THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. , .-, , ? ..' f LlX . r Hi' r i il Id. '..wiiii '3tr 1 T"Eri '.W inn inn I n. jpir.s ii t" t 0. r.i. "i -'aft ,,vrio- . . i O l . I III I $olumMatt. 'ISM.. HB5 !ft TBPl lttfmWou In- t-o i-u 1 male i'i iSafjjtonaburR mi J Herwick Hnilist JhOfelil'l"Tn FXtcnueu a mil 10 mo ncv. fjWWjer or Danville, who li.n nccopteil. twcr.i funtioinlcrt lo extend I'omtli rondlMnilct, iiast tlio liouo o. '.M h, 'r.ZTI, ileiHtni' have reported ngnint llio .anieY yjMonv, fornicrly nl Luzcrno eon appointed collector of In- Mf... il... .li.t.t.i .'.. Ul WUllllllt utlllUt 111 'U EDWAJJBOWMAN, Ki., of Berwick lOlatSnin, Cvuuvi "u9 uuuuiiiu uuiiiiuumii nun XOTQtbe13it5njirJcparliiient of tlio Bethlehem imtinivi puMMied tlio iioeni 'The nini,,. priJJiptoofj,Tonipcranco'' without Cicilitin-; "laih. . n. -Wri i i i . . i ni thflMmo 10 mw journal. ltcuiciiiuorjtiuigli- Ad5h,'lr?th'eclgi)tli commandment. I'llI,. Twojnobridges have been built across lr4 r thcnal'on tlio road between this place and ilm o several feet higher than the UHliOICl Ones. aim (IIUS.U u muii iiuii 'iIIK T.I " 'jTySE v1n aro curioui at to whether tho "..tiarluf Giant nTi- Statuu or a petrifaction Jlu', jhStldfll'nntl oxatiiino n part of it which ItafDCcn leu at our nince lor cxiiuiiuauuii. pTlIE unexpected sizo of tho I'rc-idcut's i, il6Ssago'prcv:titi ui from publ'iiliing it thin , "'' fitk. In iUplaeo wo giro u lurg.) auioutitof '2?' falaablo homo matter. 'mP 1f."0R neighbor, The HrjiulUcan, during tho oil m. llneMf of one of our cmrilovcot last wucki U!om jiadly, permitted ono of his men to ossisit us. "ttaa'riendly act for which tho editor has I) EKWr tnncer'c'thanks. All"Xtttro' Informed that Collins SutliiTof "K.'U'i...- ' 1 ! m J!i.l ..., blnnl- ni. Dugariuai lunuoiii)!) viitn ijr (no 29th of last uioutli. I lo had keen Irom ', jiomo during tho day, complained of feeling : tmwollpn his,pay home and lived but a fhort iinoaf(r,rijacliing lii.- hou-e. The cams of Vdeattl wo ufil iiot learn ,.'TfliWs(; . ....... ... i AcoilttrSPO.NliKNT from Millliiivillc fcmls u.f3rf!iu'hirtion, ti notice wliHi runucli 'tomcwliatHivercly on tho character of cer- l . Vi.. .1 l .1 . .1 tain young ladies ot mat piaco. in uiu au ' (cnco of any f testimony cm tho other side wo 81"'V inn, decline, to publish tho article, lot in my' justice, be'clono and wo be held lcsi-oiu-itile for tho atding'hnd abetting thereof. VjslhaveJrcccivcd tho s-ixtli imiubcr ol IE A Jlowe's Musical Jlonthly, cotitaimng a most OMIT! charmiDg selection of voeal and in-tiuiuctital i .muficThotMagaziiic is well printed on idihij lieavyTpipcrfof proper hzc and thipo for biSdingPubUshcd by Hlirs Howe, 103 Court' SCBoston, at $3 per year or 35 cents rrp7 t 'iHff ' i per nunibcrffl. tT I BKa-Tho WillianiMport 6'cii'(! y;claltn thaflfS? loe has been cut there that ' "LnnfrthiTiV.! ntr nt Mr. Satturlce's 0, Fi mill.'whfiii yielded 1,200 feet, board meat- ,wv . mn. fin "vO - I -il .'tHSt.!,J. 1 i mm I. 1 ........ lure.flt iaysi"wo have just been informed .A.t. ; .-1 i IDaii OniUOilOCIl inbiaiH, u 10 as eui,i:u uu tlifl niuTr'ofvi&rcssrs. llrenner. Shuck & Co., M,r-VifiSSr1,that yielded 1,3-JO feet, board K'of.our citizens have met with Mcidentf, lately. On Saturday, ot PefoToIast, Jlr. Michael b'rantz, vai from hli buggy, while attending tho lochia' niotlier-in-law, aud severely n lue Slue, no neuny reeurei- fSHndson Owen, was thrtwn from ,2 near Dlooui, ou 'lhurtday latt, 'lUJUIIIIJi 1113 HUHll UU l.VMU. t.l- An unknown man was Wthe tunnel head, at Grovo llros. s,Tolr Tuesday morning last, He out Cvo feet and iivo inches in height, o'"XV. I .,,1 n,.,.,nnlk. Nl.niit 90 ;j-fars or age. ueatu was evidcnuy fiSit . I --iiMIUW .... Mm I ir mteeuuy euuocaiiuu. isu iiiuik ui iai'vio (iu &j"ut-"'fa''n to -identify him. Tho usual for mc,i! piuli'cs consigned him to an unknown grave. ,uui .ffl8ince writing the above, we leain that the ;)th'i rsamo 'was James George, for somo nT ifio in tho Poor House. lie is said to be ctly jlrom Harriburg'T;'"l'""' -I""'"'"'". mi jfcTlIK AsLVTEUlts. Thi Association, com aiw" S" young ladies and gentlemen of this iraiK SSC Sap two entertainments on Thursday if"! ' S Friday CTcniiigs of la'.t week. The pro i"it', .ISSuies were varied and embraced vocal "fu' instrumental music, dcolauiatiuus, eome 1 Fr.i BKand faroes: Tho acting was good, in ot Sine instances very good, the mu.-io was ca-liis-s 'li!'i,.KI'deredi and the- assoeiat.on may con- ''-tlfatulate itself on achieving a perfect success. 11 o.'.,i 1 .1 - - I ...!... -e 1 -.1. cuii nouses aiiesioii me iiupuuuiiy in uuiu iilum.epbVnud actors, and we mist that ara-but the ture-runnors ol other like lancos.yet to come, iiio boeiauuii rbrth of being peipetuatcd. So ii. oe HiATirhaaibeen rife in our niidft during 'Jlpastweck. That f arfnl seoumo ot feWldhpodjrlet fever, has carried off many (ha lUtJcticij In tho last few days. Slier- M:il....lil.."Tt i.. al!...i i two of IiistLildieu, both of whoia were on Sunday lat. tljaycl the ravages of Death been eon- HooUth, for many of those of mature uavipassed irom amongst us, ilr. py infjijogtu, Mr. John Vaneo in Or- iftilfa-. and Col. liroekway near Berwick, VB lMRn a'rtiliil lo llw., ILl ll.i.n lm rs uuu are noi. I Mi ' -'''ftraWssa? Perhaps never, has the uueertain w6t;hu8ian,lifo been brought more vividly I than in the closing days ot No el' the opening of the pro'ent il on' tub TimoAT. An exehango aTthcto days when diseases of tho vail, and partialis ih a dry. hack. liSwhieh is not" only disliosing lo rbui to thoio with whom wo' ,iro nip, iiusiuert eohtacl, thus nUltete'l MycBtod by trying tho following Last fall wo were induced to try ua there w a in common sail. We by it three tltuCH a day- noon and night. Wo dissolved a 'hwpooni'ul nl common salt in about tumblerful of cold water and with this HrUdJlio throat most effectually, just iii,wiiiicr wo were not on r reo loin .aPcoufrbs anil entile lo uliti-L na mi. Qmijitcnds, we have always been ub ijiufllio dry, bucking cough has entirely BMarod. Wo ullrilinln il rntirnli- In (tin .fiii'l1""' Jo m("'t wMdty rccouiiiiciid .j,'S!Ly;f our reader who aro tuljcct to Pfjiho throat." .mi t; , IETJJSS U'll -.Vii ;: ... m in LlSi Tin: viewers appointee by tho OouttiOti tho petition' to widen Cenlro-street bo'wcun Main and Third, havo reported In favor uf tho Mine, and huva awarded $3500 damage to Jo'cph Sharpies wlinjo Foundry U in the proiio'cd road. Tlio citizens nf llloninsburg havo paid $1000 for opening tlio trcct down to tlio Foundry, AtriiiF.Nr.-On ht .Sunday as a .! man and hit family were drivim; aero. ihn I cnnal bridge above tho furii.ien. mm nl' ilm .11 . . . ' loins occamo loosened, anJ tho Iioim', wagon, and contents were thrown over tho abutment. iSo ono was injured, but the waeon was ludly wrecked. Wo aro glad to learn that the Canal Co. aro i.bout to construct n road on this sido of the canal thus avoiding tho tnu biidges l etween hero and Kspy. AlivnitT18r.Ml;KT 1'JlifcT. When ii jottntr Imly tnki's up n paper shu u'ht"- cos llrst nt tho iimrriuRw ami "porsmi. als;" mi old lady nt tliu dciiths j a boy at tho ftotlos j thonvoriigo until nt tlio news. It Ih only tho slirowd youujr limn, renicmborliiir thu adiiKo, "builnoss boforo pleasure," who com liioncos tho right wiiy by reailliiu; tho HilvorlisuttioutH llrst. TliU, imlecit, Is putting i iiov paper lo lln best u-o. A nianwliousosltlssiiru to keop "posto d" toknowwIiatUifolngoii In thu busy world itruiinil him, to know wlioro liu can mako bargains, unit wlioro and to whom ho cm dlspono of what lio has to noil. And there U no four but what ho will get nil that U valnatdo in tho pa per besides. Wo liavo liearilabuilnu man nay ho thinkn fifty per cent, better of u ifimK mini when huseea him, after taking up a paper, divo Into tlio mlvortUliiL; oolumiiM. It W certainly nn invaluable habit for men to form anil women, too' for that matter. If everybody who takes n newspaper would make it ii point to study tho ml vertUments boforo being led away by the other attrnotlons of tho paper, ho would Immonsely bene fit himself, immensely beneilt adver User, immensely banellt newspapers, Immensely beneilt the community. Newspapers act liki; money, the part of lubricating oil to thu machinery of bus! lid.': i.'s. They aid It to run smoothly nnd llAOEsmrcii In tho ama plice, on Sat pidly, and the more people make me mday, Dee. 4th, Catuiali, wife of Michael them the mor.. usu thev can bo to i'Kcnbtich, aged -ij yearn. 1! months mi.l rn of the thoni. JZr, Xiocal Wotices. Call on Ai.staii-. Couit IIoiim- Alley and get the best Mified ininincnt.s itnd the latett initio published. ' liKMEMima (hat a policy of ln.-iiianee in the Globe .Mutual Life Insurance Company is better than an investment in a .Having; Rink. .Manv a man has left his widow and club tit o.i penniless because he neglected Life In surance. Oo to J. 11. llobisou and get in sured in tlio Ol.onn. nil; lil.OBK issues policies registered in tho Stato Department of New York, and secured by Special deposit of l'ublio stocks. J. 11. ltobi'on will get you such a policy. " The Piklmx Pic-roitAL i tho heft and cheapest cough medicine in the world. It is a stimulating expectorant giving strength to the patient at the same time that it cures the cough. ScitUYLEii & 1'iOiiiNso.N of the "Biown Line" have made arrangements to have their ears come through from Philadelphia with out delays. Goods eanicd as safely as by Kipress and at much lower lates. w For Kent. -Having moved our priming ollica to tho third story of tlio Columbian building we have now for rent two Cue, com modious rooms on the second story. Immed iate possession will be given. -t Stoves. Ilagenbuch, corner of Main St. ilnrri in Inivn. III! LeeliS aon-lallt V Oil Iiritul n Ihn liesl known Linds. lin W01K OI I every desciiplion done at short ip'tice al in tlio bust manner. A large lot of tin ware on hand. 2t 1 1 Ki ii uv iMPOiirANT. To know where to get tho bcft protections against the cold weather, now fairly set in. Lowonbcrg's is .1 1 lll !!!.. ..II .. (lie place us un out. iuii ii iiv ii in ...ui uii l.i,.i n.l iiuneet the in end d assortment (if winter cloths which he has iu't laid in. of oveiy grade and color. Persons atteuding Couit should by no means leave town with out calling on Lowenbeig. Don't think became snulfs and stumg or poisonous solutious will not euro Catarrh, that you cannot be cured. The proprietor cT Dr. S.igo s Catarrh ltenicdy oilers j',100 re ward for a ease of Catarrh which ho cannot cure. It costs but fifty cents for a package which prepares one full pint. Sold by drug gists, or send sixty cents to Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, X, V., and get it through tho mail. I.iri'iLi.'s Ltvixo Aof, being published in weekly nunibeis of sixty-four large pagea each, making more than Ihne thoummi pages of voiding matter yearly, presents to its readers the bo-t literature of the European quarterlies monthlies and weeklies, with a thoroughly- satitl'ictory comp'ct'.un, as well as freshness, and at a small cost. The able.-t living wiitor.sinull departuifiiU aiu constant ly represented in its pages, and all who il siro "a lliorough oj iipeudiuoi of all thai is admirable and noteworthy iu the literary world," to kcop pace with thu sciiintifie or political progicsi ol tho age, or to cultivate in hi'rsclf or his fimily a t.isto fur the best literature; cannot well disponso v ith Jit Lhiiti) Aye. Considering the ipiihtityot roaJiug init ter furnished, the subscription priee (SS.tlO a year) is cheap; but lor thoso who desiro tlio cream of both homo ami loreign literature, a still cheaper offer is made, of which the lov ers nf tho bestliteratuio will avail themselves in gnat numbers; viz, for flO.UO remitted to tho publishers of "Tho laving Ago," they will send tint magazino we.ikly, and either nno of the following, i'orn year: "Harper's Monthly." "Weekly," or "Ii-izar." "The Atlaniio Monthly," "Tho Gnlaiy," "Put nam's Monthly." "Lippiucott'.s M'lithly, nr "Appletnti'n" (weekly); or for $8.&0, they will send "The Living Aga" mid "Tho llivcuido Magazino'' iorn year. "Tho Living Ago" u pionouuecd by high critical authority to bo "the best rf all our eclectio publications;'' uud wa can do our readers no better service than b calling their can nil attention to its Pro.pectus, pub- dlisho iu this papor, B USINKSS CARDS, YIIilllM CAIUIIS, ' r !ri-ri:ii iikaiih. Jill.I, lll'.MH, I'HOim-VMMFU, i'OWTKlts, Mi., M Neatly mul Chtuply Priutud li,st of Xiottors Rcmalninp In tho uuiEO XIOC. iSt, J.UOW. Andrews I)r .1 T Applog.ito Lizzie Ho.-toii.Iolm ltcach (leo V Itcitlimui John llaker IVx h Ultckan i:i (leo Chriiitiiiaii Thoni Clino Anna t'hieMi'ilohn Kitlaultaelicl Kline II Khno Win lyou Hihiu Metier (liliooro Merry Ui'urge Melliek 11 1 1 M'llridu 1' Miller Oeorgo Mills ii ( Miller 8uun l'errin It M Airs (VI.i'm,..., Conner W J ,1.1' . I. r 1 nr i. . .. . r""18"" 'erciuiaii y aula aamticl .MnlTvv V J,l.!'.i.n;.Jlini1'J Itolll Hannah V,v .I,.l, ltieliard John lticlurd Win Seacord Win II Hulivan Win Shai'cr Henry . I Shoemaker Win , Shoemaker lcvi Sutver Win Slmtts Henj F Tliurton K Wiit hum Wilson James Waters 11 F Wall .a John F 1' U I'.V Mahala y", Oongcr'Maggie (iirtoii llarrel Uirton Mathias U'Kcr. iia?et Ho Haves John '1 Kcnzon M M. Klesoler William Karshncr K 1) l'ereons calliuir fur anvnfllin nhnrn lpllnrn will pleaso say they aio advertised. J I. A. UF.CKI.KV, 1'. il. MARRIAGES. WocuwAiii) Wlluvi.ii In Uloomihurg, yee. jth, bj llev. .1. i'. Tu,tin, Mr. Mar tniC. Woodwaid, to Miss Maria Wellivi-r, both nf Uloomsburg. Lkwis MtiXAim On Tlnusday, Kuv. ijlh nt ma nouso oi llio Prido s paicnts, l.y licv H. F. Alleman, Mr. A. T. I.owi. ol'Cata. wia, to Miss Kato Millaid of Uloomsburg i a. ItA'ill On the H2d lilt., bv llev. A. Ilunlz, at Orangevillo, Mr. Fiederiek liabu, ot llloomsbiirg, to Mies fcarah A. Singer, ol ltcnton, l'a. Mamnimi I'ahkkii dn the l!d of Dec.,by Wilson M. Kvos Kvi., Wm. (J. Claiming, oi .Uuili'on twp., to llnimili J, Talker, ol (jicenwood twp. DEATHS. llAilu.Nlift'll In Orangr township, on Tues- il.iv, .iiveniber 30th, ISfi'.l, -Michael ilag CHbuch, aged U year", 1 month and "8 lay?. llBSS At Chestnut (lime, en the SUth lilt, illcuai-l lletm, aged neniil ft.i years. At Chesttnil (linve.on tho.'iOtli nit. Amo-i nttinycr. nged 3 "i years. MlI.I,AIU) On Friday. )'. !Jd, ISO!), John I.., iiL-ed i years ami i month', nt scarlet lever. On r-atimlav. Dee. -Ith, l-aiinv-ll.. aged .I years a, nl I month, nfse.u let fevei ; iiiilli children ol Shertll .Millard. As tender blo-snms fide and die, So then then! twain. They left, I'm- bli bfynnd the sky, I liu world ol pain. In innoeouee of childhood sweet, Hv liod El eat love. Vielding inith's eaie.s with joy to greet Angels iiuove. L'nv Tn Illoouisburg, on Nov. 10th, 1809, ilattie. daiiL'hterot A. . and J.ena riv. aged i years, i montlisand 15 days, 'Tivas not in cruelty, nut in wrath, 1 he reancr came that uav: 'Tivas nn angel tint visited tho cirlh, And look llio flower anay. ' I.lRlit KU en Marked. ( i klv hv 1'ptpr Knt. w hole sale mul retail d.'aler n gmln, Hour a rM lneH'liainll?.e. Wheat per Ijushpl.... Itvi ' ' Jl 1" I X- Corn " I'orn tiew ' 1 0", h" Illicit Wheiit iinis- Flour periui Uf !t Iiiflc WMieut I- our ('urn and U.itsCh('P, 2 i lit nil, .... Hutier i'r Si Kns'i per dor. Piiiit'-?s pr Pii.s I .1" 42 is 45 '.' (10 IirK'il Apples " liuiKi'il siiue iiihi yr i" rMKiiinur Il.uu ' .... n Ml " lb Illuuiiiljiiif; .itaihet Hrpiiix. Wheal ner bushel.... 5 LSI 1. 10 I 3 .... I no Ilyu ' Corn " Onts. " Hour per nariei 8 S l-O I KIiiXNPprl miller.. Tnllow. uVieci Appie's"".'.'.'.'.!!!!.'.'.'.." ii uVs nnVi'ishoiiiViVi'; l.nid per pouiul nay per ion IIION No. I Hrutell pi;.. No. 'J " " . Ulnolu ( fin, Ilemloil. Il-jauii. tier muuMuitt feel, '" I'"" joi-i, i auiilli, I'llltia, lilt ir.iiK n) m!!' '.V-. " SMIuk ' it. A COUGH. COLD OH SOUK X3L TlIllOAT Itcitilirf Immedlnte nttrntloti. wiped nlien testing In mi Inctit-a on i,iiiiu uisense. IIIIOW.N'H lllloNCHIAl. TJtlX'llfS n 111 mfint lnvnrlrtlily clvo Inntnnl veitcr. ror in-oncniiis, Asiiimtt Cat lirli, ('nnsumptlMi und 'lliroal l)l.oasei, nicy haven soothlua rect. Khifer.q nnd Ptllllle Hln nUl-lR Use thelll lo clear nii'i Kin nKiiu ii i" ii.i.f. uwilllt IO llio ;uuti i i-'itiiiiiiii mill ii, uti.i hi or inn irocni's. niniiv wtiririiess nun imnp inii liitlonnio ofl'eieil. whli h lire mm.l for nntlitni;. no suro in ooiiiiti ine irtte liitowN's nno.NciiiAi, Tnoriii. kold evEiawiiEnr. Nov, li.'CD-Cnt, T) 15' PIC HS( ) N 'S M A O A Z I X K 'J.lli: CIIIIAPKS'r AND BICsT IN TUB WDItl He! liNiuii Orriins rou 1 870. TliU''n(iniiliir Mnnlhle .Min-ti7lliu LlVeH.'moiii for the money than uny In tliuwoilit.I'iir isrii, Il will lie xreatly liuproved. II will contidn One. Tlmnsand PttesI l-otirleen r-pieniiiuoieei i-iaits 't-ii-ilu.i Miiimii.iili Cnloieil ruslllotlN 1 Twelve Coloreil Iteillj 1'iillfilisl Nino Hundred W hkI Cum I Tudilv-I'olir I'jRes or.Miislii All hum it'll l uo tvi-n i-ti a no uoiiiiiH u jenr, or 11 dollar lens Ihnil M.lK:l.llle.loftliei lJ- of 'I'e- H-- n." IlnTlirtlllliB lilies alio .Miveielles i-ie ll.i.iie! I'linllshlillllltwl rfle. AilthoillOHl lion- ulitr ttr-iers tiro eitiplu ed to uiiitMirlnln diy lor "l eieison. ii ir.i, in iiiioiiioii iu nn iiKiiui ijuuii Illy of ulintt htnrlo, l-'lvo Oilalnal Cuiyilmit Novelets ttlll tie iilien, vlz.,"lhe Pilsonc-rof ilie llustlle," hy Mrs. inns, Hiouiiensj "inn siecni ut linrlr.llii'.s lioinie,--uy airs, jnne ki. vtihiin 'Kathleen's Love saury, hy the iitiihorui"l.ih el's (sir Luulieelot," "Ml lairmy's Ueveittfe." l.y theniithiirofTlieHeciind Life;" "How it lilld- ltd," hy l'tllllkLeo lleneillil, MAMMOriICOUIIti.0 . AHIIION I'LATI S Alui.d of nil olhcis, These plates nn u.'iirnvid oil hteel, tvvlio the lUllld ste, nlld couudll mx llSlireh. Will I'M BUl'eiUI,. I..II.IVLI, rfllllO, i iiteru, iro n Mieeu it 1 1 is .iiiiiitiini, nr i miu li-eKiMti liiienl nut. without the nld nl n tiiiiiiin tn.iker. Also, belerul litres ot llouneholii mul olher lei-ciils; in biiori, evi-rytiiiu,; lun-iesllli i unit's. KUlT..tll rilKMlUM IINUltAVINnt In (ivm l.ersi.n uillli i; unn Club lorisrowlli I ut si lit Oi ii I In. u i (l y ct our llvtv (lid Klilelidltl Miitzoiliit tor it milium, (ultft 2t Inches hy hi,) i -il r i in lit r il Jill A 1 1. in iieuviii. i ilia 14 iiih llioiil tieiiiiniiie iiiciuiiiiiiever riieri-u. cor lur: I 1 III n. UN mil 1111 fti en uiiuii, 1111 ejiiiii tupy Ilm .Mntuxliie will ho scut In uditlllon, 'I'UHMS Alwuys in Ailvitiiec due Copy, tor one cnr. s i 1 A o 1 I'JJ'ei. iH UllU ini , 1 - .lee ..... a I' e ' " " (and I lOBetternpi f ( i ii-- a I. Kill I dpi. a. fui one year, ouid 1 to Kiitir lll ill l ItlOJ rou rir eu I ui.lcs. I or one iear. (mid 1 to net. ii r nn of L'iiiu.i CJ Adill-. 1'iwt-p.ild. rllAK. J. PKTKIISO.V tipecluieiis suit lo those tUtiiiu lo uut lipctlhsi liui IV, i.e-ii. G IRANI) JUROltS r IIIX'KMIIKII TIJIIM. ISftl. (ll-Mllll Jllisilj SI. IVUIIK. l-.iniiul 11. Itniirl (It-OIKO llllsi-elt. iii-rttioiiurn'. i:uuuesjue'.si.ii,lIuUiiu Owen, llilur(-ieek.-Jufel.tli 'llionnu,. Uatiiwiw-u. Henry J. ellllei, lleiij. II, Furlner, uinili-. ii in, in lino., t'onviiuhaiil.--Jiihlt 1 Kline. riililui-i'Hvk liourKu Jv.ili-r.Jaiui!, .M, Howlll .ri.iikhii.-.lurii)i Kusleiiluimli i-. Hiceuoo.l, xti'itielM'jU'iiryJiieuh Welllver, iii-iiiimic. eirin niiuejnuKej . aiiiui 1111 1 iiiiuii w nil I'wienaei. lieiisi, istiu ji.juuui.iin, .Mllllhl.-I.evl KlUcntlull. OruuKti. Jainc II. lliinuuii, l'lne. John I-', l-'uwler. buirailouf. Junits J'euulnuton. Christian I Mooie. RAIL aOADS. IJUOWN'S FAST I.-ltntflllT ItfJM lTtltiAur.M 1IIA TO l!t)(iMHHUi,0 t lutlTIIlCllInU I'OttitN. flu ill with Cure mm iloi.iiloh urn rtt liw rati a. ., 1 1" iH'ii-ipni i, lulls! i r iiuivf'cil nl Illlni-r AAiiX Sll Mnikui iir.n, for lull pur. - i "i'i" i" ,. 'AU1.3 A IiOHtN'ON, Proprietors, 23.'i!'J-lf. 11. H, Hepni, lllonin..lirrf,l', ACIvAWANNA AND UliOOMi" llUllll llV.I.UOAIl On H ml cn.r ilea. (J.h. K-lO. rApuarrTrfilttft ull IU .ljfu.lOH'51 uoiui;orin. lioinamimu. Arrive Arrive t.i Ve r.ivf .in. Kcrnlltoli., II ,n fe.'io lll.i) (.111 i.OO tiPtlVO . 1.31 4.V) 5.10 ,.ID (I..1I 7.:) I MO Arrlte Hli-tnn.. ., 10.80 v.m ii.:is s,v 7.03 t.cau (LIS luuitoii 7.1 -.10 S.l I'.at lo.u II'. 2 Arrive Ivimiutli s.l i) Lit , t:a i .5.11 Wilckslilnny,... iit'rvii:K UluolU Danville.., 6.11.1 Lenvc NoTth'd . 4. Hi) s.i n.-:u L'ntinnetlnn mnrln HlMrniitnn liv Ilm 111 i I n tn ITh III for (Iri'ftt llt'tlll. lllllL'hflliitnn. Allmliv unit nil points North, IMst nml Went. a. i. iiuu.ii'.nuivi. )IIIIiAl)KLl'HlA AND BMP IIAII.IKIAI). WJNIKIt AllHANnilMUST. Tnilnaontln! PhlUclclplili A Erie ltall Itaul will lllllilN IflllUWH: Wl'.Sl WAU1). Mli TKAI3 li-HViii riilhidflplilii K.M p.m ' " " N(irtliutnt)crlniiil..A.1i)H.tii ' M l!rli H'.ltnm Kit 113 UXritlMlmrr I'llllmlf Iphlii....!!.! 1', .nri ti i..hj p.m " " iirr. lit Krlo, ..MIltA MAI I, Inivi'S I'lillmli'lplilii ?.V)a.m " " " Noriird :1.51 p.m. " " rr, t Lock Haven .7.'.v NAM WAHl). AII.Tl'.Ai:c k'uvi-s I'.rle 8.(0 a.n. " Mnrth'il 11.10 n.m " l'lilli..llnlit.i llAn. m KHir. l:XPnt.SI avis Kilo -I.COp.ln " ' otll ACda.ln nrr.iiLl'lilliuli.lohhi 12. 1 1 ivni I.MIHA .MAIL Iwivts IkcU lluvcn c.cou. in. " rioiui il u.oua. in. ' iirr.ut riillndMiihlii. H.IUlii. Iii. lit I TAt.O 1XI'II1.M linMB in. l p ut l.'.'i am, .NoltllM 11. 111. " nir. at I'lilluoetphlii ii.2,a. in. Kxnrpss rnst funm-i'ts nt (Jurv. Mull Kilst nt nrv una rvlne'ou. Kxmiss wust nt Irvltielun Willi train Ion Oil Ciccl: ntm Alleglu-ny Ulvur mill iiuitti. A. I.. TVI.KU, (loaeiul .iuirliiii'U lent. Wllllnnixpnrt JKAlMiNO UA1LUUAD. Monday, Novi:mHfh L2u ibO'J, (ileKL 'fltllik I.liif lifiiii the XnrLh 1111(1 N'oith Vet for riill.ulehilii.t.Ni'w Yurk. Ucfiulim. Tntls ville, TuiiihiUh( AkIiIiiihI, Hiumiokln i.c-tmiKm AltenUiwu, Kantou, I.ihintit, lAUz, Lniicnter, uuuiiuiH, tic, lows: At 1, and l ' it, in,, J J,"0 in ton and 5) All.(Oi).ni..itiiiMt'tlMu witii Mmllnr iratiiH on Hit; l'a, UtilliiMtl, aiu itnlMiiK at tv Vuik ut lo.i.t. u,jn,. a uMt tn.. v 3,:ti t.:ti a H'JM n. m. HUti O.u-ia.iri ii8i'Cttli ly, sUfpum tins .ni'tmi liiioui (.'iiaue. iii'at' iiuirmaui'tt iui lu.ttinig, runh him, t n- mutlii. MilitlSVlllti. AHi.luud. MiltliiK'kill 1 UK 4iof, Alli-ntovvti iV l'hilaM. at f.lon.m., a -'."'' A in, Ht(itpiim at LH.tih'.ti mul pruu-Jjiiit ti lUll-,Ul- 4,Htlli. tlUlll UIUUIIU ' ttllllfClita. liu ollsViili! unit nlunihi i .-itl 1 ol l'l-ttM 11 ti sclaijlkiii liu veil Mini Aulaiiii, i t.t m iitiylkil) uiu rif-uufiiitiniii lLiii uo.u . ifii i liiiiiiMitiiif in t,i p.ii.. lU-iuriilnu: Iahw Voik ut .hi. iiii.t uvmii., aim .1,'uaii'i, I'hiiiutcl- t'tiiu at ,l i a in. Hint J.rU p. in, isiui-i'in caih act oiupau.v a, in., antio,M nnti p,i"'p,ni,, ti:iin liuni N.V.w It luinl ctiiihe. Wu I'artstMn'ei i ram i-u u t'liwuntiptiia ni 7,.iu,eoniUTttiif witn limtar iialn on 1-jist I'.t iiiltiouil it'tnnilng in rn IkOiitiiMai I,. . j p. J ii Mopping ut all Millions; leave 1'nliM UN at ,'i aiiii;t,l,'l,.ih:iiiin kin at J)JUuml Htjna, in., AMiUimlut ?,! a.iu nnil noon T.iiiiauua ut - .;ti a. tn., ami ''?t p. in tot riiilu'lt'liihl't, mat NfH Yotk. Leave (Uk t via MliUlklil itial Susqiio- lifninn llatlroiiil wt s.jj, tni tlarrisbui, uuti ti.:i) n. in., tor l'l tieuioi ami neinom. lieAillliK Ari'oiniiuKlattoli 1 lain ItaVtn ICtuulns s7,.tu u.m rtiuunug jcavts i niiiiticii-iua ni 4,4 ,111. l'ntthttiuii AiioiniiMHliitioii Tiatti:It'itVH Totts town at i',t)'i,in. rLtiunliij;, Iuit: I'tiiluiUlphia ut i.w tun. UiHUinuia liivuiMn-i iihiiim iea ianui ai I.ia.ui.. ntnl ii-l p.m. lor Ki-htutn, i.ltlr, Uikds Lit. I oluintila. c. i'lirklointii IUU ILo-ul Trains leave l't-ikiniiKJi Juinthiii at y.tDa.m., iiiui a.n p. tn. m uirnin ,pitveK 1 1 ru 1 MJi . .. anu i.w 11.111.. ctm tiojtlUK Willi Nlmllar train on lUii'lliiu ILillmad. uu mtnitayH, leuvu uw 1 oik at f,nu p.m., run NO" a.m. ami ;(,! p.m., me fonu.m. irmp lllli iniiy I' ittmtiiisi; 1 imntuic c,u-' 11. 111. , lluii Mmm ut Uiu. in. MOnnil 11. 10 m, nm iiciniiiiL' I '.ij Mid nliihi. mul ".15 it. in. lor ll.n hurir. nt7.-PM. in. ami lAi Miilnlutit, for Sv i'dik and at u.iu u. in. ami -i. n. 111. ior riuia ii.-iniitii. tjoininmaiioii. jii.i vv, rti'artun, ruitiui uiai i xcutbiun 'Ik'kcts lo and I10111 alt ! olnts, nt it tlncis.l rntt. J.auuauu 1 icikt'd ttiloitili: iwi pounus niiowcu tutu;.r. 11. i. auiao"! Clcu.-rul Miperlntftidc-ul. lle.i.IIn, I'n., Apr. -G Im'J. OATAWISSA IIAILUOAD On and t J nllor MONDAY, hl-l: G. ItlV. l'asflliit'l tialiison tl.eOitavltii Hailiuail will ntn attlit loiiowtnt; iianuMi uours: MllU &ii:k. HfATIONfa. Mail Xortti Dep. t.4ia,iu Winiainspurt. Arr, a.wp. tn, V,l i .iUlJi' 0.17 " Waihontown, ".05 " Milton. I. Ui " Uaulllc. ' II. ui ' Uupert. ' 11.17 I'utuwiima. ' I p.m. KliiKtowii. ' ll'.vi ' ynmmlt, ' 1.08 ' QmikaUt. " 1,. Mahonv Jnnc. " -t.ou " s.i j " B.M " 1.50 1,1'J " 1.10 2.U , Mi jr.Tiuii:i(iiiu. Ulne. ' Ui'inlllig. " IMillniUlpliSa, To Ifuw Yoik via. lleail " 10.40 a.m. B.15 " I liiatir .Mauen cimiiK. rami New York via. t ft . -Muucli Chunk. J U,,JJ Nol.'lmnuu of c nrs uciwtn Wllliiimspoil nno I'litlaUclplitiL tlCU. WKUll Huy't. XTOUT1IKUN iKNTHAIi RAIL- VS WAY. uti h uu an ir sov. uiu, inuus wi 1 !uau NottlluiMlihitl.ANP nn follows : NOUTIIWAIIH. t-Yi ., an.Jhijj to WllllHiiitiort, (except Sunday) 101 r.jriuia, . aiiiiiiiiaigua, itueuchUT, ijuuit Suspension liiidge. uud N, l'alK ifj 1. m., 1) uly, (M'cpt buudaysjfor Kliuira uno itullalo via Kile Hallway Horn i.imitn. 5.IM ltily, (oxeeptKpiuljyi-) for Willlaum- ,,r ' VitAlNh hOUTIlY.'AHI. l0.i- A.M. Pally u'leujii Monday h) for iUltlmoie WILMINGTON AN'I PHIL VDiai'IIlA. 11.10 l'.M. Uullyextepthunday's)tor UaltlmoH 'ivusuiugiou and rnuiun'ij'inu. l.D. fl. 'iOtINO, (Jenetul rnsengfr Attni. Am-urn It. Kiski;, uen'l upt.. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, d WLssTICUN IIAILUOAD. summer nrrango niLiit, Apr.'j.lwty. 'iiuiiiK lcu q nj follonii: t wa lilt. Y t-s i w Ac Ac- Mall KfATlONrt. I M(il pn so Colli. com plfhh i-jt r.M.iVht M. A 1-. HlvlK. a i. lArl M'tv York, I f.v 9 i:i, ii in :W5 i linn llinrluy N.) .... ChlUtOihei-M lli.tiulan , .N'l U'.lll:. iivhlligton vhiL'.-u. hll. t.fN.J, S.'ll II.U: a 12.10 j.iu irooujuctiuiit) 'ftMiim 1J..'J) .. t Iliininioii..... 11.1S (I i) 7 15 . il I1.4 otciom II.&V HildsiMl e. , l.lJ1 . ..l lnl.i.lili ltin II. (f ll-'iS 7.:w- 1..17I. .'1 union. . 7 l l.UU l'llllllISIJtlltH.... 11.'.' .luliunllii Chunk. iu:- (3 IS (0 7 ,'lo l.ll.Ul llelauare i 'illll.o-J . .Mount llethcl an ...... Winer ua li.5 5 III lU.lll ..Mloudsbuit;... i.Ui l.'.'S 1.41 ,l'l.l il II IU.I3 1 1 'Jl! V.i'' lliueviue.i llt'lll) Villi-.... Oakland U.ll .l-nllti.... III V :..., I.I il .iiil, a -.I ) I', ... m .115 .0 I iibyhauita (luu (Ubolo ....W-thCotv . .Hunului; ai t iw itjij u 5a! 'J.37 1) ill1 a.iS inn1 A M, 11.111 ll 11.4) IS.I l:au l.'..Vt I '."l i.l 0 i-.xi l'.M. ti.ti a ft b l' I' M t-...t ru'iauiou "..It,. Clnlk'h butniult,. 7.-lo!...Ahmulon 7. II ..l-'tit-lni) vllld UiH' Nli-holsiiiu 3..u:ib 1. 1 1'Jl " 5 ' 5 3'J I.W 4.11 1. 1.'.' 3.15, ....lloibottoiilH r.,lu 5.111 MiiUllobe ,Ni-u- Mllloul.... H(lltlit llend.... li.lU 0.0.1 US I 6.SO A.M. l'.M, CONNUtriONS, AINbw Hainntuu, wllh Central l(. II. or New Joii.ey.lnr Xtw voil-,l.liiuibuh,l'liilulh.Jd,boiuer- Ilie, Ijt.iou, &c. At Washington, with Tst-ex U.K., for Siw Yorh,.'ewiirK,Moiitiilowu,lovertIlaiiceltii- tnu 11, ILSlU'l, Ac. At Muiiuukji ('hunk, ulili II, IvIJi ro II. 1 lor 1'Ij I In-lei ili i a, Trenton, 1'iillllii.buru, L ilaoerlkVllle, rhilllniburii. Alfeciantun, with l.aekttttunnu A niooinbburt; II. it., ior l'uutou.Voniiiik', K1hi;kiou, U'liketi barre, Lltiuvitle, 'olhuiubeihiui, At'., til-o Mllh liel-iwaio A IluilMiit It, 11., ior I U i-luut, Arch bald, aud I'urbonilale. At (Irtat liotid.wllliL'rtoltiillttay, rbrlUnuham tou, i:iulia, Imihilo, Iiluu-it., Hr.teuie, uud Ihe V1. V. i-VllAM-HTl AD.fulit, It. A. Iir.SHY. Ucli. t'u.,. illidlkt. A tea I. OUNl) KOU A COl'Y OK NEW whtio.v win, us- man his ua i.avi , in aii.i.1 i uim hook, A eoninleioiiud r--llubloi;uldo to nil law and bin.iiit-s.4 irantiaeiiou. lortitry rttale lu thoUnlou. Tho piofi-m-loual iitaiii Utu ruruit-r, tho iiHH-hunltt, Ihu iiierehaui, Ihu ni'iiiufaeturt-r. ineh i-eiiulienconeuluut, viiiniirelien.lvt', nutl reliable ivoilc, tthltli whlciublu liliniodiuwuii uu lu.tluuieul that may bu leiiulud, aud llnl Ulll flll-lllkll 111 111 Willi liUL'll lllllllllllllloil lilt It luuahy ealteil for Iu nil hla biuiiifitx i.-lati-iun of life a buou that evei uouy i-jut uiitiei.iuuiii ami that will enable eti-ry one tobothclroitn counsel. The (-ullio Uadlittf pieMtol thu count ry iiuquall lltdly endurtio IbowoiU. rileeonly ii..:. heut nobl nuld. Aueuu uanu-d nierywhtie, Addrt-M ' ' JOHN O. WlILIJj. rublliher. Oct.Hi'OT-Sni. No. 4 llrooiuofcttrtet, N, Y, Special Notices. ti -'' mgi-sr-yrgii. i.-iKiijiififwrtrrti nl llol W1..I1 to 1 (miu x .111. .. . l..t ti. Won lerful, or miy i lm r in till, bus disci leied 11 ri mtdy tiiatturesConMimpiiou, w en Hie Hun's nrc'eonniniisl, in slnul, will chonll dlseHs i s whether nfnilnil, tody or eMnur tnnlto men llvo forovcr, nnd kaiedinh to pi te, or wntit of work, ntiil Is deslKiitd tolmnlteny t nuhlunitry sphere 11 blissful 1 lundlsc, to wh ottrlUnven It self shall 1 e hut 11 stile sho, Vldi avo heard cuoufih or that Icluil (ifiilinnibiiKiou hnd wo Ho not wonder Hint you ht vuhy ihlry, no become lllsitllSUd Willi It. Illlllwlif-M I leli Ilm Hint 11 Kami's Cntnnli Heme, will po sou tore tho worst cases of Cnlsirh I only nttlvely which thousands can testify lo, 1 1 y It cit thntwlll he convinced. I will pyf(0 llewnnd loucato of Cnlitrrli that 1 citunol 1 ure. l-'OIl MALK I1V .MOil DUUGUISTH TATItY. vni:ui:. P'iick Om.v 6J Cksts. Sent bv liuill Host liald lor slxlv eniht...i pitelittneH $2.(10, or one dozen for 51.00. Iiendiitwo prill itanip for Dr. stnqo's pnmiihle on Calnir An liess the Proprietor, H. V. PIl-'.lu.'K, M. 11 'h j .... w-uiiii ill-ll-AI-O, iS, I, riUIK ONLY HEIjIAIIMS CUHK .L l-OU DYHl'hl'HlA IN TllK KNOWN WU1ILD. Dr. VIMlfll'lJnitnt. Amprlcnn l)ini.tmtri titl inl l'lnc licoTar C'onllii mod, po-itiOHiul in f.illlt:. k for (l.vprpvla In it.4 most nts'cravutcd funn.i m t j mutter of how lun; Htiimlinc. "ilie i 7 rnto tlio noret abtKiuortliU ttrrlblo tllscnic, r it extprtnlnnto it, rout mul brpuch. Theyii ' 1 late more r.gony and nlltnt sudorlng tlinn tf M nj can tell ft Thoy urn notcrl lor cnrltiB the most desperate nnd imp.'iess cares, when every f now 11 menu No fOl V 'jf (lvsl)rml(l fir Inilltrtullnn nr.n muM mt-'ii in.. iMiiny powt'r. UH-AVIbnAltT'S TINE TTUm TAIt COltDIAIi 1 1 Is thu vital nrlnclnlo nf ttn Vitw. Tn r. ,i talned by 11 peculiar proee In tho dlstlllntlon of tho tnr, hv ,lil-h Us hltH'!t medical rropcrtlca nro retained. It Invlsrntei tho dlKesttvo orgnnn and r ei. ton-s Uiounmuttu. It Kirpniftiion it... ,t. bllltaled syMeni. It purltli'S and enriches tlio moral, mid expeN from thenj stem theeorruptlou ....... rtiviuiisiiivuilj UI4 VI IO tUII1. ill U18SOlCS tut: iiii iiii i iiuicuui milieu sior-xiiie nir pa.ia uys tit tho luiitcs. Jts lie Ulns prlnelpla nets upon the irritated surface of thuhm-s and throat, pen einulnK tocnehdlcnsetl pit t, lellevini! pnln nnd ftiibdnlu;; Inilnmmatlon. It is the result years of Mudv and rwnt'rinipiit. und it. infrrn,i iX ti... nttllcted with povltlvu assurance of Its power to '"'eiiio iwjiuwt(JttiifM.-uM.t,ii uicpniieoL nas not ionueiayeu HreKnu 10 uio Ineniis ofrure: I oiJMimptlon or theLunKs.coUEli.Soro'lhroat. and llrtn', Knmculth, Mer ('omplnint, llllnd andltlc uii.rilos. Astlnna. Wlmonttis Couiih. j llliMlhnl elirrt. linldlntr Imnnrntilo ..nil.,,!.,.. tllitlonnip. devou-M liiKcntlrt tltim tf ti... rvnuitn. aiaui tn f imeius at 1110 oiiiio puricr1, AESoelatetl with him aro tlireo t'onsultliiL' i,hRipiniie nr nn. KiiwimriiKtii vuiiiitrui-i-, wiiutu berVK S are K' 4'n n u.o iuuuw iiu.r. ur l.iiAlitil':, 'Hits opportunity lsyiiirud by mi other Insll tut ion in tho country. Ixtterh inminnypnrt oi the country, nskliu ndvho. Mill bo promptly nnd craUUtlousU' lev funm.-'! hi, iiero coiiveuttiii, lcmitlniu'es M10UHI lltKH lUOMlllpO OI. TUlKm OH l'OST-OITICK OltDUIt-'. I'llco of'd Amerleitu Ih mirmtn Miu f I n box, Hnt bv innil mi receipt nf price, l'l hi- of Wislaufs l'lne Tree Tar Cordial S1,.V a iMiii-, in (ti vHntn. t-,.Ml uy express All (omiuuiilcaiioiiN thou'd be adilreset. I.. O. ( . U ISUAltr. M. 11.. No. J.J2 Noith Second Siieet, riilladelihltt. Oct. i!-il. Tiir; uiikat ricroniAij ANNUAt-iro4- letter's United stnu-s Almnuao fur for dls trlbutliin,grntl, throushout the United Htntcs nnd nil cUillxcd countries of tho Western Hem- lsphere, wilt bu published about tho flrU of Jau- uny, nnd nil who wish to nnJerttand tho true plill't.upliy of heoUh hLoul.l and ponder tho vntuable FUfri,estl(tn4 It contains. In uddl- Hon to an tviinlmble nudlcnl trentl on tho ciiuscs.proventlon and tiro of a great vurletv of dlsenstF, it embrnccsn largo uniount of Infor mation interesting to the tnerehant.tho menhati- le, 111c miner, the farmer, tho planter, and nro. ftssloinl man; mul the Calculations have been made fur such meridians nutl latltitde's as nrc mo! suitable fur a coneut nud comprt'lienslve atiimnl calendar, The t..ure, uses, nnd cxtrnordlnnry Ranltnty cflVets of HOaTraTKU'ri STOMACH BITTKHS the stttplo tonic nnd alterative of more than half tho Chustkfu rorld, nro fully set forth iu its pages, which nre also lnter-pcrsed with pictorial Illustrations, valuable lcclpes for tho household nnd farm, liumotous anecdotes, nnd other in- Rtruelivo nnd uinutlng leading matter, original nnd selected. Among the Annuals to nppenr with tho opening of tte year, this will bconu of t lie moHtURiful.ftUdiiiuy bohadforthonklutr Kend ior copies to the Centrnl Manufactory, at i iufcouig, i n,, or 10 tne ntarcst den'er in HOS. TKTTni'8 STOMACH I1ITTKHS. The IUTTKUS nro Fold In every city, town nnd village, nnd ere oxtemivcly used Ihroushout tho enthu civilised world. JOO " READ, AND LEAItN, THAT THE U.. .i Slioaliunccs IU'incdy! .' TIIK INDIAN 1)H. I.13WIS JOSIIEI'llUS, onnuilistlngiil-lKil TrllioofShoi,hoiieci,Colimi blit Ten llury li now for Bnle In thu IJnlim. This nil pnsKcs'lnjtpront Indian remedy. Is war lauled.itiid In broad nnd emphntle lansiiiiRc, wu 0..j,i.... v ic-uni iiiiiii 111 ji'iiko n per tnnnent ctlre nf i. il M-iivrn. nt iia 'I l.i-...n r ........ Iiter,KliliiHv, DlKi-Mlve Orpins, ete., ns ittli as M-riiliil i. Iho vallum kltln ilNmscK, Humor., and oil tlhetsos iirKlui; from Inteuilty of tho u-.i-.i i-Aiiirpnii-; mn uuru siuf oi t.oncllIlllilnil. hete this (treat icmedy has beenlu use It ha. Indeed clb-elod (.nine of tho lnoiit litar veluus eures c-vor iceoriled in tho nnualt of hlstnrleal ineilh-Ine, luch being tho easo In addition to its former renoun in Col illtihlaTerillnry n dtfy humanity lo dlsputd lliefai-t lhat this llreat KltoshoneoK Hemedyls ihoumt.' iifremedli-s nf tho I!) h Century, and ihepre-iC" 'io..n ver laid nt the altar of miner. lnKhuruatii lrlce of th- itemedir In largo pints, 51,21. Maiiuiaeiuied hv lir. Young .1 i:nu.,iii ttjra-eut-f, y. 't rorsjli-l. alld.-ah i-ln Mt-dli hie, In niuoius liulg. I'.t. A IT L'A I t'Urin Ol- flCKOKUf.A AND CON. bUMl'i'IOX, nv Tin: OUKAT SUOSHOXKKS UKMKDY. (IciiPVn, V 1SG0. ifji. Vouno A JH.o. I lU' tunt tho mnrv!fms crlept or tho (Inm HhoHtionpi'h RemoriytIn our hiiiilly 1ihm Ik m crealir thnn any oi.a could lmvn xp-ttnl. My datiKlitcr wa ntlitctdl with Hcrnfnlfnu 1 oiimuiDtton.und had hii open Kcroruioiis I'letrr on n v i.tih, iiio lind ti nun tiiiu, x iun iu tni'.i.un iiiiu rii't'iu iliflit Mtiitf. Hho oxiHrtnftiitr'l inuWi Mutt ills ami, lllooit, hail niniii'iifinnl ins grtutlxcill4Wtv til. hiie vn lift uliloio yi-t nm ov-iiirtocirtirfh" mi iiiuiu 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i ii r niii,' uu nut mil il uy I'll)' tk-lrns iin-l tnol; . nl l,u-r Oil fur nearly two iri, but hlllli-imnmio t tn BlnU, nnd the doctor nl l.ivtKtntoil tiiat r'Cdciy whs out (if tho niirH tiitii.und thni nil In tutilu do wan tn relievo hor Mtflerli ks ft ly cxptiMi'd her duith. hut wen) nroVKti nltnlly Inihutil to try n bniilti of tho itrtnt hoiUoiiets tU-inedyuul.thu clTccU LHni; MiiiurUot, nMf(nuiho roiitlnupit Us use; Mm has ink. n Mx hotilc.(and thu UUer on tho lu-t-lc, IhP Krct(inittuiv ot Illcod, thu Klght Hvuats, 4URh, iVhlllty Ac., hiacall dUnpnatod. and Mim.i;'' in ny ctio han iirtuully qutto impend tit r foir-pr ! talth. My M-e (rem Dlmtrtt Isnlsn inlilng tho Iteni fdv fui tiv-ip?iMiii with liood lUfciiiU, ihu dU i ovc r i Mich n Hcinedy Is wlmi 1ms Uiu luiu ncidcd, Wtlli Cirnttful It(g.iriW, MHH, h,i. STAUO. MA1IK THfc rTIJIO.NY Ol TUB HfcVt Pit. 11ANK1M-. I nm well ntiit..Utml iaUUMu, SIcks, and her daujuttr,hotiutTcit thw hlioilioncwt Ueuudil und i-iui notify lu the lullcht muunir to their liiKh htiiudlut,'. nud to Uiu irlltthlenet.H of tuelr UVillIilUliy. J.ilL.ti llA?li.l2Hi. Iter tor ot Ht. l'etir'M Churrli Jren, N, V, AH Ihusutit bell tho itemed) at $!.. I.OUH AND FKIil). I'he unilernlnud Ihunkfnl for ntu.t i.nii-diniin beg. loannodeti to bin lrkiKlir.n l to I'.e j.iil .fio th-4l hi N K W M 1 Ij U U net ni . tnui'lelo ruunlua oider.nnd thut ho It inep i ( tin uu kiiiiisoi .niuini; wiihouttleluy rutin Itlitll'. Ibi-.- ei until uuiiy,i ns lo iiii.o theju home y, Hint to. it rule nn worn nroimiu lu iho pi'.. -t HI UI lie -ili lilicb oi lott he (limit In Ivonly-lour Itnuif.. .My iiKiueitiii tun Mteh ntt to il. in v-ii i. in i: oiii-n ii. iu iirreitie. 11.0 it'l l'lui.' the mill on uecounKif'Un, ,ii iter. T1U. 11IJ41 t'AMiliV FI.OUll. ' r ILo loutrgradts, nndull Und. ii lind on "d i Hlllantilr. and forHul.- ut lli Ion. ekttuii' . laiiut, orulu of nil Kinds jitiRiiuxii, I.ltfbt attlit. Hue, l.'Gs-tf. l'KTi:il E.N'T. T7"ANTi;i,-100 I'otillilenllul Aaciitr TT tn ilisMi4(i(if u sKhU of Koodh, N'ono but Booil nnd itliniila men vuult-d who nm keen Ihetriunlilh-i i-hul. Hntall cuidul reulled. A fortune ors-Jo.Uutcuitruutotil tun mini in tlinikilit stripe. r.irlieulHii mil tree. Humpltt of goods t.en: lur St rents, ( till uu or nddrt ss J, I'. WA'l'iaw A (U, Nov, 'YirVlni, l"7 Uroadwnv, M, V 4i - 2WwW Foundries, gHAM'UCSrf A IIA11MAN, rAHtV, I Ot'NriHY Aftl MANtTATtHll h(J HIOP, MHVliS A i;,0V4 WIlOLIvMAlU A niTTAIL Till; CHI FIIKATI 11 MOTHOSF, ffCOM IlKAM AND TIIH, MUTTON MDOUt? HUM l'J.CWrt. Cnstlnkrsiiml llr llrlt-kr ret nlrlfincltv Stove. Atl kinds if nr tun or Inm custinii inndv lo order upmi hiiort nolk'P. I I . rsiiAitl'J.rM Ji 1 M. II AaAlAiit lliuoiiisbuiu. I'il. . . I'rnnttvLiirM. MtflOV.Ml, AATIUJVAli IKON WOHKS BILLMYBU s HENllID. Tho hutncrlbers respectfully call the ntttntfoh oftliy buAluCHscouiiiiutilty to their WorkmiUun cd on the h. H. It, II. nbovo tho Depot, 11 LOO It till VJIG VA rOtTNM:ilB, MACHINlSTf! AND IHON SMITIIH. M A X U K A 0 T U It E It S OF Htenm i:Dgtnc9, Hollers, Saw nnd OrUt-MlU Machinery, Klmftlug, rnlUy and Hnngers. They nlso make nit klmt-s of Threshing Machines of the most approved pattern and the Celebrated Montrofio Iron Iloam Mows, Cock, I'nrlor, liar- roam nnd Workshop STOVHS. Heater) nnd n full assortment of Firobrlcki, and castings con Htanlly ou hand for repairing Htovcs. Several different rIzch ami designs of Cellar Grnte.. They ate nlso prepared to furiilftk Cur wheels and Axles for Mining purposes nnd General Milling cflhtliiKS. Iron nnd Urass castings fori every de scription of Job work. Asrlcultural Implements mndo and repaired, 1'nrUcuiar nttentlon given to tho icpalrlng of nil kinds of KeuperH; extra parts ou hand juu rGD-tf. QUANaEVU-LK rOtlNDUY, MAClllK ailOl' AM) AUrdCULTUlUL WOUKH. Tho undersigned desires lo lntorm hla friends nnd tho rublle genera.'-y, that he has rebuilt and enlarged his Foundry nnd MnchlneKhnp.itml in inovtu au uiu uii-iue iium ijigiu nueei, iu ine n hove named phr.-e. whero in connec'.lon with his l-'tjuiidry he will cnntlnuo to mauutacturu Wheeler's Uatlwny Chain linrte-ro;er nnd Thri'sher, (luiprovtsl), Carnell's Patent. THIIEHHKH AND CtKANi:H, either overshot for Trcnd-l'ower or uudeibhot ulth I. over-Power, lie aNn nihmifnrltircs in order uud tits up nil kind of MIIjL GEAIUNG, Circular Haw Mandrels, l'atont Rlidea for Hrtw Mills, tho latent lmnroved lion It mm l'lnwa nf dillerent kinds Wooden lioam l'iowv, Double turn nuti, unii now i oiuis 01 every uescnp lion geuetally iiied throughout the county. IUOX KbTi LuS, CELLy Cellar Orutcp, Stovcs.Pled nnd Blelah SoIe5, and In tuet even Hilng generally mac'elnn. country 1'oun'lry. 'J bo.o wishing to purdian Machines would no well to cinmltio his ini hla h. nnd tbe linpiovements undo on the iiuwci,b which nt icusi fcU lc 1 till. l( lliv H 111 IUU 13 UIKV11 "il. At L MACIMNI A Hli WAUUANIKD to give good Mitlhfactlou and terms mnrlo to kuII puicnasei, -n Kinusti cruiury ptouueo laiicn hi exchange lor PIowk atul enstings, 1 InnUful to Ills irlendH and 1 nitrous for patt ia ors ii' ivtji hi Mil' I'timiiiuc id kiiii.ii nt nune, WILLIAM H HUYLKlt.,(JJ-tf Orangevillo Da. Stoves and Tinware. jVf KV B'iOVK AND TJX tilldv'. ISAIAH haoi;niiuch, Miiln street olio door nbove E. Mendeuhull's toie. A Jarire nssoitment of wtoves. llentrrs and Itangeh conitantly on linud, nnd for Mtlo nt the loutst rates. Tinn'ng luatl 1(8 branches caicfullyatttuded to, Tin work of Ml kinds wholesale and retail, trial Is ri-qiu-htei). Apr.U.CO tf TOVKd ANU TINWARE. a. m. nurr.KT announces to hlt frlonds and cuistouifni that continues the ubovt bUHlues.i at his old plaeon MAIN 8TKKET, IlUJ0M8UUi:0. Customers vun be accomodated with r'ANOY rfTt)VF5 of all kluds, Sloveplpea, Tlnwie, and every vn rtety of article found In a Htnvo ud TniWHre rx tabllshment in theultlei,an'l on themof.tiea.son ablo tet ms. Ueijatt tug done at the khortcst notice. 25 DOZEN ;IILK-PANH on tiaud for rato. N1 EW aTOVK AND TIN SHOP. ON WAIN bntKhl, NEAilLV Ofl'OSlTK STORE, Thj- underMljjiHU haajubt fitted up and ojif ned 11 IU'. STOVE AM) TIN SHOP, li this pi. ice, where be In prepaind lo make up uewTlN W'Al-.h of all kinds In bis Hue, and do repairing wllh neatness and dispatch, upon the most lettsonablf terniK. lie nlso keep, ou hand HTOVIS Ol-' VAl'.IOUK PATTEUNHAKrYLEf, which he will sell noon terms! niirehasers. (live him a call, lie Is a mechanic, and iiu-ifrvm ot ini panne .fACOH 11ET2. Itlonmt.liur2. April WI. lit? Dry Goods, GroccrieB, &c, E 11 C 1IAND18 E NllTIlT. IU Hl-.ItKUY HIVES Tinny fiienns and liiopubll.- geofrRily, tni-l all kinds ol DHY GOODS, rntocnuncs, QUENSWAltK, NOTIONS, tSC. Rie i-nuslautly on baud and lor tale AT HAUTON'U OU) HTANJ) Iii.ooiicrr.j, hv JAMKS K. l-.YKR. Zj Alio, imjIo AKtnt lor Tixih' Tjiowi'Iiatk ok imi".. I.nue lot (t nt-lantly (it land, febf.07. QOS H' H t: T I li N i: H Y , Tilt IlIlillMMhlM 1 1 j the imlillc rT.ii 1 h fuul'i ieijiefiinll.v Htuinnni'H - h:l iiliutletl II in tlii-lmihluu; l.iujv uiviipiwi i.j Kh.x & Wt-Mi wtiH'c hr In pif pa ml tr Cimtlfih hll I.IihIk ol Koiti:i(..v it poMrjvnc rmirm, N'UTM, HAISINS, ao At:., AC. uv wuuj.fHAi.K ok itt;mr., In tiort. a full iuwutineut (it iJl oodi Lis Una ot utisltit'hi, A gicitt vnrldy nt lu It II I. I. M, l'DVH, ,4u E'llttlblo lot tlie llolldnis. fitiileiilnr ittlt-ulion Riven 10 B It I'. All N II (' A K EH, of all kiinis, litsh ovcry ibij, c ii it i mt C' c aVii fi;k O II I ST M A H Td V . f will ii A call Is sntieltM BU.llrttltietl. 4lnl satlHl'iellon ix'kjiaui jAiorts, jyj Ifc'S IjIZZIK IIAIIKIiKV bus Just it-iuiued from rblludelihlii, nnd bus bought, npd Is now otferluj (be beat assortment uf F.l.M'V Oildim, TltlM.MlNUM. I10:.'Ni;T3 Ac, Ac, evei eshltiltetl 111 IUooiiisIhii'i;, uud 1. preiinred to inolio up dresses sndtill olhrartleles nf femnle wurdrube, ut hhoit uolleo, and In the becland I.ATl'UT HI'HINd BI'VliKH. Kooms in the It-imtey JJulIdlncs, on Wcet M.llH f-'trctt. Cull tiDrt Kts her vmletl dli.rk ol tiprluu Gondii Moy l.'tK. II. IllVJNKVSGHKAT INDIAN M K D 1 C I N K. t'SEDIOIl MOHEHIANrOlllV VI'AKS IN (1EBHAN V Is thoinott fillet ttstulinedlclueyetilUcoveretl for iiiaiuiviii jrjiii:.'iii, wii-r i.ijtupittin, Hiuuey IH.en.e, ,guci l'ever,unil tlUt-ii.o of liunus.itcd 1-tmaUa entirely tit HOOTS AND HKHUS. Ono dotiH will (Yiuvlnee uny (ine.whn jivrs it it luir, iSn I.uuiij u.oiiM be wllhou H, It is iiMdiil.hlUB il-iil euies It tms iiIicihJ luCtntruuudilrUii'teeU tutrnhliN nUo lluillllt!;il(ili, nnd wbre It hai been ue(l,b'ti-e liul .pltliK. Ti-oplti Wlm Imvel eeu ulUU IOd with thu auto dUtuhirM for ihe Ih.i llfleeu uu.when no .rii .lehiu oould u-.tth Ihtlr ti..o uiu now c-mi-d mid brsUlty by u.lii Ibe UlllUT IMHAN MUDICINE. It bus never 'utltil t-iotte- Aiftie, tever und ))t ruuzeutettl 1 1 Ihetsi-iniutli, I bcpii nil who nro nftlletiil with tbe tbovo 11m lima III ilr I ir thu 1'reilt l.N ll(AN Ml'DI. 'CIS'i: Ulll.-ll ' I llMll lit. A . II lltVllkl.'U itiitettit mure iu lentil nut 1 1 l .illliniilit cnunly I ii., oroi his (cnen rugent , It, flullDM It, " At uu tttituiut. i hl uu ;ieluo is pri pored only by , , a. ii. M-yl.'i. yr luiulit birei t, i'. WANTliD.-U'O r AliMElW' fctONB . T T (tnd others out nf cmi-loyiueut. e .n tuuka from y.i to ioU er uioulli, Irom now till next nj'iii"K, ii; i.iiiiii-.iiiu il.tltUl.Al il Ut., ai..u lltlllUUtl IX tl 01l Alcli Uu, t, riillailtlplihl. Ull A Miscellaneous. 11 u a n in i h. it a a' it v a c r, t. v. n 11 A T )J ) PEIU'-KCTED Bl'ICQ'rACJIiES, ..'VI,' ,) I t -. . AND f;YJB OLAHdlK One ffthellrm will hentthoSJoicofUittlr Agent. ms A. , I). ,V,K11IJ, .. ! - , ,'-'r. KTATiOKlIll, ULooMiiiuiia j'A., ' Ono iloy only, i--rljny November S, IS(W. Ho ntlciianfor liio'imrposo bnlUug llhi A. I). Webb In filling llio cj-o In tUfTlctih or unusual c.(.. TIiotomnvtrlLgfrom lmfilfctl or disMscd vis- Ion (iiemninmendeil lonvnll Ihomselven ofthU opportunity. OUIt HPIX'TACLKS AND UYK-Of.ASMUy AIIE AUKNowi.KbacD to 111: Tin; most I'Eiti-'ncr itSitslniK-e to tight cvor innnurncturei, nnd ran nlwiijuboiDlleitupon on affording fcrftrt enso itnd riiiiiiiirlnlilloktiotiglliculua nud prenrvlug tho llj ct nioht thoroughly, t Welitkeoccni-loii to notify tho l'libllo that we employ no pcd!nin,nnd to caution; galmt those pri-tcudlngto havo our gooiN lor t.a1f. Oct. OTY'3 -WASHINO-jrAGIlINE, LATELY MUCH IMniOVD-ANU THH SKW UXIVEI1FAL CLOTHES WltlNGEU lmnroved wllh Uovi-irM p.otut r-. Wheels. and Iho I'ulent hton. nre unw i,nr.r..- tlounbly InrKupctlor to uny apparatus for wash iliE cloibes ever llivenltd, and will save their cost twlt-o n tar, by savluR 'abor and clothes. tiuisu iwiu tuve inein tjivo testimony ns follows: --it e in.u our iiiacninoinuc'llcnulil not ho per suaded lo do without It, nnd with thenld of Doty wn fi-el that wuuro mastirs of the position." Jim, J.. tmlt, Jltthop M. j;. vhvreli. "It Is worth one doll-ir a weok In any fainlly,' A. 1. 2VIti(iic. 111 the laUlldrV of niVhnilsn Minn. U ri. num.! nal.thauksclvHicouMond.iys for the Invention.' 7i'tl'. Wicodore Cuylcr. "Ilvery week has given it a strnncer hold iinon Ihoiitli'elluusoftlleinm.tttH nf ilm l.tnmit-v'" "I heartily commend it lo economists of ilmn. money, nud coutentincnt." Tfoc. J)r, Jjellaut. "1 rlcnd Doty 'i our last Improvement ot your nshlua Mtuhlno lsttennitilete kit,-r..B T nun,. you 'our Machine,' after a years' nto, Is thought moroof to-day than eer, and would not bo leu tvi inaon. led with under any circumstances." ,Vt(oii'oii- " Your Wnshl ng Machine has been In dally use In our laundry, uud the housekeeper expresses herself as hhrhlv lilcaseil with It. It -nrtniiv n- t-ompllshesu greater amount oi work, wllh less labor, nnd does not wear Iho clothes near to much as tho old fashioned wash-board. Uy using '..,' ,,..., ,1.1. , ui-in-nst-ti Willi.-' 1 m. -i. Jlountt, SuiKrlntcnclvnt of Jnjtmt Iaarlment nt m. Vatfiartne' A rcry, A', I'.CUy. "After n constant use of the Universal Clothes wringer for more than four years In our family, I nm nutuurlcd by tho 'powcis that he,' to give. itiiitt ntiist.iiiiqiiBtiucu praise, anu to pronouacc il tin inuispcustiitio pait tir tho machinery of housekeeping. Onrservnnls havo nlwavs been uililuit in mo It, and always havo Ukcd it," Jft-nry ll'arif rniCES. A FAIlt OFFER. Send Ihe retail price. WtulicrSll, Extra Wring er SO, und wo will roiwant either oi both mi cltlnes, mo oflrelBht, lo places whero no one Is sellltg; nnd so sure nro wo they will be liked thutnuugi-tetoicfund tho mutiny If nny one wishes to return tho niachlucs free of frcl"ht ufier it month's trial, acctudlng ti directions. No bushaud, father or brother should tiermrt thediudgery of wa.shln.1 with Ilia hands, nriy. Uodajsli. a year, when It can bo dono better, more expeditiously, with less labor, ami no In Jury lo tho garments, by n Doty Clothes Washer, mil a Universal Wringer. ' canvntsers with exclusive rlsltt of salu mnko nioiiev lab! selling ihcm. Hold by dealors generally, lo whom liberal dis counts ure made. K. O. HltOWNINO, ficn. Arent, SJCorlUudthtrt-et, Neiv Yolk, Oct. 15, O Stu. T70RTY THOUSAND OASES OI- S, Koods Herodblpped from our hi..iso lu duo i .in, in i-uuiiit-i, riuir, unit ni.-rci.nnii, llieery purl of Iho t-ouniry, irom .'lalno to California. llllir.tinlltii In vnliirt tn iiv-ni. ONK BULLION DOIXARS. Ot.r (.tellltlesf .rlrnti.4!irltni.thlu l,timi.cA i... Inc-H better Ihun evtr befoi e. Wi'hiti o tixenls lu all tho prlnelpnl cities to puiehnse goodi Irom the Muuulitiiiniert, Impoitrrs, and others lor CAbii.ttud nfttmttttn ltiiuieiisehdcrlrU'o from Ihu original eost (introduction, Our stoik coii'lsU, lu pjit, of Iho follawiin: gutslM 6-li.iwli,,Haiiket.,(iiiills, Ci.lton., Olniibanis. Uri'ss (iiiodH,'lnhlol,lnen,ToHel-i,llo.-iiery,(lloe-J i-ltlns, Corseis, ,ie., &e. Hllvcr.l'lotc.l waie, Hpoous plattd on Nickel Silver, Deivert ld-ks, nve-htitile plated CnMors, Drllaniila Wuiu, (Jlxs.i Wait-, Tublo and Vuckcl Cutlery, lURri'iilviillett . UeKJiit 1 1'enih una German l'nncy Ooods, Iliniullul l'hn:oi!r.ilii Album-t, llio iienm and t holcest Myles In Moroeennnil Velvet lilndlnii-i, Moioeeit lltivelllns Hayi, Ilandkcichlef luu ulovo Uoxen, Ac, (b.ld and l'lated Jewcliy, of the newest styles. W e he vo also nindonrraugements Willi Bonie of the It ad Ins rubilshluK Houses, tlutt will enable us to sell tbobtandarilnnd latest works of iiopu nuthors at nimu t nno-Iml f i he re-ii lar nitre i such ns llvuo.N, Moom:, llunss, Hum's, uud TIINSISON'H W'oilKN, 111 lull Ollt and Cloth llln J Inns, nnd hu udreds of olhel i. 'Jheso und e ery. Uilnyclsolor o.vk por.r.Ait roit i:acu AnTici.K Wo do not ofT-T k slitule nrtlcle (.1 mercliandUo lhat can be sold by tegular dculers ut our price. W e do not nkk s ou to huy unodi from u unless wo can kell tbcm elii-iinpr tlimi .-.m ,.un ..1.1..1.. Ihcm In uny other wuy.whllo the ci eater lwrt fourgoo,lHnr sold ut about , iV wo want koou re table nirenr. in .i-.r, ..a.t ,.t Iho Country.' Hy employlusyourspaie lima to niriii eiiiiwiiiuu seuiituK ttsoraers.t ou can obtain lit inobt liberal commissions, either In Cash or MmirUANuisis,undnili:ooJiontby us will bo us it-presenud, and wo guarantee sutlsinctluu Ut every ono dealing u lib uur honne. iioLiitAY I'liKso'is rou all can bo roundat linker .C Co.'s tin A llKl summer HI.. llnKtnn. Miikii To cuablo evtty peisoli tn plovldo Ihetuelvcs Willi iiutiuKuiut. nun ueiiu itoitituy I'rcseills, Hum bow until thu of Jnuunry, 17U, tl.esu gcuiitiiitii n iue i..ige tiui-pageti cats Ingucs nf all Ihu netttht end best novelties lu such goods us Ittuiy Hosts, Desks, (Jlove lloxfs. Alliums lu Morocen, Ullt und Velvet Hlndlngs, mil Morocco (-hopping liucs. rurnisheii itrii. rules, hllvcr I'lntid Wnie anil Cutlery of all ties- ettptiiiui, ine iuit-.i stvica of Jtwelry In (Jolil, rornt-1 an. Jel. Hhell. K11-111.1 m i'.,i.ntn m.i Hair, Dry linotls, e 4e.,ekc., uud hundred! of the latest and b(st published Jiouks. 'ihey nro glvlinj One Hundred 'llckels to evely one mho win become meir Agent, without eiiurclug them lu ifls, each lis hcrctolore. Head the chnuge lu tlielr Adverllsemeut In (inohtr euluuin, aud send forCutali-gue. "In every order umountlng toover fOaccom. pauled by tbocaib, ihii Agent may reiulu J.eo, und lu every order uf over J100, too may bo re. tallied to 1AY THK EXl'llESS CIIAIKIKS. This ciKct Is moro espeelallv tocsnlst Agents lu the Western Hiidrtituttierii Hlnits, bulls open to iillvlMoumt, O O M M I UH I o N Hi Airrilts uillbe nald ten utr rent. In r...l, t- Jlci.buuiUso, when Ihey 111.1. vi'THisiti kniiub ci.rn, forwhleli.bolow t glva a pai daj l.tst of I-'oi- uu ott'ur ut J30. fioni a clilb of Thlity, wuwillisij the Agent, its eoniinlsslou, s juX uruwnor ineitciieu Biteetlug, Uuot Ijfcui rat lent.' oul r-quiuo bl.uwbt leuvb Oasliueie IVnis ).i d ist V'tlttri, I'lie'ijirirB White. Cuuiil.ii. j.i. uu,, nr., or 111 easti, 1 I or nil uultr of Iinm u c.ub of ftflv vi)Wiiliiiy iu Agent .s I'mniulsiou, 44 jura. Mux-ting, ono j.uir lwvy Wool iil-.tnkets, I'o.ln ltu-bii mit(.rn, llnnatuine wool bquure hbawl, Mlver-i'aso WaUh, em , vie. or .11 co.ii, I'or uti order ufttuu, from u CIuj ol Ona lluiidieil. uaiviII i-av Ine jlcrut. nsi'ntiimlKi.liiii luuynrds no' d )iiid.itldii Mlieeliim. Coln-rblver UnilllllK tiu-u Vuult. Itieli 1.1,111- Wfuil Kt.iiul stultoliv-t Wool I'leneti CasKluieiti, eu- tie., ur lu 111 euli. We do uu! cini.loy any Travelling Agents, ami tuiinmi re -.hnuhl not imy money m M-rvrm. 1,111. I'wiiJiiltV'' "ur agents, tnfau imaonaify v Kt.soaoxEvAi.;i'AajviiKaiiiTKiivi.vrTKia Jorlurtheriiurllculmsstudfor Cutalogno.. t Monh'is' ..a . , -Altltr,lt Ct I U., Oct. l,'n.1m. fc""""1 ' !. Uosiou, Jims. Dry Goods 8c Notions. liiKH'H U TOHE. V',l":'s,, AtmiVAii or .-riins'fi' tNifHtMiMtirt doom , ,i i (he ;iiUrriW h i nut injiirft,,) f,0ni the rltlc. mill HUollle iHirtCarfa sHtUlinotljot-nt of ''hPhtSw 'a .1) etYitXiEii coona, .iitoa.ct!'Yn".'(.w Yrli'tid riiliadelphla HI th ntfctrltim',antl which ho is dotermlnod to soil on n minlefale l.nns ns cttn bo prooured elw tflmrelu Ulnonisbuiu. Hlimtofbconiprls. lai)u' mush uoom of tin cholcett slyles aud Uthki rairi'lons, loxelh.r with a large assortment of Dry Goods nnd Urn frai, consul tins; of the follqwlncMticiM fMpnti, . , ,,'.. , OUClgtba. . Cloth. ' J ' (HslmerM, t ( hawl, ' . , , -hi- ttnnnal., Rllks, Whlto Ooods. "''- ' I.IUMlS, ('" illP il' Ml . Jl . Hoop Skirts, t Musllnn, ItoUotrwaro C'eilirware 11 . Umdware i in- . QurersiTarc.i rn, c Boots ud Mhocs, . j , , ltatii and Caps , Hoop Nets, ' Umbrelliui," IMklnic-Uliusej,' . ,1 Tobaooo, , , , C'oCee, JuKara, Teas, . Rico, Allspice, fllnucr, Clnusmon, Nntmogii, AND NOTIONH 0E5 UALLY, In, ohort, evcrytblnt nsuahy kept In country which ue Invites the attention of tho public, generally. Tho tabjhcfct price will bo ld for rouMry produce In exchange for gootls. B. H. MILLintASOM. Arcade UulldlriEs, inoonisbnm. I'a. c. G. M A U li baiejustucilvtd from tlio casltm inaikets a large and well selected stock of 1) It Y Q O O I) f), C O N N I M T I N (1 Or Castliuel.s, Jeans, Itest bleached ii llrowu Muslins, , Calicoes, TIcklUBS, Tnblo Linens, - Cotton iL , i tti All wool flanuels, AC, Ac., A good stock of " Ladles dress goods, , , Lateststlespatterns. , Spices of nil kinds, Good stock etocerles, Queensware, btoue ware, Wood &. willow ware, I'"lonr A Chop, Al.o Kitchen Crjstal Soap for oleauliu Tin, Crass, An. All goods solj cheap for c-.sU or pro duce. He would call the atleutlon of buyers to his well und carefully delected assortment which comprltea everything usually kept In tho ootin try, fcclli.y confident lhat he cart sell them goods at such prices as will ensuro satisfaction. Nov. 5,'M-tf. c. c. MAKIt. Q.HEAT ItEDUCriON IN PIU0K8 AT TETEIl ENT'S STOlti:, IS LIOIIT STREET, or . SWUNG ANDSUMaIEUGOODS. THE subscriber has' Inst received nnd has on band at bis old stnnd in I.lglit Btreet, a largo nnd BOIOCV ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at. the lowest figure, and which ht determined to sell on as moderate terras as bo procured elsewhere In Light Hlrcit, JVJt CASH OH COV.'fTJtr PJIODVCC ills stock consists ot SADIES' Dress uoods, choicest styles and latest fashions, Cullcocs, Alusllns, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, tillks, Hhawlo, READY MADE CLOTHING, Hatluetts, Casslmers, . Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans. MJ AC. GROCERIES, MACKEHal,, Qucenswaro, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drug, Oils, Paints, Ac BOOTi? & SHOES, HATS A CAPS In short evurythlng usually kept In a eonnJj store. Tho pntrouuge of his old friends a,1"' Iho public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for conulcy pro duce. I'M I'll KN1'. Light Street, Nov. a 1Si. jpIRST CLASS GOODS. HAKE B A It G A I S 8. The subscriber lias Just thoroughly resiocked Ills More, In Catawlhi.H, latelv ncuipleil bv M Nlui h fc tjbum.iii, nud iioa- oirers lor silo A COJIl'LLTE STOCK OI' BltV OdODS, Oro erics nud general merchandise 7hlch lor qnallly und vuriely will eotnparu litvorably wllh uny in tnocoiiuliy. Ho imi u fresh ut,snrt nient or S P R 1 N G GOO D S which b will dlbiKi'.eiif lol- caib or eouutiy pro duce. Among ills liry lioods v.l;i U. lound all tho latest and bett patteniH lit MUSLINS, OISailAMS, CALICOES, . 1 r IiANNKLH, HIl.VWUI, SII.K8, CARSIMIIIW, linOADCLOTIIS, COn'ONAllKS JEANBiScic. ' (tiioci:niiJ4. flfiASSWAEU, UEEN8WAHU, HAiiywAnu CEDAftWAKE ijityGB.-oni, I'A'l'NIS, YAUNISUE3 Ac,'. HATS & i.'APS, BOOTS & SHOES nnd, tafMt, a complete; line of goods, bclocirlui! loins business. As ho bios and sells lor issit be can (itlorJ to keep his prices as low If not lower than most dealers. Ills motto Is QUICK flAlES AVD 851AM. fKOV'ITI," COAL OF ALL KINDS Constantly 011 hand, and lor sale at thr. lowest market lales. MOUO 1'IIII.LII'S l'HOSl'HATK, Especial nttentlon nal.l lo lliestlee: Inuni nuiut. titK material, culleiy, Wecliaulcs' Tools, and naiuwaiooi an Kiuus, to wnicn tna nllriitinn cl biitldeiii audotheia is leiiuestcd. (1 ll.M I'U I.CJI Af ED. A fait share, ol nubile eiistlon. i il.alrH &i.,i noriloila,wll beoialiijii toalyenillro satltac- Hon. Jfl.H';l'It It. KNITTLB.j CatawUsa, l'it. Ajf. lii.'i-n (in JQOMESTIC ECONOMY I VASirilll.lUN (JAlll'ETI Arew.theap durable, liealthy, and 11 FLOOR COVERING ! A tAiUtltuUi fur Dl-clull atpne-third (he eost. This carpet Is pKHltieed by a peculiar roiublua lion of strong, heavy inner, piiuled lu otnainen. taleolora, and coated wliba lough, elastic, watrr proof euamel whlth irei'lves tbe uatt-r, protects Ihu colors uud paper endures washlug, and ren dt rs Ibe carpet bright and beaulllul in tlie ei Ueme, lis advantnges nre as follows t jis ctn 1 enacrt 11 anttatiitf io ailelusses ; It Is exi-etdlugiy nm oiK sud glossy, and It at. until, lutes no-it 10 lie dust) It dues not require to be taken up and cleuued Itke uihercam-t.and thus uvea nntcli Islior and iroublet lly re-n-slmg ,w i.ii i.-M .,i.iii. 4.u,iuvi vt-cMstouauy as I eiue may leiiulre, (Which costs but atlllle,) H v. tbe LI lit Jan tmletln'iel), oven an ngo.ucd always api ear newauti ortaiti 1 in its nt. 1111 1. ntim . iuui-.p Is placed Umhi Uiu paper lur ear, but exclusive ly upoiishu T.uui-1'U.of coating, llio llgurctl pa. per being used (inly tn seem 11 iheinlois, 1'apei hasrtirbily bt.n und lot a variety tf iu:iiei, even for trunks, roofs, nourlags and wrarlngai- parei.uui ma inn ntininpt, cither .IU Kurok.e or Alniiicu. In t-Diui tl il inuiiiiti ttor flu.. 1 irve. lua. all voncede It to be an cut Ire succt ssl We haw iiuuuaml Ike right lur t. iutulta county ntirt ean furnish tte euriet to oerel auts nt nuiuuiuuiuieisiiiues, a.-ou uiu luilltil (o tall aril n nitr.o the goiKlsuti.ur uie. M Kl.l.VVi M-Al.Ji CO. liloi.iun uig, Dt-c. ll'to-lf. LL KINDS OF JOR PRINTING lifii v extrutdut Tux Coittsi&ian Htrvnin iii Liinccnv-v,