FARMER'S COLUMN. To noti. Potatoes with tiik Skins on. Aflor tlio potatoes nro properly washed nnd ft littlo of tho akin taken off at tlio ends, plnco them In a kettlo of boiling wntor allowing no tnoro water thnu Is sufficient to cover thoin. Thoy should boll slowly, 03 tlio agitation of wntor In rapid boiling dissolves and breaks tlio potatoes bofuro thoy nro dono,nnd loaves thoin Insipid and moist. They nro better left unmoved to boll, and thcro should always bo a vessel of hotwatcr,from which tho kettlo ruaybo replenished In caso thcro Is rapid ovup' oration from tho stato of tho ntmoa phcro. A pot with tho top drawn In Is better for boiling potatoes than n wldo topped vessel. The water should bo poured from them before thoy nroqulto dono to tho centra. A few spoonsful of cold water should then bo ndded, and tho vessel bo placed upon tho hot part of tho stovo with a clean napkin thrown over until tho potatoes aro wanted, If tho best potatos cannot bo obtained (and no others are really fit to cat,) when nbout half dono pour off tho water; ndd cold water, but not enough to cotno to tho top of tho potatoes, and finish boiling and steaming them off as before. A close cover should never bo placed over potatoes after eooklng,elther In tho kettlo or upon tho table. Alter potatoes nro nbout half boiled, for varl ety they aro very nico finished off In tho oven, either on or after removing them. They will need butiv short tlmo to buku In this mnnncr. Iltratdqf Health. Mice and Kaiiiiits Gnawing Tunns. Every winter tlio agricultural journals contain inquiries ns to a reme dy to proventmleonnd rabbits gnawing trees, mid wo have nearly annually answered them. Our remedy, which wo linvo tried with success, has proved effectual In every Jnstanco where It has been properly applied. It is to bandage tho trees with any old cotton or woolen cloth, or very stiff paper will do for mlco eight or ten inches high will ans wer; for rabbits not less than two feet Tlio latter standing upright will reach up very nearly two fect, and as thoy can reach they will gnaw. Tliosamo cloth, if put away, will last for sovcral years. Of couro tlio bandaging must bo well dono and tied to tho tree secure ly. i-In gnrdons, whero rabbits aro sure to bo found if there are any In thovlclnity, a good piotection is to feed them with cabbago-stalks, or decayed heads ofcab bago, offals of ruta-bagas, carrots Ac. A "dead trap," baited with apple, will also soon clear a garden; but if In a starving condition, a half doseu rabbits will destroy fifty young treesinaslnglo night. Ono winter thoy not only In jured several young pear trees for us, but nipped off the tender ends of cer tain shrubs as cleanly nslf dono with pruning shears. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT THE YOUNG FOLKS. Stoves and Tinwaro. Greabinq Wagons. Few people fully appreciate tho importance of thoroughly lubrlcatlug tho axles, etc., of wagons and carriages, nnd fewer know what aro tho best materials and the best mothods of applying them. A well mado wheel will endure common wear from teu to twenty-live years, if caro is taken to use the right kind and proper amount of grease; but if this matter is not attended to, they will be used up In five or six years. Lard should never bo used on a wagen, for It will penctrato tho hub, and work its way outaround tho tenons of thospokes and spoil tho wheel. Tallow Is the best lubricator for wooden axlo trees, and castor oil for iron. Just grease enough should bo applied to the spludlo of a wagon to glvo It a light coating; this is better than more, for tho surplus put on will work out at tho ends, and bo forced by tho shoulder bands and nut washers into tho hub around tho out side of tho boxes. To oil an axletrce, first wipe tho spindlo clean with a cloth wet with epirlta of turpentine.and then a apply few drops of castor oil near tho shoulders and end. Ono teaspoonful is sutllcicnt for the whole. Gin tiled Trees. It may bo a mat tor of Interest to somo of our readers to stato that girdled fruit trees can be saved; nnd wosco no good reason why tlio samo treatment will not have tho same eirect upon all trees. Tho experi ment has been tried with satisfactory results. Tho method is as follows: To graft flvo or six scions, as large around as a plpo stem, and long enough to reach over tho girdled placo Into tho tree. First notch tholivo barknbovo audjbelow tho girdle, then spring tho shoot or scions Into these notches and fasten thu ends with wnx. Tho prin ciplo Is,thattho scions grow rapidly and spread over the girdled surface. We havo been told by a gentleman who gave this method a trial that ho saved somovery fino fruit trees In this way. after they had been apparently ruined iy uio gnawing or mice. Manuue. When the teams aro not otherwise engaged thoy may bo proflta' bly used in carting out manure on land Intended for com or other crops next spring. This will bo attended with no loss, except whero tlio land is so unoveu thai nil ns and molting snow will wash itawny;such places are bettor left till near plantlng-timo. Tho work of car ting muck nnd all other manure-mak ing materials Into pens, yards and sta hies, or near them .should goon briskly. Salt and limtfmake an excellent manure, If properly worked. Usoalr slacked lime, thoroughly mixed with common coarse salt In the proportion of threoof limo to two of salt. Keep well sheltered from weather, and havo It thoroughly shoveled over overy two or threo weeks. Three or four months should elapse between tho tlmo of first mixing and using. Now is tho time to prepare It for next season. It Is a first rate manure, easily mado and not very expensive. We do not llko to bco a farmer spend ing monoy for artificial fertilizers and neglecting to save and apply tho man ure of his own premises the stable, the pjgpen,dc. Such a policy shows that therois something wrong about the farmer who follows it. Thumbllng tho Dwarf nnd Thumb- ling tho Giant, An honest husbandman had onco up on n tlmo a son born to him who was noblggor than my thumb, and who for many yenra did not grow ono hair's brendth tailor. Ono day, as tho father was going to plough In his Held, tho littlo follow said, 'Father let mo go too." "No," BAld nl father, "stay whero yU arc ; you tin do no good out of doors, and If you go perhaps I may loso you." Then littlo Thumbllng fell a-crylng; and Ills father, to quiet him, at last said ho might go. So ho put him in his pocket, nnd when ho wns in tho field pulled htm out, and set him upon tho top of a nowly-inado furrow, that ho might bo able to look about him. While ho was sitting there, n irreat giant camo striding over tho hill. "Do you see that tall stccplo-man ?" said tho father; "If you don't tako caro ho will run nwny with you." Now ho only said thts to frighten tho littlo boy and keep him from stroylng away. But tho giant hnd long legs, and with two or threo strides ho really camo closo to tho furrow, nnd picked up master Thumb, ling, to look at lilm as ho would at a bcctlo or n cockchafer. Then ho let him run about his broad hand, nnd tak ing n liking to the littlo chap went off with him. Tho father stood by nil tho time, but could not say a word for fright; for ho thought his child was really lost, and that lioshould never sco him again. Hut tho giant took caro of him at his houso in tho wood, and laid him In his bosom, and fed him with tho samo food that he lived upon himself. So Thumb llng, instead of being a littlo dwarf, be came llko tho giant tali, and stout, and strong ; So that at the end of two years, when tho old giant took him up Into the woods to try him, and said, "Full up that blrch-trco for yourself to walk with," the lad wns so strong that ho toro It up by tho root. Tho giant thought ho would mako hhn a still stronger man than this; so after taking care of hhn two years more he took htm into the wood to try his strength again. This time ho took hold of one of the thickest oaks, and pulled it up us if It wcro inero sport to him. Then tho old giant inid, "Well dono, my man ! you will do now." So ho carried him back to tho field where ho first found him. Ills father happened to be just then ploughing his field again, as ho wns when ho lost his son. Tho young giant went up to him and said, "Look here, father, sco who I am ; don't you know your own son?" But tho husbandman was frightened, and cried out, "No, no you are not my son ; begone nbout your business." "Indeed, I am your son; let mo plough a little, I enn plough as well as you." "No, go your ways," said tho father ; but as ho was afraid of tho tall man, ho at last let go tlio plough, and sat down on tho ground beside it. Then tho youth laid hold of tho plough share, and though ho only pushed with ono hand,hcdrovo ltdecp Into tho ground Tho ploughman cried out, "If you must plough, pray do not push so hard; you aro doing more harm than good;" but his son took off tho horses.and said, 'Father, go home, and tell my mother to get ready n good dinner; I'll go round tho Held meanwhile." Ho ho wont on driving the plough without any horses, till ho had dono two mom lngs' work by himself. Then ho liar rowed it ; and when all was over, took up plough, harrow, horses nnd nil, nnd carried them homo like n bundlo of straw. When ho reached tho houso ho snt himself down on tlio bench, saying, "Now, mother, Is dinner ready?" "Yes," said she, forsho dared not deny him anything; eo sho brought two large dishes full, enough to havo lasted herself nnd her husband eight days; however, ho soon ato It all up, nnd said that was but a taste. "I seovery well, father, that I shall not get enough to eat at your house, so if you will glvo mo an iron walking-stick, so strong that I cannot .break it against my knees, I will go away ogain." Tho husband man very gladly put his two horses to tho cart and drovo them to tho forge; and brought back a bar of iron, as loner and as thick as his two horses could draw: but tho lad laid It against bis knee, and snap it went, llko a bean stalk. "I see, father," said ho, "you can get no stick that will do for me, so I'll go and try my luck by myself." Then away ho went, nnd turned blacksmith, and travelled till ho camo to a vlllago whero lived a miserly smith, who earnod a good deal of money, but kept all ho got to himself, and gavo nothing away to nnybody. Tlio first thing ho did was to step into tho smithy and ask if tho smith did not want a Journeyman. "Ay," said the cunning follow, as ho looked at him nnd thought what a stout chap ho was, nnd how lustily he would work and earn his bread, "What wage3 do you ask?" "I want no pay," said ho; but every fort night, when tho other workmen nro paid, you shall let mo glvo you two strokes over tho shoulders, just to nmuso myself." Tho old smith thought to himself ho could bear this very well, and reckoned on saving a great deal of money, so tho bargain was soon struck. Tho next morning tho now workman was about to begin to work, but at tho first stroko that ho hit, when his master brought him tho iron red hot, hoshlv orcd It in pieces, and tho anvil sunk so deep Into tho earth that ho could not got It out again. This mado tho old fellow ycry nngry; "Holla I" cried ho, "I can't linvo you for n workman, you nro too clumsy ; wo must put an end to our bargain."" Very well, "said tho otli er, "but you must pay for what I havo dono; so let moglvo you only ono littlo stroko.nnd then tho bargain la all over." So saying, ho gavo him n thump that toasod him over a load of hay that stood near. Then ho took tho thickest bar of Iron In tho forgo for a walking-stick, aud went on his way. When ho had Journeyed bouio way ho camo to a farmliouso, and asked tho farmer if ho wanted a foreman. Tho faruicrsald, "Yes," and tliosamo wages wero agreod for as beforo with tho blacksmith. Tho next morning tlio workmen wero all to go Into the wood but tho giant was found to bo fast asleep 3V STOVE AND TIN SHOP. IHAIA1I lIAUKNIUlClt, Main Utrcicl one iloor nbovo 1 MciidentiaU's More. A Hugo iwinrimcni or wove, unurra Mm llnncrgcontnntlv mi luiml. nml for milo nt the 'i limine in mi i brnuoiicflriircru ivnltumicdto. una ftntlMfiicllnti cunmntrril. Tin work or nil itiiuu wiinictmip mm retail, a trlnl If rriiH'3lcd. QTOVES AND TINWAIIE. A. M. KUTEUT announces to his friends and customers Hint cuntluuos the above business at hlsold placo on MAIN HTKEET, ULOOMSllUllU. customers ciin be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of Hi I kind-, Stovepipes, Tinware, ami every va riety of article fonud In n Stovo una Tinware la Ubllshmeut in the cities, and on tho most reaaon- bio terms, Ilepalrlngdouoattheshortestnotlce, 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. TjTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OH MAIN STRICT, NKARLY OI'POSITK MI LI It' STOKE, m.ooMsnuKa, tenn'a. The undersigned lias Just Ottcd np and opened STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n tills plare, where he Is prcparod to mnko up new Tin Wake of nil kinds In his line, and do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms. Ho also keeps on hand STOVES OF VAHIOUS FATTEUNS & STYLES, whlrh hn will sell nnnn terms to snlt nurchnsers. Ulve him a rail, flo Is a goud mechanic, nnd ucscrving 01 me piiDiio patronage. JACOB MKTZi Dlootnsbnrg, April 20, 1887. Foundries. s HAltl'LESS & IIABMAN, Drugs aud Ohomicals iL06MSBURG, C0LUMBlA COWTY, PA Dry Goods 8c Notions Rail Roads. EACJLK FOUMlllY AN1 SrAM'KAll U1IIMI MIOI HTOVE.S & PLOWS WHOLESALE 4 HLTA1I. TIIK CKLEIUIATE1I JlOKTItOSK IltON 1IEAM AND THE IHJTTON WOOUKN 11KAM l'LOWS. Canines nnd Fire Ilrickfor lepalrlngcltyBtoves. All kinds uf Brass or Iron casting mado to order upiiu short notice. 11. F.SHAI1PI.E.HS A P.8. 1IAHMAN, Uloomsburg, Po. Proprietors. Mnr.llVMMf. QltANGKVILLE FOUNDRY, MACHINI! SHOP AND AUltlCULTUItAL WOIIKH. The undersigned desires to Inform his friends aud the public generally, thai huhas rebuilt and enlarged his Foundry and MachlnoBhop.and re moved ail ins outness iiom Liignt oireei 10 me nbovo named place, where In connection with ins r-nuniiry iiu will fouiiuuu lu iiiiimiiniiure Wheeler's Hallway Chain Hnrso-Pmicr and Thresher, (Improved), Carucll's Patent, THHESHEU ANDCLHANHlt, either overshot for Tread-Power or undershot with Lever-Power, lie ah-o manufactures to older and Jits up nil kinds ot IU I L L GEARING, Circular Saw Mandrels, Patent Slides for Saw Mills, tho latest Improved Iron lleam Plows or dltlerent kinds Wooden licnm Plows, Double Corn Plows, and Plow Points of every descrip tion generally uscu uiruugiiuui. me cuuuiy IltON KETTLES, BELLS Cellar Unites, Stoves, Sled aud Sleigh Soles, and In factcvcrythlng generally made In a country Foundry, 'those wishing to purchaso Machines would do v, ell to exumlne his machines, and tho improvements mndo on tho which at least HJ per cent, or the friction is taken otr. At L MACHINES AltE WAltUANTKD Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair (o ils natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at onco agreeable), healthy, and effectual for preserving tlio hair. Faded or jmy hah is soon restored to its original color tci'th the ijhss and freshness of youth. Thiii linir is thick ened, falling hnir checked, and bald ness often, thoiisli not nlway?, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho hair whero tho follicle aro destroyed, or tho glandi utrnpliicil nnd decayed. Hut such as remain can bo raved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean nml vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Krco from thoso deleterious substances which mnko soma preparations (longerons and injurious to the hair, llio Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nnlhinu else can b found to dcsirali- Containing neither oil nor dye, it iiuc not toil white iniiibrio, and yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a ricli glossy lustre una u gratelul pei lumo. n j i... r i n a t. r rrepareu uy ur. j. o. nyui x uu., PiiAciiCAL anu Analytical Chejhsts, LOWIUiL, MASS. l'KIO'J tl.OO. I1LOOMS- T ACKAWAlnNA AND On nndsftjr Jan. 17, WTO, rnssongcr Trains will rutins ronowsi , uoiDgnorin. Arrlvo Arrlvo p.m. a. m Kcranton.. 8,13 ll.UU doing South. Leave Leave i. m. n. m, Plttston......... Kingston Plymouth Khlckshluuy, ltcrwicu lUnnm Dnuvlllo - i.SO Leave Horth'd 4.13 8.11 7.5D 7.3S MS . 0.0.1 . 6.28 10.10 10.U.1 9.41 (WO K.8U 7.51 7.13 Lcavo (MO JO) Lcavo 4.32 6.00 MO (1.10 11.10 7.10 8.10 Arrlvo 8.43 7.W 7.M 8.21) fUM II. U 10.17 10.53 Arrlvo l'nnr.n.Hmi ninrl. .1 Kprrttlt.OO llV (111, 10. 10 n.lll. trnln for Urcot Demi, lllnclmiutou, Albany and .0 ATAWISSA RAILUOAD-Ou and after MONDAY, ncp. u, im, i-asseuser on the catawitsa lumioau win run in m tiaiiis following liuined hours! .Vail ili. Dep. R.litt.m u.i ti.17 " 10.0.1 " 11.15 " 11.01 " 11.17 ' U'.'.'i p.m K'.5S " Las " 1.20 2,lj 4.2 Arr. 0,13 9.2.3 HTATI0N8. Wllll.tmsport Muncy. Watsontown. Milton. Danville. " rtupcrt. " Catawlssn. 11 lllngtowu. " summit. ' ' Ounkake. 1 K. Mahony June. ' Dlnc.Tamaqua. Dine. 1 Heading. " Philadelphia. ' f To 2'ew York via. Head' I lug or Mimeli Chunk. .tlUllCll 11111111.1 Matt A'orOi Arr, 6.00 p. in. jjep. o.zs 4.57 " 4.10 " 4.00 ' 3.10 " 8.32 " 2.25 " 1.50 " 1.10 " 1.D0 " 1.10 ' 10.40 a.m. 8.15 " 0.53 f Xn Clmurai of cars between Wllllanisport aud Philadelphia. UEO. WEIllf Suy'L IB' ROWN'S FAST FREIGHT FHOM PHILADELPHIA TO IlLOOMSHUHO, nml lnlcimedinto points, uoous lorwarueu wuu caro and despatch and at low rates. (looas, at rntiaoeipnia, must no tienvereii ni llltner &Co's. 811 Market Street, For full par ticular, npply to ... waiik a mmcsnuis, rropneiors, Aug. '.M.-60-ir. U. 11. Depot, Illoomsburg.Pn. jJEW BTO0K OF CLOTHING. Fsesh arrival of FALL AND WJNTEll HOODS. DAVID LOWENlinP.U InvllcB attention to his stock of C1I HAP AND rASltlONAHLlU'MtTHI Nil. nt his store on MalnBtrcct.twodoors above. theAmerlcnnllonsp nioomsburg, Pa., where he hss.Jitst received front New York nnd rhllndelplila n full nssorlmenl of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHINO, including tho most fashionable, durable, and haudsomo imlJfijaoouSi IlOX, SACK, UOCO, HUM, AND OIL-OLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of nil sorts, (dies and colors, lie lias nlso replen lshed Ids already largo slock of FALL AND WINTEH BHAWLH, STHIPED, FiaUItED, AND PLAIN VIWTrt 8HIKTH, CHAVATH, STOCKS, COLLA1W II-ANDKErtCIIIEFS, OLOVES, SUSPEND EHS, AND FANUV AHTK'l.IM Ho nas couslantly on hand a largo nnd wel!-so-ccted assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINUS, which ho Is prepared lo mnko to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd in the best manner. All his clothing It made to wear, nnd most of It is of homo lnnnufuclnrc. OOLD WATCHES AND JEWELItY, of overy description, fino nnd cheap. His ensool Jewelry is notsurpnssed;in thls;place. Call and examlno Ids general nssorlmcu or CLOTHING, WATCHES, JKWELKY, AC DA.VID I.OWENUKIia. Dry Goods 8c Groconos. (2 RANI) OPENING !!!W8 ! it SS H uiiAi.i' "'tit::; (IllANI) OPKNINO 0 HAND OPENING or FALL AND WINTEH (IOOD1, FALL AND WINTHIl MOODS, FALL AND WINTEH HOODS, FALL AND WINTEH (KIODH, FALL AND WINTEH (IOODK, conslsllng ol consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of HIIY IHtV lillV DIIY DltY (100DS, UOOIH, (IOOIN, (IOIIIIS aooDs, to glvo good satisfaction, aud terms mado to suit fiuichascrs. All kinds cf cruntry produce taken n exchango lor Plows and castings. Thaukful to his friends nnd jiatroni for past favors he would still contlnuo to solleltlho samo. Apr.n.OO-tf Oraugcvltlel'u. Wall Paper and Painting, pirORTANT TO BUILWEItS, HOUSEHOLDEKH ATENANTB, Tho undersigned would announce to the cltl' icnsof nioomshurg and vicinity that ho Is pro pared to execute H O US E, S I O N, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING In all Us branches. PAPER HANGING Carefully attended to. Strict attention to business nnd good workman ship It is belloved will men tn fair show of publlo patronage. Shop on Cathnrluo Street between Third and Fourth. Mar.5,'C0-ly. WM. F. IIODINE. Insurance Agencies. It la mi excellent plan to keep a lump of common chalk In tlio feeding trough constantly lifter tho cfllvcn uroa month old; tills will eorrect tlitfacldily of tlio ntomach and havo a tendency to keep tin ui In n healthy state. In his hod when tlio rest woro nil up and ready to start. "Como, got up," said onoof tliem tolilm; "it is men tlmo to bo ntlrrinfrj you must go with n "Go vour wav." muttered ho. sulkily "I shall huvo dono my work anu get noma wng ueioru you." ou no lay in utu two nourn longer, uuu hi mat got up and cooked and ato Ills breakfast, ami then at his leisure hnruoKeI liU horses to go to tlio wood. G 1j O R E M U T U A Ii LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, II. C. Freeman, Sec Cash capital over f 2,000,000, all paid. J. B. ROUISON.ULOOMSUTJRG.PA GENERAL AGENT, For Lur-cine, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug. 3V(l0-ly. IN BURANGE AGENCY. Wyoming 1170.000 Jtna.... - - 4,0O0,O0C Fulton... 300,000 North America . 880,090 City - - 450,000 International 1,400,000 Niagara 1,000.000 Putnam . . KiO.OCO Merchants 3J0.000 Springfield - SiO.OOO Farmers' Danville Albany City . 40U-000 Lancaster City . . - 210,000 York Horse, Death 4 Theft... 03,000 Home, New Haven.. . 1,000,000 Danville, Horso Then.. ............ . FREAK BROWN, Avtnt, inat8 03-ly. Bloohshurq, Pa J24&626 Tor Pur Witer, n tliu ceUbwad I'uinp, eotirely lamicit, durable nJ reli4 blt to th wooden Pump, nd coat lest than hall tht money. EilJ urntngeJ to u to t coo-freoiing, md la coni tract ion so ilmplo tbtvt any one can put It up and Veep It In repair,. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOW UkUP-Oct.J2,C9.0ra, iJUUUIIIIV" E N T I S T R Y . JI. L IIOWEU, DENTIST, Henncctfully otVen Jil profrsslonal Hcrvlcca to luuiitH uuu KWiilif iiif it ui jJUMJiimuuri; uuu vi fjinitv. Ho la itrenartitl to attend tunlltbe varl gum opera t tout In the line of Ills prulenhlon, nmJ nrovideil with the latent 1 in proved I'okcklain l eetii WJUCU wilt ue lUHeriuu uu K"iu juuiiug. Hiivur uuu ruui't'r uao m tuun uu wen u iuu nui ural teeth. Teeth extracted hv all the new uui iaot approved iuctliml8, and ill operations on llm teeth cureuillyund propeny attendod lo, v HcHMence aud ortice a lew doom above thfi uouri iiouRe, name uiue. i liloomitburs. Jan.Sl.'tWl C. HO AVE It, fuui opened a flrut-clans BOOT, H1IOE, HAT CAP, AND UU HTOUE. at tho old stand on Main Btreet.llloombur,afew doom above tho Court lloiuo. JllHktocklcnni. posedof tho very latent and bebtntylea ever offer ed to the citizens of Columbia Couuty. Uecaii accommodate tlte publlo with the following icood attlielowekt rates, lien's heavy double soled siogauooig, meu'suoumo ami single tap soieu Kip uoom, men uruvy tu'cu miwi ui uu kiuus, double soled boots ofalltflnds, men' clove kid Hut moral it hoes, in en's, women's. bovn and niUiieti' lastlne callers, women's elove kid Polish very tlne.wuinen's morocco liulnorabtand can Muoen, wuiuvu a very uuu kiu uuuoueu rs. in snori uoois oi an uescripuous uoiu peg ged and sewed. lie wouiu uihu can Hiieuuuu tu ins uuv unitui,' inentor J I A11S, UAIH VLlUi ANI NOTIONS, which comprises all the new and iopular vari eties at prices which cauuot full to suit all. Thee Koods aro ouered at the iowet t-an rates auu will lia guaranteed to elve satUfactlou. A call Is soMcluid before purchasing eUewhere as It Is belloved that better Uargnius are tu be fovud thauat any other placa lu (be county. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ron rininnn tut hloou. TliorciiuUtlonlhU ex cellent medlcloo cnjo)s U derlvetl from Its cures, inanv of which arc truto marvellous. Invetcrato cases of bcrofulous ills case, where tho eystem eccmcd taturated ih corruption, linvo been purified and cured by v. .tiuiuwin iiut. iiuiib uuu FJ. uisorucr,MlilrlncronK r urnvnleil hv the sernni Ions cont.iniin.itlon until thoy wcro pft"if1'y nl"ictlnp, liaic been radically cured In 6uch jrrcat numbers In nlinot every cee Hon of tlio country, that tho public scarcely need to lie Informed of Us virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison la one of the mot ilcf tractive enemies of our race. Often, thi muccn and unu lt tenant ef the organism undermines the constitution, ami Invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal disease, l.ficcuis w urveu inicciion uutjiikhoiu lr irmij ,uiiu then, on como favorable occasion, rapidly de clop Into ono or other of Hi hideous forme, either on the sunace or anions uioviuus. in inc uiuer, muer cles mnv be suutlcnlv diiol'rtl In tho luiiiM or heart, or tumors fornuil in t'.e liver, or It thovis U4 presence uy erupiions on me, or ioui uictr atloni on Komu ai t of tlip bodv. llrnro tlio own slonal HBO of a bottle of this itrsn,firtlla U ml vHable, even when noitcthc yymploms of dlseato appear. Tcrfcons nnilrtedwlth the follow in? com piaims ircncrany run linmeumu- n-nei, uuu, ui IcDRth.curf, by the iiooftliU ti.UiSAl'A It 1 1. JiAl St, Authnntj'n J'lrr, Hum or 1'.ryntprJat jcitcr, Ami Kite nut, acaia Mivmt, mngwortti, Sore JL'wr. Suvr llarn. nnd other cmiitlons or visible loims of Seroftttnux diseafc. Also hi the more concealed funnn, n itfitcpnttt, Jhoji, Heart JHarain J'Hn, Until mil, Xrurafyttt, anu tne various vtrrrutm niu'cuond v larmiil uerion k1(,iii!. SnthiItOY Vrncvml and 2Ht vrurUtl IHtPit? arc cured by It, though a luiitlmoi' required lor fcubduinff Ihece ol)&l I unto tniJ.uUcs bv any medicine. tut lon continued um' nf ttits lnctUi-inn HI cuio mo complaint, irtunrrimtt or imn, i uviuv VlervatinuH, ind J'etntilf I)tt.rtttjtt aro com monly For-n iclievcd Mid ultlmntch curctl bv Us 1)iiriiuiK aim nni, tnaiin i'ikti, iiiiuu iiiec lon for encli eae aiu fuiind In our Aliniinac. tnn tilled criitifl. llUcutnatiKtn nnd limit, whvn taut-pd by at I'umulatir.U'. of extiancons matters in inu niouu, :eiu miiiimv iu it, us i.imi .irr Couihlalntn. 'J'orutttiti, I'omimllim or InHtniim mat ion of IhO.f ri i MitJttmnlirr, )tvn nriflnr, H3 Kiev ouen no, iinm ine ranKimtr nn-uns in mc blood. Thli SAHSAfAlllLLA U a neat le- ftorcr for thcftienfrth and vi?or f the fystcm. ino.-ewno nro JMnunut ami M.ttu-H, jteM)mn dent, Sli'ritlf$n. ami tumbled u hli .yrrrou An- jirrhriiMluH or J'earn, or any of Hie affection byinpionuum oi it rnitnrrx, vt liint iiiiinciiiniB nticf and coinincInK ehlence Us U'ftorativo power uionuuii. ri:i:pAJtr.D it r 1'rttcttrnl amt Antitittetrl L7,rmirtn, soli iiv Ai.r. iiiT;;i-T i:vi:ih v. nt.iii. Fib.5, lftP. rOUTIIERN C12NTUAL 11ATL- WAY. On and after Nov. 15th 1809, Trains wb leave NonTUUMUKRLAUD as follows : NORTHWARD. f "i a. M. UnlJy to Wlillnmsport, (except Kunduy) tortimtrn, tanauumgiui, ltocncster, uuuaio, Htisncnslnn llridno. ami N. Falls. iOW p. M.t Dally, (except Sundays) for Klmlrn and IluCulo via Krle 1 tail way from Klmlrn, 5.30 r. Mi, Dally, (exceptHuudays) for Wllllams- Pr " TRAINS SOUTHWARD. ly.2- A, M.Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. I 11.10 p.M. Dally (except Sunday's) for Raltlmore wnsmniriou anu I'uiiaucipiua. KD. H. YOUNG, Genernl l'asseiicer Acent- Alkuld It. Fiske, Uen'l tiupt.. rpiIE CHEAPEST AND 11EST BLACK AL2? AC A NOW MANUFAClUJlEn M Till: TiHnr.K WAKP HATrt AND CAW, iiato and cum. AND CAIH, AND CAPS, HATS 1 1 ATM II ATM PHfKNIX PEGTORATj CURES COUQHI PIKKN1X PEtrrOItAL CURKH (X)UCJIU PIItJ-.MX I'El'iUUAlj UUULD I'UUUU' READING ItAILItOAD. Monday, Deccmiizr 27th, 18G!. Great Trunk Lino fiom the North nnd North UVhL lor iMiiladolnlilii.Now York. Headluc. l'otts vlllo, Tamuqua, Ashmnd, Hhumoklu Lebanon Altentown, Eastou, Ephratn, Lttlz, Lancaster, (juiiiiiiiiia, iic,, i rnnia iciivo iiarrisuurir rorisew iorK. us ior lows: At 0.35. and 8,10 a. m., 12,'A) noon nnd I 2.U5 p. in., cuuneutmy witn similar, trnini on I IVnna. Railroad, and arrlvlnir at New York at 12.15. noon. 3.4Uu.) ana iu.uu n. m. rcsnect velv. I Htceping cars accompany tho 5,35a. in., and ll'Jt noon iruuiH wiuioui cnuuge. Returuluic: Leuvo New Yorknt 0.00 a.ra. and 12.UU noon aud 6,00 p. in. Philadelphia al 8.1 in. and 3.3tJ p. m. HieeptnK cars nceom puny tbe U.IHJ a. in., and 5,'A) p.m., trains lroin N. Y, wuuoui c 11 tin KB, iiuvriHuure ior iie;uiiuc. i-oiiflvine. in- I inaqua, Mlucrsvllle, Ashland, tthnmokln Pino 4.iu p.m.. sionpiuu in icuanon auu principal way Btatlonbt tho 4,lUpni. trntu connect! ur for Phlt'u rottsviuo ana uoiumuia only, Aor l'otisviuo Uchuylklll Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill nndbusquehuunn. Unit rout 1, leave llnrrfeburg al '6tVJ p.m. Way Passcuecr Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7,30 a.m., connect lug with him liar train uu EohL im. nuiroau reiurniue irom iceauiusntup.m. stopping nt nil stations. Leas o Pottsvllle at 5,4(and 0,00 a.m., nnd 2,15 p.m. ncmuon at v,m u, m., ouujuokiu ni o,iu aiui iu,iu a. m.. Ashland at 7.05 a.m. and 12.30 nm Tnmii. quauttJ,3J a.m., and 11,1V p. m.for Phlladelplila UUU iUW lurik. Lcavo l'ottsvliio via tschuvlklll and susnuc- hanua Railroad at fe.13 n.m. for Harrlsburg, and ll.:id a. m for PlnoGrovo and Tremont, Readlntf Accommodation Train leaves Pottn vltlo at 5.40 a. m., pa&tes Reading at 7,&) a. m., ar riving nt I'uimueipiuaat u. m. iteturuing, leaver Philadelphia at 4,45 p.m., passing Read ing at 7.10 p.m., arriving at Pottuvllle at U.30 p.m. PotUtown Accommodation Train: leaves putts town ut 6,43 a.m.,, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 1,00 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Ueadlmr at 7,lj a.m., and 0-15 p.m. for Kphrata, Lltlz, Lancas ter, Luiuiuuia, etc., reruiomen luiuitoau iramsioave rerklomeu I Junction at V,00 a. m,, 3.0j & 5.30 p. m. returning : leavoBchwenksvllIoat 8.05 a.m., 12.4.1 noon, and 4.15 p.m., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Colcbrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 0.40 a. m nnd C20 p. m., returning leave Mount Pleasant nt 7.00 and U.'Z&a. m,, connecting with similar irniuH on iieamug uauroau. cnester vuuey itaiiroau Trains leave imago fiort ut 8,30 a. m. and 2.03 and 5.02 p. m. returning, eave Downlnuton at 0.L0 a. in.. 12.13 noon and 5.15 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Reading Hall road. fin Umwlnva l.iltnVaiR Vn.lrnt 1 (Ut h .vi 1)1. T. phlant H,ou n.m. and 3,15 p.m., (tho &.Ooa.m. train running only to Reading;) Pottsvllle 8,00 a.m.; Jtnrrhtburg at 5.33 n. in. and 4.10 p. m. and Reading at 7.15 a. m, nnd lu.O p. m. for Harrls burg, ut 7.'JJ a, in, for New York, ami nt 0. W a, m nnd 4.23 p. in. for Philadelphia. commutation, Jiiicflge, reason, hciiooi anu Excursion Tickets to nnd from all points, nt re duced rntes. Imccuce checked throuch: 100 imunds nllowod eneh passenger. u. a, nituujj, General Kuper.ntondent. Reading, Vt Dec. 27 IbW. 11KD LION 1UIAND to bo found nt tho popular dry gondn Morn of tlio uudeislgucd whero everybody buy their BILKS, Ditnas goods. FURS, HUAWU4, IIOMlKUY, GLOVI, AC, AC. nudnny Ihiuglhat they want In the lino of dry good, M. P. LUTZ, MAIN BTKKKf OPP0S1TH THK COURT ItOUHH, Iblooissburc, pa. Nov. 12,'UI-t . Tho l'liiL-nlx rcctoml will euro tho dibcasGH of the Throat nuU J.iuikm. Rtich an Colds, Cough, Croup, Ahtliinajliouchltlu, Catarrh, Kore Throat HoamcnehK, wjioonlng Cough, anil numouary 'IhiH meuicino is prcparea uy ur. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & WESTKUN llAlLltOAU. Winter nrranso- ment, Jan.17,1870. KAbTWAUn, LevtUbeiholtcTorrhlladelphla. anil formerly r l'lio'nlxvlllo, I'u., nnd nlthouKh It has only been ollcrtd for live years, more than ouo mill- Trains lcavo as follows : WBiTWABD. Inn ltnttles havo alreudv been sold, aud the de iuandforltls Increasing every iny. Many of I the ltetau uruggists nuy 11 in 101s oi nvo gross, i and not n few of the Country Storekeepers try I nnfi i.rfR nt a tlmo. Nearlv everv one who has I ever hold It testifies to lu opularily( und nearly I all who hae used It, bear testimony to Its won-1 derful power lueurlng Cough. Wo nreconlldent I mat inero is no Known mcuicuiu 01 sucu Kreuu vnlnn to the poinmunltv astherhunlx rccloral. It has cured eases of the most painful and ills I 11 nas given insiuui ruuei lusuensui cuuguiu. It lias Instantly gtopicd tlio paroxysm of Whooping Cough, and gieatiy snortcneu us uu- miion. It has eured Croun in a few minutes. Consumption has been cured by it, whero all other remedies had fulled to do cood. I Hoarseness has been cured by it In ft single I 111RUI. I Manv ritivsli'lans recommend lt.and others uso It themselves and administer It lu their practice I wuuu outers uppuso iv uevuuse iv uiues uwuy tlieir uusiuess. Wo recommend it to our readers and tor fur. ther particulars, would refer you to4he circular I around the botllo where you will flnfl numerous I ceriincuies given uy jhtsohs wnu nave useu iu It Is so pleiisant to tho taste that children cry fur It. It Is nstlraulatlngcxpcrtorant, giving strength at llie same nine inuiii aiiuys me eougn. Tho proprietor of this mediclno has so much confidence In Its cuiatlve powers from tho testi mony of thousands who have used It that the money will Imi reltiuded to any purchaser who Is HOC SUllSllCU Willi lliu i-iiccis. It Uso cheap that alt can buy it. 1'rice Cents, Ijirge liottles tl.UU It Is prepared only by L.l;VI OllKIlIIOLTZEIl M. I), No. IM North Third Hireet', I'lilludelphfa, N. 11. If vour nearest Druifulst or Mtorekeener does not hnvo this medicine ask him tOKet It for you, aud do not let him put you oil' with some oilier iiiepiiniiiun utcuiiso nu iiiu.ies inoru moil' li. Ac-Ac- Mull HTATIOXH. vn com. com, """" 0.12 5.1U 6.S7 4.M i.ii 3.M a.ii l'.M l'.M, 6.00 S.0U 4.1 4.20, 1,0V; 3.S0 1.21 12.SV 12.13' 3.10 ISUW 12.X1 I.'.l 12.U0 11.411 l i.:n 11.-20 lt.iul 10.51 10.32! 10.10 U.S.5 0. K 11.15 H.4I. 8.3J H. Ill 7.M, 7-JSI 7.1 C.! A.M. Via Al. .V K. lllvlsj Arl New York. Lv If mi jsarclay at.) Christopher St 1 .........lloboken Newark ...... Washington J via Cen. Hit of N.J.! loric (txt Liberty at) .Newllnmnton ... Oxford............ linugevuio.......... ...l'hllallclphla. .TrentonM.... I'hllllpsburir .Mauunku Chuuk,. ,...., Uelaware....... ....Mount Ilethel Woter Clap ,.troudsburg.... Hpraguevliro llcnryvllle. ..Oakland ......,..H Korks .Tobyhauna Oouidsboro.....w. Moscow M.. Dunning . Kcranton ...Clark's Kumnilt... ...Ablngtou , -.Factory vlllo Nicholson. J ...nopuoiioin. Montrose , ....New MllioriU... . Orcat llcnU A.M V..i1 10.1s 10.40 ii .a 11.51 12.13 12. 11 l'.M t'ONSECTIOSS. At HJnshomton with Erleltallwnv. Mall Train A M. 8.00 8.00 8.15 8.40 11.30 0.00 11.15 11.4 11.U 7,10 8.45 11.05 12.05 12,20 I2.H0 12.4 1.00 1.10 1.20 l.:u 1.55 '.'.18 2..H 2.32 3.03 3.1V 4.07 4.15 4.3 5.15 5..V. B. 5i C. 10 r.M. ey on n: uui eo or senu ut onco in miiiiu hioro I r. uliero you know It Is kept, or send to Dr. Ober- ,.;;i,: tinit, liolUer. Hold by 11. I', iuu Druggist, lllooms- iV"',' ll?i?,?iS?',M'lwl ''."f k,(!er1li burg.nudll. W. Creasy, a Co., Light niieet. and I"'".0, n-Siuffi nn- !rlyeW',KUla,,atori'kTerli.C'olu1u. 'Tccn T,X Uo ffl Ull. 1.01IIIIV, ' I'oii-bm, Willi Way Train leaving Blnghamton for Owego and Ilhaca and the West at 2.00 v. Ji.: also cou- mviuiK wiiii i ruin on nyracuse, Iilnghumtou & N. . It. It. for Hyrncuso, Oswego, Ac., at 5.10 and Willi Train on Albany & Susquehanna It. It for Albany and the North at 2.80 i i. ' Mnll Train leaves llluchamton after the arrival (3.17 A. it.) of tho Night llxpress from Uun'alo. Aeaommodatlou Train leaves Illughamton af ter tho arrival of the Dii v RxnreRH.1, nvi.. n..,,.: St51A7ji0A' M-i ftl60' T'al" ''"BHyracuso at 'AtsJcranton, with I-aekawauna & Illoomsbnrg It. It., und Delawaio & Hudson Canal Co. It. u Mull Train from Now Vork connects with Trains ' 'iJU1.?"' Wllkestarre, llloonuburg, Dau yllle, NprlhumberlanU.Olyr.hant, ArchbSld.and Carboiulalc. Mall Train to New York, and the Aecoiiimodatlon to lllnghamton also connect with trains on tfieubove.uamcd roads. Tho Ac. .UiUiitwuuu iiuiu .iiiigiuiuuon connects with Ijickuwauua and Uloomsburg for l'ittstou Wv. omlnir.and wllkes-llarre. .1 AI Manuuka Chunk, with Uelvldcro Delaware It. It, Mall Trains from Now York and Irom IlliiBhamlou connect with the train Irom and lo . iituueiiiiM, aiuiiMiiiu uv uil HUlllOnS. ures generally, for repairing the worn, . Atew llamptou.wltli Central 11. It of New and Dyeing material furnished to suit, i"!8.")') for and from New York, mirabeth, I'lalu ltltv. ami fur an v Him. In nr iv.lnr ' Held. Komervllle. Ac. uiiu in inuiliig up t'liysl-"""ii'isio", wiui juorns iv jssex U.K.. for 'iM,uuin,iurrisiuwu,lHlver, iiiicketts- town, jWou. Ar. V. l. lIAMMfcAD.Kupt. II. A. IIIINUY, Ocn. l'ass, aud Tkt, Agent The undersigned would Inform tho good people itlllliHilu.uilln UUU BUIIUUI1UIIIKS, lUUL I1U HUB moved his Drug hlore from the old ptumt lo his newiHsims, on me west siae oi juaiu street, below Market. And that ho has fully replenish ed Ills slock of Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, 1'at- eui .ueiiiciui's. j efiuiiiery, uuu luuat'u riouons, -ALSO- Coal Oil Ijimps and Lanterns, Lump Shades uuu e ixiures generally, ior rcpairiui vuiuriuv nyiiuantlty. 1'urllculur attention paid lo putting un rhvsl. clans' und Family I'rescriptluns, Thankful for past favours, ho would solicit a conllnuuuce ol me same, liemciuiieriiieriewsiauu. ou Alain Street, west side, below Market, dec. 10,'UKIin. KMIHAIM 1. LUTZ. " rpO CONSUJII'TIVES. The Advertiser, having been restoied to health In a few weeks, by u very simple remedy, utter having sullcred severul j eats with a se ere lung alleclloii,and that dreaa disease. Consumption la auxiuus lo inal e known to his fellow-sufler- via uio luvuii ui cure. To nil who desire It. bo will send uronv prescription used (fieo of charge.) with I ho illrec- Ions for preparlug and using lluj same, wlileli they will llnd a sure Cure fur Consumiitlon Aiili. no, llronchltls etc The object of Uio adver tiser, lu sending the I'reserlptlou Is to benellt lheutllicled,auil spiead lufurmatiou which he I conceives lo be luvuluahle; uud he hopes overy . ' "i ii uhivuiiuu wiiiixjsi iiiein liothlnc. and mav nrnvo ablesslnir. 1'urtUs wishlur Uio prescription, will please address Ilkt. KDWAlll) A. WIMiON. wiiiiamsijurg, Mngs Couuly,New York, Nor. St,' w-1 r, I fiMKER'S'H' CTSrBESt.lM THE WORLD.tir LSI ''.nril' v.irn ushi i ttHowaAcuctua ItsVH!?.1?' New York Office. 27 BEEKMA1I BT. HOOTH AND RI10MS, HOOrH AND KIKIKH, IIOOTM AND HIIOIS, nonrs AND HilOW, 1100TH AND SHOPS, ItEADY-MADK CLOTIIINd, ItEADY-MADH CLOTIIINd HKADY-M A DM CLOTH INO. 11HADY-MADK CUITHINO, mtDV-MADK CIATrlllflO, LOOKINtl-OLAfWF.S, LOOKINO-OLAKSIX, IX)0K1N0-0LAHH.4, LOOKINU-dLAHSUH, I.OOKlNO-tlLAHSIW, NOTIONH, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, l'AINTH AND OILS, PAINTS AND OlIA PAINTS AND OI1J4, PAINTS AND OILS, TAINTS AND OILS, (1HOCK1UKS, llltOCHItlKS, (IKOCIOKILS, UUOCKItlKS, IIKOUKUIIM, tllir.KNSWAIti:, tillKIINSWAItl;, oi'i'.nNsWAiu:, UllKKNSWAHU, ItUIsKiNHWAKH HAUDWAlli:, HAUDWAIti:, HAHDWAltK, HAUDWAIti:, HAHDWAUK, TINWAltll, TINWAlti:, T1NWAUK, T 1NWAKK, TINWAKi:, SALT, SALT SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, F1TH FISH, "Sewing MachineT Q.novun fe iiakku I'ltWT 1'UKMiu,m U L AH'1'10 H HTlj,, FAMILY SEWING MACH1IH m imotiWAV,.Ninvvi 'UK. (1KA1N (IHAIN (IUAIN (IKA1N UUAIN AND SCKDS, AND SKKDH, AND HF.KIIH, AND SI'IF.DS, AND SUKDS, 7.10 Chesl nut Hlrt I'lnu,!,.,,,,,,, . 1MHXTH OF l!XOl:i,,,,;!t.e Uenuly and Illastlcltynt mt,.,, I'crfocllon and Simplicity r,r Mn.1,1,,,,, Ufllmrboth .llpit.. . '"iviiiiib m seams i,y hni ,,, M , of thread. " "' "I'piimiion lllin it ctuc; I The senm retains lis i,cm,l' ai rratNf J washing nnu ironing. Besides doing all kinds of ,v,t ijl Sewing Machines, them Mm lilnri most uenuiiiuianu permanent i:ral,Wfe,J ornnmcnlal work. -iuo wniicsi rreinliimsiii allllithuj IIxhlliltloiiK of Hi.' Uniied MaiMjuif,! i. . nave nccii awnriieu inc timirr ,1 Machines, and the woik !ni' t,y llicm,ir)K.l exhlblleil In couipctlUon, ATS-Tho very highest prlw, THEcnoaa I TIIK LEGION OF IIONUU, wns confcmil tlio lepreseulalivu ol Ihe ()ruin a RilieiSn I Mnchlnes, nt llio Expoilllnn I'ulverselle, 1807, thusatlesllnglliclr great Hiipcrtor.! n nil other Sewing Marhlnis, ' () It II A 1, K Ac. AC AO.. Q O. 31 A It It havo Just lccclvcd from the eastern maikils (i largo nnd well selected slock of J) It Y ti O O I) R , COXSISTINU OF t'nsslmors, Jeans, llcst bleached & Hrowu Muslins, Calicoes, Ticking, Tublo Linens, Col I on & All wool flannels, tc, ilC, A good stock of Ladies dress goods. Latest styles a patterns. Spices of all kinds, Good stock groceries, (Jueensware, Slono ware. Wood A willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also ICltchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin, Hrass,&c, All goods sold cheap for cash or duce. lie would call tho attention of buyers to his welt and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In tho coun try, confident that ho can sell them goods at such pi Ices as w 111 ensure satisfaction. Nov.5,'09-tf C. C. MAltll. IILLEU'STORE," " FUESH AltlUVAL OK FALL AND WINTER UOUD.-t The cubscrlber has lust returned from tho cities with another large and select assortment of FALL AWD WINTElt OOODS, purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the owest figure, and which ho Is determluod to sell on as moderato terms as can bo procured elso whero In Uloomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DltliSS (J00D3 of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo 'assortment of Dry Clouds and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Ciissluieres, Shawls, Flannels, Nlllis, While Goods, Uliens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, llollowwnrn Cedarwaru llueenswarn. Hardware liools uud Shoes, Huts ami Caps Hoop Nets, Umhrellus, Uinkliig-Olassei, Tobacco, ..V Cntleo, , " jSugurs, Teas, Itlce, Allspice, (linger. Cinnamon, NntmegM, AND NOTIONS GEN ItALLY. in si.nii, everjiumg usually kept In country stores, tu which no luvlles tho atlenllou of Um public generally. The highest price will li pulu mi euumry pruuuco iu exenaugu for good. S. II. MILLEHASON. Arcado llulldlngs, Uloomsburg, Pu. iMl'KELVY, Ml'KHLVY, MrKELVY. Ml'KKLVY, .lI'lvKLVV, CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'H. CO.'S. AT NEAI. NEAL NIIAL rsi'Aii NEAI, Nurthiiest corner ol Main and Market SIroels, Nurlhivest corner of Maliinnd Market Sheets, Norlliwesl corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwist isirner of Main nnd MaikolStieets, NorlhMcst corucr of Main anil Market StrceU, HLOOMSmlltd, l'A lILOOMSlHIltO, PA IlLOOMSHUHO, l'A., HLOO.MHMJltO, PA., llLOOMSIllIHH, PA. HtON AND NAILS, IltON AND NAIIiH, IKON AND NA1IJ4, IltON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, In largo quantities and at reduced rates, alway on nanu. Miscellaneous. TI'OOMSHUIlGN01lMAL8CIIOOIiAND LIT JU EHAHY INSTITUTi:. 110AHD OF INSTKUCTION. IIENIIY UAltVEIt, A. M l'rlncipal, Professor of Intellectual und moral science, und meury una piucllcu Ol leucuillg. Miss Sarah A. Carver, l'rccentress. Teacher of French, llotany and omamentitt uraiicnes. Isaac O. llest. A. II.. Professor of Ancient Languages and English uruiuuiur. J. W. Fcrree, A. M. Professor ol Mathematics, and practical ns tiouomy Her. D. C. John, A. JI.. I'rofe sur of chemistry nnd physics. F. M. Hates. Teacher of geography, history 4 Hook -keeping J". .A.. HD O RAM Jil.OOMSlU litt PA. Juno 25,'CO-ly rpiIE LITTLE WONDLT.SEml X MACIIINU, PItRi:,!'!, jl ninKcs me en si e nii's-s u i iiitin as any machine lu thciiiRiktt; a rUMxl It; It rt quire nolustrurlloai-;tt)iukiiK. ltdoes not getoutororiUr;llrjti Icnnl the nncket: It niaki s an eli'Ksiit imm I UNION SLW1SU JI.Mlll.xt.UiJtt'1 Nov. 12,'liU-2ni. 2.U UruulniJ ' ilgl'lUS llllUUM. Hardware & Cutlery QONFEO Tl ONKltY. lniil.',V,!!'llflrs!'fu,.',! w!",la ""I'flfnlly dunonncu to tho public Ihul lie has npeued a FIIWT-CLASS CONFIXTIONUlti- STOtlK, 111 .tuoliul ding lately occupied by Fox & Wt'bll .......w ,.,rrn,nni uirillMl Hit UlllUSOr PLAIN -t FANCY CANIU1W, FltUNCH CANDIIiS, FOItEION & DOMESTIC I'ilUlTS, NUTS, ItAISINS, AC., AC, if, BY WIIOLKSAI.K OK ltKTAtl In short, a full ussorlment of all Koods Ills line ol business. A gieat variety of DOLLS, TOVH, Ac., suitable for tho Holidays, Particular attention given tu UIIEAD AND OAK KB, of all kinds, fresh every day, U1IHIHTM aH CANDIES, OIIISTMA8 TOYS. A call Is solicited, aud satisfaction guaranteed. Nov, 22. .867. James llrown, Assl taut teacher of mathematics Gr mmar. English Miss Alice M. Carver. Teacher of Music on the piano and mclojean. Mrs. Halllo L. nest. Teacher of Vocal Music and Instrumental must Miss Julia M. Guest, Teacher of model School. Tho FALL term will rmnmnnra An. 0 lend nnd until our boarding hall Is ready for occupan cy, on application to the l'rlncipal, students win o iiiiuisueu wnu iiumea in pieasani lamiues. It Is better for students tornmmenAnt tl.ann- enlngoftho term, but when this Is lmpructlclt. Jlliriu M inoa. TUIE NEW HAUDWAllESWl I lri- Tl ITU TTIHtt. I . . , . . lr,v,m via Jinvillg euiargeu oui - OPENED A NEW KITIM, directly from tho Miiuraclu'.lr cash, on adecllulug markel.iv ewirfH-i offer thn samo to I FAHMERS, MlXHANltiS BUU'tfl nnd tho rest of .Manklii.l,ag.wrai "xi, j of tho county, at unusually I"? rjJ All I hoso who nro deslrluusof pbk jh i in our lino can save jiuue) 'j .w.-.- isew liaruware niore. i.rnTiWj Pleoso give us n Tw.VlliCl Anr.ainfl-lvr Uiwiu.. Lltf-I TZKKi Jacou K. Smith. MIT II A SEI. 0 MNII1US LINE. Tho undersigned would resiectfully aunouueo to mo citizens or Uloomsburg aud the publlo gene- luuyiiia no is runningnn 0MNIDU8 LINK between this place aud tho different railroad do puts lUlly (Sunduys excepted), to connect with the several trains going South and West on the Cuta- wissa and Wllllanisport Ila!lrol, aud with those going North and South ou tho Lackawanna and Uloomsburg ltullroad. HlsOmnlbnssesaro In good condition, commo- uious nnu comiortabie, and charges reasonable. Persons wishing to moot or see their friends de part, can bo accomodated Uon reasonable charge oy leaving timely notice at auy of the hotels. JACOH h GIltTON, rroprletoi, Importersand Dealers In Fordi" wmmF mm, w II A H 1) V.' A H l; nttNH. oUTIiKBTi 4r, no. 400 N. Titmn sriiKCT, ab.cai"'1! FIIILAIlKLfill' Nov. 22, C7-tf. V II I s. DEAD LAZAItUB .t M0BBI NE W 0 O A L Tiik undersigned rei YARD. rpttnectfnllv liirnf,,. Ilia I citizens of Illonnisburg nnd Columbia county. Hint they keep all tho illflurent numbers olstove I 0 K i, i: ii h a i' 1 coal and solecled lump coal for smithing ses, on ineir wnart, adjoining M'Kelvy, J Co's ! umace; wllh n good pair of nullum 2 inirisi. , Nenl .V on the whalf, tu ttiigh coal. bay. nnd straw. Likewise it hoisu nnd wagon, to deliver coal to y iio utnire ii, as iney puicnase a large amOUlll Of COlll.t lev lilt riii.l tnlrpi.n n imnrlr. .... tide, and sell nt tho ery lowest prices. Please call und examine for yourselves before purchas- iiib vieiviieie. j, w. Jii;rsi)i;ifsimT. AUGUKTUS MASON. HMIE uiulorsiu'iied will tnUo in ox- JL change ior Coal and Groceries, tho following iiumeil articles :-Wheat, ltje, Cum, Oals, l'olii toes, Ijird, Haui,Shouliler,and sldo iiieal.lluller. Eggs, Hay, Ac.,ut the hlgliest cash prices, ut Ills -..w..,rf ,,,u., ..ujuiuuiR .ii.-ii vuuiyuiu, n , J.W.linNDEItSHOT. PEItKHUTKH Hl'lX'l AND EU.tlUH'-l- jll Ouo oUliulli in will Is'iitlliei-'l .iei'1"" MlHB A. 1- BTA'rniNi:i!i IlI.OOMSItVlUI will li ECKIIAKT JACOHH: y E It O II A N I) I S E NOTICII IH 1IF.HEHY GIVEN To my friends and tho publlo generally, umt nil kinds nf DltY UOODS, anocEitira, QUEENS WAllE, NOTIONS, AO., uio constantly on hand and lor tnlo AT HAltTON'H OLD BTANIJ IILOOIISUUKO, I1Y JAMIM K. KYElt. -Ijo, Solo Agent for;i'j.i-i' I'uosruATs o 1MB. Largo let couslaully on liuud, Ifeb8'B7, l'l'.IJ. TO ALL OUT lit.' fur. 1 T ploymeut.we wouMmy that what wo have ... ' in . a uu i in, new mine or experiment, ns those who linen OMtmi-r..! It Y..r ,...Vi... W e enn piovu to j on that you are sure to make money faster llinn you can lu any other honorable business. No gu ut talent, and but utile money Tuiulred to stuiL iiaiicla v a, c, J Nov M m Atih Klru'. I'l'llUell'li'm. tint"' iU A T E It O O F I N a, u V E It Y VARIETY MOST FAVOHAIHiR HATES, JUim JHOMAH, AK) CASl'EH J. TIIOMAB uox, -.77. Dloomsburg, I'a. .uuide.wij'r. Q.ET THE HIST. juuuson s copper Tubular Lightning Hod Is )til. K"?","!.'? K"'iW disaster by fliililiilng everlMMiile, . Thu subscriber Is agent for Hi" ubovo Invention, and all orders by mall or lu ' V. 1 uv I'liuiil'liy lllieuueu to. May Ij.'Oi. E, U . HI DLEM AN, "y ANTED. 100 Connacntliil Aeonts It todlsxiseofaslock uf goods. None but good uud icllubte iiieu wanliit who can keep their mouths shut. Small eupital leuulred. A fort uuu of 123,000 ijuai uutted to u man of tho right stripe, Pnrllculuis sent free. Sample of goods scuCfor ilSceuls. Call on or address1 " One day only, l'il'k"y JN"11" Ho ttllends for I ho piirpi" 01 " i: At, .111! 1). Webb In lilting llm O u" COW'S. Thoso suir.irlt.g from linpa""1 ' ivi'1 Ion nre lecommcndiil ui aau opsirluiill'- (inn um.'i.i'A it l.'rt AND r.M'"0' " " .....i. ., ..nil'tlTOU''1' I ,civr.iiivi'i"""' most I'Eitri:1'1' osslstuice to sight e er iuau"fKl" . n-i hi nsurwr''1"1"" i-mi'i! and comlort whllu stitusi""" -"u'"u'!""'' .... in ir i.bnn.ntl.ui In nolliy I u "u in...- . ,( unraiK1" "I employ no ifHiini", thoso preleii.lluiltoli''"" for sale. Nor. 12,'e-3m, J, P. WATEH8 4 TO.. 1V7 llroadwoy, N, Y, ALL KINDS OF JOB PIUNTINO .",yjL executod at ThiOolumuiak Steam nibiiug umoe. Oct, 22,'09-tf, JOU DuiN'riN" Neatly executeii at this onus