i t: THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA .COUNTY, PA u dpolumbinn AND- BLOOMSBURQ, PA. FRIDAY MORN-NO DEC 17, 1808. , 4J-TU12 COI.USiniAS hl ill. lilirgrM Circulation or nny ppr published In Northern Pctusylvnl, and ii lso much larger sheet than mijr nr lluoltin. porarle.i and la therefore the best medium for advertising In thle lection oflhe Stale. TiiElVcie Vork World in n aeries of able articles has been exposing tho fnuul nud corruption existing In tlio 3Jt w York Custom. Hoii9e. Thuro is Bcarccly a deputtmcut in that vast es tabllshmcnt In Which bribery iind cor- ruptlon Is not rife. A more disgraceful ntnte of affairs has nover yet been found to exist In any public office. And yhit Is to bo done? If the present lncum bents nro turned out, other Uepuhltcniit) will bo Initalled In their places and It might bo that tho change would boslral lar to that "from tlio frying pan Into the fire." 01 tumpora, OI mores. Tiir first mercantile vesel which passed through the Sue. Canal was wrecked Immediately thereafter in the Keel Sea. Tho superstitious might ac cept thU as an omen or ill for tho great work. Tho shipwreck was an unfortu nate evout truly but only to tho owncrp of tho vessel and cargo. Numerous suc cessful voyages, which will soon take place, will oblitcrato tho dlsastor of tho ploneor shlp.IMs n matter of speculation whether the Suez Canal will provo of any benefit to cither tho Unitod States or England, though it undoubtedly will to France. Tho canal tolls will so raiio freights that, for some time at least. English vessels will keep the old route, and American trade will hardly bo affected. Kksimxt for tho Constitution is not a weakness common to many United States Senators, in fact most of them appear to regard it merely as a conve nience upon width to hang amend ments, but thero is ono Senator, Charles I). Drake of Missouri, who really has no opinion of It tit all, or lor tho bu prenie Court. This profound statesman is desirous of preventing, by law, the Supremo Court from declaring uucon stltutloiial any act of Congress, right, Justice, or anything else to tho contrary notwithstanding.. Ho thinks tho pco plo know moro law than tho Supreme Court and thai tho Constltutloius u stu pld old document for not thinking so too. Tremendous mind has Drake ! Oun now Russian possession", Alaska, has been described so frequently and so variously thnt wo nro in a hopeless state of mystification regarding It. First comes a report, presumed to bo authen tic, picturing tho natives as savnges,the land a sterile desert, untenanted even by fur bearing animals and on whose rocky and frozen bosom no grain or edible vegetables can bo persuaded to grow. And now, Just as wo have set tled down in this belief, comes'a chap who has been there, and consequently knows all about it, who says that the aborigines are splendid fellows, living in well built wooden houses, and per fectly devoted to agriculture. Tho land produces barloy and other grains in fabulous quantities.nnd precious stones areto befoundlylngaround Ioose,vhilst furs aro a drug in the market. Now, somebody lies, for it i3 impos sible to have the same ground at once sterile and productive, tho Inhabitants savages and civilized, and furs plenti ful and not to bo bad. Wo hear that a Delegate lias been sent to Congress from this isolated re gion, which reportis promptly denied at Washington. .Cannot sorao one give us a reliable account of our proper ty ? Aro wo swindled or not? On ! dear, dear! here has tho legisla ture of Wyoming Territory, gone nnd passed an act, which tho Governor has approved and signed, conferrlug the right of suffrago on women. Just think for a moment of tho swoct bribery which must havo been used to secure this boon. io uso was made of glittering golil or grimy greenbacks, but tho potent in fluences of sparkling eyes and rosy lips were tho means employed. Think of tho delicious fllrtations,tlio warm kisses the proflers of marriago which must havo had existence,and think also tor resco referent,) of tho blighted hopes, tiie broken hearts, which will result from shattered engagements, or, fulling this, tho marital disputes, tho family lars, tho conjugal contests suro to nriso therefrom. Oh ! gentlemen of Wyoin ing, wu fear you havo but ndded to tho list of those who havo fallen boforo the brightness of woman's eyes a nd tho so ductlvo eloquencof woman's tonguo. Our only hope foryou is, that you havo reserved tho right to repeal the Act If Its workings do not i'rovo.saUsfactory. Oh! woman In our hour of oae. l7uce.ruln.roy and hard to please, . Wllh HUZUtaU vuu will wrlnc our tirow. Since yrm're.umM a voter now. 3 Ix Sidney Smith's abvlco to his pa rishioners lie addresses a tow words, to young women, to this effect : Don't be lieve In any thlug but the parson and tho ring I If your lover nays that you can bo as well without the form as wltl t, tell him ho is rt scoundrel." It would be better for girls overywhera If they would remember that hint. In tho BIssell divorce caso the woman was told by tho man thai they might bo married without any ceremony mar ried as safely as if" thrco clergymen' performed tlio service. Tim oxponont of tho law In this case, John U. BIssell of Brooklyn.took thoglrl n dri voto O.n tral Park ono day, and putaringon her finger, saying, "This Is your wedding ring; we aro married," Nothing could bo simpler. Afterward they went to live Jn n boarding house, where BIssell acKnowieuged the woman to bo his wife. Who could not supply the flnlnh to the story? Just before tho wife became- u mother, John Ii. BIssell abandoned her, But In his Interpretation of the law to his Intended dupe he 'was. nearer tho truth than he supposed. Judgo Barn ard has ruled that tho marriago was re ally valid according to tho laws of this Stute. "All that Is requisite Is that tho parties should bocapabtaof contracting. and that they should actually contract to bomanandwIfe.".Mr.l)Usell,whomadoa defenco which tlio Court stigmatized In very strong languago, will havo to make provision for tho woman ho says ho "only" intended to deduce. So much for ouo cu.o of rascality but wo advjse young women to take BJdeny Smith's counsel, and Insist on having the parson and the ring at their wcddlog. Congress. Washington, Dec. 7, 18(5". Tho M'fnnd M'-wlon of tho l-'orty-flrst CongitHs begitii at noon yostcrday. After prayer, vico-l'ro-ddout Colfax called the Senate to order, nnd ufty-flvo Senators responded to tho roll-call. Mr.Morrlll,of Maine, was sworn nnd took his seat. The credentials of John W. Johnson and James P. Lewis, Senators elect from Vliglnla, were laid on Hip table. A petition for the recognition of Cuban In dependence was presented. Tho Presi dent's Jlessago was received and read, nnd, after a brief Executive session, the Sennto adjourned. In tho House 180 members answered to tho roll-call. Messrs. Sherrard nnd Dux, of Alabama, on presenting them selves to bo sworn, wore objected to, and Messrs. Buck and Buckley, of thnt Stato, with Messrs. Baruum, of Con necticut, Brooks, of Massachusetts, Cox, of New-York, and Burchard, of Illinois, and delegates from Montana, Wyoming, Washington and New-Mexico, were sworn and took their seats. A recess was taken to nwait the President's Mes sage, at the close of which it was ro ceiveil nud read. A resolution declar ing Virglnla.entitled to representation, was referred to tho lleconstructlonCom mlttee; and on motion, tho credentials of all persons claiming to represent Vir ginia and Mississippi wero ordered to ho referred to tlio Committee on Elec tion when preseuted. Vkdniiay, Dec. H. In tho Senate yesterday, of tho bills Introduced, the most Important were those to amend the Civil Bights bill; to amend the Banking act, and toprovido for n return to specie payments, Intro duced by Mr. Sumner, who cited seven reasons in support of his tlreorles; and by Mr. Trumbull, for tho relief of mem hers of Congress and heads of Depart ments from the importunities of oflice- seekers, making it n penal offence for Congressmen to assist applicants for otHcc, allowing them only to give in formation when requested to do so, In writing, by those holding the appolut Ing power. Tho bill was laid on tho ta bio temporarily with others, and order ed to bo piloted. During tho session Mr. Morton offered n Joint resolution providing for theadmisslon of Virginia, nnd a protest against the admission of tho recent elected members of that Statu to their seats, indorsed by the Republi can Convention of Virginia, ivasbiought to tho attention or tho Renato by Vice President Colfax. Tho Houso resolved Itself into a Com mittco of the Wholo on tho Stato of the Union, immediately after tho reading of tho Journal, for tho purpose of dis tributing thoPresldenl'sMessngo among tho various Committees. Among tho important hills Introduced was' one by Mr. Butler, to repeal tho Tenuro-of-Offlccact, in accordance with tho suggestions in tho Message ; by Mr, Hill to abolish the franking privilege, and a bill to prohibit the saloof coin by tho Government. Four members from Alabama pre sented their credentials, on a favorable report from tho Committee, and were sworn in and took their seats. Pending a discussion in regard to the question of drawing for seats, on a resolution, that members should retain them for all tho sessions of a Congress, tho Housont 2:30 adjourned. TirunsriAY, Dec. !). In the Senate, yesterday, at tho open ing of the Session, such standing com mittees as had been changed by tho ad dition of now members wero announced A bill relieving somo WO persons therein named from political disabili ties imposed by the Fourteenth amend ment was passed, and in a discussion whih ensued upon taking up the Joint resolution that all disabilities should cease upon the final adoption of the Fifteenth amendment, Mr. Stewart, of Nevada, roadoa Rpeech, strongly advo cating tlio men sure, saying that ho thought tho time for universal amnesty had arrived. Mr. Cameron, of Penn sylvania, called for such information as was possessed by the Executive on af fairs in Cuba. A brief Executive sos sion was held before tho adjournment. In the Houso tho most Important bills Introduced were: By Mr. Morrell,of Pennylvanla, to fund tho National debt at a lower rato of Interest ; by Mr. Davis, of New-York, to abolish duties on coal ; and by Mr. Mungcn, of Ohio, to exempt tlio property of ex-soldiers and sailors to tho same extent as that of bondholders, After the presentation of several petitions, the House took up tho Census bill, niter discussing three sections of which, the Houso adjourned. FltiUAY, Dec. 10. In tho Sonale, yesterday, it memorial was presented from citizens and mem bers of tho Legislature of Vlrglnia,urg lug tho admittance of that Stato to rep resentation. Mr. Sumner, of Massachu setts, offeied a resolution tllrecllug tlio proper Committee to eonsldcrtho expe diency of repealing tho charter of tlio Medical Society or the District of Co lumbia, becauso it excluded certain physician solely because thoy were colored, and, after some debate, it was passed. Among other new' busi ness introduced was a bill 'establishing a uniform time forholdlng elections for Electors for President, Vice-President and members of Congress from all tho States. Tho Senate adjourned lo Monday. In tho Houso tho greater portion of tho session was occupied with a discus sion of tho Census bill. A resolution was offered directing in quiry Into tho cause of the recent gold panic, Tlio houso refused to adjourn until Monday. Satuuday, Dec. 11. Only tho House of Representative was In f-esslon yesterday, the Senate having adjourned over to Monday. A largo number of bills wero presented, hut nono weroof general publielntorest. Mr. Mcrcur, of Pennsylvania, sent n cold shiver through the House by in troducing n resolution to Inquire Into tho expediency of reducing the funeral expenses of members of Congress. Mr. Hoag, of Ohio, had up a resoiu- tion to recognize Cuban Independence ; and Mr. AVard, of Now York, presented tho petition of 72,000 Now York people asking for the same. Objections wero made In both cases. The Houf then went Into commlttco and discussed tlio Census bill, Tho House then ndjourned. Monday, Dec. 13. Progress was made with tho Census bill Jn tlio House on Saturdoy. after much discussion. Mr. Walker of Ohio. introduced n bill to dlspeuso with tho spies and In formers of tlio Internal reve nue service, A number or papers tu regard to tho admission of Virginia were ordered to bo printed, and nt t:l!0 the tlotiju adjourned to-to-day. ' Tuesday, Detail. , in tlm Senate yWordny,,tho bill of Mr. Drake? of Missouri, to restrain tho" Supremo Court from deciding on "tho' constitutionality or acts or Congress was debated, Mr. Drako making thnnpetilng speech, He Was followed by Mossis, Edmundj, of ermnnt, nnd Salisbury, of Delaware, who opposed II. At the conclusion of the debate, after" a brief Executlvo Session, the Senato ad- oiirucd. In Iho House, n largo number of hills wero Introduced. Mr. Butler offered a resolution lo tax tho hieomo derived from United States bonds live per vent. A concurrent resolution was adopted for an adjournment from Dec. In .T,in. .1 IP.7I1 A innucnirn frnm tho President was received, containing tho announcement from tho Secretary of Stato of such Slates as had ratified the Flftenth Amendment. Tho Census hill discussion was resumed; and soon nfter the Houso adjourned. In the Houso a number of bills wero Introduced or no general public Interest, after which tho discussion of tho Census Bill was reiumed and finally reported to tho House, shortly after which the House adjourned. DI-.CT.M11F.H, 15th, ISfiO. In tho Senato yesterday a number of bills were Introduced, among tho num ber a bill to incrensu mall steamship service between Sun Francisco and China. Mr. Morrill announced tho death of Win. Pitt Fe.ssenden,of Maine, and pronounced an eulogy on his char acter. He was followed by Messrs. Sum tier, Trumbull, Anthony, Williams Davis and others. Tho Senate nt two r. m. adjourned. In tho llousca resolution instructing the Ways andMeans Committee, lo inquire into tho expediency or apportioning tho direct tax among the States, so as to do away with tho agents or tlio Internal Revenue olllce, was referred; also a res olution by Mr. Cox1 declaring that tho American pcoplo learn with indigna tion tlio treatment of American citizens held as political prisoners by Englaud, and urging the Executlvo to interfere. Thd Houso then went Into Committee of the wholo on tho Census hill. Pend ing tho discussion a message was receiv ed from tlioSenato relative to tho death of Senator Fesscndcn, and after a num ber or eulogies hud been pronounced, tho House adjourned. .sk.vatj:. Va3hinutox, Dec. 10. Tho Com tnltteo on tlio District of Columbia re ported n hill to encourago and promote tho international industrial exhibition, to bo held iu Washington In 1871. It simply authorizes a corporation fur pur poses proposed. Laid over for tho present. Tho Senate concurred in the Houso resolution for a recefs from the 22d to tho "d proximo. Tho Senate then went into executive session nnd subsequently adjourned lip- in dow- near Sylvester Purscl's, vlowors pointed, l ft? i'oilllonuo vacate and relay road Mllllln twit, near JolinMlchacl's, v! crs nppolnlcd. fy Petition for road In Hemlock twp. near deorgu Whltenfght's, viewers ap pointed. Petition for road In Brlarcteek twp., near Evniisvllle, viewers appointed. Petition for Alley In Orangevllle, viewers appointed. ' Petition for Alley In Ornngevllle, vlowcrs appointed. Petition for Bridge In Franklin twp. over Boarlngcrcek, vlowcrs appointed. Petition to vacatoroadin Pino twp. near Ellhu Taylor's, vlovers appointed. Petition to vacato nnd relay road in Mt. Pleasant twp. near John Wanlch's, vlftwers appointed. Petition to vacato road near Levi Wright's in Hemlock twp. viewers ap pointed. Beport of road In Sugarloar twp. near C. Ii. Moore's, confirmed absolutely. Report orrond In Sugarloar twp. near Lona Fritz's, confirmed nbolutely. Itcport of road In Benton twp. near J. C. Wenner's, confirmed absolutely. Keport of road In Orecnwood twp. near John 1C. Watts', confirmed nbo- of Cheep I Mine Is hereby extended to Lycoming oi nccp ciumbla counties : Provided, That Si I ,.... f,r,,ei,i 0 ,n in' no caso exceed 1 IIIU lil.V UlU.l..... - . . . . I "I .. iu. v, ii. .i.. ..r imnmta fin- racn ami every An Act forittio JProtoctlon and Taslng.or Dog ate and House of Representatives qf the dog or bitch owriod by any powo r -!c.-. ".ii. it ni ;.,..; : t.'m. i...ii..t,i,i! . Vmvtilnl further.'tnoX OV- iuwi7u;mw. . J """( .. . l,lf linilnmil. eral Assembly met, ami it is nereuu n- cry aogor yiicu u iim : i acted by the authority of the. same, That ctf n.d held to bo personal rai or .v an from niid after tho passage of this act, ny person who shall steal any UL It shall ho tho duty oi tho commissioners or bitch shall, on convlc on, bo i Die of tho county of Illalr, nnd they aro to all the pains ami penalties by wiiicn hereby renu red to cause an ncciinuu persons convicieu ui iuiiuuj ' . - . , - ,i i... ti.n 1 1 -. i i .t..ii!n .in.? urnviiiett tar return lO l)0 IllKUIl iiiiuuiuijr hj ly ih ium.nmuiu. i - - j .. fmt.iiiililt.a mill ji.... jni.nt it..,,,. qiipIi rlfitr lir tmCIl Sliail boroitglW within thrtsnld county of lilidr i,0 deemed anil considered a domestu. ornlldogsltpwardsoronoinonthorage, uulmal, nud tho provisions of lfilsu- owned or possessed by nny person or tion of an net, entitled An Act to con- ...!.!.! 41. nl. vnantu-tll'n tmVIl- n..ll.1n vllfl.-n mill AtHPnil tllO DCnAI ships or boroughs, particularly noting i,UVs of this commonwealth," nhall in- .I.J I ,..l r ..nj,-.,lcn.l III- l-llll I .,l.1n n.l nrn lim-nliU O V 1 1 ' 11 ( 1 Til tO UIll person and kept about any ono house : brace every such dog or bitch, as iun and when tho said commissioners shall m to tho samo extent, as horses or cat have so ascertained tho number or dogs tie therein mentioned and included nmi aforesaid, they shall levy and cause to embraced. DC collected nnnuauy, irum every in-i-Kfin nr tinrsnns ntviilncr and posseSSIlg one dog, fifty cents, for every second dog Court Prococding-s, Continued. TllUltSDAY, Dec. 9th, 1809. Com. vs Michael Wood, Indictment cruelty to animals. Verdict, defendant "not guilty," but said defendant to pay thecostsor prosecution. Sentenced same day to pay costs or give security to do so within ten days nnd to stand com; muted until this sentence is complied with. Com. vs Itichnrd F. Stout. Indict ment Assault and Battery. Verdict, nnuing ueiemiant guilty In manner and form as lie stands indicted- Senten ced to pay tho costs of prosecution and undergo an Imprisonment in the Coun ty Jail for a period of thirty days. Com. vs lllchard F. Stout. Indict ment, Malicious mischief. Verdict, "guilty." Sentenced to pay tho costs or prosecution and undergo an impris onmont in tho County Jail for a period of thirty days, said period to begin on the expiration of tho term of sentenco in tho sentence for tlio assault and bat tery. Com. vs Adam Drukeniniller. In dlctmcnt. Fornication nnd Bastardy Settled and costs paid. Com. vs Samuel J. Mather. Indict ment assault and battery. On applica tion of E. R. Ikeler, Esq. Dlst. Atty Court grant leavo to enter a nolle nros& qui after tho overseers of Greenwood twp., nro satisfied and costs of prosecu tion paid. Com. vs Jackson D. Walker and Isaac Hagenbuch.IndlctmDnt Larceny and .Receiving stolon goods, upon mo tion of tho counsel for tho defendants th o Court grant separato trials. Walk cr being tried tho'Jury returned verdict ofgullty." In thocasoofHageiibiic tho plea of "not guilty" was withdrawn and ho pleaded "guilty." Tho Court sentenco tlio Defendants to pay each a fine often dollars to the Common wealth nnd tho costs of prosecution, that they restore the goods and chattels stolen to tho owner If ,not already done or pay the valuo thereof to him, thut thoy un dergo an Imprisonment by separato or solitary confinement at labpr In" the lasteru Penitentiary,, for the term of sixteen months ntid that thoy stand committed untll'tho sentenco is com plied with. That tho Sheriff conduct them to prison within ten days and bo allowed one assistant. Tlio Sheriff acknowledged the follow, ing deeds: Deed to Win, T, Shuman and John W.Shuman for tract of land In Main twp., sold Ha tho proporty of Rudolph Shuman ct. ni., consideration $1720,00. Deed to John Falls fortractoriaud iu Madison twp. sold ns tho property of J. A. Hwisiier, consideration, 1021,00. Deed for lot of ground in Madison twp. sold as tho property of Jacob A. BwlBher, to Uriah R. llurrar. Com. vs John Hughes, (iidlctiuent. Fornication aud Bastardy, Deft, ro-en-tored Into recognlzanco for ills appear unco at next session. Com. vs James Harris. Indictment. Fornication nnd Bastardy. Deft, ro-en-tored Into recognlzanco for his appear nncont next session, Com. vs Oeorge Evans. Indictment. Fornication and Bastardy. Returned by tho Grand Jury. "A true hill." On motion of Mr. Barkley a rulo was granted on tho heirs of Henry H, Fritz dce'd., to appenrln Court on the first day of noxt term to accept or refuse the real estate of tlio decedent nt tho valua tion put upon it by tho Inquest pr show cause why thosamoshould pot be sold, In the matter of tlio Inquisition lu. quiring as to tho lunacy of Jesse Kester Johnson II, Ikoler appointed commlttco of tho lu untie. Boud In $100, Jacob Schuyler appiovcd as surety. Petition for a road iu Montour twp, J kept about tho samo house, ono dollar riii! nrtv rents, and for ovcrv additional dog, two dollars and fifty cents, by the collectors of tho several townships nnd linrnni'lis. nt tlio sumo tlino nnd In tho samo mnuiier the county rntesand levies nrn rnllppfiY. fnr which tho said collec tors shall bo allowed dvo per centum out or tho moneys so collected and paid into the county treasury ; and it shall bo the ElilSHA W. DAVIS, S'lmthrnf the House of J!eprescntatnet. ROUT. Mi PALMER, Sneaker of the Senate Ai'PitoVKn The twenty-ninth day or March. Anno Domini ono inousium cUht hundred and sixty-one. A. ti. UlJlHiiS. Instructions to tho Shoop Law. duty or tlio county treasurers to keep t . ..... hy nct of separato nccounts or tho money arising . . T Irom tho tax on dogs, and tho said lumuiaami iacoi utely. Report or road in Fishiugcrcek twp. near James Stoker's, confirmed abso lutely. Report of damages, road In Sugarloaf twp. near ucorgo Monro's, confirmed absolutely. Petition of Benjamin Stluer In rela tion to tho support and maintenance or Margaret Stlncr. Tho Court grant a rule upon John Stlncr to show cau?o why attachment shall not Issuo for 11011 compliance with tho order or the Court, returnable on tho first day or next term. Potltlon for guardian of Isaac Hag- cnbuch. Tho petition comes Into open Court and makes cholco of Isaac Hag eiibuch which choice Is npproved and the appointment made. Bond with surety required in ?."00. Petition of B. F. Hartman guardian Emma Appleman for authority to pay said ward tho furthersum of $100,00 per annum. Order mado agreeably to tho prayer of tho petitioner. Petition for Trustees for tho Roaring- creek-Society of Friends. John Hicks, Enoch Kester, Win. Thomas, G-rlfllth John, and Abel Dal by appointed Trus tees. On motion oi S. Knorr,M. Wliitmoy- er Esq., appointed Auditor to distrib ute balance in hands of Administrator of Benjamin Boone, dee'd. In the matter of thopetition for order of appropriation to roads in Conyng- liam twp., ordered that the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars iunddl tion to the nmount'ollowedby law, (to wit: $1000) bo expended by the Super visor upon tlio roads in Conyngham township. Tho Court appointed Michael F. Eycrly Auditor agreeably to tho 10th Sec. of tho Act or April 21, 18t0, to ox amino tho accounts of tho Prothono tary, Register and Recorder, nnd Clerk of the several Courts of Columbia coun ty and to make return thereof accord ing to law. The number of Jurors to bo soleeted and placed In tho proper wheel to sers'e during the ensuing year was fixed by tho Court at four hundred. Siiconi) Wi:uic, Monday, Dec. 13th. Court met puisnaiit to adjournment. Tlio morning was wholly occupied in taking judgments and making other motions. Tho first caso called was Win. Davis vs Margaret Brahany. Jury called, ver dict for the Plaintiff for $129,10. Simon C.Shlvo vs Hannah Armstrong Jury called. Samo day verdict for the defendant. Rule was granted to show cause why n new trial should not bo granted. Sarah Colo vs Wm. Mosteller, and Jacob Fritz. Agreed by counsel that Judgment bo entered for tho Plaintiff, amount to bo ascertained by the Prothy, J. J, Crawford's use vs Sarah A. Mor dan. Application to set nsido appraise ment. Affidavit read and rulo grant ed to show causo why appraisement should not bo set aside. Returnable on Friday Dec, 19, 16C9,at 10 o'clock n. m. Petition for guardian for Mary Loul ba Wilson and Gertudo Wilson, W. H Woodin appointed guardian. Bond in $8000, C. R. Woodin npproved as surety. Estato of C. H. Hess, dee'd. Petition to tot aside sale. Pctitiou read aud rulo is granted to show cause why tlio con firmation or tho salo shall not be struck offand another salo ordered. Petition for tale of tho real estato of Hiram Cool dee'd, salo ordered of the farm in Roarlngcreek twp. Bond In finoo. Peter Kern approved as surety. Tuesday, Dec. l lth. John Cooper vs Daniel Howcr et, al. Trespass forontering upon the, Plaintiff's land, etc. Jury called. This ease occu pied tlio wholo day and evening. Yed- Tho act passed In 1807 for Blair coun 1801, extended 10 uo coining counties ; so tho mniimi elinlt lionnil la lipreiiv n.mrmirl. net for Columbia county is tiiopamoas nted as a fund for remunerating tho In- that for Blair county except tho provl Habitants oi llio said couiuyior any loss i tbuact or 16G1 thoy shall sustain alter tno pnssago oi ,p . . .. , . . (, (t Js fhlincf liv shi-eii lipliin- i estroved ivn I ho law Isqultopltin aim nu turn " , , 1- - (In;? or lions. Section 2. Thnt every dog kept or needed is a careful examination or tno same. For that purpose wo have caused new ADVEitimym. jUOliK HOTEL. NOKlllTlllHI'HIKKKT, It. 1). tTM.MINdS, PitnrnlRTOB. IOR SALE. r....n.fl 11 In. AlmnlllK Willi plain Legal tooticj W mo TiiWnie M fit A CO. QO.PARTNERiia7 1-oumlry heretofore occuKjijYllffill TI,o liooU. of th. Ui . II. Iklcr. to ivlin.ii .ii wil u apply. ,ler,0"'lM,Z llloolnslllire Jinm II Vn i, A ilrc, 17,'Cn-lf. pSTRAY.-OAME TO TmSl, ?l1ii.,Colllinblat-,iuntyfuuu,'l1'1"Jn,i?ji mi. n iniall lrk.hrowii"ow"i ''"LN?' J? Auilniiinrlcononeenr. Thsi,;1""- lW J. M. KEP11EAIIT, WITH BARNES, BRO. & HERRON, HATH, CAM, MTU AW 0001)3 A TUKH, No. Ml Market Htrre t, (Above FlflUJ riHtADILPIIIA. (I l-uiiih lorwnni. -cii. nnit Ink li-r kwV. n- .1. 'H'xn'. i.,t lt,n In.v lllrnnt. f ""'"Will I,. ,, -4 .7 . Ocrinnntown, Dec 3, Hoj. j f ... . . . ...... m l X- A XT II NOTICE IN I'Aiuiuun valuation:. In tlio estate of Elimbetli t.uiiKcr lute of lleti- vfeSCAnnfS anil i Krlclibnum, suaralan of Edmund Suor!inltce thnt In pnrsunnco of a writ ol ' rr imSS a 55 vntimtlon lisiieil out of the Orphan' .1 nrt S Colli mb a county, anil to me illrected.un ffatoTKIlJabrtli KnC',a,1ti,9,n0,SM?o'S of llenton In aia county that the '"OUWtlon nil! im tiilti-u on the lircmlies on weunesiisy hVlS.fSSnary. WU. when nuil where yoi, may mteul " WVfiKf'MlY.I-AIin. I pu A U"NISTRATOIV?"vflri do anUoA..ofl o'aV;i;Sr!!i 2 iico u., niivo been rrunteii by ViS fi county, to K. Al. iViwvi..,.i.v1..wiW' a AllrersonMinvlHclalmor'lcm,n!,'-M ilccudcnt nru icqiu-mcil loni.ikllnl"R im thiwe indebtcj to mnko rajwen'f""1 f" i)cc.s,'o-w. ".rewKit J "-"IB.-. .11 "T1STRAY.-CAJ1K TO 'IUv b"n Jllsoi of tho siibwibcr hi m '5 T. Columbia county, on or aU, lif"1 K 8 vomber, 1609, llirounhoati. lSJihi.' I1 M pounilH each. Two aro tiottwV5'S.i 1 Tho owner H rooucstejlo Vn,iJ.l,,1IiS nroiiertv olhcrwlsu illrecti. w.M. Jlajii.uec. lu,-oa-3t. dec. 17,'CO-ltv. HhenlT. staylngaboutany housoshall bo deemed ,n i)0 printed tho above act In full, for siiluctcnt evidence or ownership tonu- (1.,tl.llm.1(m ihrouchout tho county. By thorlzo the assessor to return the pereon uwtilbuiitin .rougnoui m u i itj . inhahltlng said house ns the owner or mm innuis nuoiu .mu noasessoror such dog; any person send- themsclveswllhthoprovljlonsortholaw Imp- his or hnr itocr from house to llOUSC. ii.i it..... Im nMn Iiiillci-lmrr-ntlieir n - - - nmi in... iu. i j tij n v. ........ .....p. or lrom placo topiace, in order to cvado . .. . . . . r 10 ,aw will 1 iof-aiiliax,or loovauntnoraicsaoove, - .,,, .,-, tho first dog shall pay double tho rate or be placed In the hands or each Assessor tiixtherororrnnd every dog nolrcturned and Township Auditor, and also In the shall bo deemed to havo no owner, nnd i)unds or many others. It is hoped by A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. 4 . BtAT. OF KICIIA.I. : iAfrM . Haienbuch, late of OranRO twp., ..Columbia . Lo. ,"Tas?have bcen1!rai.lo.l by the ffiSS towmillp." Aani.nUTrator JJeiito unrrn All persons I'liylng claims or demand axaliwt the e'tato of decedent are deu.e.1 to make payment. ,,...,..,,,. Ailmlnlitralor, dec. IT, C3-0W. Clint letiamcwa uii.ir ... may bo lawfully killed by any person seeing mm run at largo. section n. 'mat wncn any lnnaui taut of tho counties aforesaid snail have had any sheen destroyed by a dog or dogs, ho or sho may apply to tho ap praiser appointed uy tins act, unu inoy, or nny two of them, are horehy author ized and required lo viow aim ncerinti this means tho Sheep Fund may bo Im proved ; it is somewhat In arrears now. In order that tho Sheep Fund may prosper, two things especially are ne cessary. First The careltil attention of As--eors who tlx thoaiiiountof Fund, Ae. Second Tho llkn attention and 5RIVATK HALE, Of VALUADI.U ItKAI. lXTATi:. Tho ii nilmlaneil nfTera at private ale, n tract oflaniUitualP lii Catawls;. tovnli p (.'oliimuia Ullty. Ilujoiulllg laiuw in a unu ia-iuj,-.... rfimiieller. W iu. Cojo and Mavl-I iMwer, con- liiuiiniz i'Vi acres nun v un..-, " - i - --j lluDjaiiiln 1. r nut, on which are omira FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, ii .nit ivim. and licconaiy outbuilding!. Torin eay. i-urluli parni-uiiirn app v i" nr lIliNJ. II. Ftll.K. dtc. IT.'SJ-nw'. oil Iho premise the amount of daniago sustained by tho fnithftil discharge of duties of Auditors owner of fetich sheep destroyed as afore said : and when thev shall have ascor taincd tho legality of the claims and tho damanes so sustained, they or any two ot them shall certify tho eamo under tneir nanus and heals to tlio commis sioners or thu county, who shall diaw their warrant on tho county treasurer lor tho amount so certltled, to be paid out the fund arising from the tax on dogs; but tr there shall not besulllclcut money In tho treasury belonclmr to tho said fund, then thu said warrant shall he kept by tho person In whoo ravor It .shall have been drawn, and he paid out of tho first money that shall como into the treasury belonging to tlio said fund. .Section -1. That tho persons elected to audit and settlo the accounts of the supervisors of tho hichwavs In the sov eral townships and boroughs, shall bo and they aro hereby appointed apprai sers of the damntro done by does within their respective townships or boroughs, and shall have full power nnd authority to cxamiuo as witnesses any person or persons that shall appear before them respecting tho premises, upon oath or H (Urination to boby them administered ; and it shall bo tho further duty of tho haid appraisers, and thoy are hereby required to ascertain whether tho owner ot tlio sheep so destroyed owns, posses ses or keens a door or doers nhout his or her premises, and shall mako report or tho Tact to tho commissioners of tho proper county, witli tho valuation of tno sheep so destroyed; and it It shall appear to tho said commissioners that thu owner aforesaid did not makoa true, rottirn to tho proper assessor of tlio dog or docs subject to taxation, tho said owner shall not bo entitled to receive nny part ot tho said damago or valua tion money. Section That tho persons appoint ed uy tins act as appraisers of damage none to sneep py it iog or dogs, Mian severally recelvo for their services tho hum oi ono uouar per day whilo bo on gaged, tc)o paid to them by tho person applying for their services; which sum or sums shall bo added to and paid with the damages soi appraised. And tho said appraisers, after their election and ueioro tney enter upon tho duties en joined upon them by tills act, shall who fix the amount of disbursement of said Fund. Tito Commissioners can do nothing more than siie orders, on cer tificate of Auditois when number of dogs reported in such certificate agrees with that reported by such Auditors as found on premises and agrees with mini brr returned by Assessor. Auditors must file their certificate of oatli before they enter upon their duties It ishoped that nil will dlsclmrgo their duties without partiality, and that An dltors, whenever called upon to np praise damages, will heo that they are not imposed upon, but that the result of their labors may bo such as injustice it should bo. nesday morning tho Jury returned verdict bt two dollars damages for tho piaiutiii, , Y-1 'VjlHIohor M.d. Mlnney guardian of KmraaM'Doweii for prlvilego to pay ward $.)00 out of her distributive share in estate of Clara M'Dowell, dee'd. Or der modo agreeably to tho prayer of tlio petitioner. Petition for tho salo of tho real estate or Iho inliiorchlldren or Joseph V. Kcs ter dee'd. J, B. Roblsou appointed Com raissloner to take testimony and report with his opinion as to the propriety of granting tlio prayer of tho petitioner. Petition for guardian of tlio minor children of Josoph W. Kestei dee'd Petition read and Court appoint Jnnu M, Jvester mother ofsttld minors, guar dian. Sho to glvo bond to eacli ward In tho sum or $.'100,00, James Kester np proved ns surety, Petition for guardian for James S. Swank, Clemuel R. Woodin appointed. Bond In $.100, W. II. Wpodiii approved ns suroty. Petition of Lewis Yettcr guardian of Julia Aim Clark, for salo of Ward's real estato. W. H. Abbott appolntod aud'r. to report facts wllh his opinion as to propriety of granting thu prayer of mo petitioner. Petition for salo of a part of tho real estate of A. J, Sloan doo'd. for payment of debts and education of minors. Salo ordered of tho lot on Market St., upon which; Is erected tho brick dwelling. Bond In penal bum or 115,000. Wm. Neal and I, W. M'Kolvy approved uh sure, ties. l'ctltlon for fttardlau of Kavllln Prnn. sy, Court appoint Jacob Yohe, Jr. guar- uiiin, uuiu in ouu,naries JUitigcrman approved ns surety. iu the mattor of tho tstuto of Samuel Klsner lato of Greenwood Twp. dee'd. On motion of M. Whltmoyer. (I. S. Colcmau wa3 appointed Auditor to mnko distribution among thu creditors. Communicated. Oenthai.ia, Ph., 1 Dec. l.'l, ISMi. Mn. Editoii: T have not appeared in your columns lor tno last lew wccks, simply because there was no Important news to communicate. Tho same thing is nearly true just now. Howovcr,thoro area few items worth mentioning. Tho works arc all in full operation yet, but I am informed they will stop iu a few weoks until after tho Holidays for re pairs. Several accidents have happened in the different collieries slnco my last wrltintr but only two of a serious na ture; one of these resulted in the loss of me. To Martin Cain of this Borough, the passengers on mo ,r.w irain duo nt Alt Carmol 1:00 p.m., and tho Lehigh Val lev R. R. Comnanv owe n debt or p-hiII. tude. About three weeks aco tho rail road fell Into tho mines nt J.M.Freck's colliery just about tho timo tho train was uuo there, t'am left his work im mediately, and ran over tho ground that wa3 shakinir under his feet and fal- lint; in by ids side.nnd lust on the nlek of timo saved the train, passengers and crew irom instant destruction, and untimely death. Such an net. and In such an emergency, deserves tho praise unu res neei oi mo w no o iravellni? nu i. neverally takoaiulsuWcribo before somo Hi",1."! forowartlothppasseiigers,aiitl justice of the peacoof the proper county, nn oath or nllirniatlon that they will, when called on for that purpose, faith fully und Impartially perform all and every tho dtttios enjoined upon them by this act, to tho beat of their ludtr- ment nnd ability. And any Justieo of mo peaco 10 wnom application la made, is hereby required to administer such oath or affirmation, and shall given tho Company to which the road belongs Heroism nnd Christian charitv whethei exhibited in the field of battlu or In the ntimuier wanes or Hie is alike virtue and should bo rewarded. Improvements nro still progressing in .Montana near this town ami prospects on tho whole nro very good. The new run road leading irom the Lehiu'Ii Val icy roau 10 tne rew Mines or Mr. Mor certificatothereof wlthoutrconr reward; -fl ""bison was started on Tuesday of which certificate shall bo immediately lll?,V, ' t filed iu thu olllce of tho county com- J hero tire not many men employed . I . t " uiiSBioiicrs. Section 0. That if nny person in tlio said county of Uloir shall permit any do2 to bo kept or to remain nbniit lifs- premises, that Is not returned by him to win .issi-sMir, mien person snail do liable, if sued beroro any Justieo of tho peace, to pay a fino or thrco dollars, with costs, one-hair or which flno Rhnll bo for th uso or tho lnrormer, and tho other hair 10 uo paid py tno justice to the county trensurtr, and by him placed with tho fund or taxes on dogs : said flno to bo recovered as debts of thnt amount nro by law recoverable, Section 7, That any dog seen with in an enelosttro where cattlo or sheep nro kept within thu said county, except when In company with his owner or somo of his family, may bo, lawfully killed. H, , " Section 8. Thut when sheep shall ho destroyed by a dog or dogs within the county ol Hlalr, which sheep shall belong to and bo owned by any person or perspt s rcsidingout of thosald coun ty or district in which a tax Is levied and collected on dogs, such person or persons shall not bu entitled to receive from the commissioners of tho said county of Blair, tiny compensation for tho sheep to destroyed. Section 0. 'Tlmr KiinnM iim w 1 originating out of tho tax on dogs, sous aforesaid, accumulate In the treasury to an amount beyond what tho county commissioners may think necessary to carry out tho provisions of this act as hereinbefore provided for, then siial havo power, and they nro hereby re quired as often as such a contingency occurs, to proceed to bet apart sueli bur Plus for common school purposes, and to divide tho samo among tlio buvcral school districts within thosald counties, n proportion to tlio number of taxable! inhabitants in each of the said school districts, and shall draw their warrauta wr the several amounts so found 011 tho county treasurer, lu favor of tho ro spectlvo school districts, who shall pay out, account and settlo for tho said moneys so received, ns all other moneys of tho general school funduro bv them paid out, accounted nnj settled lor. cr. , , WRENCH GKTJ5, Speaker of the House of Jlepresentatlm, DAVID TAGQART, Speaker of the Senate. Ai'i'itovED-Tho twentioth day of May. Anno Domini one thousand cluht hundred and flfty.hoven. h JAMES POLLOCK. AN AOT TO ritOTKCT HIIEE1' AND TAX linrm ,v JAUU.Ul.NU A.Nll UII.UMIUA UOl'N'riix Section l. lie it ,;,rini i, , o....... Mini JIume of h'eprctcntutiva of the Com moniccalth of J'euniih;iuin fn 1. ttmUy met, and U is herd,. enacted Lv the avthonty of the tame. That iho provisions of nn act approved tho twentieth day nf Mnv- nun lw.i.-o n.l ..1..1.. i .V. n.,.T ,Yr! ' uM3uu i-iKiiv iiuutirod and fifty seven, entitled "An Act for tho protection of shcon and taxing of dogs in tlio county or Blair," benndtho N1 OTICK IN PAltTiTIOX. trtl ATK OF HAH III A. POWMAN. LATE OV HUTUS To Kethll. nowmiui.Thomrui Dowmaii, Henry llowm.m v'Hity uuwiniiu, iiiruiu jt'iwuiuu, uni.i-irn T.. lldwiiiuii. MnnasMi ltowmnn, in .111. John Ilowman, nml InterinnrrlfJ wllh I'UUip slower 1 1 t'luuii niiiiin, uukji-i ji i.iii.! wiin hiit-i'iiiiirrltsl with Jose nil II. Hmltll. Henry Itownian. Andrew Ilowmmi and John 1 tow iimn, "out of Chmtoplier i Jton-imui, ueo u, ivihthi intiTitiiirrlnd with Wlllltitn Miller. Mil- tliUa Intermarried wllh WilllumT. HI Hit, Jnne lnteriiiurrieu wim inoiuus uuivit. iitrinn uu mun nnd .ln.fnii l Ilowman children of Hat n u.'lA. Kouuian.ttrc'd., th Mild Martha lluwnum bulim n minor who lm Holomon Ncylmrd or KU.irUlnn, take tmllcc that In jmrfcuunco oln writ of partUlnutuid viihuilon of the following real t(tatoto wll; one t'ioco or imrcel ofl-nd situate lu the lowtiMiin or Miinin aioreaam, uuuiuini eaHwardly hy the main road leading lrom Mif Mu tolteuJniiilnYoho southwardly by landofhiild v.iim fLivuruIv I iv lielri of lieurv liowmuu nnd westwardly by William llrovvn, and a Htroet of the town of Mllllln, containing ntty-Hro acres or thereabouts, alNo the undivided third of u house ana 101 Hiiuaieu iu Aiiminviue oouuacu oy MhIii St. bv an alley .lot ol Clma.llesa and stable. Ktrect blxty feet front more or Ivhh, nnd about two liumtieu itreiueen, irame ounaing unu u 1i1p will bo held on the tremlKen on rldav. the KUi uay 01 junuary, 11 v, at wmcn lime aiiu luaoe you may uucim 11 you iinnn. jiruner. der. 17,'C0-.8I N k w noons, IinoWUH'S STOKE, i.owv.st pntoEs ron cabii, rinaT noon Anovr, couut nouflE. iler. 17,'OT-tr. fei pny t-lmreoi nn,i ill tuoy will l,0 ,n,,,"'," 11... I . .. -.1 II . -L:.. 'Non.Bi , Real Estate. "pAUM VOll SALK. 1 In Flshluccreek twn ncren moro or Icr.niih Imeh, Johu Vr.aler"mloiMirerlJ; M K-mil Hprliigs of wnir, " line rSi! tooil Intnl. ireo from ntnne. "t? r"ni, ih lie milillo limiw r Kiiin,,,;, . I nrevl'n Anbury 1 IJl'l! wn,. cnnlfllni.... l.nnl8''f ivlnm upon nppllraiion lu (!!'.'' !' !S.""ti."rKU M" Volem '" '' Hbt tu. ;tti 17 O U S A L L ilp, on i f.ixoiiHtuu trrms n.e V valu.uli: iiori-LSTAv ihv jAV"1""1 ,,"ie. 1111 1 "wworS- uci iv.iii... -fflf t luvorniiiy lo-niod for em i,,..i-it.lut-M. nii4 If properlv kt turn h liMiil.t-nif. Iiiconip. """"iLy. OurtitloiM ns In lltli.. ii,.....ui. .... . """U.P1EI.. satlsraotorlly riniueieif In "Ibe. Alie.0()9.tl. r v n l i v H A I, K VALU A 11 L i: U K A 1, KiT : will lia nitereil fur .i nni ii...ki., KinandiH UniintfM:. lu I'lwi.hi.,,. on TtU'Hd.iy, Uecember 1'lsl, In1 tat di-Ncrlbed proin-rty: uno l urni, Kiiuuia in iiit'ain m-, ONE JlUNDKHDAlBfeVo nnd Mirronndetl hy laivNorUcyuy.nJi. i-eaier iimi miiHrs. wneron in ertvMi-.-' Dwelling House nnd a Krnm lum an. on tho premises two good HTnt "tt m flno HuunlnKHticuni,tr.,te. Tufreif r Korty Acrt-n orckmreil l.ihd, In a iMl Cultivation, smooth, tree lrom ntn. " tho balance In good TmiWr, m Jim noov property may be bought n- fl sale, by applying to the nuiiscrlber of IValer nt Asbury, before the ilayofu!i At Malo to tnlie placo at 1 oclyfkp.tt dec. 10('Q(J.2w. itlooraon Ij I O S A Ii K ,V' or- Se VALUAllIil! It r, A I. FUi' In pursuance of nn order of theOntui of Colurabhi county, l'a.,.n Tliurij. ilav of December, at luo'cloilr in th' iiiram uess, nominiKiraior tic, oijj w late of Klshlnircreelc towiisliln. inuiill. deceased, will oxposo to milt, hy pubu w nn tho premises, u ccruln mcamiage u!)1! land Klluato In I'Nhlngfreek tnffniliBiS . bouiuhnl by landn of IVirneliui toltti TH John AndrewH on the eatt, JoiIhH IWi houiu, piainan nmuii on me ivrst, lCcaler nnd others on thu iiorlli, cuoi m Hundred ami ThlrtyKio Acn-Kaiortii which ono hundred acres U clems n It nn tb nmiilNu! a Lw- pun TWO STOltY l-'UAME M-,S Kiamo n.irn, outhouses,.-i'i'loiirc.ii-iitiye water. Lntu (lie OKtato ut niUileceii'ls4 In the township of FUliluiiciieli, uviC nfuresulil. WLI.MNUruXaCJb TEU.M8 OF HI.IS-Ti-urtrBt'U' of tho pttrchusu money lu lief.MiloaO(y, sale, ouo third of the purchu.e uoaii. ten pprcontontlieeoiitlrmHl-moItL-if gr lulerrsl from Hist April liTu. 0m llJ'n, llrstiliiy of April 1071 , with mlerKr-P Unit tiny of April 1S70L un.l one ttalrJ s . or Mary Hum tho widow of m I'vJZ Interest to ho nmiuully nnd ifg..l'vli.j0 hy tho purchnser or iuiri-lini-n. frat. ilny of April A. 1). iwn. Tim lai lMt M weeureil hy hotul nud miuignKtf oulJr7iwi by tho purchasi-rorpuirlU'iK LP iloe. 10,'CU-3w. -Mn - ui yet, owing In in.voiilnion tothokcureltv of boarding homes. Lots nro boiling nt it ii-u-Hjuuuiu inco ano tevt-nu tiroa villi ing :ni;uiseives oi this opportunity purchase nnd hulld early. v niir ior tno uciicttc ot llio new Liunoiic uinreii starU'd in-ro on Satur day tho llth Hist. Acano U beiiiL' con tt'stetl for by Messrs. lllehiird Thornton iiudJamcs Kealy; both aro good men and inlluential, nnd It is hoped that from this sonrt'o alono n Rood sum will lio realized. A Webber's Unabridged jii-uuunry, is uiso uuillg VOll'tl ior be tween tilt) teachers of iho. i,irUh ii this much Inlureot Is being nnuilestfd uy Buiuu. ii la iiojieu mat on tlio wholi n great tleiil of thu tlebt will bo paid 1 he building is n very largo and iiiiil' nillcent struetiiro nml to thu iiniiHi,,. energy nud persuverancc of their Pastor ivov. u. JguatiusaU'Uermott, tho peo no oi ueniruiia arochlelly indebted lor u. iMoro anon, y Visitino tuk Schools. Tho llar rlsburg Telegraph has tho following ro marks in regard to u subject, which, though of great Iniporlanco, receives tint liltlo attention: If tliero is one duty in tho world of which parents and guardians nro negligent, It Is that of visiting tho hchdols. How fuw parents tliero aro who visit tho bchools, notwith standing tho Invitation is open to all. It U. tho duty of ptirentti to manifest somo further interest iu tho work than merely to send their children to school. The teacher wants, nnd in order to bo successftilniiistlinvo.thoheartyeoopern. tion of parents, ir they talk with him frequently nbout his pupils, nt their homes, It Is well; if they visit thoEchool room occasionally, ami seem interested with tho teacher In making n pleasjiit thing of learning, it is much better. The preseneo of n father or mother nt tho child's recitation, once 11 week, or oven oncoa month.wlll havo n salutary Inllu uencoon both teacher nnd child, Kven the parent in many instances, will bo benefited. Ills or her attention will bo awakened to questions which might otherwise- go unthought of for years and which havopinetlcnl bearing on the niiiid. To parents everywhere then, wo say, vlslt.thoschooU of your neigh; burhood ut least two or three times tlut ring tho term. Your children wll bo delighted with yourprcsenco.aud teach ers, who feel an interost iu the great trust eouflded to their care, will ever give you cordial welconio. We hear of considerablocomplalntmnongthoteach' of tho county generally In regard to tho apparent apathy of parents upon this all-Iniporlant duty May wo hopo for n reform V "TllEIlTor A LI. OUK ECLECTIC IT! TIONl." Thl Xatwn, Stw Vork. 1TTELLS LIVING AGE, ui which moro than One Ilmulrtd Vbliimct hav llfen ishlieil. has received Iho i-ninmonHnllmi i .1 iiilsB H'ory. Clmn.eilorKeut, I'reblileut Adams, HIMorlauKHparkN. l'rt-seott.liancrofi, nnd Tick, nor. Itcv. lli-ury Ward Ueecher nmlmany otli f."; ilinj'i." lo-lly "contlauei to bland nt the neaitoflta clasa." IT IS IRSUIII) EVUttY BATUUDAT, Olvliiff flfiy-two numbers, of ulity.four panes each, or more than three tlioiumut duulile-f oluinu It to pre.eut, with n naiimaciory roniiWi-foifjj ni? whole else uttemp-ed, im i.L-li.l:rKf"l..ll!Tl(!rr' 9r"lclm. Tale-. i i..3 -V'n,lnt"' KrnljI-l. Historical Knu 1 1 , A i.if i l1 "l ' IT""''"'! Il'erature, nml Horn tho pens of ihe ahleil (It ingunteri. lTIt ACTS rKOM 1.KCES.T NoTICU. From Jin; Jlcnry Ward Keechrr. .iniSn.!1, '!? Y'.w ,ho "nnelilor that aro K. 2- to (i ' """Id reitnlnly lii.r ... i'i'i'"'""1 Abp- : Nr 1 th-re in ui y emiVil Ii r ,!'?iw ,'' (", mncl1 1'iMructlvo " it uiii"" ' relullulu thebaramiuiuberofvnl. 1'nm the Wntehman ,( lujtrrtor, Jltuo,l. xWJfttJS;UnVlwJ.'Vp'''"f I'uhlicntlonM I'lomtlirXev.york, Tina. J'fon Ihr rhilndetphia Inquirer "iiiHtjjiminuTuWe, .Von furl;, ri,2:'e "" "luwimbllcallon which elv. Vom the MoUle Adeertltcr and' llealtter. literary mM.erV.'rS.Xd' XSilZ ha 'mm me Jitlnolt state Journal. riniia,iNr.v luiiiv ii.urA nc u AVOLITICAL, I.ITKItAKV A0 MllT jl Nkm.ii-ai-i-k. 'l TiieNkw-Yoiik Tim ,-itrl(Jli!jM 1MI, has for many ymn bet" ffm nmonBtho most 8iici-i'siiil, l-"l'UJ-Si. entlnl newspnperi In tliei-oumrj- Ij'tri ilnr lli.i nnntllil .Hill Itl.1tl!lt!t'!lF Ut Ol lis M founilciH, who, wllh KU-utly VS nml oxpetlence, will hpure no rl"'(W iind strenBthun Ha claims u.n u" anil support of th puiillc. Tho Times Ii ii itcpuulicuiij'UiifM. tr dovoto-1, ns In Iho p.i-t, Man mifU r-'.rj oftho llennnt can ito , ""':.. nit Its nblllly the principal iron r.n eml Ornnt'a ndniliii'tritl n. h u th'mo mensurei uy nnd Iho prosperity t lead- from the J-aetrte. San v,.n,-.. mries, m ,ll0kpl,lt frenluu of ifi, TOUteu'u.' Dtij the Chieaio J),Utu HewUiean. Tho 8 UliHrrllmr In r m.n . .... ... fehnion, atthfrcnd of thu v,1 no- IK'Hiif her for 'DUrilUeilL liriMonniij ... ..i..i..:"V- .urn Irtfn. 'lhoso whQ;iir.:uV K!ZiWbtttt Ol iLlllhed'il'n1;?,.. 0W,bli8,.nir.''Utei,?;,J ed hV,e..r"ec'' ..uy'.8l'wlklynUS.ouavear. r, J.,.r n I''l':l'EI'i' gay. U"neldMri-et,Uoatm i-yyuir. COLD Oil Rnnv. THllOAT r.. ileiiulieK immediate ntteutlon, a PfS'"'"' f,ureultiia au locum" " l Cllr. MKOWW'H. HHONCHIAli TKOCllM rellerKorS.. C'atarrli. Connuinniiv. .'. i! I)leahe, they haven toothing ef. u.uienSi'ife.VtK'v.re?1'"'' U" 1IU0W.N'S lUIOKCIIlAI, TIlOCllIW. Nov.l..,'I.Cn1:,lU ". BUSINESS CAULS, VHHTINd CAItUS. I.hTrKH HEADS, IlH.li 11E.UM, l'ltoatlAMMIW, J'OHTEItH, . 40., AC, Aeutly nnd Cheaply Printed From the Jjittkt btyle of Tyjn at the. for.UMIIIAN OKFICK, tboao mensures by wnlch Hie nnd Iho prosperity m ""'.'"'.'".rr ai-rvcdnnd pr-unoli-d. II wilUto ' b nltv befor loruiilil U lll-ins aii wu j nance niiRhtbv which oiir ' ' lovo for republic.iulmlllullnn"t ThoTIMEt deslii's to bojudicl sj gj. posslblo stnn-lHid of Jmrn.il;. I Dcmirtinrnt will nn i-oii.oiri' - :li libit hi amllii'iil7' I ihMil.j-isii-i'l- ''' ' l,a lull iind tlnicly. H" L I wllhlliHUlni-ll,f-"M til nemnnd linpnrlbillty ."' "''I;' '' 'in r,nn.,n. iimltto filVorltl 111 H'"l K .. fhipilnn nr tne Hbltot and ni'il "FT" ers upon all 11 denco will ho " '. v:;. r,i7i.iii. mim in .id n i t ill. . ... ........ . ,,n,... - that iiivwo liitiifSl i 'ffSlS Liierary iipparinieni "'"v-;, t,,;i' bio hamls. nml will pic-eul ';, W llteiuiuro. thHiluerli.,llii-uu ' w.. of tho day. , . ..tur-. A a family paper, free Iron Uj, fa car or linpurn taites, the f'.W., Ulll-xet-pilliuaiiie, mm cvnry uoinniie eiifu-. j In iltcrarv ciinrui-ier. . ... . Tim Weekly nml Xi'iiU TiMnswIll be compiled wltl Llfudc- nnu win coniain m-ii-cii'-" , -r.. i-nry iiiiumsiii: ciii-. ... Tim Huudnv cdlllon of llie r1" i addition lo nil the nc. f , tcrary nintteruf thlllllO!.la"1"-, linructer. , . ,vl. . Tim Weekly nml Xi'iiU iMnswIll be complied will 'gg, unu wiiicouiaiu M-u-i-'i'- -tantcontuntaof Iho linlb J "'V, oflntereu to the nuriculinw i country. All who prefer a i"-TlnL bly aulted to their riulf,1!fI,1't1Mr8 and Katuidav. In time for the WJ and will he valuable and nelcowsi uuroau, whether America"." tion Illy than our "!, Ti1,i,i ju iiii-.u vuiiion. u. -:i,ft.i,ii.-arKeit Hire, on larco quai o rt w Ing fltu-'ii columns, prlntd la Iv.iu .ii iim r.lii....ni. rates: MAII-Sl'Il-t'H"'1';,. The Dally Times, per annum. I"M Rilliday Kdltlnu ,,iii.iri' The Dally Times, per annum, tho Hundav Kdltloii.. Tho Hunday IMItlon, per aiintiin 'Ihu Kami-weekly, pu- auni"" Two coplen, oue year Ten i-nmeu. ruin vear . i An extra copy to Kch'f'VCi.uli -plendld steel eiigruvliiK iut ' I. ItAYMONII. The Weekly Times, pci-aimuio Five conies, ouo year - Ten coplca, ono year,. i,.iuh A ii extra copy tu uel ler-ui splendid steel enirravlliE '( 'f J. r.AY.Mosn. Twenty copies, ono enr, . ..upr Auoxirn copy lo nelK-r.ii " '''null plendld .tceeuKrnlnofll.'l," I J. ItAYHOtill, .umr''i Tho r.uropoan Edition, per Mam r 1 Th J ISe'miVweekiy.nd'NVVkly '" " gymen nt tho Ion est club ,'."" . t' These prlcua nro Invariable- ' J j , elltig nKenls. ltemlt in "' '.VjW" 1'ost Olllce Money Orders. If P?Uu neitherof tlieso can be I'TCmSi' Hi a n0lereil letler. All l'1'' " 1 t ed to rn.-l.u-r letters when rf iu" 1 the sysiem in nn nluulule 1""' , loi.eby mall. Address jjyj.io'-'t1 J l)ec.3,'ja.tf, flin.ru "i-. m . l.llf..rall .nu uuueisigneu wuu"" itnii, '-" 1 ofUloouHburg and """"Wi'lji i moved his inns More fro"' ''Kf Ik Now Uuoiiis, on the . W. i' it. i below Marxct. Aud that I io ' u t , cd Ills ,ock of Drucs. SIcill" ". Vuiii' cut Meillclncji. ro-luinery, "J -AUSJ- Coal Oil I.arap nu-t My'fflrirt and Klxtiires generally, 'or.'V7lriii. Colorln mid nyiiliigiuilt'fj'i;r1 nnv quantity, und for nny m ""Jutni I'ai ticuiar alten'lon pal , 'p.',,,. V fans' and Fiuilly 1're.ir pi nasi ruvnurd.lio would "'"J' Jjt, tlio same, llemeinber the Ne Bl Street, west side, nolo Mif,'i',i)l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers