iolunttrhui fcllnirtMirg'Pfl., Friday Dec 3, 1CC9. l4l!! . W" " soioa of i II . in .U. Ige?li in tint Iihii l , r ill- lie ' mission of Nullum RreJlicndcr u f tsttco wfilh P.ea'o fur Heaver township U raWlSiJiMif ilit RoMnW. " "xTMljiltfifkt fovcr is now raiiiK in this ' i-.tghWBSoJncl in several cases lias prov JfiitilMnfciitcsroslinulii lie taken by pa. f piiJi'? prospectus of tlio Patriot ni Matkfclam"n. It is a valuabto paper, ij-jfj'dsewjwpoit. Since tho election it ' MueiTffregularly, wo are sorry to say. t, i i"v - ... lcFBoV.'Pi:Atif.ii nml K. L. Davis of I'isli 5creckJurn'el last week from a deer hunt IPottcrndlloga Couiitic They liroujilit otwdJorceTfino lookini; deer. VW.WfWWSU-. ... FlUNKLI!4t;'SllUMAS hat purchased f'O ""lolel tind formerly occupied liy H. l Zarr, 'Hi willi'Ulco immediate possession. Tho Ei tier inlendi to move to town nfoncc with HYamiljj-" W.iWk Iran) that a few ilaysni;o Dayton Hart- t jnof Buckllorrt-vas attacked suddenly with ,,'iralyite lower part of tho body and ."Ltlialjygs. Ho is a mere youth, and no .' HniiiKuiiii,. ., ,. iv use ran lie nts'iinnl for the ilironsc. ' f -.'1 ill WJiffpi, OT iJlt The annual report of the Lackawanna and 'joOHiidjurg'IUiliOad is nbnut ready to make, f -appearance. It will idiow a ery fuvora :: ijjitateof affairs, the business dining tho t year footing up near a inillinii dollars. 'Fatal Accident. On 1'ridnvlnst a vouns ail had his lez mashed at the mines onno- t-i'i R?rnslri.'l,fr.,.i.. "if sc., o l,.l,..l I.,. 11... f tnlce, and Hughes', and a few hours after t lirds the man died. We have not leatncd f ?' .... Ml1NW 'Landlord. On Tliurilny of last -te'ek'Rolir.McUenry took possession of tho rll known "Brick Hotel" at Oranncvillc. l.THenry knows how to keep a hotel and will 1 uko"a first class land-lord. We pi edict for tuVpiyargo portion uf the cutom wf the l taTjlinff public, and have no doubt bo will VWdtaervc Its" "I'tjW"" 1 i:-j(loA'aiiss.S,fUH'pt, on next Monday. The 'safiafhouhl be productive of soui; good, I tlreSJweleclion near at hand to be ta il beneed' by their buncombe. Tho material i"$lercaU ofi'tho country are puttering ai.d t liat body could ufloid much relief by prudent "Igislation. We fear, however, its main ujuhu wijl ho party legislation. t oj)C our subset ibr is will remember '(btirJiMebtedncss to us, and bring or send hi Bioncj? ,'al tho coming sessions of Court. Ve bavo sent circulars to all who are in ar jeani ibowing the amounts of tlicir subscrip f joMHhough the individual amounts may 'WMMBitheWoot "P heavily in the aggro- Accident. A freight train of ten ears rmhrown ' rom tho track near Lime Itidge '-in Fridyi evening last. No peron was in 'iSrJwe'jfundcrstaiid. The regular down ' I'IlbSS""!W' delayed passengers tne iJf Rsin were obliged to return. The adent?faV caused by the bicuking of an mm 1 itsav: 'rally' acknowledged that our Job ifficoHthe most complete in the interior of .he Stajeyand' wo yield the palm to none in fciWlity. 6r cheapness of the work done. Mjiojrsbyniai! will bo attended to :s ijromyT'as. if deliveied in pern. Our iypo,arid,pressej are of the best quality and rnurjfkiaen urisurpasscd. j TtMPlRATORr. OK NOV. lSG'J AT Ill.00.MS- ' SDSfOhwrvcd ntpunrii-o Maximum 48 j9DlwnhT 'Mininiunr 22 on the 25th ; ,Mm33rtJ&ftni tho begimiiiiK of October Jo .theend of this mouth the llulcr gavu us -Jstrojj glesJoW'flf how gloomy this guod Wd would ho without .sun-bine. We had o'fnaiart summer this fall. On. J,i?iaiay last (Jen. Hut and W. II. ijbyooj:, their respective oaths of office, jnd took formal'posfession of their quarters. iCol.Freeieand Mr. Coleman have been iSfcicnVand popular officers, and return to fc private ranks of life with tho con-cious- Klflwbf having performed theirduiics honoot ,Jand creditably. Our best wishes accom iiny thoui end wo hopo and believe their ttceea-ors will provo as able and popul ir $ . . AGrUTim.Nti Announukmusi'. The Ibl- taiog ntateincnt of the Asi.-tuut TreaMiier rfthe Methodist Lpisoopal Cbnrch Mnsinn jy Society will he read with interet : 'Receipts during tho year ending October ,1171869, $029,105.13; di.-burtenientii, ffi2l, TJO: balance in (lie tieamy $4,S2.'i.7fl. JerecciptH include tho habmca in tho treaa- raime bcginnliig ot nio year ot Ui,.'nfi. STIifcs nio'nths ago tho treasury was in loO.OOO. This it has not only wiped low has a balance i camming of over TliBi.wholo church will hear this Bearhent with tho utmost gratification." wet. uncomfortable weather which wn r---v '. ... ... . .. . fit liifr. hriiii.d vtiiiiu lutt i -i-" ..... leasantly before us the necessity uf decent alks. It Is a disgrace to tho ton that ihouHhej in rainy weather, but two or I places w hero it is possible to walk dry ttiKvcry variety of pavement is renre- A within tire town limits, tmt they only . . . ... . . 'as to comparative badnes'. Cannot :iilng bo done in the picmises? Failing fcewill riot some public spiiitcd citizen Mr someone ol the ni iny potcstrrau tiaps wnich the town abounds, and bicak an itPflleffand therefor sue the owner of the ?pcJtJ? Certainly it would be ilmgrtea- wen iuvu suiiereu Kreaier lliniiis lur ixwmon wcai, r 1. AccipINT. A loy by tin. name of Kelly, about 12 years of age was uc f.suot by Kolert llai;enbuch aged 'on Thursday afternoon, November Lntht Street. Mai;enbueli. w ho Is a ij. Mageubueh, was llxiug an old nirtiei) it was suddenly discharged, 'staking Kelly on tho hand which l;i.vl Ullil liitiuiiii; ill Ills KIUHI, with it and burying in ihu Herb uno iHipiigcri and huvci al nieces uf woo l fW3ijhroujili which it pa'sed, Kelly utSvo hours after the accident. Me -'attenddil l,v 1),- .1 It r ,,; , liro but Jn yaln. J' i The Jboyii weio cousins, and no cau'u is lnjwhtoh would seem to show that the luring was anything but accidental, i.Tbia" ia""anotlicr sad warning to boys to VoW'tnaddling with firu arms. Almost k , !!3UKk th Wti coniuin some such sad 1 Vt ul'if'o are now culled on to chionicle, JCaJly. m Lulled on Suuday. .i . -MM l aiHo... I ma m PMR 8 IWB TtlE Sknh in Local News. A ontemporary very appropriately requests that Its niendj throughout tho county furnWi it with tho local news. The argument it mcs aro Mrong ones, and wo hoputhe rcitderjoftho WAN will follow thu advico given, ami for ward us all iteun of public interos'. It c,iy: There is nothing that adds nj much to thu yaliiinl acounty paper as u liberal mpply nf home noys. Nothing i n.lcd t c plM, tills Mil lor Pome perton nfnliturv intelli giico in each ncighbnrhojl to send'tMr pub i.Mtioir whatever events of Iwal Inljrest may trunspire. Many events may happen or local Milorc-t that some persons think not of siifll oicnl (onsequeiico to end for publication! but it is :i pritlygood rule to lay down that wlmiever oyitcs interest among tho pcopla m the ncighborho d is n matter of sufficiem inlcicft for publication in tho county paper. W hatever happens that people arn sure to ".'J.0",1! w,an Hifi' meet, will interest them if they see it in that paper. An unus ually l.irge crop, tho sale of real estate, acci dents ol any character cither to man or ani mals, an unusually largo day's work or tho thousand and one things that form tho staple ol conversation throughout tho country, will contribute to make tho columns of a country paper, interesting and attractive. Send in your items, friends, and all our readers will thank you. On last Tuesday afternoon, as Sheriff Mil lard was attending to his usual duties about tho bain, word was sent to him by his wife that a voung felloA had eutcied tho jail in a complete ttato of destitution, mid with the evident intention of remaining. IIo at once sought out bis new tenant, who was indeed a piliablo object, being destitute of clothing, not having even a boot or fhoe on his feet. Mu received with niduit faiisfarti n Mich nourishment as was offered, but was cither unable or unwilling tu answer any que.-tions as to wl-eie ho came from, or how P ng he in tendul to stay. The Sheriff's wile kindly provided such clothing us seemed suited to his ciicumstanccs, and ho now appears to bo as contented in his new home as though Ik' lived in a palace. L'nlcs the Commission ers turn him out in the cold, ho will proba bly remain tu thu j.itl for .omo (imp. l'olt some days past tho loadi havu bivn in a teriible onmlition, but our fiieiid "C'ooney" (Jirton meets the emergency like a man by diiving threu horos abieat tu his Omnibii'. The mails, despite tin- voids, como ill on time. MfsiCAt. Convkntion. Our Mimical readers will bo glad to know that a Musical Convention will bo held in Ilazlctou next week commencing Tuosda morning llr.- "lb continue f mr days,closinir Fridiy eve ning tho loth with a grand conceit. Ar rangements have been made to entertain sing ers fiorrr abroad free of expense, l'.irties preferring to itay at hotels ian bo ae.-olnodat ed at reduced rates. The terms for partici pating in the convention are fixed at $1M for gentlemen and 50 cents for ladies. Promi nent prol'esiou:il singers have been engaged to sing at tho concert, thus giving an oppor tunity of healing the best music pcr."oimed in an artistic manner. We hope Iilooms burg will bo represented on the occasion, and shosr tho people ol Haxletnn that our Musi cal talent will compare favorably with that of neighboring places. Local Notices. AijsTait Court Mouse Alley has every thing di'si i able in the Musical line. Call on him. Foil Hunt. Having uiuved our printing office to tho third story of the Coi.u.muian building wc han now for rent two fine, com modious roams on the .second story. Imined rSte possession will be given. 2t Notice.- All lhoe' knowing tin niselves indebted to us on Hook account will please pay up on or tielnro December l.i IW.i, or their accounts will be collected by law. Smith Hitos. 0 angevill.', I'.i. Stoves). Hagenbueh, corner of Main St. and Deiwick road has the Lest assoitmcnt of stoves in town, lie keeps -nnstantly on hand all the best known kinds. Tin woik of every desciipliun dune at shot! ii' lice and in the best manner. A largo lot of tin ware on bar.d. 2t Tnosi: who am prudent are continually finding places nheic they can safely lay up n spam dollar or two fioui time to time a.s an investment for the future. Kveir misers show some of iliis prudence Hut a man who is sensible as well as prudent seeks a sale iinestinent that will also prove venumcr alive. 'I ho wisest select Life I nsiiianco and tho most caio ul are very likely to iu.ure in tho Gloiii: Miti'al Life IxsrinxcK Co. of New York. J. II. Itobisnir is tbe Agent at Hlnnnisburg Pa. Had Phactick. You might as well ex pect to relieve and cuio an inflamed eye by dusting irritating powdcis into it, as tn expect to tub J uc uud cure ( 'atari h (which is an in flammation nf tho mucous membrane of tho air passages in tl.o head) by the use of irii tating snuffs or strong caustic rnlntinn. Dr. Sage's Cutanh Iten.edy cures Catarrh by its mild, soothing action, which subdues the in flninmation and rrsttr s the natural secretion nf tho mucous follicles. The propiietor, It. V. Picice, M. I)., ot ISuffalo, offers f SOU -for a case of Catanh that ho cannot cuie. Sent by mail on leeuipt of sixty cents. Addrcs tho proprietor as above. For halo by most diiigHt everywhere. Till: Alabama Claims are now up again fur adjustment, and tin Iliithh government has expiesscd itself dcsiious of tin arbitration Among the claim persistently puwd, me thoo of the ever-present and r.ctivo.1. ('. Ayer it Co., for the value nf shipments ol Cherry Pectoral, Sarsaparilla, Ague t.'uie, and Pills, in transit for Oregon, Vancouver's Island und lttissiau Aineiica, destroyed on tho Amu Schmidt off the iviast of South Ameiica. So uuivtrsal is the usti of their remedies that they are afloat nn almost i-vcry ea ; and this firm is frequent')- caught be tween the upper and nether millstones of con tending nations. Hut they aio known to stand up for their rights, and to git them. ltcpublicaii, Washington, 1) ('. An the Holidays are coming, wj aro mak ing special aiiangemcnts to supply ttrij nne who reads our adieilisemeui, with the must haudsomn and u-cful Holiday present that can bo thought of or wished for, and to en able theiii tn jirocuiu them cheaply and cx peditiously, wo will giro tn any .mo who become out Agent, One Hiuidied rrco Tick ets, eiiuiucratiin; soiuo of the many different ui tides from which you can make your sclo.-. lion of Holiday presents. For returning full clubs fiom thcsu Freo Tickets, accompanied by the, cash, we will give the same extra pivmiuins that wu now give, just the same as If you had paid 10 cents for each una of your Tickots. We wish you to understand that nut any other film in the business can eriupele with us in any way whatever As this free ticket is only good for the Holidays, you must send ill your order bu foro theSOlh of Jauuary,1870. Address Parker & Co., lloslnu, Mass. COLUMBIAN AND Till: ITMVKIWAI. (lav. Wl..ft -t.-tl T I or Holiday lWnts" can be answered bst ' Liiker ,t Co., 98 100 Summer St.. jlosliiii, who have an Itmnrti'O' variety of 1 oh I .v an I -.sdiil nrticl.-. tm h as all kinds ol I-un.-y II mm, Writing l,..k. (1 ovu Ibixe-, Album- in Murium "i.l II. I I I'. I..... I , ,, '"ill llllil ? I binding, ieal Morocco Shopping ll.rgs. I'urrushed llotirulcj, Silver Hate U'are.and nl..y - .Wniptip,,,. ,.Wllrv ;,;,, noiHor iii.j jate.t styles r,f n , lid K0!d, which cannot ho distinguished from thu ical, , , ;., and hundreds or the latest and mot on tcrtaitiinit It.ruLs. Tl.,.i i -. , " .-iti.iv t:'illtailis "li'ioM ever Hung noees.ary H supply tho wants and gratify tlift tastes ol everybody nnd they claim that their superior iacilitics fr buying thuso goods enables them to sell at very much under the regular prices paid Tor such articles. They want Agents every where, to whom they offer most liberal in ducements. Wo call attention to their adver tiscmcnt in another column. Wanted. Farmers, Mechanics, Hook Agents and others. Waecs from !0 tn ?ir,0 per month and expenses paid. Cull upon Win. II. Curran at Kjchangc Hotel, llloom.burg I'a.,on th IS h,20th and 27th of November 18C9. .".t Hemoval. The undersignol would Vm. by inform the public generally, that ho has noved his Diug and Chemical Store to his new rooms nearly opposite the old stand, wbcie hf will bo happy to accouimodalo all, who may call on him, with good and reliable goods in bis line of business. Tli.nilfnl f,r p.i'.t patronage he would nsk a continuance of the nunc, ami auarintees satufaftini. tn nil Main Stieit, west side, below the l'ost office. 'l KiMiitAiM 1'. Lit. Indian Co.WEtir. The celebrated Troupe of Mohawk and Chippewa Indian Vocalists uii'ier the leadership of Prof. J, K. Flan deis, will give oiio o'' their highly popular ami interesting entertainment" in Col.iubia Hall on Saturday Kve. Dee. 4th. Tho Indians will appear in th ir native co-tume ingeniously ornamented with lieads, Silver Ilroocbes, Golden Kaojo fcatheis,Iycd Porcupine quills and all the Piiraldiornalia usually worn by tho lied man in tho wilds of Virth America. Let it bo understood that tho chaiactcr of this euteitainment is strictly moral and leligious. and while they stjdy to please, nothing will be introduced that can pos-ibb! offend the taste if the most fastid ious. (N. H.) As their e. nceit consists of sa cred, secular and instrumental music, they plje- their principal reliance fur patronage on tho moral and religious portion of tho community while the lovers ol harmony nnd tho merely curious will al-o experience a pleasure in listening to the ".simple but sweet vooal notes wild" which are so eharaeteri tic o'" tho red man. Wo would advice our readers to go early so as to procure reals, as the Hall will un doubtedly bo ciowilcd, Doors open at 7 o'clock, exeri'ies to commenc at 8. Admis sion 35 eats AO eents.children under 12 years of nee 2.') cents A fact wctuii KNowiNd, is that Miller A: Wolf have on hand and for sale tho choicest si-lectiou of l)iy floods in town. Mr. Wolf has lately returned fioru the city, with a well cliu-eii lot of the best fabiics the market af fords. A look at these goods will convinco any reasonable person, that their establish ment is the phicc for 1 argaiiis. Their usual fine stock of Groceries and Provisions is fully up to the standard and they are well prcpar od for tho Winter rampaign. Winteii Goods. McKclvy, Neal Si Co have ju't received a magnificent stock of Winter Goods, which they arc prepared to oner at most reasonable rates. The assort incut has been selected with great cue, and embraces all the newest and most fashiona ble styles. Both fino and coarse goods of various grades, suitable to all classes of cus tomers can be fouid on their well filled shclvef. Persons intending purchasing should certainly inspect their stock from mo. lives both of economy and of lusle, us they will rind no establishment in the County m fully picpaicd to give satisfaction. 1 Jilt. K rKKUT, of Northumberland, pro- po.-cs to open a dancing school in Columbia Hall, ll'oomkburg, on Thursday evening, December '.Uh, lSfi9. Jlr. Kckeit is an ao-coiiipli.-h'd teacher and musician, and wi hope he may succeed in getting a good silionl. Light Street MaiI.cIn. Corrected wtf kly by IVIer Knt. w)io!ei,Al- unit relull denier in gruln, flour Tred uud gentm! liierehauillre. Wheat wr linshcl ii l Ityu " " I I'm n - I i, rorn new " " w 1JUCK WliMIl 7" i mis 65 Wheat Flour per luo 1 1' llucic Wlitsit Flour t o I'orn snd OutsChnp y t'l lluin, i yi lluttel- iwl Tj 42 rugs per do,, , i;s Dtiuitotis pr luis ir Dried Apples 2 W KiuuUeit Hide lueul pr Is 12 smoulder ' is Ham " tu Isird n ;0 accoipfsof "XHB COLUlVtBIArj for Oct, 1869. .1 fl Cooley A Co SI) IHI' Daiilil Khlpe J H 7 HI is en .' ) s oj .2 l a 7t CHI a .vi ,i .-,) ,i as it u ttmiiiaou, tlllMuir J II Ileieburd Jones Weuntvr I' llitrlman HlHllkH. Jamt'M Clrlmeu I'.'lliS I'.Ves lai.artlK.V Mm I In t.lttllkk KM It., I blln. Kit I Hel. lmi'l Jnlltl tlinlt I Will lino telll Allien Mil, lib so:, moil Ip.'ss i H Kiibli W II I'm mu .lolni Ilmiiiiut -M II I'ltllersiMi fl! Kid .Iilcob liltel J II sinker .lat'kMiti .v Iketer .1, II l'nuell J i: LoiiKeulierger J M HllUlllser Dstivlllo lustuo As) llllil J W ,M li lllllllllll Hi Allen A- Nee lies I oft ,Wm llnruesi. II iniJII D Wulker n is' .1 SKIIgoie 4Ci t-U,azaiii4 1 infiWiii Iieloiiu i Ni I II llurr A Co. tl alT W Hartley I.', Ifteob I', nebackrr - i1 l'euslce ifi i;t. hi ii a ft II W Moiitcnini.rv n 10 II 0" 1) II .MiiiiIkiiiiii l li t on John i iiiwf..r l . Ml i ,M llt.uiits it "W- llelirt J Yuii'.l 1 In 1 u W r i'oi)iii a ml 7 m .in ivix i'.i I ICi O K lltiblllson 'I Ul '.' On Junu-s Dlldlne I Iti 'iii M Mil'nni 7 il I is4 Fdiiiuiid I'.ysu ! U 4 (m loliii llieUtli .1 si '.' en' I'oliimbia ro. ail 5U :t li fuiiitis 1' I'ii ."0 '.' 8 Lel Ilemely a III II li,'s No-hard k ki David H lln it aim .1 0 A It I'.llt.'IKOII i Ml Htinuel lloweis s no, Horn. Kinu A 1M llenjainlu N'tiss 3 Hi heybeit In 10 MUO Kriinlillu Hull I .Vi, Mlsi.cs Uaiubii A ('nth K. P. Broekway tllobo ins. Co., lleniy lltuey I'. C. Ilmwnfng I'oswell Folk .loitu il, l'reee W. W. Plnneo Win. II. 1.1,-r l'eler Jones S e-ti Ijtke 4 i'f. Win. II. ("iitrnn II Sli NIIHUel II. SihlllU 3 M D. A. Wal.oii il lu 'llohrMelleiiry a It'nUliiehurd llelgtr III 70 V. ll.lJeaihart 1 Out (leoriia Itelnwlek a IH 'A.IItlll'ikleud I O.' .1 in a 11 I 01 Ii .VI a mi II Hi 1 to COIK1II, COLD OH SOItE TIIUOAT UiQtUre immtftllato nttfi.tion iifuiectufu'ii rouiuin uu liuuru- I HUlltt'W'h IIHOM-IIIAI. ritiM'lim I'atjrili, I'lHUuniiill.t- nml Tlinmt UlngeraQiiLl l'liblJoin'iiUcr luo liifiu tu vleur uml mrchgtlieu lliti vokt. UwintE lu Uih KiiiMt Hi'titutl'ii nlul iKtpulHrlty ofthaTioelicH, inun vuulitk nvi lit up luif talloiuart) nllVritl. ultlWi leru uhU fur liotlilnv, Uefcurotn c.ltulu Uiviruu HUOWN'H III UMJIIAI T1.0;Jif. wu Mini viu:h)- Nov, ltf.'CJ-Cm. T till: ISI'Y MOTIih. Kbl'V, t'OLV.MIHA COl'NTV, I'A. 'I lie liliderflsnisl would liiforiu Hie trawlllllir t lilillc Ihal li' Imii lakeit Iheuliuteliuiued etllih lUliint nl and llioriuiulily itillUti die kuitie lor llu ierleel ctiliveldeuee of JilsutUkU. Ic lurtler will l.enoekul villi ll.e l.itt Hie Ululkrl,,nls. The eholeehl lliiuois, wines mid t'lgbiktdwi)k In be found In lilv bar, WILLI AH I'lflTlT. Air.Sl,t-tf Kupy, A J3EM0C11 AT, BLOOMSB U-RGK- GG.WMB1A UO UNTY,PA. RAIL ROADS. JUOWN'S KAMI' FHKIOMT HWM I'ltlLAIll.l.. Ill a 'IK lll,.ji Rlit'i.O. j bii.I liili-riiiriltnlo y ni''(,rsts,.i.ll villi ! i-urHBinr ilisiiuuliun I u, liwn,U. 1 IlllltllB 111 IHl I ..... .. li. ItliiiiV? iV Vii , M"M' imm Ml tii', V,1. M-rt" ... 'AllliA i.OIUNHItN, l'miTli'lorn. Aiu. sncur. k. ii. Depot, nioot.i.r.i.i I M KavVaN.NA aMi (iLul)W.-. IJ m'lUI ItA.l.lltlAl" (iii.iii.lllJt.Mj uiii,i.-i, , l'wugor liolu h Uin us imIows; Cluing North. OnlngHoiiH, Arrlvr Arrive tnvi. Lo.ivt p. in. . tn. p. rn. fl. In. eiisnloii. Il.4" lrf!lVP 07 . a.ln i&l .() 0.38 LIS 8.W Arrive 0.2S I 'lllKtmt . 11 Ifi Idft, Mi . s.r, S.I0 71 fi..-,'J J.W n.T (US 7.IU 7.SII 8.-JI v.m Arrive Klnirstou H... 11 v rm.,1 1 1. . . tt tit rtlileksldiiny...',' 7.1S iierwieK Itloom M ma Danville 6.2.1 l.enve irtli'd s.t.l Leave s.tu U.IC. trnln fnr l!ml llli, A ...V.. .IT'i ail pbiuia NonliT lSt mVifwe.t. ' ' ' li. 1. HUUiSII, Hllp'l, PHILADKLPMI A ANU KIUK IIAII.UOA!,.- W-rNIUIt AltllANeinMF.NT. v.. uuu nin, aiJ.lL. I, .Illy, 1 Jill Iftll, IUB I MlltIM 11,1 tllj. ll,lla,lat.lilu At.'., a, full ,..., run s liilluwHi wiwTW.Mtn. MAIL TKAIN leaves I'lillHilelplitn (i.ljp.m. " " " Niirilmmlierlaiid...5.aiu.iu. " urt. ut Hrle vn.. ... Ultlr. HXl'lltHH leave, lMlnilelplila....ll.T(' airHtirlo i.i.m tl.lIIHA MAIL leiu'es I'iilliViV"li)i"ra'."'.'..7M)n;m " " " Noitird " rr. kI Lurlc Ua en.....7.V0 p.m' HAST W A UD. MAILTUA1N Icavos Erie " " " Nortird " " uri.l.t IMiIIii,1mIi,IiIi. K.-W n.ln .....11.10 ll.ui ..... C.'.D a. la lilttK EXt'UISsN lenve.s Krle... p.m 6.115 ll.ui, " " " Nnrt'il ., , .. nir.uirhllivlelpliln Mull nlul KxprcHx uuuntetii Willi Oil Crrcli nuil Alleglieny Ittvtr Itsll Itoad. tlaKgnito cliveknl tliroiiiili. A. I.. l'VLKIt, lleueriil Sui-si'luteiiili'lit. VVtlllulilHtirt, JUAUINO HAILUOAU. WiNl'r:ll AllIlA.NHKMKNT. Mo.siiANovoiiIiKn i-.ii 1S6J. Uieal Ttniik I.1uh itoni Hit, Norlli und North W iiillur l'ldladelplil.i,New Vurk, Ite.itiliii', l'otln Vllle, Tillinuiilii, AnIiiuiiU. SlitlliKilclu Lebilllnn Allciitiiwn, liiKluii. l:,lnnti,, i.ltiy, Ijii.euhter, Culuiuhlii, iLe., Trutns leave ll.illlnliliru li,i New York, as l'rtl- IllWH! Al a."l .j.:e Hll,l S.l I . in.. I -J, tn,, nll.l 'l it .etl,iei.tii.,eiiuueelltiii Hilli nllnllur trains on the I'ii. KullHMtl, uiu iiiriMuu in New Yoi li at 111,15, tt.m., A I'.VJ", rn a ,!)", .:'.- i ly.oo p. in. u 11 J i',.il n.ln le-pi-i'llvrly. Sileeplnmuimiiiulil puny ,UieL',:) n. in , .m. mill lojin. tr.ilnx wniiDiii eiiuiiKe. Leave lliirrintiiiiu n,i Keudllis, rottsvllie, Til liiaiiua, Mlnersvllle, Ahliniil, I'lue Oroe, Allcntown A I'lillu'd. in u.ia. & i,, Nliipplunl U'ljiiiion unit prliu-ipal way sllllliillsilliel.lCMil.tllltlllilaktlie emiiei'llollH Inr IHillsvllle ulitl .iiltinblit iiul) For I'utlsvllle uin.'ii uuu Aiiliuiu, vlu r-ilmylklll mij ntlstiut'liuliliM ILillliiail. liiLU- Hittrlsliintr ut .J.lii ii.ia. Iteiiiriiiiii:: Ltuvn New Ymk ul y.ijo .... i..uviii.,.iuii.v,inuu c.m l.lll. l lllUUiei- ptilu ut S.15 a. in, mid :r.:i'i p. in. Hlveping curs HCeutliiiuuy tlltt U.utl u. in.. iiihIu.U1 mill s imn.m.. trullis iiiiiu N.Y.illtlioul ihuhKe. Wuy fusseuaer 1 1 i.i u it-ii, en ru i uiu ei in in lit ...Ml U.IIl.,colluei'lltl!! Willi slnilliirlriiluoti Kust l'n. rnllruud rnunilii.' 111)11, UlUllllDIllt ti,.Ul.lll Htuplll! Ut "II kllllltillM liniu 1'oilkvllle ui.Viu,ecii.iii.,uiiii'J,s5p.iii.bliuinii kluut 't.toiiiiil ln511. in., Ashluiitliit 7,ci ii.iii und I,l llllllll llllllHiUU bl It. ill., mill V',JIJ ,t, m lor Plllliidelpli'iU, and New Yolk. Leuw 1'iiili.vtlle via s-cmivlklll ntnl Siusnnp. luinnu Hultioad ut s.r, a.m. lor Ilarridburt;, uud U,:ii u. in., lur l'liieifiiise and Tieiiiout, He:tlliij At-tiitiiiii,Ktutliili Trulli leaves iteiidlna M 7,1-J n.iu., rotlirulll !, avts I'lillitdell Ulu ul 5,15 p.m. l'olt slum u ActtiiiiitiiHlulliiii Tlilludtues 1-iiltH luwii ul ti,i,, returnlny, loaves l'tilladelplila ul p.m. ejnluiublu Kadiuud liuitis lcue ritudini- at ,i.j it. in., uuu u-i, p.m. inr r-pitruiu, 1.1UZ, LHlucnS' let. Uiiluiilliia. Ae.. IVrkloiut-ii Itill Htuil Trains leave I'erkloiuc-u .uuu nun in y.iu u.tu., una u.uu p. in. llerurulu Leave hklppitt k til s.15 n.iu.. mid l.iK) n.m.. enu necltiiu Willi similar liutn ou Ueudtns ltallroud. On Kunduyn, Iciive New Yoik ttlS.uu imii., l'lill phlal sm a.m. mid , '1,15 p.m., Hit, s.eou.m. train mill' fitiiy in mumiiK; loiisviue e.w n. e. A. NICOLLfS, Cjenerul litrerlnlendent. it'-.'.itlliif, Pa., Apr. 1M ls-ti-i. riAT'AWISSA UAIhltOAU-On auel J ufler MUX DAY. Sen. II. IMifl. l-usseiii'er rralnitnii rbe C'uluw lssn ltiulloud will inn ul tbe following iiauieti JKiurs: .Wtllf Xotth, STATIONS. WlllbtlUS10ll Muney. WathOlllOU 11. Muil Vo.-ti Arr, G.oOp. in. Uep. Mtb.ui " U.11 Ml " lc.05 " IH.Ii " " 11.0 ' 11.17 " " I'J.' p.m ii.'. s l.US - I'eil, IViS, " 4M ' " t.l'J 1 " 1 ;U'i 1 a..t " .at ( ' 1.41) Mllllill. ll.lllllle. Hlllelt. I 'lllitwtskli. 1 Hlnjjtotvll. ' Sllliililll. ' l)ll.lkllkt. t.. Muliony .Iiir.p. 1 Tuliiinitlu. lain.-. ' " I. Si " 2. It Illne 1. 10 " Pl.4.) S.I3 " ueuiuug. I'blluileliihlu. t To New Yolk VU. Iteud' 1 InK or Muiicli Chunk. An I'.li 0.2 1-nim New tiru via. t Muueh Chunk. I as; NoChauno ol ealK between Wllllulusport untl J'liliuilelplil.l. uut. V.uu ouyi. NORTMKllN CKNTHAL UAH WAY. On mid utter Nov. 151b lst,ft, TruiliM wl I leave NoiuiiiTuitKiii.AMii tn uiIIown : NOKTHWaIVI). 85t a. m. Dull; In Wllltuttii-riiirt, (except Sltudity) tor ljliutru, I'.iiimiilalniiH. ICoebebier. llutlulo mism'iim!i!i iti'iiixe, uuu r. ruiiit. 850 i. M., l)ull , (ext-epi s.tiiiiliiyn) lor Kluiiiu ami llutlulo vlu l.rle llullwity trolu Klmlni. .5.H p.m., Dully, iejiepiHuuilu)ii) lor Williams- lion. TUA1.NM MUUTllWAUD. IIWS A. Al. Dally (except .Vlunduy's) lor Ualtliuoie WILMINGTON AND l'HILADCLl'HIA. 11. la 1M. Dully (exeept Sltmlity'Ml for ll.llt llliore WushliiKlon und Pnlliidelplile. Hit. 8. YOUNd, Uenerul I'ltssener Aireul. Al.rill.Ii II. I'ISK K, li'i-li'l Stlpl.. DKl.AWAUK, LACKAWANNA, & WFJSTLItN HAII.UOAD. Sjiimiiier urr.mse iiient, Apr.o.lw.. ' TiuliiM leuvo as loiiows: uniir.tini, wr.STW.iiin. i:.x. Ac- pressleoin. Kx. iJlull pi ess I Kl'ATIONS. Mall Via .M. A I . DIvli. A M, All New York. Lv u la ! 4'l ! y 2t Uhot iluitwy .St.) ...t.'brlklopher M,H... lloLokeu Ntwurk ... Witsbltif-lon S.ull S.S5 H.m S.M1 u nn nam) u ijiialioj VS.., Ceil, llll, of N..I. .... -New Yolk iVbGf .ifcer.l 'o ."4i I a.:uj u.iio 11.15 If I ' I i.isj ...Ntw Hiiliiptoli..... Oxfoid 11. is It ru ,7 au U.S.-.! I i ?."!' 7 en 1 lltiii 5 IiS 11. 'it 't Kl, l LIS) 5 L-l l.t II 'ID. IT 5 ul iii.::i lirllliievillo ....I'lillatlelphta , .Ircnioii. , l'lillUlisbUlg .luntinka Chunk... DeliiiMire ....Mount llelhel Wilier liiip ......MItilldfchlllg f-iol I S.I7I 1 H.iis; 1210 7 ".. ia,a.i 7 oe a.s.j's (xi 12.5 1H l.eii t Vi: i ;iu.a-U li h I I'M.; r-l'iauueviiu' Ill-ill) Vllle. Oakland I-oiks .Itithaiiuu fltvll iIsIimio &l .mil. 1.25 s ia l.ia .iiil 2.tiui aai ti a.'u u KM -1 a ,ii.i). oaa win set S.15 S.'t ha i.-i ii u a. Ut ?(S A 3.-0 11X n, 1.12' I-II1 II H i.:i. ia a ii r".'"."lidiinlnJtSjja Hi r-t iiiiiit.ii , . Clarii'k Suiniiili, ...Atlll.loll ...Fut'li'l,. vlllu Nil'lioboti ... . 1' 7.-S' i 7.11 H..VI i.'t-i Ill til oil, till ..Is 5.1U tii ti.2 ' t-.l" i .'MU, .A.M.' MulitltiM- New 31IIIOHI,... ,(lli at HciiiI... CoSNri'TIONS. At New llaiiipton.u tih I'cnUul 11. It. of New Jersey.lor New Y'ork,bllalH llilria!uiejd,souu 1- Hie, i:astou, At. At Washington, with Harris Lsnex It. It., fur Ni w Yoik,i.'t.wurli,.Moirlbiown,ioM r, llaikettk til II, laikton, Ac. Al Mi.maiUu Ciiiink wllh l!tlldere IHluwure II. I'., for riilluilelhblu, Tlent l'hllllkbliris, LaiiiotitNllle, riiitllpkburg. Alst laiiion, wllh lutt'kituuiina iS l.loomsbiirg 11. it., for riltkiou. Woinlli;, KltigMtoli, Wl'kek burle, Dulivllle, Noilhuiiilierluiiil, dr., ulso wllh DeluwuiuA Hudson II, ll lor eilyi'haut, Atrh buld, uud Culbuiidale. ( At (li t ut liend.ulib Krle Hull way, for niugham tun, nimlru, I.iiIIhIo. Iih.teu,, isrnciue, and Hit- Weil. W.y, HALliTf AD.Hupt. Ii. A. JlKNItY. (Jen, 1'iiss. and Ikr. Auoul. A. M. IllVINK'riOltKAT INDIAN M K 0 1 0 J N E. e'sr.n ran iioiietiian itiiiii ii:Al. imikiim.i.nv Is r he most kui'.tkkluliiifdlcl!it yet discovered for the cure of DjsiapkU, Ller Coinplaliit, Kidney DUeuke, Ague Fetr, and dUru-u of Luugs.aiid Uiiiudetmlrtly of HOOTS AND M1CUU.S. One dose 1U eoulnco any olie, liu glt'k 11 a fair lllal. No falnll) Nhould be without II, It In itkloiiUbllig Hliiil emeu It bun eltectetl lut'eiltleulid ilrtulcriel, tovtli.l.tpM. utko lliiiillngilou, uml allele It him been liked, sluie hut kiriug. 1'tople who have been liltllt'led with Ihu above dUtusek fni the lull flltt en y uu.wheli no I'byklelaii could uueh their tuku are now cured uud health) by lining ho II 111 'AT INDIAN MKDICINK It bus never railed I,u lire Acne, Yetr and Iai. rilligeinelll of tl.uhtoliiuell, t liopn all lbu are illllrttsl tvlth thu alutvu J.ilin Kill apply for tlltt greut INDIAN MIUU. CINK wlilth cull 9 hud ul A. II, UtVlNKSi MtdlcliicHiore In Light snrcel ('oliiuibiii county l'u.,orof Ids ceiierulsstnr , II, (l.'IIDNI It. Agi-nU wanltsl 'Jlils mtdiituo Is pmuir'd tiitly b . A. 11. IKVINl:. May 7.VJ- r Light hire.-!, I'm. JOB I'ltJNTINO JN COLOltS, Nfttlly exicutt '1 at Uils otllco. Spocinl Noticos, JVo do not to Inform eu. r ulir. Hint llr. V oniierlul, nrsnj til h t it.nn, linn! me.l i remedy Ibid enresCi.ntitii4leii. w t n Hip lunxs en wherberof mind, btnlv or entnur make men live forever, nnd leiiietfiuli In pi te, or Want of work, nnd lu ilnilKnul lotinnkeay r ublunnry sphere a lillufnTihriidlitf, to wb ntirilcaveii If. silf iball Leliut a (lite kliow. Ykh ave board enouBlinf Hint kind olnliiiinbut'eou lind wo do 5 " "",'. " vei.y .miry, oe nccomo dlmu-leil wllh It. HuilMlien I leli llmthat Dr. Hnao's Cntarili Heine, y will p,M mrotbe n.-in. iiwi-vi uiiiiiii j tuny nMUVCiy Wlllcll ttwiusantls run lti,l fr t.i. 'iiv it rt t;n(.viti eonvliiced, I will iu t-'ln llmnnd jruicaseof Cnt.nrli that I (annul cure. Fort ft.i.K iiv ici nttyatiisTs kveiiy- IVircK O.S1.V jl CENT'. Sent bv mull Mm! lutld tor klvl... a..i.l- parkunes S2.UO. or one dozen for i'vitt. u. n.t n cent mump lor Dr. Hugo's pampbln nn catarr ' " ...If 1 1 1 . ii''iiLi;,ji, rvii . .v,i, ..-..,. I1UI KAMI, n. Y. Willi ON I A UKLIAIlIiK CUIIK J. FOItDYSiPhl'slIA IN TH K KNOWN WOULD. .',.;,U!"'' "'"euv.iniencan Dynpepsln l'liu y'll1,,1 IbeTrcoTurcordNlaieo posltivo and In lalllblo cure fordyspcimla In Its most asara voted form, and no mniier urium- ii., Ihey pcneliale tho mtret abo ieof this terrible dUease, and exiennlnnle It, toot und brpneh. iiiit'tur They alleviate more ug.iny uud kilt tit mirroring thnn tonsue can tell They aro noted for curing tbe most desperate, nnd hopeless eases, w)ien every mown means uiu iii ituoni rritei, vn ... .1..... -.1 I.. i .... , . ., . . ' l..J11 iiunr lllulKesuoit call ll'SISl rhelr pe uclrutlmt power. DH.WISIIAHT'H l'INK Tltntl TAIt COItHIAL , i I'liiieiiiio in tno i'ino lrr, nb tiilne.1 by n pecnllar process In the distillation of Iboiar. bv which its highest medical properties nreictaincd. It invlitorales the tllKestlvo organs ?M..rl;',1i"'","""1PI.''lllt'' .Hslrenglhetis tirade b llluled system. It purifies ami enriches tho blood, andexpels from tho sj ktcln theebrruiitlon Which feerolllia lileeiU on tlw. in.ii.a T, .1lu.'..t..nn Hit! liieans ol phlegin which Moiwtho air fiassu. ffs f tho lungs. Its healing principle acts upon . -iii-it in iiieiuugs unu mi oat, lien- eiialliiBtneat hillst iised pin, relieving pain and subduing luiliimmittion. It Is the result of years of study ami experiment, and it Isoiroied to tho iimleled nlih HikltIoassur.ineeof lis power to rure tho rollowliiKdi-eiises.irihopalleiit has not too long delayed it lesoit to Hie means of cure: tonsuiiiptlou of tbe Lungs, Cough, Mora Throat, nml llrensl, llroiichlil,, l.lvir Coitipbiliil, lliioj nnd Hleeilliig l'llet. AHlliinu. Wboonini! t'onoi, litioii.irin a,. ' - " ' A medical expelt, holding honorable collect itt, M alllVlll. B lit J I till... , 1 I ..T..I.. ":i ....... ...n. . ...i.u ..uiu iu i uu eAuiiiui utloii nrputlontsat the otllee parlors. Associated wllh him arotlireeennsiiltlugphtslt'litiis of nc- llliOU leilueil i-mlimiipn irl,,.n tiithepubllc rns:noi't Hiiioi. 'ii. iipioiiMniiy is oueieti ny no oilier insii. lutloti In the country iidvb'C. will be liroitiutly ntui ..r.itiiltiiiiisK' e,.. j,.-ii(.iB iiiiiuiiii,v purL in mo couniiy, asking iiiled lo. Wheie eoucenteiit, rcinltliinnoi klioultl tiiuu the khupo of. DllAFTrt OU rO-tT-lirFIUH OltUI.It''. liilmnlU'l.tiiii1. A.. ....... l it box. Menl bv mall on receipt or price. "' '.'sliait's I'lnoTreeTiir Cordial Jl.Hn All eoriiniuiiteulltiiiskhotilil bo addressed. L. CJ. C. W IMIIAUT. M. ll ... ,, , No. aiaNorlb Setsiud flreet. Oil. '.'.iin-lia. I lilluilelphla. JJ-WK, UKAlJ, AND I.KAKN, THAT THK Urrat SliOhlionccH Kemcily 1 OV THE rKI.FIUlATKn 1MI1A.S UH. JaEWIS JO.SIIKI'IIUS, of Inedlstlngnlklied Tribe of 8hOKlionees,Colum .. ."J,',,,uO IS IHIW lilt Nll III 1110 uuiou. I tils all postering great Indian remedy. Is war- ... ..(.lUM 11U L-1II,11U1C J.lllgllltgP, we -' .-t .cm uihiii ii, leuuo it per- miinent euro of all diseases ol the Throat, Liingt Lier, Klduevs, Dlgesllvo Olgans.etc.. ns well usscrouin, mo various mm lipases. Humors, met all diseases arising from impurity of tho lilonil MX emit 1 1,,. 1 1,,. I I.I..1 u u ... ' ,,"..i- . ini.Rci,. suiiniiiiiiiiiiiii, hero litis gteut lemedy has btenlu iiso It has linked ellt-cted boiiio of thu most, mnr- .... . . .. , 1'iiiiimi ill lite UllllltlH or lllfctoiltal uiiillcllie. Sjlleh being I ho caso In iid.llilou lo lu former lenown in Col unibla Territory wo defy humanity to dispute tlie tact Ibattlils tiitat riliosiionees Uometly is mu leiuriij m iHiuetneN oi iop rj'n ceniiuy. ami I hi, irreiitn.1 li.ii. ,.A.Ini.ln, ,)..,,.. C ;. - , i- (ii mi. it .ii Kit ii er lllg humanity. li Ira on lie llemedy In largo pint", 11,23. .Maiiiifueliiieil by Dr. Voung a llros.. ut flyra ease, N. Y. Fur Mich) nllilculorsln Jledlclne, in lllooms burg, I'ii, ACTI'AL (I RH (IP M ItOl'lT.t AND CON SUMPTION, I1Y tiii: ORRAT SMOSMONEES REMEDY. . Geneva, N. Y., 1SS9 l.i. oL'Nn A lino, I dt'klroio inform you that the mar-flous rlltcts of tho Clretu )-hoshoiiees lteinedy lu our isiully have In en greater than any one could hav e expeeted. My daughter was mulcted Willi (sfiorulniis Consumption, and had an open Seioiulous rit evon Hie neck, mo hud a bad Cough, Puln in the Lung and hcvetu Nljht Sweats, hiio exptiioriiled much Mucous and HttMMl, had no nppetfte, nnd was greatly exhaust, etl. She wits not uble lo gettail even tor-hurth for mmo lliun a j t ar she wu minuted by phy sleluus, unit look Co.I Liver oil lor nearly two ytnrs, but hi 11 1 eoutlmio I to kink, and the doctor ut last Mated thst reeovery wasoutlif Iho ones, tlim.uutl thul all het'tnild tlo was to icllevu Iter Mlli.Tlngs; we fll Ir exjn el (si her deulh, but were pritMntiitlutly liidiietsl to Irv u boille ot Iho l In at Wiostionecit lleiuedy, and, tho etlects being so nnrketl, weofcouiM toiiilnuett its use; sbo has taken six bottles, and Ihu Ulcer on the neck, the 1 xpecroiKtlon ol Wood, tbe Night sweats, rough, lit blllty. Ac., have nil disappeared, und ktriMige towiy she lias actually o,iiltu lecoNcrcd her toimer health. My nit eo Hutu Hlinlru Is aim Inking the Hem edy for Dysiieps'ii wllh good Itcfullk, Tho dis covery ol Mich a eiucily is what has been long needed. Willi (irutetlll llegards. Mils. II. P.ftTAtill. MAI'K 1 III' TlisTtMONt 01' Tllfi l'.KV. llll. It IS.MM'. I uiu will uuiiialntid wllh Mrs, Mogg, hnd her daughter, ho bus ttsetl thessliosboiiets Hcmodlt and cuu lektlfy lu tie fullest manner lo their high khltiilltig, an 1 to the lellabteiiess of their testimony. JAMLS ItANKINH. lienor of.-M. I'eli i k Cluireli flueva, N. V, All Druggl-un-ll tli Iteiuedy at 9I.2.1. rjMIE t'HEAI'FST AND DEtiT 3IiACK AIPAOA now mi.m TACitiurii is tiii; njnr.i.n wiiip UIU) TJOX JlliAXJ) to bo found nt the popular dry goods store ol tbe und( rdgned where everybody buy their SILKS, D1IKSS UGODI, I'PR, SHAWLS, IIOSIHUY, (ILOVIW, ,',I'JC. and any thing thul Ihcy usui In Hie line nf dry goods, M. P. LUTZ main sTitnp.r OlM'O.SITK THE COURT MOUfsE. CLOOMBEUIIO, FA. Nov. l.'.'iri-if, JUROHn OF YOUTM. , gt nil, uimi wl omllcii il fur ) , ,ir from Ner. VI US lit bi I y, Pit linilliie lllrtij. utlj nil lbn el- let is nt . mil l ml li.illsi it Uuu, will, for sike nf nil ill I II K. I llilinilll,, , no 1 1 ee in uu v no i.ecii it, ti eieteipt m.d uiu ellniikfor making lhe simple, iiuiiilj b ttliicli bu vi.uiund sjuiiuierswlkblng In i rtr.r by rl.e i.ilM'ii..ti's i-SKili-rico, can do so 1 ttlditssli.g villi Jsrltt t coiifldeutn. JOHN It. tuiilr-v No, IJCnlur sliver, New YurV. i.taiy rAN FJ'.D. '1(1 ALL OUT op HM T I lilojinini.we would ray that whot wikav In oiler sou in no new lidng or expeilineul, i.s those wiiu l.uie folluivedlt inr years will tckilfy. Ve can pioie, tnyou ihiijyoii tire luioloiuakt, inuiie faster Hihu i ou can III any uthei liuuorublo liUkine.k. Nn gieut talt nl, anil but little money IdlUlRd to Hurt, IIAHCLl Y A CO., i. e.PJ Airliptreet.Phlliidclphla. Nov, ifi.'OSm. ' Jmmm -fc---.t-.-frt.-x Fountlties. gllAHPUCSy & II AH.MAN, IAIILS. Sllt.tlil T AMi SUM I At ft i:l0 1101'. H-.nVlIfA PLt V(VllOI.jsAI.I; ii'1 RETAIL TI1S I l.l SllltATMl oSidsK ih'o ns M A.-tn nt lll'riov "w!iiib!5l nr.AM 'li'tKli, Citsiliitrsnnii Pi, tit irk fnt rf'falriiiKdlJ'sitives". A i kliolMif or Iron iii-fun tintd,i loonier iii'ii iii-rt iiouee. i II I'. rtHAHI'LW AT.t-ItAItMAK, I . ii-siiiiia, , u. I'jtiprienirs. lnr In ' I'lf. J ),-. ( jTI ) i: V K I II Jl, , is a uoKAii moy. wtmiv.s BILLMYEH it. IIENKIt!. 1 be subscribers respectfully call the attention of the business community to their Works sltua ed on the L. 11. It, It. abnvo the Dejiot. nt, oo inn vn a pa. I'tirNDr.UM, MAtlllNlftTis AND IKON SMITHS. M A N U V ACTU It H It H OV Hlentii llnglniK, llnileis, haw ami (lrit-Mlll Jluihlnery, Hhaftlng, l'lilltya nlul Hungers. They also make all liindsof Tlirrslilnx JIaelilncs of Hit- iniikt approved patterns and thnCelebrattd Montiose lion Ileum Flown, (3ook, l'arlor. liar- room and Work-shop HTOVKS. Healers and a full S'sorlment of Fire brlrks. and castings con stantly on band for repairing Stoves. Heversl difTeient sizes nnd designs of Cellar Urates. They aro also prepared to furnish Cur Wheels and Axles for lllumi purposes and Ocncral Mining castings. Iron and Ilrass castings for every de scription of Job work. Agricultural Implements made and repaired. Particular ntteution given to tho lepatrlng of all kinds of Heitpcrs; extra parts on Itnnd. Juno l'.'CO-tf. QltANOEVIIiliH FOUNDRY, .MACHINK H1IOI' AND ACHUCL'LTUIIAL WOHKB. Tbe undcrslcncd desires to Inform his rriemu and tho nubile generaAy, that ho bus rebuilt and enlarged Ids I'otiudry nml MuclllnoMhop.nnd re' iiiuituuii ma uuMiiesk ituiu i.igtiL nireeti to luo obovo turned place, wliero lu conuec'.lon svlth his r'uundry ho will eoutluiie to manutacture Wheeler's Hallway Chain , Horsr-roivrr and Thrrslier, (Improved), Cttrutll's Patent, TIlltKHliKIt AND CLUANHIt, ellher oveihhot for Tread-I'ower or under dint Willi Lover-Power. Ha uImi manufactures to oitler and Ills up all kinds ol at i ii ii o i: a it i n o , Circular sjnw Mandrels, Patent Klldes fur Saw Mills, tho latest Improved Iron Ileum plows of tllllereill klll'l.l Wooden Ileum Pious, Double Coin Plows, nun Plow Points of every descrip tion generally iisrdthioughout the county. IltON KHTiLESj, llliLLS Cellar drater, Siovcs.Med and Bleliih Soles, and In Met evcrj thing gvnernlly mnt'otiin country I oundry. lliosu wishing lo pun liar i Muchlnes Would tlo veil lo examine Ida nu thlu is, and tne linprovelneuts inntleon the powei.u Thleh at U'l'kt an per rent, ol the Iriction la ruaeil on. Al L MAl'lUNl'Si Alti: WAItltANTlHl to glvegooit stitlsrutlon mid terms made to suit liureliustls. All kinds ct et unliy prodtico 'alien lu exehunge lor PloiiMtiid tusltns. Thiilikful to tits lilent ntnl palions for past favoli, bo Would Nltll i onlititie to HOliidttliauiiif, WILLIAM SI IIL'YLi:it. A.r.ll,0J.f Orallgevlllo Pa. Stoves and Tinware. N KW STOVK AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH IIAeiKNIIUCH, Main Stleit one door above H. Mcndtlihall's Siloie. A large assoillutlit of stoves, Healers und Ilnuges t ouktantly nn hand, and lor kalo nt the lowest l litis. 'I Inning in all lis branches earefullyatleiideiUo, and satnthiftion eituriiiile,il. Tin work of all Minis wholesale aod rttull. A iriai is itiueMfil.'J tf gTOVKci AND TINWARE. V. 11. HH1T.UT onnnunces lo bis friends and customer thai continues the above busluesk ul his old plat enu MAIN STItELT, IILOOMbliUItU. C'U'.touiers liiii beaeromtHluted with PANOY STOVIM of llll kiuds, sioveplpeu, Tinware, and every va riety or article fottntl In a Stove Mill Tlnwure Ms tHbllshtuenl lu tbet-ltlek.illid on Hie most retihoa- abie tertcs. ItepulllngdoDeut IhealmrteHt notice, X IK17.KN MILK-PANS on bund lor sale. N EV STOVK AND TIN'bHOl'. o.w sjain sraKKi, viriiii.i ornisirK milvm' Hismr;, III.OO.MHIII'IIU, PKNN'A. Til!' r.liderslglieil hiikjlist lilted up and nptnett 11. l nrw STOVE AND TIN SMOI', 11 tills phi! e, where he is prepared to inuke 1111 uewTlN WAltnol all kinds in his tine, and ilo repairing tk4lb ne.itiiekk and dlsputcli, upon lhe most reilkonalib' lerniH. He also keeps oil band STOVl'.SOl' A11I0PS PATrilltNb ASTYI.I, which he w ill kt-IJ 11 nob It mis to suit purcluiserit (Jive him a call, lie Is a good mechanic, and deserving of the public pattounge. JACOil MKT2. Hlraiinsburg, Arirll 20, S07. Dry G-oods, Groceries, &c. J, I'.R I'M AN DISK NO'llC'li IS IlLIiaHY (HVKN To in) iiiendsuiid ttierublle strermlj. mil all kinds of DRY OOODS, (JROCKRIKsj, til'EENSW ARE, NOTIONS, M, .1 ,, cmihmntjy on Jiuttl nnd Inr salt AT HAHTON'" OLD STiMl s Pi ooM.srim o, i.v JA.tU'.S K. HYPIt. 9d'AI", Sole Agt ut ut r' I'uuSl 1.A1K of IMS'. Ijirge lot ci.nstiil'll rn I end. Ilebs't.7. Q N K K r r F ) NK R Y The ntiJeiklgiie-i iv.iuM ,tts'c:tiiitl Miintuinte tnthe public ihu! It hay opeiiMl u nilSI -Class- I'OVl'H.TIONI.IiV STOKK III the oi. Hiring i.tleit nceupleil 0 i'nx A Webb vi lice he Is prepared In furnish all kllldk ol PLAIN A t-ANCt CANUltX, I ItllNI'll t'ANDIKH, t OIIKIliN A HOMK-STIC PIUMTS, .V UTc. It A I -1 Nn. .M '., A t '., A ( . Ill l,' II li 1. S.H V I, K OK ItKVAlf., Ill hhorl, a lull akNiiiliiic.. ol all gissls in bis llu,- ol business a gii.l ail, Iv ot DO L l,S, TO V M, A . ., suitable tor tbe llolidnjk. ullelttloli given to II It K A It V I.' . OA Iv IIS, OI all kllltta, llesli er da. ell iini m as- o .i ii i r: ., .' IIHI'M i- I . V s' illclltil ,lli is 1 11,111 Inn MillenoryT Jcs IA7AV. RARKl.F.Y ha juh t tinned rit.m Pmindt Iphls, uud has I'oivthi. unit iw now littering lhe beet assortnienl ul 1ANCY UOODH, TIUMMINOS. liuNNL'.XAc. 4u, evei e xhllilted In Illotiiiii-biiig.rtud Is pupsiedlo make up il tents ur.dull other unhid of female wardrobe, al shoit notice, and In tho best and LATHKT SI-KINO STYLUS. Itoains in the Ramsey lltilldiiigs, on West MalnStiect. Call and nt arled stock id Spring Hoods. May I, 'OS. X"STRA Y.-OAMK TO Til E PR KM XjIscs ot tho undertlgneil In Cent o township, ubout too Sih ot November, Isi.n, u HHll'KIt, eol or lllatlt, with white bead und tip of tail, ami about 8 mo, old. Tho owner will please call, prove propeity, ray charges, and lake II away prH will utile i wl-ei bo dlspnsed orucesirdlug lo ' Nov. an,'till-:it LKVI ItHAIKLY. rjiO CONSUMPTIVES. 'II.eAdveillser, bin lug bs.ii iisinred lo liealih In a lew weeks, b ii verv simple leinedv. after having sitilcicd seerul jiurs wllh n severe lung ulli'ttloii,and Hint til mil tilseuse. nnsiiinpilon Is anxious to make known In bis lellnw-kuib'r-crs the metiiis ot cure. To nil Hht) ill sire l, t c will send ucopy of the prescription used (fn oof charge,) wllh iliedlrei ilonsfi r preparing nnd using l!v mine, which ihcy will llnd il fclneCtiie fur Cousuniptloii.Aslh lmi, llroncl ills etc, Tim nbjett of the adver tiser, tu sen ding the Pttlst-rlptloll la lo lieuellt tlieiillUt tea, anil sileuit iiifoimullou whlili he eoucelvt-M to be liiuluiible; uud l.o holies etety sullen i' will try blsituiuay, as li will cost them tinildug, anil may prove u blotting I'.iill.s wishliig iho prtise'rlpllon, will pltuso udditkk ItK. 1.HWAI1D A. W'llAlN. 1V,.'.,ll."lul"lr'-'. KlUBSiiiuiily.Ncw tuk, Nov, M, Ul-ly. WANTED.-IW) Fahmehs' Kons r,'.', ."-'! "i'.'f T" "ul "r "i.lo)iii,ni, e.o make from 175 luliiuiariiiont h, fiom now til next Hprlng, by addit-sslng HaIICI. Y A t" I. Novac'taum, '"' '""'.""-"'ipuU 1 A I'll!) Ik .- ieu-i i sine, it jf Sn"lK r.i KilAlll lAiill'M ' ntl-MW, .w -ii i-ww iw'riiyrgs.ii'nskifaw,.iij Miscellaneous. K A 1) V M 1 H. , A ' A II I S V MORRIS' k r. 1: 11 n 4. . p. 1, I ' E R l''K( TED HI' El TA Ol .KS, ASIi'KVB OLASslis.-- tine tiftbeflifrt will beat llie'st'oic of llffrf Agent. air.ffc a:' d;"v K'n'h," ' ' STATION lilt, 4 1 ni.ooM.siiuita j'A., One day 1 ly, 1'rldai N'cnibr 5, lstSI. lln intends forlliopiirKrtornsntltig iiut , 1). Webb In fitting thn rja lu tllmcnlt or unusual eases. lliosesiiir.iili.f;;roiu Imiwiictl or dheased vis Ion uu- leconimcndcd In nvnll Nionistlves oftbls opporliinlty. ot lt sPl:CI.fLIS AND nvlieiLAsisLN'AltH M KNowLHDunii to nn tiii: MOST PEHKHLT nss(,tniitetotjliteier maiiufacluretl, nnti tun always bcullcd upon us naotdlng perfect eo hnd tbtntortwtillestringthenlrignhd preserving Ibel.'yes iirjst ihoronghtyr Wo takeTiiuhlon In nollfy iho Public Hint wo employ no pedlars, nml to cuullon rgslust those pretending to buve our goods for sale. O't.v.VniMf. jOTY'S WApilINa-AlACIIINE, LATELY MUf.'ILIMPUOVKD AND TIIH NI'.W UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Improved y.llh Howell's Patent Double Cog- V I.Anta Hint Ihn H.Ia.iI . . .' . -'".incus nioii, ii i u now ttunues. tlonablv turklmerlnr In nnv i,,m,r.ii,. r... .....ui. lag eloihes ever invtnied, ami will rave their cost twice a tar, by saving labor nnd ( lollies. riioseulinlmetit-ttUhfin gle testimony as follows: ' o uno t,nr innrmno muc't',rould not bo per. ktiatled to tlo wttbntit. It (i,i,l m.I,1i fl.nnt.t r t.n... wo feel that wit are masters of tho position." for. Xcott, Jllshrqi it, r.. Church. s. !'! ,,0,r."1 0,10 ''""ar a week in any family." "In the laundry or my house there Is a perpet ual thanksgiving onMondoys for lhe lnverltion., Hit. Jhtotlorc J.. Vtillct'. "Even-week lins clven It n stt-onci. hni.t ..nn thcaneetlonsofthelnmales of tho laundry." .V. Y. Observer. "I heartily commend It lo economists of time, money, and contculmenl." Jtoi: Lr. Jlellout. 'Tricnd Itoty Your last Improvement olyour Washing Mathlue Is n complete success. I assure you 'our Machine,' after n j ears' use, Is thought more of to-day than ever, nnd would not be par ted wllh under ony clrcumhtances." Aiulan l:ob inaon. "Your Washing Machtnsliat been In dally nsn li our Imrndiy, and tho housekeeper licrseirnH highly pleased wllh ir. It certainly oc complishcs a greater amount or work, with less Ialior,nnd does not wear rl. o clonics near mi much nsllio old fashioned wash-board. lit- using It, ono laundress is dl-peliscd Willi." H'w. .If P. lloiiml, toiprrlntcnitent Infant Ihtntrtmrnt of Af. Catharine's .Yarwy, .V. t'.ly. "After n constant usoof the l.'niieisal Clothes Wrlngerformoroihau four years in our family. 1 nmautliorl7ed by the 'pollers lhat be,' ro give It tho ntnst unqualified praise, and to pronounce It tin ludlsnensablo part of tho machinery ot housekeepfng. Our servants have always been willing to use. It, ami always Imvo liked it." Henry II aril llecchcv. I'RICKjJ.-A FAIR OFFER. Scud the retail nice, Wa-liei Sll.Hxtra Wilug (rt'l.and wo will foiwnid either ot both ma ehliics.fico orfi eight, to places where no oue Is sj-lllig; and so sure aro wo Ihcy will be liked, that we agree lo return! lhe mouey If uny onu ,-lshes tu return the machine rrco of fielghl. nliernliiontb'k trial, according to directions. No husband, rather or luuiber should irri thedrudgery of washing with tho hands, llity Iwo days li. a jear, when it can bo dono belter. inoroe.sp-tlllloKsly, Willi Inns labor, nnd no In. jury to tho garinetit., by a Doty Clothes Washer, nnd a Universal Wringer. Canvassers with exclusive right or sale nuke mouey 1 tt telling ibeiu. sold by dciders gnerully, (o v.Inm Ubcval dl II. ('. linoWNINO.Otii. geui :l I'orllandt siren, New Ytn sent. oil. 15, Vi .i.u . ik. PORTY TMOf.'.SAND OASIvS OF X goods weio shipped from our houso In Ono tar, in families, chilis, nnd nierchnuts. In every pun ol ilie country, trom .Mnlu,, i. Cullfjriili. umuiltitlng In value to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Our t.icllltlt'sr.rtriinsnctlngtlik Immense bus. inessnio better thnn ever before. V.viiuvo agents In all Iho principal cities to Mirth e.a goods Irom Ibo .Manufaciiiiers, Imiioitem, and others lor Cash, und olieiiutuii liiimensesccilileo limit Ibo original cost of production. Our slock consists, in pail, id Iho following goods: " shawls, niaiikets. Quilts cottons, (ili,gha,s, Ilress tloods, ruble Linen To els, Hosiery AHows Skirts, Corsets, Ac, Ac, SllCer.Pluled waie. Spoons plated ou Nickel silver. Pesseit Pn-Its, tlvcbollln pl.tttsl Ciistoin. llriiuiiuIaure.Oliss Wuic, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Incrtat varied. Klegnnt I iench nnd IJenuau I'uney Otl, IKuuillul Phoiogruuli Albums, Uu, nowest and eholrest kiyiesin Morotsonnil Velvet Illiidlnt's. Oio.'e'poxes Ife " "'""""'('"ler and llnltl llUd Plated Je-wulre. nflliM .,,-a.i ,t ,.f ,'"m.u madeniraugi nicnls ullli some of the i lending Publishing lloiik.k, that will euablo ii, n. i, me kiniiiiaiti ami iaiei works or popu lar authors nl nbont otifhslf llHtifjuior prVe': SllC I US lUltOS.-. S.lnOllI' Itl' t....?... 1 r..svfco.s's Woui.s, In lull (lilt Mid cloth liln I lls, iintl lui lid li ds ol outers. Thee nud eve I thing cJ.c lor ONH DOLL Ut I'll It PAC'H AltTICLH. We do not oii'. r a single urllclc rt ineichimdisii that can be .'.Id by tegular dealers nl tmr ulec. vi c no iml nst s . ti to buy ootids irom us unless we enu sell them clieujier than you e.m nbtuln ' .(.in in mi) niiierwn.v,. wiiiie llu .jn ulitiurl I si i in grmilsnie soiilui nboul Jr'mm ITHwONK-llALf TIIH I'.LOl I.AJtriLCTIf'. ii wiiuiiooii retiauio OEesiiiin over part of ibeflilitryjIIi'cmprojitigjTitrkre llmo to form elulisnud senulng luioirters.j ou ewn oblolu tin. most liueiul commissions, either lu Cisii oi .Ml.tii'llANiirsa.nntluagooilsseiilby us will be ns rcpttscnitd, ui.d wogimraiiite s.iiu'.iciloii t every ono iteming wllh our bouse. IloLliui Piii.sKsisroiiALi.-ianhoIoiintlnt i atkir A Co.'iihs Aiimsuimnei St., llo.toii.Mass. To euablo ovciy person rn provide Hie mselven Willi liaudsonio und useful Holiday Preseuls. limn now iinlll tho aoili or January, ls7i, rliese gentkiuni wll. Issue luige elghi-ppgeil Cula. logues of till lhe newest uud best novelties in such goods ns Fancy Hoses, ivsks, tHuvo lloxts All uuis lu Moiikvo, Ollt und VcHei Hindlugs reul Moiwiii shoiioliig Haes, Purulsheil HelU cults, slher Plated uio und Cutlery of all ties- ellpllons.the lalcsr si, e nf Jewelry In (lold l oilir ban. Jet. hLel . I'.iiiismi,, i v,,, Ilalr, Dry Goods, ac, Ac, Ac, and iniudieds or lliii luJestriliilbiBt iiubllbhed Hooks-, 'i'licy mo Sis ngOnolIuudredTlekelk lo tveiy one, who will becomo their Agent, wilhout rliurglni! tbi ni 10 ( IS. each us heietnfule. Head the fhaiVo In Ibelr AdvertUenienl lu number column, ami nnd for Catalogue. "In t cry oiiiei amouiillug luowr ."), ncisini panlttl by tbeensh.Hie Agem may rtjuln t2.ui nnd tn every null r of over t lis, M,m mny be ie. lutned to PAY TMK EXPRRS.S CHARdES, This oiler Is mine especially tniisslst Agents in the Westein and Southern stniik, but Isois-n to alltiislomeis, 1 COMMISSIONS: Agtnlswllllt-pald leu er tent, In Cash or eicbuiid -e when Ibey nj.r, i'.ii.,i, uiIIIE Conunhklon'i: " l""'.lst ,f I'ur nn tu il.r of .lo. f,(,m a ,.li,b of Tlilily. v.t'Uill.iiy tllo Ageul, us teiiiiliilssloii. lisuV J.rownur nieachid sheeting, (loud lir,k lvt ,'.V v o'1i.?,Vul" h .".""'t!'" "' " ' akimere ranu t :1.).'.1. .lu',JM!, 'f Wlilio run pit nc, e tc, t to., or Ss.10 In i-usb, l-m iiii ei.ler ,.ri-o. f,om ,v club of I Ifly, wuwlill'ij the Agent is Cuuiiukmlmi, uid. S hiitliig one ir l.e-nvy w.d liliiukels, iCpIln Dress iKitl.rn, lluutlsouu. wool Niuulu shawl, silt t i-.i. use VV uleli, ele ,eic or tioti .11 rash, tor uii urtlrr or MOO, from u c III. of Ollu lluiidi ed, wt, win pay rno Agent, as eonimlsklou lioyuids gixsl suid.wldo shteiiu. Coin.silver i'. li'.'.'r'i1!'1' ."'".. Hlcll Li lig Wool Shawl. io IrVl'ui'i tM 1 -""1""'"', ilS, tie. of Wo do riot t iiii.liiy bii Travelling Agenis, and custoiiierskboulduol iwy luouej luptlkoiniiur. iiw'i"-,' l' ' ""'""i '""4 a tie- y.Mi mo.vkv ai.waihiiv iti i.isri.ntn lkitsiw for further paillculars stud lor Cslalogue-. t r i, ,c PAHKLU A', Oct 1 'l..."Ju, ,u"'u""rt'l', Lokton, Mais. Dry Goo da & Nofiono, M tlil.HR'H.nT0UH. I HIKJSII AHIHVAL OK -.PHINd AM St'MMHlt HOOPn (lie a rlllft' tiss (it rerurhi-l trntti the e(ii . wll) .inothi mftre rlidl kW.sti Hes i.i,ieut 01 hPHINO Ai.ll'SOMMHK OOODS, purUkinsl M.iNew Wrknflil PWIadrtphlaul His ow.tfit tlinr'aitlin trlllel, Iw rielfLnnliieil t !! oh ns iiiixlernle terms As n ba piucuksI el- whis-e In Plot'inif burp, HI-stoclt aoinprtres .LUIKK DltlvSSoIrs" ol l1ioeioletslsl).l(Kaiitt IfttdrtfJiliUHIi.tOicJIr wiiu a largu assornneut of Da aaetls.and corles, consisting of fh't ftilri4ltig Smfti n Ult" Patois, ' ' " " ' OlMlh'tltt, ' Plothf ' , (Vssliuprts sjhftiw.; 'PbtQUem', ' " wikS; While, elodfls, -t .11.; cilUl ' i.iV LUmii. si ' ( HoeipUkuti, Muslins, lloVtiwstsrs , ., pednnxarf Hurtle ale 4 iueHiiswalt', iD.Bt4aiiilJnl)t' 1 ,,( 'Hals anil Caps " ' Hoop Nets, iTnibrcllat, . 'StAI I I Looklnc-dtaiiaeA 'jiV'l A , .!. liilOoOeu? HW otfj , i. Hugnrs, , , i Toas, Illce, ' AlUplee, I. Olnger, , Clnnwaoti, Xutmngs, AND N0TI0N8 (jr.N HALLY. ' tnrtiorl, c-siiyirdng usually kept In country torss, to jfuTch' ii Incites the attention of tho pufcUc geherally. Tfio ldsbcst prltstwil! bo psld ror eonKry proilots? InVxehsuge for goods. i . B. II. MILLKH ft fcON.( Aieiidu Pull. lings, Hlooinsbnrg, I . Q C. M A RR , liavejuslrttelvttlfrom thn eostein markets a large anil well t elected stock or D it v a o oils, C'llXSTsTtSllllll' Cassiniers, Jeiins, , ,,,1111 blenelieel A llrnwil Muslim Cellcoes, s Tickings, fw , Table Linens, , , ' Potion .V ' ' ' All wool flannels, ac, Sc., A good block of Lndlos dress g ods, Lalcst styles A alterns. Spices of all kinds, Oootl stock trout lies, IJut ens ware, Slone ware, Wootl A- willow ware', l'lour A- Chop, Also Kllthf n L'lyctal Sotp for clcanlnj Tin, Brass, Ac. All goods sold cheap lor cash or pio duee. IIo would cull the attcntlou of bujcri to his well and cultfully selected issortincnt which comprises everything U'tully Itci t In the coun try, feelini,' confident iliat bo can sell them, goods at such pilccRns will ensure satisfaction. Nov. -VfiO-tr. . (.'. C, MAItlt. Q.REAT REDUCTION IN I'RICF-S AT PUTKK liNT'S BTOHK, IN LIOIIT bTUKKT, OF SI itlNG ANDSUMMERG00R3. THK subscriber has Jivsi received and hoa on hand nt his old stand lu Light Street, a lares nnd select ASSORTMENT.OF MERCHANDISE purchased ut the lowest flame, nnd which ho determined to sell on as modeialo terms m be procuir d t I'ewhtre tn Light Street, fwi cash oii couxrnr pnoiir.r. H!sloetconslttsi,i LA D I ICS' DRESS CIOODS clinl st styles and latest tsshliws. till(seh, Muslins, ainghiuiis, l'lauutlk, Hosiery, Caiin'ts, Pdlks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTMINO, Ss.tltietts, Cnsslmers, CotloC!.des, ltt-niucky .leans. J.O., Ac AC. O ROUER1 ES, MACKEUaij, Qneeiiswaro, (Xslamsre. Hiirdwnie, Mi-aicin,-,, Drugs, wis, I'alulk, Ac. BOOTS ,t SMOI.S, MAT'S & (JAJ'h In short everything usually kepi lu a ronn'ry klore. niepatiomigoof hisiiiii fiicutii, u"' ilia public generally. Is icspectfully sollcded. Thn hlrlict market price- paid for roam' pro dace. PL'THH KNT. I-li'ht sneet, Nov. s isc". piRST CLASH GOODS. it A H i: 11 A P. GAIN S. The subterlber bus Just thoroughly i,-ti., lted his store, In CutrwIsMi, luttly .VHpIcd b p s snuuian.aiid iiowoiluts fur sale A COMPLUTH STOCK OP DUV COuD.-, (Hu'erlcs und g.iuerul uiecchandlke which for (tiinlliy nnd variety will eompaio i.ivorably with any in inotouuirj. He lias a lrth t. tort- lil-.'lll ol .SPRING (lOODfi which be will dtkl-nse uf lor cash t.r counti) pio eiuce. Among his Dry floods wp be fiu'i- t all tho latest una Uwt putt, i iu ijt MPsLINS, llI.NOHAMS, OALICOISt, PLANNIiUs, SHAWLS, MILK'S, I'AHsilMmiH, UltOADeLOTilft, i:ilTi'(jJMJl Ji:.v:.uae..ic ' tiii(iciiinii (tUHUN'sAVki lIAltllW.flvB CPDAItWAJIlT imi'epjoiLiTr1 v us jft(ttet.ii. ' rHTS. 1'AP.S, ROOTS ettsiR)i.s and, In fart, a complete line m gotHlt, li.b i."lng tolds lilli.luks. Ashebuju und sells Itn .'mi oe can auor., to ktep uu, i rimt as iiw I: urt lower than mot I tlealeis. His mounts "o,rici; sin's a::h ssi.m.i. moms." COAL OF ALL KINDS C'oiislonily on hind and lc.r sale ut the i. west market rates. MOP.O PHILLIPS PHo.-1'HATi:, , v,,ii..(,l,,,l,uu tiniHijill(JI I uuu lug material, Cutltry, Mechanics' Tot Is nud iiuiitnuio ni uu It lulls, tow moil luo (UK tlllt u ol bulldeik uud oihers is ri-tiuekted, O HA IN r UP. I'll A SHI). A loir sharonl 1 ubllc rustliiin Is tlewlrotl and no ellurts ulll ! t mllltd to glte t utile latlskie lion, josi rn u. KNirri.p. Apt. I'.,i.1rm Catawbii P .. OMESTIC ECONOMY! CAMPILLION l AP.PKfl': A iicH.ihran tlniahle, htallhy, and II FLOOR COVERING! A snbslliule for olt-clotli nt one-thirl the i o. This e-.irpct is pieKlnresl by itpcculiarcomblua tloiie.furong. heavy inner, pi Inlid In ornamen tal colors, and coated trlllt it lough, fluitlc, water priMiremiuiel width itcelMkiho water, prnUcts the (siloia and per emlurek wushlnc. r.nd ren. tiers lhe cuii et bright and lienutilul In the n tsetnc, IIr ailvunleges are nn followtt : It tOsl lelllleik II UVIlliklili' lllllllcluiik. s ; 14 exceetllns'ly sun fli und kd sy, and It u, , i ton. l.timriesi lo i o dust: It does not rcuuue to be lakiii upami , .bid Uk, oibtreori e-r, t r 1 il u ss Ms ni uih luisir and unable; Iiv inn. uuu hilli lhe euiiipiiuiin l.luunele.cs'iisio'iiii'ily . tj.T, tstse itiay iei.ulre', wltieli et sis bul n trltle i will llldetlll'iely em HI. g,0lul lwii tit . car new and luigbi ; li, its use no rcliuine wl n'ctr is plueid upon Hie iorr lor wear, but exclu-hc. ly uioiikbe t.tdn-pi. ofcwillng, ll.e tkuu i t . per being usetl only ,, nenrc ll.e colcis. Piir liakitetiiily l ien i.ed for u Mttitty t.i ti.i, ,s. even for tiiinkR, itifs,ntn.i lets uml v.cri r. paiil.bii! lhe 111.! iillriii) i.tuher in I ti. ;. It Amcilcj. In eouveii II Inin i uiiet or I'm t' e. l"K'."". is i. re-do 11 lu be t.i t mire met t sl Wc have- puuii...,,' He risl'l in ulii a county aliel tun finnlsb tbetkltel to I -in. i is at inn iiufi.t I in el k i , 4SY(l! eu I ii s 1 1. . to tsill ld isilullie t u gissls al( in-ki. it. .'I K U. , 1 , M . 1 , i t llli.un- in,Iiii, -.11. I Ai I.L KINDS OF JOH l l'.INTINU neat y extcateil ul TllLCCLL'visst rii.ieii riutlag on . t I