ito afriptMan. kloomsburg, Friday, Jan. 21, 1870. lollN W. QeaiiY wnsiluly luiiliKurn- Ijuvortior ior ma bccohii utih on Icsilny Inst. Mm. John W. (lu-iry viw t nicntloncii tuiiirnawo imvo ii-nnii-u. ETTr.&Tl6Nl Itcml "Tills CSlf.UMIHAN, ml it to youriiclKlilior.nml ROtlihiito Iwrlbc. His innumi mm mrnrai ki ln Urn liitiTloroftm-aiiui'. (Tin-: finmml incotlnt' or iiio HiiWialli fiool Aiwoi'ifttioii oi uniumnm county iii-mnnioiieoKssPAslons lit Hliioms. Irtr on Tursilny tho 22il of March noxt ciintinuo llirco days, livery Sablmth ilinol in Jlio county hiiouiu uo reprra ted by its oniecrs mtii (ipirgittus. All C1I( 01 11111 CIlllSU lll l- IIIVIIUU 10 pill ' ihiate In tlio iiH'Ciincs. V U. 1). WALKHU, 1 T. I'liKVKijiiNu, i:s. com. J. U. IIOUISON. 1 THE COLUMBIAN AND DEM0CRAT,BL00MSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sisnatoh Huckalow litis been placed upon tho following-cornintttoiHi Fcdo rnl llclntlons, Estntos nml Kchonto, llallroaih, nnd Prlvnto UIhIuh hikI Damages. litnsnlo of llio real nstnto nf Kchfrai NiirIo tlccM., latoof Centro Town.lilii, by ihondm'r, wns contlniiedon tho loth Inst., to Saturday tho Sflth Inst. ..ln,K V.V.?f th? Nineteenth Oontury "Josh lHHlngs" will lecture In tho Court Hpuso on Friday ovcnlnu, Jan nary 28th. Front soul.. rniru..l fnr- h.t. INkw Fint. Wo learn that A. J. l-ii ns ofllils town has purchased Peter llhnvi'r'ri Interest In tho larjjo brick hmmry near moij. .c n. u. 11, u. v. frnrie.font erly Mr.IHIlmycr's partner, III bo associated with him. Tho firm Sino will be Evans & Ilenrle. ladles, who tnav attend Willi linrfi.nt. confidence ns the lecturer never over steps tho bounds ofproprloty. UltANOUOl' TlMH. Tim Ti.ll.n.!l. Co, have iiKiiln changed thtdrtlmo tnblo in, its usual, urn so witliout notirylnu ithl-r tllO Post Ollleo Diiniirhnnnl. nr tho newspapers publishing their tables Tills of courso lends to a cliariiilii"; lit tin inuddlo on tho pnrtof tr.ivelers and thosu expecting mails. ThiLdown train Is duo now nt 7.M Instead Iff 7. 1:1 in fir-merly. AltUEsT.H.IInnsof Mllllinvllln u-rllrs us that A.Hobenhod was arrested on Fri day last on thochariro of f(iruliiiii note on 8. Drlosbacli. Ho was taken by Con Btttblo Ruita before Justice of llio i-eaceni Aescopcc, liy whom no was released upon paying the face ofthu iioie. ii uu siniemcnt no true, me jus tlco committed n ltiivo error in not cnmmlttluirthe man for trial. EHank Diiiectohs Tho following llccrs were ciiosen nt n meotlni; of the jckholders of the First National Hank bre. iirrctors vni.iii'iveivv. win. JNeni. 1111 At VJWt" VIVUI kVl I IV.l. .i ii. ii .m in a iiiiiii'. in ri'iiiirrnii in i' oiii vt.vui iit;iiuiiu iifiuiiuiiii ii mm intilcs c-nst from Wnshlnetnn. Man- r i iiiiiiiv. iiiiiiii in i iiiii i.t ii.i.i annum Urn 1 18, ncres 1)1,720. Sullivan County, r. -'Ill, ."II I . A Vila .'I' II Kll.l-ni'. (leneral's olllcial Kenort sliows. that iiaio ;u which mo jioii uocKot oi intented lands for Columbia Countv S HL'IIL I UL. WllM 1U11V IIIII. INil. VIK.r ijMilli, 187U, tlio Attorney Oencrai Is voted by Act of Assembly ofAnril 8th. ill moneys duo tlio Common wealth lands unnatented. Wu trust our I'lH U ll III IU IllJllL'll IU1II KlLVi- I-I1-4IH uieniseivLM. TK havo received a eimv of tlio World Almiiuuc for 1870, and tlnd It nleto with Information I'olitleal. Statistical nnd General. It Is well nnd carefully written and contains In a com pact lorui niucli Mint Is or moment and not easily obtained elsewhere. Its ex ceedingly low price, 20 cents, place it ltlilti rcncli ornll. anil Its reliability commends it to the attention of all lushes of readers. UliKKIIINU moil Tin: Xomk Put n piece of paper In your mouth, chew it rapidly, mid It will stop your noio from bleedlnir. Tills remedy his been tried frequently, It is stated, and always wmi success. Physicians sav that iilacinir a small oil of paper or muslin aliove tlio front otn, urn let- tlio miner 111), mid Dressing hard on tho same, will arrest blooding from the nose, checking tho passago of moon uirougn tlio arteries leaning to the nose. l.-1-W-tr-ir K.1VI. " III lillfni i.irr .till 3 nLlUUUUlU ilL 11 IIIUUIJIILI til IHIUIV 'resident M. w. Jackson. iirectors M. V. Jackson. M. IC. , 1.- iir it nr i 8. Ii. liowiimn, Jc-bu llowmau and 11. Fowler. Economy i.v Muat. Takocold of any kind nieces left from tlio table: cut in pieces a quarter of an inch square ; Mil in n trying pan ; cover tlio meat Willi water; put in a unall pleco or nut tcr, pepper and salt ; when this comes i) n uou stir in a iiino nour nnci water, previously mixed. Havo two or three llccs or bread toasted : nlnce them on a platter, pour over them tlio meat and ravy wlillo lint. Tills will bo round mi excellent dish prepared from meat uany tnrown away. II, -if- will ill- , viirii'ti .ml uriiii n. in nuiit'iiiii v i.i nriiiiii.-it-ii. Ill- llllll-r.ll I III. I. IIIIIIII, III 11114 Ilivi'll. understaiid linvo not mado anv ar- Fhom the Heportof theaudilor nn pointed by tlio Court to audit and ex amine the accounts of the nubile o I Vices we get tlio iniorniauon unit tuo l-ccs received mid duo In tho Register & Ho- corders omco from Dee. 1st 1SG8 to Uec- 1st 18G1) amount to it'J7.j.5."i. In tho Prothonotnry's Office for tho samo tinwi $2S2!).89. Tho Auditor esti mates that In addition to tills amount at least SoOO.OOof feesnccrued duringtho said period, but were taxed on cases com menced previous to Dee.. 1st 1808. which increases tho value of thoolllce to $h)320.S!) per annum, clear of tax. 111. JiAl'15 OUJU11M.. su our nisi iinwii iiiiiir-r-ii ni-if.iiu iniiiiii iinairiip. icneu ior mo sad deed is i i lien in. ilii iiiihuii irri'iiL f i.-iirt-SHiuii ill siiiriiN 1 I. 1. .. i i , Hi. ... Ills lioilv was found banging in uaiii. nui a fciiort timo nucr t ie deed committed, lie posescd many I IIIU 111-11111 11,11. iiiii .ii.i.tiint- III it -ivi. 'KIlsinVAT. T.T . lirr.TTV A Nun' will ii Tiiiiii tirnri kiiii.ifiii mi riifi if-i. front of n privato residence. Tho ri i e in ilium ni-rnimu' nun loweii ire u. v. .... 1. Wl. J I1MVU W1. jw. 1 nr tivn Tin ft'iiki-im.u liirnliiQt. (ipr-smw IL'U In nut- iniitn A.MKii.i' ijiuisswiai. iiio v-uuiiuis I. hi. invnipra wnn niiiKfi 11. n nimiiii'ss occupation to sell in tlio market u in rtiiitii uuuuia iiii'inu; nut. ji ... ........L r.nn. I n.A nl ...n L'n .1 .... incident, mo productions oi ineir n farms, they wero exempt. Jio ilers tho greatest latitude to bo given. that larmcrs may nave a cnauco; but it v. u-lio iln nrndiir-p. nnd sell tlio lately rendered a decision in Chester nduct nnd attend auction sales. Thu Kill! u-iw liriiiiiilif In i-npnvor $1.01.'. 00 n nolo given as tno nurenaso money real estate. A gentleman wno nan rclmscd uroncrtv at n public sale, d given his note for tlio money, escntat tlio timo oilier bidders, or operly. Tho Judgo decided that if a riy procuro men to bid up property d tho person who biivs It is deceive ereby, be cannot bo held to bis bid it vitiatCH tlio mle and makes It void l TT - ,t..,.n ., i.,.t. Illi-imn uni:i in. ni.i' l'liib iii.ji. it i.iitn I Tin I rnnmin n rnnnl tllkl-S SO long bo wurnieil after n tiro lias been uin id Is that tlio air goes up in u steady pu nf Iln. utMirn ni- f,-iiit. nf t IP eTHIO. tlio rolllnrr nT'tlio room. 1111(1 fl'Olll aril, which of course i u slow process. o expedite this take a paim-lonf fun, a awl.i liirim nr fionu-llllllii S1I11- r. i.iii iaiahi ii, nl- cii'iiiir iiiii -.iniivi J-'urously, thus coinpelling tho upper ti inu'Pr hi rn i n ni n r ir 11111 nt. nit) iiul HIT in 1111V Ufllll fill CIXMI IIUVIT. Ill iu ii-.!.. tl. n .1AHtlnn iv! tlin ..r. i .L.. 1.1 !..,lt,.,n rty.will ho comnolled to mix, unci io would bo fiurnrlsert to wltnesii how "in soouer tho opanmcnt ucconiurt "I 11IUIU, Qiut.s, Don't Do It, There Is n prac I'M lT I in ..An..!' nrlilith Wl II TH ll fllbl.lnt.r..! .,...w.K f.fiMutll.ll UfllV nrntinK Tn. in t ii.t i iiiviih' nsuior It iiiln onto n tho li l' HMtuo- L't. A rtrn nalritiljhnd thnl flTlV VlUintf 1-1 ul. ,...!. t.i.i i. i i ., 1 1 II fill minant.ul nnn t Ij if lt lWtit I right. Even In t! i1- case tho likeness on ii I be icturiiiui. if llio engagement tills llllln i.,mnrnli clinnlil nil. nl tllll u ,ii tmv vn inir .riri Willi i-i iiiiniiL 11 .... i. . . . r". ""..r:..r.-"'" ualutuuce. In7 luir know that tlio ro arks mado by many young men , when j.iiier, concerning wnans, periuips hit part, a piece or ignormieo or mi uuence. would. Ifsho hoard thmu "so her checks to crimson will amo and nnger. IIUNiHti:i)3 of men, not Democrats, will npplnud Senator Dtickntcw's reso lutlon to vntoagalnst "nil ring men iiu.1 measures." It i-, to bo hoped that tho Senator will not And himself In n hope less minority In tho Pennsylvania Sen-nte.- The Day, Dkmomsiikh-A portion of tho tltn bers, and part of tho east end nf Mr, Michael Mcylert's new brick residence, at tills place, was demolished by the heavy winds of Sunday hut. Laiiorle I'l-ets. A PRNsint.r. man In Maine last week willed $1,000 to each of ills countv pa pers. 1 f there is any.goutlemau in this neighborhood iirranglng matters for a happy exit from this world, wo call his attention to this Maine man's notion, That's till. Exchange. TiiUNHKn Stoiim. Tho very unus ual matter of n rnlu storm In Janunry accompanied by thunder and lightning was vouchsafed to tho community on Monday last, we havo become so hopelessly mixed on tho subject of at mospheric changes that no meteorolog ical variation has power to astonish us. Should we awaken on any day during uus winter to mid mo trees in mm and blue birds singing in tho brandies, wo suouid accept uotu as pans oi tuo extra ordinary system of nffalrs which havo thus lar prevailed in tuo wentner do partment. "Tnko no heed for tho mor row," in other words don't bet high on uio next tiays thermometer. Sc'aui.kt Fkveii. The followlncox celient advice In regard to tho treatment ot this dreaded disease wo clip Iroin The Day, and wo would urge its ndop tinn by families nflllcted with this prev- nientscourgo. it is a dangerous disorder when not promptly taken In hand. It begins with languorand loss of appetite, followed by fever and soro throat, and then the "red patches" on the checks appear. When tlio symptoms are 11 ret unserved, place uio ennu in ueu in t room wliicli Is warm but well venti luted. Administer warm weak lemon ado with ii little gum arable diolvcd in it. cover the abdomen with dry warm linnncls then take a neatly fold ed bed sheet nnd place It In boiling hot water, wring It out by means of dry towels, nnd placo It over tho flannel on thecluld's nodomcn. inis mustnero united until perspiration is observed which will not result for some minutes, when the patient will drop into n ciuict slumber, nnd witli cure I ill nursing is saved. All or this may bo done beroro a i hvslc an can bo summond. anil will irovo a great auxiliary to his courso oi treatment in mnny eases it win en able him to save the life of n dear child and prevent tho disorders which almost always follow this dreadful complaint. when it is not promptly asalled by this lmplo preliminary homo treatment Hr.rnnsn.NTATiVE IturoiiM. Mr, Huckalow has introduced a bill in the Senuto allowing a voter, wheruver more than one person is to ixi elected to the samo municipal oillce, to distribute his otcs us ho may timiK nt among e.uidi dates, or to concentrate upon ono can didiitu; candidates highest in vote to bo declared elected, this oiu was reierreu o a special committee of seven members of which (lie Speaker was one. Tiio ellcct ot tho passage ol this phi would bo to give each party a fair ro resentiillou in tho distribution oi .'ownship and County oilices. For ex mnlo. in this County it would "ivo ho opposition an Associate Judge and a County Commissioner, and Auditor. in Townships each party would also no represented iu the School Board, and if possessing over one mini oi uic vuw would also secure ii Justice of the Pence, Supervisor, Poor Overseer, Ac. doon IIyij SunscniliKits'. The Al bany Jixp rtm has some subscribers who do not pay for their papers. Tlio JixDrat Dim them good-uye in tno ioi lowing tendor terms: "This week wo struck from our list only about ilfty subscribers who will not pay their duos to tho primer. In doing so wotauo them hv tho hand, aiu! with tears in our eyes. bid them nn nllectlonato farewell. Gnod pv. o su hi raiieearooi youicives. Sometimes think of thu Kvprcss, which vou havoio long read lor rothing. Sponge upon other printers nowrora while. A cliango of diet will, doubtless, be good for you. Poor old fellows.' wo area Iltlio sorry to turn you om nium tho dune night, without n lamp, nu It must bo mi. Striko for tlio nearest neighbor's light Ho may let you in and feed vou for a year or two. upon tlio strength of your honorablo promises to rnv at tho oiKi ol that tune, i-or our- t-elves wo lmvo enoiiL'li nl' tlio-so curious pledges to supply our caninet ior uio present. Wo lmvo labelled them euro fully, and tliov nro open to general in snrctlon. With many thanks fur your self-sacrillcing indulgence to us, and for your honest appreciation of tho obli gation existing towards our office, wo again, mid finally say, "farewell lorcver." Doia it Pay to .AiivnitTisi-:. To business men of every class this is iiunstinn of no llllln Importance, as total lailuro or completo success is often the issuo. A young man just emancipated rrum parental control, is nooui io em bark in buslneis on his own account Ho lias a good stock of merchandise on bund forsulo. but being only a beginner, In has little patronage. What should ho do? Why. ndvertiso. If nobody knows him, 'lot him make himself known. A newspaper advertisement ludiciouslv drawn up. mid if necessary neat v niusiraiod. a id given io a pro or medium, will often niilllco to make success almost certain. A good nuver tisement will ring louder than any n-Mi mid is the stair of life in trade. Just a bread Is tho stall ol human nie. ah veri u hi if riHiii cF-n business man nbico his goods beforo thoovesof tlious amis who otherwl-o would nover know of their exlstenco, or that or tho owner, It is well known among our most sue cessful merchants that liberal advertis ing not ouly pays, but is lndispeiis.inii to tho econoniiciil mid successful work lug of their establishments. Thero nro innumerable living Instances among us whero colossal fortunes havo neon rea li.ed by tlmoly and Judicious appeal fur patronage through tho newspape nnd periodical press, whilst It would be i m i :o iiitd nn lusiaueo in which n fullnil In iiiiv. Knmn kiiv i iiul ii is ui no iisu nil uiciii to advertise, that thoy havo been In tlio placo in business all their lives, mid everybody knows them. Such people seem to forget to take In consideration that our country is increasing in pupn l-iilmi nenrlv fortv per cent every tel years, and no matter how old tho placo mav be, thero aro constant changes tak ing" pluco: Miniu movo to other parts, and others till their places. In tills ago of tlio world, unless the name or a busi peas ilrm is kept constantly beforo tlio public, some new firms may start up, nnd by liberal -advertising, In a very short time, tako tho placo of thu older ones, nnd tho latter rust out iw It were, and bo forgotten. No man over lost monoy by Judicious advertising. QOUHT PllOCLAMATION. WiiKiiKAi, the Hou. William Klwoll, l'ri-nlJonl Juiluoiif thu t'ourl of Oyer nnd Terminer mill . !'.erl! Jb" Wehvory, Court or tlunrter Hwilon of the l'enco niul Court nf Common I'lenn Kinl or- pimn 'ywirtm uio 2Utn Judlrlnl District, com iMisoil of tho ciiuiitlM nf Columbia, Bulllvnn iiml Wyomliis.Hiiil the Hon. Imm lierrmiil Clmrles K.Munn Aasmlnle JuilKennf Cnliimlili, counlr imvo ijiui-u ineir procepl, benring rtnio tlio 1(11 h lliy nf PeG. Ill On, vi.iir i.r nnr lr,l n,.u tlmu-wiiil, eight hunilreil unit nutr-nlne, nml to mpillreeleil for lioMlnirnCourtor Oyer nml Ter miner nml (Jenernl (innrtcr HenntoiH of tho l'enee, Court ol Coimnnn I'lea-i nnd Orphnn'. Oourl, In llloonuburif, in thoeounty of Columliln, on tho ttitil , Moiuliiy, Ijcltig the 7tli dny ol Feb. next, lo i-nnttniin one week. M"' wiiuiitiAS ALIO the Bftino Jinlgen have liTiied their precept bearing data tho loth day ol Deo., A. P. one thnnanmlelghtliundred nnd Mxtr nlno nnd lo mo dlrecled for holding nn Orphan' Court nndl'ourtnrCommon 1'1o-ih1ii lUooniRburg In llio i-ounty nf Columbia nn tlio kecond Monday being tho Mill day or l-'ebruary next, nnd to coutiiitio ono week. Nntlco It hereby clven, to tho Coroner, to tho JiKtlceKbftlio l'rnce.nml tho Comtnbleii of tho Mi! county of Columbia, that they bo then mid thero In Ihelrprnper peison nt lo n'rlnek In llio foieiiiionof mild 7th day ol Feb., with thelr,Tec nriln, lnritiNltlon-innil other remembroncc-i, to uothoseiliiugi which to their otllces appertain r -iu vitiu,:. lliu II1USO Illllt IIIU UUllllll IIJ recoj;ul7.aiu-e, to proseculo ngalust tlio pris oner that nro or mny bo In tho Jnll ot tho nld munty nf Columbia, lo bo Ihen nnd there lo proseculo thi'in m shall be lint. Ju rors are ronuestod to bo nunetunl In their iitipnii. niice.nurueiibly toihi-lr imtlccs. luted nthlooms- s, oig, wie.iuuuyoi jan., in tno year I., s. I nr our Iird, one thoUHuiul eight bun- .-T . ......II.IU ncitlllj, IIIII, 111 IIIO lllUL'iy- thlrd year of tho lndeiieiidcneo of tho Untied raiiiies ui .inierirn. .iii;i(Uij.(j.l Ittrw.iiial.itr.. tot. t lu-.l ui 1.. ui...,., i.iv. oilUllll. T 1ST OF CAU8KS FOIt TUIAL AT JUTHi: KK'I.. TKltM 1ST0 TIIM FIU.ST TKN NISUWKimAllAY: WM'1V "1Ml Freeze. Clark, I.HUo Chirk, Utile, JackKon. Utile. Whltuioyor, Little. Clark. Urockway. Clark. Freeri-. Knbler. Clntk. Freeo, Clark. Little, Real Estate Sales. D It I V A T K S A Ii K 0 1' VAt.UAItLi: UKAI, II 8 T A T 13 I 'I lm IllKtprKlnflrll Will .lt,.n.I. nl -.vl.-n.A .'.ln nnnr lieforo April lit Is70, HIXTKKN ACKlW OK LAND, jlluate In MadUon tnwinhlp, Columbia ronnly, bounded bv InndH nr Alirum Mum. .ln.ii, finiHU- Jacrib Wiuiiole, nnd Jacob llechtcl, on which Is STOHY AXl) A HALF FltAMK DWKLLLNU 110USK. .v iiiik liiiril, 1111(1 llio USlini OUtUlllldlOKt. A well (if wntcr Is nt the door, Termii reasonnble. A11HAIIAM YOUNO Jan. 7,',il-lm. Jersey town, Col. Co. Kahler. f Kdunrd M'Cnll et. nl. tJolin Hweeney. ( Henry J. Ycaple, YN Uaao Ilrum & terro tenant (Henry J, Ycaple. vn (.tsnnc Ilrum 4 tcrre lenant (Abraham Mm 17., i v U- Hcybcrt. t Lnvlna liavenporl, ( William M. KUnetob. ijohu Coloman, vn Michael Crouau. (John Milpmau, i vn IThomas J, ViiuUersllec, (Charles It. Green, j vs (,1'cter Hehng. ( (leorge Znrr, I H I Win. M'Kclry, ( lteuben II. King, j vs (l;lisliii 11. l'urscl. SHCll.Nli WELIC. " Slit. Tkkahuukk Yohk. Some In quiry having been mado about tho facts in the robbery ot tho lunus irom inn Treasury somo time ago, so fir as that robbery hail any connection with iur. olie, it seems a proper tune now to stnto them. That matter having under gone judicial investigation thu facts nero suited aro those proved. Un the night or Kept. liSth, lSOi, the Commissioners' ollleo was entered by means of somo kind of keys, thu fire- roof In the ollleo mid a safe inside tlio tiro proof, and the sum of $035 stolen from the safe. Tho theft wns discover ed tho uo.xt morning and was immedi ately communicated by Mr. Krickbaum to Mr. liuckalew.Col. Freezo,Mr. Low en berg, Mr. Clark, Capt. llroekwayand others. lb the following January Mr olio, who was elected oler tho robbery, took thoolllce ol Treasurer ami the i-ettie- incut of Mr Stiles' account was mado by tho Auditorsfills which liad been stolen more than throo months beforo was not jiald to Mr Yobe, but a paper was iut into his hands stilting tlio facts, mid a sort of verbal promise that ho should not lose by taking llio paper in stead of getting tho money. thus ino matter stood tin .nr. voiio's llrst annual settcmcnt. Then tho Aud itors charged him with tlio amount sto len, nuil never paid to Yobe. Where upon . oliu appealed Irom the settle ment. Thu proof abundantly established tho fact that ho had never received tno money. Under tlio charge of the Court however and tlio verdict of tho Jury, he was held accountable- for it to the county, mid it was paid. In no way was jir, oiio implicated, it was stolen before ho came Into ofllce ho never icceived It ho was held respon sible for it, nml it wns paid. this statement is uuu to a launiui, honest ami vigilant public officer, who has now retired to privato life. LOCAL NOTICES. Books, Xew Music and Instru ments. Call on Alstatt, Court House alley. Now assortment. Clnrk. Freeze. Hhoadn. Llttlo A Freeze. Whltinoyer. Lcvelle. Freeze, llteler. Clark. Freee. Knoir. Clark. Wllltlnnyer. Freeze. Clark. Kahler. Ilroekwuy. Freeze. Clark A Kuorr. Freeze. Claik.t Knorr. Freeze, Clark .1 Knorr. (Snr.t i A, i vs (.Valenllr I'eterman'sndm'r no .Stoul, et, nl. Gideon Arndt. vs John U. Lelby. ( Hubert B. Hampton llllchard Walklus. (Thomas Ilenlleld i vs I. Uriah Campbell. I . .Itnmerman, .1 T. , L. ilerdlc, use. vs II. H. Win. Crevellng. I Luck I f M jnrne Urund ige iKIIsha'1!!. Pursc-ll. ( Michael drover nse. i vs I II. K. Mnrr. (Sliu-y John, J. vs IMary .lolm's Committee. (Slacy Jnliii, i vs (..Mary John's Commltlei-. (Htacy Johu, 1.. vs (..nary jonu s committee. -V.T. Ueinnelil vs kavranna.i U. 11. lexnnder Cnlley vs .Vllnas Cole. Clark A Urockway ( l'etur Scbug, (Charles Leo. Little. Matrllrothers. Freeze. Knorr. Kahler X Ikeler. Wiiltmojer. Abbott. Whlllnnyer. Clu-k. Chirk. Freeze. Ikeler. Fl ei ze. Fleeze. lliockway. Howell. Freeze, Whllmoyer. llroi-kwny 'i'hoiupsoii. Freeze. Howell. Miller. Ikeler. Chirk. Ikeh-r. ltroeUwoy. I.llllc. Jackson. Continental Coal Co. vs Lehigh Volley It. It, Co. (Wm. Marr, vs Hushes ,t Iluekle. (deo.Slackhoiue, VH I Andrew Sta khouse. Ann Murgeriim; s PavliUIunl.elux. isnniuel Whllmj. r, vs Wilson Ilelllellch. fThomas Hughes, use, l Wesley lluckel. itltoigoMnslerstt Hon, vs Samuel I'rttgler. IUaulel .Shumaii Admr. vs Mathlus AUIetler, (M. P. Howell, et. at. i vs (Mary 1,'. Greeu, Frederick llossler, vs (lldeou (.1. Hofisler, (t. at. Case, I. V. Hautman oilers the bala eo of his stock of Furs nt cost fur cash, mid will take off 1(1 per cent in produce. Xkw Coops nt C. C. Marr's again, a full assortment of fresh groceries and new Dry Goods of tho latest styles. Also n frcsli lot of ladies' Gum .Sandals. Pe troleum Fluid for sale. Why will peoplo suffer with n cold, when they can buy n bottle of I'lueni.v. -ctoral for 2-1 cents. It is a sure cure. nl! -it. CoMi'oin'. Durability. Klesancol for a happy combination of all three, call on l.owtuuerg and get u sun ot clothes or an overcoat, llo has u line collection ot cloths, suitable, for winter, for all prices. Ills workmen mo the best in thu country, nnd their work cannot bo surpassed. Seeing is belloviug! Call on film nnd bo convinced. A I'ltoFUsi: and many times excess ively offensive discharge from tlio nose, with "Mopping mi" of thu nose at times impairment of tho sense of smelt and taste, watering or weak eyes, impaired hi iirlutr. Irrcindar appetite, occasional nausea, pressuro and pniu over tlio eyes and at limes lit tnu naei; oi tno head, occasional chilly s-on-aMons, cold feet, and a feeling or Ins-Hudo mid debility aro symptom? which are common to catarrh, yet all oi mem nro not present in every ne-o. Dr. Sago's Catarrh Item ed' cures catarrh in its worst form and stages. It Is pleasant to Use, and con tains uo poisonous or caustic drugs Kent by mall on receipt of sixty cents Address it. . I'lerco, m, u,, Jiuuaiu N. Y For sale by most Druggists every Wi; havo on hand constantly all kinds of biunUs, including needs, uonus, mori L'ai'cs. notes, suininons. executions, bub menus. &i: Wo also havo small bound books o receipts, notes, Ac, useful to Adnilnlsliators or Kxccutors in bottling up eatati-K. it A COI'GII, COLD OH SOUK 'I'll Itf 1AT Urmures iimm-uum' uurnimu, un tieuu el tiu u reMui in mi inuunv Hltnu'K'rf llltnXI'llljLIi THOCIIL.S wllliiliudht luvuriulily ulvo liutntit relU'U rnr Itrunclitllx, AMiiiua, ('Hitnrli,(.vii).uiititlvo ii ml Uiroai HlnutTH unci lulllo Fpi'iiUcrHUM tliem to rltar ItlKl MN imtln ullto VOltV. Ouiiijf to tlm jiooii icpiitutluu ii ml nojiularlty tit thv 'Jinchcf, iiitiiiy wtirtliltt uml ctitiip lint lutltniriuro orti'ifo, whli'h are uhU fur notiiuit' Uo Hire io uuiinu uie iruo HUOWN'H UHONUIUAL TUOC1llH t0Ut t:'tllV WHKKK. nov, 12;60-Cm, JOB PRINTING Nfcfttly exaenud fit thin oiuo ( William A. Ci iTho twe. of He (John (J.I, (Hai IPre (W.II.K1I: 1 s (Ahlahali (C. 11. Camiil vs Tngsart, Fu Hcott. i Jncohs, vs Johnson. (Hamuel Kllue. vs -servo Conner, it. al. ux. mm Moore, 11. Camilla-11. & Co. Whltinoyer, Freeze. Whlliimyer. I.ltlle. Fl eeze. Clark. JiuUson. Fieew. Levelle. I.ltlle. Howell. Little. Whltino)! r. a FrciKc K iiw r. Whltinoyer, PiiUly. I.ltlle, Jaeksoii, llnrliley. Frieze, o n SAL L. TllO UntltrRllIllPlI nffntB 1 n HTl.,nl. sale, ou reasonable term thu VALUABLE 1IOTUL STAND, nt Ij'Blit Htieet. Columbia eounty, I'n known nn uel nine llult:, IIIHI "owoecupioa oy Ham ll lsruvoralily located Tor tho transaction ol husluess.nnd irproiierlylteiil, would not lall to lelliru a ll indlome lnenmn. itiir-si iuusn io line, possession, condltlont etc nuii.ii.i.u.iii, i.iisn vicii iiy , ,, I. UlttJUvWAY, Aug. 20,'CO-tt. ABeit, U 11 Ii I C SALE V A Ii U A 11 L I: O F : It K A Li K H T A '1 E. TliOftubscrllier.admr..nfllin mljiln nr ltii-n,,. Cool, dec"U., will exposo tokale on llio premises, ... iiiio icii, iiyii., in uuiuiiiuui couniy, on riaturday, January JiAl, 1S7U, tho followlnit des cribed real wit! A(ract olland. bound- i ri mcnaru iioaninnii. uujan Jtoru, ,11 i.wnvii, uuu mu puuiiu ruau, con- .SEVENTY-FOUlt ACItES, more or lcs: about sixty ncres whereof Is clear ed and under good cultivation. Tho improve menu nreutwostory Fit AM E DWELLING HOUSE, a bonk barn and out buildings, a spring of water apple orchard and oilier rrult;nnd u small stream ol water running through tho place, TKUM9 OF ham:: 'lull per cent of one-fourth of llio purchase money shall bo paid attliostllk Inn down or tho property; tho one-fourth, less the ten per cent at tho continuation absolute; and tho remaining three fourths iu ono year thcrealicr, with Interest from the coutlrinntlon dec. .H,'89-4w. Admlnlsliator. lb Spocial Notices. No Humiu'ci. It i tiHtrrnntcd to ruro lost or Imimlrcil 'J'aito, Hindi ur IkarliiB, Water inff or Wtk I:en. olltjiiHlvo breath. Ulcerated Tliroat or Moutlt, l'aln and l'lcMuretn the Head, nm,- Ium ol Mtmory wheu cixuswl, im alt of them fre quently nre by tio ravage of Catarrh. It la plcnsnritnnd uilnloa tousetcoutalna nostrona poisonous rr caustic drugv, but cures by ittitUhl $oothlnff action. 1 will iay 8i00 Howard for n case of Catarrh ttiat I cannot cure. rem ham: iiy mosi duuuuihth evehy- VntCR Only 50 Cents. If VOlir ImiimUt lins not vet irnt It nn (en If. don't bo put oil' Willi noma worse than worthlcsH Hlroiiff Mull", "fumlcAtor," orpoUonoiH caustic solution, wliifh xvul ttrtvc the ittieaic to the tinioi instead of curing It, but send sixty cent to mo nnd the remedy will reach you by return mull, i-our pacaagea, pcRi pnui, ?Auufoue uozen ior 83. (X). Send u two cent Mntnn for I)r, Sugo's pamphlet un vuuirrn. uureK inu j-inpriemr. IV. I iljUUIjiUi 1,, Jan 7.'7(WIih. Uukka to, N. V p U Ii L 1 C SALE OF VALUAllLi: IIKAIj AND 1'EIlgOX A& IMJOI'KUTY. TIlA Ulllivnrthev n.l'rn'c Iiw. neldU ,,f 11 Urockway.diCd. wlIlcxpoe to salt' on tho prein Ises, in H.1I0111 township. In Lumimcounty.on 11 mesbuuiie and tract ot' land bounded liy Vhe Siisnuelianiia lUicr.lainlsoi Iti-uhoii Klnerand uie 1 feyucn, containing about, threo ncies, un men ih erecieu a goou L AUG 12 FltAME HOUSE & BAIIN, one Kinnll House, n Uriel: Hmolio House, and the umihI outbuilding. The premises also contain the best kinds ol irulttrei y. AlHO. At the same t lino n ml place the follow Intj pcisonal property, viz: BEDS AND BEDDING, two Kood cool; Moves, two parlor Moves, carpel h, c hillis, nnd a largo nj-sortmentof gardening tools kitchen and household furniture, too numerous to mention, TEUMM Ol HALK FOH REAL lCSTATE.-Ono fourth ortho purctiAso money to be paid at the Ktrilitng dou n of the property, the balance to bo paid in four equal annual payments, Interest imyable niimm.iy. TEHMH Oh' PEItSOKATi PTini-rUTV. A 11 amounts uiuUr$3.wlo bu cnsn;over that amount six months credit, appropriate security to bo given. i. It., C. 11. imOCKWAY, Auctioneer. Administrator, dtc.yi.'ov-tf. .ET COMMON HENSE DECIDE. What Is tho rational modeol pioccduro la eases of general debility and nervous prostration? Does not rea son tell us that Judicious stimulation Is required, To resort to violent purgation In such a cose Is as absurd as It would bo to bleed a starving man. Yet it Is done every day. Yes. this stupid and unphllosophtcal practtco Is continued in tho teeth of the yreat faU that physical weakness with all tho nervous disturbances thai accom- pany It, Is more certainly and rapidly relieved by Hostctter s Htomnch Hitters than by any oth er medicine at present known, It is true that general debility Is orten attended with torpidity or Irregularity of iho bowels, and that this symp tom must not he overlooked. Hut wlillo tho discharge of the want a matter of tho fystem Is expedited or regulated, Its vtior mutt be rcvruitctl, Tlio Hitlers do both. They combine aperient nnd nnli'blllous properties, with extraordinary tonic power. Even while removing obstructions from thu bowels, they touo and Invigorate thoso organs. Through tho stomach, upon which the Kieat egclablo specific ncU directly, ItgUe.s u healthy nnd permanent Impetus to every en feebled function. Digestion Is faellltato-l, tlio faltering circulation regulated, tho blood iclu foiced with a new accession of tho alimentary principle, the nerves braced, and nil tho dormant powers of the system roused into healthy action not spasmodloally, as would bo tho case If n rncio stimulant were ndminlstcicd, but for n continuance. It is in this way that such extra ordinary changes nro wrought iu the condition of tho feeble, tmaclated and nervous Invalids by tho use of this wondciful corrective, altera tlvo nnd tonic. Ia I lommo'iMcnsu deicdo be tween' such a preparation and n prohtiatlng cathartic supplemented bv a poisonous astring ent like strychnine or qulnta. p U B LIO SALE VAIjUABLI or I It E A h EHTA TE! In pursuance of an order 010 01118' Court UL lUllllllUlll uumy, x tuiiyi IIUIU, Will OU hOUl at public sale, on thu promises, on Saturday,.Iau. 22d l7i), at 10(iclock In tlio forenoon, by Heiija mln 1 llaitman, nUminlitrator, etc., of Audtuw J.Hloan, latu of Jlloourtowushlp, lu tho county ol Columbia, ra.,deceased,the lollowlun desciib ed valuublu ienl estate to wit; All that certain h OT OF GROUND situate In the town of lUoomsburir. said countv. bounded its follows, to wit: l'rontlur on Market strcpt of suitl town on tho uist, an alley ou tho north, nu alley ou tho wet, anda lot owned by Wm. on the south, enntatnlnz in front on Mai lift stiert heventy-oiio feet, and iu depth one iMuioicu uuu mufij-uisui.ict-'t wiiureon is ercci eil a largo two story BRICK DV EIjLING HOUSE, Drlek Kitchen attached, llriclt Ice Iloue and Spring Houe, Coal Uoum. etc., u largo Trnmo Hiabli', Wagon llouve, Ktraw II on so, and other outbuilding", late a part of tho estate of said de ceased, situated iu tho township and county atoicsald. WELUNUTOX II. E.NT, Clei k. 3-TEHM-i OK HALE: Ten per cent or one fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid on the day of sale; one-fourth of tlio purchaso money, less the len per cent, on the continuation of sale: and tho batuneoof tho purchatu money In one year tiom the conllrmation ofsale, with Interest on the sitiiiu from conllrmation ni, si, rurchaser or l'urchnsers to pay for Deed and H tamps, l'os scsslon given April 1st, li. 1. ll.Itl.A!A, lee. ai,'oa-ow. Admiulstiator. RAIL ROADS. T ackawanna iVND BLOOJIS UUItl ItA.I.ltOAl) On and e fur Dec. Ulli, lSu'J, rasscuger Trains will mu an iuiiuwh; Going North. Clolng Kouth. Arrive Arrlvo Leave Leave p. in. a. m. i. m. a. m. Scraulou I) X lo.M t.uu 7.U0 Leave rilMton 8.W 1D.00 4.32 Kingston 8.V.5 11.50 iM 7.ii I'lymoulh .. u.3i 5.10 tuo KhtclCKliiuuy.... 7.r, s.o.", u.m 8,v Uerwlck (I.-.7 8.9J ISM V.2S llloom .Mi 7.11 7.30 10.02 Dauvlllo 6.05 7.0.5 B.10 10.12 Leave Leave Arrlvo Arrive North'd 1.30 11.18 S.M 11.20 COLUMBIA IRON MQfiMr N. V. SAMl'liU. 0. W. XKAIi. Ii. J. TAYLOlt. W. W. SAMPLE S CO, -- Ooi-nox' ol' Main Straot and Li. MACHINISTS, IRON AND BRASS Mp-DUllS; 15LA0KSMIT1IS AND 13011-1511 MAKEHtt. v MANUFAaTUKJGHS .Ol'V STEAM ENGINES & WATR .Atl3ISI,SS o:i:itAi. .h.vciii.m: houk axd lti-rfxtftfif i! MILL aUAHINO, SIIAKfINd, rULLBY8, HA:,Ur.It, 1IUA1MH' ' S.AW ivriLx. a-BA.B.iiNra- of jTstJ tj-JDS 0ASTIN08 FOK FUUNACKS ALSO CAIl WiriilllJi AND AXLES AND HOLtilNCI AND OBNIIIIAL MINIMI BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KlNBS, GAH 1JOXKS, ' ! AND UAWJIT MlifAI. llKIiFIEIilVS CKIjKBHATKD CihOUK VA1.VEH, STOP COOKS, C1IK0K VAIA'KS, A III UUUU13, 01 D OUl'fl, SXEAiu WfilflTIiES, STEAIVT GUAOES, STBAIV1 PUB AIJ3 rZSSXMfiW CONSTANTLY OIST HyVJSTID. :'- 1 AG13NTS FOll Sl-IIVK'S GOVElUsOll, AUKNOWLKIIOHII TO UK Till! Kl.MTLKST AND 11IWT IN TliE WORLD. MlLLWIllainu AND MAC'IUMbTS Ul'l'l'MU lXTIlUK ON HAND .Jl; I IIIMmIU D AT HllOHTNOTIUi:, VI.; OU.MANDLEATlIl;lUli:f.TI.N(i 01' IlVIiUY WlUVi I-' , Hl'.Ml' AND KOA1' STONin-ACKINO.OIIAi.ltl:!) AND WUIXK 1-iiA. -, Af. LKSSKKS AND SOLE JIANUFAOTUUEl.S OV HAIX'S PATi:NT DOUIiLE D1SCHAKGE TUKU1NE WIIKly-y. -., , V. LinnilAL INDUCKJU-.NTS Ol'FF.ltED TO TltC TlSAlUT.' '" 11 ' ' Alsii Atfcnts fur tli "EUHEKA" Smut ami Suimintlns fucliifio nml "EX- uiJiiSitm" limn uusicr. send ior circuiur. csiiecitnon j)incnim onn nttlit! worlw. ' ' - BLACKSMITHIDT OK" HEAVY OU I.IUIIT FOltalNdF!, 1 ' v SIE110IIANT 1110N OF ALL SIZES ON IUJXIl., I J PI-CIl Connection made utKcranton bv the 10.40 a.m.. train lor Ureat ll.-nd. llluulialutou. Albativ and all nolulB North, and West. V. 1 . JIU UIM U, nil p i. CATAWISSA KAILR0AD On and after MONDAY, Scp. (1, 1SUI, l'liAbcnger 1 talus on;tlicCiitawlssa ltulroad will run nl the louowiuK naiucii uoiuh Mail Soith. HEAMEUS, TAPS AND DIES, HOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO OUDER. OltDEUS FOIl DWDC.E DOLTS AND IKONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES C1IEE11FULLY F.UrtNlSlIED PATTERN SHOP. . . vi; havi: now in this hkpaiitmenttiie latest isir-noVEii macuihluy ' AND AUU I'liEPAHED TO MAKH ALL KINDS OI-' l'ATTEHNS AT PHOm' NOTICE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF THE LATEST IMI'llOVKD I'ATTEr.NS'.""" THRESHING MACHINES. - A Sl'IliUlALlTY.' Den, K.I3 a,iu ' 11.11 " U.I7 - ' lo.o'i " - 10.15 " " 1I.IV. " " 11.17 - - 12,22 p.m. " " l.ti8 " " l.'il " " 2,f "llll " 1. -.1'. " Air. II. STATIONS. Wllllamr-oil. Muucy. W'atsoulowu. Mlllon. llauvlllc. ltupert. Culuwls-ta. Itlugtowii. Huiumlt. lluulcalie. 1.. Mahony June. .-.Taiuaiiua. Dine. Heading. I'liilailelphU. -ViiH .YorM Arr, (1.00 n. ro. " " 4.57 " " I. Ill " " t.UU " " 3.10 " " 3.32 " " 2.2o " " 1.50 " " 1.10 " " 1.80 " 1.10 - " 10.10 u.m. s.15 ' U.15 rmaii x Ilartou, f Enhraliii llalllelt. VK lAnron Andl', et. ul, f Jai (illbert, . l(ieorgnHtrau..ser. IW'iu. Iliooks, et. ux, Win. htiuthern, et, ux. (K. J.-tU.I'. Jl'IIeniy, IJoi-cph 11. Evanii. I Jusepti O. Kitimer, 1 v ireler.-iullli. I Timelier .1 Co. et. nl. K tWni, (joodmaii, (Wm. Mlliu-H, I Daniel I-'.Sc bell,, ijeuuto lleuuood, VH A.J. Kvuu, et. ul. (Win. M..Muillu,ct.ux. Vs t'Jlmolhy llngiiii it. ul. I Henry T. Kelly, H IJunu-ht'iirr. ( Win. 11. Wolfe, 1 ," IJei-sc 1), ltlee. f Wlil.M.Klluctob, I (1.0. Jucobjvi Co. (CD. l'owler.lise. vs (, Reuben Miller. WfcLI.l.NUTON II. LNT, Protiry. riRAND JURORS. VJ (KlIllITAlir IIIKM, 1S70. Hloom-ThoH. HieKey, .Michael Tracy, n.ivia llriibsi, Chits. W. Knyu. r. llrlai creek Wit It.ilil Luinon. I'entrallii James D lie, William Hnjder. (lonyugham Johu rrtee. Cntawlssa Solomon Kliuni-iu. Franklin James I'. Hoauland, Hemloel: James D. l'uil,Ttieodiiie Dent. Liu tut lllram it. llouer. Muiitour I'hlllp FnuM, IsaacJJowry. .Maine Nnl ban .Miller. Mt, I'leuNiint Joliu Mnrdau, sr. I'llie Duvtil Kandels. Menlt John W. Keller, Kaiilllel 11. Kllue. riiarles Lee, John Annuel man, Fianlillii 1'. Keller. f pravehse .unions. L FEllltUAltY TKH.M. 1K7U. 1'IIHT H'KKK, llloom A. Wllman, II. It. Dilnkir, A. Hollo iler, Jacob Evans, J. Tump, A. McDonald, llentou lteuben Dil!s, Catawlsa-H. I'fahler, IltuJ. Miller, Joseph Mail, 8, D. llluunl.H. llawn. J. 11. Knltlle, L. Krelch. Ceutralli Wm. II. Hliuman. Centre John Ester, Jacob Hjujukler, Henry VlemVoek Aaron Kmltli, John lletr, Daniel Fursel, A, J. Einiiu-tt. Locusi Win. Erwlu, John lllril, John Her- n,Muln-C. Human, N. H, W. llrown, J. H. Jameson. MhiIIsou IxitiU Behuyler, J. Cos per. Mlitllu-i:. II. llrown, A. .1. Uueliulcw. Heotl-lt. J. .Mllliml, M. MeCulluui, J, MeL'an ly, I, Hi'ss. sKl-uND WI.1.K, llloom Thou. Ooiey, I'eltr llechul, Charles uu-oier, llarwlck-H. II. Eaton. Ileuton Wi'l. Alipleiuun, Win Hlillth. Heaver A. It. Julinsou, J. IhcdhemU-r. Ilrlurereek-ll. Do.U!,D. Miller, I). Marl., II, llowen. Cataw Issa Walter Beol I, Centre Win. Heolt, Ceiitrulla II. Janus. Klslilnnereek-D. 1'enler. Krunktlu-M. llouer, Joel Zarr, J. Holomuu, (lieeiiViood-Davld Keslir. Iln..l,u.lrrin. LlVfl'. .1. It. tllli-r. Locuu-Johu lllllli.'Jr..(IeiiUitly,J, Ycatrc-r, ninino joiui neic. .Tiu.risuei. Mttlllu J. U. Wluleisteen. Mt. I'leiuaut-W. E. Hands, l'lue Holoinon Dark. Itourlugercek John 1). HoucU. Kugarioaf Johu Klluger. Bcoit Aia Everell, Tho. Ticncli, II, I1 Oman, D, Mowry. OH SALE. About Hit v-llvu feet 11-' In. Kh:inin-' ulth nljto couiliimi nud lmtiiiliiKf comiitcle, uou iu use but too llKlit ior our work. Also sixty f-et nuw htmllliiIu. nml 2 In, turned, with plutu coup lings and adJustiililoliauKcrH. WlllbehoM cbuwp AlbO ono Thrt'sli iig Miuiilne. Apply to N.W'.aAiU'LlIACO. nee. 17,'iiy-ir. rpiIK IS TJIK WOULD. Till: SCIENTIFIC AMi;UICAN Cam i. Kok 1S70. SI.'"0Casi(. a kai.uaum: ritiiMiUM ron alu TUN spU'iulia Ulu(nUetl weekly Jouiual of Popular lfiice, iiicclianlcb.luventionuglueor 111;. ehemistrv. urcliltecture. HL'rknltoro nnd tho ktuttml uitx, enters IU tuenty-lllth year ou tlio Ilrht of January next, having a circulation far ex cuediiig thai ot any him liar J mrnal now publlnh- no i:u tor ,1 ltenaitmcut or tno Hiient lo Aiitcrlcati U veiy ably coikIucUhI, niul ttomo or tlio moil popular writers In tliU Country mid i-jiiropc aro couirnnuorn, l-Aory nuiiiot'r nan Id liuoerial iaui-h. oinbellUhcd with tl 110 Kmirav- lng of Macliini.j, New liivtnttniis.TooWfor the ortvMinji. 1 in 111 aim iimiv'noiii, inyinccniii; WoiIem. DwcIUuk Houses, l'ubllo 13iilldln;. A Journal ot mucli lutrluhlo value, at thu low inUooi tJ u rear, oueht to havo. in this thriving count 13-, A Million Headers, Whouvt r 1 rails tho JSclentlllc Anieilcan U cn teitiilucilund instituted, without beiiitf bother cil with haid woi da ur dry detulU. to iNvi:.NToas and mkciiaxics. this journal b. or upeclal value, as it contal'it a weekly lepottol all I'itent.s lulled at Wiisiilhg' ton, with copious potiees ol iho louUng Aincri can and JUnonean Inventions. 'Iho I'ubliHhers ofthoKeifiitlilo Aiueilcaii aro tlio most Kxteu hivorateutHolleiioisln tlio world, and haveuiw equalled lacttlltcH lor gathering u completo knowledge of tho progt is of Invention and Dis covery lliiouglioul tho world: and with a view to mark thenuurter ot aeeuturv. durlim which ibis Journal bys held tlio rlrht placo in hcTen title and icciiuiucat ii 1 era 1 ore, uiu I'uoiiMieib win ihsuo on January nrt.ttholrgu aiuUpleudlil Hteul Ku graving by Joliu Kartalu of Phtladulphla, uutl- "MKS OF 1'UoautSS-AMKltlOAN INVUNroilS,' the t-lato costing nearly 31.U00 to emirave. and conutus nineteen ItUenetsscn of Illustrious Aui- erlcuu nventoiN, it is u biipcrb work of art. Hlnglo picture, printed ou heavy paper, will bo bold al 8U. but any 0110 eubscribliii: for tho hcieutllto American tho paper will ho bent lor one j car, together with a copy of tho engraving, ou tecclpt 01 $10. Tho picture UaUo ollered atu picnmun ior cuius 01 buutcruciii. Jfi-Sl.ooy CAH1I i'HIZMS.-ffa In addition to tho ubovo Droinluni. thu 1'ub- llshciH ulli ay 81,500 lu Cusli ViUod tor list of subscribers tcui in uy i- cniuarj' iv, ltiv. I'euoni who want to completo for theo prizes, hhould feeud at once for pi jt-pectus and blanks lor names Terms of Hclentitlo American), 0110 year fJ.OU; hlx mouths 8I..V1; lour moutht., tlM), To Clubs iiiiuiu uiiurun, leimi 9wer tiiiiioni. ni'tei inch copies t-cnt fitc, udduvis tho ruhlUhcrs, 87 Talk ltow Now York, How to get J'rtteiit!, A pamphlet of l'atcn Laws and Instruction to Inventors benl Ireo, die. lllOU-tf. fTo New Yoik via. Head ! lnii or Maucli Chunk. Tiom New York via. t Mauch Chunk. r NoChangoof cars between WHIlamsnort and 1'Jilhulelphla. OKO. WEUll buy'l. 0.53 OHTIIEHN ORNTUAL ItAIl- wAY. Un Btid alter Nov, 1Mb I SOU, Trains wp leave Noi'.THiTMiiKKLAMii as follows : NOltTIIWAUD. .i a. 3f., Dally to Willlamsport, (except Sunday) forl'Jlmlia, Canandalgua, Uoehcbter, Ilullalo bUhpeiiblon llrldgc, and N. Kalis. G30 i. M., Dally, (except Mondays) for Klmlia nnu llutlalo via Kile Itathvay fiom Klmliu. r. m,, Dally, (except Sundays) lor Williams- port. Tit A INS SOUTIIWAKD. ICHi A.M. Dally (except. Monday's) for Halt lmoro WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA, 11. lu l'.M. Dally (except Hunday's) lor Italtlmnu Washington and Pnlladelpbla. IU). H. YOUNO, (Jineral Pahseuger Agent. Ai.fkkii ll. rinKK, Om'l Hupt., N R w a O O I) H , JI RO W K H'H STO HK, i.owiwr rmui-w run cahii. KIUST DOOH AI10VK COUltT 1IOUHK, dec, I7,tf)-ir. J OH P1UNT1NO IN COLONS, Neatly ext cut d at UiUomco, PIIIhADEUMIlA AND ERIK j. uailuoad.- wjnti:k auhan(Ji:mi:nt. On and alter Monday, Nov, l-th lSiffl, the Trains ou tho I'hlludelphla A Krio ltall Koad will run us follows; WK.HTWAKD. MAIL THA1N Ic.ives Philadelphia 0.XS p.m ' M " Not tbumbei hi nd..A.'J) 11.111 ' " nrr, at Lilo sjorun' KP.IK KXPItlsliiiVfi l,'' " ' " Nort'd ti.50p.rn " " arr. ut late lu.1Wu.1n KLMIUA MAIL leaves Phlladeljdila 7.3) n. in M " North'd Jl.."5 p.m " " arr, at Lock Haven ".-JO p.m" UAHTWARD. A1AIL TUAIN leaves Krle 8.10 a.m Nortird 11.10 a.m " an . at Philadelphia (i.'JU a. m KIII1-: KXPUL.S leaves Kilo l.ou p.m " Port d S.Ua.m, ' " Phlhulf I nhln 12.4.i n.m. KLMIUA MAIL bases J -oil; llaeu S.U)a. in. " iNorth ti li.nua. in. 1 " air. at Pltlladeinhla b.OU o. in. HUrrALO 1 XPltlSld.ves m.noitlJ.aam. iorui o a, m. " " air. at Phlladcljdila J.23a.m Ilxnress cast connects nt Cor v. Mall Kast nt Cory and rvineton, Lxptess weht at Jrvinetou wuu iraiu ion un wittK uuu .11cg11eny mver ltall Itond. A. L. TYLlUt, General Huperlutendeut, Wllltainsonrt. JEADINO UA1LIIOAD. WIN ILlt AltllAMJ KJ I li NT, Monday, Deckmui u :"th,l.sou. Ureal Trunk Line fiom tlio North uud North Weit lorPhiladelnhla.Now Yoik. Headlm I'otts- vllle, Tainiuiuu, Asluaud, Shaiuokln Ltbanoii Alleutown. l;abton. Ktibiala. Lfti?-. laiucuter. t;uiuuiiiia,v-c., iiaina leuvu iiurrihoury iur ew uiia. u mi1 lows: At 5.3.J. and 8.1U u. ni.. IJ.'JU uoou uud '2,03 p. in., connecting with similar tiulus ou I eim a. lLiilroad. uud iirmiui! ul New lork at l'.M5, iimm, a,iuy,5-j and lu.ou 11, m. lespuctlvely, bleeping cursaceoiupuny tlio o,-J5a, m,, and 12.JU uoou iiuuot wniiMui eiiiiugti. HLturnlm;: Lcavo New Yoik tit y.OOa.m. and L'.uo noon ami i. m. l'iilludclphla at Ud a m, aim ivju p, 111, ciueping cars acooiuiiuuy luo v,w i, in. 1 hum w,w .iii., vi 111111 iiuui .11 a, vviw ami enuiie. mamia, .MlutrhVille, Aehlaud, bhumoktu Pino Urove, Allentouu a. Plilla'd. al 8,IU u.111.. A 2,U &. nan.. aloMiliiLT ul Lebanon and tirliielual wnv numous; tho l.tupm, train couiucting tor Plitl'a Potthll o and Columbia onlv. 1-ur PottHVlllrt hLhuylkill llavcu uud Auburn, via Schuylkill ami biuqueh.uum ItaiUo.ul, leave llaniburg ut ?,-iu p.m. ay rubsuugor iraiu icaved ruuatieipiua at 7, kia.m.. connecting with blmllar liulu on Hast Pa, lallittad ri'luuiiiig hum Ueudlngut 0,33 t.m. t-toifpiiig ut all fetation. Leave Potts vlllo at o,liuiul a.m., and 2.11 p.m. lleiudoii at V.'M u. in., Hiuiuokiu ut 6,10 uud J 0,10 u. m.. Ashland al 7.0. a.m. and l'-V10 noon Tama. (luuair,!U a. 111., uud '.',." p. 111, lor Philadelphia uuu rcw inrii. lcavo PotUvlIln 1 la Sehnvlklll nnd Kiimhiip. h.iuna Hull load ul 8,13 a.m. ior Uujrlsburg. uud il.wa. rn., ior riuoUiovo and Tremout, Heading Accummodutlou Tiuln leaves Potts villo alo.iu a. 111., p.Uhes Heading at 7,') a. in., ur Hvlng at Phliudilphlant lu.iu a. in. Heluinluff. Uuc Piilladeli biu at 4,15 p. in., passing Head ing ut 7.10 p.m., urrlvlns at Putlsvllle nt U.3i p.m. Buckeye Reapers .-UMi-idln E PAIRED, ANll AM, KXTHA TAItTS I-'UllNIallKU. S.- '.."1 MANUKA CT UliKltS AND 1'1101'IUETOBS OF 1-IOKTON'S PATENT I-TAY IIAKTV.- ' ' ALL OHDKIIS EXECUTEn WITH PIlOMl'TNESS. v. ; -luj- -i 1 -, -.i 5?N. II. Having put in machinery cspu-ially ndapted to tliy .nipnuAuluro ol" Mouliiinj; Cutters.wo nro pr.upartii tocxecuto lari;o or small ofJ'rs, :H -.I-ort "no tice, nml on very favorable terms. Send for Cheular anil pflrc tH . Jluy 7,VJ-tf N. W. HAMPIjK -t- CO. rpiIE GALAXY jL t on mo. (Ulli AT ATTRACTIONS. AiiTiuMjf sr.cuitKi) ntoM cirAi!r,i:s 11KAUH, M HS, l;llVAl!IIS, ltlllllAlil) OllAM' WlllTi:. AKTHONY'lKlll.- i.ori:,.iusnN m-iuuty.i'aukk UUllWIN, lilt. J. C. DAI.TUM, DK. WlAl'liH. Aiulnll llio Lenillng Wiitc-rs of tho D.iy. l-lll-Sl-. Tut yonrhclf lu liluiilflci-.Chiulty Ilcmlo's Circnt Story, will toiitlmift to ilelliflit llio rcmlprs of llm (laIuylliei;rt'aU'r imrt of thu year IhTO. Tart l-'lrst In now it-ally lu lto-k fuun.aiul will tio sent irco Willi ilioflnlnxy for 16T0 on melit or Si.ou llio rr-gulai buljbcrliitloit irlo. HECONU. A nuwMory by Mrs. P'tlwanl, null or of '-Sii-i-an rieldlntr." "hloi'licn Ijiwinu-e, Vcoiuan," ctt. Irw. Kil waulf- In one or llio very licit female iiovi-libts now wi lllng in tho J-'igll.-.U latiKuao THIKI). Anthony Trolloue will fuinUh ncrlci.of "IM itors' Talc-H," In w liicli he will woilc nn entirely nuf elu. rourtTii. rarko (joilwln, ono of tho ablest or Aineilcan wrlleru, will luruUh u i-erlen of uotcwoithy ur llcle.i ou Ulstorleal Mlljects. KIl-TII. Ittchai-il Urunl Whlto will i-onliuuo his nud hoeial c-.mij h. HIXTII. Justin M'Carty, wIioko f.klll nx tin eftlcient liliilia.lno wilier Is alinovt illeil, hui. htc n eniiiigeil nn llio lMltorlitJ Hlall', nml will conliilj lite irlll.illy to the Ualaxy. si:vi:ntii. Ten Years in Rome, Ktvin nn insl-lo view oi Ihu Itoinaii Catholio Uhurcli, liy a late Kcelci,ia tic, will he anolcworihy series of art ides. Kinimi, Iho Hcicutilie Attlclei. will be piepiircil by li , liallouuiHl Draper, buili eminent I'hyhlutogl.sts. NINTH, Tho Utlltorhil atall'of the Galaxy Is now veiy laiuo anil has ou It llin best talt-ul tuaiioil ou American periodical literature. Wo havo airaiijicd fur very llbeial clubbing teruiH Willi tho ntiier leading perludlcitls. AKalupto copy will lie senl on lueelpt of 23 Us. l'rice, 35 cenu cr niinibei; -ii.mi per year. .0- i.i riir. riM3 m AfV.'vc;!:. Tho Oalaxylstho 1'estof Altierlcau Mnirayhus. IsllLI.illlN i LOMl'ANY, dec. Sl.-ttJ-lf. ids Jt rti Ilroadv.-.iy, N. V. DELAWAHE, LACKA WANNA, & WKSTl-.ltN r.Air,KO.1-- intnr-irrnrrause- luellt, ciT.r.vitij. TiainsloAo an IUuwm u i r- W.T. l'- Ac Ac- llx- JIall MTATIOXB. . i prc-f. com. com, pi ess J !l 41) 9 II ll 25 II Ui) ill 15 D.'iU 7 15 i SI 5 3.1 1 OWN'S EAST EH EIGHT .: II. 10 i mi 1,-iH 1.11 :i.I5 l-.M l'.SI, MS a.25 3.W 12,1(1 2.10 l'i.10 i.i'i; Via M. i i-.. lu- .s. v M.;l' M Arl New Yoi fc. i i.v n.o Jlarciiti .i I K.J. I 0-1 ChiKl',,-1,. i - i - l lloliiikon I - li 1 I.i Nl i . t lj Wasfilntni '.. . I1.W5' via Cn, lilt, nl - NtWVofr .... ' (IMMiry&ii i -1 ii,l ijUi ....Kev.-lliminioi. . H r, ii V ... -.(.ixioru iii.-.i w ..llilUKevllle l'hllnilelplih. ut niou... l.Wl! l'iilllfll-bn-H 11.2rI.Manunkn UluuJ:. 11.20 M.I.-uiu 11.02 ....Mrunl Btlili .. 5 11 llu.17 V.'uttr O-.J-. 5U1 1D.SI 1 11 I 211 .1 11 8 25 .1 lo 2 M I- M 111.1 11.60 U.M 11.22 .. .. .Wtiondi, i.p.- ...Mnittiivmvtlie. .. llenii vllle.. ...... .... I olKs ...'lobylmiin , ...C!iU.uu lu VI' sc v liitmilii ... K'.r Sri., .t. ii . 7..'.-- ...I''s J'....o.' ,. 7..jt);...AtitUKW.i 7.11 .Pa.-ti.rT'tl- U.ll ,'lelii.lbc,ii , Ilnpr.ollom .. . . ,..itou'i-s...; ,. Nov .Mil-...- 1 .. ...Ure... llm,; ... ii. -7.aii'. 'I.t'"- 12tt7 Uj '..-'.7 .'yj, 12..0 d (W . i 13 I o",ls Kl -I l.ip m , 1 2 21 11 M I.I. V M 5.10 A.M. A.M. I1.1U 11.30 I 11. IU 12110 12.-HI 2.IM CVSMEllu-., . ii k Us. 1 1 '-aro lVuri;, KUOM PiilLADKM 1UA TO JII.)O.MSliUitU, mid iuttrmedfalo points, h fui warded with Villi! Ulli LiOlMl II tiier tleulajs. umdv to WAUK A llOlilKfiON.PiopiUtors. Autf.iUVJ-tr. H. It. Depot, lUiwmsbura.Pa. itcrmcamio i-oiiuk uikhi iui wuru ud dfiyiittli tiiid ut low ittli-K ds, ut Plilladeipliin, must U jltUv rsti. bli ilurlti-t htU'ct, l or fi At New llninpton, with cent. 1 11 j". of flow Jertuy.iiH'Novv,l .Mtb. .tj.i'. .1 I ut villi. Kaston. Ac. At Wiislilniiion, v db 'M 1 tOWU, 11. tOu, Al. At M.iuuiil.u Cir.n , n " It. It., for Piiilttdelploii TiM. I-imueri&vlliiv l'linliw-,' ,p 1 Athcrun'oii, With h.iolc.Hif-irM v 1 wisburt; It. It., ior PUUitm. iuiii'.iu , Wiilcv 1 nrre, Ianlll-, N'"t'm 1 i',fC, Uli Uolawaiu i.M Hudson it. j: , Tul' AHypJi-.tH, Atcli luld, and (.'urlnmdul . At final Ikmd.with Ki ic ltupftwn - . iiiuiiham-. tou, i:iiiru, Jiiulalo, l4MfiuH toiacusi, and the Wi'M. 1 IViKnKkl'ifAn.rtupt. it. a. ui;.mu, Uiju. ;'iis. ami tui. AuuuU cied at full par- i'OtUlUWU Actum luudulloii TrulutlcHven l'ntu. tuwu utO.liu.iu.,, rttvuulHij, lfu(.s Piilludclplilu ut 4,00 p.m. Columbia Hall raid Tiifluu k-avo Hoadhik' at 7,W u.111.. uud 0-15 p.m. lor L'phruUi, LUlx, Iiiuas- PerUloiutu Hall Itoud Trains louve Pcrtilomtu Junction ut Wv, m,,u.oi) a 3.; Op. m. rtturutnK : leavobcliweiikiivllli) ut KiJa.m., Ii4l nomi, mid 4.15 p.m.. connecting wltli bliullur trulmi uu lU-iidlnu lull road. Colfbrookdalu llalliontl Irnliih IfaxuPollhtowii ut I'.iu a. 111 und 0."j p. m.t ulun.tni: Kave Mount Pli-iihnutut 7.lUund 11 5 a. in., toliiuctiUB with umiiur uuiiu on Htauiiiie itanioati. Ccthtt r Vulluy lCaiiioud Tiului ieuo Iirldu. port ut h,)u. in. und '.'.(A uiul A.fJp, m. U'luiuliiic. lt-ao l)ownim:ton ul U.. 0 u. in.. noon uud 5.15 n, in.. itJiuicctliit; with Rlinllar tralDt on HHEtuuif iiaiirouii. On HumttiYu. leave New York ut fi.00 n.m.. Phil pliiuul J,"U u.m. und ;i,15 p.m., llio fe.oo u.m, train runulimoiily lo HiudlliB.) PotUvlllu t,0U u.111.; s ui a, n. m. una i.iu p. in, und UtinUburn ittudluu nt7.15 11.111,111111 io uj p. m. for lUrrl Initir, ut 7,'ila. m, Mr New York, und ul I'.lUa. in uuu -j.i p. in. ior miiaui'ipniu. Ommutatiou, MlUuco. b0Mn, tchool ami r.iiuikiun lu'kciH 10 una imui un puintv.ut ie timed ru ilh. Putunco t lu cUc il t In c iifcli; IU) pouutW nlluueU U. A. N1COL1X, (ienf ral Hiiiurinteudtnt, piUBT CLASrf C300D3. H A H K 11 A U G A I N Tho subscriber has Jiut thorqujftily restocked lit Ktore. In CatawUu, lulely ot'cupted by il NlucU & Hliuman, und now oiler for sale A COMPLUTi: BTOCK Ol- Dill' GOODS Groceries nnd merolmndUe which for tpmlity und 11rMy will coninuto favorably with tiny lu tnu country, llo luu i ftvn itort ui ui S I It 1 N U (J O O 1) S wlilch ha will tINno-,0 of for CJKll or counlrv tito- tlueo. Aluouj; his lliy (JikkU Wltl bo louuil llll llio laii-Mi uuu iicm paiiLruH in 01NU11AJ1H, CAMCOl-iS, KI.ANNMLM, HIIAWIX, l.-AfcIMi:itH, llUOADCUl'lilS, -COVrONAUlB JUAKK ic.,S(, (hiockuiiu uussvaiu:, iluiiiix-swAiti-:, HAumvAKi: i;i:iiA'Aitu intuos, OILS, r a 1 N T H, VAltNISllUS Ac, II ATS & OAl'S, HOOTS .t SIIOE3 fact, a completo line of gnoilK. helm glim tohU nusluohv. A. ho hu) h niul fcullK lor t.uu ho can unorJ to luep hw iiriu-n iih low if not lower than uuMilenlciii. 1IU luolloN "Ul'llK HAI.IJI ANIJ KHALI. I'UOi'lId," COAL OE Ahh KINDS llr.nittauily on liuuil and lor fiulu at tho lowct luarlEot luteH, Mono "hosi-uate, l-li,pecialuttontloU4inllathOfieloetlolirit liullil I t.j- nialerlal, lutlery, licchuiili-i.' Ti)l. uiul Iluiilwuiu of ul! kind, lo which tho ultcuilQit ol Inilhtei.itnUotlierii 1h refiucfcteil. OHAIN rilllCll AH Hl. A fair .hart, ol pul.llo custloiu I. .Ubftei nml nocUuila wlllbeninlttCHl louive riiliie .ulUlae Uou. JOSU'H 11. KNmXM. Arr. ic.usi-uiu luui.iu, iv. rpilE NEW FAMILY n ii i 1 u 11 a 1 11 1 .1 t. 201 Bowery. EMPlltK li'M flowery. The extraordinary t.uc. ui iLv.i 1 und Improvett manufirtnrlnff MrttAifnfH 1 Liyht or heuvy woilt, Iiom iuduopU UMPIllK HBWmU "AOIHNi: to innmifiieturo a NV? Tflmt' M"' or the Hamo style unci conirijrCituu, wliu tWUtoiifil or- iiameniaiion, maKinsii criti".! ri 1 i. r m uu IhU Willi other Knnilly U ubfiuinvM 11 iar ' iUowv Hierot h lu Thoprlc of thin fiWi:rrltwbil ncinry nr- Uli too tlclu comtui vUtlUU liHtflt ol iiwvy Compnuy W prcinrod.' oflvt tin tiberai lAery mt.mmwwt Ato.Ymic. Oct. 1569-ma. (lAMPirMJo (nn;w. A now, clwrHin dujrtpiUt, luii l.iy, ti.ti'. vloou epyrm$ia ! A biilmtttuto foroll-clcth .t rn-thirt I'ic eo&t, ThUcarpet lx pioUyir-l by a ppHMllf rguihlna lion 01 fclluuK. wai 1 ukW i 1 1 ii i iMHimil' till color, niul ratt-tl with a tnvli, Hv 'luoi cnuinei wium Jfct uoniiic WMtvr, piaut-u 111) UllUlh UUU 1HIII t uuuii K L, :, iituuiecarpti uncpi put nrnuiuu ucme, Jts ac'AuniiiKCM : rs f 11 lH It : t. mnu- taken up ami tlaMicu Uke lunr a ii.iuim tlnu txtttuinKiy fcinuwyi uivi l' (uvott much laboi uud wnntiiu i;inpmn'H rv m. nie mny rt(julr,wlilt h lanV luUc41ulitl , i( n 9 UQwaud biiultt: lu) . j-laetHl upon ti.Ptl ly upoutlte waUtr-prr -i Iter belin; tut d t ul ' iun icccMly ''in 1 . evon for tinnl , n.tii , 1 puifl, bi1 Hit) tiiii nil' 1 Anurlta. loiiHiw rt .t . lmr, all t m wtli' It to In- in Wu liaw jurUiut.'i ii.. couut m 1 '"it "' Ut liuilillf i' " I ' 4)U 1 .1111.. goodHtif tlir '.!', i ' Hloolti iii.ji.lK In tllllf .ii I v 1 thu ,1 an I itMlll 1,:. 11 jt tiinppfar " . L. tuver Wl ' hut f4luiit' . t jirt i iu 1 . j 1 4, Puptr L-t- rnipoht'k. 1 k m 1 luariutfup unit 1 1.1 i i.Wju or arin 1 . 1 iir covt -nil t i labia t uuu 1 1 riluft tho