The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 11, 1870, Image 1

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Iarles b. brockway,
UUIlur mum -j--
two Dollars a Ye&r. payable In Advance.
Lcrlptlons executed with neatness nml
lllpHlCll lit HWUiinum ........
loomsburg Directory.
utTI'KKT, denier In Btoven Allnwnro.Uu
It bloclt.iioln nt. west of Mnrket. Vlnl3
tt Min iloalor In stoves nml tlnwnro
h I nWKNlllinO. McrchantTiillnr. Mnln
lil iloor ttbovo Ainerlcnn House, v Mi I.I
f'ow Perhnm Sowing Machine, corner of
mil Main St., over Miller's More. v3-n.1.i
liT1"7 ni.iwmlDtan.1 An..l1inAnM. ftt..l.. ..
H lUtOfl.. Drnnlitt nml Apothecaries,
fcrr's block Main nt. vMH-J
fAV AKin. ut-uiur in i.iui-Kii, wiuciiet nml
plrv. Mnlii st,. Just below tlio Anierlrnn
I VI-1.I
rilllnNHAHl). Watch nml Clock mnkcr.
Koutlieast corner Main nuil Iron nlx.vl-13
Iry c JlalnBtrcefheiir west St. V3 ill
ItHUAUT, Watch una Cock ilnkcr.Slnr.
street, below Mnln. vl-ntJ
ILLUDEIL, Mrtnuructurcr niul ilcnler In
lnml SIu , Mom street, "l1!'""!!" Ktils
lurch. illlOWN, Hoot nml hhocmnliir, Jlnln
cl, opposlto the Oouit llonte. vMiKl
lllETZ.lloot und rihocmukcr, iluln slT,
r llartmnn's store, west of Mnrket. vl-t 1
IV KLKIA1, Munufncturer nnd ilenler in
. iiuu oiioes, uroccricK, etc., Alain htreet,
I n linwrn r..i ...
e Hie Court llouse ' 1-ni.l
Mil. itt. lu.lilill. Hiirizeon nml riiyslclun,
bngclllockovcr Wibb'sbookstoro v:i-nlji
Lt KINNEY , Rurgcon UeutW. Teeth
ted without rnln: Slnln kt.. nr-ni-H-
Iplscopul Chu rch, vl-hlG
iJlCELEtl. Attnmcy.nt-t.nw, Olllce, i!d
... UAlllUi.GU J.I(ll.iV, 1IU( 11U J',.I'III1IU
AUKI.KY, Attniiiey.nt-I,nw. Olllce, 2d
Kin j.Auiiiiittiu uiui-n, iJeiiruiu-'j'.xctinilKO
kKKLV Y.M. 1)., Surgeon nml fhyslclllll,
biuu .uuiu ni., ueiow iiinntei. Vllllii
Ei stdo Mnln street, below .Mnrket. vl-nl.'l
luTTEIt, M. 1). Hurgeon nnd Physician
kct street, ubovo Main, vl-im
B11ISON. Attornev.nt.Ijiu. nnir-n Tlnrl.
I'b building, Mnln street. v2-n20
hUlMAN, Millinery nml runey Oooils.
muw jiuoi-ujiai iiuren, iviniu si, Vl-nij
LIZZIE IIAni:t,EY. Milliner, llniiiunv
ling Main street, vl-nii
,, 1. WKBK, Enney Ooodn, Notions,
, nuil Hlullonery, Eichuiigoliloek, Mnln
I. DEUUICKSON, Millinery nnd Enncy
H.Mulnst,, opposite Uourt llouso. vl-uil
1. KLINE. Mllllnerv nnd Fimcv (JnoiU.
I street below Market. vt-nlu
banuuruss l'niicin.., soutiieast corner
I West Ms. vl-nU
IIS8ES HAltMAN Millinery and Ennc:
Miam si ueiow Ainerlcnn House, vl
CAN IfOUSlO, by Jolin reacock, Main
llUA IIOTKL, by H. Htnhner, Wnln ht..
vuui v iiuiiHi', VJUiJ
INQK IIOTKL, ly Koouk A Clark, Main
.Vishnu mu Luuii uoiiht!. vi'UM
IUOTKIj, by Clco, W, Miutger, enst end
COCK. Ovhierund I jUlnut-aloon. Amerl-
Roufse, Main ht., lialtzt r Leacock superln-
Vi-U 1J
&CLAItIC, Helreblmieiit Buloou, Kx
pe Hotel. vl-n
4 U. JltUll 1 .VtHIII'VllllliriJ , uiini i j
piybter Kaloon, wnoletnloond u-tnll. IIx-
woctf, iiaiu hircei. vi-ni
lAItlt. Drv Goods nnd Notions, south-
(corner Mnln und Ironists. vl-nW
Wt HootB, rj'Iioes, &c. corner Mnlii nml
lets. va-uW
ECKIiEY, Boot and Khoe slorr, books
nttoncry, Mnln st,, bolow Market, vl-nll
3BS. Confectionery, uroeerles etc.. Main
below Iron vl-lll
DENlIAIjI.. General Htnck of Mirclmn-
land Lumber, corner of Inln street nnd
1UUU, 1111 1
. WEI11I, Confectionery nnd llnkery,
esale una retull, Exchaugo Illock. vl-ull
OWEII. lints snd Cnns. Hoots nnd Hhoes.
In St., nbovo Couit House. vl-nl.t
ROWEH, Dry Goodf, Giocifles, etc., cor-
nuiusi. uuu court, jiounu luiey, vi-lli.1
pH KYEIt. ilenler In Dry Goods, Oro-
k eic., cor.,jnuin uuu if uiru sis. viiu
I1HTON, Groceries & Provisions, Mnln
t below Market, vl-uil
i'KU, Groceries nnd Genernl Merehnu
Maln st above West. vl-11
L.UT7. dealer in Choice Dry Goods, and
Hons, iiuln Btrcct, opposite the Court
IVY, NEAI. & CO., dealers In Dry Goods,
jrerles, l'lour, feed. Bull, Elsh. lion, Nulls.
p. hii, muiu uuu itinrieei sis. Venn
lin-LEU Jt KON, denier In Dry Goods,
vucuunwari 1'iour, cim, niiovs,
i. eic, i'.xeuunKo lilocu-, Muinst, vi-nu
l-MEIl A A. K. HAYHIIIIST, Dinlers In
erics, Confectioneries nnd Notlons.Hcot-
uiu siue, iiinin st. v.-iiis
AM EIIASMUS, Confectioneries, Maln
mo luurouu. Vl-uil
'it AM. Hfnt.1.1. W.xlru nn.ilnnr I.aKiw
I Oillcu, Muln Btreel, ' vi-nu
FfiBOltO I.UMHEll COT, ninniirnclurers
Scalers In Lumber of nil kinds j Planing
-i.v iintruuu. ,iii.u
P'EH.GIuo Maker, uud Whlto und Fancy
fr,eotiowu. . vinn
!IlnTWT, A AT Lln.,.lln -(.....t. , ir.,.n..L..
I'r. Bhlve'B tllock Mnln Ktroet, vltiill)
,11 quor dealer second door Ironi
Puwtst corner Main and Iron its. vl-nll
i'uiij.iian, Agent Mr Jlunsoirs copper
Plar Llghtultigtod. usvll)
lxturea, ltiipert block, ilalu at. vl-tl
C,0?.E'"'i Furnlturu Ilooms, three story
(Maln street, west of Mnrket st, vlnil
PENSTOCK. 1 ilinlnnrniilii.. over Hlibblus
FJer's Store, Main st. vl-B
rUHN. dealcrTu Meat, Tullow, etc., Chcin
'' alley, reuf 0f American House, vlntl
LA.FUNSTONA CO.. mulunl nnd ensh
F ir. ""'"ncecoiupuniesjiiiower iiumi
uBticet. ' 1 vl-nU
CADMAK. e-nliliiplmiiknr nml Chlllr-
Mi rooms Main street bel. Iron, va-u2l
BA&1PL1' A ft TilaKlilnUlB. l.-fikl ltlnnliis.
If Ul'Iir 1 II I, ..H...Ji.,a.lnal,
Machinery luade'aud repulred. V2-UJ1
I'lNGLER, denier 111 pianos, organs ami
r.uiii, ti I,, WiLXiruu N lurillieieu looms
ELjAPnilV a.i.1 Tlr.,AU,l SttIIlT
I', East lllooinsburg.llerwlek road, vl-uie
KACOCK.Hotary Public, northeast corner
ft W
- '-'
' l. ,..' f
- '
Orangovillo Diroctory,
A r-.,yi' -VI-KMAN, Merchant Tnlliiiniia
A, Uouf ifurnls lilng gooels, MalnHt,, next dour
to the Ilrlclt Hotel. V1-IH7
A ,'J- ,Vf nllOT "9TlTEn,Cnrpenlersniul
21, lltilldcrs, Mnln St., below Pino, vl-nl7
jOWEIt A HEttltlNO, dealer liTtlry GoTk
Mnltl Bt, Vl-lllf
V$Z lU7i:t ml refrettlitnent fiakwii. by
"-. WJ-.W1 ntm HllUl'ia0 8l,tVI-114J
HlVnft tV s,-na,A,-lOEI.,riiysiclan nml Burgeon.
17Mnln St.. next door oUoik 'i Hold J.i4
nAiX'!' "EKK1NO, Flour nnd Grist Ml.l.nnd
V Dealer In grain, Slill street. viiifl
Hit. AC. KELCIINEH, lllacksinlti .,on ill
. Street, near Pine. vl-n!7
TAMKS ll.ltAnMAN.CnblnctMnke!: and Uu.
Jdertaker. Mnln St., below Pine. VI-11J7
1 'Vi'!f,!,MANt.BH,d, ani UnrnesB "nuikcr.
t). Main St., oppslto Fraino Church. vaili
10I.N Fl"tMnYEnddlo"nrHn7nik77nn
(lMnlii H., above tlio Bwnn Hotel. vl-iilV
T ,Sjy , ViSCllflYLEn7lrorSun.i7r. Maihln".
JJ 1st, nnd MnnutUctuier of nlows.
nmcturcis oflenther, MlllHtrcoi. vl-1117
S'.i'.PM'PSl Mnkcr '"" Hnyhurs't
O Grnln Ciaille. Main BU vJu5,
WILLIAM DELONG Khoe'mnki'rni.. manufac
turer of llrlck. Mill St., west of F ue vlnl9
BK' 1,,,A''-,'MAN, Morclinnl Tnllor, Second HI.
. lloliblns' liiilldlng. v2-nls
Du,,,,KlJ"!"!'NH! HuriieHiu -111,1 Physician
Second st,. below Main. va-nls
CtlLHEItT ,v KI.INE, dry goisN, groceries, and
r genernl luerchnndNe, Jlnln Ktreet vi-iili
T H. K1STLEII, "Cutlawlssa llouso." North
. Corner Mnln and Second Streets. v2n!8
LKEILEIt, milord Saloon, Oysfcrs, nn, Icu
. Crenm In season Mnln SI. 2ul2
MM. DUOIIST, dealer In General Merchandise
. Dry Goods. Groceries Ac. v2-ul8
JBQUEIIANNA or llrlck Hotel. S. KOsten
baililcr Pi'onrletnr.i.riiil1i.fnki tnmtv Mr.1.1 n,..i
Second Street, V2ul2
SD. ltlNAttl), ilenle r In Stoves nnd Tin-warp,
, Main street. vSnl'i
WM. H. A11ISOTT, Attorney nt law, Mnln St. -V2ni2
Light Street.
Jf.lI'VINE, Medical Btoro .Mnln Street nnd
1 Urlarcrik Itoad. N3ni()
- , . yu., uvviwrigiiis, nrsi uoor
. above School Home. vlniu
v. nrM .,. r wt , .... .. . .
JOHN A. OMAN, Manufacturer nnd denier In
llools nnd Shoo, viulU
J. JA.SJflFJ5' .Kurift'ou "n1 Pliyslclnn.
Olllco at Keller's Hotel, v2n27
f TEUWILLiaEIt.Cablneiuukcr, Undertaker
I, nnd Chnlrmnkcr, vlulll
PETEn ENT. dealer In Dry Gooels Groceries
Kwnir. l.iir..l Mll l.'lsli T..... .... ,!..'
Street. vtm.i
H:.?.N'!'' dc'ler in Stoves nnd Tin wnro in
nil Us branches. vlnlO
F. ItEIGII AltD.A imo..deulcr 111 Dry Goods.
Groceries, nnd genernl Merchandise, v.'ull
El Proprlclor. v2nlo
I ill. WERKHEISEIl, Hoot nnd Shoo Store and
u llinilUlllCtorV. Hhllll mi Mill, 1 Hlmnl .....
IKisItu tlio Steam Mill. villi
W. EDGAR, Snseiueh.mnn PlnnlngMlll and
llox Manufactory. v2ull
Buck Horn.
11 O. it W. If. SHOEMAKEIt, dcnlers In dry
ill . goods, groceries and general increlinndlse.
First store in south end of town. v2 nls
Business Cards.
Ashlnnd, Kchuylklll County Pa.
mitrt f ..if...... ail... 1. .. . 1. ......
in an Office, llountles. Ilnelc-Pav and Pensions
collected, llloomsburg Pa. scp.20'lii
Afiuuri;v AT LAW,
OfMco Main Street below tho Court House.
Illoomsbuig Penu'n.
Oilleo Cuuit-House Alley, below tho Coi.usi-
niAN Ofllce, liloomsburg Pa,
.VllUU.M'i, ill liAIV,
llLOOMSIllTlUl, 1..
Okkick Court House Alley, In tho Co
.UMiitAN building. Jniil,'c;,
Jlli would announce to11ieeltl.ensuf lllooiiis.
burg aud vicinity, that he hasjuat received 11 lull
and complete assoitment of
flXTiinns, cnnpH,,
and all other gneuls In his Hue of business. All
the newest and most appinved patterns of tho
day are atwaj s In be found In his establishment,
innr,5,')-tr Mnln St. below Mnrket.
iiuddcnlcr In
lll'H'AI.O lUllll M, 1101.St.IU.ANKF.TH At',,
which lie feels confident he cuti sell nt louer
into than any other person in the county. Ex
amine for yourselves.
Hlion third door below the Court House, Muiti
Street, llloomsburg, Pa.
uov. 15,'u7,
O E N T F It E E !
And out nt. to tho
Giirdcn, For 1870.
Published In January. Every lover of flowers
u u iini. hum new uuu vniunoie woik. iret 01
Charge, SlIOUIIl auuress inillltHluueiy m, u Jreiw
Son A Co., Ellwunger i Harry's Hlockllochcster,
N. Y.
j 1 M I' L E S.
Tim niuliirsTirneJ will elieerfullv mnll fMtKKl to
all who wish It the Iteclpe and full directions
or preparing anil using a simple and Ileuutlful
i.'..i7i.iii1iIa lliLhn. that will immediately remove
Tau, Freckles, Pimples, lllotches, aud all eruiv-
tlons ttUU UlipurillCB 01 1110 rieiil.ieuviligliiui-uiue
sou, clear, smooiiiaiiu oi"i"i.
He will also send (t itKK) lustriictlous for pro verynt mple incans.a luxurlautgrowlh
of liafr on n bnldhend or unoeith luce In less than
thirty days from first application.
Thenbovocaiiboobtulnedby return mull by
addressing THO. F. citAl'Ji An, 1 nun si.
P. (5. nox 5128, 1U5 Hroadway, New Yoki
.Aug. tl.'lSMy.
A gentleman Mbosuirerea for yearn from Ner-
Vous eieuilliy, 1 reiiiitiuiw .ii -
fects of youthful Indiscretion, wl , for sake of
sullerlng humnnlly. send free to a I who need It,
the reeeijit aud dlitctlons for making the simple
toVroiltby the advertiser's experience, can do
so by sddiesslug Willi l'ct,Jf0l1fJuj,1o'ti,;,,;N
No, iSCedar slreet.'New YorV.
T-rrAvnM.'niiin Faiimehh' Sonb
1 and others out of employment, ,"'
from ITatollWperiooulh, from now till next
u..t.. .... ..1.1. .. .. niiir'i.Ai 111.
npiliiB, ujf HuuiGMiii. ...w. -- t-.-.-1-i.
mo Arch Blreel.l'hlladiHiWn
-i 1 '. m1 a
WnJorK, 11, AKTMAN. C. It. IIII.UNUttlt. M. MOUV
Two doors nhov 0 Arch, foimerly220,
Jii.niiAUlv-i.UHAIN UAOS, TIE YA11N,
nv..oirivt. itoow?aV wam:
3T North Tuiuuhtukkt,
Wholcsnlc Gioccrs, and Dculeis in
No 2111 Noith Third St.
' WnreliMne, No. 121 N01II1 Third Mreet
Q. J'ioitGE II. llOBEU'lii
Importer nnd Dealer lit
No. 311 North 1 bird Stleel.aliiiM. Vine
f. H. HOHNK. M'.8.KlNel. J. II. 8KVIII It I',
JJOBNE, kino a seybebt,
No. J21 Market Streel
Orders lllle d promplly nt lnit pi lei s.
January :t, IC(W,
No. llilN.illhThlld Streel.
Hutuecti Cheiry and Unce, ucst side,
Lalo Walter A K'nnb,
Importer and Dealer lu
No. 503 Market Street,
(Above Fifth,)
John stboup a co.,
Successors to Hlroup A Liother,
No. 21 North Whnres und i'5 Norlh Third St
oct. 2i,VJ-ly
Muuufacturcrs uud Jobbers of
Nos, &5 Market, and 522 Commerce Street,
no. 18 .N'oitni lounni sniKhT
'1 UUALLU, fcJN U ! l'T A Hl.UAU
No. 313 N01111I Til II. 1) (SIUriiT,
Second Door below Wood,
J. W. Waktxtan. P. E.N111.1.JIAN.
iy uifiii'.MAi.i-. eiuiiuj.iirs,
N. E. Corner Second niul Arch Slieels,
Dealers lu
hick, fii'iiis, nt i'Auii sonA,.ir., ao.
-Orders will rec'tw prompt utientloii.
may lO.CMf.
1 O L U Mil I A II ) T K L.
It v
IIhvIiii? biti'lv nurchnsi-il ncd tilled 1111 the
Well-known Roblson Hotel Pioperly, located a
on the same side of the street. In the town of
llloomsburg; und biivlngobiiiluid n license lor
the same us a
the Propl!, lol husileteiliilne-d to glvetolhe tieti
pie visiting the town on business or plcnstuc,
a i.rni.i: more iioom.
Ills stubllug also Is extensive', aud Isllttcd up
to put buuglis uud currlngis In the dry. He
promises thai cvcijlhlng nLout his csinblUh
meiit sliull be conducted In 1111 oidelly and law
ful manner; aud he respe'cllully solicits a share
01 the publlo patronage, lmyl7'l7-tr
Tho undcrslRned having puiehuu'd Mils well
known and centrolly.loculed home, the l-.x-chliuso
Hotel, situate 011 MAIN hi'KEET, lu
Hioomsburg.Uuniedlately opposite the Colum
bia comity Court House, itspectfully Inform
Hair friends and the iiubllo In gcueial that
the ir huusu is now lu ureter lor the reception nml
r.tri,liiiii.'iit who liluv be illsnos-
cd to f.nor It Willi Ihelr eusioui. 'J hey have
spuied noexpensu 111 prcpuilng the Exchange
forihu interlalnmeHit of their guests neither
sliull there beaiijlhlnv uaullugun Ihe lr part to
Ulllllsler 10 llie ir peisouui eoniiuii. ahm iiu
Is spiicious, mid iiiJiisiiii excellent business lo.
Omnibuses 11111 ut all times hot ween the Ex
change lloliliind ll.e various rullroml
whleli travelers HI be plensantly ejmveied to
and Ironi the ri ii'ccllvo stations In due time to
ineelthuiuls. KOO.NS A CLAHK.
lilooiusblllg, ApllU, 1MX
vmiy fiir.lTMlilA I'ntlNTV. l'A.
The undersigned would Inform the travelling
publlo that lie has taken the abuvo named estab
lishment una thoroughly reimeu me "
the perfect conveiileueenf his guests. Ills lurder
Mill bestoeked ullli the best the market ullords.
Tliecholeestllquois, wlucs aud clgursalwajB to
Apr.'l,)-tf Espy, Pa.
BOHR M'UKNRY, Proprietor.
lb s well known iioene, "V',,"V" "",?," now eipeii to the travelling
ubUc. The Lar is slocked, wllh l ie eho cest
llnui'ii slid elsais, and the table will be at a 1
kOiiiULa"l'. ilr,i0,'
HAUt.VN noss.
It Is not ours; 'lis Hope's own day,
Which wo may never claim;
Day, ever dawning, novcr come.
Existing but In name.
And yet, what p'cturen, bright and fair,
Seen hut with Fancy's eye,
And by her skilful lingers wrought,
Glow on to-moow's sky.
Could wo but rend tho veil that htdoi
The futuro from ourvlew,
And gato upen tho pictured scones,
Portrayed In lovely hue,
Such Joys, such griefs, such fears ns ours,
No'er In our heart", would stay,
Could we but lenrn, through lire, to llvo
Within nslngloelay.
Trust not tho morrow's prointso fair t
"f will vnnlsh from tho sight.
As fndes tho cheering beam of day
Ilcforo tho shades ol night.
I.e t not the orb of dny go down,
Hut thou, ench wrong relrlove,
Ere yet, Iho setting sun of Hie
Thy soul In darkness lenvc.
To-inorrow I Wilt thou wnlt till then
E'er thou, lullfe, begin
To "walk by faith, nnd not by sight ?"
To lenvo tho pnth of slnf
O I Stnpld Soul I Ero yet shall rise
To-morrow's glowing sun,
The sand that measures life's short day
Shall be forever run.
"1NTAI.AL.iiiL.t1i ADVI'iXTimK
This t'oiiHlilerntloii scrvctl to mini the
pfirltirlintion of my mind, unit 1 llnully
sticccoiled in regnrdlii"; tlio plicuoiiicuoii
In its proper point of view. In f.tL't,
iniinzoinent muni luivo fairly deprived
me of my .senses, when I could not too
tlio vnst diirereiicu, In uppearuiice,
lielween Hits Mirfuie lielow me, mid
Urn surfaeo of my mothur einth.
Tlio latter was indeed over my liuad,
nnd eoniplciuly hidden hy tho halloon,
while tho iiiouu the moon itself in all
it's glory luy beneath me, and at my
Tho stupor niul .surprise produced in
my mind hy this extraordinary change
in tho posture of alTaiM, wass perhaps,
after all, that part of the ndventuro
least su&ceptililu or explanation. For
the Ooulevenemeiil in Itself wan not only
natural and inevitable, but had boon
'ong actually anticipated, as 11 circum
stance to bo expected whenever I should
arrive at Hint exact point of my voyago
where tho attraction of the planet
should bo suppressed .by the attraction
of the satellite or, moro precisely,
where tho gravitation of the balloon
towards the earth should be less power
ful than itM gravitation towards tho
moon. To be sure I arose from a sound
slumber, with all my senses In confu
sion, to tho contemplation of 11 very
startling phenomenon, and one which,
although expected, was not expected at
that moment. The revolution Itself
must, of course, liavo taken place in an
easy and gradual manner, and it is by
110 means clear that, had I even been
awake at the time of tho occurrence, I
should have been mado awuro of it by
any internal evidence of an inversion
that is to say, by any incovenienco or
disarrangement, either about my person
or about my apparatus.
It is almost needless to say, that,
upon coming to a duo tensoof my situ
ation, and emerging ftom the terror
which had absorbed every faculty of my
soul, my attention was, in the first
place, wholly directed to tho contem
plation of tho general physical appear
ance of tho 1110011. It lay beneath mo
Bkea chart and although I judged it
to bo still at no InconMderablo distance,
tlio Indentures of its surfaeo were defin
ed to my vision with a most striking
uud altogether unaccountable distinct
ness The entire aliseneu of ocean or
sea, and indeed of any lake or river,
or body of water whatsoever,
struck me, at tho first glance, as the
most ext inordinary feature In Its geo
logical eon.lltlon. Yet, strange to say,
I beheld vast level regions ofn charac
ter decidedly alluvial, although by fur
tlio greater portion of the hemisphere
in sight wit) covered with Innumerable
voleauie. mountains, conical In shape,
and having more the appearance of ar
tificial than of natural piotuberances.
The highest among them does not ex-
eed three and three-quarter miles In
perpendicular elevation; but u map of
the volcanic districts of lliu Canipl Phlo-
graii would nfiord to your Excellencies
a better Idea of their general surfaeo
than any unworthy description I
might think proper to attempt.
Tho greater part of them were In astato
of evident eruption, ami gave mo fear
fully lo understand their fury and their
power, by the repeated thunders of
the niie-callid meteoric stones, which
now rushed upwards by tho balloon
with a frequency more nnd 111010 appal
ling. April 18M. To day I round an enor
mous Increaso or the nioon'a apparent
hulk and the evidently accelerated
velocity or my descent, began to fill
1110 with alarm. It will bo remembered,
that, In tho earliest stage or my specu
lations upo'i the possibility or a pas
sago to the moon, tho existence, in its
vicinity, of an atinosphero dense in
proportion to tho bulk of tho planet, had
entered largely into my calculations j
this too In spite of many theories to tho
contrary, and, it may added, In splto of
a general disbelief in tho exlstenco of
any lunar atmosphero at all. lint, in
addition to what I have already urged
lu regard to Encko's comet und tho
zodiacal light, I had been strengthened
In mv opinion by certain observations
of Mr. Schrocter, of Llllenthal. Ho
observed tho moon, when two days anil
a half old, In tho evening soon after
sunset, before tho dark part was visible,
und continued to watch It until It bo
came visible, Tlio two eusi s appeared
tapering In a very sharp faint prolonga
tion, each exhibiting Its furthest ox-
tremlty faintly Illuminated by tho solar
lavs, beforo any part or tho uark ncmi
sphere was visible. Soon artcrwnrds,
tho whole dark limb Uecamo illuminat
ed. This prolongation or tho cnsp.i be
yond tho ecmlcirclc, I thought, must
liavo nrlsen Trout tho redaction of tho
sun's rays by tho moon's atmosphere.
I computed, nho, tho height of tho at
mosphero (which could refract light
enough Into Us dark hemisphere, to
prod 11 cn a twilight moro luminous than
tho light rellcctcd from the cartli when
tho moon Is nbout .IJ" rrom tlio now,) lo
bo 1330 Paris feet; in this view, I sup
posed tho greatest height capablo of re
fracting tlio solar ray, to bo C370 feet.
My ideas upon this topic had also re
ceived confirmation by a passago In tho
eighty-second volttmo or tho Philosoph
ical Transactions, In which It Is stated,
that at an occtiltation of Jupiter's satel
lites, tlio third disappeared after having
been about I" or 2'' of tlmo Indistinct,
and tho fourth becamo Indiscernible)
near the limb.
Upon tho resistance, or moro proper
ly, upon thosupport of an atmosphere,
existing in thostato of density Imagin
ed, I iiad, of course, entirely depended
for tlio safety of my ultimate descent.
Should I then, nftcr all, prove to have
been mistaken, I had In consequence
nothing better lo expect, as a finale to
my adventure, than being dashed Into
atoms against tho rugged surfaeo of tho
.satellite. And, indeed, I had now every
reason to be terrified. My distance from
the moon was comparatively trifling,
while the habor requiicd by the con
denser was diminished not at all, nnd I
could discover no Indication whatever
of a decreasing rarity in the air.
April 10i. This morning, to my great
Joy, about nine o'clock tho surfaeo of
the moon being frightfully near, and
my appu'henslons excited to the ut
most, "tho pump of my condenser at
length gave evident tokens of an alter
ntlon in tho atmosphere. By ten, I had
reason to bellovo Its density considera
bly increased. By eleven, very littlo
labor was necessary at tho apparatus;
and at twelve o'clock, with some hesi
tation, I yeiituied to unscrew tho tour
ulijiicl. when, finding no Inconvenience
from having done so, I finally threw
open thegum. elastic chamber, and un
rigged It from around thocar. As might
have been expected, spasms and vio
lent headache were the Immediate
consequences ofan experiment so pre
elpitato nnd full of danger. But theso
and other difficulties attending respira
tion, as they were by no means so great
as to put mo in peril of my lire, I de
termined to endttro as I best could, in
consideration or my leaving them be
hind mo momently in my approach to
the denser strata near tho moon. This
approach, liowover.wai still impetuous
in tho extreme; nud It soon became
alarmingly certain that, although I had
probably not been deceived lu tho ox
pectatlon or an atmosphero denso in
proportion to tho mass of tho satellite.
still I hud been wrong In supposing
tus density, even at the surface, at nil
adequate to tho support of the great
weight contained in tlio car of my bal
loon. Yet tills ioi(Whavo been tho case,
and in an equal degree as at tho surfaeo
of tho earth, tho actual gravity of bod
ies at cither planet supposed In tho ratio
of tho atmospheric condensation. That
it was not tho ease, however, my pre
cipitous downfall gavo lostlmony
enough ; wliy it was not so, can only bo
explained by 11 referenco to those possi
ble geological disturbances to which I
liavo formerly alluded. At all events I
was now closo upon tho planet, und
coming down with tlio most tcrriblo
Impetuosity. I lost not a moment, ac
cordingly, in throwing overboard first
my ballast, then my water-kegs, then
my cundensingnpparatusand gum-elastic
chamber, and finally every articlo
within tho ear. But it was all to no
purpose. I still fell with horriblo
rapidity, and was now not moro than
half a mile from thu surfaeo. J:i last
resource, therefore, having got ritl of
my coat, hat, and boots, I cut loose ftom
tho baloon the car ItMlf, which was of
110 liieoiisidcrablu weight, and thus,
clinging with both hands to thu net
work, 1 had barely time to observo that
the whole country, as far as thu eye
could reach, was thickly Interspersed
with diminutive habitations, ero I
tumbled headlong into tho very heart
of a fantastical-looking city, and into
tlio nilildlo of a vast crowd of ugly lit-
tlo people, who noun of theui littered a
slnglu syllable, or gnvu themselves tho
least trouble to lender me assistance,
but stood, like a parcel of Idiots, grin
ning In a ludicrous manuiT,and eyeing
1110 and my balloon askant, with their
arms set a-klmbo. I turned rrom them
in coiitompt,and, gazing upwards at the
earth so lately left, aud left perhaps for
over, bchcliHt like a huge, dull, copper
shield, about two degrees in diameter,
fixed immovably In tho heavens over
head, and tipped on 0110 of Its edges
with n crescent herder of tho most bril
liant gold. No traces of land or water
could bo dlscoveied, and tho whole was
clouded wllh variable spots, and belted
with Iropieal and equatorial zones.
Thus may it please your Excellencies,
alter a series or great anxieties, unheard
or dangers, and unparalleled escapes, I
had, at length, on thu nineteenth day
of my departure from Rotterdam, ar
rived lu safety at the conclusion of a
voyage undoubtedly the most extraor
dinary, and tho most momentous, ever
accomplished, undertaken, or conceiv
ed by any denizen of earth. But my
adventures yet remain to bo related.
And indeed your Excellencies may
well imagine that, after a residence- of
tH'o years upon it planet not only
deeply interesting in Its own peculiar
character, but rendered doubly so by
Us Intimate conned ion, incapacity of
satt'lljte, with thu world inhabited by
man, 1 may havo Intelligence for tho
private ear of thu States' Collego of As
tronomers of fur more Importance than
tho details, however wonderful, of tho
mero voyage which so happily conclud
ed. Thls-ls, in fact, tho case. I havo
iiiueh veiy much which it would
give mo the gre'ttest pleasure to com.
intiiiieute. I havo much to say of tlio
climate of the planet; of Its wonderful
alternations of heat and cold; or un
mitigated and burning sunshine fur one
fortnight, uud moro than polar frigidi
ty for tho next; or u constant transfer
of moisture, by distillation like that In
vacuo, from tho point beneath tho sun
to tho point tho farthest from It; of a
varlablo zono of running water; of' tlio
pcoplo themselves; of their manners,
customs, nnd political Institutions; of
their peculiar physical construction; of
their ugllnoss; of their want of oars,
those useless appendages In an atmos
phero so peculiarly modified; or their
consctiuent Ignoranco of tho use and
properties of speech; of their substitute
for speech In a singular method of in-tcr-communlcntlon;
of tlio lncompro
slblo connection between each particu
lar Individual in the moon, with sorno
particular Individual on tho cartli a
connection analogous wlth,nnd depend
ing upon thnt of tho orbs or tho planot
nnd tho satellite, nnd by means of
which tho lives and destinies of the In
habitants of tho one are Interwoven
with the lives and destinies of tho in
habitants of tito other; and nbovo all, If
It so please your Excellencies abovo
nit of those dark nnd hideous mysteries
Which Ho In the outer regions of tho
moon, regions which, owing to tho miraculous accordance of tho sa
tellite's rotation on its own axis with
Its sidereal revolution nbout the earth,
havo never yet been turned, nnd, hy
God's mercy, never shall bo turned, to
tho scrutiny of tho telescopes of man.
All this, and moro much moro
won d I most willingly detail. But,
lo ho brier, I must have my reward.
I am pining font return to my family
and to my homo; and as tlio prico of
any farther communications on my
part In eonsiilttration of the light
which I have it in my power to throw
upon many very important branches of
physical and metaphysical science I
must solicit, through the influence of
your honorable body, a pardon for tho
crimo of which I have been guilty in
tlio dentil of the creditors upon my de
parture from Rotterdam. Tills, thou,
is tho object of tho present paper. Its
bearer, an inhabitant of tlio moon,
whom I havo prevailed upon,. and pro
perly instructed, to ho my messenger
to tlio cartli, will await your Excellen
cies' pleasure, and return to mo with
tho pardon In question, if It can, In
any manner, bo obtained.
I liavo the honor lo bo, Ac., your Ex
cellencies' very humble servant,
Hans Pfaai.l.
Upon finishing tho perusal or this
very extraordinary document, Profes
sor Rubadub, It Is said, dropped his
pipe upon tho ground In the extremity
of his surprise, and Mynheer Superbus
Von Underduk having taken off his
spectacles, wiped them, nnd deposited
them in his pocket, so far forgot both
himself and his dignity, as to turn
round three times upon his heel in io
quintessence of astonishment and ad
miration. There was no doubt about
the matter tlio pardon should bo ob
tained. So ut least swore, witlt a round
oatii, Professor Rubadub, aud so finally
thought the Illustrious Yon Underduk,
ns ho took tho arm of his brother in
science, and without saying a word, be
gan to mako tho best of his way homo
to deliberate upon the measures to be
adopted. Having readied tho door,
however, of tho burgomaster's dwelling
tho professor ventured to suggest that
as tho messenger had though proper to
disappeai no doubt frightened todcatii
by the savage appearunco of tho burgh
ers of Rotterdam tho pardon would bo
of little use, as no ono but a man of tho
moon would undortakoa voyago to so
'ast a distance. To tho truth of this
observation tho burgomaster assented,
and tlio matter was therefore at an end.
Not so, however, rumors and specula
tions. The letter, having been publish
ed, gavo rise to a variety or gossip an d
opinion. Soma or tlio over-wiso even
mado themselves ridiculous by decrying
the whole business as nothing better
than a hoax. But ltoax, with these sort
or people, is, I boliove, a geffentl term
Air all matters above their comprehen
sion. For my part, I cannot eoncoivo
upon what data they have founded such
an accusation. Let us seo what they
soy :
Imprimis. That certain wags in Rot
terdam havo certain especial antipathies
lo certain burgomasters and astrono
Secondly, 'flint an odd lit tlo dwarf
and botllo conjurer, both or whoso cars,
for some miselemeauor, havo been cut
off close to his head, has been missing
for several days from Iho neighboring
city or Bruges.
Thirdly. That tho newspapers which
wero stuck all over tho littlo balloon,
were newspapers or Holland, and there
fore could not havo been mado In tho
moon. They wero tllrly papers very
dirty nnd Gluck, tho printer, would
take his 111 hie oatii to their having been
printed In Rotterdam.
Fourthly. That Hans Pfaall himself,
tho drunken villain, and tho threo very
idle gentlemen styled his creditors,
wero all seen, no longer than two or
throe days ago, in a tippling house in
tho suburbs, linvlngjust returned, with
money in their pockets, from a trip bo
yond the sea.
Lastly. That It is an opinion very
generally received, that tho Collego or
Astronomers In tho city or Rotterdam,
as well as all other colleges in all other
parts or tho world, not to mention
colleges anil astronomers In general,
are, to say the least of tho matter, not tt
whit bettei, nor greater, nor wiser than
they ought to be.
Wk overheard u queer tiling from a
little fellow about six years of ago a
short time ugo. Tho subject of wed
ding cake had been Introduced In thu
course of conversation, In which tlio
father was, taking a part.
"Father," said tho little follow, utter
having apparently reflected intently on
something, "I shan't send you any of
my wedding-cake when I get married.
"Why not?" was tho Inquiry.
"Because," answered tho young hopo
fill, ' 'you didn't lend me any oj yours I"
A girl in Wlscunsln swallowed forty
percussion cups. Her mother rcfruined
from spanking her for fear of an explos
i ,..
- ..i .1.1 i.ii , i , . i .
1 ,U 1 . . , i I .1. . 1..
' '1 jUJ . . I . . It ,. . 1
til I.,.. I'll!' , . , , I I ,,,i, . I
..I " lli.tlj I. ..I .1)
A Oood Story Well Told.
How Rev. J. Hyatt Smith CiiaVet)
A Locomotive.
"We stopped nt Syracuse, N. Y., for
dinner. You remember the railroad
dopot, centrally situated, with Us east
ern and western cntranccscxattly allko
as much so as tlio two ends of tho car.
After wo had dined, tho depot master
Informed us thnt wo had seventeen min
utes lo spare beforo tho departure of
the eastern train. This, thought I, will
glvo mo an opportunity to seo the city,
and a glorious chance for it smoke, pro
vided a clergyman could bo tempted
Into such a piece ol worldly and waste
ful amusement. I sauntered forth, and
nrtcr an absenco of exactly thirteen min
utes, having enjoyed a delightful and
soothing stroll,! was returning, watch
In hand, when, to my astonishment, I
beheld the train slowly gliding out of
tlio other cud of the depot, nnd Increas
ing Its speed nt every pull of Us gigan
tic locomotive. Here, indeed, was a
"call" thai admitted neither correspon
dence nor delay; thcro wns no tlmo for
"taking it Into consideration." So,
without conferring with flesh or blood,
I put off like a sky-rocket wltli a doub
le fuse. For a moment I thonght I had
It all my own way; I thought I wa3
gaining ground, although I know I was
losing wind. I was encouraged lu tho
race by sundry helpful reTlows who
kept crying out ns I passed "Go it, gait
ers!" "plucky boy!" "he alnt loft, O
no!" nnd other well-meaning nnd be
nigmint exhortations. Though they
iutended, perhnps, helping pie over tho
course, I found that tho more they
shouted the less Inclined I was to run,
and tho moro decidedly did thelocomo-
tlvo make leriibloheadway against ino.
To give up tho chase; to submit lo tho
chagrin of being left; to loso my party
and my pa-wage; to meet with disap-
poiiitment and not to meet with friends
all this was bad enough; but tlio thought
of encountering, nil the way back to
tho dopot, that lino or interested indi
viduals who with their cheering excla
mations had po reellugly encouraged
mo on my outward Journey, this was
the bitterest pill in this unexpected
dose. But It must bo done, so tapering
off gradually I gave up the contest and
turned back to meet my rate, and ir I
could find him tho depot master whoso
blundering statements wero the cause
or nil my trouble. AVithout search that
individual advanced to greet mo with
tlio bland recognition orn fact that no
one could well deny, "Well, you got
left, did you?" I replied only with o
resentment of a "silencing eye." If I
looked as I tried to look, my phota
graph taken at that lnstnnt would hard
ly bo chosen to graeo an album gallery
of "cmlncntdivlncs." Sovcral bystand
ers seeking Information, asked, witli a
show of confidential Interest in my case
on what wise the thing had happened?
and others wishing "to point a moral,"
ndvised mo to "ho on hand a little ear
lier next time." Wllh returning broath
relief and words eamo together, nnd I
squarely charged tlio railroad official
with nil tho blame. I spoko of his In
competency, in no measured terms, re
calling how t hat after I had placed my
party In the car ho had assured mo that
there were full seventeen minutes to
spare beforo tho train went out; "whilo
here," said I, with a triumphant exhi
bition of my watch, "tho soventcen
minutes are even now barely up, and
yet tho train is gono and out of sight."
After no littlo hot shot cast back and
forth, with tho usual variations nnd
final perorations of "you did and you
didn't," "you're another," etc., I asked
him whether I would bo risking anoth
er chance of being left If I depend upon
mm to glvo mo tho exact hour of tlio
departure of the next Eastern train.
"Eastern !" exclaimed he. "Yes, Mist-
em." replied I, with a decided upward
and sarcastic inflection. "Why," quoth
lie, "tho train you'vojust been chasing
with such poor luck wasn't an liistern
train, but tho Wisttni Express!" With
much nnd increasing confusion and ex
citement 1 stammered out, "Then
where In Joppa h tho Eastern train?"
"Why, there It Is," replied he, "Jusl
getting under way at the other end of
the depo!; leg it, or you'll Iumi that,"
If over-1 did make Do.vter lime, I mado
It then. I passed right through that
depot like tho wind. I felt as if 1 was
all legs. Ono glance, however, at the
rear door or tho last ear, as I was Hear
ing It, came near being loo much for
mo. I discovered the group of my long
lost friends, whoso forms and faces
scorned buistlng with poorly-suppressed
and ill-timed mirth, As I reached
safely the platform, the fire that open
ed upon mo could only bo equalled for
Its merciless effect by the firo In the
rear, from which I had providentially
fled. I heard Jibes, und Jokes, and
Jeers; I heard tho hoarso laughter of
full-chested men, and tho hysterical
efforts of mirth-exhausted womon.Thov
had all witnessed my chase after tho
wrong train; now fearful lest indeed I
should overtake it, and then rejoiced at
my evident lack of what Joekoys call
"bottom," as my speed began to slack
en and my chances with the locomo
tive began to grow "small" by degrees
and beautifully less. They had witness
ed tlio "blowing up" administered tho
depot mustur, tlio strange procrastina
tion In starting for tho right train, un
til at length' It had actually started and
I had entered upon a second "stern
chaso," Then they feared I was left
again, as they looked with breathless
Interest at tho unequal contest of legs
versus a locomotive. They had wit
nessed my ll.ial triumph, bill how grace
fully I was welcomed, ami with what
feelings I reeelve'd their peculiar con
gratulations, I leave my hearers to Im
agine. An Ohio paper relates tho following
court tceno : "At tho last term of our
Court of Common Pleas, in tho case of
Miss vs., tin impeaching wit
ness was called and asked tho usual
question; 'Do you know tho reputation
of Mr. for truth and veracity lu tho
neighborhood whero ho resides?" Well,'
said thu witness, 'his reputation for
truth Is vcrv i.'ood. but his reputation
for veiaclty Is considerably talked
ubout.' 'What do you mean by veraci
ty?' said the) cross-examining nttornoy.
wny, i mean no's uiui nucr mo wi-mill'
Ono ituare, (ten line or Its equivalent In Noo
rated type) Mie nrlwn Intetllnn., tl.Wj tbtn
l.i.clof.f;3;j1.fU JUU I i J
trAtK. hi, jji. su, ew.
Outiuaro 13.00 ,u) n,ou (0,00 IIO.M
Four n'unarea 7 00 0,00 1 1,00 17,00 S)M
quarter column.. 10,00 i2,on ll.oo 20,90 so,
llalfcc4utun..iul)0 i 18,00. 2000 90,00: ,M,0t
,Onocolumn....80,W' M,00 40,00 07,00 10100
! Ettcr;iiortAilmlnIitflitOT!fi IfqtU, HXIOJ
AuJllot'n or ABJlnce' Notice, fiCO.
'""ai'fi t"' "ilu1ti'KA)lcclorjr' c6IutaA,.gr.
per year fejr UibflUt I wo fluey, and furtawlr'
aelttulouuTlliie '
Scalped by Indians What a Vlcttaa
1 . SaymAbout it?'
Thd Detroit! ItrbT-Prtis sayd lhat'
vlctiih of 1 MUla rve.icdticd lrpthtfpf"
sent struggle" along IhVy -borders; and!
ono that will rdt-ovLT' 'havo cnilstf tdT64
member it, reached that city!
12th Inst. Ills lifline LiDcloaG. Sand
bortson, and ho lost' lU serilp tV thd
baltlo of Washita, lib rtllbwcd tlio cu
rious to examlno Ills poll, arid a look tU1
tho still red and tender spot from whicH
his scalp was Jerked nway wns rtdt'cal-1
eulnted to prejudice nny ono In favor bf
' h'ur lifting." Ah but fow porsonKi
havo over lived to undergo 'tho pro
cess, perhaps tho sensations experienced
by Mr. Sandbcrtson will Interest and
enlighten. Says he :
"I wns in tho Infantry. Custer had'
command of tho troops. Thcro waa
quito a forco of cavalry with us, but
thoy wero nboutamiloin tho rear when
wo first discovered tlio reds. Some of
tho troops had been sent around so aa
to attack on tho other side. Tho reds
were within eighty rods of them for
half an hour beforo daybreak. Just In
tho gray of morning, tho thing com
menced on both sides, and wo had it
nil our own way- for a fow minutes,
tlio cursed snakes being much confused,
and not knowing what was up. At
length they rallied, and we could hear
Black Kettle shouting uud ordering.
Tho vermin goWuto holes nnd behind
rocks anywhere they could find a
place, und began to fight back with a
will. Wo fired whenever we could seo
a lop-knot, and shot squaws there wero
lots or tltem jusl as quick ns Indians.
Wo first went in for wiping out the
whole gang. When it was fully day
light wo all gavo a big yell nnd charged
right down into camp. Tlio lodges
wero all standing yet, and lols of In
dians In (hem. As wo ran through tho
alleys a bl red Jumped out at mo from
behind a tent, and beforo I could shor
ten up enough to run him through with
my bayonet, a squaw grabbed mo by
tho legs nnd twisted mo down. Tho
camp was then full of men fighting,
niul ovcrybody seemed yelling as loud
ns he could. Y hen I fell I went over
bnckwards, dropping my gun, nnd I
had just got part way up again, tho
squaw yanking me by tho hair, when
tho Indian clubbed my gun and struck
mo across tho neck. Ho might just as
well liavo run mo through, but ho was
not used to tho bayonet, or didn't think.
Tho blow stunned mo; It didn't hurt
mo In tho least, but gavo mo a numb
feeling all over. I couldn't have got to
my feet thcii ir all alono, whilo tho
squaw kept screeching and pulling my
hair out by handruls.
" I heard some of our boys shoutiug
close by, and the squaw started and
ran ono of tho boys killing her not
threo yards off. Tlio Indian stepped
ono foot on my chest, and witli his
hand gathered up tho hair near tho
crown of my head. Ho wasn't very
tender nbout It, but jerked my head
this way nnd tlinr, and pinched llko
Satan. My eyes wero partially open,
nnd I could seo tho bend work nnd trim
ming on his leggings. Suddenly I felt
tlio nwfullest biting, cutting Hash go
round my head, and then It seemed to
mo as though my wholo head had been
Jerked clean off. I never felt such a
pain In my life ; why, it was llko pull
lug your brains right out. I didn't
know any moro for twoorthieo days,
and then I camo to, to find that I had
tho sorest head of any human that ever
lived. If tho boys killed the viper,
they didn't get back my bcalp ; perhaps
it got lost in tho snow. I was shipped
down to Laramie after a bit, and all tlio
nursing I got hain't mado tho hair
grow out on this spot yet."
Sollum Thoughts By Josh Bil
lings. Tho fear of God iz tlio philos
phy ov religion ; thelovo ov God Iz tho
charity or religion.
Hope iz a hen Ihal lays iiioie eggs
than she kail hatch nut.
About tho hardest work a plu llow
knn dolz lo spark two galls at mire,
and picservo a good average.
A nickname will outlive enny mail
or thing; It Iz llko the crook in a dog's
tale, you may cut it oph,nnd thtowlt
behind tho barn, but tho crook iz Ihnre
yet, nnd tho slump iztho epitaph.
When you hain't got nothing to do,
do It nt once, tills Iz the way to learn to
bo busy.
Wo have bin told that tho best way
to ovcrcuni misfortune iz to fight with
thorn I havo tried both ways, and
recommend a successful dodge.
The art ov becoming ov imporlaueo
in tlio eyes ov others, Iz not lo overrato
our self, but tew causo them tew do It.
Whero religion iz a trade, morality
iz a merchandize.
Death to mostov ua.izakluil ov "rate
well benefit" "positively our last ap
pearance." Phools aio qutto often like hornets,
vcrry blzzy, but nbout what tho Lord
only knows.
Living on Hope, lz llko living on
wind, a good way to got phull, hut a
phoor way tew get phatt.
A vivid imaganasliun like a sun glasso
makes things at a dlstanco look twlco
az big az they am, and cluts to, twiconz
small az they am.
Hopo Iz a draft on futurity, sumtlmes
honored, but generally extended.
If tho world dlsplzes a hypokrlt,
what must they think of him In heav
en? After all, tharo don't seem tew bo butt
this difference between tho wise men
and the phools; tho wizo men are all
hiss anei sum icatiicrs, wniic mu puoois
aro all fuss and no feathers.
Without frienils and without ciicmys
lz tlio last nekount wo huv ov a stray
Men gcnorally.when they whlpa mule,
swaro; tho mulo remembers tlio swaro-
ing, but lorgits mo ucKing,
Sum folks wonder wharouwl Iho lies
sum from, but I don't; eimy good liar
will plzen a whole country.
Hunting after fame Iz llko hunting
after Jlcns haul to ketch, and euro to
make yu uneasy If you do or don't
ekech them.
Meny peoplu spend their tlmo tric
ing tew find tho hole wharo bin got In
to (his world. If two men break
through tho kohl to a mill pond they
better hunt for tumi good holo tew get
out, rather than git Into a largo argu
ment about tlio liolii they emu tew lull
Imagluashun, tew inuth Indulged In,
oftlu iz tortured Into reality; this lz
ouo way that good boss thlcfs aro made;
a mail leans over a fence all day, and
Imagines tho boss In tho lot belongs to
him. aud sure enuff the fust dark night
iho 1 1 oss does.
'"niiilarkelst. vi-nu