The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 31, 1869, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA'COUNTY, PA. 'a., Friday Dec. 31,1069. 1 1 K W MU.1.UV1I1U nurvil'U BL Ilin 'rill r'MMirrM.iMn.. ,.r il. n ?cr1J?Stel,2fli,,iW,l.,J "?f"",.,?I Hh"h f this I'to rmulc. .... ... .. . . u I mi f-it'wi.Mr nrnfunr n it f-lirijl- Ifl.i. IIO for thnlr WlirtliV i'liiliir. tin. Uni-. In rend Ifntiu lr.i..1l In 'tflaatlc. It Wiix written lit? I'oe, nutliorof "Tlit; Huvcii1' uiu most uiiiplilL' wrltcM or Tim Scaffold. Adam A. Tlin wtw limit,' In Oiirllslc on tho Inst, fur tiio inuitier or ui'iir.v Binluu. Ilu tlo.itli Win almost liistuiilunuiim. Ilu niiulu ii short speech Iteforo tlio ropu whs placed nrouml lil-i neck, clccliuln;; Ills rcndlncss to dlo nnil wnrm-d nil present to control thulr temper', tlio the present month our frit; till - croutly ri'spontltd to our nic ftrofnpt piiymoulM. True, tluv y What was Justly tluu m. but jtro thankful to trot oven that. .' ... i ThK window books usuil ilurlnp; last Bll'BMBlwiB" inivo iiimiii ucun return , id. ThO-Vlgllanco Committees shoultl .jicotlwttnlsJSproiipliy none, ns they UlrelWWW1'' 11 f.illuro to do which had brought him to Col. rlollot 011 Monday evening last, death. Dr. Schojppo was to Imvo been Tho shot, howover, did not itiko circet. hutiK tho samoday with Titus but was siiiiou With thu prevent number of the Coi.l'miuak" tho Carrier will present his Annual Address and wo trust his fill ll re us.'1 i ii .i . , . .. umuiu ' uviiwui illumines WerfU0en,t woir present Mlo we (verejfld tho Forks Hotel would bo ro aiovBl'and!M.Iii Street opened up to iwny nas mis not neeii none y Wl! IIOllCO that Ihn tlrmil.llrnti linlv ctini exhibited at it fmni it lalttirs during thu p.tst year may not ro containing specimens of fancy printlnj:, imrinvarded. Kllty-two times has ho &e., o lone at that olllco. It Is a first wallced tho length nnd breatlth of tho class catch-penny arrangement, and If town to leave his weekly budget of Uio Ir. would like to (jet up another news, undeterred by rain, unow, or llery curt! of tho saiuo description wo can dim sum beams. I jt:t liltn feel tlmt his vereneti iris noi tieen overiooKuti. wo hopu to see his pocket-book swollen to unusual slzo by greenbacks and his fuco covered with smiles on tho llrst day of the New Year. ins until sent us ent I t-tl -J'f ho rights of conjugal happiness con .Ctlendrd.fjSAs It etnitnlns thirty-six n.Vcr8e9('iWO'nro compelled to thelino It ' for want ofspaco, though Hureelug with iLllm' his tlnnie. .j TKSwulSt l-'over still nrevalls in -SurjiielKhborhood, nt.d several deaths 'buve rosuiieu irom u during tno past B"Retk. iA rigid oliervuiieo of tho in . jtructiqus published In last week's Cor.- UMBIATf""w6 feel salli-lled would do ""iiiuch-to abate,thu disease. I vZiSmk i ii I ''THIeJKaRoHolel,, i!27 X. Third St. I ... .. . . . . . . -FntjAiMjtpiiia.Ki'pi ny ii. i. uummiugs, ry well conducted anil comlurta- usoand much fnquented by peo em' this Mirt of tlio Htute. Mr. tilings b ono of tho men who "can kfxa noiei' nuti iio does it. rjV a j'Tiiti pinch of-winter is now niion us. -Remember tho poor and needy. Do .'ll, not wait to bo asked for char tv. lor the Irulv deservlnir rurel v heir, but seek out proper obJcctH for your bounty, and tle--HMe"a."Happy New Year" by rellev- imtubo wnniHOi uio uisirebseti. At (Jlrardsvllle. .Schuylkill county. on TueviUv nlL'ht. Thomas Chambers shot and perhaps fatally wounded 11 .Mr.-i. iiurus, supposiiii; tier to oc u nun In dl-guUe, with evil Intentions. Thu night previous Chambers' house had been attacked by soveral men, anil sup jiosl nir tltey would return, ho liad pre pared for them. Mrs. Hums, on her way home, it is supposed, mistook ChamlHrs' house for her own, and rat tled at thu shutters for udmkslou when Chambers tired as stated. Ilu surren dered himself to thu authorities at rottnvllle. ftm. e have on hand constanlly.iill kinds nrw f nKH.inciuuttiL' t teas, uotit s. mort- ii gages,' notes, fcummous, executions, sub- ollastc. Wo hIm havo small bound -Looks, oi receipts, notes, tic, useful to Administrators or Executors in settllnt: t upeBtttiep. it ' i ')$8n " SmbI? Wo hear that thu dwelling of K'IliWRrd Btlies, at jenioii, was destroy 4MffilvMiro on Christmas monilnir. ; "flBlwtlvo fluo is sutitii'sid to havu been 4 ih(eauso.' iWu havu not learned tho Btneunt of tlio lo-s. Thu building was insured to a biiiiui auiouni. iflRJfr' ' Pi'HC PirAHE. The citizens of OnitiL-i' . Vlllohadu Fox Cliateou Chiintmasdav, bnttha 'fox was either too fat or too liiiv. und made a noor run. Wo would Butruest'that in I'utuio they feed their caotlve foxes lets ueni rously nnd in ad . tlltlon threaten to send them tuCongress - tr.cftugiit ana our worn lor it mere win Do DvHcr.iiinu muue. f?- We are much umti-cd at thu boaiiliiL' of our ncii'libnr at tliu ituantlty mid ttuallty of his job-work. It may d ) fur distant readers, but will not "go down" here. Ilavlngn steam power press (our neighbor's Is propelled by n muscular negro) wo not only havu thu facility for doing moru work, hut do more of it and at cheaper rates. AVo refer to the miiinc ss men 01 our (own as to uiu qual ity of work dono in our respietivo olllces. Thu boast Is on a oar with the stand- itnr I'ali-ultood at thu head of his local columns in which hu claims to have thu lamest circulation. No one in thu County, howuver, believes it. Hi:flInTi:itKD JihTTKIW. AlOUt lis lalimblu a swlndlu'iis wo are tnutie of, Unit or ino rosi uiuee ui-puriuieui ::DJlB. Threu times wiihln n wewrtliu Hcrantiiii connections on tins rod,have been mUscd, and thu public . begta to lose tonndencu in its muuiige (,!'ineflt.mQno Improvement might ouvi atn ifiueh-of this dllliculty, and that is to jrlvfl tho trains haviiigcnnnicllous to miutlLitlio right of tho road. As it is le morning up train, is suuordi Aiianis' way liaiit. urn ct . rJBHr" ;ivr Republicun quotes two lints of lUDlislicd in lastwiek'sUoi.UM- tt'tays they were written to ItlMfH Ini-k (if iiiiu-m ' (IT m t . - I vHMieii a man can neither write HEufliah or understand it when wiltten there te uolhiiiu: to be said. There is a N- pro'yerfeahrjut casting pearls before a ccruiinuiiappreciaiive quadruped, in r.wblch'vfrj'tnpre 111 inly believe now than 'IDITY ami nit ungovernable de aDDTODriiile the labors of others iMiW'JleputtlieaH to print its court HlgS irolll 1 110 LOLU.M11IAN Ulado suveral attempts to com jruui i own jiuaii. unit ii.iV' most miit rablu and ridiculous Wd'hlumleiv. it has clven un method in despair. I'eoplu who u jl. liL VII Ufc- ll.Ul llllk WUMf)UtiUntn. :iPKNT.w.()n Stiiulay eveninsr lu-st fthq.'hoise.s of ISernhard fStohner leg tnrougn a notu in tno siaoie id lii'lils wild ellbrts to extricate seir'kuccoeded in cettiiiir both hind s through. All ellbrts to raisu him fail ahdhu was flnallv lowernl throu'di the floor to tho solid ground beneath "t He was fortunately not iiilured thoiii;!; .niuch 1 fatigued by his stiucgles anil ingiiieneu at ills miinip. ' I m.... "x- I ....I. ii. i E ill', iin iiiiii nuiiiiiii unvu mi ir.viuii lou on Thursday uvt-nlng of last week on tho occasion of thu cud of thu Fall Term. Wo wcro not ire.-ent, but pre Wme-j thv exercises weru of thu uiuul j'ood quality jiuid that the largo audlenco KMicicuuipit'ieiy iiuew uiu iiau, wtui awtiv contented ain Jellirhted. ' Mhat tlli'so exhibitions aro as popular .! Maflver, tho crowt'eu room on eacn repetition umply testilles. tut-., AnoilT two weeks ago William Kelch oer'uf MiiUInvllIu vl-dtcd the old iirl Wcreek -1'uwder mill, and gathend up MfowjhRiiiisfull of powder to Ited his LMaT. On returnli.g homu It was JKlitlessly put within reach of his einiuicii. olio oi Wlioni iitrew i Bu into the stove. Of it ex td and buined severely both thu ilren nndr-'tlnir mother. Ono ulluron died last week from the el- i'of Injuries received. Uiistriet8 during tho pre.-ent winter iiivnt a truly tlepiorantu picture jubands of dollars liavobecu useless expended upon them, nnd we Pie Iiiat 1S7U wnisto a repetition oi imo old progrttmiiio that 50,000 or will besauanuereii tiiosamo way tho mud. muck and filth bu as ureal sr. Wliv not na v thu slnuts with ),' taxes? It will bu economy in thu ag run and u valuable Improvement to the town. PS ' On our last visit to l'hlladelnhia we bited tho'exteuslvn establishment of Miieii.JJro. & lienon tlo.ilers in Hats RJ. Btruw Hoods and Furs, No. 60-'l 'rJtrceL Wo were ordlal ttlulneii by Mr. J. M. Kep !Moeiutetl with the llrm nnd re n.-l. . p i. ... i ...i pome very lavurnuiy itiiiinasiu .Wltn tlio es au is ime it nsuu tho politeness, which prevails V.: Our merchants wuuld do well hou this llrm, whoso i-xletiblvo I Uoods einbiiices all vurienes. 'ill,,' r - - McDonald Lkttkk. Jt will 4inh-M-it tiint. iitirinif tno nisi iWficativubS wu published an Ad- rtw:froin,our County otuiidlug Com- - on-ine queblluu or lliu enatiu an ttTioi In which It was Insisted that under I'lirlinuieiiliiiu la 10 Mr. ,'Bt6ui ono ol tho Norihuinber- WHiiurees in tno dlsllici L,ouier. rtlAll l tilil-riiot ilulit tri f-lmtliri. Ill . a at ttuVttlmu beforu thu result of the (Id M liril lir u'no ii 11 liltn iwxiil tiu tin. Chalr.rt Thd letter of Mr. McDonald, L'hlef Clerk U. S. Senate, which wo publish this week, In mint her column, U'lvox couclusivu uuthorities lu support of this opinion. It lias been furiilnliul ' 11 upon.otir request and wo now pub ' 'j'l'lwlrftl'not to renew controversy, but to complete tho ucoid of tho Keimtorlal 1 tlutMjon, and us uu net of tistlcu to 11, tliofe whit unite 1 1 with us In thetupport t ufi regular iiomliiatlon, H0nK Ki - ma 1 mm ... V ..-1 w y IK I- .ll I Ix. Mr. Mohr, In for hi labors. thankful rppreclallon ATTKMITTO Kn.t. Cut.. I'lnt.i.i-T Wu aro InforiiiHl that 11 man tmmul Mien who has been In tho ptnnlnvnr tho l'lollets for snnin tlnii. u-,w ilu. charged 11 few days since, and that to iivi-ugu iiimseii no atiemplod to shoot Mien was a r rested and imtirorl 1 n 1 nt 1 llrmlforil Jtrporter. kivo nuti somo Kpeeimens wnlcli we havu received from tlnto to tlmo bv mail. It. 11. Amm.HT A freight train nn thu Ii. A IJ. H. II. met with an accident on Christmas morning near Northum berland which, resulted in thu partial destruction of two coal curs nnd a ea- boosu t'lul tho serious injury of two brakesmen who were In tho latter. Tho caboose was thrown from tho trestllne; somo nncen icoi 10 tne ground lieueatli, we liavo not learned tho causu of the accident nor tho names of thu unfor tunato men, ono of whom it, is thought Will till'. Special Noticoa. Womlerlul, or liny ollitr limn. liamllK-'ovcrnl n ii'in.-uj ,11111, ciirus inivnill tmoii. r rn me Ilium Bre m friinnuinul, in liort, will clieall dlscas-i- lietliirormlinl, Loily or cutnur iiinko men llvn forever. nnd li-uveilenli topi fp,nr wntit or U'Ork. Illia lit , li,l(..n1.An..V ...l.t.. ...... pliLron littriil innnllKc, to wli inirllrnvrii It rlr Rlintl lip hut 11 kick. 8li(i-. Villi nvii lii-nnl cnoUKliofllmtliliiil fifnlnnnliuitcou litul e do j. ,1 1.. .. . "iTi'oy imry, no iKi-oino cllnmisti-a wllhii. llmlwln iiltili llmthia Pr. Shk' tntnrrh limit-, j-will po you lurotho nifiim 4 Ulliy IIMMIVPIV Wllt.,1, 'I'l-V II pr! Ilinliulll i,n cotiviiicpil. In 111 1 a y ft(o rn and -u,uenn-or tlionnt1s i-nn ti-Ktlfy to, VOIIYIIII't-tl. t'ntarrti tliut I t-nuiiot i-uri-. I'OIt HAt.K 1IY MOSlj PUUOUIhTH r.VEUY Vwk O.vt.v W Cents. hijnuiy mull rKwi piiia lor ulitv- ccntnl'ourl ceni mnmiifor Dr. Uiiue-n pamplila on Cnliirr ' Aitiln-M tho 1-rui.rli-tor, ll. V. I'IKltUK.M. p.-li "--"- iii'i KAui, ri. 1, Xocal notices. Ovr.u a Million Hottlcsof l'liti-nii lWtnr. al have been sold, niul all who have used it u it again. Alsi-att, Court House Alley keens all Ihu newist and best Music and In struments. Orders tilled at short no tice. C. C. Maiui has Just received Now (ioods sticli ns new styles of calicoes, notions, gloves of all kinds, ladies' unit gentlemen's underclothing, Kid nnd Morocco shoes, mid gum shoes. Also me uest sugar, uotiee ana Tea in town. All tho ubovofortalo lor cash or pro duce. Oltl accounts must bu settlnl at an early tlate. CuowDEl). Jacobs' storo on Main St. below Iron, by ihosu wishing to buy the very bust Confectionery. Cukes. charging an extru turn ior registering Toyb uiu! Fancy Goods to bo had in letters ami men, in oveni 01 iiieir ius, iovn. no nas ineniy icit ior tnu null rcmiillatltiL' all liability. Wo should tla.v week and New Year's dav. If you like to know very much what that ex- ik-siro anything in Ids lino of busiues of tra feu is paid lor. ueiiuiuiy it woum tno Pest quality, call on lilm by all lie supposed 10 uu 101 insurance nninsi means. loss but tills the Department denies, holding itsell ireu lrom responsiuuiiy Tin- u-liolti thine; is a humbiur and per, sons s.enilini' money throuirh the malls would do well to send it in tnu lorm 01 .1 money order or dralt, and not ny a eglstcred icuer. ri!i:AT.ii:NT or Smam.-I'ox. - A LM eat discovery Is said to havo been re cently m.iilu by a surgeon ofthollriti'-li artnv in Ulnna. in tno wuv 01 nn eneci- ual rcmctly for small-pox. Tho mode of treatment is as follows: When the preceding fever is at Its'lieight, and Just ncforo t to eruption appears, me cnesi Ih rubbed with eroton oil and tartaric ointment. This causes tho whole of the eruption to appear on that part or this body to the relief of tho rest. It also secures a full and complete erup t Ion. ami thus prevents the disease from attackine; the internal organs. This is now me, estauimieu muuo 01 ireaiiueui in thu Kuglish army in China and is re garded as a periect cure. SiNdULAK CAfaE. Not long since 1'hilin Helium, u miner. Ii vltitr in .St. Clair, Behuylkill county, went homo intoxicated, unu a quarrel ensueii uu tu'ciin him and a son of his wife ty a former marriage. A fight took place wh ch lcsulttd in Helium wiiippiug 1110 vounir man, wnat iook piaeo uiter that is nut known, hut suliseiiuently Sehtim was found hauirinir by his neck In the cc ar of his house, dead, it is thought that seized with remurso el'ler whippitiL' thu young man, he went down etairs and hung liiuiM-if. jt is . ..!.l tl. P.....II.. I. ...I -...i llmu cuiu inui uiu uiin uu,, im .ui'ii Waller Scott been liviiiL' a sort 01 a cat unu uog me. n,.i v0ilu Schum was about 50 yearn old. mdi-h- W'i'rny man. y,,i i:uUk iiitui-r wi-liiifu i.vur ClIHIST.MAS. TIlU Christmas l-f lSli!) J,une, Keuly t 1.1.... ..I' !.., iiLl It w.w o finlr.t Will U.tlllll llEAUrirui.! And they aru too. Of coiirsu wo ruler to tlio lino display of Holiday Gifts at tliu Urug btoru of .uuyer iiros. xney navu articles suited 10 all ages, sexes and conditions in lilu and aru uuuiid to please, ruelr enter- pilso deserves eneouraL'emeut and wo aru glad to Know tliut mey aro lecciv ing substantial prools of their jiopu lanty. liAT'd the usu of bulleriui: iniolera bio misery lor irom weeks to mouths with a "Cold in tho Head," when Dr, Sago's Catarrh ltemcdy gives iimnediul, relief, and will permanently cure all such cases, and costs only Ilfiy cents lor a package which pit-pares ono pint oi tho medicine. Hold by druggists, or send sixty cents to ur. Jt. v. Tierce, uuiiaio, ami get it post ireu. 3S.cce.ipts of "SHU COITJIUBIAKT' for Dec. 1869. i:i m lluK.irt ! I 11 L'LWiiril W ll hut - "i! lohlt Moore lieu 1' Unwell .1 Colli Jo John Lelhy .MMi-iiuy 1 mii.suiiiui'i jiuuck lilwlu aioori- 1 W Aiiron Sliilth Waliliicl M'ileliry nil Cusll luiiunnoii a Kiiiuy- it tl 11 iirnwer ler 1 at I DrO WMItllllf eiinllli DroH. i io,,Jet.hO 11 KreiiH KblAliluliaia Ivlllic-.l uu ituuer l-muliy Win Hill L' ID' Joseph llurUell Win Krlcliliuiiia 'I Miiirjoloiuon Puvh llenry Ailuins (it Oliver Kvuns lA-ouurd Aduui4 2 ui E li Aiimiis Joliu Ileraer '2 PO Joseph Liuaou I111II1111 uealihtH . .0. feter Jv. .Mouhi-u (I lluiil7.1iiL-er -J So 'David Helvtl' Charles .Nu-h 1 Hi Win II ithodes Joseiih Ueljjer 1 1)0 J I-'alirlner (.'LMiuire -J 00,1) P 1'iiliui-r 11 W. llowmali Ka-ie Z ll I.I'Vl 11 HUM '-' o 1 1 ; 1 1 Jones 1 lluil,t J llullluau ;i Ul lleorBoMlott 2 O.11 I V pletterlcll 4 00 UeiiJ 1) C.1I0 " Oi; lAllnaH cole. :: mi i:t 1111 Km Ueo w hhittou II 1; Ueis John elsloft lllaulu Jl U Jl'Co luin Will Kline UinrKu hoult iieiiry iiuooeN John P iianiiou 7 ft) 1 cm I in ;i m -j 111 u in :i in 1 00 1 to 2 m 2 uu 2 1)1 -no a on a wi 1 1.S s ut 2 00 7 n ui i INI 1 CO 5 ui IS M 8 OU 4 no' man 2D OS 1 Ul Thomas Huwtr -J m 1 001 Peter Schuu 2 i t I) iJoseph 11 1'utton 1 lis a U'l Isaac A lJouttt il uu 2 Ou'iT'lioinas M'Giaw 2 00 :t sol'Kettcriuan.i Ueedem 01 2 ui.Johu U.ikcr -Joi I Statu Aurliultiirul -' iiol society 3 110 I in1 M'llenry 2 i s im lieuj U l-'uik :)ui . w, rii jienry uaumanj w rpilli ONLY UEIiIAUMC CUUH X FOIl llYtU'WMIA ix the known would. 0 W I Bti r tV f I rc-n t American Dynpepsla l'llls auil Pine Tree Tar 1 oniiii 010 n ponliu'e and in f.illluio cure fordyipeiwla lu in num aituravated form, ami no mat ler elriiow i.,iii,.n,i,,., u Ihey penelralo the Keircl uLikTo or tills terrlWo dlseane, and i-jtcunlnato It, loot and branch, rorevor. ' They allevlalc more agony and uiuul fculiv-rini than tuntpio can tell 'lheyai lioteil for curing the mwl disperaie and hopeless eases, when every mown means iui itiiifiu i,-iiei. No form of dysp-pslanr Indigestion rau ieUt . ,vucuuiiiijj pun er, 1)K. WI.SUAltT'.S PINE Tltnn TAU COItPIAI, it iS thO Itlll I,rll1llt,1,l i,f ll.n Uln. T. . ,. tallied hy a peculiar process In the distillation nf 1. ,,. ,, iiuii in, uignesi meiiicui properties aieiclalned. It Invigorates the dlucstlve iiruans and restores tlieannuilte. tiltttated system. It nnrlna m,i nn.iAi.u. l'lol. and expels from the sj Rtem the corruption .. n. ........ ...ttrtm wi, ,ii,t luilgS. 11 OISHOIVCS tlio means or phleam which fcioes the air passu j:es or the luuirs. Its heuiinn prlncliilo nets upon the Irrltnted surface of the lunas and throat, t'en etratliiB to each diseased part, rellevluK pain and subdulnir Intlammntlon. It Is the result of eais of study and experiment, nnd it Is ottered to tlio nllllcted wltli poiltlieassurancu of Us power to cure the tollowliiitdlfeiises.lf the patient lias not too loiiKdelayed a result to the menus of cure: toiisuiniitlonoftlieLiiuss,i.ouKli,Sore'lhroat, and llrinst, Uronchltls, I.ler l-iunplalnt, llllnd and IlleediiiK Piles, Asthma, Whooplni; Couiili. Dliithcrla, Ac. A tiled Iui t expeit, holdlni; lionorulilo collc-ulnte diploma s.dciotcs his elillre time to the examin ation or patients al tlieolllce parlors. Associated wlih him ari-lliree consultltii,' phjsleluiH 01 ac kuowlctlked emlueuee, u Jiose set vkes aro Kivcu totlupuhllc ritLS. of ni.ltill:. This opportunity Is oiii ied hy im oilier Insll tuilon in ihecuuuiry Pellcis fruni any pint ot the country, aslilnir advice, .will he promptly mul L-ralulUously res ponded to. Mhele eoiiMuiclit, lelnlttiinces should tauo t lie shape of. DUAl-TH OH POhT-UKI'ICK LKUKlts. Price of Wlshart's American Dspep..i Pills (1 n box. Kent by mull on receipt of price. Price uf Wlshart's l'Inu Tree 'iar Cordial SI..V3 a botlle, or Sll per dozen. Hem by expiess All communications should be addressed. P. li. ('. WWHAUT, M.l) No. i a North fcccond Hlreel. Oct. 1'Iill.uleliilila. Till! OltEAT PICTOKIAI. ANNUAr,.-IIoi-tettcr'x United Spurs Atmauac for UTO, for dis tribution, urutls, throtiKhout tho Unltid states aud all clvlllied countries of tho Weslern Hem isphere, will be published ubout tlieilistof Jan uary, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy of hmtth should rend nnd ponder the valuable suggestions it contains. In addi tion to nn ndmliable mtdlcal treutlso on tho causes, picvrtitlon and euro of a great variety of dlsiuscs, llunbiaces a large umouut of infor tunium iutelestlng to tlio niciehnnt.tho mechau lc, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and pro fessional man; and tho calculations havo been made fur such meridians nnd latitudes ns nio mosl suitable for u comet nnd comprehensive National Calendar, The nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitary I ll'ectsorllO.STKTTKIt'S HTOMACit UlrTlIltS Uio stiiplu tonic and ulterutlve of inoro than hull the Christian world, are fully set forth lu Us pages, which are also tutersperscd with pictorial Illustrations, valuable recipes for the household nnd farm, humorous nnccdolcs, nnd other In structive und amusing rondlnt; mattir, original nnd fclettcd. Among the Annuals to nnpenr with tho opening of tl i-jur, Ihls will be ono of tlio most useful, and may bo had f,ir theaskln; Send lor copies to tho Central Manulactory, at l-lllsiiurg, ra., or to the nenrest denier 111 llos Tin'TIilt S hTOMAUU III'ITKIIS. Tho lllTTllItS are sold ill exery city, town and village, and are extensively used throughout the entile cl Hired world. Foundries. gllAUPLKSH A- HAItMAX, r.Xl.I.K Hit JillllV ASII N AM'I'ilimiHI Hllll', MOVIX A 1'I.OWrt WIlOI.lSlAt.B A KIJTAll, II1IC I I r.UHATKl) HU.NTMIISR IKOK llEAlt AUtl tun litrrroH wooues iikam ruim CasttuL'M.ind I'lreltthkforretiairliiifeltvHiovii. All kinds of ilrass or Iron casting made to order upon short notice. jt. r. njiAiiri, ..- a i-, a. iiauma?, llloouisbnrir. Pa. Pionrletms.'tit-ir, J- J3 W tit M, in ATlUiN A Ij lllOxN WOIIKS niLLMYEIt & HENItlE. Thosuhscrlbcrstcspectfulty call tho nltentlon of lliobmlticss community to their Works slum cd oil the Ii. 11. it, it. nbov e tho Depot. ji r.oujtsn un a va. rorXUElW, liAClttNISTM and iiio.n SM1TIIH. M A IN U V A C T U It H It S Ol'" Htcnm Jlnglncs, Hollers, Saw and Clrlst-Mill Machinery, Hhnftlng, Pulleys and Hangers, Tlicy nlso make all kluilsot Threslilng Machines of the most npproved liatterns nnd tlio Celebrated Montroso Iron llenm Plows, Cook, rarlor, liar room nnd Work-shop HTOVEM, Heaters and a full assortment of Firebricks, and castings con stantly 011 linnd for repairing Hlovcs. Several dim-lent sizes nnd designs of Cellar Urates. T!icV nro also prepaied to furnish Car Wheels and Axles for Mining purposes and Uencrat Mining castings. Iron and llrass castings for every de scription of Job work. Agricultural Implements nindo nnd repaired. Purllcular attention given to Ihn repairing tf nil kinds of Hoopers; extra parts on hand. June l',ii9-tr. QHANOKVII.LE FOUNDRY, MACHiNi: SHOP AND AClUICltlrUKAI, WOllKH. Tho uudei signed desires to Inform bis friends and the public generally, thai hi-has lebulll and euiartieu 111s roumiry unu .Aiiicuiiieniiopuu re moved an ills nusiuess noin Light street to the nbovo nuineit place, where in cenuec'.lon with bis Foundry be will continue to manufacture Wheelers Hallway I'lialu lloise-l'owcr und Threslur, (Impioved;, Cnrnell's Patent. TlIilPHHUU AND CLKANIIH, tther oershot for Tread.l'owei or underMliot with I.ever.Power. Ho also inMtinrnctnreM In older aud Ills up all kluds of JI I Ij Ll 0 13 A It I N G , CliculurSuw Mandrels, l'ateut Slides for Saw Mills, the latest Improved lion Ileum Plows of dllteleut kluds W'uudcu Ileum Plows, Double Com Plows, and Plow Points of every descrip tion generally ustdthioughout the county. IUON Kl-riXIiS, HULLS t'ellur Clrntcs, Stove s.Med and Silelgh Soles, and 111 luct evel thing geueiully mailelnu country roundly, 'i hose wlsbllu; to unu lulsj Mflclilnox would ilu well to examine hlsuui(litu?s, and luc ImtiruMuicutsmndeun the power, by which ul least IM per rent, or the Irietlon Is tuken on. ALL MACIIINlii AIIU WAHUANll'.D to give good snllsf iclton nnd terms made to suit piiieuaseis, ah itinus el ecuntry pioduco lakeu Ui exchange fur Plow s aud cusllugs. IhuuUftil to his frienils and patrons for past fa 01s ho wonld still continue to sollidtthe same. WILLIAM SCHUYLl'Ul. Apr.a.H'Mf orangevlllo l'a. 11 MiHCollnnoouB. V. A 1) '(Ml I ft. N JSAIA1I UAnKNIlUClI, Main fstrLtt one door nbovo Ll. Mcniltiilifill'M A Jaiiro i.swtrtmcnt or Sioveq. Iit?utcr!i mul It.uict's uuut:imly 011 hiiiiJ, uiul lor t-alo ut tho 'Iinnlue ImhU brunoliesfarofiillvnttoiidedto. nnd Htti-slticllnn jiiiurnnit-t'd. Tin wotk of nil kinds wlioUsnlo and retail. A iritii is iciut-bicu. A, M. KUPEHT annnunccti to his irluudt and custom cm that continue' the ubiiVf hualiiff-H ut hUoId place on MAIN HTUKET, BLOOMHUUIIO. CnstoraerH csn be Btroniodnted wltU KANOY STOVIiJ ol nil kinds, btoveplct, Tinware, and pvcry va riety of aitlclo fonud tn a stove and Tinware Eh- tKblhhmcnt In tliucUlcr-.tuid on the most rt-HKon- able trms. Iteiuiii tiiii done at 1 lie hhortett ju-tlce, 'X DOZUN IIII.K-I'ANS on hand Tor Hald. .... -r, - - .,,,...., ,.i.', S 11 llutclilson 2 oi u ll sineltiers iluv iii Ulooinsliuri'. mul wu nro clml to ui,.i,,,-.,r...i..r a no' .i,, ,,,,., vssi.n. BtUlC IIllll IK) Ullsl'l'iuij, uruus 1.1 iiiiiui- jimtvugo lions of tliu licaeo unu orileroi tno town i.'SiKltii lil-c-urrtll to tliar tllO lubtivltil'S. 'lliu Vm Iluinbacli Klniii'liii'r of turkuvd was inimcipiu mill siiiuuw k Kiim . r .i ...i . win liiuinc UluiauilRlui-n.ui iirujiuruumu-ij kii-iu. h 1) Appleninn L 1IU U3UI1J ,llUIJbJ OUSllt , ... i-ii It wt-ru ii will lowed, to tlio dlbcninfort of tlio digtbtivo orBane; ciuiunn woru nun ii liiitinv uv tovf) unu piL'iuro uooks. tliut uldurly fulk took uulut pli-asuro In wltni'ssini; tno joy oi uiu yuuiiKS"-'"-Wu uru lirm bollovi-rs In tlio propriety of jiropi-rly cL-klirutim; tlio day. It la tlm ouu of nil tliu year when lumilies hliould bo united nnd lovo suH'eied to Koverii tlio liuur. Nutliiiijr can liu inoro jut tlian tlmt tliu imtiil uuy oi Jinn WHO urougni peaeu iiuu,iuvuiu hid worm should bu huuoied us Ho would bu well pleu-iOj so to Imvo It. Wu Iiujiu tlio Chrlstiiitu lias been n "Merry" ono to nil of our friends, and ntitlclputiny timo 3 UU I, l i on, Win Longenbtrger on sliL'htly.wo wish tliein witli ull lien iiesi "A Happy Now ear." uti- Januahv Diui:vr. ltoast voursulf b'jlore a lire ;n out nice a Hash lino uio freezinir ulr leu your irienua on uiu next day that you wonder how you over caught eold mil then ult down nnd wouilerl wusii your uuiius ursi in liotand then In eold wnter, neulici to wiiu them dry cuiupluiu of eourso John ismllll 11 V lloner lata wissa Lodge j. i .i 0 W Miller Jacob Voile Airs s II Itlligler M V l.j erly r.ius liliiuUs J N Miller J Kiuiuer PaiUer fcros 1'nlrieU Itouc) Adam UIU John suit J 11 Kultilu Thumus Trench liianits c u 51 II i r Win. 1I.UCI- Jtibu Winner John Mooiu Win inuiy 4 UU " m IUI' .amuel SUMler 4 w Win llahme 1 mi Win Whllo 4 Hi Daniel Lazarus .'1 Ul Alexander Krusl 2 ui Kst John miner 11 Mi ft w Mordecal .Millard 111 Ol Josepii c l'arkcr 2 uj 3 (V John 11 Parker V Hi - lll'uUA M 1 So 1 frj Koons a i lark 5 ui 2 Ul D W Uobblns 11 us I Tu! 1'. A Kelcbner 2 Ul 7o, Nutliiiii Citasy 2 lo 2 71.', Jacob A Kelcuuer IX) i uilllostetter Ahmlih lit) ui 'SI Ul. M A Atumermaii M 1 uoiu oiuuibla county 2 Ui u Uii Geo llcnglo 2M 51U J 1" .Means 7 W 2 Ul! I-' M Pales lii " 81 Jell Vandersllce -.'ul V.V.Monlgoiuery Kllue'J ul 1 Ui Miuiuel Mlcliael 2 UJ 7 1 i,eo ii llruwn -i is) JioiiJUMarr 1 oil i uu! VM Julia 1K-.8 3 in 2 ll, JOOK, HKA1), AXI) LKARN, THAT THU Urcut Sliohoncea llenieily! Of THU CKr.F.IlllATl-n INDIAN 1)11. LEWIS JOSHEPIIU.S, of tJitullhtinuuUhcd Trlbo of Shoshonces.Colnin- uiu ivrruory is now ior bine in uio union. 1 1lls all DOhSCSfilni? eivnt I nil Ian rpnindiv Ii wnr. runted, and In broad nnd einplmtlo InnguaKPi we i uu ojiiuij on.iiuii iicit'iit'u ii uu in tvuav (iier UlnliMiit out., nf l 11 .) il.o'tl, T ...s.. hiver, Kfdnevf, DlKrutlvo Organs, etc., as as scrolnla, the various skin dUKU.w, JIumori, and all diseases nrlslfic from ImiuirUy ot the blond, excojdlnt' tho third muro or Cnns.uniitlon, hortthl fri'at leinedy has been in uso it has Ji id eeil Hleuted hoiiii of tlio mnit mar- i'iomh t ut en eer record etl in tho nunals of lilstniinil m-dlolue. Such IhjIiik the casii 111 aildlllon to It h foiinpi renown in Tnl- umbla 'IVrrllory wo defy humanity to dispute the furt (hatthlN Omit Mhohhonecs Ueiiu'dy U 1 he remedy of reined!.' of tho ID h Century, and 1 (ID K ll-ll 1 1 m ijiiuil Vvr til lit III lllo Illllir OI blllKT- lliu humanity. IM leu of the Itpiiiedy In larpe plnt, Jl,-t. Manur.ietuted by Dr. You tig A Unw., at Hyra i line, , i. rortMieny ail iieaifrMn .Medicine, In IJlooms burg, IM, flf lit Str rct'jlnrktu. Ctirifcted vvt-cklv bv I'fter Knt. wholehule and tlmt you luivo turrlbly ulmiint'il liauilu "'"',';ir.r 8r"ln- "",lr fL'tJ anJ unu UH.-I1 ti-inuiuii iui ") Wheat per bushel fcStop up evury i-ruvk-u lur freah ulr In nye .. your nun ruout, witu inu muii m aiec-ii- 'u i Ins warm, mul then tio nstonUlii'il If i,V,Vii wheat ....V.'."!: you BliouliI wake up with u lu-uiluchu iihis Sycry munilnK. rer-Ut In tbU uoun... vr u, of cunduut unit bururo tho knull ol this com und chop, .. year of grace rJnj; put along tho curt j- ;;-. Uora 01 UUIU, yutl will uutiuru uiu iram- r;r ,!,. 91 a i ) iw im 7i i; i uo l, aula u ij.i.u, j ... j.,Kgs per UOK uchlcst liiftuiacliti you Imvo over bi't-u Poiatues ir i,u nut lliruiiL' i. lluuiiuuiu yourauii ii j", i m (Utlng ut home lornoiist u icarlul lire, because It happens to bo u hluiteriug, colli day out of itooru, itiui your chilling i-rv will alwuvs bo Unit you are perish ed! In merely going from ono room to tiuotiier. thus onueiii mis iuuu. HmoUtit Hide meal pr Ki.. rMiuuiuer - .. ' Ham " .. I.ard ' ll 1,1 HfTS ,ir mum mm ,',T, m Tub Cu.NTiiAhT. Ono reuoii why tlm ItHiititilu-un u.irtv Inn been huraH- ful. mul eoiitinuin to hultt its gruuml, oven when biiriluneil with obnoxious measures anil corrupt men, Is beuniiau it crlvesfull Kuppori to its parly puss, In I'lithidulphla, which Is almost even- lv illviileil iiiillticullv. thu largo iiiiilur itv of thu dallies nru lladical in politics. It is bo thrtuiL'liLUt thu cutintiy. Thu inn,! nf mil- iiiiu'iizlniM. nlctorptls anil current llteruturu aro publishiil in thu Interests of our opponents, ami not only keep their patty together, but Und tlu-ir way llil'i Lieliiticraiii: imiiu. nun uru powerful means of convernluu. In this County, 200U Jtudical vuters taku 1600 t opics of their County paper, while luilO Democratic voters only lake about SKioi) copies of their organ. It they gavu their support In tliubiunu proporiiuii nur i-lreulatlun would bo at least ilOOtl, Our friends hhotild uo to work now in this imillcr. Wo bellovu that wu glvu our readers full vnluo for their money. Tim turner costs onlv fuur cents n wi-il; ur uLoul the price of tu n tgys, ami is fuli nt valuiiblureaiiing maiier lorinu ntriu nr. tneehunle. tradesman, laborer, or idilffl. lis news is of thu latent und most relluhlo character. Seothen friends what vou can do to incuasu tliu llt. Each of you can get nt lt-aet one ikii, niul soiwl It In. Tim prleo is no low that wu airortl it, uiul thoru is no excuse for being without It, lllooiustiuig iSlnrljet llcport. Wheal per bushel Ilio ' Corn Out.. " e lotn iter bariel riovern-ed,. r iHXeeil Puller I'aTlnw ....! !..."'.' Piitato'-K Pried Applii. llalii. sides a ml Mtnulilcr w. uiril t-r poiitid Hay per lolt Ilio.s No. 1 Kcmrli pk . o, t Iilooin : i.t'Miu:n. lleluliH k lioards per thousand fei-tM Pllie ' M tune lllcb)H.., lout.ricautliutf. PliinK. turmlocni. Hbiutjles, No, 1 per IlluusamU Hiding ' It, r.VZ.V.V".'.V".'.'." il I 111 l I) ft ui s no S5 IS II ill Ml 'J 'a 18 ' ... 112 ,,...110 ....I .J . ill) Ul . pl.lJI .. Ill 10 ... II u. ... 7 Uo .. in uu A couon. cold on som: TllltOAT itniuireii immediate alle.uon, a1 neitiect otieu roultu lu au lurura , blu (.Ullt; lllweuiie. 1 liunwi,' UllONCIIIAI. IROL'IIIJS fivlll luoHt liiMuUbly uivti iiutant relief. I'ur ll.-onehltia. Aklliuiu. I'utarrl', doiiMiimpttvu uud Throat luiaioHe i, uiey uuveu iiooiniuj ei- fect hlnKermmd 1'ubllo pea ...... ... ..... ..tii.t iIih tone. (Iwlnn to the sood lepulutlou and iiupuhuit l.u, ..l,uu n,lll UIU I 111 K Ullll l-llllllk tli,l tutloll.artl ouereu. w Jim mo ku,u jur uuiiiiui;, lie niru to obtain me uu. UitOWN'H 11 IK NCIIIAIjIlinrilKS. HQLll I VIl'VWIISIiK. Nov, IS.'W-Uiu. peaLerb Ub them to clear ACTl'AI. CtJIti: OP BCUOPl'LA AND CON hu.mi'iiu.n, ny rut; GKKjVT SIIOS110NEES KKMKDY, Oeneva. N. Y.. 1SC9. Uu. yoUNU A ltr.o.-I dCHlreln Inform you that the marvelouK eireclfi or -thu Urcnt bho.lionce Itemedy In our family hao been creater than anv ono could have expected. My daughter wan attllclcd with Hcrofulous Conbumptton, and had au open Hcrofuloiw Ulcer on the neck, she bad a naauougn, i-ain in ine i,uus auu Hevere luui Hwentit. Hlie exnectorateil much Mucoun and lllooii. nail nnanintltc. and wa1, trreatiy exnausi- eu. r-ii uiu not nine in Ket iiui even in niiiirii for iiiiiiu than a Year Hilt, u-nit attended by nhv hlcl.ius and took i,'o,l I.lM-r Oil for nearly two ears, but still conltuue I tokdnlr, and the doc tor ai Hint kiaieu inai recoveiy wus uui ui uio nuei,. Hon, and that all he could do wuh to relievo her sulterlnun: wo fmly expected her death, but wt ro iDviueuiiiiiiy iniiuceu 10 iry ii iiniiio oi uiu lieat hohouccii Hcmedv.and.tbo ellVctN belnu ho inailieil, ,o of courbU toullnucil itu m.e; l-be bus taken mix botllcK, and I tie Ulcer on mo uecic the hxpitloratlon ot lllood, the Nielli Hueat. rotiiili, liebilltj, Ac., have ull dhapiitarul, uiu! HtuiUKc lo hay hlie has tieiu illy ipiilo iccowrul Her uruicr lieaiiu. Me iiltri-ruitii lMmlriL In aUo taklm: the Item edv for llvmit'iiyia i ttii uoiid Hl-killtx. 'Hie din- i-nn1!.! ol Mich ii llemcdy H ban bveu lon Ueeileil. Willi llr.iteful ItrKurdi, MPS. II, r.Hl'AUU. UAIlK Till! ri-ITIMONV Of THK HKV, IUI. It A N'K I N IL I inn wi 11 iieoiialiili'il w ilb Mr.-htatrir. and her d.uwiiler,n ho Inn, Ihu Hhoshoueru ItcmedM Ullil can lehiuj in lliu iiiutut iiiiiiiiu i 10 ineir ll'fill htaildiu, and to tho lellublcueis of their It-otlliUJIiy, JAMEI UANKINi;. Iieciorof Ht, peter'n Cliurih ilueva, N. Y All Pnuiiibiu bell the Itemed)- ul S 1 ACKAWANXA AND IJLOO.MS. llllltll ItA.l.ltOAll (in and rlPr pec.Olb, Imi'I, PawiigerTralnii will run us ioiiowh: (IoIukNoiIIi, aolugHoutli. Arrive Arrlvo Leave U-uvr p. m. ii.m Hcrauton l'lttbtnn KllllfKlOIl H Ply mom h Hblckbhlnuy,. ilerwlek lllooiu Panvllle NortliM . ; V .ii ID.M ,. h..Vl ,. K.V5 ., K.IH . T.Sl ... . ... Wi ... 6.U5 Leave l.:w Hl.tU MM VM h.H K2t 7.11 7.W !,eavo aoius Leave P.m. 4.UI Lea e l.:U l..'l A.PI U..VI T.'H 8.10 ArrUe ni.j 7,01 7.TI1 7.5 MM in. Arrive l!f,iitiiiilloti itinili. ul He Minimi be tliu 10.111 a.m. train for Ureal lleud, lllmti'iimtou, Albany mid uu point ioriu, llbl timi ci. li.T.IIOUNII.HUIi'l, N LT O T 1 0 K. l.libl. btlaved or blol. nflulil llie I'leluUea ofJ I.. Iiiiiiu, iniorulMilll lie.-, lltll. llllMJlllbbliri!. n Yellow Hal Teirltr, A lliu nil renard will be aid toruieri'coMjryonuuiuoK ,.., ilec,Vl,'lS)-1t. J.t- OlltTON. LA 55 A It US MO It It IS' o v. i, i: ii n a t i: ii l'KUKl.CTKD Si'JCUTAUIjliS, anii i:yk ai.AH-iin. uueolltieilrinwlliroatiheflou'olllielf Agfut, Ml us A. I). W K1JIJ, KTATlON'Wt, iu.oomnuua pa., llneikiy only, I'fldjy Noveinbcro, ly. He nttcii'li for tlio purpose of iisilitlns .Ml" A. II. Webb in lltllUi tlio eyo lu dlillcult or iiiiinnal TliooMin'-irlt.Bfriim Impaired or dl-seased vis ion nru lecommendeii hi avail themselves of thin opportunity, OUH SPi;tTACI,K.S AND EY& AUU ACKNOWI.KliaKD TO 1IH TIIII M0IT PEUITCT nsaMance loMglit rvtr mannfaelured, and can ulwaja heielled upon us airordlns pcrrtct case ami couiioit while KheiiBlhenliiK nnd preservlns the l.'jes most thoionshly. We take occasion to notify tlio Public that wo employ no pedlars, and l caution OKalnst those pretending to have our goods for fcate. Oct.Sj.'lFMf. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, K. W. SAMI'hi:. C. W. XlJAtj. L. .1. TAYLOli. Oovnof ol" Main Street nnd L. 3J.' Ball Itbad, BLOOMSBtTEQ, PA. MACHINISTS. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS; PLA0KSM1TIIS AND BOILER MAKERS. "' MANUFACTUltEHS OF , ' STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, ;i:xntiACj .irvc:ii.r. woiik amj ixr.i'.iius. j - Ml ij, (iiuntNd, aiiAFriNii, pi'M.r.vs, iianiieiw, iirADiiLOCKd. SAW MILL GBAEING OIP ALXj CI3STIDS, uastinos run fuiinaoks Al-so l'U WHP.P.I.t AND AXI,M AXD HOIjIjINO IMIIjI. and ai:Ni:r.Ar. jiinin'i r.TiNo. Stoves and Tinware. JKW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. TOVES AND TINWARE. jVTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. O.N MAIN brKKKI, NH.ARI.Y OHJ-OSITB MILLER' HTDIIK, llLDO.M'KHUltU. PENN'A. Till: llllilerklL-ned bun lunt Atted un and ooeued ins new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, u IhU nlare. wtine he in ttrennrfnl to make m new Tin Wahb of nit kinds In bis line, atul do repairing with neatues'i and dispatch, upon tlie most reusnuiihte terms. Ho ulso kteps un baud stovi:h or vauiouh pattkiinhastylkh. which ho will II uinn terms to suit nnrchnsera, Give him ii call, lit) fs a good mechanic, find JALUli .MfjIi. HlofimHlmrs, A)ril Wi, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. j" E H O i l AN DISK .iui jur. in iiii;ii.iji uii To my frleiiiU aud tlio putiile ueuerttlly. Hint ull UluiUol DRY GOODS, aROCERIlCS, (JUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AC, nru con-,tautl) nn limul nnd Ior lale AT IIAltTO.V'd OI,D STAND IILOO.MiUBn, uv JAMKS K. EYI-'It. JJJ-(o, M.le Agent ior IUj-lS' I'lIOhl-HAlE 01" isif. Iiiut'O lot eoni-tiintly tm Imnd. feli'(J7. BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS, CAR 110XES, COMPOSITION CAS'lHNGS, REIjFIELD'S CELEBRATED GIjOIIE VAIA'ES, STOP COCKS, CHECK VALVES, AIR COCKS, OIL CUPS, . STEAM WHISTLES, SEEAIMC STEAM 3?2PH AUD riTSIIHaS COlMSTANTIi'Y ON" AGENTS ITOll Sl-IIVli'S GOVERN OH, AcKNoa.nuai:D to nn Tin: simplest and bust in thu would. -MILLWHIOHTS AND MACHINISTS SUITLIIiS niTHKIt ON HAND Oil rUHNISHI'.D AT HII011TNOT1CU, VIZ; Oti.M AND LCATIIEU UKLTINQ OP nVCHV DUSCllirrlO V, HEMP AND SOAP STONE PACKING", OILS, UED AND WHITE LEAP, At. LESSEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OV HALL'S PATENT DOUBLE DISCHARGE TURR1NE WHEELS. I.IUE11AI. INDUCEMENTS 01TE11EI) TO THE TltADE. Also Aui'tits for the "EUREKA" Smut unil St'imrutiiirr Mnuhtnu mul "EX CELSIOR" Rr.ui DiHtur. Suml for circular. SpccliiiLii Machines. can Uu seen at tlio works. BLACKSMITHIJMU-, HEAVY Olt LIU1IT KOR01NOS, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON H.iND. K BCT I ON ER Y, The uniielhlelitd uould leiiOeellullr auuouuee to the luihlie 1 hut lir luin oiieued a FlEST.Ui.AnM l-tlNKlX.TIONEHY hTOUE, lu tho liulldlUK liitel v oeeupiwl by I'or & Wtlib rhftle be In ilemredto luritlslt till UllulHOf PLAIN KANUY I.'AN11I153, KHE.N'f'H UANIIIIiS, KOUEION A DOMESTIC 1'HUITS, NllfS, ItAISINS, AC, 40., AC. ny wnoi. bba i. k on kktaii.. UU line of iniilnei!.. A ureal uriel of Ii il I, l.s, Til Y M. A e., BUllHtile for Hie Holldayb, Putlii-ul.ii ultelitlon Klven to B iv b A i .V I) C A K ES, of nil tctudii, fiekli eeiy du. C II IU K T M , H O A .N 11 I E S, OU J S I'M A S TO Y rt. A call in KOllolleit, uud nultiMetlou will b KUaiauteed. Nov, 23. 1MB ECICIIAHT JAC011K. Millenery. M ISS LIZZIE 1IARKLEY bus Jum leimued fiom riilludeliililit, nnd but liouifhl, uud in now onrlus the bii.tttisoitmeiit of I'ANCY (iOODs, VniMHINOS. 110NNETS Ai .to, evei eihibiled In Illoomsbur;, aud Is prepared lo nmke up diei-bes nnd ull oilier uttltten of female wnrdrube, nt kliorl notice, and In tno best nnd LATl'HT HPUINO STYLES. llootns m tlio Hmmey IlulUilni, on Vc.l Mtilu Stteet. (.ull nnd fee tier vnrlod fctock ot S)rlns (looiW. Mny 1,'iin. A H. IRVINE'S GREAT INDIAN MEDICI N E. l-BKll FOB MOIIK'IIIAN tOIII Y YI.ABS IM df-UUAM U rnenioi,t sueceRsful medicine yet discovered for the elite of Dyspepsia, Liver Coiuplalnt, Kidney jibeiiKo, Airuu 1'ever, and disease of Luuj;k, nnd is muue eiiuiei; tn ROOTS AND 1IEIU1S. Ono dose will convince any oiie.v lin elves it u fulr No lunillv sliould 1m- wllhoulll. It is ustoiilslilni: wluit cures It has eilt-eted InCeutreund Hrlareieek lotisblps, ulo lluiitlintdon, uud Mliero It lias been used, since lust, spriujr, I'eopie wuo uuvu oeen aiuieieii wuu the nbovo discuses for the lust fifteen years.wlien uu riiysicuiu couiu reaeu inrir cuso are now ciireu unu uruiiuy uy usiiik iiio OIIEATINIHAN MEDICINE. It lies never lulled to cure Ague. V'eerand lie. rilliiteluint uf the btoiusctl. I hopo nil ,lio aro ntlllrtfd with tlio almve illkeiises Mill spply for the great INDIAN MEW CINE Mhleh inn l hid nt A. 11. IHVINE'S Ml-ilieiui-Mloie tu l.lltm Isiri-el rollllnoiu isitnily j ui oi un i;,-neiiii wueni , ji, iiutiji.i r ll, Ai;t nts uimliil. 'Ihls nieiiieliie Ispreiuteil only by A. II. 1HVINE, Uuy 7.'U1- JT I.lullt Slleet, l'a. J)OTY'3 WASHING-MACHINE," LATELY MUCH IMPROVED AND THE NEW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Improved with Howell's Piitcnt Double ro. v iieuis, unit tnol-ulelit Mop, nro now illumes, ttoniilily lur superior to any iipnnratus for wash, ilu: dollies ovi r ltixeiunl. mul wilt ...a ii.-i- cosl tu ke n Ji-ur, by aavthg inlior niul elotlies. follows: lesiinionyas "Wo like our mneiilno mue'ucould not Iw per- BUUded to do without, it. llllll Willi tlinnl.l r., I i..,.. we feel tlmt wu are mutters of the position." IIILIMIKUII, J1I.VI1.1 Jl, J., LIOel. "It Is worth ono dollar n, week in any lamlly.' . 3. 7i6ioie. "III the laUUdrV nf ln'liniU.e ll.nln lu n nnmol on Mondays fur tliolmeutloii." "Every week 1ms given It n stronEcr hold upon the lilleetlolis ol lliu Inmates of tlio launiliy," A. V. Oliscnrr. "I he.iitilycommen.lltioeeonomlsls of time, money, nnd couleullnent." Itin: lir. Jlell'M t. 'Filend Doty Your Inst Improvement 01 your usli im Mai- line iSHeutiii.liiii i.m kU r.i.i... ou 'our .Mnelilne,' after ii s curs' use. Is tboimht more of to-iluy tlu.n evir, hui! woulu not bo par ti d Willi under uuy elrcunistauei-s." .Su.'on liob- INSOII. "Your WnildnirMnelilneliim lipen In d-itlw nu ill our tumidly, and the housekeeper expreses iivm-ii u iiiKiuj i'o-Heu Willi ll. u CCIIIUMiy UC- complishosu Kre.uer amount ol work, with less labor, nnd does not ueal- the dothes near nt mm h us the old fashioned wiish.houril. Hy uslnir II, onu laundress Is dl-pelived with." Win. Jr. r. .'omul, iShi. rtnemleiit uf Jtifttnl JJnmrtmt nt uf .St. Oillitmtu'iXui cryt .V.r, Villi. "After n coustnnt uso of tho Universal Clothes Wrlngerfor more than four years In our futility, I am uulhorled by the 'poweis that be,' to Klvo It tho miistunqiuilllled piuise.nnil lo pronounce Unu lndlspensiihlu pan of the mactilnery of houstkeepfiiL'. Our servnnts have always been u-liiinK to le-e It, uud nlwnys Imvo liked It." Ienry HVinf Jlerchrr. PRICES. A FAIR OFFER. Send thuielnll price, Wuliei-Sl(,i:xtraWrInis. er ill, and wo will loiuurd either in both mu clilnes, free urircliiiil, to places whcio no one Is Milium uiul hi uui- aro wo they will lie liked, that uo listen to refund tlio mouey if any ono wishes to return the mnchluis nee of frelaht, oner u mouth's trial, necoidlii'' to directions. No husband, father or brother should i.cniit IhedrudneryofwusliliiK wltli tho liamU, fifty, two days ll. n ear, lien it can bo dono belter, more expeditiously, wltli lesi labor, und noin Jury li; tho garments, hyn Doty Clothes Wushcr, nndu Universal W linger. Canvassers with cxi lusive rlglit or snlo make money lust sellinc; tliein. sold by dealers Kcnernlly, to horn Ilbernl dis counts uie made. It. I'. linOWNINfi.tlell. Audit, , . -'UColllandl Slicel, New York. Oct. 15, 'iill Sm. I70RTY THOUSAND OWSES OF . goods were t-hlpptd fiom our house in Ono Yeur, to families, clubs, and tuei ehunls, In every IHiuuiinn ii.uiiiij, liuiu .Ullllio io Liuijiiriiia, uluountiUff lu nluo toovei- ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Our taclHllt'hftirtninsuetlntTllilH ltnmpnA tn.. Im'ss ftio bellor tlinn ever before, WVIiuvp ngcnm tti ull the cities tu t'urchuso o(kU irom the Mauufiirturtrs. IiniuiiiprK. nnl otiiers u.r,iitul oilfiiatnii Immense Mtcrliict) fiom the orlt;ltiul cost ut luihlucilun. uur MtKit toiiMsih, in iui i, urine kHiovinu gouds: rMMwis, innivf is, ifum. uiuoiiK, titriRimum, I1 CSS (loodis.Tablu I.liicii.Tori'ls..lInsili.rv i Iluv km tklrt, CnrfcelJj, fte., Htlver-riHti'il waie, HpooiiH pint Ml ou Nlt-Uel Hilvcr, Dean-it Vti'kx, Hvclmtilit liitcU Cahtinw, uniuniiia aie, uias ware, iubio ana l'ocuvt C'iitler, In icat tirltt, KU'ftRiit 1'iciicli and German 1'ancy UduiIh, jitauumi i iminsiapii Aiuiiiuiy, i lie licweHtma ilioliibi btylcs lu Muioetuatiil Velx t-t IIlmlliiK. Morocco i'lftvcllln!: Uiu's. Jdiiulkficliit r unit Gluvo Box ,!.. uoiti ana i'ihiwi .lewcirv. fr iiio ui-m est htvic. Wu hit vou htimaUcurruiJut uicntK wiih ihiiih of in c leauniK l-uuuMiiny nouy, that, win euablo tu turn M tliu st a lulu i U ami lalext works ul pnpu liiratilhuiH at noout uno-li,ilf thd iiFiii:ir iitifn Mich a Jll(dN, MuuitK, lluitNs, MllriJN, ami Ti.NNiHON'H Womcs, in lull (lilt unit Cloth ulml- j.iKN, iiiai uuuiin uHoi diners, ineM ami every thing elMt lor OXi; U0LLAH KUH 1LVCH AUTJC'LK. We ilo not ollVr iiKlnulo article ot nierchnmlihe imii can uo boai uy leuuiar ueaiern ui our priro, o uu noi us it ou m uuy boou iioai un uuitt wu can fccJlthein cIichmt than you can obtain them tu anv other wuv. whllo tlio creater inirt uiour goouM uiu boiu ui auoui ONK-HALF Till; Ht:aULAU IIATIX W want cood reliable agents In ever? lurt thu Country. Uv emnloylnir s our fcuare time tu form clulutunil kveuulug usorUerf.jou can obtain UmiuohtiioeruicommisiioiK, euntr inuAHiior MKHtllANDlHK.UUilatlUf (HlSbeuiby'ui will bu ai rei'rtfctntul. uli! wo umimutto hutUiactlou tu evi ry oneUoullim with our ltoue Jloi.llMt itiMr it i uii uv iuuiJiiuv t ailici st i.i,'8iJ.S A lui trummci St., Uostuii.ila. Tocuablo viry lerMin to urovldu theiUKelviit with hnntlsninc and useful ljullduy I'rcbcnts, troin now until l!ietWth of January, 1S70. theo entleuun wll iKhiie lunst" tlBht-puyed Cata fi units ol all thu libWt'ht aud bust iKUL-IlftM In ttucli KdHs tancy Jtuxts, l)esk, (Jlovu Hosts, AiiiUint in .Motuccu. uiu una eiei 1 inuimri. rtul Morocco hhoimlug liiifs, FurnlH-d Kt-tl-culc. KtUcr 1'lutid wainuml I'uttcry ut ull Uo- cilpuons i ne nut! hivus oi jtweiry in unlit, riimlluu,JtI,MeUt llmiKcau, ('aibuiule and Hulr, l'iy UowU, iic., Ac, Ac., uud hunditiU of thu laUt and btt nuutuhed JIuoLn. 'ihey uiu KlvliiK One Ilundieu Ticket to ctiy ouu who will beeoino their Acnt, without ehariitiiK them lu ett, eui h n hen toime. Ueait tlu cluiUKU In thulr AdM rlmenieiit lu utiother eolumut and htud for Catalogue, panlt-d ) 'thoeiuh,ilH AKent may retulu t'i.W, Mint III l 1 1 J IHUl'l llUHt IIW, D-LIAI I Ull) DO JC tallied to PAY THE EXPRESS REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS FOR URIDUE DOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED PATTERN SHOP. WU HAVr. NOW IX THIS Dr.l'.MlTMr.KrTHU LATEST IMl'ltOVEl) M.VCIIINEUY AND AIIE PlUU'Altr.D TO MAKl-i AI-Ij KIN1IS OP PATTmtNa AT bllOHT NOTICE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF THE LATEST IMrUOVED PATTERNS. ' THRESlIINCi MACHINES. A SPKUIAIjTY. 65uckeye Reapeus Repairrd, AND ALT, IIXTltA PAIITH FURNI.1IIE1). MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF MORTON'S PATENT I-IAY 15AKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. 2fN. I). tliwinK imlin machinery especially utlnpti'il to thu raunufacturt of Moultllni; Cutters, wo tire pri'iuiml tocxtculo lurgu or &mnll onlurs, at short no tico, mul on very favorahlo terms. Semi fur Circular and price list. ' N. V. SAMPIjE & CO. Mny 7,'U'i-tf Q C. M A R R Imve Just rti-clvi-il from tlio i'iltii'ii niail:ln il lnrac niul well n-li-ctoJ stwls nf DRY GOODS, (- II X M I S T I X (I or Ca-isinierH, Jeans, Bent lili-ncheU A Ilrown Ill-illn-i, Cilllcoci, Tleklngsi, Tublo l.lneuti, Cntlun A AU wool tlnunoN, .tc, Ac. A good stuclc of Ladic'ii ilri-s- t-ooiln, I4itet btylcH .4 imtterns. Spices of nil kinds, Uooil htocU Briierles, Quecnswaie, hlone ware, Wood X willow whip, Hour A. C'lioii, AUo Kllclicn CryUal Koaji Tor rteanlnj Tin, llrass, Ae. All poods i.nld elienp for rash or pro-ilui-e. Ho would call Uio attention of buyers to Ills welt uud caiefuLIy selected assortment wlik-h eoinpris.'Severytlilne usually kept in tlio eoun try, feellbv; confldent iliat lio can sell them Bonilii nt Biicli prleesns will ensure satisfaction. Nov. 5,'C'.).tf C, C. MAHll. rplIE CHEAPEST AND REST BLACK AIiTAOA SOW HAXlTKArTUllEP IH THU DOUIlI.r. WAlll" Q.REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT I'ETI'.It V NT'S HTOllK, IK I.iaUT hTRHL-l", or Si RINC1 AND SUM.MER GOODS. THU tiiiliscrllier Jut.t lecelved aad has m. hand at his old f tand In Unlit Strict, a large av select ASSORTMENT OF MERClIANDISi . purchased at the lowest ngurii, aud which he detci mined to Bell on as moderate terras at bo proi-nred elnewhcie In I.lsul Suctt, FOll CASU Oli CQUXTIIY vr.ODUCh. ULn stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODh, choicest styles ami latest fashions, Callioea, JIunlIus, Glnjliimi, I'lniinels, Hosiery, CarpetH, , bUU, Kiiawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Kltluetts, Cussliucrs, Cottuuad, Uentuclcy Jc'i AC, AO - . GROCERIES, MACKERau, QueenswAre, Cedaninre, llardwaro, Jledk. . Drugs, Oils, Paints, Ae. ROOTS & SHOES, HATS & CA1 lu short eerythlns usually lu soon store. The patronage of his old Irlends a" public Eencrally, Is reu'ectlMlly i-ollclted. The highest mnrket price paid for oountu i)-1 -duce. rj:'Ijilt IVI Uiht Street, Nov. S 1307. pmr.six l'lXTOit.M. ci itE i iiroii: viiiiiNix pkotokaIj ri'iu a rormi' piiu:nix pncToitAi, ci'uus coiuu to be found nt the popular dry goodd More, ol thu undersigned hero ev er body buy Uioli HILKS, DIIFAS OOODS, rvns, SHAWLS, ' iio?iF.nv, (ir.oviw, AC, AC. und any tiling that they w.tut lu tlio line of do- good a. M. P. LUTS, .maim stiu:et oppositj: tiik couht nousi:, ZSnOOIVlSBIXIlC, PA. Nov, 12,'tW-tf, AU perMiiiM ti.iliK unMttlwt ntiountit, will eult mid udjut the same hy ttio Iiit d .lunnury npxt. J. J. liUuWKIl, dee. 10,'C9Cv. XT A N T15 1 ) , 1 00 Faiimkiih1 rioXH IT and others out of eiuiiJo) incut, c-n inal( from 173 to 1150 per month, fnun now till uest bnrlui;, by addreftKlui; UAUCXAY A CO., tliu Arch bliect, Hdladelidilu. ClIAliaKM. 'flit citl'er in moreeelu)ly lotusUt AKeult lu tliu Weteiu unUhmiliurn males, nut 1 u).eu (o Ull VUILIIIVI, V OMJ1I8HIO N H; AirentM will le mild ten iier rent, lit i'.itU 1'i.UH, for which tjflow w fiw u imttlul JJkt of .iiiiiiiiimuiii; l'ur nit outer nf $30, fiom a club of Dilrty, wo will (my the Aiit-nt, u eoinuiUntou, VI U. Hiown or JtUialitd hhcittiiK. tiood liitki 1 'it t tern, (HilMiuaiobliuKl'ieucli Ciutuieie lJuui ftl,ilVt Taller i. Knt J.uiu WJiite t'ouniei oane.ttt'., tie., ur S-i.'1" In i-Hit, I'or nn oulci- of30, fiom a Club or l'lrty, wuwIUjuu tho AtHHt. i'tJiniuUklou, i Mini Sli.-i tint' Hit nnlr lit HVV WlHil lllailketk. l'utillll liietiH ixiiteru, llnndMiuie ntol Knuaro Hhuul, hllveM'asu Wateh, He , te or 5.w n cati. Kur nu outer of 91lH, tiinu u (.'Uu of Ono Hundred, v-euilli-uy tuo Atieut, au ihiuuuIksIou iciyaru kimhi uiiinino niiveuuif. i.uiuniivei Jluutlhtf t'nivo Wuieh, Uteli Utng Wool fehuul hull ot ail Woo Fieueli t'tOkHtiueiVi etc., etc oi im tu eiuh. We do not eini toy uuy 'liavclUuu' Aentu, nnd i untomeifl Mlioutd not iay laouey lo h ikoumr liurinitf iu uu our nfiii, umrs jtiwnaiij u- ijuutntnl. 01,. M) Mf-.VKVALW.OK UY HU.UT1 HKt MilTEUfi i or iiiriiitr narticuuiMkiUd fr . HittU-tuo-, rAHKLH a ru, W A KJ fuiiuirtt r Hi., Hoktou, AtRks, Oct, 1lfl-Hii). DKAKNICSS, 11LIXDXK.SS AND Catarrh tint ted with tho ntn.nst mect'h-t.liy J. IriAAtx. M, J.(uml 1'roU'httor ol yjiiriufi uf th lhjv ami JMr. iMj iircuttt' in the Mctltvttt O'lUtio uj 7ViiH,(;io(rt, Vijntrt fjirrmuf, (luruierly of I eiU'ii, Holland,) .Nn, HCt AH-h Mut t I'liUu'd, TeotlmoulaU run bu o-t-t-n at ItU ollloe, Tlio uudl- t-Hl lacuiiv iireinvittHt to ucooiupuny iiieu pa lleniK, tiM no luiH nn i'erelK lu hU Miiellee. Ar- lUleliileyi hliueriod without pain, ."su.cuuigotor Juu,H,'w-lyV, ' , 111" 1 IIIUUIA I lltUlUI t14l(.UU JW i tho'Jliroat uud Lungs, vuch nu Colds Couch Croup, Abthuia.llronchltln, Catarrh, Horo Thioai llorti'tenew. Whooping Cough, uud rulmoimr Couhuniptlon. This medlcluo Ik jirepared by Hi vi uheiholtaierof rhtlnde ptila, i.ud Inriuerl of l'hiT'ulxvllle. Vi.t nnd nlthnnh it bus ouu heenoilercd for ll ycaru.moio ihuu one inlh ion bottler have nlreadyhf in sold, mul the dc luandforltts luereiiKiuu every tmy. Many ol thoUelaUDrusiistfibuyit m lt of five erobt audnotafowof tho Country htoiekeepern tiy ouoKiohsatutlme, Niauy every ono who hub ever wold it tcMIHen lo Its popularlly, and nearly nil who ImveUM-'l It, bear leiitluiouy lo iu wuu tier ful powr iueurlnnC'ouiih, We aroconflaeut that them ltt tio Uuowti medicine nf mci. meat valuo lo thoeoniuiuntly tthtiuil'i.ten i i'e 'toral, Jt ban cured case of tho jnnM painful aud dls-U-rBKtuc eoush, of yearn hUnUlng. It has BlveulnKtant relief in up PsnfeoUishinB. It Una instantly Rtotr1'! th rnrftxyism of Whooplut; Couuh, und yreilly tthortuiui us uu-rutlon. H has cured i.ronp m n lew uimuiw. I'niiviiiiii.llmi has btcil ctUVtl by It. 'VhtTtJ Ull other remedhH had fnllert lotW rcmhI. Jloarkeuekuunif ueen tuna uy it in n biuiu tifjjrht. Many physicians recommend lttnyd olhfi uo It theiuselveHiiud ndnilnUter It iu tlielr practice while others oppoMi it heoauso It tahes away their bulnchs. Wo ifcomnuiid U to our reader and lor fur therpartieulais. would refer you to the circular n round the bolt to where you will 11 nd numerous cerlithuiles nlveu by pcrbous whoha ued it. It Is ho pleasant to the taste that children cry for It. t III ukiimuiaiiusexpeciomni, bimuk tivu)itii at the tame time that 11 alluys the eoui. '1 ho proprietor of this mtuicine has o much coulldenee in llRturuthe Hwer from IboteMl mony ni iiioUkiimu wdu nave uwn it iuui mv money will boiefundett tonny puichaMrwhoU not MitUiled m ltd tho eileL. lLlshOchftipthal nllean buv '. l'rtca t Cents, Mrjie ilotth ,,Ul,r,'1'nui','.!l'.,i.i'i;iioi.rr.iiM.i... Vill i IJtALK lil-VOI IbT, No. IM Noith Thlul Hireet, Philadelphia, QKT Till': 11K.ST. Minium',. Cniifr Tubular LiulitiuuK IliM Ij tho Liekt Moteelliiu huuIiimI ilti.aiiler bv lielitlillnr ovt'l' Ikveutcil, 'itie bUhkCril-J-r Is iicetlt Ijr thu nbovo lneutloti,iiii'l Hit ordeis by mall or la ptrson will be promptly nlirmiedto. May 15,-ui. ll,llliI.i:IAN rpiIK IjVITIjK AVONDKU SKWINQ .i mai'iii.nk. i'iiici;,;i, N, 11, If jour iienn-nt llruiwlst ur titorelni-pt r dins not luu i' tins mi'dielue iuk lilm in Li t II lor you, and do not li t lilm tut jou on Mini mho lllllir I'lt'tlUlllllHU Ot(llllV l,IU JilUdlttJ 11IOIO J ey on It; but go or m-ih Rt ouco to mine i where uu lilmw II Is kept, or niul to Ur. I Iiiiilur, hold by II. P. l.uu UruiutUt, Lli liurf. nnd II. W. Criny, a Co., Iitt Hlrr.t nllii r iili-iiulilliou btlllllihe he lliujbtt lnoio lliou. ey on ft; but go or m-ih Rt oueo to mine store UUt'l niti. Htnet und mai iy eeiy dmttUi unu liiUirpi r in i nitiiii bin (foutity. dec. lt),VJ-un. It maki-b tliu i lastle lock.slilrh: It ifira iijwpII in aiiy luachlnu lu Ihemsrkctt u. child ruu use It; ll miuire. nolUktruetiou;U uiakes no uolse It does not get out nf older: it ran. be lurried In me iKjeueii ji iiiHKfs nn eu-jruiti iiroMfiit, 1 I'NlONMLWINUSUCJtlNI: COMPANY, m,ivniivri tv yu nnH Nov, H.'UKIni, ZM liroiiilway, N, V. TOli I'llIISTlXVU Jri lOJ-UlIM, Ageuis wanu-u, j xj "WANTED. 100 Cuiiflik'iitiiil Afit'iits 11 tu rtlsiionji.f iinwl. ol giKiilf, Niu.i- but good und ulliiblti inui nlid who ran keep their mouths tliut. huiull luplUd ligulred. A fortune of i,ftiimiimiiii-d touman of tliiMeht tlrliie. Puiliculiiis "lit tree, r-umple of tonus seutforaunls. ' "" 1 j' jf v AifltH A CO., Nov, li'td-' iii , li'7 in i ad n , N Y. Jsrotly m-cuti d ut lliluolllre,