The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 26, 1869, Image 2

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mjOoTrsBURG, pa.
; - r Z.
- TI1H COI.IIMU1AN the Largest
Circulation of y lPt- publMieil III
swiiirru PcmrWnli '
much, larger slittt Oian any of llscoteiii
potnrle.) and ! Iherefor Ihe lint medium
for ii cruiing in mi ecuoii oiiiin
Words of Encouragomont.
KrrHUi'iit rtivcraw liavo iwulo tunny
of our frloii'U nii.ttlietlc. In tills nrll
clu wo proiiiwo to rcvlow lliu latu clt'iv
tloiis uiul iiruvu Unit our ttuccosscs liavo
beau iiiilfoni mnl iloeWtvo, uml that It
only ncixls Ucttor orKiuiUutlon mid
tmotluT roily to Hlmtru tlio enemy
from his rumninltig otrutiBholik Our
oppoiii'iila wpnl into tlio contest ilusli
rdwithrtwnt vlctorlw, with woll or
ir.uiizod rutiki, uml nbuml.uico of inon-
uv. and kn liy zealous ofUco lioldcr.s
nnxious to iirnVo tht'lr devotion to thu
now administration, and liuplug ly
illllguiico to nuiulro further immotiin.
Oraiit'.s mlniliitslriition was too younc
In ofllco lo liavo com m Mod many hlun
dors. Tlio rjtiid payment of thu public
debt an uvotit Inovltablo under any
rtiltniiiUtrntioin during thn present
heiivv ratesof tnxallon also (jdvo them
a powerful rallying cry among those
who never reason Irom nllectto cause
VliiomA.. The contest In this State
was an oxeilJiig one, and from tiio iitct
thnt It fore4li.Hlpwed the action of other
Southern states, commanded universal
attention. TJio whole power of the ad
mlnUtrallon was thrown in favor ol
ilm WiilN. or Uadleat ticket, yet the
result was-tjlie suewss of the Conxervu
live catiiliil.iu fur (loveruur by an, over
whelming majority, and the selection
of a Coufervativq Legislature. One, of
the results has bijiii; the election of two
anti-Judical U. S. Senators, jiud auolh.
er Ihu removal of all political disabili
ties from the. people.
TnNNiwSEB. For seven years this
Stale has been under the heels of a des
potism more grinding and arbitrary
than that ofany.other gjyeiumcnt un
dert hamuli.' Thotate u-ider Brown
low iad hoynine luitikrupt, and at leist
30,000 of liec best citizens were dlsfran
chlsed. All ofitlils lias been changod.
Grant carried the Htuto by 30,447 major
Itv. but thu -Conservatives under Son
tor by p0,000,, showing a gain
ofovor80,OQO, besides .scouring a two
thirds majority )ti the Legislature. A
Democratic U, & Senator lui:,, .already
been elected In jdawof Fowler, Itadl
eal.and thoentlro white population will
now be pnfrjiiicJiIscd.
Al.wum.V. Tu, tills SLitu the Demo
crats liavo gained twomembers.of Con
gress; thu last delegation helns unani
mously, itdlchi:
ICT.N'i'trt'KV. Of'oourso ritio remain
ed Bteadto't to tile Democratic' fallli,
and is as reliable hereafter for 'its, ns
Vermont''Kfdrthu Uadicals.
GalifiMNi'a. Inst year the -'Gold-
en'Stiife" guvo O rtint '500 majority. This
year the DemocWltf h'avo elected their
entireStatc and Judicial tickets by over-
whelmlner majorities, und increased
their majority Jn thO'Leglslature.
Wrs'f'VmaiNX. This utalo is an
offspring of Kadlcal necessities, and by
excluding tlio bulk of decent whlto
men froih tlie" polls and kcoplng the
registration In their own hands, they
hoped to tunku i(-.i Radical elose corpor
atlon to all time. Hut- their plans lutvo
miscarried. Tlio' Democrats, nlded by
n fow' conservative Republicans ,plodgt
ed to reform', have tlio imwer now t
wlpeoutthoodloiiB disfranchising laws,
which will make the Stale as otrongly
Dcmocratle as .Kentucky nowjs.
:Ma'inb. Irrthlstrotighofil of Itadl t
callsiu the DomocraLs caiim very near
achieving success, largely .reducing
the Radical majority of last "year, and
increasing their lepresentatloni In tho
Viiilu.the. voting In tho states men
tioned indicated the current of popular
entlmenj,,jt8 ful force, was shown at
tho October anu .November elections,
After, considering tho results tho con
clusion is Inevitable that thu people
Jiavo administered a severo rebuke to
tho Radical party and Its leaders.
PsNNSYi'VANiA. Vo have, spoken
at length of tho election In this State,
and its ro-i lilts, uro tttill fresh In the
minds of our readers, 'c failed to
achieve ucceas through tho apathy of
our friends and he frauds of our ene-.
mlcs. Grant last, year .bad 28,893 major
ity J Geary this has l,f9G; a loss of
24.Q02 In. one year !
Ouitj, Tlo Legislature in Ohio is
still in doibt,tho balance of power being
In the handjjjf a few "Independents,1'
elected by tho pates of both parties.
Grant's niajorltyvas 10,017; Hayea'
this year b; rcducedito 7,C01 ; a loss of
83,110. TV
ivada the'Hepubllcaiis
nlno last years and eiht Senators
against six. This will reduce thu lie
publican majority In tho Senate from ten
lo six, and in tliollou'o from twenty
nine to six, loavlng twelve majority on
Joint ballot. It Is possible that the olll-
clal count will be necessary lo decide
who Is Governor.
Mamsai'iiusktts. Tiieollleial returns
show the following i exult forGoseruur:
WIkHl number of voi.'S.TtiS.SlOj Wlf
Hum Clalllu received 71,100; John
Qulncy Adams, 00,733; Edwin M.
Chamberlin, 13,507. Cioilln's plurality
over Adams, 23,371, Claflln'u majority
Is li.SOf; Grant's was 77,2701 in tho
Legislature the Senate will contain
thirty Republicans, nlnu Democrats,
and one Labor Jlutormer; uml tlio
Iluiiru ouo hundred and sixty-six Re
publicans, tl ft y Demucrals, and twenty
li'ibor Reformers. Last year the Dem
ucrals only had two men in the Senate,
and sixteen in the House,
NKW Yohk. In the "Empire State."
the average Democratic majority Is 25,-
000. Seymour last year only , had 10,000.
For the first tlmu in eleven years tlio
Democrats have a majority in both
branches of the Legislature, and this
Willi a Democratic Governor will glvo
them full control of the Stato, and on
ablo them to repeal many o'bnoxlous
From.thoabove exhibit R will bqaeon
that our tucccscs have been signal and
glorious. All wo want now is good
management, and tho future Is secure.
'Wo must, however, ignore tlio dead
issues of Lie past, and select lenders not
identified with' them. The fossils and
barnacles of the party, .who liavo coun
seled or led It to defeat imist bn.kept
In the back-ground, and men named for
position who represent a living, pro
gressive Democracy;
The Columbia County Invasion.
....... .i
Miscellaneous 'Hews.
jnrt'. davis.
MKMi'iiis, Tenn., Nov. 20. Jeirerson
Davis has been elected President of, tho
Carolina Insurance Co., of thiii city,
and will realdu hero. He seems deter
mined to bo president of something;
TEXAS j:lectiox.
Tlie case of Dr. Paul Seheeppo has"nt
last culminated', Governor GS ar.v hav
ing signed his death warrant and' desig
nated tho22dof December as the day
for Ids execution. The crime for which
he fins been condemned to die Is the
'murder of Mlss'JIaria .M. Stelnnccke.
In Iowa and Nevada
, but tiielrvm
were pf course euccoisful
lorltles were much reduced.
MAIlYIiASO, Hero thu
carried ovry county and tectired every
member of tho Legislature,
.New JnitsEV. Seymour last year
had 2,837 majority. This year tiui pop
ular ninorl.y for tho Di'inocrats in tho
Leglslfltlvo eleetlons is upwards o
twenty thousand. In tlio Legislature
tho Democrats will have 13 majority on
Joint ballot, a gain of 7 over last year,
Action On tho fifteenth flmendmeii
waH postponed last year to tho next ses
blon, which commences In January
when undoubtedly the vote of New
Jersey will be ree irdcd In tlio negative
Ir,t.iN(im,--No election whs held I'
this Stato fi.r State, Judlflal or Leglila
tlvo ollloerrf, but thu Democrats achluv
cU n grc'at victory In tho election of del
egtites'td a Conslitutloiml Convention to
revisi) and amend the Constitution of
that Statf . The Chicago Timet counts
forty-thred Democrats and forty-two
Republican, counting among tho latter
two who were elected by Dcmocratle
votes against tho regular Republican
nominees. Tho extent of tills triumph
con be Judged of from tho fact that
Grunt had rtl, 000 majority In that Stato,
and Logan, ror Congress, 55,000, ho do.
Jug chosen from tho Statu at large.
Wisconsin. Kolrclilld's majority Is
10,000; Qntiitluid 21,152,-n Democratic
j;aln of 11,000-
JlJNNiasoTA. In llils Statu the con
test Is very cIoo, and omo doubts yet,
exist whether Austin, tlio Republican
'candidate, la elected. The Importance
of our gain theroimiybu Judged from
tho fact that Giant had 15,333 majority.
Tho Democrats have electa!, mi far,
twenty-one Representatives against
Washington. -A letter received
here from a well pealed frexas poli
tician says idl.of llip military- arrange
ments are perfect'eil'lil tliat State for, the
election, and that they giyogeneriiliy
much more satisfaction than Hexlituit-
cd In Mississippi. Tho resulL l autlcl-
pated in a quiet timo and in thi election
of Hamilton by. a very positive, major-
Nov. 11). Telegrums from Isimdli, on
the Suez Canal, dated theil7tli Inst., an
nounce the arrival .at that point of thu
procession of vessels,-headed by tho
Empress Eugenie's yacht Jj'AtglfJMki
passing through tho tlrt:part of the ca
nal. At. thQ.shallowest. partthu. depth nineteen feet, and varies
generally .frptivtweutydlvetp thirty feet
In other portions. Tho entire fleet will
sail (or Suez, the, Red .Sea terminus,' to
.day., TheiStipjiinff Gazelle,, of Loudon,
pronounces tlio enterprise u magulllcont
8UEZ, Sunday, Nov. 21? via Alexan
dria. The Inauguration tfeot, consist
ing of forty-flvo steamers, liai arrived
litre. None were obliged to employ
pilots. Tho only dlfllculty they' had
was owing to tluir numbers. Some
wer crowded upon, the banks df the
canal several tiines, but tliey got oil'
without trouble, the sandy bottom
neither holding nor hurting1 theiu. On
leaving Ismuillafoceral steamers fouled
with each other, but no heriolis.daiuago
was clone.
The water iu thC'canal between this
'polnt'and Ismallla Is full twenty feet
dedp at tho 'shallowest spot.und ill save
ral parts' It ls.less than twenty-flvo' feet
In depth; but ut all thesu points the
bottom can easily bodeepened. Steam
ersdruwing fifteen feet can navigate tho
canal from Port Said to Suez with ease
In llfieen1 hours. Tlio, water does not
wash away the banks as much as was
apprehended. The complete success'bf
the great work exceeds all expectations,
The arrangements' for transporting
and 'taklng'care of the vlstt6rs hero aro
generally exetlletit. All tho rolling
stock on' the Alexandria, Cairo, and
Suez Railroad bus been brought Irito'ro
qulsltlon to transport tho Immense
crowds of visitors. The malls to and
from India have been much delayed In
The canal Is now clear ufsliipjilng,the
entire fleet having anchored In the liar
'borbfSuez. To-morrow tho statue of
Waghorn, the Englishman who tlrtt
proponed the bulldingof tho eanal, will
bo erected here, and on Tuesday the
lleet will stari on Its return to Port Said,
There a statue of Ferdinand de Le.seps,
thebullder and President-Director of
Tl" I ...,11 1. .!. :.. ...
mo cuiiui, win uv rtustd. Willi Jills
Co nth a DiCTioxsjoi'lrin: itKrw
N, L. CAMi'AEi.r,: Thero were no
tlmii tvolvrfn nunibei1ind eoveiediill'
the material points In lil-t te.itliuony as
glvi n In our lint number. It will bo
.remembered by our reader lb it Camp
bell stated In his testimony that "there
Were four persons present" yflieh "lib
had his conversation aUIi Daniel M'
Henry at StlllWalfii Iif Tebfttary"18r,i;
Those persons seotri to have been: Jamcd;
Edgar, W. U. Kline, MosesJI'Ilenry
nnd Wm. Raber.of whom the llircb first
named wereealledas W llnesses for thodi1-1
fence. Ilythlin Campbell wasilatlycon-i
trndlctedln tho following statements
maduby lilmt 1st. 'That D. M'Hrnryi
"cowimoieerftalklitgilbout tlio war"antl
tho Boi(tlij2d,',tlmt he talked on for near,
one hour;" 3d, that ''ho Insisted tho
war was unjust;" 4th, that ho said tho
men going down South to light "wcrq
really murderers unit oughtto besnot;"- t ho said "ho was armed or wmiui
arm himself" to resist If drafted; 0th,
that he said "he would not gtvd a pence
of money to hire volunteers or go him
self;" 7th, that ho said (herewcro "flvq
hundred men reitdy to' defend hitn arf
any other drafted mm" (bf tho rtolgli
Uorhbod n tho witness tindersteod;) 8th
thiit lit) rtild "there was hair it mil
lion oilmen in tho United States arined,
and ready at a moment's: warning" td
resist the draft; and !)th, tliat ho sain
"the SoutH would eventimlly whip tU
and'thero would bo a rising up of tho
people in the Jorlh ngalnst tho pnw
eution of tho war." So far wo' naven
denial by three witnesses against duo
that certain words vcro spoltcn at tho
Interview in question. But tho contra-,
dictions did not stop there. Campbell
having denied on cross examination
that he kneW '"that banlel M'fleliry
was niling'tlio quota of his (M'Henry's)
township," nnd asserted alsd tint ho
and M'Henry "did not eonic' to high
words" by his (Cliriplieil's) irtlcmpt to
get volunteers out of M'Henry's town
"uhiptho three wltne-s'es' hbove lnen-
tlbned proceeded to uarratetliecoiiyerja
tlon which actually took place which con
sisted mainly of a Olsputo betwoi-u
Campbell and M'Henry,; about tile' at
tempt 'Of the former to Bel voluntefcrs
from Fisldiigcrei k to till tlio quota or
Centre, and teclti'd the "high Words"
which really passed between them bn
that subject, thussllbwirig'flio complete
unfairness and falsehood efCampbell's
A'iidn, Campbell having stated tl
ordef to show that 'no dispute 'about
had 'taken place) that ho' (Campbell)'
"had gone Into Benton' township to
raise meii'to'llll the quota" of Centre,
iind that ho "had accomplished his
business anil wilsnbout to return home''
'wlieh'tht'eoiiversatlmt with M'llenry
occurred that 'Mm hail g'ot'tlie meri'Ho
needed" Andrew' Freas', K-i:, of' CeriJ
tre Was called '16 fcoilfrailiet lilnV tlpon
that statenient. 'Tho testimony o'r-'Mr.
Freas was 'as' follows: "" "
Andrew lWan"Esi.. sworn : "J reside
in Centru 'to'wnstilp, Columbia' Couhtj',
j'lii a larmer, nauiuei iiencieisou,
Ti hr imau:Noblet. Andrew Kreas, Ur.
Ellsha.Low and Nathaniel LvCampbc)l
rwerbaniidlnted to act for'Centro.toWii-
ship In raising' men tii till ner quota
and he, Nathaniel Campbell .went up
Fishingcreek. Mr. Campbell, told mo
on the 27th of February (when the citi
zens camo together)' that lie did, not get
any men above M'Henry's; begot them
two miles- "nbovo Bloomshurgv Ono
young man's iiaiim was Cliester,Doilfon.
Ho had ijuiui when he got to Daniel M'
Henry's. He gut'l wo men on the 27th
of Fetiruftry near us or lllooin. They
wero gnl in io Philadelphia, Campbell
t.'auipbvll bavlng ley t Ittcil that lie litul
''no ot her con vernation will;., M'llenry
but that one time,'' and, that .that "was
,provlous lo the 27lh of February," tio
contradiction pf him by Andrew 1'fcas
twas .complete., In point of fact ho had
not obtained "the men lie needed" and
"accomplished his busiuegs' before his
interview with M'Henry,, at Stillwater,
It fallows, tliat the testimony of Edgar,
Ivllno ajiil M, M'Henry about thu
pute concerning volunteers from, Fish-
ingcreek to Mil the quota of Centre, was
reasonable and probaldetaii(l that Camp
bell's denial ofsuch dispute ,was u false
Inst ceremony tlurelos ofthe Inaugura
tion will probably teriuiimtcf rt
Tho Empress 'Eugenie ' will' returi
through tho canal with the fleet, her
ynciil, tlio Algie, luuiug tno lead us on
tho downward trip.
Coixuoroit OWN.VKM. and Distrlc
Attorney Pierrepont are busllv en
gaged In Investigating tho frauds pert
pctrated in that hot -bed of corruption
tho Now York Custom-house. So far
they luwo ascertained that the Govern
ment has liven delniudoil out of at least
million dollars. 1'rest.
Iiifiirmntlou has leaked out 111 the
Navy' Department tliat within n short
time It has been discovered that four
naval paymasters are defaulters to tho
Government to a largo, amount. Ono
paymaster stationed on tho Pacific coast
Is short about four hundred thousand
dollars. Tho amount tho other thrca
aro short Is not known. Mornlnn Re.
It would seem Irom this that tho
Radical olllco-liolders aro already at
their pluiiderimr tilcks. Moro money
has been stolen during tlio eight months
pf Grant's administration than during
(ho wliolo timo Iliiclianau was In of lice.
Road IlKi'Aius. Now t the timo to ic-
pair our country raids. Let each and every
Supervisor go to work and too tliat repairs,
wlicro wooded, are iiiudo. Every ditch Miould
bo cleared out and new ones cut whero re
quired. All holes ihould be filled up and
tho road to graJoJ that when thu lute autumn
rains come, the watvr will diuln off und not
rl. I !!.., I . .1 . iiiuiimit, iiui mi, m i. ii.lll ll mil nil
stand In tlio Iiudiway o the gicat uiinojunco . Im.,( ,I0P ,j;(t l'Henry say that tl
ui uii truvcjt'ia.
Tho testimony pf thy vltnesses,fortho
defence,, to which wo have referredi in
the foregoing exhibit, was asbilows
(Wethposqtoglveit In fulj to avoid
any lmpututlnu that ,we liavo stated it
purtialy or lncorreolly, though wo In
.cur thpiohy some ineous-eulehco on nc
eoujitof the space It will occupy.)
James Uigur sworn know Nil'
thauiel L. Campbell, that Is;ibout,n.ll. I
was present ut a convo satlou between
Daniel M'Henry ami (Jaiupbell, and
nearu mo wnoie mi tliey went to illu
nor. They were pretty much excited
towards thy lubt of their conversation,
but 'lid violent languago passed between
them, Tlio converoallon' btarted from
getting volunteers. Campbell was out
irom ins lowunimi iq.iuro volunteers In
M'llenrv's tinvn-hli). Daniel .M'Heiiri'
did not B.iv'nnvthliiEr about haviiiir iivn
hundred men to resist tho draft, nor
about dying at home, nor that men who
went south liquid bo killed, per about
half a in i 1 1 ion of men, nor-about aTrebel
lloiriii'thIJN5rth. Ca'fnpb'eirsald lid
,iii.rii iu nitu iiiiiii, hi mini iney
could. not besot ill lilstownShin. Camo-
bel said ho had.u right to hlro where ho
ii lease J, M'llenry told film he had, but
it Huum iiui uu ,t ,ui- ueiuiuuiiiiiiy ttCI,
he would not do so In his (Campbell's)
township.. Campbell said It was no
moro than lie expected trom.n disloyal
or secession towushln. Tlien M'llenrv
got pretty well excited nnd tho boll rang
for dinner, That Is about all I know.
Cross-examined I heard all the con
versation Ii; tho bar-room where I was.
I do not know tliat I could recollect
every word that was said not word for
word. They talked fifteen, twenty' or
iwcuiy hvo minutes, migiu no longer,
though I think not.That was all wassald
as I lecolleet. It might have been longer.
I do not think I heard Camnbell tell
M'Honry If he was drafted ho would bo
oungetl to go, M'Henry did not say
anything about mon being shot If they
volunteered ror tpu war. Ho did not
say so In tho bar-room. They were talk
ing about tlio war and ubout trying to
fill their quotas. They talked nhout
their quotus; What thoysald about tho
war i cannot say iiirtlier. I do not re
collect that M'llenry said It wasu negro
wur. i no nut (i-uoiicci annul mo aouili.
After Campbell eald It was a dlsl oval
township they both got a little mad
wiiai I meant by a spat. M'Henry said
ho would tost his loyalty with Camp
bell or tho loyalty of ihelr township
with Camnbell's towushln; that ho bail
done asmuclitoget volunteers in Cilinp
bell.uud his towushln had dono as much
as tho other township."
II' Jl, Kline, sworn .-"J reside In
I'ishlngcrrek township; a tanner. 1
know N. L, Campbell. I was present at
tho conver.atlon between Daniel M'
llenry an I Campbell, and heard tho
whole oftlieeouversatioii. Nothing was
Mild about five hundred men to resist
inourair, nor aiiotit nan a million of
kllhd, nor did he say nu. thing titfout
rft'slsilug thu prosccuthii.oi tile w(ir or
that thoSoutif Would Whip us'ete., Mior
about, u iiiau.oi nerve nor any bucii scn
tlmeills. DflnlcliJI'Hcnryjhas helped
to (111 ouohi! 1 Bsld liwoilld elVcono
llilllidred dAljaiJSUlIbB.Ild hu Would do
tlthat Inilclrliloi'aahdwould help Us
would double tlie amount if necessary.
Flint was about thu time the draft was
ordered, I heard him tell drafted men
they hud belter report Instead of ske
daddling round, I met Campbell a few
lods from Defendant's residence. 1 ac-'
yoinpanlcd lilmJtiUitthb bar-loom.
Cross examined i Daniel .M'Henry
imt-nutsay anytningiu pariicuiaranoui
the waf ut that timo. I remember
'(ho sihslunco of, what ho, said ; I cannot
wuni ii worn lor woru. iMitnnuiei
Oillilpboll inquired If there were nny
volunteers, to be had there. M'llenry
rep' led thnt he thought there were no
more than for their own township.
Campbell said he was going to have
some or tho men. M'llenry said ho
should not if he could help it, until our
own township was filled. Campbell
mado answer they could not expect
anything better frjin n disloyal town
ship. M'Honry'rcplIed he was ready
to test loyalty with Mr, Carndbell for
himself or the township. The uell rang
for dinner; it was a short time, five or
ten minutes or longer, could not fix the
time. I do not remember anything
said about tho draft oxcept as to raising
ouotu. I mlidit liavo lot tied in conver
sation but do not remember that I did.
After tho Insinuation of disloyalty they'
wero both excited and rattier rough
words' passed. I do not know but the lie
was given anil takem Tho rough words
wero the Ho given and taken. M'Henry
said Campbell had uttered disloyal sen
timents tnero ;' Cattilibell said in reply
that ho could hot expect 'anything bet
ter of M'Henry when ho' called lilm a
liar. As. far as I remember that is tho
substance. Campbell returned the lio
to Defendant, In connection with what
I said I wish M'ndd Campbell replied
'you are n liar and I did not bxncCl any-
tliinir better of vou.' mid then tlin bell
rung for dinner. Mr. M'Henry said ho
hadsubicrilicd to rulso substitutes or
volunteers. I do not remember that ho
said the War ought to 'stop. I do not
know tuiythlnir said nbotit thu draft or
about his going.
jce-examtnea by defence: Campbell,
Dilniel M'Henrv. Mn.W r'JInnrv.
James M'Henry, William Rabcr.Jauies
Edgaraud myself were prts-ent, William
Ruber is an , old ,1111111 about, 00 or upwards.
Mu OonlmlSsiom'l'ltimrv did not
say that ho was armed; no metit on WjS
niauu 01 ouo men or, ball u million."
Moses .M'JIenr.i, sworn: "linn n
'merchant lllid resldu In l'lsliinirerniOv'
township, 1 wnsprtscnt at convocation
between Defendant and Campbell.
Heard the 'wholo or tho conversation,
Daniel M'Henry did not say anything
about 500 men to resist tho draft, nor
Bpcalcof being armed, nor about half a
minion 01 men 111 tnexvortn logo to
War, nor. of dvlnir at home If drafted.
Campbell Defendant and said
no wouiu (souio.of'our men
td fill (lllbtll ofcoinlnir draft. Deri-nil.
lint1 satd'ho did n6t think wo would
havoany 1110110 snare' as' Wo worn nmk-
iug preparations'to fill otlrowii town
ship. He sid we would have to work
to gel men enoucju to do it. Camnbell
said ho. would like to have some or
must get Some! Defendant asked him
Why he did, not goMhe'm nearer home,
out,of Jiis.own township; if wo did not
luterlero, wltli. their men ho did not
tnijik it rlglit rdr him (Campbell) to
COIUo ''til our tmvnsbln iilld ' I'nterlern
.with ours., Campbell said he had 11 right
iju gei.iuuii. wnvievcr uu couiu get inem.
Deteudaiitsaid liu knew he had but ho
dfd not thiiik if geiitleinan woid,uet In
iiiai, aijiu Miticii uu uiiuw u yero Hy
ing to.elear bur own township. "Daniel
M'.llcnry to:d him ho should not havo
a,nan,lj. lie tulit Help It till wo could
eif what jye eolild do with our own
lriou.'niid the bell raiiLr lor dinner. 1
diavo'llfed overtoil years with Daniel
M'Huii,v. 'Tin re was nothing said at
11 liner couccruini: mo urait. T nev im
paired a good deal excited and could
not ugreo ana btonneii it.
There w.lSii than named Wolftlrafted
Intdithe hrmy atid while there his wife
was, coullneu, JJelonilant gave nlo or
ders to give her anything- hlio wanted,
Wblfowed him, at tho same time., He
(lled-after his return and Defendant tor
gavoihor tho debt. I airia nenhew to De
feudality .Ayoung man named M'Hen
ry had beeniu tlieurniy,andciiiiuhoiue
womiucu. uoienuaut got up an extra
limner, went wit 1 a liorso anil currln'o
und. brought, them to a free dinner and
tolU him lf.ho wanted to rldo out ho
couia have (lis horbu and carrhigo.
011 was 110 relation, ixist l-euruary
immormnn came hb'uifc o 1 fiirlotighAc,
1 met UnianDe rtlrst in the barroom
d.weutln with him to dinner and din-
oil witn them.
C'fpM-fzaf;ic(.--TI. am a nephew of
tiiu uccuieu ; was ins cierK lour or nvo
years nnd then became his partner. Wo
dissolved last spring ajear. 'The con
versation was.a quarter of an hour. It
lasted a. llttlo bit. Towards tho hut
they wero h good bit excited; tliero.was
some pretty rough language. I think'
tlie'lio was exchanged between them
useui some oatus.. 1 tuinlc uampuuii
iravc tlio liu first., Daniel was Udkiiier
about 'secession ; Canipbqll said Jtvas,a
lib'.' Dofendaiit Sulci our township had
dono moro than theirs'; Campbell said
itwasiiilie. Camnbell said somediine:
about si eusaiou 1 Defendant said. it was
u lie. Ho said liuconsidetetl hinisoll as
Iminl n frt ' ..l, r'.,.',lw.ll . I... l..,l .1...,,.
,v.j ...,,,1 ,1, MIIIV1,1I , UU llilll.UUllU
as much 'for tho wur'asid would lest Joy
ulty with hlnv In nny way he ha'd u
miiiii 111. jieieuinini salt! 11 Campbell
canon uimjeeeesjr neNyas anar. uamp
bCll'sUId hO had come there fur vnluii
teersabd ho had a right lb get them he
iiiougnt. iNoinmg was sain ahout draft
ed men that I heard of. I do not know
that he said at that time that ho would
go If drafted ; I have heard him say at
oiuer times no woum go or get a ub
stltute.i Camnbell did notsav ho had
got'alltlio men lie wanted; I do not
know that he saljl, lie had got any. Do
tetidant did not say there would' lid
trouble lir the North if coutinued to
draft men. I could remoiubcrthe wholo
conversation : theroxwasisome, ceneral
eoivprsatlon which I cannot remember
unless my attention Is directed to It. I
havo given nil the coilverbiition about
tiio volunteers,; they convened but u
short tiiu'e.tbev eon versed about boiintv
and volunteers, perhaps not over ten
mluute-s. I havo stated all that was
lie-examined, i-l thuk Raber is .V, or
00 years 01 age."
Cai;t. C. 11. ilTiootWAY :
Having recently undertaken a trip
to tlio "Far West," nnd, thinking souio
notcs'oftravcl mlghtfprovo Interesting
who went to fight thoSouth niighl tobo here yederday.
IfU'OUTAXT to Hunts. Under tho
Internal rovenuo law, all properly pass,
lug by will or by Intestate laws of any
Stato, to. heirs of thu deceased persons,
and all real estate passing by gifi, or in
any mamier wh.atuver.wlthout adequate
consideration, from one person or cor
poration to another, is subject to 11 tax
at a rato. ranging from ono to six per
cent,,, mid tho law makes It the duty of
1110 executor oritdniinlstrator to mako
put and render lo tho asdsiant assessor'
uaying supervision 01. such business a
coinpletollstofall Iodides or dUrlbu-
tlvo shares held by him beforo the samo
shall bo delivered or paid to thu heirs of
any person succoJIng to real estuto In
any manner, as above stated, to iiuiko
return tnoreof to tho assistant assessor
111 1110 manner prescrlliul liy law. Any
neglect tin Ihe part of a mcees-or to
mako the return will subject tho pro
perty to an Increased assessment and
himself ton line. Ills uImj Important
to part ('s purchasing propeity belong
Ing to tho estnlo of a decea.ed iieron lo
.seo mat 1110 neirs or persona of whom
tlio purchnso Is made, havo thu cohec
tor's receipt for tho government has 11
Hen upon' such property for taxes due.
MAlilill), Nov. 21,-Generai Dulce.
n-M . recently cipiai 11 general of Cuba, dlod
fib 4'pur venilers.J- will endeavi.r to
tlvo you a few "jottings by thu way."
Alter jpendlng a few days vo y
antlv lu Leo county Illinois, between
told acquaintances and duck shooting,
niu fr uiul iirr veil, and ill (1110 time WU
stidled for Fulton on tho Mississippi,
wherawo arrived at about 3 o'clock p.m
Friday, wero driven from tho depot
direct to the' River, ami immediately
took pasnngoon the "Diamond Jo," and
weru bboked for St. Paul.
1 assiuo you that wo enjoyed the trip
hugely which wa owe In a great mens
tire to thu gentlemanly officers of the
bont.who appealed to oparo no pains to
mako II as pleasantas possible, by point
Ing out .many places of romantlcas well
n q btstorlcal interest.
You may talk of Italian skies,Alplno
slopes, and all fine things that roman
elsts delight to harp on, hut J think It
lmnosslbio for any plice to excel In
grandeur and beautiful scenery, the val
ley of tho upper Mississippi.
While wo wero quietly steaming u
Lauo 1'cpiti uuout 1110 peep 01 uny,
was called up according to agreement
by Mr. Johnson, thegentlemanly mate,
to gaze upon tho dizzy height of. Maiden
Rock, off of which Wlnonn, the beautl
ful Indian princess, of whom no doubt
you havo read among old Indian lo
geiuls, wassald to havo taken her final
and fatal leap, down Into tho depths of
tho lake below. It Is indeed a very
picturesque spot, well worthy of its very
appropriate and romantic name.
Wu stopped at many of the towns
along tho banks, and sometimes long
enough to take quite a ramble through
the place, getaglassof beer If wechose
lo imbibe uny thing thicker than Rive
water, but when tho whlsllugavo war
imig "all aboard," then was to bo seen
Mime lively bustling lo gain tho deck
ucioro ino sanio visageu - iiiieeuin
amendment" hauled in the gangplank
bout 1 o'clock Monday p. in., w
hoisted anchor at Prescott ut tho foot
of Lake St. Croix, for 11 thirty mile
trip up to her head, whero Is so snugly
situated thu nourishing lumber town o
Sill I water, with her lino liltlo harbor
In front, and so completely protected
from the bleak winds of the north nnd
west by blufl's coveied with a seutit
irrowth of limber.
-Hero wo piirteu- wltli several lenow
pa-engers, .anion;; ., wuoin- wero iw
twin sistors,Svcdes, fresh from tho land
of Saner Kraut, and as rosy and Joyous
as though they thought tlils a land whero
Kraut and Onions grew spontaneously
and abundantly. Farewell gentle bis
tors, nmy this land be all you dreamed
of. We also left here considerable other
freight and many jibaches which by' tho
wav' word' worth nbout ono dollar and
threo-rpiartirs per basket there,
But here wo go down the lake agai
with nn occasional ially at tho many
wild gecsfe on'tho water, pass Hudson,
nourishing town on tho Wisconsin bank
on down lo the foot again with. Prescott
1111 our left', hud Point Doitglas's on tho
right, Svhlch wo'double, Just as the sun,
hheds His tilitcd rays aslant tlio bluo
water, nifd we an; again' stemming the
stern current, bf the proud old Mlsslss
lppi, and after -t good two hours chai
with lliu Mollln M'Pike, wo castiinchor
ntSt.Taul, about 8:30 p. ini St. Paul
is qtiito a lively, and'apparently a very
aristocrat c'.vodnsr city
I spent several days here,- and ten
miles' nbove, at Minneapolis and St'
Authotfy ti-t the opposite and eastern
bank with the great -'Falls of St. A
thony" between, which isns beautiful
as It is noisy, ii'flordinff one of the great
est and grandest' wider powers iu tl
world, and presenting to tho eye of the
curious observer, ouuor 'ho wildest am
mostbeuutifulspiclmcusof.God's luindl
work. Thu manufacture of Hour, turn
ber and woolen goods etcjete., Is pretty
extensively carried on here. Tho two
cities together now contain about nluo.
teen thousand bouln. With the ndvanta
ges they possess, such as this vast water
power, and their magnificent quarries
ot grey marble lor building purposes
and of which they huvo now construct
ed. some elegant buildings, for instance
two fcchool-houses, at the cost of nbout
ono hundred thousand dollars each, and
various otlirr llno structures of no
tercut to tls-iny opinion is that this
place Is destined to bscomo ono ,of tb
most prominent in tho north west.
I ulfco;paid a visit to tho great and
wondorlul falls called Mttiuo ha-ha
(laughing water,) und 1 do not suppose
tuat J. was tlio first one disappointed at
tho view. Well it Is in sooth one itran
humbug, especially in a dry time.
1 Tho next placo of interest, ut which I
find myself is old Fort Snelllng, at the
mouthofthuMinnesotu. It isan extensive
structure and presents qultuu grand and
formidable appearance, barring n fow
breaches in the west opd., Many Inci
dents of Interest to every Americuu
could bo related in connection withhold
"Spelling, and not a few concerning tho of lgOi.raisaw many of
tho surviving dusk'y devils who partici
pated ii .that butchery. Many and
heartrending wero tho tales they told
of tho heartless uud cruel slaughter of
tho bravo and dauntless prisoners, their
wives and llttlo ones.
How some of them, cliildren.had been
found with a slako taken from tho fence
and thrust through their bodies, nnd
replaced iu tho fence, left thus to strug
gle in the agonies of death. Aud how
In another pliieo.ln a settler's cabin four
children had been found with their
hands nailed to the breakfast table.with
tho prepared victuals beforo them, but
starved to death. Ah,Ir,tho surviving
people of that section were by far too
wiso to reveal or plcluroto tho world
at large, (ho horrible, truths and real!
ties of that inatsacro'half asdarlc as tliey
really weie, for feur of discouraging Im
migration to thelrsparselysettledcouu
try, but it Is out of my ''latitude," as
Churlis hiiys-to write "big injun"hls.
tory of Mlnnesoln.
So I will bid you good night by Jn-
fcriuing myseil,
Yours truly,
.,,,ti,i tt,m . A M A'l'tnN.
v . .... ....... .,...!. I.rf..l.l..t,,
Wlir.nt-.A1, tluMMII.XV lll.llll 1 I,, tii I11 1 r ill I i
11,1.10 of llio l'"iirl ut uyi-r mil lei'"1'"' .'"'.l
ilencml Jnll lUyrrr. '.'' '''"'ftVi. .i V w
S mft oiurl I . I 0 i l Ji V,ira IIW ici. ".
Kd .f ii." "'11 i'll.'.f ; '" K" lvi',!,,,V L'l
ivo Usui-il uioir iirt ii in, " ,.L ,,H
v nt Kent. In tlie year ,,r mir . IM, mi
llmuMiml.ciKlit l.iin.lml nml ; '"'
meairpctiilfor 10 (IliniiiOmiliif i jtr uml li t'
knit .O.Tl.i:...V'''.'. ' "K SK
Sta7theh "any ol Doccmlir "noit, to .o..:
tln."9r''n.:Cf.k.- .... r.i.,n Imvi-
itnlA. 1 . ono t iTiusnii, I ciKl 1 1 1 m ml 1 ed nml slxls
nn' e mi "to mo Illrcctwl for liolilliii '' "'P''"!
Com t nml Court ofComiuou flo In lllii.uifiliiirK
Logal Notices.
Legal Notices.
Real Estato Saleip
T 1-aiSTKR'S NOTICF.-NoTtcil is
1110 umu rniftnpii onv-ia in.n
kale, mi ihwiiuiIhb limn tV 1 '''
n.t IKlilHIriifLColiiiulilaK.,,
iiuiii ii.iiui," him i,i' Xfc hrri
... .. ... i,..i,i,!,iii,t .t.i 1 1,,, stif'nii, 1 .M111111113
bcliiK tho 1JII1 ilny ot iweiiiin-r nrxt, nml l
Notice 1 hprcliy given, to tlio Coroner, In 11
JiStlcSiof the I'Atec.mi-l fl'V ! ""'''V?, a
nn dcouniy Ol uoiuiiiuui, inn. ."yj "? :, -
tli. ro In their proper noraon at 111 0 elock . In I .he
furcnoon of xnlilblli Jiiy ot Dui., wit li their reo
onN, liiiiuHUIoiH nuil other reiiifiabrnnccj. to
So II om hlngs which to their olllccn nppcrf.ili
oTn? tlmt , iro' or' may be In tlio Jail of tho
miM county of Coliiinbla, l'i lo tlien anil
thcro to prosccuio mem uh mhui u j"--",
roi aro rciiuentcil to l" puiictim In TO',!!""''"
nrDnhltf IntllDlrnotlci'll. DlllCtl ftt lUOOini-
i,r,r iiiniMiinvor Nov.. In tho year
, V or our Loru, Olio uimi-raiiu ii
Iblld year or Ihe Iiiilependeiiip ot the 1 Ui Iteil
Klnteii of America. MollIiKCM JIlI.I.AItl),
uioomuurir, oy.'j. iwb, ""
!'"' .t t tininiiUnn mlm'r of Kev,
1 iVili II Wilson iit'piirKlhlnireiefktwjileoM.
I y-'l'l '?"'." "' W-'S! -nil (lW,Hii.v.lcr
Vf of Win. Knydcr Into u( lllooin twp. ill cU
"l. Aecmint rlWr VMJ tto lit
mrxeilol rtoniiinni ii,, -
Aremiutof It II. Mrn,i fluniilliiii ofMnry
"fW'SSri mml0., nitofllaUl; Ktl.ll.,
ailnWawrtfe W.l-ali.ierlate of llloom twp-
7C KIikI and mini account of -J, lM"'"
n,lmV..f l)""ui W. Clark lalo of Mimlnur twp.
;lrtninl final account or NilicinlaU Ileocu
r of Annallcecoof llemloclt twp. il c 'I.
. t 1 .nn.i i-hriHinn hernilm rof OM.
iTiV'crl.Ue of Montour tu p, dcc'il. ,
1 .""1 it and partial account o r Hnmiic 1 Ncy.
mri Kxecutor of tho utito of I'lillllp Hoirelg
X A. I). I'm.
Llttlo iLFrecu.
Clalk A Freii".
Abraham Mnrlx,
P. I'. Bcybert.
(William UavN,
t Marirarct ltr.ih my.
(The Wi'U Urancli lu'n. I'o,
i vs
(.Hliiiiiu l shlie.
f Edward M'Callet. al.
-j Ml
(John Hueency.
JLavlua ll'.ivi liport,
William Kllnilop.
J0I111 Cnlcinan,
S. 1
y. accou
letrJ: , , ,..,,
nnu HylvcVtir Helchaul nilin'm. of ths KsUUo or
Ti Theco'VdiiudlllialflCCouht of Davlil Al
biwin adnrrorjohnAlbcilHoiilalo of Uiccn.
H1KKI. IWP. II O ... , ,!
1.1, firm nnii ". -.,VJ " i,,i.V ,r
mics IlllCler aummoi uo,n. ,..,.
"fi'JCSomAor Wm.T. Shumnn nilm'r. of Ben.
a""1 ' , ; u iMmlm'n. of lrcnvv
l-ailliiaii 01 . .!. . , ,,,.,.. r
HI. ACCOllIll 01 licuij., i.ui...
l'rlfClllll liaj iiuim .1. ...
JOHN It. I 1U.AI'.,
Nov. 5,,f''J-lf- lleslstir.
Secretary of thu Commonwealth, hav
ing been pestered with an extensive cor
rcsponileiicooriglniitingwItliJiiaiicosof tho I'eaco and Aldermen, requests tho
peremptory statement that no eommls-
8lou will bo sent to, or inndoout. for thn
I newly elected Aldci men or Justices of
tno i'eaco prior to tho time at which
their commissions wero formerlv Issued.
Tho registry law only changed tho timo
ofolectlon, not tho terms of (ho otllcers
lormeny chosen at thosprlni: elections
Their cominlbsloiis will not bo forth.
coming fur some sl.v mon-tliH,
Michael Cionnn.
John Co .per,
Daniel Ilowir ct, 11I.
( Isaac I'Yuety,
i v.
(.James W. Snnkcy.
(Abraham Young;,
i vs
(Jncoli Moollver,
Charles It. (irei'tl,
l'cter Hu'mg.
(Lucas N, M01 it,
Ocolf W, Collamer.
ril.wld Leu Is Guardian of
1 ilie ucird uu 01111 ues 11 ecu.
i vs
(John Navajo,
(Henry J. Yejple,
( vs
(Is lau Dnttii & tcrre tenant
j lleury J. Yesple,
(.I&aac Ilium .1 terre tenaut,
rSlmouC Shlvo
ltaunnh K Arinhtroug.
rilenry flnblo
1 Peter Ilowcr A terru tenant.
(Atisleu Church
Andrew Clark,
i vs
(.Win. Mostcllcr, et nl.
I John Price,
Samuel fleiiflel.
Iltcuben II. King,
Klisliall. l'uiscl.
j Sara'i A. Pelerman's udui'r,'
Vulenlluo Stout, ct. nl,
f Gideon Arndl.
i vs
IUobertS, Haiiijilou
Itlihard Wntklns.
(Thomas BcnllcM
I vs
(Uriah Chainberllu.
JA J. Itilnoehl
(L.tckawaunu A. B. 11. It. Co.
(HeorBc W. Lott
1 vs
(Monroe Iliuinl.igu
f vs
(Alexander Colly
(Allnas Colo.
Michael drover iie.
II. S. Marr.
Clai k a llrockway ( peter Hehiig,
Little. (Challes Leo
Knorr. (Jacob I L Creasy
Kreiio Jt Abbott. .n. V. D.ilhnan.
( Jaints W. Sankcy, uko.
i vs
(Jacob strouji.
(James W. Sankey use.
(Alexander M'Henry.
1 'lark, Trcezo .t
' Lltlle.
I- i-eeze.
Llttlo & Kit err.
Marr Ilrotheis.
Kahler 4 lkeler,
Clark. ti
Freeze & Kahler
( Win. Hancock,
(Clurli s A. li'ioae.
Fi eeze.
Vi cee,
llrockway i
rreeze,' '
(Win. Marr,
1 v-
llIughrH & Illicit 10.
1j ke,
eler llao
I Daniel Howt r, Jr.
(Daniel Hover, Sr.'s Adinrs,
Irtiomas Hughes, use,
Wesly ltuikvl.
( ltoblusoii & Co.
(Jacob Aletz.
IO'eorgo Masters ac Son,
Samuel llrugler.
(Daniel Sbuiiians Admr's.
s vs
(Malhiai Alsletter, et. al,
(M. T, Howell, ct, al,
J. vs
(Maryi:. arrcu,
(Frederick Hosier,
(Oldioii (I. Ho.ler, et. al.
(Wllllini A. Case,
1'1'ho twp. of Scott.
IJohu Jacobs,
it. L Johnson,
JIlsSi: COLKMAN, l'rntli'y.
business, nnd If properly It.,,, '' Jii
return h Ii uiitum luiwuin "uj . '
ijuestionsns liilllle,i,o,,,.,
sailstaclorlly answered hi- "'""itstl hurii
Aitlf. ,'(. t . 1 - Cl ISO Sj Wl
10 JJALK "ti"
Ol' VALUAIlLLlim,,,. Si,
.lames llverltt, late ol Oran i' '5p
bin county, 1 oceasod, win SxJzV nr,,
on tho premises, on Hntiir.iuV l1" IL
lew, 111 0110 ii cmeit 111 trio altriM, '
liu ilescrlbed real esinlo, t, J ,nV'L ?,
roiitnliiliiK lu tho w hob, lib., t!,,,',1
whereon aro erected ft ' """H
11 fraiiiollaiilt llnrii.Htuno N,ri,,,i, "i
mi Ilousi. nnd Dittbnl
wiilerniiiliiiieverfallhiffjp'ri,,;'1 1 M
ortli'ird ot cholco upplo lite, l'i . ' -7?
b i.llVred in two paus, ..'J i J J jTl
road lead im from Ihoiuas i u''I
contallllll!liboutTwelily.l.-iv,, ... I
belli.? mostly pine naif ,k, 'JftV i1"
muis, ivrms tnni,. r Sli . Mli.i:" KS'lVl
jnov. 0. ty-t'v. -vi
.V," ,.it iraleDnmntl nf fPlll fttltl XlOT'
soiial property set apart to wMVViSrf.i il
havo iiecn nieii in tow ".."". .:".: .. .
UoluinblacinintSMiudertiio nuiesoi lioiiri.uim
will 1)0 ireuted for absoluto colidrma I011, to
.. . ,i. 1,' ,, 1 ... i... iii,i in ilmiinsliiirir. In
nnd for said county, on Monday, 1110 iiin nay 01
Hoc. isviat luoociocK r. 31., i.i ri.f.
executions to such conamiatlons aro pieylous y
tllnl'iif uhlcli all persons Interested lo HUd
eitaies will tako nonce: ,,, ,,.,
1. Widow OI JOIIU Kicinui.s i,.,u ..... .,..
... ..'.I
it. Widow of J.ihn Conner Into of Ilenloa twp.
a, WlUOW OI II.IWU liOUI- litll WlU " MU.,a.
'Ywido'wol Iharles Hess lale ufMlluln Iwp.
s" Widow nf John lieinolt Into of M.idlton tWi.
0. widow Ol niwaru mini it unu .,. .,..,..
"Tl'VvMowor Kilns lillnir into of Locust twp.
dec d. ....... ,. , ..t.
.iuii.s 11. 1 Ul.1.1, 1
Nov. 5,'0.1-lf. lieslsltr,
p U 11 L 1 0 K A I, 1;
v ALU.vni, 1: nut K!Il
I in nl 1 blln i.f t -I . V"
ecus o1, w 11 expfHH to (tale, 1 y tw I, 1
bmiiutnl nml iWcilbnlnH f,,iiUu,
nortu uy iiimHor sttpiitn u,,,.. irc
IIIIps, on Ihe east by lima of x i. 'tti
on the t-nuth by html or Wni, liutl - n
went liy lima nl Hunniet blmicr r,n tmi
i'l'cctnl ii two Htory Tno
Uninniiil outUousft. AUn.r.t ti., iMCS
nlnCP. Will l0 HOhl (hO liM.Minl L -V-TT
1'owh, ottu Hfcffor, Jluirx, une lV(j(!.'
ono Hprlni?Vuumi, Whcnt.Cunii Jrr
IiuhIu'I, lliiuchnM t Kllclnn u' "0
n lot of nUicr nrtfi'lfs too nunicMu blfi
u u in, j ii y a
o r
V A r V A It h n H V At. IS
In mil Minnco of an nnli-r nf iht
nf Columbia county, l'i,, on Hum
il-iy ofNiivciubfr tK-.t, nt ID nm
luxin, i fiiT r in, mii"ni jnu,t
lite or I.nciist tnwn)ilp,lii m
will rxnoM to rac. Uv inhiii-
pivmiTK, u ivniiin Ji-nl I -i iip i- rt'
l:iruy m j jih-u-l usin u i ni
bhlp notiti on tho ou-a hy I ,u.! i, kr
nnil iMinc i;rwin, on t'u' n-ip ,m 7
ucl Yrnor uiul Imnc iu atli, i ilbd
InmlHof Kreileild Holder Ji!ui J, ur l
on thu K'tuth liy 1 miNff J, (lilt pie
conlnlnln; Heventy Tour A r i nnn.
rwo stouv )vr.ujx&EH
aHpiiiiK of nuvt-r f.Ulin v,nur u m
TIimoU also ti tnrno iipiiio un f
Jrnlttieub. Two thlnls ifltu Mu (Off
una tho imlunco timticrcil. rwii
Civon in tip' pupriiftvcriu tinttm
tho' nf h.u ilivd.ivit. 11 un
kliltiu nT i niMlht uiul ( Vitjili'U'.n ui tl
iihi. jlx4 uuL.ii.a den
ni ino iuriru.i"' niom.',v hi i if Mr.
Uy vlituoofKundry wrllnir vnui. i.x.isHiien nui
of tt
) ine ilirertptl. will becspnsp.l to public
ntciy nt tho Court Ilousu lu Illoonubum
ick In the nnernoon, on Moniliy.Dcc. (jib
tho Court of Common Hmis of Columtlhv eoun-
tvnna to i
h.itnor out
I r.ViTun
win itm f.iiimvtii? mill outrun to wit! :i obtain
irnM .i i.iii.l rIiu ito lii'.mel: t'.vh..':oluml)la
oountv.bouni.ol nnd dfKcrlbnil follows lo wit:
mi tdn it nn.l nnrlli bv bind of UllrlPS H.tOh
nmn nml Tnbins nmun, on ino van uy launi m
(liorso liowiT, onihoKouth by lun iH of IIoiir'
I IO. i K , COnilllHUiK"""1"' r nun" M'" im'i.i iii
in whirlinro crcptod two finmo MivoHlna !
houst(. n fmmo crlut mill, frame ntJ.blo ntnl n
nanccH. Hel.oi luken in osccutlon nntl t,ibosolii
as the propei ly ot i pnr.iiHi vun.
At Uicsamu (bnenml plnoo, u pertain I raf r of
liinu miuiuo in ininrcrpoK ivjioiiirno'uroumy
houiirUni on tho north by hm-isof John O. Jiu-oby
nnd Ilnnnnh Sponenberner, on the f fist by lands
niisippneu i noniu uuti jacony, on mo miiiiii vy
puoiic roan icnuing iruia iit-rwicit in jiiooiiidiiik,
un thn west bv tho ltrlar Crek.on which Is vrer
ini a ir.imo crisi nun. niasiui-iiiiiinnii s'iw iiiw .
ft framp dwi-lllng Itoiisp, lramo stablo with tho
uppurtt'iianecs. Also nt tho wnn tlmu nbout
three ncn" ofKt'ouuu Rttu.ito in sumo twp., nnd
roimtv.ndloliiliir' lamKof J. H. Jnpohv. Daniel
Uamb.ich mid the Xoith Urancli Cunub KolzeJ,
bLtPii In execution and to bu Hold ns tho proptily
ouosinn i nomas.
Tuo certain lots of Rroimd situate in tlio town
of Montana, Conyne,liain twp., Columijlii coumy
bounded on the noilli liy Ulilrd street, on tho
east uv tlio boundary Hue or i.ild town or Mon
tana, on tho Boulh Uv lot .Vri. tlin llloek It: on
tlio west by Leiby Street helm? lot No. 11 and IS,
lu manor plan of said town, btrlzed. taken lu ex
edition and to bo sold ns tho pioneity of Peter
Jl. Jie.iMr.
At tho hamo tlmu und Place, the following ds.
erlbedlolof ground nltitate-in I'atn-wissa twp ,
Columbia county, bounded nml described as ful-
lows, 10 wiu on uie noun souiu uii'ioasi oy land
of Solomon Ilelwli; eolitalulliK about nctos
nioroor less, on wiilcli is erected a two story
dwelling liouso frnmostablo Willi llio uipuitoil
nuees. isolzoil, taken In execution and to licsnld
as mo piopcity or Jacob Hower.
A Ii S O
At the Mime timo and platcluii lots of laud
sltiiatu ill Giriuailowi,L'oit.v!iKliam twp,, Coi
umbla county, contalnlni; ilfiy tttt fuuit and
i wo iiiiiiinci lei i in ep, bounded on the norm by
lotiiriliomasMourouoii IhoutstauilMmlli by
i.)l ui riiuii-rt niiail anu on IIIO O 'bl uy tnu i in n.
pllte, uheienn Is ereetedn story and n half dwell.
IlIK hoiiso Willi tho apDUrtt nances. Rt.lud. Ink.
en In execution and lu bu mid as tho property of
Xov. l.voi-tf. hhcilir.
h K tear
. can
IS" .The
. mot
tlio property; tho bal ineoortliuloj' ,i;.
I,.i, ... r ...m I ..I lh,w,inrir,,iitn nl " .
tourlhs. tho balance. In one s'lirltfr. from tho c iiiilniiatl in i 1,
Purctiiitit' 1 1 pay lor deed uml si mn
Oct. JVSJ IW. Adui"
i it 1: t'UKAi'iwf and iii-.-sr in miSsr
Hl-LKNIIIII Ol-KLI. f'.l, 111)
Lttteis toktaiiientniy on tho estate id John
Ivile, lalo or bui;arloaf townslilp, Coiumbl.i
eolinty have bucn Kianled by tlu Iteeisti.r m
Coliinib a County to Iileliaul Kilo ot hujarloaf
Iwp. (.olumb a county l'a. All persona having
claims nculust tlio eslaloaro ieiuistcd topiestnt
.,.v. .v ..AVi-llllll iiiniiii-iii.ii oivusmp, col
unilila tounty, l'a, 'those Indebted to tho estate
cither mi note. Judgment, moim.iKo or book ac
count villi iiiaku paymtnt to tho LjicuIoi- wllh-
Thls tionular Montilv Jln-.z.
for tho money than any la tin w
it win nuprov ii, "wi
Thons unri'dltesl Fotirli i'n l,'e .. '
Twelve Alaliiinotli coi-irni - i
rolored llerll.i V i em- N .i 11
Cut. I Twenty-l our 1 ij, . 'i -All
this will ho tit en 1 ii-1
II dollar less than Mai;.ilMe. i
lerson." lts'l lirllllui; 'i'lilei uii.i N.,'
ular wrlturs nro cmploj nl to writ. JVsfel
"I eleibuu." In UsTi), lu iiitili'1,,11 1, '' n
Illy or short btiirlm, Five Onn WO
Novcluta will bo Bleu, viz., im IT..
llastllo." I)f Mm. -nil s -.t, n, Yr
at Uartr,iuis Holme, -i .d 1 tsb
"Kalllli en's Love HI irj , ti. . , .i
el's Kir Ijiuiitelot." " n I.a, ,in f It'
lh...tithoriir"llioecuii. t.u i. -ri
ed," by frank Leo llllicil, I. P0,1
MAMJtOl'lI COLOUbl) t A ill'i"- letl
Ahead of all othi is, 'Hit
on steel, twlcu tlio usii'il m'
tli'iirps. 'I'lu.v will bo sunciljit .
ratlcin, ll'ii.'u wiutll it 1 I- ss Muntu -, .
iresHcan bueutout.wlUioiu tlienu '"tna
maker. Also, sovt'ial pja ' I! Jgt
uitiv, lukiifua, ii, nnu,,, .
to lauios.
- it
HUI'llitlt l'HIIMilM I su. l jg,
To overv person cettlDK til' " J
be uent Uiatls. u com ot our nr Hoi
.Mez7otlnt for liamlnt', im
our 1 Bluer Who Ait in ni"
most tltslrablo irt iiiltiin t rr it.rt y,r.
Clubs, as will bu n'eli bil" itu 'i
Oct. -a.VJ (iw.
XX JJsl'AfE UK JOHN nif.UPlf iiti'n
U'lttTh lOlndiulnUtmtloii on tho' untnto of John
.Himt'V luln lit Mntitimii inn, (1..1.....1 i
Utrce.ised, have been uinntod by tho Helstur of
t'olumiihi tMMi ii ty ioh. irMUIer ol Jiloom
..n...rt auiiiiiiisiittiur UC OOIIW HQli. ClOnttitlt'
UemauUsai'alniitthHHSiiii,, nt iiii,,,.,,i', .....
requusuatomaUothcin known, uud those ln
debtfd tomaltopayiueut.
Kir. snr.uzit,
. . Administrator.
K v f i (i , ti bQ,ti t,(it, mm ttstamenlo unnexo.
-tV. KsfATKClF VIM JAM WlLNI.-i. 1)1 r.lMKi
the Wugazlno w IU U Mil In u-iJ.
One Copy, for ono j cat.
i O LAJJIIi-'H, I or UUU I Ml ,
Thrco " "
l'lvc " liinu 1 '
l'UUt CojiIih, fo nnu, !
up ui uiun,)
rourltiii I'nplt .luioh. j- ' J
tor un of ctuo.)
Addr-t.fc, rnat.pHid. t ll.s. J l"
Nn. :ii!li L'biUlUl rtl. ifl
Hpcclment, sent to those wUnui
iOV. 1 V 1MI
a 'J1 1 c K a"
Notli't) IS lli'l'l t Lil V
bu made In tlio I'llin ol 'l""'
county nf Columbia, at tie i "
nppolntnif nt of Kpoih Kt-i' i '),,
lh.imas (Irlllltn John. A'1 '"'
Joint ua 'J'lublrtk lor Hit i;n"'
dkchmiuiu tlum, ism.
iiiooin.-jacou H. Evaiij, Loou ird II. ltupert
ucoruo Itassert. 1
nXlVloU'l5u',rC!'''lr!S,Hjack'',niII'lsO' Owen.
Ilrlan-reelc. Joylali Thomas, i
sssi,,KsaifcSI,Uw' ,,m- " '""ri""'
" Oonyusham. John L-Klini-r"
; IshliiL-crttik Uuorgo I'oaier.JTaincs M. Hewitt.
Krankflu.-Jaoob iCtmlenbauatr. '
Oreeiiwood.-WainuelM'lIenry Jacob Welllrer.
Winl'M-iilfnuol H"ocm3kcr' Jollu llurliiuu.
Locust, Hiias II. Johnson.
Mllllln.-Lcvl Klkcndall.
iirange. James II. Harraan.
l'i lie, John P. l'ottler.
suuirloaf.-Jaints Pennint'ton, Chrisilau L.
J- DUCUMllLIt TKllM,.l!U,!.
lllooiii.-Josepli bharnless, Isulali Hauenbuch
Chesier C. Marr, Janus K.fcyer. ""i."ui.ii,
llrlarcreek. Adam Hull, Jooiithaii v. lvk
Andicw Fowler, AlbertHiulth. -.
man. K" 1rl,;lll','u"1. Joliu Apple-Ccntre.-tym.
Ilower, Samuel Crevellnir.
Ji'.VJ l'f.'-T;51 ,H r I it i un. Lew Is Mm.
lA?mS,!:rfiS1nut,,rW,'u,' J0"
Urecnwood. Johnson H, lkeler. Win II ilav.
l-muH"" V,C"- I.' Mlllt-rl'liSic
Jacksou. Johu ItanU.
Sfmi '--ym' t'etierman, Joseph Thomas.
Maiuo. Win. lonuenbtreer.
Mad son.-Uanlel Andy,
MioVrp'l,iii'l!,.,?,?.''er( 1'ewl l'l"nbcrllu,
licott.-l'dlip T. Ilarlnian, John Turner,
BUO.S11 wnisu,
i; ofr;'jffirii:T&.uU.4i!, J-
t'atawissa. Liwls Veltcr.
Ije'ilro.-H.imiiel llower.
ki.hliU!crfiU.-i:ila, Wtnucr, Daniel H, Palter-
.PPX!SS M "nrderiomee,,,,,
VikS. fV0 NlCWSI'Al'EH I'll"
Nov 3 ' C. W. .MlLLIIli, An ndyiTthiineni of Mr
l'ruiiklln.-Clliiton Meiideulmll.
MaiteVun:": K""' L"'""'' &
iimn. "T;,",tr't'y',"iiinuii,
Mlllllu. Wrlghter W. Huiitii,
Jlonlour.-Jonn W. (jibbs. '
";-fvuu Alt'ttaiiieiu
Churlcii V.vt
Annul Andruivs.
WANTKO.-ioo ConlliU'iitlal AkchIs
nJod inS'SMM?' IU"c"k 'enil. None but
,iT. i. "iu, reliable nan wuiiltd who can keeu
ihelr mouths shut. Hiaall tapllal ri'nu red i
id ,USB if 11 r'toed to u ' luaii u't ll" iiuld
iinTft. ii"llc1ulr, f"l 'roe. Humplo of Voodi
eutlor aicHiH. Callnnoriuldiiss
N iv li 'Hi ., J' 1'-W.ATIilW 4 CO,.
NjV, H,'Wrn. 107 llroadwuy, N.S".
Ililm.r 'br ,'.llalu,,'l "" "l0 'stutu of Kiltw
.ieo'd in S: ' : iY i' !?!'.!&
Oct. a.'ta-oa-.
rurmt BWANif
AGENTS WANTED. AireiitH Wuiitwl
S7.3 to JJOOoor luuntu, malo wu" foinul tosc
JlVf1! ""!"' ")lnl iSoiuinoii rionio FmnUy
r"v - nuu.uiiiiu u iu i inuruiiii i
Xuv. 111,'0-lw.
. utl.VVt fUllll A CO..
i'a V"B"'lrei!l, Philadelphia, l'a.
eo'u? sV!vTi;?m"?,t',,' ut """
. MAltY M'llilllAUTY. 1
uy ner next friend Jus. llarre, 1 Libel In Hlvorcu
,il ?' ?.'i'l0!mv'." uee". relurued ifti
ou till, iiiuiim, ....... .,,
uiiius this uveiilu,!. llavhua'1'1 "
ry Ink tlurlim the past ye ir, ,
bu in a supoi lor nuulliy. hence " ! .
rtoomiuciid It tiiiinrbri'liire" 'iu ,
where. All our orders havi j)!."1,,
and in every luvlunoJ tiio l'i; ',. uti.-Vlllli ifl'tjiujifl, ll"Si.
, Attcntlun 1. called to lii;
U. lloblusou'ii (1'lill.iUeIi'lii i, in' "',
number column. Wo ha ""f !i" -nnd
prnnonneo It cxcclltiit. - -IMu
Wlicitina my HlfulUi'i'' li
uml hoard without Juste U
.IV.UIHUI.. ..ill I' j ."'. . . ,.,n,
froinihU ilutt.,iiiiilfoibll l' 1' ?,iis
her ut my expense. ' ;
Kor. 5,'iO-lt.
rpiIE CllEAl'KST AXI''j
is rnu u 1 i
1 Uii' iT'-X
Tl.a .....ln...l .
i.i.. '",f"llu UHV0 entered iitoco-iuiitiur-"
i.l .d.ih'.'.'r?
roiiniiiyheretoforooceunleil liy Ivttr Ililluivur.
I'lil'hlt IIILLMYiai
,. llt-OllUi: V. HliNltlK.
' ii ii!i . 1 !,a lute Mrm will be seltled by
l' n 11,1 . ' . aie. nnu win no settled by
tti'ilily ' W lu B" 1C1'1'0U ludebted should
illiKiiiisbiiru June 11,'CO-tf.
,V. ''V '""y.M1 l'" 'io llrst uud llual account
ol Ainlrew ! Vas as Comm itto nf MvSimfSu
it liinitl ,., is li ltd by James 1. 1'u'iuono ,,r ii L'
Aillnlu slrtitors or the said Aiidrnw 1'icuV in w
ilt'ifd.. In tho Court of Couimou l'loa, if Colinn.
Itie btu ilny of DtivmUr iuxt.
- - u..kU(u ,,, i,i-ii vtT I OWIl. 1,1.
uiiuiubia lonnty, nbout ihe inlddio of li.fu
IN)Uii WIUTHCiiw.wltli u few re S J,V. ya
criioke.1 horn, bi nt iliiwii,iippai,.my "awt'd
supHuid i boiibout flsiiitt.,'V , rs old. l i '
owner Is reiiiie.tcil lu o.miu i.u wfm ... ! .'.'
iu:n uox jim51 ',
to bo found nt llio popular dry S
iiiidirslunea whero etei'h"'l
iunis nuuii-1,
1 1
nnd any thing thai limy wnn1
M. P. LU'A-
MAIN r.TUi:rr
Nov, 12,'ifl.f,
oonio loiward, puno ron
in mite uer away of idie
.'cor,, lint in ' c
ll.otcr.Niiv IIMmS1MS0N "MKWINUfcll.
irty, puy cliarxun, an
uUi be uUiKMu'd of no
( ET THE lllT.
Miinsuii'H t'.in
n.J .7.,. . I
ever llivlitslil. lliu siios. -
bove Invention, nnd nil ' ,, i..rf
ersou will l.u iuoiiii lie i lb" lU
unsiin's t'tipper TiU'U' ''''
May 13,'iM