THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJItG, COLUMBIA COTOTPA. FARMER'S COLUMN. Poultry and Poultry Ilousoa. The MtuiachuitU IHoughman nays thai "llioro seoras to be a general belief that great numbers of fowls cannot bo kept together In confinement unless tlioy liavo hu extensive nrea, but that Is an error, for wo liavo proved to our satisfaction, that with irooil vontlla yon, a varloty of fooil, purownter.llght .and dry quartern, and cloanllncss, poul try am be kept In contracted limits In great numbers. Wo havo In mind at present a flock of over soven hundred fowls which have a houso covering but about elx hundred squaro foot, and yard to correspond, and they are all in good health." Tlic writer then shown that abundant . ventilation, u variety of food of grains ond seed should bo furnished, together with an abundance of green footi.whlcli must roplaco tho grtuw that tho fowls eat In great quantities. Animal food, meat and fish scraps uro also essential, to replace the Insects which the bird nicks un abundantly In foraging In sliort, all tho elements must bo provided for poultry In confinement that they would And in nature. Puro water Is auothor croat essential, and lu absolute' ly a necessity; probably nothing can bo wono for poultry than UUiiy or uncioan water that is too often provldod for them, or they aro permitted to provide thcmbclves wltli, and wo can trace to this causo, undoubtedly, the epidemics which sometimes depopulate the poui' try vards. The water should bo ehung cd at least twice a day, ond It may bo made to answer a double purpose If rus' ty iron Is always kept in tho drinking fountains. Wo prefer cast Iron water vessels, which aro well rusted, to all others. If clear running water rau bo Introduced Into tho yards, It Is most do slrable. Where a small brook Is attalv able, its courgo may bo often turned In to tho edge of tho yard with great ad vantage. Light, dryness, uud cleanliness of floor, walls and nests Is absolutely no ccssary. Tho uropplnga should never bo allowed to accumulate, tho walls ehould be whitewashed frequently, and tho ueata cleaned out und changed often Lico and vermin Increaso and multiply astonishingly fast in uoglectod hen uerles, and poultry Buffer from tliclr at tacks terribly. Thero aro cases on re cord of fowls actually dying from tho attacks of lice. Tho nests Hhould bo inado of short straw, or hay, or what is better, if obtainable, tobacco stem and rofuso, in which llco obtain no refuge Moss nests are also desirable, but like hay nests should be powdered with sul phuror lime occasionally. Boxes or trays filled with lino earth and ashes should bo provided for tho poultry to bathe In, which should bo frequently renewed. That poultry husbandry is and can be made profitable has been ro pcatedly demonstrated; but like all other lndustrlcs,It can bo followed only when proper attention and intelligence aro exercised in Its management. THE YOUNG FOLKS. Ilansol and Grothol. There they were again told to sit down by a largo tiro, and go to sleep; and tho woodmau and hU wlfu said they would como In tho ovculug and fetch thorn away. In tho nftcrnoou Hansel shared Grcthol's bread, bocauso ho had strewed all his upon tho road ; but tho day passed away, and evening passed awsy too, and no one catiio to tho poor children. Still llauscl com forted Grethel, und said, "Walt till tno moon rises; and thou I shall bo aula to see tho crumbi of bread which I havo strewed, and thoy will bIiow us tho way homo." The moon rose: but when Hansel looked for tho crumbs thoy were gone, for hundreds of llitlo birds In tho wood had found them and picked them up. Hansel, however, sut out to try and flud his way homo ; but they soon lost themselves in tho wilderness, and went on through the night and all tho next dav. till ut last they laid down and fell asleep for woarlncss. Anotncr uay they went ou as before, but still Mil not como to the end of tho wood ; and they wero as hungry as could be, for tliey had nothing to cat. In tho nftcrnoou of tho third Uay thev came to a strange llitlo hut, made nf broad, with a roof of cake, unci win tlows of barlov-suirar. "Now wo will sit down and eat till wo havo had imnuuh." said HansoU "1 will eat otr tho roof for my sliaro ; no you ai mu windows, Grethel, they will bo uico and sweet for you." Whilst Grethel, howovcr. was nicking at tho li.nley sugar, a pretty voice called roftly from within, "Tip, tapl wliogocstlioic?" But the children answered, Walks and Talks on tho Farm. A farmer, I say, needs pluck. Capl- Dry Goods & "Notions. JEW BTOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival uf FALL AND WINTER- UOOliH. david i-owenbero" nvltea attention tu liU stock of CHEAP AND rA811IONAlll.Kl ut 111 J atoru on Main Street, two iloon abo o the American House Bloomsburg, Pa., where lit has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full nutriment of MEN AND U0YS' CLOTHING, Including Hie most fashlnnahle, durable, and handsome DREH8 O00DH, consisting of BOX, HACK, ROCU, UUM.AND OIU-ULUIU COATS AND PANTS. uf nil sorts, sizes and colon, lie tins alio replen ished Ills already largo stuck uf FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, striped, figured, and plain vim's hhirts, cravats, stocks, coli-arb' HANDKERCHIEFS. UL0VE8, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Uo nan constantly on hand n large and well-so- eoted assortment of CLOTHS AND VEST1NGB, which be Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on tery abort notice, and In the bent uijuuer. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of home manufactnre. OOI.D WATCHES AND JKWKLHY, ufevcrydeserliitlon.ilueaudcheap. Ill" case ol Jewelry Is uotsurpassedlu thlsplaco. Call and emniinu li lb general ussortuicu of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY , AC. DAVID LOWENBERO. pALL AND WINTER GOODS tal Is very desirable, but pluck Is worth moro to a farmer than capital. A little eapltal and a good deal of pluck Is what Is wanted. "Times are hard," but What of that? Peoplo must cat aud It Is our business to raise the food. Wo do not raise any too much. It la not pleas ant to find that wheat we oxpected to got $2.00 for, will bring only $1.00. Dut all business is subject to such fluctua tions, and we are, on the whole, no worse off than other people. I was at tho West once when corn was worth only 10 cents a bushel; and many of tho wild-cat bank-bills in circulation were not worth over 60 cents on tho dollar. Tho bottom eeemed to havo dropped out of everything. I oxpected to see tho farmers thoroughly disheartened. Not a bit of it. Thoy "kept right on," work ing harder and faster, if possible, than before. In less than two years from that time, corn was worth $1 per bushol , and tho farmers who went ahead got their reward. It will bothesamoagaln. There wllbbe a sharp reaction In prices, and Ibhould not be surprised If It comes beforo another harvest. But at any rato all tho food wo can raieo will bo wanted Most of us will loso money this year. Wo havo paid too high wages, but If wiso wo can correct this mistake next year. For my part I havo made up my mind not to have a singlo extra day's work done beforo next May, unless I can get It dono for n dollar. At that prico I would do auythlng that needs to bo dono In tho way of permanent Im provement, and give any man who Is wllliug opportunity to do so. The country cannot afford to havo tno He idle. But if they demand ex orbitant wages we havo no other alter native but to stop every kind of work that Is not absolutely necessary to bo dono. In tho meantime let us tako good caro of our stock. Instead of forcing our grain upon an over-supplied markot, let us feed It out. Wo shall got our money back with Interest. Hay is sell ing In Rochester at $8 to $10 per ton. Clover hay Is worth that for manure Feed it out and let our fields havo a dressing of good manuro next spring. "It Is all very well to talk In this way," you say, "but what are we to do for monoylf" That Is a very ugly question. It Is what I have asked myself many times during the last month, and tho only answer I can get orglvo is "pluck." Thero Is light ahead. Good farming will pay as well In this country as lit any other and I think better. Let us havo faith aud keep working. vlwifrf- ean Agrlculturltt. "The wind, tho wind, That blows through the air !" and went on eating. Now Grethel IiuU broken out a round liano of tho window for htirself, aud Hansel bad torn on a largo piece of cako from tho roor, wuen tho door opened, ami a muo um miry camo clldlnc out. At this Hansel ami Grethel wero so frlgutenou, mat mey lot Ml what thev bad In tliclr nanus, But the old lady nodded to them, and said, "Dear children, where havo you lii.i.ii waiulerliic about V Como In with mo : vou bhall have something good." So sho took them both by tho hand and led them into hor little hut, and brought out plenty to eat, mim ami nancakea. with sugar, apples, nnu nuib, and then two beautiful llttlo beds wero got ready, aud Grethel aud Hansel laid themselves down, and thought they in liniiven. But the fairy was a spiteful one, aud made her pretty sweet' meat houso to entrap little children Early In tho morning, boforo they were awako, she weut to tneir iiuiu ueua; nrl thnutrh she saw tho two sleeping and looking so sweetly, she had no pity on them, but was glad thoy wero In her power. Then sho took up Hansel, aud rjofnnpfl lilm un in u cooi) by himself, and when ho awoko ho found himbelf behind a grating, shut up safely, us chickens aro; but sho shook Grethel, and called out, "Get up, you lazy llttlo thing, and fetch somo water; anu go into tho kitchon, ana cook somcming good to eat: your brother is shut up yonder ; I shall llrst fatten him, aud when ho is fat, I think I shall eat him." When tho fairy was gone poor Greth- el watched her time, aud got up, and ran to Hansel, and told him what she had heard, and said, "Wo must run away quickly, for tho old woman is a bad fairy, and will kill us." But Han sel said, "You must nrst.steal away her fairy wand, that wo maytavo ourselves if ihe should follow; and bring tho pipe too that hangs up in her room." Then tho llttlo maiden ran back, and fetched tho magic wand and tho piiit, and away they weut together ; so when tho old fairy camo back and could see no one at homo, sho bprang iu a great rago to tho window, and looked out Into tho wldo world (which sho could do far nnd near), und a long way off she sided Grethel, running away with her dear Hansel. "You nro already a great way off," said she; "but you will still fall into my hands." Then sho put ou her boots, which walked several miles at a step, and scarcely made two steps with them be foro sho overtook the children ; but Grethel saw that tho fairy was coming after them, and, by the help of the wand, turned her friend Hnusol into a lake of waler.aud liersoir into a swau which swam about In tho middle of It So tho fairy sat herself down ou tho Bhore. and took a great deal of trouble to decoy tho swan, and throw crumus oi bread to it; but it would not como near her, and she was forced to go home iu tho evoning without taking her revenge, Then Grothel chauged herself and Han sel back into their own forms oncomoru, and they went Jouruoylng on tho wholo night, until tho dawn of day ; und then tho maiden turned herself Into a beau tiful rose, that grow In tho midst of a quickset hedge ; and Hansel eat by tho side Tho fairy soon camo striding along "Qood piper," said sho, "may I pluck yon beautiful roso for myself " I. W. HAKTMAN'S, PLAID DllEfiS OUDH OK THE HAXON Y FINISH. PLAIN DHIWH CIOIM. ALL WOOL DRESS UOODU, BLACK AND WHITE I'LANNELS UED AND W'HITE FLANNELS. BLVCK MIXED WATER PROOF CLOl'H. GOLD MIXED WATER 1'HOOl CL01H. MUSLINS CHEAPEN THAN POlt YEAltS. 10 SETS LADIES' FURS JUST ItEC'll. SHAWLS MIXED, PLAID AND PLAIN. 1100IS AND SHOES. FOR MEN AND BOYS. UUM8 POlt LADIES, MEN AND CHILD It EN MARTIN'S CEI.EI1KATED HHOE UltEASE, BLACKING 1IY THE BOX Oil DOZEN. Nuv,Sl),J69-lf. DRUGS &. MEDICINES. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo its nalural Vilalily and Color. A tlrcjiing which ii ul oiu'C agreeable, Imtllliy, und effectual lur iiri'perving llio Imir. l'ailctl or tjratj hale ii oo mlond lit Ut origmul eolor with the gloss ami . fi-ahncst of youth, Thin hair is thick- eiicil, fulling Imir cheeked, und bald nesi ulluii, tliuiijzli not always, cured by ilt use. N'olhin rati lestorc tho liiilr where. Ilie fiillitliM are destroyed, or tho gland! atrophied mid decayed. But such in remain can he nucd for itsd'ulneis by lids implication. Instead of fimliug tho hair with a insty sedi ment, it will keep it i leau mul vigorous. Its occasional uo will prevcut tho huir from turuilig gruy or fulling off, and consequently preeut Imlihioss. Frco from tlioso deleterious Mibstuuces which niako tome preparations dangerous nnd injurious to the Imir, tho Vigor can only bouclit but not harm it. If wanted merely for .i HAIR DRESSING, nothing else cuu ho I'oiiud to dcsira1j Containing neither oil uor dye, it uocj not soil white cambric, and yet lasts loug ou the bair,gMug it a rich glossy lustre uud it grateful pel fume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chkmists, LOWELL, MASS. PBIO'l U.00. MISCELLANEOUS. SC. no WEB, meucd a flrt-elM BOOT. SHOE, HAT CAP. AND KUIl STOIIE. At ths old stAiul on Mln Btrsot, nioomsburi.n few floors bovo tho Court House. Ills Steele fcom posed of tliovcry lntestmid bcststjrlM oyer offer- (n lin lllrrtlK nf fVlltimblA ColllltV. HQ CAtl accommortMo tno public minim ioiiowidk goou Dime 1OW0SI rules. Jiiuu ui-uvj uuuuiu m.ioi. stosa boots, linn's double nnd tingle lap tolod lr It, ftiftn'a liFAVV atOBfl.hOCrH Gfftll klnilS. men's nno boots nndnhoos of All grades, boy's Innliln Mnlttil hnntn nntl.HllOGl of All lllnds. men s glovo kid Ilalmornl shoe s,iucn'n, womcn'e.boys's HUd misses' lusting gaiters, women's glove Kid Polish very Qiio,irumou's morocco llaliroralsand call biioen, wumuu a very iuiu kiu uuuuuui khu1 ers. in snort uooia vi an uwivripuuiiB uoia peg gcd and sowed. Ho would also cult attention to Ills fluo assort' rueutof HATS, CAPS, KUllS AND NOTIONS. wlilrh rnmnrlNen all the new and rcmular vurt ctluiat prlcesnhlchcannotfalltosullnll. Thcso goods nio offered at the loweBt cash rates and will 1iA rtiflrnnlfril In give ftatlHfjicllnn. A call Is solicited before purcliMlng elsewhere as It Is itenoicu irni DClier uurgains are io oe iodu man ni any other tuaco iu me county. Dec. (TU7 To Clean Paint. There ia n very Hlmplo method to clean paint that has become dirty, and If our housewives would adopt It, It would save them a groat deal of trouble Provide a plate with eoino whiting and havo ready some clean, warm water and a pieco of Uanuel, which dip Into thowatcrand squeeze nearly dry: theu tako as much wbltlug as will adhero to it, apply It to tho painted surface.when ailttlo rubblngr mil Instantly remove any dirt orgrease. After which wash the part woll with cloan water, rubbing It dry with soft chamois. Paint thus cleaned looks as woll as when llrst laid on, without any Injury to tho most delicate colors. It la far better than using eoap,and does not rorjulro wore than half tho tlmo and la bor. Ir a farmer wishes to try UU hand at dentistry, lot blm lusort teeth In his dilapidated rakes and harrows. FILLER'S STOIIE. P lltMU .11UU.A1. ur FALL AND WINTKlt U00D8. Tho vubscrlber has lust returned from tho cities vrlth Another large and aelect assortment of FALL AiD WINTER OOODB, Iiurchiuicd lu New Vuiliaud Plilladelphlu ul tne owest aguro, and which ho Is determined to eell tm us moderate terms ns can be procured else 'Where lu Btoomsburg. His stock comprises LADIE8' DHE88 GOODS of the choicest styles und latent fashions, together with u lurgela&uorliAcul of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following at tlclen Curpetn, (III Cloths, Cloths, Cusslmeres, Hbawls, flannels, Milks, White Goods, Linens, 1'oopHklits, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarware Ourcnswuie, ilurdwule llOOtM UUd bUOLS, IlaU uud Cap Hoop Nets, Uuibrellu, lAHlklUgMllUMbU ir Tobacco, Coltee, 8uiArs, Teas, Kite,, Allspice, Ginger, Cluuauioa, Nutmegs', AND NOTIONS GUN 11ALLY, In short, everythhiK usually kept lu country atorcs, tu which tie Invites the attention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for coui.--.ry produce tn exchuugo for goods. a. II. MILLKH & BON. Arcade llulldtngs, Illoombburg, Pa. O yes," answerou lie. "Ana men, thought he to himself, "I will play you a tune uioantliuo." So when sho had crept Into tho hedge in a great hurry, to gather tho flower for sho well know what It was, ho pulled out tho plpo silly, and began to play. Now tho plpo was a fairy plpo, and, whether they ltkod it or not, whoever heard It was obliged to danco. So the old fairy wad forced to dance a merry Jig, un and ou without any rot, and without being ahlu to reach tho row. And as ho did not ceaso playing a moment, tho thorns at length toro the clothes from otr hor body, and pricked her sorely, and thero sho stuck quite fast. Then Grethel set herself freo onco more, and on they went ; but sho grew very tired, nnd HuuscI said, "Now I will hasten homo for help," And Qrethcl said, "I will stay hero In tho meantime, aud wait for you." Then Hansel went away, aud Grethel was to wait for him. But when Grethol had staid iu tho Held a long time, aud found ho did not come back, sho becamo quite sorrowful and turned herself Into llttlo daisy, and thought to herself, "Somo nno will come and tread mo under foot, and so my sorrows will end." But It so hap pened that, as a shepherd was keeping watch In tho field, ho saw the daisy j and thinking It very pretty, ho took it homo, placed it In a box In his room, and said. "I havo never found so jiretty a daisy beforo." TO I)E CONTINUKU. quality und varlely wilt compare favorubly.wllh uuy In Ihecouuiry. He lias u fresh Asort- "piltST CLASS GOODS. II A It U 11 A H O A I N U. Tho subscriber has Jut thoroughly leatocked ins nujre. iu caiawibbu, lately ucvupieu uy l Nluou a bhuiuau, und now offers for sale A COMPLETE HTOCK OF Dlllf OOODS, Grorerlca und general merchandise which for mem oi SPUING GOODS which ha will dlsnohft of for cash or couulrv mtv ducc. Among his Dry Goods will be louud oH me laiesi una nest puuems itf MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CALICO ty, FLANNKLS, HIIAWLS, H1LKM, CABHI.MKIW, IIHOADCLOTUH, COTTONADES JKANH &.,4c. GltOCGKIEH. GLAfcWWAHK, QUKKNHWAIIK, HAItDWAIlK ClIDAUWAHU Dituas, on, PAINTH, VJ.HNIHIIEH Ac. HATS & CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES fact, a complete line cf goods, belonging unl business. Am be burs aud sells for cash ho cuu uflurJ to keep his prices as low If not loiver lhau most dealers, ills mctlu 11 "QUICK BALM iKIl SMALL moriTlj." COAL OP ALL KINDS Conitantly ou baud aud lor sale at tho lowest niaruei raies. MOM) PIIILLII'S PUOSPHATK, Estclal attention nald (o the fcelectlonol Bnlld Dig material. Cutlery, Mechaulr' 'i'oola, aud Hardware of all kinds, to which the attention ol nuuneri auuoiuera is requeued, OnAIN PUnOHAHKD. A falrahareol nubile rustlon. is dealred and no efforts will be omitted to give entire aatlsiae- uuu. JOSEPH II. KN1TTLK. Apr. U.W-Ciu Catawlssu, Pa, JOB P1UNTING Neattjr eiejuled at IhLs ODlce. RAIL ROADS. UOWN'S past riiuicTnT KIIOM PillLADliLt'HIA TO llLOOMBUtlltO, and Intermediate points. Goods forwarded Willi ??"5',.f'1Vr.?,?' delivered at n,Y?J,'. SHMarkel Htreet. For full par- tlculaM.nrPl, t Adlf AWAlsNA AND BLOOiMb' My8er.ffi.B. PasseugcrTraln. wll- run as follows i Hcrantou Pittston-... Kingston ...... Plymouth Shlckshlnny. lierwicK doom Danville c Ayer's Sarsaparilia, ron pvnirYtA'O mil iii.ocio. Tlicicpulution ttii ex client mciUciui cnjoysi h tlcrlu J horn Us cme. many f liicli aro truly niurL'lloii!i. ItncLcrnto vasca of Scioluluus tli s c,i?c, v.litro llio tystrni tccmcJ suttmtctl itli rormiiloii. have U(lflclantl curctl by tt. Kcrofnlous niTeetions :ti.l ilor, w hlch w 1 1 p h cr.nalt'il bv Hit n-rofn-luiis totitjiuiiuition niiti! thywerc rnfully fliliietuiv'. Imc Iiomi iinllmlly rurcJ lu such giutt ittiuitirrs In ulnuM i-vuy ruc tion ofthe contitrj' Iln- imlilii tMitvly laul lo to Inform tvi of its vii tuts ur uv(. "Kfrnfiilnli ItfjiELli ii cur uf flu' IllOfl (V 1 1 llrlll U enemies of our rate OiltN, hU tmH'tn i.iul m.iUt tenant or uioorfTJini'in nin'i ininci iiii't-o'iMiuiuun, anflmvitethcattai-Kri vuu uumgin uuiivWi WlUlOUieXCHlIIKIl FHliiIMIl OI lie (trtfM'iHT. .tiiiMP. (t iMins to b ret 1 1 tnfi'i Him tliroiitlumt tlii- 1nnly(ut.l tlifii, on fcoitiL fnor:tl)J inTaifii,nii uuy t!trubp Into one or otlier of it- liMi'utis i ins Itiicr vn tl c mrfaco or mnuny tiu- u.U. In U'O latter, tuLri tlcs may bo utlU-nh tbi ovhnl tn the limtri i-r heart, or tinnois tiiucil tn tl'O Iiut, or It lllv Us jircfccnie uy enn nun en inu biii,ur nun i.n-i-.-. ntlons on nume t'.Mt or 1) v lmil. IKnto tin1 flomil tieof a Ijoltlc i.f .Ms tiivattymUht U TlBflulC, uv uiiyn ttt n live ej n.i unn 01 ui-i-n5u nil)Clir. 1'iTHrti ttniiucn li'v union in;; ruin- tiialnU ptuctally (I ml lMiiniilIrli it lit r. ni.l, i IeiiKlli, cure, te utv oi ims ir.inii. LA: M .infioHf'j I'ift Jtofc or KrisifHla, Titter, Sut t Jthcitutt timUt, i;inftor$n , Knrm i:itn. Snrv Unt. l'I llMil'liS ft more cimrciifii ii-rin, c jiiritrim, tJifHtv, Heart liimtrt I ff. I'.fiUtftf. Xtutnlvlti, anUllio vjulottA fVrtifn ;tC'i.H ll(.. cf ti.i1 utir'U larainl nrrioii fjjtem. SyithUinxiV t'rnet atl ytvititnl J) nro fine I h it,tlinli a l $ liicc I M',tn -! ior aillltllll?tlll-HM'b tili:'tf Mil I till!- 1 J Ml If! tlti ' l Hut lon i itiitmi.cit in' "l tl.l tj.t tli ii t i'i i'ti t the COlllpUllit. rfrt'tt him or II hflt, I It i It f X'Uet'tttinu, mul tum(f Htrn.uh, .nv in on h cnon n-prcil ni-d tiltlmiiti ly ''tml lt f iiuril)in? tiiiijfifi'iii jr vrivit. Jlhiun Im.c- limi ftir mi.Ii iii nil ! .nut tn u'lr ti, . , -tit-11ici ir,ili. .( ttiiftHsitt 'liul llnut, v hi'ii in Ihu Moinl, ,ii.'M iji'iiUy u U, a nl-ii tr r Comttnlni. 'ti'hlttrfutft4i, inn Jij rni- Itittfttiit Dl liit' I t M'i'ii.'i'"'Mit .ii iii ii i u ii they oil ni tit., hum I'. i.n.Itiitf j ni mi- Ir i.n Llooil. Tlii-' it tttll.l.A f- a lull itmiT Tor the -tn itvtli in'! if.ur nt Hu- j ! .i. Ilufculiit .iff i tiwn,U- iiil lih-K. tu ttetit. ttm-lf, il tinirl.'ul with ,- puheimhnt in Vc . mij i.' Hi- .-n . iiiiioiiiniiu -i i "uiu ni" i fi" "'ni. -!...-ulul unit ciuiviiiini I'lMi'im t t ii rtnf ioiui' ii.'ou Li tal. ijt ;-;;) ) Or, JT. C. AVB:IJ A ., A,orlf. Xiev, I'rttttlvol ttnt .tuttliftlnrt t7i '.. SOLD 1IY M.h MU'iHiWV IIVIIIMV HI 1:1 Ftb. 5, 1KCJ. AIUUAGK MANUFAOTOIIY, Uloomsburg, Pa. M. I!. HLO.VN BUOTHEll Havo on baud and fornile atthenio-,1 uiisoua ble ralLS 11 spicnuiu riih. w. CAititiAaus, nuaaiEH, and every dtscrlptlon of Wagous bolh PLAIN AND PANCY . ... ... nr ,Vin lionf. nnd 1not dur wmUmcn. All work scut out rom tlio csiab- 'nKtS!i.vpcrVcctHlf.c..m nave aide U IIUO listoriiueu. v. u T. r. i a ii s ....... nh,l ,.irit. tfiHhlolinbla fctvle: "iVliaiidcaielullyiuadouud of the best mater m'.a:., .1... ... Il,l, nrl.- I. HSllPll ll It IS iwriinv-,.,!1.!,,,! mmo kunerlov can be found in tho country. Nov. I'll, MMf. TJOWDKB KEGS AND IiUMBEll W. JI. MONUOE A CO.. nnpert, Pa., Manufacturers of POWDElt KKOM, uud deuleiu lu all kinds of LUMBER, Ulve notice that they aro prepared to accoinodat thoir custom with dispatch, and on tho choapes crms. NEW CO Tub undcrslgin iat thHV keep all tue uiuereninuuiucis o.i.uu jal and selected lump coal for unlthlug purpo m, on their wlmrf, udjolnlng M'Kplyj-. bcalA o'a ruruacc; wltli a good pair of Buffalo scales AT. V A 11 1). tiik undersigned respectfully Inform the citizens or uioomsoura " tuiuii uh.-i that thHV keep all the different numbcis of stove coal fcCH, nn iho wharf, to weigh coal, hay, aud straw t ,i.....ri.n iinrun nnii wni-mi. tn deliver coal u those who dcslro IU As they purchase a large ..... ....... iii.v iiitrml tnkctin a sunerlor ar- iicio. and tell at the very lowest prices. Please cull mid examine lor yourselves JP'Stf, LVSIf"' Ing elsewhere. lIKNWfclUJlHn , milK imili'rsIcrnL'd will tuko ill UX iL clmliKO for Coat and Orocerles, tho following nuuied articles :-Whcat. Ityc. Corn, Oata, Pota toes. Lard. Hani.Shouldcr.and aldo meat, Butter, ;ggi. Hay, &c, ut tho highest cuih prices, at his Oroccry more, uujoiuiug ineir euai j um, J. w. liuUKiiaiiui. Hlooiusburg Mar. 19,'KMy. Insurance Agencies. Q. I, O 11 E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE UOMl'ANY o r JS'EW YOHK. Plluy Frcemau, President, II. C. Ficeniaii.Hic Cash capital over iz,uou,iwo, an paiu. J. 11. ItOinSON, BLOOMSUUKO.l'A UENUBAL AGENT, For Luzcine, Lycoming and Columbia couutle. Aug.M.'W-ly. NSUltANOE AGENCY Wyoming., Mine. Pulton h North America .......... Ctly -. International - i,iw,ww I1I0.0U0 l.OOO.OUC 300,000 AW.000 IM.OOO Niagara... Putnam , Merchants BprlugUeld Farmers' Danville . Albany City.... Lancaster City - - . York Hurse, Death & Theft Home, New Haveu Dauvlllc, Horse Thelt .'. FlllLVH iittuwfi, -rfimr. malHt-J-ly. Blooiiiiiiueu 1,000.000 830,000 H.TO.0O0 STO.WIO 600,000 1'JO.OUO 110,000 113,0(10 1,000,000 Pa Wall Paper and Painting, TMl'OHTANT TO UUILUEIlH.HOUbEllOLDEltS ATENANTK, Tho uudersigued would auuounco to the tltt reus of Bloomsburg and vicinity tbat he la pro pared to execute II O Ud E, H I O N, AND O It N A M E N T A PAINTING lu all Its branches. P A I' E It II A N G I N O Caicfully attended to. btrlct attention to business and goodvorkuiah ship It Is believed will ineut abilr bow of public patronage. tihop ou Catharlue Ktieet between Third and Fourth, Mar.5,'00-Iy. WM. V, 110DINE. B IIiLI ARDS I BILLIARDS ! I GRAND OPENING ' OIIAND opening GIlAnil u rnniiw ( AND OPENING OUANl) OPENING Aug, ,,nrWAtHE A llOni.NSON, Proprietor;, MM-trT It. It. Depot, Illoom.burg.Pa. Going North. Arrlvo Arrive . m. a. ni. " 0 .25 10.W Going South. Lea e Leave P, ni. a. tn, .... 8.50 ... 8.V5 .. 8.10 ... Mi Ml , &. 6.03 Wave 10.M 0.60 D.35 8.5.1 WM 7.11 7.03 Leavo 4.00 Leave tSl 6.10 0.10 0.40 7.l 8.10 Arrive 7.00 7.30 7.1i MO 8.Vi .a I0.0'2 Arrive 11.91 .. . , .... a 11 worm u .,.":,',,. .. ,i, in in n.m, all points North, liinl and V. U oll'I'IIEItN CENTRAL RAlLr .. WAV. io.. iln aud after ov. mm ifu.', """ leave NoimiuuuiraASi t a lollows ! NllIlTHWAHU. . .. ....... n TL'llllu.nKru.ri. ipzrpiiL nuijiinj aw a..,u. riu ..."-i ifAJhnKiJr. Huiraln inr uimiru. ""i, -;;.r CM v"Z "uAll VcTctp't BumlasV, fo P.lmlM and lulialo via l!rle lUillway from Eliulra. 5.30,, Dally, (exceptHundays) for Williams- P011' TII.MNH BOUTIIWABI). lO.ffi A. M. Dally (except wonuay l iuriM. W1LMINOTON AND PHILAli.l.i-"iA. 11.10 P.M. Dally (except Buniiaysiiur i-" wasnin.iou .uu . u yoUNOi General Passenger Ageui rVLKUEU H. KllHtC, GCU'lHUpt., DHILADELPIIIA AND ERIE Ou and after Mosuay, Nu. bill; ISW, the riius on the Philadelphia i El le lull lload will Trai run as lollows: VEHTV,'Ar.I. GROCERIES, fto., Q.ROVER A HAKEU,S ANU nii FALL l,'Al.l. A FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND or WINTKI! WINTKK WINTKIl WINTEIl GOODS, GOOIW, OOODH, GOODS. WINTEU GOOD MAIL TIIAIN leaves lMill;ulcl.uia....... v.iap. u i are. at Kile - 8.S0P.IU E1IIE IJXPHEbS Icavtl l,'a.m, " " IOIVIl U.WV,'."., i. utr. nt. Kiln 10.00 a.m KLMlltA MAIL leaves l'hllad. lphla 7.u0a.ui .. .. m,.ii,.i n. in arr. at Lock Haven .7.'.iJp.iu 4 EAST W A 111. MAILTIIAIN leaves El le...... f. a.m .. .. . North d 11.10 a.m. " " arr. at Philadelphia e.20a.m. EH1E EXPIIESS leaves Erie... 4.00p.m .. " Noit'd ,5.0ja.m. arr.atl'hlloilelphla. 12.13p.m. ELM1KA MAIL leaves Lock liacu ,8.00a. m. " " .Ninui'il a. in. arr.atPlilladcinlila n.W m. BUFFALO EXl'llECS leaves Win. sport RSoum. .. North'd 'AUOa.ui. air. at Philadelphia 0.' Express cast connects at Cory, Mall East at Drv and rvlnetou. Express west at Irvluctou with train lou Oil Citek aud Alleghcuy liivcr Co; Hull Uoad. R1 WILLIA51 K. GILMOHE llaK oneiiea 11 flun Bllllanl Haloon in ntlitltlou to his well kuown 1 1 Ka I A U H A is T. Jieuuaaiamea Willi all tUC JUlCi.HmiiriJ'.l'iuciiia uim iu i-riirvv oulcr. 31c hcepH ou hauu tuo hesi which the market atTurdu. OYWTI'HB In be had Ht nil limes when iu buawni, also Hm 'Jonnue, fickiea tripe, uiuois, vc, a.c. Thopuhlitsarolnviledto call, uud aro prom Ibed batiBfaetlou;eitUer lu blUhirdsor refiei.u. nts. inn CIQAH3 AN1 TOBACCO cannot be excelled. iUootnsuuri,', juu. a. h. TYLKH. Utucial Supcrluteudeut. W'lillainsport KADING ItAILHOAU. WINTER AltllANCiEMENT. Monday, NovemIIku '.I'd 18CJ. Great Trunk Line from the North und North West Xor lhlludclphla,Nuw York, HwrtUlnis, Potts villo. Tuuiaqua, Abhland, bluimolilu Lebanon Allcutuwn. Lnt.tou, Lphratu, lltlz. Lancaster, Columbia, te., Trains leave, IIiirrishurK for Now ork, as tol lowm At2,30, 5,y.'iuuds,iua. m., i:;:0 noon and 2,53 All,tX)p.m.,eouuccttuB with Blnillurtralnii ou the Pa. HullroJuJ. uud urrlvlne at New York at 10.15. a.ui t lli.os m.. & 3,33 0,35 10,(X p.m. and tMX) a.iu rcapeutlvely, Bleeping cam accom pany ;the'A30 a. in., 5.33 a.m. aud ltum. tralm without chuuee. I . mi v B llRrrlKburs for Itendlliif. I'uttuvllle. Ta- maqua, Miuersvllle, Atshluud, bbauiokln JlMue Grove, AUeutown & Phllu'd. t ,lu a. in,. & 2,63 &. 4 in n.m.. kloddIdi: at Lebanon nnd nrluclnal wav KtutfonB:the VUpio. tiutu maklu;; eouuocilous for PoLtsvllle uud Columbia, only. Fur PottHVllle Kchuylklll Haven and Aubuin, via bchuylklll HudhUbouehuuua Ituliruud. leave Il.nrisburif ut 3.IU p.m. Huluruln: Leave New York ut U,U0 h.m. aud 12.(x iu., aud 5,00 aud ,uu p.m. PhiladeN pbla ut 8.15 u. m, and 3.30 p. ni. Sleciiing cars accompany the H.U0 a. m and 0,00 and8,oup.m.t trains ironi N.Y. without change. Way l'ussonijer Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,, connecting with similar tiutnou Kubt P. railroad retumiug from Heading at U.35 p.m htopplny at all btatlouo; leave Pottsvtllo al5i0,U0a.iii.,undit,0op.m.Uhamo kin at 6,t(Jaud 10,40 u. m., Ashland al 7,03 a.m and itjiv noou inmnqua ai n.w a. iu., auu p. m lor Philadelphia, and New Yoik. Leave Pultsvllle via Hcliuvlklll and KuKniifl haiiua lUillnud ut 8.15 a.m. tor HnrrUbmg, aud 11,30 a. m., lor Pine Grove and Tremout, lteadlnc Accouiniodatlou '1 rain IcavtM lleudlne at 7,30 u.m, Returning lcacs Philadelphia at 4,13 p.m. PotUtown Accommodation rlralu:IcavesPoitK. to.wu at 6,13 a.m.,, returning, leuvtH Plilladelphla at 4,00 p.m. Columbia llatlroad Iralns leaA Hcadim; At 7,15 a.m.,- aud 015 p.m. for L'phrata, Lltlz. l-jincas- tn. (Vlll1l.ll.ln .1 . ' p'orklomen Kali'Road Trains leave Perklomen junctional u,w a.m., una a.v p. m. Heluiulnk! LtiavBnio ) men aiMoa.u .. nnu l.uu mn necllug with almllar trains ou Ktudlui; 1 bill road. uu uuuuu'M, leave isew lora: ai s.uu u.m.. l'liti. phial 8,00 a.m. and 3,15 p.m., the ,ooa.m, train mug imo iu i.tnuint',; i-otiHviiie o,w a.m, Harrlsbunr at 5.3.1 n. m.4.10 aud 11.(0 n.m. au, ueauniE i-.u ."uajiiKiu, uiui7.i.)ii. ni, lur Harris lOFK BUUUU'.WU. m QMJUUUS LINE. Tho uudcralsned would iosictfully announce to tho cltlieui of Blooinshnrs and tho publlo Kene rallytha ho la running an OMNIIiUH lim: hetweeu this place aud the different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going South aud West on the Cato- wlasa and WUUamsport Itallroad, and with tuose going North and Bouth ou the Lackawanna aud llloomsbiirc Railroad. Ills Omnlbuaues are In Kood condition, commo dious and comlorlablc. and charges rcaaonaoie, I'crsoua wuihlni! to meet or fcco their rrlcniis uo- part, can ho accomodated upon reasonable charg by leaving timely nonce in any oi me uuien, JACOB I. UJitTori noprievoi T WO MONTHS FHKK1 FKIOE ! ! THCMOir 1'orULAll JBVBNII.E MAGAZINE IN AMEHll'A, THE LITTLE COHl'OUAL. ENTlltEI.V ORIGINAL AND FIRST CLABa. All now subscribers lor The Li iti.e Coupouai. lor tno new year, wiioi..; .mu.i; u.u sent In before tho last ol December will receive the November and December Nob. of IMS) l'KLEI TERMS, ONE BOLLAH A YEAR HINQLE COPV, TWELVE CENW. Hie Llitlo Corpora! has a larger circulation than any other Juventlo Macaziue lu tho world, und Is better worth the price than any other niiiKuillie ever published. Bccaubeof Its imraenko clrculutlou, we aro cu ublea to furnish Itut tho low juice of Cue Dollar a Year; blx copies, oue year, lo; bluKlo number, l'jreiits; or flee tn uuy one who will Try to raise l'J cents; or llco in any oue who win iry 10 rais n club. Hcuutilul pienilunis for clubs. Subscribe NOW. New vulumes bcglu Jannar; nnu July; liacK uumoera cau aiwaya oe seui AddroMj ALKftEI) I. glUlOnS OF YOUTH. A gentleman whosulleredforyeursfirdu Ner vous debility. Premature Decay, and ull the ef fects of youthful Indlbcrelloii, will, for s.iko of Buueriuir nuiuanuy, beiiu irceio an wuu ucixi il. the receipt and dluctluus for making the simple lueuy uy which ue wascurcu. auuereis wibiuua: nrontbv tho advertlbcr's exuerionce. ran ih. uy addrt'bsing with perfrct confidence. Nov.i0,'6l).ly, JOHN 11. OtlllKV. No. i: Cedar btreet, New York. "VSTANTE1J. To all our or em- T ploy mem, we would buy that what wo kave to oirer you Is uo new tlilug or experiment, aa tliose who have followed It lor years will testify. We ran prove toyoulhatyou are surotoiuako money faster than you can In auy otliei houorablo buslnobs. No great talent, and but llttlo money required to start. BARCLAY A CO., 010 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Nor, S,'i-3iu. N T F H E El M. O'KKEKE, BON 4 CO.'K SEED CATALOOUE And uuiIiEtothe PIXIWEIl and VEOCTAULi: danleii, For 1870. Puhllthed In January, Every lover of flowotn wishing this new aud valuable work, free ol charge, should address Immediately M. O'Keefe, Hon & Co., lillnanEcr A Barry's Blockllocbeettr, N.Y. Utc.3,' BEWELL Si CO., Publishers, Chicago, 111. P.S. Woal.o Publish the following: "THE SUHOOL FESTIVAL," slvcly tu School Kntcrtaruuieuls, Exhibitions, iaoieaux, eic irico 1'iiiy icuib uycar, nampie eupy iq ceuu. THE LIITLU CORPORAL'S NEW DRAWING 1IUU11. "HEED'S DKAWINQ LESSONS," The bent thlugof the kind ever Issued. Price 81.50 lor cloth binding; r-chool Edition, bu rents. Bold uy uooKboncnor bent uy man ou receipt oi price, JIRB. MILLER'H NEW BOOK. "THE IlOYAL UOAD TO FORTUNli" A dellahtlul and Instructive story for hoys, l rice, nuiu uy utHiaseiiors. orbcui u on receipt of price. Auurt'bs as uuove Also uumciuus other mall looks ALI'ltUO 1 HCWKLL A CO.. Publishers Oct. 8JM !!m. Chicago, III. JQOMESTIO ECONOMY! CAilPILLION CARPET I A new, tlnup durable, healthy, aud U FLOOH COVEIUNO I A substitute for oil-cloth at one-third the cost. This carpet Is produced by u peculiar comblua l.ou of btroug. heavy paper, primed lu ornameu tal colors, and coated with a lough, elastic, water proof euauiel which receive the water, protects derthearpet bright and beautiful in I bo ex tsclue. Its udvutltltAM flt-M ua riill(i...a 1 1 s rest renders It available I o all classes i 1 1 Is pxt. tdlugly biiwKiiU and glossy, aud It aecuiuu lates next to no dust j It dot s nut renulre In be token up aud cleaned like other caniet, aud thus saves much labor und trouble! Ily rccoutlna with Iho Cninpllllon Euainel'ocoasluiially as the case muy iciulre, (.which cost but a tune.) It will last Imuau'iely, eveu atiuge.and always appear iicwund bright : lu its use uo reliance whatever Is placed upon Ihtt jmpe r for wear, but exclusive ly ilium she water-pn)f coating, (lie figured pa per being used only to semi. I lie colors, l-iipel lias recently been used for a varlely of nunx,. - eeu lor trunks, ioof. Hour bags and wearingap; paitl.bul the first attempt, elther.ln Euroi.5 ir Auicrlcu. to convert It into carpet or floor cove. Mr.'."t .vmvkuh i.iuuo ai, enure suecessl we have ii.a rl.,i,t .... ..... eouuty aud can furnish the caipet to jaerehauU ut mouufactureri prices, V-You are Invited to call ai'd-exemlna lUe -'nfil!,f..'i1;,r.".t',,i:' ..i'JJVV, NEAL4 CO. ur IliirrU. ut7.iS)a. m. and K'.&j MidnlKht, lur New uuuuu'. ut . ui. anu i.a n. m. mr i'Iiiia. delnhlo. uoininuiiiiou, ujeagf. Mnfon, hciiooi and l.xeurbtou iKKeis lunnu iiuiu all poluti?. atie duccd laics. liaBgago checked thrcuth; ha pound allowed caeu I'ttfju uter. O. A. NICOLLS. General buperlnttndeut, Itoadlu, Pa., Apr. lsW. riATAWlSSA RAIUIOAD-Ou aud a f nr.v iinvTi.v -u.. i! iL,n ... tralus ou;iheCittawlssa ltuilioad will luu at the luuowuig uBium uours; .VoII Smth. Dep. 8.1$ a.m " D.lSi" " U.17 " lu.M " " U.H " " ll.Ui " " ii. ir ' " lJ.-i! " 1'AM " 1.08 " " l.'JJ " 2. 15 " Arr. U.15 STAIIONJ. Wllllamsifort, Muncy. Watsoulown. Milton. lianv lllc. Itupcit. litawlssu, Itlngtowu. Hummii. " Quakakc. " L. MahonyJuuc. "Lluc.'i'aiiiaqua. Dine. 0.M Ueadiuu. I'hlladelohlfi. I To New Yoik via. Read l lniror Idaurh (rhiinlr Kroui Now York via. i taucu uuuuk, l Oral! Aertt Arr, 6.i p. m, liep. 0.-'1 " .57 " tM " t.lK) " 3.IJ " 3M " !!.'ij " 1M " l.M " 1.30 " 1.10 ", 6.15 conslstlnR ol runslstlng of consisting of ronslsllng of consisting of DRY OOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY OOODM, DRY (100DS DRY 000D3, HATH AND CAPS, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPH, HATH AND CAPH. HATB AND CAPS, BOOTH AND BHOr.S, OOTH AND HHOIW, HOOTS AND H110EH, BOOTH AND BIIOIW, BOOTH AND D1IOEH, READY-MADE CLOTHINO, REAI Y-MADE CLOTHINO IIEAI Y-MAI1K CLOTHINO, READY-MA "I CIJTHINO. It ICAD Y-MADE CLOriliro, LOOKINtl-OLASHES, IXJOKINO-OLABHEH, LO0KINH-OLASHE8, LOOKINU-OLAW1EH, LOOKINO-OIABBIS, NOTIONS, NOTIONH, NOTIONS, NOTIONH, NOTIONS, PAINTH AND OIl, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTH AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, OROCnRIES. tlltOCEltUW, OllOCKRIEH, UROCEItlEH, OROCERIEB, llUEENSWAlli:, OUEENSWARK, (lUEENHWARE, QUEENS WARE, llUEENSWARH HARDWARK, HAHDWAllE, HARDWARE, HAHDWAllE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT HALT HALT, SALT, KI8H, FISH, EIHH, KITH E1SU, GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN AND HEEDS, AND BEEDH, AND Hr.r.UH, HKEUH, SEEDS, AND And Ac, &3, CO.'H, CO.'H, CO.'B. CO.'H. CO.'S. AT JluKELVY, NEAL MclCELVY, NEAL McKKLVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL Ml'KELVY, NEAL Northwest corner or Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main aud Markot Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Street-, Northwest corner of Main aud Markot BtroeU, Northwest corner of Main and Market Ulreeti RLOOMBBITRO, PA., BLOOMHIlUltO, PA BLOOMHBURO, PA., BLOOStSHURO, PA., BLOOMKI1URO, PA. IRON AND NAILH, IRON AND NAILH, IKON AND NAILH, IRON AND NAILH, IRON AND NA1UI, lu lartre ouautltles and at reduced rates, olway ou uauu. Hardware & Cutlery. M ATX71 r rv TVf t . ELASTIC Hi- FAMILY ii i.i in it n i . i m in ii ii ii i ni IIM UUUA1IWJ.V p. ... ' " iw.1. 730 Cluslmit Slreet I'lilIlu.ljH POINTS OK llSf.i,. "' r.ljLF,, lleauivaml Kln.t un,.nr .... . " " "tvii, Perfection nnd Sltui.liii,- , using iiotii t nrcaiii , ,,., ,vs , cuius ny iiac, .11 III1CI.U. Wldo inngo ol applicant adjustment. i iiu ncaiu i eii.iiis ii .., .... l,""J anil cr... warning nnu ironing. T1..M.. ,ln no .1 t.l...i . .. ' "'l,!. Sewing Machine, these Jlnchln,. ., most beautiful and iwrniueut Fmv, ornamental work. "o iiilta, i -Tho Highest PreuilunmitimJ Exhibitions of the Uulltd Suiativfi havobcon nwauled tho OrovcriBiltfij M-achlnes, und llio work done l,r iv,, ,F exhibited lu competltluu. 4-The very highest prire, Tttrji THE LEGION OP HO.VuIt. cu mo roprescniaiivc 01 llio oroifrjfit Machlucs, nt the Exposition I'tlviv. 1807, thus ntlestiug their grgut Kft-.T' all other Sowing Machlnci. V OR H A I, F. 11 Y J". A.. DORAS rPHE NEW HARDWAHE STOKE. X NI5 l'LUH Ul.TKA. Having eularged our Storo Room and Just OPENED A NEW SUPPLY, directly from tho Manufacturers, purchased for cash, ou u declining market, w c are prcpained tu oiler the same to FARMERS, MECHANICS, BUILDERS. and the rest of Mankind, a general block, com ririslug all the kinds aud qualities usually kept n a city Hard Waie store, suitable to the wants of the county, at unusually low prices. vn inosewiiuareuesiriousoi purcuasing goons Ii. our line can save Money bv looklui: lu ut the New Hardware Btoie. Please give us a ctll and examine our stock &c. KUNYAN & WARDEN, Apr, !3.fpfl-lj r Bloomsburg, Pa. Jacoh K. Bmitu. J, R, Seltzeb gMITn it SELTZUIl, Iuipurlersand Dealers lu Foreign aud Domestic NoChaugeof carsbelwieu Wlllfainsport anu Philadelphia. Olio. WEUll Buy't. DELAWAllE, LACKAWANNA, & WESTERN RAlLltOAD.-Huiuiucr arrange. m H A H D W A It E, OUNP, OUTLERY, AC, NO. 40S N. TIIIHD aTllEeT, All. OA J.TXIW11ILI., , . PHILADELPHIA. Nov. tl, b7-lf. m.ooMstivncn June 2j.'f,y-ly rpiIE NEW FA.mTi,Y B E W I X 0 M A I II 111 29! IJowery. EMl'IHU i'ih Tho PAtr.niullii.iry siktrs olij.-" improveii iiiuiiuuciuniu ,-i.u'iuui. heavy woll;, has Induced ll.p EMPIRE BEWISO M.rn:!' to mauufactiirr a New Tamlly Mi'3 s uuo stylo and ennstriieiiun, una 113 1. amputation, tiuiklnzlt entul InbvirC Isli with olher Pamlly .M.uliunn'S useiuiness mar OUTSTRIP.i AI,LCiiJirt1!T-j The prico of this v tlclo comes within reach of K.'trt oia Company Ih prepared to ufleriMi-iI InducemcutH tohuj crs,dealei s snl s?? Machine warronicu. Apply for circulars nnd samri,'lJ?,. ' r 1.'M1'I11P. KI'AVINII M.U11L' - .. '..,. .i'i Pel. 15,'oO-am. a TinlMMAlloi.AnnB iuiaicwuuvw u'. mcut, Apri.lyili, AbTW.llU, ll.tu.lUUIV U. 1U11UHI1 WE.STWAKO. AC coin, Express Bl'AT'lONS. Ex. prtssl Ac com. r m l'.M. 010 iiiJj u to a.M 11 25 .'J5 I) U0 3.00 0 15 12,10 SHI T7o 7 15 1'i.Ul 1 Ul 11. IK I l.M 'S.W 7 IO I.0U Itl ll.i", Sill ll.'J) iSi 11.02 6 11 10.17 i 01 10.X1 10.13 i 11 10.13 I till 0.6U .to 3 5S IMS 3 II ll.UU 3 2) HAS I'll 3 Ii 8 35 ti.35 2 Ul 8.05 0. 10 1- H 7;iz 5.6.5 70 5 30 7.11 I.5IJ 6.50 1.15 li-Xi 3.ti 11.10 3,15 5.10 1. M 5.30 f.H A.M. Via M. 4 y Divls.lA M r wot jiarciity or.l ....Christopher bt, lloboken....... .. Newark. . Washington Via Ccn. Ull, of N.J ........ New York iruvt lAltity St) ....New llampion..... .Oxford Brldgevllio m.l'hlladelphla .Trculuii .Phllllnsbuii,.. .Mauuuku Chunk.., . Delaware ....Mouul llthel... ......water uap .....nirouusuuig M, .....Jjpragueviire livury vine ...Oakland H. VWV.H Tobyhauua ......Gouldsboro Mobcow Duuulug Bcrautou , ...Clark's Summit, ...Abluatou -.I'uclurjvlilo . icuoibou...... ....llopboitom..... ...,..Montriise ....New Mllfold... Gnat Bend.., 8.30 8.30 8.15 ll.Uj 11.3UI 0.00 U.15! Il.ltl 11.5D1 7.3UI h.(7 11.03! 12.05 12.25 1 1: l.ui 1.15 1. V5 1.1.) 2. (11 221 II 28, 2.31 0 311 ,3; 3.081 3.10 1.12 1.20 1.311 I.5U 5.18 5.10 0.00 U.2U r.u. A.U. 11.10 11.30 11.10 1200 12.30 12.55 1.35 2.00 2.20 r.M. ConNtc-noNs. AtNewltamnlou, with Central II. R, of New ..At Washington, with Morris A- Esex R.R for lNo,onJ.T0,klMOrr'"lUWU'U!'" Lamocruvllle, Phllllpsburg. ' """P"""'!.'. It 11 r!Ui!fiV',wlui.,l'acl"lwal"'a Illoom.burg &rrV.'D'au At G reat Bend.wlth Erie Railway, for Blneham. ton, Eluitra, liulla o, Iiha., Kyracuse. and the West. w h llALlAl.Al),HSpt. II. A. HENRY, Geu. Pass, aud I ktl Ageut. CND FOH A COPY OF NEW EDITION WLLlJi' KVI RY MAW ill ffiSWV AKO IIWINB "l IH OHM BOOK. mechanic V. S U'!,V V:."m the tho m will furnlsl, hinV wi i sudi liiVormuilon aJ ii lh .uiiiVn. . .w wm ytku unuersiauu, aud rfl iSff bl,very one lobe thoir own counsel! The entire leading press of the couutry unouall. flcd ly endorse the work. Price only JlaBai!; Post paid. Agent. wanted evyrhVr'.r Tdd 'eSa Oct i','m.,m J01 ,:,WEUJJ, Publisher. oci,ij,Mm. No.ittBrooiaeBtrt.t.t.'N.V. "JO MANUFACTUItEIlS. dersigued. It Is -I'l'-uuiou i me uu. flURE PREVENTlVi: OK SCALE BOILERS. IN STEAM The article will bo furnished at Six Dollars IhesifKor WW r"""8 ,0 ,Dake "J " TEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM POR EACH llOlLsLlt. wn'i'i J,lL1,l.t,.",',llbur luul;l" 1110 " Antl-Lnmlua" 1 i?.i t,u hK "" " desired, at low prices. for'salolail?1 Btal or Territory ALLEN 4 NEEDLES, Dealers In Oils, No. KSonth Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Circulars will be sent on application. bepSl'tKMUt. n LOOMSBURO NOUMALWHft" 13 KRAKY lNBTI'imE. i'i BOARD OP I.VSTIU-CWp HENRY CARVER, A, M, frh ,....r....nv nf lt.fnll(.fnfil flml DlOtil theory and ptacliieei Miss Sarah A. Cairr,rrPa Torhrr nf t'Tcuch. llottny m- biaUclllK. TKfinfi O. llCbt. A. Prufessor of Anclint Lni.iWC'fl iiruiuum. 1 w V, rr, c. A. M' Professor 01 Mtttheiualli'b. niK liouuiuj I. . I.J.s. 1 II Profe suriif Uiemlsliymll.' n'..ui.lihr nr iTiipDinlii, liistyry l'rouil. Assl taut leather of jiiuthcuiatlui ur liimiii, mi.s AllieJl.tWf,,.; Teaclinr of Jluslo OU lue ww" 0 ,t.. llnltlrf LUC1 Teacher of Vocal Music and tol&'V Miss JullaM.M . ..... in Ki.imeDcfl'l inei',i.Li lerui.."" v,7:riti b and uulilour boaidiug liiin isl ey, ou application to the J' SS-! be furnished with hoiuis iu plea I II U better for student to"K;l ble they can enter at auy tl""' March 20 Iboa. BUTCHtrt 624 &6?6 ST For Pur, Wiltr, ui. luix.lsLrstaI'utaii cuur.17 uittictl, dursbltsDd rellt blQieiu.llatho gooj bll-fulilOD.d wuod.a l'uup. SDtl cost letslhan hall th. moniy. HasIIt srrsucoi 0 u to I. aoa-fraaxliii.. SDil fa COD.tmillOB Ii) .itutt lliil in; on, cin put II up and step II In repair. IMS BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOW MAD? Oi't.l,'IMjiu. yLVW -Qk.aA(?JK jQENTISTBY, II. C. HOWER. DENTIST. Respectfully offers h professional services to the ladles and gentlemen of Bloomsburg and vl clulty. He Is prepared to attend tonlltU. varl n.r'JW onJ ttiellnoof hU profession, ind Provided with the latest Improved Poucklaim ....... ."'"i.iii ub inserieu on KOIU platlUK. sliver and rubber base to lock as well as i'i a n!6 urai ieetu. Teeth extracted bv all the Bloomsburg, JauJl.'os'ti L A T E llOO F I NG. nVERY VARIETY M(JST FAVOUABLE RATES, juii.-s 1 hum am, and CASPER J. THOMAS in., .11. Bloomsburg, Pa. Mar.10.tni.lyr, s HCJ iiiilMr-niii ian"iii 111 11 1 DnJIANmtAKE Are iiiidoubtedly the best Calhartlc Pills for use u lids inalnrious seellon of cnuulrr ovtrollered K ,,t,.e.r.uh,UV '" ?' directly uini the Uver a KdiiSu V.f Il"Mou"V?r" Uver tuiinu 1. 1 wit ui Hie jjiver una iiuwci An a regulaior for the bowel, they aTe unequalled Be aura and usk for Dr. Warren's I.lver l'lll. $10. WATCHES. . , H vois,;b The Great Trauo mil' . ., (incorporaleii oy me n Solid Allvcr Walelie-aWial criuiuguu our "lv '...1,111111 velopes, which aro llioroiigli yw ordered are inulh-d, pot l' 1 prices i-HlllBle Kugiavli g,J S, rich; 'In eiity- ver iiuiHuig wain. u;-i': ,i,rrftjie graving entitles tho rJUoU" ' I worth from 23 to S750. lrriW L 110. Nothing can be lost b la. ,f I uo article in our s r I money asked, while, the .y,U! watc 1 worth S7i. rf",;rBI 1 once before hasmcomumfi 20i) Broadway, Cor. 1 a""" Oct. 15,'lW-8ni. DIMP L E S. "rr.,.. ,, 1 will clicerlu'if,51! all who wish it tho ,Kh ""v or nreiuirlnvand using ''.r.'lluS Venelable lLilm. that ! ''",". ct I soil, dear, uioolh ami itr' He will ulso senu If ""',,, ilW' . ducliig by verysl irtpie ''Ji of linfi- ou u bnldhciid or 1" l thirty day Irom tlrstnri,l,'f' 1 be aUn o can bo oblai.'f'U 1 M if. 'I 1111. 1 . V..." i.,.r...r p. a Box ormj'"1"'" ' addressing T HO P. 0. 110 Aug. 0,'CO-ly, rro coNsu-MP'nvi-s' i.....l,'lll",.l (iivau.rui'i'i, ,11, , ...p. ,, i ,i- In a few weeks, by u ',r,iii!ii,,J having suftcn .1 se t rid .if auectlou.aiid lhat drewi ;- y, li anxious 10 make unoiin w era the means ul cure. nuttdi1 lean who uesire 11. 'Y..t.c. "..P Prescription used (fif'P'V,1! i ""I lions for preparing and ulyrwa they will ilnil 11 sine Cure lot ' ., , il ma. Bronchitis eic. "'"Siioii'I H.J. !., II,,,. ilia licsirU"' c 1 uie itmieieu, nnu "I w . 1 ,. i,nil " r-... m 11 euiiceivea 111 uu 111. suiteierwlll Iry blieui'Jfr1 nothing, and may proe a I h , t Pnrlh wl.hliu tl,1tl1!f.AuA , addresa llr.v. 1 ' ,VL;lui' WIlllamsbuig.Muk'1 BUSINESS OA U VISITING I'AH ' LKITEIl JI 'i Neatly mul UWflf From tho Latest Bly l . Of'