THE YOUNG FOLKS. Translated fur tbs Valley Hplrlt. Death rind tho Weavor. FMOM TUP. GERMAN, DY It. H. 8, (Gonclnded.) Now the rich farmer, who hnil rofua cJ to Ktanil gotl-faliier to tlio weaver's child also Ml III? Mul m Iio illtl not think himself very sick, and vfros a mi serly inun, ho would havu no physician but tho weaver. When tho latter anno, the furnior said, "You can ierform ono of your won dorful cures on mo easily, weaver, for I don't need much medicine; wo lmVo boon butchering, and I havu eaten rath er too much ; give mo only a llttlo of your good drink, 'No curcnio-harm done.' " But tho weaver saw Death silting at his head, shook his head, and answered, "Farmer, no drink In tho world can help you, not even .my euro; the slnv plus that can withstand Death have novcr yet grown. Sot your liouso In order, for you must dlo I" Tho farmer laughed, and sent for tho doctor, who promlsod him that iu three days he should be as well as a flsh In the water; but In three days ho was burled. So tho famo of the wraver spread, ns tho most wonderful doctor In all the country ; nnd In n year and a day ho became a rich man, built himself a new house, bought n horse, and said to his wife, "Dear Elsie, I think myself as well off as a count 1" At that time it happened that ho was tent for to visit a great nobleman, who had a largo castle, fltio fields and mead ows, nnd plenty of servants, but was dangerously 111. The weaver, as soon as ho camo into the room, saw Death sitting at tho head of the bed, "My gracious lord," said he, "you must go I cannot help you." The nobleman beckonod to his stew ard, who had a bag brought In full of gold ami silver; and tho nobleman sulu, "Dear Doctor, all this shall bo yours, if you will euro mo " But tlio wcaVer said, "I cannot." But when ho looked at tho heap of gold and silver, and thought of the groat posses slous and the comfortable life ho might have, if It wcro his, he said to himself, "Why will Death take Just tho rich man? Tho saying is, Death comes aliko to rich and poor; and he might as Well tuko twenty peasants as tills man. If I could play him a trick, it would do him no harm, and I should bo rich as a lord.nnd Ids god-child Anastasim would lie q llttlo count. I know what I will dot" So ho niado his plans, and went out. In tho yard, ho called four strong serving men, and said to them, "tlo in witli me.and stand by your lord's bed, two at tho head and two at tho foot. Then whon Isay.'upl'solra tho bed qulc iy.llft it up and turn that tho fool may stand where tho head is now I" They did us ho commanded, and in a twinkling the god-father found himself sitting at tho patient's feet. When lie saw this trick, he made an angry face shook his fist at tho weavor, aud dlsap- peared. Tho nobleman Immediately began to get better, to his very great joy; the weavor received tho gold and silver, and ate, and drank, and mado merry with the nobleman until evenlug. As lie was riding homeward, on en tering the forest, the air seemed like a noxious vapor ; he foltsick and uncom fortable ; all at once Death stood in his way. lie saluted him and wanted to pass onward; but Death camo closer, seized his horse's bridle, breathed hard txi him, and said: "Unfaithful fellow, you have ventur ed to do a dangerous thing for yourself to-day ; I will break your neck for It 1" "Ah, pardon 1 dear god-father!" said tho weaver, "It shall never happen again I I feel so deathly sick, a-i if I should fall from my horse, would you bo pleased to take mo with you into your house, and glvo me something to strengthen me?" "Certainly," Death snorted out, -'tie your horse and como along I" Death led tho way forward Into tho forest, and tho weaver followed him. At last they stopped before a black door, on which hung a shield with an hour glass engraved on it, having below this devico tho words, "To tho hut end." This was the house of Death. They entered the ante-room, in which hung n scythe, from that they passed into n long lit-11, in which, sido by side, and ono above uuothcr, many thousand candl es wcro burning. Borne were stil 1 very long, others half, or more thau half burnt out ; others again, consumed down to a short stump, flickered un. steadily, as if about beingextlugulshcd. Tho weaver was surprlsod, and said: "I supposed it would bo very dark here; what do all theso candles mean, and why aro so mo of thorn short, and some long?" Death replied, "At tho birth of every human being, a candle Is placed here, and overy light represents a life. Souio of the lights burn out slowly, others rapidly, and whon the light goes out, tho lifo It stands for mut end. Those whoso caudles lire, still long, havo still many days before thorn; those whose caudles aro burned far down, are near their end, and would do well to bo ready for it, for I must go and sit downut their heads!" Tho weaver wondered still more, and after thinking awhile. "I should liko to know," said he, "how long I hayo yet to llvo; could you not lhow mo my light, that I might find out?" Death led, blm oa between tho rows tif caudles, till, stopping at last, he Mild, "Thero Is your light, thero Is your Wife'", and those of Anustaslus and tho Other children." The weaver turned pale, for all tho other lights burned clearly, and tho candles wero long, that of Anastaslus longest of all; but his was burned down to a Bhort end, and tho ilamo flickered as if blown by u strong wind, and leaped nnd sparkled, as If ready In stantly to expire. Then tho poor weav er raised his clasped hands towards Death, and plead, "Ah, my good and dear friend, through your great klndnces I have be come n rich and happy man and now that I havo Just learned how pleasant it Js to live, must I Indeed go, aud leave everything behind? Oh, think of my wifond children i What will become of a poor weak widow, and destitute orphans what will become of my Jlttlo Auastaslus, when their head and their provider is gouo? As tho saying Is, very boy can Jump over a lowhedge,' oh, pity them I'l I THE ICItid Death could sinreely refrain from shedding tears ill llicto words ; but ho answered, "1 cannot help It I nm tho servant of ono .stronger than mysolf, and can only do as 1 am commanded." "But no J" urged tho weaver, "you havo only to light n fresh candle, for me, instead of that, slump I Oh, do 11, pray do mo this kindness, but quick ly, before It is too lato I" "Well,' said Death, "for my trod- sou's sako I will do It." To saying ho took a fresh candle, nnd was nboutto light it; but as ho took up tho short, soft piece, his hand prov ed too large, and strong, and tho light was pressed out in his fingers. In the same moment, as tho flamo expired, tho wcaverdrow his last breath nnd fell dead on tho spot. And over since, people have said, "Death knows no compacts;" nnd sometimes, "Ono must dlo, though Death bo his comrade." It Is well, then, not to set tho heart on this life ; but over so to net, that ono need not fear to dlo, nor to bo ashamed to live. S fc BMBM WIIWMIIIMU FARMER'S COLUMN. Miscellaneous. Every family should provide n barrel or box for receiving chicken bones, fish bones, and bits of beef bones which ac cumulate in tho kitchen. A hundred pounds may bo saved in n few weeks. Such bones are more valuable for grass laud, nnd for burying around all kind of fruit trees nnd grapo vines, than Pe ruvian guano, which Is worth from thrco to flvo cents per pound. In tho Empire of Japan, ono man will lead a horse, whon attached to a plow, whllo another holds the plow to mark out the Hold or to plow tho ground be tween tho rows of growing plants. In many places In New Jersey, -tho practice N btllljtt voguo. Thu man who cannot both hold and drive, is not competent to receive the usual wages of n profitable laborer. When making a good fence where tho posts fro liable to bo lifted out by tho frost, it Is an excellent practice to cut a ditch three feet deep, lay two-Inch tiles In thu bottom and set tho posts in the channel. They will never bo lifted bo long as the wutcr courso In tho tile has freo outlet to cairy away thes urplus moisture, which is tho main cause of heaving. Tho American arbor vilic is one of tho best plants for ornamental hedges that our country affords. But such a hedgo will oiler very llttlo protection against homicd cattle as they will soon hook a hole through It. Sweet apples are excellent for milch cows, when fed in connection with cut feed, or hay. Four quarts fed twice dalljy after other feed, will bo mora Fatisfae tory than eight quarts fed nl ono tlmo. Fence posts nnd stakes, hop poles and bean poles, If thoroughly seasoned, bo lero they nre set in tho ground, will last more than twice as long as if set while tho timber Is green. Timber or any kind, ifsawed out, or split into rails, orfenco posts, in tho month of February, will last quite as long ns If cut at any other season of the year. Farm Wages must Como Down. "The laborer is worthy of his hire," and wo aro decidedly In favor of pay ing all good, faithful workers tho high est wages that can possibly bo afforded. But tho employer Is equally worthy of hl hire. The farm can not pay beyond a reasonable percentage of its products fr workmen. The cost of freightage and other marketing expenses Is about the came lor wheat at 75c. per bushel as for that sold at $1.50. But making no allowance for this, let us reckon the wages oflaborers in wheat, or other pro duce, which ho must buy for his family. Suppose wo put the wages of a good workman at four bushels of wheat per week with board, or 6 J bushels without board. . CO per bushel, to $2r, or fill. 37 per month, If the employer sells his wheat and pays money. Is Itjust that ho should pay tho same money wages when his wheat brings only 7fic? The plain truth Is heeannot afford it. Ho cannot give 8 or 11 bushels of wheat for n week's work. If the laborer could feed his family two years ago on four bushels of wheat per week, he can get along on less than double that quantity now, while the employer Is straightened for tho means to pay interest, purchaso ma chinery or Implements, stock, etc. If laborers do not uppreciato these facts, and moderate their demands according ly, farmers will, from absolute necasl- ly,hQ compelled to shorten sail, and a large number of laborers will bo thrown out of employment. American Aijtl culttirlit. A good farmer is a man who can produco from his hind tho greatest amount of what Is vuluablo to tho com munlty at large, and at the samo tlmo keep his farm in such lino condition that thero I.s no exhaustion, but on tho contrary ti tendency to increase the yield. IIu watches tho markets, and should llvo stock mako a pilco which will pay for all his land will produce, ho will grow food for consumption on thu furin, because by so doing ho gains so much manure; nnd ho will experi ment on tho effect of many qualities of. feeding stuff, nnd should it ho profitable to buy anything to mako meat out of ho will do so, and thus still further bcnellt his property. Ho will thus como to understand that when meat is above such a prlco it will answer well to buy all varletlos of uraln, com, etc., etc., at certain rates, and of such as aro below theso figures ho will purchase, and by doing this ho not only enriches his farm nnd makes money, but ho does good by assisting to regulate prices of every description of produce, Impoutant to Fa hm Kits. The Phil adelphia Ledger says, us wo enter upon n new year, It Is proper to look back and lustltuto comparisons, that wo may see whither we aro tendlDg. Trade in cenend is conceded to bo dull unus- ally so aud, us compared with tills dato last vear. nrlccs of the lradlne shi nies aro lower. Tho wholesale orico of superuuo nour on mo ami or Decern ner, 18G9, was about $0 per barrel ; it is now quoted In this city at 1 CO a decline of one-fourth of its price. Best white wheat was then quoted at $2 23 tier bushel; it is now quoted In tho market $1 CO a decline of 76 tents per bushel. Itvo has fallen from tl CO to 21. corn from 1 80 to $1, and oats from 78 to C7 cents. Ilyo Hour, corn meal, and almost tho entlrndlrect product of thoboll.huvo experienced a very similar decllno, whllo tho indirect produco of tho farm pork, beef. lard and seeds, huvo gen erally hold their own. nnd In some in stances advanced. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA C()DNTY, PA. Stoves aud Tinware, 'j N EV STOVK AND TIN SHOP, 1HAIAII HAUKNIlUClt, Main Htreet ono door above K. McnttcuhnU'ji 8 lorn. A large assortment of Hlovrs, lion torn mul I tango constantly ou I in ml, hiuI for wilo at the lovnut rate. Tlnulna In nil Its hrftnrhcftnircrully fit ten. IM to. nitil satisfaction cnuntn I wd Tin work or nil klml wliolrnnlo nnd n lull, A trial 1 requested, Apr.O.tiU-tf S' TOVES AND TINWAltE. a. m. iiurmiT announces to his friends and customers that continue tlio above business at hU old place ou MAIN 8THKKT, DLOOMSnUIlU. Customers cnn be acconiodatnl with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, stovepipe, Tluware, and every va riety of article found In a Btore and Tinware Ea labllshmenl In ltieclllc,and on the most reason, able terms. Repairing done at the shortest notice. K DOZEN MILK-l'ANH on hand for saU. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN BTIlKtT, HKARLY OI'FOSITJt MILLER' BTOItK, nLooMsnuita, i'enn'a. Tim undersigned has Just filled up and opened Ills new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, u this place, where lie Is prepared to lnake up now Tik Wark of all kinds In his line, aud Uo repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon the most rcasouable terms, lie also keeps on hand STOVES OP VARIOUS FATTEHN8 A STYLES, which ho will sol upon terms to suit purchasers. (live him a call. lie Is a gowd mechanic, and ucserviug or the public patronage. JAl'Oll MET.. Bloomsburg, April 20, POT. Foundries. s HAHPIjESS &" 1IATWAN, KACII.K JOl'.NMHY AND MANITACTI'KIMI Hlor, STOVES A PLOWS WHOLESALE 4 ltKTAlL THE Cl.LltUtATID .MONTllOSK IKON HKAM AMI TIIK ltUTTON W001II.N 1IKAM I'LOWf, Ciistlngs and KlroHrlck for repairing city stoviK. All kinds of llrass or iron cu&tiug made to order upon short notice, 11. f. SlIAItl'I.RSS .t 1. S. IIAltMAN, Dlontusburg, l'a, l'ropiletors, Mur.ID.'OU-ir. 0. HANOEVILLE FOUNDUY, MACHINE HHOl' AND AaitiCULTlMIAI. w UUKtt. Tho uuderslgned desires to luiortii his friends and the public generally, that ho hits ichuilt und enlarged his roundly uml Mui'hlijrHhop,uitd ic moved alt his business fioin Light Mieoi lo the above named place, wheie In eouuee'lou with his t'.jundry hu will continue to mamiluttuie Wheeler's Uulluuy clrMu llorse-fouer and Thresher, (llupioved), r-irucH'H Pjlenl. TllltEHUEll AND ULEANEIt, either overshot for Treud-I'ower or undeishot with I.ever.J'mer. lie nlo niuiiufucturen to older und Ills nil all kinds or MILL GEAUING, Circular Saw Mandrels, Talent Slides lor Saw Mills, the latest Improved lion llcnin l'loua of dtllcrcnt kinds Wooden Ucam TIoms, Double t.'oru l'lous, and Tlow 1'olnts of every dchcilp tlou Ki'iieraily usedtbioughotil thecouuly. IKON KETTLES, HELLS Cellar Urates, Ktovcs.SIed uud Sleigh Soles, and In fact ever thing generally made In a country Foundry. Those wishing to purihase Mtichiiies would Uo well lo cxamlno his imu nines, and the linpiovcmeiits made on tho power, by which at least ai per cent, ol llio li lei lull Is taken oir. At L MAC1I1N1X AUK WARRANTED to give good Kutlsfacllon and terms mado to suit riui chasers. All kinds cf er untry pioduce taken n exchiiugo lor l'lows and castings. Thankful t4i his friends aud patlous for past favors he would still contlnuo to sollolttheMiinc. WILLIAM KCHUYLEU, Apr.9,(0-lf orangevlllo l'n. Wall Paper and Fainting, JMPOHTANT TO I1UILDERS, HOUSEHOLDERS 4TENANTS. The undersigned would announce to the ctU zensof llloomihnrgund vicinity that he Is pre pared to ezecnto HOUSE, S I O N, AND ORNAMENTAL I'AINTINU In all Its branches. P A P E It II A N O I N O Carefully ullcndcd to. btrlct atttullou to business and good workman ship It Is believed will ment a fair show of public patronage. Shop on Catharine Street between Third and Fourtlf. Mar.5,'0S-ly. WM. K. 110DINE. Insurance Agencies. Q.LO 1) E MUTUAL lih-: ixaurtANCE company i r NEW YORK. rilny Freeman, President, II. ( FiCbman,Scc Cash capital over t'J.OW.IW, all paid. J. II. IiOIJB0N,DI.0OWSHUItO,l'A GENERAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Incoming and Columbia counties. Aug.a,'0-ly. J N 8 U H A N C15 A O E N C Y. Wyoming 1 17U.II00 VKtna I.IXU.KJC Fulton . W.OOO North America.. .Kju.iUO City...... ........ tV),(X) International................... 1,)K),UX) Niagara. . . 1.000.UIU Putnam - ... 5,u Merchants VOJM Springfield . 57D,ll Farmers' Danville . . MW.W Albany City... . lix).CU) Lancaster City............. HO.WJO York Horse, Death A Then..- .... M.oou Home, New Haven l,um,IU0 Danville, Horse Then ... FREAH UROWN, iri(, inaisua-ly. IIloomsuuiiu, Pa For Pur Wilir, ui tbll cUbrti rump, ntiri utuieit. durabli nJ rIU tl i inl to tin good oU-fublootd wood a Pump, n4 t24&62b TiJJT rl'E coit liti thin half tht monir. Xuitj rrne4 to u id U bon-frr-ilnc, And In const ruction io Biuiiila that aajf on can put It f and tie ii in repair. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP WW MAD OctAICD-em. QKNTIBTIIY. U, C. HOW'EIt, DKNTIfiT, lleapcctfulljr offan hta proftonal icrvlcrK to ine .auiea anu eQiieincu 01 inoomuurK uuu vi clultv. Ifs ii nreitarul to attend toatltLf. varl- ouHuperatloDH In the line of hU prureealou, and U provided with thu latekt Improved I'oitcjciaAiM Tkirrii which will tie inserted on uold platlne. ullver and rubber bane to look as well as the nat uralteth. Teeth extracted by all the now aiW moat approval methodH. and il ojeratlons on the Ufclncurefully unit prupciiy attended to. ' Heal tie nee and oUeti a few doom above the uoun iiouae. aame aide. Uloomiburu.'Mtt ipr a now en, Uua i opened a firat-clo&n IJOOT. 8II0K. HAT CAr, AND KUU (iTOUE. at the old aland on Main Street, llloomhburg, fuw uoara auuve uiuixjuiv iiuuhv. jum voc-k ittiu iioked of the very lateat nnd beat bt view ever otter tl to Lhki eltlztna of Columblik Count v. Hacau armmniodate the public with the follow I nueooda attheluweat ratea. Men'a heavy double aoled Htojfa boota, rneu'auouuie duu aintfiv tap uoieu klu boniu. iDfii'a hbavv atoea aho-H of all kluda. ineu'a Hue boota and shoea of all crudes, boy'a double aoled boota and.ahoee ofallkluda, rueu'a Klovo kid Hal moral ahoea.meu'a. wotnen'a.boya'a uuu miaaea' laaiinK Kanera, women kiuvu m.iu uVollh vurv nne.wuincn'a niarocro UuluoraU and ulf aliut't, women'a very tine kid but to tied tall era, in anorv ikmiui oi an ueacripiiona uom peg gel andaewed, lie would alao call attention to lila flne aaaort incut of HATH, CAIW.KUUH AND NOTIONH. which coiunrlaea all the now and boDular varl etltut prlcenwhlchcHunotfulltoaullall. Tlioao gmxla are ottered ut the lowest cah latea aud wfU be guaranteed to give aatlafuctlou. A colt la aallclted before iarehoalDg elaewhere ua tt la believed that better bargalua are to be fnxnd ttiuu at any other place lu the county, XI- jsw DrugH and Chemicals. Ayer's Hair v igor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A ilrcMlng winch i n tiiii'o nrocnhlfi lii'iillliy, mul I'lrrcliint for iiriwrving tlio liair. Fluted or gray hn!r ii toon mtored to !t original color ii.. ..!.. .) Mtj:- frtshncn of youth. Thin hair is thick- cued, fulling linir checked, Mul bnhl ncsi ouen, llioii'h lint nlwny?, cured by its use. Nothing cnn lesloro tho huh' where tlio folliclej mo destroyed, or tlio ghtmU ntropliicd mid decnyed. But such ns remain cnn lo tnved for usefulness by this niidicntion. Instead of fouling tho hair with a i'.aty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occnsional usu will prevent tlio hair from turning gray or falling till', nnd consequently prevent baldness, l'rco from those deleterious subslntiees which mako some preparations dangerous and injurious lo llio hnir, tho Vigor cnu only benefit but lint harm it. If wanted merely for it HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found to desindj Containing iicith-r oil nor dye, it uoc. not soil while cainbiic, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it ft rich glossy lustre nnd a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C, Aycr & Co,, Practical and Axalvticai, Cihuiists, LOW13LL, SIASS. 1'XUO 1 $1.00. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rOJl Plltlt'VIJiO TUK llI.O(II. Tlio rciiutnllou this ex rcllcnt niuilictno cnj0'8t i ilcrh el irom Its cm eg, many or which nro trute marvellous. Invcternto cases ol Scrofulous ills case, where tlio M-6tpm fccmcil saturated with corruption, havo been imrlllcil nnil cured hy It. icroniloiH nlTeclloiis ami ilUonlcrs, w tilclnvero a praratcil hy the Ecrol'ii Vn4 rnnlntiiliifitln,. ..tilll they were painfully nnilcUnjr, have been radically cured In such great numbcm In alino.-t every Hon or tho tho imblic nariely need to be Informed ol Its virtues or tics. bcrofulous poison Is one of llio mot lUvlnictlvo enemies of our race. Often, this unn'cn and linfelt tenant of theorgani-iu undermines the conMilutlon, and Invites theali.ickolViiroclillnsor fatal disease w ithout cxcltinK a mpidou of Its hi erence. Airnhi ItsecmstobrveillnlVitlon thnuntlioutlliobodv.and then, on some favorable neca'-ion, rapidly develop Into ono or other or its hideous On m, eulier on lite snrfaco or aniono- tin-, 1ml,. in u,0 l.ntor, tuher elcs may bu niddenly ilrpoltwl In the Imnra or heart, or tumors lominl In Ihe lit er, or It tliou-s Ifjprenenicbyeiuplioinon the Hit, or foul ulcer ations on ( imit or Hie body. Ileneo the oocn. slonal use of u bottle orthl, .i, .vn..i, f I, ud vUable, even when nrtnelite j mntunw of dwa.y appear, rennns nlllii Kd nilh Hie lollonlutreoni. lilalnts (lenciully hud Immediate uhcr, mul, at lenelh, cine, by tha u.eol'lliU .S.U.'.s.I i'Altir.. LAl M. .li(ii' J l,-r, Kim or j:ihhIjI,h, TeUcr, Sail Hhiuui, Smtil Itiml, VlUn'i arm' Norej:irii, ir l.nrn. nnd otlier titii.tions in visible loi or Sri iifiilmtn iUfn -e. .l-o In the tm'ii t:oiM i'iiiL. t'jiil'- :oneealed loini, :n IIiihiwiisIii, J))i)tni)t JtlMinur, Hit, ;,,(, ,,,, Xiitrittiiln, lvailom Ch,i(,, is all'ii lUiiK i I'lhe mu-i u- Ilrtire nnd tho l and nert ou -, ti my. .Siiilor I inn nl anil .Viriurlal lUsmns ore cured by II, thimcli u ImiirtlmoN leillllifd lor rubdulllKlIu' etib' mal.idie iivmedii'hic. Jlut Inn iimlluiH'il ii-oflli. mi'i'lii li.e will ruin the COlilplallll. 1 rit.mrlin n or lll,tlis, I lulnr I'lm-titliHtr, ami Itmntr Ill-rim, are eom. moiilv mon ii lirtril uilhnattly iui hv lis uillin? mid inti.oiirniv illi'i-l. .Alimtte liiii-e. thtutj lr eub twi'i iitffoiii.,1 in our plied muti-. Ilhriiiitnttt,in mid (, when earned hv iii'i'iiiuilliilli'li- or exli-nnemn matlerd hi tl.e bl.nwl, tit III n.liltlv to It, n i.ln Mmt CoMfltihtu. v.,-.;.'. r,,;,iflf,ii tililllmini ll-e r. ill. d. hti'f lirt ,tt hen ill Mm:, as tl.ej nllt il, t'.,.i,i ll.t rat Utn pi.i ou- in ii.o M,m.. 'ii.i- i:;; I a cicti h tour Pir ll.e -lie, ,-tli .nnl t lii.r nl' ihe ftnini. IhitMMthii are ititi ,,', nitd M',"N, . ifi. .slrri.lttH, j,r,l irnuhh.,) ttitl, ,, rttntn .1 li'n luthw r IttirK. in i.l.t ,-l ll.e ir,eiilo,M j inptiuiiatli- of II ,.,i. ,.,. i', I,,:, nm,, li-lief i.inl ronvlni iiitr tt-iitiiiie i-f li . ie.tou.Uye povtei upiiittiii.). ; A i . y. ii i: r or. .r. . .t villi .. i.,i,, ii. irus.. t'lmtltiil uml iiiiiltliial it-lf mji.ii nv ,u i. iii:i-i.'(;it- i , mv i i Fju.5, ip. l'llfKNIX I'F.GTOItAI, OUltKS COUOIl! I'lltKNIX l'KCIOHAI. CUltKH rtlUUIIt I'1IU;NIX l'ECTOUAli CUHKH L'OUOlll Tlio riiieulx rectornl will euro tlio dlseaeis of Iho Throat nnd I.ungi, Midi ns Colds, Cough, Croup, Aslhnin.llronclilt Is, Catarrh, Horo 'lliluat Iloiirn'iien, Wlmoplni; Cough, and l'ulinonnry CotiHiilnption. '1 his ineUlelno Is prepared by Dr. I.ovl Obtrlioltyerof l'hlhtdclphln, ami formerly of l'liu'iilxvllle, l'u.., und iilibouiih It lias only been tillered for 11 yeurs, luorothun uno lnlll lou bultlis havu ulreiuly beensohl. mid the de mand lor It Is Ihcrciihlnu' every tlay. Jlany of the UotnilUriigftlstsbnyltln lots or llvo gioos, nnd not u few ol the Country (Storekeepers try one gross at a time. Nearly every ono who bus over sold It tesltnes to Its popularlly, nnd nearly nil who havolihcd It. bear testimony to lis won. derful power lu curing Cough. WonreconUdenf. inai iiiero is no jinotvu ineuiciuo or tucu groat valuo to tho community ns Ihol'btfUlx roctoritl. Jt bat, Ltiretl cases of tho itio&tpnlutul uud dis tressing cough, or yuUK standing. It lias given instant roller in spells of coughing. It bus Instantly Morped tlio Htruxysm of Whooping Cougb,uuil Really shortened Its du ration. Jt lias cured Croup In n few minutes. Consumption huit iHtcn cured by It, wbcro all otlier lemettlcshnd fulled to do good. Hoarseness hits been cured by It In n single ijlsht. Jinny physicians rccjtiumcudlt.nud others uso It thriusi licsuiid ndiiilnuu r It lu Ihelr pinelleu whllo others oppose It bee.lui.o It lalct s itwity their bti-lness. Wo reeominend It to our lenders and lor lur. tber lmrt leu l.irs, would reler you to tho ilreular around tbcbottluwlieieyou will lllld liuiueiolis cerliaeules given by pert-ons who haw used It. It Is so pleutiiul to tlio taste elilldreu cry lor It. It lsnbtlmi!l.illiigcxpcctoruiit,glt,lng stivugtli at the sumo time Hint It ullil)s thu cough. Tim proprietor of IhU mcUieiuo lias m much i-ontldrncu In Its euiutto powers flout tho testi mony of Ihoiinnndw who have used it Hint llio money will boielundetl touuy puiijiucr uliols l,l satUtleil Willi llio em-ets. It Is so cheap that ull can buy It, l'llculi Cents, Lingo Unities tl.UU It Is preiuirtd only by U j;Vl OIIMIHOI.TJIKK M. J)., WHOI.l-HAI.K llllUnUIST. No. l.-WNoilli Third Hneel, Philadelphia, N. II. II our nearest Druggist oi htorckcepcr din's not buve this niedlelno usU blm In get It lor you. uutl tlu not let him put you oil' wllh sumo other preparation bccinisu bo nuiiics more mon cy on II; but go or send lit once to soiuo store w here on Know ituiicpt. nrseutl to Dr. Uber luillri r. Sold by 11. 1'. ull Dlllgglst, IIIihiiiis- burg, uud 11. W. Creasy, Co., Light Hired d nearly overy di ugUt n ud stoi ekt eper lu Colum bia. County. dee.W.'oa-Um, The uuderslgned would Informlhcgootl peoitle of lllooinsburg uud surrountllnus that bu lias moveit Ids Drug Btore from the old stand lo Ids New Hooms, on the West sldo of Mulu fc!treet, below Market. And that bo bus fully replenish ed bis slock of Drugs. Medicines, Chemlea Is, Pat ent Medicines, l'erlamiry, and vnukco Notions. -ALfjO- Coal Oil Itmps and Lunterus. Iunp Bhatles and Fixtures generally, fur repairing lite worn, Colorlin and Dyeing muterlul Itirul.liiHl to suit, any quantity, und lur nay bbade or Color. Particular attention pala lo putting up rhysl clans' and Family I'resrriplions. 'Ihuiikful for F.ost favours, ho would solicit a contlnuaueo ol he same. ItetnemberthoNewHIaud, on Mulu Htrcet. west side, belon Market. UuclO.-UKJiii. KI'JUIAIM l'.I.UTZ. rjO C0N8UM1TIVKS. The Advertiser, having been restored to health in it few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having sullen d several yeau with a sot ere lung utrectluu.uud that dread disease, I onsumptlon Is anxious lo mnko known to Ids nilou'-sull'er-ers tho ineaus of cure, To all who desire II, be will srndatopy of the prescription used (fieo ofiliargi,) will, tho direc tions for pi epurlng mid uslug tlu same, which tliey will rind it sure Cure for Consumption, Asth ma, Jlronchllls etc. 'Die objtet of tho udver User, lu sending llio 1'rcsrrlptton Is to Ucnt tlt thaiiinictod, and spread Information which lie conceives to bu luvuluable; uutl lie !ioik overy sufferer will try Ills remedy, as it will ,t them nothl ng, uud muy pro?e a Mossing. I'otles wlsblnr tho prescription, will plcuso address IlkV. KDWA ill) A. WIUSON. Wllltamsbuiir, Kings Cuuuty.Ncw Vork. Nov.JO.'BI-ly, is Rail Roads. T AOKAWAlNNA AND HLOOSIS- U lUIltd KAlI.TlOAl) Un nMI rtrDcc, Oth, 1SU9, Passenger Trains will run as ioiiowsi Going North. doing Hoiitli. Arrivo Arrtvo Leave Leave n. m. a. m. n. in. n. tn. Kcratiton u :u 1IJ.W . 4.00 7.00 Loavo IMtUtnn 8.110 10.20 iM 1.SD Klngslnn .., H.I1 II.M 4.01 7.M l'lvmoutli K.IO ll.nj .1.1(1 MU rUilcltshlnuy.... 7.23 K.M (1.10 .V iierwicit I), 1 n.uj u.mi llloont .....3.1', 7.11 7,'l 10.03 lianvllla 5.03 7.M 8.10 10.11 . . Leavo Leave Arrive Arrive NnrlbM 4J0 8.11 11.20 Coniiecllou made ntRcrnniou by the 10.10 a.m.: train for Oreot Dend, lllngbauilou, Albany and nil points North, last nnd West, D. T. HOUND, Bup't. CATAWI89A llAlIiUOAD-On ami after MONDAY, Hep. 8, 18CD, I'assetiger trains on;tlie cntawlssa llailroad will run at the following named hours I Jfaif Moith. stations. ilall Korth Dep. R.I? n, m Wllllamsport. Arr, 6.rflp. ni. " 9.l',u Muncy. Dep.6.2S " " 0.17 " Wnlsontown. " 47 " " 10.01 " Milton. ' 4.40 " " 10.43 ' Danville. ' 4.00 " " 11.01 " Ilupert. ' 3.10 " " 11.17 ' CalawlKsn. " 3.S2 " " l&Vip.m, lllngtowu. " 2.23 " " lua " Hunimlt. " IA) " " I .US " Ounkako. ' 1.40 " " 1.20 " li. Mahoiiy June, " 1.30 " H 2.15 "Dluc.Tnmaqua, Dlno. 1.10 " 4.23 " 'Iteadlna. ' 10.411 n.r&. Arr-.4i " l'lilladelphlit. s.15 " n"-, JToNew York via, Head v'"t lug or Manet, Chunk. From New York via. i . r .. Mauch Chunk, f NoChnngeof cars between Wllllainsport and Phllodelpllhu UEO. WHlilf Huy't. B UOWN'S FAST FIIEIGIIT FltOM I'JIltiADKM'IIIA TO IILOOMHUUUCJ, mul inter. neillnto polntn. (Joods forwurded with euro uml i tea patch uiut at low raten, Cioods, at riillndelpIilH. Jnust bo tlellveinl ftt jiiiiiercci uHt bu i'lHntci niieci, r or iuu mr WAItn A IlOniNSON.rri)ilptnr. .MiS. UlCO-ir. It. U. Depot, lWuonnbiirg.Pa. VTOHTH KUN OP;NTHAb IlAl Jl WAY. On and niter Nov. litli lPoy, Tialni irl IravoNoKTiuiMUKiiLANO asfollowH : NOUTHWAIin. i'i A, Dally to Wllliamnport. (except Kunday) nir r.uuiia, aiiHiiuaiiu, itocuubiwr. Mumuo, (Juspeimlon ltrldgo, mid N. Falls. WO v. w., Dally, excont Sundays) for Klmlra nuo S.W r. m Dally, (oxcrptHimdayn) for WiJlianiH port. TUA1NS SOUTinVAUD. lo,2i A. Jl. Daily (except Monday's) for IJalllninro W ILMINGTON AND I'lllIjAUlSLI'mA 11,10 I'.M. Dally (except Sunday's) for Ilaltlmor asiuiiguni aim ruuaueipnia. KD. S. YOITNO, Oencrnl I'lissuugcr Agent, AT-rni:n II. FxsKK. Ucn'l Hupt.. JKADING HAILUOAD. W1NTKH ARUAKaUMUNT. MoNliAY, DLtKMUEU 27111,1809. Ou'Ut Trunk Line from tlio North and North Wost i(r I'hll.idelnlila.Nci Ymk. RcnaiiiL. Putin. vllle, Tnmaqmi, Ashland, Khamokln ijcbanon Aiieniowu, fusion, r.puraiu, iui, Lancaster, IJIIIIMUIH, IU'., Trains leave llnirUljUij; lor New York, ns fol lows: At 5,5, and H.lo a. iuM noon nnd 2.U5 p. tit., contifcttny with .similar tialiiH on i'iina. iiuuroau, anu arriving ai wcw YorJc ut 12.H. noon. 3.10 0..V) and 10.00 n. m. rL'snortlvplv. hleeplng cars accompany llio m., and noon minis wjLuoiu cmmj;, Ki'turuint:: Leave New York iiL 0(n a.m. mul IJ.W niKiii and 5,00 p. in. l'hlladtlpiila ut a in, mm .ou p. in. nu'opmg cars accompany without change. ' IjC.ivo llarrlshurg for Iteadlnc, FolLsvllle. Ta- niaiua, Mluerxvlllo, Axhland, Hliamokln I'l no urine. Aiieiuowu a l una u. at o,lU a. in,. k 2,0.j A: 1,10 p.m., stopping at Lehanon nnd principal way tUutioiis: tho 4,tupm. tralu connecting for Phll'u l'tittsvllle and Columbia only. For Fottsvllle hchtivllilll liaven nod Aubuni. via KcIimvILmii and fsUMjuehauna lUillroatl, leavo Hurrlsljurg at 'Vuy Vassenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,'lOa.m., connecting with Minllar train un HuM l'a. rauioau leiuruiug noin ieaatngal(;;ijp,m Ktonnlntc nt all KtatlouK. Lea u 1'utUvilIu at 5,-H'nnd 9,00 a. m., uml 2,1 p.m. llcrndou at VMU a. m., Sliamoklu ato,IOiindl(Ui) iu m., Ashland at 7,0i a, in, and 12,;w noon Tama nuaat.'t.) a.m., und '.'JJ p. in. for l'hlladclphl.i and New Yoilc. IjOhvo I'ottsviuo via Hcnuyikiii nnd tiusnue hanua Railroad ut 8,15 a,m. lor Harrlshurg, and i,,.iu n. in., iwi i j iiuunn - uuu AIVIIIIIUI, Heading Accommodat ton Tratu leavta TotU vlllo at50 a. m.. nouses Uoadin? at 7;hi. m ..r. rlvlmr nt IMiilnilcfiililfi nt. IO 'HI ,t in IruinmiLn loavL'si'iiiladulplua nl 4,1$ p. mM passing IteaiT- i us v (,uiiiYiiisin i unsviiio ai u. w p.m. t'ottstown Accomiuoilatloti Tralndeavun I'ottn town at 0,13 a.m.,, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4,i)0 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt itu u.ui., ami u-io p.m. iur jpnruia, L,ni, Jjiiucav tur. Columbia. At?.. IViklomuii Itail Road Tialus leave Fcrklomen Junction at y.ooa. m.,tj.00 & fl.aop. m. returning: leave He lnvenkh vlllo at S.00 a.m., Jitj noon, and l.lj p.m.. connecting with similar trains ou Heading itallioad. C'olebrookdale Hallinad trains leave Fottstown ntlUOn. m and (J.1W p.m., returning leave Mount rii'iuiiiut i .uuaim n,n, in., connecting witli Clllllltll titling UH IVCiHtlll IVIllllUILlI Cneter Valley Railroad Trains leavo Ilrldge port at 8,30 a. m, nnd 2.05 and 5.0.! p. in. returning. leave Dowulngton at a.m., V2A noon and o.i p. m., eouni'cttug Willi bimtiar traits on ivuuiui; nuuiuuu. OuHuudavs. leavo New York Pbll phtaat 8,00 a.m. and 3,13 p.m., (the 8.00 a.m. train running only to Heading;) I'otUville 8,ou a.m.; Hanitbuig ut fj.i a. m. and 4.10 p. in, and ui-.u ii. mi, mm iii.iAi ii. in, iur xiarns- burg, at 7.'i(u. in. lor New York, and at 0.10 a. n and J.J o D. in. lor l'hlladelnhla. Commutntlou, Mileage. Heason. School nnd I'.srurhiou xjckc-is io anu uom an pouus, ai io dueed lates. liaggtigo checked tliroush; 100 pounds allowed (J. A. NICOLLM, (loncral Suimrlutcndent. Raiding, Vt ,Dcc.'-r7 ImpJ. JJOiAlESTlO ECONOMY f CAMl'ILUON CAHI'KT! A new, cheau duruble, healthy, and R FLO Oil COVEUIXG I A substlluto for oll-clolh at one-third tho cost. This carpet is produced by a peculiar comblna Hon of strong, heavy pnpir, printed lu ornamen tal colors, und coated Willi a tnnih. i-hijiiic wntm proofenamel which recei cs tlio water, protects the colors nnd paper endurcH washing, nnd ren deis the carpet blight nnd beautiful In tho ex tseme. Its advantages aio ns lollows Its cost i enders it available I o all classea ; It is exceedingly smooth und glossy, and it aceiimu lates next to no dust; It does not requite to be taken up and cleaned like oilier carpet, and thus saves much labor and trouble; lly ro-coatlng with tho Camplllion JSnamelfoccaslonally as the caso may lcqulre, (which cost but atritie.) it will last Indeilntiely, even an age.and always appear new and bright; lulu use no reliance whatever i"ii iu jiuiicr iur wear, uui exclusive' ner being used only t secure thocolois. l'apei ..M.ivvmi, "i uuiitij-oi purposes, even for trunks, roof. Hour linen nmi wAr;,irnl parel,bul the tlrst attempt, olllier, in Kuropo or Ainerlcii. to convert it Into carpet or floor eovo insr, ull concede It to be an entlru successl' Wo have purehnsed the right for Columbia couulyand can furnish Hut nonet to Mcrehunts H''ai nre invited to'eall nid oxamlno the g'MHUatourBtJie. M'KJXVV, NlVLA CO. ltloumsburg, Dec. IFtitt. "1AUIUAGE MANUFACTORY, RIoomsburg, l'a. M. O. BLOAN & RROrllKR Havo on hand and for salont tho most reasona bio rates u k pi end Id stock of CARRIAGES. HUUUIES, uud every description of Wagons both VLAIN AND FANCY warranted to be mado of tho best and most dur able materials, and by the most experienced workmen. Auwnrit Mint unt iroiu uiu vsiau liiihtiieut will bo found to beof the hi lib est class und sure to glvo perfect satisfaction. They liave niitou uiiu uasufU'icia v H h Ii I 0 II s of all tho newest aud most fashionable styles, ivlii nil' vaiuiiiiiy iiiiiuo mm ui iuu uesb iiiuut lals. An insi.cctlon of their work Is n&kul na 1th believed that uouo superior can lw found lu tho SHOTGUNS GStBESIJS THE WORLD.T New York Offico 27 BEBKMAN BT. dco. Sl.'OO-eri, AT K W 0 O A L Y A fl U. Xy Tills uiiilcriigned icspoctfully Inform llio whmii. u iuiiiiiiiuik uuu iuiuinuui couuiy. Unit tlicy ktn'p ull tlisillrri'reiituiuutieraorttova coul una selectua lump coal for siultuius puriio sos, mi tlielr wlmrf, udjolulna W'KbIvv, Nf al 4 Cii'h Kuriiiu-e; Willi a ui""! iwlr of llnllalo scales mi llio Kliurf, la wtlifli coal, hay, auU straw. J.lkewlso u liorsonuil HKon, to Unllver rosl to tliusa wliu UYsIri) It. As limy rurchaso n largo amount nf coal, they lutein! toKetip a superior ar ticle, anu sell uttliu very lowest prlees. l'leasu call tiud exaiuluu for yourselves before nurrlias luBclsewliere. J. W. llKNUKItBtlirr. AUUUTUU MABUN, 1 J Dry Goods & Notions. N bw htock op cr.oriiiNa. rrcsh nrrlvnl ot FAUi AND WINTHIt UO01. DAVID LOWKNniilltl InvIlM attention tolilsstocltof CIlKAl'ANDl'AHHIONAllMlfl.OTIIlNd. at lili storo on Main HI root, two iloors nliovo tliu A merloan 1 Innw Jlloomslntrs, ru wurru lie tins Just recelvcil from Now York nn.l riillailolphln a full assortment of MIHf AND BOW CIXJTHINO, liirluilliig; (lie most fashionable, ilurnble, ami hantlsolue DitEaH OOOUH, coitslHtlni; of BOX, BACK, IlOCCl, OUJI, ANllUIIj-UUJl'lt COATS AND 1'ANTS. of nil sorts, slics ami colors. Ho hat also replen ished Ills already lnrco stock of FAI.IiAND W1NTEK SHAWLS, BTHirnD, FIQUnED, AND l'LAIN VIT!I BlimTS, CKAVATS, HTOUKH, COLLAIW H-ANDKUnCHIEFS, C1LOVEH, HUSPKNDEItH, AND FANCY AIIT1CUX Ho nas constantly on hand a Inrijo and well-sc cctcd assortment of CLOTHS AND V1MTINUS, which ho Is prepared lo make lo order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and lu tlio best manner. All his clothing Is made In wear, aud most of It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWF.LHY, ofovery description, lino and eheun. His casool Jewelry Is not surpasscd;in Ihls'place. Call and exumlno his general ussorttnen of CLOTHINO, WATCHES, JEWELUV, AC. DAVID LOWKNI1E11U. rpJIH C'lIKAI'KST AND 11RST BLACK ALPACA now MAsui'Acruiti:!) is Tin: ivjuiii.k WAiir RED LION MUX J) lobe found at llio popular dry aomls store orilio undcislgned whero everybody buy their 8IL1M, lmtiss ooons. FUltK, S11AWI-S, HOH1HUV, (lLoviw, .u:,,u. and any llilue; Hint Ihey ifnnl In IIu lino of dry Koods, M. P. LUTiS. .main sriiniri' OPPOSITE THU COUItT IIDUSK, BLOOMSDURa, FA. Nov. r.-.-ia-t . c. c a it u iiavojustrerelved trotn tho rnlern niirlcebt u largo nnd well selected stock of i) n y a o o i) s , Crt.NH I S T I N O O K CllSHitllLTH, JeaiiM, Host bleached i llrown Muwllns, Call coos, Ticking, Table Linens. Cotton .Nt AH wool ilanncN, .U, Ac., A K"od stock of 1 jidles tlri'SH uoodfi, Latent styles a ialterns. Hjuces of all kinds. Good Ktttek Broccriey. tiu eens ware, Btone ware. Wood A willow ware, Flour Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Hoop for cleanln Tin, jiras,iX5. AU goods soul cheap lor cash r pro Uuce. Ho would cull tlio attention of bilkers to ItU well und cnrcfnlly selected asnrtinent which com prises uverythlug usually kept In tho coun try, feelluti conlldcut Hut he enu hell them good at such prices as will etiMire satisfaction. Nov. 5,'09-tf C, C. MAUU. M HiLKH'S STOHK. FHE111 AKKIVAL OF FALL AND WINl'Klt (II)IWW. Thetulisurlber ha lust relumeU lioiu the cities with another lapo uud select iissortiiiciit ol FALL AlD WINTKIl OOODH. pnrchasod In New York and Flillndi lplila at the owest tlsuro, and which ho Is determined to sell on as modcratu turms ns cau be procured else where in BIiKimsburg. His slock comprises LADIES- DltEMS GOODS of tho choicest tlj lea nnil latest fashions, togetlin with u larse uHsortmeut of Dry Cloud and Urn corles.conslfctlnsor llui followliiL' arllcli s Carpels, Oil Cloths, Olotbs, lassimem,, Shawls, Flmuels, Silks, WllltO ImkhU, 1 .11. 1 IIS, lloopHklrta, Muslins, llollowwuirt 1'. iliirwun. Qiwiismini, liiinluio DouU uml Hii,n-s, Hula and Fiiirfi llis,i Net, lllillililla.. 1 lioUllii;.i;i!uisl'.l, TiiIiaihi, ' Cillc,., . " hilars, , 'V r Teas, ..' Illce, Allsplni. (Iliuter, (.'iiiimiiion, Nuliiiinh', VND NOTIONS GEN Il.VLLY. In vl.oil, everythliiu usually kept lu cuutiy stores, lu which no invites llio attention nl tho publlo ueneiully, 'llio lilKhisi prn, W ,wUI for coKiitry priKluco In niehanun lur g.asis. S. H. MII.I.EIUVSON. Arciule HulMIng, lllisiiusliuie, Fa. fJONFRO T I O N K Jt yT Tlio uiiilcnlsiiiKl would respeeifiiliyiuinniiiu lo thu public lie has opened u """"" FIltHT-CIMSS CO.NFEOTIONKHY SlOllE, In IheliiilldlUKliitelyiKeuiitHl by Fox A Wcli! where ) Is pieparwllo luruUii all kludsof 1'UIH A FANCY CANDIES. FIIENCH CANDIIW, FOHKION & DOMESTIC F1IIJITH NMTH, IIAIKINH, At'., 40., ACS HY WllOI.ESAI.E OK HKTA1U In Mhnrl u nil! ... his Hue of busluiss, a meat variety nf DOLLS, TOYS. Ac KWe'nto'Ur"" iloMjl- 1'wtleular altenilou II UK A 1 AN D OAKKS. of all kinds, fresh every day. OHUISTMaH OANDIKH, uhistmas toys. A call Is soltcHul. and snlluf nll.v guaranteed. ' Nov. 22. IHO. ECKllAHT J ACOHH. E Jt 0 II A N I) I S E NOTICE IS JIEIIKIIY (llvs-M To my frltndsand tho public generally, iwa u DUY UOODS, (JUOOHUHCS, (UEKJlSVAItK, NOTIONS, & U are constantly on hand and lor sale AT IIAIITOII'H OLD BTNI HLOOIMIIUIUJ, ur JAJIW K. KYE1I. JJI.. L' , . I . . . , . r. iitria iur.i-.uair i'JiourilATlc c jAi-ge lot coustantly on hand. feUI-er. Dry Goods & Grooorios. GUANI) OPENING! (IHAND Ol'KNINO UltAISli "I i". UltAND Ol-ENINO OllAND OPKN1NU AND W1NTE11 (lOOIW, FAI.Ii AND WINTKIt (IOOHH, FALL AND WINTKIl (IOIJDM, FA Mi AND WINTKIl (ll)OIIH, FA Mi AMI WINTKIl tllMim cnnslstlUK ol couslslInK of conslsllnR of consisting; of oonslstlnif of DUY OOODS, DltY aooiis, DUY HOODS, DUY GOODS DUY GOODS, HATS AND CAFS, HATS AND CAl-S, HATS AND CAFS, II ATS AND CAFS, HATS AND GAIH, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND HHOISH, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND HIIOIW, IIF.ADY-MADK CLOTHING, ItEADY-MADK CUJTIIING ItEADY-JIADF. CIXJTHING, KKADY-MADK CIJTHINO, UEADY-MADU CLOTHIMU, U)OKIN(M)LASSF, LOOKINO-GLAKSES, LOOKINO-GLARSIX, LOOKING-OLAHSfS, I.O0KINO-OLkVS3EM. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, FAINTS AND Dim, FAINIM AND OILS, FAINTS AND OIIJ4, FAINW AND OILS, FAINTS AND OIIl, OltOCEIUKH, UUOOlSltlKS, OIlOCKHIFil, (lltOCEHIES. UltOCHlllhS, lil'EENSWAKE, tlUEENSWAIlE, llllEHNSWAHK, ttllEHNSWAIlK, liUUENBWAKK llAUDWAHi;, llAUUWAltl:, HAHDWAItH, llAHDVAKi:, HAHUWAltlS, TINWAltE, TINWAltE, TINWAUK, tinwaki;, tinwaiu;, SALT, HALT SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, FITIl FISH, (IUAIN AND SEEIIS, UllAIN AND SEEDS, GltAIN AND SEEIIS, (IUAIN AND SEEDS, UUAIN AND HEEDS, Ac. Ac, AllKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, .McKKI.VY, NKAL A CO.'S, MlKKLVY, NEAL A CO.'S. McKEI.VY, NEAL A CO.'S. MlKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest corner ol Main mul Market Streets, Nurtliwi'steiiruerof Mnluiind Market HI m is, Northwest comer of. Main mul Market Streets, Northwest eorner of Alain mul Market SI reels. Noi Mi west curlier of Main and Market streets, HLOOMSlllIIKl, FA., DLOOMSlillKU, FA IILOOMSHUKO, FA., IIIA)0MSI1UU0 FA. IlLOO.MSHUllO, PA. IKON AND NAIIl. IltO.N AND NAILS, IHON AND NAHM, IKON AND NAILS, IHON AND NAILS, In largo quantities and at induced rails, alway .111 llHUtl. fr-ttiriminnraM 1111111111 11 tas iismmii Miscellaneous. B LOOMsnUUG NOIIMAL SCHOOL AND LIT E11AIIY INSTITUTE. IIOAHD OF 1N8TIIUCTION. HENUY CAUVKIl, A. M., Frluclpul, Professor of lutellectnal aud moral science, and tlieuiy uud practice of teaching. Miss Sarah A. Carver, Preceptress, Teacher of French, llotany ami onmmmtid branches, Isaac O. Iicst, A. 11., Professor of Ancient Languages and English , Grammar, J. W. Fence, A.M. Professor of Mathematlos. und (Tactical us tronomy I!ev. 1). C. John, A. M I'rofo sorof chemistry und physics. F. M. Haws, leacherof geography, history A Hook -keeping Janus Drown, Assl taut teacher of mathematics English Or lnmar. , , Miss Alice M.Carver, readier of Music on the piano aud luelodean. , , Mrs. Hattle L. Ilest, Teacher of Vocal Mtu,lc uud instrumental inusJ Miss Julia M. Guest, Tcuchtr of model School. The FALL term will comuienco Aug. 0. iS(y9. and until our boaidlug hall is ready for oec ii'ai yy. on iippllcallou to tho Principal, slndenu will 1 furnished with homes in ploiisunt families. It is bet!er for students to commence at theoo. ei.liigoftlio teim, but when this Is ImprJetlc i. bio they can enter at any time. 1 Hutch 20 lsiiS. 0 iJINIIJUS LINE. The undersigned would resivctfully anununec U Iheclliiens of Hloomsbuig and tho puhllo gene rally tba he Is running nu OMNIHUS LINE between this place und llioiliirerent railroad dS isils daily (Suudays czcrplMl), Ui connect with the soveiul trains going Soulhand West ou llio Cala wlssa and Wllllauispoit llailnsul, ami with those going North and South on tho Ijickawanna and llliKimsburg Itallriuul. HlsOmnlbussi'sare In gotsl condition, coinnio. dlous aud coiulortahlo, and charges rcaaonablo. Persons wishing lo meet or see their friends de. pari, can bo accomodated Um reasonable charge by leaving timely notice at any of the hotels, JACOB L UlntoN, Froprletoi. pOWDEH KEGS AND LUMHUlt W. M. MOHUOKAIXI., Ilupert, Pa., Manufacturers ol POWDKll KEGS, uud dealers In all kinds of LUMHEIl, tllveiiollcelhat they aru proparod to accomodate llielr custom wllh dispatch, and ou the clieoiies crms. fpiIK uiulcrslgncil will tako In ox- Xehango for Coal and Groceries, the following nuiued urtlelra I-Wheal, Uye, Coru, Oats, Pota. toes, laird, lIam,SliouIder,aud side meat, butter. ilWWaffluW, coaVy'dr " '"" Hloomsburg Mar. 19,'CO-ly: V' mnm. TTANTEU. To all out of em- T ployment.w u would sny that what we have In ofler you Isiio new HiIi-k or ejneilnieiit as those who have followed It lor years will tcst'lfy teaa rLeu,ru,,,rtss.o,s?,.Kr:"I, u,",,-f&ifi!fi yu.s trey Nov.t6.-M.3m. 010 An:1' . I'l'ltaUelpu'In. g L A T E ItOQFIHO, k v e n y v a xi 1 e t y MOST FAVOHAULE HATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CAHl'KK J. THOMAS Hoi. 277. Hloomsburg, P. Mar.lM9.lyr. ' G ET THE JJEST. ever lKveule. . The suUcrlber is aglut for il, ubovoluyentlon.undKll orders by juall or in person will be pioinplly attended to. May,-(. k. U. UlDLEif AN. WANTED.-IW) ConlltlciitluIAKCuTs IT to dispose, of a slock of goods. None but gooil aud rellaUIa men wuntwl wl!o fan keen llielr mouths shuL Small capital iiqulied. A fortune of IM.Ouil guaruuteed lo a man of Hie right Nov.12.W-Sm. J-W,,-y. tfSewhigMaohi Q.llOVEn A BAKEIl'S Fimn- niEMiuM EL AST J (J HTITOH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES 495 IIHOaDWaY.NEIV Yoiik. 7H) Chestnut Stieet l'lilla,lc.i. POINTS OF EXCELI.Km,., lleaulyaniiniastlcllyof mtch. rerfeellon and Bimpllcily of Jlachli, Using both thread directly from t ,m No fastening of seams by hand .h ..... of thread. Wide range ol application without A... adjustment. The Roam retains lis beauty ami linn.,.. . "UU.II wasinngnnu ironing. Besides ilolns all kinds of work rtoDob, SoirlnR Machines, theso Machines f5H most beautiful and periuatunt EmtMiUij, ornamenlal work, . ....j 4..Sov-i 1 ii'iiiiiiiusai n iru. .w.l.u Exhlblllons of the Unlttd htnlissn,i e.. nave m-eii iiwuiiieu iuu tiruvcr a linker .iiti .Muciunes, anu 1110 wont none hv llim k exhlblteil In compcllllon. -The very hlgliest prlie, TIIKCROfnc THE LEGION OF HONOIl, was confirm. tho representative of Ihe (I rover A Haiti Srrl Muclilnen.ntlbo Eipmlllon Unlf rselle. TV. 1SI7, thus r.llcHtlng their stirMtja all oilier Sewlliif Maililues, F OK HA I. F. iiLoousiiuna pa. June lively nTTl.". T HIVll. T.. lirSTl..l Dl'll'IT JL MACHINE. P UCE.t.1. il niases 1 oh eiuKiie iix'h.KtitM,. 11 u irtuti llio iMicket: It makes un eleiiant rrcM-nL UNION SEW1NU MACHINE UlMI'AII Nov, 12,'(JU-3m. 2Jlhl0.IW),l aitcnis waiiu-u. Hardware & Cutlery. rpiIE NEW JIAltDWAUKSW X NE PLUS ULTRA. Having enlarged our Stoiu Hoom ui OPKNED A NEW BUITI.V, directly from the Manufacturers. (uirrliswi cash, ou a declining tuarkot, w u am irfi4isi offer the same to FAltMEltS, MECHANICS, HUlLDEUi aud the rest of Muuklnd, 11 general Klerk. prising all llio kinds and qualities uu!lf lu a city Hard Ware Store, suitable lotleii. of the county, at unusually low price. All those who nre deslrlouiof purcliislniP" in our uuu can savo money ,in,iu...--New Hardware Store. UUNYAN a wakclv. Apr. iata-iyr hiuoimuiii s: MITII & SELTZKR, liupurieiuuu ju'iui'inni i ui, II A U J) W A It E, GUNS. C U T L V. K Y, AC NO. 109 N. THIUDHTnitKT,All.CAI.t(lWllll PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22, j e a ii t ir r s. LAJCAJtUS & MOlHtlS' l) K I, 1! H n A T V. H I'EUKECTEl) Kl'KOTAI'! AND EYIi GI.Sir- (uei-f lliuilrui will lieallhelilnre MI ms A. 1). W H11" STAT I ON EH, jiLooitsnvua pa., Onedr,y only, Friday Ni.vembtf Ho attends for tlio purpose iiraiu-l"11"1''' 1). Webb lu fining the e lu dllhVull' eases, I .ri,..-.,.,r.. ,ir..l or ill-""4' Ion are recomniended to uvall IW"',1"'' oiuairlunlty. OUH SPECTACLES AND BYlM""uW" ACKNOWLKDOnt) TO tinun t.iriil.'l-'l'T ... ----- j usslstanco lo sight ever inannfclinrJ. nlwi... I..ll.l . ,,a ullurdlug l"1'"4' and comfort while strcnglheulug IJ the Eyes most thorough)'- w.. .... . Ihe VliW 11 u LHO uta-usiuii IU IIU, 1.7 - a employ 110 pedlurs, and locauH"1"'' I those pretending lo liV for sale, Oct. 22,'09-lf. TO It 1 M 'P 1 N 1 mm Neatly executed at this Ofno