The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 28, 1870, Image 2

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l'UII.lV, JAM'AHV US, 1870.
d-TIIK OOMJJinlAN has the Largest
Circulation of Ktijr paper published In
Northern I'ciintylTiiiiU, ml U kits
(much larger sheet (ban nnjr of Itseotem
porarlett mill U (harcforc th1il medium
for advertising In this section ortho State
Sumner Scored.
Itf tlio United Slato's S6ntito on FrI
day Inst, tho poinpons and arrogant
'Sumner received from tho mouth of
Lyman Trumbull of Illinois so sovero
'una so inoritcd n rchuko for Jiis "ns
BUiiititlon" his "mis-statements," nnd
Ids 'impudence" that wcro ho otlier
llian ho 13 wo should look fur a change
lit liU manners. Mr. Trumbull In his
'remarks, which wero blttorly stinging1
and sarcastic, showed up In nil its mean
tie and pettiness, tho opposition with
which Sumner had invariably met tho
measures and tho men who favored tho
admission of Virginia. Sumner had
charged that a loyal delegation from
Jhat Stato had been denied a hearing at
tho door of tho Committee room, of
which Commitleo Mr. Trumbull was n
member, and although this had been
authoritatively denled.yet had Sumner
iaken no notice of tho denial. Said Mr.
Trumbull "can Impudence go furth
er?" Sumner for onco was stung out of
his ordinary composure, and squirmed
and wriggled In his chair. Mr. Trum
bull seeing this proceeded, "Oh, sir, I
"havo not done with tho Senator from
Massachusetts. I shall tear away all
theso Imputations and strip from him
all his assumed infallibility and super
iority In tlds body:" Mr. Trumbull fur-i
thcrsaid,"Didany oneever know him
(Sumner) to step down from the lofty1
position of effrontery he has assumed."
And yet again "if tho Senator's assur
ance and effrontery was such that ho
conld not resist his inclination to assail
others, ho must gird his armor about
ldm lot it bo stripped off and cxposo
him to tho American people, as an im
practicable obstacle in tho way of legis
lation." Tho pith of tlio whole matter lies In
'tho last few words. That Sumner Is "an
impracticable obstacle," no ono doubts,
and tho wonder is, that the really pow
erful and able mon In the Senate should
havo allowed such n wordy, empty,
vain and weak nn extremist to havo
attained and maintained such eminence
in their body. "Wo do earnestly hopo
that this speech of Mr. Trumbull's may
bo tho fore-runner of others to tho samo
effect, which may Anally pierce tho
vanity-thickened hido of the Massa
chusetts man, and put an end to his in
tolerable utterances, displaying as thoy
do, in ennal parts, egotism, impudenco
and intolerance
Virginia and her Persecutors,
Tho bill to admit Virginia without
..restrictions, which passed the Houso of
Representatives, a few. days since, was
arrested in tiiQ Senate and saddled with
sundry amendments, .offered, by Drako
of Missouri, allko ungenerous and un
just. Heretofore tho charge of theso mal
contents has been that .tho Stato, was,'
not, "loyal," that sho has ful
filled all tiio demands, which havo been
mado upon her,shoyet is denied froo admission.-
Tho difficulty lies, not in tho
Stato or the people thereof, but lu tho
unreasonable and lrrcconclblo extrem
ists pX Congress, who prefer to sco tho
Union dismembered rather than abate
quo iota, of their ; selfish and unjust re
quirements. The Republican party do
.sired tho admission of the State, but tho
tfew headstrong and vindictive men,
who havo acquired a certain lullucnco'
in Cougress, withstand tho voico of tho
people, to carry out their own mali
cious policy, and admit the Stato only
under galling requirements., And so
.matters will bo, as long as ono-ldead
men liko Sumner, and Drake aro per
mitted by bluster and much talking, to
ovorruio tho opinions of Senators of
ability nnd of broad and comprehensive
Sr. Schocppc.
Wo notico that strenuous efforts aro
being mado toldentlfy Dr. Paul Schoep
pe, now awaiting trial for his life for
the murder pf Miss Steinecke.with tho
Individual who robbed a Count Blan
kensec, In Berlin, some years ago.
' Whether ho bo tho samo person or not,
""can have no hearing on thoprescnt case.
Dr. Schoeppo is on trial for murder, uot
robbery, and tho only effect thin Inves
tigation can havo is to effect tho public
mlml unfavorably to his interest. It
certainly cannot old him Inhlsstrugglo
for life, to stagger under tho additional
weight of nu ancient robbery.
Tub following, from tho Now York
Times, is sound logic and will meet
with tho approval of tho people. Tho
question of Taxes if submitted to them
would bo decided promptly nnd uccls.
"Tho Ways and Means Commltteo is
not nlono in the "demoralization" oc
casioned bv tho demands of tho nconlo
for reduced taxation. Tho Tribune
shares tho ncrnloxity. Until tho other
day, it insisted that tho present rato of
; taxation migiii no maintained wjmoui
producing inconvonienco or exciting
discontent, now n tains umerentiy,
It rccoramcnds'ofllclals who scoff at re
trenchment as a matter of llttlo tno
incut, to "inquire of tho worfcinemeii.
manufactureraand farmers who pay tho
1 taxes." Tho advice is good, and w
trust will Ijo heeded by tlioso. who,
thouc-ii not adverso to retrenchment.
uiL'o tho contlnuanco of taxes to imv a
debt not yet duo. Lot them inquire of
tuoso " who pay mo taxes" wnat tueir
opinion is on tno suujeoi. -mjowh wun
tho Taxes" will bo tho response."
The WattOutbaoe W. W. Watt
who at present holds tiieseat of Senator
from .tho First Senatorial District, oc
cupies, that position under circumstan
ces utterly disgraceful to himself, and
tho Slate. It hau been confessed id open
Court, In Philadelphia, that tho return,
on which ho was declared elected, was
a forgery nnd a fraud, and Judgo Al
lison, us wo havo before' remarked, re
gretted that ho could afford no relief in
tho case, as tho matter had passed be
yond hlsjurisdictlon,
Burely affaire cannot havo gonoso far
to tho bad, that an acknowledged for
gery and fraud can bo perpetuated with
out remedy I Let there bo Justico dono
tho people nnd that speedily.
Congressional Courtesies,
Tho debato on tho- Virginia bill lias
led to somo sharp Interchanges of opln.
ion between certain Republican mem
bers of tho House. Ucsldotho lashing
which Sumner received from Trumbull,
mention of which Is mado clsowhcro,
wo find In tho records tho following ac
count of a spicy llttlo triangular fight
between Messrs. Uutlrr, Itlngliam and
Farnsworth', nil leadlng'Kcpubllcansin
tho House. Tho hero of Big Bethel,
Fort Fisher, and Dutch Gap, us will bo
aeon catno out decidedly second best.
Mr. Bingham, hoped that tho llouso
would concur in tho Senate amendment.
His chief purposo was to stato to gen
tlemen on ills own sldo of tho houso
Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts, which
sidooftho houso is that (Laughter.)
Mr. Bincliam. (Indicrnantlv). Tho
gentleman is very wlso wlso beyond
his years. Ho cannot read mo out of
tho party with which I am associated,
nor can ho blot out' my record. Vul
garity is not wit; assumption Is not
powor. jijiero was no reason lor uio in
quiry. "A wit's a leather, And ft fool's n rod.
An lioneslmnn'fl the noblest work of Ood."
(Laughter and much. excitement on
tho floor.)
Mr. Butler of Massachusetts, took tho
lloor, and tbo interest in tho discussion
seemed to bo on tho Increase. Ho said
that ho would begin whero tho gentle
man from Ohio had loft off, not with a
mis-quotation, but simply to-say that
ho had never threatened to read tho
gentleman out of tho Republican party.
Nobody could do that but himself.
Whether ho had dono that In passing
the Virginia bill throueh tho Houso bv
a snap judgment and with tho aid of
his Democratic alliea.thocouutrv would
Judge. Whether tho gentleman was to
nave an ovation when ho went to Vir
ginia ho did not know, but ho had seen
some hint of that kind in tho papers.
Ho should liko to ho present In spirit,
where ho could look ou not embodied.
and sco tho Virginians toasting tho
man whom ail their papers announced
as tho murderer of Mrs. Surratt. Ex
citement. What a sight 1 tho lion and
no, not tho lamb, but another animal.
Ho referred to tho eulogy passed by
tho e-cntleman from Ohio on tho Vir
ginia constitution, and said that it was
not tnu work or Virginia statesmen, out
of carpet-baggers and scallawogs nnd
negroes irom tlio ileitis, no regaTticu
tho condition or tho mil as a notico to
Virginia and all tho country that if sho
did not maintain, in spirit and in truth
the spirit of tho reconstruction acts,
Congress held and claimed, and with
tho help of God and of tho loyal pcoplo
of tho country would oxerciso tho pow
er to place her hack again whero sho
had been. Ho did not know what new
light tho gentlemen from Ohio had got
which induced him to support tho Sen
ate bill, which was substantially tho
bill reported by tho Reconstruction
Mr. Farnsworth said ho understood
very well tho allusion mado by Mr.
Butler to tho acting chairman of tho
Reconstruction Committee, nnd ho had
a word to say on that subject. Ho
would not allow himself to bo instruc
ted in Renubllcanism bv the contlcman
from Massachusetts. He had been a
Republican for twenty-flvo years, when
tho gentleman from Massachusetts was
chasinc fuoritlvo slavcsall over tho State.
Laughter and clapping of hands on
tho Democratic side. Ho had been
doing all he could nt the Chicago Con
vention for tho nomination of a Itepub
llcan President, whllo the gentleman
rrom .Massachusetts was at tno unaries.
ton Convention voting for Jeff. Davis.
Laughter. Ho had voted for tho Re
Dubllcan oartv In 18G0. when tho gen
tleman from Massachusetts was voting
tor Breckenrldgo, of .Kentucky. Ho
know that gentleman's facilities for get
ting on tho other sido when his allies
deserted him and went over, and ho
know-that his conviction and conver
sion was so sudden that it shamed that
of St. Paul. ILaugnter.j
Tho lightning that blazed around him
that focal blnzo that illuminated his
understanding shamed Into darkness
tho lieht that shono around St. Paul:
but ho knew that tho gentleman waa
somewhat like Peter when ho had de
serted his Master. His desertion was
so recent that he was obliged to curse
and swear to makoeoplo believo that
ins conversion was genuine LLiaugn
tor. So tho gentleman from Massa
chusetts was obliged to bo exceedingly
radical In order to make people believo
that his conversion wa3 genuine.
Laughter. Ho understood that tho
gentleman's attack was on the gentle
man from Ohio, (Mr. Bingham), but ho
would probably havo named him, too,
only ho know that he (Mr. Farnsworth)
had a chauca to rcniv.
Mr. Butler said that tho roason was
that ho had hold tho floor by that gen
tleman's courtesy, and therefore did
not think it well to arraign him at that
time for ills sins. daughter.
We find in tho columns of ono of our
exchanges, the following spicy llttlo bit
of gossip, which needs no Introduction
from us to commend it to tho minds of
our readers. It is a peep behind tho
scenes not often vouchsafed to tho un
initiated:. "A secret chapter in Senatorial his
tory has lust been divulged hero by Sen
ntor Patterson, who is a great lover of
fun, and unablo to keep a secret. Whon
Mr. Lincoln' Louisiana bill was beforo
Congress, Senators Sumner and Buck
alow met in tho lobby, and. after com
paring notes, discovered that oxtremes
nau met, anu tnat thoy were aiiKo on
posed to the bill. Sumner Insisted that
liuckalow should make a speech against
it, hut tho latter thought that a speech
from tho Democratic sldo would havo
no influence and ho in turn insisted that
Sumner should sneak bv all means.
Sumner pload lack of time, but Jocularly
remarucu to jiucitaiow, "it you win
writo tho speech I will deliver it." At
four o'clock the next mornin tho
speech was finished, Buckalow Imving
labored all night,
During tho day ho quietly slipped
tho roll of manifold Into Sumucr's hand.
On tho following morning Buckalow
was late. Arriving nt tho Capitol, and
entering tho Senate Chamber, ho found
Mr.'Sumnor occupying tho Senato with
a speech against tno aumission or i.ou
lsiana, winch speech isucKaicw soon
recognized as tho samo ho had handcU
to Sumner tho day beforo.
Sumner had In tho short Interval
committed tho wholo of it to memory.
Mr. Hamlin, passing Buckalow's seat
ui uiu lime, remarked , -aumncr is
talking sense for onco In Ids life.' "
It has transpired that tho estimates
for the coming year, which have been
submitted to tho Houso Commltteo on
Appropriations, foot up $19,000,000 In
exceas of tho sum named In tho est!
mates of tho last fiscal year of tho ad
ministration of President Johnson.
And worso still, a deficiency bill is bo.
iug prepared" to supply tho shortcom
ings of last year's estimates, over which
tho Radicals made such boastful com
A specimen of the wonderful plant
"tho flower of tho Holy Q host" has been
successfully raised In Norwich, Conn.
The only specimens heretofore seen, wo
beliove, woro found growing wild on tho
Isthmus of Panama. Tho flower Is a
creamy wlilto cup, nearly as largo as
half an egg, nnd extremely beautiful,
and Its wonder as a natural floral
growth, Is tho fact that In this flower
is a little puro white do vo, with pink
bill and eyes, and Its head turned as If
looking over Its back. Its wings, feet,
bill, etc., are as absolutely perfect as
those of u real dove.
Tho Columbia County Invasion.
nt ft m
On tho trial'of Stdtt E. Collc.v. tho
following very coiicluslvo testimony
was given lor inoiiciensc:
Jacob M'eltlver, wont:"l reside In
Benton; am n farmer, I knew of meet
ings In Jackson township. I wos, thcro
twlco. Know of nothing secret about
them but their signs. I was initiated
whether thero or not cannot say posi
tively. Tho slrangcrs wcro only ex
cluded when signs woro given. They
wcrocailcd'"Dcmocratlc Lodges" us far
a9 I heard. Tlioso that could speak,
spoko. Wo wcro to support tho Consti
tution and laws of tho United States;
nothing was, said about tho conscript
act; nothing said that I over heard of
about resisting tho conscription act.
Cross-Examined: Novcr heard tho
oath but.twlce; wo weft) to support tho
Constitution of tho Stato nnd of tho
United States, nnd nil constitutional
William Ash, sworn: ''I was at secret
meetings In spring of 1SG3 in Benton
township; I met Ed. M'Honry there;
thero were a few Initiated that evening;
Hiram Ash was there, William Applo
man, E. Boyd. Tho obligation.was to
support tho Constitution of tho United
States and Stato of Pennsylvania; noth
ing in tho oath about resisting tho con
scription act. I was in when persons
wcro initiated.
Cross-Examined:! remember Ed-
M'Henry because hospokontmcetings;
I only attended two meetings; ho spoke
at the first meeting. I could not tell nil
ho said or give tho substance. Ho did
not advlso tho pcoplo to take up arms.
I did not hear him say drafted men
should not report. Tho oath only bound
us to support each other as far as tho
laws went. I was nover a regular mem
ber. Tho signs woro tho secrets. I was
no member nnd paid no attention to the
signs. I was not in nil tho time; 1 was
not present during tho wholo initia
tion. Did not see Stott E. Colley thcro.
Tho oath was to support tho Constitu
tion of tho United States, and State of
Win. lirink, sworn: "I livo in Jack
son township. I attended meetings in
spring of 188:1,1 only attended ono place;
Ed. M'Henry was thero a couplo of
times. I was initiated. They called
It their "Club Meeting." (Somo havo
called it tho 'Golden Circle,' but tho
name was 'Club Meeting.') Thero was
nothing secret only tho signs. There
was a subscription to raise bounty money
for volunteers one evening xchenJwasin.
We raised over $700; how much more I
cannot tell. Thoy read from Constitu
tion nnd a newspaper. Onco, a nine
months' soldier spoke and Ed. M'Hen
ry objected to a soldier's being a leader,
and I told M'Henry to behave hirasslf;
it broke up tho meeting. Nothing said
about resisting tho draft. Edward M'-
.Henry had talked about it; ho allowed
thoy ought to ralso funds to keep draft
ed men at homo."
Jliram Ash, sworn: "I was at School
Houso in Benton, in 1803; Ed. M'Henry
was thero. I was initiated, Tho obli
gation was to support tho Constitution
of Pennsylvania and of tho United
States; not a word in tbo oath about'
conscription act. They wero trying to
raiso funds to raise volunteers. There
was nothing secret about tho meotiugs
excopt tho signs. A stranger could bo
in tho room when tho oath was admin
istered. The meetings wero called
'Union Club' and 'Democratic Club.'
Cross-Examined: Wo did not tako an
oath to support each other; novcr such
au oath did I take. No such obligation
taken by tho momborsatnnyuch meet
ing I was nt."
John Savage, sworn: "I live In Jack
son township; tun a farmer. I was nt
one so-called secret meeting in Jackson
township In 1803. Wo took an obliga
tion to support tho Constitution and
laws U.S. I called It samo society it
was over tho township. I do not know
that Ed. M'Henry bolongod to It. Noth
ing said in oath about resisting con
scription net or draft. Tho secret was
Cross-Examined: Tho signs wero to
know eacli other, and whenever got in
to troublo to let ono another know.
Took no oath to support each othor.
Tho sign was merely to know each oth
or when wo met. It runs in my mlud
thero was nothing about helping each
other; that wo would know eacli other
by tho signs If wo wero to meet ono
another; somo could help each other
Martin A, Ammerman, sworn:"!
live in Fishingcreek township. I was
Initiated Into tho so-called secret meet
ings in Fishingcreek. Tho
oath was to support tho Constitution of
Pennsylvania and of tho U. S., nothing
In tho oath about tho conscription act,
nor anything about resisting the draft.
Tho last meeting was in March or
April 1803, that 1 attended. The mem
Vers of the Socuty raised money to pay vol
unteers." Wo havo In provious numbers given
tho testimony of Aaron Smith nnd
Willi m Evans,government witnesses,
very much to tho samo purposo and ef
fect with the foregoing testimony con
cerning tho Club meetings. Charles
Gibbons, another government witness,
testified that ho "attended thrcoorfour
of tho so-called secret meetings," but
no question was asked him regarding
their character or tho proceedings which
took placo when ho was present. Tho
inference to bo drawn from this fact is,
that ho could testify to nothing which
would condemn them or cast suspiciou
upon the motives or conductor tho per
sons who nttended them.
Wo havo then one dozen rcputablo
witnesses who testify to tho Innocent
and lawful character of tho Club meet
ings of 18G3, against a slnglo witness
upon tho othor side. Every witness ex
amined in relation to those Club meetings
whether for the government or for the defense
lave Ed, M' Henry, pronounced their vindica
tion from all censure or evil imputation.
Mr. Dawes of Massachusetts in his ro
cent speech In Congress said that tho first
year of Grant's administration will cost
forty nine millions more than tho last year
of Johnson's. This Is retrenchment and
reform with a vengeance If this bo
virtuo and morality by all means glvo
us vlco as a cliango for tho hotter. As a
natural result of this honesty of speech.
Mr Dawes lias not risen very high In
the estimation of sundry of Ills Repub
lican brethren, who assail him In var
ious ways, but tho conclusion is inov-
itablo that ho speaks, tho truth, end that
tho professions of tho Republican party,
that retrenchment is being carried for
ward, nro ultprJy without foundation
in fact,
BATiniDAYf Jan.- 22d. In tho Senate,
yesterday, J,ho .discussion of tho Vir
ginia bill was ended nnd tho voto taken.
Mr. Drako's amendment was adopted,
by n voto of 31 to 28. It affixes funda
mental conditions to tho admission of
tho Stnto, and prohibits any chnngo or
amendment to tho Stato Constitution to
deprive citizens of tho right of franchise
Whu nro how entitled to vote, except as
n punishment for crime. A further
amendment by Mr. Drako Imposing
further conditions that tho Stnto should
never dcprlvo any citizen, on account
of race, color or provious condition of
servitude, from holding ofllco was
adopted yeas 30, nays 9. Tho bill, as
amended, was then passed to a third
reading by n voto of yeas 47, nays 10.
Mr. Sumner did not vole. Tho Senate
adjourned until Monday.
In tho Houso, but llttlo new 1 main ess
was rccelvcd,and tho day wits passod In
Washington1, Jan. 21tli.
Mr. Hamlin, Mo., presented tho cre
dentials of ids collotguo Lot. M. Mor
rill, elected by the Legislature of Malno
for the unexpired term of tho lato Mr.
Fcssenden, tho vacancy having been
previously filled by appointment. Tho
credentials being read, tho usual oath
of ofllco was administered to Mr. Mor
rill, by tho Chair.
Mr. Scott, Va presented a petition
for pensions tosoldlersof 1S12, and urg
ed definite action for their relief.
Mr. Cameron, Pa., presented a peti
tion for tho abolition of tho franking
privilege, and remarked that through
tho commendable zeal of tho Post Mas-
tor General tho reform was now gene
rally asked for by tho pcoplo of Penn
sylvania. Ho gavo notico that in con
nection with this reform ho would op-
poso tho appropriation of money for
postage stamps for members.
Mr. Wilson offered for reference a
resolution granting a pension to tho
widow of tho late President Lincoln.
Referred to the Commitleo on Pensions
After tho introduction and reference
of numerous bills,
Mr. Farnsworth moved to pass over
all intervening business on tho Speak
er's! table to take up tho Virginia bill
with the Senate amendment. Tho bill
was taken up and tho Sonnto substitute
was read.
Mr. Farnsworth moved to concur in
tho Senato substitute and various
speeches wero made; sharp passages
taking placo between Bingham of Ohio
nnd Butler of Mass.
Mr. Faruswortli's motion was agreed
to and tho Senato substitute concurred
in by nstrlct party voto. Yeas 138 nays
57. An effect was made to havo tho
evening session for debato, but it failed
and the Houso at 5 o'clock adjourned.
Wasiiinoton, Jan. 20.
Tho finance question was discussed at
length lu tho Senate, yesterday. Mr
Fcnton mado a long, rambling speech.
When ho lind finished, ho had succeed
ed in involving himself in tho meshes
of Inpenatrablo fog. Mr. Sumuer cal
led up his amendment to increase tho
bank circulation to fivo hundred mill
ions. Mr. Morton and Mr. Garret Da
vis uoin nuacKcu snorman'B hill in
vigorous speeches. In the Houso tho
Lenguo Island swindle was discus
sed until tho expiration of tho morninj
hour. Tho contested election caso of
Wullaco against Simpson (Fourth South
Carolina District, from which Siinpjon,
ucni., was elected by only 1.000 major!
ty) was taken up, debated, and, on mo
tion or Butler, recommitted.
Wasiiinoton, Jan. 27. Mr. Harlan
presented tho credentials of James B.
Howell, elected by tho legislature of
Iowa to fill tho vi'Caney occasioned by
tho resignation of Senator Grimes.
Senator elect Howell then took the
oath of ofllco.
Mr. Williams moved that tho Com
mltteoon Private Land Claims bo dis
charged frum tho consideration of tho
papers in tho caso of M'Garrahau and
that tho said papers bo referred to tho
Commltteo on tho Judiciary of tho
Houso of Representatives. Agreed to,
A resolution was presented instruct
ing tho Committee on Mining to inves
tigate the causes of tho lato mining ncci
dent at Avondale, Pennsylvania, and
to report moans ol preventing such ac
rho Houso then resumed in tho
morning hour tho consideration of tho
Xieaguo Island navy yard bill.
"Mr. Scofield closed tho debate in an
argument in favor of tho bill, nnd then
Mr. Dawes moved to lay the bill on tho
tablo, and called tho yeas and nays. Tho
bill was laid ou tho tablo-yeus 01,uays
Tho Houso then, at 2:15, went into
committee of tho wholo (Mr. Cessna in
tho chalr),and took up tho leglslativo
and Judicial appropriation bill.
HAitrtisnuita, Jan. 19th,
Mr. Naglo introduced a bill entitled
an act declaring that justices of the:
peaco shall not act as Attornoys-at-Law.
Mr. White Introduced n bill entitled
an act to protect tho pcoplo of Pennayl
vnula from empiricism, and to olovato
thostandlng of tho medical profession.
Nothing important was dono In the
Thursday, Jan. 20, 1870.
Mr. Ltndermaii prc3ontcd a petition
of tho citizens of Bucks, county, pray
ing tho legislature to abolish tho pen
alty of death in ovory caso of (ho con
viction of persons for crimo.
Petitions wero presented from several
counties asking for a law allowing tho
votow of wards or townships to decido
tho question of granting or rofuslug li
censes tosell intoxicating liquors.
Also, as committed, hill entitled. An
act declaring that justices of tho peace
shall not practice as attorneys at law.
By Mr. White, from tho Commltteo
on tho Judiciary General ,as committed,
bill entitled An act to provide for call
Ing n convention to nmend tho Consti
tution. Also (same,) as commltlod.blll entitled
An net regulating tho preparation of
medical proscriptions.
By Mr. Davis, from the Commltteo
on tho Judiciary General, with amend
ment, bill entitled An act to prevent
tho injury or destruction of baggiigo
within thojlmlls of tho Stnto of Peon
sylvanla, By Mr, Howard (same,) witli a nega-
tlvo rccommondatlon, bill entitled A
supplement to nFncfentltlcd An act al
lowing panics in interest to no witness
es', approved Aprll 15)T 1809, allowing
husband and wlfo to festlfy In dlvotco
eases. a-
By Mr. Lowry, from tho Commltteo
on Now Counties nnd County Heats,
with amendment!, bill entitled Au net
to provide for tho erection of a now
county out of parts of tho counties of
G'rawfqrJ; Venango nnd Warren, to bo
called Petrolln.
Among tho hills Introduced wero tho
Bill entitled Joint resolution fixing
Thursday, tho 17th day of March next,
iwthedayof final adjournment of tho
bill entitled An net making tho
modo of voting throughout tho Com
monwealth uniform. Referred to a
special committee.
Mr. Rutan offered n resolution that
tho Commitleo on Judiciary General In
quire if any additional Judges aro ro-
quired for tho Supremo Court of tho
Commonwealth. Tho resolution was
Tho Houso mot nt tho usual hour.
Tho commltteo to investigate Stato
Treasury affairs wero announced to bo
Messrs. Adalre, Ames, Hill, Buffing
ton, M'Crcary, Ellis and Dill, (Union.)
IlAititisnuuo, Jan. 21, 1870
Mr. Lowry read a bill to Increaso tho
salaries of tho Supremo Judges.
Mr. Bllllngfelt reported from the
commltteo an act fixing tho 20th day.of
March as tho day of final adjournment.
Mr. Rutan, a bill changing tho tltno
for holding township elections In tho
Senato adjourned until Monday night
at 71 o'clock.
Mr. Coray offerod a petition from
1,701 citizens of Pittston asking for tho
p.tssagoofa ventilation bill. Also, a
similar petition from 107 citizens of Lu
zerne county; also, another of 10 citi
zen';; also, a petition from citizens of
Scrantou asking that tho question of
licensoor no licenso bo put to a popular
vote of election districts.
Monday, Jnn. 21, 1870.
Tho Senato to night passed a Joint
resolution repealing tho act abolishing
tho franking privilege, and restoring
tho samo as it has heretofore existed. It
was immediately mossaged to tho
House, whero It led to an animated dis
cussion. It was finally voted down.
Mr. Kcene, of Luzerne, thereupon
submitted a Joint resolution, giving tho
members tho right to frank all docu
ments whero tho postago does not ex-
coed ten cents on each.
The proposition meets with moro
favor than any yet submitted. Thero
has not been a record of tlio proceedings
or u tingle bill of either Chamber yet
A number of bills wero offered of no
general interest. Tlio Senate bill rela
tive to franking was defeated.
Tuesday, Jan. 25.
A largo number of local bills wcro re
ported from Committee. Mr. Beck of
fered a joint resolution discharging tho
pastors and folders of each Houso and
that they ho paid to tho present time.
A motion to refer to Committee was
not agreed to.
In tho House, a number of private
bills were taken up and disposed of, but
nothing of general interest was dono.
IlAintisnuna, Jan. 20.
Among tho bills reported wero tho
By Mr. White (from tlio Committeo
on the Judiciary General), with amend
mcnt, a further supplement to tho act
entitled An act to consolidate, roviso
and amend tho penal laws of this Com
monwealth, approved March 31, 1SG0.
Also, from same committee, with n
negativo recommendation, a supple
ment to an net entitled An net for pun
ishment of cruelty to nnimals in this
Commonwealth, approved March 21,
On tho question of agreeing to tho
resolution ratifying tho contract to print
tlio records, tho yens nnd nays wcro re
quired by Mr. Bllllngfelt and Mr, How
aril, and wero as follows, uiz: Yeas 20,
Nays 13.
So tlio question was determined In
A number of bills were introduced, in
eluding tlio following:
On leave given, Mr. Davis presented
u bill to provide for tho postago of pub
lie documents and letters. Tho rules
wcro suspended and tho bill passgd as
louows, alter a long debate:
Jlo it enacted. iC-o.. That tho Clerk of
tho Senato and Clerk of tho Houso of
Representatives shall recelvo from tho
United States postmaster nt Hnrrisburg
all stamps for use In tho Senato and
House of Representatives, and each
Senator and member of tlio Houso shall
bo entitled to reecivo postago stamps to
an amount not exceeding $100 for each
regular session, and tlio clerks of each
HouseSlUO for the uso of themselves and
'assistants. An account shall be kept
with each Senator nnd member by tlio
respective clerks, to ho revised by tho
Commltteo on Accounts; nnd if tho
stamps drawn by any Senator or mem
ber shall exceed said amount, such ex
eess shall bo charged to him ami deduc
ted from ids pay.
Latest Wows.
Cave City Kv. Jan. 18th, 1870.
Tho tcrrlblo tornado which swept over
and destroyed tills placo, yesterday,
was tho most sovero over known in
tlio country. Eleven persons aro thus
fur known to havo perished, and hun
dreds havo b.-eu rendered homsless.
Tho track of tho storm, somo half mllo
in width, Isn perfect eccuo of desolation,'
not a houso, barn orfenco, oven, being
left in an upright condition. Many
persons wero badly Injured by flying
timbers, splinters &e. Tho river Is
higher than It has been for years, and
a serious flood Is threatened.
PiTTSBunci, Penn., Jan. 23.
Aldermaii Edward Lynch, of this
city, lias been sentenced to ton months'
imprisonment In tho workhouso for
misdemeanor lu office.
Baetimoiie, Md Jau.23.
William S. Rockwell, of Georgia,
onco United States District Judge of
that State, and Lleuteuant Grand Coin
mandcr of tho Supremo Council of Mu
tons for tho Southern Jurisdiction of tlio
United Slates, and Past Oram! Master
or Georgia, died to day in Hurlford
county, Maryland,
Was.hincitqnj Jan, 21.
Prlnco Arthur, tho third eldest son
----- W"1'.
of Queen Victoria? arrived hero, on Sat
urday, u veiling lost. Oii.Salurdny ho
attended Churcli. nnd hnsipinccdbccii
vlowlng thdCcil and suburbs. gJMuch
curiosity was evinced to tatch n gUnipso
of tliojtoyal jvlsltor especially Jon tno
part of tho fair sox.
Louisvil.TiE Kv., Jan. 21th.
Qoonro 1). Prentice, the well known
poet and Journnllsl, died hero on Sat
urday last, in Ills CSth year. Ho was
famousasnwlt nnd satirist, and con
tributed somo cxqulslto poetry lo tlio
langtttgc. As'ii political editor ho was
nt one tltno wHhout n peer. -
General Sir Do Lacy Evans, or the
British army, who when a young man,
In 1811, commanded thd raiding party
which sacked and burned tho City of
Washington, and who in ids old ago
was ono of the most .distinguished of
thogoncrals commanding in tho Crimea,
died in London on tho 9th Instant.
Pohti,and, Jan. 25.
Evening Tho British steamer Mon
arch, with tho remains of tho late Geo.
Peabody on board, dh'd her escort, tho
United Slates steamer Plymouth, ar
lived to-night, and lias anchored out
side, owing to a denso fog. All aro safo
nnd well on board.
New Yor.K, Jan. 25,
John M. Wood, of North Adams,
Mass., was garroted nt No. (!9 Wall
street, at 2 v. m. to-day, and robbed of
certified chocks for $13,000, obtained
shortly beforo from JayCooIvO& Co.
Richmond, Jan. 25. A salute of 100
guns was fired In tho park, at noon, in
honor or tho admission of Virginia,
About 5,000 persons wcro present, two
thirds of whom woro colored.
Pout Jeiivih, Jan. 25.
About 1 o'clock this morning, ns a
tegular eastward-bound freight-train
was pulling out of tlio hwilch to the
main tinck nt llanklns, a few miles
west of Port Jervls, an extra freight
train camo thundering along, and ran
iuto tho regular, demolishing the en
gine of tho oxtra.and piling the freight-
cars upon each other in grand confusion.
About fifteen cars, laden with Hour,
butter, and otlier merchandise, weru
almost completely wrecked and their
contents scattered in overy direction.
New Yonic, Jan. 25, A. collision oc
curred to-night, in Jersey City, between
tho Erie Railroad strikers and tho mon
who took their places."' As tho latter
wero leaving work, at 0 p. m., they
wcro attacked by a crowd of a thousand
nen and women. Tho prompt inter
fereuceof tho polieo provenled serious
results. Pat. Scunlou, who struck ono
of the new men, was arrested, and as
tho police wei'o taking him to tho sta
tion-houso tho mob attempted a rescue,
attacking the polieo with stones..
Tho officers drew their pistols and
discharged them in the air, nnd succeed
ed in frightening tlio rioters away. Pat
Morgan, nnothor striker, who led tho
nttack, was arrested, and with both
prisoners the police reached the station
house followed by the entire mob,
Threo or tho officers were hit and s-o
verely hurt Willi brickbats. As soon us
tlio prisoners wero locked up tlio mob
Washington, Jan. 20.
Tho Hoti-.o this afternoon, by ' a voto
of 91 to C7, tabled tho bill for tho ivino
val of tho Philadelphia navy yard to
League Island. This is a disastrous do
feat for Penusyivanians, and holds out
somo encouragement to tho New Eng.
landers, who havo not yet lost all hopes
ofNcw London being selected us tlio
spot. Tho faiiuro of tho measure
mainly attributed to tho expose of Mr.
A report, Just sent in to tho Senate,
or tho special agent or tho U. S. Trcas.
ttry Department sent out to Alaska, Is
nn Interesting document, as it gives u
detailed account or tho climate, resour
ces and inhabitants or that Territory.
Tho white population does not exceed
300 in number. In the eastern part
thero wcro from 12,(!00to 15,000 Indians,
nnd in tho other portions from 0000 to
8000. Tho tribes aro principally
Asiatic origin. The agent asserts that
Alaska will prove to bo a verv costly
property to tho Government, and will
rcquiro nn annual expenditure of $500,
iwu lor tho military and naval establish
ments which must bo kept up, besides
tno annual Interest ou tlio purchnsi
money or 7,200,000, In gold. Thoseol
fisheries, ir properly conducted, will
yieia irom ?75,(00 to 100,000 pernnnum
ami me custom dues ?.'0(i0 to $10,000,
no recommends that ono post bo par
risoned wlthn small force, and that one
armed steamer bo stationed offtho coast
and that the United States Courts of
California, Oregon and Washington
territory bhould havo original Jurisdic
lion in law and equity eases arising I
Alaska. Ho also suggests that tlio
privileges of occupying tho islands of
ht. Paul and St. George, and or buying
npt over luo.uuo skins per annum from
tho natives, should bo granted to ono
or moro incorporated companies, under
noiids to pay tho duties and provide fo
tno support of tho natives.
Card of Thanks.
UiiOOMBiiunu, Jnn. 2;. 1870.
3In. KmTon : Permit uslhromrli Hi
oolunina of your paper to ncknowlctlsi
ft naiuisomo ilonntlon, givon on tho
Otu Inst.,by tlioLuthoran contrrciration
of Bloomulnirg and Oraiifcvlllp, ncil
otnor inenin. Tlio iloimtlon consibtctl of
nHllver wntcli nml chain, n boantlfitl
wasii htami nml set complete, n laillos
cioau-, ten dresses, ono suck, t ight lino
sniris, ono pair of Uno boots, two bar.
rols of Hour, forty pounds of lard, tluco
uiriuiys, cnicKons, potntocs, butter,
ecus, tea. i-offpo.suimr. itiio.1
brooms, n fluo lot of Rliwwnro, with
many other useful nitli-lpn. ,m,i fin..
dollnr?in (rreonbaclw, nmountini; in nil
to tlio sum of $273,00. Many thankn to
tho kind doiiow. May our Heavenly
Father blesa you nil abundantly In nil
temporal thinga, but ubovo nil, glvo you
of tho bread nnd meat which perlshctli
not. imv. u. V. Almsman,
Miib. O, Ii. Am-esian.
A Bnake Badly- Fooled.,t
Saturday morning Levi Henry shot
aud killed a black snnUo, 11 vo feet long,
on tho hill back of tho town. Observ
ing an enlarged nppeariiuco nbout tho
centrooftho body, ho concluded that
tho Bnako had swallowed something
which was naye undigested, so ho cut
tlio reptllo open, revealing ono or thoio
fnUo china eggs, Just tho size of nu or
dlnary lien's egg. Tho snako hud been
robbing hen's nests, and, finding this
object In ono, did not dlBcovor tho trtto
nature of tho Inviting viand until it
wm too lato. fronton Ohio) Icegttter.
Pair for tho Catholic Church, Con-
Kiit-nin CiH.L'JIllIAN. VCttf Sir .' As
our Conyngham correspondent did not
glvo vou tho voto for tho dlliercni nru
cl"s n't this Fair, with your consent, I
submit Uio following facts nnd figures
for publication. Theso win oxpian
themselves nnd it Is hoped that all will
ho satisfied with thotruth. In tho mat
ter or tlio Dictionary' It Is 6W justice:
to Mr. O'Connor to say that by was not
doner ns 11, C. rcnuuKS. iuiss
O'Connor presented it to RoVi D. tgtia.
this MoUermott to uso it ns ho pleased
for the benefit of tho Fair. Tlio iouo w
lng is tlio exact voto with tho names or
thocontestants for thodlirercut articles :
rnnillilntes for Clock Robert uorreii
had 1,500, C. Goodrich 1,000, C. M. Freck
00; Gorrcil's majority 007.
nnmililaira for Cano Richard Thorn
ton had 1,000 voles, James Kealy 1,201 ;
Thornton's majority 150.
For Dictionary Jeremiah. U'uonnur
,201,1). W. Lcnliian 81U, jucnaci i.
Butler 810, John J. Coughlin uuu, wias.
O. Murphy 200; O'Connor's mnj. -179.
For set China Dishes-Mrs. inonniH
Garnty COO, Miss Dougherty -190, Mrs.
Brannon 2S8, Mrs. D. T. McKlernaniU,
Mrs. Judgo 30 ; Mrs. Canity's maj. i w.
Thomas Goery, or Dtoomsburg, won
a bride, and n great many prizes or value
were drawn by chance, wun jusiicu
to nil, I am
Respccirully yours,
Ci:ntiiua, Jan. , iw.
How Witli. he he Received? How
will tho negro U. S. Senator bo received
by his Radical Colleagues? That Is a
question wo cannot help asking? It
will not do Tor them to treat nun ir mu
Radicals or tho Hoiiso did Mr. .Menard,
thu colored cemmnu rrom Louisiana."
Ho must not lio crowded back into a
dark corner, nnd compelled to crouch
on an unused sofa under tho gallery.
Tho Hon. W. II. Revel is, according to
Radical doctrine, tho perfect equal and
tho full peerof Siimner,Simon Cameron
my other Senator. Tho Radicals
must act up to tho principles tlmy pro
fess. Thoy mu3t faco tlio music man-
fully. Revel is an Ohio "nigger," a
carpet-bagger. That prevents him from
being a proper representative ol tno
blacks of Mississippi; but It will not
uithoiizo tlio Radicals to ireat him
with any disrespect. Lot Sumner open
his arms lo tho new comer, and let him
seo that there is no exhibition or "tho
barbarism ofcasto" ou tho Republican
sido or the Senate. Lancaster Intelli
Tun Committeoon Federal Helatiotis
at Albany his mado a report in refer-
onon In thn lil-pcnn t Dositlon of Cuba.
if. I'linilpnins llin nnllcv of tho Uuited
States Government very sovcrcly, nnd
declares that it "exhibits a mean nnd
subservient spirit wholly at variance
with tho genius of this nation." More
over, tho report asserts that tho insur
gent uuhansaro a nation wun n proper-
ly-cnnstltuted uovernment. inow wii
the Commltteo tell us where is tho scat
of that Government. Supposing the
President wished to dispatch an agent
to It, how would tho mission lie accom
plished. Would thero bo any security
that tho agent would not bo intercepted
by tho Spanish forces, who aro practi
cally masters ur tho island jV. Y.
j imes
YIIAaUH-I.KVAX-Oll tho IGtti lint., nt the
rcMiticncoor wuHinugton AuaHisin i..ocu;i iwp.
by I'eter Swank, ln., Mr. Llvlng-iton Ycager
of .Miss Johanna Iiavan of liocust,
Columbia county.
KKI,LAM-J0I.r,!3Y-At Town Hill, I'a. Jan. 10,
1S7U, by i-. u, waiHwortn, j-jsq.. uoi. win. w.
Kellam of Wnyun county, uud itUs Oil. A,
Jollcy, of Wyoming, Co. I'a.
ltnnn-Neor Elyhburg, Ia.( Dec. 20lh,.188'), Mr.
David Ileed, aged 71! cars, u months and j days.
810,000 GUAHANTKK,
DUCK Ii i JTl)
1 J r.XCEI.S A 1,1. OTHKIl !
1st, Tor Its Unrivaled Whiteness,
2d. Kor Its Unwinnlletl Durability,
:sd, l-'orlls Uuburpahbid Uoveilng nrop?ity.
Lastly for Its Kconomy,
rs-lt COSTS I.ISts to paint with nrfic Lead
tlian nny other Whlto Lend cxtnut. The Mime
weiiu covers jiuitt-i Ht;Hi'Ai;i;, is moro Dun
AllLB.und inaUes Wlll'IUt WOltlv,
n UCK I.HAD, is tho Cheapest and I!t st.
jio.ouo uuauanti:k.
ii U O i 'A INO
Ut. V'orlls Unequalled Durability,
1M. 1'or its Unilvaled Whiteness,
:i I, 1'or Its Unvurpasseil t'ovt-rlng Iiroiicrty.
I.aslly. for Its Great hconomv.
hellli! Urn CIII3AIliT, II ANIWOM1OT, and
iiioni I'uii.ii.i.r. li lino 1 Ulllb 1U IIIU WOIIU,
11 C V ONI, V
KilM'.u-ilou Uusrauteed by Uio Maniilniiturers.
l'jepaied exptefsly Or l'atutlug
COTTAUHS. OIT I1U1 1.DINdS of every descrln
tlon, I'E.NCES Ac. TIHltTY-I'lVI! l)Il'l'i:il
J-NT cOLdltH, liuiable, Cheap, Uniform, unu
Hniiiplo curds tint by Hull lfttcslred.
Denlers' Orders will bu promptly executed by
I'llENnil, IlICIlAltDS A CO.,
, N . W. Cur. Tenth and Market hlreeis,
JaniS';o-ly. 1'hlladelphla
Devoted to CHOICE LITEItATUItE, Including
I'oetry, Noveleitcs, Tales, and Moral and Knlei
tiilnlnu lttadliiK, Eouerullyj In tho Literary lia
partincut wo khall present Uio choicest varietlos
within tlio reach of our extended me.ius, and
cipial to nnythlui! to bo louud tunny Journal or
..iiuiHLiug . uiiiuiii., uii.ueiiiug, r ruil-liaumi;.
etc. Out' labors lu this dcunrlmtoit for nvpr ihir.
ty years, have met tho cordial approbation uf
tho public. Our purposo has been to furnish use
ful and rellnblo Information uimn theso very i.i
portant bra iches ot Industry and to protect nil
so taras within our power imalust tho false doc
trines aud seltlsh purposes of the many empirics
and icusallon adventurers by which tho farmer
Is lncessanlly availed. This portion of tho
Uermmilonn TcUumph lsolouo MOiih thopllco
NKW'H li;l'AIlTMl-.NT.-Tho samo Industry,
care, and disci Imlnullon lu izalherlui: and nru.
paring tho Mlritui; oventsof tho day, expressly
lor this paper, which hitherto has been ono of
ns imuKiu iraiures nun kivcii such universal
s.ltUraetloll. will bd lontlnueil with reiliiul.lm
etlorts to meet thu luciiuslug demuuds uflho
TutMS. Two dollais and llftv ccuts ncr nn
num. No orders received without tho cash, nnd
nil subscription stopped ul the cud of tho Umo
iniRi ior, rspuciincii liuiuoers sent Address
1'illl.ll H.l'llEAK.
, KUllurnml 1'iopiletor,
Juu217J-at. (iermantoivn, l'liljadelphU, 1'.
htuoUIng Tobacco
Is nil excellent nitlclo
of urauulatcil Vlrulnln
wherever Introduced It
It Is put up
It nil til bnmlnnnin innKll.i l,u. lit 11.1.1..1S
is universally ml in l nu
orden for Meerschaum l'lpos aro dally liucltisl.
rtmolttiig Tobacco
I classed bv all who enn.
Union Itusihei'iluest of
use 11 is mailt ol tho
I Clmlcri., u.Mvt. . i.
Is mis In llui.Ooni au ti.a i.i..'i.:.
lias beiu cxliacteili It leave's no disagreeable
..7. . .ny luiiu.nunt. in 00101
and wclght.honceouo pound will lasias loot; us
. ........... j ,w.,..i.w. .1, ,,,a uniuu we nisn pacts
orders every day for llrst nuallty Meerschuuiii
i-ipes. 1 ty u and eonlnco yourselves It Is all
It claims lu be, -Ulli I INLbV OK ALU"
Cnewluii Tobacco,
This brand of Hue Cut
chewing tobacco has no
eouai or superior tiny.
whero. It It without
luiwcvu 111 me country.
fi N IT 1,' 1.' H
unvo now been in uen
eiut use lu the United nvnr lia . .u
I1'J. "I'll acknowledged iho best" wherever
If your storcltcepcr does not havo these mil
cies ior kuie, asic mm to get ihem they am sold
.......vjumi..iiuni uieiivnere,
Clu-ulnc of prices forwarded on opiillealtnn.
. . HWttll.U.llll
i. CO..
New York,
Ily virtue of Hun tlt-t- wn
itor't hi o,rVnTV'".A'-Vend't,,1tl
;ci)unty nnil to mB directed i imoC I
,mto Ijv public vamluo or m7i.Ii S I
umiBO in iliniimsijlirg.ntniinnvi lhtivl
cutntotowltl ' wu'lhM0ffi;
, All Hint corlnln frnrt ort, . I
'towiish r HHliliigereek 5f "'Willi. I
nililnlulllir l-rini. .iSii!'?' Wlumt.l.
'cil lis follow, to Wit I Oil YlmSitf K I
AlVft Itutnn.'on I ho Um, M'fifl
Joiiot una on tlio nl by .u, ' trSSf
propcrtj? of J.imc8N7jS.a,ld,(,M1W,.
At tlionnmo tlmoniul nlxn, ,t .,
Columbia county, bounded ',? if"H ton; I
of Win. llecM nml ltobirT ttr'!' J
ny mini vi ... i. rau irrotla on n.n ' Ml
. ;,...,. iv:"'v:...J U"'" hm-. .' i
MJ.i.xunu. 1,111. , UIllUTSUl-n I........ I
At tlKimimo tlino nml ,,!.,.,. I
irouml ullinteil In thn bnr m.h J,1 -."'"'n , I
umbbi rauntv, bounded a T , .S.1,?1" l'l
OM-. lu will On thn nniil. Ti i !,U.t,r 'n . I
olf, on tlio eat by lieuit Avemil, . "" lit
Ailev on which I. if . .'" Will
Honxo with tho nppurtonnnc..; ,,?1,,.I,il
twent jMlvo fuel front by "la ill
r-uiiu miti-ii in execution nn.l . I
tho property of John Mglingcr, ' I
A I, H O i I
At Uio unnio tlrno lilnl place. Ihn r.,n. I
serlbodlot of ground slttiltc.ll'n 'a&',l
Bhlp, ;,ilumbm county, bonn.ieit ,ST I
m lollowa, to wit! Ou tbo nor li k h"'!
by landi or rjoinmon llelwij emu! J,,l,l
llireonnil n in f Aero ..?.l',.m,llr ml
creeled n two Htnry Kruma ni?ii"l,Ml
ininio .tnulp with tliS npfuESn, n !
neiwcl, laite.l in execution nn.l in u
tin-property of Jacob llower.
At the samo time nml
'iictof lllul altuiiteil In
mo time ninl ,.innd ... .. I
tract of Hud situated In riMifn'i J7.'l!l
unit bounded nn followi
ami bounded nn followi : heiinni.. r.. a
mi no rAi iiu . n .3" v Wti
and siones, a coiner or .lohn Sl'MicufiVi.'
west clRhfy-elttlit nnd Uiree-temfiSi
north twciity-tlvo and nno-hnir . J"!
hundred nml nily.tho rcrrhis Ki Ja,l
stone, thenro by lands o'r 1,?,J,tl
Jlonroo Aldcn, north alxty-twd f'lGS'l
elRhty-elKht and rivo-elclni?, "cteil
Ihenco by lands of It. and II. 11m, SJ!
live nml one-lmlt dercc, cist on'SSfl
llfty-tlvo perches to tho placo of MS I
Uircoft.cs? "lmn,,a "'WmJ
Seized, taltcu in execution nn.l t.iw , I
Yin iZ'J. J' ' w
A I. H O
iiiuniiiib inuuuiiii piacc, nt rprlnlHi. I
Ini Incited In ll.Mlnu., .'.r I.'..',, ...
Ida eonntv I'elilia., ou a lot or smuu I a i ,
Holoninn l)ower,SoIo'iiou Aillcin ami Aft ,
nn nnd tho road running through the km?
is n ono Mory iranio wnurcli miiMuu Mb,
feet front by forty foci dceo. """M
Helred, talien In execution nml tnUnJ
tho properly of Chesrer Cope, Ivter Ktul
It... iiii 'I'rtlttr.n. .if f l.i. t-.'n li...
or roimdryvllle. ' b 1 Aiwu
At Uio riiimu time nml pl:vo, thesiirttre n I
lluitcertftliv piecu oriurct-l of txruun lin tW I
nf LYntrull.i lu Cnnvnutiiim tmuMiin iv.: I
county IVnnn. bomnlod nml iU'scrli l u
ctistnvcnuofuul Tall UovlHlreu thencewl
seven ileirreos enst ono hum red mil twJ
to nn nili'V-.thenrcKouth thieo ilej?rti tmm
ft'ot to IlfAll Uoa't Mtroot Uinupn'Hi'jiild'Kl
south t'lKhty-sovru ilcciveH, west im tl
nnd forty feet to tlio plure nt t, tm,iv t&'il
lot numbers cloven nml twelve lo lliwictl
in riim iimvii.
HeUeil, liilcen tu etreuHon run tal
tho properly of ivter llowvi Willi iMtli-etoI.l
KJ lICU 1 1
At tho samo Umo niul thci hy vlrmi I
Fn a cci tulu tract ol land situ itc tn ItrlurJ
iwp., uoiliiuuiii I'uuniy uouuticd oil UietlMl.
ljercer, on tho cist by lnti'lsof SU'p'ieoTiil
nnd .Incoby, on the Kouth by public roaJkcl
jroni jscrvi idt 10 Hionm-.imrK. m iuu ire w
isrur urceu, on which is ru-ij4 a antra
tnttl til iutor- mill nml t-nur mill n rVi inn
liou-Ie, framo stablo with the nipurW
Albo nt tho 8;unotliiio.'ibouttlircoiioriiofrl
Kltimto in samo tvp., an 1 cumty ndjola'o &m
nt J, H. .Incoby, iMulcl Utunb.ifli aul tht5rl
unmet. tjnu.ii.
Helped, tiilceu in execution and tot till
uio property ui junuu uij.uti.
At tho samo time nnd nl.vj all that ml
tractor land, Mtunto tn iireeiio)J mum
Columbia coimiy, containing ulnui nt.-
moro or losi, bou ided and iIctIIk i iuArm
to wit: on Uio norm ny l.imuuvw mumo,!
tho south ity l.UKH ol l'.ivi i ai' u bv i.uids oi joiin ami ineiwu
and on ilia west by lands nfOejW niftl
(Hrtnu, on which Is creeled a ojv wry t-l
Uivciiiuniunise.iotf nam, wiiiuueupi)j.:ea-
beizeu, union in cxociuionimaiuuijKiwaj
property oi urciuioun,
AttboKiimo time nnd till Uu't1'-!
lot of ground, fltuato In tlu townoltal
vtl1r I'ninilv nf ('oltiintiiii. htu:iJf J anitl
on bed as tot lows, to wit ; on llii mrtti toy f I
mreot.oti tue east una houui v hiwb-i
Walker, on tho wet ny loior j. u. lunaKM
ItletrlKt Mnlifinl lfmikfl I
Kclzed. tntccn In execution and toleKd I
pioperty of Uio Oranscvillo Mile aoJ tea I
Acnuemy. i i
.HUIkUr.1 .11 .'Lll.bui 1
NNUAIj statkment
l'oor District of llloom townsbip v
uarv ard ta;o.
M. n. Wnoilu-nrd nrllnir Treisurtr.ltt 1ft I
Willi ine Diieciors oil no i-uuroiaiwiui., i
Tr. ...... 1 nniniln, r,t .wish r.ff.ll'l,l fmlU
dtltillcalcs. lsD.
Dy amount of orders rcdeo uie.l
January 3rd. 1S7I). On cxainliiiitluiiiil"
nf i 1- i'nn.ftifur.l .10,111.. 'rrp.isiirorolw
rectors "of Uio l'oor of llloom in.Dli'
llnd ho has r.deemedolderstooni.iiiiil'""
rCCClOVd. nluv
JAi i)ltMClll Vl.b.K
II. llAlvT.MAN f'B
itiiir. a. i-i :siiu. i".",-
numerous w the it""'
WITH lll.OOM TWf. 111.11 imi.' .
To nm't of ilunlleiito for sear Mif
To llalnuco due llliectors
Ily nm't paid jr. C. WooduaiJ ''
uii-r mhi iry
Ily Eirms In ussensmi ut and mlia-
110ns irom taxes w itu on m""v
lK-..v.n..mtl..i, .in .,ii,.ll.'llll lor lH'U
llv commission on ij.TIU TUat 1 pint
Ily ain't imld Auditors
Ily nm't paid Directors, saliry
ny nm't pain uieiK. salary
Ily nm't paid stewald.'J inos. s.iurl
lty nm't paid tWumdmi prhil ut
Hv nm't mild ltcnubUain t.i hithis ..
Ily nm't paid lor Uriel; House, iuu.
lumber, stain ps, Ac ;
By nm't paid outside relief to Jii". i-
Ion lor ltcepluu Alex, l ife l',re
IllllllllllgS IVl'lB lllllAlll-ll . .
Ily nm't paid outside relief t"
llechtel ., . , ,
Ily nm't paid outsldo relief to H-
Ily lllil't pd. riiVieral 'expense i).I:,j".','
Ily ain't paid Lunatic Asylum lur .
leiouiiu , u .
Ily nm't paid 1'enna. Tiaiulni! IW'
ior leeiuo miniicti peuu,
..lltllftUU.,, . .. .
llyum'tpd. lninrnuceon new laiuaiu.
Ily nm't paid Taxes on 1'ann
liy o'u't paid I). J. Waller lor Blu la
Dynm't paid Burdening and i'.iM
paupers r
Ily nmonut isiid mScolIaneua. x-
pi-uses lucurreu in nn'i "" - :.
llouse for support of paupers, woi
on fsrm, farming utensils, inn"
lev bills, uiercliallts' bills, lliil,r"u
inents, llvo stoelc, AC. .vs
Examined nnd cerilrU',1.
Itl'.Al. l'-CPATI,
Kami valursl nt
New biiclt houso, well ac,
Household furnll
i-arm utensils aud cattle.......
Hay, grain aud bidder , .
I'olutoes, beuns, seeds und caiiwn
!S acres of wheat lu tho ground
llalaucouudupllculoot 1W.U
To balaueoou fiiriu
To lulere.t uu haliltilliu.js...
Toordcrs on Islanding
To ualjucu lu uvor of district
17 tons of hay J 10
JM bus, wheat Wfl.'J)
HO tins, outs IS cts . .
Its 0 bus, eoru oars (A IS cts
I- bus. buclwhuatQ.Mcbi
SOU bus. pciliuui.s i Wct
lok) bundles corn lodder
lluucr,eggs uud iiuiiltiy
Uvosiueu raised
egeiauits lb guiueu...
No. of paupers iidmllleJ "
Number lett l'oor House...
Number that tiled, Da; id '"'"'Li,,,
Number now In l'oor Hoiiso, m"
1! girls
Averugo number,.
Diriclors"' V
from 175 lo II5U per inonth. ""'u,,aI f
Hprlug, byuddrisslini Jf.Vsi rW1 I
No. M,VJ-3m,