gfta dftftmttMmt. noinsmire. naav. wan. m. ihy . , T-l I 1 T - . . ' Ives merry iniil tmrt, over their skates I IHU lL'l!. l'liENdit Mehinociiii lio ptmiliiiseil nt . 1. LuI.'h us cheap now in beforo war. OUU (ImiiUs nru tluo Col, .luioli M, nmjwi ' tivutli lilt IllH I - I (,oU UhUh tending (lounwnnK but ..ll... illtrl lllilHinr fCiH.m., , i tviiuvu u-j i.i u miu.-uiuii asKmi tin nro tuw i rvtnif kmiiwi mi1 fit I wished by Dr. Jacob Schuyler, and irivo our ri'iMiura i o ntuit iinxt juiTKiui inicrcsiing rovivm is koIiii; AVk would crtll nltontlon to tlto Ho- .11...- .... I....... tt,. ...Ill t .. i .,.1,1 ... 1(3 at ii fearful rati. Hut as tho bov i in uia cwuj nun nun. wmii ii vs tvu Id t-fiil iipi In thn ui tifiir llnin to the oro Imulerrf. A htendv column wagons Is constantly h rtown, on their way to tho respective) rimces, iu mv 4 mtua x nut wm at:ii uiL-iiir.. n u uiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri i f i imir o navo icnrneti oi no particulars as to e causu oi mo sail a umr. mu minim's Riinn ii rnmotnrior tim. case.", uxuupt. inu ursr. icn, upon mo II llhV II IK lll.u lllll 111 IIIU 111.31 tliu first week will not bo tiiuen up 1UIS. I. ...-.......J I Catawissa, Pa., arrived Inst week, ini'uiL' iicrmiiiiL'iii iv minis rritiiiiv. vcrai oilier newiy urn veil reniisyi. annuo II1U tuou Ui;il- 1UUIU DiV Ullllllli IA'oWi Carolinian. jV'ou will tnvo 20 per cent by paying ami buying your dry goods of I P. Lutz. Don 't tnkii our word for It It give lilm ti tall and bo convinced. "It is unnecessary to stato that N. Y. iy is largely democratic"" iV)!iWic)i. Well what In tho naniu of common Bsc do you state it for then V There Is Dujjh "unniccsMiry" stud' in tho ypublkan as it is, witltout specifying r'iNDLAY, tho Democratic Senator bin the 20th District, on Wednesday It was admitted to his sent and sworn The independence of Messrs. Lowry Uillingfelt prevented tliunccom- bhincnt of tlin attempted fraud. unu ui raAT. iiaci;ev.ino',jiinif" uieal candidate forSlato Treasurer. been defeated, and (Jen. Irwin elce by a voto of CI to 70. 'nils result achieved by a union of the Demo- ts and boltinirllcnubllcans. Irwin is uruii mim, anil was m reinsurer u r airo. Rlieaccldenl which hapiiencl tooncof horses of liernliard Stohner by Itinghls foot through n hole in tho Ibioiloor, wo did not intend to intl- to that this stable was in uuangcrous insecure condition. Such is notlho le; the building Is in thorough repair fl tlio guests of tho Columbia Hotel i always depend on having their am- pis rni (.'fully IkumiI and cared for. t'jtKNCii Merino can bo purchased IM. P. Lutz's as cheap uowns beforo i war. ,'irAHCOAi, is a valuable interiuil pal- live In d yspepsia and in many of the nrdcrs nfl'ectlng the stomach and pels. Tikcn in doses of a tablospoon- S night nnd mornirg, it is an almost railing corrective of cosliveness. xed with Boftening poultices It is Einslng, soothing nnd lienling to foul es. An occasional dote of tho powder duces a favorable Improvement in a ow or tawny complexion. 'uk organ ol the Republican parly tills County refutes to publish fry's Message. Whether lilts small let will not hold It, or whether ho vs tho allusion to tho corrupt means Id by tho party to secure a Stato insurer will damage tho party, wo lilng to read this Important docu- r. iv ill ii ml it in ihn I'm Trill i iv Ick Cnoi. The dealers in Ice tho proprietors of skating rinks nro J, it looks very much as if thorium- luxury of Ico would bo an expensive the late cold snap brought somo fort tn rays proved too powerful, and 1 GDitt 11... .-.-.,-.. lr In tho hearts of tho waiting h.JlilVn htul in iii;n In mir fiimllv fif tlmo past, ono of Dolv'a Clothes .HJHIUUIIV U1 Hi liO IliUltlOl phatlcally n Itibor-mvina inachlno dnrM lQ ll'tfl' 1.. ll.n tlinwiilfrti "wjiv Ml tliu ( iiiuiuuii Iiiiftw 1.' r. in... ... i i --v.. ui .lUlIlllU'El WI1U llilVU JiHJiu hhes tlii'he iniH'hltnH would ho Inval ll'Wll-fj I..... n . I .. .1 tic fcourco, are to tho eirect that tho hi tho legiblaturo on Joint ballot and t. i .r . . (111. IK, I. - t . . ... eeulaturo. Tho democrnta wineedo "viiiiiu ja ii, inu iiuillia UI IIIU IU- Jerity ill tho llouee, based upon tho u that a number of conservative to- .III. uu UIJI1UDI-U iU uu iuuiv- es recommended bv Governor lock. i T5,-0I1CE,-7.AU wll r Indebted to mo oifsuhscr hit nn In n,n h - . l)K.MO(!tlAT wllf call at tho lieL ,teiJ: oillco andBcttlo tho by tno i lh of l-obrimry next, nnd therelVv sim besrMtfil w). I mean business. Jan. 7,'l870..2t W. ii. .taciuiv. LOCAL NOTICES. Nkw anii Pnij.- Tho music to bo found at Alstatt's, Court House alloy. Call on him. Why will pcoplosufror with n cold, when they can buy n bottlo of l'hienlx Pectoral f( r 25 cents. It Is a sure cute. n2 4t. AnniMT that terrlblo Catarrh, and thus nvold a consumptive's grave, by using Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itcmedy. It's not warranted to euro Consumption when tho lungs aro liairconsiiined, nor tn mako men live forever, nor lo make this earth a blissful Paradise to which heaven shall bo but a side-show, but tho proprietor will pay $300 ruwnrd for a ease of Catarrh which ho cannot cure. Sold by drugglsts.orsend slxtyjccuts to Dr It. V. Pierce, Uuffaln, K. Y., and receive It by mall. Wi: havponhand constantly nil kinds of blanks.lncludlnx deeds, bonds, mort gages, notes, summons, execution, sub nconas, Ac. Wo also have small bound hooks o' receipts, notes, Ac, ireful to Administrators or Kxecutors in settllni; up estates. It MARRIAGES. Siiimu'l Ni'j hHid, Km., i:mniiu( I iVn tiu. lu JIIm Mary J-Wucr, or t Milnuc ucU iwp. llUrro.V-IIIIIONO-In lllomnshurit, mi l,o Mil, I.y Key. 1. II. Itl.lnl, .Ml . NvHti'r oViii'sovl'lkt- '''' lo "'" 'M,"y m""e- '" AU'rr.l'.Y-L'OHrEU-In lllooinslniiu, on n10 fill, V.r .Volr I'SCoiiiIni! rouuly, to Mlis Hiiriili II. Cnieer, f lllouiutiburK, iir.IlICI.K-lIKNIlF.llMlIOT-On llin Mli lint., iiy ISt'V. II. Wilson iir. Jcsmh .Mi rlcli'.nr lluck Horn, tu MNs Ulllo IIcmloiliit, of ilmlNon townslilp. IITT-JIU.S'i:!.M.N-On tlin Ctli Inst., a I tin !!M,!,.,'lV?,.."r..",1 "inclntlnu rli'ni) mini, nt V lilli. Hull. .Mr. .TmpiiIi r TI t I.. Mi.uM.... I Miisflimui, till of Clrccnwooil, t'ol. co. I Y-ail.r.LSI'lK In nloomlniiB, nnllio2!nl of Hi ml pit, IMS), liv lloy. H. r. Allpinuii, -Mr. K. W. Ivy to Miss Uflon Ollli.K', nil m Hack Hoi u, 1'n. Mil. I. Kit-IIAIir.VIl Xov ir.lli lm n In !,.. II I loll mail, Mr. Iwino Miller lo -M Iss Kimnmni llmllcr, both of llollcnbiuk. WKI.SH-ANllItKAS-On Ilic Mimo Hy, bvtlio mine, Mr. , i:. .1. Welsh to LdU AihIhuh, both of llolknbiuk. i!iicKM:-nnTKNiinNi)i:it-ii., mil, i,v n,o rilllir, ..II, .lllllll ItllCKIO IO illlSS J.II11IV lllttCIl bumlcr, both of llolleubnck. is:Mi'sj)N-THAUuir-on thn aini mi., nt thn in. i-.. 1 1III.UIIUKI', uy iii'v. ii. Klilillc., Jtr. Snmiicl Simpson toMlm I'liniileTriuigli, both of Ilorn lcl:, l'a. ' nt.OKrt-ItAIir.nT-In Rnlcin, on tho .Tilth nit. by Key. H. H. Henry, Mr. Nnthnn lllo, i.r Her- .ii.-u, iiiiurn I'.iixuuein Jinucri, oi Mucin, ia.- '.ci uu luiiuiy, t ii. HoniNllOLT-FItV-IiiIicrwIclconthoNt Inst. Jl i" i" "M " IC'UlllllUH I( itllHS llllll nuii i-, ijuiii oi Rimini, vuiumiim vo DEATHS. KULT In llcrwlck.on tlieSml lusl., AuuU Ma rin, w ire of Unnlcl Hull, ogtnl nbout h curs. BNYlJllIl In llloonifcblim. on ll.n "ith nit T.N. jitu.iiiiiiut uiiugmur oi .lonti una .MuryHiiyilei, HHAFFKU In Illomnhluim, nn llin Bftlh nit ., r-wi in milium-1 mill runiit-r, "ltv" ji,h i.iuiiiun ii ill t IJ ll Hi P. 7.IM.MKUMAN In l:looii.binir.on iIiplMHi nit un-nsc, m in johii una .Mary .iniuiLi mhiii fit t i. j nun it I v IIIUIIl JIP. O.MA-In Jlcnton, April 2'st. w.t Koto Aim uku u j flux, i inomn unu unys. s HKIUFF'S WALKS. Uyviituo of Suiulry wilts of Vuiulliioni i:. lKltlilU IfllTlf VlW llll (111.) I Vnnil 1.. I I out ortlio Com l oi Conimnn rious of Culimibhi county iiiid to mo direct til will bo exoMil to iy i'Muii rimuu ii uuirry at lilt' i)liri iiuwni.- in itjniMJUiK. hkjiio O CIOCK ill I IK' OIU 1 noouot Moiuluy tVb. 7tli 1S70, the Jullouiiij; real vniiiiu iu vtl i All Hint crrtnlll tr.irl. of T.nml nlliHiln tn 11. n uu nu 1 ui v im HUTrccK. t ximiitmo. eminif Cill tut lllllB Flttteil Aim cm. innrn nr Irwu 11,,.....) t'il as inllows, to wit : On tlio norlliby lands of Alvu. lUllnn. on tint runt titni kimlli liv i,,,., .,r jiiiiu unu uu UK' wvhi oy ililiiis (ti Wlliliiin itiviu-M iit-n'oii is fciicieu a iwo-Mory Kiamo iiwtiiiuniiuusB uim u)ie,iwo I'rume liariu wlln inu 11 imui it-iiiiuLC. nfuuii.iuiicii in t'xrcuiion and to Llsoi(i nn iim liiujuil ui dUUJt'rt J unci. ALSO: AtthOEnmo tlmoond tilnr. nit n.nt nrt..hi trnct of Land feliuotcd In Mt. rleasant towiiKtdp Columbia cuunty.boutidod on tlio north by land or Wm. lleern and Uobcit Unwell, on tho cast by land of K. A. bharrcttx on thohoutli by land flf .If it 1 11 nml lllrnni 'I limmo n..,l 1,., il. .,,.,.1, bylamlhot Win VomUrbllto rontatuliiKTblily Acu-8. more or knv, w hereon is eurteila liunie Dwelling Houe with lb npi'urtenauccs. Helt-d. taken lu exccutlnn aini to bo m us the property ofKaiah A. Moidaii, ALSO: At the name time and id.ici. h. rnrinin lotnr Kiuunu Miuuu'n iu iim ooioimu oi i eiuraiia. I h lumblu county, boundud and described as fid Iuwm, to wit: On tho north by lot of John IVter olf, 011 the caat by Locust Avenue, on tho mjiiHi " I'iHiici vti'iuiiuu uu uih wesi uy an Alley on which Is erected two Frame Dwelling Houses with the appuitenances, said lot belna twenty. rive lect front by one hundred and forty ttvi deep, Seized, taken In execution ami to be sold us the piopei ly of John tlngci. A U H o : At the same tlmo and plaee, tho following de scribed lotof tfiound feltuttteil in (itawtssa u u 8hlp, Columbia county, bounded and tleseribed as lolluwx, to wit: Ou tlie 1101 th, south and tutht by lunds of Boioiiion llelw iff containing about three and a half Acres tuoro or lth on which It erected a two htory Fiame Dwelling lloue frame ulable with the oppurteiiances, Belzed, taUe.i In execution and to be Hold as tho property of Jacob Hower. ALSO; At the Mime tlmo and place, alt that certain traetof land situated in KKldiiKcieek InwuMiip and bounded as follows: llccluning at u )it and stones, a corner of John .M'Mlciiaol's laniN, tbuice by the Kame fouth slxty-tuo dtMiees, westelghty-elHlitaud three.tenilw pert-lies to a IMibt. theueo by lands uf Jlenjamln CJuldeii, noith tweiilynve nnd one-half ileKitcb wott one bundled ami Uftvllve ierclus to a t.nsL mid stoae, thenco by lauds ol Keese I, Millard and 011 roe iiuen, noun sixiyiwo ueiees, eiui elglity-eltilit ami tlve-eluhttis ptrchtsto a post, thuneeiiy lands of ll, and li, lhss, south twenty live and ouehaIf devices, east one liuudu-d ami llfty.Ilvo perches to the place of lleulunin, con talnluu emhty-flvo ticKs aud one bundled and three perches, Helfd, taken lu execution and to bo Bold a tlio propel ty of Win. Husais, with notice to Par Tin Kline. A L 8 O : At thosamo time nnd place, that certain build lug loeaU'd tu tho town of FoumliyvllletColuui bt.L county IVnna.. on a hit of sroiuid inlliilni ua Kolomon llovver.Solumou Adieni and A, W. Hal on ana me roan running inrouun im town and Isuoue story triune Church bin Id hit,', thirty-two teet Iront by forty fet-t deep, Heized, tuKcn In execution and to bo sold .u tho property of Chester Cope, Peter Keek and I, liower. Trustees or the KVungelical AsMiclaliuti of Foundryvllle. ALSO : At the same time ami place, the surfaee or all that ceilalu piece or put eel or mound lu the town of Centialia lu Con nuham township, Columbia county Penna, bouudeit and dehrrihoi h rollows, JU'Klimliitf ata stalceat Hie Inteint'etion of Ii eiiht avenue and l'all Uoad htreet Iheneo north three ik'urees wet tllty ieet, thenco north tlyhly seven decrees east one huudied nd lorl teet to an alley tbt-nceioull) thuo devrtex, rast tllty reet lo 1UU Uoad tjtreel Ihencu along said SUeet south eluhty-seeu dilutes, wtst one huialied and forty leet to tho place ot hetftunlini, the said lot nuiiibers eleven aud tut Ivo lu llloek thirty lu salt! town, heized, taken In execution and tube sold as the pioperty of IVter Hower with notice loTluw. O'Nial. ALSO: At Ibe Funic time nnd place, by virtue of n Kl. Fa., n certain truct or land situate In Jlrlurcreek tw)i., Columbia county bouiuktl on the north by lauds of John (K Jacoby and Huuuiih hKucu beii;ertou tho east by lamUof Stephen '1 bourns and Jacohy,ou the south by publle load leadmi; liom Jler Ick to uloouitburK, on the west by the Itrlar Creek, on which Is erected a Irame piUt mill, planter mill aud saw mill a Haute dwelling hoiue, frame stable with the uppurU miucm. Also at the sumetlmontout three acres of tfiouud bltuute lu samo twp., aud county ndjoinltu laud or J.H. Jacoby,ianlel Uambachaiid thuNorlh 11 much Canal. Belted, taken In execution and to be sold us the property of Joslau Thomas. ALHO; At the same tlmo and place, all that certain tract of luud, situate In tieinwood township, Columbia county, containing about titty acres, mureorksi, boiiiided aud described us roliows, to wit: on the north by laudsor Webb UlrUm, on the south by lands of David Albertsou, on the east by lamU of John and IhecKloro umious, and on the west by lands of Ueoruu mid IVter Uirtnn, on which U erected a one story plank dwell Inu )iouie,loulmru,wtththoappurtenauei'M HeUed, tuken in execution and to be sold u the property of Abiahutu Dielblebls, ALBOl AUhetotno lime aud place, All (hat certain lot of yrouml, Mluato iuthe town pf Ura-jc villo. County of Columbia, bounded aud des cnUd as follows, to wit : on the north by Hue street, on tho east and south by binds of. -Walker, on tho west by lot of J, M, Harmon uud District Behool House, , , .. Helxed, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of the Oiamjmillu Male aud leiuulo i Amaem MOUDECAI MILLaUD. Jau,7,;, Hberltr, ti' AND Legal Notices. AUDITOll'S NOTIOK. t. .i 1;M.r.ATf: I'' r.T, ..111 Hie Ornliiili', Colirt ,,r V...i,,...i:i n'?trll",ll,m o'f".V,n"!,.c!1 ,"y "',. to iniike l.i.. .. ,,in bnlniico n Uioliamtii or iim . li.e, ''' ,r'.' "r "f 1 i'0 "ttof 1'hl ll " Y,wl, " ii'iijeil.niimiii! tre.1 torn nml helm Mill liierViho n,c i.r " V.0"'1 r'!r "i','? l''l'o".l I U l" Ji. i.'."1; '1h lit lllminn blim on Tilim .iv tlie lt diyr.l I Vhriinry, isto nt lo n'tlock n iV tli'i ffi""'! '.'"'-'"""''I r hnvlliVclili ?, ,?..,?, " i rn,1,'."" ""J "'I'1"""' lonlleiKl, nrTo ,. run I '""ilii'l Hi for n iwrl of lh h , In V 770-11 f.V.MIM,.:H, inn. I, iu-11, A.lillli.r. A UDITOIt'S NOTIOR. raTATR OK .IOIIN VOST, IlKC'lI AiIi.i..ii?m Iho bnlnmo In the of tho AiiiniiiKHriitur, of tho ctnt of John Yot .le. nirM'n:!'.,,101'l,.''rf''ll(,r"""'1 , III meet ho jnn.f, iD-ll. AU.IItor, .A DJtlNJSTUATOlt'H NO-TICK. xr;ll.K3TVTB';l'.I"llA,' eooi., nnu'ti. rimlS,.fi'rllnl!,l,,ril,l.OI,on,l "X" f ! eoiuVt'i- n t-1 X"$il"iiu:1 x,y 11,0 ""-'Killer of Mil, in! lo F' lwll.ury of Ciiuwli-u two those I d?h?.-rf?,1f'"1 " ,nnku "'" k'' " 'I inoso lnaebitKl to mnko intinrnt, l)ec.3,C3-0iy. Admlnlstintor. NOT?uaWo..1,AUTITION ANU ns . Lunger, I.ydi.i Ann Ltimirr, Joel I,iiiin"r iAini!." a" Kr'cltb'u. uaaidlaii ol i:!l.,iu,l Tulto nnlloo Hint In puiKiinncoof n writ of .'. ?X "S V,,"!li1",1 i'wl"1 ,,llt r t" ilriVlm "' "KIS? ,',r.1'1 f bcl" 1'Uiwrln the toiihip u-l l n , 'lLmM ""I I''" Imiuhltlim t , l .i, H ,k.r ',,'" 11,0 l'ii;mlMH on W.dne.l,iy tiu l.'ih iliivofjnn.inry. Is i, wiiei and where Jon iniiyntlen l It you l tiink proper, dee 17 VI Ue ilOUHKl'AI MIIifiAlir), dee. 17, tu-lw. Miicnir. A DMINISTHATOU'.S NOTlCll. I ,F!,,1AV:",''' UI' IIAlir.Nlll'Cll llKl'll. thuesli.le ol M. Ilniielihuch, l.Uo ol Omni;.! tw p., Collilnbla t:.i. '.. Vm.V',1' ,mvo eintiled by lh lU-ulsler or ...Itiiiii.l.ic.iuiity to Win. Himcnbnch fir 1 Uh Umcrcclc township, AdlillilUliiUor eio.l Irani mi i.lo omirao. All persons IniviiiK dnli.n or dciiiiinils ni.iiinstthoe.slnto of thu deee.l. nt mo lequesieiltoinnkiithein known, and those in debtcil to mnko payment. ' WM, IIAnENIlUCH, ,, ,..,,.. Ad.nliilslrutor, nee, li, W)-(Jw, ruin tetfainriito unnexu. IflXECUTOlt'S NOTICE. J-J J-.STATE OK WM. O. miltl.KV, PKC'li. ri'ii.r t,'1,4l.lime!,iry 011 tho estate ol Win. O. Hurley late ol Jlloom township, Colun b 7 ., :r, i : . K'niiy mo ui Kteroi toiuinhia County to IVter ita dy,.Jr., llo Montour county, 1M. All pt-rvms liavinc Those lndebtvii to the .-statn tt i,V. WAti . of1tw!1,.V1!!,,lM"Ky.."r b.ook ,a"t will 'make pa ineilt to the llxenntnr wit limit .ll,.. lltl( mvw Pin'KU llALI),.Iu. dee..l.(VJ.(,,v. Kxeeutor. A l)MINISTJliYTOlS NOTICK." XL STATl:nr nivtn i-uv ......... llifMutu of llii s Id ! rj- Lite i.r llenver tow lnhlli.Cohiinblii eonu U , ilu eni.ed,hiivo been (minted by tho Heelster ol snld ennnly to 1'anl I ry rekldlng In tho town t iiiiiuideoiintynroriMiid. All ktsoiis linvlnir cliifiiii njjnlllM Iho esllilo nr the dteeilent are re .llleMed to i.lehent llnin lor Kelllemeiit. im.l i nose inneliled to tlio esl.uo to lii.iltoiiiij iiieiittn ...-ifi....i "unu. .iMrti.ur wiinoiii nel.iy, , ,.,,. I'aui. ritv; dee. .1, t,i)-Gv. Ad.nlnUtrntor, AUDITOU'S XOT1CK. IMTATBUV .11. UN C'OV, llKl 'll. in inu uii.ii.uiv uourtor ColuinW.i eoniitv.lho Alid,torat..oliito I by tho Court, ti malio Ullil .V;1 """f1"0'-'!""'""!.! John Cox, dee'd. l.ile rlI.e"",',ck tw''" 1,1 "lo ""'My of Collllnlilii, deed, will meet tlio pintles Inleietlcd, tor tin. imriiove.rhisii.).olntiiieutinM,uiirdiiv tho Uiiy ol .luinury rext.ut .'oVioKk I'. .Slut the eimSS' lv,I,1,llri,',Cln!'U?' '"V01""'""-!.'. " WlM ? . i IJ,lJ"('s inieie.sted nro leijiuMui to of Ihesnid rimd. " ' ' "" " "" dee. SI, CD- lw. Audit.... AUDITOll'S XOTICK. lirAli: Oh' 1IKNJAJIIN J. IIOO.M', 111 CK.thKli, 1 11 I lie 111 rlu. n' I 'iiiii-. n it... .. ... , i. bill. '1 he Allilll.,1- iiniinli, .! t ijinYi.r . '.'r. bnliiiuu In lliehnmii ol iho luiin'r. union.' u.e ciwlllois heichj kIvcs nolleo he win meet ine tun lie. Inlelested, lor tho biilliOMiof his umiolntiiient on ihuisduy iheLlilh day ofjiiuunry IT0nt ten o'clock a. a. nt I. Is plllee In lIluotnsbliiB, In wild county. All lull lien Inleresled n.ii tti n. ...mi i... .1..1 led Horn In lorn iniit ..ll'l.e said luud il. WIHT.MOYKIC. die. SI.'UMt. Aiiuuor. A UDITOII'S XOTICK. Xi 8TATi: (IF W. U. mi-Mcif. nw-'n In the Orphan.' Court of Columbia vomit v, tho Auditor aiiliollilt-d hv llinrmut in n t.l.. tiPi butlou ot the ttateol said W. W. .Mellek, late of "i't Kiumj' in cuiuuiiiiii, tiee (i. nmonttbehiirn and Iipal repiesentathes and peisouseutlllcd tbeuto. ullt meet, tlin hiiiii.u inttithtcd, torlliu purposeot bis appointiut nt at his otllco In Ilrowcr UulldinL', hj,Kmisburu. on mt i im nay of l-ebiuary, A,"i-, nt lOoVlock A 31.. Ullr-ll (I till wlirli. it 1 1 nnuniiu 1. ehlllllN on feald Iimd inn n-rnilroii in nii.-iwi ..f i,!. forevirdebaned Iroin eoniln In for u p'.ut of , . ' joiix u, Kiiiurzi;, dee. 3I,ey-iv Auditor. A UDITOIt'S NOTICE. XX nSTATi; OK KMUFb KINKJl, DFC-'p. in the Orphans' Court of thu county of Colum bia. 'Iho Auditor appointed by tho Court, to m.iKcuisiriuuuon anions creditors or tho bat anee In tho hands of the ndm'r. of Kamtnd KIs ner. lateor (Jieenuood twp. Columbia eountv, dee d. will miet all persons Interested, tor tlm purpose of ids appointment at the oillee or M, Whitmoyer, Kwj., In lilooinsburtf, ou Matuidny, the'J-Jd day ofJnmmry. A. 1). 170, at 10 o'clock n. m.of .ald day, Alt persons havlnsclalmsatialnst the Raid estate will be tequhed to present Ilium at that time. ueo. H.ror.i:.MANt dec. Jl,VJ-lv. Auditor. A UDITOIt'S NOTICE. xV. f-stat, of .M, Kuir., ni.c'n. Tlie unuerriiijnea, apiMimted by tlio Oiphans' Coin t ot Columhl.i couuty, an Auditor ap pointed by Iho Coiut lo mako dWtrlbutluu uuiomr ertdltnrs of 1I10 cxtato of WHHnm I-'rltz, bite ot Uiniiyo tup. Columbia county tii-u 11., win 111 vi 1, uir j)univ iiiicienltHi iuj- inu puipoe of Ids appointment at hh oillro u JilooiiLfeLuitf. on Monday.the.'tlhtday of Januaiy PC0, at lu o'elotk, A. il. All peioons bavins ehdiiib 011 said thtate aie rcciufud lo attend or be loiecr cUbailt-d from loailnt' In tnr 11 nnrl .f huid lund. l'. 11, liiti.i;, dee. :U,C!Mv. AudlUir, jOTIUK IN PAUTITION. l--sr.vrKOFHll.l! A. HOU'UA.V, I.AIKOI'MIIFI.IN iwr. t'oi.L.nm v ruii.M, iiixi;si:n. To HctU 11. llowman. Thomas Ilowmau. Hcm-v llownum WiNley lioMiuiu. llliam llnniii-ni. H eorgo Ii, llowman, Mauahsa Howiimn, iikui, .Iiihu Uowuinu, and Inteimairled HU i iiuip .oowiiy, i-eiiiua ninim. iiaimiiicr 01 i ulna Wio iuteriuarrleil with Josepli 11. Muilli, lleuiy llowman, Audiew Jbiwnniu and John llou'iuan. holiN ol Chri&tonhtr h'. llnwimin. ilfc'd. Celehtlu inteimanled with William Miller. Mh ll. ua luicim.uried with wuttamT. Hitter, .lane luterniairU'd with 'Ihouuw Coltr, Martha Itow iiiiu, and Joseph 1. Ilowuiau eblidren of Mim uel A. iiowuiati.dcc'd,, the Mild Mai l ha Kowinan li Ui'' a minor who lias Solomon Nn hard fur Kiiurdlau, taku uollcethat In pursuance of a writ of partition aud valu-iilon of the lollowlnt? real esiaiotnwit; one piece or iireei ui tud bltuate lu the towiikhtp of Mltlllu a forum id, bounded eabtwardly by the malu road leadlus iroin Mif llin to IteiiJainluVohe southwardly bylandof said Vohe. m elwaiulv bv belib of ileniv iloum.m uud uslwaiilly by William Jbovvn, and u tttreet ol tlio touu or Mllllln, loutaluluK ilily.tlvo acres or their.-ihmitH, also the undivided third of a nououuti ot Hiiuaiuii 111 Jiiminviuo nouiidta uy Main M, by an alley, lot ol Cha,llei4 and blable, Miet t cixly Uu t fmut more or less, and about iu oiiimiLu ivvi, orvp, irumv iiouuiu:; ami sta ble; will ro bild on the )tt mtsL'tion l-iida, tlio UMh day of January. isTt'. at which time and place you may intend ifou think proner. .UUUlJnV.Vl 111jJ4.111'. dec. 17,'iU-.H nherllU RKQISTKH'S NOTIOK.-Notici; is heiebv ulven to all leuateen. eredltori nnd other peroitH Interested hi tliuistates of the re MpeelUo deeedeuts uud Illinois, that tho folloli' lm; mlmlnlsliiitlou nli'l liuiirdiau neeounU hae 1 cell llieil in 1110 oinee nl u.e Kei.lcr ol li.lum. blaeoiinty,auil will bo preichtod lor Lontlllna tlou and nllowMieo lu llin tirphiitu'tourl, lo 1h ueni 111 iiiooiiuoui, on weuiHM.niy, uu. uin nay ol Teb,, h'U, l.t two o'eloelclu tlio ulleinooli of .am uuy. I, Aeeount of William T.uU, Kieeulor ef the lust will and Ictttmcnt of 1'eler l.uiz. dee'd and ndiu'r ol the estnlo ol Cathurlne Lulz, Ulo of Columbia county, dic'd, Aicoiiut of Peter K, Ifel belli, Into niinullali of Itrltalu K lloillue, lnlnor,l.s filed I.) Itol.llidus llelbilll, udlu'r of 1'eler K. Hcl belli, late ol lo in.t tM p. Cohiuibia eo. de'tl. II. r'l.fclnl.dllltal iiecouutot Chns, Klfiiyeim-in, udm'i't.i l.e Uelel. late of Mllllln tup., den'd, 1, rliht ueisaiut of Hiram llefes, ndiu'i of John llet., lulo of rlht.luiferevk twp dee'd. 5. rliftt mid pm li.l neeouut of hamuli Key. hard, Kxtctilnr of I'lilllp Kdlzlj;, late of Celilie tw p. Columbia eo. dee'il. (. l-'liNt ..leouiil 1.1 I,el Hldhiynnd l'rederlek HiiKt'libueh, KxeeulorH of Ueo. HIiiLiy, lulo of Cen ire Iwp., dee'd. 7. Klrhtnud linn! neeouut of ('huiliN 11. Uroek. ay,udiu'r of lieboiah Penh, lute uf c.itauls&a twp., Coluuiblu county, dee'd, tt. 'Iho neeouut of lllrtiiii 1'almer, ndiu'r of t'h.irleu l'uliuer. Into of III.m.ui iwi., dee'd. Illoouisburg, Jan, 7,'7U, ii.j.i 11, j.ii vjii i , Iteglster, 1DOWH AI'l'RAISEMENTS. i he fill In w liiir iirniniUL-inents nt lenl nnd ier boniil luopfily ffl upnrl U wlJowu ul ilciedtnu, Iihvh hi en HUtl In thu uilleu uf thu IteyUler of rolunihU eouuly, iirnler tho Hule of Court, aud will lm lirt'H-nteil lor uhtnlulu (onllriiuiltoii, lo the urnliiiM' Cull it to h heJd in Jllooiiikhurt;. Iu nnd for Mild eounly.on We IneKdiiy.theUih day of 1't h. IsTOut twoo eltK'k r. M,. ofkul'J Uny, iinhH excehllutiN In fciich lotitlrmtillunn nro jtrevioiul)' llltxl'of ulilcli nil liemotu lutereideil lu buiU eKtuteiiMiUmkunotiiei I, Widow of Jon, V. Ketter, late of Hloom 1 a.'NvidoV of Hlrum. Ctml, lute of Uourlucrcek towiuui,.. "','iu,IAM.soX , JACOIly, nioomsliuiViJau. 7,7". Ileglstcr DEMOOllAT, BLOOMSBUftG, COLUMBIA COUNTY,! 'PA. 15,' QOLmT I'ltOOLASIATIO. JniloV.r'n.u' Vj?lt,;"'Vw;illl,,m l:iw'11' ITwWoiu llciiorel l V iV. V.,:f.f)Jr?r 't'"' Terminer nnd nf tho l-iiei i iVj.cry,.u'i,!tt ot Uimrtcr Hcln., i.lm 9 1 Mina.V"i !'f nmoii l'len nnd Or !L.i. ! . . r !i"t,n XU Jl rial lilslriet. com WI m, !,i"S.u,,.I!U"."iof "'"'". Biilllvnn nnd r M .. ii . . '.' 0 'i'"!' lra'" 1,crr n,1' Cliniles li'ivi Vsiie,? M?.,J0.J','l'0.,,,.,f l-"l''''li county 1 iv i r ill. .if A'".0'"' ''"'".n .1..10 11.0 mil. nfn 'iC';1';' ,"f liol'lliiKaComtor Oyer nnd Ter" Cimrt ?f'1.' ,n.,"cml "'""o'" "f tho IW, Vn,. ..... .L"" llon 1 Drphnn'. Court, in r Mon .'h,l,,1 1 ' fAliimbl. in ll." elmiiii,,i"n;,1;e!;s tho Jth " '. n.,! 1 11 c'fPf MptbDnrlnKdntotholotli day or nli?; 'mui i.?V? "j"""1;"1,1 olHht hundreil nnd sixty Piiim 1 iiiiii f'rt . . i for ''"Wing nn orphan hi Vi . .S1 r 1 1 ' V0,,,.M ' 0,1 'l"' llloonishurs III . . 1 ".'l ."f V'"1""1'.1." " ,l10 l,co"' Jlondny SS!SS.ulion4.thwilK "' "iU"",ry "CXI- "UJ J.wt'leeS.'iMhlS1.'3' Kivc' o tho Coroner, to tho J unices or the l'enee.ntul tho Ctnlnhlefi ortlio fhero h V ,y.i'ir.Coll,m,,ln' thul .tlicy then ana i nero 111 their proper person nt lu o'clock In tho rnrpnoon of sunt 7th .lay ol Feb., will, their rec ords, Inmi unions and other re ne nurn noes to S'ftrs' a-1"!1",0 UA' "PPerfa n ,lono. And Ihoso Unit nro bound by recognizance, to pro,ceulo nenlnst tl e i.rls. oners that nro or may bo In tho jail ol1 tho said county of Columbia, to lio then nnd thereto prosecute them ns shnll bo Just. J i I,,'.?."r.'t',1,!,,"lV0 '," V I'Uiwtunl III their "it ten (othe rnollces. Dated at lllooins TT,l rK' the WUny of.Jan,, hi tho year nioonisbuiu, Jan., 1S7D. Mherin. L'n?rf)?..CJ;:a,FOn TIUAL AT riin FR'l., TKlt.M ISTi) TIM! 1'IILsr TKN Clink. Freeze, Clnik, I.lllle Clark. I.I I lie, Jackson, Little. Whltlllnycr, I.lttle. Clark. Ilroekwny, Fl ce?e, ICnhler. Freeze. CInrk. Little. K.ihler, f Cdirrd M'Cull vs I loliu Hweeney. f Henry J, Yelple, UsAacUititiiA. tcrro Icnniit (Henry J. Yeaple, vs llinao Drum A terre tenant, AbiuhainMarU, vs I. P. Hcybcrt. ( Lavlua Davenport, t William M. Kllnelob. Sifohti Coleman, vs Mtclmct Crolinn, fJohu .lilpmau, i vs (.' J, Vnndersllce, Charles 11, Orecn, U'etcrHehua. (OeorRoZarr, VH (.Wm. M'Kelvy. I lteuben H. King, i vs IHllslin Il.rursel. HKCON'n WEEK. rsiini i A, l''.s ndm'r. (.Valentine .Stout, et. nl, f Gideon Aindt, Freeze, HhniliR Little Ji Freeze. Whltnloyer. Levcllo. Freeze, Heeler. Clnrli. Flve.e. Knot r. CInrk. Yv'hltinnyer. Fieeze. Claris. Kaliler. Ilnwkway, Fret ze, Clark .1 Knorr, Freeze, Clark . Knorr. Freeze, Clark. i Knorr. s. vs John U. Lelby, IltobertH. llnmpinn vs nichard Wutklns. (Thomas lienfiold vs (.Uriah Cnmpbell. 1 . .Immerinan, ,t T. I.. Ilerdlc, use. II. H.Win. Crevcilua. I A A J. Iteinoehl vs l.Lncknwnnna.4 n, n. it, Co. f Alexander Culler ! vs (..VllnasCole. Moliroo llriiiidai;o VH (.EIlMia 11. l'uisell. f Michael tl rover use. vs (H. H. Mnrr, f siaey John, j vs (.Mary John's Committee. (Stacy John, vs (..Mary John's Coinmlttci'. (Ktucy John, I vs (Mary John's Committee. . Clark . Uiockway l'eter Hchni; Little. Mnri'lholhei's. Freeze. Kuoi-r. liahler A Ikeler. uoi er. Abbott. Wllltmojer. Cl.ak. Clink. Freeze, Ikeli r, Fl ei ze. Freeze. llrockway, Hon ell. Freeze, Whitmoyer, 11 rock way it i vs (.dairies Leo. (Continental Coal Co. vs I Lehigh Valley It. II, Co. ( Wm.Mnrr, vs UlushcsA Uueklo. (Oeo. Htnckhouso, vs ( Audiew Stnckhou-e. Ann .Mnrgeruiu; vs I'livUtHiint.etux. I Hi.mtiel Whllmyer, i vs (Wilson Ilelllerlch. ( Thomas lllighcs, use, i vs ( Wi-sley Uui kel. I (Jcorgo Masters.t Son, ( vs LSamuel Urugler, Daniel Hhiiman Adinr. vs Manilas Alsteller, et. nl. (II. F. Howell, et, ul. i vs (.Mary 1.'. Green. ( Frederick Hossler, vs (Oldeou O. Hostler, it. al. (William A. Case, i vs (The twp. orKcott. (John Jacobs, vs O, L Johnson, (Paniucl Kline. s 1'ieservo Conner, it. al. ( W, vs (Abuiiiain Moore, cl.ul. I C. II. Cnlil)bell. J: Co. ITntuail, l'liriiuii. a llniUiu, ( Epiiralin Ualllett, Aaron Andrew ,,, f Jacob Ullbert, I vs. I Geoi ge SI rnusser. ( Wm. lirooks, et, ux. i vs (Win. Sllillliers, el. ux. l' J. A V, 1'. M'Hcury, vs l,J..sepli H. Eaus. I Joseph o. Kramer, vs (l'eter Miilth. ('l)iaeher .b Co, et, nl, V'lll. CiOOillll.lll, Wm. Millies, et. ul. I Daniel, r ji n ii io iiuiiui.wi, f vs iA, J. Evans, et. al, I Win. M., vs I'llniull.y Ilugnii 1 1, nl. IHeinyT. Kelly, vs I James Cn rr, I Win, 11. Wolfe, iJessul), Wee, j Win. M. Kllnelob, J!10l!lpM.!l. Frei ze. Howell. .Miller. Ikeler. Claik. Ikeler. Uroeliway. I.lllle. .InckNoii. Jliekhou. Wlillnioyer. 'reeze. Whilmoi er. Llltle. Fieeze, Claik. Jai'ksuu, 'reeze. Claik. Levelle, Little. Howell, Llltle. '!i!tuoH'. Clark. Il.ildy. Clink .1 l-'lete. Uuoir. Whltmojer. Little, Jackson, Uarkley. Freeze. I (1. U. Jueoby,a Co. J C, I). Fowler, lite, tlleuhen Miller. WE1.LINUTO.V H. E.NT, l'l-oth'y. luck bou. GRAND JURORS. FI'.llIU'AllY TKIIM, 1S70. Hloom Thos, Hleke.'-Mlehiiel Tracy, David llrobst, Chns. W. snyiier. llrl.ii creek William Lumou. Centrulla Juioes Dyke, William Snyder. Coil) ngliam John Pi Ice. t.'atuwlssa Solomon hhumuii, Fruliklili James P, lloiiglnud. JIc.nloekJiiiiics I). Pursell,'lhioiloro Dent. Iieli.t Hiram U. Hower. Monlour Philip Foust, Isaac Mowry, .M.llno-Nuth.ili Miller, Mt, Pli-usaulJi.l.u Mordau,sr, Pine David Sillnlers. Heolt-Iohii W. Keller, Hamuli It. Kline, Charles le, John Amnieruiau, Fiunklln 1', Kelley, rpilAVKUSR .HTHOR.S. L FEllltUAUY il-.UM. 157(1. rutir M'Kiiic, A. Wllnmii. K. II, Drinker, A. Sollo. tier, Jacob Evans, J. '1'roup, A. McDonald, llonlou Itellbil. luvls, Caluwlssii II, l'fahler, IhiiJ. Miller, Jo. eph M.ulz.S. D. lllnurd.S, liawn, J. II. Knlttle, I Kit'Uh. ( Vntrulls YYin. II, Shiiinan. Ceulre John Ester, Jucob hponslcr, Henry Hlin llcr, Jr. Hemlock Aaron Smllli, John Ilclz, Dnnld Puisel, A, J. Emniell. 1jcust Win. Erlu, John lllrd, John Her. ll.T, Maine 0. Hainan, N, II, W, Ilrown, J, It, Jameson, Mtidlson Louis Schuyler, J. Cosper. Mlilllu-E. II. llrouu, A. J, lluckuluw. Seotl-lt. J, Milluld, M, McCollum, J, MlC'un dy,.I, Hess, SECU.M) wttK, Illnom Thos, Oorcy, Peter llechti l, Clinrles D.ehler. Iierwlck-H. II. 1 jilon. Ilcnton Win, Appli'iiuivWm. Knillli. lli'Aver A. P. J..1.USOU, J. Itre.lbei.der, lirlarcreek-II, Hunk, D, Miller, 1). Murlz, It. Howt-n. Culnwlssa Walter Seotl. Centre Win. Hcott. Centrulla E. Jninis. FUtllligeieek 1), Pealer, Franklin M, Houer, Joel 7-irr, J, Hulouian, OriHinwood Dsvld hester. Ilcinlock-den. Irf.vey,.!. It. Miller. Uicust Johu llllllc, fr..ih.Uilly,J. Ycager, Mulnu Johu lietz, in, Flhlier, Mllllln J. (J, Wiuiersiien. Mt. lieiisant-W. E. Sands. Pino Solomon Dark. ItiMirlngcreek John D. Houclr, Kugarloaf John Kllnger. Sisjtt Asa Eveiett, Thus, Trench, II, P Oman, li. Mowry. Ronl Bstatb Sales. ' f p HI V ATKaAJiK or VALUAnii: niiAi, kbt A-Tiar ...7!.,?l!:fcrSSr'ir,,?U,i,,',,,0'"nf ,VB,'' M'ta 8IXTHKN AUHK9 OF 1,ANI),. r'.1.'.'?1.0 !'! Ml""-,"" '"wnslilp. Columbia eoiinly, hy ln!"1" "r hrnni More, Jacob crwlcd n '' "M'l"" u" wl''i" ' HTOKY AND A HALF FIIAMK I)Vi:i.I,IN0 1IOUSK. w.???.r at!'l."ln. munl mitbulldlngs. A well of wnter Is nt the door. Ti rms rensoimblc. Inn 7 'Win, AllllAIIAM YOUNO Jan. 7, 70-livh Jersey town, Col, Co. O II B A Ii ii,. . TI' 01Vdors,sl;t'tl """en to dlsposoofut private sale, on reasonable terms the 1 " VALUAHIiE HOTKIi STAND, ti!f,,.,l,8t,'Cf.,i Columbia county, Fa known n "11 Klhu"Ut ll0'01'" am n,,w mV"l hy Hum! It Is favornbly loenlcl for tin Iriinsaetlon nl al,sratloKrUswereibrC,,IO,,'C,,m,1Uou A,,g.a).'C9.ti. (v "' mi0CKWilll pUIlLIC S A Ii E u v V A L U A 11 L li U U A U V. s T A T E. Tho suhscrlher, ndm'r., of tho estato of Hlrum Cool, deed., wll expose to snlo on tho premises. i'i.I.t,V'!rlUE!"ri't"tw!V'.1" L'olumbln county, ou Hatuidny, Jni.unry Hi, 1871), the following "Ues" Sr.1i'V.l,iM'n,ltR,rn JS.towin Atraet of land, bound edby lands of ltlp hard Hoatjlnnd, Elijah Horn, taliilng"'""''' Uc'ac', n"J "10 l"lbll! '""Ji nin- SEVENTY-FOUK ACHES, moro or less: nl.out sixty neres whereof Is elenr. cd nnd under good cultivation. Tho Improve mentsnroatwostory FHAMK DWKIililNO llOUSlC, a bank bnrn nnd onl buildings, a nprlug of water nnple orehnrd nnd oilier fruli;nnd u small sirenm oi wnler running through therplace, Tl'.UMS OF HALE: '1 en per cent of one-fourth cf tho puiehnso luoiiry sliull be paid ntthostrlk lug down of tho properly; the one-fourth, less the ten per cent nt I lie confirmation nbnolute: und tho leninlnlng llueu lourihs In ono sear thcreaiiir, with lutciestrrnm the confirmation "V- . , K' SI' TH WKSIIUItY, dec.31,'OT-lw. Administrator. pUWiIO SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. In pursuance of a continued oi.leroflhcOii.h. iius' Court of Coluinbia county, l'eiinsvlvaiiln. dated December l(,lh lbdil, on Saturday, January 1 Mi, 167(1, nt i o'clock In tlio ntlernnou, H.iniuel Wej hard, udlnlnlstrator of the eslulo of Kebecca .Nagle, late or Centre townsh p, In s.u, county, dee d., will expose to sale, hy public vendue, on tho premises a certain HOU.S E AND Ii O T, shunt lu Ceutio township, nud county nfore snl.l, containing about TWO ACItEs, bounded nml dvserti.ed us follows, to wit: On tho north by land of l'hlllp Miller, on tho east I.y land of . L. Cnmnbell.on tho south by tho North liranch uiunl, nnd on the west by laud of Oliver Evans, pn which Is erected n two story Iramo dwcllliig house, a stable, a wellof wntcrat tho door with ii LOT OF FKUIT TREES on tho; late, tho estato of said deceased sltuaio lu tho township and county aforesaid. WELLINGTON 11. ENT, Clerk. V-TEI1.MS OF SALE:-Tcu per cent', of one folii th or tho purchase money to bo paid nt the strlk tig down of tho property: tho balanco of tho fourth, less the ten per cent, nt tho confirmation absolute; three-fourths, the balance, lu ono year Ihcrealur, with lutciest from conllrmntlou "il if. , I,... SAMUEL NEYHAUD, dec. 21,'(i9-lw. Administrator. p U Ii L I 0 SALE VALUAI1LE HEAL AND.PEn.S0NA I, ruoratTY. The subscriber adm'r., of tho estulo of 11. s. llrock way.dec'd. will expose to sale on tho prem ises, lu Salem township In Lurernocoulity.on Saturday, February 611., 1K7J nt 10 o'clock, A. M. ii inesbiingo nnd trnct of lnnd bounded by the Susnuehnuiin Hirer, lands or ltenbeii Klsnernud lteuben seybert, contnlulng ubont llueo ncies. on which is elected u good LARGE FUAJIE HOUSE & BA11N, ono Sinnll House, n llrick Bmoko House, and the usual outbuildings. The premises nlso contain tho best kinds ol fruit. trci-M. AI-so. At tlio sumo tlmonnd place tho fullow- to 1'i.aumii I'lUl'CI IJ , Viz; BEDS AND BEDDING, iwo koou eooi: movck, iwo parlor stoves, carpels, chillis, and tinent of gardening fools kitchen nnd household furultuic, too uunieroils r ''ii"1?.,01'' RALE F0K nEAI- F.STA1 E.-01.0 i ui!1 ' f ll"tl1',so money lo bo paid at the . V I IrT- ' .,"vi'iuFiii.i, ino ou.aueo io uo paid In four ciiiinl niiiuial payments, luteiest IEHMS OF PEIISONAI, I'ltoPl'ltTV Ml nmounts under S".iMo be cnsn;oer thuMiiiiount six monllis ciedlt, nppiopilato security to bo H, 11. t'OI.RS, Auclloi.eer, ilec, yi.V-tf. V. 1). DltOCKWAY, Ailmlnlsiiator. D U 1) L I C SAL E VALUAI1LE HEAL ESTATE! Ill of nn order or llin nr, r. ...... or Columbia County, Pennsylvania, will bo sold nt pi. bile snle, on tho premises, on Saturdav.Jan. 22.1 IsTO.nt 10 o'clock fn the forenoon, by henla niln F, Ilnrlliinn, ndmliilMrntor, etc., of Audiew J. Sloan, lute oi Hloom 'township, In the county orcoliiinbhi, Pa .dceenseil.tho lollowllig describ ed v.ilnnble real estate to wit; All that certain Ii O T OF G It 0 UN D situate In thotnwnorillnomsbiirg, said county hounded as follows, to wll: l'roiilliig on Market street or snl.l town ou tho aist, an alloy on the north, an alley on tho west, and a lot owned by W in. Neul on the snub, coulnliilng In front on Maikct street seven tv-oiin fur i.tiTl . hundred nnd ulnety.elgnt.lect whereon is creel cd n largo twoslory BRICK 1)V ELLING HOUSE, Uriel. Kitchen nltnehed. ltrlelc le. TfmiLn n7l Spring House, Coal House, etc., u largo Frnnio Slable, Wagon House, straw House, und other ouibiilldlngs lato apart or tho estate or snld do ceased, situated lu the township nnd county aforesaid. WELLINGTON H. ENT, M-TEIUB OF RALE: Ten per cent of'iiiie fi.urlh of tho purcl.nso money to be paid ou tho diiyofsale; oiio-fourth or the pmchaso money, less tho ten per cent, ou tho continuation ol soli" and the balance or the purchase money lu ono yenr from tho conllrmntlou of wlo, with Interest on the s.unu Iroiu continuation uf,i. l'urchascr or Piirchnsers lo pay lor Deed nnd Stamps, l'os session given April lt, 1S70. , . , . HAUTMAN, dee, 21, W-ow. Admlulstriitor. OR SALE. About nllv-lliofiet HM... sln.rifii.r m-iii. ..ioi couplings nnd hangings complete, now lu me but too light lor our work. Also sixty feet new shutting -4f In. nml 2 In. turned, Willi pinto coup lings ui.dii.ljinli,loli.ingcrs. Wlllbesold cliesp Also one Thresh lig Machine. Apply to . N. W.SAMPLE.t CO, dec. 17,'CO-tr. rpiIE BEST IN THE WORL1J, THE SCIENl'IFIO AMERICAN 3l.aWC.lblt, Foil 1870. !l.500OASII. A FAI.UAIiLE PHE.MIUM FOlt ALL. This splendid Illustrated weekly Journal of popular science, mechanics, in vcutiou.eugtueer Ing, ehvinlsiry, uiehlteciure, ugrlcultiiio nud tha kindred uns, enters lis twcnty-llilli year on tho llrstol January next, having u circulation fur e.x ceedliiglhiitol uuy similar j uirualuow publlsh isl, Tlio Editorial Department or Iho Scientific Ainel lean Is very ably cnuducted, uud somo of the most isipulnr writers lu this Country nnd Europ.) uro contributors. Every number hus lo Imperial pnges, embellished with lino Engruv lugs of Machinery, New Invenllonsl'ools for the Win kshop, Farm and Household, Engliiiciliig Works, Duelling Houses, Piibllo Uulldlligs. A Journal of so much Inlrlnslo value, nt tlio lowprlcoof S.I n yenr, ought to have, lu this thru lug country, A Million Heudeis. Whoever nods the scientific American Is en tcitulueduud instructed, without being bother ed with hard woids or dry dcinlls, TO INVEXTOllH AND MECHANICS, this Jouinul Is or special value, ns it conlul'as it weekly repoit ol all Piitinis Issued at Wushlhg. ton, with copious polices of iho leading Amen cun und Europeun luveutious, Tho Publishers of thoscleiitlilo Amerlciiu aro thu most Exlen slvePaleulSnlleltoislii tho world, uud have uu. equalled luellllles for galherlug n complito knowledge ot the progress of Invention uud Dis covery thioughout tho world: nud with a view to lilal 1c the. .Hurler or ucenturv. dorlm. which mil hss held the llrst place lu scTentltlo uud .-.lee... luteal i-iieruiure, luol'uunsliers will Issuo uu Juntiary rirsttliolirgoiindsi.leudld steel En gruvlngbyJolinsartnlii of Philndclphla, eiui tied: ' "MKN Of PHOnulSi-AMKIUCAN INVENTOIH," tho plate cu.tlug nearly JI.Ooo to engrave, and contains uliielccu likenesses of lllustiiuus Am. erleuti lineuluis, it Is n superb work ururt. Single pictures, piloted uu heavy paper, will be sold at 110, but uuy ono subscilblng for tho Scientllla American the paper will bo sent lor one year, together with u copy ortho engruvlng, on receipt oilo. Tito picture Uulsuollered as u piciulum lor clubs of fciibscrlbeis. .-l,VX CAHH PHIZES,-iE In nddlllon to tho nbovo premium, the Pub. lUlicrs will pay tlfiuo lu Cash Pi Ues lor lists uf subscribers sent lu by February 10, 1870. persons who want to couiplelo tor ll.eso prizes, should send ut onisj lor pr is peel us nnd blanks lor names I'erius ol Seleuililo Ainsrtcuii, ono eur J.ui; six uionilis i,.is four mouths, tluo, To Clubs louii.t upwurds, terms iitoper annum. His'ci I. leu copies sent lice, llddless Iho Publlsheis, Ml'NN A I ()., S7 Phi k How New York. How In get lotenls, A puiuplilet or Pnien und liistriiillou to luM'iilorss. ut I lie, Ute. 21,'OJ ir. TOR I'lUNTING IN COLORS, t Neatly rieculo I nt tlilsofllce. Special Notices, ;-. . . r r . Vt' iinl ! "CX. A - ' W. ' t; .yJ& rj 3 Na llt'Miit'ri, It Is inirmiint lo enrtflost or Impaired T.vsle,Hmcll or Hearing, Wnlerlng or weak Eyes, oilenslvo breath, Ulecrntcd Throat pr Month, l'nln nnd rrcssuioln tho Hem!, and loss of Memory when caused, ns nil of tlioni fro fljionlly nre by tko rnvnges of Cntnrrh. It Is pleasant and painless to nso, contains no strong l,lsoaous or caustic diugs, butcirtiti tttrnlM ioolMtm action. I will pny .V)0 llewnril for a cns6 of C.ilnrrh that I cannot cute. FOll SALE IIY MOa'l' IlllUUOISTS EVEHY WHEUE. T'lici: O.ily CO Cents. If, your Dtncglst lww not yet got It ou sale, don t be put oir with somo worso limn worthless strong stmr, "fnmlirator,1' or poisonous cmistlc solution, which will (fr(.o(,c UlmintotlH lima" Ins end of luring ll, but send sixty cents lo me nnd the remedy will renoli you by return mall. iSS) I"151'"8""' P"1 l""Ji SAW), ono dozen for Send n two ecu t Unmp for Dr. Sago's pamphlet on Catarrh. Ad.lnsi tlio Proprietor, 1 ,, . ,- ., V. PIEItCEM. ll., Jaili.'iOjllH. 11UKFAU).N.V. LET COJIMON SENSE DECHJEW-liaTlsthc rational modo ol proccduro In cases of general deBlllly nnd nervous prostration? Dois not rc. son tell us that Judicious stimulation U required. Toiesort lo violent purgation In such acasols as nbsurd ns It would bo to bleed n starving man. Yet Ills done every day. Yes, this stupid nnd onphllosophlcnl practlco li continued ln Hie teeth of tlwprrafiict that physical weakness with nil tho nervous dturbances that accom pany It, Is moro ccitalulyaud rapidly lellevod by Hosteller's Stomach Illttors than by nny oth er medlclnont present known. It Is true that genernl debility is orten attended with torpidity or lircgiilarlly or the bowels, nnd that I Ills syinp torn must not ho overlooked, lint whiia tho dlselmrge of tho waste matter of tho j stem Is expedil. d or legiilated, ll vigor mutt U recruited. Tho Hitlers do both. They combine aperient nud unll-blllouspiopeitles, with cxtiaordlnary tonic power. Ereirwhlle leinovlng obslructlons from the bowels, they tone nnd Invigorate, limse organs. Through tho stomach, upon which the grout vegetablo specific nets directly, It gives a healthy nud permanent Impetus to every en feebled function. Digestion Is riicllltuto-l, the tattering circulation regulated, the blood rein forced with a new accession of tlio alimentary principle, Hie nerves braced, nnd nil tho dormant Ikjwcis of tho system roused lulo healthy ncllon; not spnsmodlonlly, ns would ho tho enso if a mere sllmulnnt were administered, but for a continuance. It Is in this way that such extra ordinary changes aro wrought lu tho condition of tho feeble, ein.icl.ited nud nervous Invalids by tho uso of this wonderful corrective, nltern tlvo nud tonic. Let lommnu sense dclcdo be tween such n preparation nnd n prostrating cathartic supplemented bv n poisonous nstrlng. ent Ilka strycbnlno or qulula. RAIL ROADS. LACKAWANNA AND 1JL00JIS llUlld lt.ViLHOAD On and Itr Deo. nth, 1u0, Tasscngcr Trains will Going North. Going South. Leave' Leave p. m. a. iu. I. Ill 701. Arrlvo Arilve p. ui. n. m. beraulon 9 ,25 lu.w Leave 4,Xi Vj 6.10 0.10 11.30 7.1W Ml) Arrlvo Plttston Kingston , l'lyiiiouth Hhlckshlnny.. Ilerwlck Hloom Danville 8.50 S.2.1 S.1U 7.21 H.27 s.r 10.20 t'.ai Mi 7.1.1 7.W 7.i. s.IO . B.a ID.IJi 10.12 Arrlvo .... 5.03 7.03 f.eavn Ijinm North'd 4.30 (lis 8.13 Connection made ntScrniitou by tho 10.10 u.m.. trnln for O rent Ilelld, lllllttlinliilon, Albany nnd ull points North, East und West. D.T. HOUND, Sup't. 11.20 CATAWISSA KAILROAD-On ami nfler MONDAY', Sep. 0, 18W), Pnssen"er tiulns ou.tlieCulnwlssa llnilioud will luu altlic following named horns: -Ifcill Saxlh. STATIONS. Wllllnmsport. Mnney. Watsoutown. Milton. Danvlllo. ltupert. Catuwlssn, ltluglowu. Mall Nortli Arr, e.Ofi p. m, Dcp.5.2S " " " " 1.10 ' " 4.00 " ' 3.1) " Dep. 8.13 n, m " U.Io" " 0.17 " " lu.03 " " 10.15 " " 11.01 " " 11.17 " 1A22 " LUS " " l.aj " " a.ii " lm " " 1.10 " " i.:w " 1,10 " 10.10 " 8.15 " nuuimit. 1 iluukuko. E. Muhouy June. Dine.Tiiniuqua. Dine. " 2.1) " J.23 Arr. e.ij " 0.23 iieuuiiig. hlludelnhln. I To New Y'oik via. Head I lUBorMancliChuuk. Flout New Y'ork via. I -Mullen Chunk. r NoChangoor ears between Wlllliimsnort nud Philadelphia. GEO. WEI1U hliy't. gROWN'S FAST FREIGHT FP.OM PHILADI.'LIHIA TO I1L00.MSIIL itO, and lutcrmcdlnle points. Goods forwurdid wllh euro nml h uud nt low lutes. Goods, ntl'hilndelpiiia, must bo delivered nl Illlner ji Co s. m Mmkit hlucl, For lull pur tlculajs, npply lo AHK A I.OIIINS-ON, Proprietors, Aug. 20.T,l)-tr. it. li. Depot, lllooiu.blirg,l!a. ORTHKUN CENTRAL HAIL- WAY. On and alter Nov. 13lh ISU). Trains wl leave Noitriiuji iikhi.ani. ns follows : NOltTHWAItD. Vi a, sii. Pali to Wllllnmsport, (excepl Sunday) fin Elmlru, Caunndalgun, ltochester, lllill.ilo Suspension llri.lee. nml . Fulls. (iV) l'. u., Dally, (except Sundays) lor Elnilra nun llullaln via Erie Hallway Horn Elnilra. S.' P.M., Dally, (exceptSuuduys) for Williams- pin i. TUAINS SOl'THWAni). 10.25 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) lur Baltimore WILMINGTON AND PIIILAIIELPI1IA. 11.10 P. M. Dally (except Sund.iy'sjior Ii..ltlmie El). S. YOUNG, General Pussenger Ageui, l.t ki.ii It. I ' i:, Geni Mupt., PHILADELPHIA AND EUIIC ItAILUOAD.- WINIElt AltltANGE.MENT. On nnd niter, Nov, lilli I soil, the Trains ou tho Philadelphia, A Hue Hull Knad will run us tollows: W1MTWAHD. MAIL TltAIN Icim s Phlhi.Ielplihu H.Vi " " " No.thuinberland..J) nrr.utl.ile 82.... m EltlE.EXpUIX'ileavei l'hlladelphlo ll.lo.i.m' " " Nort'd 0.30' " " nrr. utl'Jrle' EL.MUIA MAIL le.iMS l'illl..d. lplilu......7..3l) a.m' " " " . ,-Iort l.'U ...u.65 p.lo' ' " air. ut liocklluwii' EAHTWAKD. MAILTIt.MN leaves Eilo 8.10a lu " " " . N"li;d II. 10 a.m. ' " arr. at litlladeli.hla .0.20 n. m EltlE EXPIt leaves Krle..!..L..' " " " . K0'.''')"; 5.03 a.m. ,,,,,, ',. ,, Krr.utPhlliidelphln.. U'.r.p.iu. ELMIltA MAIL lenvesLock Haven 8.00 a. in, " " " Noitn'd... iin.iii i iiiiiii.e.p...a -Mil p. in, IUJFFAI.0 EXPH1S leaves Win. spoitl.vinm; " " ' Nnrlh'd 2.1. lu. iu, " " nil', nt Philudelplilu ..23a,in Expiess cast connects nt Cory, Mult East nt Cory nml rvluelon, Express west ut Irvinelou with ttuln Ion oil Click und Allegheny Klvir Hall Uoad, A. L. TYLEIl. General Suirlulcudent, Wllliaiustiort. rpiIE GALAXY JL foi; IS70. GRliAT ATTRACTIONS. ArtTICLl-l KECUHED FIIOM CHAHLIM HEA HE, MltS. EIIWAHUH, HICHAltl) OHANT WHI'li:, ANTHONY TIIOL I.OPE,J IJH l'IN M'CA it I V, PAltlCE (10IJWIN, lilt. J. I'. dVlton. 1111. DltAPElt, And all lliu LeailliiB Wilters o tlio Day, FIltST. Put youikeirin lilhi)lnte,cli.ulii.i:cade'Clreat blory, will conliliuo to delliilit tlio leaden or tlio Clalaxy Ilio urealer pari of tin. jear 11.70. Part Flrl 1 now ready lu l.oDkform.nnd will l.ohcnt Ireo with Hie (lalaxy lor l7iiou rteelnt or tl.oo tlio icyului 6ub.M-iljiUoii nt lie. SECOND, A new ilory Ijy Ml. EilwardM, aullor of "Su kau Fli'liHuu." "hti'iilicu lenience, Y'eoinitn," etc, -Mrs. E.lwnr.lH Is one or tlio m iy l.ikt feinalo iiovtiutu now wilting Hi tin. Lnullsli luiigunue THIHD. Anlliony Trollopn will nkcries of "Ed itor' laics," lu wlih li lie will worlc an entirely new vein, ' FOUIITU. P.irkoUiKlwIn, ono of tho nbleM or American wilterii, wjlllurnblittkerles or notewortliy nr. IkU'Sou Illatorlcul Mildccts. FIFTH. Hlcliard aratit Wlilto will coutluuo 111. crllicnl and koclal en.ayu. N . SIXTH, Jnittn M'Curly, who.o tklll in an cflicluit mhsuzIuo writer Uiiluiiiht nneqiiulleil, law been euniiKed ou tho Editorial Stall, and Mill coutllb ulu ictularly to Hit. Ualmy, SEVENTH, Ti n Years In ltu.i. e, (ilvlnirau iiuldo view ol tlio Human Catholic Church, hy n Ulo Eccleklitk tle, will he u noteworthy kerleii ol iirtleleM. EKIIITII, aiieHcleiiilil.i Arllclen will l.0.reruired by .r lullonoiid Diaiivr, U.1I1 tinlnint Pliyloloijl.,u! NINTH, Thu E.lllnrtl StIlorthaGnlayU now very It Jl.o ul talem eiiniiuoil 1.11 Ai..eileaiii.erlodlcalllieralure. ., u.!'.11,e.7,"",1,s''J,,or.,"T Mtu ilul.blui; lei nn Wil li the other Icadluii .crlo.lleiil. A Miuiide iwny win buncni ou iccei.lof aSctn. Price, dacvnU wr n.iiiiUr; tl.W her year. A'oic m ran vimk jn .scjiscuijik TlteIlaxy tithe lien i.r American Maiiaslnei, SHELDON A COMPANY, dec, I'l.'KMr, li A vu Uroadiray, N, V COLUSIEIA moW WdRK8, N. t Ml'LE. 0. W. NEAL. 1 J TAYLOh. Iff. W. SAMPLE i CO.r Oornor- oi Main Street and 1j. & 13. -Hail Uoad, i MA'CIUNISTS. IRON AND BllASS EOUNDERS-J . '' " BLACKSMITHS AND UOILER MAKERS. ArANUFAOTUltKRS OF STEAM ENGINES MILL (1EAUINO, BHAFT1NO, PULLEY'S, IIANOErtM, HEAD HLOCKM, saw ivririXi a-E-A-Kiinsra- op all kinds CASTINGS FOR FURNACES t ,.,., ,..,.. AND ROLLING .MILLS. ALSO CAU WHEELU AND AXLEfJ- AND GENEHAL MININO CASTINGS. BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS CAU liOXES, ' COMPOSITION CASTINGS, ' AND lIAIiniT 1IETAL UELFIELD'S OELEHKATED GLOUE VALVES, '. STOP COCKS, CIIECIf VALVES, All! COCKS, .Z m OIL CUPS, STEAM WHISTLES STEAM CWAOE3, STEAM nru AMD riTTIWClS CONSTANTLY OlST ITAND. AGENTS IOlt SlllVI-r.S GOVirillNOH, " ACICNOWLEHOEIl TO HE THE SIMPLEST' AND HEST IN THE WOltt.l). " MILLWHIOIITH ANU MACIIINIS1S HUPl'UIH EITIIEII ON HANI) Oil FUHNHHIEII Ai' SHOUT NOTICE, VIZ; OUMANII LEATIIEIt DELTINH OF EVHIIY J)F.SCltIPriO.V, HEMP AUD ROAP KTO.Ni:rACKlN(I,01I.S,IlED AND WHITE LEAH, JO. li:ssi:i:s and role jianu fa ct uuers of ii all's patent douhle dlsoiiauge tuivhine wheels. LIIlEltAL INDUCEMENTS OFFEHEI1 TO THE THA DE. riAVS'.K1,'!'1,1; for !!10 "UlUOKA" Smut uml SeiimatiiiK Mhcliltio mill "EX-, CLLSIOU ' limn lhHlcr. Send for circular. Spcclincn Machiiics can lm swu" nt Hit! wurUM. BLACKSMITECiaSTG-, HEAVY Oil LIGHT FOUaiNOM, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON HiNl). REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. . ORDERS FOR I1RIDQE DOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, ,,,-, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED" lAlll'illN SHOP. ,n. WE HAVE NOW IN THIS DEPAHTMENr THE LATEST IMTOOVED MACIIlNEItY " AND AUE PitEPAHED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF PATTEI.NS AT SHOI'.T NOTICE.' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ' TIIRESIIING MAC1NES,,'ATKST IMrKV1JD VA- A SPECIALTY. Buckeye Reapers Repaired, ; AND ALL EXTRA TAHTM FURNISHEl), MANUFACTURERS AND PKOPRIETOJRS OF , . 1-IOllTON'S PATENT HAY KAKe! ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. rN. n.-navingimtliimncliiiicrycspcclnlly ailaiitctl to tho maimracttiro of Moulillnir Cutters, wo nro prepare a toexecuto liu'RO or small orders, at short no tico, ami on very favoiablo tenris. Send for Circular and price list. May 7,'tl-tf )OT Y'S WASHI NO-MACI 1 1 NE, LATELY MUCH IM PROVED AND THE NEW UNI VERSAL CLOTHES WRINCiER Iint.roed Willi nowrll' i.ite.ii ii....i..n WheeU.uud the Patent Mop, aro now mimics-1 tlonnhly far Mipcrlor to any apparatus fi.r wash- I Ine clothes eVt r Inventiil. nml will mi.. il.Ai.. 1 w" ii i.e ii ji.ii, i.y kav.uj; 'nnoralld elulhCM, foTliokowhuliivoiisetl ll.ciii give leslln.i.ny n.i "We like our lnnrhlni, nii.r..i rnnl.t ....i 1.. Huaileiltodn without It, and will. 1 Men Id or Duly wo leel that wii 1.10 1. . asters or tlio p..slli. in," nn w 1,11, iiiiimi, v, l.IOCl, "it lj wi'lli one dollar a week lu nny family." .V. 1. Tribune. ' "1 11 the laundrv or ... v lm.1-1. dinm 1 j ,1 r.m-.i . ujii,H"''IbJvIiik 011 Monduyi, lor the Inviiillon." i .ft-iuiyi v it. wuyivr. "Every week 1. as Fleet, it n,iA i.m.i i...Ai. tlio alleellons ot the lliu.ates ol lliu laundry," A , 1 , Observer. v "I heartily cnminend It In ccnuomlvts of time money, nnd conteutnunt.", Dr. Juliana. "Friend Tioly-Your last Improvement ol 5 our ash nc Machine Ian coin..)... 1. Mtir.ep.u 1 ..J....... you 'our -Miu lime,' aficr a j eurk' iu.c, u thoughl : . . J 1, 1.1111 iioiiiu ...ii do par ted with under any clrclinistauii.ii, ' Aofun J;i,. IlliU'l, "Your Wasl.l.iMt.,.lii,w.i...u 1 .11 Ill our laundry, und the lioouekcepor expresses lierselflltt l.Iiil.le i,leasi-il .villi 11 1 ... ,1. co.npllshcs 11 gienter iiini.unt ol wink, with lens mitui,nim mien 1...1 wear me iloll.en near o lilueh as the old rationed, Hy uslna II, ono laundress Is dt.pcnxed with." HV,i, M. K liouitU.tiittKrmtetuUHtv lujutil ltintilmutt vt St. VutlKtrlne't Xurteru, -V, J". uuy, "After n col. st .mt nr ll.n 1 tul.. m-wn 1 riiii.n.. Wringer for 1110. e than four jear in our ramily. I am authorized I.y tho 'imweru Hint. l,e 1 ,,. ....- It the most uuciitalllled lualso, und to l.iouolikco tan Indlspcnsahlo part or Iho iiiaehlnery or housekeeping. Our kervaws l.avo alwais been wining o use , u, and iilwnys lmu llki'l lt." Jftnrti H ani Jlcceher. PRICES. A FAIR OFFER. Send ll.o retail prke, Wasliei SH.ltraWrlui:. eri'J.nnil wo win foiward either or both . chines. Ireo ol freight, to i.laccH where no ono Is selllDK; niuUosuio mo wo will bo liked, tliatwo agree to lefund tho money if uny one wishes to return tlio machines lice or ncliihl. arierainoulh'k trial, according to directions. No husband, lather or bioihcr i-hoiild irru'( lliodnidgery or washing with the liands, nny two days in 11 year, when it can ho donu, belter, nioro expeditiously, with less labor, nnd uo lii' Jury to the gnrineiitt., by n Doty Cluthes Wiikher. and a Wringer. Cunviuikeiswitliexeluklvo right of kiilo mako mouey li.klkelllng ilicin. Sold by dealers generally, to whom liberal ills luuuts aro made. v...... H. ('. imOWNINO, Of 11. Agent, Oct. isoam.10'"""1""1"' Votk' Tr A NTE D. To all out of p.m. 1 1 ployment.HO woiiliHay that what we kuvo to offerjou Is no new thing or cxpeilmeiit, as lltoko who liuvo rolloweil It for years will tiktlfy. Wo cau piovo loyouthatyou aio kurotomako money faster than on can lu any othei honorablo business. No great talent, nnd but llltle money requited to start, HAHCHY & CO., . . 010 Ar-1' , Phlladeli 11,,'U).3iu, 1 QO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. 1 ho undersleucd liavo entered luto oo-paitiicr-Klilpas liiundcranndMaelilnlsts.ntthoNatloiml roun.lry occupied by Peter lllllinycr. PErEll IllLLMYEIt , , , OEOHOE V. HENKIE, I he books or tho laly firm will l,o by J", j" . ' wllm all persons Indehlwl nhonld lllooiukbiinr June Il,'t4-tr. "PEAFN1CSS, I1L1NDNIXS AND JL Catarrh treated llh the inmost niceisji.Uy J. Isaais, M, !., and 1'r.ifis.ur or Dmxutt 1 th JiUf uiuUiir.ihUtiumalUli 111 lo (liffiye rJViuno'uinfii, Yillenrt i incif.n,e, (foilneily of l.ejden, Holland, 1 No. nio Aich hiint Phtta'd. 1. 'sill. .1 nlau can be seen nt ills olllec. Themedu evil fuctllly uie ln Iteit In uacoiiipauy thilv ui, t Piit.nsliiti.s!io.fe.-icln his i.Acllcc. Ar i.xu'nUiint'hin'"'01' w"llot'1 1"1'"' Nueburnolor Jan,lli,'ui-j'r, 'WrANTED. Hill l.'ni,.-..i Or.v. iv ,-,, ,.,,. ' ,.: ; ,'-" I1"-".! iro.I, ir. ' t?lV',"lt,'',p1InP'mfiil.cii inako US, ..Vi l'eVin"lu'. fl'"" '"'w 1,11 Hiniiis. by address 113 11 M i ay ,v co & WATER WHEELS; A. W. SAMPLE A CO. I! A D V II IS. LAZARUS & MORRIS' Jl K.l. E 1! H A T E I) PKUFEGTEl) .SPECTACLES, - . AND I'.YE ULASSES. 4 . 1 ,' - l":7 a l)lie..l,ell,,will,athe.1.o(,,,f,rA(,enti ' - MiSS A. 1. W E15 II, ff '.r. KI'ATIONEIt, . Jti.ooMMwna -a., 1. - - mi One day only, Friday Novcn.her 5, Isei. He nl tends fnl Illii i'lirposa uf assisting Mlsi A. D. Wibl, lu lltll'ng tho eyo Iu dliHcult or unusual cases. Those suir..ili Kfioni Impaired or ilhensed vis Ion nre rei oniiiundcd to avail tlieinsclves of this opliorlunlly. OUlt SPlCfH'AULES AND EYE-tlLASSlM AUE ACKNOWLEDGED TO HE THE MOST PEltl'ECT iisslslaiieo loklht cvir iiiatiur.icliircil, and can nHcnys l.eielled iiiioii nn lim.idln;; pcrftet ease iiiidcouiii.itMlilloktringtheniUKnud proici'vlng t ho l.'j as most thoroughly; Wo lake occasion to noliry" the Public that w ciiu.loy no pcdlarsf nnd to caution against ' thoko pn teiid?ug to have our goods for Dale, Oet.'J3,,C0-tr. BLOOMBUUItO NOllMAti SCHOOL AND LIT EILVHY INSTITUTE. HOAUD OF INSTHUCTION. 1IEN11Y CAUVEIt, A. M Principal. Profcisor of Intellectual aud moral scjenco.anil theory nnd practice or teaching. Miss Sarah A. Carver, l'receptress readier or French, Hotauy and ornament branches. .. , . Una.c nt. A. II., Profi kkor of Ancient Ijinguages nnd rVngllsh Urummar. J. W. Ferrce, A. M. rrofchsorofMathcmallEk. and l.ractical as. tronomy .Hcv. I), a John, A. M Profo sor or chemistry und physics. , , K. M. Hates, Teacher of Kir.jray.liy. kUlory A Book -Weeping , , . , James Brown, AsI tant teacher of mathematics Eugllsli . .' Ur mmar, , .r . 'Mlts. Alice M.Cancr, Teacher of Muklcou thu piano aud inclodcan. -Mrs. Halllo Ii.Bct, Teacher orVocal Music asd insliumcntal mui) Miss Julia M.Oiiist, ' ' Tcachtror model Soliool. Tho FALL term will eoimueiice Aug. 9, geo. nud until our hoarding lull u ready for wcui'aui fy. uppllcutloii to il.o Principal; studeiiu wiu l lurnUhed with homes In pleiikaut faiullies, Itlsltter forItidentstocoinincnceiit theop. f nlnsortlio term, but when this is lininiicllca. bio they con enter many ttiuo, 1 """ March so Isxia. QET THE HEST. Mnuipn's C' Tubular I.iuIiIiiihk ICo.1 is tho l eu protection ill. aster hy iiirhinln eytriieulc.l, 'ibe sulin-rliicr Is ageut ror lh nlxivffluvfiitloii r.ulii'l or ins hv mall or In pi t sun will be i' urn mint lu. May ti.-m, ' I'. II. IHDLEMAff. TVTANTEl).- KK) CoiilliU'iiliiil Agents 11 to dKiiOse of n flork or cimxIs. None but I good mid uiiiii.Ji- j. . I. wanted who cau keep . iheir i.iouiiis shiil, hmall lapilal renulreU. a 1111-ir i.iouiiis ki.ui, Milan lann loiiuue i.t . fiuni. meed tua "rll PnilUi.htw .nt Irce. 1- iitXor mils, inil on or .ldi i iu a iuuu ui ine, rietil re. t-Jllll.lll nr niw... cull on or sddiesH N04.0VU ' j Nov I V .1 P. VAT1 HH 4 CO,, Wl Ulcadl.),N Y'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers