(i THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNT Y , PA. uw BLOOMSBURG, PA. jFRIDAV, JANUARY T? lSIO Ttin COLUMBIAN hu tli. Largest oirculntlon of any putter published In Northern rcimiyl vanls, uid Is Kilo Cmueh' larger shsst than ur Itseotem porarlesf and Is therefore ilia best medlnin for advertising In this section oftha state Xho If ow Tear. In entering upon our Fourth Volume wo cannot refrain from thanking our renders ntul patrons for their generous support anil continued patronage. Vo bollovo that wo have redeemed our plodgo to establish In this County n flrst-clnss family newspaper ono that would lio supported at home, and re spected nhroad. Money has been lav ls)ily expended to mako tho ofllco tho most completg in tho Stato in overy re Bpeot, and wo. bcllcvo that wo Imve 8tir jtccdcil in'maklng it tho most thorough' ly equipped printing eitiililtalimentout side Of Philadelphia. In buying tho Columbia Democrat and consolidating It with This Columbian wo not only added to our patronage, but rollovcd tho pirty from the support' of two newspapers aftho County scat, and removed what had heretofore been source of discord in ourmtdst. Our en tcrpriso has been Justified; for what ever division of .sentiment there may have, been among our people as to local candidates last fall, all will admit that as between them The Columbian pre- served a strict impartiality. As a re sult, peace and harni&uy exist in our ranks, old divisions aro forgotten, and we trust nover will bo revived. In the future, as In tho past, we shall bestow a largo amount of editorial labor upon tho paper. All subjects of Inter- ost will bo fully and fairly treated. is neither our expectation nor purposo to "please all men." In an age llko this, when every man reads more- or less; it would ba impossible to give opin ions which would coincide with tho viows'of all, but while speaking freely on tho topics of 'the day, wo shall do so with a duo regard to tho opinions of .others. Our Court, General and Local new columns will be as full as usual. fact, wo shall endeavor to make Tub Columbian an epitome of tho week; proceedings, and vnluablp for referenco as" well as for Us news t'nd general liter nturo. Those of our friends who do not get n county paper should subscribe at once. Not only'should it bo taken for its genv oral and local h'ews.-but. to aid In clrcu latlng nnd building up'tho principles wo nil profess. Do'not bo content with takjnga copy, yourself, but get your neighbor to subscribe, and thus you will do him good,- and render a sdrvice'to tho party and to us. Hoping (hat 1870 will witness the rp- turn of the Democracy to power, tho ro-dstabllshmcnt.prtlioUnloiiiand pros pcrity throughout our entire land, wo wish pur patrons one and all "A IlAr pv New Year." Xho Columbia County Invasion. XXVIII Radical Fraud. In aiiothcrcoluinn woprlutan articiel from a well known Radical newspaper ijf, Philadelphia", The Sunday J)Upatch, relative, to the frauds perpetrated in the Tlrsi f50natorlarDlYtr1hf.whlp.il reaiiltMl iu tho ccrllftcateof election being giv en to watt, iiepuhllcEn, la utter tils regard of the legal election of Diamond xjcmocrai. We ask for this' article, a careful and "tamest perusal. Tho subject Is one of Uib utmost Importance, dndcalls for prompt and decisive condemnation by tho people. It has Keen tho policyof the Radicals In Congress to1 award con tested seats tovriiemborfl' of their own party in defiance of the requirements pfjustlco and right.and .the, outrage 'will doubtless bo attempted In our Btato Legislature.; No tampering with tho purity of the ballot box should be. allowed, and no freo men who will tamely submit to the Infamous transaction are worthy of mat. name. " Judge A-UIson (Radical) declares the return to ue a laiso ono, out that ho can afford no remedy as tho caso has gone beyond hisjurlsdlction. Tliero can bo no doubt that'.th'o so-called election of Wutt is a fraud and an outrage, when both prominent men and Journals of the Republican party unite In con clcmnlng it. Mb. Boutwell aays wo must fund, and letspeclo payments bide their time. But taxation must not bo relaxed, nor .must a dollar come off tho revenues. In this immense financial view tho PresI dent tractably concurs. But there must bo a natural order about these matters, i Is funding tho public debt of thojlrit .importance? And, In any caso, can it boaccompllsh'ed before wo havo resuuip tlgn? Of course not. And resumption, wished for by all, because it will mako present incomes go from twenty to for ty, per cent, further: Is out of tho iiues tloil'feo'loiigas theso manacles aro kopt on eutorprlsoan-J Industry by excess! vo taxation. Our very first want, then, is to'get.relieffroui this oppressive burden of taxes. It is a cantor, eating our lives out. After tho worklngmen havo paid ovcr'fiucli a por cent, of their earnings for tho necessaries of life, and such an additional per cent, for taxes, for It is to bo remembered that labor finally pays tho taxes, very lltllo, If anything, Is r lert to apply to tho higher social needs, - saying nothing of encouragement to a spirit of enterprise. Our first point In finance, then, is to securo a very largo and permanent reduction of the taxes, which were- laid on n war basis, and havo no business to Intrude Into a tlmo of peace. . j'j ' Gen. Deduce 1J. JIcCLEr.i.AN called, on the 31st ult,, on tho President, Secre tary of War, and GencralShermun, and was cordlallyrecelvod by each of t hem. He was accompanied by his' father-in-law, General Murey, TIIIC Cl.UU MEKTirCOg OF IS03. One of tho principal charges made against our citizens in tho trials at liar rlshurg, was that they had organized a secret organization or society to resist tho draft. This chargo (which was en tirely falto) nppeared In nil tho cases irieu anu was continued in mo printed form of accusation used by tho Judge Advocate. 'Namps and dates wero filled In tho printed form, in each case, 'but tho substatico of tho accusation was tho samo In all tho cases, and convictious upon it were had. The form of tho ac cusation as It appeared In tho charges and specifications against Stott E. Col Ioy, ono of tho prisoners, was literally as follows: Specification: "In this, that ho tho said Stott E. Colley, a citizen of Colum bia county, Pennsylvania, did unlto confederato and combine with John Rantz, Rohr M'Hcnry and many other disloyal persons whoso names aro un known, and form or unlto with a soci ety or organization commonly known and called by thonnmoof tho "Knights of tho Golden Circle," tho object of which society or organization was and Is" to resist the execution of tho draft, and provcut persons who havo been drafted under tho provisions of tho said act of Congress, approved March 3d, 1863, and tho several supplements thereto, from entering tho military ser vice of the United States. This done at or near Benton township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, on or about Au gust nth, lSGi, and at divers times and places before nnd after said mentioned day." There aro three averments In denial of this chargo which were established beyond dispute by tho evldenco and which wo shall now state nnd sustain 1. That ibo (so-called) 'secret meet ings,' referred to In this charge, wero held In the spring of 1603 and nono later than about tho month of May of that year ; consequently that thoy wero held nearly one year and a half before the arrests wero made at tho end of August 1801. 2. That they wero political clubs simply, and had nd unlawful or im proper object; and particularly that they were not Intended, nor organized and conducted, to oppose tho conscrip tion laws of the United States. 3. That they wero not called or known, during their cxistcuco by tho namo of "Knights of the Golden Circle," nor was any such name ever assigned to them in any quarter until the tlmo of the trials or shortly before. Reserving tho main body of the evi dence in support' of these points until our next number, wo will now only cite the testimony of threo witnesses examined in tho Rantz trial. David Savage, sworn: I am a mern- bor of thoso secret Associations. Tho only secret about them was tho pass word. Ve wero sworn to support tho constitution of tho United States and of Pennsylvania, and the' laws. There was no organization to resist the draft. Almost all the persons belonging to this Association subscribed money to pay bounties, Ac. Tho Associations wero purely political. Rantz said to mo ho had been In to see tho soldiers, and told thorn thoy could hunt up all tho drafted men und arrest them, and thoy would not bo disturbed. Nicholas Kindt, sworn: J. was a member of theso Associations. They ceased last May a year I think. Tho password was the only secretin It. Tho obligation was to support tho constitu tion of tho United States nnd ot Penn sylvania and tho laws according thereto. Thero was no organization to resist tho draft. Martin Ammerman, sworn: I was a member of theso Associations. They ceased last spring a year. The oath was as stated by the last witness. There was no organization to resist tho draft. Tho only secret was the sign of recog nition. Never heard theso organiza tions called Knights of tho Golden Cir cle, till lately, and that by outsiders. Not until wo had frccdracu was it ever thought of that poor men could walk up to tho Treasury and take out a hundred dollars apleco" to help them along in the world. That is tho propo sition now boforo Congress. Thelandless people of the South aro to havo two millions of dollars set apart for them, to assist them in purchasing and stocking small farms, and getting together need ful agricultural implements'. Allow ing ono hundred dollars apleco, that sum, will Just go around among twen ty thousand persons. What is that out of a population of say cloven millions of souls? The very proposal suggests Jobbery on Its face. Tho men who take one hundred dollars this year would bo sure to want another hundred next year, and wo should bo brocdlng, through tho Treasury', a race of publio paupers. Not after this .fashion did our sturdy white pioneers go out Into tho wilderness of tho West with their fam ilies, to encounter untold hardships in subduing it, Cau thero bo any reason why Government should sot up ono class or men as farmers moro than another? or bo moro" tender of tho sufferings of ono class of poor men than another? It Is enough that all who are willing to work can conquer fortune for themselves If the real Btulf Is in them. If it is not, ono hundred dollars Is not enough money to put it there. Trumbull's Judiciary Bill. . Tho.blll reported in the United States' Senato on Thursday, by Judgo Triim- uiiii,tjrinirrrmn or tho Jndlclary Com mittee, defining tho Jurisdiction of the Courts oftho United Btntes, strikes us as a very strango document for hlrri to present, or for tho Scunto seriously to consider. It declares that "no civil State Government exists in Virginia or lexas, and no so-called civil StrCo Gov ernment In ollhorofsald States shall bo recognized ns a valid or legal Stalo Government, either by tho Exocutlvo or thojudlclal power nnd authority of tho United States, until Congress shall provide." etc.; and it declares that "tho act of Congress, entitled 'an act to pro vide for tho moro efficient government oftho Robot States,' passed March 2, 1807, and tho several acts supplemen tary thereto, aro political In their char acter, tho proprioty or validity of which no Judicial tribunal Is competent to question, nnd tho Supremo Court of tho United States Is. hereby prohibited from entertaining Jurisdiction of any caso growing out of tho oxccutlon of said acts, In cither of said' States, until tho Senators and Representatives from such States shall bo admitted into tho Con gress of tho United States, or Congress shall rccognizo such State Government as valid; and, meanwhile, all acts or parts of acts authorizing an appeal, writ of error, habeas corpus, or othor proceeding to bring beforesaid Supremo Court for review, any case, civil or crlm inal, or other proceeding arising out of tho execution of said act, and tho acts supplementary thereto, or which au thorlzo nn appeal In any caso from tho Judgment of tho Circuit Court of tho United States in a habeas corpus case or proceedlng,bo and the samo aro here by suspended," "and the Presi dent is hereby directed to hold and pro ceed with all the prisoners held in said States by military authority without re gard to any civil proceeding or authori ty whatsoever t" These words havo a strango sound In tlmo of peace. This act, If it become a law, will blot out civil law In tho States named, and placo all power in the hands of the military; unless, by Im plication, It permits tho Circuit Courts ofthoUnitid States to oxerclso juris diction therein. But, if this is allowed, no appeal can be taken to tho Supremo Court, to which thoy nro subordinate, If It permits Circuit Courts to settle anything, as would seem to bo its In tent, it makes their decision final, by preventing an appeal. At all events.it annihilates thcjurlsdlctlon of tho Su premo Court oftho United States so far as Virginia and Texas aro concerned (why Mississippi is not. included wo cannot imagine,) and glve3 tho military full sway, If wo may take tho conclud ing words of tho bill as declaratory ol Its meaning and character. "The Pros Identls hereby directed to hold, and proceed with all prisoners held in said States, by military authority, without regard to aijr, civil proceeding or au thorlty whatsoever." This bill places Virginia and Texas even below tho-Terrltories, for in the latter tho civil power rule; aud the people havo tho privilege of appealing to the United States Supremo Court. Why tho civil power should thus bo placed in such completo subordination to tho military in Virginia and Texas, wo cannot determine' We had suppos ed that tho war was over, and that it was not deemed necessary nor expedi ent to suspend tho privllego of habeas corpus in time of peace, especially to prevent.au appeal to the Supremo Court of tho United States. If this bill aimed at the. Courts oftho States named, wo could understand, and perhaps approvo it; but wo cannot understand why tho legitimate Jurisdiction of the United States Supreme Court-over territory subject to .the aovemraontof the Unit ed States should bo curtailed as this bill contemplates.. Is that Court tho highest judicial tribunal in tho land no longer worthy of confidence? Is it necessary to.blot out ono oftho three branches of the Federal Government in order to preserve order and administer Justice in any part of the territory of tho United States? Prothonotary's office, and, by3j most rcmarkablo fatality, Ma.rcturh had been tampered with ftnd tho figures al tered tho in'nocentjroturu Judgo not being awaro of tho romarkablo changb in thO result, which elected a candidato whom ho must havo known was defeat ed ; and, being unnb'u to notice tho palpablo alteration in tho figures, ho copied off tho mutilated return as ho found it. Tho result would havo been to certify that Mr. Gcisz, Republican, was elected to tho Legislature Instead of Mr. Forsyth, who had tho mnjorlty. No one with common senso willbellevo that tho election officer was Ignorant of tho fact that Gcisz was defeated. In that case, by prompt action, the fraud was prevented, nnd Mr. Forsyth receiv ed his certificate. Ono of tho effects of tho Registry lawj wo wero told, would bo to create on honest class of election officers, nppolnted by tho Board of Al dermen. In no caso heretofore in this city havo thero boon such glaring at tempts at fraud as havo been mado In tho hopo of unseating Diamond and Forsyth. If theso aro tho blessings of tho now system, tho sooner wo return to tho old plan tho better. "Sunday Dispatch," (Radical.) The Columbian. Each mail brings us flattering letters from subscribers at home or abroad. Wo bcldora print these, but cannot rerrain from giving thofollowlngcommendatorynotlcofrom an old subscriber in Bradford County: "The Columbian Is nn old and well tried friend. Its weekly- visits havo ueen iookcu lor with great anxiety, an ticlpatlncr tho pleasure It would afford us. I havo found many agreeablo ac- uuaiuiauces in uioomsuurg, anu When I received tho Columbian I almost In variably, through that, heard from somo of thoso frlonds. Tho people of Columbia Countv should feel nrnutl of . r . . . . ' so reiiauio au nuvocato. All lovers of truth, or country, and of good sound Democratic nrlnclnles. will admlrn tlm Columbian. Long may it wave. Most respectfully yours, ft ir. AMES. The Mobile Weekly Reqistek a very largo journal of twelve pages, wen anu careiuuy edited, nas been re ceived by us, and offers satisfactory evldenco of tho ability of tho South to publish a first-class newspaper. The Jlegistef Is not a now paper, but has been published for many years, and its continued existence proves that it meets with a generous support. Communication. Leraysville, Pa. Dec. 2id, 180Q. J Deaii Editou. Tho good people of Bradford aro now rejoicing In soino very flno jlclghlng and tho prospect 8cem3 to bs that tho old yo.tr will do- part amid tho morry chlmo of sleigh bells. This afternoon, being seated by a grato of glowing nuthraclto with tho last Columbian and a choice cigar for companions, I fool soclablo and would fain havo n talk with you, as I silently watch the cloud wrcatli3 which curl so gracefully upward and form fantastic shapes nnd figures around my head. As I sit here,meuiory,tlmt over, present talisman carries ono back to tho begin ning of the year and tho many familiar faces which greeted me then, slnuo "gono to that bourne from whejico no traveler returns." Wo shall son bid tho swift waning year u long fare well and bury it in tho dead p.'st, but yet It will contain a history for each of tho many who havo boon actors on tho stage during its eventful march. How many fortunes havo been mado nnd lost, how much ofjoy and grief, happi ness and ml3ery,havo been crowded in to tho short space of onoyear! Soon will the old year dio. Lit m profit by tho experience wo havo gained, and resolve as we continue tho now year and tho new decado to cultivate that good feel ing so essential to Happiness and poace. Tho last ten years havo been, in this country, devoted to strife and turmoil. let us hopo that the succeeding ten may bo given to repairing our wasted oner gles nud restoring tho country ti her full measure of power and greatness. Items of moment hero are somewhat scarco and nearly all tho Interest seems to bo centered in Iho action of Congress concerning tho resumption of specie payment, and tho currency. Tho new Rail Road is in full and successful op eration, and our merchants aro daily receiving, and forwarding a large amount of goods ami produce, over tho much needed Improvement. The Con gresslonal campaign of 1870 is oven now being discussed somewhat and ehanes: of candidate upon both sides arc freely canvassed by both parties. From any standpoint,knowing tho bravery and pluck of old Columbia, I should say tho Democracy have a good prospect of success before them.Radicalism in Brad ford is very evidently on tho wane and nothing but tho offices to be got from tho Administration and tho county omce hunters hold thoconcern together. Wishing tho many readers of your paper a "Merry Christmas" and "nap py JNew Year,'' I am Yours, S. W. Wo shall look with somo anxiety and curiosity to tho action of tho Senato on thU remarkable bill, and for Judge Trumbull's explanation of tho object of tho Judiciary Commltteo in reporting It. At present wo confess to our ignore anco of any good reason for tho passage of such ablll. It is plainly Inconsistent with tho President's position in his Messago relative to Virginia. Svhy pass such a law for that State, if Con gross intend to net favorably on' tho President's retommondation and fe-ad-mlt Virginia within a fow days, as It Is hoped and believed thoy will? Uhe Day. Frauds among the Return Judges. It can senrcely bo questioned, by nny ono who looks carefully at the returns .oftho election last week, that fraud has ,been resorted ton tho Board of Return Judges in order to glvo tho certificate of election, to tho Senato from tho First dlstrictto Wm. W. Watt.The district is composed of )lio First, Second, Third, I'ourtn, Beventn, eighth, and Twenty sixth wards. Tho return is: For Watt, Republican, 13,010; for Diamond, Dem ocrat, 12,810. In the same wards Geary had 12,723 votes or 293 lees than aro given to Watt; while Packer had 13,217, or -107 moro than aro awarded to Dla- mond. Williams had 12,831 votes, or 182 less than aro given to Wutt ; whilst Pershing had 13,113, or 303 moro than aro given to Diamond. Now, is thero any reason why Watt should be more popular than Geary or Williams, or that Diamond should bo more unpopu lar than Packer or Pershing? Tho pro- sumption Isthutthovotoof neither of these Senatorial candidates was govern ed by personal considerations, but was purely political. Thero is no reason why Mr. Watt should run ahead of his ticket, nor that Mr. (Diamond should lag behind. Tho whole thing litis a sus picious look, and Justifies the belief that tho return Is a gross fraud, A similar outrago was attempted In tho legislative return for tho Thirteenth district. Tho return Judge, who must havo profited by thoknowlcdgoof the means by which tho Byorly frauds wero perpetrated somo years pgo, took his returns to his resldeuco and placed them in a book-caso, from which' they mys teriously disappeared before tho next morning. Officers of election usually havo good memories as to tho very fow figures required In a general return, but this ouo had not. With his certificate ho lost his recollection. Ho was com pelled lo resort to tho return filed In the Pennsylvania Legislature. llABUisnunfJ, January 2. An Infor mal caucus oHtho Republican members oflho llouso was .lipid at 0 o'clock yes terday afternoon, dt'whlch forty-ono of tho sixty Republicans were present, Mr. Ames, of Crawford, presided, and Mr. Bonn, of Philadelphia, was secro tary. A committeo of soven, with Mr. Adalre, of Philadelphia, ns chairman, was; appointed to' prepare a. list of offi cers for tho House, In accordance with tho law of 1808, which reduces tho number to thirty-four. Tho list, when prepared, will bo submitted to n formal caucus, to bu held on Monday afternoon. On motion of Mr. Hong.-of Philadel phia, Hon. B. F. Strang, of Tioga, was chosen ns tho candidato for Speaker, and ns more than two-thirds of tho Re publican members were In tho caucus which mado this nomination, It may bo regarded as concluslvo that ho wilt bo elected. Tho contest for Stato Treasurer has grown more animated, from tho report that ono candidato (Mr. Mackey) Is supported by tho friends of a promi nent banking Interest, nnd that tho other (Mr. Irwin) is favored by fccvcral of tho largest mercantile and oil inter ests in tho western part of tho State. Tho reports derivo color from tho pres ence nt Hnrrisuurg oi bankers, mer chants and oil operators. Tho caucus nomination for Stato Treasurer Is usu ally made tho samo week as tho organ ization. Col. D. B. McCreary has resigned tho position of Adjulnnt Goneral ot Penn sylvania to take his scat ns a Represen tative In tho Legislature from Eric. Col. A. L. Russell will probably bo ap pointed Adjutant General. IlAitRisuuiiu, Jan. -nil. Senate. At threo p. m. tho Senato met and was called to order by Speaker Stlnson, nfter which a resolution was adopted referring to n commltteo tho claims of tho contestants for the seat from tho Twentieth district. Chas. II Stlnson was then elected Speaker, nnd Georgo Hammorsly chief clerk. Tho Democrats voted for Wm. M. Randall, of Schuylkill, except Senator Brown, who was Randall's caucus opponent for Speaker, and Buckalew, who voted for Brown of Northampton. Ho stated that ho did so by instruction of his dis trict conference. Mr. Randall, tho Democratic candi dato for Speaker, said that ho had not expected to recoivo tho voto of Mr, Buckalow; ho had not looked for tho voto of any renegade. Mr. Buckalow said that It was unnec essary to respond to such an observation coming from such a source. A petition was presented contesting tho seat of Watt. A resolution amend ing the Stato constitution by making tho Stato Treasurer clcctivo by tho qual ified voters was offered by Mr. Bucka low, was laid on the table. House The llouso met at noon, and was called to order by tho chief clerk, Selfridgo. Tho returns of tho election of members were thou presented and read, after which' B. B. Strang was elected Speaker, and General Selfridgo re-elected chief clerk. Petitions wero then presented, contesting tho seats of John F.Mooney;nnd John Forsyth. Ad journed. Tho loss of frozen npplcs In Michi gan, durlnc tliO recent coin weauier, estimated at 1.000,000 bushels. Collcgo students havo a legond of a mechanical and perhaps sleepy ,'Pr?pn! at morning prayers, who prayed that "tho Inefficient may bo mndo efficient, tho Intotnperato temperate, and tho In dustrious dustrIou3." Every carpet-bagger who Is obliged to fieofi om tho South to escape tho peni tentiary for somo such crlnio as theft or rapo, comes North with a story that ho was driven away from tho South by the Ku-Klux-Klati. Danvillo hivs a $10,000 steam ham mei . Its machinery is so nicely adjusted thai -nt can bocracked nnd tho kernel I. ut whole, or a, solid cannon ball ci 1 1- i rushcdwlthablowofsixty tons. n Omaha husband rcvonscd him self upon tho man who stolo his wife's UliCCllOllS uy geiiniu a uivuruu uuu compelling tho lover to marry tho wo man at tho muzzlo of a pistol. Verdict "Served him right." mEKIFF'S SALES. lly vlrliio of sundry wrlt of emmioiil -.x- 1L III HID IjtllirL (II l'MIIIIUNl " V V . comity ami lo mo directed will he "P"',1?1, ,i? xiin lit- niiblln vendue, or outcry nt the Court llouso In llloomilmrtr, nl ono o'clock in tiio niier. noon of Mumlny Tob. fill IS7U, tho following re.ll All that cerium Imcl or Lnna mtiiato in ino ownstilp of l-'Uhlnucreelc, Columbia e"'"''!. ... r..ii.,?... n .lt . fin in nnrl I III tntld-t Of M. Ilutnii.'nn tlio onit nnd noulh lie lnnjlj of ....... n.t.i A., tlm u-f-Kt. Iiv lnliilM of Wllllnm Menri' wlioreon Is ereeted-n iwo-tory 1'"".?, liwclllimlioinonndnture.lwol-riimo llama Willi ui,n,l tnlifn inoTociit oilandlouonild M Iho propeny oi jinnt ii. .ohm. AliBOS' Atthosnmo tlmo find plivcf.nU that certain .... .- r . im.ib, in u e nfiant towns d ;,.'.i;....i.iA l.nnn.ln.l nn flintlOrLll iV lMUl T Win. liters nun iiouert nowu. u innd or 1;. a. Bimrrous ou nn.- ii... nn.t 1fiinin Tlinma nml ntl tllO north by 'latum or Wm. Vnndernllce containing Thirty Acres, moro or les-i, whereon Is erected n frame Hel7dl, taken In execution nml to be oUl as tho properly oi nnmn a, .iiuruim. ALSOi At tliosnmo tlmo and pUcc, n certain lot of MARRIAGES. Coxynciiiam Tvi Jan. 1, 1870. Editor CoLUMniAN Dear Sir Your readers no doubt aro anxious to know tho result of our Fair here for tho benefit of .the It. C. Church under tho auspices of our exemplary, talented and energetic. Pastor tho Rev. D, J. M.'Derraott. Tho Gold Headed Cano contested so warmly by Esquires Thornton of Dark Corner and Kealey of Ccntralia was awarded to tho former by a majority of 4so votes, tho whole voto being 12801. It realized $710. This. ' contest created quiton sensation iu tho neighborhood, tho friends of both being earnestly ut work. Tho Caned Justlca of the Dark Corner labored' under tho disadvantage of being lu ill health at tho beginning oi tlio canvass, yet ho returned $11-1 more than his opponent. Tho mysterious Clock second only to that far-famed ono In Strasburg on tho Ithlno contested by Messrs. Gorrell, uoodrlrtgo and Freck, was given to Mr. Oorrell by a majority of COO votos. Tho next articlo canvassed for, was Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, by tho teachers of tho parish. Mr. Joro mliih O'Connor, tho donor, was tho hap py recipient by a majority of 179 votes. A splendid French Gold-burulshed China tea set donated by Esquire Thorn ton was won by Mm. Thomas Geraty, al though sho had flvo prominent oppon ents, but llko all good workers you must ilsocarly and work latoto beat her. It was twenty.ilvo cents u voto for each of tho nbovo articles oxcept tho Dictionary which was ten cents. Among tho many articles drawn by chances, Mr. Patrick Kennedy drew a gold watch und chain and Miss Cook a largo mirror. Tlio proceeds of tho Fair havo not yet boon ascertained but will probably reach $3500 clear of expenses, so you seo it was quito a success. Our gratltudo and heart-felt thanks are duo to tho other Religious Denomi nations for their liberal contributions on this as well as other occasions for the erection of this edifice. May tho Dispenser of all good reward them, is tho prayer of Yours Respectfully, R. C. Wo adviso girls to go West If thoy want husbands. Tho excess of men In Ohio Is 10,000; lit-Michigan, -10,000; In Kansas, 15,000; in Missouri, 12,000. and In California, 113,000, On tho contrary, there aro 60,000; moro women than men in Now Euglaud, and nearly tho samo excess of females in Pennsylvania, Now York nnd Now Jersey, Fields, tho Wllllamsport murderer took a dose of vinegar nnd molasses to cure a soro throat half un hour before he was hanged, PAUKUII-9TADON At tho Utchiingo Hotel, IMn.,..,inrr. n. :ll)Ml.lHII. bv itav. J. r.TuHtln. Mr. John C. Parker, to Mlas IlarrUt A.Htadon, bouiol urecuwooa. rn. (IDSS-nAItn-Nonr Union Corner, ath nit., by Uov. II. H. Mcndenhall, Mr. John Hon to Mlis Margaret llareill of Northumberland (Jo. IlnACOCK-I.AHNTON'-Al tho resl.lenco oriho bildo's father, on tho KM til'., by KlJer .1. .1. llarver. Mr.Joshih Ueacoclc,nnd Miss Hannah U. I.ariuon, uoiu oi ureemvoua. 1'IIICB PKHI.rilt Attliercslilonceof the bride's rallier.on ino -,111 llll.,uy ivev. .1. roanm wriwn, Mr. I larenco rnco 01 uauviiu, uuuium iiiuo Peeler, 01 Asoury, uoi. cu. AMMEKMAN COLEMAN At Mood's hotel. In Orangevilte, on 1110 ouiu uiu. uv uib h-uhl-, .hi, Chns. W. Ammerman and Mini M, AUco Colo mau, all of Asbury, w.vnvr.Ti HiiiTr.TZ-In FUhlni'.-rcelc. on Dec. Jackson, to Miss ltoietta J. Hliultz, of fishing-. creek, nirs rniTZ AttlinniiTKonaire. in Ornn-revlllo on Dec. so, by the Mime, jir. i;inanuei iiess, 01 ttllgnnoni, 10 .miss uoziua r rnz, 01 wiimu juat-u rni.RsTr.PHKN'S On 1st Inst, hv J.imes. W Kltclien. l-.m.. Mr. joiiu i;oiu i- .mss lvruuiu Stephens, all uf Sugarloar, U 1' Co. IIKUI.UY lirjSS-On 10th of Oct., IMP, by tho Hitnie.Mr. i;manueinemiey 01 jacitson iwp. 10 .Miss 31. uess 01 gug.irio.u. FnrrKltMAN WITNUtl-AI Nutncdl.i, oil 2nd n.i in. ivrnr wivunir. t-.tn r. I :iriiei ill- r ol- termnn of l,ocmt iwp. to tfl-sMury WUnerof KoariiiLrcreeu. JNU1vuaWo,.1,AWITI0 tot. township, Columbia ynia Aim l,nn,;f -"IS rlckbautn, Ml .,?!;8n!!?l!,".0,'.,'f.tl"llanMnf..: ijround sltuatod In the borough of lientralia, Co- Uourl ofUoIumblaeoiititv nn?i1.0' "i5f futnbli county, hounded nnd described ns fol- tboeslato f lillzabeth Lutw.1. yot, may attend U yoaYhlnk'pJS.Mi S IWining Dangers. i-tiY.MouTii, uec. ai. Tliero was nearly a repetition of tlio Avondalo horror at this placo .yesterday, At about 10:30 a. m. tho breaker of tho Nottingham miue.sltuated at thesouth erii end of the town, was discovered to do on lire. There were fifty.flvo men In tho mlno at tho time, which Is one of tho man-traps, like tho Avondalo ono with but ono outlet vet. nutwith standing this, no notice was uiven to tho mou below that tho building nbovo was 011 fire. Fortunately, it was dis covered soon after it broko out, and, witii great oxort Ion,. wns not only pre vented from spreading, but was- extin guished, tlio men below remaining all tho whlloln ignornnco of their danger, Tho fire was the result of gross careless ness on tho part oftho company work ing it. It appears that two stoves wero kept in tho breaker to give heat to tho boys employed thero to pick out tho slato from tho' coal as It goes in tho breaker, and iho pipes from theso stoves were run directly through, tho wood work of tho building, without any pro tectlon. Tho result was what any sano man might havo expected. Tho wood work heated until it became of tho con- slstcncy of tinder, and then ignited. At noon somo of tho men camo up to din ner, and, although overy oxcrtion was mado to koep tho ilrofrom thqlr knowl edge, tho fact leaked out and they bo camo aware for tho first timo of tho tor- ritilo fato they had escaped. When thoy went down again thoy informed tho rest of tho men in tho mine, nnd tney at onco got tocethcr and hold nn indignation meeting, and resolved at oneo to go up oufof tho mine. When they got up they assembled tho rest of tnomen belonging to tho mine in nil about fcoventy.five and held anothor meeting, resolving that thoy would uot again go down Into tho mlno until tliero wero built two brick chimneys for tho stovepipes, n watchman placed in tho building night and day, and a bell at 1110 Dottom of tho shaft, so that thev should have a signal when thero was danger at tho surface Slncothat tlmo tho mlno has not been worked, and tho in en sun remain lirm. Tho proprietors Messrs. Thomas Urodrlck & Co., not being ablo to get any men to supply tho places of their old hands.havo yield ed to tholr demonds so far as tho two cnimnoys nro concerned, nnd their con st ruction has commenced; but they think ono watchman in tlio uight is suffi- lont, una uecllno to placo ono tliero In tho day tlmo. Tho men say that this only shows n willingness to protect their own property, and ns their Jives aro exposed In the tlay tlmo thoy say tiioy snail insist on tho two watchmen and also on tho alarm bell. STitENcmr op SwdehSihc It may surprise somo or our readers to learn that whllo a bar of iron, one inch in ill amctcr, will sustain twerity-oight tons, and a bar of Bteel.of tho samo size, will sustain fifty tons, u bar of spider's silk of tho samo dimensions, will sustoln seventy-four tons. This Is based unon n calculation that u fibre of silk ono lour thousandth of un inch in diameter, will sustain fifty-four grains. Moscow lias tho largest bells In tho world-one weighing two hundred and fifty tons; tho other one hundred and forty-ono thousand pounds. DEATHS. FOUMVALD-Oh Sunday mornlnt,', .Inn, M, IS70, Jennie i'.,iauKiutroruiin.s.(imiiAiiiM l orn waul, ngeu d yen fa, u tnuutlis mil a tuyH, KASE Of bcnrlet lever, tnllloomslmrg.on Kim iitivniorn nir. Dec. 'JO. SRW e i..mr.inl mm. of J. lJ.,mi(l Kute w. Uitiio, nsea i yetir, 1U months ana ltJ uuys. tllult1I sj,. 1 s I 1 - ... vr.,,,. ,,, ti., iWh lVi'J, Mr. Ann KliziiWli, win of U'llll.tui lusiiei, n&eu VJ years, a mouins auu z unys, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A UUITOR'S NOTICK. it tlio Omhsm's t'miit of ('nlumbtii rmmtv the Auditor nppointeil by tliu I'nnrt.to limlco distribution of tlio balance In the hands of the Administrator oftho estate of I'll. Up Vo-st, de ceased, among creditors nud heirs wal meet tho parties inipresieti lor me purpose oi ms npi oini jucm.ui j 113 omt'Bin jiioomsounr on intKuay the 1st day ot l ebrunrv. IsTO ut lit o clock a. m All persons Interested or having claims against t he salit estate nieremiested to attend, or ho de barred from com 1 111; In lor p.nt ot tlm said fund. C. W.MHAiKIL lan.VTlMl. Auditor. A UDITOIVS NOTIC33. X. KSrATT. OI JOHN YOST- 1E(J The undersigned, appointed by tho Orphan' Court of Columbia county, an Auditor to make distribution ol the balance In the hands of the Administrator, of tho estate of John Yost, Ue- ceiiseu,iiinoiiK creuuors mm neirs, v. in meet mo panics luiercsicu ior me purpose oi appoint ment nt Ills olllre. in lll(inint.liiirir. rm Tnpudnv the 1st day of February. 1871). at ll o'clock, n. in. All parties Interested or having claims against me bum esiaio nro rcnuesieu 10 uticnu. or bu de barred Irom coining lu for n part of the uald mud. Jan. 7,'70-U Auditor. "VmDOW'S APPIIA1SJCMENT8, Tlio followlnir nDurnl&emcnls of renl nml pr. soual property Bet apart to widows of decedents. jiave ueeu nieu iu 1110 oinco Ol tlio lteglslcr u Columbia couuty, under the llules or Court, am win no prehemeu ior nusonuo continuation, the Orphans' Court to lie held in lllooitibburg, and for said conuty.on WcdncNdajUhemh.da I'cb. 1870 ot two o'clock i". m., ofald day, unless exceptions to Mich continuations are pievlously tiled, of which all persons Interested lu said oitates will tako notice : 1. Widow of Jos, W. ICcster, laic of lllooni WILLIAMSON II. JACOllV, nioomsburgjuno 7,'70. Hi-glili- p It I V A T H S A li K or vaIjUAuli: uuai, i:stati;i 'Iho undersigned win dispute nt plivato sale SIXTEEN ACHES OF LAND, situate In Madison townkbin rv.im.ii. in mnnii. bounded by lands of Abram Moie, Jacob (Jelsur .uii-uu vvmmioie, nua jacon Jieclitel, on which STOKY AND A HALF FRAM1: DWELLING HOUSE. A n.onk Barn, and tho usual ouluulldlncs. well of water Is nt the door. Terms reasonable, A11UA1IAM YOUNf. Jan. .,',0-lm. Jersey town, Col. Co, itisiomf! f;.r&Loa:al.Nn..- Nn 11 Tnss.,..Tr: Thoiin.1(.f...H . v..iiiiVV, I 111 YD flllln.. I . ; np iis -nundcriiniidMnVi,i-H'toeii. I o.tuiury ijcrelororo occupM i i V ll. SI .The books of tha TMtt 'WRVK I ;. 11. IK er. In Muim . 1""' win .-; nnnlv. ' I'ersons ln,l..:"l J ilUiomfiburg Juno n m. , M 1 l.r.iL.rnmi. " I r. . . K-STATW OP III ,u " "OTICf. lAjiiers otnuminis ration on '!.". rnmCool,orUo.irlnKcroeli iSV!". '"latiM1 ilee'il., Imvo bceu Krint,i ilp,'Mnw' count!', to n. ai . K..lSA',lhliI2'Mr AnpcrsonslivlHirciArm.,'K?K'ati;'? ileceileut lira requested t..m.S;nlnIi' vuosq inuoujcu to mako pn7?7t'm.T: .M.TM( Dec3,'09-0w, A.i:umT """lOKttiil i .n ...I. . fin f lin nnrlh l.V lnLnf .lolin l-'etcr- olf. on the cast by locust Avenue, on tho south by lot ot llanitl Wertman on tho west by nn Alley ou which Is erected two Frame Dwell ing nouses wiin low Mi.iuiii.'...i-". " twcnty-llvo feet front by one hundred nnd forty M.i7nii. tnlrcn In execution ami to bo bold ns tlio propel ly 01 joiiu niguugv.i ALSO: AHhflcntnAllmfl nml tilaco. tllofollowiUK de scribed lot of ground Bltu y ted ill Ciuiwlssa town ship, Columbia county, bounded nnd doscrlbed m follow., to wit: On the north, south and oast by lands or Hoiotuon neiwig couuuihuh ...... n l..ir A..n. mnrn nr less nil Wil Cll IS erected n two story l-'rame Dwelling llouso frame slable with the nppurtenanccs. Kelzcil, taitc.i in execuiiim hiiu iu uv .... -, tlio properly of Jacob iiower. ALSO; Atilm ei.tnnflmn nml iilnco. nil that certain lr.iM.nf liinil Rlllinteil 111 l-lStlini2CrOC!C lOWUSIlin and bounded ns follows: lk-glnnlng at n post and stones, n corner of John Al'Mlcnaers lands, llienco by llif same sotiin sixiyiwo uujtres, west elglity-elKht and three-tenths perches to a iv.1 ihaiTnn lit- lnn,U uf lien aiulll Uoldeu. north twenty-live nnd ouc-hnlf decrees west ouo nuuiireu anu nuy-inu peii.-in.-a iu'; -w. uinnn ihnnM Iiv binds i.l Ueese I. Millard nnd Mi.iirno Alden, north sl.tty.two degrees, east clBlily-clght nnd live-eighths perches lo n post, theni-ei.y lands of It. nnd 11. Itess, south twenty- ?es, oisiono uuuurcu nuu ) placo of lteglnnlng, con- iloc.l7,'CIMvr. iKitlers ill Administration on TV?1' caiKi I Hngcnlmch, lato of Orange" tffn'6 "tail deceased, havo been granted i i',,wnibi 1 Columbia couuty. to Ml mui-ii-eii u.wnsmp, Adluln!.r.rt. ul-tt,ffM mtntn annczo. All t.ers or . . .'.K1 "o il demands against tlioi-smi,. , , "!. rhtta rcnuested to make them iTuuwn ...tMw dobted to mako payment. ' m "ml cllMr.r.'-'i ileo. l7,VJ0v, XJ KSTATK OV WM. 0. 1IUKLEV Vr.. live and one-half deree.s. c ist ono liuudrcd and firii'.tU'A itnrlin4 In tho itliifn nf Itprrlmilni'. COll talnlntz eWhty-llvo aens and one Timulrcd anil tliriJCi ti(iiilin. Hnivitil. in lit n (n eKeritlloii and to bo sold tlio property of Wm. Suuara, with notice to Par vlu Kline, ALSO: At tlm Kruno time and ntaco.tlint certain build- In z located in tho town of Foundry villi'. Colum- i tin rnnni v I'puiin.. on a lot of eround adlolnlnu Solomon iiower,oiomou AUiem nnu a. w. isai- nn ana me roan ruuniou uirmmn liic uiwu iiuti Is a one story framo Cliurch building thirty-two feet front by forty feet deep. HClCU, laiiCU in CAeeuiiuu nun iu un hiiu 111 Iho projierty of Chester Cope, 1'eter Keck and I. ltottt'r. TriiHtecsof the Uvantiulical Association oi i oniKirj vine. ALSO At. ic hamn tlmo nnd nl.ioo.that certain build- ln located on a lot or piece of ground MUiated in tlio iowii m liioomsourR in ino county oi to liimliln lionndril nnd doserlhed ai follows, tn wit: Krontlntfon Second or Main Htreet of bald town, ndjolntug a lot of ground of Jlrs, Caleb mrtonon iub east, n 101 oi Krounu oi i&aao n. Kiuiti on ino west, auu au auey on mo norm, Thn bnilitlnif N a iwntorv frame bnlldln?. twon ivfcetTn iront ou Main street and thirty feet tieep. rseizcu, laikCu i'i CTecniion anu 10 ue koiu a1 the property of u. w. tJiiamer. A I, R o i At the Mimo time and tdace. tho surfaco of nil that certain pleeo or parcel of ground lu tho town of Ccntralia In Conyngliam townRlilp, Columbia couuiy i eimii, uouuuuu uuu ueaciiuuu as iuiiown, lleirluulnir ataKtakent tho Intersection of Lo cust avenue and l'all Hoad Htreet thenco north thrt-0 decrees west llfty feet, thenco north clchty seven decrees cast ouo huudred and forl feet 10 au aiiey.iucncesouiu mreo uegrecs, easi nny K'ei 10 ituii ito.ia aireei iiieuce aiong saiu nireet boulh elglity-bevcn degreeH, went ono hundred nml fnrtv fnit. tn I lift nlui-o nf lipirhuilri'r. thr Mild lot numbers eleven aud twelve lu Block thirty In said town. tielzed, taken In execution aud to bo Bold ns the property oriVter flower with uotlco toTuos. O'NeiU. At the Fame tlmo and olace. bv vhtur of a Fl. ra.t a tertaln tract of loud Mtuatoln Urlarcreek twp,, Columbia county bomuktl on the north by lands of John (1. Jacoby and llannub. Hnonen- bercer. on tho east bv lands of Ktenhen Tlinmn aud Jacoby, on tlio south by public road leading from Uerwlelc to liloomstmrs, on the west by tho Itrlar Creek, on which U erected n frame pri-it mm, pmster mm ami saw mm a frame Uwelllmr house, tramo stable with the appurtenances. A lso at the mime t line about three nrroH nr L'rnimrl situate in same twp.. and couuty ndjolnliur land or J.H. Jacoby, Daulel nainbacliund thoNoitU Jlranch Canal. Helzed, taken In execution nnd to bo Bold ns i uu property oi josinu mqmas, MOUDECAI MILLARD. Jau.7,'70-tf. hherlif. ehilmsnBalnstthoestateorort'o.?.1 M them to tho Kinr-umr i,, "uesltOtes i nose inuented to the estni nient, inoriKiiKo or book uccoum payment to tlio lixuculor wSEj",,1 .Inn .! !!.... 'l Lit ii.LI)V I, ADiMlNISTltATOIl'S XOTKii ..... : .".'iiiuiMrjuioii on tiip..t.t. rf orld eountV i I'aul rrF'Sl 'Jlffil ! P county nforesal'il. All uSSii cinuiin Kainsi,inoesl4iteortho(l-edfS '.'"e.8 t:,i'.". Rr!'". H'm lor iuK.fl r J iiiiiei.iEii in me cstn oto imkfMti.1 tho uiidcrslgncd ndmlnuirator vrnffigl AIL II vuoiluctl QIIERIFF'S SALi:. uy yltluoofnwrltof AllnsVrail.Enxa (1 out of Urn Court ol I'oiiunoa l''eioin da county, tested nt llli.oiii-.l,i.rVi,,ii i, icccmber IhG-l.wllI banxi.. !S V5? ' i pienuses oii Malurd.iy, Jmiuarj- jK ovli lu thaullernoi.i., the UliCu J uo In tho lollinvlng tract ot i! ed t him December 1 tho i o'clock 1 IvllUO unto in llnluo towiiilil.., CelumWiSI bounded nnd dmcrlbed as lollows. i ii. . I norm oy uuu or Henry llonin.in deed a cast by land or llenjamlu Niki iWd'i sputli by land of Henry lion-wan, dni'd tho woslby luud of John (Icurlutt mS iiiiy-inrco ncrcs uioicorli si. Seized, taken In execution, rind to bir tlio llfo culnto OfMorv Kline. dec. iilOU-tf. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. CSTATK OP JOHN COX. 11. 1 'n. Ill I 10 DmiiailS' tlillirt t.f Tn nml.l.i I.B .vuuiiuruiiiiuiuieu uy me uillll, to mattCi mil euiiocic twp,. in the county nf Coiti ucuu, tviiiiiieei. uiu iiariies luiercstM, k nurposoof his niHiliitiH-nt)iis.ilurJn, unv of Jnuuarv next, at 2n'i-lnLir p. v .1 uiuceoi u. ii nrociiway m lilootmitmrfcli couuty. All parties InteruUd nre rwns-. attend, nr bo debarred finm i-niuln.rlnr.il of thosald fund. C. II. EHOCKWf dec. 21,'CIKilv. Aj A UDITOIt'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK 1IRNJAMIK J. 1I00NF, P.Ttl iu tlio Orphans' Court o, the i-ountjrofCil bia. Tho Auditor appointed to tll.u-.tst I balanco in tho bauds ot the adm'r. ami creditors, hereby gives uo.i'-e iba I will meet the ..irlle4 Intt-rulti, III l.urnosoof ills iii.tioluliuent ou'lliurwaitl day of Janutiiy isTOai tea o'dutltA, ml otllco lu llloouisbuig, lu s.ild ruUQl)-, AEpI lnicre.steu nro rcquehiuu iu Hit4rtio, or oe reu iroin coining in jor u part in ilb h ..i. n ii dec. 21,'oll-lt. niiy.oii.1 NOT. QOUItT PUOCLAJIATION. whereas, thcIIoii.WllMamElwcll, President Judge of th Coiut of Oyer nnd Terminer nnd Ueneral Jail Delivery, Court of (Juorler Sessions ... uiu caw uuu ujuu ui uouunou fleas nud or. I.han's Court in the 2Glb Jmllelnl l.iutr...t Mrn. iKi-ed of tho counties of Columbia, Hulllvau and (leorgo JJyomlng, and tho Hon. Irani Derrnnd Charles man, J ;-..iaiiu AssiKinio juugesot Columbia county havu Issued lliclr precept, bearing data the luth day of Deo. lu the year of our Lord, one iiioiisanu.eigni hundred and slxty-nlne, and to tnedliected lor lioldlngnCourtof Oyer nnd Ter- TIUK IN I'AUTITIOX. E3TATK Ok' HA 11 A It A. UOWMAX, lATEOfOI IWP. UOI.UM11IA COl.Ml uuwat To beth 11. llou-mau, Thoaias UnrnmEl uowmun wosiey jiuiviuun, ii.rani uhm jinwiuaii, jiuuj i.., tniner nnd aeneral (Juarter Hcsslons of Iho l'eace. Cilllrl nl l-..mmn.. llnnu ...... t ..I... ui iiiiuii h uuri, in winly of Coluinbln, on the tho Vtli day ol l-'eb. next, to KiiUJOiiili-n INUttL'Ji;. JN'OTICU IS hereby given to all legatees, cieditors and other persons Interested In the estates of the re- inrciivuuewucuui una minors, uuu tho follow, liu. ndlnln stratlon mid (.iifii-ill.in nwlniiniu ...... been tiled lu tho olllco ot tho Ueglster or colum blacounty, nud will bo presented for contli-mn. tion and ullowaueo in the Orphans' Court, to bo of Ueb.,ls.0,nt two o'clovKiln the alternoou ol 1. Account of William I.ulz, Kxecutor of tlio last will and testament of l'eter Luti, deo'd and ndm'r of the estate of Catharlno I.ulz, into of Columbia county, dee'd, s:,4t'e.ou"t.or I'ctcrK. Herbeln.lato Guardian of lirltniu M. llodlue, mluor.ns riled by Kolandus lierbuiu, adin'r of f'cter K. Herbeln, latool Lo cust twp. Columbia co. deo'd. . Kiifct and Ilnal necouut or Cli.is, Kllngermati. ndm'r of Kt o (lenscl. lato of Minim twp., dce'd. ii-J W "T."-',",1 ,of "If""1 Hm, ndm'r of John Hess, late of 1- Ihlngcreek twp. deo'd. 5. Hist undpnrtlil account of Samuel Ney hard, l.xeeutor of l'hiiip aalzlg, lato of Centre twp. Columbia co. deo'd. 0. l-'irstiicci.untori.evl Iiidlnvnnd l'rederlelt Ceulretw".'.',iU.u'edUtUr'' f UC0' !""' ! of 7. First und Ilun'l nccount of Chailes 11. Ilroclc. twp., t olumbla county, dec d. ffc.i i.B.cooun.t .of '"r'"1 l'almer, ndm'r of w...v a a.ii.i;i, mm oi JJloom IW1. dec ll. . WILLIAMSON II. JACUDY. Dloomsburg, jau. 7,70. Ueglster. man, John liowiuan, and IniermamnJ' I'hlMn Mnwpn-. Pftiiitii Hinltli. di.uitul.ir nlnuwuo luteiniaiilcil with Joau-u ii.il Henry llowmau, Andrew ItomuiDsu I llowti.ai.. kniiM i.f l!l.rlslt.nhi-r F.ltuWUllt.l l.'clcsiin lutermariletl with William Milel llltla intcrinnrrled Willi wiiiuiui.iuw luterinarrled with Thoinas t'olicr, JIjtj I man, nnd Joseph V. llovwtiau ctilMaai'l nf. A. Ili.wii.nt.ilen'il . tl.u KSld JiallUb-l being n minor who has hoinmonVrkl ennrdl.-l... tnlrn l.nllpntl.itt ill rursQllDnU'l ot partition nud valuation oi iho WJW7I estate town; ouo piece or iarcrii)i.ii lu tho township of Mllllln nioraM,- nne... ...... .... .....1.. ......I l.n.linv flOtl lu tlio county of Columbia on tho second Monday Illu toilcujatnlnyolia st.utliw.trJI) li)l!'l uen g 1110 um uay 01 i-cbruary next, and to Yobo, svcsiwardly by lielrs of luur I of tlio town nr Mini In, contusing M.'f'l or tliereubouts, ulso the itndnUeJ il liouso and lot situated lu MUlllm UUBWf.-J main st, uy an alley, lot 01 uumwi Htreet Klxtv f,..t fr.n.f .uiiri. nr rbi. two bundled teet deep, IinniobullJinf am me; will bo held on tho priiiusf.tinr:- Utl. ilnv or .lii.iniirv IsTO. nt w tlcaUl placo you may ulleiul If sou think wt MOltDUt'AI Jlltilll doc. 17.l.l..kl llrst Monday, belnj eoutllllio (int. weolr. AND WIIKItllAH Alfl Iho mmn .Ti.,ln. issued their piccept bearing dato tho 1Mb dav of a'v. ..n.. v. ouo iiiousauii eigiu nunured and sixty nine und to mo directed for lioldlniran nrniimn. Court und Court of Common lMessin llloatuabnrir coiitiuuo ouo weeU. nnAND junons. SS KltnnUAItV TEltM, 1S70. Uloom-Thos. Illckey, Michael Tracy, David Itrobst, Chas. W. Muyuer, Urlarcreek William Lamon. Ccntrnlla-Janies Dvke, William Snyder. Conyngliam John l'rlce. I 'atawUsa Holomou Hhuman. l'nuiltllii .Tames r, Ilnaglaml. llcmloclc-James 1). I'ursell, Theodoro Dent. I.ticubt Illnun (J. Hower. Montour-l-htllp Foust, Isaac Mown. Malno-Nalhan Miller, Ml. l'leasant Joint Mordan, sr, l'ine David Sanders. Hcolt-Joliii Y. Keller. Samuel 11. Kline. Charles Lee, Joint Ammerman, I'raiiklln 1'. Keiley. rpRAVERSB JUKOUS. X FKUnUAHY TEllM, 1S70. rlltST WEEK, Uloom-A. Wltman, U. It. Drinker, A. Bollo. der, Jacob Kvans, J.Troup, A. .McDonald. lleutou lteuben Davis, Catawisja-li. l'fabier. IienJ. Miller, Joseph Martz, 8. 1). lllnard, B. llawn. J, II. Kuitlle , L. Itrclgh. ' Ceutrolls Win.ir.rilmman. Ccntro-Jolm Ustcr, Jacob Pponsler. Henry Sli.iller, Jr. 4 ' Hemlock Aaron Bmltli.John Betz, Dauld rursol, A. .1. lCnimelt. locust Win. Krwlu, Joiiu lllrd, John Hor ner. Malne-C. Haman, N. II. W. Drown, J, It. Jameson. Madison Louis Bcliuyler. J. Cosper. .Mllllin-i:. ll. llrnwn, A, .1. liuckulew. , Hcptt-ll. J. Millard, M. McCollum, J, McCon. dy, I, Hons. HKCONIJ WE1-.K, liloom-Tlios. Oorey, Tctcr llrptitcl, Ciiavles I)(ebler, llerwlck-It. II. JJaton, llentou Wpi, Aupleman, Wm. Bmltb. 1 leaver A, 11. Johnson, J. Ilredbender, Uriarcreek-II. Donk, 1), Miller, D, Martz, It. llowou. ' liUuwlssft Walter Scott. C'eutro Wm, Bcott. ('eutralla 11, James. l-'lshlngereek I), l'ealer. I-'rauklin-M. Hower, Joel Ztr, J. Soloman, llctnlock-Ueo. Iivey, J. It, Miller. .....vv wuiiu l.lll.K. I... liwutl Maine John lletz.Wm, Fisher, eo (lolly, J, Yeager. Millllll J. (1. WintH.-ulen. Mt. i'lensunt-W. K. Bunds, riue Bolomon Dark, itourlngorcok John I). Houck.- . Nutarlour John K linger. Scott Asa Everett, Tlios. Trouch, Oman, I). Mowry. 11. r I O K. j.n, strayeu or stolen rrom Ihojireinlses of J, T.. (ilrtnil Ol.f.r liltfll.l. IIP.. Mill ninnnulinrn Veljcw ltut Terrier. A liberal'reward -will VS pad for the recovery of said dog ua Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, to the justices 01 inel'ence, nnd the Constables or the n.wi. ..yum . . uiuiuuut, mat. tuey no then and thero In their proper person at to o'clock in tho forenoon of said 7lli day ot Feb,, with Ibclrlrec ords, Inquisitions and other remembruucesV to . ..."au nnugs wii.cn 10 tueir outces appertain to bo done. Aud thoso that uro bound by recognizance, to prosecute ugalust tho prls. oueis that nro or may bo In tlio Jail of the said county of Columbia, to bo then and .....cm jiiu.rn.iu tiicm nn H111UI DO JUSl. JU- rors uro lequcstcd to bo punctual In their attend auce. agreeably to their notices, n.-.tci t in,,,,.- " ii iJuru, the Sd day or Jan., In tho year ( us. V of our Lord, ono thousand eight iiun- i,u?Tt. Clil'.,a s,cventy, and In tho ninety, third year of tho Independence of the United Sti tea or Amerleu. MoitDlX'AI MILLAltl) Hloomsburg, Jan,7. 1S70. BlierlU"i if. .No liUMiiua, It Iminminfnl lo cure lost or Impalrwl Taste, Smell or Hearing, Watcrlug of nrt'!S,,'?.l;s1'.","e,""y'J.l"eilt". tilceratoti Throat '"''. I'nln una 1'iessureln tho Head nud ouei ih-'f.T?3'" rausud-M 1,11 rre. queutir nro by tv.o ravages of Catarrh. It la l;ulMl",.", V' u"e' "'"tains 1. strong Action aMi A'"-"'rb! itowiS tl.au cannJture1.1"'11 fr ft " f Catarrh I'OK SALU UY MOST DItUGaiSTS EVEItY- HLItK. l'.'HCE Only 60 Cents. If your Druggist lias not yet got It on sale don't be put oir with soma worse tbau wortlfle,M strong stuir, "fumlgator," or poisonous ca ill?, luste d of curing it, but send sixty ceiits bi .? K.',"!0nrrnu'lly "'l'-each you by5 icVurn iuall ff l"'-"l!. 1-osl paid, fi.00, one lo"e!i lor J!a2.-M. u-"-vW:-. L1JT COMJION BENSK DUcTdE. What Is tu7 ra lonal luodo ol procedure lu cases of general deblll y and nervous prostration? Dois not ren. son tell us that Judicious stimulation is required. To result to violent purgation lu such a caso Is ns absurd ns It would be to bleed a starving man. . .. dono every day. .Yes, this stupid nnd inphilosoplilcnl practice Is continued lu the n ",e " that pliyslcal weakness with oil (lie nervous disturbances that accom. puny It.is'more cortnluly and rapidly relieved by Hosumcr's Stomach Hitters tlmn by nny otU. or medlclnoat present known. It is Into that general debility i often attended with torpidity or lm gularlty of the bowels, and that tills symp. torn must not bo pvc.lookod. Ilut wnlle lis ei'm"0, U'lmU) ",llllor "Mho .,5 stem Is tu'I n ,. plated, Us tlgor rnwf b, rtcruitcd. 1 10 "I er do both, 'l'i.ey combine aperient and lum.biliou, properties, with oxtraoidluary from ?" W""B K,nVl"S Obstruction, from the bowels, ihoy tone and Invigorate thoso irgaus. 1'hruugli tlio stomach, upou wliiclt tho gleat vegetable speclflo acts dliectly, It gives a healthy uud permanent Impetus tu every en. fieblod function. Dlgosllon Is facilitated, the faltering clrculallou regulated, tlio blood rein- nrnu ,tt,,eW afe"",0"uf 1,10 l'mentary prluclplo tho nerves braced, and all tlio dormant power, of the Hystcm roused Into healthy action' not spasmodtoully, as would be the case 1 "i mete stlmutaut cro ndmlnlstered, but for u con luua.ee. n Is In lids way that such extra" old nary changes are wrought lu the coadltiou of the feeble, emaciated nnd nervous Invalids by tho use of this wouderlul corrective, altera" live and touic. Let lommon sense delcde be. tweeu such u preparation and a prostrating cathartla supplemented bvu poisonous nstrlnir. t-nt llko itrychulno or (luiulu. JOl. n PRINTING Neatly exeo utod at this Office- Real Estate. "I7OH SALB. ... l.n... ... ...... i.t.. Wll.lftlDZl.il couplings nutl lunglngi cuiniileie. 'll uiu 100 iigni. ior our wont. B,.r',;u I shafting &lu. and 2 in. tiunw U 'Jff I lings nmlud1iiHi!ii.lali.i.ii!crs. ttlUUW.tl Also ouu'tlirusUiuisMui'hlue. JfJ uec, 17, oa-tr, 17 O 11 SAL li. The undersigned oll'dtti t j Jlpo.cofi!ll saio, on reasonable terms tuu 1 VALUAllliB JIOTEI. SWS nt L'ght Stieet, Columbia coiuily. f-'! tho "Walnut Hotel," und mnvoccufiHlI uel Kline. . ..i it is l.tvumblv Infilled lor t0 US"?! bu.lness, nu4 it properly kept, no""-1" 1 return Hlisudsome income, .! Questions as to title, poes.lon,r)n- satisfactorily answered by Bi;0..'S"l A .... on .,-n .. ' ' 1I Puhlio SALU OP VAI.UAULC WUL WW . .-.-.nfthll In pursuance of a coiitluueo ow"-. nns' Court of Columbia couniy. iJ dated December lUllilWi'J.on -''u'S.i' 15th, 11.70, at 2 o'clock lu t lie, llt,rS'l Neyliaid, iidmlnlstrator of tin) , Nagle, Into of Centre townsli P. S,!Zii deo'd., will expose to sale, by 1'uW the premises 11 certain , n n it fi v. A K D I'0' kltusts lu Cenlro t o w 11 sli I p. a nd """' I said, containing about t flVim Wl auddescrioed as follows, l.V Vt Ml by land of I'hlllp Miller, on f ''"ort'1 1 1. n. L.auipueu,on iuouiiu..v :--.iin(tJ Cuual, and on the west by laud Jfua I on which Is erected u two story j'Jz I i.u.iMe, n siauie, 1. weiio ,.h... ' T.n-p nif KltUIT THEHi ou the premises; lulo tlio c'1'110."',,"! smiuui ju vue U.WU.111M i."-; r 7 i':;t.i wl.L.l.luv- -- ,.nLl uii 1 utw-r 4S-TKIIM8 OF HALll!- .... .1 .;,.'".'. ..V. '." '....'. on... conn" K7i I . Wlvii ubi. JSHS? dec. iiloD-iw, ,Vdml pUllLlC B Mi" Tn- a L KH'.'I f A li U A 1UJ - " I lu ltoallugereek twp.. IUif 'H V',! naiuruay, January i, "'! 7 ( t-M ri-ilu.,1 r..Al..Lli.ln tn Will Atr"'.'l Jt ed by lauds of Itlchaid rl nud Thomas Uoncli, aud IH Vm I mining ...nvvi uwirpxTriiv. 1,-nnn A'l u ....... . - . ,lj I more or lossi r,hoHtslxlyacrcs,lll,tf,il cdand uuder good .-ullivnllon. I incuts are uiwusiory ,tnf.l ll"' I n bank born nnd ont hiilUlngJ'Aia apple orchard and other "'.' i .iAoi ot water running Ibiough Uw l "10i Tl-iitMM Ol-'H-iLi::- l',11. '1 l,e i"ial of the purcunse iuouty '"'".ff.'inrl lug down ofthu proi'trlji J" " ll0' tho ten per cent ut the cor U u , uud the reinalulug ll.ii-o foil'" , tbereulter. Willi Interest m.iii cjjl uoc,u,w-n. J.KOIHTON, Ufn. .11 'C1.41V. A