THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Cniitlmifit from 1'lrit Pagft, lttnter tho nauio uf Coollty, mill niso iirovoiit American vusseU from uhkus IriK I" tlio transportation of Coolies to any country tolcrntlug tliosystom. I also recommciul that tho mission to China bo raised to ono of tho llrst class. On my assuming tho responsible utttliaof Chief .Mugistrutoof tho Unit ed States, It was with the conviction Hint three things were essential to Its peace, perpetuity and fullest develop ments. First aiuoojj tbeso Is strict In tegrity in fullllling all onr obligations. Second, to sccuro protection to tho per son and property of tho citizens of tho United States In each and every portion of our common country, wherever ho may choose to move, without reference to original nationality, religion, color or politics, demanding of 1dm only obcdlenco to tho laws and proper respect for tho rights of others. Third Union of nil tho States with equal rights, indestructlblo by any con stitutional means. To sccuro tho llrst of these, Congress has taken two essential steps llrst, in declaring by Joint resolution that tho public dibt should bo paid, principal and interest, in coin j and second, by providing tho means for paying. Pro viding tho means, howovcr, could not secure tho object desired without a proper administration of tho laws for tho collection of tho rovenuos and an eo'jnomical disbursement of them. To this subject tho Administration lias most earnestly addressed itself with ro suits, I hope, satisfactory to tho coun try. Thero has been no hesitation in changing otllclals In order to secure efficient execution of tho laws; some times too, whero In a mero party view uudesorved political results wero likely to follow; norany hesitation In sustain lug efficient officials against rcmou strances wholly political. It may bo well to mention, here, tho embarrass ments posslblo to arise, from leaving on tho statuto books tho so-called tenuro of office tict-s and to earnestly luoomuiond their total repeal. It could not have boon tho Intontlon of tho fraint'M of tho constitution, .when pro viding that appointments mado by tho President should rcceivo tho consent of tho Senate, that tho latter should havo tho power to retain In offlco persons, placed thereby Federal appointment, against tho will of tho President. Tho law is Inconsistent with a faithful and efficient administration of tho govern ment.What faith can tho Executlvoput In officials forced upon him, and thoso, toojWhom he has suspended for reasons? Ilowwill such officials bo likely toscrvo an Administration which theyknowdoos not trust them. For tho second requis ite to our growth nnd prosperity, timo and a firm hut huinano administration of existing laws, amended from timo to timo as they may prove ineffective or prove harsh and unnecessary are, pro bably all that nro required. Tho third cannot bo attained by special legislation but must bo regarded us fixed by tho Constitution itself, and gradually acqui esced in by force of public opinion. From tho foundation of tho govern ment to tho proscnt time, the manage ment of the original inhabitants of this continent, tho Indians, has been a Bub ject of embarrassment and expenao,and has been attended with continuous rob beries, murders and wars. From my own experience upon tho frontiers in Indian countries, I do not hold cither legislation or tho conduct of tho whites who como most in contact with tho In dian blameless for these hostilities. Tho post, however, cannot bo undone, nnd the question must bo met as wo now find it. I havo attempted a new policy to wards theso wards of tho nation (they cannot bo regarded In any other light than wards,) with fair results. so far as tried, and which I hope will bo attend ed ultimately with great success. Tho Society of Friends Is well known as having succeeded in living In peace with tho Indians in tho early set tlement of Pennsylvania, while their white neighbors of other sects in other sections wero constantly embroiled. They were also known for their opposi tion to all strife, violenco and war, and aro genendly noted for their strict in tegrity nnd fair dealings. Theso con siderations Induced me to give tho man agement of a few reservations of Indi ans to them, nnd to throw thoburdcu of tno selection or agents upon tho Society Itself. The result has proven most satisfactory. -It will bo found more flilJv set forth in tho report of tho Commissioner of iniunn Allaire. For Superintendent and Indian Agents not in the resorva tlons.officers of tho army wero selected. Tho reasons for this aro numerous : "Whero Indian agents aro sent, thero or near there, troons must ho Rent nl.m. Tho ngent and tho commander of tho troops aro independent or each other, and nro subject to orders from different departments of tho Government. Tho army officer holds a position for llfo; the Agent, at tho will of tho President. Tho former is personally interested in living in harmony with tholndian.nnd In establishing n pcrmanont penco to the una mat, soino pomou or ins lllu may bo spent within tho limits of civilized society : tho latter lias no such nersonnl interest. Another reason.Is an economic ono, and still another, tho hold which tho government has upon a life-officer to sccuro a faithful discharge of his du ties in carrvim? out a olvon nnllw. Tim building of railroads, and tho access inereDy gi ven to nil tlio agricultural and mineral regions 01 tlio country Is rapid ly bringing civilized settlements into contact with all tho tribes of Indians. No matter what ought to bo tho rela tions between such settlements nnd the aborigines, tho fact is that they do not harmonize well, and one or tho othor has to elvo wav in tho end. A Hvaiom which looks to tho extinction of mm is too horrible for n nation to adopt ...til....... 1 - 1 1 f .. .... f. tvuuuui t'liuiiuiig ujjon itscu 1110 wratn of nil Christendom, and!nrlnr in the citizen a disregard for human lifo anu. mo ngnis or otnws dangerous to society. I seo no substitute for such a eys em except in placing all tholndians on largo reservations as rapidly us can bo done, and giving them absoluto pro tcctlon there. As soon as they aro fit ted for It. they should bo Induced to stako their lands in soveralty and lojsot up territorial governmont.for their own protection. For full details on this sub Jcct, I call attention to tho report of tho Secretary of tho Interior and tho Com missioner Of Indian AfliilrH. Tim rn. port of tho Secretary of War allows tho expenditures of tho War Department luiiiiujuur uuuiug mo awn 01 June, 18G9, to bo tSO.0 14.0(2. of which t'ZLRW.. 810 was dlsbursod In tho payment of uuuio uuuiruuivu during mo war, anu is not chargeable to current army expen ses. His estimate of 34,6.11,(M for tho Dijjcunw ui uiuuriiiy ior wo next uscal year 13 ns low as It Is believed can bo rolled on. Tho estimates of bureau officers havo boeu carefully fccrutinizcd and reduced unerovur It lias been practicable. If. howovcr. tho condition of tli should bo such, by tho beginning of tho next fiscal year, as to admit of n greater conceiitrntloii of troojiB, tho appropria tion asked for will not bo expended. Tho appropriations estimated for river uuu nurtjorjmnrovemenuaiid forfortl rlcatlons nro submitted sojiarutely. What ever amount Congress may deem pro per to appropriate for thaw purposes Will be expended. Tho recommenda tion of llmUcncrnl uf tho Army that appropriations bo mado for tho lorts at Huston, Portland, Now York, Phlladol- niiiu, iNow urieuns timi wan i mticisco, If for no others. I concurred In. I nlsn ask your special attention to tho recom mendation of tho Ocneral commanding tho military division of tho Pacific, for tho sale of thoscal Islands of St. (1 and St. Paul, Alaska Territory, and suggest that It either bo complied with, or iniii legislation do nan ior tno pro tection oi tno Heat itsiieries, irom wiucti a revenuo should bo derived. Tho renort of tho Secretary of War contains n synopsis of tho reports of tho ueans ni mi remix, oi tno commanders oi military divisions, and of tho districts of Virginia, Mississippi and Texas, and tho report of tho Ocneral of tho Army In full. Tho recommendations therein contained havo been well considered, and nro submitted for your action. 1, however, call special attention to tho recommendation of tho Chief of Ord nance, for tho sales of arsenals and lands no loncer of use to tho Government : al so, to the recommendation of tlio Secre tary ot war tnat tno act oi Mtircii ;u, ISIi'J, prohibiting promotions and ap pointments on tho staff corps of tho ar my, bo repealed. The extent of coun try to bo garrisoned and tho number of military posts to ho occupied Is thesaniu with n reduced army ax with a large one ami a large number of ttajf officers re quired Is more dependent upon the latter Chan the former condition. Tho report ot tno secretary oi tno jNnvy accom Dry Goods & Notions. pauylng this shows tho condition of tho Navy when this administration eamo into oiuce ana tno ciianges mauo since. Strenuous efforts havo been mado to placo as many ve.els in commission, or render them lit for service, if required, as possible, and to substituto tho sail for steam whilst cruising, thus materially reducing tho expenses of tho navy and adding greatly to its efficiency, hook ing to our future, I recommend a libe ral, though not policy, to wards this branch of thu public service. Tho report of tho Postmaster General furnishes it clear and comprohenslvo exhibit of thu operations of tho postal servico nnd of tho financial condition of the Post-OlUco Department. The ordin ary postal revenues for tho year ending the iiOth of Juno, 180!), amounted to $18, :tl 1,510, mid tho expenditures to &!U,U!)3,1U1, showing' an excess of ex penditures over receipts, $.Vlo:i,Ui'i. Tho excessof expenditures over receipts for tho previous year amounted to if l!, Hn.O'Ji Tho increaso of revenues for lSOUover thoso oflbiiS was sRMtti.iwJ. and tho Increaso of expenditures was 9!'u7,OuS. mo increaseu rovenuo in iu'j execution tno increased revenue in twis by IflWi.SOO. and tho increased expendi tures in wero v-, ,070 less man tho increased expenditures In ISC, showing, by comparison, this gratify ing feature of improvement, that whilo tho increase of expenditures over tho Increaso of receipts In IPCS, was $2.1311,- oS-'i. tho increaso of recoints over the in creaso of expenditures in lCO wero I,USl,U71t The method by which poitairc should bo niiitl unon nulilic matter is set inrtli fully In tho report of tho Postmaster-Geueral. Your attention is respectfully called to tho recommendations mado by tho Postmnster-Genernl for authority to chango tho rule of compensation to thu main truiiK railroad lines ior services In carrying tho malls, fur having post route maps executed, for reorganizing tho efficiency of tho special agency servico. for tho increaso of tlio mail fervico on tho Pacific, and for 'establish ing mall servico under the flag of the Union on tho Atlantic. And most es pecially do 1 call your attention to his recummendatiou for tho total abolition of tho franking privilege. This is an abuse from which no one receives a commensurato advantage. It reduces tho receipts forpostal service from twen-ty-ilvo to thirty per cent, and largely increases tho servico to bo performed. Tho report of tho Secretary of tlio Interior shows that tho quantity of public lands disposed of during tho year ending .loth of June, 1809, was 7,000,152 acres, exceeding that of tho nrecedinir year by 1.010.109 acres. Of this amount 2,8Uy,.111 ncroi wero sold for cash, and 2,7;17,!!G5 acres entered under tho homestead law. Tho remainder was granted to aid In tho construction of works of internal improvement, apportioned to tho States as swamp lands, and located with war rants and scrip. Tho cash receipts from nil sources wero $1,172,680, exceeding thoso or tho preceding year $2,810,110. During tho last fiscal year 23,190 names wero added to tlio pension rolls, and 4,870 dropped therefrom, leaving at its close 107.W53. Tho amount paid to pensioners, including tho compensa tion of disbursing ngonts.wns 48,122,881 an increaso of $1,411,902 on that of the previous year. The munificence of Con gress has been conspicuously manifest ed In its legislation for tho nohllcrs and sailors who suffered in tho recent strug gle to maintain that unity of Govern ment which makes us one people. Tho additions to tho nenslon rolls of each auccesslvo yearsiaco the conclusion of hostilities result In a great tlegreo from tli9 repeated Amendments of tho net of tno iitn or July, 1S02, which extended its provisions to cases not falling with in Its original scope. Tho largo outlay which it thus occas ioned is further increased by tho more liberal allowance bestowed slnco that (into iiiion thoso who.ln tholliioof duty, wero wnony or- permanently disabled. Public opinion lias given an emphatic sanction to theso measures of Congress, nnd It will bo conceded that no part of our public burden is mero cheerfully bornu than that which is Imposed by this branch of tho nervlco. H necessi tates further, next lical year, in addi tion to tho amount Justly chargeable to tho naval pension luml, an appropria tion of thirty millions dollars, During tho year ending tho 30th of Sept. 18(i!, tho Patent olllco Issued 13, 702 patents, and its receipts wore ?0S0,-USO-being ?213,'.i20 more than tho ex penditures. I would respectfully call your atten tion to tho recommendation of tho Secretary of. tho Interior, fur uniting tho duties of supervising the education of freedmcn with tho other duties de volving upon tho Commissioner of Ed ucatlou. if It is tlio desire of Congress to make tho census which must bu tak en during tlio year 1870 moro complete and perfect than heretofore, I would suggest early action upon any plan that muy bo agreed upon. As Congiess at tho last session appointed a committed to take Into consideration such measures as might bo deemed proper In reference to thu census, and to report n plan, I desist from saying moro. I recommend to your favorablo consideration the claims of tho agricultural bureau for liberal appropriations. In a country so diversified In climate and soil as ours, and with a population fco largely de pendent upon, agriculture, tho beuulltc that can bo conferred by properly foster ing this bureau are invaluable. I de sire, respectfully, to call tho attention of Congress to tho Inadequate salaries of a number of the most Important offi cers of tho government. In this mcs sago I will not enumerate them, but will specify only tho Justices or the Supremo Court. No chango has been made in their salaries for fifteen years, and within that time thu labors of tho court havo largely increased and tho expenses of living havo at least doubled. During the sumo timo Congress has twlco found it necessary to Increase largely tho compensation or its mem bers, nnd tho duty which It owos to another department of tho Government deserves, nnd will undoubtedly rcceivo, Its duo consideration, Thore nro many subjects not alluded to In this message, which might with proprloty bo introduced, but I abstain believing that your patriotism and statesmanship will suggest tho topics and the legislation most conducive to thu Interests of the wholo people. On my part, I promiso a rigid adherence to tho laws mid their htrlct enforcement, V. H. UllANT. jEW STOC1C OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WINTEn GOODS. DAVID LOWHNnEHO Invites attention to his stock ot CHEAP AND FAMltoNAl!LKrU)THINO. nt hit Mere ou Mutn Street, two doors abot e tho American House nioomsburg. Fa., wheiu lie has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MKN AND 1)0 YfS' CLOTH I NO, Indudlnx tho tnoit fashionable, iturnlito, nml ImndNomo 1 1111143(1 on DH. conslRtlnR of IIOX, HACK, IlOCO,OUM,ANDOir,-(lUjTII COATBANDrANTR. of nil itoitfi, sizes nml colors. Ho hn nl-o lepten tshed hl nlrcnily large stock of l'At.lj AND WIKTUR SlLWIfl, HiniPED, FiatTRED. AND 1'I.AIN VKrSTS BHIIITH, CltAVATH, fsTOCKM. (LLAltfl1 llANUKKKCHIEFf, ULOVEH, SJJSTONIinrtS, AND FANCY AltTICl.M ll- nns conmnnlly on band a lr?e pud wctl-sc-rced assortment of cloths and vrariNtw, which ha U prepared to mnk to order lntonny kind of clothing, on eiy hhort notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is luads to wear, and most of It Is of homo mannfaetnro. GOLD WATCHEM AND JEWELRY, ofoverydenritpl Ion, lino nnd cheap. His casool Jewelry lt not mrpiifffcdltn thlslplace. Call nnd examine htt general assort men of CLOTHING. WATCHES, JEWELH , 4C. DAVID LOWENimitU. ALL AND WINTEH. GOODS A T I. r. HAUTMAN'S, I'LAID l)ltlS flOODS Ob'Tlin SAXONY FINISH. PLAIN hlilVS n-OIM. ALL WOOL HUES-' iOOI, IlLACi; AND WJIITF. FLANNEL'S. ItEll AND WHITE FLANNELS. IlLACi: .MIXED WATKIl I'ltOOF CLOTH. l(Lll MIXED WA'lEtl TltOOF CLOTH, Mt r-LINS CHEAPER THAN FOR YEARS. M SETS LUUEs' Ft'RH JlST UEC'b. SHAWL'S MIXED, 1'LMD AND PLAIN. HOOTS AND SHOES, FOR MEN AND 1IOVS. GUMS FOR LADIES, MEN AND Cllll.lilf EN MARTIN'S CKLEIIRATED SHOE (iRESl!, IILAUKING 11Y 1HE 110X Olt DO.EN. Nov,2'V0'l-lf. jyjILLKIt'S STOHK. FltEHH ARRIVAL OK SPUING AND HV.MML'R GOODS. The t ubicrlht-r una lust letnrned irom tho eltle with Hnotlihr large and select assortment of SPUING AD SUMMER GOODS, purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the owest axiire, uml which he Is determined to sell on os moderate terms as cafi bo procured else where m Jiioomsburg. HU etoete comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest rtyles and latest fashions, together with a Ihhju Dssoituieut ol Dry Goods and Gro- eurlts, conHiHtim; of Ihe rouowlny nrtlcles Carpets, lilt Ctoths, Cloths, Ca,fclmeics, Shawls, Flannels, ' silks, While Goods, Linens. Hoop Skirts, .Muslins, llollowware Cednrware. tlileumvaiH, Uardwaie bools ami Hhoea, Huts and Cups Hoop Nels, Umbrellas, IsjUtng-GlessM, Tobacco, Coilcc, Sugars, Teas, Ittce, Allspice, Ulniiir, Cinnamon, Nulincffs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY, short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which rie. Invites tho attention of the public generally. The hlBhest prim will be paid for country produce In exchanse for foods. S. H. MILLER & HON. Arcade Buildings, lllooiusburx, Pa. In JjMUST CLASS GOODS. R A 11 IS I) A It U A INS. The subscriber has Just.lkoreushly reslocked blstftorerlu CutuwUm.latcly occupied by M' NlncU & Bhumunrnnd now oners for kale A COMPLETE STOCK OF Pit Y GOODS, Gro -cries and general merchandise which for quality and variely will compare lavorubly with any In tue country. Ha lias a fresh vsort lueiit of SPItlNQ GOODS which ho wilt dispose of for cash or country pro duce. Ainouit his Dry Goods will l lonnd all tho latest und best patterns rf MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CALICOES, " FLANNELS, SHAWIt, SILKS, CASSIMERS, RUOADCLOTHS, COTT0NADE8 JEANS 4c, Ac. anocEHiKs. GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARF. C'KDARWARK DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES 4c. 1 1 ATS A- CAl'S, IiOOTH & SHOES und, In fact, a coninleto line of goods, belonutr.e folds business. As he buys and sells for eiuii he can nllorJ to keep his priics as low If not lower than mosj deulers. Ills motto Is; "IIUKK HAhKli AN1 KHALI, 1-llOrirN." COAL OF ALL KINDS Constantly ou hand and lor sale at thu lowest market rates. MORO PHILLIl'S PHOSPHATE, Elctalatteutloupaldtotheselcctlnnol build Ins man-rial, Ciithry, Mechanics' Tools, anil Hardware of nil kluds, to which the attention ol bulldeu and others Is invested, UHAIN PHHOHAHI51). A fair sharo ol publle custlnir, is desired and tlou Iwomliud to eIvo entire aatlttae- JOSEPH B. KNITTLK, Apr. 1J.M) Cm Catawlssa, Pa. JOU PHINTINO Neatly tzeculed at this OWc. DRUGS &, MEDICINES. Ayer's gor, Fop restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. dressing which 1' at onco agreeable, healthy, nnd enpctuai for preserving tho linir. 7'Wc! or gray hair 11 soon restored Id its original color with the gloss and f'rcfhntss of youth, 'l'liiu hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bnld iicjs oflcn, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hnir whore tlm follicles nro destroyed, or tho glands atrophied nnd decnyed. lint mch ns remain can be paved for usefulness by this up plication. Instead of fouling thu hair with n pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent tlio hair from turning gray or fulling ofT, and consequently p'roiit baldness. Frco from thoso 'deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous nnd injurious to the hair, tlio Vigor can only benefit 1ml not harm it. ll'wautcd merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can he found m desircdj' Coutaiuiug neither oil nor dye, it uoe. not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on tlio hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., 1'llACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL ClIOHSTS, LOWKLL, MASS. imc i $i.oo. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Tor Dlsoascs of tho Throat find Lungs, aueh ns Coufths, Colds, Whoopinj Couch, ilronchitls. Asthma, and Consumption. probably never before In tlio whole history of medicine, lias any tlilnx won eo widely and so deeply upon the conilstence of mankind, as this excellent runcdv for pulnionary complaints. Through a lone seiics'ofjcan, and amon most of tno races of men It has risen hbilicr and higher In Uictr estima tion, as It has bccouio belter known. Its uniform character and power to cure tlio various affections of the hinja nud, have made It know nos a re liable protcitor against tlioni. While adapted to milder lunm of disease and lo young ihlldien, it Is at tlio same time the mo-1 effectual 1 cmcdy that can bcKivtn for Incipient consumption, and tlio Kou'usalli'ctlonsoi ihe throat nud lungs. Asapro. lbn nsalnst sudden attacks of Vroup, It should bu kept mi hand in cveiy fanitly, and indeed as alt nro sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all f liould lie prol Men u uu uus niiiiuuio ior iiicm. Althoncii tcttlcd C'oimiiHrilloii Is thought In curable, still great numbers ol eases where tho dis c.180 leemcd tetlied, luvu been coruplclcly cured, and tho patient restored to sound licalUi by the Cherry I'rrinrnl. So complcto Is Us mastery ocr tlio ili.nrilers or tho Lunss nnd Throat, that tho most obl InalO of them J h'ld to It. When noth ing else could i e u li litem, under tbo Cherry i'ec lorn! tlicysmnUc und disappear. Mrwis dm IM'.le .(7.eis find great pro Uclioii fioui li. .l.;.um Is always relieved ond oltcn wholly citrctl Jhunchitl U eenoraUv ciirctl by taliinff O.e Vhtrrti Veetm'itl tit hm.ill nnd frequent tloses. pcnevrvlly nro Ita irtuc knou that wo need not itubll-li t Ito ci-HilP:itoi ol' them lierc, or do more U;.m u3?tro IHe imUic Ui&t its 11.11:1 lit ie 4 ore fully inaimMiitd. Ayer's Ague Cure, Tor Fevr and Avue, Intermittent Feror, Chill revcr, Roniittont Tovor, Dumb Apruo, reriotilccl cr Uilious Fovcr, &c, ana iudeed all tho affections which ariso irom malarious, roar?h, or mlasmatio As It name imi-tlo. It dw rv, mA iloos not fill. CoutalnlnR neither Avenic, tjinnine, llisnmth, Zlur, nor nn y othor minora, or poisonous substance whntover, it In wmlso Inlurc-i nny pntient. Tlio number nnii ir.iport.inrcoflts euros In tlionffucill' trict, are Utcrnllr tievoml account, uw wc bclicvo v ithout ft imrntlct iti ilio hi-torr of Asnio medicine, Our pride U Kr.itliied iiy UiOftfknoMlcdfiieiits we receive of tho r.tdicnl uirrs ciTrrtcd in obBtlnatc carc, and uheru other icmedles liad wholly fuileil. Unacclimatcd person, cither lcsMcnt in, or Uftvelling'lhrouch minmat(ft1ocslitiP5, will be nro tcctcd bv takhii? tho AOIJ7 CVJIV. daily. Yor hirer Comptatntu, tirlfing from torpidity of tho f An excellent remedy, itimulatim Vh Tdvrr into healthy activity. ror BilioiLs Uisorderi And Lircr Cora plain tt it 11 an fxcfllent remedy, producing many tndy re tsarkable cures, itIicm other medicines nad failed. Prepared by 1r. J. C Atkr & Co., Tractlcal and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world. XniCE, $1.00 VKU JtOTTZE. Feb, 5, 1S0O. MISCELLANEOUS. 50. HOWEU, . ened a flrst-class HOOT, SHOE, HAT CAI AND KUH BTOHE. nt the old atnnd on Mtiln Hirer t, ll!oomabur,n few doornnbovo tho Court Mouse poiedof tho very latest nnd best styles ever oirer od to the citizens of Columbia County. He can accommodate the public with the followlnft goods at tho lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled stotta boots, men's double nnd single tap soled Kip U04HR, men h iietivy siogn nnoin 01 mi kjuun. men's line boots nnd shoes of nil erodes, hoy's double soled boots of nil Kinds, men's Klovo kid Knlmoral shoes.tnen's, women's, hoy s's and mioses' lasting Knitera, women's glovo Kid rolinh very flne.wnmcn's morocco ltatmornls and calf shoe, women's very fine ltld luittonetl gait ers. In short boots oi nil descriptions both peg god nnd sewed. no womu niso van niicuiion in ins nno nninri meut of HATH, CATS, FU1W AND JTION8. hlch romnrlses all Ihe new nnd'nnnntar vnr llisutprlccHWhlchcamiotfalltosuttmi. Tlicf ods nro offered nt the lowest cash ratei nnd 111 be guarantrrd toglvo satisfaction, A call oliclted before purclisslng elsewhere as it Is vod that better bargains nre to be fond 1, nny oiucr pince in me county, '67 RAIL ROADS. gnoWN's fast Kiuiiairr FKOM rHIfjADEM'ItlA TO HLOoMsmtmo, and Inlermedlale polntj. Uoods forwarded with cire nnd despatch mid nt low rates. . - nt Goods, nt l'lilladelpliln. "'Llfn0,,: llltlicr 4 Co S. BIl inurRut oun'H ticulaj, npply Jp As. 20.ciitr. T ACKAWAISNA AND UIAJUiMH- 'anSJVSi, IMMengcrTrainswili (In rnn as follows i Scranton Plttston Klnsston ...... I'lvmouth Hhlcksblnuy. jiernicK llbHim Danvlllo North'd . riAHHIAGK MANUFACi'OHY, nioomsburg, To. M. C. SLOAN 4 BKOTIIElt Hno ..u hand nnd for sale nt thn most renso hlo rales n splendid stock or CAUitiAOEH, nuaaira. and every description of Wngons lmtli TI.AIN AND FANCY J'aUutoulfrom nlso 11 Hnu ussorlincut of m 1. r. I (1 II a ., . .twivt. tnslitonnblo styles, well nnd carefully mude und oftbo best inuter nl.. . .. ...... 1. 1. v,i nlI 11 u helle'Si'Vue 'inper-loVeVnji iul h. the country. DOWUEK KEGS AND LUMBKH W. M. JtONUOK & CO., Unpert, I'a., Manufacturers ot rOWUKlt KEC1H, und dealers in all kinds of LUM1IEH, Ulve notice tliat tliey nre prepared lo accomodate their custom with dispatch, and on the chcapes errus. N V. W COAL Y A It D. The undersigned respectfully iniorm tne Insurance Agencies. Q. li o n 1: MUTUAL LIFE INSl'nAXCE COMPANY NEW YORK. Pliny l'reeman, l'resldent, II. C. rrecni.m, Sc. rh cnpltnlovir 82,0li,(yx),iill paid. J. 15. K0151SON, ULOOMSllUlta.l'A OHNIIKAI. AOi:.NT, Kor f.uerne, Fyconilnf;nnd Cnluiiilila A IN SUIIANCE AGENCY, Wyoming tno.uuu .Til mi ..., 4,bun,(ic l'u I ton.. 300,000 North America 360,000 City 450,000 International 1,100,(XX) Niagara l.Ouo.uOU lutnnm M .'tfO.oou Mereliants I'W.tnjo Sprlnslleld S70,1I0 rnrmers' Danville ..., SW.IHJ0 Albany City 1U0.00U Lancaster City ' York Horse, Deulh A Thelt... o'i.ijO) Home, Saw llavon... 1,oou,ia'1 Danville, Ifoiro Theft rains li'J-ly. FHBAS UUOWN, Atmtf, IlLOOMSUUUfl, l'A Wall Paper and Painting, TMPOKTANT , TO lilllLDEIW.noufeEIlOLDCIW A TENANTS, Tho nndcrslgncd would announce to tho clip tcusof Bloonisbttrg and vicinity that ho Is pre pared to executo II O Urt C, H I Q N, ANI) O It N A 5t E N T A L 1" A t N T I N. CI lu nil Its branches. V A P E It II A N O I N fl Carefully nt I ended tn, Bti let attention to business and good workman ship It Is believed will ment nfalr show of public patronage. Bhop nu CatbnrineHtreet between Third ond Fourth. , Mar.0,'(X).ly. WM, V. UODINE. PHILADELPHIA : a r, i, p a p i: ns. HOWELL A ItOUItKE, x A K v r A c t u it b it a or Paper llangluts and Window shades, Hales nonius. Corner Fourth and Mnrkot Streets, l'lilladelpliln, VAC-UlBY.COn.TWENTV.TlllRIl AMI hAKSOM H1H NKW HTYLK3 F.VF.IIY DAY, OK OI'R OWN maici:. Oct.l5,'C8m. JItnOHS OF YOUTH, A Kcntleinan who sulIVred for years frci.i Ner. VOUS dtibllltv. l'retiinliue In eiiv. nml iLirtl.., t. fecu of youthful Indiscretion, will, loiisako of fUllerlnKhumunlly, end Ireulonll who need II, thoiu elpl anddlieellousior mnltlui: Ihosluiplu leniHly liy which be wa. lined. Klllli lerswlshlnn to luollt by thu ml vi rilser's ux eilc nee, can do f fiy uiiiii.ssiii tin iiern I l eiiiiiiueuce, , , JOHN II. UUIIKN, Nov. sa.-w.iy. Nu-me,Ut -l"a- N"w Y,,r,c' "XrANTED. To alt. hut ,ii- , 1 pluyinenl.we would soy Hist what no havo KMiiKTiuii nun new iiiiiii; or experiment, us thosu Who lltllo lullnlveil It lur venri. will i.uiift. V can prove In you lliiiljini nre fcuiotomnku iiiouey faster than J ou ran In any nlhei hunorablo """""i .iuiiiiih iiiiiui.iiiKi iiui iiiiiu money Tcqulred loslart, llAItrj.w .V CO., HO Arch hlretl.l'hlladclpbta. Nov. M.'uJ-Sni, citizens ol lllooinsburc nnd Columbia county that tliey Keen an mo in illllerent numbers ofstove coal and selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelvy, Neal & Co'a Furnace; with n good pair of Ballalo scales on tbo wbnrf, to weigh loal, bny, and sliaw. T.iirow n n iinisn nnn wncon. to ueiiver turn in n,n.a .rim tlelrn it. Asfliev nnrcbaso n lnrue amount of coal.tbey Intend tolceep a superior ar ticle, ami sell nt me very lowesv prices, x-iciu call nud exninluo for yourselves hefore pureiiiU' lUg eiiCWUerr. J. . iir,.,ur,iv.iiu AUOUMTUH MAHON. rrtllE uiulorsitrncd will tnko in cs JL change for Coal nud Groceries, tho following liameu nriicios neui, nj e, uuu, i un- 1,ut I.nnl llnm Hlirtnhler.fimi side meat.lhlttcr. i:ggs, Hay, 4c.,nt tho highest cash prices, at his lilocery more, aujoiuuig nieir cum jam, J. W. llENDEItSHOT. IHoomsburg Mar. lD.'GO-ly. JglLLIAItDSI BILLIARDS I! ?n IIOIIINSON, Proprietors, 11. It. Depot, llloomburg,ra doing North. Arrtvo Arrtvo p.m. a.m. Uolng Kotith. Lcnvo Leave ... ... .l" ,.. 7,ai ... 0.V7 ..... fi.15 5.113 lavo 10.20 0.50 8.35 WW :) 7.K 7.'J3 Leave n. ! 1.10 Leave 4.5(1 5.10 6.10 (1.50 7. 8,10 Airlve 7.00 7.9) 7.Vi M0 K li.IM 10.0J 10. ia Arru U..X' "r.,;"2".T..,. , u...i,ii, uv i h a.m. iin rnr Oreat llend. lllnitnnnitoH, Albany ami 11 poini- norm, T;lToUN U( Bn1,,, "VTOUTHEItN CENTItAL HAIL' on and ultcr Nov. 15th IW, Trains wp leave Northumiikblasu as lollows : NOllTllWAUl'. 3M A. M. Dally In WllllamMs.ri, tMpi f i .f i rorftiinirn, iinumuinii, W) r "li., iinlly. (excJnl Hundays) ior K mira and lluilalo via llrle liillway Irom Llnilra. sm p.m., Dully, (cxceptHundays) for Williams- P TllAtNS SOUTHWAItD. 10.S3 A.M.Dlllly (except.MOUiuiy s;ioriiiui..u...c WILMINUTON AND l'llII.AllSL,l in. 11.10 P.M. Diilly(cxccptmHi!iysjiorimii.i.""t wasniugiiiuaiiu i U"UUB,',;,,S yolINO, (leuernl l'nsvetiger Agelil. Ai.niEn It. Fiskk, Ucn'I Hupl., GROOBItlBS, &c, GRAND OPENING (IHANI) Ol'KNINJj (IIIANI) (ll'KNINIj (I HAND tlltAND OPKNINH Ol'UMNU PHILADELPHIA AND ERIK t ltAll.llOAD. ... .....i'MH i51 the vIi nnu linn ...... Trains on tho Philadelphia iKrle Uall 1'iad will run as iohowsi WU&TWAltD. MAIL THAIN Imves l'hlladelphl.'V. " iiriiiuuineiiiiiiu..i.Mi.iii " Kile s.'J0p.m EltlU EXP11KKS leave, l'lilladelpliln ll.llu.iD. " " nun it u.r imu. " nrr. ut I'.rie W.UIll.m ELM I It A MAIL leaves Philadelphia 7.'i0n.ra " " " .oriuu ...jj if.iu, " ' nir.atLoeklliiven 7.'Ji.iu, EAbTWAltD. MAIL THAIN leaves Erlo 8.10 " isnriuu .ii.iu ii.iu. ' " arr. at Philadelphia EHIE EX I'ltlftili leaves ICrle I.OOp.m . " Murt'il 5.0JH.IH. nrr.atl'hlladclpblii. 12.13 p.m. ELM I HA MAIL leaves Luck llmeu K.OOn. in. ' " Anrtird ll.MJn. in. nrr.nt Pbllndeipiilu .(WW p. m. DUI'I'ALO EXl'ltlxa lm is Vt m. nut l.Viinni. " North'd 2.0.1 n, m. " air, at Philadelphia v.'Jju.m Express cast connects nt Cory, Mall East at Cory and rvlnclon, Express vot ill livluelon with train Ion Oil Creek and Allegheny Itlver Hal. lload. A u TYU..lti General auperluteudeut, Wllllamsport. WILLIAM II. GILMOltE Has opened a line Illllinr.l Knloon In nddltlon to HIS Well KUOWll aclAUIiani. iioiwaaiuuitn Willi all tho latest Improvements nnd In perfect order. He keeps on unnu tne uesi LAGEH BEEH AND ALK which tho market affords. OYSTEKS to be had at nil times when In season, also lieet longue, 1'lckled tripe, uiams, &c, ce. Tho public are Invited to call, and mo prom ised satisfaction ;clther in blUlaldsol lelresh ments. Ills riUAlW AND TOBACCO cnnuol bo excelled, nioomsburg, Jan. 1,'Oil. QMNI11US LINE. The undersigned would resioclfully announce to the citizens of nioomsburg and tho publle gene rally I ha ho Is running an OMNIDUHLINE between this place and tbedlUerenl railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going Boutb and West on tho Cata wlssa and Wlllinuisport Ttallroad, and with those going North nud South on ihe Lackawanna and Uloomsburg Hnllroad. Ills Oranlbusses aro In good condition, commo. dloua nnd comlortnble, and charges reasonable. Persona wishing to meet or seo their frteuds de part, can bo accomodated upon reasonable cbargo by leaving timely uotlce at any of the hotels. JACOIl L OIKTON, I'roprletoi rpVO MONTHS FREE I FREE ! I TUB SlOIT l'Ol'l'I.AK JUVESII.K HAHAZlMi: I N AMEllK'A. THE LITTLE CORPORAL. ENTlltELY OHIOINAL AM) FI1WT CLASH. All new subscribers for Tin; Litti.u C'ouroilAl. lorlbu new year, whoso names and money mo sent In before tho lust of December will receive the November nnd December Nos of 1WJ FltEEl TERMS, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. HINGLE COPY, TWELVE CENTS. The Llttlo Corpora! has n larger clrculnllnn IIkiii any other Juvenile, Wocazlnu in ttio world, and Is bettor worth the price than any other magazine ever published, llccause or Us Immense circulation, we aro en abled to furnish It at tho low prleo of One Dollar n Year; Hlx copies, ono year; 85; single number, 1- cents; or free to any one who will try to .ralso n club, lleautllulpieinliiinsforclubs. Hubscrlbe NOW. New volumes beglu January and Jul); buck numbers can always be sent. Address ALPKCD L.BEWELL4CO., Publishers, Olllce of Tho Little Corporal, Chicago, 111, P. H.-We also PnblUh the following ; "THE SCHOOL FESTIVAL," An Original Quarterly Maeazlno, devoted exclu slvely lo School Entertainments, Exhibitions, Tableaux, etc. Prlco Fifty Cents a year. Maniple copy 1 J cents. ' THE LITTLE COItPOItAL'H NEW PItAVING IIOOIC. "REED'S DRAWING LESSONS," Tho hcttthingoftho kind ever Issued. Price II..V) lor j-lolh binding; School Edition, t.0 eenls. Hold by b'siksellers,or cent by mullnn receipt of price. JUtS. MILLElt'H NEW BOOK. "THE ItOYAL ItOAD TO FOnTUNE." A dellKhtful and lnstructlvo story for boys. Price, J1.50. Bold by booksellers, or ent by mall on l ecelpt of price, Also numerous other iooks. A i Id ress as above . ALFHED L.HEWEI.L CO., Publishers. Oct. anil an. Chicago, III. JOMICSTIO ECONOMY I t'AMPILLION OAltPETI A new, elieap durable, healthy, and 11 FLOOR COVERING I A substitute for oll-clotu at on-llilrd th. cost. Tills cariiet Is produced by a peculiar eomblna tlon of strong, heavy parar, prluled lu ornauieu. lal colors, and coaled with it lough, e hullo, water proof enamel which recclica the water, protects the colors und paper endures washing, and leu deis the carpet bright and beautiful In the ex. tseine, Us advunluges are as follows i It', cost lenders It iivallable loallebiskest Ills exceedingly smooth ond glossy, and It aciumu. latesiiexilo nodustj uuors not reoulr. to be taken up and cleaned like other curpel, uud thus saves much labor and tumbles Uy o'CoallMr with Ihe Cainpllllon KiuiuelkwusliinaTly as the case inuy ieiiulre, (which costs but a trilli,) It will last Indefinitely, een an gu,and always aniwar li till Ill-lulls' . In ilu i . ... .. .. -.11 ,.'" U pltml upon ihe paper for weur, but exclUHlvu. i'v.M.M- .iv.MJiuuiiA)itiiii(. me ugurtt pa er htliiK imi-a only to m cur tU colorn. lai.ii Iiau rweiuly het u utmi for variety uf uurvolv. rvi'ii .oriruiiKw, iooik, nour 1juk uuU eariiiHi: llillfl. Illll Illll IirkL UUfllim Imr lit I.' a luencu. in con vert It lulu csrpet or lloor cove, lug, all c.ucede It tu b uu enllrs success! We hat. pun based tao right for Columbia county and iuu furnish th. i,t to inirshsuts ut manulacluiers inlets. Yon are lutlted tu call and examine the gisKlsnlijiirstJie. M'KKI.VY, NUAL& CO nioomsbuig.Dcc. irui-tr. ' LU- EADING RAILROAD. WINTElt Altll ANOEM EST. Monhay, NoVKMltKll 2in IW.'. On at Trunk Lino fiom the North nnd North west lor I'blladclphla.New Yolk, Heaalng, I'litti vllle, Tumaiiua, Ashland, Hhamokln Libation Allenlowu, Kubtoil, Eplnalu, Llllz, Lancaster, Columbia, lc, Trains leave Hnrrlsburg for New nrk. ns fol lows: At J,:m, 5,Mand,lua. in., 1J,VM noon nud 2,So &ll,,conucctiug with similar trains ou the pu. ltullruad, nnd airltllig at Nework ut 10,45, a.m., a: 12,u3 in., & U.'Vj o,:Lj 0: 10,ix) p. m, and (Limn. in respccllvt ly. Hleeplng cms at com pany ;theA30 a. ui., a.m. uud 12.00 m. trains without chauge. Leave llarrlsburg for Itendlng, Potlsvlllc, Ta mariua, Mlnersvllle, Aslilaud, hbuluukln ,1'lne Urove, Allenlowu & Phlla'd. uis.iou.m., S2,Sii 4,10 p.m., stopping ut Lebanon und piliicipal way statlons:tbe 4,l0pm. train making eiinuectious lor Potlsvlllc und Columbia only. For Potlsvlllc Schuvlklll Haven and Aubuiu. vln Sclmvlklll and Kusijuchnnuu Uallioad, leate Harrisbuig at 3,10 p.m. llcturnimr: Leave New Yoik ut l),oo a.m.and l'.'.OO in., and 5,00 and l'hlludel phtA ut 1.1) a. m, and 3,30 p. in, hleeplng cars accompany the o.oo n. m., nnd5,00 and s,oop.m., trains Irom N.Y.wlthuut cliamre. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,') a.m., connecting with similar train ou East Pa. railroad reluming from Heading at o;tip.uistopilug at nil stations leave Pottsviilu ato,no,,niid3,ijp.mliiimii klutit 5,40 and 10,40 a. m., Ashland at 7,0'ia.m and l,iJ I1ISIU lUllllUlllll Ul l.JJ II. 111., HI1U .,.'0 p. fur Phlladelnhhi.and New York. Leave I'otisville via Hchuylklll and Susque hanna ltuilroa.1 at8.;5 a.m. lor llarrlsburg, and 11,-yj a. in., ior I'luuurote aim ireiuoni, Heading Accommodation Train leaves Itenilln at 7,30 a.m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 1. 13 l'ottstown Accommodation Trulndenvcs Polls town ul 0,1 a.m.,, reluming, leaves Pbiladilphlu ut 4.00 ii.m. Columbia rtallrond Train leave Heading at l,u turn., uuu u-u p.iu. iui- x.punua, i.iuz, Lunciu tcr. Columbia. Ac. Perklomen Hall Hoad Trains leave Perklomen junciiou in e,uuu.m., nnu o.l'i p. m. lh.'luruln; LA'uve niiiinuicu: ai a.m., nnu l,mj p.m., con necting with similar trains on Heading luilrond. On Sundays, leave New Yoik at s.oo p.m., Phil phial e,jo a.m. nud .1,15p.m., the ,Hl a.m. train mug uuiy iu ueauuig; ruusville 0,00 a.m.; llarrlsburg nt m. 4. lu uud ll.eo p.m. ami Heading 12.43 M!dnlghl,nnd7.lin. in, lor llarrls burg, ai7.Voa. in. and I2..V Mldiuglii, lur N. w York and nt V.4U a. m. nnd 1.23 ). in. lur Phlia-delpbla. Commutation, Mileage. S-cnsnn, Hehonl nml Excursion Thkets lo uuu llolu till pninls, in ie duced mien. llaggiigcihiclild through; 1C0 puuud iilloed each pusst nger, O. A. N1COI.LH, General Huperlntendeiil. Heading, P., Arr. 20 UtO. CATAWISSA ItAILROAD-On mid after MONDAY, Hep. b, iw, Piis-,cnger trulus ou.the Ciiluwlssa ltullruad will run at the following named hours: .! il tknlh. Dep.K.15u,m " 0.15" " 0.47 " " 10.03 " ' 10.43 " " 11.11 " " 11.17 ' 12.22 p.m. " 12M " " l.US " " 1.20 " " 2.13 " 4.i3 Arr. 0.4i HTATIOSU, Witllamsii t. Muncy, Watsuntown, Milton. Danville, Hupert. catawlssa. llliiglowu. riummiL. ' tlunkuke, 1 E. Mabouy .Iiitic. Dlne.Tiiuianua, Dine. Himling. I'uiiaiieipuia. Hail .VmA Arr, (!.ii p. m. Dep.o.24 " " 4.57 " " 4.10 " " 4.IO " " 3.1) " " 3..r.' " " 2.2.3 " " I.S'l " " 1. 10 " " 1.3) " ' " 10.40 u.ia. 6.13 " u qn-. it 1 UlfttW ) Dl It Via, ItCUll Ing or .Munch chunk. Fiuin New Yoik Ma. I ,, Mauih Chunk. NoChnugoof tars bttwieu Willlamsiiort und Philadelphia. OEO. WE1III Buy't. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & WEhTEHN I tA 1 LHOA I). Summer arrange ment, Apr.5,ls(,0. Tiulus leave us follows! WI.SIWAIIP. Ac-corn Ex- luess Mull BTATIONU. Mali Ex- plt-SS Ac. com. u.s.r 0.10 6.30 .61 1.15 3.15 13 S.60 r.M o lo: 9 10 0 25 I) 00 I) 13 y su 7 15 ii 7 lit) 5 3.1 5 3.1 5 2.1 6 11 6 01 1 11 4 20 JSS 5 II 3 25 1 13 2 60 l H r.M, 3M 3.3.5 3.25 3.00 12,10 8.30, S.45 U.031 11.30 2.10 12.K0 ll.ll 11.35 1.40' 3. 1.00 11.2.3 1I.V0 11.02 111.17, lU.Ltl 10.2.l! 10.13 V.lA, U.ll) 0.22 0.00 8.431., 8.15 7.3.S 7.30 7.H (1.50, 1"AI 0.10 5.40 5.:X) A, It, Via Jl. .V E. Dlvls.,A .t m w lork', II.v, iiUilJlurLlaiiBt.) .,Cliilslopherfct .....u,.lloboken Newark. WiuthlniFtiiM ... via Cen. HIT. of N.J. -aviT ion. U-'oclLibtiliibn ....New liampiou , ..... Oxford lllldgevllle ....Philadelphia ireiuon. Pllllllpsburp .Munuuku Chunk..., Delawuie .....Mount lieihel Water Oan .....Htruudsbuig ! ...Mjiruguevllle ...Itenryvllle Oakland Huks ...'lubybnnna , Gouidsboro Moscow Dunning Hcnillloil Clink's Huumilt,.,. j-.Faeloryvine',7.'.'.Hl! ..Hopbotluin I ....Montrose -New Mllriiut Grcut lleud two 11.15 II. li 11.5s 7.:ai H!,k-j 12.U, IV.5I 4 00 4 00 I 1.5 I 4u ,7 05 I oOl 0 6ii 7 20 r I" if 7 to 8 00, 11 I.U3 8 23 i.n 1.25 8 12 1.13 8 50 VMO 2 aro sii yij'o 30; A.M. 11.10 11.30 11.111 .00 12.'JI 1463 1.33 2.1 U 2.20 r.M, COMNtCIIONK, AtNewIIaiu(.ton, with Central H. It. of New 1IMe,ffi in wusuingiou.williMori s Essex lt.H for ,"1'!,k;N?,'".MorrUtown,lter. lluiketts. town. ICastoo, Ac, HAit ?orU? nUVu.u!tt wliu t'elvldeio Delawaro M'oe?;svlW!Si!llLu5rg,:UtOU' "'""l-rg, n 11 iWi i I..V, CKawaiina 4 lllooinsburg M'rl ii"i o.bantrA,?.!!!: lam- uud t. geilt, ,nAl Ui t!,u,l'"!l"!l.'.,1l Frl" Hallway, for lllngli ton, Umliu, lluilalo. Illiuca,, Kyriiciue '""lA'iirvi.v Vi1'- "ALllTfiAbSiil It. A. 1II.NH3 , Gen, Puss, and Tkt. Age SEND FOR A COPY OF NEW K!!!Tiq.v jyitLiv kveiiy man int. 'i;.S,.,,A i:u.NII IH'HINIWI FOI151 1 ,A l'0",,l'!t,!! inJ r' "able guldo to all mailers ol awaiid business irniisacirons for eiiiy mJlol Ibe Inlte,lP,.!.rir'.l0,,?1 .V1'"1' ''""'". uier, enel r... V . " " . ".'uuu .III rellable'w rk7u mVSi V..,"S .T. .b " f.1.'. . wln"",1"1'1.", ''" bo reiiulied.aud tliut will furnish him wil l sue 1 Inlormalloii as is T'he.nn,l,UU'bl?,"Very,J",),'V,llul' ''"Acoui scl, ni,Vit 1 1! ''"',!" ul."' '"unlry timiintli neuiy endursu the unrlr. l.rl,.u wt . 'u '. post paid. Agei'ta wanted uverywheiet' Addri.J JOHN II, WEI.LH, Publisher, ,iuuuitf riiroetw, y. FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL ANI) FALL AND OP WINTElt (IOODH, WINTElt (IOODH, WINTElt (IOODH, WINTElt OOODM, WINTElt GOODS consisting ol eonslsllng ol consisting of consisting of eonilstluij of DHY GOODS, DHY OOOIH, DHY (IOODH, DltY GOODS DHY GOODS, HATH AND CAIM, HATH AND CAIN, HATH AND ('.MM, HATS ANI) OA I'M, HATS AND CAPS, nooiH IinOTH HOOTS HOOTS HOOTS AND HHOEH, AND HIIOK.H, AND SHOiX, AND SHOES, AND H1IOEH, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MA HE CLOrilINO 11EAD3-MADK ll.Ollll.NG, HEADY-MADE ClAll'HINU. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, LOOKINO-GLAHHKH, LOOKING-GIISHES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES LOOKING-GIiASSIiS. NlirlONS, NUTlUNtt, Mll'IO.NS, NOTIONS, NUllONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAIN'fS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OIIJ, PAI.N1S AND OILS, OP.OCEHlErt, OHOCE1HI.S, GHOI'EIHES, GHOt'F.lltl.S, OHOt'lilllES, IH'EHNSWAHE, iJlIEIiNSWAHi:, ItUKENhWAHl:, OIIKKNSWAHE, ItUEEN.SWAHE HAHDWAHE, HAItDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, ll.UHHVAHfc:, HAHDWAHE, TINWAItE, UNWAHE, 1INWAHE, TINWAUfcl, TlNWAItE, SALT, SALT HALT SALT, HALT, FISH, PISH F1H1L- 1'ITH FIH1I, OltAIN GHA1N O I IAIN UHAIN GHA1N AND SEEDS, ANI) SEEDS, AND HEEDS, AND HI'.KDH, AND SEEDS, AC, AC. AC., AT McICELVY, NEAL A CO.'H, McKEI.VY, NEAL A CO.'H, MfK'ELVY, NEAL & CO.'S. McKELVV, NEAL At CO.'H. McKEI.VY, NEAL A CO.'H. Northwest corner ot Main and Market Streets, North we.t corner of Main nnd Market streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner ul Main ami Mnrlcet Streets. Northwest corner of Hum nnd Maiktt Streets, IlLOOMSIllIttO, llLOOMSHIIItO, 11LOOMMIUIIG, HLOOMSHimO, lUilJUJlMHIllli, I HON I HON I HON I HON HtON PA., PA PA., PA., PA. AND NAILS. AND NAILS, AND NAM, AND NAILS, AND NAILS, lu targe quantities nnd at reduced rales, alway nil mum. Sowing Ma Q.ROVER A lJAKEliV Finsr v 'HEMIC)! ELASTIC BTltt FAMILY SEW1SG mem l95imOADWAY,.N1:WYot, i 7.10 Chestnut strccl p,,,,, Jj POINTS OF KXCEm,M Ileaiityund Elasticity or sin.h, Perfection nnd H!iuplcy t 5, Using both threads directly UmJG No fastening of scums by limj fl If 1 3M 111 Ell 1 of thread. Wide rnngo nt appllealln uu adjustment. Tho senmielalnsltslnautytnJ Washing nnd Ironing. Ilcsldes doing nil klti.Is r w tkJ I Sowing Machines, the JIm,tB K most beautiful and penuai oruameiitnl work, CJ-'I IlO llllllll Sl. I'm n,l I' Exblblllons of Ihe Uidlcil n,asif havo been nwnrdeil the (IroKrjLfS Machines, nnd tlio uork doncbvtliJ exhibited in compt lltion. (j r-Tho very highest pnw. mEJ?J THE LEGION OF 1I0XUII, uR,f! the representative of the OrmmM B Machines, nt the Exp.uition rnltiy!3 1S07, thus attesting thilr gresi (tpTJS alt other (jewing Machines. l'O 1 ALE II Y A.. 3D O RAft HLOOMMWRGh Juno SH.'O!) ly T M1E NEW FAMILY Oet.l9.'00-3ui. Hardware 8c Cutlery. riMIE NEW 1IARDWAIIE STORI J. NE PLUS ULTHA. Having enlarged our Sloro Hoom and Just OPENED A NEW SUPPLY, directly from Ibo Mauuf.icturcrs, )iuicbased for i-iin, uu iiiicciiuiiig in. irui",w e are piepa'ncu l otfer ttiosnnoto FAItMEIW, MECHANICS, IIUILDEltS. andlhereKtof Mankind, n general stock, com nrUlng all tbo kinds and Qiulltlis ie.ii.ilh kept In a illy Hind Wale stoi.., suitable to ibu wants of Ihe county, at unusually low prici-s, Alt tliosewb(inrodf.slriousot purchasing goods In our line, on save Momy by looking lu ut the New Ilanlwnrehloie. Please glvo us n mil and examine our stock Ac. . HUNYAN A WAHDEN, Apr.23.MMjT H'oomsburg, Pa. jAiou K. Sjurii. w is, Hc.TzEit g M T II & S E L T Z E R, Importers and Dealers lu Foreign an I Domes tlo ! W 1 .V fi M A i IllJlfu U A R 1) W A R E, O UNS, UUTLEHY, AC, NO. W3.V.THIItnSTl!Kr.T,AIl.CAI.lOWllILLl Nov.:2.67.f.1,UI'A1,,2miIA- 'o manufacturers! " si'i'i'1.? 1",,,'" " ALLEX'M PATEN T NTf.L . dl.A;,.,.v"A " "I'liiicrlTiViiu1;,);. suitE n'msTrajiPwu,,,; in bteam The aitlele will bo furnished nt Hiv rim, ... TEN l)OLLlts PlJIt ANNUM FOlt EACH forifilon't lalrTlli; ' H'M" r""y ALLEN A NEEDL1S, Dealers In Oils, No. 4.'south Delawaro Avcnuo, riilladelplila. Cliculars will bo dent on application. For Purs Wjtcr, u.. ,ui.iciurKioin'Ump cuuirijr isiieiets, durable aafietii. till equal to the gOOllolJ-fElllOUOll wooden l'lucn. and 'I lets thaa hall Ihs noaey. limit srrsnae, a ks to L uou-frzl snil la tonitrncllon io iluiplo r?T.7n"r7paT,:pu,',Uf' 'b24&67b rnnEtT St VV"t Vf-.'M l'"V a xrr jirrr. w m. i. tv TtiP DFtt . H au tHEArtST PUUP NOW VF J) E N T I H T R V . H, C. HOWElt, DENTIST, is provided wlth thel ?,f."'' .' ";rt"d on gold b.tA,n?. ..1 tl "',ut'r 03.0 to ItMJU. HH VU'll lUtliu mil. unit House, snmo side. """" nioomsburg, Jun,3i,'6iiti s Ii A T E R O 0 F I N O, I. VERY VAIICTV iMOST FAVOItARLIC II STES, miiv ...... ... li , anii lAhrill J. THOMAS Mtr.iwiyr.,I'a. Arnillliliinl.l..,!!.. .I.'.'i ' n.,i . ... n , i''ii 'i1"'"'; '.'"y "ftdliielly upon be uler and biliary iluclsjind carry i.l he i,0 ,011 wiib n aKnis'ife WndU,!r''Dr,'fc,H ?u&l? Wy "'""'""'K. llendef.'nniVs 201 Howery. KMPIHC Tho eAlntoiilliKiry nw ',es ol Ik improvou iimmniu-innti; lu'uvy work, Imluctu to iiiAtiiifiirtiiro u New rum ill Mt t lino stylo iukI oonstnu'Ilnn, wlttiL-e lliLIlieilLutloii. lii:iklliiitU'(i! inlrtu U. ,.11,0. i-.i.ti,. ifd.htiu i utii-fulrusH it far f uL'TiSTiiirs am rtf.Mrti.iM Tho nrice t)f this lu-kiiouIttlCfjy-Q tlcll! Clillll'H M itliln rt'iit h (if fVch Cilfi Coiiipnuy Is invpitu'il lo nirr ibf. liii'iiMiu iirniiiltil. lit. 1v r.sp liniiluru mil! (..ItlllUHiW h.MPHIESi:WiXIMl'li: .NO.iHI U'lSH) ' Ocl. l.i.'tSO-ani. Miscellaneous BI.OOMHIlUItaNOItMAI.MIW-6 EltAllY INriTlTlHE. fj 110AKD OF INSTiaviwi III'.NHY CAHVEIt, A. M.,tJ Professor of Intellectual and JR theory and prailliref Jilss Hiirab A. Carur,rmpl Teacher of Fieuih, Ikilsiiy m1 iiraiuuvi. IsnacO.lhst.A.II Sf Piofessor ol Auclint Uiui't- Gramuisr, l J. W, I'lrrec.A.)!' Piofessor ol Mullieinntlis. mip f tionoiuy t( Itev. D.CJolin.A.M- Prolu sorol chcinWryniiJlJj F. M. Hate.. ,fc Teacher of geography. bW") tw'm James llrown, ,1 Assl taut tencberof uisiiiriiiw ", ts- Or iiimar. Miss Alice Jt.Csne;. 11 Music ou thcpIanoiK-V Teacher of ... ir.iilu I,. HwL Teacher of Vocal .Music and ""!ItoS J x.i.. illi M.0il, 'Cn..!,. I-nf IllOdt'lfci- The FALL term, wilt '''""Si,'! and until our hoarding I'Su'l c , on nppi cuiion io im i "J' ,iis,a iiViriii,i with homes 111 rleWII ii i. i.,..,. f,..ii,i,iiii toounni" eiilntr r,f llm term. Iillt Wlllll tti"U'' ble they can enter nt ony lbnf .March ii) lbtW. WATCHK. fci n . .'. :.:. ,iti' Tlio Great Trnuo imi' i f (Incnrpoiated by tho State) noun miter tvaicnesiii ;-.-:, 1U.00U Engravings,. fully "$'.". nnl.n.l i,n, mnlled. isist I Hi r. crliilng nil our tvnlcncs, '! r;.! veioiies. uiueu aro iuui".is"y. 1 t cr lluntlug wal'i h us giuviug eillllies inf i wnrlh fiom to to T4i. irrc;l J JIU. Nothing tnu be lost b) ' J 'Vwf nonrticloln our siock i "v- . , j money asked, while ,""' wuleh wnrlh t75). ( III ''" once hefore lias 200 llroadwuy, Cor Oct. 13,'iiU-Sin silly .UdeH.uliil V P I M V L E S. vvMlSiM Tau, Frecklts, Pimples, lllotc . J tloiisnndliuiuirlllcsollher-ki"" I soil, clear, smooth and i',?"11i?rurt,l' He will also send rllKt . ililV' veiysl iiiple mi JJX'' ot liiirroiiabaldlicadorM i's"';'" tblity days Horn flratappli, Tho iibin e can buobtuliifd l . !v rtf addressing TIIO. F. t'lIAI J; p. o. liox 6iai,li3lJriJ)' Aug. 0,'UI-ly, rpo CONSUJIl'TlVKH. I 'ilio Advertiser, having l"''.'' in u lew w ,ks. by n vi ry ""s bat lug s mien il set end i "."",, i- iiiniiioii.aiiii thin uieaii ; i, , isiiiixlous to uisko kiionu I" " eis uie meuns nl cure. Jo all who tltsllo ll, i e v i Hi a i.nmr.i . prescripunil liseil luce ,i, n ilonsKrpiepuiliig and nfJ,,kr.i' Ibey will lliul n suioCure forj-Jf, ilk inn. llionchills lie. The "'WmiiU' 1 scr. In sending Ihe V'.V.r.! iutl hunt! kiwi, anil siireud.liit"' " ' tl ioucelvis to be liitiiluiiblci u'.,,!' nillererwlll try bis rimed) . n nolhliig,nndiiiuypioteablcs"'IL PurlKs wisblni iho i;r" 1 U auditM lti.v. l,iXr'i,.iii..' Wllllumsbiut. Itlustl"" Nov.t:o,'61)-ly. BUSINESS C1AR1W. VIM1TING l'A" fjn, Noutly nml From tho Idlest K'jluUS "