pMeiVs cSliUMN. 'MYOUNCl FOLKS. the Columbian and democrat, bloomsikjrg, coiuMBiAeoiJrY, pa. GROCERIES, &c, II ow to Make Compost. JIklnecorapoa.tjQhrilntiyjSp. on of tho year when tho grounil lin"ot" frozen; Kndaini64tVvery fatmOms'Bumo of tho material to raako H of. An'poA of ground that cannot uo 'cumvatcil, may bo dug up and carted lo'Solno con venient plaro,,H;fgtr4 hvd!t)it4t heap. This placo had bettor bo selected near to tho material, which will expedite llibl work. Any kind of JUDr tutSOll Sim doexcept very stiff clay v or, very coarso aiidf?nhd. fcveh 'iisnaja)Virj)prtloY of mesa win not do objectionable, ttwnmp mud or the depcflU'liVrrv6r rbotfomS' Is prcfcrablo to all others. This should bo put In a sort of win- roWr'thrco'oitrourifoo'td't!ep, riuH abolaC half a bushel of llmo to every onc-horso cart-lond of mud or soil to' be inlxea with It. An addition of a half peck of plaster, would bo an improvement. But If neither Hmp nor jjlastcr can he obtaIul,.d6ti!tl'feiva'- it 4ip f ihK other materials are worth operating on. Let them lay to bo acted on by tho, frost, Vain and SutlsliltiQ, for'slx months or a year, and In that time turn tho. moss over with a shovel, begtnnlug af one end of tho heap, mixing woll and break' ingtho lumps, letlng tlicnlr thr6ugh It Spread It over your gross land In tho 'fall; inlfcJ'orprfngi and you will be bu rprlsedafet b o' j in prpjcjj en t ,r cfj tlie cron. Irfibor spent In iria&riig compost pay better than money spent In pur chasing tiipsttof.the p-hospluited. iu the market. i)o not "bo afraid of limiting too mucli. Havo hundreds or thousands of cart loads to' put ou your grass laud o very year. If you canTalse good crops of grass, you will soon bo nblo to raise good crops., of grain. Tho gras3 wlH feed stock ; (ho stock will in a lie man ure; then you are nil right. Am. Acoc&.j Journal. Ground nay for Cattlo Feed. JosephB. KVrk, br Pittsburgh, Pa., writes to the N.Y.. Farmers' Club as, follows : "For somo time past 1 have been ma king observations and "experiments In animal's food, and obtaining what I be lieve to bo an improvement, and I tako tho liberty of communicating to your club the rcsult-i. Grass being tho natur al food for live slock, l U easily and Cprppcrly :ninstlcated,and iis.n con?e fiueneo its nutrition easily extracted. WJth hay, however, tho case Is, differ-, ent.fqt when fed In sufficient quantities llinnnfmnl nnntVl t .. 'l f tnn(l. l.A..n become, flaKnedbago, attojapta to. sausiy ltseir by selecting the leaves and tender branches. To obviate" this' diffi culty, and prevent waste; .cutting hay in short lengths has to an extent become general, .nnd 1 no doubt,' ji step in the .11 .;,.,., -t f-.. l -i r l f , V,-i J- iit,"v uiiciiuu. iiiy uunui is mil l we . should go still further, and. grind .the nay as wo now grind oats and corn. It Is thought that owing to its' glulihous nature hay could not bo reduced to a state of meai.-or, (f so reduced, tho" ex.' penso attending would ppt-ustlfy. To test this, I constructed a cutter v and o-.S??.te5 on nqw principles", and, the, re-, .-eult was beyonttmy.mOBt saneultio exi pcctatlons.' Tpn;' niir'a ay-can' be ground 'with nrro machine, at a cost not r-to' exceed one-dcllar-per ion. Ground , in this manner hnyjlsnot'unllke ground oats, save in color, Its weight being from 32 to 30 pounds per bushel. Mixed with chopped feed, such as corn or oats, it makes t cheap and excellent food. Thus' wo effect by mechanical means what the hard-working or decrepit an imal is incapable of doing perfect mas-ficatlon." 1 New Varieties of Oats. Tho signs of tho times, evert now la advance of tho season, indicate very clearly that the excitement and speculation In tho farming community for 1870, is not fo bo potatoes but oats. The latter is "a crop sadjy .wanting improvement and renovation, by new undmoro productive varieties. Won derful, things aretbld about tho produc tiveness of 'Norway oats, and yet ac counts' greatly differ. It is probablo impure seed may have been tent out toaccountior this. Wo sco It stated tliut, us much it) 300 bushels of Norway oats has been raised to tho acre, or at that rale. This is so entirely beyond ntiy(hlng known or heard of, as to be ii I most incredible. 200 stalks or stopls t aro.feuid to have grown from a single seed. We havo samples in our office of both varieties, procured from what is believed to be head quarters, or so call' ed, and tho Surprise oats is much tho heaviest and best. ? Wo shall take pleasure In luylng tho truth about theso and other new varie ties befgrc., Jur renders.- jf there Is any way to Und.jltout what tiro tho re ports about t'ho,fxcclslor oats sent out uy mi) jj-iifmiurni, .jcpanmeni m Washington"?5'! got a small packago'' of this, and thought it1 was tho heaviest and best oats wo had over seen. Prae ileal Jtynjier., UoWJo'CooVVotatoos, '' " y 'BaIced FoTATOEd.Wotatocs are more . 'nutritious baked than they are cooked L In any other manner; and they relish 'better, Wjth .tpa vhpf have pel; been j'acenstomeu to eat them without season . . i.Intr. iVash-tho. uotnlcoj cifiin. but do not" rttik tliem'., jjake theiu a.1? quickly - nspesa'ible.'wllhout burning In the least. AsBOpri ,89. they an? done, press each p lnfn In n rlntli. En na In nrnolr Hia al;!n a and allow the steam to escape.' .11 this : 3Js omltiie'd,liS,b"eat'p.blBtdj vJU'not bo S4, mea(',p.9iI.' pp Jjrought Imfned t jatejy Yo tho tabie, as thoy will soptj e coino solid and lose their linvor. I'M , ,, 7, $TliAVK&' roXATOKa.l?ptUtor3. jiro x4 muclfornntrjtlous and jialiitabli? if mey po jiropeny sicuipeu, man iijey " aro boiled. Wash llitim dean and pltco i. ibem in a stcitmer .oVer' .bolltritf ' water. J If the potatoes are.tof v good quality, Jho secret of having' them mealy and pal- atablo U in steiunln thoai very rapidly us wltliqpt raptd, condensation of stcam.and u detention of steam in fho i Bieamer by a close Hd, tho potatoeo will over long thpy may haye been cookljig. Thoy should steam until the skin cracks, . and, a fork will cosily penetrate tho centre. If not lo bo brought to tho tablo soon, thoy should contlnuo to steam until wanted, as steamed potatoes be f - como solid much sootier th'un 'boiled ones do. ' jrRinpsfWJ.iTeffrles, (If N.evlti; Clies (or Co., grew.a pumpkin vino this seas on, to tho length of 811 feet, which boro llvo pumpkins, weighing respect! vply 77,(59Cfi( 40,'and'88 pounds.. Bruin and tho Tits. L tJSti-i bright 'summer's day, na Mr. iiruin mo near nnii nn menu uio won wero taking n walk together artn-ln- arm.ln a wood. Ihuv liraril n titrd ntmr. hinerrllyS' "Illst, hist t brother, stop bltj".sald tho bear ; "what? , can that car bird he- that nlrlgs8o'sio6tiy? 'lylcur Jrlond Bruin," said tho wolf, -wny, uon'i you Ktiowv mat is nis majesty tho king of birds. Wo must takCM-p: tq;shpw him all kinds of hon or." (Now between ourselves, vou jnustT knW, Waster Wjplf wai' h wflg, ana was hoaxing Drum; tor tno uiru wti's rifter nil nclthor more nor less than atom-lit.) "Iftliat bo the case." said the bear gravely, '"'1 should very much Ilka Jb. See. iho. Joy"at.(mIacoX'so pray: comortlblig'ahdlihbw' lt'me!" "Spniyl my dear friend," said tho wplf, wo cannot seo'Il Just' yet, for her majesty home; wo had better call again when the nuecn comes homo." laoon aucrwAras.uie.quccncamo wun food In her beak, and slio and tho king 4ier husband began to feed (heir young ones. "Now for It!" said tho bear) "the family nro at dinner." So he was a'b'&ut'to follbw'thefn, arid see what was to 7bo' sOen. "Stop a little. Blaster Bruin 1" said the wolf; "wo must wait now till their majesties are gone again. 'I So they marked tho liolo where thoy had sccn tho nest, and' went away. ilut the bear, being very eager to see rtlid "royal -palace, soon slipped away, wishing- Ids friend good morning, and canio backjUgidu,jiud peeping into tho nest, jaw (lvo or sfx. young birds lying at'lhd bottom of It. "What noiiscise !" said Bruin "this Is not n royul palace ; I never saw; such a lllthy place in my Hip; and you nro no royal children, yon little basu-born brats !" As soon as Hie young tbm-tlts beard this tliey wcro very nugry, and scrcarncd out, "Wo are not base-born, you brute of a heart our fathor and mother arc good honest poo- pip i aud you shall bo well paid for your slander I" At this tho bear grew fright ened, .and ran away lo his den. But 'the young tits kept crying and scream ing 5 and when their father and mother canie homo and showed them food they all said, "wo will not touch a bit no, not the leg of fly, though wo should die of hunger, till that rascal Bruin has be'en well trounced lor calling 'us base' born brats.." "Jlako yourselves easy. my darlings 1" said tho old king; "you may be sure ho shall havo, his due.." So ho went out and stood before the bear's don and cried but "with a loud "vblceV'BruIn the'bearl'thon hast shame- fufTy slandered oiJrJayful qhlldrcn : we increloro Vercbj' declare bloody war against thco and thine; which shall never cease' until thou hast had thy duo thou wicked one!" JMow when tho bearheard this, he called together tho ox", tho ncs, the stag, nnd alt tho beasts of tho. earth, in order to talk about what he should do, and how to get up an;, And. ,thp,tptir-tit,prj his.side, gathered together all tho birds of the 'alr.IbothV great' .and small; and a very lairge army pf hornets, gnats, bees, and files; 'and'o'lh'er Insects. As tho tlmodrew near when. the, war, was. to begin, the tom-llt sent, out spies, to seo who was commander-in-chief of tho enemy's forces. And the gnat (who was by far tho cleverest spy'.of.them all) flew backwards and forwards in the wood whero tho bear's troops were, and at last hid himself under a leaf on a Iree, close by which the orders bf the day were' given out. Then tho bear; who was standing so near the treo that the gnat could hear all ho said, called to tho fox, and said, ".Reynard, you aro tho cleverest of all. the beasts ; thorcfore you shall be our chief, and lead us to battle:but wo must first agree upon some signal, .by which wo may know what you1 want 'us to do." "Behold," said the' fox, "I 'havo a fine, long, bushy tall;' Which .looks. like a pi urn o of red feath ers; and gives me a very warlike air; now bear lri mind, when you see mo raise up my fall, you. may be sure that tho battlo goes well, and that you have nothing to do but to rush down upon the enemy with all your force; On tho btlior hand, If I drop my tall, tho day Is lost; and you must run away as fust us, you can.'" Now when tho gnat hud heard all this, she ilew back. to tho tom tit, and told him everything that had passed. At length tho day came when Ihu battle was to be fought ; aud as soon as It was light, behold I tho army of beasts camo rushing forward, with such a fear ful jound that Iho earth" .shook. And his majesty tho torn-tit, with his troops canio Hying along In warlike array, flap ping anu littering, and beating the nlr, so I hiitlkAyaS' ,'qulto frightful to hear: and WH armies set themselves In order ol baffroTfiioivjheriicld. Now tho torn UK gjivocrdcrsolroim hornets, 'tuatattliotfrf onset thev.should march Bthiiifc'tWa'raVciiiitainine- rrinrd. and fixing fti'e'msilvaouilifail, should miny iiiui whji uu muir juigm ami main. The' hornets did as they wero told ; and when Beynard. felt tho first sting. he started aside aud shook one of U legs, but still held up his tall with won derful bravery. At the second sting hp was forced to drop his tall for a moment. But when tho third hornothad flxed Itself, he1 could bear It no longer, but clapped his tall between hia legs, and scampered away as fust as he could. As soon us tho beasts eawthls, they thought of course all was lost, aud scoured across tho country In thp greatest dismay leaving the birds masters of tho flold. Then tho king and queen flew back to their children, and said, "Now, chll .drcn, cat, drink,. and bo merry, for tho battlo Is won I" But tho young birds saldi 'i'NoT' no! -iiot'-(!llMator Bruin has humbly begged our pardon for cull lng us baso-born." So tho king flew off to the bear's deu uud cried out, ' Tl'iou vlfaiu benr I como forthwith to my nbbdo, and .humbly beseech my chlld' 'fbrgfvo theo for tho reproach, (hou hastoast'upou them for If thou wllUiot dp tils', 'every bpno In thy wretched .body shall-bo -broken J into twenty pieces!" ' men iuo,uearw8:iorcou,to crawl out of hi den. yery' iulklly, and do what thawing- bade lifni'f ahd a(teri that tho cloth was laid, and the tabid 'Spread, uiid tlie young birds wit down together, and ato and drank, and rmulo inery till midnight. JEW BTOCK OF CLOTHING. Freth nrrlTl of VS?AVID LOWENDnno' " luv)lcilieutIon to lili ttock of C1I KAP AND FASHION AHLE CLOTIIINU. at bin fttoto on Main HI rppl, I wo itoors abovo the Ami rlcau irnun nioomiburg, l'ft., Hlieru be Iiks Just roiclvetl from Now Vorlcanci rhlladelphlap full BMortnipnt of If EN AND nOYS' CLOTlUNO. IncludliiE the most fanlUeiiHble, durable, and tiAndiiome Ditrasi aooDs, , eonfttfltlng of 110X, BACK, noCO, OUM.AND OII.-OLOTH COATS AND rANTH. of KllfiortatslEe8&ndcolors. lie lmi iiIho replen- lulled lil already Inrce stork nf I'AI.Ii AND WINTi:il HHAWlJf, BTlttrKD, FlaUKKD, AND PLAIN V1T8 HIIinTK, CKAVATN, STOCKS, COMVIt-S1 Ii-AN1)1C1;UCII1K1U QLOVKS, HUSriiNDEItS, AND FANCY AIITICLES Ite uftH couKtantly on hand a Inrgo and well-fle- ectcd nxiortraent of CLOTHS AND VICSTINas, which lie la prerca to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All bis clothing lDnade to wear, and most nf It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELUY, oldverydtibcHpUou, And aud cheap. Ills caseol Jewelry Is not surpnskedln displace. Cill aud examine his general ossortmen of CLOTIIIXO. WATCHES", JKWELllV, 40. DAVID LOWENUKRO. Dry Goods & Motions. ALL AND'WINTBB GOODS I. W. IlAimiAN'8, l'LAID D1WMS HOODS OVTIIHSAXON TIN' 1111, PLAIN llltllSS 0",ODfl. ALlr.WOOL DUIS OOOHS, . r .. tiiJ ,i-f.. nL'ACIC AND WHITE FLANNELS l,'.."iy,"Blf'"!5v -J' ''',?' - . ii 0mi&,v t. . . "irnr.DANDjv'HiTE flannels. " . 1 LAC K MIXED WVI'Elpn8oF CLOTU. GOLD MIXED WATEIt PJtOOF CLOTH. MUSLINS CUEAPEU TimN FOH YEARS. 19 BUT3 LADIES' FUIIB JUST REC'D. SHAWLS MIXED, PLAID AND TLAIN, BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR 'MEN AND IJOYS. GUMS FOR LADIES, MEN ANDiCHILpUEN JIARTIN'S CELEBRATED SHOE GREASE, 11LACKING UY THIS 110X OR DOZEN. Nov,20,'00-tf. DRUGS oV MEDICINES. Oyer's aiir'Vi'or, N r For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vilalily and Color. A ilreMing winch ii Ml ouce ngrcculilc, 'lii'iilihyt iitulflcctrirn liu- prcfcrvhig, lltb luilr. " Ktitcd or gray Anii1 ti soon' restored to iti original rotor itUti lite gloss ami frdhiiit of youth 'i'litn hair U thick- c noT, falling 'lllilr pliuckcit, am! bald nc.3 often, though not ulwaya, cuicil l',v It'tueA Nothing vim restore the li'nir Whew tile folllclci nro destroyed, (If Iho "liiuils litroplncil ninl ilccnyctl, , llui, siiuii. ajt rcmatu cuii bo tmcil for iisufuhicsi iyi hi upplicallou. InMcad of fouling tho linlr with, a paity scdi-i incilt, it will keep it rlcau iintl vigorous. lli bccailnunl ll$o will prcvctil llio linir Itphi t(ni'"S ?'")' fnlliiS "'i ftn'V coasccpiontly prevviit lmldiicsa. Frco from tlioso.ilclctcrious subjlnuccs Avhich mKkd'some pivpiirntioiiS' ilnhserou3 and IryrtrloiU to' the Imhv tlio Vigor can ouly boiiclit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, . nothing tun t found fo dcsirJy Coutnitifiig ncittii'i- oil nor dye, it uocd ,not "soil while cninhrir, ntidyet lasts ' lojj'g.'oii llio liulr.'gU liijf it a ncli glossy . luMrb aud a grululil ppiftune. Prepared by Dr. J. C, Ayer it Coi, rnACTiCAL asd'An.viatical Ciikmists, LOWELL, aiASS. - PHIO'J $1.00. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho. Throat nnd Lungs, auch' oa Coughs, Colds, Whooping Coush, llrouchltls, Asthma, nnd Consumption, rr'obatify'l'ievcr befuro In llio wliolo Jilslory of ncdwlncjlra thlnsy ".? Mely audtiso deeply iiDon Ihi' fonMcnce of'liiitnklnil, W this excellent limcdy for pulmonary roiiiplulutii. J nrougn a lonz nerlei ol yesrs, nail mnons most tf the races of men It lias rUeu. higher and higher lu Uiclr ostlma tton, nt U hiw becuuio belter known. Its uidrprm character umlitoncr to curutlio various affections ,r tlie huii and lluvnt, luvo made It known as a ro table vrolectar against Uicm. TliUe adaitcd to milder lornn ofilifcajo and to young children, it Is eMlra wiuio t'roio tho most circcliinl remedy that can begheu fur Incipient coiisuniptlon, nnd llio dan til 'ins affoccioiu of Uio Ihront and lnngs. Asa irp ylou against eniUlcn attacks of Owm It fliould bvn't""1lnHd lu every lamilvynniUnUecd ai all arc n)nictlnics suujcci to con MISCELLANEOUS, 0. HOVKB, us openeJ a flnt-ClfAns BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUIl STOKE. tit the old num. on Mnln Ptrcct, Illoomnljui r,h few doom above ttioOnirt lloao. ll)stock)soom poseilof thftVOfylBtPBtRiitl bestRtylrs cvpr offer til to ihe eltlMiid of Oolnmbift County, He can aeeom moil nt c Ihn publ lo with tlie following rckmH at tho lowest rfttos, Mrn'a htnvy double soled ntoga boots, men's double nnd single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shops of nil kinds. Him bhucb vi mi KruiirR. wy ITS'! and mlRses' lastlnRKAlterrr. women'n clovo kid hi iloubletvoled boots find.Khoesof nil Hlndn. men s s,io; men's flne boots ilnubla haled bool rIovc kid Ualmoral shoeM.tnon, woincn'i I'ollsli very flne.women'flmotocco tlslnornlsand calf shops,. women' very fine kll buttoned gait ers, in luiurt uodih oj an ik'rltipiioub ixjiu prg ged and sewed. J If lVI'UlU tUSU Will HI.VL-UUUU IU UJS UI1U V men of hats, uai, runa and notionb. Which c6mprlKts nil the new nhd popular varj' ics ul nricpswnicu ails inem (tooda nre oirered nt tho lowest rswh rates anil will be sonranteed ,tORlv satisfaction, A call In xnllrtlrpfl he for a tiurcliAnlnff elfinuhnrA km tt Is bellovoti th tit better, bargains are to be foind iiina ai nny pnierpinciiu tuecouniy, ' sHHHslHsilHslsiiiish' B RAIL ROADS. IIOWN'S 1VVST riVKia IIT G rnoit ritiLAnEiiWitA to uiJOMsnUua, and Intermedlato points. Goods forwarded with care and despatch iind at low tales. ... . . llltner COX SI I Market Htrcet, Kor full par. tlculiu., apply to . ,,...,. Aug. SO.'eo-tr. 11, It. l)eiot, llloomihurB.l'a, vronTirEn okntual baiIv Ou ,uiV a,f.lei' Nov. ,14l'h 1880, Trains irt' leave Nouthumiibhland us follows ! NOIlTHWAItD. 8M A M. Dally to Wlillaqisport, (except naRyj for KimirO, Lnnanuaigua, J'uui Husnrnslon Urldee. aud N. Kails. . . dW p. ., Dally, texcent Hundnys) for Elinlre una IIUUIIIO Vltt lilie aaiipy iiuiu S.50 r. ., Daily.'toxceptBuudays) for Williams- P TltXTSS SOUTHWARD. 10.S5 A.SI.Dally (except Monday's) forllalllmore WILMINGTON AUD PHILADELPHIA. 11.10 P.M. DallytoxcoptSundiiy'sJforllultlmoie Washluglou and rulladoljilMn. YQBlf0 General Passenger Agent ALFIlKDlt.I'lSltKl Ocu'lSupt., pARIUAGE MANUFACTORY, Illoomaburg, To. M. O. SLOAN A BBOTI1EU Havo on baud and or sulo nt the most reasona bio raten a epleudld stock of CAitliiAGua, BUooina. and every dtscilption of Wagons Imlh PLAIN AND l'ANCY wnrrantrd In ho made of the best and most dur- llshmentwiu o lounmu uu... ..... ... j"" and Mire IorIvo perfect satisfaction. Theyhnye nlso iv line assortment of KlJ.KtOUH of nil llio hovrckt nnd most faslllonnklo styles, well nnd eai-elully made nnd of tho henl muter- lftAiiiuspecrion'oftlielrwork Is nskut as It U believed that uone superior can be found in the i-ountry.,-tii-ii. pdwiiBU KEGS AND LUMBEU W. M. MONrtOK CO., Ilupert, Pa ltaunra"Uuers of POWDElt KKOf, mid dealers In all kinds of LUMDEB, irlve notice that they nro prepared to accomodate their eustom with, dispatch, aud on the chespes erms, "DIIILADEI.I'UIA AND ERIE X IIAILHOAI- On and alter Monday, Nov, 15th 1S69, the Trains on tho Philadelphia A trie Kail lload will run ns ioiiows; WHSTWAUI). MAIL T1UIN leaves Piuladelphln 9.Mp.m. " " " r,OTlliuinueriauu.ji.u n.ra " " arr.fti Eric, n.aip.m E11II-: i;Xl'ltI.S8 leaver Philadelphia " '" Nort'd I.W p.m. -" arr. at tjio iu.uua.iu KI.MIHA MAIL leaves I-nlladelnhla T.ftOa.m " " ' Norlb'd, ISASWAllIi. MAILT11AIN leaves Trie " Norlh'd U.IOa.m " " arr.nt Phlhulelphla e.von.m. bi.iei fjAi'i.i'jsa leaves r.rie V " Nort'd ;, " " arr.ntPhlludclplila......l2.ljp.m ELM I HA MAIL leaves Ixick lluten K.UU11. 111 " " Norin'd 11.30 a. 111, " " l'lilliulcii.liln H.CO11. m, DUKl'ALO EXPllESMUavisM lu. Kt IJLSaum. " ' Norlh'd HO) a. m. " " urr, at Phllacciphla Un, m Express cast conuocls at L'oiy, Mull East nt Cory and rvlneton, Express west nt Irvlnetou with train louOII Creek nun Allegheny Hlvcr ua 1 lioau. A. L. TYLKIl. UeuerulSuperluteudKiil..WllllamsporU rhoiild boprovMecl ivllh Uils antidote for them. Allliouali bctllcil Consumption is thought In. limbic.- rlll Kfeat numbers or easel M hero llig lls- jyjir,IiER'S STORE. FHIU3tl AUHIVAI, UP I'ALL AND WINTKlt O00D3. The vubscrlber has lust returned from the cltle with another large nnd seJtct assbrtment o't FAI.I. Ai, D WINTER aOOPS, purchased In New York nud Philadelphia at the owest ngure, anu which he is uetermlnetl to sell on as moderate terms as can be, procured else where lu BloomsbUrg; Ills stock comprises INDIES' DUKS3 GOODS of .the,ch9(eest,ntyles and latest fashions, tofetbci. with a larse assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, bonslstluir of the following artlclia tlarpels, 1 .'Oil Cloths, . . Cloths, Casslmeres, ' . HliawlK, 1 Haune's,' ' ' BllkS, : , Whit Uoodn, I.lneus, Hoop Mkarls, Musllus. , , 'ntHbllowware . Cedarware Queenswure, Hardware lloots and Hhoeu, ' .HaU.audOips Hoop Nels, Umbrellas, - Iiokiug-Ulassej, Tobacco, Co tree, Sngais, Teas, Ilice, Allspice, Ginger, . Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN HALLY. Iu short, everything usually kept lu country atorea, to which us Invites the attention of the public generally. Tne highest price will be paid lor country produce jn exchange for goods. H. H. MILLER 4 BON. Arcade Buildings, Iiloomsburg, Pa. piRfJT CIiASa GOODS. It AUK II A It O A 1 K H. The subscriler has Inst thomuehlv restocked IiIm Mini . ill i-iiIhwImkii. Intlv t(-tii, l,v Wlliah A Ml.imi.1. nn.l iin..nlTnM Ia. uil..,' " A. . COMPLETE' tiTOK OV DltlT GpODS, oceries and.eener&I mercliuudlse which alltr uud. varrely will compare favorably with SIfRJNG GOODS which ha wllldisiioseor for oush or country pr .dUfif. AmougUls Dry Goods will bu lound 1 the latest nutlbest patterns of MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CALICOES, VLANNPLB, SHAWLS, BILKS, CAKIMUtW. HHOADCLOTHH, COTTONADES JEANS 4o.,&e. OHOO'KItlm. GLASSWAltE, QUEKNSWAUE, IIAIIDWAHE CEDARWAHK DIIUOS, OILS, PAINTS, VAIINISHES Ac. HATS & CAPS, ROOTS & SHOES m.rt .i..imr..l Hoitlnl. Ii.iva been coniulctclv cured. ami llio p.rticnt' restored lo sound health by tlie ilhrtru J'tcom'. S? corapleto Is lis roasterr over (lie disorders of llio LmiKs aud Throat, that Uio inopt obstluatu of thoin yield lo lu When noth. bis else could ivach llioin, under Uio Cherry l'ee tui al they tubsldo and disappear. Alii'cM iiuit.J'uiHo tfjieafcera flud great pro tection Irom it. , Stthma 14 always rchc.vcu,,aud orteu wholly C"j1i'-oimiV(Ij is ccncrally cured. liy taVtng Uio CUcrrn rcetornl In small anil frequent docs. to Generally nro its virtues known that wo need not publish tho cortincatcsof thomhcre.ordoiiioro tli.m ossuro the public that its qualities aro fully uiainbilncd. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Faver. and ,A(rue, Interrnlttent Fever, Chill I'ovor, Itomittent Fever, Dumb Acne. Periodical or Bilious Fovor, o.( nnd indood all tho affections which nriso from malarious,' marsh, or miasmatlo poisons. As Its name Implies, It does Corn and docs not. mil.- uoniaiwngnciuicr Arsenic uuiuiL,iiaiuuMi,b Zinc, nor any other mineral orpoisonous substance , whatever, it in nowise injures any patient. Tho number ami Importance or Its cures lntlicafniedij) Irlcts, aro literally beyond account, and wo believe n llliout a parallel In llie history of Amio medicine. Our I ildo is gratified by Uio acVnou Ii dpnents wo receive or the radical cures 'effected in obMlnate cases and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unnrcllmatcd persons, cither resident In, or travelling thronaTi miasmatlo localities, will bo pro lertcil by taking tho AOVE CVRV daily. ... For 7.(cei- CompfoInM, arlsliiK frem loriildity of tho Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. for IllHous unorders and urcr uompiainis, 11 is MEW COAL YARD. Tun undersigned respectfully Inform tho cltirens 01 illoonibourg nnu uuiuinum cuuu.;-, ihv tnpti all the difl'iTcnt numbers ofstove coal nnd selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, 011 their wharr, RdJotnlnR M'Kelvy, Neat A Co's Furuace; with n gooit pair of Unlrulo scales 011 tho wuari, 10 weign coui, uy, T a l.nrcn anil n-nnill. to dullvcr COSl tO thoso who desire 1L All'ey purchase a largo amount of cnal.they Intend toket p n superior ar ticle, nnd fcoll nt the very lowest prices. Please call and examlue for yourselves before 1 lmrchfts lnir elsewhere. J. W. HnNDEUHHOT, " AUGUSTUS MASON. rpiIE underalgncd will tnlco in cx- ! thauae for Coal and Groceries, the following named nrtlele : Wheat, llye, Corn, Oats, Pota toes, Lard, Ham,8houlder,nnd side meat, Butter, Kkks, llayi Ae., at the highest cash prices, nt his Orocery store, adjoining their coal yard, j;w;iIENDEnsHOT. Bloomsburg Mar; W,'(S-ly. gILLIARDSl BILLIARDS 1 1 an excellent remedy, produclnir rnnrkfihln mirfa. whnrn nthcr medic .1 repareu ny j'ii,,i.'i.. iifcit a, ui.( itucuim nv tnilv 1 urines had failed. and Analytical Chemlits, Lowell, Mass., and sold .au ronau uio worm. .VJtlCE, Feb. fi, 1S09. $1.00 uorxxr. Insurance Agencies. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY o r NEW YORK. riluy Freeman, President, 11. C, Freeman, Sec Cash capital over t2,0(W,0xl, nil paid. .1. B. ROlilSON, IJLOOMSBURG, PA GENEItAL AGENT, ' For Lurerne, Lj coming and Coluinbhi counties. Aug.avM, ,. nsura'noe agency. Wyoming . tl'O.UOO Aituu f,000,UOC Fulton 300,000 North America.............. 300,000 City - 150,000 Iuternutloual-........-............-....... 1,100,000 Niagara 1,000.000 Putnum ,.............. 530,000 Merchants , 330,000 Springfield . 670,OuO Farmers' Duuvllle............................ ,t,p.Wt Albany City . - .. 100.0M) Lancaster City, a 0,000 York Horse, Death 4 Theft....... M.O0O Home, Now Haven 1,000,000 Dauvllle, Horse Then FHEA8 IlltOWN, (rni(, maili.69.1y. nixioxsuuRQ, l'A Wall Paper and Painting; : . , TMPORTANT , .- , TO llUILDEllS.'HdrjBEHOL'Dr.ItS a; TENANTS. The undersigned woufd ttiinounco to llio clti ze'us" of Iiloomsburg und vicinity that he Is pie pared to execute - -- - II O U rf E, 8 I Q N, AND O Tt N A M 11 N 'f A L l' A I N T I N O lit all its brunches. 1 A P. 13 IV H A N a r N G Carefully 'attended to, , Strict attention' lobusinessandgood workman ship It la bellevcU'wtll mcut afalr show of public patronage, ' Shop on-Catharlhe Street between Third and Fourth.. MarA'00-ly. WM. F. IIODINE. aud. In fact, acorn ujuis unsuiess, -"Tho Urltlsh PoaloWco Dcpnrtiiicnt niado 23,UO0,Oft()' not iiroflt lout year, while ours' run behind 15,000,000. No franking In Eimliuid. The Queen, oven wJiQ way wmo u letter by another Ilia fi si1 vttliat IMtf ll ri 1 iv 1 1 linml y-vt It- 4 l iiuijui (Jiunv j'ttv nvt unit ill'- IV u send II by mall. As h buys and sells belonging N for pjuli be- can nfrbr. to keep bis prices us low if not lower inuu wosb ueaiers. 111s mono is "OUIfK ,"A.lJt AVVJIUAIJU 1:1IIJ11.'' COAL OF ALL KIDS, Constantly ou liaud aud lor kale at the lowest market rutes, MOHO I'HILLIIlt PHOSPHATE, Especial attention paid to the selection of Build ing material, Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools, mid Hardware or all kinds, to which the attention ol builders uud others Is requested. UllAIN PUUOIIAHED. A fair share ot public custlom 1s desired and no euorts will be emitted togivo entire sntlalao tlou. T JOSEPH 11. KNJTTLF, Apr. UJUt dm Catawlssu, Pa, JOB PRINTING Neatly executtd at this Office- TXT ANTED. To all oui' of em- 1 1 ploym ent,wa would say that wliut we have to ofleryouJsno new thing or experiment, as those who have followed It for years will testify. We can piove to you 1 hat you are sure to make money faster than you can In any olliei honorable business. No great taleut. and but little money jiAiiwii i ' i;u., required to start, Nov, 20,'09-Sni. OlOrcli Street, Phlladelph'Io. The undersigned wouldlnformtliogood people of Uloomsburg und surroundings, that he has moved his Drug HUireirom tlie old stand to his Ncwllooins.oiitbo West side of Main street, below Market. An tliat he lias fully replenish cd his stock or Drugs, Medicines, Cliemlcals, Put ent Medicines, 1'orfamery, and Yankee Notions, -ALKO- Coal Oil Imps and Lanterns. Tjimp Shades and Fixtures generally, fur repairing tho worn Coloring and Pyclug material furnished to suit, any iiuavtlty. und fur any Shade or Color. Particular attention pata in putting up I'hysl. clans' und Family Prescriptions, 'lhaukfui for nasi favuuis.he would solicit a continuance ul tlie sumo. lleuicmberthoNew Stand, on Main street. westlde,bIoMaiket. ' " ' dee,lo,'(rHm. IJPHItAIM. J', I.t'TZ. iflli WILLIAM II. GILMOHE Has opened a fine Billiard Saloon In addition to l,l.v,.u l.-i.nwi, HEMTAUIIANT. He has 3 tables with all tha latest Improvements and In perfect order. He keeps on hand tlie best LAGER BEER AND ALE which tlie market affords. OYSTERS tn bo had nt all times when In senson, also llecf Tongue, Pickled ti ipo, ciams, sc., m. Tliepubllo are Invited to call, and are prom ised sallsrucilon . either In bllllnidscr refresh ments. His CIGARS AND TOBACCO cannot bo excelled. llloomshurg, Jan. 1,'tRf. T EADINQ RAILROAD. WINTER AIHt ANO EM ENT. MosiiAV, Dlcemiiki: lli, 180'J. Great Truuk Line from the North 'and Norlh West for Phlludelphla.New York, Rending, Potts vlllc, Tamtuiua, Ashland, shiuuoklii Lubanou Alleutowu, Kastou, Ephtuiu, Lltiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Tralus leuve Harrlsburg for.New York, us fol lows: At 0,3-j, and s.10 a. Ul,, 1J.20 noun aud 2.05 All,l'0p.iii.,couucctlng wltli sluitlsr trains ou the Pu. UuUrooil, aud nrrlvlug at New Y'ork at 12,1s, a.m., & 12,oJ in., 4 3,10 t,5u &. 10.0U p.m. and 0.00 respectively. Sleeping curs accom pany lhe&,& a. iu.,a.& u.m. and IJ.61111. tralus without change. Leave llurrlsburgfor Rending, Potlsvlllo, Ta maquu, Mlncrsville, Ashland, hbnmoktu Plnu Urove, Allcutown APhlla'd. nt, 10 11.111., 2,U 1,10 p.m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way statlonsithci.iOpiii, tralnmuklng connect lous for Pottsvllte and Columbia only. Fur Pottsvllle Schuylkill Haven nud Auburn, via Schuylkill ami Susuuehtiunu Railroad, leave Jlarrlshura at 3,10 p.m. Returning: Leuve New York at 0,00 a.m. add 12.00 111., uud 5,00 and s.oop.m, Philadel phia at 8.15 a. m, aud 3.30 p.m. Steejiingcars accompany the y.ud ai m., niid5,ti0 ami8,, tralus irom N.Y.withuut CbaiiKC. Way I'asseuger Train leaves Phlladcliihta nt 7,wn.m., connecting with similar tiaiuun East Pu. railroad retuiulng from Ueadlugklilp.m stopping at all tuitions; leuve Pottsvllle itU, 11 l,OOa.lii.,aud2, kin ut S.llhmd 10.10 u. iu.. Ash lulidut ;,.'. a.m uud 1J,:I0 noon Tuma'4tia at b.n3 a. in., and 2,20 p. m, lor Philadelphia, uud New Y'oik. Ix?ave Polisvlllu via Hchuylklil and Susque hnuua Railroad uts.lj n,m. tor llarrlsbuiguud 11,30 a. m.,forPlneurovonndTrciuoiir," icauiug Accumniojauon -1 rain leaves itcuiunu at 7,30 a.m., returning leaves Philadelphia ut l,l' p.m. I'ottslown Accommodatlou Traluileavesl'ntts town at 6,0 a.ui.,r returning, leai es PnllaUelphla at 4,00 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains lea Ueadlug at 7,15 a.ui., aud li-1 j p.m. for Ephrala, Lltlz, Laucos ter, Columbia, Ac, Perklomen ICnll Road Trains leave Ferkloinen d UUVUUU IU O.W U.IU., UUU d.i J,. 111. 4MJllirUlUg IaveUklppackats.l5a,m and' 1,00 p.m., con necting with similar trains on Ueadlug Railroad, On tiunduys, leave New Y'oi k at 5,iki, Phil phial S.00 u.m. and:U5p.m., the a,w, trnlu uiua wuij iu iicauiug: loiisvine s,uu a.m. in. (.to ami 11.00 p. m, anil Itcudint! 12.4JMIdnlctitnlitl 7.1.1 u. m. frtr lliirrla. burg, ul 11. in. aud 12.V, Midnight, for New ium iiu v.vj u. m. aim i.m p. m. ior x lllin-delphla. Cominutntlon, Mileage, Hcasoti, Hclibol und Kxcurslon Tickets to and 110111 nil polntx,nticH linggagocheckidthroueli; H4I pounds nlluwod CIll ll J'USSL'llgiT, G. A, NICOLLH, (lfntrHl Siint'l-ltitpnilottt Reading, I'm, Apr. 20 Usui. QMNIBUS LINE. The undersigned would regretfully aunounce to the citizens of Eloomsbnrg and tlie' public gene rally tha be is running an OMNIBUtl LINK betweeu this placo and the different railroad de pots dally Sundays ojcepieu), 10 connect witn tne several tralnH going 8outh and West ou the Cato- wlssa aud W'illlainsport Railroad, and with those golpg North and South oq the Iicknwannn and Iiloomsburg RaUrood. 1 His Omnlbusses are lu good condition, commo dious and comfortable, aud charges reasonable. Persons wishing tu meet or see their friends de part, can be accomodated'upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notice nt auy of the hotels. JACOB L GIRTON, Proprleloi -rOMI5.STIC ECONOMY 1 I'AMPILLION CARPETI A new, cheap durable, healthy, uud U FLOOR COVERING I A substitute for oll-clotli at one-third the cost. Tills carpet is produced by u pecnllarcombliia Hon of stronir. henvv miner, nrluted In nmninpn. tal colors, and coatd with n tough, elastic, water proof enamel which receives tho water, protects Ihe colors and paper endures washing, and ren ders the carpet bright and beautiful In the ex. tsomo. ItB advantages are as follows : Its cost renders llavnlhiblu to all classes; It Is excceumgiy buiooiu aim glossy, ana it accumu lates next 10 no dust: It does nut require 10 be taken up aud cleaned like oilier carpet, and thus saves much lutKir aud trouble; By re-coutlug .villi mu vuiiiiiumui i.unuieiMjccusiuuaiiy as tne case may require, (ulilch costs bulatrille.lltwlll last Indeiln'iely, even an nge.and always appear uuu' und bright ; lu its uko uo rellauce whatever Is placed upon the paper for wear, but exclusive ly upon she walcr-pioof coating, the figured pa per .being used only to eecuro the colors, .Paper' .has recently bevu used for u variety of purposes, fcyen lor trunks, roofs.Uour bags and wearlugnp patel.bul the. Ural attempt, either .In Europe or piM-lli.', IWi UHHUIM HllllKl Uf llOOr COY6- ing, all Koncodo it t, bo an entire tuccess I Wo have purchased ilia ri;hl fur Columbia county and can rurnlsh'the'caipet lo merchants at mniiufacttiiers uricesj -Yun are Invited tu call and examine tho Bm.iUutourst.lie. M'KfcLVV, Nli-VL.t CO, lIliHjuburg,I)ec, 11' JJBW GOO 1) S , AT BRO WER'S' STORE, AT LOWJ&T i'niCUfi FOR CASH. FI1UJT DOOR AUOVF, COURT HOUSE, dec. 17,'W-tr. JLOUR AND FEED. Theunderslgnedthajikfurfor past Patrona'ge that gunnout'e ,0 f'lends and to the pubflo NEW MIL luniugr ils of Ml Is now In complete ruunlug nrder.uml that lie la Mvnai-wiiuuuiui Kinusof Mining without delay 1 nines irn 11 n uistance can have their grists ........ ni.uuu, u.m,, u in nine incni iiouie he saine day, and uj 11 rule all work brought lo the mill can bu done In tweuty.four hours My present arraugmeuts ure such as to preclude the iieeessliv of stopping the mill ou uccount of Ice. high or low water. ' THE IlKHT- FAMILY FLOUR, ns well ns Die lower grades, und all kinds o CHOP A XI) FEED kept 011 hand lu (pu ntlty, and fur sale at the low est curreut rates. Graluofulikluds uurchused. I.lght Blreel, Dec, i.'m-U, I'J.TUH KNT. CATAW13SA RAILROAD On and after MONDAY. Sco. 0. I toll. Puaaenror tiiilns ou.theCiitawb.saltiiilroud will run at the luiiowing uuineu liours: Mail Smth. STatioki. Jufl AVli Dep. S.45 11,1a Willlnmspnrt. Arr, (1.00 p. m, luue, I'ep, o.ys " 0.17 " Watsontown. 4.57 " lo.ft", " Milton. " 4.10 ' 10.45 ' Danville. ' "' 4.00 " 11.0.5 " Rupert. " :i.w " 11.17 ' Uiiawlusa. " 3,t! " 12.22 p.m. Rlngtowu. " 2.2,1 " 12.58 ' Httnimlt. ' 1.00 " 1.03 " lluaknke. 1.10 " 1.20." , K Mahonydunc. " 1.30 " 2.15 "Dlno.Tatuaoua. Dlue. ' 1.10 ... 4oj 1. Keauiug. io.40a.ia nu. w.w 1 Uliuucipiiia, 0.25 I To New Yoik via. Read I ingor Muuch Chunk'. From New York via. i iiiaucii cnuniE. 1 0.M NoChnugeor curs between Wllllamspoit am) Philadelphia. UEO. WEII11 Suy'L DELAWARE, LACKAAVANNA, it WEHTERN RAIIJXOAD.-Kumuicr arrauco- A nr .1 im 11 iv. n. ..... -..n 1.AHI IVAUU. WBSTWAIID. Ac-coui Ex Iiress Mull HTATI0N8. ! l 0.35 n.10 9.5A .3I 1.50 1.16 3A 3.15 If. SO P.J1 r.ii. 0 40 s!i)5 in 3.35 9 S5 3.23 9 00 3.00 0 15 12,10 11 no "JTio 7 10 12.110 1 53 11.1s UM , 4.10 . 3.22 ', 7 00 1.00 5 .' 11.23 , 5 3,1 11.20 5 2,1 11.02 5 11 10.47 u Ul 10.33 , 10.23 , 1 41 10.13 , 4.20 0.50 , U.IU , 3 55 e'J , 3 41 Vftt , K25 ,M5., 3 lo 8.35 , 2 50 8.U5 I I- M 74H , 7.30 . 7.11 . 0..50 , tea , .lo , S.I!) , 5-.30 1 A.M. Mall Ex- I press I Ac com, Via M. 1-L iiivts.,A m 1.1 'n-. I,..1 ... I 'BV AVI11. .V1.V iw ,iircij oi.j ..Chrlstoplicrbt.... ......Hobuken.. .euuiu, ...WashlnaUin via Ccn. ItU. of N.J. lorg ...Newllampton .... Oxford. . Brldgevillo......,., ...Pllllttdclphlu ...-Trenton... ., I'hlllipsbiirg .Manunku Chunk.,.. Uelawure .....Mount Bethel . water uaj; ...HtroudKbur Hprauuevil luuryvlile.. "V 1 life ....Ouklauu ,.....i. ...rorK8, ,....Tcbyhauna , Gouidkboro .1 1 Moscow , .,....Duunlng..... ..;...BenmtonT..r.1..T!r., ..Clark'a'Knminlt...- ..Ablngtun .-. 1.. ,iFarUir vllle ..'.....i.. Nicholson ....llopbottom .'Iontrou......w i..New Milford Great Bend....,., too 8.30 8.45 0.05 11.30 11.00 11.15 II. Is 11.58 7.50 8.47 11.081 12.05 12,25 12.3.5 12.5, i.u: 1.13 1.26 1.4.3 2.1 lO1 2 21)0 28 2.:i5:v3 2.57 ,8.0s '3.50 4.12! 4.20 4.80 4.01' 8.18 .4'l 0.00 0.20 A. It 11.10 UJiO 11.10 12.00 i: 12A5 1.35 2.H0 2.20 r.M, COKNUCIIONS. .At'owlIamntQH,witli Ceutml It.. It. nf New m',.,Jjfo'NeworU,l:llabeth,PUUlUehl,H,,lUer- Atyashingtoii. with Morris Essex It. It,, for New Yolk.huwurk Mm , I... n,., ii i!:v.Vr town. Eos ton, ie. ,-,..,..vvii.. int ffiffflVh viih I'elvldmo Delaware L'aiVbeSsvlllniU'rr10 Kauacutboudale. ",,,Ur I 1IU,l Arclv MLA, AD BLOOMS ru'a foi'iowiT lM)f v'."u will Qolug Soutli. I-ave Leuve Bcruutou... Golug North, ArrlVo Arrive p.m. u.m. ... 0 .23 10.50 I'lttston..i, 8.50 10.20 ningsum .... 8.2.5 UM Plvmoutb k.iii 11 ii Hhlckshiuuy..., 7.25 8j nciwics ....V........0.27 8.21) Blouni t.. &, 7,il Dauvllle, 6.uj 7.U1 I T nn... Norlh'd 4 sn a iw CoUUectittll inSilu Mt.Hrat.t.,,, 1... .h tralu tor Great Beud, Bingtiaiutou. Albany i d all points North, tost and West. 1 """"' U"H P.m. 4.00 Leuve 4.82 4.50 6,10' 0.10 . 0.50 Ml 8.10 Arrive . iu. 7,00 RAND Ol'ENlNG i llltAB I tll'KWTOW GRANII OPENING ORANU OPENING UllAND OPENING or FALL AND VlNTF.H , 'ooODH, FALL AND WINTEIl'-OOODS, FALL AND.,'HI00D8, FALL JVND W I NTKIt u OOODH,-, j. "FALL ARp'WIeTTKRrupOlW ; 'cdnslstltig bf ", ' '. . consisting of '.' -V' sssasiss-s-" ;"'' .. consisting of ' DRY OOODH, ., -. DRY , GOODS, ' ' ' 1' !l)RY.I GOODS, ' 'i " I"' I , DRY. GOODBy .,--.I'd); .')l Dliy .OOOD, lTl, ,, ., 1 iiaVh and cAfal" r HATS AND CAIM.' - r . HATS AND CAIfV HATS AND CAIH, 1IAT8 AND'OAPS,' fi ROVER .t BAKER'S " T' T ill- ft. "it: i , BOOTS AND BIIOEfV BOOTH AND.8HQF.1 . HOOTS AND SHOES, .'BOOTS AND BIIOEH, 4IOOTS ,ANp (JHOES, READY-XIADK','CI,DTIIlNlO. RKADY-MAIH1 CMlTHjNO READY4MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING. READYrMADK JCLOTH1HG, LOOKINtf-OLAksKS' ' ' . I0KlNU-aiS3ISS,i ' 1 LOOKING-GLASSES, , LOOKINO-GLASSIIS, ,. .. LOOKING-GLASSES. " ., . t - , ::notions,. ; .i i NOTIONS. ' NOTIONS, ' ..NOTIONS, 1 NOTIONS," Ii PAINlH" X'Nif O.'V"' PAINTS' AND 'OILS, PA1NIU.AND OILS, PA I NTS AND .OlI-S, , PAINlrf' AND' OII-S, ' .GROCERIES, ' GKOCHRIES, ' '. . GROOERIKS, . ,OROUERlEOi i ; xueknWvaiui ilUEENSWARE,1 UUEENSWARH , OUEENSWAHE, liUEENSWARK ,. I ..HARDWARE. i HARDWARE, . , ' HARDWARE, HARDWARE, ., JLUtDWAltE,.,- ; " TINWARE, ' TINWARE," 1 TlNWAREi f l, TINWARE 'TINWARE, ' ' ' 'HALT, . , HALT .. , ) . SALT ,, SALT, Kalt, .FISH," , ' . , FISH, . FISH, ., F1TH. ! . ; FISH, ' GRA'tN AND', HEEDS, -GRAIN AND HEEDS, ' GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN, AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS," A. I FIRST 1'REMIUM t iin,l"i : ,.;..Ji:Y'A,'tj'Tl0 STI-rn,. ml w itlif 'Mil vuK .114 . ' t Dli lt' fl 11 tin: FAMH.V 'jSMjlNB. MACHINES, -.H . nriqiDWAY. new .yoiik, i tvlll 1 1 7.m Cheslnut Street J'hlla-lelphla, '! f.- uir o,l,Nrs OF EXUEI,I,y;v Beauty.aud Elasllclly.ot illtcn. . ll'erfeotlon nud rMmpllclty or Msphlmr, t-'U'71.!!J MA'L". '' , . ..ll irc.uiuj,,,i . tNpIoMeulug; 9f tenms by hsn.l auj M ul oi iiirenu. Wide range ol application without rhsl 11UJUSVI11VI1V, The. seam retains Ils beauty nrili Viislilng and lroiilbg. Besides doing1 all.klnds.of work done lij J Hewing Machines, these Machine una, J most beautiful and permanent Eratiroldo, ornamental 'work, s '-Tlio Highest Premiums at all tte fl Exhibition) ot the United BUiIhismjjI havo been nwarded tho Orovcr t Baker jtl 'Machines, and the work iloneliyllicm.itj exlilbilrsl In competition. trf-The very highest prize, THE CROsI THE I.FX3ION OF HONOR, mu mtm llie representative ot llio Orovi-r a DiiVn Snl Machines, ut, tha Expedition I'ulvcuclle, i jsoT, tints nttesitng their gfcat mtrorlortJ nil otlier Sewing Machines. c.- e.. U 1. .AT ilcKELVY, NEAL 4; CO.S, MflvlXVY, NEAT, tic, CO.l8, . McKliLVY,'-NHAL' A- WO.'S.- .MClVl.liV X, tXKAil tR ,ai. n. . j mckelvv,, neai, jt Gp.;a. T6rtUwcst'coriierot Main and "JIarket Rlreois, Northwest corner of'Maln Aud Market Streets, Northwest corner of Llluin and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Maui nud Market Htrnets,, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMsnURO,' PAf)' ' ' " BLOOMSBURG, PA IILOO.MSI1UUG PA., BIXIOMSIIURO. FA.,' ' ' ' BLOOMSBURG, PA.' ' . IRON AND NAIIi, , . IJRON AND.NAIIJJ, ,, ' IRON 'AND NAILS, IRON AND' NAIIA IRQN AND NAILS, ' In large quantities and' at red'uee! raica, alway on uand. u ll'" ' Hardware S. 'Cutlery. THE NEW HARDWARE STORE., NE PLUS ULTRA. Having enlarged our htoro Room' aud Just OPENED A NEW .SUPPLY', directly from tho .Manufacturers, purchased for cash, on n declining market, w o are prepuined to Loiter the same to FARMERS, MECHANICS, BUILDERS, and the rest of Mankind, a general stock, comn prising alltlieklndaatKLqUAllllea usually kept in ntlty Hard Ware Store, suitable lathe wuuts of tlie county, at nnnsually low prices.-' AU those who are desirlousof purchasing goods iu our lino can savo Money by looking In ut the New Hardware Store. Please gU e us n call and examine our stock lc RUNYAN A WARDEN, " Apr.23.U9-lyr ' Bloomsburg, in. Jacoh K. SMITH. J. n. Beltxib gMITII & SELTZER,- Importers rind Dealers n Forelirn'"andDomestlo 5 HARDAVARE; OUNS, CUT.LEUY, 40., KO. 401) H. TIIimjSTItKKr, AB.0AI.1OWDII.L, PHILADELPHIA. r?Afi.Mf i"HBIlT ST 7.30 7, Ki M0 8. M D.2S 10.02 ' 10.12. Arilve ,1 u,, iu.40 u.m. XMAClTwK asViVna'fnV lW,t rf. l"trucUoult luakts uo uolse ihn,i;0i':f.lou!ulu,Uf'nlu'B iwiUUHi thv pocket Itinakesnn elegant liriwent. Nnv1, eEWlNQ MACHINE COMPANY, A sen Is Wanted, WANTED. IDO FAHMtlto" Bona, and olhursout of ouipluyuieut, iuii make from lis to Hooper mouth, from ""w till next Hprlng, by addressing BARCLAY A CO., . eioAiciisireet, Philadelphia, Noa,C0,'C9-8ui, r Nov, For Pure Wslcr, u. luuceieursuij'ainp, I ' 11II41CSI, durabltsaj rells sle;qaidtotlie. gtxjj bl J-fusLI&ned wtodea PuaiD. sod "t lest than halt the money. Eauly arranco su u to to nour(rtitn;, saa in coDBtructlnn iu al that nonecan'r,utJt leip it In repair, TH5 BEST ANO CHEAPEST PUMP. K01V MLB UCl,22,'t,0-tlni, E N T IS TRY,.' ""WTTT7 i i. 'nbYF.R, pifsmr. .,L'irt'?ffu,,y,0'Ter", 1,u P'ofcssloual (lorvlcea't'o the ladles and gintlemeu bf Bloomsburg and vl ClnltV. llalKi,rinfl,.lin.,l..i , , , 1.7 - . . u.t.,.u Mint, int. vuri. nit. . fr- 'C sr tlltl liyalli Ctmifnllviilisl nrntuii.u ;ni.i,u.i..J v ItOKlllfliPil II Mil ftrtlxs a lu.u',l,iA -I. BlootAsbulb'.Jiln.-JI.'UlJti ' 1 iredto. JI, IIWlEfJ.(UtEAT INDIAN " ' 'Mi f ft" .1" 0 ,t ',N.. 'Ji,'" VSKU10U Sl9ni(IIlAN f P1TY.VAKS WOIIIMAKV ! f, )?mbi ?"ceo',f'1' medlcliiB yet discovered fur1 ROOTS AND HERBS. ' -i . ,, . . One Hone will convince,' ehv; one.wlro irll-s ii'n-niiirn.i r...-,.S:.l?..i w'j;w'uiiiiitioisiii Iluutlngdou .and whe lit hi been u,fnc8 f":??1' UY, Vcople who bavobeoil amictSl wltfi " 'i'l'" iiw?usis ior uie last t flee u ycurs.when no Physician couhl reach their rase ire now cured nud healthy by using the no GREAT INDIAN' MKDlL'INK. It link neVei1 failed tb cule'Xgue. Vovor arid n raugemeul of the Stomach. fcv ' fBVjrnnd De- I bopeialllwho aio alllloled Tflth thil linvb i'1rvv,'i.,Wi,1?',J,lJ',r.u''J K"", INDIAN MFIH, LINK which cuu be lnul.nt .4. ii iihmui,,'J Medicine store lu Light Street Colnmblu' ci'unr? A''ai wa"t.feTraI 0eepi lU 0l,Jll"'S iiiis lueiuciuuis prepared bill' by .vr uui"t,;',ypa. il.P;APXIJli3M. .JlLilNnNKaH ArJIH Wli'vllWl'ttTHt'! Willi Hie utmost , t , ,'. i',,anu l-rolessoT or Micuwi o IAV .). uinj Utr, (An .javfa! In ia' JUtIil ciutm Jau.lll.'OO-IjV. ... - JTrrn r"r - , . Q.ET XUE.DEST, ; . jdunmns Conner Tuburnr,.,.. V, tho best pnilreuuii ugu nl dltusTer bMilghluluI ever luvinlvd. The subscriber Is ugeut fjr lu" ubovelnveullou.uudal orders by mall or la nrrsouwl lboiiioi,niiiviiii,.,i:i,. ' ' 'a V OR SALE 11 Y ULOOMSuuna pa. .June 2V00-ly rpHl?.NEW EAMILY S'E W I N"0 M A C II 1 X E 291 Bowery. T$MWKE 29IB.f The I'XtrtiorJInnrr hiitroxit nf their dm J Improved manufacturing MucIUdm for iii'avy worK, huh uiaucea iiip EMIMIIK'HKWINO MACHINE 1, to tiinmifactiiro a Kow Fnmlly Marhinfl HamoMyloHiirt couHtrtictlon, with ad Jill I iiamentAtlon, mnUlngllfvitml In Iresotvtt J Ish with oilier 1'juiilly MkcIiIiuk, hLksI usermueMi it fur OUTHTIUI ALT OOMPETITOta Thoprlco of thin flcknowletlgeJ tiaturl tlelo climes wltliltl rt-tttM. of every claM,u Company 1h prepared to oirer tlie moisffl lnilucemenU tobuycrn.fleak-isaiiJiigetiall lucmue warrumeu. idtiiih fr-it tti riitlrtro nnd sto tnntii tn . Eill'IIli: MHW1NU MAtHINrtl No. i3'I liourry, si i ucu i(i,-oo-sm. Miscellaneous, pLOOMriUURU NORMAL HCIIOOb AUJ JLf URAKV .INtiTITUTK. . . BOARD OF 1N8T11UI.TI0.N. HENRY CARVER. A. M.. Frlucl T'mrkUirnrintf.MMnnl fltitl moral SClefrl v ui,.ii.,nii a r-jii-if,!.. I'ruccr-trea, branches. t . t.A..,. ii nbt. A . it.. ' vuclent Liuituatu suJ p,nr.LUn, i.t i,i,,mitiUrf. tiiiil nruiiH irononiy i -.' w..., -I. T.l,H . M.. ,n...r. ...... ..r ,l,.nil,h v mill ljtilkKa t t ii.l.d Ta..lf uuri,i,l,.. lll.llirV IltKlkr ' tn...uu llr,,u,l. CL ,.,. i..a..i,h. f iiifitlirmntlca Wr Or miliar. MlaaAUwM. Carter, . IV acher of Muslo on tlio piano anil mw Mrs. Hnttio L. l!et. Teacher of Vocal Jftislc aud lintruuu-Mu- Miss Julia M.Gneat, Tenelnrof mwlel Hclieel. Tlie FA'LL term will ;?'""" n",A'i und. until our liomdlnif ball a ready cy, on application to the ITIncipal, slu" bVlurnlilied will! Homes In plea.uit taajl It is'betlor for students tn iommcMeii enlngofthH term, but when thin W b)u they can enter at auy time. aichgO IStij, . SXO. ' WATCHES. . Tha dreat Trade 'Improjemen' Aig, (Incorporateil by the Blulo) sell rw w Wlivur iWaicuM iii 5W i... i Bollil 1U.IKKI FjiirravlllES. ful y"" 1, Crlblug all our WiiicbW, nr plucca 10 'r,, velopes, wlilcliiiro ihorotijli ordered nre mulled, post paid, M VtfSii prlcoaiJ-HlnKlo ICuciuvluif.McoiiH ricUnrtiulum.'Twoutyjiho J"J ver.lluutlus wnlili iispr-lnl; m, J 'sriivliid entitles tlio holder thereof J, .wortli frotu2.-i l7,'lrrrll'JJla ,m.. Nothlnjj cuu buMlby tli' Au"'Si 'linarfrla in i,r klllclc Is WUItll "V. .money 'askeit, while- tlio buyer xaai waloh, wurtii, 7W. Ciiiutor; imilruadwiiy, (Jor, l'ultou U" , Pcl,V8':V'r T)iM,r i. ,E.S. fr... ,iurfUlly iaali.'r, I who wish It the- llwli "JU J. ull tlousaiid Impjiriiles or .preparing and usluir a.slu'P'f.f.,:!, s vet'eiBbw ua m, -inar; w iV ,Tm,.Frerklt,.I'iiBiiles, BIoii hM, rules 01 1110 soft, clear, smooth an 11, boauiuui. ...... u s.wlll alar, uend (villi) Inslf UCli' j , due nirjiy verysl niploiueana,a nf liafi- on u Iwldlmud or i-uhx; '' ;'"" thirty Hays IVdm'tlrst appll j''0":,.,,, B' Tim abovoean be obtained by ,.".!",' J,b Aug. 0,'ui-ly. rjJO- CONSUMPTIVKS. , Tlie Advertiser. havluBbein re'W,. Ill u few weeis, by a vary ''n,?h ,(i" liiiViufr; sullereil sevenil ye"' , tuit. uttecUon, and that dicad dlwaae, ""1W, Is inxlpiis to inaUe nuoiyi W f" era the meaiis ol cure.- . d ,,rr J To all who deslrwlt, he will "Vi ith tUa1 liruscrlnllnn naeit Ifieeof rliaW,'' " lions for pr iiOthiiiB, ami may prove u WeasJriJf- m 1 - l'urilS;.wishlui tlie J;rf P"' wiiiainkLuiir, ivmit"v" ' Nov.'KIVUMy. oliiAV B R O O r I N ' HVEI1Y VAltU!Tl JOHN THOMAS, AKB '"""ai.U MayI5,'W. .ll.Uij)LEMAN, Mr,lH.G0-lyr. v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers