JOHN STROUP it CO., Successors to stroup A. Lrother, WHOLi:SALE UKALKIIH IN FIslI. 21 Noilh Wbaives and 20 Noiih Thlid St 1 tillade phla. JICIIARDSON li. WRKJHT, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 12S SOUTH SIXTH STREET, I'llOliAllKI.I'lll.l. Oct. 22,'CO-ly gN YDElt, HARRIS & BASSETT, Jianuiaciurers unu jouueisiu MEN'S AND HOYS' CLOTHINU, Num. 52.5 Marliel, und as Coniinurce Street, Plilladelphla. "YyiLLIAJI FISHER Willi TIIUJ1A8 CARSON 4. CJ O. WIIOLL.SAI.K DEALERS IN HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS & NOTIONS, NO. 14 NOIITII I'OUUTII UrHLKr l'liihulelplilii. June 4,VJ-Jm yARTJIAN & ENGELMAN, luuiaiiiiui't aocu.ui MANUFACTORY, No. 313 -SOUTH TII11IIJ BTJII.Kr, Second Door bi low Wood, PHILADELPHIA. W. WAinMAN. P. ENUEI.31AN. A IN WRIGHT it CO., wuui.baAi,r, uiiui.1.10, N. E. Corner Sicoud and Arch Streets, l'JIII.AUKI.I'lllA, j . ' Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS. COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASHUS KICK, SI'ICI-S, III l'Al!llbOPA,AC, 41'. 4-0rders wilt rcc.lvo prompt uttentlou. may lu,i)7-tf. Hotels. c 1 O I, U M 11 1 A II O T E L. 11 v BERNARD STOHNKR. lliivlm, lnli.lv t.tinlulktd and fittld uti the welhliiiuwu Rubiboii Hotel Piopirly, located a VhW U001IS AIIOVK T1IK COUKT 1I0UBK, on thusaniosldeof the htriet, In the town of lllOOnibUIII g; IIUU llUllllo IIUIHI 111 U U I1CCUSU 1UI the same us tl HOTEL AND 1IESTARANT, tho Piopililor hasdetei mined loglvolotno peo ple VISHIIIIi II1U 11111 II UJl UU.HItnBUl 'I1IUUII, A UTILE MORE ROOM, llu kinlillni' also Is -xli nslve. nnd United on Input buealcs uud canlages ill Iho dry. llo ,.r,i,iili.i.M Hint e,-rvtbini! iiLoul his 'establish mint snail bo conducted In an orderly and law ful inanuen and he. respectlullysohcliMashure of tho public patronage. myl7'0i.tf JXCIIANGE HOTEL. I1LOO.MS11URO, COLUM11IA CO., PA. Tho uuderslsncd having purebnted this well lim.vi'ii unit e, ntiul v.loiiileil liolue. the l-.x i.,.iiil'd Hotel, t tuate on MAIN HTlll'JI'.l, in iii.i.inii.iiiiri'.iiiiiiie(iiiiieiv iiiiiinsiie ine i uimii i. i.i i'iiiihiv l'uuil House, lesntctfiilly luforin Ihelr friends and the mil. lie in genual that their house is now inoruer lorinu lecepuuu ami . i.i . i.iim.iiit i.r i iiiw-!Ii.im ulm uiuv bo dlsnas. ed to iiiinr It with their iiisioui. 'iliey h.ue spared no expense in preparing tho hichange HIT 11111 l Illll ihi.iiih it mill h'".". ' shall theie lieauythlne waiillngon Ihelr pari to nilulslir lu Ihelr personal loluloil. 'Jho house Is spacious, uud enjoys all excellent business lo cation, ... . . .... Oninllmi.es run at ull llmca betwien Iho. hx- nii.itur.i liiii..liiiiil llioMirlous railroad denols.uy M liliti liaveleiswlll ho plensaully ennve; isl In and liom the una cllvo slat Ions In duo time, to meet thecals. KUONS A CLAUK llluomsuuig, rtprn .i, i.nni. T IIK KSiY 110TK.U LVSl'V, COLUMItIA COUNTV, 1A, The under!,'iieil would Inform the I ravel I Ins hi b llo thut li Iiuu taken tlio ubuvo nuitied etttnb Uhiiitiiit ami ihoinitL'hlv rclHttnl I lit name for the pel feet eoiiveiitfiitM of hUgurittti, 11 ll luriI(Jl will hHkliM-k.l with tAMii'tt thM market alturdk. 'lilt t lioiciat iKjuorn, wmen uuu ciguiuiwH iu bemunuiuuisuar. W,LUAM -.. ApriSl.tiSHf Espy, Pa. gRICK HOTEL, OIIAN0EVlLLErCOLUMIIlA C0UN1 Y, PA, ROHR JI'HENRY, 1'ioprlctor. This well known House, having bleu put In thorough upalr, Is now open to lh tiaveliiug public. Tho Imr Is slockld Willi the iho cesl linuoiiandclijurs.aiidlhe table will be, at ull tlnies.suppllea with Iho delicacies of I he season. No pams w III bo spared to Insure Hit) comfort of Orungovllle.dickVUMf. BLOOMSBUHGr, PA., F1UDAY, FEBRUARY J8, Otiflinnt jgoctvi). tf Echoes. Olt wo hear In silent moments, Far oir murmurs, aweet nnd low, Stealing, roftly, through tho inem'ry, Waking thouglitn of long ago They aro hut tho getitlo echoes; Of those sounds, forever tied, Tones tnat long have censed to ehurin us, Voices of the early dead. 'Tls, perchance, n gentle warning, Speaking to us, even now, From tho Hps that pressed so londly, Childhood's fair nnd sunny brow 1 And the tones we still romember. Hang Iho well-known lulln-by, Soothed tho weary lids to slumber. Charmed nway th Impatient sigh, Tl, ngaln n farewell whlsrcr, Sweetly llug'rlng with us yet, llreathcd In words of tender meaning That we nover iniy forget; Tls n dear voice, chaining sally, snatches of a fav'rlto air, Tls a low and fervent blessing, Or tho fragment of a prayer. How they bring again, tlies- ochnis, Wiiftcd from tho far-oir past. Scents, that llvo but In remembrance, Joys that were too bright to last! And they strike ngaln the heart-stilng, To tho notes that thrilled before, llrlug back tones, that, sivo in visions , Wo shall hear ah 1 iiereruoi-c. From the Gorman On the borders of the rushing Rhino Castles stand theie, pi nml and high J All In ruins are their walls, And tho wind swcepi tlnough their halls, Stormy clouds drift wildly by. Gallant knights are there no longer, Spear and shield no longer sound, Itut tho wanderer, loitering near, Sees, in those old halls so drear. Spirit forms glide gently round, Iieautenus eyes nro brlghlly ilushlmr, Rosy lips right friendly smile, And tho traveler gazes fearless Into those blue eyes so peerkss, All serene nt heart the while. Rut the traveler may not tarry For the parting hour is conio ; Farewell songs he slngeth ever, Answirlug tones ho heireth never; 'Kerchiefs Hotter In the air. rUlistcllancous. ii urn n loiiKi'CKutloiitiliNl can nay or tliu Cliui'cli ami llic 1" ray or Iloolc The Rev. Dr. Thomas K. Becchcr, of Elmim, N. Y., lutoly delivered mi atldrirs In llmtcity upon tho l'rotcstant I'.plsi'opal Church. Wo tuko tho follow Ing from a full report in the local pa per: Let another man pialse thee; not thine own mom u a sirauger,anci not mine own l Ins. r xxvll'.'. If any man, however deserving, ho. gin to mIiow oiruud hrng, speaking of. tfn of his past record and public! servi ces, ho make himself ollWiblve. Rut when a General give credit to ids brother generals, und ascribes vie tory to their wisdom and valor of tho army, then all aro pleased. Such words are twice useful they profit him that speaks, and them of whom they aro spoken. In pome.thlng the same way, wo are offended when wo hear or read tho words which churchmen speak, in praise each ofhis own church or denom ination. Tliey seem conceited, arro gant, ofii.'iiS'ivo. They prmuolo vain glory at homo and ill will abroad. Rut it lias seemed to mo thatChiist- ian pastors and prelates might bo at least as courteous 0110 to another ns army olllcers are! And If wo would nolo und praUo tiro beauty of our sister churches more, and silenco our own boastfulncss, there might como to pass among Christian people a smiling char ity anil peaceful rejoicing. I Invito you, therefore, this evening, to view tho beauty, the uses, und tho truth that belong to thoH) Christians among us who aro popularly called. EPISCOPALIANS. In this city there aro four kinds of churches that have bishops, and there- foro may call Iheuit-elvcs Episcopal. Roman Kpi.-copul. rrotentant Episcoj al. Methodist Episcopal. American) Methodist Episcopal .ion. Rut only ono of these. Is gcnorally known as tho Epi-copal Church, viz., tho 1'. E. Church, represented lu this city by two pailshes and a mission. This Episcopal Church in America is in fact a continuation of tho Church of England. As gardeners lay down a branch of a vino anil stako It fast and cover it till it lakes root, anil then cut It oiTund have It to grow by its own roots; so tho EpUcopal Church in this land was a branch of tho Church of England, which was laid diwn and rooted; and by our revolutionary war, wascutoll'togrow oversluco with roots of Its own. Tho Church In America differs from the Church lu England lu thoso matters chlelly that must needs havo been changed because these States ceased to bo colonies and became a nation with differing political Constitution. Tho American Churchman, omits, too, tho Athanaslan Creed, which Is long and true, but has a dry and funny rattle to It that makes irreverent people smile. Of all Protestant churches tho Episco pal best deserves thu iiaiuo.Rui'oUMKI). Shoprusorviriso maiiyof tho usagesnnd excellencies of tho Roman church, tiud so fow of her orror.s,that jt Is qulto easy to percelvo that alio is a reformed Church. All other Proteslnnt churches beom revolutionary ral her than reform ed. The reformation In l.nghind was more than two hundred years long. There wcrono volcanic convulsions; no ono brilliant Fourth of July day In which tho great reform was proclaimed. Nor was tho reformation purely and disin terestedly religious. After giving an epltoniuoflts history which Is familial' toour readers, ho pro ceeds : And thus from reign to reign tho Church of England camodown, uiiuir Inglittioby llttlo her proscnt bhapo, and laying oirtho corruption and un reason of tho Roman Church as then existing and administered In that rudu ago. Tho Prayer Hook may bo called sub stantially complete us wo now huvo It, in thoboventccnth century (1001.) Thus this Reformed Church of England fill cil tip nearly thrto hundred yenra In i(;r worlc of purifying mid simplifying. iid of nil l'rolwtnnt Churches, there fore), sho hint iltwervcs tho nniuo, Ua- lorinoil. In this country, tho llrst parish of IhlsChurch was probably that lu James town, Virginia, 1000 8. Down to the revolutionary war, the Church In this land was under tho caro of tho bishops of London. Shortly after tho revolution an ap plication was matlo to Parllamuit to nl low nn American Bishop to bo conse crated. But Iho Purltnns mid Prosby tcrtnns opposed tho proposition, and so Mr. Seabtiry, tho candidate, had to put up with a hocond-rato consecration nt tho hands of certain Scotch bishops. But at last, In 1787, Parliament allowed tho Archbishop of t nntcrbury to con- secrato three regular, first-class bishops lor iNew York, i'cnnsylvanla nnd Vir ginia respectively. Slnco then tho holy unction lias not been allowed to fall. With pious caro Ithasbecnpropncated. And tho Episcopal Church in these United States stands to-day as truly nnd regularly lu tho lino of Apostolic succession ns tho Church of England herself. After this mcro outline, of her history It remains that I nolo somo of her ex cellent lists and beauties. 1. Tho Episcopal Church oilers for our use tho most venerable liturgy in tho English tongue. Tho devotional treas tires of tho Roman Catholic Church aro embalmed and buried In Latin. But in English, thero are no Lessons, GoS' pels, Psalms, Collects, Confessions, Thanksgivings, Prayers In ono word, no religious Form Book that can stand a moment in comparison with tho Pray er Book of tho Episcopal Church In tho two-fold quality of richness and age. Tho proper name, becauso truly des criptlvc, for this Church, would bo Church of tho Prayer Book. As is tho way with all other Chuichcs, so hero, thu Church champions and leaders havo many wiso tilings to say nhout tho Chuch and her prerogative. But tho pious multitude that frequent her courts are drawn thither mostly by lovo of tho prayers and praises, tho litanies nnd lemons of tho Prayer Book, And, brethren ofovery namo, I cer tify you that you rarely hoar in nny Church a praycrspoken in English, that is not indebted to tho Prayer Book for somo of Its choicest periods. And further: I doubt whether life hns in store for any of you an uplift so high, or downfall so deep, but that you can find company for your soul nnd fil ling words for your Hps among tho treasures of this Book of Common Pray er. Tn ilt I into of our tribulation; in all time, of our protpcrity; in the hour of tli'ati, and in the day of Jutlyment. Good Lord, deliver us. As a consequence of tho Piuyer Book and Its uso I note : 2. Tho Uplscnpal Church preserves a very high degreonf dignity, decency, pinpiicty and pcrmaricnco In all her public olllces. In ncarly overy newspaper you may read -somo funny btory based upon tho ignorance or eccentricity of blasphe mous familial Ity of sonic extemporis ing prayer-maker. All of you hero present havo been nt somo timo shock ed or bored by public devotional per formances. Nothing of this sort occurs In tho Episcopal Church. All things aro done and spoken decently and In old jr. And so, too, of permaneiico nnd its accumulating worth of holy association no Iraiibient observer tin adequately vuluo this treasure of a birthright Churchman. To bo using to-day tho selfsamo words that havo through tho centuries declared the faith or niacin known the prayer of that mighty multitude, who being now delivered from tho burde.i of tho Ilesh, are In Joy and felicity." To bo baptised in early Infancy, and never to know a timo when wo wero not recognized ami welcome among tho millions who havo entered by tho same door : To bo confirmed In duo time, in u faith that has sustained a noble army of confesiors, approving its worth through persecutions and prosperities, tt strength to the tried and a chastening to tho worldly-minded: To bo man led by an authority beforo which kings mid peasants bow alike, asking benediction upon tho covenant that without respect of persons hinds by tho saino words of duty, tho highcnt ami tho lowest: To bring our 'now-born children as wo wero brought.t'i begin where wo be gan, anil to grow up to till our places : To tile in the f.tlth, and tilmust hear tho gospel wolds soon to lio spoken over onu'.s own crave as over tho thousand times leu thous.iiid of them who havo slept lu Jesus: lu short, to bo a devout and consist ent ChiirchiiMii brings a man through aisles fragrant with holy, .association, anil accompanied by a long procession of tho good, chanting, as they march, a unison of piety nnd liopo until they comn to thu holy placo where shining balnlsaln,' tho now song of I ho redeem ed. Ami they sing with them. Another excel leueo I noto : :l, Tho Episcopal Church furnishes (to all who need such comfort) tho as- suranco or an organic ami unnroKcn unity and nuccessloii from Jesus Christ through tho Apostles, by a lino of au thentic bishop down to Bishop Hunt ington of this Dloceso. Kiiiii Henry Vlfl. and jiueon Elbe uhetli with their proclamations mid parliaments am no conspicuous und till .so much h i.i cm lu thu merely political history of tho English Church, that many able writers deny that tho rlvor of apostollo succession so dammed by them could over gut around tho dam and llow along again pure uud uncoil taminatt'd. I cannot dccldo this ques tion tibsolutely. What I say Is this; Tho apostollo suc cession in tho Episcopal Church can bo traced hack so many hundred years In to tho dim past, that It Is no uhamo to any man tosny, "I bcliovu It to extend back to Peter, Paul mid John ;" und ho who verHy believes that tho ordaining 1870. or confirming hand of tho Bishop of this DIoeuso Is electric with tho spiritual lifo nnd proceeds from Jesus of Galilee, will find It n hand of virtue nnd worth. Ho who doubts will find It n hand of form nnd ceremony. iVnd so without stopping to dccldo Iho question whether our bishop Is real ly tl successor of Paul or John, I say that tho Episcopal Church affords so much evldenco that sho hns In her Epis copate tho true .succession, that it Is no Bhamo to nny common man to believe her. And If n man relieves lu his Bishop ho wl.t get from him nil the benefit that can come from bishops. ijrctliren,manynoedysouls aro not nblo to lay hold upon God ono by onu. They cannot appropriate n Gospel promlso to themselves. LIko Job of old they say : "If I had called and ho bad answered me, yet would I not bollevo that ho had hearkened unto my voice." vlll. 10. Such extremo nnd exemplary humili ty asks for and needs a church ark, and tho humblo placo and privllego of n private passenger. The urk of God that shall outrldo tho deluge I Tho Church of Christ, In which is found sal vation. I say, then, that tho claims of tho Episcopal Church to such an ark of God, or Church of Christ, endowed with bacraments, absolutions and profit able authority aro, for all practical pur poses, valid. I leavo historians and eecleslasts to their endless words, mid assert that tho poor in spirit who seek comfort ami sal vation through tho olllces of tho Epis copal Church, nro as well off In Iter us they can bo In any church. And slnco mauy aro profoundly prejudiced against tho Church of Rome, I am happy to point nil such to suru welcome in the Episcopal Church, with sacraments successions and authority as good as thu best. 1. Tho Episcopal Church is excellent in her provisions for Christian educa tion and pious drill. Churches that avowedly recelvo very young Infants as members must neces sarily provide education for these ac cepted children. Accordingly tho Epls copal Church is characteristically t church for tho training of children, Just as somo sister churches aro churucleris iictuiy ruvivai enurencs lor tliu convi r- sion of grown folk. In tho Prayer Book anil Church at manao you nnd tno Christian yeur divided into periods separated by high days monuments and memorials of Christian story. This Chrlstlun ealen dar agrees very nearly with that of tin Roman Church. And he is an unusnlly well-Informed Christian who can read over this catalogue of days, and In few words tell tho story that each day celebrates ! Hut a birthright Church man who has been quietly trained in u church homo for fifteen years, will nerd very llttlo teaching more. In connection with this ealandar Is a .system of lessons lu following which tho reader is led through the entire Bible each year, nnd through its more profitable parts, monthly orolteuerl He, who for years has been a Church man, and yet remains ill-grounded in Scripture, shows himself an unworthy sou of a very faithful mother. By tho Lessons, Gospels, Epistles, Poalms and Collects appointed for spec ial Fast or Feast Days, tho events com memorated by that day aro wrought Into tho memory of every worshipper. And by seasons, longer or shorter, of special religious effort und obtervanco, tills Church satisfies tho samu want which other churcht s satisfy by weeks of prayer, protracted nil clings uud long revivals. A good school is a dull placo to any visitor ulio rushes In to find sensation ami excitement. Ho will call it dry, poky, stupid, in like manner, many religious sensation makers and sensa tion seekers will promptly voto tho Church Calendar and al' its smooth machinery of pious drill, a very dull substitute for a regular, rousing revival. But, in tho long run, the Church that steadily trains and teaches will outlive tho Church that only arouses mid sliu t les. If yo vontinuc in my word then mo yo my dNciplos indied. . S. This Church makes a distinction between her creed as u Chinch, which nil her otllcirs must subscribe; and that much shorter declaration of faith whicji she expects from her children. This Church nover vexes converts with profound questions lu theology. Of those who would ucelvo tho Lord 'is Supper she requires that they icpuit them truly of their former sins ; stead fastly proposing to lead a new life. That they havo a lively faith In God's mercy through Christ, und a thankful remembrance! of His death, mid thut they be in charity with all men. To any and tn all such, asking no further questions, this catholic and most geueious Church approaches, und by tho hand of her priest, gives the consecrated bread with benediction. ,'Tho hotly of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thee, preserve thy hotly mid soul unto everlasting life. l'ako nml eat this in remembrancri that Christ tiled forlheo; feed on him in thy heart by faith, with thanksgiving." Anil with like words tho consecrated wine: "Drink lids In lemcmbrnuco that Christ's blond was shed for theu nml bo thankful," Citizens nml Christians all Beeausu this Episcopal Church Is u Reformed Church nnd not i evolutionary; becauso her Book of Prayer Is rich ami venera blo above all In tho English touguo; because her Ritual promotes decency, dignity, prosperity and permanence; becauso her historic union through tho apostles with Christ comfoits mid satis lies so many bouls; because, sho adopts her infant children and provides for them education and drill ; und becauso with lurgu hospitality sho probers her Mucranront to ull true believers of every iiuinoj therefore from hor own Psalter let us tako thu words wherewith to bless hor: "Thoy shall prosper that lovo theo, Poaco ho within thy walls mid plontoousuess within thy palaces, For thy brothron and companions' sakes I will wish theo prosperity. Yea, be causo of thu house of thu Loid our God I will seok to du theu good," UOL. DEM. - VOL. A'XXIIl XI VS. Il. I A Sponge, WHAT IT IS, AND WHEUr. IT COMES FROM. "What Is a sponge matlo of?" said George, gtsplng, snuffing and wink- ng under Ids Croton bath. No ono nenr could tell liiin; nnd his titirso -said, "Don't be tiskln' such foolish lucstions, but Just keep tlll and bo washed," mid so thu matter ended. JNow, listen, George, nnd I will tell you what n spongo Is. Iho very spongo which washes vour face was brought up from tho bottom of thu ocftin, ami was part ofu living mil mat., For n long timo sponges wero suppos d to bo plants, but later observations havo decided them to bo animals, nnd they nro placed In tho class Protozoa, tho class most resembling nulmals. Wheu first found in thu water their appearanco Is very dlfVerent from this which you now seo. lhisls tho skeleton only, tho part corresponding to our bones. When this wusn coinpleto living thing, tlecp down underwater, it. was covered all over Iho outside, und tilled in uverv ono of theso little holes with a soft subslunco something liko tho whitu of mi OL'L'.nnd this was liko our flesh; it was fastened tightly to a rock, and its color was a bluish black on tliu upper side, nnd a dirty white below. It was formerly supposed to be n plant, becauso It was always fust lu ono place; but for other reasons it is decidedly an animal. All through this mass is n regular circula tion, liko our blood, and our food. It has been seen to absorb nutritious mat ter that is to eat, or rather drink. Y'ou seo all over Its surface orifices or holes; communicate with each other throughout. Into tho lurgest of those, called pores, the bca wnteris constantly entering; and out of tho small ones, called vents.it Is regularly spouted "out; nnd it doubtless finds in thu sea water mliiuto unlmals which servo It for food. and Increases Its bulk. And this btrango animal produces others like Itsolf; 1 will tell you how. ! rum thoswft part a little trlobulo is seen to float, nnd after moving about n wiillo very briskly hero und thero, ns if looking for u pluco.fustens itseirto somo rock. Next, gradually begins to ho seen tho more solid skeleton (what wo hnvo here;) tho soft part increases, mid so it grows; not very slowly, either, for tho diveiu find it at tho end of three years largo enough to bring away. To get these sponges from thu bottom of the oeeau furnishes occupation for i great number of people. One thousand men nro busy In the Grecian Archlpel-1 patch, which wasn field for depreda ago alone; und Ihotisandsbesides, with l'on by many of his unruly school- mntiy hundred boals.aro engaged In the Gull of flluchn, on tho Barbary coast, undo lsowhere; so that lu many villages mere, irom Jiay toeptember thobost diving time only old men, women und children aro to be found. The finest kind Is brought from tho i-Egean sea. At daylight there, in tho summer time, when tho weather is pleasant for it requires smooth water the boats, each with six or eight men and pair of oars, will leave tho shoro und pioceed to whero tho water Is uliiht or ten or even thirty fathoms deep; for inoso louiid in shallow water nro very inferior. Here they btop, and tho divers pre pare to descend, Each one puts a hoop around his neck, und to tills he fastens a bag, in which the sponges aro put as they uro gathered. In very deep water the diver uses a ropo with a btono to it. Hobinkstho btono to tho spot ho in- ends to leach, mid this holds tho ropo sieauy, wJiltii ho uses to ussist him In coming up again to tho surface. After being busy thus till noon, they etiirn to sumo of thoso pleasant llttlo nouks which abound on thu brliores of tho Archipelago, to piepare what they uivo gathered lit for sale. Tho first thing Is to pre-ss out tho soft part of the animal, and then to bleach out tho remainder in tho sun; so they beat them, anil stamp them, and Irani- do them, till there Is no more li'e lift. Tho skeleton part h then washcil.iind spread in the sun until it Is quite clean, mil grows to ho tins dull yellow color; then it Is packed In bags, and sent to market for sale sent to all parts of Asia, Europe, uud Ameih-.i. I'hreno logical Journal. A Careful Charge. A good Story is told of JutlgoM- presiding In ono of thu Supremo Court districts in Western Now York: An action was brought In his court for onu thousand dollars for damages for assault nnd battery. That Iho de fendant whilu walklmrln tho street with his wilt) on his arm, was rudely accosted by the plant If)', whom he had In somo way oflcniletl, and was called In loud and insulting terms an appro- brlous epithet. On being thus address- cd.thc deft (hint left his wife nnd knock. ed down tho plaintiff, who tlieieupon brought tins action, q'hojudgo sym pathlzed very stiongly with tho defen limit, out, us the cie-o was closely tried by the plaintiffs attorney, ho Knew that If them was u jieg given tliu latter whereon to hang an exception to his charge, thu clever lawyer would get u new trial, So, when the violence to tho law had been duly expatiated upon, In tho Humming up, thu Judgn urne nnd charged thu Jury us follows: "Gentlemen of thojury, If tho plain tiff had met mo walking along tho street with my wife on my unu, mid had cull ed mo what It Is not denied that ho call ed tho defendant, I should Imvo knock. cd him down Just us the defendant did. But, gcutJimen of thojury, that Is nut tiro law. ou nitty tnlo tho case, gen tlemon." Tho Jury gavo the plaintiff blx cents damages, without le.ivlng their scuts "Whoso pigs uro those, my ludy'i "Why, thoy belong to that Vro big sow." "No, I mean who Is their master?" "Why, that llttlo 'un : he's a raro 'un t,to tight." KATES Or' ADVERTISING. One square, (ten linen or Its equivalent In Non pareil type) one or two Insertions, II. 0); Hire Insertions, li.Pti. fAck. 1m, 3M, 11,00 7,110 t,00 11,00 11,00 2000 o,oof CD, t,00 y,i 13,00 IT. tlO.M 111,10 H,0l 23,(0 80,(11) One square. 11W Two squares. ........ 8,50 Three sqclarn.,... 5,00 13.00 6,00 ,7,00 n.uo 12,00 18,00 30,(10 Four squares..... , rw 17,00 ao,. 80,00 Quarter column.. I0.U0 Half column.... 15,00 00,00 One colurati ....... jii.00 00,00 100,00 Execntor'n or Administrator's Notice, 18.00 1 Auditor's or Asslgneo'il Notice, IS.50, Local notices, twenty cents a line; by the year ten eeuts. Cards lnthe"lluslncss Directory" column.K.00 per) ear for thu first lw lines, nnd 1 1,00 fur each additional line. A Slight Mistake. A strange appearing genius on lib flrat visit to tho city, observed n Blgn over n store thus: "Wliolcsalo nnd Retail Store." Ho worked his way through tliu crowd of ladles, until ho faced ono of tho clerks, who was exhibiting somo articles to h young lady, When ho brokoout With: "Say, blister, who's boss here?" "Tho proprietor litis just stepped out, sir." "Well, Is this u ro-talllngshopf" "Yea, sir, n wholes.tlu and retail store." "Guess you understand your trade ?" "Oh, yes," replied tho clerk, wrap ping up u bundle for his lady customer, "what can I do for you ?" "Well, ns tho cold weather Is coming ' on, I thought I might ns well como and glvo you a Job." "I don't understand you sir," repli ed tho clerk, who began to suspect that tho follow was In tho wrong box. 'Zactly soj well, I'll tell you." "Explain what you mean, my friend," said tho clerk, ns ho taw him produco a roll from under his coat. "Well, ns I eaid before, tho cold weather is coming on, and I thought I might as well bo flxiu' for It. Camo mighty near freezln' t'other wlntor, well I did, but" "I hope you will tell me what you want, so that I may servo you." "Certainly squire, certainly, I always do business in a hurry, und just us quick as tlicold master will let. I want you to retail thoso old shirts. Let them come down about to tho knee, 'lease! don't wear drawers." Tho circct may bo imiiginetl, hut, us novelists bay, can't bo described. The loud laugh which followed, served to convince tho poor fellow ho had com mitted himself and his long legs were put in motion for the door. Prepared for an Emergency. Sam was of that peculiar nnturo which hud acquired for him tho repu tation nmong tho mothers onus play mates and associates, of being a deci dedly wayward youth, thouh, by his subsequent good conduct after ho had arrived nt years of discretion, all this ho lived down." As it boy, It must bo confessed, ho performed many question able unties. Sam's father had charge of tho vlllago academy, ami ' tho Gov ernor," as ho (like another Sam) disre spectfully denominated his paternal an cestor, also had vhargeotu water-melon uoys, nam irequcniiy joining iiio Tor aging party. On ono occasion he, with others, had secured a good stock for fu- turn enjoyment, nnd now were, In tho " moonless midnight," beating a hasty retreat", when n sudden surprise re vealed tho fact that " thu Governor" had been lying in wait for them. Ifu rushed forward, and overtook, much to his astonishment, his own son Sam, who was bringing up tho rear with a largo wntor-melon under each arm. No thing disconcerted) tliu "young hopo ful" calls out, " Como on, daddy, I've almost caught 'em. You seo I'vootmd two melons they have dropped t" Harry M'Arthy used to tell of mi Irishman who was seen at tho trenches of Yorktown holding his hund ubovu tho earthwork. His captain asked: "What aro you doing that for, Pat?" Ho rcpliid with a grin and u working of ids fingers: "I am feclin' for n furlough, sure !'' Just then a mlnlc-ball struck Ids arm below tho tho wrist. Slowly draw lug it down mid gruspirg it with tho other hand to restrain tho blood, a queer expression of pain uud humor pasted over his faco as ho exclaimed: "An' faitli it's a discharge!" A Cinciiin.ittl correspondent, return ing from the East, wps nhout to lilo himself away lu ono of tho railway pig eon holes of n sleeping car, when the somnolent passengers wero roused by tho voice of a lingo Keutuckiau, who, holding uji it pillow between Ids thumb mid finger, roared out to the atlendaiit: "I say, you boy I como back mid tnko this uwny !" "What for, sah?" "Becauso I'm uSruid tho darned thing- will get la my t ar." A German applied to Judgo G to bo rellevtd from sitting us a Jury man, "What is your excuso?" asked tho Judge. "I can't speak English," ho replied. "You havo nothing to do with speak ing," said tliu judge, 'Hut I can't understand good Eng. llsh." "That's no excuse," said bis honor. "I'm suru you aro not likely to hear gt.od English at this bar." gentleman culled upon a rich miser mid found him nl thu table endeavor ing to 'catch u lly. Presently ho sue elided in entrapping ono which ho Im mediately put Into tho sugar bowl and shut down the cover. The gontlemnn asked fop nn explanation of this singu lar sport. "I'll tell you," replied the miser, u triumphant grin overspread Ing his couiilenanco as io jpoko, "I want to usee i lain if tho tervauts Meal tho sugar." "Biddy," mid a huly to her servant t'l wish you would ttop over and seo how old Mrs. Jones U this morning." Iu u few moments Biddy returned with tho information that Mr. Jonm was just .seventy-two j ears, seven months nnd two days old. The hlglust points on thli ettrth'H burfaco Is on Mt. Everest, in tho Him alaya chtdn uf lubuntulns on thu fron tier of Nepntil, lu Aslu, being S!8,7&0 feet hli;h. Tho lowest spot is on tbo short of tho Dead Sen, It being 1,300 bo low tho Mediterranean Sea.