5 Mywhiirg, Pa., Friday Doe. 17, 18C9. OB8fcaloulatcn that nn q(mi4 of lincl-. 'i,'''i oimcoii -.-minds of lioncy daily, Jji-, items, this trrck aro like "the com. algWttfy cll of cJiernliitii' few and far f&A Information nf nnr rft,1... .... - publish Ui tarcr.il laws relative to sheep and dogs o far as they apply lo tlii county. . JSC 'i Work has Icon suspended for one month, t allJXFreck's Colliery near Ccntralia on . Bogpjftga guantily of coal on hind. VrjKr D. Black of llohrjburg, I). & M. . M'Heorjr of Stillwater must be doing a good bowtwi.judginf; from the large amount of 1 goJ? Bro netting by the Brown Line. iAVK?aro glad to know that tbu Scarlet feUJiiaj prevalent as it was a week tinee, tail items to be gradually passing away. No new. cases have been reported thi. week, jxfaith, article on the Columbia County Invasion baa teen unavoidably crowded out this week. The jontinued story in the Young Folks' column met a similar fate. OM 11 neighbor of the Republican wo aro - infanKdVillolficiato as manager in two balls VtftJtetBOioff shortly in the back townhip.i. ;' lie ji, being tuueh sought alter for such oc casions. $rf ' , Court has Ikm ti quiio well attended, al HhoBb the unce.tam weather and the ditli- cullies of traveling havo doubtK-fs kept many .taMy.snhoao buiuess did not compel their ; attendance: Jtf8fttnU8T 'mixed with sulphuric acid, is recommended as a means of keeping stables sweetland wholesnmn. Tim until slinnhl In. fyHl Itith'forty times its bulk of water befee itis applied to llic sawdust. ITuk last, Grand Jury, or a majority of 'tfiem wero opposed to incorporating this town as a Borough. So long as tho citizens here'-havo streets, to ( pen or widen wo nip ' pose they can stand it. 0 v IThe stores of our merchants aro beginuin; StftiSsutneiajlIoliday appearance. Tho win ' dowi tro, bright with gay colors, and toys. tapiti plums, books in gorgeous bindings, "tn3dreaS'of warm tints do tuoit abound. Tr54jrill do doubt be brik for tho enduing 'weik'ortwo. ' tap? - Misoma, (U the election held on Tues day rening last by Catawissa Lodge A. Y. . M, the followirg nllicers were elected for tho ' ensuing MaKinie year : Win. It. Jlaitland, W.M.j. Joseph B. Knittle, S. V.; Isaac Stetholtit, Ji W.; Clinton Ellis, Secretary ; t. iir n-M.:... t...... ylitlwiiaiMuBDClt. On last Saturday a ? -ILLl- i t?i. . i mi-.i n mwi Aiiamgun was kiiicu at ucrnian-Mm- Ccntralia, and in this County. 1 a drunken nuarrel with another man. Msfc has escaped us, ai d they went tbe purpose ot having a fight, r lan- lived a tcverc kick in tho ttomueli few moiucnts after. Tho murder- left, and tho authorities have not fable to catch him. I v'BWBWFaymcnls. I he movement lor an orri to specie payments is becoming ?nftmilsr imnnn the. mcmlicr nf f?nn. - - n ............. u. - - gmetto! 'the opinion is expressed in tho ttfincial circles that the project will svea uciore tiiociosoot anotner year. al-Urant aim Secretary Jloutwell are 1 bMBkinvfliVOr of an early resumption, and y&iilFlo left undone that can accom--iplSPtteTobject at the eailicst day possible. General 'Garfield, and a number of other notd,scrn, members, aro also announced 'M;ul ftvOr. of a speedy resumption. H is itiVtifihl fnnrx re S3 will early in the session .'take soma.decided action on tho fubject. AccjpENT. Mr. A. C. B. Fisl i' of tlie Plymouth Star offieo, her, met in. accident on Saturday last which re- is death on tho Monday following. .'fJ.'fM r)Ving to 1'lymoutli with Nr. Wag ggt,tliirtiUot of the Star, when tho wagon ,.0Ter'' 'tone, Mr. Fithcr thinking it ,out"" upset, jumped out but fell over the htok, a distanco of uvcr forty feet, bruNing Wa Tcry seriously and breaking bis leg. Ho died on Monday afternoon. Mr. I'isiicr was formerly iim'ployed in tho office of tho Ban .tillo Intelligencer ami wax well known in Dan villo and thi4 place. tjgxciL JJo. ,212 U. A. M., was organic ... . n Buckhorn on the evening of Dee. 0, (1849,1 by special Deputy It. II. Hinglcr, as 'Jristed by tho officers and members of Illooms burg Council. The following uflivers wcio Mailed: W- H. Shoemaker, C; Adam ,iY. C.i Jesso Old, Junior Hx. C; Uev. M, Rice. Senior C; llusscl Apple- It. B.; N. P. .Moore, F. S.; Ycnia mr. U.S., Win. Ohl,T.;Ma- rjp(i, I.; JohiiS. Ncylmrt, h. Amo' Hisa.il. 1., Win. o. Marshall, U. e regular meetings of the order will ild every Friday evening. llnmhlican. ,mp)ion of Mr. Broekway, U. W. Mil a a'nnointcd to uiako distribution amone eirs and creditors of the balance in tho sot the administrator of John Yost, do-tuiltv.- Jury found defendant cuihv entenced liy court to pay' costs and un- imprisonment oi tinny days upon ex n of former sentence ItttmlUcan. tainiy, of course, clcur as mud. The thing about it which troubles us, is, ler.'John Yost, deceased, is "guilty' or ,';'jlijltyi" or whother referenco is niado r.; Brock wuv or Mr. Miller. If John deceased, is refurred to, "tho expira lift' of his former sentence" (i. c. his death,) p. Ul-banlJitiJ, difficult to determine. Try it ill fm un Biil(iy ljJuiportant changes havo recently 'in wedding etiquette. The card "-i i . !.. i .i ,.. i. 'lis SUOUIU uu lasucu lurcu weeks uu- riage, and eliauld La nruvided "bride's parents. Brides-expectant Anttrflu fln.1ii(1i lliemeK'.A nfter tlin fra ira'tMucd. At large receptions each ..riSmtt stculd leave his or her vinitiiu: card, so JSfttit',Jrioiless may bo po.itivo who wero Bi2A1"i.'... .t. ...hi.: I..M !.i. grabnisriien present at a wedding. Con UfwleJM'l'ire out of place in church, and rlailw reftsrvril tor tha ri'i-enlinn. 1 tin tiiof.b'ridjl lirR.seiits U frninir nut of JlfcM'a.fooJig people of tasto. When the .. ... ... y" raW'SJ if??DnouceiJi oixaa ana groom .(iJ'Ji&tW way to tho dining room, Tho brido's iS1 " a cen,w f l'10 table, and tha nSifeifti tho first slice. Tho reception la.-tu ooriDg tho afternoon, and ii somctimoi fpl " lowed by a danco in tho evening. If the wr..Wdal party jo rti a tour, their departuro h ul Usually; th aignal for tho gueiti to diiperw. ,,' Tho.oUlwperstltion of throwing an old nhoa 'finer tU kppy pair, to insure guod luck, it .faithfully observed. ! OKjM t,mmm ,. vetbeM XT! ru7 "We 4 1 IHE ATTOHNhY GcnorM Brewster, luw Kmntcil n writ of error In tho caso of Dr. Schocpps, rclurunblo on tho first Monday nf Jntiunry, 187U. Mr. JtHtico Uricr, of tho Silpiciiii) Court ortho United Slates, liiisnerit his reslKimtlon to tha President, to tnko effect on Feb. 1st 1870. Masonic Halu-TIio following gentle men have been elected Managers ( f the Cat awisa Masonio Association : (iporgo Webb, 0. B.Brockwaj, J. B. Knittle, A. V. Cool, John K. Bobbins, Y. II. Abbott, J. S. McNinch, mid ficorgo S. Oilbcit. Catawissa II. It. A. CiiAiTF.n.-At a meeting of this Chapter held at Culanissa on Tuesday evening last, tho following officers were elected: II. P., Gcorgo Webb j King, A. V. Cool; .Scribe, W. II. Abbott; Treas urer, J. K. Bobbins; Sccictary, C. Kllis. Dit. Patterson, wo regret to arnounce, will lcavo us to-morrow for Berwick, where ho intends to locate, permanently. The Dr. has mado hosts of friends during his brief sojourn among us, and we unhesitatingly recommend him to tho pcoploof Berwick as a skillful physician nnd careful nurse Sulli- On Thursda; evening of last week Sheriff Millard conducted to tho Kastern Penitenti ary tho two prisoners Itaiih llagenhueh, Jr. and Jackson Walker condemned to rixlccn months imprisonment at hard labor for break ing into A. B. .Stewart's store at Oranspville. Hagcnbuch requests us to state that it is un true he laughed and spoke harshly when in formed of his father's deatii. Tim clcik of the weather has evidently not mr.de up his mind as to whether it U time 'or Winttr yet, or not. Alternate meltings and freezings havo been an! arc exercising a u ost destructive influence upon tho roads, shoe leather and tho tt-nipers of mankind. flood, honest cold v rather with a liberal allowance of ice and snow, would he duly appreciated. Hon. Lko.vahI) Mvr.ns of this State in tends lo introduce into Congress, early in tho coming session a bill to abolih tho compli cated system of whiskey taxation, and to levy the laxcntiiely upon tho capacity of the still. There aro strong reasons why the plan suggested hy Mr. Myers should be adopted. It would dispense with a multi tude of officials and l,c conducive to honesty in the returns made. We are much pleased to loam that the Amateur Association pioposo giving another one of their charming entertainments during the winter. With their enlarged expeiienco they will undoubtedly surpass their former efforts. With tho ability tho members un doubtedly possess, practice alono is needed to raise their performances to a level with those of professional artists. If good wishes will assist them they n ay consider ours very much at their service. M AKONin Offict.hr Ki.kcted. At tho re cent meeting of the Grand Lodge of Pcnna. the following officers were elected: It. V. 0. M.- llobert A. Lamberton; B. W.Dep. 0. M. Samuel 0. Perkins ; B. W. S. G. Warden Alfred 11. Potter; K- W. J. G. Warden-Bobert Claik ; B. W. G. Treasur er Peter Williamnn ; B. W. G. Secretary John Thomson. Trustees Girard Bequest Samuel II. Per kins, James Hutchinscn, Charles M. Prevost, Georgo Thomson, Jacob Bennett Trustees Grand Lodge Chanty Fund Joseph S. Biley, Jacob Loudenslager, Geo. Griseom, John Wilson, Sr., Daniel Urittain. We notice in the. report of Congressional proceedings of last Saturday, that our Bepi e sentative, Hon. lT. Mcicur,.int-oduced a bill to dispense with spies and informers in tho internal revenue department, which was re ferred to the committee ou Ways and Means. This branch of the service, on.accouut of its corruption, has enlisted agaiust it tho best men of the country, of all parties, nnd the action on tho part of Judse Merciir, in thus early bringing it beforo tho attention of Congress, in a tangible shape, meets our hearty ap proval. Republican. All of which is very pietty, only tho J Ion. U. Mercur didn't introduce that Bill. Mr. Walker of Ohio is the Member to whom iho credit is duo. Wo thought it odd that Moicur should havo introduced a bill of any importance and arq not surprised to Dnd that ho did not. However he needs commenda tion a! much as any public man wu know nf, even such mendacious stuffns tho Repub lican offers. local Notices, Music and Musical Inliuments the best and late-t -Go to Alstatt, Court IIou.-c Alley. Ovwt a Million Bottles of Plnenii Pector al havo been sold, and all who havn uud it buy it again. If you wish a merry Christmas ro to M. P. Lull's and buy your Christinas gifts, and your fiiendsjyill be so well pleased with them that all will ho merry. " A MARKED difference in the sales of I, W. Hartman, since ho adopted his low system of allowing 10 percent, on Dry Goods, and 5 per cent, on Groceries to cash buyers. The people will go where they can save 10 cents on tho dollar. Spkotaclks. Henry Zuppingcr, Main Street, near West St., invites all who may patronize mm as ho keeps u full assortment of tht uio-4 superior kinds and feels himself competent todcalin this lino on account of his acquaintance with Optics and his long exper ience. WKare prsinised a very Ono display of Fancy Goods, suitable for Holiday Gifts, at the establishment of Mover llioi. Men, women and children can find nrticlus suitable to their tastes. Ono of tho members of tho firm is now in the city making purchase'!. Our friends should keep a aharp look out for these Goods when they arrive, ' KckiiahtJacoim has on hand nt his Con fectionery, Main St, below Iron, a Quo assort mtntof Candies,plain and French, Toys, and Fancy Qooils suitable fur ChiUtmat mid New Year presents. Ho keeps tho best tho market aflblds and tho confectioneiy of hit own manufacture la not excelled hy any offer ed to tho public. NEltVors and General Debility, Ileal t Disease, and those elnonio, lingering diseae uliich aro peculiar to females, uro cured by that wouderful and valuable remedy Dr. l'ierco'a Alterative Extract, or Golden Med ical Discovery. In Ilrouchial, Throat and Lung diabases it has no equal. Sold hy drugsitts, or enclose three dollars and twenty five cents to Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V and fut three bottle?, free of impress charges. C0LUMBI Another Soli. Your reader.) may remember well, A llttlo pleeo wo culled "A Hell," In which, in simple rhymo we told, How certiiln persons hml been sold, Anil lured on.lty a screeching quill. A drenilfut beast they thought to kill. Yetsomo believing, still Insist, In splto of nil tho poets' mist A benst thero was, nnd dreadful too, And facts nro numbered up to show. While facts uro always stubborn things, And to tho mlml conclusion brings, Yet when theso facts nil fancies prove, Again tho searching senses move. Onoreul fact Is worth them all, That fact to you I now recall, That Jlcast so often teen beore, Since then has ne'er been heard of more, And though too much for dogs ami men, It could not stand old Haven's pen. And thus again is proven true, Tho old adago known to you, "Tho pen Is mightier than tho aword'J Good acts will bring their own reward. As then, bo now, we mean no harm, Xor would wo raiso a fresh alarm, Yet though by eomo thu thought bo xpurned, That beast has to a turkey turned, A real live turkey, Bleek and fat, A strutting gobbler, too, at that, His feat hew black, but smooth and bright, With slmdrs of brone, and rings of while, With blood red head mid beard o straight, Ami eighteen pounds is Just his weight, No fancy heie, upon my word, I lull you, he'ft u splendid bird. By what btriitigufrcakofnnturo brought, Or by what pioccss It was wrought, I do not now pretend to say, In this, too, wiser heads give way, Hut from mo this much now is meet, Tho transformation is complete, Wo will not, therefore, farther go, than simply tell you what wo know. Iteturning lo my homo one day, My goul wll'o jald, "enmo hero I pray, Just lean and make a little stoop, And look into that slutted coop, An animal you'll find is there, Hut or its presence havo a care." A """'I of fear ran through my frame, I gavo the animal a name, "fwas not tho name contained tho ill, My thoughts wero on a certain smell, I thought of Coal-oil not refined, With Asafbetida combined, With musk and distilled onion Juice, And all upon tho wind let loose. So, cautiously I peered around, Scarco moved my feet upon tho ground, 'Till I had terewed my courage, up, I dared not take another step. At length the dreaded spot I neared, And s:iid,likechildrcn,"who'safeared"? I looked, and thought it must be dead, Just then the creature raised its head, I felt myself becoming pale, I thought it was tho varmint's tail. I saw Its oyo and know it well, And sure hero is another "iwll." If I am sold, I boldly cried, Tho bargain is upon my side, A Turkoy-gobhler as I live, Who did this noldo present give? My wifo replied, "tho Squire was one, I think they called tho other John." Then In a moment all was clear, I had no further causo to fear, "They hunted all the region round, And this is only wdiat they found, Tho Jieast was not, tho bird was there, They caught and brought tho turkey here," Anil now I soon bhal' wipe my pen, With thanks to you good gentlemen, And though wo'vo finished up the beast, I yet may toll you of a feast. Still Water, Nov. J7, lsif. MARRIAGES. C'IIIII.ST.MAN-I.EiniIAHT-0n Dec. istli, 10. Bt K. fmii's Itfitiiry,!)- Ihn Ilev Thoman II. Cullm, Mr. .loxepf, V. ChriHiiiinn, in si sr. KIliubHtli l.i llili:irl,nll of uloomsburB. r.i. CI.AYnEIlflEll-.MITlI-In Ml. UUrmel, nt Hi.. NiVlonul JInU'l, on Do.. 111!, by Hav. E. T. Hwnrti. Mr. (.'has. W.i laybvncer. ot Excelxlor, lormcrly ni I.ixusl township, to hi Iks Mar-gitd Mulltli, of Grni'libalik, Norlhumbeilauaro., fn. HANCOCK TII.EY At Urn (.nmo time una ylhrt ,iuij by (he Mime, Mr. Kduunl HiiU(-H'k lo M If. sj Ivl.i '1 lley, bom of Excelsior, I'll. DEATHS. !"OHNVAM)-im tho SJ int, Kato K. rorn waltl Inf.in ilimshtrr or K nihl Amni A. I'oinwiU-!. njreil 2 yeais - niontliH nnil V!' clnyti, Mir.I,KIt-Jn ltiilrk.loplriMi,14a,Mrr. brnli Miller, tisil n( yenrs. J months ftnil.titly tAtnUt Sti rct MnrkrU, rrett'd weekly by IVter Knf, wholfKulo uinl 1 flail dfaler ill Kiafn, Hour A fct'il unit generul .n-rolinuUz Wheat per bushel itvt ('4rn " ' , Corn new ' ' lSui'k Wheat tlat Wheat Flour per li" tt Jtuck Wheat Flour Corn huJ O.ithCJio., iiruu, .... llutlfi )if r t , KutiH per don,' l'niuto4 pr bus ; M , Dried Apples " Hiuolced Hide meat pr tti H niiuuiui'i " " Hani ' Iird " to Ulooinilmrif JliHrteet llepurt. Wheut per bushel , ll.M. ' I.V5 1 III 1(1 e'i S ui , K CA1 2 HI I I'J 10 M . 2 a Vu Ji AI . 18 l ) Corn " O.US. " Flour per bairel Cloveiseed H Flaxseed imiier Ege.s Till low Potatoes Dlleil Apple's Hums sides a ml Shoulders H Itid per pouud Hay per tou Ikon No. 1 Scotch pig. til ..III .SO. i Hhinm LHMUEH. Ii .nloek Hoards per thousand feet- I'tno " " (one luchj Joist, Scuiitllug, Plank, (Hemlock)- Sliingh s, No. 1 per tlioiisaud.. ... IIS 1 IS;ill . 13 in , k 10 7 Ul Hiding " it is ty I'hllailelpbU Marksls. Fl.oUll Norlhwesiein superhueut t5.2&3 JUU Norlhwesteru extra M 3.1in fi.7fi Northft-estern Umlly H M o.S0bd ti.75 Penus Iviuiia and Western superllue... 5.UU146.&U lvtnisj letiula slid Western extra .,o.7.VjCf 6.78 Pcuuiylvaiibt and Wesleru family....... tl.sesifill.lO IVnnsylTaul.i slid We-sleru fancy H.jols.js Ityelloiii , ttl.i! win' vr iviitis) ivania reel, i tins houlhern " California " ' ') while " Itvc Pennsylvania rye, y bus Cohn Yellow, " , While, ' Oath Hius I'KuV IslONS Mrks Pork, V bbl Messlleel, " Dressed Hogs, 91 B.....M.. Smoked Hams " hhouldels V Bj Lard, Iti ,,.., riKKimCioverseed 'tibus Tlniothyseed V bus 1.U0US1.7C ii.M , 3,l.Wt!J.)0 , u.ioaii.ii ' SI.'-SJ . JI.KSSUl lUeltfoTs 111 I21.0TI !,clU( 17c(4lls Ut l-csSO),e JJ.(Ujjl t& - 0llv5 ... Wl) K'illUO r jusseru CA'ITLB-HCff CultleV ,.. toivs, A hesut Shkki- tt Hi - ... Hoos viuuOs JO!) P1UNTING Keatly xti cuted attMnOHc, iEMOCllAT, I&OOMSBURG, COLXliliBIA COXJNTY, colxjmIia iron w6rks7 ii. m. rAji run. o. "W. NEAL. h. J. TAYI.OH. HT. W. SAMPLE CO., Cornell- of Main Streot nnd L,. & li. Ihiil Hond, BLOOMSBURQ, 3P.A.. MACHINISTS. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS; BLACKSMITHS AND HOUEK MAKERS. MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, ;i:.vr.itAi. ni.icinxi: ivoick sn iikimiks. MIM. OKAItINO, SHAFTING, 1'UM.EYfl, IIANflKIW, 11KA1) W.OCKS, S-AW -MILL GKEA-rRHSrO- OIF ALL .KIXsTDS CASTINGS FOH FURNACES A0 CAU WIIIKU, AND AXLM AN D U0LLIN0 AND ()l:.Ni:itAI, MINING OABriNUH. BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS CAU I50XKS, ' COMPOSITION CASTINGS, AND DA111HT METAL UKLFlELirs CELEIIUATED GLOUE VALVES, STOP COCKS, CHECK VALVES, AIU COCKS, OIL CUPS, STEAM WHISTLES, axEAittt avAoss, steam: riru aijd niTiwaa aosTSTAisrTiL-sr on hand. AGENTS FOR Sl-IIVE'S GOVERNOR. AL'i:Nuvi,t:iin:i io in: tiik simplest and iiiwt in tjik avoiild. Mii.Lwmaitra and maciiinihth siti'mem nrninu on hand on i. tntNiiiKi at HUOItr NoriCH, VIZ; GUM AND T.UATIint lini.TINQ OF EVEItT DESCItlfl'ION, IIl'.Ml'Allll SUA!' HlONDI'ACKINO.OH-S.ltED AND WIII1T. LlJAl), AC. LESSEICS AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF HALL'S PATENT DOURLE DISCHARGE TURIJ1NE WHEELS. l.IllKKATi IXDt.'CEMESTij OFFEIlEli TO THE TltADIi. ,.,A.Iso.Al;:(;!1h for "EUREKA" Smut and Seiuratini,' Maehino and " uLLslOU" liran Ditter. Suml for circular. Siiecimuu Macliiiies can ho at tho works, BLACKSMITHHSTCt, HUAVV OU LIGHT KOHOINUM, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON H.iND. REAMEKS, TAPS AND DIES, DOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE DOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, I,..,ppnvonnT) AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED WE HAVE NOW IN TH IH DKl'AHTMENl' THE LATEST IMMtOVEl) .MACIIINEHY AND A HE lT.EPAUEI) TO MAKE ALL KINDS OK I'ATTEHNS AT SHOUT NOTICE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OP THE LATK3T IMPltOVKD PATTEHNH. THUKSIIINd MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. Buckeye Reapers Repaired, AND ALL KXTIIA 1'AKTB KtmNIHIini). MANUKACTUUKKS AND MtOPIUETOltS OF HORTON'S PATENT HAY RAKE. ALIj OltDEltS EXECUTED WITH PEOMl'TNESS. JEST N. B. Iluving put In machinery especially adapted to tho manufacture of Mouldlnj; Cutters, wo aro prepared toexecuto lartro or small orders, at short no tice, und on very favorable terms. Send for Circular and prico list. Mayvmr X' W. SAMPLE A CO. Q C. M A R R lme Just received from the t-astern mnrki'U a lure and well uelected atoek of DRY GOODS, L'O.VSHTINO tt V CaHslmei-H, Jranw, Iloxt bleached A Drown MunIIih, ('allcotM, Tlflilnss, Table IAtii'lih, Cotton A All wool flaniu-li, j.c.t Ac,, A jod stock ot ridlt'H dres good., latest styles a patterns. Spiers of all kinds, (iood htoelc groeeib'-s Queenswan, Ktonu war, Wood A willow wait, rhuir A Chop, Aim KltKt-n Ciylal Koiip for rleanlnj Tin, Jlrap,Ae, All jrood "oli eheapfor rush or pro duee. 1 1 would iMll th nttMilion ot buy'r to h(n v.ell and aii'fuliy selected afiortmcnt whicli ronipilscs evejythiug usually hi j.t lit the coun try, fcclii'V t-ntinilcnt that hu enn Hull tlieiu &yl ul Much priet'sns will -iinuo sutlsfaetluii. Nuv. 3OP-tl'. MARK. rjMIE CHEAPEST AND REST 3 Ii A C 3E ALT AC A now rANrvArrrHro ih tiic inftn.r: waiim RED LION JiRAKl) to be found at the popular dry goods store of the undersigned where everybody buy Ihelr SILKS, DltESS OOODS, Firns, MIAWLtt, HOWIKHY, U LOVES, iC.,4C. and any thing that they want In the Una of dry goods, M, P. LUTZ. MAIN STUEET OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, SZtOOIVXSSUKO, 7A. Nov, 12,'effl-tf. s HARP NOTICE All nersotii havlnif tiiiseltled ncounls. will calluud udjust the suniu by Ihe lirst of January next, J, J, UIlOWF.lt. dec. lll.'ti'j-aiv. gHICIC HOTKb, OUANUKVILLi;, C'OLUJIIil.V COUNTY, VA. JXOIUX M'lIlSNItV, Proprietor. This well kuuwu Houmu, having beeu put In llmruiiiih renulr. In how itneu lu thtt triwllliii! mibllc. Tliu Imr In btuckwl with thu t-liulcckt iiiiUorhftmuiHr8,uiuuiio uiuie win u, til uu Uniuti-kUiinlldil with Hip iluliuuultjii ot t lid hftutdii. Ho pmuu will bo tirtMl Id JiiHiin llie i-nmfoit ut Omnu 11 If, .IK-. 10.VJ.tt. 3.ET TIIK IJE6T. Allinkrni'si lYirmr Tnlniluf t.f .rl il m nif Uiu tlkl 1 IhS t lll-1-kll...lliiII ninilne.1 .tlnsilus. niil(ilti. iwerUvtfiitrU. Tlie huhwrlbur U HKentlor th nuuvo luwutluu Himnii order hy ninU or lu ptrMuu will Uu momplly Hitimlt'd to. 1 Way 13,'Ud, K, II, HIItUIMAN. ' rpiIE LITTIJO WOND1CH SKWJNQ ! X MACIIINK, -HICi:,ftS. 1 41 inukeb the eluNtla oekfctite!i; It sew a fu well ut any maciiliie in theinarkfti u ebllu rwu use lit U requires no tufttrueiloin; It makes no uoi".o It doe i.ot gtt outot oidert itean Im carried lu the porkett Ii iiiukea nn eleuHiu crchMU. tJNIliN HKWJNU MACHtNI. COMTANV. Nov, i.Voy-3m, MUUoadway, W.V " AgenUWuuted, 'EX. Specni seen Q.REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT l'KTEIl KNT8 STOUK, IX LI01IT 8TREKT, or SPRING ANDSUMMER GOODS. THE Mibscrlbui lias Just received nnd bai un hand at bis old stand In Light 8treet,n large and ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchand ut the lowest Kgnre, nud which he determined togullou h inodemto tenm as he proourwt cUewhpre In Light Street, FOR CH.W OK (VUXTSY mODT,Xf; 1IU stock eonsUta 1 LADIES' DRESS OOOD.S, clolrelklJtiinnd latest rubious, Oilli-oeM, 3Tu11ns, OIHBlmini, J'luunels, HoKiery, CarpeUi, Sllkn, HlmwlK, READY MADE CLOTHING, .-"allnetM, ('PHhlrners, Coltniuulf.i, Kinluoky JealiH. AC, AC: o. aaocKiu es, mackeiuvj., Ciueeuswaro, Cedormue, IInhrarf, Medtclnea 111 us, oil., I'aintH, Ac. UOOTS A SHOES, HATS & CAPS Iimhort overythlog ubiially kept In a country toro. Tho patronage of UU old Irleuds a41" the public ueuerally, In icspcctfully bollcltrd. Tho highest mrlcet price paM rorcounhv pro duce. PETF.n EST. Light Bt.u-t, Nov. S Im,t rilcES'IX I'ECTOItAL t'l'HES COt'dll! riiiEMx I'j.i'KiiiAi, cuui'H con. Ill I'lllEMX I'WTOKAL Ct ltlCM U'OUUII! Tlie riKcnU IVinoml wlllcnro tlie ilUfflfes of the Throat nnd huiiun. htich Colds. CouizIj. Troup, Aftlliina.llroiH-liltlH.Cntarrli, Koro Tlimnl (,'oiiMiiniptton. TI.ik nu'dlcine Jh pU'pmed by Ut. IsevlObcrhollicrnf I'lilliuloiphlii, and Connelly of J'iiii nlxvllle. 1'a., nnd aUbouli U lint only boen tillered for tlvuycani, inoro than one mill ion bottles litivo nlrt-mly beeunold. und the de mand for It W Increasing zyery day. Many of iho Itetnll Driik'tilnts buy It lu lots of live Krosi, and not a few of tha Country Ktorekcepeis try one Bros at ii time, Neiuly uvery one who has iver wold It tehtltlet toltt populurlly, nnd nenrly nil who buensoil It, bear testimony to Its won Uerful iwiwir luciirtiiK Cough, Wo iireconfldeiit that thero Is no known luedlclno ot i.ueh Kt-at value to the community utherhentx I'ectoial, It littH t'Uied tAHea of tha most painful nud ills tre.KliiK eough, of earn htaiidlnji, 1 1 hntt given liifciunt relief In Hp.-lln of coughlup. It 1i;ih lUNtuntly otorprd the purozyum of Whooping cough, und urently hhortencd Us du ration. It bus cured Croup In n few ml nut en. C'oiuumptton hut been cuied by It, wheiu till other rumedteHhad failed tod-i tfood. Honri-eiu'ksbai beeu cured by It lu a t.lul( nlclit. Mauy pbBlclntis recommend lt.and otheru uso it tbemki UeHiind tulmlnlster It lu their pructk-o whllo other, opposo It bmiuse It take Kwuy their bUbtuiH). W recommend U to our leaders nnd lor fur ther purtlculart, would refer you to the circular urouud the boulo where you will llud numeruus certlticatei Klven by portions who have uied it. It Is bo pleasuut to Ihe tunto that children ery for It. It U nbtlinulntlnt: expectorant, eUtushtrenslli at Ihe Mime tune that ll allay the cough. Thu proprietor of till medicine ho no much eontldeiK-e lu it curutltu powerb from the testi mony of lhi'U"nnda who bnvo umhI It that Uu mouev will bo refunded to any purchaser who I not MitUtled with the t fleets. It, n ho cheap that ull can buy it. VrWa S5 CenU, Uro Hottlea $l.uo 1 1 Is prepnieil only by ikvi uin:nuoLT.Kit m. r. No, 's NortliTliIrd Hi reel', I'hIIudelphfa, N. II. 1 f x u ui nearest DrucLilst or Htore'icent r doeH not have tbU medlclno ok htm toKet It for you, and do not let him put you oil wtih bomu ntlu-r uretiaratlou betmue ho luujea more mon ey on It; but bo or ttend ul onco to nomo btoiu Miteie ou iiow ii ) Kepi, or benii to jr, uuer hoUsr. H.dd bv H. 1. L.UU Iirui'tst. 11 loom a. burn and II, W, Creuy, Co., J. la lit htieet, uikI ueuiiy eery onivifiKi uuu fcioreatc )?!' in voium blu County, dec, lu.'uy-Gm, Q IC X T F U K K! M, o'ur.KVJ:, box & co.'h Hi:i:i) CATAKOOITH And (lUlbBtothe n.oWKU and vj.oirrAm.i, OurtU'ii, Vov IS70, I'ublMicd In January, Kvery lever i jkmeri wislilnjf tut uew und aluuble woik. fret d ehaiKe, should nddlrs Imtmdlutely M. O'KeeftL son V Co., Utwner t Harry !HockItochet.ti N . lc,s,at..tf Spocial Notices, ii wmi nun 'ii i iiiiiijii"iwtiiT;!.miiiniJii JiLJ-Hii'iiiJ Wo ilnnot wUhto Inform you, reader, that Iir. Wonderrul, or any other limn, IiasdlKi-oxerdl a reinedy thai euiei fonmniptlon, r cn Iho lunirs are half couiuned, In hoil, will .heall aisea". m whether of mind, body or cMnur Make men live forever, nnd lrao denh to pi le, or want of work, and In deslxiicd tolinnkcay f Kiibliiiinrr P irrea bllY"l Iaiadie. to wh ourllc.en l. Kdf eholl l. hm n sldo Khow. Yleh ao heard ennuKli of Hint kind ornlnnnbuircoii hnd wo do not wonder lhat yon hn., by ihlry. ae heeoi o IUm;ted wlih It. lludwhenlteli Imlhat J)r Sane'a Catanli licine, y will po you lurolho wonstea'.ciori.'autrh I only ulstl e lv win , !. !SVh?"u? c"." T,1!"15' .Jry Itert thatwlllbe rSVUJ co'' . ,,.B 5' iU-u "'"1 oneaso of Catarrh that I cannot cure. FOIl HALE I1Y 11 j1, iii'ij0 0 1 STS '"A'EItY- I'iiick O.vi.y M CENT". (ctl,'in-am Ul'IfALO, Ji. V. rpiIE ONLY RELIAHLE CURU X 1 Olt m-HrLI-SIA IN THE KNOWN WOULD. .I,.r,,Wl5l'.i,rt'l,illt,,t American I)ypcla nils m , il Ino Tree Tar Cor.11.1 arc 11 po.l n'o and In. millblu cmo lordyhicpla m lu iuo,t aircravate 1 form, and no matter of how lonKMaudTiiK. I hey pencil uto I Im tecret abodo of I IiIk ferrlbto rorowt cxlc""lna, . ro" nl broncli, tlinnToSiiuo eaS'wi0 ',1!U"5' n",, "llc"t B,,arl,,i5 I hey bio noted roreuiliijj the most dcupcralo Slii'o'llSonl" S'nef: W"r" "V"y k"m" IhSpScd'rallnypor?' In"""" " "bt DILWIHIIART-H VINKTlir.r. TAIl COHI.IAL .,i!.'Vill0V,tal V,rln('1l,le "'.tho Vine Tree, ob Iplnefl by a peculiar piocess In thoilKtliiallonof the inr. bv which IIh hi-h,.,i medical p,"eru aro retained. It liiMuoratei tho cllKeilvo organs J'il'l'.1 ,"fc,''!'. ' purines and enriches tho ! a".1' ':xvl'!a fro.m u,0.s ,ll," thecorruptlon w hich kcioluia breeds on the lunirs. It dls.olves the means or phleain which s'o. tho air pass ,1 ft H ." ", '""'I" pilnolplB acis upon lie IrrltiiliKimrijcoiU Ihuluims and tlnoal, pen eir.i iiiit lociieluii.eased p.ui, leliovinir put n and subilu iiuliitliimmullon. H Is tho rmult of yeKii ".llJu-Y l';rl"ii'nt, and It Isollered to lh amuud with iioslllM-ussurani'B of lln power to cure Ihn followltmdleai.es,it ihepalleut has not loo lonKdclayitlu tcsoittolhu means ofcuioi CpnMini)illon oi I bol.uniss.tniiKh, noreThro.it, and llreasi, iiionchllls, l.ler CoiopUIni, mm, "jlpliierhi A"'!""". Whooplni,' Cough, A medical exp. it, holdlni; honoiable colli ulntu aililnmas, devotes his entile tlliic lo Iho examin ation ot patlenlsat Ihu ollleo parlors. Associated with hhii aiclhrcecousuitliiKphj.lclaus of ac known dKed eminence, whose services nrociven toiliopuoiie i ni:i:of chauok. 'Ihlioppoiluiidy Isoileied by no oihcr Instl tullou lu lhucomilry ...ucii.' "S-i'm V" """ ol l!u' toimlry, asklus lldU e. WllIbei.i;,,i,,py m m .liulliouslv les- sho;,dakUhel,;,,,"",r:,"v',,1'", ,"'' IIHAl'TS Olt POSr-Ol-TICl: OltllKIW. ox-T' u'l,'!,?rl'" -V"crlc"n I'wcpsu nils il a box. flelit by mall on lecelpl 01 price. ii.iiS0VrJ.II,"rr' 1,11,0 Tlw' '1,ir L'oidlai -l.il n hot lo, or Sll pcrdoien. Hen t by express. All eoiiimiiiilc.ntons should bo ndclressed L. tj. l.VMMIIAUT, Jl.l),, r, , .,,.. AO--II-.North Second hlleel. 0.1. i',iv.,m. I'hlladclphla. THE (IltKAT I'R-rilltlAI, AN.N'UAL.-lIos-letter's L'nllcil. Stales Almnuac for ly,u, for dis tribution, cratls, throiiKhout the roiled Males and all civilised countries nf the Western Ilom lspliere, will be published about the llrot of Jan uary, and all who wish to umleinand tho Irue philosophy of healili tiiouid lead nnd ponder the valuable suggestions 11 contains. In addi tion lo an admliable mcdlvnl licatlsu on Iho causes, pievenllon nnd cure of a gnat vurlciy of diseases, It tmbiaces a Luge aiuoliiit ol lnlor mutlou InterestliiBto Ihoiiicrcliaiit.tliomechan. Ic, the miner, tho turner, tho plauler, nnd pro fessional man; and tho calculations hnvc been made for such meridians and latitudes as are most suitable forn correct and comprehensive N.UIonal Culeudar, Tho nature, uses, nnd c-Mraordlnaiy s'lnitnry ell'ects nf HOSTE'lTEIt'S hTOMACH HITTi:it.S Iho slaplo tonic and nller.illvo of more than half the Christian woild, aro Hilly set lbith in Its pages, which are also lutirspersed with plctoilal Illustrations, inluuhle re cipes for tlio household nnd farm, humoious anecdotes, and other lu structlvo and amusing rending matter, original and eelected. Amoni; the Annuals to imncar with tho open Int: of lie j car, this will bo ono of tne most useful, nnd may be had for I he asking .Send lor copies to Iho Ccntial Manufactory, at l'ittbiirK,I'a.,ortothencuiestdenler lu JIOS TETTEU'S 8T0.M ACII IIITTEIIS. TholinTEnS are sold in every clly, town nnd village, and aro oxtenslwly u-ril Ihroiigliout the cnllie dvlliml world. JOOK, READ, AND LEAHX, riiVTTiii: (irwit .Sliiislioliccs Roinedy ! '1 1111. ( l.l.i.l.r.AI'F.II IS'PIAN DR. LEWIS JOSHEI'HCS, ..rine dlstlnanMied Trllw of Klioshonees.Collllii b : rel rllory Is now lor il In the 1 idon, 1 his all possessing ment Indian lemedv, Is war. can s.iiely say.moy be icihd upon lo make n per manent cuie of sll diseases ol tho Throat. Lungs, Liver, Islduevs, lilgtsllve oruans.elc, ns well -. ., , .uowus nuiu uis.ascs, iiutnrira, and all diseases ailslng nom Immully of the! hlood o-xcepllug Iho thlntsfuini ol Consumption. v.,,., (Liii.-uj mis Decillll use JI has Indeed eilecled some of the most innr .lous cures eilT recoided in tlie nnnals of hlstoilcal meillcllie. Such being Iho case In addllloli lo lis lornier leuown in Col umbla leirltory wo dtly huinunily to dispute the fact Hull Ibis llieat Hhoshonccs Ilen.cdv Is the lemedy of n medle's nfihe In h ( vniury. iind thu greatest Uion vei laid nt iho altar orSuller. lug liumaulty. I'llce ol the Uemedy lulnrgc pints, 1,1',. Munul.ieluredby Dr. Voung ec llros.al Kyi a. ro. salebj iillilenlet.eln Medicine, In llloonis-btilu-, I .VI H'AI. eTIti: IIP KI'ltDFfl.V ANI. fits. Hl'JII'l'ION, 11V TIIK ClltUAT SIIOSHOXKKS HKMKDY. Henna, N. V., 1S09, lilt. Ol'Nll A 11 lilt 7 dl.Klr.-. Ti, Inf.., l , In, th.l theinnnelousellcets nt the area. ShiMionces Ileiuedy In our family have hern greater Hum any one could haioxecled. .My iliiuglitcr was nnllctrel wltli Ucrofulnus Consiiniptlou, and had an open Scrofulous Ulcer ou the neck, sho had a nan uougn, in tne i.ung nud severe TslKht Hwents. hiie exieetornteil much lucous and lllood. had iionpctlte, and was itrently exhaust ed, bhe was not aide to get out even to church lor more than a year, hhe wns attended hy nhy slcluus, and took Cod Uer oil for nearly two years, hut still continue 1 to sink, aud the doctor at lust slated that recovery was out of the eiues lion, and that all hoeould do was to rclleio her suilerluits; we fully expecled her ileath, hut wero w. ittr.iiti.i.j. iiiuueeu 10 liy II OOlllu OI tile Ireat Jrhusholiees ItemeiH' nml.tlin ,.lt,.ctu 1.1,,,, so liiaiked, we ofeouiso eoutlniied lis use; Miu has liiken six buttles, und Ihe I'Icer on tlie neck, ' ' " " 1,11,1,11, II1U iSIl!l i-weais, iNiiiKh, Debility, 4e., havoull disappeared, and strunse tossy she has actually oulle lecovrred tier tonner henl Ih. My iilece fiom i:iinlm Is also laklnathe Item. euy for nyspepsla with iinml Itesults. Tito Uls- cineij ui such 11 iieineuy is wnnl lias men loni! needed. Willi (liuleful UeK.iids, illlS. II, F.hrAliti. MSItU IIIK IMMMONV Ok' fllB 1IEV, UK, 1IANKINE. I mil well neriiialiitisl u nh M,h sni..n n.t i.u- duueliler.uholiuslised theHliusliouees"lteiiiedil and call testify In I lie lullest III nil tie V to tlielr nisu siainiinii, ami 10 1110 lemiuienets ot tlielr i,'-iii,iuii). JA.uiiH HANKINl;. lledorofHt. I'cler's Chureh. Onevn, N, V. All IniiKjisis sell tho Itemed)' ut 1 1. as. WLOUH AND rKlIl). iuoiinutTMyneaihanktul lor jwut patronai-a gs to unuouce to his frlemU nud to the pubflo be tlut his i nowlit eompletpiuuiiliisoider.und (bat bU prepuudtodottll klndsof Mlllhii; Uthoutdolay rnrueij nom u UUtauee can hae their kiUU Brouud without delay, oiu to take them homo thebameday.undnsitiiiloall woik bioualitto the mill um bo done lu lueuty.four houu. .My present ai raPKmcnu nro Mich n to precludo iha iiva.iy in niu(ijitof iiip mid ou ueeouiii 01 jce, iibH UW M IIIL'I . Till! JU-tiT KAMIIA FI.OVII. 11 well nb the lone r grade, n nil nil klndH i vjiop axj) fj-:j:d kept Oil Uaitd lUOliUlltltV. undini kAlnut lli., Inu ebtcurreutrate. Orniuof all kinds pui-olnwwU miiinircei. tiec, i, tawf. I'iJlKH TrANTi:i).10(l ConntU'iitiul Aleuts IT lotlihpofceof iiKtoelc of trofjtU. Nona but pool una leii.twlc men waultd uln iti luep their mouth Mint. Hm. 11 eapltal remain. A forliuio oUw.uwKimruntec j luu mau ui tiioilfihl btrl u INi.ticulars , ut frc . hatuple ( ( v u aen for liiuil 1, cult ounr midrib J, V. WAllsIWtlklO., N P'. vim, p7 jir ,lwpy N Y TPA. Foundries. gnARl-LESS et UAHMAN, Esdl.Klol'.Nlniy A-iliMAstrAlillilso llol'. STOVliS A VLOWS WHOLESALE & ltUl'AIL tiik ttLuniiATr.i) JiuTl;twlt ikon iikau AMD Tint nurro.v voouiis heam vvaxnf. .istlurs&nd Hrcllrli It rr.i mAl.lnMiiiit, All kinds of ilriiss or Iron ca-llng mado lu ordei uion nuort. notiic. ii. i . nii.iii -i, .-" n r. u, II AHM AN, lllnonishlnir. l-n. Mar,P,l, J'j.f. ' E W ! ' I R M , AATJOiSAL IRON WORTCH DILLMYER St HEKRIE. Tho suljcrlbcis,icpcclfully call Iho attention of tho business community to their Works nltnn cdou tho L.I!. II, It. nboe the Depot, llI.OOMUllUlia PA. rOf.VDEHH, MACHINISTS ANIlIHON HM1TIIS. 31 A X U A C T U R E R S OF Htcam Engines, Hollers, Saw nud tlrlst.lllll .Machinery, Hhaftlug. Pulleys and Haurers. They also make nil ltindsof Threshing Machines of tho most approved tuttcruiaud the Celebrated Moulrosu lion Heam Plows, Cook, Parlor. liar- room nud Work-shop BTOVE.j. Heaters nnd a full assoi Imetit of t Iro bricks, nud easllucs con- stanlly on hand for icpalrlug bloes. Beveral etill'eicnt sizes nuil designs of Cellar Unites. They uro also prepared to furnish Car Wheels and Axles for Milling purposes nnd General Mlulni: casttiigs. Iron and Brass castings for every de scription of Job woik. Agricultural Implements mime nuu repaired, particular ntteutlou given to tho repairing of all kinds of Henpers: extra parts on hand. June. lVli-tr. QRANOEVILLE FOUNDRY, .MAUU1.NI. Biiop AND AGHICULTUHAL WOltKB. Tho undersigned desires to ltifmm l.ls rri,.,wi. nud tho public gcnernriy, that he has rebuilt and enlarittsl his Soundry and MaeliliieHhop,and re. moved all his business trout Light --iree, to the nbovn nameii place, where in conu-uioii whh nis r.iunury lie win eouliuue lo muuulucluic Whceler'H ltnllWHy Chain llorse-t'ower and lliresher, tlmpioved), Curuell'a Puti iit. TlIltLMtiEU AND CLEAN Ell. elliicr overshot for Triad-Power or undershot mi., i 'i user, im ih u uisnuraciures to older uml tits up all sludsof 31 1 L L G E A It I N a , Cl'cularwiiv Mandrels, I'aient Slides for Saw ....-., me uiie-si nupioveu lion lleam Plows ol dlllelelit kinds Woodcu llealu P.oWi, Duub.e torn Pious, nilil Plow Points of eveiy dcscllU' lion genei.nly used throughout Hie, county. IKON KETILES, 11LLLS Cellar Urates, hloves.Mled and Meiuh Soles, and in fact evelj Ihlng ginelall lill.ro Wu eoutlln l-ouiidry. Ihoso wishing to pun has .Machine',, would no well to examine his on. i hill s. and the iiuproveineuis niMdoon tho i-uwei,by which nt least ii per rent, ol the iriclloll Is tell oil'. A' L MACHINES AP.E WAltUANlED lo gtve good satisfaction und terms made to sun. puiehnsciH. All kinds el cr unlry piodtice taken In exebnugo for Plows and castings. Thank ! I in his friends nud patrons fur nasi favors he v.-otiM till continue to sola It the mine. , WILLIAM Si IIUVLEIC Apr.fl,03-tr Uraligevlllo Pa. Stoven and Tinware. TEW STOVE AND TIN SIKIpT " ISAIAII HAOENnUClI, Main Street ono door nbnvn t' Metnlcnl,.,!! u Store. A large assortment of Stoves, Healers nud ItaiiKcs constantly on hand, nnd for talc at Iho lowest rates. llnulug lu all its branches carefully nltcndc.il to, and sutlsiactlon gunraiiteed. Tin work of all kinds wholcfnlc and iclnll. A trlal Is requested. Apr.n.oy.ir gTOVES AND TINWARE." a. ji. nupEivr announces to his ftlcuds und customen that continues tho above business at hlsold plpceon .MAIN SITtKET, HLOOMSHlIItO. Cuslonicrs can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinwale, and eveiy va riety or arllclo found In a Slovo aud Tinware Es tabllshment In tho cities, and on the most reason able I crms. ltepalrlng done at the shortest notice. 25 DOZEN MILIC-PAJJB on hand for sale. 3W STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OS JIAIX STIIKST, STURLY Ol'I'OSlTK MILLKXt' SrollE, iiLooMsnuita, penn'a. TlIC uudcrsleneil Ii:im lost flM.I nn nnd eiteneil his new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, ll this piece, whele lie is nrepaied to make up new Tin Waiie of all kinds lu his line, aud do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon the most reasonable telius. He also keeps on hand STOVES OF VAUIOUS I'ATTEHNS & STYLES, which he will sell uisiu terms to suit purchasers. cjivo mm a can. no is n en.ni t lo Is a go.nl mechanic, nud desci vlug of the public patronage. JACOB METZ. llloomsburK. April 211. lSirr. Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. E R C H A N D I S E NOTICE IS HEItEDY GIVEN To my ft lends and the public generally, that till kliuUol DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, tJUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, S.C., nte constantly on hand and lor ale AT riAltTON ri OLD STAND I1I.OOMSHPKO, hV JAMES K. EYEK. 49-. I be. Sole Agent for i.i.is' I'linifiiAiisoi T.tF, T.iutre lot loiistmitiy on hand. lls'7. F K(T 1 ON LI! V. The undprbliUil muiiKI rennfetrtillv unnonnet to the public that h h.iMOpeiiul a niwTt'iiASrt;(j.NKi:cTU)NKnv uroui;, In the building iHlely occupkd by Fx d Webb whe hi-' 1 pu pared to turnlhh alt klmU ol 1'LAl.N A FANCY OANDllvS, J-ItKM;iI CAM)Ii:s, FOKKION & DOMUiSTIC KnillUH, NtTTH, Ji.MyjNa. AC., &Ut, II V VltOIiGDALB on ItKTAIL. bhoit. u Hill nsfjottmpci of all r in Uia Ilo of binlncsa. A urent ariely of n o r sf r o v h, a c. KUitrtbl iir the Holldaj. Prtrltulac Htlentiou Klven to II It rl A 1 A N 11 OA Iv KH, of nil It I mis, irch every dny. C 11 It I H T M a M O A N 1 I i; H, 1' II I H T M A H TOY H. CUll U AOllClsWt. Hint Ratio fact I01C will b' guaranueu, , Nov. 2. imr J KCKHART JACOns. Millenery. S ia.ZIK HAIUCIiKY lies Just returued ironi l'hlladelrhlii, aud has bought, and Is now oirerln? the be.l sssortment of I'A.M'V (iOOI), TKI.MJIINt!!', IlOSNCTa Ac. Ac, evei e.hlhlled lu lllooinshun;, nnd Is prepared to niakoitp dresses oudull other articles of female wardrobe, nt short notice, ami In the bee t and I.ATKHT Hl'HINil HTYI.KK H.Kiiiis m iho ltumsey llulldlnzs, on i"et Mulu btrcet. Cull and see- her varied stock ol Bprtus Goods. May l.'D". U. IHVINE'S OUKAT INDIAN il K H 1 0 I N K. V'StUloli HOIIhTHAS 1 0111V 1'lUlISINtlEKJIAMt Is the most surcessrulineHiletueyctdlscovered for thecuieof Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Kidney . .... ., ,MIVi uiseii.u i,i i.iuigs,auu IsuiHdeeuiliely of UOOTS AND I1K11H3. iVllfl ilosil Will e.,,iv.,i,.ii oiii ,wio ulves 11 a lair trial. No lainliy should b without IL llsustoulsliliig ul.at cures It 1ms ,'iieeieii .111.C111111 uiii 111 jurcretK townslilps, also lluutiiiL'don, und wlieio it ha. i.i i ii usisl.slnic hist "lirllif. People wlin have I. feu umuteil wild the uuiMidlsettses for the last lltiee uyeurs.wlien tin I'hyslclan could reach their iuso ale now cureti uuu iieaitny uy usinu mo (lltllAT IN1UAN Mi:i)ICINK. It 1ns never lallwl to cure Atnc, Vi er mid D.s- luiiKe'iueui 111 me nioiiiHcu, I hopo nil uhu aro etllieted tillh the oIkii dlsenses will n only lor Ihe meat INDIAN Mi:ui ('INT. which ran It luul at A. 11. IUVI.SKH .ivuiviiiuniuiu in i.jxih niieee Ullllinuiu (SlUtlty IV., or of Ills letieiaruuciit . II, UullDMIill. ' '4 his medicine Is prepared only by -., A. li; IltVINIL May7'M'-)r l.l-jhtHltesl.l'a. WACNTJ'.ll ltlll FAltlll nsl Knvu ''.'"l olheisoiu e,f nini'iijiimu 0 n umkv " .' r'.-v, iiioiir , ir..iii now I i lit 'I . s. nsuiminu lirtlieiAl III., N0A.SV. Wni, -ArrtlM,ec,.l'i,aUil,l,in. Miscellaneous. J E A D ImiT f)7 LA 7. A R UH A; 31 OR 111 H' ' i: l. i ii it a t e n l'EUrECTi:D Hl'EOTAQIiEt!, anu p.vi: ur.AHsiK !,-r , ' One of Hie Arm win i Bt u,rhUltt. v,,,lHr A1 ( 3II..i A. D."W KHI'II, ' HTATIONEIt, , I ' 1.11 '.! UI.OOillilWltG I'A One day only, Friday November!!, 1MJ, Ho attends for tho purpose of nUtliij Mln A. D. Webb in fitting the eye lu dlillcnlt or unusual rnos. Those sufiJirlig from impaired or UUeustd' vis ion aio lecommeuded louall themselves of this opporluulty. OUIl SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES AltE ACKNOWLEDGED TO HE THE MOST PERFECT asslftnnce to sight ever mauufsciuted, nud cull always be idled upon us affording perfect case, and eonuoit ivhll sli einrihenliig and preserving tneh'.ve. in. si 'Iriron;!! w We take occasion t'j no..i - ih I ,;.i.i. ;.. emp'oj no pe.'lar.s,aii t ln.iiiiituir. . Ill- se pi teuUiijglo htivnon, tK for s O I. CY'iO-tf. OTYS WASIIIXa-MACIIIXK, LATELY MUCIt IMIMiOVJiD-ANI) THK NTAV VXlVKKSAIi CL0T1IKS W1UXGEU lmprocd with Howell's l'utciit Double Cog Wheel, and the Patent htop, nro now unqne" tlouablv Inrbupcrlor to anj uppurutiiBfor wa-sh-luu cloihes ever invented, and will snvo their coKt twice u year, by havlnir 'abur and clotheu. iiioAviiuiuvt.' iitu lium give leHiimunj .is follows : 117.1 I Or a one i,.nni.t..n . ,,l.l .. . 1. , . ftunded to do without It, aud with thcnld of .:y wo feel that wo aie masters of tho po-slllon." Jhv. I.. &vtt, JiMtop M. :. Church It Is woith ono dollar n week In nnv funilli-.'' .V. Tnbime. "In thi! laundrv of mv hous4, thpio l ft tii-mnt- u.il.thankPi'ivluir on Honda vs for Ihe (mention Jii.v, Theodore I Cuylcr Everv week has riven It a Hliontzer hold notin 1 ho ntrections of tho Inmates of thu linndry." -V, 1'. Obiencr, 'I beartilr commftid It to economlhtB of time, money, and contentment," AVf. iir, Jiclioits, "Friend Poty Your last lmpiovemcnt 01 our , Washing Maenlno ln complete success. I assure you our Maehine,' after a ears' me, is thought more of to-day than ever, and woulu not bo par ted with under any circumstances," Kolon iio&- iHKtlU "Voui'AVasld-iscMnrhliielins been In dally uko In our biundry, nnd tho housekeeper express heuelf as highly Plea&ed with It. Itccrtafuly ac complishes a Krcaicr amount ol work, with lo labor, nnd Hvvh not wear the clothes near mi much as the old fashioned wubh-board. Ily ustnp, it, ono laundre! In dlpeuted with," U'i. JI, l Jiottntt, 6'tipcrtntctutcnt of Infant fJrjxirtwnt of AY. tWAariHc' A'urscri, A 1'. Cttj "After a constant use of the Universal Clothes Wrlnwerfor more than fouryeara In our family, I om authoiled by the'poweiH that be, to gives ttthc mobiuuqualitled praise, and to pronounce ttau Indlspensablo inrt of tho maculuery of houhekeepfuE. Ourbervants have always been willing to use It, nnd always bnvo liked It." Henry ll'tini Jleechcr. PKICE3. A 3?AIIt OFFER. Bend the retail price. Washer SU.lIxtru Wring er SI', ami we will loiward either oi both ma chincM, free of freight, to places where no one is h-111v-t?; nudhObure aro we Ihey will be liked, thai woagieo to refund tho mouey if nuy one wishes to return tho machines frco of freight, alter a mouth'N trial, aceoidlu to directions. Mo bubbund, father or brother should jwnnit thediudgery uf wa-shliiR with tho hands, tlity twodays li. a year, when it can bo done better, more txpfdltlousiy, with lean labor, aud no in Jury lo tho Karment-., by a Doty Clothes Wabher, aud h Universal Wrluyer. CauvasNerH wlih exclusive right of Rale make mouey fast Mdllntf them. M:d by deaiem teneraHy. to whuta liberal ilik couniM am miiuV, It. imoWNXNO "n Airent, SCorll.i. v (-tl ... Nrw ioik. Oct. i an. ie Milnt.t in m - n . u i.' 1 1 nr, to f'tinllie-, i-ilco, ti." ui i ;i.ui-.u iy utiriofihti (oiinttv. in m . .it.r u i.l.l u , nmouiillni; In wiluu to over Our tacillt enf riruiiMttu i ii4l utuuis l iness ure better ih'.neverh'-f'Frr, W luvc .;; Ms in nil the principal cltle- to uichrw Rood ir " i the- MaiiulH iircr. luij niters, an - r I'ash. i. tul if(t mil hii iiiini-iitu inline. : il tl.e original cojtthf production. Uur mkk eou-isus, iu pan, oi ino itinmry Boo-is: MliUV W, 111 li'jiei", l(lllil (iiu:r , ii Knuum, Uicfis (it to U.Tah c ljin'n,Towuis,Uorit.ry.t-ilove. t-klrtK, Coi seU. (c., &.C, Mlvcrd'lated ware, hpoous plated ou NUl:i' h-llvtr, r(h-eu I'okH, Uebotiio plnt() Onloi Hritanuln Ware, Glass Ware, Table, and Tockei uutler , In nrc.it variety, rjepant I rench nnd Oerman l'ancy (lordF. IkuuUIul I'hotournph Albumn. the neweM nud (holter Hil.'sJn MortKtonud VelvU lUndlngt, .Moroeio I'lavelilnn Jlag, IlatidkeichU f and (Jtoo Iioxe, Ac, r (jtdil and l'itited.b ielry. of tho newest btylttt. Wo hat- a'kOituidciuiauKeiiieiilN with koiiik of Ihe Jendfni; l'uMhiiiff Monsw, that will cnnbhi us bibcJl Hie ttflnUaid and latest uorlinof popu lar nuthoit ittabo.iLonolinlf tho leiitthir lalet:- Mich as livnx; Jioout Ult.nh, Mir.xoK. npd Tknnvmin- a Woni;, In lull ollt and Cloth llliid- liiiis, and mum mis or others, ihcsu ami eery tiling olne lor t ok porxAu ron ilii autkli . Wu do not oiler asluglo ultlcie ot inercliandui that can ho sold by re'iiuliir dialers ot our price. We do not ink jou lolmy goesls rioni us unli'ss we cuu sell Iheni cltcnicr limn you can obtain them lu any oilier way, while, tlie Kteatcr iwri et our cowls aic sold at about ONE-HAU' TUP. liKGUI.AU JIATl. We want Kood' reliable nKemts In ov.'r - put o the L'eunlry. By iiiiployiussourspaio time to form e-lulisiind sendlnu usoi-eltis,ou can obtain the most liberal conmiUsluns, either In Cash or MKKCHAMiiSK,audn',lt;uodsscntl)y us will be as repieseuted. unit ueuuuiatjlee sutlsiactlon to every one lU'alhu wllh our house. 1 I'll. I DA V l'UKM.NIK I'Oll ALL. Call Iw fOlindlll Par Uev Lo.'8tl .1; imiMiuimoi 11.. Ilosion, JIais. To euauie eery person in iioviuu iiieiii.ene's Willi liannsonie unu useiui iiouauy jtcsciiu, in.in now until tho With of January. 1HT0. these I,,, iitlem.il wll. Issue lureo elulit.neized Cata- logucsofalt the ncMcst sud best novelties lu Sll I'll KOOUS ns r Hilly I lose s, i.e'iis, ejiove i-usrs. Albums lu Morocco, (Jilt and Velvet lnndluns, real loroceo nuoi'inn iias, f urnisueu eivti- nn f, s v.r I' aieu il Hie unu e.uiii'rv oi nil ill's .... .1 nt iuu.al... ... n.i.l I'l 111IIIIS, IHO ISt. .1,11" Ul .l.rtlj .1. uui.i. t'ornsiiau. jei. niieii. r.iiiisi'uii. euiuuiiiiu suu Ilalr, Dry Oooilt, ic, Ac., Ac., and lunidtcds of the latest and best pulilnd'isl Hooks. They are glvlnirOno JlundreJUtkets lo cvny one who Mill become their ABCUt.wlthoutohurgliiBthcm 10 cts. each as heretofore. Heart' the clinnne In their Advertisement In another column, and send for Catalogue. , "in every oiuer uuiouuuuk iwum sv" ' panled by thacash,ih AKcnt may retain .fits!, nud In every order of over JKsi, W.m may be re tallied to 'AY TIIK EXPRESS CHARGES. n'l.iu ,.n. u i,,r,. eoslnllv loasslst Atzents in the Western and Houlheru Shilcs, but Is open ti all cusloiners. OOMJIIHNIOPBI A ,..ntK .lll lie nald ten ner rent1. In f'nsh ei .MlleUauoUi'. ullell Ihey I II.I. UP TIIKlli UNTIKK e'l.uu, for vihlch below i.v t'tvo u puitlali.lst of Coiiiiulsslons; I'uruii uiiicrui van, iiiijiiaeiuo ot iiuny, u tlll pay tho AKeui. iw commission, SI u. llruviuor lileae-he'd bheet.ti-e. Uood l'rcsa I'at te-rii.e oolNijuttic bhuwl,Kreu(li Caslmcie Tunis ai.dVest Puller i. Tine I.arue While. Couulei iane, etc., or I'l.'o In eusli, For an order of S30. Hum a Club of I'l II v. wowlltTa thoAueutbs Coiumli'Slou, 4) atd l-lilillui;. ouo iiir ueavs esil lllaukrls, I'oplln In ess pultrru, llandsclue vot.l Hiuuio bhuiil, hllver.Cuso Watch, etc , etc,, or t5.lv ,n cash. irur ait oiurr ui ,iuei, in ui ii eiua ui unu lluudted, viewilit'iiy tuu Akeul, asvonimlsslon Kw yards uoeat jaul-ide ishi'ii jy COiu-hllver Hunting Case umi-li, Ilh li U uu Wool hhavil, hint oi u.l Woo 1'inuh l.tutnir, elc, etc,, or Jiu niu.li We He li"l eini ley f ny Tmvelllr? A fen Is, and ilul.iiiiussl.i u.dl.ul pr ui. 1 1 1. ti.tit4ir IsMrima to to eut isibtv hi litonuily uc qvti 1 it HkHll-l'VUV 1 ' III1IM 1 I I III I ' 1 A I" Oct 1,1.". Ill, l-l.leli.il l, 1..: I ' .