t &i; All! HP ""MSgtumlriith, Blwstarff(Pa Friday Nov. 23, 13C9. Aj11" HI"8own, Schuylkill coun. Mr. ft "MMpeKeJcd in hi, charge for horse 'M' (letliBfl-lii Successor Imilccn tirrestcd for ' S,j SANDJtns and Chnirnnt have funned them sclf?jlitu. ''lUluol aJiiiiiulion society, ami tii; wniimty llml is reCit'shing tenint fotli'OtlicrctliiuiiiilN onil tquilis. Nritlu-r V 'iI'crffcms t6 inipiovo under llio joint edi- ;,; orslS i ' MimtNVIWE. A spirit 61' improvement ' - Us'tjitSBSplo Mifflinvillo, nnd tho uitizeni lOi.irobwffyjng'fcd in painting tlicir housm, II inJ inJprovi'g tlio fences and out-biiiMing. I - ThebbLIo nn fxliibiticti civcti in the il'.owflllWii Thursday and Friday eve l(L iiiJiDccorabor 2d nd 3d by the Amateur llj ociety'jof rjhis place. Tliu entertaimnents ."irill bo wiedjeonsiiting of iilay,tnuie, &c. 7 Tickets 25 ccntu which cm be procured nt Wf'A. D. Webb' book stores or at tlio door ' " SUicks'lllNNr. We spent a day in Sliick. ihin'ny last cck, mid were ploa'ed to see the brift and, progicts of the young borough. ;sIijVithin a fow years it bu mom than doubled ji popuUlion and wealth. It is a great pity iifbat a'ililljoof 'tho same energy could not bo 'i' nfusedjinto Beach Haven. There is much :i"-csibn9incEsd6no there now than formerly. J 'Ut ' v xj SEVEtlAt, years ago the Radical Lcgit'a ,k .ureostensibly ropcaltd the Stale, tux. Now Lhsy are buy collecting it however, and Col T mibla counly Im jut been compelled to pay ' ntotlio State Treasury $5000.00. No won Ijfj lerour taxes aro so heavy when continual .. Issewmentfi like these aro made upon the Ht r- a j'iVB liopo our a'lb'cribrrs will remember n nitlindebtodneas to us, and bring or send ,1 '.he tnonoyat tho coming sos-siuns. of (,'our'. (Vi"liavo tent circulars to all who aro in nr learVshowing'the amounts of their suhferip liontv ' Though tho individual amounts may s to small, they foot up heavily in the ogerc- '& MVMi'KlilCKBAti.Mhni purchased and mov SdinoMho Into icsidence ol ltuich. Frcas. rbtt"lncuwas$lGUO. This will give cur neigh loicjianco to make his stalcchnrge against tba County ofliciaN ol 'plundering tho poo plgjf'robbirig, the treasury," c. It is in cotuprchensiblo to a Radical mind howu man can hold office nnd not steal. i ".' i r j Hahd TIMES - Our people arc beginning o feel jthcuinous effects of R opublican i ulc. ,'! Thjlaxes' aroicnnimoiis, tho money in the J hands oftfiond-holdcrs, and if our farmers or AS dealers want to borrow, they must pay cnor mous rates of interest. We know good ami f 'feliable pcisons who aro paying 25 per cent pcrTannonrfor, money. DlWABDLT.' On Saturday Morning Nov. Ll4thabout J o'clock, thrco men went to the XE JVhitSwan Hotel in Mill Sticet, Danvillo fuand,Ton hciug refused addmiltanco by tho proprietor, S. U. Reed, on accounts of tho '( Istencsapf tho hour, fired three shots at tho house one of which passed through the win- i dow frowSwhich Mr. Reed had just witlr i ' drawnSve' havo heard of no arrests having , been inade as yet. Such scoundrels should u hwe'lho.full benefit of thuhiw. v.- jVW,v- . & HSVt branch lliilU Im nnd Lycoming il'j t7afVie have effected a consolidation with a '' capital 'd'f! i(50,to)0. It i proposed to Ostah JishV dally-hich publish all thu Associ r. jteiyPress-sdispatches. We prcsumo the " politics of the concern will bu Radical. The uiKtendeneyof. the Gazette has been that way , jJ?iio tinio; " It is better for the Denioc 5Ssf4hatvcouiity to have an open enemy, rltan'secrel'foc. They can no longer be t deceived by, jts, pretensions, 'fl? .'!; ,-. . j'et j Ff.ET. Fol k s should now look out fyUffifh A pair of wetted pedals just now inig'htrrfock yon with i stylo of cold that i stict?to' you until next JIay. The next pair n, .."oflboot you order for yourself or wife, take apiece of inen duck tho size of your sole, wr and'ilumerse it in boiling lar or pitch. Let the r bootmaker placo it between tho leathers of thofole, , and you won't havo u damp un derstanding while their covenug lasts. The ' job en be to- dono that the presence of the " duck will not i o perceptible. Ti; . Wk havo on our table a most amusing and intcrcsihig bookfof 780 pages.bcing a history bf the great showman, I'.T.Iiaruum, wiittcu fy.himsclf, under the title of "Struggles and triumphs or Forty years llecollcctions of P. r.Barnuui." Tho wnik i in-tructivo as ffells amusing and will amply lcpay perusal. It is full of anecdote and adventure and ex plains fully tho various "humbugs" with nblib from time to timo he an.uscd the peo- " pleT:Publishcd by J. U. Iluiri Co., Hart- . . JoM.. Conn. Agents aro wanted and wi'l jli::M(rtiV;fNirr man, having,as ho imag- aeintilislicd all his leading foes.hke Alex IwghS' for new conquests; and has per I JiisTHeroulcau mind t grasp a pigmy tiusr: We cry "i-n'righ from tho start roaro charged with not being "hefty. "montallyor physically, is it Mir is HwaflniiMiMou, for such a Wcb-tcrian iutel- Ho attack a weakling like ourselves t lie- abcr,Thomas,that "'tis glorious to havo a iRht'a strength 'tis cowardly to uo it liko , giant. Tdrnnsrvr All riimppr (iron tlic UTiiln. A'siorTof keroseno may by avoided if consuiii- - BrVwill apply a simple lett to each purchase u tefareusing it. Pour a small quantity say J$ 'vaspoouful upon a plate. Then place it VaPon tho hearth or other safe placo and apply lighted rjjatch to it. If ibo keroseno ig Ig nites readily, coudcuiii it, for it is not safe to 'iVsiilp.'lituips. If f'o match burns Jup rtfUhout Igniting thu keroseno, I ho fluid may ''C'betitiemedlrjerfeclly safe. Hut even then W IbeyUmp fslibuld not bo filled while it is ftfc(i.'.JT:....Vi.-....ii .... i. n...i ' ightcd.:; IN" Ml rKXPANl) Drtu Chase. Arrangements Ji'Wog'lflado for a grand Ib.t and deer u 1 eJiM( the Herdio Park, on Thursday, Nov. dBthod lots of fun may be anticipated. I " The gates will 1 c thrown open at half past one o'clock, in tho afternoon. Thu first fox Will bo lot looso at 'J p. m. and the deer at 3; ftcond l'oxut4 p. in. I(,vEhAll,dog,wil lo ptrtniltcd to join in tho i;tc,?'e-li blood hounds, grey hounds and 4 lul does-vN l S ThefirstfllnL'nl llin Toy uill Iir nllnneil a prsiuium-of S3 Tfi mill llio first at tho deer tS.ai.Wof uiidci stand that tho dogs are to pZ PS nit-rilcd So that they can't hurt Ihe ani- I. Ihiswill afford rnro sport, nnd will, no uoult, at tract u huge number of visitors, 11( iQcomingJUatitlt. ' 1 We protcit agaln-t any such batbaroui : jAi I'Ort l.d it is till tbo wouel iraurt snnclion ' d by, the Mayor of tho City. It is no won-J (d?f ihtit dog-llghls, bull-baiting, prize lights Jic.iei popular when Christian men and '. Kuturn coop deer and foxes up i'l a p irk an J ,lien ouiuse thcuirckcs by sitting dogs on ?. hem. ME Ova. thanks aro duo l'cter Jones of this plrieo. for a fine lot of celery. Wo tho Letter appreciate it, as wo havo raised none of our on n. I.Vkiiy column of a newspaper contains from tin to twenty thousand distinct pieces of metal, tho displacing of any ono of which males an error. Iti'vicw of theso Tacts is it not surprising that more inaccuracies do not occur? Tub Danville, Hajlcton and Wilkcsbarro H. It. is completed from Danville toSunbury and it i expected th: t thrco traim will leave Danvillo daily, hereafter, iraling connection at Suubury with tho N. (J. H. 11. for Harris burg and Philadelphia. l.NTEltl'lllSB. Our contcinnorjrv tiii.lAr date of Nov. 17th gives nearly a column of election returns dated Nov. 31, or (ico tivr.j old I In fact ho leaves his readers in douht whether tho Democrats of New York have carried the lecgislaturo or not. Woimiuss UtMUENcr.-It is alleged that u lot of currency has got into circulate n from koine of tho bank nuto printing estab lishments in New York, which has not pass ed through tho Treasury and received the official stamp. It can easily bo detected by observing whether tho red teal is on it or not. Without this it is not genuine. 1'liF.ss of business prevented us from at tending tho dedication of tho Odd Fellows' Hall at Hcrwick on Monday last. Officers Nicholson nnd Gwinncr of the Grand Lodge wero present, and everything pasted uff suc cessfully and harmoniously. In the evening a Ilcbceea Degree LoJgo was instituted at Shicks.iiiiny. Ouu friend A K. Kapp, of Northumber land, and President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society, for somo days past has been visiting tlio Georgia Slato Fair. Ho hai placed us under obligations for a file of Georgia newspapers. Tho vi-its of such men as Mr. Kapp will do fa I more to estab lish friendly relations with our Southern neighbors than all the legislation of Congress. Five Dollaiisj Rewaiid. Understanding that certain parties in Columbia County aro endeavoring to undermine the established reputation of our Complete Bono Manure by making statements that it contained oyster shells; wo oiler the above icwnrd for the nann of cery icponsihlo man heaid to havo made such assertion. Address Hi.niNKi c Un.nticii. Allentown, Pa. local Notices. JIusic, Music JIusical Instruments' of all kinds Alstatt-Court House Alloy. ': Have you seen tho largo Windows at I W. Ilartman's Storo? if not, it will pay you to go and seo them filled with ladies, nnd children's Furs, also witli fancy Dress good', Ac. AT tlio Mammoth Urocciy a tmu assort ment of Hamsjiiid Shoulders, Kxtra Family Hour, Uuckwheat Flour, Corn meal and Feed of all kinds. 3t ' The latest styles of Chandelieis, Drackets, Lamps, Lanterns, Lamp Shades and Cliim ney. I hey are Durable, Handsome, Uon. venient and Cheap; juat'arrived at Hcnder- shott's. Sdjietiiino New. M. P. Lutz is selling uoxes oi paper collars at tlio rcgul r price (35 eent) but with every box sold theie is a prize of same kind. Among these prizes are underclothing, glows, jewelry, ku. Theto are no blanks ui this euteririse. You arc sure to win. 1 Wantfd. Farmers, Me.hanies, Rook Agents and others. Wa.-es from $50 to SI50 per month and expenses paid. Call upon Win. II. Currau at P.xchaugc Hotel, Illoomsburg Pa.,ou tlr 13 h,2llth and 27th of November 1SG0. 3t ( FnuiTS Canned and Dried of all kinds can be obtained of J. II. Maize at the Mam moth Grocery corner of Main nnd Iron Steels. Ho has also the finest stock of frxsh Groceries, just received, to bo found in this section of the State. Also a largo assortment of Flavoring Extracts. 3t Usk Dr. Pierce's Alterative Extract, or Golden Medical Discovery for all Coughs, Colds, llr. ti'.'hial or Lung Diseasas. It ar rests and cures consumption in its early stages. Sold by druggists, or enclose tl ico dollars mid twenty' va cents to Dr. it. V. Pierce, Uuflalo, N. Y., and'get three bottles free of OTptcsschat es. ShKloitS.- We desjru to call altenlioii to tlio really vt y lino u-soilineiit of sleighs nr. thoestablishtneut of M. ('. Sloan and Broth er. They havo tho newest and most popular styles all made in their well known manner by tho best and most experienced workmen and of first class miteiials. An inspection of their stock will certainly satisfy all as to tho character of their woik. y Hkmovai.. Tho .ttndci signed would hero by inform thu public generally, that ho has moved his Drug sud Chemical Store to his new rooms nearly opposite tlio old stand, where he will bo happy to accommodate all, who may call on him, with good and reliable goods in his line of business. Thankful for past patronage he would ask a continuance of thu same, and guaiautecs satisfaction lo nil. Main Street, west tid', below tho Post office, sit El'llltAIM P. I.ura. Get tub Hest. Tho place to do so is Mil ler k Wolf's. You can depend upon it tint anything you may procuro there will bo what it is represented. They buy none but tnu best articles. Their stock of ball and Winter Dry Goods H now complete and open to in spection, and is second to uotio in tho country. Wo adviso our ladyfiicuds by nil means to stop in and scu what charming patterns they have. They havo alo laid in a fresh supply of Groceries and Provisions of the very best description. ' AbTO.NI8lll.Ntil That IiOwcnbcrg can sell such beautiful and durable Goods at such very reasonable prices in these hard times, Thu reason is that ho .knows how to buy and when to buy. It is really north whilo to ex amino his stock of Fall and Winter Goods. Tlio best styles of tho city " arkets are to bu found on his shelves. Ho has splendid stuflfs) for OvcrconU. which aro bvcomiug necessary now; heavy cloths fur suits, and everything requisite ''or man's commit, Call und set) lilin or by purchasing good i'olier you may regret it. I.ITTK'.i.'l LlvlNtl Aim. No. IS'J'Jof Thu Lining Agt, for the week ending Nov. L'd, contains 7Vte Qunrterli Ittcitio't crushing article on "Tho Ilyrou Mystery;'1 The lluttld of the Philosophies Tho Milliomiros nf New York, kc ke. No. 330, for tho week ending Nov. '-'7, COLUMBIAN AND contains "Islam," a very notablo paper by 1 tho author of the eclebratod Talmud article, and written with tho same power', also "An l.nlgma of History-Tha Captivity of Joan an of Castile, called 'L loca' or tho Mad," from new documents, translated for The Li ing Age from tho Jtovuo dos Deux Mondcsf tho conclusion of "Tho Portrait in my Undo' Dining-Room," from tho French and other articles. In No. 1331 will bo begun a new story of Russian life, translated for The Living Aae. which will bo concluded in the last number of uio jcar. Ihe Airing Age is Ksuid cvorv Saturday. giving fifty-two numbers of sixty-four pages each, or inoro than Thico Thousand double column octavo pages of reading matter yearly; enabling it to present with ealisfactury com pje'eness tho best Ksjuys, Reviews, Criti c'lMiis, Talcs, Poetry, Literary, Scientific, Historical and Political Information, gather ed fiom the whole body of foreign periodical lileratuie, and from tho peni of the ablest living writers. "Tho best of all our ojleetio public itions" The Nation, New York. Published weekly nt $3, a year, free or postage. An extra cdpy sent gratis for a club of Five New Subscribers. Litieix k Gay, Publishers. 30 llromfield Sticet. Iio ton. lllooniil.ni j JIrkt lt.orl. WlH-nt per hushe!.. live i.'Ji l.sO Corn " Oats. " " " Flour per hnrri'l Cloverset-d Flaxseed llultrr I'Wys t Tallnw I'otnlOs l m to s j s mi a is M 10 llrleil A pies ,, .". Ilams V .'5 21 a 1'2 00 Hides h nil sdmulil, rs ... i.arii a t nouinl nay per ion , Ikiin No. I Sruleli i.lu No. 2 " " Illoom .. . IK ... .110 . S iU l" 01 Isa.si . Ij I. ' u I.t!Mlll.'l! lleinlock lloarils n r thoiisaiul tei l'lne ' " inn.- iih t.. Joist, iSi uutllUD, I'lalik, lltemliH'k niniiKieK, o. i per thousand " " I " MdlOU n is . NEW ADVEHTISKMKNTeS. rANTED, To all out or km- . T V pliiyinenl.we would say tint what wo Vavo i oner you is no new tiling or cxpoiiinvnt. as IjioNti who bae followed It lor years will lesllfv. W c.m nroeo tiiviiiiiliiiiinn .... li....i i'..'. money faster than. mui c in lu any otbei bonoiahlo ....... I." Kii-ui nut-in, aun otn lllllo inone'V niiulicd to start. llAIfl. Y t t o . DID Areli Street, Pliltadelphla Nov ISTItAY.-OAJIE TOTIIK PIUiM jlsesol the undersigned In Cent o township, about tnu Stli of November, ISlill. a HHIfKlt, e-oW or Hlnek, with white, he-nd and tip of tall, nnd about 8 mo. old. Tho owner will please call, proyo property, pay charges, and take It away or It will otherwUei be disposed of according to Nov. 2tl,,l,0-.1t i.KVI HKMIII.Y. rjiO COXSU.MPTI VKS. The AdverlUer, having bei n restored to lii'nllli In n few weeks b) a very simple lemi'dy, after having sullen d several j ears with a sovoro lung alhctlon.ahd that elrcad disease, onsuiuntlou--ls Mixluus to m.iko Known lo his relline-sulter. ers llio means of cure. Teiatlwlio de-Hlru It. l. ii-itl no.4 n..mu nr i.A prescription used (freo of charge,) with tho direc tions fur prepniing and using tho same, which they will lludn sure Cure for Coimiiiiptton.Asth ma, llronchltls etc. Tho object of the adver tlser. In sending ihu Ticscrlptlon Is lo beneiit theullllcted, and spread Information which he conceives to bo Invaluable; nnd ho hone overy fcuilcrerwill iry Ids remedy, as it will cost theui nothing, nnd may pro o a blessing. l'.tltles wishing tho prescription, will ploaso address Iltsv. KDW.Vlll) A. WILSON. . . ;Vlllanisburg. Klugo Couuty.Now York. Nov.iOo'J-ly, "WANTED. 100 Faum Kits' Sons i i and others out of employment, cm make from S7-, to $150 jier month, from now till next Spring, by addiesslng IlAItCt.AY S CO.. ' 010 Arch Hheet, Philadelphia. Nov. 'Je!,'ey -3m. ' JgltnOKS OF YOUTH. A genllemuu wposutrcredforj'ears fiom Ner vous debility, Premnturo Decay, and all tho et lecls of youthful Indiscretion, will, forsake of sintering humanity, send freoto nil who need It. tno receipt end directions for making the shiudo remedy by which he was cured. SulTercrs wishing to proilt by tho ndvertlser's oxpeileucp, cm elo so by addiesslng with perfect conlldcncc, JOHN U. OC1DEN, x. . - . U Cedar street, New York. Nov, lO.'llO-ly. QAKRIAGE MANUFACTORY, uiouiiiaumtj, a M. C. SLOAN BROTHEU Havo on hand nnd for side, nt Ihe most reasona ble rates a splendid sine k of CAItlHAOKH. niNIOIl'X. and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY ...i , i... iiinil nf llu, liest nnd inos'. dur able, materials, and by the most experiment workmen. All work sent out. from the estab lishment will bo found to he of tho highest class nndsuriitiiglvo perfect satisfaction. They hau nisei n one assortment in SJ L K IOIIS of nil tho newest nnd most lushlouablL styles. noil nnd c.trerully mane nun oi eoo nose mater- '"Aulu-pei'lliin of their work Is nslcul ns II Is believed that none superior ran lw found In llio country. hoy.sivoihi. I7IALI. AND WIMTBP GOODS A T PLAID DltEsiS OOODM OK THE HAJtOSV KlN- I'LAIN MillSS O'SOD.S. ALL WOOL IIUUSS GOODS. III.ACK AND WHITE FLANNELS. KM) AND WHITE FLANNELH. 1ILVCK MIXED WATKK I'ltOOF CLOIH. il)LD .MIXl'D WA1EH l'ltOOF CLOU!. Ml'sir.lNS CIIEAPflt THAN FOlt YEA Us.. 10 ME'IM laDIfSH' FU1W JUrtf ItEC'D. HI1AWLS MIXED, I'LAID AND PI.Als. HOOTS) AND SIIOE-4, FOlt MEN AND HOYri. IIUMt I'Oi; LDIKH, XKN AND ( HILDHES" MAltrlN'sl ri'LKllltATEn MIOE IHtEAKK, I LVCKI.MI 11V 'I III: IU)X (lit DO.KN. Nov, ai.'tii) it. BUHINICSS (lAItlXS VI-elTIMI I'A IIIis, i,ktti:h iikad. hill iii:iis. l'KUlltMMl), I'l'irrKits, AC, At'. Nfittly nml C'lii'iiily 1'rliilfil iTon, inu i-.t.-t hvi1 ;.f T,.- Jj-,ICB( I. W. HAltTMAN a, DEMOUiUT, L.LobMSyulli3. COLUillil. WtS i'Y. RAIL ROADS. gltOWN'JlAST FUEICmT ntOM HULAllKMllIA TO HLOOMBllUitO, anil intermedial!! points. Oootls forwarded with euro nnd dennntch nnd nl low I nti s. Qoodn, nt l'hdrdclpliia, inuat bo delivered nt Illlner 4 C(T. HI Market Btrcot, l'or full par. '"','!" . ipnly to WAItU .1 TAK .1 I U ASUA. ITIIttrinlnt A HOIltNSONM'roprlcloM, It. 11, Uepot, llloonnburg.l'i auk. w, bv-ir. ra. LACKAWANNA AND ULOOMS UUltll UAiI.UOAll Ou and sltjr Jljy loth, IW, Pusseuger Trains will rim m foiiowst OoluaNorlli. Oolngpoutli. Arriv. AnlVe l.ive hvAvr rtrrnnfnii ... n. rrj. ii. lru i. ni. is. nt. .. Ii. I III. II Leave 4;i7 s.lo ti.U CIO u.:a 7.IS s.uo AirUe . 6.21 t'HUIoti .. ... Kington Plyliioittli M. Kliielcslilnny.... Hi-rwlck u.lo S.1U S.llll T. CM 1(1.1.4 U.li U.2S SJ.1 S.lll 7JM RM l.euo 0.2-J I). 7.1' 7.1U illoom ...... n.u 5.-.U Leave S.2I UX2 Arrive .SiirlliM , 4.43 S.4II 11.40 Coiilieetloll liindo alHeraliton In' thu 1D.4D a.m. train fur meat Ueml, lUiutiHiiilon, Albany anil all points North, lml nnd Vet. U, l . IlUUiS 1 nup I. CIATAWJSSA HAILKOAD-On nnd nfler MONDAY, Sep. 0, 1SU). 1'imcuaer trains oii.tbuCatawtssii llailroad will run nt the following unmet! uourMi Mail Huith. STATIONS. Wllll.imsporl. ilttil Xorth Arr, 0.00 p. in. l)ep.S.2S " " 4.W " " 4.10 " " l.W) " " Hill " " 3.32 " " 2.25 " " 1.5U " " 1.41) " I.:) ' ' 1.10 " " lii.4( n.ir.. lie p. H.4 n.tn U.l " ' 11.47 " " lH.Ui " ln.4i " " 11.U1 " " 11.17 " " UMp.ni .. " l.HS " tuncv. Wntmihlou Ik Jllllnll. D.lll villi'. ' llllpert. 1 Cntawlssa. ' HIliKtouu. 1 Kiimnilt. ' ' (luaknke. 1.. Mabony June. 1 Ulne.Tnniiuiuu. Dine. Uenilinir. ' l'lillndelnlila. I To New York via. Head t Intfor Maueli L'hunk, I'roni New York via. t " 1.20 " 2.15 " 4.25 Arr. 0.41 s.i, o.v Maueli ulillliK. . I NoChttligeor ears between Wllllamsport nnd l'lilladelplila. HBO. WKH1I Bny't. T AHUOUOII TICKETS TO THE WUST, via. l'.NSYI.VAMA CENTtl.M. ltAII.ItOAI). This company has placed tor sale nt the t icket olllec oftholjackawaonn it lllooiusbutg 11. It., In lllonmsbtirg n large assortment of through tick ets to all tiiu principal points In the WrSJT, NOIJTII M'feT, AND (SOUTH WIS'. llngg.mo elii-ekid throiwh fiom Philadelphia and ilarilsburg.HI DlTlNAT10N,nidc.;rs will run thl'ollKhib'lly rrimil'hllailelphlaand Harris bl'lg lo Cincinnati, LoulsV llli'.iuid Chicago W I T It O I' T i. H A N tl H. ranllllos enilsratlng to the West will consult their inlelest by taking Hits line. For lurther liiiori.intioii and llekils, apply to II. V. litlltlNMIN, Acellt, I.'U'liiiwuiina A Bl lonisiuug It. It. Aug. ai.'lildt. N OHTIIEUN JhNTHAl. It A 1 1 WAY. Oil rtllU .IIW'i M'.i I'll '"s-li. ll.iltlH wi I Ii-jit .S'OKTIlt'Mhr.l:! .SMI iislullowi NlllllllU Attli. Il'l .M-. Hall., lo Wtlltaiiisjiirl, L'Aee pi .-suil'l.t,. , tor I-.luilla, L'.tlianilinua lloehesti I. Holla In Suspi'iiMon llllile, itud N. rails. ovi h. m., Pally, (exeepi s.im(iuys) lor iiimir.t toi- llullalo via l.rle Itallwa In mi I'.liulia. S.li P. M., Dnllv. (except s-undaj sj for Willliilii- 'IltAl.NS MH.DlWAltll lt',2i A.M. Dally toxcepi .Monday's) tor Pnltlinori WII.MINO'l'ON AND t'HH.ADin.I'UIA. ll.to P.M. Djily (except Mlliday's) for l'.altluiore Wiishlngton and I'oi!ailelphl.-i. Kll. S. 1UUNU, lit-io r.d Passenger Aeui. Al.Fltr.l) It. ridKU, elen'l Supt., PIUl.ADElJMllA ANU Kit II X KAII.IUIAIi.- IsUM.Ml'.lt 1 1 M I . TAlll.i:. lIlltOL'llll SMI tilKie'l l.nrilt tll.TWKKN nil J.A -Dt:t.rlltA. UAI.l IMOUS. IIAltKlsllUl.O, wtl. I.ISNSPOOl. NI 'rur ' tmKATOII. lthnUl HI- PKNIsSYLVAMA KLKOAM sLUl'lMi L'AltS tin all Night Tistus On and alter Mo.ndai. Aih. 26th 1 1'.!", tlit- Tralus on the l'ldiadidphla A Lne ltail Iti i.d wlp ruaat louows: VlIV.'.ltll. MAIL T'itAIN leiiMis Pldlil.h Iphln i'l.lSp.n.. ' i " Nortlinnilierlaud..6..Via.m - " nrt.nl Kilt! !!.:i.'p.iii KltlK HXPItllMS leaM i I'htlHilelphl.i 11..V1 m ' ' Niiil'd O.Vlp.ln - " aix. at Krlt lll.iio a.m W.-MIUA MAID leaves Philadelphia. .. K.0U ie.ui " Nonh'd , arr. ul Lock llaen... i:atvakd i.'Jj p.lll .4.1 p.lll MAII.TItAIN leaes Elle 11. 1.1 a. In - Norlh'd 2.00 a.m " M arr. al l'lilladelplila .!.'-' a. Ill Eltll! EXl'ltKHSi leaves Hile O.'Jjp.m Mirt ii n.a'ia.iu i aii-.dtl'hlJadeliihla .t.liin.ln Mall and l'.iptes.s enuneets with Oil e'teel: alio Allegheny' lller Kail Hond. Ilaggniri' ehec):ed '""'" A. I.. ni.EU, (Jeuuriil dunrliiUU'lenl, Withiuursfoii R EAB1NC) KAIliltOAI). HUMMEH A It It A N OHM KN'J', Ircp. Wih, lhtl. (Jreut Trunk Line liom the 'oith and North u'fi.t im- iMiiindMiDiilii.Nuw Voik. Keauiitu. i'lltU- vllte. litmaqua, Auhiand, Slumioklu jubauon Atleiitouu, rii.ton, hphiutu, Mtl-, Iunc.istert Ui)iimiuiti(ae.( Pmins n-iiw Hun it bin ii fir New lork. uu lul U i AL y,lt), .V-l'and h.lu u. m., 1-,-) uoou and 'J.uti Al) , lt)p.m., count t tint' w 1th Klmihir lialuh on tin. ttallroad, uii.i .inivlny al Nt York at til.-, ii.in. .1 11.4tn. in.. t 3. ,i tl.2t A JU.'JO 1. Hint ti.mii.m rettctlvt Iv. .-ilceomfi cai iit-eom- puny ihe2,.t it. m., .'J0 n.m. ntul Ili.."i-5p.iii. train. wMiiotii ii inline. Ijeave HairiKbutU toi HeitdltiK. I'ottsvllle. Ta maqua, MlnerHllle, Ahhlumt, bhamokm Pine Grove, Allentown A: Plilla'd. ul K,li) a.m,. v J.i'O t 4,lu p.m., btoppluti at IA'lmuon and principal way Klatlonsithe l.umm. tialn maktiiti connections hr Puttbvllle nnd t oluuihl.L only, l'oi l'oltsvllle Hchuylklll Haven and Auburn, vln Schuylkill and t?uo,U(.lMUiiu U.tllioiul, icao Uuiilsbuii; at 3,4y p.m. Uctuuiluii Leave New Voik at VJUO a.m. and 1 m., und 5,0 ami b,00 p.m. Phlladel pliiu at h.lj a m, and J.sW p. m. hleejilnn cai uceompaiiy Iht v.mt h, in,, amli.tO ami yKjp.m., iraliu. liom N.V..vitlnul iliuime. Way Pussuiser Tmln leuvcb 1'hll.idelphl.i at 7,.tii.m.,emiit'ellntr Willi lmllar Iialuon J jibt P.i. luilroad icturnlnti from Ueadlnuai p.m Mopping nl all st.illtiiih; le.ue l'otth ille at.,.iU,ui.'.i.ni.,ninlv,,l.i .m.Shimo kin at 5,10 ami IU,t6a, m,, AhluuU at 7,00 u.m and U,iJ noon Tam.Kjuu at a. m., and I'.'J't p, in, for I'liihtdelphla, und New Yolk. Leave l'otullk- iu M-liulJilll und Suhque h.inua llailroad at K.I3 a.m. tor llarrlhur, and 11..W it. m., tor PlnuifloM uud Tiimoul, Iteiultiijj Alconilu.Mi.iiliiu limit If. i if. ItuiittUK M 7,'Ui a.m., n till nlnn leai s riilladel) hla at 5,15 p.m. IVUIMiiVMI AiTommndalloii i l illicit tiMsPotlh- toun.ti u.Jju.iti. fiiun.m'i, Uave l'lilladelplila ut I,--" p.m. Ooluitibla Ualli-uu Ur.uin ltuo Itcatlih; nt 7,1-3 a.m., und tli p.m. l"i Kpt lulu, Llli, Lwut-Uh-tej.t'oluiublu.tc., tvrklouieu Paill Uu.id i'nmialtito Pcikiomen Juiicllouat i,ft)a.m..itud C.iM p.m. Ucturiilug: Leave Hklppack ul M5 a. lit,, and 1,00 p.m., con licet iug with (tiullai liahitou lUuidtn ICilliojd, On huuday, leave New Yoik ut (VW p,lu., Phil phial t-Jo a.m, und.l.ljp.iu., Iho t,uuu.m, train uluu oiih to lii'Miuiu; PotlbVlile h.(Kt a.m.; ti. A. N1CULLH, General .Mipeiltilendonl. HeaJiiiK, Pa., Api. "0 lll. TVELiAWAUK, LACKAWANNA, & JL VfcJ4l L.ii Ji.Mi.iUJAii. r-mnmer uxraiiKv iucnt,"Apr,5,lb(9 rains leave m lollows KAMI WAHII. llx. pre hi A i- com i:x HT ATIONN. Mull P M U 4U r.jt, la M. A r. Die Is. A il All .t-ee- Yoik. II.v. 3.115 (najlaictu! .V.) d.aill till 3.M clirUtniilierM H.w 1 llil 9 41 a 'i li ou ei t.i Heine l; u M i io i 3.1X) 'cworl! U.U3 II 4n 12,10 Washington HA) 7 03 Via LVU. Hit. HI rew orlr (foot LiUtlu Al) I Wsl ....Newltnmnion.. 11.13 J ku 7 15 V.40 4 Vli U on! 1130 ll.H i Ul OMlilel liiieli!flliu ....rilllaile'llililti .'in mem Il.l,7 -M tun 4.10 7.3u ; h.47! 7 m 1.1)0 .... l'hllllllmre- 1 1.1 ll.'i.MtinntiLu LliunU.. .. ll-ll llcl.iuiiri 5 3.1 5 SI 12.2S T i2.Vi..s lll.t'J Mount lielhe) is 11 l.'.ji'. l.'l 1.0) 8 M iei.il itie-r ..lip. 16 Ul 'la..'U....H.hlluttiUburi ...H.hllotliUbtirit H. Ui.'JJ IH LIS l.'.'.IW 4: 4 41 I0.1S He- IMS llfiiryville-. U.K. (iiiklaiul I'.li I iuk I.l'llS M 2.ISJ1 2 21 II j i.'. I 9'J-j 1eili) liiimi.i... :si i 41 tl.eilll..... lil.U llslHUO..., 2.33 0 Ul 8 13 ....f;...lli.eei'.. i 3; II SU U.UllOOs ! M h 33 Imituln h.i.V He-talilon 7.;iij...ciurk'H biinimlt... 7..Vli...AIllluleili A.M. 11.11) Il.) 11.11 12.00 IAI li53 1.33 2.O0 2.20 I'.U. 1UU 0. In 4.12 1.20 1 .3D I'M .V.'.i I iM. I.W Mi .LIS 1 7.11 ...I'aelurjvlllo.. U.6llj Nte liuUuli.. 4.6e V JO el.la ....lleil'l'eilltilii .'kit Aiiiiiiiuhe' ....Nr Mtllulil ... ..(Jlflil lliinl.. 3.16 V. I'.M S.1U S.Jul u.ui tl.2J A.M I'.U e'uNNteillon. At New lIaiii.lou,uiili (Viilrul H. K. -of New Jen.ey.lor New YorU1I.Inubelh,PlulnlUld,Konier vtlle, .Vuhlon, Ac, Al Wukhiuulon. vvlih Moirln A IWx H. H., for New York. M-uark, Mori tlnu ii,JMer, Haiketu towu, LiiAtn Ac. At Mjuniika Piaiiifc, u till Iteiwdcrc Pelauitio II. Mi phih.iiili hirt. Ttuiton, Pliiillbm: . lIUOfnVU i, I'liJiillbuig At run'ou, u-iit, ltckawHiiii.t a llltwnn.'uu H H., hr Pliuitih. Wvomint;, Ktut'mi, N I ken (Mire, Han vi He, NoillitimlM'iMiiii, Ac,,alo uph lilsiutieA IIiuIm.Ii 1!. lt tor ph-inl, r:r i buld, und CuiiiondHb . At Gn al lU'iid.wllh .iielUiUu, lor Jii:uh.im (Mi. Klmtra, tiulbilo. Ithaca., Hynou-e, end I ho Wt K . V. HALlr Al, tea pt. It. A, lIKSItV ti'U, Pub.. jiikI '11(1, AtivL JUIJ PHINTINQ Neatly exttultd at thU OlUco, Special Notices, Hoir lloitilter't llllltis in re l upepiln. TI1D WHOLE BTOIlY IM a butsiiki.l. The ofllco of the stomach Is to convert ths food lutoncrcnm.llkeseiiil-lliild ctithdCHVMtt.'llils Is effecttd imrlly by the utilon ol u solvint, cull ed tbo gattrlojulce, which exudes fiom I lie coal tne of the stomach, and inrtlyhyn inetluililinl movement of that organ, which churns, as It were, the dlssolvlnri ailment. Tlio Cliyixic liansea from tho stomni Ii 1 hk hum, o ii Iranco to tliobmt 1 ,.,iien ,i . uoJcimhi , iin action of tho bile, M, . 1 Hi, nutritious fonton l it converted Into ii lluld called t'lij'lo, V hleh even, tually becomes IiIimhI. Non-, Ills tvl'jent that if , lio urent solvent, the Knslrlc Juleo, Is not pioduceo In mnicknt qunn. Illy, or II the mechanical nctlon of tho stomach Is not Millklcmly brisk, tho Itist procesi ofdlgcs tlou wilt bo hut Imperfectly performed. It Is also clear that If the liver, which plays such un Important pnrt In (hunting tho nourishing por tion of llicitij'ino Into Ihe iniili rlnlof tho blooil, is cdiiKLtkii, or in liny ummluinl enullllou, tlio second pioecss will not lie thoroughly nccom- pll-hod. Tlio result of tlio two f mures ts dspep sis, complicated with biliousness. Tho mode In which HO-iTWTr.UM llllTUUH operate In null cisen Is this: they Invigorate tho ecllului'iiiembiaiicortlicstniiiaeli.whlchuvolvea the gasirle Juice, thereby Insuring all nmplo sullh Icncy of tho lluld to completely dissolve tho fowl. They also net upou tlio nerves of tho stom ach, causing an acceleration of the mechanical movement uieessnry to l educe tho food to n homogeneous m.iss. They also net specifically upon tho liver, stnnglhcnliig It, nnd r enabling 11 to proiluco an nmplo anil regular supply of btle.for the purpose of converting tho nutritious particles of llio Chyme Into Chyle, nnd promote tho p.issngo tluough tho bowels of tho useless debris. In Ibis wuy, IIOmTETTKK'8 UIlTKlis) euro djspepsl.i nnd ltver coniplutnt, Tliuexplnintlon Is plain, simple, ptilloKophicnl, and lino. .1.. lint iflJi InA.im s..,, , n,1H H...I Tim Woiitlcrlul. or miv otlicr itiuti. iuiM tllscnMTCil u ii inruy nun turt-s itiiisimiiHiun. w vn um iiinss urv Imir ct-i.t-unir il, in rslioit, will tlionll UIm-iis-i-s lif-tlirr of nilml. IhkIv or tMniir iniiltp nirti Itvr ft'icvfr, iiml Ivtw e tUnh lo pi le, or want of woik, mm is net--guru loutinuony r Runiunnry MillClM 11 h1U4flll I tUIUllM?. 1(1 Wll ClUVlICflCll It (si lf ivliall I e I. nl n tide Miow. YJdi avi hcufil ciimili tif tlutt Ichul (tiiitiuiuhui (ui lnul wo iln l ot (iinlrr Hint j m lit u ly thlri, i.e Ixci'tno (llhauteil wllli It, Jtutlwlioi'l uli MnillmL Jr. Hiko'-i Cut a nil Itune, will jo jmi iiiiutlui ttont ciiChtif I'litt-iili J cnl nf.tlvtlv whlfli IhoiiMmiU cull ttUt.v to. 'Jivlleit Ihntwllllxi run vl need. 1 will jhj (.:'(' Itowmd j i i:tn-c cf v tit 11 1 1 ii niiii. i in ii tit it, iuiu i-tiu ham: r.Y yio uiuuitiisTs nvrnv. vt.i:uti. Scnl Itv t Jin i I n j'.t until lor sltlv i I'liUI-v.uri p K-i.n '.ts j.uj, in one noitm ior to.oj. i-ciula two, iv m Kiuinn Mr ur oiuim iiainiuno on unltirr A 'luthi)l'iu.iiniort If. V. i'limci. M. D.'li Ui'U.'U JIUtTALU, -N. Y, rmi: ONLY UICLIAULE CUHK fl, tUU UWI'M'fslA JiN Til hi KOY "WOULD. r, W lsliitri'hdreat Ameilcan UvtuicnsLi Tills and Pino Ttci-Tar ( ortlliloiou liolUHfiiml ln- ritlllijlfi cunt iurdhie)islalii It must nwiiriivatei. lorm. mitt nu tLiitler of hnw Ion if btittnlin?. Tliey rciKtru'p tho ttTretnbmluof tills uirlble nistiiK', anu exiciniinaLe ii. vont ami hiviicn, fowver. Tliry r.llovlnti' more nsony ami silt nt bufleiliu '1 lu- luonotetl lur cnilntr the iiicjfct dcMicrnle and tutpelesHcaM'K, when uvery i noun aieuns un iu misiru it'iiei. . No lorm of (lyjp p-I.i or indigestion cun rebM mcir pcninraung power. uu.v.'isuAurs nsi: nw.u tau coudiai it is lheltal iirlncinle of tlio rino Tre-p. oh. mined by u peculMr process in the dlstlllfttlon of the tar, bv which Its highest medlenl properties nrerutaliietl. It lnvlsoratc the dlcestlve organs aii'i require! iiieiippoiir'.'. it sirengtnens tno uo bllitiilcd f.v.stcni. It purlUea und enriches the blood, and expel-, from (he hj Mem the corruption which serolui.i hrePiH on the lungs'. 11 dlwles ihe mean--, or phlegm which Voi k th? air passu. (H ofltm lungf. lis henllni;'p"1,pn'llJnct' upon the lrrllnltd puifueo ol thnhinfK nml ttirn.it. mm. etratlnw toeaeldlenseJ part rcllevlnir p.'ln and huhdnlnti ltilirtimm.Uon. it is the rcRnlt of vonr nt httulv and experiment, and it lsollered to tho nui ici 1 1 1 w iiii pon i u asvtii tiucu oi iih power to chr.' tho following dtreat(,li the patient hus not too lou.;lel. ycd a soi t to tlio means of cine: t n uinpllou ol thoLunys,LonK.i,SorcThroiit, nnd II. f--I, r.ioncbltl, Mer roinplilnl, JMnd and I'.Ued.nKl'ilef, Afrthma 'Wl-oopiua Cough. JjIptheiU, Ac. meiUinl experl, holding lionomblo collcI.itu diploma f, 'evot( s hl en I lru time to tho examln allon of j.nllentat tho olllco parloi. As.ovt.ited with him aiethnet-iniisultlnphjplclans of tic knowledfefil eminence, whoso (services are given I1 the public fhi:k of ciiAitnp. This opimrtitnity HotU ietl by no olher lnstt tnlton In the country l.cl(eri lrom any part ol the, country, asking .".dvlo, will ho pr.miplly and Kratulttoiu.y res loudeU lo. Wheip cum intent, remltlaiKT! puaI'Th ou rosr-GFFica minKit. Prlcrt of WIsl arl'H AmerJcnn Iypcpsla lll!s I a box. pint bv mall on receipt o! pi tee. Price of WiNhtnt'h PinuTnoTur Cordial a bottle, or ?1I per ilojeri. sent by cxiuebS AH eomiouiiiealions should ho addice-ed, L. il, i ISHAHP, M. 1) No. .M2 North Second Htret t. Ot 1. .Vl,i.9-uin, Philadelphia. J OOK, HEAD, AND LEARN", J THAT TJIK Ureal 81ioi-lioiit,(rt Heintily ! or run ci i.nnis.vTFn inpiax DJi. LEWIS JOSIIEi'IlUa, ot llio ill1 llnul-thed Tribe of Shot.hnneei,Colnm blu I'ei 1 tun v ! nou' for hulo In ihu Union, '1 ills nil o-"M'ftiin meat Indian icincil , Is sar runtotl.i.ii.l in bi-oud and mphatle l.niivmiKM, wq can w.iii l miv mity ) e reUed nprn lo nnko a per mancni me ofi.lt distiiM h o ihe Tin oat, Limn. Lier, KiUne. s, Dl.tllve Oiy m., etc., nn well as MToiul i, ihe vailous Mi In dNfioti., Iluinota, mid nil tHieai, at him: from impurity of tho blood et t ptlnjjj Ihu Ihlrd m.iko cf (.'itniiniption. Whei' t'.U K'eal lenmly has becnin iiso It has lmUetl tJIect.vl toiuu of Mid most in.ir veloni t uivn cr.' treordtd in tho annul;, of hlMnricil m -diclne, hnch belnu Ihe caso In ndillttim ! its foimer icnown in Col umbia TeiThoi.v we dtly huniaiilty to dlspule the Mel ihnt IhK Great fhoMioners Hemcdy Is the irmiily ol u-uh dies of the Vt h (Vntuiy, nnd the ureatt hi bo-.n cer laid at tluudtai of tviuier 1111; hum- nl'y. Pi ico of the I'emedy In Inrso pint-, 81,i5. .Manofiicluiiii by Dr. YmmK A mot., at Syra cuse, Ii. Y. For kb nlldeah r.sln .Metlh lne, in Plooms blitK, Pa. ACll'AJ tlJHi: Oh St ItOPUL AND CON sr.MpnON, UY THU CiUEAT SIIO.SIIONEI HEMEDV. Gtnevu. N. Y IwiO Pit. X oumi A ili.o. J deMrelo Inform you Hint the ninnehniH tllceU of I ho Grea hoalionctb litineoy in our lamny nao ueru nrcater than anv one tould have esr-tcted. My daughter was anitctnl m Jlli J-ciofulnus On Himpllou, und had an open Scroiiihau Ulcurou the neck, blie luul a bad ('t'Uijh, Pain In tho Lun? and tseveio NUiit Su ontH. Sim exiicctorutfd much Mucous nnd p.lootl, hud no api elite, and wan Kreatly c.haiitt- rii. r-m wiet ion Hiite id (jei out cvi n in cnuicn for more than a sear Hht was ntuiulid by phy- hlt'lans, uud bink t ml l,ler fur marly Iwo ytarrf, but hi U t combine I toMnK, und tho doctor at l.iht hinted that recovery was out of tho rpics tion, and that all tie could do wasi lo it llcvo her ntlleih j;swe lu Iv expeutod herilealh, but wero piovuii ntt.illy tndtuvd to try n Umlu of Hut Great biMioiucH Pcmidy.nnd.ttio i ireclk bclnt: w inuiKt d, uo ot couiho i ontluiud lu use; tho nan in Ken hi m-ii !(, ami too Ulcer on ilia necK, liie 1 s pei mji jii 11111 111 iiiuuu, uu iii;!ii nutlin, ouiih. Jcblllty. &c have alt tlltiici (aittl. aiul Mieiigt' to uy Mie hat itcttiully (piito neoveietl hi r lonner health. My niuo from i:imlra U ftNti taking tho Uem tdy lor Dp(plu with utnl lU'Miils. ui-r.t oi suchu Hcmedy U uli.il hiu b.en lou iieiocii. UIii urnii nil lUKirdx, MHt. II, J'.hTAGG. I MAUk Uli- ll-tl'lMONYOr T1IK JltV. Pit, ItANKINf. I am wt II nuiualuteil wllliMrn. Slugtf.and her ilHtMlitt honust tiicd lhottlioiouctii ileim-dt and can teti In tho tulle t inttuiur to their Ii Kb Haiolliitt, audio the ltllubleiicoi or their IcMini'Jiiy. JAMKh HANKINIO. Hi lor of St. P I. rVO null GneMi, , Y, Alt DiUMUiNbi'il Hut Hemeilyat i.t"i, COUH, C'(JlJ) OJC SOUK Tun at lEcp r tniuiedhPe utt, iiii.-n, an 11 u mii.m ie u I 111 uu tmu l iih' Pun . . 11 itki II i'iWsj H lllttlM'll I A I: 1 II 1.1-It I A It. ill liio-l 1111 irt lilt, ui.'n liikfiiiit F I el If. I- ir llnnicliliiv Aktlmiii. fatiirh, oiihiiuipiUe and Throat 1 I'riiiv , i.ic haven boothliui ef jeei. hlnterhaiid PublIupl ikent tue lliem to ileur ind aireiiKtlum the voice. gvvIim ;o the iiond n outallon und populfirllv orthi Tr H-h . uiiiuy unrtiilfM and ctuup 1ml tutlon h-u oit-retl. which aro tf M fur nothing, Ho ur t i ( b ii n iln; mie llUOWN'h P O.VCIUAL TUO. Hl., hoi.ii j vnt wuuur, N 'V titii-' in. : ft'ffc ft A immm i Foundtloa. gllAKPUiSH A HAItMAN EAril.r. KlII.MHI) AMI MAM'I A(1UlllS(l I HOP, siovias & pi.i.w-s vntii.iiAi,i; a iiiri'Aii. tub cm rid' ath, HoNraosit tnoN lram ami rut. iitnon uooIika 1i.am i'i.ows. Cnstlmisiiod l'lieliihk for li pull Ingclty moves. All kinds of inasH or Iron casting made to order upon bhei I notice. II. P. HltAItPLI HH A V. H. 1IAHMAN, . if r. -r g, ''a. Proprietors. 10 W V I It 31 , NATIONAL IKON WOHKH BIliLMYBIl & UliNItlE. . , 1 he subscribers respectfully call the attention of the bmltiesscuitimmilty totltolr Works sltun td oil tho L. 11. It, It. above ll.o Depot. n i.oo t nu una pa. KdU.NMlKlt-e, .MAC1IINIH1H AND IKON M.MITIIH. M A N' U K A C T U It K It S OF Hleniii Uigtnes, Jiollers, haw slid Urlst .Mill Mnclmierj, Hhafllug, l'ulh)s and Hungers, 'ihey also make all kinds of 'threshing Muchlnes of thu mostupproved patterns and the Celebrated Montroso Iron lleam Plows, Cook, rauor, liar- loom nnd Work-shop Sl'OVlW. Heaters and a lull nssorlineinl of t'lro bricks, and tastings con- htunlly on liaad for le pairing btovcr. fievcrsl dllleitnt KliQi and designs of CcllarCl rales. They are also prepared lo furnish Car Wheels nnd Axles for Milling purposes nnd Ueneral Mining caitttups. Iron and llrnss castings for every do scilptlou of Job work. Agricultural Implements made nnd ropahed. l'nrtlcnlar attention given to tho icpnlrlng vt nil kinds eif Itcapersi cxtm paits on hand. June 1','00-tf. 0. UANUKVIILl-: FOUNDRY, MAt'illNKMUOP AND AOUILUM'UUAL WUUlia. Tho undeinlutuil delrts to lntorin his filtnds and Ihe publk; ycncra?y, t-liat hoh.ii lebullt and fiiiiri-i if his l''oundrv and ilitchincBhop. and re moved all his mishits fiom Liigbt Mliut to the alujvo numtit place, u hero in eonnec'Ion with Ills T'lUlltiry no win coumioe ui luuiinincturu V I ll'fil Pr K 1U111VV11V lIHllU JlllltL'i Utii'i- 11IIU Thrcbhcr, (Improved), CMrntH's rulvat. THHLHIlIul AND CLUANi:i;, (tiher oerfcliot for Xrtadl'owcr or iinJcihhul with I-ever-Powc r. He nho innufsicture to order And Jits up all kinds of MlliL GEARING, tMiriilarKfiw Jfantlrels. l'atent Hlldes fur Haw Mills, (ho latent improved lion 11 cam 1'lows of iiuiircnt Kinus oouen iieain i'iuh, uouuio Com rnuH, nnd Plow Poinis or every (leseiip tlon generally uv d thiougliout thu county. Cellar On.tr v.i.iled and ttlelsh Sjle.s, ami In lit rt o. vi 1 1 1 1 i Li tn i ii l iv innt'o in a (ountrv ronnJry. 'ilio-i w i.shing to purdian Mtchlnes would tut well t Mtmliie hlhmiubia:n.ftnd thu improxemtniK i.i-djon the pun'eb wlihh at iwijn miu in .iv ii iviit'ii tuuun Kit, A' U MAC.'N! AIM: V,'AltliANTi:i to tilvo iff.d itisf.t 'tl'iti nnd h i tii-s nmdc to suit pnt'fhttseri. All klii-l- -'f ci uniry pvodntv lulttn in txthaii'ii fr I'Iown hii.l aetitnM. 'lliiilll.llU In I..- hieili- and pitloll fur JllMt i.iviir u'v"n' i -i ii 1 on i niiie io coi i-1 in' iiint U.UAM Ss IIUYIJ.U. Apr.it,J''-if iri.ni;iMie Stovey and Tinware. STOVJ5 AND TIN SIlOl. JHA1AI1 IIACill.VPiUCH, roetonuilonr nbove J!, JlendenhalPR ftlnro. A larno as.ortiiient Moves. Heaters mid ltjumebioiihtniitly on hand, nnd for m!o at. tho iowcm rates. '1 luulnn in all lib urnnclh ( artlulli alt end alto, aun K.in siacuon Koarumtui. Tin uoik of all klmU wholes:. If and r. Intl, trial Is ic(U ted. Apr.i,Wi if S' l'OVES AND TiXWARK. aunoiltices to hU friends .ind ciii-tmiierH ihat eoutlnues tlif boe tiulnths at liU ot.l phief on MAIN STItP.IvT, IlLOflMSUPP.. Cu,loniiH can he tteeomodarctt with i ai iit r? oall kind4, IOlt.-plpt, lli.ai, ud firy v, rtety ol article touml In u toveMid Tlnwistie. K tabll-miocnt tn MieettU s.aml nn the tttobl iuu-ou iblo teruib. Uepairindi'hc it theshnU'-Hi uiitic i bO. UN VilliK-P.N-oii h.tud lor i!e. N .TKW STOVE AND TIN HUUV. o.n til rv avnt.KT. OPPOJITlC MI LI, Kit tWItK, IILOGMSMI'KG, PKNN'A. Titiv imdtrMynul Mhh.i.im uttnl up and opened Ills new SIOVK ASl) TIN SUOl, li tnu pliu , .viit-ie ht: ts nrtpAied to iual;e up new Ti.i M uk ol ,tll kind- In his line, and do riMHtii I nu w .th iii-atio'si and dlsn.ilch. unon the rmsi rca.son.tb 'rrus. He aKo keep on hand STOVES OP VAllIOtrs PATTI'IlNS STYLUS, which he will -.rii onitu ierm to suit tmrehaAers, Give him a call, lie ih a uod luenmule, and levervimj of tin i tihlie in irouace ,1 UDH MKPZ. Hloomhnr; Dry Goocln, Groceries, &c. TITKflOII AX DISK NoriC'H IS H1.HKUY OIVKN Td in) filunlatiMd tlio f tiblfc irereraily, tnut nil kludiiof DIXY UOODS, ITKKXSWAJUC, NOTJONH, AC, are constantly on hard nnd lortinle AT HAKTOXV OI.I HTANJ PLooMMiri.t;, nv JAM I'M IC, f.Yl.H. 4tf.ilSQt Soli Ar;Ultft-l 1 I.MH' Pttirt-IltA'lKor tMF, lttt'e U lorn-lapy tj hni o. u t k"i.7 K K t ' I I i N K l: V . TIlU UlHlclblh i,n,.t. . e i.. e' etlnll lillit..i)l e lolllt. lilllillr It, t 1 ll. np mil r'ii:! -i i..vr.- .iM''i:t-ni.N'i.iit Itlltl. In the IKIlltlllifc lale'l. ue euueil Le teA t!i W't lib tttie.'-e! lie l prpi.itltn nuululi all Mml nf I'l.AI.N A KA.NrY fANDUM, t'llll.VlIIt CANDI11B, I Of.KIUN .V IHI.Mi:s(l'K' h'Klins, NUT.-!, It.MMINs., AC., 4t',, .S t'. Ht WUu!,KA!.K I'M tti.'i.Ml,. In uhort. u fetll UM'tii'tuie'ni ut .ill i'peiels in hts Hue of bn.sJncoR A jre-it varltlj oi IX) 1. Lis, Tn V , xi:. sultablu lor Hie slvt u to llnlletai. ritvt leu lar iillim nn II It I. A 1 1 iVH e' : of all ktnils, iri'Mi re. r tiay. OHltlis'l M p - a s til fc V '' H I - 1 M A l ei V 1uar,,',lC'1Wt'w'" Nov. a. Isen MtKIIAKT lAfOl'.K, Milleuery. JSS "hnHTlK'llARKXEY lias Jlifct reluruett f.iln l'lilladelplila, atnl lias bought, anil Is uov ottrrinu titft.eKsorttut-nl of t'A.M'V UOOl're, TlllJIMINU.s, llttNNCTS.ti'. Ac, eve-t fxhlblteit In Illnniiii.burif, nuil In prri'iirctl to make up eliesne'H nml all oilier urtle-les of fe-inale-wurilroliti. al hort noth e uuj lu II. e tei.t anel l.ATl.KT HI'ltlNti uTYl.KK Itooms in the Itamcy UtillJingk, on M'tst Malnhlt'cet, fell "tul i tier vnriisl i,ioek ot si ilns jioils May l,'is lOM KT 1 li Ntr N E V . " . Ttie unitcrst.tesl Pe ttavo la lurorm tier frli nd. ii ml .h puliltv Ke'U'rally, thai .he o)ii urn in llI.liOMHllUltti, a tresb titcK ot K's'ils tn die line nl MIl.MNintV Itlltl Tltl.MMlNOH In i enineciloii Willi lret.s Maklnt; anil l prt- pli-Vil In uelilllliill, in 'Ol '111 ItrilAW HATH nn tnu 'ttort.'ht noltce.auil In the hrU ntylu of tue ait niivi. e'ncjp aiut tv ora satiiiiacteiry. K- MHK. H. KI.1NK. I.ijI.ikiii e'.-H.urt 1M.7 I)11 WAUHKN'K MANDItAUr. I.1VI It I'll.l.K Aietiluloiihtinllv Ihu lii.t I Htlurtlc fill, for use lu thu i!iiilirii'Uht'etlitn e-f eniiiitr l erolle'resl In Ihu t'liMli'. 'Iney arttllrieliy iiihiii tliollwr uml I'lliury tlu1 1s.iiiii arry of thei isiUkiu eviile'h iiroilui'.i. hlek-Iliailai ttf . HiliouHie-., l.Uer 1 oinplu iiIm, CM aiut l'e'e-r, Ituioue ami typhoid 1- u, imil nil elise-HNia uhi'h urise fiom torpid attii.ti ol ihe 1 lee-r and ltoue-ls. As a riintuior for tliu 1 u 1 the uro uuceitialle'd, liei .me nnd ttkk foj lit u ir u'u I.lver t'llls. Only Ane'iey In Tie. hi u IP'tidershotl's I ilia Molt'. tl. l fi,'HMf. I'A. MiscollnneouH. I ii. LAZAltUU et iM Oil it IS' c i; i, i: it u'(a r i; n . . I'liltl'EC'I'Hij feUHC'i'AtJIjKH, -NII I.VH Oli.VHlrt. : i Ono of them m will ho at the Storcof their Agent. I i Mlsr) A, JL). WVEIH1, i, HTATIUNEK, JIL00M8U UliQ PA., f . . Ono day only, Friday November's, 10). Ho nttemU for tho purpose of assisting jh t . Vi I)b hi filling tio eye tn dtmctiU iff umtsu-U eases. Jho&eMiU''.tiLgftom Impahed or dhoiutcd vis. Ion nro recommended to nvatl tlitmselVes ofthla opportuully. OUU SPliCTACLlW AND mJ.OLASU'i AHE ACKKOWLKUOKU TO UU THM nssUtauco lo sight eer mumifuclurid, and can alii)B be lolled tipon nn niTurdliig perfect eaffe ami comiort w lille jslrengthcutng and preserving thoJi-ci most thoroashly. AVe lukeoecaHlou to nollfy Ihu Public that wo employ no pedlars, ami to caution pgalnxt ttipfcc pn-tendlug io have oar goods for bale. Ocf.'AVOIMf. jOTY'S AVASIIIKG-MAOIIINE, I.ATKIA MUCH IMPHOYKD-ANI) THU NEW UXIVKHSAIj ('LOTIIKS WRINGER Improved with Uoutll'i Patent Double Cog Wheels, und the Patent Moo. arc now iimmetv tlonablv iartvierlor loativ anrnralus for wath. uiaoouKrinir lnvciiitu, nno win feave tiieir ci't twice n . car, by bavlun 'abor und clothes. Toovo who h tve tised thtm give tetlmonyas sunded to do without it. nnd with thnnlrl nf Ttoi v wo feel that we uio matert of tho poillloii." "Jt ii woith ouu dolloi- a week itumy family.' V. 3. 'J'rilunc. "In the laundry of my lmtivo there h u pcrpet narUmnkRl Inp on Mond.iys for the invention.' Jlcv. l'hcm'nrc L, L'ayter, "r.very week has clvcn it a stroncer hold nnon the oirertloiit. of tie Inmans or tlm laundry," X. y. Observer, "I heartily commend It to economists of time! moucy. anu comeuuuem." jcqv. ur. jslUows. "Prlend Doty Your last Improvement oi your WavhliiK Machine Is a complete .success. I n&ure you 'our Muchlnp,' nrier n ytars' use. is thought more of today thn uver, and would not bo par ted with under uny clrcuniitunecs," 8ulon iiob iii9ont "Your WashlJijj Jlaclilnohas been in dally usa in our Li und ry, and the housekeeper expresses hciLlf as highly pleaded with it. It ccrtaiuly uc coinplli.he.s a jiioatcr amount ol woik, with leN labor, nml does not wenr tho clothes near' io much as tho old fashioned wftuh'board. Ity itslnsr It, ono lanndretsH Is dispensed wilh." H'w. -). Iivtmltfuiicrtntenticnlof Infant cprtrtmcnt of &t, Cnttirtrine's Xur&cry, A'. J. Cy. "After a constant utve of llio Universal Clothes V, ringer for more than lour years In our family, I am authorised by tho 'powerw that be,' to give It tho moMtunqualllled pialse, and to pronounce it an Indispensable pare of the machinery of housekeeping. Our (servants havu alwnya been wllliuur to use It, nnd always, have liked It." Jfenry M'artl Jleechcr. I'JIICES. A FAIR bFFEIt. t-'i nd Ihe retail oriee.ra.sht rSU. I!!rn Wrimr. crjy.and wo win foiward elllier or both ma ehines, fnooffrelRht, toplaceHWherojio ono Is selling; nml Mihuro aro we they will be liked. iiint n u uji iu j. juuu tnu uioucj' ii any one wihc-t to return tho machines free of freight, uftt r a month's trial, according to direction-. mi liUMjami, Miuer or nroiner Mioum iifi-mtf IhediudKery of washing with tho hand, flftv two dava 11 n vear. when It can lio dmm inittor. iimrij txptdlliouiily, wilh leea labor, uud nolo jury to the aaimeutt, by a Doty Clothes Washer, and n Universal Wringer. tjuviocrs with cxcltulvo rlsut of ualo mako uioney f-iit belling them. Hold by dealer generally, to whom liberal dh coimls are made. It. a HHOWI.VG.aen. Agent, , 3: CoitUiuU Street, New York. Oct. IVCJIMi. ITiOltTY THOUSAND CASKS OF tjooJs ee-erofihlpneel from ourhou.se In One vnr, to famine, china, and laere'lianta.lu every purl of the e-outitry, from Maine lo California, nhlntiutlug lu value to over 1 ONE MJUjION JlOIiLAItS., Our Lu-lllttcsf rtianattini'thlM inmipni..bod. Incfesaie bitter than ever before. Whliavoagents in an uio principal cities io purchase uoodi from tho Manufai'turers, ImpottcrH, and others for l 'ash. and oftt lint an liiiiueuesucritlri from tlm original co.st ol production. Our block eonti-its, in part, of the following good)i Minv'is.iu.ihKciK, iiuuu Cottons, (MnghauiH, I)reH tiooJh.TubloLtn-n.Ton elc,ltuhkryAlloei : iiint., Corsets Ac., vte. hllertl'latedwnre. 1S0041UH nluicl mi Nlcki'l Mlvtr, J)ChtiH'ofUh, flvo-boUlu idalcd Custors, UrtUnnla Ware, Glass Wpic, liable and Pocket wutiery, in greni varici, 1'lt frit lit 1 rnicli nnd ri.ntimn l.'-nw.,. I.,.. Ht nuiiful rhotograph Albums, tho newest and! ibolccsi Alyltsi In Moroecfinnd Velvet Uindlngf. ilttroico liavcliing Jiaas, ilutidkerchlef and V I'U.vl LVC. ti.ld nnd Platt d Jcwelrr. of the newest t.tvli'1. Wo havo n'so inado arm ugc menu with somo of the Uudiug l'ublUhiug JIoumn, that will euablo us to bell thubtnndard and Jab st workb of popu lar millions at u 'tout one-half tbo lestular prlfi't null its JivitoN, JdooBK, KnitTss, Mti.Tos, mid Tj..n.n.io.s"6 Wouks, In lull Ullt nndClulh lllui Ilia!, ami ImndiciNot others. Theo and every thing th.olor QK POLl.AU POU EACH AHTICLK. We do not vil r a slnglt) nrtlclu ol merchandise that can bo told by uvular dealers t uurf price. WflijLy jiot ahlt ou in (my goods iromua uules wo tan tvell tbeui ehenper, than yon can obtain them ln'Kiiy; other way, while the greater part (four goods nro sold at about t'NK-HALF 11111 ItUapLAU H.VTKS. We wunt good reliable agents lu cverr itart of the Country. l)y employing your spare time to form clubs and sending us order, jou cm obtain tha most llbf lal comniUnIonH, either in Cash or MKhcltANMSK, und nil goods sent by ns will be tu rvprcsenleU. and we guuruuUo satisfaction to ccry one dvullug till our lioue. 4 gi uia mi uu tii tDijiii i tin (cum jrum CllCil CU3 t enter and firard to uslu advance, for Descrip 11 v.. I ime'l.-fc. nf lb. 1'ftnel UUMPll. 1 lif hdidcri, of ll li khuvoiheprivlleuoof either purchuMui? Ihe Article thereon diKcrh-cd, orofext'huiiLdtijMor any urtlelo mentioned ou oui Catal'ut'.juimbeiluKer .'iJ dtllvrent r tlelen net one of which (nn be purthfiscd In tho usual way lor the -nuio money, 'i he ndvautats ot tlrt M-ndlm for Cliccks are thtte: Weaio coiodnntly bulng feiuull lots of very valuable goods, which ate not ou our catu- MiHutfc, mm ior uiueu tu iuo ciiccks uiiaii ore sold; boNldes, in ttry Isigo club ie will put clucli lislir Wutihes, W tints, inaiik-ets, Dress rut- ti-ins.eir some other articles ot wilue, otrinffotue tueihbt rs of the clubun i-wi tuutty v yurclauiij an ultlcle lur about one nuaiUrcf u tutut. "In every ouler amountliiK toover SM, nceotn. panted by tliuctuh,lhn Aitent may reulu and tu every oriler of outJIOO. t,orj may ho ro talnrelto l'AY 'rilE EXl'ltluSS CUAIIOES'. This iiltVr la u.oree.neelully toanvlst Agents lu tha W'e'slom uud tuutl.cru hlutes, but U open to tell ciulouie'i'b, tu JlMIhalu.S' Hi Act uls vvlllbei laid Ira per tint , lu Cash or .iie iL-iiiiiiu.ee', ii-u iuvj I ll.l. VI- 1IIK1K eTlUK ei.uu, for whli'h below vte tlvii u partial I.Ut of 1'eir nn oieier of 33U, fimn a etnb of Tliltty, ... 1 1 i .1 j iiir fliiriii, ui e-oiuiiiisit!i, va vela, ltrowiior llleathesl Hhee-tlniz. h.mi.1 lir.ki. Put. tern. u oolMiuaiu tshuul.rrtueb 1'iu.liui'iu 1'untu ai.det l'amri. l''i,iu l-arito Whllo Countei- putu'.et fie., or 9-f.iti in e-ain, 1''ui-mii tiielrr of 3U. finlu a Club of Filly, vtuvillliiaj thu Agent i.h t'oiiimlsitltin, ii varus Mieetllil!, Dim pair heavy ynol lllaultelb, ISipltn liitM. iiailtrn. UaniloiiiQ vtiail Heiumo hhavvl, llver-l.itei Wi.le-h. ele-. e-:e'. orl.i.tili .11 eaih. p'tu- tilioittri tirSluu, frutu a t'ltu of t tie llumlreil. wo will pay tiio.iue'UI, as tsimiulvslou Hki yiitns koidI vaul lelo hhtviiuv, Colu-Hilver iiiuiiiui, e like vvu.eu, itie-u lAiug vvooi bimwl Mill oi mi vv oui I'reni'ii tiusimeri'. tie., etc., or JUI 111 t'U.ll. Wi ii'i nut employ any Truv ililutj Ancuts, and Ill'-tiimiU should Hot lmy IlloueV toue-rbonsnur. Iiortliiii to bo our utnls, v nttu jimalli u. at NDUONEVAI.WAV.IJHY UJe.lSIl-l,i:u LLTrKUS rur iiiriuiT intrticuiau s nn for ietaioiiuei., fAUKtlt &. t'lX, Vi & 10 Miuinttr hi., lui.ion, Mu.i. Oct, l,VJ-3lil. ,V II : -io 'iitff!!JfW .V ' s . wiVftHjysi Dry Goodfi & Notions. -fihhTAVti tiT-ni:. tl , rtiijou AititivAl. eir Bl'UINO ANU HtTMMKU tlOODM. I'll, .nticrltMir litin lu.l retnrnoel Iruta lite clilt:. with auotltcr lnr'.eHuel,slecl Msortmi-nt nl HI'IHNU AiD SUMMKR UOOIH, rurcltnsetl In New Veirkrtnd riilladclptilaat tln' owest figure, nnel wlilehlioMeletcrmlncel to rl! on a, moderate terms n ran be procured rliep whot'O In llloomHhnrx, HlB etok rrrinprlftess I.AlJlKM bKi.st OdubS of the e-liolesHst ntylfB Anel littejl MliKnii, tegt tl . . Willi a largo .nskotttu t nl of Dry (JooJ. auel (iri. trlei,conUtlnit o! tha folIowlncftrtlcUt t'ariicls, ' Oil Cloths, Clothi. ' CMsltuere, HllftWlN, rinnnr-l., : j. it. ftllkH-. , ' Wltlte Oo(Vl, ' " Mneim, HoopHklrtii, - Munllnii Ii m Hollowware Ct elar war. i. HfU-elwat-w rt, i t- : Clueenswai-e, ' Hoots anel Hhoeis, Hats and Caps , , , ' IXtiopNaU,.. v. ,i.ii' Urubrellas, , . LotikliiK-Uliiskej, Tobacco j, ,.,( Coff.e, Hugars, Tea., nice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, NutmcgAj AND NOTIONS QEN 11ALI.Y. In abort, everytblnK usually kept In country stores, to which tie invites the attention of the' public Generally. Tne highest price tvllt bo paid for -otinry produce In exchange for gooels. S. II. MILI.UHiSBON. Arcade Buildings, Illoomsburg, Pa, G. c. mabh- have Justrccelvcd fiom tho east cm morkrls, n luigo and twe,ll selected Block of I) R Y GOODS, coNflisTtxa or Castmeis, Jeans, Hest bleaclicd Jt . llrown Musllna, ' ' 4 Calicoes, " Tickinss, Table Linens, Cotton it Alt wool flannels, to, &.c .... A'gooilRtockof Indlc! dreHs g"ods( ( Latest styles a patterns. Bplces of all kind, OooJ stock groeerks, fiuccubware, Hlono ware, Wood A willow ware, Plour t Chop, Afeo Kitchen Crystal Poap for cleaning Tin, IlrnRs,, All rojHIs sold oheap for raMi orpro Uuce, JIo would coll tho attention of buyers to lib) well and carefully selected poitmcnt which comprlescverj Iblng usually kei t iu tho coun try, feelih-confldent that lie can sell them goods nt such' prices as will enturo s.UUf action. Xov.5,'C3.lf. ' C. C. JIAUIt. Qreat itEDUcriOK ijN l'ltia-ij 'At rlU'KK BSTIr). SIOlll!, i M6inr sritEKT, or . SlAIKO AND BUMMER GOOLIb. TlIIil aulucriUer tiaa t,utl rtH'eUeel and leai ou hand at hlb old bteeud lu JJ gla tBti ret, a latere and seiioci , . AHSOimiENT OF MEHCIiAXDJSK puichafatdat tmvlowefrl figure, and which ho dettr mined to sell on as moderate tertas as uu procured olhewbeie lu LlghtMieut, , 1I1J Stock COUSi!U Ui cholei.st ilyliv. wj.t, Ut.u.1 fashion,, eUlUioe.., .MU.IIUS. I lOlnghaius, Flannels, , Iloolery, C;irfU, Kllllk, ftliUWU, , UtEADY- MADE CU)i'ilINGt Satlnetm. tasNliners, i Cottoutedes, Kentucky Jeaun. AO., 4IX 0. GltOCEUIES, MACKEKa. Qneenswaro, Cedarwaie, Hardware, Medic lues, Drugs, Oils, pklutH, jtc. BOOTS it SIIOpJt HATH A OAJ'fi In short everything usually kept lu a connry store. The patronage of his old friends a"K Iho public generally,- is respectfully solicited. The highest market prle paid for country pro duce. PE1EH KNT. Light Street, 'ov. 8 1A67. HIST CLASS GOODS. Tho subscriber has Just thoroughly ro locked hl.HWtore. in CaUwbssWi, lately occupied by ii Nlnch styiniman, ami now outers or sale A C'6'jiPLtTi: bTOtK OP DKV GOODS, Uio-'erled nnd goutral merchuudlse which mr ipuulity nml vaifely will compare l.vorably with ltd vaili the con in i up con ii j, iiq im. h uean a"-.ori mdut of 8 P 11 I N u a () O 1) s vvliich ho will dispose of for etvli or country pio dttce, AmotiK Ills ltr (.oriels ve-Pl be found a! the lattht uud lcti ii.tlt nut t MUHLIN, OINUIIAM. UMiUOlCS, 1'l.s.NKl.U;, I hSIAWW, iI.Kh. I . I'Aft.SIMlClt.'j,.' lllKJAIMJI.OTIIf. Ctm'O N A I )Kli JSJliANSlCiir, ifoitooniiiix. uiJAsgwAiti:, liUUUNSWAHIi . JAltDWAItU .nnuos, oils, 'T A' I s; T f. Vaknishes'ac. HATH & CAl'S, ROOTS & SHOES nnd, lu fart, n eomiilrte line of goods, bafougtnt touis pusiue'FN. .uuuuDja aim suns lor cash he ran atlorj to keen his rrlrra as low If tint lowcrtbau inovt dealers. Ills ntottota; "UUICK BALLS AND t-UALL I'llOriTS." COAL OF AU KINDS IVmstantly ou hand and lor aale nt the loves! mantel rates. ,M0U0 1'HIW.Ilfl I'lIOhPIlATK. rpcclal attention paid to the sclectlotiol Build Inir material, I'utliry, Merhnulis' Tools, and Until n ore i f nil kinds, to whloli tliu attention ot lilllMi'li. andolheis Is rtQUi ated. ,ouai' ru(ttju Asui). A fair share nt public uu.Uom Is elcslred nud no euorts will Lei inlttrd to give mtlro satlstae tlou. JObU'lI 11.KM1TL1'.. Apr. 18,0) Cut fatawlssa, Ts, jQOMKSTIO KCOXOMY1 1 . V',.1'1I.U1U. L'Alll ! I A few, rlieup durable., healthy, end II FLOOR COVKltlNG I A su'lsvtllute far oilc loth ut one-thlrl Iho cost. This eariietls'p' (duccvt by a peculiar eomblua tlou of strong, peevy pnier. prlnieel Inornuuien. tat ootors, and coated wit Ii a tough, elastic, water prootenauiel viUhh teex'ivts the venter, protects the colors and paper emlurtft venshtnir. and Ten dels the carpi t brlgbl uud he-nutlful In the ex Iseme, lis advantage met as loltowst Its cost remit is t available tu all classes; It Is exccedluiily siitfoili and glossy, anel It net until. Ltcauuxi touoflusl! IteltH-a not rcqtilto lo be taken up and eh aneel like uiher cuti ct, and Ihus saves much labor anil trouble; lfy iiscoutlng Willi the laiupllllon llnainel'oceaalonnlly as the ttesu may it-tiulre, euhlcU esHits but a tittle, It villi Inst lndertn'icly, even nn aue.uud alwuj s appear new and brtuhl 1 lu Its use no rellauee whatever Is. placce) upon lite paper for wear, but exclusive, ly upon she veaicr-t tool c letlut.'. Ihu figured pa Iier belint nsert ettily to .eenre the colors. Taper loaree'etiily been usenl fur it variety of purifisrs, even for truuk, ruot,t!ntir baasaud wtariugap parcl.bul the lln.t attt nipt, either lu 1 uroje or America, lo oonveil II InloetiriH't or tloor coto luie.ull eeuicedo it lul e su enniestiiiessl VVo liuvti ur.hi.iiil Hie riabl for eeijuuibia counly und e'au furnish the csipet lo ruerehanti nl manuiacluiris pi lies, ... WVliU eue luvlleel I to eaU are I exuiuln lit ctioilsatourslJre. M M M ALA LO, linutinsbiirK, Dec, ll'us-tf. 4LI4, neat! tlnst Lli KINDS OF JOB PRINTING neatly exeented at TllK OoLUMUIieS Hteata I'rlutlne Offloe.