Ti f.Y 1 l'iil.y ' Mitch, illy Iron J- .14.1,1 Ion n'n uilyirjf or ioiit L Mm Man. u,i u e- iiuha! al one l.j t! pll. THE '01t, Ytl (J rover a A I E It III, I1A mi: : M.ic'ilmi 1 Iho i MA'IIiN. ;iiullj M. Oil' I, Iter Ull HT; alci) ..- I,- POJ ls.it.tl.ni' fllc! NO MV 'IALM H' I.. WTi.i 1 HIM 111' Ikei.f U lur.rn r otati) " lIiw (St, A 1 nun' iiny elm, 4 SI cms lie, lil en i . ly ui''""' , . uiljlil) m'1 1 I" ' ,"u ig, 1 1,1 . u ' nullum ,,. I'lllt," f A cilldia--.Iver Lull1 ..I d ...... il,i N MKim" lire ABU ' '"cli. .unci"' fsl! ' hegr tl ad at ' cut ired i"''y,i'5-i'iJ"' cheerful)1 ill ""I1 , ,,' slll'l'l'' J 111111111' . IIIOU !'.' iiiockl"'.1' ". ""' , , p tl 1- III mis,"' pp!!!-; iUn.ii rpIi!..!.. Jv' AND 'lijslf . A.iikLit ti 31 .tiifr A..4ist4 1111 llll WntMMBD EVKUY FRIDAY MOHNINO . f im s tiii:(1;1Muiah rtcii.insu m:au Titn rouiiT iiovmc. nr CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, '.ftSultMHtvr Mid Proprietor. lbW.. .. - . . , - 1 J ... a a a ,rjBI"TW vou&ra a .ear, jayau.o juttavauvo. jWo:b printing r AtWCBirTIONS IXKCUTRI1 WITH KKAT- riLWMBBURCI IHItEOTOttY. '" STORES AND TIN V AUK. D JACO'rirMATJjTiienler ns tH a tinwnro, Jl )Vtiribotcoqrtl10(!- vl Main 1141 . MRUPKRT, stoves and tinware, unpen I. blew. Mtlnit- wesi oi -unmet. jgCLOTlllNO, AO. LOWKlSBKItO, iiU'rchuntliillur, iMaln t., 2d J aoorhnTe American house. vl-ul3 W Hie New l-nrhnm Ncwiug Machine, corner of . ' IHIHKHL AlCrCll 'Dtre IOU JJJ.RI-1 mivci ,.,-, .ini 1 ,pBJivH, UiiiifliiUAija, su. .(OYElVtBtlOS.. druggists un,l annUit'carics. i iiniwraw.a, "" 1 p -LUTBdrnKgUt and npotlieciiry, Main i at.' below Market, norlli Bide. vl-nl r .CLOCKS, WATCH K8, AC. IESHY ZUPri NO bit, WultlHi-, Hpictuclen uinl relrnc.-Malnaiitet nrnr Wtst wt. T3uli iOUJB BERNnAUD. witcli ami clock limttcr. IjDeMBOUtheaBtcorncr Mulnund IrouBlB.vl-mJ 1 E.BAVAUK. aeaier in ciocit, wim-nen im i.'lewelry. Main t Jut below Ainerlcaii luune.'. i CAT1ICAIIT. watch and clock maker, Markit tit., below Main. vl-nlj BOOTS AND SUOKS. fiM; UIIOWN, boot and slioeinaker.Maln utiecl HOLl.KOKR,mauafacturer undaeulcrlnbootB ana enoeSfAiaiUHl., oppoMie r-lUHeoimienuren JKNKYKI.E1M. manufacturer and dealer In j UUUUi KUU K11UVS, KIlKtl t.O Cli Hu-st Ulooms- Arg Main Bt. vl-ul.1 IniMriBNAVIIi Imxil nnil shoemuker. Main St.. UeiOW ItarimaU'B BlOle, WCKl OI .Mliraei nirueu ii'un PROFESSIONAL. ' .mi- H.KVAK8, M. D. uurgcou and physician aoutli Side Alain BU. ueiow niaraet. vr. rv R.B. F. Kinney surgeon dentist, teeth extract 1 1 Mtli without Daln. Main Ht.. nearlv onnostte tnUcooal Church. vl-mo ln'.iu'irv.i.VY. M. I), surueon and uhyslclau Inn 1'nlrr- l,norUnlde Main at., below Market, vl-ul3 '.above Main. vl-nlJ surgeon unu i uvnniiiii, i rlLiH 11.1 HOWKll. aiiriieoli ilenllst. Main St.. I) above court house. VI-II i I win 'M. Italier. Hiirueon and l'hvslclatl.Ex .hanni ltl,Mknver Webb's Hook Btorc. .t-n2rl ; nrnnniBON. Altornev-at-Law. OIllco Hart- man's bnlldlng. Main htleet. vj-n20 n JL IK1CLEH, Attorncy-ut.ljuv'.omt c, 2d floor U la uxcnftDgo uiock, near mu Kxulittiif.'u Hu- vjiu MILL1NEHY A FANCY GOODS. O H A vrR.'K.'KLINE. Millinery and Fancy floods PI Main Htreet below Mai kc u v I u Kl ill? I IISBUZZIE DA UK LEY, Ibutluluf, Main si. milliner. Ramsey vl-nu I, II IBS A. D. WEIID, fancy iioods, notions, books, HI stationery, exchange un im'Ic Main Htreet. V1-II13 t "PETRHMAN. Iiillllnerv and fancv e:oods on- Vdos11 Episcopal church, Main si. vl-utf 1 1 ns: JULIA A. Ire BADE I1A11KLEY, ladles Bl cloaks mil dress pattern.,, soitllleasi (timer Main and west Bl. vl-UlJ II ' lilHM M.-'riKltltTCKSOM. millinery and fancy ... iMeood Malnst.. opposite Court House, vl-nu 'IlliU MIKSKU HARM AN millinery and laucy I inMMlft.M&Iti nit-,.,.! liiki. Itelow American house. i mrTOrt vi-uii SoTKLy ANU HALOONS. 'iiiml inc-1 w.t.iv.JV,oyKi.er aim t-aiinu b.ntuii, rtimn M fn 1,1 U fcaulIoiiMe, Main bt., ltaltzer i.enciK.U biiperiu- tndenwife;,'! , ln"u''JtUirjMYElt A JACOllY coiiieclloiiry, baker, aU'Ucji slii and oyster saloon, wholesale and iAoi tiV inn, r.x augo block, Main si. vi-m.i IX A WEBB, confectionery, bakery . and ovs. ter Kaloon. wholesulo mid retail. Exchaneu ICliSiiCi.L .. V1-U4J Jl II..""! I.1XCUANOE HOTEL, by Koons & Clalk. Main Ut.,oppoBltecourl house. vl-nu llMElUUAN HOUSE, by John Luttucit. Main nneOUS A su west of Iron street. vl-ui'i FDRKH HOTEL, Main St. by U.W. MACOKK, easl end of VI-UIJ D BTOUNER, relreshinent saloon, Main st.ijust ut auove court uouse. I700NST CLAKK, refreshmcut saloon. Ex. . as. l enauge hotel. vl-lllf i 'jUEIlCHANTS AND OUOCEUS. E JACOBS, Couiectiouery below lion grocvllus etc. Main vl-ulo ii ll.MlLLt.lt, dv'utci iu dry goods, groeeiies, J. .lueeliswale, upur, sail, slioes, uouuus, elc. uvuause block, MalUbUeil, v Ucuiiib In uii t,sjs-Hi, IU rocvricb, Hour, lucu, .ut, mii, nun, 1411, uortliciul coiner luiuuim iiuiitet at. U. iluWltl. UaU and cahb. boots UUU Uutt., iUUlU St., UUUVtl COUII HuUbU, Vi-UiJ t r C. lAUlt, ary buuus una uoiious, souiuw U. corber Mum una uuu su. II"1 U. HfcKSHOLT.. dealer in Diy (ioods, Uiu- U.cenus, Oools ouues, ae.,coinei inaiu una Hon faueeu, irJ.'BllOWEll.Ury goods, gliH-elles, etc,, coiner JlMaln and cmrl House u.iey vi-iho UTA.BECKLEY,Keytoneblioeslore, uooas uuu . stationery, Mulu nt.tielow Market. vl-u4J TII.I.IAM KUASMUS. confectioneries. Main Ft si:, uear the rallroud. v 1-uM .ivMitb'Mitii.l. uuiiunit .ini'li nl ineiL'han. uesUU lUIIIIH'r, LOlUcr OI 31UIU BlieeLiuiu ck roau. J. ROBB1KH, denier ill dry gooils greeiles etc. Bhlve's block. Main at., below Iron vl-n43 K.101UTON. Giocerles A Provisions, Main Btreet below Market vl-ull RtKiLU'lZ dealer lu choice dry goods, and l-.n,t..A li.l,, .1 rtn,,klt,. cnurL House. II iiuuuu.i . , l,,i. r,K, EYER, groceries and geneial lucrcnaiuuse It Main at.. above West. Ee' ORAM Kit A A. E. HA YHUUS I, I'l-aiers in Lr n i .... t ,. ...... i.,u noil Notions. s uiuuriiv.. v.,ueei i,"i .. ,, , ,7" ittown, south side, two doors lilaive llrol'St MlSOEIiLANEOUS. IIA-HES CADMAN I'libluellliaLtr alitl I hair- U maker rooms on .Main sticet h w irjt plM. CllltlbTMA.N, saddle.liuuk und harness juaaer. opuosue r.iii.eoimi iiuivii ... FmUl'llt,VI I I,.,, itl.r.. thr..M Mlnrv 'nW.l:unKl.l.. ,y w. .s vu jtimiu ... no., (iltl"" t'IJ;THORNTON,wull paj , Jl. and futures, Rupert bloc ,,U." brick on Main si.. west ol Market si. vi-uid block, Mulu st, vl-ucj ' .TlfROSJ pfJqrbloeli 1 r HI )M h M MTI1 1 1 Iv' photographer, Exchange piw lirbloek.-Maln St.. upposlte court house. M-ull SAMPLE 4 CO. Machinists, fJisl liiis'ius- machinery made ami ri palled. VMl'il . I HKlIHN-'ilruler in meat tallow, it . Chelli- l) III'.!"1 1 berlln's alley, back til American hJJ vl.nH Jon ",', J.BIIILEM AN, Agent Munsoirs Copper 111 rial, 'W'lY ' fcjhalar Li.hinlua Hisl. XtSSf ,1 rrii'l'"' , WlJbBTEtt, Glue Maker, and White ami tunc, ii ini. l- , ilTnnr.Kcotiowu. si-no ". sii "iSitiUVHa I.l'MllElt CO., loa lUliieluil ts 10 " ii ItV '''Dtxux dealers In Lumber, nf all. kinds, pliifilUK a,h i ii' inilii near the rull-roud. vl-nia BWITMAN, iniilblo wolks, mill' .outhwist .rcorner Main and Mai kit St-, 1-11 1 1 DlH.-RINOI.K.It. lUalcrlu l'lanos, nivalis and jTV;melodeons,ut ll, W. Conn's lurnituie roon vl-nll mw.'ItOUUlNH.IIiiunr dealer second doorlroiii U, northwest corner Viiln and Iron Us. vwili rtr j PEACOCK. Notary Public, northeast corner ii i msiq anu aiaraei si, vl-nlt T'HH'A:KUNBTON. mi tual und cash rales nu ll lnturaueecnmpahy.ini! theast corner Muliinnd w.st .t.,y ' ii-ui.1 (Q AMUEIf JA,riW.li,r li te andTTrf.v 11 Hlnu SWii.kw. Vasl lllnomshiilr', lieiwlekro I vln47 BUCKIIOHN DIHKCTOUY. 'O. AW. II. HIIOFMAKi: . deal. IS III .In Koods. erncerles and geni ! inercl.ai dlse. lr.t store In south mil oIIiimu. vs. ii I in HI TACOUAW1I. IIABR1B, deulers III illy glHsls, w groceries, drugs mid medicines, rust s lole uonh end of low u. li' - VOLUME III NO. 18. OUANOKYILLR D1KECTUHY. It. O. A.MP.aAIlOKI, hyslclati and surr-on. ilalii st.. next door lo Good's Hotel, mi ixtiipi imT1.-r. niul refreshment saloon, br 1) llolir M'llciiry cor. of Mnlni-nd l'lne t.lii 17 DAVID HERRING. Flour nnd Grist M. I, una Ui-Bler In grnlu, Mill Street, -l-u.7 BOWElt Si HERRING, dealer in drj roods, groceries, lumber una general Merci jndtse TOIIN KHYM1UK, aaddle Hint linrni'H innkcr O .Minn si., nuove tuo wuu iioici. A& E. W. COLHSIAN, Jlerclmnt b.iior ana . Uont'H furnishing bwhIb, MulnHt,, i ext iloor lo the brick hotel. V1-U17 TA.MIH II. llAItMAN.fublnrt Mil tf and Ull. O tterUiker. Main tit., below l'lne, vlIW7 11, 11. AO. Ki:l,CllNi:it. llhicltsinlh .im Mill Htreet, near l'lne. V1-U17 lirlt.r.TAM l)I'.f.oN(l S hoeniiikerni, II tuierof llrlck, JllllHt.,weKtori'ue vlulO T WWW II. BCIIuYI.UR, Iron roun.icr.Jiucnin; ijist.nna .Munuiaetuier oi iuowk, -un m.vi-im mll.l A. WI 1.1AMH A ro..'riinl.-rHiinil Man- 1)1 ufucturersof leutlicr, Mill Btre, I II. IIIlltltINO UItOTlIl.lt, I A. nullilcr, Miiln stieet, below r "n. HKituiNu.t uitoTiir.it, C, .rpcnteisnnd ne. vl-1117 CJAMUKIi SIIAM'LKSH, Maker 1 1 the Ha Imrht O (lialn CraOlP. Main t. vj JM. HAIIMAN, Badille mut nnrncni m'iltt , Orangevllle, opposite Frame church vUnll UATAWISSA DIHECTORY. nllHOtll'.HANNAorllrickllo el.s.KotcMiuuer nroni lelnr.kfinlli.eiiHtporiier Mnln and hecolul Htreet. "2-H12 I). ItlNAUl), dealer In sloven and tin-warn, Main Street. VMilii ill. II. AIII1KTT. iittornev nt law. Main Klreit. . . ... , , , i'llLi I plLllIIKT A KMNK, dry gooili, Kroeeiles, and VJ general inercuanuiso, jiaiu bluti V2-H12 KEILKIt. billiard saloon, oysters. and fee , cream in season Main Htreet. V2-U12 T-i l.. 1 A I.T.MAN. Merchant Ta or. Heconn Hi., II. Itobhlns' llulWInE. 2-nl. nit.. i. K. itnnntN's. Hurc-.m nwA l'liyslciau. Hccoud Bt., below Slain. 2-nls. J II. KIBTI.KR, "Caltawlaa House," North V," CM Corner Main and Becond BtreeU. v2-nls. M XI. HHDIIHT. dealer lu General Mereliall.lli llrv floods, fliocertes .vn vj.nls. LI 01 IT STHUKT UHtKOTOltY. 1 fluur. futMl. shII. nh, lni. null, etc., I.Iylil r.TIMt RNT. tliiilcr in Jrv notwfc. lfrnrcrlui. Btreist. vl-nls T TERWlLI.IOElt, Cablnctliiakel UikU'iUiUlt ntid Cliulrumkur. vMilfJ 11 v. orA a Co. WIii-etwrlahtM, mm donr UlMlVO hClKXll lioue, 111 11 T W. HAN KEY. dealer In Leather, Hides, ll.irk. i.irit, I-UI6 ,J etc. ca.sn paid lor nines, T) H. ENT, dealer lu stoves and tin waui In VllHIi , all Its blanches. TOIIN A.OMAN, manulaclurer uuu uealel in " boots and shoes. J J. Ll.IBl.Il, JI. I). Burgcoii una t-iiysiciiiib H. IRVINE, Medical Stole Main Bt. and llrlarereeic Jloao. 1 1 1 ESPY MUEOTOllY. r iv urr.UKiiKinKH. Uoot nnd Shoo S .1 mill tmiiifnf tnrv. Slion mi ii n In nt rt'et on " ,..hni.!.iiiii Mill. Vi 111 LSPY KTKAM KI.OUHlNa MIM.S, C. H. Fowler. Ju Troprletor, Ve.lllU V. REIUIIARD, A 11110., dealers In dry groceries, nnd general merchandise. vttuW T W. EDUAlt.Bustiuehanna l'laiilng Mill and iiox lanuiaeiorv. BUSINESS CARDS. c HAS. O. ISA UK LEY, A T T 0 R N E Y - A T - I. A HLOO.MSRUIKl, l'A. omen In tho En hance Dulldlng. sicoml stuiy, do uhovu tho Klehrime Hotel. iv WIilllll er A j jeooys i ouieeiioiiuij , , Hieoud nioouislilllt', .MIL 1. '"-'. M. M. L'VEI.LE, A T T O It N E Y A T -1. A W, Ashland. Schuylkill County, reuu'a. W. MlIiliEH, A T T O It N K Y A T L A W . OIllco with E. H. Little. In brick building ad- lolulim l'ost Olllie. 49-lMUlllieH, naiis-i "J,""" l-euslons colleeteil. isiju, OOllEHT P. OLA11K, -A.-" . n. ... n . T i. X- . . t A SIT . 1 1 II I. . i. - . - " Oftlie Main slrcct, two doors west ofCouit Jloiue. E. H. LITTLE, A T T O It N K Y- A T- I A W, nnteii i'nnrt-llduve Alley, below thu un.l'Mm .n UlUcu iiioombuurg.ru. C. U. 11KOOKWAY, attorni:y at law llt.rillMMIlllltC l'A. -Oynti:-Court House Alley, below tnnt-K- (iiMoiaii uuice. " E. .1. 'IMIOUNTOX " 'T, ' J;;;dVilpU .. ......1 n .............. II. I IK. lll'l'tlM 1,1 lllltL.I, lltv. tlial nona illsiiieepeu u 11 i assoituu nt of W A I.L ! A l'ER. WINDOW HHADl.h Kixrpr.i.s, conns, tassi.i, n,.,l Mil 'f.lher enods ill his line of business. All day nienlwajs tc ue loiimi in uisesi ii,.,.i ,..... Miir.Vt'J.tf Main St. below Markit. T 11 J " PUItSEL, HARNl-BS, SADDLK. AND TIll'Ms MANUFACT'URLU, (1,11, , .... ,..L! fl V.VWU I .ta.lD, 1, C.MO Ll'HAUS, I AUiri-.-, ..-.,,.,-, ltoiit-u Itolisr.-lll.ANKKia AC. which he iecls confldent ho can sen at lower rule than any other ncrsou iu ins cohuiij. rj- hhon tlrst diKir below the 1W riftlec M-ln Street, liloomsburg, l'u. I J rutin ill tiealiil wlihtl eiiliiiost siiue-s, by unit j'Mft (iu iitt iuii) in finc. iwh- ti J nniiliunit, Vlymr rjjTiunte, (lolirit llv d U'iiiiu, iii'imiiuii ""."""..""V'.'i 1 i kl 1II1I.MI.UH Villi M l l . - eal fneultyaiellivlliil lo tuiompHiiy their im i .. ii-Ihil no wf.ii tk hi li k i.riM-tlit. Ar tinclufeves tin-ertinl lllinut Itdu. Nodialgf lot t xitiutnatloii. Jan, iv. ty.-ir 7 A 1)1 ICS1 FANCY FUHS! JOHN 1'AHEIRA, 718 Arch Btreet, Middle of the bloi k. Iiet ween Tib und Mb stis-et South Side, l'hlluile i;hla. Ini- norler.aianiiiaciiirer into. jiuei m mi , ,, ipiainy oi FANCY 1' Ults Mill I,AHIJ.-i A.ili i-iiii. ii... I..,. ..,,l,i,,., .1 t. tni.itrt, ,1 unit liiinros i d mv ..I ..I ie,.rul,lvklioMll lit It 1 !M Pi J it 1 I'M .and Inning llnisirli d u ery lurgs and splendid as soituiiul ol all llieilllliiriit kinds ot l iirs from ftlst hands in r.urnpe, ami nasi uau iiiiui muni. lip III' IHO IIIOSl SKI1II1II WIllKlllllI, J UOIO.I irn- it CountUs, lo call and examlnu my very ,...i...n.w ,., ui t l, il.li 11. 1 inn iletci mint it ami lienul Hit losertnil I'l oi ruii'.v in ..ii i low inliis as anv other ri spei lalilu House ill this i lly . All I His Wlilllillllil. No llilslepuseimil lolls ll'Cllii J sill's. oiti'MMlil. JlSAlihsl. PhiUlelis la. riMlE 1-1TT1.E WONDEIt SUW1NO I siai'Iiin'i:. l'ltirr. fi.i. it t.ntliiM llu, i lusllo loek-slitch,. it sews us will as nuy machine in the iiiiuket: a tluld inn use IP ll itoiilres no Instiiiitloiis; It uiakis no i.olsi", It does not gel out of orill'IJ It can be carried 111 "1U 'i il t:V I N 1 1 M A 1 11 IN I ; l O v l'A N V. Nov. li'.'U-iliu. v.illliJiiduay,N. Y. , gents ii unu o. QET THE AlUllsoll's I 11; 1ET THE UEST. .u.r 'iiil.iih.l l.lsl.tllll'K 1, the be.t p! It el i"h ej all'sl d isn.lt r I'l bglili tvir Inviiedo. Ibe sul iil.er is ugrnl hu s. bovo Intuutliiii, and all i ib i 1 )' ma 1 or ' ersou lll be pir.injtlv attib.lid lo. Mi) 151 E. II. 1IIDI.UMAN, 111 IIIS PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY yyiM.IAM K1BI1UU WITH TIIO.MAH (JAUHON A CO. WUOI.MU.K MiALims h nosuntr. MKN'S I'UltNISHlN'd OOOIW, I.1NKN8 &. NOTIONS, SO. H .VOKT1I roUIITII STIIEfcT 1'ltILAnKLVltlA. June l.'i;:)-(,m JICHAItDSON Ii. WllIOHT, Jit. ATTOUXUY A V T.AW, NO. lasROIJril HIXTII HTltllKT. I'lllLAHKM'IIIA. Del. ,.V,,tO-ly JOHN 8TIIOUP A CO., HueuoHsont to Btroup A urother W1IOI.HHAL1: niSALKRil IN FH1I, No. U Norlli WlmrMB. .Utl!U Rhlll I HI.. 1lllnli-lthla s I K V K S A N 1) W I H K OLD '1' 11 , M A N U V A OT U 11 t. II II HELLHRM DIlOTllKIt.S 1,21 Mm 1 i t Sluet, rhlliuUlidiln, Sept. ll.'to-'lm. G. W. MjAKON A CO., Mauuf ictureii. ,,I Oil. I'UITIIH AND WINDOW H ADI-JI. WMrehoiu.e, Xo. 124 North Third Hirwei Philadelphia. Q.KOHOK II. ItOIiKKTS, Importer and Dialer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OUNH. A(. No. 311 North Thhd Btreet, above Vine l'hllalclphln. gNYDHlt, HAUHIS & HASSKTT, nanuiAriurern huh joinmi oi MKN'H AN1J UYH' CU)THINO. W5 Merkct, RDtl 522 ftimrcr r ftttil. I'lltlH'lelplltli JOHN (!. YKAOKlt A CO., iv iioi-vaio ueaiLis in I1ATO, CADS, STRAW OOODS, . LADIIW FUUH No. ai" North Third Street, Mar lVW-ljr Philadelphia. fiPAliLISIIED 170.1. JOItDAN A llltOHlER, WholtKilo Oroi els, and Diakis in BAI.Tl'r.TEU AND BRIMSTONE No 2111 North Ihlld St. Philadelphia, II. WALTER, Lh.u Walter. ICnuti, Importer und Iwlr to I'HINA, OLAKS, AND Q,U KEH S WA H K, No. 'SH N. Third Strprt. Pblludclphia. yjT W. RANK'S WHUl.ti'SAl.r, tuiiAce u, Misur r, Aisii CIUAK WAREHOIWH, No. 140 North Third Stleet, between Cherry and ibtce, west side Philadelphia. "yyAU'WIAN A ENOKIjMAN, TUlIAClAI, Hrsut r S sr.UAH MANUI'ACIORY, NO. 313 N01ITI1 T1IIUD bTaEET, Second Door below Woisl, . r H I LA D ELP H I A. J. W. WAKTMAN I". KMIEI.MAN A1NWHIOHT A CO., WHOLEHALK UllUtiKIIB, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, rmiuVUKI.I'IUA, Deulers iu TEAS, SYRUl-B, CO KK EE, SUGAR, MOLASSES KICK, SPICKS, Bl CAltU kOUA, aC C, Orders will receive prompt attention. May 10, IStff-ly. C. 11. IIOR.Ni:. W. K. KIKCI. J. II. htVllKllI. Hoi HtNE, ICING A SEYBE11T, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. No. 4-M Markrt Btreet PHILADELPHIA. Oidtis lllltd prumptly at lowitt Jauiuiy 3, lst!4, Major K. 11. ART.MAS. C, II, 1ULI.INUKK. 31. HOKV. A IITJ1AN, DILLINOEU A CO., Nil, HU NORTH THIRD ST. l'lULADl-.LI HIA Tuo Doois aluive Arih forroerl) irJU, SIANUKACTl'UrKS A Nil J011IIKKS IN CAltl'ETB, COTTONS YARNS, BATTING OIL CLOTHS, CAIlTKf CHAINS, CORDAUI OIL SHADl-S, 'I RAIN BAtiB, TIE YARN, WICIC YAIIN, W INbOW IMl'KH, CoVHitfcTH, ALB'), WILLOW AND WOODEN WAltK UKOOMs. II II OS 11 HI. LOOKINU CLASSICS, T1IUNKS Teh, Via HOTELS, ACj . JOltlt'H HOTEl., UlAWlUi; 1 . -1I.1 UC.II, 1 ropriewr, ilieul i vrell-knoun holt1 tiss lecetltly under iini, l ia I' liinueslnllsliilerniilarraugenieiiis, ,,,..i i,. ... ,. iinr iiiiiii.iini'i's to his former custom and the trim Ming public that his aiconiodutlim. lot 1heconih.lt ol Ills tueslsiuesi eouu lo none in ,i ..,. ... ll lw t,i l, l. , 111 kIuiivm be found sun- piled, not only with substantial hmd, but with all tin. delliaclesot tho season. His wines and 11- r..,,.rU l..vi'..,,l Unit nmiular heteruce knuwu us ,.t( iiV'),Prch iseddlii it from the Importing Louses, are inlliely pun. aim iree irnni an ku. ., i w.l, ni... lie is lliiiiikrul for a llbwral natlrln. nue III the past, and will eontlnne to deserve It lu thelliulle, ur.uiniiv ,i ....sviii-iv. Coi. UMBI A HOUS E, BY 1IERNARD HTOH.VER 11 ivinu lutely puichased and fitted up the ell-known Roblson Hotel Property, located a ir.ii noons auovk ink isu'iit iiouait, on tl.e same side ol the strcut. In the town ol lloomshurg: and having oi.iiiiuihi a license ior the ..tine as a It i: S T A V It A N T the Proprietor has delellnlued to give to tho peo ple visiting Die low 11 on uusiues or iruiue, A LITTLE MORE ROOM, Ills stabllnj. also la extensile, and Is tilted up bought all Illy paintings at illteCll llor luput iMiKBlesalnlciirrliigeslu iliedry .He proin- . . .,.., ,,,, .. Isesilnit esery thing about his establishment shull be conducted lu an oiderl and lawful maulieri and be respulllillly solicits a shale Ol ine puuu I tiroiiage, ....... JgXCHANOE HOTEL, Itl.uujmiiuiiii, i oi.i -uii. w., PA. The undei sinned having tmrclusetl this well- known a ml cent iiilly-lis'uttil house, thu Kxchaiige Holel.sltuiile on MA1NHTRK1.T, III lllisimsburg llillnedhitely opposl e theCollllilbhleoiltltyCourl House, lespeeiiiiuv inioriii uieir menus aim ine public in geneial inai uieir House is now ill nriicr lor the rerepth'ii and entertainment or travellers who irav be dl.sistsl to favor II Willi Ihelr cus tom. Tuev bain spared no expense In preiarlug IheExclialigefor theeuti llalnii'eutoftheirgiiests lieltber shull there be atiylhllivi WAiitlugon Iheli pint to minister to their pcisonal eomroit. They fiovse Is spaelous, Htid enjois an oAcelleut busi ness lociilUu, . , , .... lllillllbilsesrun at ull limes bitweell the Ex. .Inillge lloli land the v. lolls rallload depots, by which llliseller. will be ileus.ili'ly eoliveledto audfiom thertrpiitlio sUtlons n due llineto meet the ears. KtX'NS A CLARK. Uloowsburg, April S, IbSi. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, Tho Closing Scono. HV TIIOUAS 11UCHAXA2C UKAD, Tlio followlni; U i Ton o in iced by thft London M't ttmtnialcr Jtnlen to bo tuique-ittouubly tlio finest American poem ever written. Vlthln tho sober rcnlms of the leafles treea. 1 he russet year lnlmled tho dreftniy nlr: Iilko fmme.tnnned renper In hli houm of oiwe, hen oil tho fields aro lying brown and baro. The tirny bnnu) looking from their hnzy lillli, O er tho dun waters wldentnir In tho vales, Bent down tho nlr a greeting to tho mllW, On tlio dull thunder of alternnto flails. AllslghUwero mellowed.QndulUoundssnbduod, ine mils fct-'tined further, nnd the Htrenm Banff low- As In n d renin tho d It. to nt woodman hewed His winter log with many a munied blow, The I'lubnttlt'iUoreKtY.crcwhlle armed with gold, Tlu lr Imnnorn bright with every martial huo, NoiVRtootl llko soniOKud, beaten host of old, lUidiuwu ar.tr lu Thno reuotot bluo. On hoiubre lngs tho vulluro tried hit flight; rue dnvo Ktirto heard hli ttlugliig mate's com plaint: And, like n wtar slow drowning In tho light, Alio village chlin ltaue neeined to pale and faint. Tho K'.'titltiel t-txk upon tho lillt-sldo creiv Crow thrice and all wan stiller than before: HI lent, till amu replying wnrder blew Ills alien horn, nnd then wnt heard no moio Where erst the Jay within tho elm's tall crest, Mndo garrulous trouble round her uufledgcd young; And where orlolo hung her swaying nest, lly every light wind llko n eenser swung; Where swung the noUy martins ot the eavei, The busy swallows circling ever near Foreboding, ns tho rustic mind believes, An early harvebl and a plenteous yen:; Wheie every bird that waked the vernal feast Shook the sweet slumber from Its wings nt morn; To warm tho reaper of the rosy east; All now was hunless, empty nud forlorn. Alone from out tho stubble, piped the quntl; And croked the ctow thtough nil tho dreary gloom; Alone, the pheasant, diumtnlng In the vale, Mado echo In tho distant cottago loom. There was no bud, no bloom upon tho bowers; 1 he spiders moved their thin shrouds night by night; The thlstte-ilown, tho only ghosts of Mower, H.iIIhI slowly by passed noNelessout of sight. Amid all Hits lu this most dreary air, And wheio the woodbine shed upon thenorch its crimson leaves, as if the year stood there, Mrlng the lloor with Us Inverted torch. Amid all this the ceutru of the scene. The white-haired matron, with monotonous trend, i-iii-u in.- swin wneei, a m wtui ner joyiess mien rsue unu unown fouuw. lie nsii waiucu wun I Oft supped.aud broke with liertbe ashen crust, And In Iho dead leavtt, still she heard tho stir or ins thick manuo nailing in mo dust. While tt her cheek was blight with summer moom, I fair niinlr- hiitntiifiiioii nuil niin ittv hor nil And twice war bowed toiler his sable plume He-gave the sword to rust upon the wall. Re-gave the sword.but not the hand that drew And struck for liberty tho 'lying blow; Nor htm who, to his sire and country true. Fell 'mid the ranks of tho Invading foe. Long but not loud, tho drooping wheel went on Llko the low murmur of a hive at noon; I,nug, but not loud, the memory of the gone Breathed through her llpsa sad and tremulous '"" t last the thicnil Mas snuprcd-her head was , , '":w,l,i , l.neoioppe.i u.eu.s.1,1. ,.. - rtne; And loving neighbors smoothed hor careful shioud, tlSffUailfOltS. THE INVISIBLE EYE. ritoM the FRENCH OF C1IATRAIN. EitoKMANN- About this time (said Christian,) poor as a cliurch-mutisp, I took refugo lu tho room of mi old houso In Mlnncsanger Street, Nuremberg, and made my nest In tho corner of tho garret. 1 was compelled to walk over my it raw bed to reacli tho window, but this window was In tho gable-end, and tlio view from it was magnificent, tiolli town and country being spread out be- foio me. I could see the cuts, walking gravely in the gutter-! tlio storks, their beaks ill led with frogs, carrying nourishment to their ravenous brood ; tlio pigeons, Miriimim. from their cots, their tails spread llko fans, hovering over tho streets. in Hie evening, wheii tho bells called tho world to tho Angelus, with my el- bows upon the edge ol tho roor, 1 listen- ed to their melancholy chimes; I watch- ed tho windows as, ono by one, they wero lighted up ; 'hu good burghers smolUmr their nines on thu sidewalks; tho young girls, in their red skirts,wilh their pitchers under their arms, laugh- iug and chatting mound Iho fountain "Saint .Subalt." Insensibly all this fa- tied away, tho bats commenced their ranid course, ami I retired to my mat- tiers in sweet peace and tranquillity. Tho old curiosily-seller.Totibac, knew tho way to my littlu lodging as well as I dlil, uml was not afrtiid to climb thu lad- der. Every week his ugly head, adorn cd with a nddish cup, raised tho trap dour, his lingers grasped thu ledge, and ho cried out, iu u nasal tono : "Well, well, MSster Christian havo you anything To which I replied: "Coinoln. Why in the devil don't you como in 7 l am just unisliing n little laud-scape, ami yuu must tell me what you think of It," Then his great back, seeming to elen gate, grew up, oven to tho roof, and tho good man latighu I silently. I niu,t do Justice to Toubac: he never hn.'glcd with mi) about prices; hu Ins, ono with thu other, and sold them airaln for forty each, "This was an honest Jov !" 1 began to grow fund of this moilo of existence, and to Hud new charms In It day by day L.j. ..I .1.1., It...,, llu, nllt, ,,f V, in. in bcr, w s iy a 'stmi.go and inysteiious event. Not far from my doriner-wludo w, a littlu to tho left.stood tho Inn l!teuf-Ora.s,iiuold(iitocriK miicli patiouUi'tl throughout thu country, Three or four wagons, tilled with sacks, were always drawn up before thu tloor, wheio Hie rustic drivers wero In tho habit nfslopplug, on their way to the market, to tako their morning draught of wine. Tlio Kablo-cntl ofllm Inn was dlstln gulshed by Its iiucullar form. It was very narrow, pointed, ntul, on two sides, cut In teeth, llko a saw. Tho carvings wcro strangely grotesque, Interwoven and ornamenting tho cornices and sur rounding tho windows ; but tho most remarkable fact was, that tho houso op posite reproduced exactly tho sumo sculptures, tho saino ornaments ; even tho sign-board, with Its post and spiral of Iron, win exactly copied. One might have thought that tlieSu two nncicnt houses reflected ench other. Behind tho Inn, however, was a grand old oak, whoso sombro leaves darkened tho stones of tho roof, whllo tho other house stood out lu bold relief against the sky. To complete tlio description, this old building was as silent and dreary as tho Inn lUcuf-Qras was noisy and animated. On ono side, a crowd of merry drink ers were continually entering in nnd going out, singing, tripping, cracking their whips; on tho other profound si lence reigned. Perhaps.onco or twice during the day, tho heavy door seemed to open of Itself, to allow a little old woman to go out, with her back almost In a semicircle, her dress iltting tight about her hips, an enormous basket on her nrm, and her hand contracted against her breast. It seemed to mo that I saw at a glance, as I looked upon her, n wholn cxistenco of good works nnd pious meditations. The physiognomy of this old woman had struck mo tnnro than once : her lit tle green eyes, long, thin nose, tho im mense bouquets of lloworson hcrshawl, which must havo been at least a hun dred years old.tho withered smllo which puckered her cheeks into a cockade, tho laco of her bonnet falling down to her eyebrows all tills was fantastic, and interested mo much. Why did this old woman live in this great deserted house? I wished to oxploro tho mystory, One day.as I paused In tho street nnd followed her with my eyes, sho turned suddenly nnd gavo mo a look, tho hor riblo expression of which I know not how to paint : inado threo or four hide. ous grimaces, and then, lotting her pal sled head full upon her breast, drew hor great SIMWI C10SCJV arOUIUl nor. anu au vancetl to tho liciwv iloor.bchlml which T i .lUntinmr "Sho!? an out fool I" I said to mvaelr. t -.-.-i p -i,,,..,, -r fit I I iu nun ui aiujii'i, A'ijr uibti iv ? mo tho height of folly in me to bo interest. cd in her 1 However, I would like to seo her grimaco again ! Old ToubtlC Would wll lll,. ,y,n nffonn ftnrlna If T nrvliLI I " n paint It for him. I must confess that these pleasantries of mino d;d not entirely reassure me. Tlio hldoous glance, which tho old shrew had given mo,pursued mo every. where. More than onco, while climb log tlio almost, perpendicular ladder to my loft, feeling my clothing caught on somo point, 1 trembled from head to foot, imagining that tho old wretch was hanging to tho tail of my coat, 111 order to destroy mo. ,. ,,, r ,l(fl , ,, ,1 ,, iuu ' 1 " A.sm.v,, ...j ture, was far irom lailglllng at it; in ,lnn,l. lift iienmrwl it lfriivn nnil snlcmn Master Christian," said he, "if tho old woman wants you, tako caro ! He teeth aro small, pointed, and of marvel ous whiteness, and that Is not natural at her age. Sho has an 'evil eye.' Chit dren lleo from her, and tho peoplo Nutnremberg call lier'Fledcrtnausse.' ' I admired tho elear.sagaclous intellect of the Jew, and his words gavo mo t,lUaf. for reflection. Several weeks passed away, during which I often encounttred Fleder inatisso without any alarming conso quences. iiy fears wero tiissiiiateu,anii I thought of her no more, Hut, an evening came, during which I whllo sleeping very soundly, 1 was It was nwakened by a strange harmony ft kind of vibration, so sweet, so melo dlous. that tho whispering of tlio breezo jitnoiiL' tho leaves can give but n fain jjea 0f its chnrm Korn longtime I listened Intently, with my eyes wide open, and holding in breath, so as not to loso a note. At last I looked towartl tho window, and saw two wings fluttering against tho glass I thought, at first that it was a bat caught In my room; but, tlio moon rlsln at that Instant, I saw tho wings of magnificent butterfly of tho night doll noated upon her shining disk. The! vibrations wero often so rapid, th thev could not bo distinguished ; the they reposed, extended upon tho glass and their frail fibres wero again brougl: to view. Tills misty apparition, coming in tho midst of tho universal silence,-opened my heart to all sweet emotions. It seemed to mo that an nlry sylph, touch ed with ttsensoor my bOlitudo,hadcomo to visit ine, and this Idea melted mo al most to tears, 'llu tranquil, sweet captive, bo tran quil," mid I; ''your confidence shall not bo nbtisid. I will not keep you against your will. Return to heaven t,ml t0 Hherty." I then oppned my Httlo window. Tito nigiit wascaim, anu mil lions of btars wcru glittering in tho sky. For a moment, I contemplated thlssub llmu spectacle, and words of prayer and pralsu cauio naturally to my lips; but, Judge of my amazement, when, lower ing my eyes,I saw a man hanging from tho cross beam of tlio sign of the liionf- Uras, the hair dishevelled, tho arms """'j th"ll,f elongated to a point, and casting their shatlows down tho street! Thu immobility of this figure, under tho moon's rays, was terrible. I felt my tongue freezing, my teeth clinch ed. I was about to cry out In terror, when, by souiu iucomprehcnHlbio, mys terious attraction, my glanco fell below and I distinguished, confusedly, thu old woman crouched at her window lu thu ": ''k " mtoD. plating thu dead man with an nlr ofdl abollc satisfaction Then I had a vertigo of terror. All my strength abandoned me, and, re treating lo tho wall of my loft, I Hank down ami tjccninu itiseiislblo. I tlo not l now how long this sleep of dtuth continued. When restored to toiisciousiiess, 1 saw that It was broad day. Tho mists of tho night had pone 1869. COL. t rated to my garret, nnd deposited their fresh dew upon my hair, und tho con fused murmurs of tho street ascended to inyllttlo lodging. I looked without, j Tho burgomaster and his secretary wcro stationed at tho'doorof tho Inn, nnd ro inaincd thcro n long time; crowds of peoplo caino nnd went, nnd paused to look In; then recommenced their course Tito good women of tho neighborhood, who wcro sweeping beforo their doors, looked on from afar, and talked grave ly with each other. At last, rt litter, nnd, upon this litter a body, covered with u linen cloth, Is sued from tho Inn, carried by two men. They descended to tho street, and tlio children, on tbeir way to school, ran behind them. Ml tho people drew back as thoy ad vanced. Tho window opposite was still open; tho end of a ropo floated from tho cross beam. I had not dreamed. 1 had, Indeed, seen tho butterfly of tho night; I had seen tho man banging, I had seen I' led- crinausso. That day Toubac mado mo n visit, and, as Ids great noso appeared on a level with tho floor ho exclaimed: "Master Christian, have you nothing to sell?" I did not hear him. i was seated up- on my ono chair, iny hands clasped up on my knees, nnd my eyes fixed beforo me. Toubac, surprised at my inattention repeated, In a louder voice: "Master Cliristlan.Mastor Christian!" Then, striding over tlio sill, ho ad vane cd and struck mo on the shoulder. "Well, well, what Is tho matter now?' "Ah, Is that you, Toubac?" "Eh, parblcu ! I rather think so; Bro you 111?" "No. I am only thinking." "What In the dovil are you thinking about?" "Of tho man who was hanged." "Oh, oh !" cried tho curiosity-vender, 'You havo seen him, then? Tho poor boy! What a singular history! Tho third iu tho same place." "How tho third ?" "Ah, yes ! I ought to havo warned you; but it Is not too late. There will certainly be a fourth, who will follow tho example of tho others. Jl n,i a que le premier pan qui, coiile.'' Saying this.Toubac toot a seat on tho corner of my trunk, struck his match box, lighted his pipe, and blew three or four powerful whlfl's of smoke, wltii a meditative air. "My faith," said he, "I am not fear ful; but, if I had full permission to pass the night In that chamber, I should much prefer to sleep elsewhere. "Listen, Master Christian. Nino or ten months ngo, a good man, of Tubin gen, wholesale dealer in furs.dismount ed at tho Inn Bceur-Gros. He called for supper; ho uto well; he drank well; and was finally conducted to that room In tho third story it Is called tho drooii Iioom. Well, tho next morning ho was found hanging to the cross-beam of tho sign-board. "Well, that might do or otive; noth ing could be said." "Every proper Investigation was made, and thu stranger was burled at tho bottom of tho garden. Hut, look you, about six months afterwards, a brave soldier from Nuustadt arrived; ho had received his final discharge, and was rejoicing in tho thought of return ing to Ids native village. During tho whole evening, whllo emptying his wine-cups, ho spoku fondly of his little cousin, who was waiting to marry him. At hist, this big monsieur was conduct ed to this room tho Green Itoom and, thesamo night, the watchman, passing don n the street Minnesanger, perceived something hanging to tho cross-beam; he raised his lantern, and lo! It was tho soldier, with Ills final dischargo in a bow on his left hip, and his hands gath ered up to tho seam of his pantaloons, ns If on a parade." " 'Truth to say ,this is extraordinary,' cried the burgomaster; 'the devil's to pay.' Well, tho chamber was much visited; the walls wero replasterodpind tho dead man was sent to Neustadt. "Tho registrar wrote this marginal note: " 'Died of apoplexy."' "All Nuremberg was enraged against the Innkeepei. Tnero wero many, In deed, who wished to force him to tako down his iron cross-beam, under tho pretext that It inspired peoplo with dangerous Idea-: but you may well liO' liovothat old Nlchel Schmidt would not lend his ear to this proposition " 'This cross-beam,' said he, 'was placed hero by my grandfather; It has born tho slgnof Hceuf.ara'sfor ouo hun dred and fifty years, from father to sou; It harms no one, not oven tho hny-wag ons which pass houoith, for It Is thirty feet above them, Those whodou't liko it can turn their heads aside, und not SCO It.'" "Well, gradually tho town calmed down, and, during Hovernt months, no now event agitated It. Unhappily, u student of Heldolbcrg, returning to thu university, stopped, day beforo yester day, at tho Inn Iheuf-Oras, and asked for lodging. Ho was the son of a min Isterof tlio gospel. "How could any one stipposathat tho son of a pastor uoulil coucolvo tho Idea of hanging himself on tho cross-beam of a sign-board, because a big monsieur and an old soldier had done so ? Wo must atlinlt, Master Christian, that tho thing was not probable; thesu reasons would not havo seemed sullk-lent to myself, or to you," "Enough, enough 1" 1 exclalmei "Ibis Is too horrible I I seo a frightful mystery Involved lu all this. It Is not tho cross-beam; it is not I ho room." " What 1 Do you suspect thu iunkeep er, tho most honest man iu thu worl and belonging to ono of thu oldost fain Hies In Nuremberg?" "No, no; may (Jod preserve mo from indulging in unjust suspicious! bit there Is au uhyss beforo mo, Into which I scarcely darn glanco." "You aru right," s.thl Toubac, aston Ishod at tho violence of my excitement "Wo will speak uf other things, pro pot, Master Christian, where Is ourlund scapoof '.Saint Odille?"' . ' ,-s-i.( a , DEM. - VOL. XXXIII NO. 11. This question brought mo back to tho world of realities, I showed tho old man tho painting I had Just completed. Tho nflttlr was soon concluded, nnd Tou bac, well satisfied, descended tho lad der, entreating mo to think no nioro of tho student of Holdclbcrg. I would gladly havo followed my good friend's counsel; but, when tho ovll once mixes himself up In our con cerns, It Is not en.y to disembarrass ourselves of him. In my solitary hours, all these events wero reproduced with frightful distinct ness In my mind. "This old wretch," I said to myself, 'Is tho causo of nil; sho nlono has con ceived theso crimes, and has consum mated tlicm. Dut by what means? Has sho had recourse to cunning nlono or Inw sho obtained tho Intervention of nvlslblo powers?" 1 walked to and fro In my retreat. An inward voico cried out : "It Is not In vain that Prov idence permitted you to seo Flcdcr- mausso contemplating tho agonies of her victim. It is not in vain that the soul of tho poor young man camo in tho form of n butterfly of tho night to uwako you. No, no; all this wus not accidental, Christian. The heavens im poso upon you a terrible mission. If you do not accomplish It, tremblo lest you fall Into tho hands of the old mur deross I Perhaps ut this moment, sho is preparing her snares in tho dark ness." During several days, theso hideous mages followed mo without iutermis sion. I lost my sleep; It was impossi ble for mo to do any thing; my brush fell from my hnnd ; and, horrible to confess, I found myself sometimes gaz ing at tho cross-bo.im with n sort of complacency. At last I could enduro it no longer, and ono evening I descend ed tho ladder, and hid myself behind the door of Fledcrmausso, hoping to surprise Iter fatal secret. From that time, no day passed in which I was not en route, following the wretch, watching, spying, never losing sight of her, but she was so cunning, had a scent so subtle, that, without oven turning her head, sho know I was bo- hind her. However, she feigned not to pcrceivo this ; sho went to tho market, to tho butcher's.liko any good.simplc woman, only hastening her steps, and murmur ing confused words. At the close of the month, I saw that it was impossible for mo to attain my object iu this way, and this conviction mado me inexpressibly sad. "What can I do?" I said to myself. "Tho old woman divines my plans; she Is on her guard ; every hopo nband ous me. Ah ! old hag, you think you. already see mo at tho end of your ropo." I was continually asking myself this tuestlon : "What can I do ? what can I o?" At last a luminous Idea struck me. My chamber overlooked tho houso of Fledermaussc; but thcro was no Indow on this side. I adroitly raised slate, and no pen could paint my joy when tho whole ancient building was thus exposed lo me. "At last, I have ou," I exclaimed ; you cannot escape mo now; from hero I can seo all that passes your goings, your comlngs,your arts and snares. You will not suspect this invisible eye this watchful eye, which will surprise crlmo at tlio mom ent it blooms. Oh, Justice, Justice! She marches slowly ; but sho arrives." TO HE CONTINUE!!. Marriage Shorn of Poetry. Tho He v. D., a Methodist minister, station ed at Meadvlllo some years ago, one evening received a nolo informing hi in that a couplo living In tho suburbs of tho city desired to bo united in tlio bonds of matrimony, and requested his services at (J o'clock in tho morning. t tho proper timo ho went to tho houso eslgnated. Ho inquired of u young lady who was busy washing dishes if tlieru was a couplo there who wished to bo married. "I am tho lady," said she, blushing. John will bo in in n moment." Tho minister was surprised to seo no preparations, and stepped to tho door to low the surroundings. Two men wero hard at work grinding scythes in tho ard and another, who proved to bo tho "John," was tending it cow and nlf. Tlio young lady came to the door pretty soon and shouted; "John, John, hurry up; tho preach r's hero 1" John leaped tho fence and ru.hcd to tho house; tho girl wiped her bauds ou her apron, and after Joining hands, said they were ready. Tho inhibit r proceed si, and hail Just got through question. ing tlio young man when tho old lady' rushed into tho room, shouting: "John", John, youdldu't turn the eow iwuy from tho calf!" Ho let go his sweetheart's hand in stttutly, nnd rushed Into the barnyard put tho old cow through'tho bars, and then returned to tho house, again took his position, when tho remainder of tho ceremony was performed. Tho minis ter went on his way, John went to tlio hay field, and thu lady resumed her dishwashing. Not the Wife's Fault, An Irish man who had Just lauded, went to sco Ills sister who was married ton Yankee Tho couplo lived very happily lu tho city, and when Pat came, tho gentle man took him over his place to show It to him, Pat at tho evidences of pros perlty, said to his brotlicr-lu-law: " Ih gorru, you aro very happy hero with this flno property to llvo on; mo sister had good luck intlrely.hOhhii had In getting you for a husband," "Ah, yes," icspotidcd tho iiiarrle man, "wo would bu very happy but for ouo thing," " And what's that?" asked Pat. "Ah, Pat," returutd the gentleman " I am totry lo say that wo havo no children." "No children!" exclaimed Pat thin begoira It's not mo sister Magglo'i fault, for sho hud two beforo sliu left Ireland, and that's tho raysou mo father sent her to America." Ox k hundred years ligo, thcro w muro than 200,000 landed proprietors Hunt IJritnlnj lo-day there aro les otj UIMI. HATES OK ADVERTISING Ono square, (ten lines or Its equlva. lent In nonpareil typo) onoortwo liHor- tions, f i.wij inreo insuriiuii, ..in. PA(K. 1H, One square ....... tl.V) Two sonar. J.. 3, Thrte .quarrs.., ..5,00 Four square 7,00 quarter column.. lO.oO HftUcal'uuiQ.......lS,00 JM, SM, CM, It. 13,00 8,00 7,00 ,0U 13,00 18,00 11,00 7,00 9,00 11,00 11,00 9)00 tB.OU 110,00 IV) 15,(0 15,00 IM'0 17,00 26,(0 20,10 30,1.0 ao.oo oo.oo One column 30,00 M,00 40,00 00,00 1O0.CO Kxccutor'sorAilinlnlstrator'a Notice, $3.00 i Auditor's or Assignees nonce, O 5Q1 "Local Notices, twenty cents n lino by tlio year ton cents. Cnrda t In tlio "Directory" column, 12.00 per year for tlio first two linos, and 1.00 for each additional lino. Brevities for Ladies. Ileal thread lace veils nro coining in fashion again. Strings to now-fashioned bonnets nro tied under the chin. Clold braided walking coats a la mililuire. nro much worn. "No presents received" takes tho place of "no cards" at weddings. Loose mantles will bo more gene rally worn than closely fitting basques. Uluo flannel Jackets trimmed with largo brass buttons nro worn by young Indies. Diamonds aro going out of fashion, savo among shoddy-ltes. Pearls nro coming In. Small receptions nnd social lea par ties nro to bo given this winter, lu place of largo parties. Small bouquets of tuberoiCJ.arc now carried by brides and bridesmaids, du ring tho ceremony. Velvet muffs, bound with fur nro tho latest novelty, and promise to bo fashionnblothls winter. Cartes He visile havo given placo to Imperial photogrnphs.with illuminated monogramsstamped on tho back. Tho now fashion bonnets nro so high In front that ladles who wear tlicin look like drum majors of militia bands. Fashlonablo weddings now take placo at home, nnd tiro followed by small and quiet receptions, with no dancing. Largo black laco scarfs, for houso or street, havo been named "Ida Lewis," In honor of Newport's heroine. Evening dresses of very light silks will bo most worn this season tarletan and tullo having been given over to very young girls. Earrings of Roman gold, mado to represent all manner of birds, animals and toys, arc now in vogue being tho "latest from Paris." "Chinese fans and Jewelry are all tho rage, and oven Chineso braids aro lu vogue, slightly modified, however, by being gracefully looped up. Largo laco collarstsuch as our grand mothers used to don)aro again In vogue, nnd when worn over a light silk dress, tho effect is beautiful. Silver jewelry, or silver ornaments of any kind, aro entirely out of date, they having been superseded by gilt, Roman gold and Chineso Jewelry. Jet, enamel and gold lockets, with diamonds and emeralds In monogram, are as popular as ever ; but otherwise, diamonds aro not uppermost in favor Just now. Eugenie's trip has brought out a new tollette.sp'ecially prepared for "tho Holy Places." Tho pattern is a cross mado of lilies black or white upon n material black or white. Ryo Drop Cakes : Ono pint of milk, threo eggs, ono tablespoon of sugar, ouo salfspoon of salt. Stir in rye flour till about tho consistency of pancake-". Hako buttered tins. -A lady Just returned from Etiropo boasted tho other evening of having smuggled six dozen pairs nf kid gloves mid half a dozen Roman scarfs through tho Custom houso. The latest French gilt jewelry is a little white guinea-pig in u gilt cage, al- umbrellas, preserving kettles, and bunches of keys, all done up In gilt and intended to d.mglo from somebody's pretty car. Among our better decoratlons.bcau- tlful Roman bends, strung on a bright- hucd velvet, aro worn about tho throat n place of tho ribbon or velvet, nnd small beads of real jet, carved, aro alio iopular. An Excellent Pudding : Ono quart of milk, nine tablespoons of flour, five ggB. Rent separately, and put the hites in last. Leave very Httlo room for swelling. Put in n pot with boiling water, boil ono hour nnd a half. Tea Cakes (very good:) Eight ounces f flour, four ounces of butter, eight ounces of currantSjClght ounces of sugar, tho whito of ono egg, nnd the yellows of two. Roll the paste Into the thickness of biscuits, nnd cut In any form you wish. The fashlonablo world Is considera bly stirred by a rumor that (he present fashion f overloading dretses with trimmings will soon givo way to styles conscieuous for simplicity, but so elo- gunt In fabric that none but tlio richest can afibrd to go back to the seventeenth century for their models. Ground Rico Pudding : Ono quart of milk, four tablespoons of ground rlco. Put in tho milk when cold ; set on tho fire, and Mir until it bolls. When cool, idd eoven cggs,oiio-fourth pound of but- er. Sugar to your taste. Season wltii either inace, nutmeg, or lemon, as you llko best. Tea Biscuit : Six potatoes boiled and grated in half a milk-pan of flour. Ono tablespoon of salt, threo tumblers of milk, ouo cup of yeast. Beat tho whites of three eggs to a froth, and put in beforo kneading. Mix not quite as stiirns bread-dough, nnd put to rise. Poet's Pudding : Soak six ounces of tho crumbs of a stalo loaf in a quart of now wllk. Add, after It has stood an hour, four ouueos of light-brown sugar, four well-beaten eggs, two ounces of freshly-gratod cocoa-nut, half a grated nutmeg, or thu rind of n largo lemon, and a small pinch of salt. Tapioca Pudding : Soak a cupful of tapioca over night, or for au hour lu the morning, inako a pudding saino ns rice, witli milk, eggs, etc., or pour thu soaked taploci (.using more water, nnd soaking longer) Into a pudding dish, buttered, ami tilled with peeled apples. llakoau hour or les.", eat with haul saueo. Spongo Cnko: A receipt that nuv er falls to make it light and beautiful cuke; ono pound of sugar, three-quarters of n pound of flour, ono dozen eggs, but the yelks light, and all thu sugar; beat It well; whli tho whites to u stilT froth and mix gently with tho yelks and sugar, sprinkle tho flour lightly and stir slowly.if stirred too much after tho flour is In it will not rise. Add n psoouful nf lemon,