'AIMER'S COLUMN. Saving Mftnuro. The quantity of manure that may bo saved and manufactured from twenty head of cattle in a year Is astonishing to an old-stylo farmer, who bollovos In the good old BtufT, but is too closo-flstoil to hire labor. The writer caiuo Into pos session of a run-down farm last spring, with about forty loads of ninnuro In tho two barn-yards as tho result of last year's operations. Tho practice In the neighborhood is to clean tho yards in tho spring, and let them 11a baro until after haying, when a few loads of dirt and sea-weeds aro carted In, which suf flees for tho yenr. As soon as tho yards wero cleared, swamp mud, decayed leaves, hcad-Innds, and sca-wceds, add Ing every week a few loads, and plough IK occasionally to mix tho droppings ofthocattlo with tho contonts of tho yard.All tho manure from tho horses, oxen, cows and pigs wcro thrown Into tho yards and mixed with tho nccumu latlng mass. By September wo had at least two hundred and fifty loads of comport! of much belter quality than was carted out In tho spring, ready to bo spread upon tho meadows or to be 'ploughed under for grain, mid tho best part of tho year for making manure still ahead. In tho common practico of leaving tho yards bare during tho sum mer, tho most valuable part of tho ma. nuro Is lost for want of absorbents, even If tho cattle aro yarded at night. There l nothing to save the liquid munuro which Is worth quite as much as tho solid. Most of tho ammonia escapes into tho atmosphere. But with plenty of good absorbents and tho frequent ploughing mid harrowing of the yard nothing is lost. All the refuso material dropped in tho yard becomes charged with ammonia, and plant food mauuiaciureu very last, it lolls upon tho grass, grain and root crops Immc. dlately, and tho process of renovation begins. This, of course, costs labor and tho outlay of capital, but it Is a Kinu 01 cxpcuuituro that pays very booh in tho Increased crops. Wo must either do this, or worse. It will not do to rely upon commercial fertilizers for ordinary farming, Tho great bulk of fertilizers must bo mado at homo. Neither will it pay to have barn yards, and grow grass at tho rato of three quar ters of a ton to tho acre, twenty five bushels of corn.thirty ofoats,tcn of rye, and fifty of potatoes. Tho fatm must go down and tho farmer's purso grow lean with this kind of management. Wo want to double and trcblo theso crops, and by saving manure any farmer of ordinary intelligence can do it. American AgrtmUurUt. Fortunos Sunk in Farming. J. J. Thomas says he knows a farmer over sixty years old, who lias worked hard for more than forty years. He began with a good bno hundred and fifty acre farm given him, hut subject to an Incumbrance of about one-third Its vnl uo. This was a good start. IIo Is; after a lapso of forty years, still In debt. IIo is temperate; had he not been, his farm would have gone long ago. IIo bos worked hard; had he not, ho must hftvo failed. lie bos been economical, In its common meaniug, or ho never could have kept oven with his creditors. What, then, has kept him back in the world? Mr. Thomas has been figuring up, and finds that he has virtually sunk three good estates by want of manage ment, First. In wintering his cattle and sheep. IIo kept, generally, about twenty cattle and one hundred 9hcep. Tho cattlo trod about threo tons of hay under foot each year", and consumed half a ton extra by exposure to tho winds, in all thirteen tons, worth $91. This exposure of cattle and calves re duced their falzo and market vnl no one third annual Increase, six head, and average valuo lost, $8 each $18. Ten per cent, of his sheep and Iambs wero lost by want of shelter, and the clip was diminished twenty fivo per cent, from tho samo cause total loss on sheep, per annum, $S0. Tho whole yearly loss on cattlo and sheep was, therefore, $189, In forty years this annual loss, with compound Interest, would amount to about $3o,000. Thus one fortune had been sunk. Secondly. In a want of good rotation of crops.IIo raised wheat after whcat,oats after oafs,and corn after corn.bccauso tho stubble was most easily ploughed, till hU land wascxhnusted and full of weeds. Tho crops, as n whole, scarcely paid his labor. A good rotation would safely havo given him one-third more, which would havo been a clear gain, on an average, of nt Ico3t $. an acre, on about fifty acres, yearly total, $2o0 a year. This loss repeated for forty years, and interest, would amount to more than $50,0001 This was tho second fortuno sunk. Thirdly. In raising crops of weeds, 'Bomo of his pasture-fields had a heavier growth ofmullelns.rag-weedjohnworth and thistles, than of grass; consequent- ) y, at least half his land was wasted to grow them. On fifty acres of pasturo, at least $2 each were yearly wasted, to say nothing of the loss of grain by Can ada thistle patches, in retarding growth and preventing clean harvesting, and his greatly diminished crop of corn by fox-tall and pig-weed. Tho annual loss from weeds was tbcreforo, at least $100 tho amount of which, with interest, in forty years would bo $20,000. Tho third fortune. Maryland Farmer. Got Loathor Bits. One of tho crudest things to dumb beasts is putting frozen iron bits into a hortso's mouth. It is not only a painful but a dangerous act. For every time Jiving flesh touches a metal much below the freezing point, tho latter extracts the heat from tho former nud freezes it, Thus a horse's mouth becomes frozen by tho cold iron several times a day put Into It: each tlmocauslng theso freezings to go deeper and deeper, to end at last ;n extensive ulceration, wnu sucn u oro mouth tho poorhorso refuses to cat and pines away, which calls tho horse doctor Id, They call it bots, glanders, norse-aii, ic, ana go to cramming down poisonous drugs In blir doses; and tho next you know of tho poor alJUBeu creature, no is irumneu on lo do rood lor nsii or tno crows, many a val uable norso nas ucen "mysteriously ' lost in Just that way. Thinking and human neonlo avoid this by first warming the bits; but this js wucii irouDie, anu sometimes impos sible as in iilirht work liko staeinr; and physician's work. Now all this trouble and loss aro entirely avoided, ns wo have found on Jargo trial, by getting the harness-makers to get leauicr mis for winter use, so made that no metal bubstonco can touch tho Jesh, They ore durable and cost only half n dollar. AVo wouldn't exchange ours for a gold one, ir It couldn't bo replaced. Don't toll to try it. TUB YOUNG FOLKS. Katy Foaso, of Utica, There Is but 1 on cnrlli t lovo, And thatlsK-T-I'si Without her, wlureso'er I rove, My heart Is 111 lit F.'. She dwells beyond the deep blue (', In lovely U-T-K, York Htate-3,000 miles or mora t t i From CnM-ror-nl-n. Venus might N-V her charms, When decked In n-A s And then to paint her I'D & ', Twcre Idle to 8-A. Iter cheek ns II O Z n the morn, Iter teeth ns whlto ns pearl To Oil one's love with X-T-C, Dili sholjjiut the glrlj The I-V erven climbs nt her door, The sweet l1 blossoms there ; Of nil the flowers that over blow, My If -T Is most fair. 1 do not lavish M-T praise. Through wild X-S of love ; ' lint, oh I I worship her next to Tho D-E-T above - Though foimcrjoyn Idcnd toiui'. That onco I held ho l)-lt. I will not mourn their sad 1-K, Nor shed a single T-ll, And though N-F-MI I nm, As every liAly Cs. 1 ak but 1 tu P-T mo And that Is K-T-P's. Iter smiles of symp.ithy would smut Hy N-lt-fJ r( store And make mo something like 111" infill I used to Ull-1. Not given to Q-r-D-T, Vot I've enough of pelf j lint stilt F-M-I-N-S I'm grown, And uiicIish of myself. My coat and vest R-C-D now, My punt let In the brceito: Life's turbid stream runs 1-C roUl, Uuwarmod by K-T-P's. Al'OSTKOrllE. X-li's mo K-T ns I live, I hope Usotm to 2 0; And then, If "mother" don't object, Y married we will bel And thon prepare my charming 1, To vamoxe U-T-IC i For wo will go 2 O-I-U, O clte2I-0-A. Translated for tho Valley Spirit. Death and tho Woavor. FROM THE GEUMAN, 1IY It. II. S. In olden times thcru lived a wrnver, who had six children, and was very poor. It happened Hint a seventh child wns born to him, and ho deliberated whom ho should chooso as god father for the litllo boy. "You must ask somo rich man," said his wife, ''who will adopt our poor lit tle child ; for tho dear sunlight is nioro plenty in our house, than the dear bread." "Yes," replied the husband, "hut rich folks havo hard hearts." But ho went to n rich farmer, and mado known his request. Tho farmer answered him very harshly, that ho had god-sons enough, and did not want his child ; and bado.him go to his equals. With this refusal, he showed tho poor weaver the door. Then ho went to a poor man. But tho poor man said, ho could not provide food and clothing enough for his own children, let alono christening-glfta for thoso of others. So ho advised him to get somo wealthier man, nnd refused his request. Now tho weaver was very unhappy, and murmured in his heart against God and man ; and nshe passed through a wood on his way home, ho began tear. Ing his hair In great distress, nnd cried out, that ho could not live any longer in such an ovll world, and wished that Death would come, and take lilm away from it. As ho said that, a man ap proached him, wrapped In a long black mantle; wherever this man stepped, the grass and flowers turned yellow un der his feet, nnd tho leaves of trees on both sides of his path, shrivelled up and fell to tho giound. It was Death. IIo stepped before tho weaver and said, "Yon railed mo what is your wish?" Tho weaver was frightened, took his hat off, bowed, and said : "My wife has a littlo child, born yes terday, and no ono is willing to be its god-father, neither rich man nor poor man. I called on you, becauso you aro tho friend of poor people, to seo If you would bo god-father to tho child.'" "Very willingly;" said Death, "Bring tho child to tho church to-morrow, at the ringing of tho evening bell: I will come and hold it for baptism." Tho weaver obeyed, and when ho reached tho font, Death camo, hold tho child, and gave it tho namo of Anasta- sius. IIo told tho pastor that ho was a traveling doctor, nnd had done this out of particular friendship for tlio poor man. When they had come from tho church to the weaver's door, ho took the latter aside, nnd said, "You may, perhaps, expect somo christening gift. But I havo neither silver nor gold, for tho men who eomo to mo leave all that behind them, ami como ns poor anil naked as first they camo Into tho world. But I will tell you a secret which you will And very useful, and by which you may mako a great deal of money. Tho Pastor thinks I am a doctor. So you uniy gl vo out to the peoplo that I havo taught you, and given you a very powerful remedy. Then, when you aro called to visit a sick person, look well, and you will seo me sitting near tlio patient, either at his head or at his feet. If I sit nt the head of tho bed, then say, that all mcd iclno would be useless to him, hU sick ness is mortal; then go your way, for certainly and surely ho must die. But if I sit at tho foot, then say that you will not fall to euro that patient, how ever dangerous his Illness may bo. Olvo him whatever you please, and your reputation will stand high, for ho will live." With these wordx, Death went away Tho weaver was very much pleased, and Immediately begun togivo out that ho had becomn a doctbr ; but tho peoplo laughed at him, and would iiotbellovo him. After a while-, H happened that tho magistrate of tho village fell from high tree, nnd was carried homo for dead. IIo suffered tho greatest agony, and after somo days, tho doctor said It was all over with him ho must die. Then there wa great weeping and lu. mentation In the hotuo of tho mogls trato. Tho weaver camo to tho house, and saw his child's god-father sitting at tho foot of tho bed. "Whv." said ho. "tlio doctors nro stupiu asses inoy uo not kuow my rcmed v. and nro Icttlnchim tlio lu mis ery. What will you give mo, if I make mm wen unit strong ugum r- Tlio mairistrato's who nromiscu nun a large reward. Then tho weavergavo him In a glass, a littlo water, in which ho had put tho Julco of somo whortlo- uerrics. tho magistraio recovurci,con trary to all expectations, anil tho weav er received his reward. IIo did tho samo thing to sovcral other sick peoplo, woo an rccovereu. (tbnunucd.) THE COLUMBIAN AND Stoves and Tinware. JNJEW BTOVK AND TIN SII01'. Main Street one door above E. Mendenhnll's Store. . . A large assortment or moves, ueaicrs ami llanir.es constantly on hand, nnd for snlo at tho lowest rates. . Tinning In nil Its branches carefully atlcudedtp, and satisfaction guaranteed. .... Tin work of all kinds wholesale and retail. A trial Is requested. Apr.9,wu CTOVIM AND TINWAltE. announces to his friends and customers that coutlnuos the abovo business at his old place on MAIN STltEKT, nLOOMBtlUHO. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds. Stovepipes, Tinware, and every va ilety of article found In a Stove and Tinware Es tablishment In the cities, and on tho most reason able terms, llepalrlugdnuoalthoshorlestuotlcs. 25 DOZEN MILK-VANS on baud for sale. EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP, ON MAIN STItKKT, MEAAt.Y Ofl'OSITK MlLl.ltr.' , BlUHIi, nLOOMBIlUltO, l'ENN'A. Tub nudcrslgned has Just fitted up and opened STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n this place, where ho Is piepared lo mnku up now Tin W.M!K of all kinds in his line, and do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon the mosi rcnsoiinuio terms, lie niso iteeps un unuii STOVE OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES, which be will sell upon terms to stilt mirchasers. (livo him n call, he Is u irod mechanic, and Deserving ol me puoue patronage. JACOU METZ. llloomsburg, April SI, 1867. Foundries. s IIARPIESS & HARMAN, EACU.B 10U.NDKV ASH .MASUFACTUlUXa mor. STOVES A PLOWS WHOLESALE 4 ItETAIL TIIK CKLMIRATKO MONTltOSE IRON 1I1SAM AMU TIIK HU1T0N WO01IEX 1JEAM I'LOWS. Casting and FlroltrlckforrcpnlrlngcltySlovcs. Alt kinds of llrass or Iron casting made to order iinim short, tiotlcp. II. F. SIIAItPLESS A P. 8. HARMAN, TJloomsburg, Pa. Proprietors. Mar.IS.'WMf. vr k w v i it ji, NATIONAL IKON WORKS BILLMYER & IIENHIE. The subscribers lcspcctfully call the attention of the business community to their Works sllua ed on I he I.. II. It. K. nbu o tho Depot. ni.ooMununii va. FOl'NDF.nft. MACHINISTS AND IKON SMITHS. M A N U !' A 0 T U II K It H OK Steam Engines, Uollcrs, Saw and Urist-Mlll Machinery, Shuning, Pulleys and Hungers, They also make all kinds of Threshing Machines of the most upptoved patterns nnd the Celebrated Montrose lion Ileum Plows, Cook, Pallor, liar room and Work-shop STOVES. Heaters nnd a full assortment of File bricks, and eastings con stantly on hand for repairing Stoves. Several dlflereut sizes and designs of Cellar Urates. They are nl.so prepared lo furnish Cur Wheels nnd Axles for Mining purposes and General Mining eiullngs. Iron and Ilrais custiugs for every do- scrlptlou of Job work. Agricultural Implements made and ropnlied. Particular attention given to the repairing of all kinds of Reapers; extra parts on baud. June 1','60-tf. o UANGEVILLE FOUNDRY, MACHINE 8II0P AND AOUICULTUllAL The undersigned desires to inform his ftlends and the nubile generally, that he bus rebuilt and piihin-nd Ills Fouutlrv and MiiclituoHhon. and re moved all bis business from Light wtreet to the abiive nmneti place, wuere in couucciou wnu bis Puundry he will continue to manulucturo Wheeler's llallwuy Chnlu Horse-Power and Thresher, (Unproved), Curnell's Patent. TIIItliSUEll AND CLEANER, either overshot for Tread-Power or undershot with Lever-Power. Ho alM manufactures to oideranullls upuii&inusor MILL GE Alt IX Q, clicularHaw Mandrels. Pidcnt Slides for .Saw Mills, tho latest Improved Iron Beam Plows of uiiicreiit kiuus wouueu icam x'jow, uouoiu Corn l'lows, anu now 1'oluts or every uescilp- liou geueruuy useu mruuguout me couuiy. IHON KETTLES, HELLS Cellar Orates, moves, Bled nnd Blelgb Soles, and lu fact everything generally made in a country Poundry. Those wishing lo punhasa Machines would Uo well loexamlnu lib, machines, and tho Improvements mado on tho power.by wtitcb at least U pn-rent, of the It let ton Is tukt-n on, ALL MACHINES AWE WAllltANTED to give good satisfaction, and terms ma.lo to suit mil chasers. All kinds cf ec untry produce taken 111 exennuge lor i-iows aim castings. ThauUful to bis mends nud pations for past lavors UO w ouilisilll coillltiuc in suutmuiusami;, WILLIAM .SCHUYLlUt. Apr.a,l)0-tf OrangevlllePu. Wall Paper and Painting, TMPOKTANT T0r.UILDi:nS,II0USF.H0LI)ElWd.TKNANTS, The undersigned would aunouuee to the clll zens of llloomsburg and vicinity that be Is pre pared lo executo H O US E, HI (3 N, AND O il N A M K N T A L P A I N T I N O lu ull Us branches. V A P E II HANGING Carefully attended to. Strict attc nttou lo business nud good work man slilp It Is believed will meut nfalr show of public Hitronage. Rhop on Catharine Htreet between Third and I'onrth. Mnr.'uJ-ly. WM. P. 110UINK. Insurance Agencies. Q. L O 1! E 51 U T U A I, LIFE INSURANCE COMl'ANY o t NEW YOIIK. Pliny Precman, Presldeul, 11, C, Proem ui.Hec I'asli capital over J,00O,0O),all paid. r. li. noniKON, JiLOOMsnuna.i'A GIONEItAL AC1E.NT, For Luzerne, Lycoming nnd Columbia counties., Aug. vw-iy. JNBUBAN CE A G E N 0 Y. Wyoming. tl7l).O0u iKtna - 1,000,(XJC Fulton - 300,000 North America...... 860,000 City.-.... 150,000 International 1,100,000 Niagara t.OOO.OuO Putnam ... ............-.. KW.OOO Merchants IBO.OUU Brriugdeld 070,0110 Farntf rs1 Danville M",C0U Albany City -100.000 Lancaster City - - 30,000 York Horse, Death 4 Theft.... M,U Home, New Haven l.OOU.uoO Danville; Horse Theft PHEAH 1IUOWN, Aiiml, IlLOousnuna, tnai8 69-ly, Pa For Pur, Wittr, uu tbii ceiubrstoa eumii, 0 BlATCKlClf tatlrelf titlclsit, durtblg tJ rolla bliitnslto tbo coo. oU-fiubloaed sroodta Fump, snd 624 &62b ariE it ST ct.it list Hitn hill till tnoniv. Cuilr srrsncoil to M to Is ncD-frosxtni, and In conitructlon so llffibl. tbsi is on, cm put It up and ttf it la repair, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP tiQXf VAD" Oct.23;t9-Ciu, jQENTIBTIt Y. 11. c. nowEit, UEtrnsT, Iletpectrull oners m prmeMiouai service n the ladles and gentlemen of illoomkbum and vl plnltv. 1I in in-' nar ad tn attend to ull tljfc varl- m u (inprAtlniiit lu ilia Una of liU nroresslon. and U provided with tho latest Improved rouccLAiN Tketii wliicli will be Inserted on tiold jilatlnte silver and rubber base to look m well as the niti ural teeth. Teeth extracted by all the new an most approved methods, auJ ail operations on the teeth carefully and propel iy attended U, itPttidHtica and offlce a few doors above wis Court House, same side. uiooxnsuunc jau.oi.uow DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Drugs and Chemicals. Ayer's Igor, For restoring Cray Hair to it's natural Vitality and Color. A. A (huMdiig which is ui once tigicciiinc, lioitliliy, nnil elU'cluni lor jirefoning tho liuii'. Fnihil or gray mil' is soon restored Iri '. nrlainal color 'IMHM 'J, li-n.hlirn nt UOUII t,,!,, ,.nil. 'u ti.ick. cnetl, falling lmir checked, anil bnlil uosj often, lliongli not always, cuml by ils use. Nolliin,; - can restore tlio hair "wlicro lliu follitlos nro tle.-tioycil, or the glands' itroilncd ntiil tlcciiyeii. ltut Mich a.s vonniti can bo pnved for ttscfulucss by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a j a.-ly tcdi mcut, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its oeeasionul n -e will prevent tlio liaif from turning gray or falling oil", and consequently prevent baldness. Erco from those deleterious Mllwtnnccs which mnko Fomo pivpanillons diiugcroiis and injurious lo tlio hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing clso can he found ro dcMraV Containing neither oil nor dye, it doc not soil while cambric, and yet lasts long on tlio hair, giving il n rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Acr & Co., Practical and Analytical Cmkmists, JOWKl,I, mass. FIUO'l $1.00. Ayer's Sarsaparilia, The reputation t!.U ex re I lent imMlctnc I'nJojTi U ilcilvctl riom 13 cures iiuuiy or !iich nro truly nmrvclloiH, InvctorntR cncs of Si'rnfiiloui 11 case, whore the cyftrm Kernel saturated with eormiillon, li.ie tuvn puriUcl tui'l rureil by H. N'inrtiloiis nfTccli'm tin-1 ilUoi tier, hlrh . vi u tip craatt'il by the ecnilu 1 1 m A rontjiininiitiitii iiLtil they were painfully nnilelhtff, l.uie been radically itruu m rum pii'iib iiiiinui'ia in ju.iiuji uinj m1-' ion of tlio t'ouiitiyjhatllic tiuUi? -arrel iiml to Iil' Infonncit ofits vlituct or ti !. Scrofulous poUon Is one of the most diMim-livo rjiciuli'ii nf our race. Oil en, this uhmtu ami i:i.1VU Uiiantof theorjrarii!ni uiulci mines the on Million, jintUm lies the attack ol eiilcchliiijor fatal i1Lmui', ithout cii'IUiif: a mis pit ion of Itt presence. , piln. ii teems to uirt'iuiueciioniurouiiOHi mo unuy,i:nii then, un tome f.novaMe occathm, rapidly ilcitlop into ono or other of lu liMrou? form, i-ithcr on the tut face or unions the vitals.- In the latter, tuber cles may be siulilenly ilepo'iteil in the lunjrs or hcait.or tumors formed In Ihc Incr, or It thow - us presence oy eruptions on me thin, or imu ineer nitons on tome pan of tho body, Ilcm-o the uci'a Moiud me of bottle of this burttnittrlUn it ad visable, liven when no active symptoms of di-ea jppear. reiMms nunciciMwiu imu luiicmiux ruin iilainU frencially 11 ml immediate leliof, and, at lenalh,ciiietiiy the ue ol this ,V.l.v. w.i( ,- 1 l'.riisliietnn. Tttttr, Stilt Hhvittn Jstntit Jltatlf JHnyitonn, Snrr Huts. Stu-v lUtt. nnd other inintknis iolbh liiiltH of SrrofnltHt (llcnto. Aleo hi tho innie conrt'iilcd lotmr, ns l)Hritti Vi-ty;, Jtcntt JHmiisv lit., .'' t'f if, X itraf'jlti, mnl tlx aiioti I'trrmu niU'Cticiiji ol' the mustu lar ami nmou tyilt'iiH, rjlniux nr net u aim vc hviiii jtiear$ in r fined ijy H.ir.ouK'i a lonjrtwicH required for ndidiihitlui' nltttln:iteiii.d:tilli hynny mi-iIU'Ine. Hut Un: t oi.tmi.et nu oi thN nu dirfuo will n:ro the fimipl.lllit. . uirrt,tut or liiltm, Vtcrlnr UlrrttitlnUH, pad inn If Dlmitn m, aie font ntonlr Kion it'Iievcil and idtlniiittly tinrd hv Hi i'Mu'l'iir carh ('a? A t rimial In nur Ahnaiuic. f m phrd ji" UN. JilirntnuHsm and Hunt when hi tl.i liVnoil, UK1 (piiikly to it, us idjio J.lvrr Com i In I ft. Jtii'i-lnitU 'n tlim or Inla Hi nt ion or (hi "', jtii'liifrf .whf iiari-iii;, - thev nil ci i do. dom the nmlliai: inir(ii,-i in tin- blnoil. 'J'I.Ij .S- tf;tArAiU.IA U ii Kiial li FtfMTr fir iht lu'iiaili uti.l ii"or r.t'lhe nelem. 'Jim v s tm ii J ninfiti.t tud I llti s, Drupnn- ft. Sl4'fiti' .i ftll'l tllMl.lid il!l i l nu .1 1- jih J,t iift'inr at i'liii-H, iv I'liy t.f Ihf aiTi'tfli.ns h ml lutnnbi' if II iihm mi. will laid tiiiiiunhuU' ii'lh'i' rind iiitivim h$, fsidtnee k.( II- ii1 iii'-ailye pouei npM; tn.d. v n r r .T. A VAX ( i: ; r tltnh'luitl i'li. t. itrt, '(' I 1 t :. . V HI Mr. Vfl.f i,t uiul i; l; ",v At l l! ! Feb. 5, IS (I , 1'IUKNIX VKCTOItAL CUItlW COUUir! VJKKN1X 1KCTOHAIj CUItrK COlUJlfl iMia'ix rixToiuij cumii couain Tho Phfenlx rcetornl will euro tha'dlvrases of tho Throat nnd JAiiiiis. such as L'ulds. Coueii (.'roup. Asthma, Uronehltls, Catarrh, Boro Throat iiourheiu, nooning uougii, anu I'uunoiiary Consumntlnn. Thw medlciuo is nienared bv Dr. IsWl Oberholtzerof rhlladelnhla, nud formerly oi l'liceuixviiic, ra., ami nunougu ii nas our been ollercd for live years, moro than one mil ton bottles havo already been sold, nud the de mand forlt Is Increasing every day. ilany of uio iieiau uruEiiiis uuy it m iou oi uve cross. and not n few of tho Country .Storekeepers try ono gross at n time. Nearly every ono who has ever noiu h lesuues inns jtopuiaruy, nun nearly alt who have used It. bear testimony to Its won- derlul nower lueurinuX'uuirh. Wo nre confident that t hero In no known medicine of such great vnmo 10 mo community us inoi'nnnix recioiai it nas cured cases oi me mnsipaimut nuu dis trtsfilnir eotii'h. of vears staudimr. it iiaH l' vcu i Muni re ei j n npci n oi coimninc, It has Inbtantlv btorned tlio raioxvum of noopiuB tough, unu greatly siiorteneu us uu- ruuuit, It lias cured Croun in a. few minutes. Consumntlou lias been cured by It. whero all other rLiiiL'dlCHhad failed lo do cood. Ilourseuess has lecit cured by It lu a slnulo nisht. Jiuuy physicians reexirameiul It.and others uso It themselves and ndniliiUter It lu their practlco wiiuu uuiiTH opjwKo ii ueiauso u laues away invn iuiiut'!. Wo recommend it to our readers nud tor fur- I ii Vi I'm ii. uiu in, numu i iiii j iii in iiiu L'lrL'UIUI ill ou ud tho bolt lo wheieyou will ilnd numc-rous ccruuuiies (zuen uy persons w no imvo usm it. ii is ho lucaauv u ino lasio inai cuinircn cry forlt. Jt WnstlimilutlnuoxDOCturant.clviuif strength ai inosamo nine inain nnays uio couku. ino pntprieuir oi hum meuiciuo nas so muci confidence lu Us euratlvo powers ftotn tho testl inouy orinousaims who jmvo used it that tu money will bo refunded to any purchaser whol: IlOt MIUMJUU mill II1U flllXIB. It Is bo cheap that nil can buy it. TilcoS-i Cents, Imo l!otllew$I,uu It Is piepared only by MiVl OIIEUHOLTZEUM. I). WIIOLLrtAI.K DHUOOIHT. No. North Third Hireet. I'lilliidt-lnlii N. ITyonr nearest Druggist or fclorekeeper dwH not have this medicine ask lilm tocet It for you, and do not let him put you oil' with somo other nrenarntion bemuse ho innjcn more nion. eyouft; but go or send ut onco to some storo wncre you Know iv is Kept, or senu, to ur. ouer ..ui. OUIII IIJ A I.UI 4'lUKt.lll IUU11IS" buru. and 11. W. Creasy, .t Co., Ught Bireet, and iitiuiiy tiYury uruggisianu sioieuteper m (joinni blu County, uec iu, ij-uin( Tho undersigned would Inform the kkmI people ofDloomsburK and uurroundluKS, thut h has moved his Drug Htoro from tlio old Maud to his riew Jtnoms, on tno west sido or Aiam wireet below Market. And that ho has fully rcplenUh I'll UIX Mllllk Ol JMUKS, UtUiVIUl", i I1L'I1II11II4,1-;1 etu icuicinei, rcriumery, nun lauuru xotio -AL.SO- Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns. Lamp Shades aim i' ixiures Ei'iHTawy, ior repairing ino worn. LAiiuriux aim j'yeiiig inuieriai luruikiitni v, hl any nuaniiiy, unu joruuy ruauo or Lcnor, l'uiticular attention paid to puttlntf up I'hyi clans' and rmlly 1'iescrlptlons. Thaukful 1 tho same. lleinembcrthoNovvBtand, ou JIul nirtf i, wi'M iui., uuiu inrKi'i dcc.lObU-Jm. KI'UHAIM J. LJJT, mo C0NSUM1T1VJC9. Tho Advertiser, havlnti been rerdoiLd to heali lu a lew weeks, by n very slinplo itmody, alter having sullfiid suerul years wllh a tovtro lung Dtlectlon,aud that dread disease, fousumptlou tm uiiaiuii iu juuau kiiuiVU iu ilia it'iiuwfcilli ers the means of cure. I To all who desire it, bo will send n copy of tho prescription used (ftte of charge.) with tho direc tions fur preparing and using tlio sutue, which luuy win nun i uuia euro ior i;uiittuiupiiou,AMiU' ma, llronehltls etc. The object of the ndver tiser, lu scudlug tho rrescrtptlou U to hem-tit theutlllcted, and spread Inlormatluii which ho conceives lo bo invaluable; ami liu hopes every tuiiriri niu ti y k i cmvu, ii io ill vttm uic ntdhiuir. and may move ablesslmr. l'urtlvs wibhliu tho prescript ion, will please auuress j;kv. i.uwaku a, wiion. Williamsburg, Kings L'outily,New Vork, JOH FEINTING Neatly executtsl at till. Ofllo Miscellaneous. OltTY THOUSAND OASES 01 gooili victft Blilppcd from our umo In One . in famlllM. nlubH. nad ineTclmiit.lneferr Year, pATloiine couniry, irom iuaine 10 vauioruin, ONE JiIILLION DOLLARS. f)nr IfirlllilfHf.irtrnnHflftliiffthln Immense tmt- Inoftt nro better ttinit everberuro. Welmvo n Rents lu nil ilia nrlnclnnt cities to purchnso eomls from tlio MnnufiicUirrrs, Importers, and others for CAftii,nnd orten ntnn Immense sacrifice from tho orlglnnl coit of jirotUicttoin Our stock consists, in part, of tlio following p-iKitls; Hhawls.lllatilieti, Quills, cottons, oinanams, Dress Ooods,'i'ableLlncn,Towcls,IIoslery,uloves bklrts, Corsets, Ac, Hllver.riataii ware. Hooons Plated on Nickel mis. Hllver, liver. Dessert Forks. Ilve-bottle nlated Castors. ! llrllnnnla Ware, Glass Ware, Table and l'ocket lleautlfut Photograpli Albums, the ncwest-and rliulccst stvlcs In Moroccaand Velvet Illndlncs. Morocco Travelling Dags, Handkerchief and Hold ami Plntfiit .Tnwelrr. of tba newest stvles. vo nave niso niatienrrangemcnis wnu some oi the leading Publishing Houses, that will enable us tose ;eu tiiostamiaiunna latest works orpopu- lar authors atnbotit ono-lialfthn regular vrlco: men as itYiinrr, isioohk, iiunNS, iuii.tox. ana 'k.nnybon'h Wokk). In lull tint and Cloth lllnd- liiRs.andbuudrt'Us of others. Those and every- (lung eisu jar ONE DOLIiAIl FOlt EACH AHTICI.E. Wo do not offer a single article ol merchandise at can no noiii iy leguiar tieniers in our puce, 'o do not nslc son tnbuv coods fiom us unless o can soil them choancr than vou can obtain thorn In any otherwny, while the greater part unr gonus are mhuui aooui. ONE-HAI.F THE llEOULAIl KATE. We wont cood rollablo nireuts In over? nart o IheCountrj. lly employing your spare tlmo to rm cuius unit vcnuiim usorucrs, you can ooiain e most llheial commissions, cither In Cash or KKt JiAKDisn, nnd nil goods scut by us will be leprcfaenicu. nnu wo guariuuco sansiaciiou lo orv nno ilrallmz with our bouse. HoMiiAV 1'iiFjiKNia Foit All. Can be found at iirlcer A- co.'sus simi rummer St.. noston. Jiass. To euablo every person to provide themselves nil Iliiliusoiiiu mill UJ.C1U1 iiniiuuY i rcscnis. om now until tho aitb of January, 1S70. these .iitbmcn svlll Issuo largo cight-pnged Cata .guesofatl tho newest and liest novelties lu mcll goods ns Fancy lloxes, Desks, (Jlovo Iloxcs, Alliums 111 Morocco, Ollt nnd Velvet landings, real Morocco Shopping lings, Furnished Hetl- I rrnl CUK'Sinilll A Kl lilt If UlUtlllU VUlll'lJ Ul (III IIVT to v 'nrnpllnii. .lot. Shell. Etruscan, ("nrbunolo nnil 1 Inlr. Drv Gooili. Ac. Ac. Ac. nud hundreds of I nud hundreds of I tho latest nnd best mihllHhed IJooIih. They nre 1 ;tvfiiK One Hundred Tickets to eveiy ouo who! fin Lecomo ineir Aceni.wunoutrniirtciniz inera K) ctR. enrh as heretofore. Itond the clmnize In their Advertisement in nuother column nnd I beim lor uniaiofjue. pnnlcd by tho cash, lint Agent mny retalti 82.00, nud In every order of over tlOO, fj.oo may be re-I inmeu 10 PAY THE EXPRKSS CIIAltGES. ThN ofter la moro esnrelnltv tonslst A cents In tho Western nnd. Southern .Stntcw, but Is open to COMMIBHIONH! Airetits will bo nald teu iter cent. In L'uah JIurchnnuKe. when tliey fim ri'THEin kntiiik c:i.uii. for which below wo clvo n nartlal LlRt of I for nu oitieroi sju. iiomnciuu or Thirtr. o will pay tho Auent. us eoumlsslou. 28 ds. i row ur liicacneii n ro ul'. uouu uresK iai- tem,Wool8qimie Khnwl, French rnslmcro rants nnd Vest Tatter.), Kino Lnruo White Couutei- pnno.eic, eio., or s.im in ensn, riir nu urutruisfju. irmu n k,iui oi fiuy, o will nav Iho A cent Commission. 4 vnnls heetlinz. t)no imir henvv Wool ltlnnlct'tM. I'nrtlln Dress pattern, lluinlsoino wgol Hqmuo Hhawl, iivfi-vHso .vnirn, cin , nr., or eo,i.Mn Cll'tll. Kur nu order of.SlOU. from ti Chi.t of Cinn JlundtTd. wo will inv tno Aucut. us commission 1k yards Rood yurd-wlde Hheetmg. Coln-HUvcr in in unc i hno nmcn. liic l.oiut ooi m i w . nuuoinii voo' I'lcucit Liissimeie, etc, etc. iii'iu rasu. Wo do not emi lov any Trnvelllntt Airents. and ctistotneiH Khould not nay money to Persons nur uittnuti. HFNJ) MONKY ALWAYS 11Y ItrcilsTEltUD X.KTTKU3 i-ur iunuer particulars scnu ror uniaiosuei. PAItKKIt & CO.. o03 A 103 Bummer Bt., Hostoii, JIuss. C. IIO WEB, has opi opened a first-class liOOT, B1IOK, HAT CAP, AND KUU STOBE. nt tho old stnndon Main 8treet,Hloomsburg,a few doors above tho Court House, ills stock is com posedoftheverylntcstnndbeststyloa ever offer ed to tho citizens of Columbia Conntv. Hnrnn acenmmodate tho public with the following goods nt the lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled stoga boots, men's double and single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes of nil kinds, men's ilno boots nnd shoos of nil crndes, boy's ! double soled boots nnd. shoes of nil kimlH. mpn's gloo kid llalmoral shocs.mcn's. women's, boys's huh niisHcs- lusiiny Kauers, women giove Kid Polish VerV title. Women's mnrnenn Itnltnnrnlunti.l ran suocs, women's very nno Jtld uultoued galt- 1-1.1. in snunuuiua Ul uu iiosciipiious uoiu peg- no wouia niso can attention to his fine assort ment, UI HATB, CAPB, VVRX AND NOTIONB. Which comnrlfies nil llin now nnd unnnlnp vhtL etloKut prices wlilch cannotfallto-sultall. Theho H'hius uio ouereu ai ijjo jowem cavu rates and Mill III) EllliraniPCU lffll ,ntkf;if1lnn A 1 1 SM)McItfd beloropurchn.siug clsewliere ns It Is iiiuvuu iiiut ocucr uargaius aro to bo fosiud iiitiu ul any uniur pincu iu me county, Dec. (i'fal QAUIUAQE JIANUKACTOUY, liioomsiuirg, 1 u. M. C. SLOAN & llUOTIIElt Havo on hand nnd for tale at tho most uasuiia- blo intes 11 splendid bloc It ol CAKHIAdES, IIUQUIES, an.l every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY wnr mil toil in bo. innd nf the best nnd most dur able materials, and by the most expeilenced workmen. All work sent out from the cilab- lKhmpnt. will lio folltul to boof tho highest cla&s nud sum togivo perfect willsfuctlon. They havo also n line nssoriiueiu oi h 1. 1: 1 Q II S of all tho newest nnd most Inshlonnblo Myles, wen anil curenuiy mauo anu oi 1110 uesi uiaier. inls. Ail Insnertlon of tholr work Is llskid ns It Is bclloveil Hint nono buperlor can bo found In the country. istiv. i.o, oy-.i. T)OWDER KEQS AKD LUJOIEU VI . 2.1, AlUUUl'i UU., Hnpert, I'll., Manufaelurers ol POWDEll KKUH, nnd dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, glvouollcc that they are prepaicd lo accomodate their custom with dispatch, nnd ou tho chenpes crms. CfBEST IS THE WORLD, 1 .Lo MOTHERS vfESTN,' PAR.'rV.tcoNrll New York Office 27 BEEKMAN ST, dcc.2l,'C9Cm, TVT V. W f! n A T. V A T T IN Tiik undersigned respectfully Inform tho tlll.cns ot Illoomsbum and Columbia county. that tney keep nil tho illllervnt numbers ofstovu ciii anu seiectcu lump coal ror smlihlni: nitric kr.u milliAlpuhuil .lll.,l.... XHI.I...." I.'. ..A l.'o's I'uriince; with n good pair of UhiIuIo scales on tho whaif, to wilgh tonl, liny, nnd straw. Llkewlso n horse and wagon, to deliver coal lo thoso who desire It. As they purchaso n largo amount of coal, they Intend tokecp a superior ar- -, unu ,ib .no very jowesv prices, I'leose can nuu rxauuuo lor yourselves heforo tiurclins- mi, iiMiiviim-, j, v. iir.isui'.iirtiiui, tlHK lIIllU'rhlL'llCil Will tnlr.0 111 OX. XchuiiKo for Coal iiuiHlrnccrlcs, the following toes, Luril, lltini,Hhoulder,niid side meat, Putter, l.xus, Hay, Ac, nt the highest cash prices, at his un.v; un....', ..uj.MuiuK meir eoui ynru, w J. v. hi:ni)kiwhot. QMNIBUB LINE. Thoundeii.lBUod would rciii-aruly announce In liiecitiieus of jiloomsbnrg and tho public geuo. rauy uia lie is running an OMNI II US LINE between this place and tho different railroad de potsd.illy (Sundnys excepted), to connect with the several trains koIus South and West on l he Put,,. wlssa and Wllllamsport Itallroad, and with those enllll. Nortli and Honllinn tli Tji.lrn.ot,,.n n.. llloomsburg Itallroad. Ills OmulbuBsis are In good condition, coiniuo. mous anil eoiniortaule, and cbargea reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends do part,caube accomodated upon reasonable charga ny leaving timoiy notice al any or the hotels. JACOU L OIKTON, IToprletoi, 1ANTED. 100 rAHMERS' SONS 1 nnd others out of employment, un make from 175 tu II'jU jjer month, from now till next npriug, uy miurtssiiiB UAllli.Al & uu,, ll Arch Hireet, Philadelphia, j Dry Goods & JTotions, N "VTEW 8TO0IC OP CLOTHING Frosh arrival or 1'AI.I. AND WINTEU OOODa. DAVID LOWENnKItO Invites attention to bin atoek of CHEAP AND FAHmOrJAllI.KCIAJTIIINO. at Ills store on Main Btrect, twoiloors above the American House Illooinsuare, ni., where he lias Just received from New York and wuere hc bmj ...... i'illadlphlaafullasortmentor MEN AND HOYS' CI.0T1I1N0, Mn.,vne,.unil.1r. .InrnltlA. and lnc,"ul"K "," DllESSaOODS, nn,lUllllD' (tf UOX.BCK, BO(!U,UUJI,auuiu.uimi COATS AND PANTH. of nil sorts, slr.es and colors. Ho has also rcplen (shed his already laruo slock or PAI.li AND WINTEH HIIAWI.M, BTOIl'HD, FlauHED. AND PIVIN VKHTH HIIIHTH, CHA VATS, bTOCKM, COI.Ii.MUs ll'ANDKUUCHIEFS, QLOVUS, HUSPENDEItS, AND FANCY AUTIUI.F.4 IIo nas constantly on band a lariio and wcll-se eoted assortment of CLOTHS AND VKHT1N0S, which lie Is iirerared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very slioit notice, and lu the best manner. All bis clothing li made to wear, nnd most of It Is of homo manufacture. OOI.D WATCHES AND JF.WEI.UY, ofoverydoscrlnllon.flnennd cheap. Ills ensool Jewelry Is uotsnrnasscdlln Ibls'place. Cull and examine lilsgencral assorlmen or CIiOTIIlNQ, WATCHES, JEWEMIY , AC. DAVID I.0WENI1EH0. rrsll,i fil rT."1 A TWP ATIl HF'sT 'I'lU'i UIlJliAi J!.& L iVINU Jl.oi - - MvnisrSA XJLAOm. ALPACA NOW MANUFAITUIIED IS TIIK 110UIII.K WAKV RED LION JUiAXD to lio found nt tho poimlar dry goods storo of tlio iindcislgncd wlicro everybody liny tlielr SIL1CH, DllliSS 0001)3. KUKH, HHAWLS, HOSIIJIIY, OLOVUS, ilC. 4C. and nny tiling Hint tliey want 111 tlio lino of dry goods. M. P. LUTZ. MAIN STIIIIUT OPPOSITE THE COUItT HOUSE, BIOOIVTSDUB.O, TA. Nov. lVffil-t . c. G. M A It It havo jubtrecl-lvcd from the eastern market a large nnd well selected stock of DKY GOODS, cnxHiKTimi or I'asslmers, Jeans, ltest blenched & i'l-own Miihltus, Calicoes, Tk-klus, . Table Linens, Ciiltoll & All wool (lannels, .le., Ac, A goisl slnfk of Ijidies diess goods. Idlest slyh'HA patterns. Spices of all kinds, Oood stock groceries, (iieenswnre, Htonc svnre. Wood A willow wnie, Flour A Chop, AUo Kitchen Ciystal Ho.ip for clennln Tin, llrass, Ac. Alt goods sold cheap lor cish or pio- duce. Uo would call tho allcutloii of buyers tu Ills well anil inrefully (.elected ust.urtineut which comprises everything usually kept lu the coun try, feeling confident that lie can sell them goods at such prices as will eusurc satisfaction. Nov.5,'lM-tf C ('. MAP.lt. jJILLEK'S STOKE. r-KKHll AllllIVAI. OK FALL AND WINTlilt UOODS. Tho mbBcriber has lust returned fiom the cities with another large anil kelect assortment ol FALL AKD WINTKIl OOODH. purchased Iu Now Yoikaud Philadelphia nt the owest flguro, and which ho Is determined to sell on as moderate terms ns cuu be procured elso where in llloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DllESH UOODH of tho choicest styles and latest lasutous, together wuuaiargo assortment of Dry Uoods and tiro, ccrles, consisting of tho followlna nrllclos Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cnsslmeros, Rliawls, Flannels, Silks, While Uofsis, Linens, HoopHklrls, Muslins, llollowware Cedanraro llueensware, llaidwaru IltM.ts anil bhot's, Hats nud l'uis Hooii Netn, Umbrellas, LooklUK-UhikSej, Tobacco, Coffeo, Sugars, Teas, ltlco, Allsplco, OlnKer, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS Q EN It A LLY. Iu short, everything usually kent In country stores, lo which ne Invites Iho attention of tho publlo generally. "I hu lilshest price will bo jjild for eouirtry produce In eichango for goo.li. H. II. MII.LEIt & HON, ArcAdo llulldlngs, llloomsburi;. Pa. QONFEOTIONER Y, i,.T,1i',il.1!!llfire!?u?'! w!,ul11 'peetfnlly announce 1'ublio that he has opened a VIHHT-CLAHH CONFKCTlONEK Y HTOKE, 111 UlO bltlldlue lulelv iicciinle.1 liv V.t A w. l.l. whero he Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN 4 FANCY CANDIES, FKENCll CANDIES, FOItEIUN 4: DOM1MIO FltUITH, NU'l'S, KA1HINH, iC, AC., AC. V WHOI.KHA I.K OB IIKTAII. in KllorL. a fnll nLu.ii-lnib.il ,.f nil . ... hlalliiijotbusliuss. Agiintvnrl.tyol DOLLH, TOYS, Ac., suitable fur tho Holidays. Parllcular idteiillnu UK ISA II AND OA 1C KM, of all kluds, fresh every day. OHIUHTMaH OANDIEH, OHIHTMAH TOYH. A call U solicited, and satisfaction villi, guaranteed. Nov.Zi, lim. ECKIIAKT JACOIIH. jyj EHOIUNDISE nuuuii in jir.Kr:iiy given J" my rrlcni' """l Iho publlo generally, that oil I 1JHY GOODS, aitOOEHUCH, QUICENSWAR10, NOTIONS, siC, are constantly on hand and lor sale AT IIAUTON'8 OLD HT1NI) IlLoovaiitiKU, ur JAM I'M K. EYEH. lrA Uo, Hole Agent for;Ki4.iii' PnouruAr or lr. uirgo lot coiibtautiy ou hand, fcbm, jit PA. Dry Gooda & Groceries. .Sewing Maohine9- G RAND Ol'ENINO UllAlSI) UI-J'.JSIJS tlltANH Ol'KNINO tlltANl) Ol'KNINU OIIANU Ol'KNINU or KAf.l. ANU W1NTKII OOOIW, kai.i. anu wintkh aoom, MM. AND WINTKIl HOOI)H, FAT.Ij AND WINTKIl OOOIVs, FALL AND WINTER UOODft conslstlnit ot consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DltY (1001W, PHY OOODH, DltY OOODH, DltY GOODS DKY OOODH, HATH HATH HATS AJATH ATH AND OA I'M, AND CAIH, AND UA1W, AND OA1H, AND CA1H, 'HOOTS AND HltOKH, IIOOTH AND HHOli'S, IIOOTH AND HIIOKM, IIOOTH AND HHOIM, HOOni AND HllOliS,. KKADY-JIADK Cl.OTIflNII, ItHADY-MADH C1.0T1IIN(I HHADV-MAni'! ULOI'IIINII, IHADY-MADK ULOI'IIINII, KHADY-MADK (JIXjrlllMd. s LOOKINO-OLAKMIX, LOOKINO-IILAHHIX, , LOOKINU-OISSK.1, LOOK1NO-OLASHKH, I (lOKINO-OLAHMIM, NOTIONS. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, I'AINTH AND OILS, 1'AINIH AND Oil). I'AINTH AND OILS, I'AINTH AND OILS, I'AINTH AND OILS, UHOCKltlKS, (IKOCKltlKS, UKOCKKIIH, OHOUKHIKS. UllOCKUIKS, OIIKKN8WAHK, UUK.KNHWAHK, ItUK.KNHWAltK, llUKKNHWAItK, liUEKNHWAKK HAnDWAItK, HAltDWAllU, HAltDWAIlK, HAUDWAIIH, IIAHDWAKK, TINWA11K, T1NWAUH, TINWAUK, TINWAltll, TlNWAItH, . SALT, HALT SALT HALT, HALT, K1SH, FIHll, F1HH, F1TK KIHH, OltAIN AND SEEDS, OKAIN AND HEEDH, HltAIN AND HEEDS, UltAIN AND SEEDS, UltAIN AND HEEDS, Ac., &0. AC, Alt'KELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL MCKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL CO.'S, CO.'H, CO.'H. CO.'H. CO.'H. Northwest corner of Main and Market StrooU. Northwest corner of Main and Market Btreetii, aoruiwesi corner or Main ana Ayirsei mreoij, Northwest eorner of Main anil Market Street.. Northwest corner of Main und Market Streets, IlLOOMSliUItO, PA., HLOOMSIIUKU, PA 1ILOOMS11UIIO, I'A., HLOOMSHUHO, PA., HLOOMSIIUKU, l'A. I HON AND NAILS. IKON AND NAII.S, IKON AND NAII.H, IKON AND NAIIJs, IHON AND NA1II, In large ouantltiea and nt reduced rates, alway on naiiti. OJIluSTIO ECONOMY ! CAMPILI.ION CAKPirri A new, cheap durable, healthy, and li FLOOR COVERING ! A substitute for oil-cloth nt ono-thlrd tho cost. ThUcnrpctU produced by u peculiar comblna Ihm of stronc. heavy tmncr. nrfnted in ornamen tal colors, nnd couti-d withn tough, plastic, water .roof enamel which receives tho water, piotccts i liu t'oiurtt uim imper t'luiuren wanning, unu ivw iWYH the carpet bright nnd hcntitluil In tbo ex Ueinu. Its ndvantiiiroM nro tin follow h : . Us cost renders it available lo all classes ; It Is cscecdlncly smooth and clossv- and it accumu lates next to no dust: It dues not require to bo taken up nnd cleaned like other carpet, and thus haven much labor and troublo; Ity re-coating with tho Cainpilllon Knamelloccaslonnlly as tho case may require, (which costs but atrltte,) it will last Indeflntiely. even an uce.nnd nlwavs an near new and biltjlit ; In its uso no reliance whatever it iiiv v ii'un uio nji n Vill . uui vAtl llril i V" I ly upon she water-pioof coating, the flKurod pa- New Hardware moro. 1mt uuint; uMniinij ut m'l iiru uiu cuiorn. I apei iaH reccntlv been used for a varlidv nf nuri.ni.PH- even for trunks, rooN, flour bags nud wcarinyap- jiuii:i(uui iiiw uini. uiiuiuui,, uiiuur.iu rurupo ur America, to convert It Into carpet or iloor cove- iiik, an couceue uio uo an enure success I we have purchased the right for Columbia county and ran furnish tho carpet to merchants ut manufacturers prices, -You are invited to call ni'd examine the Ifoousai our store. arju-awY, MiALA CO. iiiuuiiiauuign't. ji uohi. Miscellaneous. Xi I.OOMSIlUItQ NORMAL SCHOOL AND LIT JJ ERAHY INSTITUTE. HOARD OF INSTRUCTION. HENRY CARVER, A. M Principal, Professor of intellectual and moral science, nud ...w,j uuu j.iHuiivvui leueiiiug. Miss Surah A. Cnrwr VrpmnlMRB Teacher of Flench, llotany and ornamental urancuis, Isaac O. ltest. A. It.. Professor of Ancient Languages and English uiuiuiuur. J. W. Fence. A. M. Professor or Mathematics, and practical as tronomy Ilcv. 1). C. John, A. M,, Profe sorof chemistry nnd physics. V. f. lln I ns Teacher of geography, history A Book -keeping . , James llrnwn, Assl tant teacher of mathematics Ur ininar. Miss Allen M. fiirvnr Teacher of Music on the piano and melodean. Mrs. lfntlin T. llnBt Teacher of Yocal Mnstc nud Instrumental mutl Miss JuJIft M. Uuest, Tiatlnrof model School. ThoFAT.T. term will mmhiatu.. a n i,m and until our tsiardlna hall Is ready for occupant t-y, on application lu the Principal, slndents wlO .u.M.at.cu .,. ikiuii;. .11 piCUMHlt lamiUCS, It Is better for students tn common",, .i,.nn. enlngoftho term, but when this Is Impractica ble they can enttr at uny time. AiarcuuJ 1BU3. -PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The undersigned have enlnrr.il liiln m.iM.i,,. I nuii.MN riMiiiuersHiiurincniuisis,aiiiie national ...... ......n.n.i.b .IttUUU.I cupled by Peter lllllmyer. PllrlCK 1IILI.MYEH. i uiiunij ii.'i eiuuiru oc fn.nltrn.1 v itiumi. The books of the lato firm will bu settled 'by h. It. lkler.to whom all persons indebted should lllooinsburg June II, 'CD-If. l i rs 1 J' 1 ) Til Al.r, out nv vr. V ployment.wo would say that what wo kavo ... ....v. j , ""'B or eiperimciil, lo Ihoso w ho havo followed It fur veals will t..si irv urn prove In you thatjou aro surotomako ...uiiv-j. ,.uiiri iiiiiii.iiiruiuiiniiyoiiiei nonoiublo u....in. Kn-ui iiiiciii, unu iiui, nine money mill n.i n LI...I 'l. . It.,. . .. .... ' uai.i.iisi .V u.f., Nnv. UU MCh mttt''- l'"'"""-"P"l. A T E R O O F I N O, K V E R Y VARIETY A T MOST PAVORAI1LB RATES, JOHN THOMAH, ANU CAM'EK J. TH01IA8 llox. 7. llloomsburg, Tu, r.iar.iv.uuiyr G1' :t the rest. Munsnn s Corner Tnbnlni. T.o.li.i.ln. 11, 1 t tho lust proKcllou against disaster by lightning ever Invented, Tho subscriber Is agent for the abovo iutentlon, and all orders by mall or In ji, ,uii vi.i uu piompwy Ulieuueu 10, MaylS.'lis. r E.U.U1DLEMAN. "WANTKD. 100 Conlldentlal Agcnta IT to dlsimseof a stock or goods. None but good und reliable men wanted who eau keep their mouths shut. Small cnnltal reuulred. X loilune or IVO.0OU guaranteed toamau ofthe right nil'. luiiuuiKia c,i, iitr, lauiupiu ui gOOUS kuiiui iviiis. Luiiuuiiruuurm J. P. WATEIW it CO.. Nov. 12,'l-3m, 1V7 Ilroadway, N, Y, QIlOVEn & HAKEll'S FItWT 1'ItKMlUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES 110 into tDWAY, new vukk 7l Clioatnlil Ktn. l I'lillMol,,!, POINTS 0!.' KXHELLENC,, llcnnly and Klnstlcllyof stltoh. l'orfectlon nnd Simplicity of Maclilnm Using both Hirends directly from u . No fustenlns of fienniM l.v I. ...... . I 01 IIUI'I.U. ... , Wide rnngo ot application wltliuuit.,.. adjustment. Tho nenin retains its benuty and flrmiw., washing nnd Ironing. uesiucBuoingnii Kinds of wniku Seiflng Mnchlnes, theo Mnililu most beautiful and permanent tin ornamental work. "IUjl -Tho Highest rremluntsnt ai Exhibitions of tho Unlled Hlatf have been nwarded Iho Grovcr Machines, nnd tlio work done by tu exhibited In competition. w ..j MKimi 1'iti.v, lIlKlXOfsl THE LEGION OF IIONOlt, ws roi,(fmlJ tho representative of tho Gruvir ,l Snlm Machines, at tho l'.xultlnii UnlverHllrghJ 1807, thus nllcstlliK their grent iilnrllr l all other Sewing Midlines. F 0 11 HA I. K -A DOBAH Bl.OOMSIWlta l'A. June SVW-ly fPHE IjITTIjU WON'DKUSKttlSl JL .MACIlINK, rilll.l.,!!, I It inakeH the ehisllc lot k'Mililr.lLi nihil as unv machine lu Iheiiiuiktl: s ilillJoil 11; 11 ltuuircH iioiUKiriiciiiiii;iiiiiHknncfc.fl ibuoihiioi gt i. uui 01 oil. r, 11 1'uu is num. . the oock.t: 11 makes nu rleeiiiit iit-M-iit I UNION SEW1NU M A 1 1 1 1 M . loM 1AM Nov, 12,'uu-3m. rn i:rMJi;,ll Agenis vtanieu. Hardware & Cutleiy. THE NEW HARDWAltE aTOIJ X NK PLUS UI.TIW. jiaviug eniiugcu mir ninie hoiiiu.i OPENED A NI'.W Hl'l'I'M, diiwiiv rriitn tbn Minir.iclarer.i'urcUI cash, ou a declining market, w o nre irn-ii! oiler tho samo to I FA11MEKS. MECI1A.N1CH, lil'lldB I and tho rest of Mankind, a general r..luln nil t,a 1l.wta fltl.l (ill Ill's l.ua.U In u city llnril Waro Htore, miIUWs toUmJ Ol lite Cdiiiiiy, hi, iiiiuuiiiij. . I - All thoso who nre deslrlonsof i.iinMflf I in our line caD save jiouiy oy lUeose give usncHll ,uyhVlL' J-VrS??! Ar.23.C9-lrr lllueiiuiiuii Tirnn ir. Rmitu. j, iw gMITH & BELTZER, Importers nud Dealers In Foieljn ndl HAKUWAH' Q UNB, CUTLERY BO. 103 K. Tllini) STRKKT, AB.U PHILADELI'HIA' Nov. 82, 67-tf. E A D T II I S. English LAZARUH & M0 1! Hill a ii I, i: ii R a t e p 1'ER VECVE U K I'j:Cl'A(tt4 AND EYE ULAl. Oueoribellrmwlll bentlheStoi"'" WKIIB, MlrlH A. 1). STATION i:iti . JiLOOilSIU'IUI M- Ono day only, Friday Kovewl"' HontteiuU fur Iho purpif' ol""l',"' D. Webb lu fitting tho eyo lu I1"1''"" Cllkl. Thoso fciitf.irli.g from IiiipJh"' "r Ion nro ri-cniu mended to avail l'"1"'"' opportunity. OUR HPEtn'At.'LKH AND EVK-"1 ACKNOWLEDllED'''J,!El MOST l-BRFW-T assistance lo sight evir iiiiiuiifai""1'' alwan be icllcd upon as llor'"l,",CJ and eomlort while streugthenlwi J tho Eyes most thoiousUV- We lako occaslou to notify lh 1 ' employ no pedlars, aud to w"uB thoso iirelendlng to have e" for sale. Ocl.!,'l-tf. - tvt n IP I 0 u. list, straye.1 or.loleu, ntf' I..UIrl)iioii.irab.ut 'liiral ri Yellow Hat Terrier, A JWji IK.I paid for tho recovery or said " . t)il0' doc,VI,'t-HI.