.... - , - BtiOOMSBUKG, PA. FIUO.VV, JAKVAllV ill, 810. M-TlltS COI.UMHIAN li tli LarRcit VlrcuUtluu at nr paper pnllllliil in at-thtrn l'entnylnlm, and I alio Much larger hel than any of Uaeotcm ararltii audi therefore the best medium ft adrerllelng In title eectlon ofllie Stale. Tho JPoor House Quostlon, - We deslro to call general nttcntlon to the statement of tho Directors In rttinui vr cotumTi. AUhougli It embrace n nerloil of only 'nine months Ills an ox- ncedlndv erutllVIni: exhibit to tlio tax (r payors, wul will coinmoncl Itself to micli lOwnsniiH ns ittwu in... iuiilg" tem. I'l.n sj.1l.1n nf lllli JAtrill. IUllUlillir-!, "Stock, etc., is $20,218,72. Tho debts nrd $11,181,00 shuwltitf "ot result In favor r,rtlii. nlstrlct of 45.728,82. Heretofore tho ontlro amount of tas w.h not sulll elent to maintain the poor; but now not only Is that done, but n largo Klmro of the farm paid. TI10 expenses for tho hiipport of our muir Imvn nut liei'ii OVCJ SllilKI, Willie tlio prpduefs of thu farm amount $1839,10. Heretofore the tivcrnira number paupers was about HO; now It Is 4!t 8. It must bo remembered also that tho system did not ro into operation until May when an Important turt or the year had gone by, and that (lie Direc tors and steward had to encounter many difflcultic Incident to now enterprise of such a character. Tho Steward had h family of eight children, while tlio present one has only one child, and both himself and wife, have much ox periencoin such matiers. Tlio Direc tors have also adopted somo new regu lations, which cannot fail to bo of ben efit. We confidently expect In a year tho profits of tho farm will obvlato.the the necessity of a poor tax. to of Stato Temperance Convention. A Statu Temperance Convention will assemble at Harrisburt; on tlio 8th of February at 11 o'clock A. M. Full dclcuatious aro expected to bo present from different organizations. Stato Temperanco organizations aro to bo rep resented by delegates not exceeding 11 vo in number each; County Temperanco organizations, by not more than three delegates each; Temperance, societies, Divisions of S. of T., Templars of II. und T. nud Lodges of Good Templars, Churches, wards of cities and boroughs, nd townships, by ono delegate each. Credentials will be required from thoso desiring to takopart in tho proceedings. Preparations are being made to insure that this convention shall bon formida ble demonstration of tho friends of total abstinence. c A late dispatch from Franco sayS: -j M. Einilo Olllvlor, tho elder of tho newly formed Ministry, on tho occasion of his formal installation as Minister of Justicosald that ho should always in Ifco dutlew of his oillco, seek to maintain' the dignity nnd supremacy of law, - and made it a principal object to im press on tho Judges present, that the first and chief object In tho execution of their duties was to keep separate matters of politics from all matters of Justice,- so that their decisions might novcr have even tho appearanco of being dictated or inspired by the government of tho Stato. What a contrast in this respect docs "despotic Franco" present to "frca Am erica." There, Justlco bears sway, nnd the laws aro rcliglousiyenforced. litre, our Judges aro appointed because or political services, and for tho purpose ofiualdngpurtisan decisions! whlloCon stitution and laws aro daily violated by thoes whoso sworn duty It 13 to enforce them. In a word Imperial Franco deals more Justly by her citizens than Republican America. ' Internal Kovcnuo Items. Persons engngod In tho manufacture of wines fiiim grapes, berries, or fruit, not 0 their own growth, should pay special tax as manufacturers, and as liquor dealers, when selling tho same, whether their sales oro made at tho place of manufacture, or otherwise. Postage stamps cannot bo used In pay ment of tho duty chargoablo on Instruments. Tho law dooi not designate which of tlio parties to an Instrument shall fur nlsh tho necessary stamps, nor does tho Commissioner or Internal Hovonuo ns sumo to determine that It shall bo sup. plied by 0110 party rather than another, but Iran Instrument subject to stamp duty is Issued Without having tho ncc esinry stamps a Mixed thereto, It cannot ho recorded oradmlltcd, or used as ovi denco in any Court, until a legal stamp ur stamps denoting the amount or tax, shall have been nlllxed as prescribed by law, and tlm person who thus Issues It dsliabtoto n penalty, if ho omits ,tho stamps with tin Intentto evade the pro visions of tho Internal Uevenun net. Xo slump Is necessary upon an In strument executed prior to October 1, 18G2, to mako it admissible In evidence, or to entitle it to record. Certttieates of loan in which there shall appear any written or printed evidence of 1111 amount of money to I hi paid on demand, or at a tlmo designated, aro subject to stamp duty in "promissory notes," A check, draft or order, for tho pay ment of a sum or money drawn other' wine than at sight, or on demand, Is Hit bio to stamp tax at thu rate of llvo cents for each one bundled dollars, or frac tlonal parts thereof. livery memorandum, check, receipt, orolher, written or printed evidence of an amount uf money to bo paid upon demand, or n tlmo designated, is sub ject to stamp tax at tho same rate ns a promissory note. There Is no stamp lax on a promissory note until It is issued. A stamp is to bo cancelled when it Is "attached or twit," and although a stamp may bo allixed when a note Is signed, It cannot bo said to bo used until tlio nolo Is Issued. A negotiable promltbory note UMde, signed and issued in a foreign country, and niado payable there, may bo nego tiated by endorsement in tills country without liability to any United States stamp tax. The acceptor or acceptors or any bill or exchange, or order.for tho payment or any sum or money, drawn in any foreign country, but pnyablo In the United States, mutt beforo paying or accepting tlio same, placo thereon a stamp indicating tlio duty. When a conveyance or realty is made upon an actual valuable consideration which is manifested and intentionally in adequate, the deed should bo stamped according to tlio amount or vnluablo consideration, nnd n succession tax (un less tho successor, bo the wlfo or tho predecessor) should bo assessed upon tho valuo or tho land conveyed, Iesi such consideration. When 11 receipt for an installment or rent is written upon tho part or a lease held by tlio tcuand, and Issued by him a two cent stnnp should boallixed to it, IT the amount exceeds $20. THE KALEIDOSCOPE vffi mnp of busy1 Ufif, 1! lit fluctuation and lUvnilconcorni.V THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO CHAT, 13LOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY AfjCOl MOB. nigJilHV $SSO( i-ii. 4ST ill ..a 1 NoOeiv. Theuk Is troublo In Mississippi. At corn, though chosen Governor by tho Itadlcals, lias a will of his own. IIo Is a natlvo of Mississippi and seems to have somo telf-respect. He has refused.! to be sworn In by General Ames aa mere provisional Governor, claiming that he was elected Governor by the people of his Sta te, and that he Is en titled to tho executive chair by reason of that election. Tims do the Radicals meet with checks In their rccoiislrue tion schemes at every turn. Tue lyutlia Ledger Almanac for 1870 has Just reached us and Is an eminently creditable little volume. It is hand somely bound and printed, ami ion tains a variety of useful Information. Its statistics relating to tho early gov ernment uf tho city or Philadelphia aro especially valuablo ntidBUchus wo havo nevCr teen in us convenient shapu for reference. Eighty thousand copies of this Almanac have boon printed for gratuitous distribution among tho sub scribers to tho Ledger, at n cost of over $5000. -Mr. chllds has reason to eon. gratulato himself on tho success of liU new enterprke. Tho work will hero after be published yearly. "Hon. U. Mercur spent tho recent va cation of Congress nt his homo In To waudu.i' This wonderful event Is recorded In tho Tutikhtinnock HepuWcan. If Mercur can't make a sensation In Congress hociiu at least In Tunckhanuock, It reminds us of an enthusiastic llrodfordinn who asked an eastern .Radical Congressman -what lie thought of Mercur. "Inas much as wo seldom seo him, and never hear from him, I can't glvo you much of an opinion, but I bellovotherolseuch a man in Congress, from ono of tho wild districts of Pennsylvania" was tho rejdy. Wk have- received a most capital lit tlo work entitled "Tho Talisman of Business Success" by W. n. Illxler of Ihe JfatlOH Daily Hxjiress, Tho book is full of ploln common sense advlco to business men and mpst worthy of at tention. Wo proposo to give extracts from tlmo to tlmo for tho benefit of our mercantile friends and others. Setter From Josh Billiugs. New Yoiik j January 7th, 1870. I llettle my Dear Gazelle: Tho time for 1110 to fill my engage ment with you, at Bloomsburg iz fast hurrylugon, and I intend to fill it if I don't spring a leak. Sickness iz one ov them kind ov leaks you kant avoid, nor kan't stop. You will seo mo nt Blooms burg on tho night of Jan. 28th, without tho aid or a spyglass, ir I doant get to leaking. Tho titlo ov my iektur jz "Milk," tho Iektur iz easy to take, and easy to digest. 1 warrant this Iektur for 90 days, without enny extra charge, I reservo the privilege ov watering tho Iektur rrom tlmo to time, If it shows signs ov getting dry. Next year I think some ov dropping tlio lckturing blzzness,nnd going into tho Lifo & Firo Insurance Speculation. Tho only doubt I havo about tho new blzzucss, would bo tho risk ov insuring somo folks, I know ov, against loss by fire. There iz a grate menny folks whom no amount ov premium will envo rrom burning. In advertising me, doant fall to men tion my grato personal beauty, my moral capacity, and tho undlelng ha tred I havo for Gin and Sugar. You may also sny I nduro women, and knnt help It. My wlfo travels with 1110, to seo tluit tho hack drivers doant cheat me. She Iz a lovely woman ov somo 2.5 hummers. My Iektur iz a couiick Iek tur, and perhaps it would bo well enough for you tostait, when you aro In convcrsatIou,that thereiz this length ov difference between u cowio Iektur and a srientljjiei: one, tho audience havo got to understand tho comic Iektur; to onjoy It, but Ilia knn enjoy tho sclent 1 flick ono, without understanding It. If you should mako enny engage ments for mo at the Hotel, doant rail to Impress upon tho mlndov tlio Landlord that I furnish my own tooth brushes, and chant want enny common ynller bar soap, nnd nm used to wet towels,nud although I am G foot :i Inches in depth, I kan sleep in n fl foot bedstead, provid ed tho mattross iz az thin az a buck wheat slapjack, so I kan feel all thu springs, and tho footboard Iz taken off, giving my legs a chance to stick out in to tho room. Pardon mo for mentioning tlicso tri vial remarks, but I find az I grow older In life, I know altogether loo much, fur my own convenience. In conclusion dear lictllo keep 11 fctlffuppcr Hp, and if you ware a p.ipcr kollar, havo it wash ed often. Itcmember 1110 most fervent ly to tho people ov Bloomsburg, but Insist upon it Bettle, that tliaro iz to bo no firing ov cannons tippon my arrival, nor no delegations ov young ladys aro to meet mo nt tho depot, and sing psalms. I nm nhnter of ov nil fuss,aud mil nz easy to wait on, and keep In riming order, nz a mountain spring. Fnrowoll, JOSH HILLINGS. Fort n lino collection of non-orlglnnl mntfer, seo tho ItrpuOllcan of this week. There aro no locals unless tho Dr. wife calls the Hat platitudes in tho first col umn of the third pago by flint name, Is tlio fall of 18 I with twocr threo others was Invited to bo present atn postmortem examination, where can cer had boon tho ratal dlscaso.On reach ing the house, wo found tho rest In wait ing, nnd after tlio usual Introductory ceremonies wo repaired to tho chamber of tho dead. Although I bad passed through tho ordinary experiences of dissections whilst n student, nud had witnessed examinations post mortem several times, still tho prosenco of tho clay-cold form of humanity retained Its chastening subduing inllucncu on my feelings. Silently rovorontly.for 'twas u woman's fraine,nr.d wo were all women, tlio eovci lug was turned dovn from tho face, It was palo nnd thin, Its lines or suffering deeply lraced,its meek woman ly look touching to behold. Tho frosts of near sixty winters had passed over her, streaking her locks with silver. Her physician spoke- of iter patience nnd gentleness during tho lengthened dying of two tardy years, of her thank fulness, thai ono of her own sex could bo her physician, xympathlzing with and soothing tho o'erwcnrlcd spirit, whilst ministering to the wasting body nnd palliating tho tortures of dlseaso.of her wish that 11s women could make u post mortem, they should do so, for tlio benefit of others or her sex. And how nt tho last visit when tho spirit was about departing, being In great anguish she had wrung tho hand or her physi cian and looked unutterable gratitude. With my mind Interested nnd softened by tho recital I looked on as tlio pre parations proceeded. There were the white attenuated hands crossed on tho still breast, and on tho third finger of tlio left ono was n gold ring worn nl mrst through. Her physician resum ed "that was her wedding rlng.and she has been n widow theso many years." Tho abdomen was opened; tho pelvic viscera exposed were round to bo ono mass of disease. "How could tho poor thing live so long," was pityingly ox- claimed,"how wonderful tho tenacity of 11 let" A largi stone was found In tho gall bladder, thu liver was bestudded with whitish and brain-like bodles.und thestomnch nnd intestines showed un mistakable ev idences or functional dis turbance. Hut amid all theso explora Hons of such fearful import to woman kind, although medicine as n scienco possessed for me great attraction, was to mo a Mibjcct of deepest Interest, still my thoughts turned to tho history of that littlo circle of gold, whoso long clasp was not to be broken even in death. Had It been placed there while tho current of youth nnd health bound ed In thu veins, tlio bloom and blush of maiden modesty tinged her check, nnd tho light of love and joy beamed In her eyo, placed there by a strong but gentlo hand, tho pledge of his manly affection tho earnest of that beautiful oneness of which It Is tho fitting emblem? Had It been hallowed by tho pressure or his lip, then put on with his sacred chargo,nnd her faithful promise that It should nev er bo removed? Had it been to her In tho days of her weary widowhood a sweet souvenir of a strong nnd change less love, that was ever watchful for her weal, over solicitous to anticipate her wishes, over yearning to shelter her rrom tho ruilo winds of adversity? How many tender recolectlons had It awak ened, how wn-s It linked with her past happinov), how blended with her oxist- ingsorrows, how identified with every memory or him whoso burled lovo was dearer than any heart or living mould? Tho examination was completed, as far as possible all traces of It effaced tho body readjusted, tho hands softly crossed over tho quiet heart, nnd thoy and their golden circlet forover hidden rrom my eyes. I had seen how exten sive and terrible might bo tho ravages or discaso and yet lifo linger, had learned how awful tho agony to which woman is tho only possible heir, but alas, I had not learned anything ns to tho cause proventlon,'nor cure of tho frightful ma lady. Such is tho humbling limitation ortlds benevolent science, such tho bur ning boundary or humad ken. 1 wen rrom tho presence or tlio dead n sadder. ind a kinder, ir not a wiser woman Oft yot, when ratigucd with tho duties or tho day I sit lonely in my silent chamber, that subduing memory comes up, and I seo again that palo patient race, and those folded hands, and that well worn tlmo-abraded marriage rin; jsy- Xiifo Insurance, Lnci: protection against loss from lire, iifo Wisurdnco, 6V somo. or tho sovcrnl plans suggested, -Is Justly becoming ex ceedingly popular. In fact fow business men who hftvo a proper appreciation or lifo and oven a common regard for tho elfaro of their families can risk tho comfort of their wives and lit tlo ones to 10 uncertainty of life, or equally uncer tain freaks of fortune. The day has como when men do not nsk, "Shall wo nsuro7" but upon what plan, nnd with hat Company, shall such assurance bo affected? Whero Is tho most security with tho least premium? Tho great difficulty with insurance genet-ally Is that It costs vastly moro than It is act ually worth. Wo aro humbugged Into concern called "mutual," and, as the iVmcrican ililiul is tickled with tho idea uf participation In tho control and pro fits, this plan Is tho most popular and tho officers of tho company, who havo little interest lu Its success other than a continuation of their emoluments reap lie bulk of tho buncflU in the shapo or enormous salaries and handsnmu build ings. Upon 11 good plan, protected by 'ftoino law, either National or Stato, wo believe tho stock Insurance is tho safest tho best nnd thu cheapest. Wo havo Juststartcd In our midst nn organization which has for Its object tho provision or tho family nfter tho death of one of Its members. After a careful examination of Its method of business nnd u knowl edge of Its workings In other commun ities, wo must sny, th t for a small In surance of Uvo thousand dollars It pre sents tho best and cheapest method ex tant. Tho plan is to form, what Is call ed a co operative rellerassoclation to bo composed of onu thousand members. Each onu pays a membership feo of llvo dollars, and 0110 dollar each year nn- nually thereafter. Tho monoy thus raised to bu appropriated towards tho laymcnt of Incidental expenses and Secretary's salary. None of tho officers besides tho Secretary, to bo salaried. Then upon the death or any member of tlio association, each surviving member pays into tho treasury flvodollars which Ishandcilovertotli'jheirsof the party whoso lifo is insured. This brings tlio hisurnnco of $'i000, down to its actual value and retains at homo premiums which wo now send abroad to enrich other communities. Only onq thous and members will bo required to fill tho company and wo adviso every man tosecuro while he has the opportunity, this privilege of making his futuro financial certainty. Memberships can bo secured by addressing M. C. M'Coll um, Secretary of tho Association, at Ctpy, V..lleiu'Mian. Communication. Catawibsa, Pa. 1 Jan., Mb, 1870 ) Mit. Kditou:-! observed n very good and brief method of computing simple intercut at G per cent n fow days since In your paper. I herewith in con. elusion glvo another for tho boneflt or yourreaders, which lsasfoliows:"It educe thu number of years to months, add In tho number of months, plus ono-thlrd tho number of days, multiply by half tho principal." A pupil or tho Public School of Catawlssa, Pa. News Items. Tho now 50 cent fractional current1 has bt'en counterfeited already. -KuropospendsSl.-JOO.OOO.OOOIi gold nunuaiiy on sinnuiug armies. A lady in Minnesota recently killed seventeen uuuks at ono snot. 1,000,000 shoes aro manufactured an nually, in l'nrmington, N. Jl, Krlo has a ono-armed guuuUt, who is ciiampiou suooter 01 inu county. There uro 3,000 men employed I quarrying wiuto murine in Vermont. An English woman has willed $10, uyu to Jelierson uavis. Tho Stilton has scut tho Pope u 5, oou goiti ring. There nro -Ifil.a.Vi Free Masons I the United States. Fremont is paying $i!0,000 n year its Moaru 11111 in wasiungion. Ill iKlinm Young's missionaries hav made ono hundred converts lu Georgia Spinner's aulogrnph is said to look iiiio a i,'iiincso prescription tor emus A family in Buffalo, N. V., live on rats, anil uiiu 'em. North Carolina thinks it can ralso as good leu ns Cliinn. 1,081,000 eodllsh huvo been caught in inu I'acinc, mis season. A citizen of Monroo county, ICy,, I tho father of thlrty-Uireo tons. An elephant was sold in St. Loul lately, nt auction, for $i,:K). Paris Is to havo in Junuary n dry goous store wiin juu salesmen. It Is said that Georgo Peabodv lias left nn estate or ?i,uuu,uimj, to no tiistn butcd among twcnly-nlno persons. Kentucky rejoices in tho possession of Martin Bates, un "infant," who is soven feet threo Inches high, 22 years old, ami weighs -ns pounds. In tho Into freshet tlio postmaster nt Norway, Me., lashed tlio post oillco to a largo cun, nut- 1110 uoou camo ami urouo me roiio, ami lanuea his onico 1 tho town of iUnover. ' Mr. S. S. Alderman, or Murlanna, Florida, has raised this season 105,000 oranges, which wero disposed of at an average of three cents each. Tho or ongo cro"p of Florida is profitable. Ti.mr 1 itMiinrni(JlM1 PM'PO nOLuMHIAi,COUNTJ Vf l'lfcr.lntoof Centre townslilp.Uolumb ilco'd.. havo Ijccii grnutcd by llio Hi-gls county, to l. K. llnymari.of Centre ' :A DMINlSTRATOIt'S NOTICR E f . t-uri vw nv TirRi Wrrn. ncn'ii. k) Iters of ml ministration 6n tho estnto ol ivt storornam inwinhln. All pefoiw having claim or itemamli ngftliMl i tho iiecctiein nrorctiui'siou 10 mriKu mum k hum ut nna those inucweu 10 iuuku J'"f,,".v. ';. , I), Vj, HA 1 MAN Jtti2170-0t. Administrator. 7i DMlNlSTltATOU'S NOTICE. iUm nf Administration on the estate of John Dyer, of ConyiiKlmm twji, Colombia conuly. tli-o'tl., Imve been gmitod by Iho Heiilster of snlil county, to Win. Ooodinnn of Uonyimlinm Iwp. All persons Imvlnscliilmsor ilcmnndi iiRalnst tlio dfcedenl nro rcrinosted loninkotlicmkiioMM.nnd Vnoo .nuenic. .o '"VmV llOODMA. J.m. 21,'70-Cw, Administrator. XUMINISTUATOK'S NOTICE Al i-Bpi.unv m a n .inn V. littr.'n. l.t-tters or administration on tho cststo nt Mary John Into of Malno township, Columbia county, Uocensed, liavo uccn grauiea uy uie urii Islcf of suM county to HaraU llrown und H. 11. tlll.ir ..r tll.uim tnwiiHlilli. C?. .1 II mlilfl. mtllltVi II ...u....u l.nirii.f. ntnlma uunlnst. Ilin O.lntn lit Ihuiicct-deUL aro ruqueitoi to present them for nt-tHomc'iit, nud those Indebted to tbo estate to niaku pnvnient to Iho undersigned nnminiura' tors without ilt-lay. - " A,'1'AJlIIm.'"uVN J.m. 2l,';o-sti ' Ailmiuuiriilors. -VT'OTIOE! Tim t-iitoufir lnr- iinnn unseated laud and all seated Inml tnx upon which property sulllclent to pay Iho s.ltd taxes cannot bo found, must bo Kfll'V, l'A i v.iif oFi'iamm (lli.iii.nr 1. I'ovu.i 1IANIKL HNYIIKIt, OitAiu.rs H. I'owi.kii M. C. JIcX.-oi,i.UMM........ MAMtlkT, KNOIIIl I. iiimit.Kv, ji, : PA. Logal Notices. 1'rcsMciil. ..Vleol'iesldinl Treasurer. .Hocrtlury. Utorncy. i:.V.IMIXi:ilft: , NJjA.ltosr, M.P. AUDITOIl'H Alll'iui'i. . rATK of en I f-ii vos r. ,r.KC n. ,'" . IS, or'-noMnted by Uuu 1- n.i.ii.nilriii nf I io balaneo 111 ino ""'?. V'" V.I...II. uiralor oflho estate of rillll.P. iV nl. ill Ms oflli-elli lllilomslmm on .'"IV ii. i.i ! .! ol l'ebrunry. ls7U at lu o'clock n. in. U .crs ms n ere, c.l or having claims amlnst iV. ia'd eslato are remiesled to alien, 1, ort.o d -haired fiom coming In torn. C"ri t Yl r.KU fund. L- w 11 ',,., W. 1 no. i up. oi niiijwmiixi j W1. 11. WoOllfN, ' Allll.VM HNVIICII, Ian 7,'70-n, ,1 I'DITOIl'S lNUlUJi-i. , four, of Oilmnilla 'co. nW -. Vf"1 lZ ti iVlSS II, ,1. Ki.ini:, T. W. llliilAll, II, O. CllKVCMXU. - . --v. iM- SISj-WW I fa a o .V .v rirvrr o x . Illjan. t.-to-u. Am"r;i , CJIIEItlFl'VS BALEH. llyvlrli.o of fiu.nlry writs nrv . ponns. Iiovatl Kaclasfnnd At, Vmh'N I out ortho Court of Coininnn iIi;"11' 1. k!1 roiintv niul to mo directed win Mllll Ity punno venuilo or nin- ""ripiWi'B llouso In llloomsblIrg1nt ononVlr)',,ll &l noon of Monday Fob. itli IwS feliffl I (slntotowltf " ' "fullwrgjll township of Klshlngcrcek i?,i '"""hhil ci.iiUli.lii. Fllteei. Acre? .,, mi ill eit ns follows, to v Alvn llittati, on t AIITICI.lt 1. NAM K. Tho name. (.trie, nnd tlllo of tho AmuicIhIIoh shall bo tho Columbia County I 'u-operal ic He ller Association, AtVrici.iilt, oiUKcr. rlin nhteel. nf llif Ahsnelnt Inn shall lie. Iho re lief ofFatlicis. Mutl.ers. Wldo.iH ami t.i nhnns of (leceasea incniucrs. AllTlCt.F. lit. MEMIIUKIIIII', Hp 1. Thfi renn site nllnllllf-.tl fills for lilelll' lierslilp are, that tho applicant shall bo In good m-i.iiu, un.e, auu souuii. .Vec. 2. All nopllcatlons for momber&htp shall A i .t oLmfnUlonom-olffi i'.V, IV.Vk V oVth I "1 "un e .aV o" lion, rc - ruai-ynext. And rurther nl person, Ue,lr,,, o , f ( ' ' " ' .i,1, ,, 'A' The a.pll K..vlugthocnstof mlvertl, B t eir ennt . .list luul.ef piodueo n inedle.il ceitlll rate, DMINISTKATOlt'S NOTICE. ' . . . . . i t. it Kii f VI II Til 11 KO II. 'nilmliilslra'tloi. oil tho cshilo. of M. 1 1 .Kcnbuch, lato of oraugp wi., mma u . deeea"i.d, luivo been grntiled by tho ltelter of C .luinl. la county to Wm. HnKci.biich of Msh. ll ger" el oNrnsF.lp, Administrator ''" iiiMo , mmcin. All persons having, claims or requested In malto thera known, nun i"' iiemeo i"'l"J V,,. miU'VlllKTH. Administrator, ilee. 17,"iilW)w. cum teuamt mo annezv. A DMINlSTllATOil'S NOTICE. IV 1 STATK Ol' JOHN WAMI-OLB, W.C11. Leliers oi niiiuuiisiiiiiHmuii mo v.'.r :.. Jones mid on tho west by'K"l,VfJ Mears whereon Is erected a ii HoLI Heked, taken lu 'Xeciillon nn.i i '"I projierly of James .V. Jmllll ,0lk J AliHOl Al the name llmonnd ,),.,, i, ,, tract oi uiuu s.iuaicam Jit, l-Jprisan! I w.,,:iieV by and nf lj. A.aharrellio,! ' ,W' V I oijonii nna iiinitri ThoinaH nndnn J! Hi i, nn, . iillliursiti u Clilil- I Uwelllng llouso w Hi tho apm J,;,1' lrvl Hcl.ed, taken In exeeutloffi l 'l I"- I iuoiierty otH.iruh A. Jlordan ""wl A I.HOl At IhoHitmo time im.l ground sllualed In Iheboruiiiiior iw uininii eouniy, oounued aiul iW, -i. I weeks of l'ebrunry Court. Uy order of f.AViii vrCAOKIt. l WM. l. ttUICIv, (Co.nm's. CYItUH ih.i.iiu, ) Allct: WM. KlllCKIIAUM, Uloonibburg, Jan. 19,'TO. Clerk. AliriCl.i: lV.-MASAtlKMK.NT, The business of the Association shall be eon- I ducted by llvo Trustees who shall bo niuutaUy elected alltio tegular stated meeting ol tli- soeiaiiou in uuuucr ui eacu yea.. 10 Til 13 WOKiaNU Ct..HS.-Wo aro now prepared to rnrnfsh nil cIusnph with couswmem- Iiioymcnt ui nouie, uio wnuic ut me r un ho sparo moments. Huslness new, light nnd loniimie. ivrsnni oi euner sex muu i .im iVk. tdi.". tier pvpnloir. nml n nroportloiuil kinii liv iii'Vntiiur IIipIt wlinln tlliiQ to the btlS.1 iicss, Uoy nnd vlrN earn nearly nn much iw men. 'llml all who hjo huh notice may iseou tlielr udUreKH.nnd trt tho bUHlnebS. wo mako tills unpitialieled oflVr: To such u nro not ell ftfUMiieil, wo will fteuil Si to rny jr 1,10 otthloof wiitlnir. I'ull nartlculars. u valuablo urtmnln. whlfiti will dn tii rommenco WOllC on and a cwny of The Fennte's IAtcraru Owi;nfon ono or lite inrgeta nna oesi iiimuy uewspupurH puijllshcd all sent free hy mall, iteauer n you want permanent, iromnuie wnra.Buurei r.. j. A I.I.I'.rsI .V I'll Alltrtldtil MilltlP. AI1TJI1.K V. OtMLkKS. At the ilrsL meeting of lln Trmlo IllooiualMir? tHarket llciiorl Wheat nor bushel , five Corn . .., OnlH. " Klmir iter liairei Chiveiiei-d Miixseeu , tiuller Kne.' Tallow...... H routines , Drioi' Appli x - llnini Hides and Sluml.lttrw Laid p(.-r puiiud Hay per ton Ihun No. I Sroteh hi;; .., No. a Uloom M.., 1.UMHF.K. lit m I uo W lloatiltt pt-r U.tiUMthil ffi-1 M, l'ilie " " (onelnehi- Jolwl, Kcatttttux, riaiiK.tlleiiilnrk) DllllltilfJi, I piT (.HOlKitllHU HhllllK U. fl.2' , I ID W , 8 W . S IX) 4.1 1U I . 2 as "5 A) .. Si: ,.... 10 ...al" . Vi i . S I , 7 (H) . is irj IMillattclplila 31 in tca. Fl.OtU N(trtliWL(ilLrii MiNciliiu jli N(rthwehlern extra ..ri.fiVdi 5.7. Norllnvehtciu lumlly ((.WioJ 0.7i reuusylvaula and V estuiit Kiipuillne... a.ll(a0.ry) rennHylvanlannd Wt-htein nxiru.. rennayivunia aim wunit-m lamny iVjiHM IVniisylv.uii;. mid Wtistem ianey U.&K$13:Zb iv) u iiuui o,z-: Whkat IVnnylvanla red.a bus Jl.O3f2Sl.70 rtiiuitiuiii , 9,w(j5t-,70 California " " $XW ' Whltn S!.1.Wl?.l!IJ ltYK 1'fllllMYlvaill'. Ti: 'H btlh l.llVJSI.5 Con.N Yellow, " gl.yu iiue. ti.utjjgi.i Oath I'Ihih ifo-foC." I no visions MchK 1'ork, Y bid &tl.5C MM lleel, " 3JI..0 Lt;st'll 11i)m, V ft 8UcU bmoked Hams ' nc&lMt Mhiaihlers V tt 1,1c La til. v 1. 17flfl''niP Hkkih I'loveiM-i'd V bus tll.uUtii'U.&c TimoinyMevil r buy - ti.W t'laxheeil ' Si. Oatti.k lleer t'alllo y lb Ilefoai town, a neuu w SiiS o nuiihr-p v LiAUC iiou (i iwms 3Ir3)SllU7 MARRIAGES. Vi ar. t hfVMrill elect a I'l-enii elil. VJie l'lehliUnt Hecri'lary and Trea.uicr to um vo thu rnsulnj; year. AllTKI.K VI. 1 I'M'. In order to necuie stnbllttv In thu Ar-soflallon. there shall bo raised a permanent fund.lhuln lerenioi wniciihuaii no nppiif.i, isi in inn ur rLnt cxpeiiRO': '-M to the mother", widow, oi liflfH of deeuiised nitJliiLerM. '1 hu laKlhur nfllie miu iinti to uo proviucii tor in mo ii-L'ivk. AliTICI.K VII. All motions lu nine ml tho t'ntivtllttlhm fdisill bu maile In wilting, and by the consent of tblee- MiiiiH(rtiio Trus.ttiL"'. if the amenuintnl iniif pioved atn MUbHeqttent meet tit); Uf rotir-lUlbs of inu irusiees, apiuieaiion hii.iii mi inuue io iiju uoun to bavo t-nui amt'iidiiienl nllowe.l, I'lSn. .Yll rt'iu: -o ui- V estate of mi d dceedeni are rioueMi-n , r.i i Ihem forselHenteni.and thosulndebtrd to mako Av "nymenttolhoiuiderslanewlthoi Catawl.ssa, Jan. 11, LSTO-fiU 4 l?XKCUTOH'S NOT10IO VI PSTATK OP WM.O.lIUItl.EV. Adinlnlstrator, lu lach I,OUIT,LAltl)H "KUK KKA" Smoking Tobacco U nn exi'tlient article of granulated Virginia ; wherever Introduced It U universally numircj. t l mil nn ttt hftudmmt muslin bans, til Which orutrs ior iceibcu.tuiu i-ipua iuu umi) jjatJit-n. T.nnTI.I.Aim'rt I classed bv nil who con- YACHT CLUB I mi Die It as Uio "Alien or HmokinirTouao U5M it Is inado of tho Hinosiug loua.co (hoicen leaf grown; It s nntl-uorvoo in its effect, ns the Nicotine ias been oxtracled! It leaves no dUaeinealilo taste after Hmoklnir.it It verv mlld.llnht m color and weigtitjicncoouo pound will last as long tin f oi oruiuary looacco. in tins oranu we niso pacic orders everv davfnrllist nualitv Meerscliaum llles. Try It ami convince yourselves It Is nil it elalms to be, "Till-; FlNluSl' OV AhW I.()ltlI.LAni)H OENTUKY Chewiug Tobacco. doubt the best chewing This binml of l'ino Cut chewing tobacco has no equal or Biiperlor nny where. It is without tobacco lu the country. I havo now been in cen I ernl use lu ,lhe United er 1 liOiiifJAmvs H X IT V V S I Mint., nvoitlll V.1N nml sllll ncknowltdged "tho hest" wherever iiaeu f VOlir Ktorelf peni-i- iltwu not linv. tlinen nrtl- cles for Kale, nslt him to net thorn ; they aro hold tJi uni'wittumjuimcm uuiiu-ib over wnure. circular of prices forwarded on application. I'. LOltlLTjAUD & CO.. Jan.21'70. New Vork. PE11TOIIM. DKCI). NOTICE.-SPECIPIC ANCIt lWTATE OF JEnEMIAH KLIN1 Coi.irjtuiA County, s.s: Tho Commouwcalthof l'e.in.vlvnla I K12AI. l lo Hcinucion ii. kui, r I nr.wmtSi. u-ii... ,i.! jy II. Kline. Klvlra Ivllne. William Al- bertaoii, Henry Miner, Hau.iah stlner, I,owry 'V'". i.v- j. .viiiie, jueuHun .ii iieury, una Clark Alberlsou. llreelino! ion and each or you aro hcrehy cited and com inanueu 10 uo and appear In your proper person, ut ut. Orphans' Court to lie holileu at Uloniiiabuiir! Ill Ul.d for hllld COU.ltV. nil tlm IIi-hI. Mom.nv.o tbrua.-y, next, then aud tue.o to answer tho i-c-niiou ui iv. j. jv line, heuiugioruv that tlio Bald Jueinlah Kline, of Jackson township, lu untd couuty, deceased, died seized of certain real es tate lu Jackson township, lu said county, nnd n?reed with your petitioner by uitlclo of agi-oj-incut In wrltlnc, to sell und convey tl.o snn.o to tho said A, J. Ktluc, his heirs and assigns. Ami toshowenusowhy tho sold Court shall not do ceo the specific performance of tl.o said conti net neeoidlnp to tl.o truo Intent and meaning there of, nnd that a conveyance bo mndo under nld decree to A. J, Kline, of the said premises In lee aouMMj. HluaiJl,Ul .M1L,1,A1(1, llluouisbuii;, Jan, II, D7U. Hheilir, ANKU- AL STATEMENT Ui the Toor JUstrlet of Uloom township to Jan- mit v mil i-iiv. M. (?. Wfiodwprd netlngTreAsurer, In account ' ifiii-t-iuif in iuu i-our ui aijuom iwp, im. To lotal nmonutof cn-ib i-.wlvo.t rr.-m uuplloaum. Iw'j i5.719 78 Jl 1'- h A ir.v. Tnr.sTKi.s. Kt. Th urtiiiertv ami buslines id this Akmwb atlon fihull be eon! rolled hy fle 'inihtt'es, wlio k .mi ne eiecieit ov uiiioi iil mo u iiici'iiu: oi i lie ARsnriaiioti i iwiiviu mi tnu iiisl .wuuutiy of Octoiier, in each year. il. I'nr tho iiui'iiosu nl hiu-li elect inn Iho 1 lus tres for the time beinshall ih-lermlue the placo itiut nouiN ror opening nnn ciokiumiu pons, nun ndveitivo thcj-aniu lor ttn thivs prior theicto. and tbeSecrttary hhall nlso nollly each Tructeu lu wining oi sucu eieeuou. d. 'Tho Trosteea hhall bold Muted mcctlims nt Mia ittiirnni iho AKsociaiion. in I no Town oi inv, m. tit.. 1 1. 1 p.I in of lniiiiiiKK A i.rll Intl.. n ...I Di'inluT. HiierLii nu'ctlrics ma v bit rafted bv tho rre&ident nt bis uihcrttionor by an inree oi me inisiccs. tlh. ThreHTruslees sh.'ill iMiwtilu'e a oiioruni io ininsiift unsnu'.s'. ornci:i:i. fth. '1 ho olIlceiH. of this Asseci.it Ion. shall ho a President, a Vice President, fcieiietary aiula Tieat-urer, anil such otlur olllccrs, clciks and i.nents. as may bo ncieMsarv. Iho l'resl'lent. lco rreMucm. iseciemry aim i lensuier suan no elected by thu 'Irusteenand hold ollu-e l ir one ear llUTII-S Of Ol'ULKIIH. Ct 1 i. Uro IMcsnlcnt. shall i-resldo itt all meet- hms of thu llnatil of liusttiH. nnd vhall have tho chief management and cuntiol nf tho busi ness of tho Association. All contincts on bvhalf oi the ARoeiatnm snail be mitue oy Junior tin der bis nnthnrllv. Ho slinll sec that uroiter tpo. ouls of the business aud transactions of iho Association uro Kept, lie shall appoint nil em ployees iiihi iniiy remove ineni uh picusuie. Ile&ball seo lhat a deposit of all moneK shall bo made fion time to time In such llanU m llankH. as 1 he Trustees mnv tliiett. Hu sliall an nually t.reiinra and niibmlL to tbo Association nt their anuual meeting lu Octobi r, nn account of inu uiiMiiussm i ue lssociaiiou ior ine preceding ear. and a statement of tho ageism. tl linhlli- lles of tho Association. All vucanelcs In the Ituirl ot 'J r (islets shall bo illUdbv nmioiutmbnt The Vice 1'reshlent kIuiII in the absfiiet in-tlU. 1 uullliy of the 1'iesUleut act In his plate. SKt'itKr.vnv. 7lh. '1 he Hetrc larv slmll keen tbit ar 'onnis of itiu .tii:iaLiuii. iiihi a tecoru oi an nei'hons eni. ployed. Ho shall keep tho minutes ot tlio Jtiutd oi irusiees: nouiy uio xiuiecri oi an dueling' communicaic io oincers. Aecnis. ('ommiticeii. Ac., nil reoles and orders allectlng them lu the tiiHcnniKO oi ineir uuiies. ana neiiorm sucli niher duties and ser ices as may tie ieiuiieJ; under inu uirceuoo oi ino l'resKieiu. Tim TKKASUIU.U. tlh. Tho Tieasurer shall iccelvn nil mnnr i.f inu ABtociauon ami iiLpiiill tlio same in such imuiiui imuivs.tit-hiKiuiu'ti ny ino i.oaiu oi this tee. After nn lmr tho curitni evi.eiit-ti tim 1ml. unco shall bo securely ltiMsted ns the Hoard of iiuNiiT nmy iiiriei, iie snail niauu ail llivesi- meiit. ltiusuuntto instioeiions ot ihL-ltn-u-.i ui irunees. It shall further bo thu duiv of thu Trciikiiu r tn liiuw eiiiiiL'uiu it 1 1 TironiT i ii'M or iiih .wiicttiiiiiii nml licnllfct.nll 1 1 vmooii.Iu lhimi..i t ,. 1 nml. iniiy acuuo Jiom siiLii in cm it lent, and '"ii" inu nm uu in i ne crcuiioi ino Asstieiauon. lusuuii iiihomvo sucn iionusas uie Jiustt TlKO'll. u i..uf itiimiiiirv mi tlin est ale nl Yt m. n. llurb'V lute ol Uloom township, onnmina (nunty dee'd havo Uuvn Kiantulby the Ueglster ol I'oiumma couiny n i ," .Montour county, I'a. All persons having claims against theestateaio reiuested to piesent inemiouie i,.i.-i.i(iiJt Thoe Indebled to tho estate either on no p, Jiulg 1,1. it t . inoiimiiro or bonk account will malce p.iymeiil to tho Kiecittor without delay. dee. --'(.'ii'i-Ow. 1-i.tecutor. ADMlNJSTJlATOH'iS rsUTlUi'J. rlAinur 1)AVI1 HIV, liM'n. ..if tu nl ndtiitiiKiintioii on the (state of la .l,l 1r. l.itn nt I tfn VP I nWllslll lt.( 'olll 111 bill COU U- tv. ilci eaeti, nave neen grain ru uy um iwRimn .:. ...i.i ....Mi.iv in p.nii i. rv irKldlnir In tho town shiti and county aforesaid. All persona having c iauns aainai mo lstuio 01 inu ucum-iu mv i- nit.iH n iii itii'sitii. iiipm ior seiiieiiicui. uiui t iijiLi. hi.), lit mi I 111 in I'M Atn III in.IKO UVII1V u io tho uiulindgned numinisiraior whihi h. Adinlnlsliator, dee. 21CO-dw. A Ul)lTOK'.S NOTIOK. INP1TI! III.' .IOI1V COX. IIKO'II. in .im nriili.uiO (!ourt of Columbia coiiulv.tho Auditoniiuioiiiled by the Court, to mnko illsirl- buihiii ol I huestaleof said John Cox, dee'd, lale ol 11 elillixlc lwp il. tho eollllly or Columbia, deu'il, will meet tlio parlies interested, for tlio purpo-.cof ills appointment on Salurdav Uio 'J21 diiv of .Inniuuy net, at ilo'elonk 1'. JI., ul tbo (iiunnnr t it 1 troelt wu v In lllooiiisbun-. in said cninly. All pintles Interested 1110 nipiesttsl to attend, or boilcliarrcd Iron, coming lu fot u part ol tliosuM lunu. . . I". II. IIIIUCKWAI, dee.il.'o!)-!.'.'. Auditor, UDITOR'S NOTICK. f 1 ST ATI: 111 W. W. MFI.IL'K. TJEtl'D. ill ino ui pjuuis' uounoi uoiuniuat coiiiiiy, uu JVllllllUl Uliiiuiillt n uy Lin-(.inti t, ((i ii nnu (iitiw button of thoistatoofsald W. W. Mellclc, lato Krntt tun.. In tho countv of Columbia, dee'd among tho heirs and Ugal lepiesentatives and pLisons emuicu inercio, win iiiect mu paruei mteiested. lor the nurixiseof his iipoolutmcnt at his oillce iu llrouer's llulldlng, hloomsbuig, on i tiny oi n nruary, a. u. nu, in iu o ciocic oin .In hV'e-ast l' t e,S louses twen ie Willi tho apnu ten, mm WKl tv-flvo feet fil l 1 1, k M lect.lwp. "" """inninimJ neizoj, iiiKen m execullnn nn.i ,rt . I Iho proj.erly of John Higiin?"" " I A I. H 0 1 ah no saiuo iimonnii ninn ,i.... I seilbed lotofKround sltujto,i i snip, coiumuia county, bminani ii i r"i as lollows, to wit! On the iiorlh:?b?,l elected a two story 1'rainc ni,jii . !l elected a two story 1'rainc iSii?1"! Iramoslahle with thoappiirienim. .. ' " Kelj-.ed, taken In cxeuiiiun an, iJi. tho properly of Jacob llom-r. , AI.HOs M the same tlmo and place, nil u, jft ol land sllualed m lVblngcfc kta ul bounded ns lollows Ik-einniitl tAtctil 'I the flr A. M., Winn and whero all persons hnvlu claims on saut luml nro required to nlicnu.or ue lorever ucuaircil uomcomtni; m ior u part o. Unsaid lund. joh u. ruv.K.K. dec. r.l.'UO-lw. Auditor. A UUlTOlt'S NOTIOK. -CV. llsrATi: OF KAMUEf. KIiNClt. I1ECI1. In the Orphans' Court of tho county of Colum bia. Tho Auditor appointed by the Court, to make dbdrluution among creditors of tho bal ance in tho hands ofthe ndm'r. of Hamuel Kls ner, tateuf (liecnwood twp. Columbia county, die d, will meet all persons Interested, lor Iho purpOdOufhls apiiointment ut thu otlleo oi JI, Whitmoitr, 1'a(i., In Uloomsburg, on Hatuiday, lhel"Jd day of Junuary, A. 1. 1&7U, at 10 o'ctoelc a. in. of said day. All peiboushavlugcl.ilmsagalust tho said estate will ho lequiied to pit-sent them at that time. (iku. y. coia;.MAiv, dee. 3I.'ty-Iw. Auditor, tract ami uoiumcu us iouowm ! ...(... and BtoncH, ti corner of John .M AiiK.V west c ehiy-cliiht and Ihreclcntfa post, thonco liy lands nf lien i,, iT, oitl. tKonts-ttvo and one-lmlti J hundred nnd llriy-llvo pcrola i , ' lone, thence by lands ,,'r lues.. I?MiKS I Monroo Alden, north slxty-UvoiraS eifcinj'-eiK'it' tiii-i iii-eiKinils perc io.tni. I lemo by iandsof It. and II. lli, live and ono-half deurees, e,nt ,,, llfly-llvo perches to II, o p aC4 of tnlulint clKhty-Ilio acres nnd ,, e,'"a? inieo pcruiivHt Selzt'd, taken In execution Hml ft i tho pioperty of Win, Hugjrn, will. u " ; Vlu Kline, At the same time and plaft,ihai(eri,inL I ing loe.nuii in uiniowiioi rouuJr villeiVjI hla countv rennn., on a lot or urntinu a I Solomon Uower,Holonou Adlcia am , U'll on nud the road limning tlm. mi, tift'irtl is ii ono story irnnio cnurcii uuil(iL.i' feet trout by forty fet t deep, stolr.ed. taken lu execution nml tlio propel ty or CheMcr Cope, l'eler Kttlul llower, Trustees of the Kvuim-llcil or i' oiiuuryv uie. A Ii H O : At tho pa mo tlmoand nlici iWoiw....! that certain piece or panel ol gruuiMlmhe;! of Centralin In Uonyimlinm tmvuliip.Ctfail county retina, bouuded an J drsi iHk-ihiI Ileglnnlng nlusUttoat llxi liiUriirtlomf I mmt avenue ami l'all lto.el Htru t thm.! thrbc degrees west llfly fett, tlieneo nTthrf I BBH H lH.l.l-3 !-!(. emu HIIUUJVII UlU wfy I tn ti rtllr.ir t innnn ttnllt h I hi fit fin puk .JI feet to Hall HoaJ Street llisu al iiuiaiJi; south eighty-seven degree, mt one nnd forty fool to tin1 place of hf1;l.nin;iv lot numbers eleven nnd iwelu'ln i; 1 in said town. Seized, taken In execution uim (oli4 tho properly of l'eter Mower with notJcetoT AhXO At the Hiimo time nnd place, by lrtaetf.1 Ph., a certain tiact of laud yiliiiitcliili&il twp., Columbia county bouinlctl on the aril huuU of John O. Jaeoby and Hannah il borircr.nn tbo enst bvl.unHof StcnlmaTjl and .lacooy.on uio soiun uy puonc roaai-LB nom nerwici; io nioomuur'j.oii uieuam llrlar Ureelt.ou which Iseu-ftetl n fraat- mill, olaster mill nnd saw mill a frame 4WI house, iramo stable with the nppnr!(i: Also at t ho sumo t line about three ami tip I Bltunlo In same twp,, nud couuty nljulnltdl or J, n, jacooy, uamei it;uiiu.Kaua tntj i llrntinh Cutuil. I Seized, taken luoxecullon and to bet I tlio property oi joii.in jaoani. ALSO: Atthos.unotlmo aiv pl.ice. all thu I tract oi lnmi, suuaio in Mieeawicu n Colmnbla county, rontalnbu ft'ui Utoll nwini nrlcsi. bou.ided nnd ilescrttiril cimI to wit: on the noriuov lannsni HDnrt tho stnith by lands of IMvl.l .lk'rts)n.i cast by lands of John nud 'I litotU.re La I ami on ino wem uy lauo- ui ut ir nii ilirtmi. un wblcli Is eici't' d a netinl dwelling houve.log barn, uttltthe.iiprt'CL Heized. laiten in execuuon iuiuiufiw.;ii property of Abraham iireujU-hi,. A L KO A1 UDlTOlt'S NOTICE. I'-STATI Ol' WM. FUITZ. OKC'l). Tito uudersliineit. unuoluted bv tho Ornhans' Couit of Columbia county, an Auditor ap pointed by tho Court to mako distribution among eicdituns of ihe estate of William l'lll, lalo ot Oraugo twp. Columbia county dee'd., will meet the parties 1 nicies ted for the urpoe of bin appointment nt his otlleo in llouiusbuiir. on Momhiv.tlie.'tlstdav of Juniiiirv IsTO, ttt JU u clock, A. il. All poisons having claims on said istuta aru iejulred to attend ur bo Unv t r d thai red from t otuimr In lor a nurt mt said fund. i:. ii. idTTu:, dee, 31GlMw. Auditor. t tho same time aud iI.iy. All tlttdl ot of ground, fltuate in the tounulOal tlh Countv or ('(iltiiii h l.i. I will llilOu V4 I orllirnl n litll.iVVil tfl U'll : till tlltl Ilftrtll lJ I Rtreet.on tho east and soulli br laiAfl Wnlker, on the west hy lolotJ. M.llinul jjisinci ticnuoi iiouse. Helzed, taken in exe'iuion nun ym roneriy or ino urangemc .uau m" luivt'i.t i jut"! Jan.TiO-tf. CK. lly amount of order.s ledoemod S5.719 70 jiuiuiu v oru. w-u.-un examination or account ,lv "iiom Ui7n" i iii,Vn Vr nViV,,. of M, C, Woodward, acting Treasurer of Iho Ui- J IM)Ul Uluu lu Umo U(lulu leelnrM nfthn I'uni- nintm ,... niDui.. I i.nii ....i...1....i.".Ti" .v.,: Ulh. All nowersaud dutiek not l.i.in .i.in. recerevd. -M.uau.uu.Huuuum.y Kllted to particular otlieeis, shall birexen lVed N0'1 TIOR IN PARTITION. iii'ATn or sAu.vir A. iiowhan, i.atk or siiffi.in JH1-. L-oi.u.auiA ujijii-v, i)i:cK.vst:u. JOHN A. FlfNHTON I Dllcctors JAl-IJll MUI1IIV1.1SK Of U.K. 1IAHTMAN J roar House. uiiiKCTons op Tiin roon in accoi'nt it.ui ui.yjjji i iv 1. uirmtlLl, 1STU. 1)11. and discharged by the l'ienli nl ilurlru Ihe ees ol Uie liuard ot T.iutees. It- HUFF 'I H'lTLE Attho residence of tho bride' lather. J. MoocrK. Dee. IMd. lsoi). Mr. Abratiiii ll.ur, of Towu 11111, and Jlrs. Ada Tuttle, of ivi.Kis-iiur.e. llUACHAM-fiNYUEIt-Oll Jan. lllll, 1S70, lit th .iuu-. jimi .iuu..-, iiioiiiii&uurii, oy ner. r, 31ohr, lr. Johnilejchain, to Miss rlalllo A, niijuer, ooiu o. ioriuumuerianu county, l-a. "ll.l 111 1. 1- A Tlfl A Itvii'v . nA.ninv t.. by ltev.S. O, Hhtxlos, Mr. John il. jloorh'ead' uim iiiss i.m .ii, uauiey in. ui iicrwicu. WINNKn-SHAFl-'Ell-On tbo 1th lust., nt tho 31. K. l'arsounue. li.ooinsbuie;. bv itev. Melllc-li, Mr. Voter II. Winner, ot Cenlervlllo, auu i-.uzabelli Kuauer, oi urinrcreeu, Ui.1, co, eiiimenLii hit vi-iin,. ,im i n. i..i 1'ni.iiiiiui.i, i.ai,.., ... v.ii inu .in ma. , ui Iho housu oi the bride's bioiher. by Itev. 11. H. Mcndeuhull, .Mr. Alonro Fnlirill;er, of Cata wlssa, to MUs Mary K. miner, or Frnnkllii tovvushlii. HILKMAN-HUSS-Atlhe SI, K, l'.usnniiKO In OriiiiRevllle. Jan. 13, by Hcv. J. Fearon lliowu, Mr, Wm. Ulle.uali, of .lacUjon, ai.J Miss M, Kviillno Jle.a of Ik-nton. lHIil'.MAN lIF.S3-.t tho anno tlmo and place, by ihe same, Mr. Henry II. lllleiiian, ol Jack son, nnd Miss M. Il'vlrn lies, of migarlo.tf Columbia county, l'a. MILLI-:il-KCKlt01)l-:-Oii Iho u It. by Itev. 11. bill, Mr. Win. II. Mllhr, of Wutsoutown, to Miss halite D. Kckrode, ot l'arndlse, I.YNN-CHHISTOPHUlt-Oi. Jan. 1th, by W, 1. Weldei.ha.uer, Ksp, Ml. Hw.-ry F. liyun, of J.lberty twp., Montour eo , to Miss Magdalenn Christopher, of Turuutvllle, Korihumuerlatid county, HlIUT-SKCIir,i:n-On tho Cll. Inst., at tl.o lesl denee of the hrldo'n father, by Itev. V. 11. Davis. Mr. Stephen o. Hhut, to Miss M.iruaret ts. Uechlcr, both of Danville BIIKItMAN-MILI.FU-On tho 1311. Inst by the Itev. Wm. i:er, Mr, Kilns hhcr.uui. Io Mlis Ama.ulu C. Miller, both or Main township. MINF.fl-IUttCE-At the SI. II. l'aisonnao, Kljs hurt', Jah. Mh, by thu Hoy. Henry H. Mcudcu-l.-til, Theodore Miner Io 1-1. Cathailno 1'ik-e. both of Locust twp, MllOKMAKHIt-HUSa-Oll Iho ISlh orNoem. her IMil). hy Itev. H. Fulluin-, Mr. Marlln F. Khotiiinlfcr of ltohrsburi; to Miss riereiia H. Hess of tsuarloaf towiishii. Col. co. HTOUl'-IIlIiS-Atlils 1-esldenco on II, o 811 of DeciafJ. by tliosaine, Mr. John Htout to .Miss Harriet C. Hiss, or Ki,i:ailoaf, Col. co, It0Ui:UT-rm0WN-0ii the 8tU of Jan. by tho same Mr. l.unml V. ltobiits.or lleuloii to .Miss lltsterH.lhou'U.or lijcouilugco. MOUn-WII.KINtiO.V-'At llvansvllle, ou tiie lltl. Inst, by Itev. 1'. H. Hlshel. Thomas Moro of Halein, l.uzeruo eo., to Miss IHIza Jauu Wilk inson of llrlarcreek Col, co. To ain't of duplicate lor year ISUC. To Ualame duo Directors lly ain't paid' urerHijry Cll. M. C. Woodward Treas- DEATHS. l'UI. UN-In I.ltht Blreet, Jan, 1111., James, sou of Wm, nud Kiniiui l'ulllii. A fed 6 inontl.s. HI't'CIIIlVOn tho 15th or necemher, Joseph 11, Uttchle. AkcU 1 yt-uis.U months und r.ilays, HHNHY In Urecuwod, ou Ju... Cll., 1870, Mrs. Veronica Henry, Aued slity-four years, mid twenty Uajs. ft MOSlvi In Derry twy Montour county, on Friday Deo. Hill., istvi, Hamuel Moser, aed 00 years. It iuontl.sa.td lodays. VAHTINK-Mllcs Uililge, son of T.J. und Hns.in Vn.llue, died Dev. l'llli, lsuJ, nged 5 yei.is, (i mouths and 5 days. VABTINE Win. ralmer, son of T. J, nud Husan Vastlne, dtsd D(C. Isil'J, an il 3 ears. 5 inos. und 1 day, hTKUNF.U-In llloo.nsburi; on Jan. lilh, l-;u, David, sou of lMiilela.idrii.ruhKUr ir, Aucil i ; ears. 11 months and 5 dayi. HAIITSIAN At lltoomsuuru.nu Friday, Janua ry 7lh, l70,of scarlet fever, Ida, I win tUuuuttr of I. W, nnd Mary M, Harln.a... uged 11 leais aud 2 mouths. KOL1I At tl.o resldenco ut lur uncle. Win. N. llrown, near MIlMluvlllc, oi. Iho Cll. Inst,, ur cousumptlou, Maud Kolb, uifed n yours. At.UHO.S'-Atllurlclon, l'a. .Jau, till, of old ko, Isuao Allison, aiscd S3 j eau, BTHVENH In Locust twp., on tho 1011. lst.,of si-arkt fever, li.fanl child of li.inlclHtevcin. Hy Kriors In ussessment uud reduc tions Irom taxes levied on money ut Interest lty exoneration on dupl lento for lMi-) llv con.nilssiou on tt,71!l 7tl at 1 per ct. lly nm't paid Auditors lly nm't paid Directors, salary.... lly ain't paid Clerk, salary lly nm't paid steward, il mos. salary... ly aui't paid tMumlum printing Hy nm't paid ifrpubllnm printing lly nm't paid lor llrlelc House, well, lumber, stamps, Ac lly a.u't paid outsldo roller to Jno. Al len ror keeping Alex, Fife bcfo.o buildings were Mulshed lly nrn't paid outside relief to ills. ilechtel lly nm't paid outside relief to II, I,oug nnd family " lly ain't pd. funeral exeiisa D.F.vnns lly nm't paid l.uiiatlo Asylum for M. Me.odlth ' lly ain't imld Feiiua. Training school Ior reoblo minded persons, llecdy Jackson.. llynm'tpd. lusurnucoon new building lly ain't paid Tuxoa on Farm lly a-n't paid D. J. Waller lor grain in ground lly nm't paid gardening and aire or paupers Mttl. lly amount paid lulscelianeons ox. peuses lucu.rod In nud out ot Poor House Ior support of paupers, work ou r.trin, tunning utensils, median, lea' bills, merchant.' bill, Improve ments, llvo stock, ac. ic .... 10th. All nersnns between llm mmu nf !.... ty and filly years, Inclusive, may bo admitted " iiiiiKuiB piuier aiiiuaiion aecoHiingii lonowing loriu : (.olumlht Cuunty t b (i wni i e J! , liij Awmlwil, The undersliiiird dtslrtstn becomo aiiuinber oflho above Association oi.il sulise.ll.es Io tho following Kgiilatlons: in, lopay ino uollais Into t ho Tieasniv at tbo tlmo of making thu appliiailon.nnd ono dollar on or 1-efo.e the 1st day nr.liiinit.lv- ol cntu year ineicarter uud llvo dollar niul leu nl within ihlrly days nfler the death of a member, due notice having been given by the Secretary, so long us tho Association l.umbus ono thousand or less: after reaehlus one ihon uuu, uio payments nt ins math ol a member .i.OJOO, shall bo proporllonattly less so that no bond holder sliall receive moro than llvo thousand Ss.OlsiJi 1SW SS,W 7J (.00 .1) l'i 111 OKI luou) iklUI SO'J SO 1:11 51 SO To Seth It. llowman. Thomas ltowinfin llnnrii llowllian Weslev llowman. illrimi Itou-tmni (leorgo I,, llowman, Mauassa llowman, IU.111, .mini now. nan, nun intermarried with l'lllllp Moweiy, l'enina hinlth, daughter of I'o ulna iv do luter.ui.irlcd with Joseph H. Bmllh, Henry llowman, Andrew llowman and John llowman, sons ot Christopher F. liowinau, deed, CelLstla Intermarried with William Mltl,.r sin. .1 u "lua lulenuariled will. William T, Hitter, Jano o uie lnttruiarricd with Thomas Culver, Martha llow- inan, and jusepn i: llowman ehlldten ot Kam uel A. llowman, dee'd,, the said Manila llowman behi a minor who has Holomrui TCi-huni r..i guardian, tako notice lhat In pursuance of a writ in i.i.iiiioii aim vaiusuou o. ino lonowing real esiaiotowlt; one piece or pan el of land situntu 111 IUU lOWllSUl easlwai township of MIIUIli aforesaid, boiinded nuiy uy ino iiiaiu roau .calling lroni Mlf- illi. to Benjamin Vol, u southwardly bylandofsald uiy uy neirs o. ncniy ilow.nru V bv William llroivn. nml n i.ii..ui of thu touu ofIlllliu.coutatulug iilty-t! veneres Yoli and Mestwardl; or .Hereabouts, nlso the undivided third or a house uud lot situated In Mllllluvllle bounded by Mnln M, hy nn ulley.lotol Chas.llessaud slnhle, Hlu et sixty leet irout nioro or less, and about iiiuiiiiiiuii.il leet iifep, iiaiue uuilillllg ami sta ble; ulll i e lield ou thu pieiulses on Filduy. tin '.'lh day ol January, is7l, at vihlch Umo anil place you may ntlen'il lfyou thlnl: muiidi;c.u dec. 17, o'J-.&t thu ...il proper. III.fi.Mll). M.eilir. 7ai llKl C. iiso aon aooo 1S7C0 5S,097 7J dollars. To keep -he Hecrelaiy lufori.ied of his l) EOISTKn'8 NOTICK.-NoTICT IM or her place or le.ldcnce, and In case of absenco XV hereby glviu to all legatees, creditors niid ..ui.iu. viiuuKu in nm urucr result uco io appoint r....u uu it, uti u u,, r ,l(.r ngi-ui io pay Hues, ir, , !i1iii,,i.i.-a,r.... .... i rr ' .. - "' I'nlllng to ohscivo any of thu ahovo rules 1 ' eu llh-d in theollleuot the' Keglster or Colum. heieby ag.ee Io forfeit all claims innliisl and all Voi. a i Inlu wai ee "u, i Via iS ,h?i?(v,o,l.,n.lm,n' money pievlously paid totliNAssociallon. I.'-Miulitt Hxnmlucd uud ecrllfled. J. If. (lltOTZ. Kt I.' 1,'VWIH V i:. n.'imiNKKft. Auditors, HbAI, lHTATi: WITII KUCKNT IMI'ltOVK- la ngular l'hy.lelau I'arin valued at New brick house, well c.... .' lti-pulr to buildings J. farm ulensll. Household r.irnlture Farm utensils Horses uud cattle Hay, grain nnd fodder l'oiutias, beans, seeds und cabbage.... W acres of wheat It. tho ground Fork Ualaucu on duplicate of Iso'J Inclosed plcato find five ili.ll.iin us my Stem- hushlp Fee, iS'ian, Tuwn, ' ' County, BUle, Age. 0..-cii)allou, Iu favor of Whom, in i.' . ' ,wu ""O'aln tlio alten.oou of i '. ouni oi wiiiiam I.ulz, Executor C tho last will aiul iistami-iii or i..i. I i .i,... i ...... ad.n'r ortho estate or Catharlno Liit, lato of Columbia countv. die'd, ' Account ot i-ettr K. Ilei beln. lato Quardlan of llriliilu H. llodlne nilnor.us tiled by Uolnudus llerbeln, ndin'r of i'cler 1C. Hcrbcln, Into of Lo i tut twp. Columbia co. dee'd. , . ""J-!'."" V'"11 ai-TOunt or cnas. Kllngcr.nan, lin r of hi o (.ciisel. Into of MuiUn twp., deo'd. I. 1 irsl neeoiint of Hiram Hess, ndm'r of John J. nui 12,517 SO tl.UilUO 17179 110 10 7UIU0 1,12,100 150 Ul . anj io 170011 1,381 2J do hereby eu'liry that is luitoiid health. will, no disease likely Io proio ratal, nnd isu lit applicant ror iiunibi ishlp, In Iho Columbia county Co-opornmo Keller Association n; ss, lilluol I Islllligcreek twp. dee'd. , ' ,' V," ondpnrll.l neeount nt Bamuel Noy. hail . Exceulr.r or 1-1, II,,. ki.,i inT. ... ,.... t' twp. I'oliimbl.-i co. dee'd. , e. . irsi account or i.cvl Illillayand l'rederlek i ! . ' ,;x,t',,"u'" uf lit'- llldlay, lato or 7. I'l.staiid llunl account of Charles li. iii-m v. !u-',.'''.1- V.',.1',! 'i . ,cl"";"u ,IJSU"' ,a, "I l-'atawtssa twp., Columbia couuiy. doe'd. s. ihe ntvtumt i,r 1 1 1 i-.i ... n.i..,n. ...i..... . i -ii .i-i.iu p, ,T,n,.; ,,.r ;.,,... ".'." "V" u' - i "i i mil in iivii, uec 11. in . , " 1I-I..AMWUN 11. JACOUY .iuu,..,,,,,,,!, Jllll. tv. llegtster. DKllTrt AND I,IAlllI,ri'ltS To balance ou farm 'I'n Interest on sanimi nms Too.ilers outsliintiTllg To llal.neo In favor of dlstrjet,. 1'IIOUUCTS OF l-'AltM, 1SC9. 17 Ions or hay H 310 bus. wheat M tl.'Jl 500 bus, oats 15 els luto bus. corn ear CD 4i cts....... u bus. buckwheat (j.U0ct nou bus. potatoes (n 50ct l'.U0 bundle eurn loildir... ., SOU head cabbaee at u ct Vrgcttiblcg lu gafde.. lhuter.eggs nud poultry , Llvo stock raised. No. of pauper admitted In l'onr House. M Number loll l'oor Huuse Number that died, David Evans.. Number now In l'oor House, adults, 3 Rlrls ; Aviruge number 1.11,2173 l.l'.'D 111 5J0,ilS7J 11th. Each memlier cliiill l,n i,,riii.i,n.i i, i.i eei iiucaio o. ii.e.nbersliln ami an fiiimml riii,.h.i iii-i.ii i-iij uit.ii.oi ins yeauy ones lo uio Assoela Hon, together villi a itceliit Ior thu amount ns sesstil upon tho death ol each ineiubor when .mil iiiiiuiiu. ia piiio, l?tll. Altf lnilnl.i.i. l-'.lll....... ,l.n .,.1 lars uud ten cculs wllliln thlity .lays nller iiollco forfeit nil prior imymenuni.il cuisea In bo u ii.citiiisi in nm .vshociaiion. 1311., IncasOlL liie.ilbi-v illna .Knflni, tin ....It. or oilier peiso.i enlliled to Iho benelliK of the Assoclatfuu. Uio monev slinll ln.nr,,.... n... erly of tho Association except uu amount sunk-. ..... u. iiilivilll t I't'll.t 9. lllll. jot I Hill thu iluiniti.il of any two nf II, i, Trustees. m.d. nyiDOWS APPUAISUMENTS. Ihe lollowlllt-nniiralseuienls nf t.Mi. i.n.l ....i.. soual nroiuo-.v n-lmuiit in ivi,i.,ii.u ,,r ,, ...... i. ...... i.iiiu i.i, ii mit, io iuu onico oi ino lltglster of Co iinbla county, under tho llules of Court, and Will be lilosenteil for nlii.i,lili. . ..i.iir,,-. i.,. ,n the Orpluins' Court lo ho held lu lllouuisburg. In and fur said oouuty.ou WuJncsday.lho Uth'day of 1 tb. 1S70 nt two o'clock p. m., ot said day, 'unless ;,T T1."". . "vu. eoiuiri.iai.ous uro pieviousiy Hied, oi which all .persons luteicsted lu Bald t statea will tako uolleoi i. iviuow oi jus, w, Kestcr, Into of Uloom twp., tlcc d. -. ."'ow m Hiram Cihii, lato oriloar ngcreek owuslilp, deieasHil, " ,,, , HII.I.1AM.SON II, JAt'OHY, niooiiisbuig,Jan.7,'7U. Ueglster 111. All(Hcslloiis shullhoilecliUdbyn ma. , .,,,, lty of ihe Trusties present iituiiy meeting, A Pl'LIOANTS VOW LI0UNSK3. d llioyea and nay shall bo recorded upon Xi. iv.noio, a duinaiid of ant' lu-o nf i.ui n-i-iiGti..,. i.-i.-nmr t n i- ...t.,... In inv.ioi iiVift. l . : ' Yi ..i... .u..t,.... jujj, jjie. a """" Nollcolsl.e.ebt.L.lve.l.Ml,f.... , ll'ivo Iho easlliiL' v-.ilo. lie. sons have lnadu amilleniloii . it... n.n,.... iiiij in i.oiiniioui Loiiniy, .or Tavern und ot'ier l.leenses. lobOBruuteilat tho comlug Fibruury Jan. 11,'70-tf. JOHN A. V irsfKTj.v JAtxJllHOIllJVI.EH, 1. S' Utlt'l-ll ill 1 Director ar l'oor House. Hill. ThCSU llV'Tjtus lnnv bo nlt.ln.l Alnnvml. od at nny meeting or Iho Atsoclutlon. ihree. Ttuni.f Court I 1011. HIS of Uio nit. libers oreLen. roiii-nrrii,.. i,w.. I rilll,..i-t .1- l.-tli,. fi..in...in... 9I.S K11U . Vlded tlmt linn liollen l.n lt-i.n ,.r .... I. .I...1....I I T. .1. . H l.-H..n.. l ' ' r-linni.ii nt liil, . I liii . I ... . I. . . V -"'ii I - ''"":,-;; ",i"v-1 .uiui lUHfl ei. mee K". f 11 A 1.1 l, ,"u' ' ions t too o , . s e. in I " .......... . ... ..,.,hi'uuwu. .illlllir. iy Mary 11. tiieen. kcoii. lUh. Tho Uoa.d nr'J'iustrrt ,,.l ..in,..., a .i,,i I l lioliuis Moinoo. I.'onin receive sucn tsun riisiuioi. lor Ihelr servluesns !ZiW;, Wu .hvT thu lloaul nay dtteriulno, J. , , .i'1, l'criser, Btore Tavern, lli-h.llll. l'utilKi lion (Irecivtood, Uavei 17t)l. The fi il fni- Ineillml nvni,i,i,nllii .ulll I. a i.i.e dollar ((I) to btijiuM by thoapplleuutlo tl.o Medical Examiner at tlioll.no thu ceilllluito la K.ieil. l.OCiU MiliXTSi V ANTKU. 100 FAJIMKKH' HONS , ' n'l oilier out of employment, can u.akn fiom I73to150periuoi.ili,'irom nuw till next ,"4'llfnilll( llAllCllJVl llOl,, Not "oui.1,1, C"ArcUBtreet,l'l.lladeli.hf.. J. M, CliKllllKIU.IN II. 1 1 OllTNLll ... . It. H, Eatok ,. O. SI. 1IOW1I.L 1 IIIC1IA1IDHTII.L. . 1'liKll, J.AUIIAfll .. Jan. Sl,'70-Sm lllooni, . ... ..Cnluwlssa. Berwick, l uu t;uiup. . . lloulou. ..I airinoiiui Hpriugs, i'atlll-k EaliLiiU Win. l'el Her, jienj.j. Williams, William llutler, OUuiucI M'lltnry, Duulei F. Curry, Win, ll.ClIlmore, Itogurt &. Kramer, 1 'utricle V, llurke. joilll Jietniou, I 'has. It, Fouler llerwick. Ccnliulla, lilting llouso Tavern Klltlllg House, Tavern. Sloutour, lleuton. Ccniinlln, Btore, inoom, laillllg House, (Jri'CIIViOod. Htore. Centralin, HatlnB House, llila, Tavern, llerwhk. ''.. Coiiaid llredbeuiUr, Heaver: l.dward cully, f'eulralla, F.atlng llouso. ,,, , , wi-.iiiiwiiiu.s ii, I5.N-J-, Uloomsbiirtf.Jai. l, isjo, I'rulhouotary, T) u H h i ; s a ii i: OF VALUAllI.E llEAI. IMIF- I ii pursuanco of nn order of Hit W milt of Columbia cuiuily. l'a , en M.rai .......... .mi.i. i.i.i ... in .. , I,. I.- nt ,e ntl tir'n Ai.l.i.i '...i...'l.,l.ir ,l,ii- Ai-.. C.f Jotll1! pole, i.ilo of Catawlssa, I t. mijla etiinty.it I eti.wni expose to puonc mh - -"r: i tho lollowlngdesenbtilieal tstate.wtt tli.it certain Li O T O V O ItOL'XP li.,. in I., rt,tn-liv,i .ninnitril nt) ll,e nil land of Catawlssa Hall Itoa-I. "J " lands oruleihcll llaldy iiu-1 U H.t south by Bet-oud stieet or sal.l t"n." west by lauds or A. J. l'resi-otl. oonuaiw ono-half ncrc, whereon Is eieclnu TWO STHY KIIAMI'. HOU I.ato tint estate ol said deel:..l,sW- township nud "-""'jXiSl'iilOXlI.E' i'Ti:l!.MS OF BAI.r.S-T.l. ', i, IOU.II1 O. .110 plHCllllni iio-i.ij tno striiiiiif! uown oi me i """p"(' -B mill ill, less ino n u 1 1 1 ' , . nl,.,, I,,... mi.l 11. n lelil-lllllim Iliru-'-l, one year'therealler.wllh la'111;,1; ' uuu. iii, ai, j iiitniiM i ,i; HtniHiw. t , L,L PUHIiIO SALE . , i.t-nl'l P.IV, ui- i-i-.llMun ai. . Will ho exposed to public ale. a.u ,J .11VU Ul AUlLilUVl Jll's1' ' . t.i- i iliimlil.i niiiitr. nil 'Ifl-nAV! , W, nt 1) o'clock iu Iho Ion iih"". 41 TWO llllOW.N .ii.li..-'. ... ... ., . .....iinn mat" 1 iliiiceyeni- oui con, . j "" . T .tuats. cows, (ono fresh), 1 beef, S shrtl'.-l '"' ONE TOl' BUGOY, NKAKU l- iieavv iwo-norse wiikhh, i ivo-horso wagon. 1 sled, 1 i ",,1 one-horse spring wjkoii.iio; J! inresu.ng niaeiuiii-, i ";-r.-( ;,e undlv iiii.llNl.lcil halt in grain drll . C.K lu lluikeyo Iteaperand J o -r. I culllvatois, lomn and I1M '""'''ft ul IlinnillK inu. , set jrnlM "!.,i"K.1.'.,.Mn.Vr.it iViuoi ' :r itiiiiu uimuti, ii :.,fniir I fJHAIN llYTlII! Ut clovcrsecd, and potatoes ''V tl tho ton, cornfoiiaer by l' b" '? 'fytwl the u-Kl; uniHe, and Uvo parlor stove. Hr : t l tupboard, kltcl.en f "rb0V'7, VnJ 3 table. 1 watch. 1 clock, cl.a I s 1 1 pels and carpet yarn, was i i-U ono copper Kettle, tubs and 1""J,.j.l Nvuceis, queeuswaio mi- . mr.- ety or other articles too tedlo s tho goods uro not all sold "ll,,jL. be continued tho following ' .(fi, j-Tciiiih niado known on ''".m!. Oranguvlllo, Jan. II, 1"W- NOTIC13 IN PAHTIU"-' VALUATION. lu tho estate or nir.iuei u '"'"Vj. i -ton township, Cohunhia count ""j, k usV, Lunger, I.sdla Ann Lu" jVjaoi t and Isauo i Kriokbauui, giuU" i.tuuu-r. . ...,.,. iiiu . Taku notleo that liipuisu. u o . , tlllou nud vuluatiou lsut-i l ot. t o . , Com t of Columbia county, and ' " tM w inuestiiio if i.iuuueii. "ii -if IM 1 ' ofllentoiilu said county. I , Hi wlllbu taken on tho pieu. "-. tu !1!'H"f;'AJ'ff,tVlKhnk,,t wii iuj ii.ivhi I ; .. ,,1,1-1-1 ll"T JIUillii'"- B dec. 17,'09-lu'. - A UDITOIt'S NU'Ws-. r. 2. rJTATEOl'llKNIA"' f, '"Slllt)'''! in .no urr.iaus t,imiv tJ ,11,11.' bta.Tho Auditor lU'l'0'",1,' ajiar. balaneo lu tho hands ol the O cicdltors. hereby jXS',i.itieJl.i NVf.l iiiect .ue .,'J!1,v;,,,.,i'lliur.s".' l.uriMisoorlllsiipiK.llltli.cnl"'1 ' t. l tiny ol January ls7iltil t ' "ts. f' oillco lu Illoomsburg, iu sum , -.j oiw Interested uro requtsled lo " ( led Horn comliigln 'orl'V' V1 ""i tlec. ai,'C9-ll, ". ...nv't-'Ss U Catarrh lieattd "'j, ef ev'.)i.iii..!.i, lawiir l . htm.' Leydcil. Ilolland, at III" "flVV cnl faculty uro Invited to J Pi Ueiils. nalioha no St ce.et '' ','. o tlllelui eyes Inserted NVllhouu-" examination. Jau.lu.'UMyr. NO T I U K. i ui-stolen l.on!.1,!",!, I,. U r on on or iiheut li , J'ral' n,V Yellow llat'lerilcr, A'J'i paid for thu reeov cry ot said u oik uee,si,-o-ii.