THE YOUNG FOLKS. Hansol and Grcthol. (concmjbsd.) From that tlmo everything throve wonderfully at tho shepherd's house "When ho got up In tho mornlnjr, all tho household work was ready done; tho room was swept and cleaned, tho flro madc,and Iho water fetched; and In tho afternoon, when ho canio home, tho tablo-cloth was laid, and a Rood dlnnor ready sot for him. He could notmakoout how all this happened, for lio saw no ono In his house: and nl though It pleased him well enough, ho was at length troubled to think how It could bo, and went ton cunning woman Who lived hard by, and asked her what ho should do. Shfi said, "Thero must bo witchcraft In It; look out to-morrow morning early, and seo If any thing stirs about In tho room: If It does, throw a wnlto cloth nt onto over It, and thon tho witchcraft will bo stopped." Tho shepherd did as sho said, and tho next morning saw the box open, and the daisy como out : then ho sprang up quickly, and throw a white cloth over it: in an Instant tho spell was broken, aud Grethel stood boforo him, for It was sho who had taken care of hlshouso for him ; and sho was so beautiful, that he asKeii her if sho would marry him. 8ho said, " No," because sho wished to bo faithful to her dear Hansel; but sho agreed to stny, and keep liouso for him till Hansel camo back. Time passed on.and Hansel camo back nt last ; for tho spiteful fairy had led hlra astray, and ho had not been ablo for a long tlmo to ilnd his way, cither homo or back to Grethel. Then ho and Grethel set out to go homo; but after travelling n long way, Grethel became tired, and sho and Hansel laid them selves down to sleep In a flno old hollow treo that grew in a meadow by tho sido of tho wood. But as they slept tho fairy, who had got out of tho bush at last camo by; aud finding her wand, was glad to lay hold of it, and at once turned poor Hansel Into a fawn while he was asleep. Soon after Grethel awoke, and found What had happened; and sho wept bit terly over tho poor creaturo; and the tears too rollod down bis eyes, as he laid himself down bcsldo her. Then sho said, "Rest in peace, dear fawn; I will novcr, novor leavo thoo." So sho took off hor golden necklace, and put it round his neck, and plucked some rushcs,and plaited them intoasoftstring to fasten to it, nnd led tho poor little thing by her side when she went to walk In the wood ; and when they were tired they camo back, and laid down to sleep by tho sido of tho hollow tree, where they lodged at night: but nobody came near them oxcept tho littlo dwarfs that lived In tho wood, und theso watchod over them while they were asleep. At last ono day they camo to a littlo cottngo- and arcthel having looked in, and seen that It was quite empty, thought to herself, "We can stay nnd live hero." Then sho wentand gathered leaves and moss to mako a soft bed for tho fawn ; and overy morning sho went out and plucked nuts, roots, and berries for herself, and sweet shrubs and tender grass for her friend ; and It ate out of her hand, and was pleased, and played and frisked about her. In tho evening, when Grethel was tired, and had said hor prayers, sho laid her head upon the fawn for her pillow, and slept; and If poor iiansei could but have his right form again, sho thought thoy should lead a very happy lifo. They lived thus a long whilo in tho wood by themselves, till it chanced that the king of that country camo to hold a great hunt thero. And when the fawn heard all around tho echoing of the horns, and tho bayiug of tho dogs, and tho merry shouts of tho hunteamen, ho wished very much to go and see what was going on. "Ah, sister! sister! " said ho, " let mo go out Into the wood, I can stay no longer." And he begged so long, that sho at last agreed to lot him go. "But," said 8he,"bo suro to como to mo In tho evening; T shall Bhut up the door, to keep out those wild hunts men ; and If you tap at it and say, 'Sis ter, lot mo In ! I shall know you : but if you don't speak, I shall keep tho door last." Then away sprang the fawn, and frisked and bounded along in the open air. Tho king and his huntsmen saw tho beautiful creaturo, and followed, but could not overtake him ; for when thoy thought thoy were suro of their prize, ho sprang over tho bu3hes, and was out of sight at onee. As it grow dark ho camo running homo to tho hut, and tapped, and said, " Sister, sister, let mo lnl " Then she . opened tho littlo door.and Inhojurapcd, and slept soundly all night on his soft bed., Next morning tho hunt began again; and when ho heard tho huntsmen's horns, he said, "Sister, open tho door for me, I mustgougain." Then sho let him out, and said, "Como back In the evening, and remember what you aro to say." When tho klngand the hunts, men saw the fawn with tho golden collar again, they gavo him chase ; but ho was too quick for them. Tho chaso lasted tho whole day; but nt last tho huntsmen nearly surrounded him, and ono of them wounded him in the foot, so that ho became sadly lamo, and could hardly crawl home. The man who had wound ed him followed closo behind, and hid himself, and heard tho littlo fawn say " Sister, sister, let mo in I " upon which' the door opened, and soon shut again." The huntsraau marked all well, and went to the king and told him what he had seen and heard; then tho King said, - j.o-jnorrow wo will have another onaso." Orethol Wft3 V01V milfli frlrrhtfui a1 when sho saw thnt her dear little fawn was wounded; but sho washed tho blood away, nnd put somohoallng herbs on it, and eald, "Now go to bed, dear fawn, and you will soon h u-nii ncri The wound was so slight, that In the morning mero was nothing to bo seen of it; and whep the horn blow, the lit tle thing said, "I can't stay here, I must go and look that none of them shall catch mo." But urotiiei said, "I am suro they will kill you this tlmo; I will not let you go." "I shall dlo of grief," said he, "If you koep mo here; when I hear tho horns, I feel as If I could ily." Then Grethel was forced to let him go; so sho opened tho door with a heavy heart, and he bounded out gaily Into tho wood. When the king saw him, ho said to his huntsmon, "Now chaso hlra all day long, till you catch him j but let none of you do him auy harm," The sun set, howover, without their being able to overtake him, and tho king called. THE away tho huuUmoii, and said to tho ono who had watched, "Now como and show me the littlo hut." So they went to tho door and tapped, nnd Bald, "Sis- icr, sisicr, let me In I" Then tho door opened, anil tho king wont In, nnd thero stood a maldeu moro lovelv than any ho had over seen. Grethel was frightened to see that It was not her fawn, but n king with a golden crown that was como Into her hut; however, no spoke kindly to her, and took her hand, and said, "Will you come with mo to my castlo, and bo my wlfoV" "Yes," answered tho maiden, "I will go to your castle, but I cannot bo your wife; and my fawn must go with mo, I cannot part with that." "Well," said tho king, "ho shall como and llvo with you all your life, and want for nothing." Jnst then in sprang the littlo fawn; and ills eister tied tho string to his neck, nnd they left tho hut In tho wood together. Then tho king took Qrethel to his pal ace, and on tho way sho told him nil her story : and then hoscnt for tho fairy, nnd tnado her change tho fawn Into Hansel again ; nnd ho nnd Grethel loved one another, and were mnrried, and lived happily together nil their days in tlto good king's palace. FARMER'S COLUMN. Ashes for Whoat. Ashes ni a fertilizer are almost wholly neglected and allowed ,to go to wasto by our farmers. In many instances in dcod they seem to bo Ignorant of their value, or if not ignorant too careless to tako tho necessary pains to securo and use them. During tho winter, ashes can bo collected In largo quantities, nnd farmers should do this for tho purpose of sowing them on wheat soli. In my experience with ashes I have found them of great valuo on different grains, but most valuablo when used on wheat. Ashes are an nctivo fertilizer on wheat, and even flvo bushels per acre will push it forward two days ahead of that upon which none Is applied. In somo sea sons, when hot nud sultry weather pre vails about tho timo wheat is ripening, a fow days gained is wortli half a crop of grain. The nslies strengthen tho wheat stem, giving it substance nud solidity; and developes tho berry quicker and better. Ashes aro also a preventive against rust, and I havo seon tho wheat upon which ashes wore sown freo from rust whilo that upon which none had been sown was rusted close to the drill row. Bavo your ashes and try tho experiment next season. You will find It to pay you well to collect all tho ashes you ean get. Farmers can afford to pay as high as 0 cents per bushel for good untouch ed, hard wood ashes for arm use, not only to put on wheat but'on corn, oats and clover as well. I believe they ore tho cheapest manure that the farmer can buy, as potash enters largely Into all tho grain nnd grasses that aro raised. Twenty bushels can be sown to on aero with tho very best results. Leached ashes are also good though a larger quantity should be used. All around us largo quantities both of leached and unleached ashes go to waste overy year. Theso Bhould bo returned to the soil. Look to tub Implements. It Is a laraentnblo fact that a largo majority of our fanners loso as much from a want of proper care of tools as from tho actual wear and tear of them. Repeated wet ting and drying spoils, sooner or later, any kind of woodwork; tho moisturo getting Into the cracks soon increases them. This may bo prevented by a timely and occasional application of somo cheap paint. Much has been said and written upon the value of tool houses,and it is hardly neceasary for us to add our mito to tho general collection; but providing tho tool-houso is not all that should be done tho shovels,spades and forks aro brought into tho tool houso with tho dirt sticking to them, and in that condition they remain through tho winter, or until they are again needed. All practical farmers know how much better a bright plow turns tho furrow, how much easier it is on the team and driver, and yet they wilt bring their plows and harrows in overy spring nnd fall, with the dirt sticking to them, aud allow them to re main in that condition until again wan ted, much to their own loss and expense. Thero aro various mixtures which might be applied to tho iron to prevent rusting, tho cheapest of which is com mon (unsalted) grease. A better nrtlcle may bo formed by melting together six pounds of fresh (not salted) lard and two of rosin. An old Iron pot is a good thing to keep and compound the mix ture in. As soon as a tool is dono being used for the season, clean it offand glvo it a coat of this mixture, and even if it remains undisturbed for years, it will come out as bright as when put nway. GtrmanlaKti Telegraph. A Cheap Hard Soap. Many house keepers In tho country know how dif ficult it is to obtain a good article of bar.soap. Tho yellow soap sold nt tho stores cuts soft as cheese, and rubs away as easily, nnd unless the housewife buys a tpx of soap at a tlmo, and piles it up in stacks in tho attic or somo dry place, tho yearly record will show a goodly sum paid out for soap purchased by tho bar. Tho following reclpo will provo a desirable Item of economy. Four largo bars of yellow soap; two pounds orsal-soda; three ounces of bo rax; one ounce of liquid ammonia. Shavo the soap In thin slices; put It Into eight quarts of soft water (rain-water is best). When the soap is nearly dissolved, add tho borax and sabsoda; stir till nil is melted. Pour it into a largo tub or a shallow pan; when near ly cool add tho ammonia slowly, mix ing It well. Lot It stand n day or two, thon cut It Into cakes or bars, nnd dry in a warm place. No bottor soap can be tnado to wash whlto clothes, calicoes, and flannels ; aud It Is excellent for all household purposes. It costs but three cents per pound, and Is made In lesa than half an hour. This rcclno has been sold for Ave dollars, and will bo of ser vice to every family. JTearlh und Home, A Kansas correspondent of tho Jlw ral World writes s I will glvo you an Infallible remedy for galls and sores of all kinds on horses, including what is generaly called icratches: Two ounces oxtract of lead, two ounces spirits of wlno, one ounce sal ammoniac, half an ounce whlto vitriol, four ounces soft wa-1 ter; mix, dissolve, and wash three or four times a day, COLUMBIAN AND Dry Goods & Notions. JjT-EW STOCK! OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of FALL AND W1NTKK (10011. DAVID LOWENHKHO " IiitIIoji atteutlonlo his slock of CI! RAP AND FA8HI0NA1H.K C1.0T1I1N0. at Ills More on Main Street, twodoois above Hie American lion.,. Uloonisburg, Va where ho lias Just received from Now York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, including the most fashionable, durable, and handsome Lit ESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, ItOCCt, aUM, AND 01t.-Ul.0TH COATS AND PANTS, or all sorts, sizes and colots. He luu alio replen ished hts already large stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VEHTH SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS' HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He nas constantly on hand a targe aud well-seed ed assortment of CLOTHS AND VEHTINOS, which he Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Js of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ufavery description, nuo and cheap. His caseot Jewelry Is nntsurpassed'lu thuftilnce.- Call aud examine hlsgoneral assortmen of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRV, AC. DAVID LOWENnKHG. F ALL AND WINTER GOODS 1. W. HAHTMAN'S, PLAID DRESS GOODS OF Till. SAXONY FIN ISH. I'LAIN-JJRSNM (I'.'OIM. ALL WOOL PRESS GOODS, 11LACK AND WHITE FLANNELS RED AND WHITE FLANNKLH. BLACK MIXED WATER PROOF CLOTH. GOLD MIXED WATER PROOF CI.01H. MITst.l.VS CHEAPER THAN FOR YEAR. 1(1 SETS LADIES' FURS JUST REC'D. SHAWLS MIXED, PLAID AND PLAIN. BOOTS AND SHOES. FOR MEN AND ROYS. GUMS FOR LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN MARTIN'S CELEBRATED SHOE GREASE, BLACKING BY THE BOX OR DOZEN. Nov, 29,'S9-tr. jyrjILLEIt'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER OOODU. The subscriber has lust returned from the cities with another largo aud select assortment of FALL Al,D WINTER GOODS, purchased lu New York and Philadelphia at the owosi ngure, and which he la determined to sell on as moderate terma as can be procured else wnere in Bloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles aud latest fashions, together with a large Assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmerea, Shawls, Flannels, Bilks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollow ware Cedarware Queeusware, Hardware Boots aud Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nata, Umbrellas, I-ooklng-GlaMie.), Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everyUilng usually kept lu country stores, to which ne luvltea the attention of the publlo generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce lu exchange for goods. B. H. MILLER & SON. Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. JjURST CLASS GOODS. HARE BARGAINS. The subscriber linn Inst f lint-.molilv viir.ulra., Ills Store, 111 Cnlawlssa, lately occupied by M'- "'uvm u. ouu.unu, uuu iiuw guHra lur nam A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Groceries and general merchandise which for quality and validly will compare favorably with "j ii. huu cuuuiry, no jms u iresu assorp meut of Sl'KINO GOODS which he will dispose of for cash or countrv nro. duce. Among his Dry Goods will be found all ma uuu uusi patients oi MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CALICOES. FLANNELS, SHAWLS, HILKS, CAR8IMERH, BROADCLOTHS, COTTONADEH JEANS Ac, 4c. GROCERIES. GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE CEDARWAItE DRUGS, OILS, V A I N T S, VARNISHES Ac. HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES and. lu fact, a complete Rue of goods, belonging to Ills business. As he buys aud sells for cash hu can allorJ to keep his prices as low If not lower than most dealers. Ills motto Is; "O.UIC1C SALKH AND SMALL fnOMTK," COAL OF ALL KINDS OonsiblMly on hand aud lor sale at the lowest market rates. MORO PHILLIPS PHOSPHATE, Especial attention paldfto the selection ol Build ing material, Cutlery, Mechaulca' Tools, and Uacdware of all kinds, to which the attention ol builders aud others Is requested. OIIAIN PURCHASED. A (air share ol publlo rustloia is desired and w tOorts will be omitted to give entire tatlslao two. JOSEPH II. KNITTLK. Apr. lO.oiMHn CaUwlssa, Pa. PRINTING Neatly executed at this Office- DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A avers gor3 For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A ilnwing winch ii it' once agreeable, liniltliy, mid efl'erltml lor (ii'fserviiig tlio luiir. failed or graij hmt i'j toon rtttortd lo !u anginal color iritt the ghis and fmlnitu of youth. Thin hull- l thick ened, fulling Imir (becked, nnd li.tld no. nfleiii tlinngli not always, cured liy its tuo. Xolliiiijr can tlto hair wliero the I'uIlirltM nio destroyed, or tin" j;land atrophied nnd decayed. J tit such M leimiiii can tie raved for usefulness by this implication. Instead of fouling tlio lm!r with a pnsty sedi ment, it will' keep it clean nnd vigorou'. Its' occasional mo will prevent tlio hair from turning jituy or falling oft", and consequently prevent baldness. Freo from those deleterious Milnlmices which mako somo preparations dangerous and injurious lu llw bair, the Vigor can only benefit hut not barm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing clo can bo found to desirnJjA Containing neither oil nor dye, it doc not soil white in'inhric, nud yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre nnd a grateful pel funic. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, 31 ASS. PHIffi $1.00. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Dlsoasos of Iho Throat nnd Lungs, uoh as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Coughj lironchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. I'l iib ilily never beforo In tlio wholo history of int'ilicim', lus an) Ihhu u" " widely nnd toilccply ui.i)ii lliu coiilWciico of mankind, as tills excellent I uiiicdv Inr pulmonary complains. Through a long FeikMofveirs, nd among most of tlio races of men it has l Leu higher nnu Iilglicr In their ostlma liuu, as It ha becouio better known. Its uniform clt:ir.icicr aud pimcr to euro tho various aQcctlons ortlic lungs ami Uuost, iu c made It known as a le lul.lo pioierlur ogjln-t them, tt'hllo adapted to Milder InniH of dlsra'u and to youus cliililu n, it It I I tlio Ktino time Uio ntot leuicily can begiu'ti fur lii?i,ilciit ciniiiiiniilioil, and Uio d.m-rci-iiti. atU'ction of tho throat and lungs. As a pro- Won niriilii.t sudden atunks or t'l onji. It should bckciittm li'iml in every lainily, and Indeed as all ne sometime snhjert to colds ami roughs, all .liuiill ho piovldml Willi this antlilulo fortlicm. .Mlh.iir.'li rotlled Vomuuiutloa is Ihouitht In I', .lill numbers ol cases wlicio the dU-can- .coined scaled, have) been roniilolelycuied, llio patient rpalorod to sound licnllli by Uio VliinV lctaml. So coini'lcto U lu m.tstcry over tlie iIl..ortlcr4 of tlio Luiitrt and Tin oat, that tho most oblliiatu of llicra yield M It. When noth injrclc could ic.uli llicni, under tho I'ltcrry i'ec lornl tliey suli-iilo and disappear. fncrs mnt 1'nblta Spcuktvs find gvcat pro tection fi 0111 It. .l.riimt 1 idwayj iclictcil and often vtliolly cured by it. Jlcoiicdls li generally cured by taking Uio CUevry l'rrtnml la smalt and frequent dose. o generally nio Us virtue know 11 that wo need not nnblUii Uio ccrtiilcatcs of llicm here, or do mm e lli.m ii.snio Iho publio Hint lis iui,llllcs .no lull maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fovor nnd Atruo, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fover. Itemittent l'ovor, Dumb Anno, Periodical or BUioan Fever, &c. And indeed idl tho ntTectfons which (irina Iron, malarious, marsh, or miasmatio poiions. A IU name Imitlic, it loc Cmv, ami iW not fill. C(rntaininiT neither, Zinc, nor any other mincnil or noWmmn MiManre uluti'U'r, it in iinnUa inliire nny patient. The mimWr and imnmUnrc of its nivet in IlionpncilU tii.M, nio llicnilly hevond nrronnt, nntl we brtiei witlmiit a iiar.nllel In the hi-tory of Atnic medlelne. Our pil.le N gratified bv the jvLnnw lei Union! wo nvi-he of the ludiml uirm cUcrted in ohtina1o ciiM,", nml whvro other tnncrfic? had wholly f.iiled. Utrii'riiin.iU'd persons ell her resident in, or travelling through mtatniiitta localities will be ir-le-lvd bv (iLinitlho AUVi: CUMl il.ilh. Itr l.irrr 1'om)ttatiitt nrMnj fim torpidity irthe I.Ivor, it ii im eiellent remedy, t? tint til.i ting Mie Llrerimo heallhv activity. Tor Ililiou Disorders and Liver Complaints It I1 an exrelleut reined v producing many truly ie mutable euros whete other TnedMneOwd Tailed. PrepirM bv On. J. C. AVF.n A Cn rrnetieal a-id An.dvtleftl ChemUts l.owcll, Slax.,aml told all round the. ; orld. I'MUiU SI, OO VV.n JiQTTT tu Feb. 6, 1S60. Insurance Agencies. Q. L O B E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COIPANY O K NEW YORK. l'llny Freeman, President, II. C. Freeman, Kre Cash capital over S2.000.000, nil paid. . B. ROBISON, BLOOM SRURG, PA GENERAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug. 20,'C'J-ly. JNSURANCE AGENCY. Wyoming .2. 1170.0(A) JEIm. l,O00,OuC Fulton .. &,000 North America.......... 'J0,0O0 City 450,000 International...... I,400,0u0 Niagara .s...... 1,000.000 I'ulnam KM,iX) Merchants 330,000 Sprlngfleld .. 70,0' Farmers' Danville ru) Mil Albany City............. 400.000 Lancaster City.. U0.0O0 York Horse, Death Tlu-ll.... Ci.uX) Home, New Haven 1,000,000 Duuvllle, Horse Theft FItEAS BItOWN, Aptnt, maie.b'O-ly, llLOOManuKQ, 1'A Wall Paper and Painting, piPORTANX - TO BUILDERa.HOUBEHOLDKRS 4 TENANTS. Thcunderslgned would auuounco to the cltl tens of llloomshurg und vicinity that he Is pre pared to execute II O UH E, 8 I O N, AND ORNAMENTAL l'AINTINO lu all its branches. PAP E It II A N G I N d Carefully attended to. Strict attention tobuslncisandgooil workman, ship It is believed will nient nfulr showofpuhllu patronage. Shop on Catharine Stieet between Third nnd Fourth. MarJ5,'0!My. WM. F. BODINE. TXTANTED. To all out of km. . ' V Ployment.wo would say that what we have to offer you Isno new thing or experiment, ns those who hate followed it fur years will testify, can prove to you llmtyou nro suro to make money fuster than you can lu any otliei honorable business. No great talent, nnd but little money required to start. IlARCLtY & CO., . . . 610 Artl1 Wreet, Philadelphia. Nov.M.'eO-Sm. ' The underslgnod would Inform thegood people oflllopmsburg and surroundlugs. that ho has moved his Drug Hlore from the old stand lo his New Rooms, ou the West side of Main Htreet below Market, Aud that he has fully replenish! ed hi; stock of Drugs, Medlclnes.chemlcals.l'at. ent Medicines, I'erfaiucry, and Vankeo Notions, -ALHO- S1..?". Ijimp" Llerus, lamp Hhadea and Fixtures generally, fur repairing the worn. Coloring und Dyelug material furnished to suit! any quantity, und fur any Bhade or Color, Particular attention paia to putting un Physi cians' and Family Prescriptions, 'iliaukml for past favours, he would solicit a continuance ol the same. HomembertbuNewHtand, 011 Main Blreet, west tide, below Mai Iret. ileo.iO,'awiBi. EfUIUIM I', LUTZ. TT U. UU WJilli Ho. now iif ipened a fint-claM HOOT. 8 HOE, HAT CAP, AND FUIt BTOItR. xi. nt the old t and on jrnlnRtreet.Bloomnburjr.afew uoorn floovo mo ixwrt .limine, nm ux-k in it im posed of th very latest nnd beat nty leu over offer ed to tlio citizens or ColntnblA County, HecAU nrcommodalo the public with tho following good nt tlio lowest rates. Men's henvr double aoled Rtoga boots, men'H double nnd single tnp soled Kin uoois, men s neavy biora puuis umu uiuun, Ifltttlntr palters, women's trtnv Pollah very flne.women's morocco llnltrornlannd cftM snoefl, woineit'R very 11110 kiu uuiioneu gnu' era. In short boots ol nil descriptions both p(g ged nnd sewed, Ho would alo mil attention tn Ids flno assort' in 011 tor HATS, CAPS. rUltS AND NOTIONS, whleh rnmm-1 nil the new nnd nomilnr vurl et1ent prlceswhleh cniinotralltosultnli. These gotxls nro offered at the lowest cash rntes nnd will be guaranteed to giro satisfaction, A call 1 solicited beforo purchasing elsewhere ns It Is believed that better bargains nro to bo foMUd umu nt nny omcr piaco in xno county Der.0'07 AHUIAQE MANUPACTOUY, llloorasbnrg, Tn. M. C. BLOAN A I1UOTHEH Have on hand and for sale nt tho most rensonn- bio rates n spienum .iockoi CAHllIAQEfl, BUOUIKH. and every description of Wnsons both TI.AIN AMD l'ANCY ....... Ulu.tiin.lnnfllin llOfit nHtl lllOHt dUT nbln materials, nnd by tlio most experienced workmen. Allworlc sent out from tho estnlj. Ilshment will bo found to hoof the lilsliest Hans nnd suro to Rlvo perfect satisfaction. They liavo nlso a lino nssorlment of HIiElOlIS ofall tlio newekt nnd most Isshlonnble styles, well nnd carefully mndo nud of tho best mater- Ati inspection of their work is nski d as It is believed that none superior can bo found In tlio country. Nov.iO.'09-if. pOWllKlTicEaS AND IiUMUEtt W. SI. MONllOE A CO., Itnpert, l'a., MHiiufnclurevs o( rowunii icKo.s, nud dealers lu all kinds of LUMUHR. ulvo notice thnt they nro prepared to nccoinodate their custom with dispatch, nnd on the chenpes erms. NEW COAL YARD. Tills underslgneil respecirully Inform tho citizens of DIoomsburK nnd Colnmbla county. Hint they keep nil tho dlllerent numbers ofBtove coal nnd selected lump coul for smithing purpo ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Kclvy, Nt-ni S Co's Furnace; with a good pair of Unlrnlo scnles on the wiiiu f, to weigh coal, bay, nnd fctrnw. Likewise n norso nnu wagon, 10 ueiiver com m who desire it. Aslhev purchase H large amount of coal.lhey intend tolteep n superior nr tlcle. nnd sell nt tho very lowest prices. Please call nnd examine for yourkclves before purchas ing elnewlirro. .1. w. iiii.-Mui'-iiniiKi, AUOUISTUS MAbON. THE uiulurslgiied will tako In ex change for Coal and Groceries, the following named articles : Wbent, Rye, Corn, OaU. l'ota toes, Lard, lIam,8houlder,and side meat, Butter, Eggs, liny, c nt tho highest cash prices, nt his Grocery Store, ndjolnlng their coal yard, J. W. HENDERSIIOT. nioomsburg Mnr. 19,'09-ly. "glLLIARDS! BILLIARDS ! 1 -ifAHJHn&IfiCRfch v-s nny WILLIAM II. G1LMORE Has opened a linn Tlllllanl Saloon In addition to his well known RESTAURANT. Ho hn3 tables with nil tho latest Improvements and lu perfect order. jios.eeps ou uanu tuo uesi LAGER I1EER AND ALE which the maiketnflords. OYSTERS to be had nt nil times when lu season, also llcef Tongue, Pickled tripe, Clams, Ac, Xu. The publlo nre invited to call, nnd nro prom- IKeu satisiacllou.elllicr in uunnrusor reirebU' ments. His CIGARS AND TOBACCO cannot be excelled. Bloomsburg, Jan. 1,'C9. QMNIBUS LINE. Theundetslgncd would resictfully announce to tho citizens of Bloomsbnrg and tho publlo geno rally tha he Is running an OMNII1UH LINE between this place and the different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the severul trains going Bouth and West on the Cata wlssa and Wllllamsport Railroad, and with those going North nnd Bouth ou the Lackawanna nnd nioomsburg Railroad. His Omnlbusses nro in good condition, commo dlous and coiulertable, nnd charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends dc. part, can be accomodated upon reasonable cbargd by leaving timely notice nt any of the hotels. JACOB L GIRTON, Pioprletoi TOJIICSTIC ECONOMY ! CAMriLLION CARPET! A new, cheap durable, healthy, nnd II FLOOR COVERING t A substitute for oil-cloth at one-third tiie cost. Tills curpet Is piodiieed by n pecullarcomblna ...... UI di.uuh. ui-uvy I'uurr, piiiiieu 111 ornamen tal colors, nnd routed wlih a tough, elastic, water proof enamel which receives the water, protects the colors nnd paper endures washing, nnd ren ders the carpet bright and beautiful in tho ex tscmo, lis udvunlages nre as follows j Its cost renders It uvnllablo lo all classes : It Is exceedingly smooth nud glossy, audit accumu ales next to no dust: it does not requlro to be taken np nnd cleaned like other carpet, nnd thus wYf".i,uSfh Ia.V,c!r and trouble: Ify re-coatlng with the CiunnlU on Enamelioccaslnnniw .,. enso may rejiu re, (which costa but n trifle,) It will last Indefinitely, even nil nge,nnd always appear new nnd bright Mulls use 110 reliance what ver in, iujjci- ,ur wear, 0111 exclusive ly uiKmshe water-proof coating the llgurud pa ... . -v...k,..iUUIMJ l(f eei-jMu me colors. Paijor lias recenily been used for a variety or purposes even for trunks, roofs, Hour bags aud wenrifiSn A parei. um 1110 llrst ultempt, HuroBe fir America. 10 couvprt 11 inln ,.r.., "r lng. nil concede it to be an cnilrB a,,,;. 1 ",T" We have purchased the right for Columbia county and can rurnlsh tho carpet to ineVehanu at manufacturers prices, ".irtuanu -Yott are Invited to call ni'd examine the f E W GOODS, AT RIVOWER'K STORE, AT IXJWKrtT PRIC1S FOR CABH. FIRST DOOR ABOVE COURT HOUSE. dec. PLOUR AND FEED. "'tiB nJ tbankrul for past patronsee that 1,1,11RUU";u ""'ds auS to the pibUo N E W M I L L Is now In complete ruunlng order.nnd that h 1. Piepared to do all kludsof Mllllngwlihout di?i irrfi 'iwl ilV!" H. ',11"eB 'cSiii , hay? ?lr gflsi ground without delay, so ns to take tlicm home ihi m iif unU a".a rulB wofu LrougUt "0 THE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, as well us the lower grades, undull kinds 1, CHOP AArV FEED kept OU liund limnanlllif u,i r... . . est current rate-T u riln o? M k nT f. , r LlghtHtreel, Dec, i.'UH-tt. PETtlt KNT. ' c RAIL ROADS. uiiuno"" - -sr- 1IAUTVIU IV A M h i .IIII1 I u viiom riiH.Aimt.rinA to mjoitsiiUiiii, nnd IntcrmcdlRlo points. Goods f.irwnrilcd with Bnddcwntclinndntlow.rntcs. , riillftilelpliln, must ho delivered nl rfln?StV. MlMrke Hired, Kor lull par- HomNSON.rroprlclorj, Aug. a.'ra-lft It. . IW. Uloonsburg,Va, I1L00JI3 T ACKAWAJNJMA All 11 MyfaSi. ri-eunerTmlns .11. run 111 follows! Going North. Arrlvo Arrlro p. in. 11. m. ' II ,2J 10.50 OolnsSoutli. I,envo Leave p. 111. I. oi) I,envo 4.M iM 5.10 II. ill li.W 7.31 Ml) Arrive it. ni. 7.00 7.S) 7.l'i MO . II.2S 10.42 Arrive Bcraulon.. ritiston....:.... Klnsttoti IMvllloUtl .. 8(0 .. Mi .. ".10 . i:a ... e.n ... Ml .... s.w lavo 10.9) 11.91 (1.31 8.V1 8.31 7.41 Leave tl !! Hlilckshlnny ilcrwicK Iilnom Dauvlllo Nnrlh'd fM II.' lL".'."'"".'.-" u...nim, l.vilui 10.40 n.m, . iPi'SSf "I li .han lo'ii Albany and nil poluU Norlll, IXsl pMW. Bp.t XTOHTIIEKN CENTRAL RAIL- On and artel Nov. Ul'h IN-", Tnilm wp leaveNoiiTiiUMUKiii.ANUuslollowB! NOUTIIWAltli. i A. M, Daily to Vllllamsi..rl,(ex(eptHundny) Voriclmlrn, Unnanilalitna, lLieliesIer, lluffalo Hurenslon Hridge, and Jj. lulls. ,.., CM v. M., Dally, (e.ieept Humluys) for Llnnra anu HuUiilo via llrle liullwny lium Wmlfa,,. WW p.m., Dally, (except Huuilajs) lor Williams- 1,0tt' TltAINH KOUTllWAItD. 10 "i A. M. Dully (except Monday's) for llaltlmore ' WII.MINQTO.N AND rillLADIXriHA. 11.10 r.M. D.illy (except Sunday's) for Daltlmori- WashliiBlon and I'ullnilcli.hla. Y0UJjU (leneral l'nsvenVr Aseul. At.KKKUlt. I'iskk, Ocn'l Sllpl., nillLADELI'IUA AND EUI V. J- "AII.UpAll.- v.p r... ...I l,,u,,.v. N'.iv. Hlh 1S6'. Hie Trains on (he Philadelphia & l:ne Kali Iload will run as iuiioms: W1HTWAKH. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia ?.J'P.". " oriiiliiiiiieri.iiiii..i..)'iu.iu, nrr. nt l!rlo H.llln.m. ERIE EXritEHH leasee, ' " " Ul L II U...1P.11I " arr.ntKrle .IH.W)a.m. ELM I HA MAIL leaves Plillalelphla J.Wa.m. " " " norlll 11 " " air. at Luck Haven .7.20 p.m EASTWARD. TII.Tlt VI!C Ipnves Frill 8.Mn.!l " rtoriuu ..u.iu u.ju. ' " iirr.nt Philadelphia ji.vua.111. Eltli: EXI'RIlllcats Erie I.UOp.m " nu 1 n.uju.111. " nrr.atPlilliu'elnlila 12.15p.m. ELMIRA MAIL IcincsIrfKk Haven N.OO11. in. 1 " xvortu u 11.011a. 111. ' " PlilladeilillU BUFFALO F.XP1U.1H leaves m. tpoit liaiam. norm ti z.uiu, in. " " air. at Philadelphia D.'iiu. 111 F.xnress east connects nt Corv. Mall Eilst nt Cory nnd rvliicton, Express west nt Irvlncton Willi train lull Ull .letli uuu Aiu-Kueuj .li.ei Rail lloau. A. I- TYLER, Goueral Superlutendenl, Wllliainsi.oit 11 EAD1NG RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MOXllAV, Dl.CEMUEl! 27111, 1800, Great Trunk Line Irom lite North aud North Wiiht (or Phlladeliililn.New York. IUmuIiiiz. Potts. vllle, Tamnqua, Ashland, Sh.iluoktu Lebnuou Alieuuiwu. casiuu. 1.011111111. i.iiin. LiiucuMcr, uoiumuiu, e:c., iraius leuvu jiurnouuru lur.uw ion., as iui' lows: At2,.SJ,5,:tiaud8,lija. m., 12,20 noon and 2,55 All,(4)p.m., connecting with similar trains on the Pn. Rnilltiad, and arilvlug lit New York at 1U.4J, a.m., & u,ui m., & o,:li .V 1U.IMJ p. in nud ti.uo n.iii respetllvely. Hlccnlni! cms aeeom. ;the2.30 n. in.,5.3j a.m. and 1200 m. trains HUlKllll Clltllllie. ll.llUUUIKIUi ..tiuiiuu, l ,tlin, lllL. 1U maqun, Mlncrsille, Ashlitud, hliamoklu :Plne Grove, Allentowu A l'llllu'd. at h,10 il.ltl.. & 2,5 & 4,10 p.m., stopping at Lebuuon and principal wav stallousithej.lOpiu. ttatn making conuectlouslor Pottsvlile nml Columbia only. For Potlsvllle Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Bchuylklll and busquchaiinn Railroad, leave llarrisburg at .and 12.00m.. itiul 5.00 and h.ixj t.m. I' phln nt M5 it. m, aud 3.30 p. m. bleeping cars accompany tho 0.00 a. m iind5,00 and 8,00p.m., trains Irom N.Y.uithoutchaiiue. Wav 1'iu.i.Hniri.r Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7,30 n.m., connecting with similar train on East Pa. lalllo.ul reluming li-om ueuuingaiij,'up.m stopping at all stations: lene Pottsvlile at6,4ili,OOii.m.,aiiit!i,0",p.m.bhanio kin at &.IOand )0,4ua. m., Ashland nl7,0o a.m and l,.JU mwiil iuiuiiuii ai.n.iij 11. 111,. UUU p. m fur Philadelphia, and New York. LeUVU PollSVllle Via hehllVlktll llll.l Smnnn. ha una Railroad at 8.13 lor Uarrlsbuig, and 11,30 a. in., lor Pluouroro nud Trcinont, ltendlug AccommtKlallon Train leaves Rcadlmz nt7,'.W a.m., rcturutng leaves Philadelphia at 4,l3 Pottntowu Accommodation Traliuieaves Potts iowh at u.iu. reiuruiug, leaves l'liundelphli at 4.00 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leavo Reading at 7,13 a.m and 0-15 p.m. for Ephrata, Litis, Ijincos ter, Columbia, .tc, Pcrklomen Ilnll Road Trains leavo i'erklonicn juucuuh in ,wu.ui.. anu h,iij p.m. ucturulng LeuvctiklniiackatK.lnn.m.. niul l mi n m necllng with similar trains on Uenilln.. lin'n.i On Hundays, leave New Yoi k at 8,un p.m., Pliiu plilal 8,00 n.m. nud3,lip.m.,thuH0iiii.m.tralii " "" ."'.'"uuing; luiisviiie 8,110 a.m.: HanUburgnt Mia. in. 4.10 unit 11.10 p. in. una Rending 12. l.i Midnight, m. for lljrris. nurg, ni7.2tin. m. and 12.63 Midnight, for New ,nt, 1 1 i.a p. in. lor l'lina- Commutation, Mllcntc, Reason, School ni Excursion 'licktts lounjiiom nil points, nti duced rates. ' liuggngo cheeked through; 100 pounds alIocd O. A. NICOLLH, ,, . (eneriil Huperlnlendtut, Reading, Pa., Apr. 211 1869. pATAWISSA RAILROAD-On und J nflcr MONDAY. B,.n n iui t " trains on;theCalawl(,sa Ruilro'ad ll ruu'at the .uiiuniii), fiaiull IIUUIS, Mail Soith. STATIONS. Wtlllnmspui I, Muney. Watsontow 11. Mail AVIA Dep. 8.45 a.m Arr, 0.00 p. m U.l'l " " o.i; " 10.U', " 10.45 " 11.01 " 11.17 " 12.22 " 12.M " 1.01 " 1.20 " 2.15 " 4.25 Arr. 0.13 " 11.25 " 4.57 " 4.10 " 4.10 " S.4I " 3.32 " 2.25 " IJH " 1.40 " 1.30 ' 1.10 Pinion. " Dunvlllo. Rupert. ' t'litau issa. Rtngtown. m. r.UIIIIUIl. " Ouukuke. " , KMabouyJunc ' "Dlnc.Taiiiaqim. Dim.. " Reading. " PhUadclphla. ,. I To New York via. Ruul 1 lug or Mauch Chunk. Irom New York vi.i. i " HUOa.ia 8,1 J i5ViC,J"iUfeiof curbelwien Wllllamsport aud Phlhulelitfila. UFO. WE1IB Huy't. .uuueii nunu. 1 "nSid)Y.A:.u;i LACKAWANNA WlMTtfAllP, Ac- COIII Ex Ex press Mull Ac MTATIONS. luess Mall com 1' JI l'.M, 9 10 US 0 4.1 3.3.5 0 25 8.25 , 0 00 3M , 0 15 12,10 , owi "2J0 ' 15 12.30 , 1 U 11.4s , 11.33 , 4.10, 3.22'. 7 (W 1.00 , 3 8 11.2.3 . 5 33 11.20 , 3 2.1 Il.lrj , 3 II 10,47 , 3 01 10.33 , 10.2.1 . 1 41 10.1.1 , 1 2tl 0.30 . 0.10 , 3 &5 11.22 3 41 U.U!) , 3 23 8.4.3 . 3 IS 8.3.5 . 2 (50 K.1'5 , I' l 7.3S , 7.J10 ., 7.11 . (1.50 . li-Al . 0.10 , 6.40 . S.3U . A.M. Yin M. A H. 111..!.. Ari New York. Lv ;A ax, p ji 8.80 I 0) 8.S0 1 00 8,15 i 15 0.O5 I 4u 11.30 7 03 0. 00 Tao ll.l.lllS,, 11.48 7 211 II.5S 7.311 8.17 ; 11.08 j I2.U5 7 35 12.2.5 7 60 12.83 8 lie I2.5i 1.1 1.05 8 23 1.13 1.23 8 42 1. H 8 !a, 2.00 2 21 0 26 2.33 U an 2.37 0U) 3.08 I MM 3.50 1035 4.12 I'M 4.20 4.30 4.5(1 5.18 5.10 0.OU 11.20 l'.M. Chilktopherht..... .....w.Iliilioken iv"ewarkM .,' .....Washington Ha Cen. Rit, f jf j 1 .orii....,,, (Uil Liberty if) ...New Hampton', , -Oxford Brldgevlllo ...Philadelphia..,.. -Treuion.,.,., .....Plilllllikburg....: MaiiuiiUu Chunk,. -.Delaware ...Mount llethei.,., Water Gap ...Ktioudsburg.. Hpraguevllfi), " Heuiyvllle Oakland 'jlobylianna'.'."'.'.!!" GouulsUiro Moscow .Dunning "Z I" M 0.33 0.10 A.&I, 11.30 11.10 12.00 12.30 12.15 1.35 2.U) 2.20 l'.M. million ..Clark's Huminit,... ..Ablugton .Inctory villa Nicholson..,. ...Ilopbuttom '." Montrose,.,.. ...Hew Mllfoid.. .....Great Bend...." u.0.1 6.30 I..V 1.13 3.43 3.13 S.Vl l'.M Connections. AINew Hamilton, win, central 11 1, .... are unrg Atberaiiion mm. t", ..'' OEND FOR A COPY 01,' xriew " the meclianic. the merehant & xnlllZr'".11"'' each, require i invei,iV.,i?.,,V. renauio work, wlilcli wlii euabTa 1,1 n, S firuKLvSS1""1 !. atwllleuableeveri'n.if 1.,i?.u".l'"l.nud .-t paid. M 4kia Oct.lVi R, 11., lor WttstoiV WraSm. W "'""'""burg burre, Daiivllle. &oX Deljwaie i Hudson It. It i0, ,7.;: ",,M,.w'!'i buhl, aud Curbondulo "'"" O'ypliuul, Aich- iienv. iasYk'fc safe, GROOBRIBS, 8co., G RAND OPENING GRAND 01'K.NINO GRAND OI'ENING GRAND OPENING . GRAND OPENING or WINTER GOOIW, WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS, FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND consisting ol consisting ol consisting or consisting or consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS HATS 11 ATS HATS HATS AND AND AND AND AND CAPS, DAI'S, CAPS, CAPS, CA1"H, ROOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MA IE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CIiOTIHNO, READY-MADE CLOrHL"G, LOOK1NO-OI.ANSES, LOO K I N 0-0 1 .ASS ES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS AND AND AND AND AND OILS, OILS, Ol US, OILS, OILS, GROCERIF.S, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES. GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, IJUEENSWAIIE, ihlEKNSWARE, OUEENSWARE, llUEKNBWARR HARDWARE. HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, T1NWARK, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, v SALT, SALT SALT HALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, KITH F1S1I, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND BKKDS. GRAIN GRAIN AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, ic ic. Ac, AT MtlCELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL MCKELVY, NEAL CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Norlhwestcoinerot Malnar.d Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Htiects, Northwest corner of Mnltiniid Market Streetu. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMS11URG, PA DLOOMSBUlta PA BIAIOMSIIURO, PA BIAIOMHBURO PA. BIXIOJISBURG, PA, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS In large quantities end at reduced lales, alway uu UllUU. Hardware & Cutlery. qiHE NEW HARDWARE STORE. 1 NF. I'l.lIS Iir.TtlA. Having enlarged our Store Room and Just OPENED A NEW SUPPLY. directly from tho Manufacturers, purchased for cash, on a decllniug market, w e nro prepniwid to oner mo same to FARMERS, MECHANICS. BUILDERS. nndtlie rest of Mankind, a general stock, com prising all Iho kinds and qualities usually kept In n city Haid Waro Store, suitable to the wunts of the county, nt unusually luw prices. Ail thosewhoaredeslrlnutorpurchaslng goods In our lino can save Money by looking In at the Please give us a c ill nnd examine, our stock 4c. no,. "u" AM R WARDEN, Apr.2.1.t!)-lr Bloomsburg, Pa, JACOn k. smith. J. R. HELTXEIl g M 1 T It it S13 L T 7, E It, Impm tors and Dealers In Foreign nnd Domestic MsM --3'i.J"- II A R D W A R E, GUNS, CUTLERY, 4C, NO. 400 N. THIRD BTllEKT, AB.CALI.OWUILI., Nov.2'2.(,'1IILA1,Er'V1IIA' TO JrANUFACTURERS. IllfilllStO Use "ALLEN'S PATl-VTlMTr r . MINA ' will , Issfed ,m nnATHJA? ii'M' iiersigned. Itlsa , u,e un SURE PREVENTIVE OFSOALE IN STEAM Thoarllclewlllbo furnished ut H,vn . I'i!ouefo?0 ul" W AUS use TEN DOLLARS "ANUM FOR EACH Tho mniVrllu . 1.... .. ... will be ed i.v 1 VE1 V-nU-T4imiua ALLEN & NEEDLES, Dealers In Oils, No. 42South Delawaro Avcnuo, ri.ihulelphla. For Pun Waler, m CnS.fiRi..uiry lidtiost, ourablt and tetij. bleieqiultath pooj cM-foEtloaed woodea iVumn. and ranter St oiUeii than half lh money, taiiij arraDgeJ o as to te non-froA.i.,. udln conitructlun!..i. keep it In repair, K J) K N T I S T R Y. the tee LTaSl"T CouV g Ij" A T E HOOP'ISD, EVERY VARIETY MOST FAVORABLE RA'pt.-h JOHN THOMAH. in im.i.c, . ... . Rox,;f77. ......... j. 1I1UJ1AH Mar.19.titj.iyr. .-msuurg, i-u. DU MANDRAKE . Aroundoubi.',.ni .'ii?.'.. . n Ills malar ouj v nb i it a .i..!.0 1 'orus' to Ilia public. Thev oil .iwL. !.UIl,rv "Ver offered andbllmryduetiidearrTor. H' i,r.V'l''f.r.i; hukvi enuiihef LnS?.?" w Typhoid FJvc nn,i .ii ,iSLr.r' and from torpid action of he' IvS? "a'fif. Y,Mlh, Be'udas,k'?brUK1S lSS&?;"- "' "tt'b'JS Me'ndelsHoVt'a Jprl. 4taa faiSUV-1 Ml xvw'-v-. rL. tfraik to roperatsTO .Sowing Maclir Q.ROVER A 11AKKU.C ELASTIC) BTl Tci! 'AJIILv fi Tl ITT T T n -- . . KM lllll ,A 111' 1 ' ....... 1. "! ion ;H) Cheslnnl Wren Phlw POINTS OF r'XCKUtI Ilennlynnd Elastlcllyof tltch. I'errccllnn nml ut.. .. i-'.v.ij m fiu uilt'Cl Tfrrlnft. Wldo rnngo ol oppllcaiur, ., nujustmcnt. Tho senm retains Ihiai,i..j. wnsuing nnu Ironing. Besides doltig all kind, cf mw.. SeirttiQ Mni'lituu ii........ .. lilnsl bennllrtil nn.i ij. ornnmenlnl work. 3-Tho Highest PiemliiramuaJ , 1U I U IM M Ik. hu u 1 iet? 1 1 iLwnriiPii i tin n.. . . iiivjinirs. imiunc wot ;dunilii.m. oxlillillpil in romppllllfni. Tin? r rntnu rs Tim.,.. llin rpnrf(.rnlnllvd r m, i MnclltllLS. nt tttO KxtmilMnn l'.i . lRfi7. thtitt ntli.sllii,. tt,nt. . nil oilier Mewing Mat hint. V 0 U a A 11 JtjOOMSlWnOPi June !VC!My rpiIK KKW FAMILY H Ii w 1 N fl M A CHIJ iiLuvy won;, niw muuceaine t.,niTTi ui'ti'ivn Mirtmi in innniii.iriiirn n. .mw i iimiir nu uscmincfis u liir niTTTIi?lIS. VII, f'l)M?HIl llcln unmiii 11llhlii i.-nrli nfcVTTtJI Apply for clrculnri nl fcamvlrtb Oct. 15,'C0-3ni. Misccllaneoui XJ KHAUY INfiTITUTR i iuit fiur in 1 li iu 1 1 cimi" y)"T.i Tencner or i ft.inii, uoiauj nriiuL'iiin. 1 1. tin i- (V Ilcr-l..B, I ItllVABUI til JllV"s o uniniutiu. 1 U' IVme.A.M- ti.... i n tf.iih. A.B, Teacher of ficOKiftpiiy.'tii.toryi AsM tnnt (encherof luftthtDsW v,i ,... . ..... If Palltf. SUhS Alice j, Teacher of Music ou Hie ,...,nT airs, nmiir" -rtt Teacher of Vocal Mimic n.l uuu Tlio FAI.I, term.ivil und until our bonrillug WW"fJ ey. 011 application to the i r loW J Im furnliiied with homes In pHaw! It Is belter for students w wsr,,! enlnijofllio term, but I bio they can niter at any w March SO imt. " nr trnillKi 'l'"' .,J Tho Oreat Trade Iiiiproycmj" - Tuiw ihiL-ravini.-s, fully IIWJI crlbiug all our Watches, arjSlI velopes, wlilch are iliorougM "wl ordeied lira innlled, Wl fi, M nriu,.Hiti,rti i:iiuravl,iS,J'ce..i,l rich premium, f.J; T wf n'WjVi 1 i '"" f,.' "JVi ,." . lJer iteW nonrtlclaln our sliK-k Is "',1 money asked, while Jlw.ivM wnteh wortli m. " "'" ', 1 once beforo I'liV.UX.WVWl A WlB.oadwliy.l'ii-.Ka'l Oct. l.l.'lEI.Hlll DIM l'L E S. "The uuderslKnoJ w'll ''"''SaVi nil ulinnlili II I lO K."cl 1"-' . U'1. 1 or preparing aud SfiSiif Vnseiulule urilm, llnft 'ffSTS Inu, Freckles, I'liapleii, WV4 tlons nnd impurllles ""."SSST solt, clear, smoolli und ur"M He will utso send ini") J! 'W ducliiB by very si iiiplc "'Wfrjidi of Knfi- on n buldlicad or KJ,. liuriy nays irom iiiblii ,, nmm The abovo enn beobtiiliif'l ajjol addressiiiB T HO. K. .LIA'i,lf,S'l 1. 11. IIOX 01, Aim. 0,'UMy, , Fpo CONSUMI'TIVES. Tho Advertiser, havlns be' jjl III a few weeks, by u very "i liovluitsiiiiL.ini several S f"". Jf A ullectlon, nnd I hat diwd f'T, II is anxious to make kuom ill" I era the means nl cure, .ouiili! lu an wuo uisiie ni . ,..,rlIe. prescription used (fice "''K'tU llonsforpreparlin! and ?fv,iif they will nn!l a suiufiire Wffii ma. Bronclilils etc. i"" ..r,v.,ioi User, lu sending the 1 if V'Kl wmiaiiifcburi;. Nov.SU,'Ml.y, - B UBIN1CSS OAljl'rf. VIBITIKU tA ' I, I'.'.'Va Neatly und CHJIJl From Iho I Jilest Blyl "'"us Cl iiiuumicieu suuererwill try lit f emed) J1B, liiilhinis, and muy l'r.00".Jf, Parllii wishing Iho, ;'"f,r u addrtss RhV. J i ri,unty I.1US"'- fOl.uw"-