The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 28, 1870, Image 3
T Jltj Gfffhtnflriifn. r.4 1W ' romsbure, Friday, Jan. i8, 1070, ,mmti! TlmliroiiorlV oftho Into f. Sloan, oil "Market St., win bought Lil, for $3,000. . . i.V,l fnrn Unit Cdnruil lt.,r l.,w until Ii l-t farm on till) K-IV ll to I. a. Kuhn of this plnec, for $(75 racru. 1 of. Oeoiiob bcott, uiu niimiuer L ihN District Inn bcon uliircil illion lfii!lovlni:Ci)iiunittec.s oftho House; I' . 1 . . 1 ..I t . t a TMiimllmi J 1. . , , 1, I I j (Till AH.IillU'US iiUkllMUII, lllllll UU? Tiiwiishlia, Corporations, mid Vlco Iiinuoriility. Fihe. Tlio carpenter fclion of sthis tj.unln, near Denton, was totally her Willi 1 In uuilll'llis.. IjViH not wii, but imurcil for nn amount suf- fcnt to cover ii. boiiiuxTio.v. In our last Issue, hnirii a mistake of tho nrlnter. wu Fu miulo to say that thoaveraj;o tium ir natincM In our I'oor IIouso was fy-tfiree ami eight-tenths Instead of f ana utree-cigninsm wo iiucihicu. Shown Dink Thu freights on this Ho have been reuueeiKtlnis rcntlcrlng Sill more desirable for our merchant invo their goods forwarded by It, lend ofliy tno inoro costly Jixpress Slower Freight lino. ixif'iKMATioN. Tho sacred rlto of Irmatioii was administered by tho Itev. DMiop Stevens, nt tlio Court i on TiiUhiliy evening last, nty tlireo.persons wero continued. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOOllAT.BLQOMSBUllQ, COnUA 'eoyNTMJA ( f f , brightness of Venus, now tin, , i , S buciiu terror to fOrelgnors, Is shown star Is renlK- ni 1 1, ' "1'. !''soVeral pronunciations In tl.u tnm.n n,,,l IU: !.. iunowillg I1I10S 1 In I'll hide nbl.i. (!n . .rm,i n i.'-...'. nnil Uapt. (i. 11. IJrockwny, on motion in, iu.-mua w.tnniv. umi.. worn .utm J"' ' prnctlcoln tho Supremo Court of inu ouuu oi I'onnsyivaniii. We would call attention to tin pros- licctus of tlin rliiriniinlnitm 1.l,..., ..I. to bo found in another column. It Is rt mul Ingeniously puts in rhyino the vi r.v wen coniiiicteii paper and ll rs t V mcn-mr which wo cominend tiira uuiiioriiy upon nu mailers, Agri- "neimiiii 01 our own miners! luiiunu, iiui ui'imiirai ami Floral, Tho reading mutter is of good character and Will. IllnlCII Ilia .lima .Im. ..II. - . . .1 i. , TIimTo hotter mmi Mr my cmufi !' nut not till Uioy'to heavy or touili. NW,!. 1,0 "u" '"V Plough, i,.iV i,'2'. (wlien they've Tm.l enough), l?iliT "l'y,lhenirwllli bough, hllo IhonM horca drinks al tho trough, DtlXXIXn. (llin nf nnr nv.l, liuril up for money to meet oxpon.ies! i.n been compelled to dun pretty sharp. carefully selected. TitKiii t-'onWAim JlAiioir. Tho iiiiigms oi l-yinias tiro rapidly inercos- Inif 111 tlita printilrif T,. IM-i i!ini pcclally, bavo they augmented tlielr numbers to a roninrknbio extent. The year jauf closed Willi llilrty-ono lodges: 1808 closed with nno litimlrml mul teen lodges, and tho year lSG'j, closing .limitary W,1870,wlll present a roll num. boring two hundred and thlrly-flve, lodges, with a membership of about C2, dOO. l'hiladnltihla nlnnn luiulo dred lodges. Tho order has been estab lish iu thirty States of tho Union, and grand lodges hnvo been instituted in iweniy-iour. Plymouth Ueoistkh. Wo learn that this minor after a lirlnf will bo discontinued nt Plymouth and published hereafter at Scranton. Tho editor in his last Issue savs: "Wo consider that our Invitation to reside In tho town of I'lvmouth was only an outward show. In other words wo nave como to tho grave, and, wo think, correct conclusion, that wo aro not welcome, and, in accordance witli ourlinstinctivo conviction, have made up our minus 10 depart at an earls' day." wrsTKUK railroad bus killed a Iif In t vnrv imn'nlnll wiic. Tlin EHpout which supplies tho loeonio tanks was dropped through tho roof io sleeping car upon him nsholay ti upper berth, i Full Stop. Tho town clock eamo frief again during tho.storm of Mod ; the win which fell having frozen clogged tho hands of the vonerablo (piece, wo have no remarks to Ike on tho occasion, having heretofore lulged ourselves In n fow time-ly jgestions on a similar stoppage. LOCAL NOTICES. SiiAuniiTHii of Tin: Ixxdckxtm. Mothers should remember that tho limbs of children renulro ns much clothing as nny part of the body In all Bi-iuui, ami esiiecianv uuriiiL' winter. ci,... n m i i A distinguished French physician, lust iP..i rnstriirnnntK AUhiit rriiirV n.uiVi. deecaped, remarked only a short tlmo .niv Alstatt, Court IIoimj ncrn runt i iti-imr ma iirimii'.u r inni-iinr nnuai. Riu'out. Wo liave recoiv ho'thirty Roventh Annual ltoport ho Managers of tho Pennsylvania lituto for tho IJlind. Tho Initituto i a nourishing condition. Tho imm of blind persons therein on thu 1st December, ult., waa 183. Tho man- cturcs for the year amounted to $17, i -. i. It. Accidi:kt8. Miebael Devaney 'ltt.iton wiih run over and killed, on li. & IS. R. H. on Wednesday of last k. o!:n flillctt, u brakesman on tho lie ro.ul was run over and Killed ni linlou on Saturday last. r.r.wiuiiATi. Forpnme time nast tho i'i-papors both weekly and daily have fched us very irregularly. Now York, jrrisbiirg and Philadelphia papers re nil hron oui oi tune, as wo can believe that all tho printing estab- Imeuts in tho country liavo become Sioralizcd at tho samo time, wo are Mined to think Kimething Is wrong the Pest OIllco or luiilioad depart Inn Ni:w lllMj. Tlio itowlv issued I'L'rcenbacks." fully deserve the title ttlieyaro tlio greenest things wo have ii for soino time. Tlio paper used is fc- thin and docs not look us if it Eld stand much wear. Bio Government has not distinguish Ueif in Its lator editions or money or tagostauips, each isauo being inferior no ono preceding it. R'euy Si'iiiNO-lilKE. Tho warm fethcr which has prevailed witli us, Ins to have extended into tliousually fcer rcclons of Now England. Iu irtiont, i;onn., it is staled inai toe preson tlio iliac misncs uavo uursi Hi and aro fully halfnn inch in length lliould tho mild days contlnuo much fcer there wW bo danger of tho buds Erruit trees opening suiucientiy to uo ped by tho chill winds of February March, which win pronaniy ionow i 111. assorted marriage oi spriuganu niter. looi) OniiKii. It is a creat pleasure be ablo to nolo the perleet order and L'linln wlitrli nrnvalls on our streets. pn no other reipect Illoomsburg has Biroved in this, that tho riotous and Emlrrtv rnnilnet which O11C0 dissrac- E tlio town, no longer exists. Wo lulil. however, toll certain young gon Eicn who now and then feel impelled overturn boxes, Ac. In lronl oi tno im. that such proceeding is contrary Saw and may eventually get soino of :ni into trouwo n persisted in. ver bi sup I Whkn tho Columbian again un Jtakes to'print any of ourartlelej, wo 111 feel Indebted If allowed to correct E proof." lltpubliean. tainlv Dr..althouijli wocanseotioth We tube gained by it ; better u.-o your Eru tune in correciingyourowiisiirui icli needs it more. Uy constant ay 'allni) nnd iinusunl care you inighl fcueed well enough to convince some t llm winkir minded that you tderstimd English when you lead it m uro competent to eriucisco errors in pers. I'Mllfinltl v.n nulr i.n t.-l.t. II. I. .1 l Ii v Ihpsimn 1 pnmplnliit nmt iminnurs Murmur lou l nimnt Uellmiuonln, l nn havo roail llio pnper weekly, lloiul what I hi'y havo never palcf for, ISoail wiih iilramronnil Willi nolll, Komi or Htnt iillAlm nn J prnicclii, Jloiil of news both hntno mul foreign, JIciiil thu pniya mul the iooin, I nil nf wlmliiiiimil liiHlructlou, Ileiul Iho tnlile nf thn mnrlcctK, aremily torri'clcil weeltlyT Hlinutil you nalc ni why ttili ilunnliig 1 u Miduia mmwer, w xhouhl tell ymi, I rum tho printer, rrom tlin lnnller, 1- rnni tlio html nlil paper lnnker, Vrinn tho Itinillirtifrnm the currier, rrmn 1 he man who tnxes letter. Willi n stamp from Uncle Hamuel 'lTuelo Ham' tlio rnw tllei call htm j From them nil there comes n ihoshrrc, .MemnKe Uinilnml tlrmly Hpokeu, l'lense to pay in what you owe u." "Hail ItU tohearRuen lnensoKe, When our fundi nre nil exhauieil, When the Inst hank note hns left in. When the koM coin alt hns vanished, Oiiiio to pay tho naner-iiiakcr, (lone to pay tho lolllnit pilnler, (lono to pur tho lsnitlonl trlhtito, (lono to pay tho nlmblo carrier, llono to pay tho fJlthtul mailer, (lone to pay mir Uuelo Hamuel Uncle Ham the rowdies call lilui tloue to pay foruseil tippaper, Ten nnd twenty hundred dollars ! niui nisiu lurnoiirieiltfer. Turn Ilic leaves of this nliVled Turn to sen what sums urn ilui. u Due lVir volumes Ions since eudeil. Duo for years of pleasant rending. Duo for years of tollsomo labor. Pile despite our tnitittitut diinninir, Duo Iu MinrKiriim three to twenty. "Would you lift n burden fronius? Would you drlvo n spectre from you? Would you tasto n pleasant slumber? Would you havo n unlet conscience? Would you lead a paper r.uli Foil? Send us money send us money. Send us money send imnonci HKNDUH MONKVTHAT OU llVt:L,Ml', QOUHT PltOCIiAMATION. WllRltrAS. tin Ifnn. UMlllnn, u.l.11 1, I., udieof the Court .if iViZi i. Trl'.i ....V."! Ue lernl Jail Delivery, Uourl of Itnartcr Hcsslous of tho l'onee mid Uourt of Common l'lcn anAOr. phiins Court In the Ail It Judicial District, cow iii.iii.i i.. i.i . iuuuiiiiu, nuiiiviiu mm WyiiiiiliiB. mul the lion, tram Dorr nnd Charles I.Miinn Associate Judges of Columbia county liuvo Issued their pieccpt, benrlnu Unto the Ifllii day of Don. in tho year or our liord, one thiiusiinit,olijlit hundied nnd nlxty.nlne, nnd to iiniiiieiii o tor uoiiiiuitncnurtnr oyer nnd Ter inlner nnd (leneral ilimrtcr Hcsslons nf tho l'eace, Oiiurt of Common 1' mul Orphnn's Court, lu nn it, m ihocnunly of Columbia, on the HrSt MlltlllrtV liol.K. 111., rlh .In., nl 1.Hl. 1..... .. continue onoVeekT ' ' " ini wiii.hi;a8 ALSO the inino Judges hnvo Issuedlhelr precept bearing date the lilth dav of . who inousnnii eiftiHiiunurcil nnn suty nine nnd to mo directed for holding nn Orphans' t.ourtmid L'ourtorcoinmon Plonsln lllnomsburg In tho county of Coiunibinon tho second Monday being tlio Hth day oi February next, mul to continue ono week. Notico Is hereby Riven, to tho Coroner, to the Justices of the IVnce, nnd tho Coiisluliles oftho said county of Columbia, Unit they bo then nnd 1M..-1U 111 iiivii iirnper pemou in. lu o eiocK 111 lue forenoon of snld 7th day ol Feb., Willi their, rec ords, lnmilsltlnnsnnd other remembrances, to do those things which In their oil. its appertain ... .mi uiiiiu. nun (iiusu iiiai, nro noiinii ny rccognlrance. In prosoculo nicnlnst the pris oners that are or may bo In tlio Jail of tho said county of Columbia, to bo then nnd there to piosccule tliein ns shnll bo lust. Ju rois are reiiuestcd to bo punctual In their nttcud mice, agreeably to tlielr notices, Dated nt llloonis - iiurg, iiio.iiiiiiiy 01 jnn., in mo yenr I., s. f or our Ixird, one thousand eight luin-'- v -'' dred nnd sevenlv. nml In ll, iiin.,i.r. third yenr of Iho lndcpenilenco of tlio United ramies ui inierica. .MIIHUl'.iJAi .Mli.liAltll, Wheal ) aye Flout per baliel Clovelieeil Flavseed flutter Ku'lts. Tallow rotutocs DtUii Apples... 1 1 II I Ills Hay per ton ., IKON No. 1 scotch pig No. i " " r.looui LUMUKK. llemlocli Hoards )er tliousand feel Flno " ' ' (one Ineli) Jnlsl, Hcantllug, Flank, (llemioek) Shingles, No. 1 icr thoui..iud. IKtath AfmiCUIrUIlAL SOCIKTY, o annual meeting of tho Society, for B purposo or electing opicers lor uiu ninr vrnr. tnnk nlaco at the rooms ftlioKociety at llarrisburg on Wed- ifcusy,january luiii.xiioiouuwiiigKeii. linen woroeiectcd among otliers. Pros Stilt, John C. Morris. Vlco Presi- Ir.ts, Daniel C. Driisbaeh, from the feiiui district i irgo Escoii, irmn mo lli'i'cnth. Tho commlttco will meet ( iho ICth of March next to lix a tune d place for tho next holding of tho Ihibiton. Tho tonus of ofllco oftho fording secretary and treasurer no noi ipiro until March next. (A (JjlAND ESTAlir.ISHMUNT. wo puld call tho attention of our readers tho advertisement, to be found In I'lther column, of tho wholesale Drug imsiiami iMint ami uoior i otkh oi feiK-'h, ltlchards & Co,, 10th and Mar It 8ts. Pliilndelnhlii. P'hls well known and most reliable Nn, havo ono of tlio largci-t and most, Vnnlcto oslntillslDiicntsin tlio United ates.nnd tho excollrnco of their goods I acknowledged everywhere. Tiietr lildino Is vnlnnl nt. over :!(). 00(1. Bonio idea of tho magnltudo of their isiness may lio formed irom ino wet at thoy nro ablo to grind twenty tons wblto lead dally. Their arrange outs for carrying on tlio Drug business o on a acalo equally as largo. pr.ietico in Paris, twenty thousand ehil (Iron liad been borne to thocemelerles a sacrifice to tho absurd costume of naked arms. Dr. Warren thinks that lioston sacrifices five hundred babes every year by not clothinc their limbs. Tim' nrnw should bo covered from tho wrist to tho shoulder,with thick knit woolen sleeves. DncisioN Hf.i.,ativi: to County Institutes. In response to n letter for information addressed to tho Stato Su perintendent of Common .Schools by a teacher at Williamsport, tliesaidolllcial under date of Dec. loth, lias made the following decision relative to tho law regulating tlio holding of County Institutes; 1 hat bchoo s Directors are, not r.nm. pelletl to closo their schools in order to allow their teachers tho privilege of attending a Teachers' Institute. bchooi Directors cannot cumnel teach ers to attend an Institute. Whether Direc ors cm deduct nnv- thing from tho salaries of teacher who do not attend an Institute, depends upon mo contract, between tlio parties." Too Soothing. A Now York miner speaking of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, says that analysis lias detocted morpnino in mat lavorito iniant rem edy, in sullicient cpiantltles to render it dangerous. If this bo truo, mothers desirous of raising their babies hud bet ter coiitlno themselves to catnip tea or soniofauch innocuous beverage. What a dreadful tliinir it is to have our faitli in Mrs. Wlitslow shattered, and to bo compelled to look on that hitherto unassailaole matron as an ex terminator of innocent! So many of " nil. nun niu iimniiu oeii iirit.n. tvrtrii i """ ..... .......wot .jvivo ... j .;...m i.w-., falso of late, that wo liavo no doubt wo shall totally disbcllcvo in Mother (Jooso neioro long. DlSTUHllINO Kkmoious Mkktinvis. In many places it poems to boa belief among young men, that religious bodies idis nnd Mioni.ieis hnvo no r flits u'htidi urn lionnil In Im irl,..v,'Vi.1 resneeted. Our community is. fortun- nteiy, not grievously afflicted with tills stylo of lawbreaklng, but it may bo well to publish the lacts inncape which hasjust been legally decided. A .VMing man named Beacnrist, in Jjainuiown, York county, recently so misbehaved himself in church, us to break tin the meeliiiL'. Unon histrial for the oll'unce. Hllll"8 tho Presidjng Judge, tho Hon. llobt. J. Fisher, asserted tlio right of religious bodies to form their own rules lor gov ernance, and tho liability of persons breaking them to bo punished. Se.i- christ was sentenced to pay a fine of live dollars, tho costs of prosecution nnd to ho imprisoned in tno county jau lor ni- teen days. Co it it rut Sl'llAiciNO. Wo advise ail our young pooplu to acquire in early Hie, tho habit ot correct spoaKing aim writing, and to abandon as early us possiblo any uoo of slang words or phrases. Tho longer you livo the more difllult tho acquirement of cor rect lauguago will be, and if the golden ago or youth, thu proper sea son for tho acquisition of langun'o, bo passed In abuse, tho unlortun ato victim, if neglected, is very prop erly doomed loslimglor inc. .uoney is unnecessary to procure this education. Every man lias it in bis power. Ho has merely to usotho language which he reads, instead of tho slang which bo bears, to form his tasto from the best epeakers and poets In the country, to treasure up choice phrases in his mem ory, and habituate himself to their tiso, avoiding at tho miiiio timu that ped untie precision and bombast wiiltli shows tho weakness of vain ambition, rather than tho polish of an educated mind. Youn Local Pa run. Ono of tlio best evidences of the prosperity of a town, Is furnished in mo columns oi a local paper. Btrangeis examine it, and draw tlielr conclusions ns to tlio thrift and enterprise of its people. Looking thiough the advertisements displayed in its pages, and learning tlio number of the Inhabitants of tho place itself, very correct conclusions can be thus readied, as to tho adaptability of the town to their own Immediate wants. Ha local paper is strongly supported by tho business community, that fact is soon discovered by tho reader, and It Is taken iisau evidence that tho commu nity ilsell Is an Intelligent and prosper- mis one. uiiL let us uusiui's.i iiii-u n iiu- hold their patronage, ami it exhibits a lack of wisdom ami enterprise totally at viuianco with tho spirit or tlio times in which wo live. The merchant of to day must keep up with the spirit of progress, and avail liiniselfof tho many opportunities that nro oiroied to him to widen his acquaintance with those around him, if he Intends to inako him self a successful business man Nothing moro ctl'ectually secures this end fur him , than a good, llvo local paper. Lkoal WuiaiiTor Ouain. In an swer to an Inquiry of ono ofour subscri bers respecting tlio legal weight of drain, woglvo tho following legislative enact mcnis: Why will people suffer with a cold when they can buy n bottlo of Phoenix Pectoral for 23 cents. It is a sure cute, Coal On.. For a few years past our readers must havo observed tlio fact that the duality of coal oil has been net ting worseand worse. Tills is not because me supply is any poorer than rormerly, but because rascally refiners and mid die nu n adulterate It. This accounts lor smoking lamps, fruiuent explosions and the coaling ot the wick before the oil Is hair exhausted. We have beeu shown a superior article sold bv Dr, Schuyler, ol' tills place, which is ns clear ai water, and burns with a bright steady llame. Ho will have no trouble in sell ing it, ,-o long ns the oil keeps up to the present standard. nlMt. QOL.UMIJ1A COUNTY OO-OPF.llATI VK ItKM I1F ASSOCIATION, 0 n.ii in r It, l ow i.kii Daisiri. Hnviii.h Cn Kitt.rji a. Fowlkii M, C. McCoixum H.UIUM. KNOUIl, liloomsburg, Jnu.7, 1870. HlierllN LIST OF CAUSK3 FOlt Tit I A L AT THK FJ4H.. TF.IIM 1S70 TIIK FIllST TKN U'K r'..".1? .thiiii) niwr weuk iii:oin- NINO WKDNHSDAY. Clink. Freeze. Clark. Little Clark. I.lllle, Jackson. I.ltllo. Whttmoyer, Little. Cliul;. Itrockwuy. Clarlt. Freeze. Kaliler. Clark. Freeze. Clark. Little. Knhler. Induction. Dr. J. Schuyler has re duced the price of coal oil one cent per gallon. If you tleslro rosy cheeks and n com plexion lair and fuu from pimples and blotches, purity your blood by the use of Dr. Pierce's Alteiutive Kx tract or Golden Mt-d leal Discovery. It has no equal for this purpo-e, nor as a remedy lor seven1 Coughs or Bronchitis. Sold by druggists, or enclose three and a quarter dollars to Dr. II. V. 1'ieico IJullalo, N. Yi, and get three bottles free of F.xprcss charges. lllooniKliiirg ?ln,krt Kcport. r bushel . It. fl.ll) . I HI 111 15 .. rt io ... s in 2 15 li) 111 ll) i) . m ill 'J) 'JO .. 18 (0 812 910 8 5) 8i on .. ISnJ) IS 10 .. sin - in iy Frccf. lllio.ids. Little .tFlccr.c. Whltmoyer. Lcvelie. Freeze. Ikeler. Clark. Freeze. Khun. Clark. Whttluoyer. Freeze. Clal It. Kahter. llrockway. Frei.e. Clark. i- Kuorr. Freeze. Claik.t Knnrr. Free7e, Clark A Kuorr. f Fdwnrit M'Cnll et. nl. vs tJohu Hwccney. f Henry J. Yeaple, vs (.Isano Drum A tone tenant (Henry J. Yeaple, 1 . 'lN llsnnc Drum A terru tenant. (Abrahnm Mattz, 1 vs (.1). F. Heybcrt. ( Lavlna D.iveupuit, t William M. Kllnetob. SJolin Coleman, vs Mlchuet Cronau. fJohn shlpmmi, ( vs (Thomas J, Vnudersllce, Cliarles 11. Green, vs Peter Hchug. (Oeorgo Zarr, i (.Wm. 51'Kelvy. illeuben 11. King, vs nislialJ.l-ursoi. SIX'OND W1JCK. fSaia'i A.lVteimau's lulm'r. vs tVnlenllne Stout, ct. nl. f Gideon Arudt. ) vs Uohn U. Lelby. Iliobcrt.S. llamplini vs lllchanl Wntklus. (Thomas ileutleld i vs (.Uriah Campbell. (P. luimermau, .t T. I,. Ilerdic, use. vs II. If.Win.Crcrpllmr. (A.t.l. llclnoehl ! vs t Lackawanna A B. 11. 11. Co. Alexander Colley vs Allans Cole. (Monroo llrunitngc ( vs (.Klisha li. Pursell. Michnrl Glover use. vs II. S. Marr. (Hlacy John, vs (Mmy John's Committee. (Stacy John, vs tMnry Joiin's Commttlce, (Stacy John, J vs (.Mary John's Committee President. ....Vlcoricsldenl Treasurer. Bocl ehtr'. Attorney, Mi:i)WA 1. V.XA MlXUnSt' W. II. llitAlii.i'V, M. 1). W. A. Ca'sk, JI. 1). iwMtu uh' nr:cr0lis Wm. II. Woonts, Aiiiiau'Snviieb, Ki.iNn, T. W. Eikiaii, II. (J. Ciir.VKl.tso. auuxi': JI, tS, McCol.t.v v Hspy, Pn. oo a.v t r rv t ro x. AlirlCLK I. NAME. The name, style, and title of tlio Aksoclatlon flintl bo the Columbia County. Co-operative He ller Association, AtlTlCLK 11, OIMKCT. ,,'l'l'e,o)'Jeelor the AssiKlallon shnll lie, ihe re i .T "! ' M"tl,L'i's. Widows mid Orphans of AIITICI.K lit.-MKMllKUSIIIP. Her. U ThoreiUlsllo iiuallllcitlnns Tor lnein bershlp nie, that tlio nppllcant shall bo in good health, hale, nnd sound, Sec. 2. Allnnpllcatlonsfor inemberslilp shall boinade lu jvr tlngor lu person, tlio nppllcant Setting forth Ills nillllO. mm. iiitiiivimAi n.l. denee, mul li.iyluu his Inltlatliui fee. The nniill. euui niusi iiiriner prodnco n midlcnl ecrilllcate. certifying that ho is li lit nelson to lircnmn.1 leiuber. AltTICLK IV. MAXAUIIMKNT. The business nf tlw, Aksnflnllni, ctmtl t... ....... ItlCled llV llVO TrUStPeS Willi Slinll tin minimi!.. elected nt the regular stated meeting oftho As sociation In October of each year. AllTICLK V. OKFICKI'.S. At tho llrst meeting of tho Trustees In cni h Ujr. l ieV Shalt elect n IVeslilenl. Vlr.n llrnBl.ln,.! Hecietaiy and Treasurer to serio tho ensuing AUTICI.K VI. IU.N1). Ill order to seenrn kliihllllv in tl... iL.m.1.11.11. iheru shall bu raised a permanent fund, the in' terestuf which sIikII lie applied, 1st to the cur rent expenses; IM to Ihe mothers, widows, or helisol deceased meml'Cis. The raising ol I lie said lund to bu piovlded lor la thu lly.Luu's. AUTICI.K VII. iVII tlllillijUS In nnieinl tlin I'miklll nl l.m kl.ull be iniule In writing, nnd by tlio consent nl tin 11- nuns 01 urn iinsiees. 11 1110 miieuumeut Issp priived ill 11 subseiiuent meeting by rour-lllths of IhoTrlislees, uppllention shnll be lunde to Iho l.oui t lo havo said amendment allowed. , Legnl Npticoa. - i A DMINISTItATOU'S N'OTIOl). , Lcllers of nit-iitutMlrnlltiti on the usLlto ol Pet i'rl1ifcr,lntoofCciitrolowiishlp,''iitiiiillilcoiinly, ilco'd., Imvo been irmhltM by lhilU"ulsler nf snld county, toll. II. llnymun.of ivntro township. Vll Iiersniis iiavilii; cisiins in nniinmns iiinui, Iheicculent nro reiniestcd to in.iko them known, nnd Ihosu IndclXcd to ninlto paimi'iiv I), li. JlAYMArt. Jan21'"0-r.l. Adtnlnlstrntor. ADM I NISTIt ATOU'H NOT1 015, MTATKOl.' J01IM I1VKII, IIKO'tl. i,t iters of nditilnlslrntlou on thucslnlo of John Dyer, of Conynghnin twp, Coliitnliln eounly, dee'd., lime been granted by tho IteRlstor of said county, to Win. UoiKluinn of Conyiutham twp. A UiiersonshavlnifclaluM or demands nsainsl the decedent are Kqr.cMe(ltilnlakethetiikn9ii,nnil those Indobltsl in milk, naymont. . WM. GOODMAN, Jnn, 2l,'70-6w. Adinlnlsliator, A DMlNlSTUATOll'K NOI'IC'IJ " J.A. uiTAti: oi- MAuif juun, linc'ii. Letters of nUnlnlstratlon on tho rstnto if Mury John late of Mnlno township, Columbln couuty, deceased, liavo been grnnte.l by the Ilea Isicr of sit Id eounly to SUriui Urown and St. ii. .Miller of Ill'iom township, Columbia couuty. All persons 'li iviui; claims u-ilnst the estiuo of tlio decedent nrorequeilot to present ttum for settlement, nnd those Indebted to ttioesdittf to mako p.iyineni 10 iul unuersiitniui iiuminisira- tl.VllAII llHDlV.I, Clark ,t UruoUway I Peter Hchug, s vs I Clmiles Leo DIM, kets. Jl.'Ji 1.. ...Vine) ITC .. ti.-Vi(.D li.TS IMUlI li..'AI l'lillnilelpliin ri.oi it Noitliiie-leiu fcupiiruueiit N'nrthiicslein extiu Niirlliicesteru tauilly lYunsl liuulil and Weslern suhtillne, Wtini.vll':i!lla nnd Weslern HSlti, .Y7.Va8 li.7 IVuusylvmilii mid Western tamlly D.rysii.ll.iO l'ennsylvuut.i nnd Western luucy H..'Vs5.ia.i.'i Hyclinur fiWS Wni:Ar lVunhylvnul.i rud, 'ci bus Soulllern " Si.eOiaSWS Cnllforlllu " " tlM Willie " fJ.l.VsiJJ.Iil Uvr Pennsylvania rie, V Inn. Sl.tnufl.ii L'.iKX Yellow, " SI.SU While, " 8l.-ft81.15 Oa'IS Jibus 02cl'ib.K I'ltuviHIONs Mtss Folk, ri bid S.11.0 .Messlleif, " 82I..Vi Inessed Hons, ll Hi MiH! .smoked Hums " Hi&lH M hlniuk'el's V IS Mc I.1111I, c Hi 17c(al2 'fi SKhlls 1'ltlVels.ecd "fl bus y.UU(iltl.a Tlli.nlhyseed V bus H 81.17 Flaxseed 11 . 82.63 UAITI.l'. I.iH CallleHIti tli'tfll'iS Cows, ,1 hcau tiSic HIII.KI l I'o Uailc HO'IS l UHI US 9ii4euui. Llltle. Man Druthers. Freeze. Kuorr. Kaliler .v. Ikeler. Wliltinoyer. Clark. Atibott. Whltinoj er. Cla'k. Clark. Freeze, Ikeler. Freeze. Fiecze. llrockway. Howell. Freeze. Whltmoyer. ilrockivny A lliompson. Freeze. Howell. Miller. Ikeler. Clink. Ikeler. llrockway. Little. Jackson. (Continental Coal Co. ( vs (.Lehigh, Co. f Wm. Marr, ( vs 1 1 lushes A I (Geo. Htm vs lAlldlew Ituekle. Ktnckhoilse, COUGH, COLD OH SOUK TllllOAT lleiiillies lmmedlute attention, as 111 i-lect otteu results in mi incura ble I. nil;; llledse. I llKOW.VH 1IUOM11IA1. TUOCHES 1 will almost iiivurlably lilve Insiaut fiellef. For lironchltls, Asihma, Caturrh, Cittisltuipttie and Throat inseases, iney nuioit sooiuiiti- ei- feet. Hlui-crs nnd ruldie Speakers use thij to clear and strenutbi ntho voice. Owin;.' lo'lliu nooil leputstlon and popularity of the 'uoclies, many worthless and ihcap inif tnllous nre olleied, whkh nie nool for unthinir. liefeuro to obtain tho tiuu IIUOWN'H IIUONX'HIAL THOCIIGB. bOI.I) KVMIVWIIEIIK. nov, 12,'t0-0m, A s s s s a s s s s s s s J5 710 Tld: Wlllll'iNil CL.VhH.-Wo aro now prepaied In lorulsh nil classes Willi constant cm 1.I11) lumf nl lioiiie.the whole of Ihnllmu or Mr tlio spam iiioiucnts, Uuilness new, Ui;ht mid pto-lliible. IVlsouu ot ellher sex easily turn Irom :tv. tu 3 per evenlnit, mid a pioportlonul sum bv dciollin' their whole lime to I lie bus!- uiss, itoys mid ttltls null nearly us much us men. 'Unit ull who s?u this notice limy send llielr nitilitss, mill test the business, wo uuiko tills tinpiiinllelid oiler 1 To such us uro not well sntlsUcil, v.o will send SI to puy lor the tn.ulilu of wrlllnt;. Full paitlruliiis.ii vnluable w.,iiiiii... uiiicii uln do to eiiiiiineuce work on mul il copy of llic J'rii.le't r.iltmrii Ihiutmul'ii nnn ol Iho lnrti!.l mm ucsl laiuuy uuhii iipeis 1.111. . inii.n 1 kcni u en itv ill ill. iii'iiner ll 1 111 want periutineul, iil'iilllahlu woilc, addles 1.. C ALLl'N .V LO AllBllstil, .Maine.;TT0. p U 11 D I 0 S A D K OF VALUAIII.r. ih:al 1 -STATU. In luiisumico of an order of tho Orphans' ('nun of Colniniiiii county, m , on haiiiiiiiai, .Ianpauv l'Uili,ls7u, st loo'clock iu the loreuoou, W, II, Abbott, administrator, ie., of John Wuni pule, iutit of Ciituitissii.Culuhibln county, dtvi'iui. cd, will expose in iiuuin Fine, on uie pieini.-.'. Hie lollowlnsilescrlbid ical estate, to wit! All that ccitiiiti DOT O V tlltOUXl) .iiiiiiiu ii. f.iiiiii-lii. Ii.iiiiideil on Ihe north liv laud of Calnwlssa I tall Hoad, oil Ihe ellsl by li.n.lw ,.t .leiihnii lluldV llllll C H. CnX. lltl ItlU south by Miniiil slu et ol said lown, and 011 the IKi:hosi:nk DiSAsTi:its.Tho users of frosenowill bo Interested lu the fellow g directions for avoiding explosions: u'lrui, novcr nu Kerosene iiiiniis aiier rk, but illl them iu the dav time; coinl, nover nllow a lamp to bo placed uiu uiantie-pieco, iviictner tno same ' n Urate or a Btovo lire, us tho heat of e t-utue will caiieo the ull to be more In- itniiinblo and more liable to explosion hen lighted; third, as It is a common ractlce in cigur and other factories to ive their lumps hung on wire from 10 ceilings, they should bo removed hen not liiuse.ns tliuhcat oftho stoves r-viuiH lowarii tno ceiling, mo ciiepi ling the miiiio as lu the stcoad bugitta. Pn, fourth, do not let the wick get piitd or crustv. but trim It frequently. Potatoes by act of March 23, 1SC3, CO lbs i,v lands of a, j. l'rescoti. coiin'iiuiiigaiiout .... . vr....l. ,11 10,0 i.llll I t.. ........ lo ...1.1.I Ail il wheat aci 01 aiuich iu, iow, uu Hyu and Coin act of April 111,1813 0(1" llurley-act orMarch IU, 1618, -17 " Uuckvheat-act of March 10, 1818, 18 Oats-nct of April 111. 1850, U ' Clover Seed-act of ilarcli 22, 1800, UO ' Timotiiy Been, uy custom, 1 1 rn.n nlinun lu iill tins Htntntn law 111) ,i.. Jiiiilnut In thU Stntn llv beimr Ml Inurili, ! Ih ten per cent, nt ihe conllrinatlon thnbll Jett 111 llllS Biaio. J .li?,t ,il.ilulot mid Ui rcinainltiv Ihreo-fourths In llClir IHO IIIU) Oi nvn imsi nun . 1 i,iieiearlhelenileriV.lluillllltbliruiiicoiiiiiiiiii 1...1.... ii.,. ..rliwitiml nuirl.-id. I'MKlniil has Hon. nl. tl. l'uicliiittr lo imy for Deed uuil oiie-liulfucii', wlureou is elected a TWO SToKY FKAME 1IOU8I IjiIo the isliitunf said deceased, sltualo lu tlio .,.,, .uu. jjjo,, . ,:NT, Clcilc. .'I'l'llllliniji UllVi Tnil .f.r CCIll.llf OllC .11. .'.nt. I...... i.winui. hlulll 111, lillld At ' in nlinvo IS nil II u siuiutu uiiv u mn 11 be stiiu nu uoiui 01 ine piiMaiiy: adopted bonio of their rules which U ror uuis Corn W IImaI-.i-I t (j(J " iiui.ii muiiiminiii"""1" :' ,11,, If liowover a man purcuusm vi tuu Administrator. -JOK SADK. About lUly.llvefut 13i Wioftlnn with idnte ..;..V., V,T.,.; ,ne ,r 1 NximU of eraln. and f.'.'.V'.' '.'('.".KUV Vu" a?. ..iliv feeYVUw VUlllUI imntuw , I ,,u l'w "(r1", " r,,,,,! luirli nlnlanniiit. iiolhiiig iu law that will oblige hi 10 A'lh'om,l0'Ti1JrtSh im Macliine. Arp'yin SHI, lir II U 1 1 17 l'(i.ll. UUL BUUI.& llll.,.- 1 11,ui."m vv( uro, will fultlll tho contract, die. 17,'oa-tr. Jackson. Whltmoyer. Fueze, Wlillmoyer. Little. Freeze. Jackson. Freeze. Clmk. I.evelle. Little. Howell. Little. Wlillmoyer. Clark. Iinldy. Clark t Fiecze, Kuorr. Whit uiojcr. II11I1I5;. Utile, Jackson. Burl! ley. Freeze. I'Slackliouo. (Ann MniKeium; J. vs (.David Hunt, ctux. (Kuinucl Wliltmyer, 1 s t Wilson Dcltteilch. ! Thomas Hughes, use, vs Wtsley nuckel. I (ieorgo Masters ,v Kou, s vs Bamuel Ilrualcr. IDautel Hhuman Admr. vs Manilas Alstcttcr, et. nl. f M. F. Howell, et. nl. 1 vs (Mary K. Green. Frederick Hosslcr, vs Gldeou G. Hosslcr, et. ul. (William A. Case, vs (.The twp. ofHcott. (John Jacobs, vs G. I. Juhnsou. Samuel Kline, vs Preserve Conner, it. nl. I W.ll. Kline, et. tlx. vs t Aliraham Moore, f t, ill. I C. II. Campbell. 4 Co. vs ITnKunrt, Furnian a liartoii, f i:phraim Hnlllctt, i vs lAaroii Andrews, ct.ul. ( Jacob Gilbert, vs. I George IStrnusscl'. 1W111, ilrooks, et. ux. vs Win. tstrtlthers, et. ux. (i;.J..(U.r. M'Hcnry, i vs t Joscjili It. Kvtiuu, ( Joseph O. Krtimer, vs ireterMiillh. (Tluielicr A Co. ct. nl. vs. V 111. Gooilmmi, I Win. Millies, it, al. vs IDanlel, iJennlu Hl'lllloud, vs A. J. Kvans, ct. ul. I Win. M. Martin, el. ux. ( vs ITIniolhy ltiiKiin 1 1. nl. I Henry T. Hi lly, vs IJnmes fair, ( Wm. II. Wolfe, iJessn D. Itlie. W111.M. Klluctoli, G. G. Co. D.Fowler, use. tors without delay. j.m. si,';o-ot. 1 OKI H. JI. . Mil, I, hit. Aitmlntstratorj. N. V. itPI.E. .1- . O. Wi M3AD. V, 'Iff-'W.' SAMPLE' Corniiv of A'rain Street fancfli'. & 'IWjtrl','Ub'ua, BLOOMSBUEO-,- I?A.-w-( MAOlMiflSTS, IRON AND- MlAfSSJffi) lill Sk; , 13LA0KSMITIIS AND BOllBUJlCVKSft ' Si.Htl 1 .i ami t MANUFACTURERS .OF. . (us4 X1 STEAM ENGINES & WATEiaELSjJ ai:.vj:Aii M.tciuxn roiiK AMn iim'.iisui. MILL (HIAltlNO, SHAFTING. 1'tJLLHVB, HAKGLlUi, 1IUAI) hL,0CKS, SAW -MIILX. GEARING 02T -A.XjTi JESZiaSTOS CASTINGS FOR FURNACES ' ' V '. '. '"" AND'-UOLTjINa'MIIltiS ' ! S "A ' AND ahM'A&'MftfT.Cf t'AftTlKOa'.'' v " 1 , , !'! AIHO OAK WHIIliUS AND AXLIM The lutes of tnxes linii.l Inii.l nml nil te.itoil land Inx upon which property sulllelent to pay tho said taxes cannot be found, must be leiurueu uy 1110 lowiisiiipoincersiinii collectors, to tlte Commlslouers' olllce, by tho First of Feb ruary next, And further, nil persons desirous ol savins tlio cost of nttvertlstng their land, can do so by paying Iho said tax due on the 'ITensurcr's book, to tho County Treasurer, during tho two weeks of Febutary Court. lly order of DAVID YLAGKIl 1 WM. G. WUICK, K'omm's. CYllUaltOUUIN'S, f Allltl! W.M.KllU'Klltt'M, rMuomsnurg, Jan, M,1. Clerk. A UDITOll'.S NOTICE. XV. rarATK of I'liir.ti' Yosr.iinx'n. Iu tho Oridian's Court of ColutubU eounly, the Auditor appointed bv tho mako dlstilbtitloii of tho balance In the hands of Iho .Vdmintsirulor oftho esbttoof l'hillp ost,ilo-:-ensed. mnonix crislltors and heirs will meet tho parties Intel estcd for the purpose of his npv.olnl luellt,llt his olllce in nloomsbtllg on Tttesday, uii'isi uiyiii leoruary, is,u niinociocn 11. 111. All persons interested or having claims against the sn Id CKtntii 111 e ri 11 nes led In nt I end. or bo de barred from coming iu for 11 part of th snld limit. C. W.Mll.LHIl, 11111, i,'7l)-il. Atniiior. it y-1. a ic.v. TIIl'srKKS. Inekson. 1st. Tlin lii'OM1! I nnd himtnnM.i itrihlt Av4il. nlloii slinH bo controlled by llv u Trulei-, who t-linll be cltcleU by ballot at the unimnl nu-ttluu or tho Association to bcheKl on thu lliht Momlay 01 uauiier, in vnvn yuur !d. For the mtrrtoso of such i-kcthin tho Ti us- tees for the time belng.Klmll determine the place hihi nuurs lur iiiicnin nun closing mo poni, mm adveitlr.0 tho ruiiio f(tr ten days nrtor thereto, and the Kf-eietury shall nlso notify enelt Truvtco 111 llllll Ul Ml VII CiUCUOU. 'M. Tho Trust pes Khali hold stt.ted mrctlnim nt tho ollloc oftho AHsoclatton. In the Town of ilnnv. on tho thlid Monday of .Innuary, April, July, nnd i Vtoher. Hpeclal meetings may bo called by the rrc-Miiieni ul nn tiitcietjoii or uy any unco ol the ilh. Tin cc Trustees shall constitute n nuorum to tiunpuct business. OFHCK11S. 5lh. 'I ho ollU'ers. of this Asseciatiou. bhnll bo n i iusiiitiu. 11 ice I'resiueni. weereiarr auua imiMirir. ami Kudi other otiicerH. cierUw and fiueiits tiH may lie neeessary. The l'robident, vice iTeMutiiii. iseereiary ana 'ireasurer him l ue oleelud by the 'liustctH nud hold olllce for ono year uutils or orricEiis, Cth. The Piesidcnt. Miall mesldo nl all meet- iiiE;1 of the Hoard of Trustees, and shall havo the ehkf maiinirement nnd rontrolof tho busl- ui'ii of the Association. All coutractn on behalf ft tlio AsHouatlon fltall bo made by lnmorim der Ids nutliorllv. lie sliatl see that nroner rcf. ords of tho liuslness and transactions nf thu APsoctntton are kept, lie shall appoint nu tin idoyeea and may remove them at pleasure. Ho shall tee that a denoslt of nil moneys shall bo made Iron? ttmo to time In such Hank or Jiaiiuu. ns ine i rusti es mav uireet. lie snail nn minlli MfimiK and submit to tlio AsbOelatlou nl their annuul imUiiitf In October, un nccountof thu business ol tho AshooLuion lor the preceding inr. and a Htntemeiit of the assets and liabili ties ot tho Association. All vacancies In the ltoaid ot 'JiiiMtes shall be llllidby uppointinent 1113 1 ll'SKIL'Ul. The Vh'u 1'ienldent shall lu the tdiseuei or dU ability 01 11 o X'lcsuieuiuci in nis place. hhCIEKl'AKY. 7th. 1 he Kern tars shnll keep Ihe nci'oiuits of 1 ne v .' uu uni, n 1 111 u r nuu 01 an jei soiin em ployed, lie shall keep tho mluules ol tho Hoard ot misled : noiuy tno Tiustees ol all iMcetingv, oniimtulnito to ollleers. Auentv. Committer. Al'.. all lesolves nnd oideis nlleellng them lu tho tiisciiarue 01 men uuuck. ami rcriorm sucn oiner duties ami MrvJecs as maybe lequlred; undtr me uuteuuii oi me I'lesiueni. TIIK THKASU11KK. It. The Ticnfcuicr shall leceivo all nioiieh of tlio ASMiclatlon nnd ilepoill the samelii sucli nanii or ji.inus, atsiKiiiueu oy uiu uonrti 01 jriih tees. Alter imvinz tho current exneuKes tho hal a iR-o shall bu steuiely Imested as the Hoard of i 1 UMirn iniiy uneei. lie muiii jihiko an invt'M iiientN titiiMiaiil to iusliuctlons of thu Hoard of Tiiiidech, It shall fui ther bo the dutv of thoTiensuier lo lake ehnice of nil nronerties of the At-soelation. and to eidlectall dUiUeuds, inleiest, rentals, Ac, iiiai iiniy arei uu nuiu hucu iiivtMiueui, nuu p hue the saiuolotlio credit of thu Asoelntion. ilihuil alsoclvo such Honda us the 'liustte'4 umy irotn lime to time lcqulio. Utli. All iKAveisnnd duties, md heielu dele gntetl lo particular ollleers, shall be exercised aim uisej.aiurii iy inu I'rrsnu ui mil inn ine re ctbs ol tho lioaitl of Tiusttcs. 10th. AH r.ersons between the ncesof twen ty and f lit v Mais. Inclusive, mav be admitted by maUlnu projtr ajrllcation necoidlug lo the lollowlng Jul in ; Columbia County Cb oj-autnv Jxtlh Attoaultvn Tho undersliud dtsiresto become a number ol thonboo Assotlatlou nnd subscribes to the lolloping ltgulallons: 1st. To pay live ilolhus Into tho Treasury at the timu of mukliii' this application, and one dollar 011 or leioie the 1st day of Januaiy of cadi year theicuftcr nnd livo dollars nnd ten cents ulthlu thlity days after tho death of a member, duo notice having been Kven liythe Secretary, so lonu ns tho Association numbers one thousand oi les; after leaclilnnono Ihous nud, the payments nt Hie death of n member hhaltbo prof oitlounteiy less so that no policy holder shall iccelvu more than live thousand dollars. To keep 'he Kecre lary Informed of his or her place of lesldeuce, and In easo of absence Horn or thange in his 01 her icsldence tonppolul some one to act as his or her ngeut to pay due1. I'uillng to i'bscia any of tho aboo rules 1 hereby agiee to forfeit nit claims ayalnst and nil moneys pievlously pnld Ut this Aftoeiutlou, IneJoifil please llnd live tlolhirs ns my Mem Wuhlp Fee, A UUITOU'S NOTIOK. xV ISrATIIOFJOIIN YOST, IIEC'll Tho undersigned, nppolnleil by tho Orphan's Court of Columbia comity, an Auditor to mako iiisuiiiiHiou 01 me naiituie in tno iinuosoi me Administrator, of the estate of John Yoil. ile-. ccaved, tuiionj! credltois and heirs, Mill meet tlio piutlei iutercsli'd rnr the purposo of tils appoint ment nt his olllce, In lllooiusbiirir, on Tuesday, I bu 1st d.iy of l'eliru.iry, Ism, nt III o'clock, n. lu. .1 ii pin ucs inicivsicu 01 naiimteinims aiiiiiusi the said estate me rciiuesled lo attend, or bo de barred Irom itiuilnt; In lor u pan of the snld i . . .1 lund. Jan. .leubcti Miller, WELLINGTON II. ENT, 1'roth'y, pUANl) JUllOKS. VJI" fMIIIVAIIV TK1CM. ISTO. Illoom Tlios. lllcUey, Michael Tracy, lUWd Ilinbbt, Clias. W. Suyiler, Hi larcreck William I.amon. Ccntrollii James Ui kc, Wlllluui Hnyder, ConynBhaui John Price. Catawlssa Holoinon Hhuinan. Kranklln Juuieu 1. lIoiiKhiud. Hemlock James li. I'ursell.Theodoro Dent. locust Hiram il. llowcr. .Montour I'lilllp l'otist, Isuao Mowry. Miilne Nathan Miller. Ml. rieasuut John Mordun, sr. Pine David Sanders, . hcolt-John W, Kelliv, Hamuel II, Kllun, Cliurleb Lie, John Amuieriuuu, riaukllii 1'. Kelley. rnilAVHKSH JUIIOUS. X l'i:illUJAIlV TfiHM, 1S7U. Klllsr WKEK, Illoom A. Wltlimn, I It. Drinker, A. Hollo di r, Jucob i:vnns, J.Tnuip, A, McDoiiuld. I1..HII1I1 llelllii'll 1 1.1 VlS. Calnillssn 11. I'liililcr, llflij. Miller, .Iineph Mull. H. D. Itlunul.rS, Itliwn. J. II. Kultlle, L. KICUll, Cenlralla Wm. II. Slmniun. Centre John Ester, Jucob Hponsler, Henry Ul.nllul. Il llemliieli Aaron Kinllli, Jolm Ik'tz, Daniel l'ursel, A. J. Emnietl. .'.,. Isicuil-Wni. Erwln, John lllnl, John Her Malnc-C. Hainan, N, II. W. nroivu, J, H. jnincsun. . . Mmllnon I.iniU Kchuyler, J. Cosier. Mllllln-E. II. Ilrowu, A.J. Iluckuiew. Hcoll-Il. J, Millard, M, McColluni, J, McCan dy, I. lless. sreosu WI.KK, Illooin-Thos, Oorey, Tcter Ilichtcl, Charles IJiemer. Ilerwick-Il. II. Eaton. ... Ileuton Wit. Appleman, Win Hmlth. iipni..-i li .liiliiismi. .1. llreilbender. llllarcrcek-li. Dual., 1). Miller, D. MalU, It. lioweii. Catawlssa Walter ticott. Centre Win. Hoolt. Ceutralla E. Janus. KUIiliiKcreek Ii. realer. Frankflu M. lloucr, Joel Zurr, J, Holomau, (ircenwooit-liavlil Kestcr. Hemlock Uco. Isivcy, J. 11. Miller. Locust-John llllllij. Jr.. lien (Jetty, J, cnfer, Maine Joliu lletr, Wni.Klslier, Mllllln J. O. Wlnterstceii. Ml. Pleasant W. E. Kauds. I'lue-fsolomon Hark. Hourlnifcreek John D. Houck, HUBarloaf-John lCllinjer. Beoit Asa Everett, Thos, Trench, II, 1 Oman, D. Mowry, TU-II. . AUUlllll. BRASS CASTINGS OF ALE "KINDS, - COMPOSITION. CASTINGS, Aiu..u'Wl: iv ssv f I" 'HKM-'IKLD'S CKliKHHATED OLOUXCVMUiViI. I'MM'AIj' i. i -t STOl' COCKS, C11KCK VALVKS, AIll COOKS,' ' 1 OIL, CUl'H, STEAI' WIIISTTjliMp STBAJVI aUAOES, STB AIM FIPH AMD rSTSIIJ CONSTANTLY OlST A DJUNlSTllATOtt'S NOTICE. XX. vstati: or .mux wampom:. nt-c'n. Letters ol admin 1st n I Ion on tho estate of John W.iluliolc. Into of Ciitniclssn lnu'iishlti. I'liliinibbi cinitity, il, censed, huo been itmuted by the ltei;. isieroi sani C'iunty,io v, u. aouoii, or cata wlssa. All Torsous linvint; clnlms n-llust tho t slide of said decedent are riqucsted topiesent llietu fiirsettletileur, and those, ludehtcd to muke pnj mint tollui undersigned, without delay. w. li. AUiiuir, Catawlssa, Jan. II, lSTtf-OU Admlnlslrator. JTiXECUTOIt'S NOTICE. Hi KSTATE OI WM. a. IlUItl.KV, llF.c'll. Letters tc'tatnentnry on the estate ol Wm, U.Illlllev lalo ot Illoom towilslllo. ('nlmuhhi county dee'd have been igruuledby UioIleKlsler ol C'oluinbln Couuty to Peter baldy.Jr., ol Danville Montour county, Pa. All persons liavlliK claims against the estate are leriuested topiesent iiiviu in uiu i-.Aeciiiui in .uouiniii- uouiliy. IUi iinmu luucoieu 10 me esiitiu culler on uoie.Jllilt! meut, mor!;iiKu or book nceouut will liinke linynient to I he Eieculor vlthout delay. PETEIt I1ALDV, Jn. dec. SlOI-an'. Kxecutor. AnMINISTllATOIt'S NOTICi:. HjT.VTllOK IIAV1I1 IUi, llKf'I). Letters or iiilmlnlsttution on Iboistuto ot Da vld Pry into oi Heaver lowiishlp.coluuibia einiu ly, deceatcd, have beeu ptanteil by tho Register uf sutd uiiinty to Paul 1' ry rcsldtu In ihe toivu tlun and county nVies.ild. All iiersons bavins claims against Ihe estate oftho decedent uro re quested lo liresitit them lor sctili mem, nnd tlioselndihteil In iho estate lo lti-uio piyuienlto thu undcislgncd I'dininlstratoi' ili!nnitdcl.iy. PAVL I IIY, dec. l,l'til . AdmillUtiatoi', A UDITOIV.S NOTICH. it L.STA1 K Of W. W. Ml'l.ll IC. lil-e'li. in Ihe Orphans1 Couttol Collllnbla eounly, the Auditor illiiinlutril by theioutl. to n ake illstrl- bllllou of Ihe islntu ol said W. W. Mellclt, late of i-ciiii iivp., in inu iniiiiiy in ioiniiioia, nccil. nnniliK Ihenelrs nnd lepiesentatlvcs and pelsoiisinllllcd tlierelo, will meet llm parlies i ii i i-i i mi u, mi i no pin i'iim'ih ins iippoiiiiiiieui in Ids i nice In llmivi i lluililliir, ilooinslinrp, on the 1U1 day of l't, A. D, ls7l, nl lun'cioi-k A. M.t Minn and iihelo nil nelsons havinir' i-l.iluison mid lund aio leiiulrcd toatteud,or be forever debniied Ironi couiiui; In for a pan of tlusuld lund. JOHN O. I'liEKZE,,'ej-liv. Auditor. AGJ3NTS FOlt SHIVE'S GOyKllKOlt, ' ack-nowli:i)ui:d to he the simplest and het in the would. aw MILLWllIUIlTH AND MACHINISTS bUITLIES EITHEII ON IIANJlTlIt I'tmNIHHKD AT-4 SHOUT NOTICE, VIZ; (JUM AM) LEATHER BELTING 01' eVMu' DErtClttPlIOV, " HEMP AMD KOAP HTONE PACKING, OILS, 11ED AND WIlItK LEAU, 4C. LESSEES AND SOLE HANUEACTUltEUS OK HALL'S PATENT DOUBLE DISCHARGE TUHIUNE WHEELS. I.IIUIIIAL INDUCEMENTS OI'FEIlED TO THE TltADE. Alsu AucnU for thu "EUltEKA" Smut and Scimrattn;: Machine nml "EX CELSIOR" Ili-an Duster. Send for circular. Specimen Muehineu can bo sctn at tlio works. -1 n u - BLACKSMITHIOST Gr HEAVY Oil LIGHT POUGINGH, ,S"Vp' 71 M.EUOI1ANT IKON OF ALL SIZES ON I SAND. : '.sfv KEAMEKS, TAPS AND DIES, HOLTS AND NUTS OP ALL SIZES. MADE TO OliUEU. OUDERS KOH JiUIDGE DOLTS AMI) IKONS iiOtCl VliU, ' AND ESTIMATES CHEEKFULLY FUKN1SHED pAiTEKN shop. WE HAVE NOW IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY , A AND ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OP PATTERNS AT SHORT-NOTICE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OY THE LATEST IMPROVED PATTERNS. ' TimESIIING MACHINES, 'J"' '. A SP1':CIALTY.- Buckeye Reapers Repati?ed, AND ALL EXTRA PARTS FURNISHED.. ' " MANUFACTURERS AND PKOPKIETOKS OF " "( IIOllTON'S PATENT HAY 1UKE. . ' ' ALL OKDEKS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS."' "-- ' ' BSyN. 15. Unvinp; nut in niaehinery csiiccially adapted ,to tho niaiiufaetuie of Moulding Cutters,wo aro prepare d to execute largu ormall ordem, at short no tice, and on very favoiable lorins. Send for Circular and prlcolist. N. W. SA.MPLI0 ,c CO. May T.VMf . Town, County, Ktnte, "V. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. XV. kstati of w.i. Fitn, nie'ii. The undcriliiiieit. appointed by uiiiiii ill CJiiuuuii ciiiiiiiy, nil polntid by Ihu Couit to ntiioUK cleilllots nl ilin Uu- (ph.itis' Alt.lllnr iin- mnke alitrlbutlon stnln ol William Special Notices. -y.r s tzxrzvt ra5sT.IT:f Prrscfrr--' leu' triiz. into ol (lrtiniiG twn. t;nlniitbl:i montv ili-c'il., uii-vt thu iiiiUifs lutfiiluil Jur tlio nnijioso ui liis appointment at liN otllm lti JilnomnbiirK, mi Mimlav,tlio:t.Ulay of Jammry lt', nt U ii'clock, A. M, All peisons li!iv)n' clniniH on Mini Chtnti uru niulu'il tn uiti-ml or 1)0 foK'tr lUb.uii'it liom cuaiin in for ti ixirl nt mill lunJ. i:. ii. liitij:, tll-C. 31Wl-lw. AlHtllOI. A lM'LR'AN'LS KOU LICKXSKS. XX. vv.inwMiv ti:m, isto. Xntleu Is hereby Klt-n lliut thoiulUiwln luuncil pejMtnslutMuniulttuppIk'.itioii t itin I'uillioiio tary ot Columhla ('nuniy, lor Tavern nnd oilier I Icenses, to he -r.ui tt-U ut the euintu-; I-i hrnnry Term of Couit. (lllheit it Kline, .Itiliu It. ICIIner, .liiinei V, .tllaplc. .1. K. Loiienheiijei', Mnry i:. (Juc n, 'I huinns Monroe, llmnplirey raiker, UeliilmMt Herder, I'.itrltl; Iiiuid-ii( Wm. lVliter, Kent. J. William-. Willhuii Huller, CUiniiet M'Meiny, Daniel l t'uny, Win. II. ciilmoie, IW'ait & Ki-HiiH-i, Viitrlek r, lliuke, John Jj'jruott, Chas. 1). Fowiur, I'on.iiil iliedtiendei, J'.awnm Only, nta. Hlore, llourliigeii-elt, Tnvein. (JrccnwKMl, Maine, ' Keolt, Conynhatii, Kallin; IIouso )ieei wood, T.ivern. Itrwielc, Lutlnji lIoua l'i nti.tlla, Tavern, J'alln,! House. Taem, Montour, Ilenton. Vniialtat ltl'i mi, tiH I UWOMll Centrall'i, loU. r.erwlek, , lleavei; ( Vutntliii. WIM.IdAOJOX II. I'NT. Klooint-lmr, Jau If, 1'iothojiotury, store, letting Hoiwe. Htoie. Ilatlnllonsn, Tavern, Tavern, Kattiur House, Age, Oecup-itlmi, In lavoi of Whom, Icing a 'rigulur rhyklciun Co he i thy ccrtlJy that is lu cooil heulth, with iinillMnw Jiktly to piove fatal, and built nppllcant for ineinteulilp, lu tlio Colli nibta County C'o-operulUe Ittllcf Aiochitlon, 6Vio, M. I), 11th. nidi nif lalirr yhnll ln fuuiislicd wiih n of Mt-uilx rMilp and uu numuil vetelpt upon pay ltuii i oi ins jeany ouch ut me Ai-oeiu lion, together with u lecelin lor tho amount n. hi'KKt-.i niton tho death of each mtmher wlun nikl itmouul it inld, Iv'th. Any number fulling to pny tlin five dnl l.Ub nnd ten chub within thlily day tutor notico iorielU all pi tor j-nyiuenls oi.d eeiiNea to bu a incmui r nf tho .UhocJatlou, lIh. InfUKna nuinbi r dies leavlim no holrn or other pet sou mUtled lo tho bentnts oftho AshoelaUou, Ihe money khiill become tho pi op. eily of the AEoetathtu except tm amount fcufllc Ifciit for luneial expense. lllh. All questions Uie 11 be decided by a ma jority or iho TriudtiH pneut at nny meeliujr, and the yens nnd miybhhnll ho recorded upon thu demand of any two of ihoTriihteeH. In en-eol n tie M-te Ihu picbkilns otllcor -liu,l hav the eavtlni; vote, ?th. Thou UyI.iiwimnv bo ulteietl or amend ed ut nny uuetlim of tho At-KLK-iatlou, three foiulliM nf the. iiif-mbiiK iiit sent coiieiirriiii!. vnt VI ded that duo nollee he gleu of hiuh dtMied ehunyo at leat lor hlx WicHv pteiou to tho 10th. Ihe IWmtd of Tnutttt. nnd ollktrb hlmll receive tu h compeiitatiou Jov tlielr kerUcekiui the lloaid nay deteuuUio, l'lli The ft o for mi'uliMl exaintmition will bo one Uol urill) tn bu )nld by the applicant to tho Medleul hXMiiiiin r at the time the cerlllknteU BlVeU. LQVAL AGKXW; J. M, CltLUllkitMN i It. 1. KoiriMkit, H. H. Kaion U. 11. 1IoWKL1.... . . HU'HAUDHTII.k, JilIl.SI.'TU-Mm KKCJIHTKU'S NOTICE. Xotxck U hen by Kiven to nil legatees, rrciltor-i nni other pcrMius tnlereIed tit thoctati'H of Iho rv-r hpeetlvo deeetlent aiul mlnoii., that tho lollow itniadmlnl&tiation an 1 Kuurdlan aoL-uuntK havo tech tiled lu tho ollhoot tho UelMcr of Coliim blacounty.aud will ho mcKentod lor cnufirnri t Ion und allowuueu hi the Orph.iUH'Oauit, to be held In ISloombhui'j:. nn Wedneid.i tlin !tih ilnv ol i-eb.,b70, at two o'clock hi tl.o aiteinujn of K.iiu nay. 1. Aeemint of William I utz, Kseculor ri tho hl will and a st anient ol l'eier l.ulz, decd and ndm'i of tho estate of Catharine j.utz, lito ot Columbia county, du'd, S. Account ot J'etcrK. Heibeln, lato (limrdhm of Itilialn K 1 iodine, mlnor.n. tiled l- Holandas lU'lhelu, ndm'r or IVter K. Jlei belli, late ut lo ciut twp, Columbia eo, deo'il. It. Kltht MiHtnuitl account or Clms. KUueniian. udin'r rf Kvo licnsel. late ot Mltlllu twp., deo'd. 4, r lrht recount of Jtlrbi Hei, adm'r of John He, lato of l'lihini:creeU twp. dee'd. 5. I''lrtt nnd partial account of Hamuel Nev hnrd, Kxeeulor of I'Jiflip Balslff, late of Centre twp. Columbia co. den'd, it. First nccoiinL of Levi Illdlavnnd Krederkk llai;eubuclit Kteeulcuit of Uco. limluy, Intu of weuirti in p., u ' ii. 7. first and Jlnnl account of rimrlcs II. llrocl way, adrn'r of Uebuiuh Dean, lato of twn.. Cnluriiblii Count v. deu'd. N The aeeount of Hiram Palmer, adm'r of iiiuwca I'.uiiier, one oi inrM)m iwj, ueo u. Ittoum&hurf;. Jan. 7,'7it. KesUlei. riDUW'fi AWUAlSUMKNTrf. Tin follow tni imnraUementM of real nnd oer t-onul property net apart to widowttot decitleut, fin vn Iwif ti HIpiI lti llm nlllco ut the ltml&ter ot (iliimbld rniintv. under the Ituleu of Couit. nud will hu nietenteil lor abhoUUo eonllriuatiou, to tho Omlifini Court to bo hold In lllooinnburu. lu and for hald county.on Wodnctiday.thoUthiday of I'Vh. 17U at t wo i i'i locli p. m., oiatd dny, utiles excepuoiiK utbucn eouurinauouH aio pieviousty tiled, of which all person Interested, lu Haid entaleti will taltn not tee i J, Widow or Jos, W, Kebter, lalo of Illoom lw p.. deo'd. V. Widow or lliinm Cool, Into of Hoarlngcrtck iuw iimiiii. iirccjfo. WIIJ.IAMSU.N II. JACOllV, HliK)inbbui,Jaii, 7,'70, IteifUler tvtotu,i:.- 1? AM K, ., lilouin, Caluw Una, rWi , .. ueiwicK, Van Cum', lien Ion. I'ulrniouut Hprlnns, 1 1ST ATI Or .IiniRMlAU KMNI5, IWV, COLUMllt.V CoHNTV. Mt Tho Commonwealth of Peuun'lvaula f "v t Weiilnatun II. hut, udminUtiator I rJv J or Jeretuluii umi, dceeahcu, Jinain IT ii KHi, v.ura irilne. Willhm Al- hertbou, Henry Miner, Hannah Ktlner, lowry Kline, A. J. Kline, JacLfaou M'Jlenry, nud I'I, IMTK AlOeribOIl, li-(tl(i. You nud each or you are hereby cited undronv maudul to bu and appear lu s our proper person, ni an urjuioiik v-unri luueiniiuuiui inooiubuuis, in nud lor said couuty, on the first Monday ui Februttiy, next, then ami tncru to answer tho lutlllou of A. J. Kline, beillu'i forth that the ha hi Jeremiah Kline. ofJaikson township, in mi Id countv. deeuated. dltd kelzed uf ccrtutii r4wil k. tate lu Jackbon township, lit fsnld county, and uureed with your pelttloutr by urllclo of huioj. meiit lu wrmnu. lo ttell nud tnmvey the Mine to 11 e bald A.J. Kline. hU helrH and uu;ni. And lo bhow euubu m liy the bu id Court bhalt not do creu tbe bptciHo perlormauceof tho bald contract U' f-oidiiiK lu thu Uuo lutiat nud meaniim Uiete of, and that h eouvi-yaneo bu made unair old Ueuieuto A. J( Kline, of the bald preinibCN In fuu biin pie. AiimniA Ai iiLiAi(i), Itatouihlnirg, Jan. II, Jk;u. HherllV, Heal Estate Salo. Xo HUJUlL'fi. It i. uuvrtmicd to cure lo-it or Impaired Taste, Smell or Hearing, Watcrlns or eait iyei, oiK'iibivo ureaiu, Lieraiea inroai or Alouth. Fain nnd Frps.suu) In the ITead. nnd Joss id Memory whun catotsl, a nil of them lro qucntly aie by Ike ravages of Catarrh. It U plca-saut and palnle.",s to use, contains no stiontc poisonous orcaiutle drugs, hut vure s by its t.Uld Mootltinrj itvtion. i wm pay t-juu itewaru lor u cao or catarrn that I cannot cure. KOU HALE BY MOS1 imUGUISTS 1CVI5UY'. I WHEUi:. FutCE Only 53 Ct-srs. If vour Dimrtrist has not vet cot It on t.le. don't bu put off with homo worse than worthier bttonif Kt till, "fniiiliriitor." nr itolhonons ejus tie KOlutlon, which will i trice the disease to the luno Instead of tutlug ll, but suid sixty eenU to mo nnd tho remedy will reach you by return mall. our pacKuseb, iohi paiu, f.'.ui, duu uozcii lor Kend u two cent slam n for Dr. Ra'u'b namohlet on CatJiirh. Addiess the Fropi leior. 1. V. FIKKCIJM. L Jau 7,';0-Jim, Jlut i'alo, . Y. LlTf COM.MON bt.Nfti; UKCIUU. What I-s tho rational inodool piocednru In cases of general debility and netous protratlon? Do.k not rea. son tell us that jiuUclouihtluuilntlou Is requited. Toiehoit to violent purgation In bitch ucai-oU us nbbuidas ll would he to bleed abtarvtng man. tt Ills douc eveiy day. es this btupld and unphllosophieal practice Is continued In tho teeth of tho nut act that physical weakness with all the mrvous dlbturbauces that accom pany it, is nuuo eeitalul.. and inpldly luinvcd by IIottcttcr'K Stomach Ultter- than by any oth er medlelnont prcbent known, Uis truo that genual debllliy lb often ndeuded u ith torpidity or Irrittulailty of the bowclx, and v -it tulshyiup t-iin must not be oMiluukid. liut while tho dUihaitm ol thu waste mnll- r of tin isiem W expedited cr rtulattd, Its vigor i mat bentruiUJ, Tlio Ultteih tlo both, They LMiiibinu aperWut and unu-blll'Jii-. propeitm', with cx'r.ior tluary tonic power, Kvcn whllo rtmoIu2 0b!tntetloH3 . from tho bowels they tone ami luvlyorata tlinbO organs. Through tho btomach, iiou which the great vegetable specific acts directly, It give a healthy and permanent impetus to cvtry en feebled function, Msebtion is facilitate'., tho fat cling circulation regulated, iho blood iciii. foiccd with a new ntechilouut Uiu all mui tary principle, tho nerves J ull the dormant powers of tho system luuitetlluto htulthy action; not bpabiuodioally, us would bu the -oase if n mero btlmulant wire udmlnMcred, but fur a continuance, His In hub way thutbuch ex t in ordinary changes tiro wrought in tho condition oftho feeble, emaciated and nervous Invalids bytheiibe of thht wonderlul corrtxtive, altera tivo and tonic, Let lommonsenbo ddedo h& tween such n preparation nnd n, prostrating cathartic supplemented bv u poisonous atrlug cut like btryclinliiu vr iulnl;i. HIV A T E SA Jj B VALUAiiLi: iu;al i:rtati:i1vA Hie undeislftred v,'Ill lfe"o eat private cnle on or betoro Apilllst 187", SIXTKKN ACini OF LAND,- sllunte In MudKou towr-i jp. Columbia county, bounded by lauds ot A hi m Mot e, Jacob Geler, Jacob 'Wampole, andjaeub lUchteltou which is eiectcila t STOUY ANJJ AjjlALF ritAJlK DWKLlSSii HuUdK. A lianlc Uarn.and the usual outbuildings, A Well of water Is nl the door. TermR irnsnLmblcv , - AJUtAIiAM Y(JUN(. Jan. 7,'70-Im. JcrbOj town, Col. Cn. lhe undtisl'iied oil'ei h t j dlso- salo, on reasouuble teuu tao- "1 at private VALUAlHiK HOTKI4 .S'ixVND, nt L' Street, t'olnmbht'eounty, Pa.. knowif a the"Waluut Jluiel,1' mul u-jw iK.-upted by Ham uel Kline. it Is favorably located lyr tie'n tn biulm-ss, uud ii piopuJy kepi, would nut tall t. return a liHudome income. Questions iu 10 title, posseiiou, cou Jitiouii ett snmiaeioniy nnsweieo, ity Aus.AVCJ-t'. C. U. IJKOKWAY, ,w Agent. pu valuauu; jir.AL and iirr.L-ox.L rnoriiirn. The hubbcrlhr ndm'r, nf the c-tnle or n. H, Ilrockway.tiec'd, v lllej.iwM) 10 suiooitlh pu m Ueu, lu K di m lo'vwutilPiln li ' m otmty.ou Katurday, Fi biuarytfitb, H70 al Pj o 1 lotl;. A. M. a mibbuago and tiUL oi 1. : o t un.I-d b Ihu Knsnnehnnna lltYer.mulJif f ltenl n Ktstierhnd Ueiihtu !-ej hei t, ututuhiniij ubi u, time ucieh, on whhli Is erected n cn ' Ti.VHOXJ lTtA'M K TlOT' si: ,t BA UN, onoflniall ft IVIil: P1.1. 1m Vi n e, nml iho iibusi ouimiiiiiiiwi .inu uJukmsat'iilsu tuiiiiuii iho L.'H iiiudjj ul 11 ull Ui cd; AlO. At Tlio Mlnflflmliil 11I110.1 Hi., follow. tug icruual iii'iniiijj; IJED.S AND Ui:i)I)G, . twuRootl cook alnCf ,jwii in lur ktuviw, curppls, f Hi. 1 iii, nml u laige 0(61 Inn i.i .1 ,;rir-l. nui tools lillt'hi'U uuil hiiinai-holil lurnliwii.. luo iiiuuerou'i lu meiiilou. lUims tlKHAIlIITUll IIHAI, IWATi;,-Oni) fourlli ot Ihu iiurehfiHi uiuimy tu be pulil ul thu ni. iH ii' iiv 11 in iii.ii! i'.-i i.i . ini' miiiiii'n in no pulillnfour tciUiit ttniiuul lsiymfeiiii , lulrent layutiln niuitui.Jy. rnitMM ni.' imiuinv n.-inifipi'iiTVAn oi luat miiiiuiit to wi-iiriiy to lj JyT 1', W GOODS, J! UO AY K H' U BTOIIU i.owiyr.TU'liw run oahii. i'just uoor. abovi: couut nousu. ilec. 17,'CO-tr, BUBIN1CSS CA11DH, ' 1 VlhlTlNO CAH1W, I.blTIUl HKADH, IIIU, llllAUS, rilUCUlAMMt, I'OSTICUS, AC, J.U Ncitly mul Cheujily rrintcil From the Uiliit myloaof Tyiul the l-OMJMHlAN OKFK'K, IIIUiillllUlMiil i')luU 4i.;l,l. V tuat milium t ni.s luiilllllH llcsill, Iipill'Tl.l uiven. IS. 11. LOLKIS, Aucllouoer. ilcc.Sl.'UJ-lf. , 11. Iilli 'CK WAV, AUuilulstiuior, ur i'iiii&unii A'Aui-jsiii ). Will ho i'Xifii.iil ti) public mlu, at Hie lain tU .Ii'iicuot Ililiui'l lliiuiiuluu h. in.-ir iiiuiiiiiivillo. Citluinlilu i-tun!y, on 'iuibiiAY, Kehiuiahv ut, Idi'u, m u u'clock lu iho itiH'ui'iu. Uiu lolluwlui; lrsonnl rropurty, ton lti TWO BHOWN 31 AUKS, llhu'ovinr nlil coll. 2 M'ailliiii muti'U (silts. cort, (uuo (rcnli, 1 bri't, li r.hci'ii, il nhouu. OS1J T01- IIUGQV, :1F MU.V Ni:W, ' 1 hMivy lwo-liort.0 ivngun, unrly new, 1 lUht IWU'llOlfcO MUOIl, I hUll, I IWO-llolliO blUtll, 1 one-liorbo sprinir wpgon, I two-hoihe treiiiliiiii t r thr.Mhluu muchlnii, I toju Uiulloi, I Jti'ilruiUr, I uiullvliliil hull In urslu ill 111. i uc iindirlilcsl hulf in uuiiieye ricBptr nun .ii-iiivr, piuu., narruwv, I'utlliritiiit, loslii uuil hviuh, liny ln)U nml rope, luittiliiKifilll, fcCt diHil le .iulico lihrin-i.i, kel hiobIu liuccy buniM, uiu. jriud luui', Hupcr kiiiroennarr.nlliilriil- uf ' (IIIAIN BY THU I ' MIKt., rlovurfcCfd, mul potiiliM-K I .. lli- liUiiiiU, Uiy.liy Iho ton, lumii.iluvr 1 1) li.' i.i i.', iwixWofclUt: mid livo parli.r niiiin, I erte,.siit bi jaiuK, iniiii r tiiploaiil, l,iiil in .tui 1 1 bui. MMiki: iiiuihlui', Sluljlm, I wrtili, 1 cIoak, oIh.ii lr.lteuf.,iiii ).i uuuai'iuii JttivAiielmiui1)i.u UcUlii., iinoctii'irKnile, tltljnr.t TitifrlH, V .pltirnuii ivlii'i'lu, uutiiwYiiruoiki rusuuy, uiibumi. lly if oll.ur ulUilif li i ltn f-Tici n nn lull. II lliococilniratiktalfceMmitlia MM ly it will Lu ronnuucil Iho Tolh M , 14, . , Am- Tinuu lili'Uo kiti.v trWi rev ( .,!,. OrriiicYint,jrMl, lrWr if ami i ' i ' Hi ' .Mltl II. Amu i. 'POW112UKJIO XNii LVMUliU "' w, Mi'MOKl t'1" A IV., s - 6. ""jjuj. j, llauulMlurcru ni , rtJVAlER l,U' . nml ilutlmc in Ml kind, oi n'vn, li. ylVCB 'Illl 11 .it IP.J Ul' , ' , . ! ii iiVCOilulU their cui tora v ihil' i .in cud m ilinbiajc. rm. .