THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT" BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COTTN1Y, 1A. SCUjc dfolumlran -AND- Ijlooimftuvg gcmocvat. nT.OOMSBURQ, PA. FRIDAY MORNING DSC. 31, 1869. 5Che Parliamentary law on Changing a vote Orricr. RKnicTmr Sexatk V.H. Waiiiinhtox, Nov. Ht 1SCH, tf TUB COI.UMniAS !' Urlt UlrouUtlon of ! VV'r l'ubllilied In Norlhern PiunirlTAiilii ami rnlto much lnrgerhct than any oMUcottm pourln aiut ! Iliereforetliebelt medium for mlvcrlUIng III tills cellan oflhe Btatc. Edwin XrX Stanton. l.v our last Issue wo spoke Willi regret of lliu mipolutmont of Mr. Stanton as Asdoduto Justlco of llio Supremo Court of the United Slates, llttlo thinking that i Tower, higher than Unit of man, hail already ordained that the Judicial ehalrshould never ho nilcd or the judic ial robes worn by him who has been ealted by admiring friends the "Great War Minister." Yet so It Is, ami to day nil that is mortal or Eelwln M. Stanton lies cold and dead In thu elty where ho oneo ruled with n power as uudloputcd and as arbitrary as any pet- tv despotism of Europe could boast. It Is not neOcssary to ttuoto the thread hare adage "Nothing but good of the dead ;" tho deeds of this dead man havo been such as will not fado from tho minds of men as his remains disappear from view in tho grave open to receive them. It is perhaps not tho time for earnest criticism, in tho presence of tho Qreat Destroyer, but tho character and actions of bo remarkable a man are and must bo open to tho discussion of all men. Mr. Stanton in many respects was one well fltted for tho important position ho held durlog tho wnr, oner cctlc, prompt, systematic, and fearless of responsibility, yet theso great quail ties wero i.wayed und biased by person al rancor and party animosity, until his energy degenerated into malice and his firmness into brutality. It is unnec essary at this tlmo to enter into any lengthened account of Mr. Stanton's indefensiblo public actions, his enmity to MeClellan and Sherman, his utter brutality in tho ease of Mrs. Surratt, his want of lienor and self respect In Ids removal from the War Office, but who siiall number the outrages, com mitted, under his sanction, at least, unknown to the public; tho miseries of arbitrary imprisonments, tho dismissals from oflleo for paltry and unsustnlned charges, tho Insults offered to those whom necessity compelled to face him, and tho horrors of Andorsonvlllo prison pens? There are many thousands who will well remember Mr. Stanton and whoso eyes will not bo blinded as to his character by his grandiose tltlo of the "Great War Minister" and who will re joice that tho vacant chair of tho Su premo Court was not occupied by ono who would havo brought to it no honor, either as a Jurist or an impartial Judge. To the great Judge of all men, how over, Mr. Stanton has now to appear, and, grcatman as he was, wo turn from him without regret nud with no feeling that tho nation has suffered a vital hm Of ono thing thero is no doubt, Mr. Stanton needs no epitaph. The Columbia County Invasion. XXVII TI1K nANTZ JIEF.TINf), Tin: most careless und unobservant of newspaper readers can hardly fall to havo noticed of lato tho frightful num ber of murders which aro almost dally chronicled. Scarcely a paper comes to us but contains two or threo of these ghastly results of human passion. Many of them can of course bo traced to the immodcrato uso of tho manufac tured poison, miscalled whisky, others, of equal brutality, to Jealousy and fami ly difficulties. It would seem that the fcacredncss of human life, Is rapidly be ing lost sight of, aud that tho vengeance of tho law is no longer terrible to theso sheddrrs of blood. Certainly u is a subject which, calls for thcconftldcratlon of not only our law makers but of all good citizens. It Is difficult to say in what direction steps should be taken to prevent this greatest of crimes, but that the peace and pros perity oflhe land rcqulro bouio prompt and efficacious action in tho matter thero Is no doubt. Disastrous FmEs. Tho city of riiiladelphia seems to ho especially doomed to suffer from enormous fires. Our readers may renumber tho tremen dous loss of property which ensued from this rmiEo last Winter, and now we havo to ehronIclcthree,occurring within a few liomB of each other and causing n loss of fcome half a million of dollars. The ilrbt broke out on Christmas night at No. 14 North Fourth St., near Mar ket,occupled byltccder&Thaeher.hard' ware dealers. This building was com pletely destroyed and the three build ings adjolningoccuplcd by varlousflrms badly damaged. Loss, $20,000. Tho game night a largo warchouso Nos. 110, 182 & 111 North IJroadSt.,was destroyed. Loss, $80,000. Tho following day the large sugar re- finery of RodgersA Mitchell Urd iVlne Sis., was dlstroyt d. hose, 220,000. Tho cawo of either of theso fires is notes yet known. Doubtless an in vcstigatlori will bo made, and somo in formation dieted. Tin: Hadical Press, claim great credit for tho Into Edwin M. Stanton, becauso ho retired from public life, n poor man. AVofnil toncknowledgo Die justlco of this claim. Ia it poesiblo that credit is duo to a public mon who lelircs from oflleo without filling his packets with public money? Have tho luotnls of our high officials eunk to to low tin ebb, that they aro to be congratulated and praised for practicing common honesty whilst filling their positions? wo can seo no moro reason for praising a Qov' ern m en t ofll ccr for refrai n 1 n g from pick ing and stealing from tho public Treas ury than wo can for not illehlug tho pocket books of his friends In private life. If honesty has becomo su raro a thing as this In tho Ilepuhllcau party, for tho eake of decency let tho fact be kept hidden as much as may be. DKAitSnt: I proceed ntoncoto nn- swer the questions contained In your letter of Oct. l!8thj and to your first in quiry, whether under general pallia mentary )aw,lndcpendcut of any special rule, a member has not a right to cliango his voto nt any tlmo beforo tho decision is flnnlly announced by tho Chair, my answer Is : That within tho limitation contained In yotirquojtlon, lie lias. Tho right to voto carries with It under par liamentary law, uvery other right Inci dent or necessary to its intelligent anil Just exercise; and wliero not special ly re stricted or limited iu the particular mentioned in your question, by somo ruloof tho body In which tho tight to votois (ohcoxercised, there can belli my opinion no question of tho absolute right ofu member Th his discretion, for any reason satisfactory to litinsolf,to cliangu ills vote ul any time beforo tho decision Is Dually announced ; until which, Ills judgment utf to how ills voto shall bo cast is his own, and is not concluded against him until such announcement, which then becomes tho judgment of the body by which ho with tho rest is to bo bound. Cushlng ih his very elaborato work on Parliamentory law, at page 701 sec. 1S13, says: "According to the irnctlco of our those of Great Britain legisla tive assemblies, a member may ehango his voto as many times as ho pleases; and It Is our constant practlco to alter tho decision of tho nssembly ns recor ded iu tlio Journal, to make it corrcs- pond with a previous correction of the votes." Again, nt page 70U, sec. 1823 : "Ac cording to tho practlco In our Legisla tive Assemblies, therein agreeing with tho ancient rulo and practice of tho House of Commons, a member may change his voto after ho has oneo given it, provided ho docs to by- communica ting tho change to tho tellers,if tho voto is taken in that manner, beore they an nounce tie result; or if taken by yeas and nays, havo his name called again before the decision is announced, though tho numbers be declared. The same princi ple seems applicable tuiornl suffrage,and all other forms of voting, except by bal lot." At pago 70S, see. 182",ho makes refer ence to tho practice In tho House of Rep resentatives in this particular and says: "Until tho calling of tho roil is com pletcil, and the decision of the House an noimccd, members have a right to be called again and ehango their votes." If there ever were a doubt ns to the parliamentary right of a member to ehango his voto beforo tho announce ment of tho decison of which his voto when that decision is announced is an Integral part, that doubt has been el fectuaily removed by the decision of the House of Representatives in tho cuse referred to In Harclay (p. 107 Ed. mo.) Let mo givo a synopsis of that caso talen from the Journal of tho House 2d buss. 20th Coug. p. 807, 308. It is as follows : Thoprevloiis question having been demanded, tho main question was put and taken by yeas and nays. Alter tho roll was called tho speaker announced tho stat oj the vote ; hut beforo ho had pronounced tho' 'decision of tho House," a member roso aud declared his wish to ehango his vote. Tho speaker decided that tho member had that right.aud ho changed his vote. After tho speaker had pronounced tho decision of tho House, a question of order was raised, "whether the speaker possessed tho power to per mit a member of thellouso to ehango his voto after the numbers of votes on each sido of a question had been announced from tho chair?" Tho speaker decided "that it was the right of a member to change his vote at any stage of proceeding before the de cision of tho House thereon should have been finally and conclusively pronounced from the chair." An appeal was taken from this decision and the Houso sustained tho speaker by a vote of 122 to 49. This was on the 28th Feb.l829,nnd has not to my knowl edge, been In any lmtunco since then reversed. Your next inquiry: Is it not tho fixed practlco of tho U.S. Senate to allow members to ciinngo their votes at any time btfore tho result is announced from tho chair, I can witli very great confi dence answer. It is tho fixed practice of tho Scnato ; nor havo I over known, during now a pretty long experience, that right questioned, and It is ono of almost daily assertion. IT any prlncl pie of parliamentary law could bo es tabllshed by tho unbroken usngo of the Senate alone 11 would bo this very right of n member to cliango his vole before tho announcement of the decision from tho chair. But your own experience as a member of tho Scnato must have made you familiar with very many Ire stances In which this right has been ex erclscd. My connection wlththeSenatocovers a period of very nearly thlrty-tiireo years. Until within about four years, when I was mado Its Chief Clerk, the greater portion of that time it was my dnty to assist In making up Its Journals; and in twelve of that tlmo I had the entire charge of tho Journals; during which I was constantly In tho Senate Chamber, and am thcrcforo familiar witli its practice. Recurring to the prac tico in tho Scnato In respect to tho right ofu member to ehango his vote; no no tico of these changes, unless a question bo raised, Is taken on thojourmil, wliero only tho result Is recorded. It is there foro not a matter of record but of that "personal experience" spokou of by May In Ids Treatise on l'urllam. Law where ho says: ".Modern practice Is often undefined iu any written form ; It is not recorded lu (ho Journals ; it is not to be traced In tho published do bates, nor Is It known Iu any certain manner but by personal experience, and by tho daily practlco of Parliament in tho conduct of Its various descriptions of business" (Book n ii.Ml.) I have, my dear sir, at tho lmzard of Tint is Is a strong and determined opposition to tho confirmation of Sickles as Minister to Spain, and there seems to bo n probability of his rejec tion. "A consummation devoutly to be wished." Tho Senato record shows that ho was made a Brigadier General by only ono vole, n proof that there wero .omo who doubted his possession of till thpeo splendid graces and vir tues afterwards discovered by that em inent student of Human Nature, Tariff, and FreoLovo.tho IlonJIoraco Greeley, i being tedious and prolix answered, hope satisfactorily, your questions. I do not think thero Is much obscurity in tho question of parliamentary law on tho point nt issue, to bo cleared away. Tho question Is well settled, i am ueur sir, most sincerely your friend, W. J. M'DONALD, isinei uieric, sen. l , , Hon. C. It. Ruckalkw. Tho statement published in some of (ho. papers that, tho Administration Is about to recognize tho Cubans as bellig erents, Is authoritatively denied. Tho President lias not changed his mind on tho subject. Dime-ted Men Pkebekt: Thesc.ns distinguished from otiicr citizens, wero In n position of contempt, to tho eon tcription laws, for they hod not respon ded to tho draft. Their number wai not largo nor was thero nny formed associa tion to resist their as was falsely pretended ; but somo of them wero no doubt disposed toward violent counsels or nt till events to continued evasion of their duty under tho law. They con stltuted, therefore, tho objectionable in gredlcnt of (ho meeting and to nil of them tho advlco given by Daniel M' Henry upon another occasiou was most appropriate, (o wit, that Instead of ''skedaddling around" they should report for duly. But It Is to bo remem bered that not ono of tho drafted men present at tho Rrttitz meeting (so fur as wo can lenrn) wni ever tried or punish cd by (ho military nuthorltlcs,altliough somo (f them wero subscquenily in their power. On tho contrary two of thorn wero produced ns notablo wltnes ses for the government upon tho trials at Harrisburg and wero treated rather as objects of favor and commendation (ban of censure or punishment, wo nl ludo to Edward M'Henry and Silas Korns whose testimony, though given under some degree of coercion and Im perfect In quality, was used with fatal effect against Innocent and upright men The ronMiNti ov Squads: Korns (who was the fairer witness of tho two) stated In his testimony, that at the meeting "(hey formed into companies and squads (o bo placed In didercnt places to protect property. iNothlng was done during (ho day until somo time Iu (he afternoon." "Thero were differ ent companiesorsquailsofmcn formed; could not tell how many. I belonged to one of these squads. Hy. Kline coin manded it. Wo proposed to go to tho mountain and slay there to seo what tho result was. Tins company was most ly composed of drafted men. We went to tho mountain to S3e what the soldiers were going to do; to seo the result of the soldieis coming up." I am drarted in first three year's drait In (lie fall of 16C3." From oilier parts of tho evidence it clearly appears that most of the squads never met nftt rwnrds, and that not the slightest attempt was madoln nny quar ter to resist or annoy tho soldiers when they omo Into the neighborhood. Tho :squad movement width was foolish.Im. proper and wrong was abandoned or given up without nny overt net, and re sulted only in (ho exodus of a small number (of whom iho witness Karns was one) (o (he Nordi Mountain. Who weke ahkestei) : The men at tho Kant, meeting who wero open to censure, ns we havo al ready remarked, were not hold respon sible for tholr conduct. They escaped, or nearly nil of them escaped, tho stroke of power. But with innocent men or tlioso little liabio lo blame.tiio caso was different, and it will now ho our busi ness to point out particular instances of nrrest aud punishment for alleged par ticipation iu the Ratitz meeting, which were beyond nil question unjust and outrageous. John JlantzVo havo already called attention to the fact that Mr. Ituutz was absent from homo about noon, two or threo miles distant, i ho evldenco of E. .1. M'Henry on this point as given In our last number, was distinct and complete. Besides upon thoBnntz trial, John O. Dlldlne, n reputable gen tlemtiu, also testified as follows : "I saw Ilanfz coining homo about 4 p. m oil Sunday, Aug. 1 Ith. Ho has a farm about five miles from where ho lives, in tho direction whence ho was coming. I live three-fourths of a mile from lilm Ho has a son lu tho army who Is a minor." As Karns and others, testify, that there was nothing done in the forenoon, and as Itantz nppears to havo been ab sent from.noon until about the time tho meeting adjourned, ho can hardly bo held responsible for nny proceedings which took place. Independent of tho fact that this meeting was held on his premises, thero was very little evldenco against Mr. Bautz on his trial, except that ho had made excited or cxtravtt' gnntremnrkson several occasions,whicli wero pretty well accounted for by Rich nrd Stiles, (u witness examined against him,) who said : "I consider Bantz a man who talks considerable." His looso talk however (supposing it to bo correctly reported) was accompanied by very distinct nc(s which gavoit an In nocent complexion. Ho furnished minor son to tho army, ho subscribed $100 00 to rnlso a bounty fund for his district, he declared tlio "boys,"(or vol untcers, must bo assisted, and ho waited upon tho soldiers and Informed them that "they could hunt up all the drafted men and arrest them, and they would not bo disturbed.'1 Itantz was howover arrested and severely punished. Ho was convicted (as wo havo heretofore shown) after nn imperfect and unfair trial beforo tho Military Commission at Harrisburg, and underwent moro limn eight mouths of dungeon life. But his prison-doors wero at last opened by Androw Johnson shortly after ho sue ceeded to tho duties of the Presidential otuco. wo aro inrormeu tnat tno cases of Mr. Bantz and of several of tho other prisoners wero pending beforo Presl dent Lincoln, for consideration, nt the time of Ills death, mid that they were taken up, acted upon and disposed of by his successor without any now nppllca. (Ion request or solicitation. Very promptly nil tho prisoners remaining in custody wero pardoned and discharged Samuel Applemum Tills gentleman Is recorded ns having undergone an Im prlsonmcnt for G3 days. It appears In the evldenco that ho resides In tho Im mediate neighborhood of Bantzjtiiat ho went to the meeting in tho afternoon, but was thero only about 15 minutes und then returned homo. Ho does not seem to havo taken any part in the mooting, or (o havo given any other pretext for his arrest. Joseph Coltmun, another victim, aged 08, a surviving soldier of tho war of 1812, was at Mr. Applcmau's homo on tho 1 1 tli of August when Daniel M'Henry arrived thero, accompanied by his wife, child, and n niece, on Ids way (o visit a relative. Mr. Coleman spoko to M'Henry and referring (o tho Ilnntz meeting asked him to go up to It and lnduco tho peoplo "to go homo to their buslnosi." In this request ho was Joined by Mr. Absalom M'Henry who was thero nt tho (line. Upon 1). M'Henry's remarking that (hey them selves should go up, they replied that ho had better go; that ho was moro com petent than they wero and could ac complish more. Thereupon D. M'Hen ry went up to tho meeting accompan ied by Absalom M'Henry, IIo left his peoplo at Applcman's and abandoned tho visit ho had Intended to make. Theso fuels aro fully set forth in tho tes timony of Absalom M'Henry and of Samuel Appieman given" beforo tho Military Commission on tho Kith day ofDcecmberl8CI. It will, then, bo seen that Mr. Cole man was Instrumental In scudlngu gen tleman tothomectlugtu discourago and dlspcrso it. Wo next hear of him as nn nrrested man. Ho was seized and thrust into Fort Mlfillu without auy regard for his years or his innocence, and was kept thero for u period of 10 days, when lie was discharged without trlul, uuder nn order Issued by Geu. Couch. Meantime, his farm was occu pied for iv military encampment and extcnslvo depredations wero commit ted upon his property. For theso no compensation has ever been made. Daniel M' Henry's arrest is tho only additional ono wo will mention, in this particular connection, although many others, outrageous in character, might bo named. Tho testimony of Absalom M'Henry, to which reference has already been made, explains clear ly the circumstances under which D. M'Henry went to tho Itantz meeting, und also what was said and elouo by him whllo there. Wo shall therefore givo it in full, adding tho testimony of John Baker given ut tho same time Absalom JVlIenry,swori:',l 11 vo lu Jackson township, Columbia County; ama farmer,! know Edward M'Henry; ho is my son; I know Daniel M'Henry; uuw him on tho lltli of August. Ho enmu'to Samuel Applcmau's whero I wai; I was there n llttlo beforo him. Joseph Coleman was present. 1 asked Daniel M'Henry if ho was going up to tho meeting; ho said he had not intend edtogo, lie was going another course. IIo then got out of his wagon and turn cd it. 1 told him I would like lilm to go up and see what they were doing thero as they might go Into measures that I did not consider right and would llko him to go up and speak and discourage them. Ho went into tiic house and lie said no word about go. lug up. I again asked him and wo went. Wo talked as wo went nlong that we should advlso them to disperse and not do anything contrary to law, and he advised me to speak to them as I was older. Wo walked up to tho Bantz barn. Ho mado a speech; his speech was short. Ho talked very much as wo had spoken. Ho told them (hey had bettor gohomcnud if the soldiers did como und burn their houses they had the law to fall back on and the neighbors would not leave them suffer. I think I heard the whole of his speech distinctly and that was tho leading point. I was pretty close to him. He did not advise the men to stand together. If he had said it I would have remembered it. There was somo conversation between us and ho wanted drafted men to payor report. Edward M'Henry said the drafted mon should stand together and he would be with them. Cross-hxamintd: Daniel M'Henry did not say lie believed the peoplo were unanimous Iu what they had underlain en. Tho object of tho meeting at Bantz's they met to consult what they should do If the soldiers cliould come up; wheth ertliey should stand out and defend themselves if they should injuro them Thero wns a good many drafted men there. Ed. M'Henry wns at tiio further end of tho barn nnel I could not-hoar all ho tnid and I would havo rather ho would not havo spoken. IIo advised tho drafted men to stick together if the soldiers came to curry out their plnn did not understand that they intended to rebel against tho laws unless it was in self-defence. Tho drafted men In tended to resist if tho soldiers eamo arretd them; so I thought. lie-Examimd : Daniel M'Henry ad vised the people to dhptltc und homo." John llaker, sicorn:"l reside Benton (ownslilp; n wagon maker. was at tho Bantz meeting on tho 14th of August Inst. I saw Daniel M'Henry th eie about 3 P. M. or after. He spoke a llttlo while; could not tell tho words, Ho talked to persuado tho meeting to disperse. Ho thought they might bo very cautions, that somo malicious per son might commit somo depredations, His remarks wero not In favor of tho meeting; tho substance of ids speech was against the meeting. I saw Ed ward M'Henry there. I can't word liN speech. Ho said they would havo troub le? and as for his part he would not go. Ills remarks wero in favor of resistance. Daniel M'Henry is n truo and loyal man I think, Urms-Hxamincd : I started from home after dinner; got back nt early supper time. The people wero funning b( fore I got to tho barn. Daniel M'Henry was not thero long; I did not too him long. I saw him como to the barn, I do not remember of seeing him after ho made Ids speech." To the same purpose with tho forego ing wns tho testimony of James Evans, who was also present nt the Bantz meet ing nnd was examined as a witness for tho defence. Tho government vitncs3 Silas Karns stated M'Henry's remarks somewhat differently, though substantially to tho samo effect. Ho admitted that "Daniel M'Henry did not adviso them to resist tho soldiers, "aud that "ho advised them not to go on but to hold on and teo what was done in tho matter." Such then aro tho facts In relation to Daniel M'Henry's connection with the Bantz mooting. Ho went to tho meet ing upon request lo oppose all violent nnd'lmprudent counsels, nnd to induce thoso who wero thero to disperse quiet-ly-nnd go home, and ho carried out his intention faithfully and fully. TitnSriiECHEs: Bemarks wero mado in tho barn, as tho wKnesses inform us, hySainuel Kline, Daniel M'Henry and Edward M'Henry. They wero brief but wore not all to tho samo purpose or mado with tho same object. Aftersomo observations by Kline, D. M'Henry spoko In tho manner already described nnd very properly and wisely. Then Ed. M'Hciiryj mado somo excited re marks. Ho tald (among other things) as reported by (ho witness Karns, that "ie teas not as the man thai had spoke before him j that some men had prom. Isod to protect them und when tho trial came refused some men hud done so," Ho did not uamo who they wero. I could not tell what lie did say; I heard what I havo slated ; somo things said I could not recollect to tell here. Home men had backed out." Tho meaning of all this is very evi dent. 1). M'Henry's remarks in favor of doing nothing In (ho way of resisting tho soldiers, thot'they should wait and eeo what was dononnd that even if pro perty was burnod they "had the law to fall back upon, wero very tinwelcomo to Ed. M'Henry and lingered him. Hcnco his bluster nnd protest; his disa greement with (lie previous speaker nnd Ids accusation (hat somo men had backed out. Protection of the property and fainl- es of dinfted men and of other citizens alnst nn apprehended raid upon them hud been the topic of conslderatlon.and squads of observation with reference to tills object exclusively wero afterwards formed, composed howover of a portion only of tho persons present. Beslstanco to (ho arrest of drafted men Hoes not em lo havo been discussed nt all or avowed as an object at tho mectlng.but it is likely that Ed. M'Henry and some others In his position desired to pro mote their personal safety by ulterior measures not then proposed. Bo this ns It may,thero was a direct issue made tn tho meeting between Daniel and Ed ward M'Henry ; between tho man of lenco and (lie man of violence; between the law-abiding citizen on the one hand nnd th.o draft-skulk on tlio other. Now what was clone by tlio military authorities in regard to these two men ? How wero they regarded and lrca(cd respectively by tho chiefs of tlio Inva sion and by tho agents of military jus- Wo well know what was done. ( Tlio man whoso conduct was upright and worthy of praise was seized and put in prison for four months, and was persecuted and cmpoverislicd by an un list and malignant prosecution. Tho other, though arrested, was allowed to go forth free and unpunished and was put under government pay as a witness against the very man whoso peaceful counsels he had opposed und spurned I Teachers' Institute. Catawissa, Pa., Dec. 18th, 1809. to go Tho Columbia County Teacheis' As hoeiatlon met as adjourned, iu tlio Schoolroom of Mr. t nydor, nnd was culled to order hy tho President, Mr, W.vnkoon. Mr. Wm. Snvder was an pointed President, and H. D. Walker, tseereiary. un motion ot tho County Sunerln tendent, C. Ci. j nrkiey, Esq., a Com mittee of five was appointed by tho Chair, to prepare n programmo fo r tlio next meeting of tho Association, and report nunc opening oi tno nueriioon session. Messrs. F. M. Bntcs. C. O. Barklo.v, Josenli Garrison, and Misses JMlio Vance, unci hiiuna Claris wero that committee1. Prof. H. D. Wnlker was called on for nn Opening Address, und responded by giving u class i!.xcrciso oh .Numeration A letter was read uv tho county Ku perinteiidcnt from Mr. Thomas Miller. oi I'.spy, excusing ins ansence on ac count ui uio dangerous illness oi ins mother, whereupon ProfrF. M. Bales was annointed to onen the Discussion on "marking and prizes." Prof. Bates is n favor of marking the scholarship and tho conduct of pupils, because, in ids opinion, it stimulates the pupils, and is, on tho whole, productive of good results. Ho is also iu favor nf nrizes. if award cd Judiciously. Miss Feustermncher on pos?u mariiiug;, it leacis pupils to uecepuon, is nseii deceptive, una, therefore unjust. She is also opposed to ollerlng prizes. Tlio discussion wns continued by Messrs. Bates nnd Bark icy until tno nouriorniijournmpnt. Al'TEUNOOX. Tlio Association met at two o'clock President Snyder in the ehnir. Mr, Barkley from tho Committeo nmioint cd to preparo a programme for the next meeting reported as lollows: That tlio sessions bo as follows: 10 to 12 o'clock a. m.; from 1.30 to 4.30 p. in., and iiomu.iJU too in tneevening; und mat mo oruer and time ot exercis. es be as lollows, viz: 10 a. m. Opening address, by Prof. Wm. Burgess; 11.30 a. m. Beport Calisthenics, by Prof. Honry Carver; 11.45 n. m. Discussion oname, opened uy .nr. iniauuei rrnz. iuijourn. 1.30 n. m.-Benort Order of Studv by Mr. Thus. B. Miller: 1.45 n. m. Dis cussion on snme.opcned by Miss Emmn Clark; 2.00 p. m. Beport Teaching uiu Aipnauet, miliary Spelling, nnd i-rimary Jieauing ny rroi. ll. u. wain er; z.i, p. in,, Uiscusslon on Mime, opened by Miss C. Fieeze: 2 30 p. m Bet ort-Object Lebsons, by Prof. F.M xsatcs : ..-i.i id. hi.. Discussion on samo opened by Jlr. Edward C. Greene; 3.00 p. in, r-ssay ny 4uiss xerressn Veil nana ounjecr, upttonal ; u.lop. in. iteport Tho Playground and tho (eaeh er's relation to E. Wvnkoon: 3.30 p. in. Discussion on same, opened by Alfred B. Hartmnn; 3.45 p. m. Beport Composition writing, by Miss Senio Smith: 4.00 n. in. Discussion on same, opened by MissEfflo Vanco; 4.15 p. iu. i-ciimnnsnip uy l'rol. M. Williams. Aeliourn. 0.30,-Lecturo- Subject, Optional-by i lui, i. u. ucsii ,,uj) ueciiire ouu jevt, eiptionni-hy llov. D. J, Waller. F. M. Bates. Clmlr. Pnm. The report having neen accepted and adopted, on motion of Mr. Barkley, it was voted, that tlio next meeting of tho association uo nem in Iispy,on (ho 12th nny ui r curuury, ibiu. A report on "J'crfiction the Mm of Ih Ttttchcr" was read ny Joseph Garrison of Bloomsburg. Tho discussion of (hi subject was continued by tho Superln HllMlll I. i iui.i-. in. unu's liiuuo a vernal ro port on "Jcxt Uaolcs.andhow to use them.' 'Iho discussion following this report inn n,iiuui,iuiiiii uy DUOI, IJarKICV and Prof, Walker. "Jiutew Schooli" wns discussed by Messrs. Biirtlnv. Ilnlnj nml,.,m Miss Jennie Breeeo rend a report, 'on "Iteicards and I'lmishmcnts;" which was juiiuwi'u iiii remarKS ny .Messrs Hark ley, Bates, and Walker. 'Jho Association then adjourned to mix-1 in jr.?py, on tno iui unv or Feb ruury, ihtii. u, jj. WALKER, Secretary NEWS. Home Georgia, Dec. 27.-Tho entire regular Democratic ticket, wlthono exception, wns elected by nn avcrago majority of GO. 11. A. binuirs majors for Mayor Is 88. A firo broke out nt 2 a. m. i .uunuuy last In South Sehna streut, Syracusc.N. Y., which was not subdued until lato lu tho forenoon. Seven brick stores werodestroycd.nvobelngcndrely burn ed oui and tho others crushed by falling walls. Tho lo Is estimated at $150,000, atid tho insurance $223,000. Sa.v. Fiiaxcisco, Dec. 27.-Tho heav iest cartliquako os'Qt experienced In Eastern California and Nevada occurred about six o'clock last evening. At Virginia City, Nevadn.walls were thrown down, door-hells rung, nun clocks btonned. Tho consternation was eeneral. Tlio shock wits felt sovcrely on thu lower levels of tilt tho mines. Tho vibrations wero north nud south, nnd lasied about tun sec nids. At Bono tlio shock was preceded by a low rumbling, which lasted nearly two minutes, n arming the iiiiiamtnnis. Tho cxprcs t r.iln bound west was uu allied about an hour between wans crth and Iteno by largo rocks and irlh thrown on the track hy (ho earth quake. Washington-. Dec. 2s.-Tho funeral of the late Hon. Edwin M. Stanton tool: nlnco hero yesterday. The service was that of tho Protestant Episcopal Cliurcl: nnd was read by llov. Dr. Starkie, 01 iim ('imri'li nf tho Euln inr.y, assisted by two other divines of (ho samo do nomination. Tlio funeral procession notwithstanding tlio rain and the nb senco of everything lu the nature of official display, was Imposing in tli number, the character and tho soda nml nfllMiil nrwitlrms of those present Thu hnilv was interred at Oak Hill Cemetry. WAsin.vtiTo.v. Dec. 23. A meeting of tho friends of ex-Secretary .Stanton Iu this city wns Held tins evening 10 raise a fund for tho family of tho illus trious deceased. Strong iceiing wns manifested. Onogentli mau,iihemiior. subscribed fivo thousand dollars. Tele LTiinh c despatches received heiu r.r nl. nubile miir.on mlii l lmtmn", nlmliltmlor, rtV"f A"'1"'." I. Ml'mn. Into "Ml noiiriiwnihl. In Uio ''" nf ( llltllll III. 1M .llONMWCll.lllO followlni! ?,l valnntjto foul eslrito t.) win All Hint certain Thkiik will bo somo lively flghtln for the vacancy in the Supremo Court eiiused by tlio death of Edwin M.Stan ton. Thomas A.Scott, John Covode, Leonard JMyers nnd others from th! Stato nro iu Is presumed for the purpose of securing (ho position lor one of (heir friends. Ex-Judgo etrong is spoiten of as tho probable up polnteo. It seems likely tiiat Judge noar win nave to resign his place in t lie Cabin et, in which caso thero will be another position for tho hungry inultl tuao (o quarrel about. to day eivo assurance that nt least one hundred thousand dollars will boraisee MARRIAGES. ) U II L.I 0 S A L U or v a r. tr a n i. e it 1: v 1. EH T A T El In piiMiwnrc of n..t.if r pr 'en" ?,''"',,,, 1IUJ iiiriiii-.", ""."f.' i: HKnU!Noi:it-rnNRT-on iiics'ki insi,iy Hi licv.W.j. l:cr. Mr. lliirrlsnu UerniiutT. l'raiikllu twii., to Mies .MnlinU Einst, nf ! mint. tu'n. it , :"l tfou. by Ilev. .1. M, lliic, Mr. Win. II, .Mint Cm tie 'Utile IkiIIi , I (ltimbln vo.. (ihiu NJ!AJ.-tiiAKi';it-oii ilieiniiiofOci.issa by Jtcv. o. A. .MHklt, waller uri-i-nniuii, Mint AUiircilaHlialer, ulli f nioomsliuiir. , II SI1ILIJ.-UAS UX Un tlio Kill nf Die. I he M. K. ralhnnnRr, UloomsburK. Jolui M'Mul ltu of Alomour coM to flattie J. Mubsun, or ltlnonisbtirk'. IIIS-MKlll;I)ITH-0n the lSIll, Inst,, nt the usldenceof -Mr. !tunn. nloolnsbun;. by llt-v, (I. A. Jllllih, Will. 11. IltM. i'l I1:i.1Iiiii, I,u ycrne co., to .Mury E. Men illlli, ol llkuluhbuig l'a. lXI.KIt AUIX In Orcrnr onl twp, Her., 23th, 1MU by llev. .1, l'.'luMin, Mr. Mini In v, Enler cf UelleMllf, Illinois, lo .Vlts Elmibilh Aull or lllrh I'rnlilc, Illinois. JeillftHIS UllltlMTIA III While Hull, on the Wnl Inst., by llev. 11. e Mnnro, Mr, lyinolt Jiliiif.oii mid Mtwi ISurali A. ctirlstlti, all of Madioon township. I'lillnitrtjitilft Market. LOIIlt- Nirrtliwcsttfru buperhue ut orinwi'hu-rn extra- . f 3.25 . ... 5.7C Norlliwrhleru family (J..jiVjl 6.7f Pennsylvania ami Wewieru nupeiiine... 5.(A3fl,ot Xtfl u..i renilhVlvatlla and Weattru pLlra i'enUKylvanla und Western family....,,. Pennsylvania and Western lancy Hye nour ., UEA1 I'L-nnsylvaula red, V but, Houlhern " " California " " while " Hyk Pennsylvania ryt V hns Cohn Yellow. " While, Oais thus P.XOVI8IO.SM !. Porll, It bbl MessUeel, " Dressed Hok, t b Hmotted Hams " Shoulders- v V Eard, n rti HKUl.s Cloverseeu V bus Tlinolhysml "i bus Flaxseed , Cattlk lleef C'altlo lb Cows, ti head BHEKI' ? ID Htll-! 100 ts tl.6iffltl.7l tilttSIWt 8l.ii S.U.V3S.UI. tl.lwsSl.46 3I tl.I791.ri fjl.a iil.3 17t((jilli IS !7eMk( U.iiU"i 9.! $1.37 , 8e(41lf,5 t:"aj! 11.(1.70 IH4SHIU NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ' ISTATK OKW.W. HflU-K, Tll-C'D: In the Oiphuiis Com t of Columbia eounlv, Iho Auditor uppolunu by theeiiuri, lo nuke distri bution ofthuislulo of said W, W. MellcK, lulu of t-coll twp.. In the tounly of Columbia, dlc'd. ninoui! tho heirs und n piest ntatlves und persons entitled thereto, will meet thu parties interested, forihe purposeoi lilsuppolutmeut ul his i.lllce lllHrower'lull.llni, loouisburK, on the first day or l'e bruary, A. II. 1S7U, at 10 o'clock A. M., whin aud wheie all iH-nouH havlnir claims on mid mint ure ii quired lo ullind.or b forever di buried from iouiIiik lu lor a luit of thesald lund. , ,, , J01l-N' O. FREEZE, dec. 31,'UMw. Audllur. i,OT O V OHO U N I) lliiatnln thotownoriiurannuuK, mini "";( i ui r.ii!.ur. tn win r roniiuv -mit (.null...". . -.J( iiltnv nil 1MB rent or A nil lown on uiu -v, .... ., - -- - ,ir h.annllevonthewoft.nn.liilot owned liy Win Mciil on tho srmlii, conuiinini in '"'""' Market "treet eventyono feet, and In depth ono huiidred and nlnclyetsht.lcct wuoroonji erect- n iarijo two siory MUCK DWELLING HOUSE, llrlck Kitchen nttnrhcil, llrlclt leo Itntiw and HprlUKlIoue?(-"al House, elc , n law Krnr.ii. fiMsed, Minuted In thn tnwnsl, n nnn, ores uu. 3-TEIlMS OV HAt.K:-Tcn per cent oi n e nirlli of the purchase money to he paid ' lyofnalc-: oue-foiirlh of the purclmso monev. i,,i..,.,l..rMiii riiii.luisn tnouev 111 one ear from I no eoniirnnuon oisny, .. . i. ....., nmiiirmai until. il. Purchaser ... pur., in nuv lor ireeu hin onn"1 session ttlven April 1st, 1170 ,-,. ilee.2l.WrtV. ' 'Adjnliiistrutor rfliianu i ta u s -" j CpiDESt IH THE WORLD cjl MUM send ton AcmcuLAn vJi!ir""; Now York Office 27 BEEKMAN ST. dee. 2l,'0ti.6m. 1S70 "THE W0ItLil)-" 1870 Tho nhiliftr nlThn World in beyond question. We icBard It Iho ablest Democratic newspaper In Ihe nailon. HI. Jiiuvh llmuu. The Xcw York World, the nhlcst Democratic Journal In the United States. Cmclnn'ttt i'liiet. THE wkeki.y wuiiuu, a large quarto sheet, printed throughout In Iarijo lype ami puoiisneii every eooes.ii.j .....isa .... hmv Mil. Inn-est. circulation of 1111V Widely newspaper In the l'nlled Htules, Willi, posslbly.a single excepnon. THE MEMI-WEEKEV WOULD, published Tncsd ly nnd Friday, Is n large qum lo SlieCl, eoilOUUlim UU 111(1 liKn I'uiinsiivit in .lie Dally World, wlih ihe exceptions of such local .n.mrlu lis lllllV 1m .if till llllel'CHt I.I 11(111 rCSlllril N of Nuw York City. Its market lepurts 1111. a.s full ns tlinsriif the D.illv (dllloll. mid it contains, be- sldeslnleicsllnit lllerury matter, on Kriday of ench week a full report 01 uio idrmerv Liirj. THE DAILY WOULD contains all the news of Iho day that ew iw ol- In- mail nml teleirmoli from all narts ol the world, und thorougU discussions of nil topics oi interest, THE WOULD ALMANAC l'OIl lo70. "The World Almanac" fur IST0 will cnnlaln vast (piunttty of political information of uso to c.ciy voier, und oi niieu u en.iiaeiti n tun uv obulncd 111 no other publication. 1. It Mill Lu printed full ofllclal returns of every election held In; tho voto of New York Statu by elceilon itlst i lets, unit of Connecticut bv towns;thr nuiues and vutes of each candldaieH for ench brunch of the New York Leclslatllie; list of meinliHrs of the Utilled States senate and House of ltepres entatlves; obituary iccord und list of Important eieiitslu IfU): nud u count eto cummary of polit ical events duilhit the pustyear. As a compact political manual It will have noeiiual. Terms by Mali, WEEKLY WOULD. One Copy, one year $2.00 four Copies.onc year, sepaiatcly uddresseil...7.oD Ten Copies, oneyear.sipurutely addreR..ed...l.i.ou Aiui nn extra Copy lo getter up of Club. Twenty copies, one year, toouenddress Aud an exlra copy to getter upof Club. Twenlj Coples.onej ear,sep.irately addressed il7,(0 And un extra Copy lo getter up of Club. SKMI-WKKKLY WORLD, Onecopy.ono year $1.14) Four e'oples, one year,separuiely aduressedio.ot) Ten Copies, one j ear, lo one uddrews '1 o0 Anil an extra Copy to metier upof Club, Ten Conies, one purately n(ldresso.l,...2J.OO And an ixtia Copy to getter up of Club. J1A1LV WOULD. One Copy, ono year 310.00 Ono Copy, ono ear, Willi sund ly Edition l.MU Tin: would almanacs. trim lJi, 1SC3, and 11.70.) Price. ios.o.ilil. Hlnelo Cotilcs. ?ll Seven Copies, pu4l-pald l.uo DII'.ECTIONS, . Additions toClnbs may bo made at any tlmo In theyeurut the ubovu t.ioh rntpN. Changes lu Club Lists mado only on request of l'lun '"inn's viuu 1'iieiiiiges, siaiiii! (lino oi subscription, edition, Post-oillco und sinie to which ll has pioviously been seul.niid entiuslni: I went- live cents topay for trouble ol tho ciinuee to separnle uddress, Tkums Cusli lu advance, Send l'ost-oillco Monev Order, llunlr llr.ifi ni.)l.l.t.r..,i I llh ls sent by .Mail will bo ut tho risk of thu sender Wo hnVB no travelling agent. Specimen cop los, posters, Ac. sent luo nr chareu, wherccr und neiieeriiisircu. Auuress all orders and letters to "lliu WO.tLi).', ('Mr Si Park Uow, .New York, rpiIK CiAliAXY " " JL rou 1S70. (1H1.AT ATTHACTIONS. V!f!'.I.C,Wf4,P.r'CUItl5D -'l'AULES "W,1 t'i'-?1, EDWARDS. HICIIAIID eillAlJT Willi E, ANTHONY TllOL L( I PE, J US li N St 'OA It IT, PAHICE (IODWJ.V. lllt.J.C. DLTON, Hit. DllAPElt, Andull Iho Leading Writers of the ll.iy. FIKSr. . 1 ul ourself In his place, Charles Heado's Great Story, will conllnue 10 delight the readers or the ' Uaxy Iho greater part of tho year IS70. Pull tn , .i"Vf o"1'1-'" bmU nirm.und will bo sent the ii gulai subscrlpllon price SECOND. QO-lUU'NKIirx .S,?.,".1:r,,,.f1,el liavn rnlorw ... lluheSrcSJi'S i..mikIer,towl,omfti,p,Sn. lllooinsburu June 11,'rio.t . i''0ft,loV ' ram luuringcreek tvn (i.i 1 iltsi'd., luivo been jjiuniisi byVMywbiJ county. In e. M. Tewksburv n All persons imviBKelainiiiip,iIt-lliti;.1 ilicoilent urn IfqileMtHltiihiik. iQnnsi th.MB indebted to inako i, &lC, NOTvA,J:WT1H),.I'Tmo7:. Ill Ihecsiateof i:iiz ibotli i,. , on n.wnshlp, ColuiubiacoUu;.'?,,r'V'-.: ...... . tt,iKuiiu!ii. itin.. ii nt 1 .,i,:i,:idlv:n!itm:SKa.: orileutnn lu said couniv " S will bo taken on ttm .."-- It., . tlu 12th day nf .laiumrJ YJi M "a H t you may nttend Ifyou Ihliilt',,?," !'i il ..i-JUOEWrMLI dee. 17,'iiO-lw, 1 A ' tsTASo't MiVn eViulirwIl1 ''Jmiili ingeriek towusiilp, Ailiuiniiftar s wcifo uiinrm Al i.i...m. i 1'1" tn. demanilH awilnst lliBeM.ii,, 0V '.V!. t rwiiiesled to nuke them kuwTu'' 3 dented '"".i "I. HADts,.. "'"IK irw'J I I (lee. 17,'(li(lw. tfXKOUTOH'M NOTR'i: ' i-i LsrATh or wm. 0. iiiiu.s, ',, . Klu!nb!S!!nlo'ifK& Montour countj-, P.u All ,r,'''! claims iigallist Hie eslulenru lmil,."1 -I them lo tho Exocutorln .Ioui',i,r i'WK, Those indehled lo Ihe islalVelfi l"f inent, inorlgag,, r bU(,t ""'"'r payment to thu Executor without. i j-.ii:h lias. , El-j A DMINlSTHATOIt'SXnTirl Xl. rSTAtllof IIAVIII I nl, IHCii 'V 7 V" '"'' '"isiruuoii on ( .,.,,, , ; dec. Sl.'09-Gnr. hi 1 ty, deceased, linvo been erniuc, i .;! , of sold county In I'mil ryriHilinJi,. , Inn and county aforesaid. u " claims ngalnsl Iho eslulo nf llieiltriu 3 qnesled 10 presPnt ihem w&'i tno.-nliidelileil lo the eslne lom.i?," Uiu iniderslgned ittlmln ut rnti r wit. jti dcc.2l,'-1w. ilUff -1 OIIICIUI'F'S SALIC. Ily liluoofn will of Ahns ,.i r, f1 i d out or tho Com 1 01 e nimnou l',fil j blu county, Icslcd at llhwnisbun. , ) Dcceiubel- lSIU.Will be expos, u , ., Iho premises on Hutunl , Jmiur! ie) o'clock 111 III afternoon, Ihe lir( is: I.llliH III Iho li.tlnuli.,. 1... . ' ualo In Maine township., 1 , win1 .t I K ,1 j A UDITOU'S NOTICE. 1- LaTAT 01' WM. rRlTZ, DEC'D. Tno underslgued, tpjiolnleil by Iho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, an Auditor ap pointed by tho court to make distribution idoong creditors of iho estate nf William 1 rltz, lato ol Orange twp. Columbia county deed., will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of Ills appointment ut his olllco lu lllomsburK, on Monday ,lhc 31st duy of Janunry liiO, ut 10 o'clock, A. it. All leisons having claims on said estate, are required to attend or le forever uobaired from coming In for a pnrt f laid lund, ' , , s, , E. It. LITTLE, dec. 31, Ww. Auditor, A UDITOH'S NOTICE. XV Lsr.vTE or hmpi:l kisnek, ijec'd. In Ihe oiphans' Court of the county of Colum Ida. Ihe Auditor appointed bv um Court, lo make distribution amoug creditors of iho bul lincolntliBlianiUofllieadiu'r. ol Samuel Kla- .1 ! .. "reeuwoou iwp. coluiubli couuly, deed, will 1 meet nil persons Interes.eil. lor the. ippolnimcntnt iho olllce of M. !1.. ill nilKllllSlllir" ivli M.iliit.1,.1. tlleil day of January, A,l). 1S7U, ut III o'clock K. 111, of said day. All iiersoushavliigclalmsugaliikt the kiild estate will Iw required lo present ihem iuriHse ofliis nppoii . n.iino.ei, rii dec. Sl.'CS-lir, (JEO. 8. COLEMAN, Auditor. pUB LIC SALE 0 r V A L U A U E E. HEAL KB V A i E. lliesuhscrlher,udin'r.,onho estato of Hliam Cool, dec U.. will expose tosale 011 iho premises. In llourlugcruk twp.. In Columbia county, on buiuiiluy, Juuuury iil, 1S70, the following des nulisiaio.iowli: A Iract of land, bound, ed by lands of Klchuld Hoagland. Elljali llurh, tuIulng'''aS Uu"c1'. tt"a "'0 I'nhlle road, con- SEVENTY-FOUH ACHES, moro or less: about slxly acres whereof Is clear, edaud uuder good iitlilvuilon. Iho Imnnne luents uro u two story 1 FHA.ME DWELLING HOUSE, u bank Imrn und out buildings, n spring of waler upple oicnurd and othei pilt;nd 11 slieaiu "l," ',"' through the place. " Ji'.itJis Ol' MALE: ien perceutofono-fourth oflhe purcuiiso moutyshuil bo puldalthesirl k" lig down of Iho piopellyj tho one-lourlli less ho tenpir cent at iho ionil,i, ul i im" ,. .1 .. . .. ..'.(1011 Uec.81,'0J-tw, KM.TEWlihiltltlv Aduilulsliuiur, It Is not (jenernlly known Hint thero iann uctof tlio IVimsyivaiilu Le(;l8a tnru, provlellnc that 110 tstiito shuil bo hcque'ntlie'il.tleivlseil.or convoyed to any lioely iiolltie, or to any person, In trtftt for roligiousor chnrltahlo uses, excent thu Eunio hei ilono hy tleeel or will, nt least ono month lieforo tlioeleccasool'tho luuiiur or niioiinior. u 13 un important provision, nnd persons wliocontemiilato eiinrltnhlo bequestn,sliould preparo thir wills In tluo bunson, Wo luivo reeont'ly noticed wu'enil iimtances in which bucIi bequests havo failed because of tlio wills not bt'inir executed a mouth prior lo tho dentlm of tlio parties. Recently, Mrs. Sophia He-ylin died in Laueuster sho had bequeathed $1,000 lo Trinity Lutheran Church, and ?10,000 to 'Auu'h Lutheran Church. Roth bequests nro void, becnuso tho will was executed leas than thirty days beforo her death. P U II Ii I O SAL E or YALUAliLIJ 11EAI, AND PEItSONAL litOPEUTY. The subscriber adiu'r., of tho estate of II. s Ilrockwuy..ltc'd. wlllexpos. to aloiiud iiieia Ises, 11, Haleui township, lu I.urcmo county." 11 balurday, Kebruary 6iliViw0ut 10 o'clock, A. M u messuugo nud truct or land bounded uy iha Husuuehuunu Itlver.laudsof HeubeuKlsnei' and lleuteni-eyberl.contaluiiig ubom thtco uues 011 which Is tuned u good LARGE FRAME HOUSE & HARN, oiie Small House, a llrlck Smoko House, aud the lu?ioti "roriy.Vu.' ,mJ 'M REDS AND REDDING, two goud cook stoves, two pal lor stoves. curpcti. kiicb"e'.,u, I''rieiorimi-r( uf gardening (ools to lueiiiiuu ,,OUM'uoW liitliliuu-, too iiuuieious fimfiii BA1.'E f'0It l,L'AI' lTATE.-One Vl?! !,!'.'" 'l'e ruuimso money lu bo paid ut Iho iiriKiug down of tue properly. Hie liuiuuce, to bo !vui i'our ''''V1 ."""''I puyiueuu, luteiest ' "V.V.'K.nnuuu ly. ' ntnooJ.'.1" WlWbOXAh PHUPEHTY. All innouuisiuiderlMiuio bu cusojovtr Ihui uinount ilu!" iredlt, upi'roptlute seeurlly to Iw H. II. Coins Auciloneer. dec Sl.', C. II. 11U0CKWAY. Aduilulstiutor, TIIIKD. i, A'',l!,'.01,1' Trollopo will furnish ascrlesof "Ed i!?w veiilr " W"" "e wl" w,,r" "" '""'elJ' rounru. wHi..? s-imT ln,PV8orUl0 tt"'"t "' Amerlc.m llcles o!. Hlsiorlcal Vubjec-s. KIt'TH. nnd s'oom. wl" "- "l.icul SIXTH, 'Sla'fly''ljali'1'5 1 SEVENTH. theii.,m,,',..,, "IW vliigan Insldo view ot lie, will be-nuoVeworlhy'ser'lS,S a'tHcler"'"'' EIUI1TH. JhcSeleinlila Ai llcles will l.o prepared by Dis I'ultou and Draper, unit eminent llhysiologl,t2: .XAfll, The Edllnrb.1 f(.uir..t .1. . . ... . Prl?o"y,..C.uf' wl" bB 'n"..n receipt of ss cts. lrlie, j.5cniispernuinber, JlWiier ycar. .o i, run tjmi: to uumdani:. TheOulaxylstho iiestof American Magaxlncs, IjillE REST IN TUE WORLD. THE SCIENI'II'IC AMEltlCAN i civ 1 . .... S.ASH. IOI11S70. SI..W0 CAHII, ' Al.OAUI.E PltEMIUM KOB ALL, 11 is spleudld Illustrated weekl v nor.i!)1 r.r .upuiur scieneo, niei hi.uics,Iliveulf(iu eiiirl Zer. m'.' r !' eiity'.iliih year on e eeed.i,g,,,utiuVrysimin;rT;ur!ni;'lalbI: iu! Depurtment of tho Rclennn., erynuiy loniim te, umi Htm (f TllO IMItnrlnl lu. boundfil juia k'Miih(ii nn fr-,1 jiorth liy luiiil oriluirv iinmnnii . en hi by linn I of (oiuii uy iann tn iiiiir iiown uu, tlio urslby lund (r John li .rh.r, nriy-tlircti ihics moirorl h. Wcl?cil, titUen In cxcrntiitii nui ' thu llfu t'Slati; ol Mun Kline. UDITOH'S NOTICR A Xl i-STATi:oK .toliN Cn, iEi 111 uiu uriHi.uw uuuitoi 'o;uiu! AuiLtoruiinolntiM hy tin 'mirt i iiuihiU ni uiu ignite of kiii.i ji.m ,T , of It emlock twp In the cmati ; t tlcci! will mti.t tlio putli'H lnt1- ! purpose tr his appointment onrU..: . a iiuy or Jiinuiiiy iict(at incIu.iriJ otlice of O. It llrtvkwu in lllriiiihii'i.i , .hi tit Atl .... ' 1 Hill fi t IS, URmKI''. county. All pmlM Intuisini n it uieiiii. or ou i cii tr nii i nn oft lies. Hit fiitul, A UDITOKYi NOT U K. 1 i (1 KSTATKOK 11HVJAM1.VJ U flt l 111 llHi OfphUtlH' ('OUU (I tlll'dlll'tJ I bin. Tho Auditor tippum1 il tmhitu-u In tlicliumls -n (In h-Im; cipilftorH, lierel3 ghow o win iiiect. ui puriu't imerrsw 11 inirnoHoot his fi tiuit uti t -n 1 1, day of JniiUHiy I' t un tuliMtiii oitk'O Iu llUtoinsbiir, ui s. M nmut) ii j IntereMttJ uio utnu-ciftl f itH'ii ortfi lod flout cotuli'U ui tor u i-uri fnwi dec. 211,9.11. H - - -I PAirrrnuN. N TOTICK IN KSrATK'H'HAHVll A. II H w TWI. I'Ol.t'MllIA I l rth H. It iwniiui, Th- ii. 1. 1-- j i.iu Vhiiy Itt.wiiiau, lluiH lilUdlM - To - IllJWIII.I Uciim-it I.. Itim llt.lll. inuii. John ltownian, .mii l'lilllp ilott cry, l'i inuii himiu, ujj t nl lid, who Intel mill Ui I u tn Jov if Henry ltuwuian, Audi. lli. -I uowiimu, toiit m nnM."i''' Cult6thi InteriuariKU uittiWi.i U tl.tla Intel inurrkM with Wm am l 1 7 I ImcriuatrieU with 'Wio.i.n- ur,l"-l tii-lti nn. I Tiiw.uid 1 ItfiWIUlll 1 boliiK u minor Ivj h.n Ninm tjufinlmn, tnko not U otui m purasi' or paitiuon nua vnuii nmi "f -j emnte to wn; one iiuve tr i." In tlio towm-lili. of M1IIN11 iimreJ. eafctwardiy by tlio rnaJlu .M l lliu to llunjnniln Vohe m.iiIIiu aw t.'r Yoiic, we.iHuidl) hy hens .J't nnd wetwurdly oy William Uu;,i-;-of tho town oi I or ilierealioiiln, ulwi Ihe uiUi.w-l er' .i-M-.l'p l.... ....... I .... ...I 111 M 1 .Main Ml. Iiv 1111 nl lw',fl, street clxtv ieet Inml more luo hundieil fLCl dun. Iruim ht... will on held on Ihe I' mill duy 01 .lauuuiy, .;i. ' lilucoyoii may aileiul If) "('"'fyi dec. n.'UO-.St Real Estate. poll SALE. . .vbotit, ttfly-iHeiia I', lu. toniillnas und hunnlnK. l; 'u bul tuulleh for our w.uli. a K.ianiiiu .4 In. units lu. I""" f IliiKiundu.lJiHla lull i'.ui-r ' " Alio imuTlirikh ns M' '""j. sji. n dec. 17,'ii9-lf. 17 OR HA L i. Jho undtrsiKiicil oiifii" tiil.v kfill. mi ifiihillllililil (fltUS le VALU.U1LK HOTEL .. , i,i ...,in.l f'1! Ill 1, Kill mnei, 1.0; ui.."..- ,n tho ' Wnluiit Hotel, ' und no " uel Kline. . , , it Is favorably lo-aled for ' bmlucss, and If luoperli-1..1' .1' iciuri. niiiuusiiiit.." ,,,iif.-r lllluullnnu ill III 111 e. nossin...' I Bauufnctorlly uiikweied by . II. BR' AUE.a),'09-lf. IIH llinwf imnai Europe are' eJmtributo'. I'.v" y u'Z Z Wort vr,'lncl'l"ery, New Invelitlon.'luoHfor the ii... ik,V'' n'!11",'.""' "nn'ehol.l.'Eim ueor J A t'onr1,',' '.'""V"! 1'U""" 15 Uldlni " , lloeler reuifs IhoMcienllllo Am,.. .. leiiuilieil mid l.iui id llli hard word! , I ftV '"'ilicr- .1 , 7 IN,VP'1IW AND MECHANICS. tnlJomiiulflofnecltilvulue an it mninh. - "UKU OV I'lloaKBS-ASIKIUOAS INVENTOIm ' J-!l,!kJ(J UASII PllIZl,-ti.a 111 Ul .111.. n I. ....... I .. fcH u"co Pf inTtirn nud bluuki lo-V i ui.ieJ :""tl tUiu; four nionih," Jt'iii, 'r Cluh lu und upwurilH ,'tei um zua per annuni H.,7.;.i men rople cni ,ee, lutd.cj the PiVl" l"iierj llowlo uet I'aten.V. ZSrofta'fu.. "PRIVATE ri.VLK, OF VAUTAULEnua Tlio nnderlt-heil oilers a I'"',;. of land klliule lul'nta'; ' "', t, county, ndJoinliiK InndH a pi llrumiieller, v ni. e'oxc an 1 1 ' , , mliiliiK a.U neuw nioreor i." J , lieuJiiiYilnii.r-iillr.oiiwI"'1""" , A FRAME DWELU"1'! . .. . ,,iil Ml I H.inic nam, ami n. , eay. I'oi mil i.iiltc"'J'w,';iii ' . I.' y dee. n;a-i: ' , PU11LI0 SAL Ol' V.VLUAW-UHbA'-w"! III purhiianie ofu colli n' una' c'ouit of Coluuil'b' .""'";'CI,i. daieil Ilecenilier Ittlli Ii,V,n' en IHIl, I67U, lit 2 o'clock In 'VVi.ui- " ' Nevhard HdmluWrator i. NubIc, lulu of Centre lon;" , deo d will exposo to ..le. w ' tho premise., ncerlaln il O U fi K A N 1 1 Blluat luf'cnlro ttjwuHl C. ",-hE aald, conlulnliiKiibiiui I ti mid debcil i d i.a l.n 1'W- .-i , bv laud of Philip Miller, N. I.. Oulill.i.ell,oulhe.ou II W , i'ttiia.,nnJ uu the ucfct u on which lHuieeiedaiiV',,ill' lioue,iii,ublc,u Mtllof,u" ',,. nf r on tno auuuii LOT OE io prcu'! Me lw'raiiiii;;. atrlkliiK Uoirn of Iho imifiW;, (, . -foiitlli.lem tholeii w;rcc I. , , ai.uutci Ihereufler, Willi ''',"'ii"l, dee, ai,'iHI-liv, tiik'I.'iw MAliDri i.i.rii.u ni-'f; Ne'iitljMUiiK'M;'!'11''1 From Iho Ijiteia " 1 -o L.UM l' A' C''