THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO Oil AT, BLOOMSBUItG,COLUMBIA COjmTrA FARMER'S COLUMN. i How to Mao a Horso's Bod. If tho Ulonof u seoroof farmers tutivli Ing tho lnminur of a decent licit for u horso could bo written mil, ilniilitli'tM tho tloeiinient wontit to ti strunto com mentary UDon sluldo miiniiKoiiient unit Brooming. Tlio best timterlul fur limit ing 11 bed for a liorso confined In stall Is short straw, chair, saw (lust or dry tan bark. If straw bo long, It will pay to run It through tho fodder cutter, that will cut It In lengths of thrco inches. Then, after removing all tho droppings of tho animals, lot tho Utter, whatever It Is, bespread oven over tho entire stall floor not less than thrco Inches In depth. This will not fail to make a comfortable bed for n wiury animal after ho has fin ished his evening feeding. WhcnBhort ninchlno straw Is employ ed for bedding, tho first thing, which will always bo found of prime impor tance, is to remove tho droppings from tho tall1. It may seem strange to many grooms that wo insist so strenuously on the removal of tho accumulations of tho stall. But It Is n practlo with a great many farmers to clean their stalls once a week, and in many instances tho part of the stall round about tho hind feet of tho animal is allowed to bo filled with manure, and packed down six Inches in depth. No animal can lie down with any kind of comfort while his bed is so unoven. Let the droppings bo removed back boyond tho feet of tho horso every ovening, if nothing more. Then, with a woodon-tlncd stublo fork, shako tho straw to pieces and scatter it evenly over the stall floor not less than one foot deep. Thcro is nothing lost by using a largo quantity of straw for bedding, On tho contrary, much will bo gained in two ways, viz : in tho saving of vai uablc liquid manuro by absorption, and in affording quiet rest for u liorso after having performed hard service. Most liorscsaro exceedingly fastidious about their beds, and unless a comfort able and clean placo has been prepared they will not Ho down for boveral suc cessive days. On tho contrary, if tho bed bo made as directed, horses will lio down for many hours,whcn they would otherwise have continued to stnnd until their limbs wero so swollen anil weary that could not keep on their feet any longer. A horso is a very neat animal, and will not lio down on filth or on a cold" floor unless ho is exceedingly weary. Wintoring Sheep Farmers keeping sheep ought to sco that their quarters for winter are com fortable. Plenty of room should bo provided, for sheep will not do well wheu crowded into close quarters, Their pens or sheds should bo well veil tilated. A covering of straw makes a first rato roofing. Tho floor should ho well littered witli straw onco in three or four days, and as often clcane'd. T hey should ho fed regularly. Hay should bo disposed in racks, easily reached while feeding, yet high enough to bo clear of any contact with their feet on tho ground. They should havo oats, or whatever is given besido their hay, at regular hours. Much advautago Is gained by regularity in nil matters ap pertaining to tho farm or farmyard. If farmers understood this fact, and put it moro into praetico than they do, they would bo gainers by it. Sheep should not bo fed too highly. More is lost by high feeding than is gained. An old undo of mine, having had n long ex perience in sheep raising and. keeping, used to say that ono spoonful of oats a day wai sufllcient, and that sheep would do well enough on that allowance with plenty of hay. Salt should bo given at least onco a week. Caro should bo taken In building pens or sheds, to make an entrance largo enough. Sheep ought not to bo crowd ed in going in or out. Many Ono ani mals havo been injured in that way, for sheep go la and out of their quarters, when feeding tlmo comes, with a ruh, and huddle close together. If tho en trance is sufficiently large, there need bo no danger of crowding. All weakly, scrawny lambs or sheep .should bo sep arated from those in good condition, and allowed an extra allowanco to "catch up." 1'oor, scrawny sheep never stand much chancoln n flock of fat, thrifty ones, as they are knocked around and seldom get their share of food. I am glad toseo that farmers aro wak ing up to their interests, ami getting sheep of improved breeds. Tho old fashioned long and coarso-woolcd kinds ought to" givo placo to such as tho South down, Cotswold or Merino. Not only is tho yield of wool greater, but it Is of superior quality and brings u much higher price. The' Puoiiugt op One Wi:i:d. a gentleman desiring to know what would ho tho influence of a single weed upon tho Agriculture of afield or garden selected a plant of purslane (pusley or purvey as called by some,) and careful ly counted Its number of pod. It was a rather largo but not tint hirgtbt sized plant from a rich spot of ground. Tho number of Its seed nods was'l. Ho then took fourteen of tho pods, seven small ones, four medium, and three of tho largest, and counted tho seeds In them. The result gavo us an averugo of ninety seeds to tho pod. Thus in this slnglo plant wo havo tho enormous number of 415.170 seeds. If theso wero spread over a plat of ground, nod should nil germinate, ami a man should attempt to cut (hum with a boo. and should averogo six plants it overy blow, and mako thirty strokes of his hoo per minute, it would tnko him thirty-eight hours and twenty-three minutes to cut them out. Or if theao weeds wero equally ilia. nominated, at tho ratu of four to tho uquaro foot, they would cover two and a third acres of ground. Do not theso figures show tho ini mcn?Q importance of cutting and de stroying overy weed before It goes to seed? Thcro In no doubt that other weeds aro fully ns or moro prolific tliuri this. It hen been know in wot weather to grow and mature Its seed long after it nail been entirely sovercd from tho root, THE YOUNG FOLKS. FllUIT TltKES. VlNEH. l! TilO iS'hii. bury American warns tho citizens of mat place 10 Liu cautious In making con. tracts for fruit trees, grnpu vines, Ac. The editor btates that n largo number of iruu irees, iic. iiavo men recently ills trlbuted In that place, somo of which aro In bad condition, besides tho prices fiald are enormous. This is timely euu Ion, and our citizens should bear It in wo Imve known sovoml of them to bo victimized by theso fruit treo ped law. if you want good fruit tiow call on our neighbor John Heat, over tho .inXSf.'fv1 d. not depend on theso wau tiering Yankee from York State. Tho Boar and tho Skrnttol. ".My wife and 1 boro such u lodger in long iu wo could, but at length wo wero fairly beaten; anil as besecuied to havo tukuuup his abodu lu tho house, wo thought It host lu glvo up to him what ho wanted: mid tho littlo rascal knew what wo woro about when wo wero moving, and seemed afraid wo should not go soon enough. So ho helped us off; for on tho morning wo wero to start us wo wero going to put our goods upon tho wagon, thcro It stood before tho door ready loaded: and when wo start ed wo heard a loud laugh; and a little sharp volco cried out of tho window, Clood-by, neighbors 1' So now lio has ourold house all to himself to play his gambols In, whenever ho likes to sleep withindoors; and wo havo built our selves a snug cottage on tho other sldo of tho hill, where wn llvo as well as wo can, though wo havo no great room to mako merry in. Now if you, and your ugly friend there, like to run tho litis; nrd of taking up your quarters lu the elf's house, pray dol Yonder Is tho road. Ho may not bo at homo to-night." "Wo will try our luck," said Quntor, "anything Is better to my mind than sleeping out of doors such a night as this. Your troublesome neighbor will perhaps think so too, mid wo may havo to light fi,r our lodging ; but never mind, Uruln Is rather anawkwarj? hand to quarrel with; and tho goblin may perhaps find a worse welcomo from him than your house-dog could glvo him. Ho will at any rato let him know what a bear's liugls; for I daro say ho lias not been far enough north lo know much about It yet." men tno woodman gavo (Junior a fugot to mako his fira.wlth, and wished him n good night. Ho and tho bear soon found their way to tho deserted house; and no ono being at home, they walked into tho kitchen and made n capital fire. "Lack-ii'day I" tnlil tho Norseman; "I lorgot one thing I ought to havo asked that good man for somo supper; I havo nothing left butsomcdry bread. However, this Is better than sleeping in tho woods: wo must mako tho most of what wo have, keep ourselves warm, and get to bed as soon as wo can." So af ter eating up all their crusts,and drink ing somo water from tho well close by, tho hunlsma n wrapped himself up close In his cloak, and lay down in tho snug gest corner he could And. Bruin rolled himself up in the corner of tho wide fire-place; and both wero fust asleep, tho firo out, and everything quiet with in doors, long before midnight. Just as tho clock struck twclvo tho storm began to get louder tho wind blew a slight noise within tho room wakened tho huntsman, and .all on a sudden in popped a littlo ugly skrattle, scarce three spans high; witli a hump on ills back, n face like a dried pippin, a noso Uko a ripe mulberry, and an cyo that had lost its neighbor. Ho had hlgh-hcclcd shoes, and a pointed red cap; and came dragging after him a nice hit kid, ready skinned, and lit for roasting. "A rough night this," grum bled tliegoblin to himself; "but, thanks to that booby wocdmnn, I've a house to myself: mid now lor n hot supper and a glass of good nlo till tho cock trows." No sooner said than done: tho skrnt- tlo busied himself nbout,liero and there, presently the tiro blazed up, the kid was pu t on the spit and turned merrily round. Akegofalo made its appear ance from a closet: tho cloth was laid, and tho kid was soon dished up for eat ing. Then tho littlo imp, in tho Joy of his heart, rubbed his hands, tossed up his red cap, danced beforo tho hearth, mid sang his song: "Obl 'Us weary enough abroad to bide, In the shivery midnight blast; Aud 'tis dreary enough to ride, Iluugry and cold. On tho wintry wold, Where tho drifting snow falls fast, llut 'tis cheery enough to revel by night. In the crackling fagot's light; 'TIs merry enough to liavo and to hold The savoury roast, Aud tho nut-brown tou!tt With Jolty good nlo nnd old." Tho huntsman lay snug all this timo; sometimes quaking, In dread ofgcttlng into trouble, and sometimes licking his lips at tho savoury supper beforo him, and half in tho mind to tight for It with tho imp. However, lio kept himself quiet in ids corner; till all of n sudden tho littlo maii's eyo wandered from his cheering alo-cup to Uruln' carcaso, as ho lay rolled up llko u ball, fast asleep In tho chimney-corner. Tho Imp turned round sharp in an in stant, and crept softly nearer and near er to whero Bruin lay, looked at him very closely, and not nblo to mako out what In tho world ho wos. "Ono of tho family, 1 supports !" said ho to liimsulf. But Just then Bruin gavo ills ears a shako, and showed a littlo of ids shaggy muzzle. "Oh ho!" said tho imp, "that's all, is it'.' But what iv largo one! Whero could ho como from? nnd how canio ho hero ? What shall I do? Shall I let him nlono or'drivo hlm.out? l'crbnps' ho may do mo some mischief, and I nm not afraid of mlcoor rats. So here goes! I havo driven all tho rest of tho livo stock out of tho house, and why should I bo afraid of sending this bruin after them'.'" With this tho elf walked softly to tho, comer of tho room, and taking up tho spit, gtolo back on tip-too till ho got quitocloso to tho bear; then raising up his weapon, down camo a rattling thirnp across Bruin's mazzard, that sounded ns hollow as a drum. Tho bear raised hlmtelf slowly tip, snorted, bhool- his head, then scratched it, opened first ono oye.then the other, tookn turn ncross tho room, unci grinned nt his eno. my j who, somewhat alarmed, ran back a fow paces, and stood with tho spit In his hand, foreteelng a rough ntlack. And it boon came; for tho bear, rearing himself up, walked IrUurcly forward, and puttlngout ono of his paws caught hold of tho spit, Jerked It out of tho goblin's hand, and sent it spinning to tho other end of tho kitchen. Anduow began a fierce battle. Thh way nnd that way flew tables and cluiiis pots and pans. Tho elf was ouo mo ment on tfco bear's back, lugging Ms ears nnd pommelling him with blows that might havo felled an ox. In tho next, tho hear would throw him up in tho n I r, and treat him as ho ciiiiio down with a hug that would mako tho littlo imp squall. Then up ho would jump upon ono of tho beams, out of Bruin's reach; nnd soon, watrhlng his cliunro would bo down ustrldo upon his buck. DRY GOODS. Novoinbor and Dec, Piicos I. W. IIAHTMAN'S, I'on HUMMKit imi-Hs oooni. 25 ct. 15 et. 55 ct. IjAWNS AT IiAWNS AT LAWNS AT lets. -10 cts. CO cts. $1,25 DllEStS (JOODS AT $1,10 $1,00 DltiCtJS GOODS AT !)0cts. 65 ct. DRESS GOODS AT 18 cts. 40 ct. DltKSS OOODS AT 35 cts. 35 ct. DR1-2SS GOODS AT 30 cts. 25 et. DRIiSS GOODS AT ! cts. 20 ct. DltKSS GOODS AT IS cts. TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. I J M I' O R T A N T N 0 T I 0 E. M.UIN1F1CT.NT DISPLAY O P DRESS GOODS, AT THU NEW STORE, BROWER'S BUILDING, The splendid rooms of J. J. MIOWEK, i completed nnd now open to the public Kith tho FINEST 8 T 0 0 K over offered in Bloomsburg. All tho NEWEST STYLES of Dress Goods, tiilks, Cloths, Casslmcrs, Linens, Flannels Ac, 0 A R P E T S of every style and for all prices. Oil Cloths in great variety. A full lino of SUPERIOR GROCERIES Coffees, Teas, Sugars, Spices, trnrranted puro and good. GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, in carefully assorted variety. GLOVES, HOSIERY, HOOF 8KIUTS, COI13ETS AND A COMPLETE assortment of WHITE GOODS, The public aro earnestly Invited to examine theao flno goods, befoie pur chasing elsewhere and aro guaranteed stitlstac- llon. No expeusool- trouble has been spared to mako THi: .MOST COMI'LKTK establishment in this lection of the State. j. j., Stay T,'f,0-tf lllooinsburg I'u, JEW STOCK OK Fres. arrival of CLOTHING. FALL AND WINTEU UOODH. DAVID i.owi:Niii:no lavttcs attention to his stock of Cl EA1' AND FASHIONABLE CL0TIIIN0. at hU store on Main Street, two doors above tho American House Illoomtbuig, Pa,, while he has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, durable, aud handsome Dnr.Sfi GOODS, consisting of l!OX, SACK, HOCO, GUM, AND OIL-ULOTH OOATSAND PANTS, of all sorts, sizes and colors. Ho has also renlen Jshed his already large stock of FALL AND WINTEU SHAWLS, HTIIIPED, FIOUltED, AND PLAIN VlSiTH" SIIIIITS, CltAVATS, STOCKS, COLLAIifi' 1 PAN 1 1 K MICH I EFS, O LO VEH, KUSPENDEItS, AND FANCY AltTICLKS Ho nas conslanlly on hand a large and well-so-ecti-d nssortmcut of CLOTHS AND VKSTINGS, which he is prepared lo make to order lutoany kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of His of homo manufacture. OOLD WATCHES AND JEWELKT, of overy description, nno nnd cheap. Ills easeol Jewelry Is not surpassed:inthu:placc. Call aud oiamlno his general assortmen of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELIIV , AC. DAVID LOWENIIEUO. DRUGS &. MEDICINES, QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, llloomsbur;;, l'a. M. C. SLOAN A nitOTHEIl thomirceMorsnf , ' WILLTAilBLOAN STlN coutlnno the business of making CAltHIAOra, DUGaiES. and every style of FANCY WAGONS, which they havo constantly on han I to sutton u tomers. Never using any material but the best and employing the most experienced workmen they hope to contluue ns heretofore to glvo entire saturactioii to every customer. An Inspection oi their work, and of the reasonable prlc asked for ne same, la sure In insure u sals. Mxjr VM-tr JT HAS NO EQUAL. THE OUI.KHHATKD AMKUICAN COMBINATION, IIUTION IIOI.K, OVKllSEAJHNU ANII bKWI.NU MAC1IIMK. The nrst nnd only Sewlnu .Ma chine combined In ihe world Unit can do nil kindsofhewliiB needed in tho lamlly, from tho ei urm.t cloih to the lluest fabric. It will work beautiful llultou Holes, Eyelet Holes, Embrold- ai..,.ii Lin "K Our. Iinj. llruldluu. llllidluis.IlullllUB. TuckliiB. Outlier and Sew mint the same time. This ti lerlalnly farliiiidvuuiuof All Others. I T 11 A H N O E Q UAL; It Is alio tho cheucst Intrinsically us well nrf the best, since It Is rrully two MuchlutB combin ed In one (by u simple unit beautiful mechanical HrrunvcmeiiMievei beioruiucuiuiillshtd by hu. man Int-emmy.) maUInt- either Lode Hllich.or llutton Hole Ptlu-h,ns occasion may rtiiure. It is ut the hituio time, s inplu In construction, comparatively noiseless, easily tiudcrslnod, anil lu n word eomblues with thesu tidituituutt rjctn iwtly tl4 tmyi, the MftitiU-ilraOle auctlitlt t of ait c. ir. Wo have also FOIt HAM? Hie "I'iuln Ameri can," u beautiful family Muchluu at a lledui-e.! Price, 'ibis Machine dies all Ihatls done on the "Combination" except llutton Holes aud Over seainiuil wurk. Ludita and (ieii'Iemeu, wudcslru all lo come and n u this ureal novelty of the uao, now on exhibition and lor salu ut ihe old l'ovt Ofllce, cor. Main aud .Market streets. Don't lis ten toother Alients uhourelii tho hublt uf con dcmutUKull machines but what they represent but eome aud examine tho Muihineund its work tin u Judge for ourselvo. .MISMW HAM lit) A LAKE, Aneuls. for I.userne, Columbia, .virthumherluud aud hchulklll founder. Auknih Wantiu, Uil.Ui.'ell-lf. ALL KINDS Or JOIJ PRINTING neatly executed sit Til Columbian Wnaui frintlnc Offloe. Ayer'a igor, fa ( m Tor tesiuiincj Cmy Tan1 to its natural Vitality and Color. A ilieoing which i . it iiiicu njjrccnblc, lu nl liy, mid cfleetllnt fill- llt'5CIillg tho I. it!.-. I'tulal or gray Lili- i soon restored lo ilt original color .V'SkTV.fcW if. Mr the alas and 'AlfcX', finin hj at' ioii(i. -'4r,wS' Tliiu l.nii- is thick ctii'il, fiillin? hair "ticikcil, niul Imlil nan oflon, llinnli nut always, cured by lln use. Nuthhi inn icstoro tlio hair wliero tin) I'nllii'liM nro destroyed, nr tin; plntiili utiiiiliicil unci decayed, llut siicli Hi remain can ho pned for iisul'iihieis by this application. Instead or fouling thu hair with n pasty scilt mctit, it "ill keep It ilean and vigorous. Its occasional umj will picxent tlio hnir from tinning pray or falling on", ami consequently prevent baldness. I'Vco from those. 'deleterious Mibelauccs which mnko sonic preparations dangerous ami injurious to tlio hair, ilia Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, notliinc else run ho found so fontniiiiivr neither oil nor dye, it uoe not soil while cambric, and yet lasts long on tlio hair, gi ing a ''c'1 glossy lustre and a grateful jioi funic. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Ciiejhst3, LOWULL, MASS. raiau $i.oo. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, 13. .Hull Koud, 3P.A.- KT. W. Coi-noi' of Main Street nnd 1j- & BLOOMSBUBG, MACHINISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS; BLACKSMITHS AND H0ILKH MAKERS. MANUFAOTUK13RS OP STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, (.UXCIIAI 3IACIIIMJ WOtlK AX KUr.UiW. MILL CIUAUING. BHAITINO, FULLKY9, IIAKOUIW. HIUD 11I.OCKS, SAW OIF .A-LXi CX1TJDS GROCERIES, &c, ' i HANI) OI'KNINll 1 UllANI) OIMCM.NII - OKANI) OI'KNINll UltANIt OI'KNINtl IIHANII UI'KKINU Sowing Msohlue. Q.UOVU11& IJAKUt'8 m CASTINGS V01 FtJllNAOKS ALSO CAU WIIHKLS AN11 AXLKS AND ROLL I NO MILLS. AND OKNT.UAI. MININtl t.-AHTINOS. Iyer's Oatfiartio Piii; purposes of ft Laxatlvo rcrti-ips no ouo nu'ili- rcrti-ips no ouo nu'ili cine U Mt lliiivi'i'nlly rc quite t lv evi'ijtioily a i-.itli nil,', nor Hiis tier r-.a.,4, v am' iKfuro m uniicrsiil- V!5iS3jt;y,';p u,ulu- into u,o. lu in n L'vci vi'mmtryntiunnioii nil rl.mscs, its this iuill lmt cillclcnt h'e Vltt Tho i1i'j5 l o.l unit U. It i itiurt i'l. L.rSri-. li:il)Ii) untl r.iiinorc cll'cc- iLint remedy than miy Asgi otliui'. Tlioso who luo Uicil H, know t'ut it cupuJ litem: tlioso who lmo not, kiiou- it cure Ihdr ncighhoi-A nnd fi il-ikU, ami Jill knoir Ih it vh it it iloei once it ilocs nhrays that it nutTi 1UIU tlinu!i nny fault or ncKlcctof 1M romiioilt-ii. We ltivo thous.imU upon thou svi'l orrci tilUilci of tliL'lpicmarl.ible curci of tlic fn!l..n-In7CM'nil.iintJ, but fturli vuvc nro Vnovru la cum y iicU'i'mi hoiul, ami to nml not publKh llicm. Al.iitcl t-i all aw mul coiul.tlom In nil climates; rnnlilniiuni'illier calomt'l op nny .leleteiioimlnip, Uny nnv Ins l.ikcn with sarcty by an) body. Their iu ir r rutin? prcervPi them ever fresh anil makes llicm jiliui-nit to ti in, whilobcimr purely vepetablo ii luriu can mUq frrun their nsn in any quantity. Thoy opera to by their powerful iafliienco on tho iiifern iiuera lo purify Uio bloo.l ami stimulalo It into liciUhy nation i emove the oh-.tructlons of tho rt-i.nali, boweli, lircr, anil oilier orpani of tho body, rc taring tlicir irrcffnlar action to health, and hv ronectliiji, whcrcTcr they exist, Mich derange incut a( aio tho first origin ofdicise. Minuto direction aro given in the wrapper on tho box, for the following complaint a, widen them rills rap'dly cmoj For 3ioilior f ndifrctlon, Utlri ut, liuxuitr and Wa ut Appetlto, they fllioul l be taken modci ately to ttimulato tho ttom-ai-li anl ictoro its healthy tone and action. For river ('oinitluiiit and Its various ayrnp mini, HllJmiA EIo.iilJcIii.Hfck Ilcutlache .7iiuiiilirn or W recti Hlchnv, lllllou Cttliv and III) luit A"cvr. tlicy should bo Ju tlicioiibly taken for each wse, to co rivet the dls-eaicd action rir vemovo tlio obi true tioua which cause ft. For Dyaoiitery or lHarrhocj, but ono lmld doc Ii Reucr.illy required. For Jllirmmitiftiii CJout, Gravel, Palpi fntloii tf thn Iloart, l'a In In thu Mile. Ilitck and JLolna. tlicy should bo continuously taken, ns required, lo change tho diseased action of tiio fryhtem. Willi such cliango those complaints ilM.ippcar. For llropKjr and Xlroplcn3 Sn-clllnpi they should bo taken In largo and frequent dosea to pro dure the effect of a drastic purse. For Niipprrtvlim a largo dose should be taken ai it producos tlio desired effect by Bympaihy. A a Dinner Vlll tikoono or two I'll It to pro mote digestion and relicro the stomach. An nucaionnl dose stimulate tho stomach and bowel into healthy action, retorea the appetite, an I Invigorates tho system. Hence it I often ad whero no serious derangement exists. One who Icidi tolerably well, often flnds thitadose of thce I'IIIm makes lum feel decidedly better, trom tliolrete.insing and rcnovatin; effect on theuigca live apparatus. l)It, J, V, AYVIS & CO,, Practical Chemists, Lotrnzn. mass, u, ,s. a. Vib.S, 1M9. BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS, CAU BOXES, COMPOSITION CASTINQS, AND BABBIT MKTAIj BEfiKIKLD'S CELEB11ATKI) Ol.OBE VAIjVES, STOP COCKS, C1IEC1C VAIjVHS, rlc, A1B COCKS, OIL GUI'S, STEAM WIIISTI-ES, SXDAltl OtTAOES, STEAM TIPB AMD riTl'irffOS OONSTANTLTT ON" HAND. G Insurance Agencies. Ii 0 B E M U T UAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YOHK. rilny Freeman, rrcslilcnt, 11. C. rricinnn.i-cc fusil inpllnl over SI.lKO.noii, nil (mid. I. B. ROB1SON, BLOOMSBUHQ, PA aUN'KUAI. AOr.NT, For Luzerne, Lycoming nnil CoUiinlil.i oonQty Aug. 20."C9-ly. IN SUltANCE AGENCY, Wyoming , 15tnu Fulton North America City International Niagara Futuam Mcrclmnts Sprlngflclit Farmers1 IMnvillo Albany t.'lty Lancaster City. York Horse, Dculh t 'llielt Home, New Il.neii lUnvllle, Hurso Theft FIIKAS llltOWv, Afient, miit,ia.iy. llMmMtiiuno, Fa JKO.OOO 4,(X)0,(X 300,000 :o,ooo iw.ouo I,l0l),0u0 1,0110.010 SiO.OHO aa),i)iio f.:(i,im) U!,M 100.0OD JTO.diX) Uo.OIXI l,0mi,0ou Wall Paper and Painting, JMPOllTANT T(iIlUILimt8,H0UaElI0LI):U3.t:Ti:NAN'l'S. 'I'lio uutlersigneilwoulil uuiiouui-u to the eill icnsof Illoomsbiirganit vicinity (tint hu Is pre paml to executo II O Urt H, 8 I O N, AND O It N A M F. N T A L F A I N T I N O III nil Its branches. P A P E H H A N 0 1 N (I Carefully attended to. htrlct utt tut inn to hiisim is nml gixs) Morkmnii ship It is believed will mfiitnfu!r)iiw or public patronage. Shop on Catharine Btrtet between Third nnil Fourtli. MarA'tfl-ly. WJI. F. 1SOWNK. PHILADELPHIA V A L L F A F i: 11 H. HOWELL .t BOUIIKE, ji Anufao t ii r. is it ii oi' F-iper Hangings nnd Window slm Irs, H i K-m Itooms, Corner Fourth and Murltct Hliicts, Fhlladelplila, l'AllDIIY, (Oil. TWlSXrV-TlllllII ANII HNW).M HM VtiVf HTVMM KVnitY HAY, OF (KJIt OWN -MAK'i:. Oct. is, 'ua am, T MIU ESPY HOTEL. IMFV, COLUMIIIA COUNTY. FA. The unilerslgueil would Inform Uio travelling lUbllolhat hn Ims liilun lliu n,,, u n, until ikiiili i.liment nnd tlinriiinlili- n-flttiui ilm .,i rr t hu perfect convi iiiencunf hiseiusts. His larder will he Iik Uiil with I ho best llie mnlliet allords, 'flic choicest ll(iiors, wlues and cUttlsulwuys to U IminU In his bar. . , WILLI VU I IIlTIT. Apr.SI.W-tf Lspy. p. io-pautni:hsiiip notice. TllO llllilir.tirtipil linv i, ntnr.l I titu ,.n-,.i .1 .. Mil 111 as Founders and .Machinists at HieNalloual j-i'iiuurj iier.ioiuru ociliii(ii ny ,-eler Itllltnyer, FHI'Kll IIILL-MYIIII UUIIK1KV. II1.NI1IK. 1 ho tsloks of tha lulu firm will lu. l.v K. II. Ikler, to whom all persons ludel.ted should uri'iy. , juuuiusuunc juue ii, ov-tr. Agents and solo Manufacturers of Hall's Paten Double Discharge Turbine Wheels. BLAGKSMITHING, HEAVY OU LIGHT FOROINCM, AGENTS FOR SI-IIVE'S GOVERNOR, ACKNOWLKUGUD TO BU T1IU SIMrLIST AND HIi4T IN THU WOULD. MADE TO ORDER. REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OP ALL SIZES. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF TIIK LATIST IMFliOVLD FATTFIIN.S. THRESHING MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. Buckeye Reapers Repaired, AND ALL F.XTItA FA11T.4 FUItNI1lir.Il. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF MORTON'S PATENT I-IAY KAKI3. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS AND SATISFACTION GIVEN Hay 7,'M-lf O It M O N II Y H F. V V N II K 1) . lius ori C. HOWER, opened a first-class HOOT, fill 013, HAT CA1 AND KUU tSTOUK. at tho old htamUm MalnSlrcettH.CKmsburir,afew unnrHUiKive uio court jioiike. xtm hiocit isi-oui-nwi'ilnf tl.uery lutist umUjcststyleii ever otrer pii lo the c itlrt'iii of Cdlumbtn County, lie rim lUToimiiotl.ttu thu public with tho following ood ut the lowiist mtv, SIrn'i heiivy double fcoled stow bnoU, iiii iri double and fclngle tup soled kip boit, iiit'M'b heuvy Mug a shoes of nil klmU. i men'u line boots uiul&hoeb or nil crades, boy's double tolt'd boots iiud.bhoes of nil Kinds, men' Rlovekld Kalinorftl'u, women's, boyb'K I and mtsHLb luhtint; giiltcrs, wonien's kIovo ktd I 1'ollMi very flne.wonii-n'b morocco Ilaliromlsund cnlf hhoen, womcii'k very tlno kid buttoneil palt ers. In bhort bootM ol ull descriptions both peg geil nndneweil. 110 wouiu nibo can aneuiion 10 nm jmo iisurv ment of HATH, CAVH, FUUS AND NOTIONS, which comprises nil the new and popular vtir etlhK ut prices which cnnnotftvllto feuit all. Ther goods are oU'eied ut tho lowest coh rules nnd will bo guaranteed to give fcatUfurtlou. A call Is solicited before purchhMne elsewhere an It U loved that better bargains am to bo foind n at any other lu the county, c. G'(J7 "glLLIAUDS! lULUAltOSn pOWDER KEGS AND LUMBER. V. M. MONUOK A CJ Hiiperl, l'a., Mauufaiturerii or l'OWDEIt KLOH, mul dealer. In all kind, of LUMBEIt, Klve uotlce that they are prepared to accomodate their cuatom rltli dLpalch, aud ou the eheaj.ea WILLIAM II. (.ilLJlOltll llu-s opened n linn r.lltianl Salof.n in uddltion to ms tcn Known uivsi AUUAM'. liuiins;! tallies with Hlllhehile.l lniproNeiuenlsaud lu perfect LAGini 11LTO AND ALII Hiiloli tho market nrTords. OYSTIMW to buhad a. an nines wneu in hiason, aio llcef I uiikiu', lliu public are Invited to call, and arc prom Iscd t,iitlsrnctlou;ctihcr lu billlardx nr itieuiH. jus CIOAIW AND TOIIACCO caunnt lie excelled, liloom.tjur, Jan. 0 MNIIiUS LIKE. AT K W C O A Ii Y A 11 V L TIIK undprsJgned lespectfnlly Inform tho citizens of Dtoomhburu and Columbia county. lUitercntnumhera ofstovo that they keep all tho coal and Melected lump coal for fiinUMnt; purpo ken, on their wharf, adjolnlue M'Kelvy. Neal A Co'h Furnace; with a good pair of DhIUIo bcalea on tho whn rf, to wtfsh eoul. hay, nnd Btrnw. IdkewUft a horse and wagon, to deliver con I to those who drslru It. AKtlu-y purehaAO a Inrge amount of coal, they Intend to keep a superior ar ticle, and hell ut the very lowebt prices. Dense call and examine for yourselves Itefore purctiaa luBcUowhcru. J. W. IIKNDKItKUoT. AlTUUMTUH MAhON. ''PIIK uudcrslgnt'il Mill tuko in ox- L chaiine for Coal and GrncerieR, tho following named nrtletes ; Wheat, Hye. Corn, Oats, l'otu toes, J.ard, llam.Bhnulder.and side meat,llutter, Kggs, lluy, dc.nt tho highest cash prices, at hW Grocery htore, adjoiulug their coal yard, J. w. HKNDinwiiOT. nioonmbure JIar. 19,'C9-ly, ?UO UH AND FKKI). The imdorxlcned thankful for past patronnco niic begs to immune to lili nieudi and to tint pul N E W M I L L It now In complete rutiulnR order,and that ho it prepared todoall lilinls of Milling without delay 1'urtkH from a dMauco cuu havo their urlsts liround wllhout delay, ko n to talio them homo thomimoday, and as n rulo nil work broiiButto tlio mill can bo done lu twenty-four Iioiuh. Aty piei,eut arrauumeuU aro fcueh a. to preclude tho necessity of .topping the mill ou aeeouut of lee, hl;;h or low water, TUB IlIIhT FAMILY 1'LOUIt, at well an tho lower cr.'i,Uk, audall kind.o CJ10P AiVI) FJWI) kept on hand liujuantlty, audformloat tlio low cat current rates, lirnln uf ull Uln,l purehuked, Light Btreet, Dec. l.'6-tf. I'tTlIH 1INT. D E N T 1 8 T a y . II, C. IIOWHll, UCNTIST, Itenpeellly olTer. hl proftudonal Kerricra to tlio hidlea and L'tutleineii of lllo4in&buri.uii,l vi cliilty. lie 1. prepared to attend toall tr. hi. ou.operutloniln the line of hu profeaxtou, und 1 provided with the latebt improved roucEiiiN TKEllt which will bo lllberted on old plattllL'. .liter and rubber bate to look a. xell lutlio nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted bv all tlia iihw uj most approved inetho.!., and til operatloun on Iho teeth carefully und propel ,y allemicd to, IteHldeuee und olllco a fetr doora abovo tho Comt llouxe, bame bldu. llloouubuic, Jau.31,'(itf g L A T E R O O V I N (1, 11 V E It Y VARIETY MOST EAVORAULE RATES, JU1IN THOMAS, ahu CABl'LIt J, THOMAS' l'ox..77. IlliHiintbutK. V. i4r,i".'iv-iyr. Thonnderilgued ould resietfully announce to uiociuzena or juoomsbnri; and the public gene- nujy ma no is running nn OMNII1US LINK between tills place und tho different railroad do potsdally (Sundays excepted), toconuect with tho several trains (joins Houth and West on the Cata, wlssa nnd Willlamsport lUllroad, anil with thoso going isurth and South on tlio Lackawanna ani Ulooini burg Ilallrutd, IllsOmulliiisfcesnio lu goodcoudltlon, comino. dlous and comtortulile, and charges reasonable. l'cuons wlslilngto meet or see tlielr friends de, pai t, can be accomodated upon reasonable charge py leaving timely notice at any of tlio hotels. JACOl! L OIKTdN, l'roprletor. rjlWO MONTHS EREE! EREEM TUB MOST 1'OlTr.Alt JUVKNll.i: MAOAZISK I AMKItlCA. JIIE LITTLE CORPORAL'. r.NTlltlJLy OHiaiNAL.AM) FIItST CLASS, mi iii wsuiiKcniiersiur TiiK LtiTi.iiConi'oitAi, .... jvui, ,.iiou iiiiiui-H una money are icut In before thetasp of Not ember will recclvo tlio Not ember and DeceinberNos, vtlMi I'ltLKI TERMS, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. HINtim COPY, TWI'.LVII CKNTS. Tlio Little Ci.iporn! has a larger circulation than any other Juvenilo .Mag07lno in the world, imdls heller woith tho price llnui any other magazine ever puhlUhcd. lleeaiiso of lis Immune circulation, we aro i n. libit U lo furnish Hat thu low nrh oof One Dollar ft. aF copies, ono year, single number. . Kli,s! i'." '"otomiy ouo who will try tu lalso nelub. Ileauiifulpremlunn for lut. huliM iibo NOW. Now toIuuu s bigiu Juuuary "v'idlcl's ' "C m"nbtr" tu" "'ways lio sent. AI.l'lli;i L. Kl'.WLLL A CO . l'ubll.hers. Olllee of '1 lie Littlo ("orporul, Chicago, 111. 1'. H.-Wo also ruliltih tho following : "THE HU1I00L FESTIVAL," AliVJ'.""!,1 ,1iun.r;,rly Magazine, devoted olu. vely to Kcliiiol Knli rl.irmmuts, Liidbnio , .Vipy'lJclu': 1 "lm 1 ",y a"U 'i"u.T THU LIITLII W)ltl'OI!.M,S NT.W DltA'VINa JIUOK, "REEll'.S DRAWING LESSONS," Tlio Ixfcttliliigof tho kind ever Issued, l'rlco 11.5) lor cloth i, , n.Tlug; Mhool cen s. s id Ly booiisellcrs,or sent by m.ill ou lecclpl of price. Mill. MILLKIt'S Ni:V HOOK, 'Till! UOYAL U0AI1 TO FOIITUNK." OEND I 'OR A COPY lj HDITION WULIV l:V ' i?f.;;,.,'AWVK" ANII IIUHINl'iiV 01'' NEW LVljltY MAN IIIK filial on finn agents wan wu.uuu A sami'lescut frit-, with ir.,.. fornny ono o iliar (a dally, lu time hour lluslncss cut inly new, light and il(lriibie, Cuu bo douo at home or irutelliig, by hntli nmio UIM1 feiusle, No glltiulerpilsoor huiulmK. Addriss, W. II. CHI!, ocHrj'na iiu. U7 llroadway, New York. TOR lUUNTlNO IN COLORS, U Ntatlytxtiuti Jat thlsolllce. uintbutK. V. ''f .""'"'."Hablogiildo toall mattersoi t .Am,"1. ""''sncllons for otery Miato in ?', Y,-.,. "'V l'r",','"'onul man, tlio farmer, i.v,,,,,,, J. ""' Hi" merchant, the manufacturer, ANI ED, ''"'ii'iulioii convenient, coiuprchenslu., ami ' 0 l.;j J., . . .. "-nituio nun lu Ulaw lip ' K'Klr1!11!1 lrUm,."u,)r u reiiilred,aui that I Kill furnish lil in wlih such ii foimutlon as Is ,' Huallyca le.1 for In all his huslness relntimis of fledly-n dJrtho" Vrtcoon y'S'Se J host paid. Agenis tuintiMt cte rywliere. Address ii ,i i- , Ju,i-N " WLLlh, 1-ub Usher, lct,13,'C3 Sm, No. ilj llrooinuHlreet, N. Y, FALL AN ) FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND WINTKIl (100IIH, tlllllliM, WLNTHll UOODH, WINTKIl (IOODH, FlitST 1'IlKMlUsi FALL AND WINTKIl OOOIW conslstlni! ol contllng of consisting of oonslsttng of consisting of ELASTIC s niiY DIIY DUY DltY DUY OOOIW, OOODH, OOOI W, (100 DM UOODH, FAMILY HATS AND HATH AND HATH ANI) HATH AND HATH ANI) CAW, CAIW, CAl'H, OA It, CAl'H, HOOTS hoots IIOOTH hoots HOOTS and wiorw, AND HIIOI'.H, AND KHOr.H, ANI) HH01X, AND BIIOLH, RKADY-MADK CLOTIIINO, 11KA Y-MADK CLOTHINU III A Y-MADK CLOTIIINd, It A Y-MADi: CIXITHINO, HKADY-MADU CLOHIIPIO. LOOKINU-ULAKHKH, LOOKINO-ULAKHKH, IXIOKINO-ULARS, lAlOKINO-OLAHHIX, lAlOKlNU-ULASSIM, NOTIONS, NOT10NH, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, FAINTS AND OILS. FAINTS AND OILS, FA I NTH AND OILS, FAIN'IH ANI) OILH. FAINT'S AND OILS, UUOCKItlKS, UitOCKUII'.S, tlllOCKUIKS, (IHOCKItlKS. OKOCLIllKS, uUKKNHWAni:, OUF.KNHWAHK, OtIKKNSWAltK, tiUKKNSWAIti:, (lUEKNHWAltK HAItDU'AIlK, HAltDWAUK, HAHDWAiti:, HAllDWAlli:, HAltDWAItK, TINWAltK, TINWAIll:, TINWAllK, TINWAltK, TINWAltK, HALT, HALT SALT HALT, SALT, F1H1I, FISH FISH, F1TK FISH, sewik uanm -.imoAnVAY.Ni:wuDi im ChfUmit Btrivt r,ma, FOINTH OF EXCK1.U, ; llentity and F.lastlellyor miui,. Ferfectlon nnd Hlmpllclly of M,;i . Using liolli tlircads illrpclly fromt No f.islenltig of scams by linn,i,. uf thiend. WldoTiingo ol application win. adjustment. The scam iclatns ItsbciutlyMJUr. washing nnd Ironing. Heshles doing all kinds of vmki Hewing .siuciiincs, ineso Miuiiimi,, most tjeautlful and pcriunmui I'm ornamental work. -tcn- (lltAIN (HIAIN UHAIN UllAIN UHAIN AND BEF.DS, ANI) SKKDS, AND SKKDS, ANI) HKF.DS, AND HKliDH, Ac. A i AT McKKLVY, NKAL ii CO.'S, MC'KKLVY, NKAL A CO.'S, McKKLVY, NKAL A CO.'S. McKKLVY, NKAL A CO.'S. McKKLVY NKAL A CO.'S. Nortuwcstcornero! Matnnr.d Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Nurthwcst corner of Main aud Market Streets. Northwest corner of Malu nnd Market Street, 5rTho Hlglicst l'rciiilmnsiu ,m,, Inhibitions of the Fnlicil Malw: liavubeen nwarded tho flrounE. I Machines, and tho work done i,j nt cxhlbllcd In competition. -JOj - e-ir-Tho very highest prlre, Till " Till! LKOION OF Hll.SuIt, iai ttic representative of the Ortatriiv iiincmucs, ai iuu i.spojiiioii i um 1S07, thus attesting their great mr alt oilier Hewing Machines, F () 11 S A I, I W nLooMsiumo, 11I.OOMSI1IIUO, I1I.OOMSIIUIIO, lll.OOMSIllMtU, llLOOMHIillKU. lltON ANI) IIU)N AND IKON I HON 1HON PA., I'A FA., I'A., FA. NAILS. MA1IJS, AND NAILS, Ann IS AIL'S, AND NAILS, In mice nuantltks ami at icduced rates, altvav on nano. Hardware & Cutlery. rpiIE NEW IIAItnwAnESTOIU;. I NR PLIW ITLTHA. jiuviiih t'nuirfti our nioiu ivouiu nun ju-i dlrectlv from the Slanuf.ieturi'rs. purchnsfd for cash, on a declining market, w e nro prejair.ed to j ot) Uowcry. Ull IT IUU B.IIUU IU KAKMi;U8, -MIX'UANIW, nuiu)i:ita and the m-t of Mankltid. a licneral Mock, corn ui.siut nn uio kiiuk aim qiiniiiien usuuuy Jtepi n a cltv linul U'aro Store, hitltuhlo lothuantti of the county, at unusually low prices. au looser no are uehiriouoi pummsint; poou.s lu our Hue can kuvo Money ny look In y lu at the s hv iia rn wn re w ore. l'ltuso itive thu imM and examine our Mock tic, Apr. :&C9-lyr JIIooinsburL', Vn. J. DOE A!;! JiLOOMSUiliU h f June iVti'J-ly Jacuii K. PMtni. c. H. iiKLTZKH g M I T II tt S E L T Z E R( Importers aud Dealers In Foreign and DomcHtlc V.; "-JWS-i II A R 1) W A R K, GUNS, OUTLEKY, AC, ko. (OS n, Titinn UTitnirr, ailcalixiwhill, l'HILADELFHIA. Nov. 22, CT-tf. Guano and Phosphate. A u G II SUI'KR nAv iiosB rnospiiATr; of IilJIK. TRADE NTAXDAIW M'AHJlAJf'J'JiD. lis I,, ! ., I I i i I"NE HU,,,. l'llOSl'llATK Olf I.IMK us ijciiik lilahly impioved. m oo1!r" M;r;.,,v""f-;r.?.?'pt .". . (r.Umns.iioneTO haw Un n" . nrivp, Ii'Jr oranic matter-tho P.. . ' "o'luniinru'iiiinK. It. there- Snft, mw"uuM"0 "r lho farmer a! tlni , '.!' "" m-reuderln. It ut oncoVmlck ' in fJPllH NEW FAMILY M 1 1 Ki -M . 1 U KMIM1U. . The extraordinary sue, - ' Imnroteil inanuf iclurnii: M heavy work, litis indue, ii ' LMFllti; HbWIM. M V " to manufacture a New f.itu v s.llno stylo unit construction u " naiucuiaiioii, iuiiKiiu;iitiiii,i ish witli other Famlh M im-i usefulness OUTHTltll'ri ALL LoMI'Lu. Tho orlce of tills nekiKitvlntsi tlelo comes wltllln remh ofev.rr Company is prepared to oflvr '!i, Inducements tobuycrs.duiUo'ii , Maiiuuo warranieu. Apply Tor circulars anu siuni'i''' lCMI'lllLHKWIS.. M " No. ."JI lt,i- Oct. lVtD-Sm. Miiscellaneous T) LOi IJ VIIAIIY INSTl'lU'lL. 110AHD OF IitaniV.' la IIKNHY CAHVLlt, A. JI. f Frofcssor of Intcllei ami a theory an t pracur. MlksRiuah A. Cartel IT" Teacher of hreiuli, liotaii) ' llltllll nva, Isaac O. Ik A 11 Professor of Ancient J jingu-'i, Cll.imliiiir J. W. Fcriii. A Fiofcssor of Mathcmatu" " . tiouoiny Hov. D. C. Jidin. A M Fiofo sorof clieiuisir) ? 1. IUU., Tcaciier of tcogiapiiy. M-l' 1 .lames llinuii Assl taut leiieherof iiiatliii"-1 Or uiiniir Miss Mice M ' u' " Teaelier of Music on tlie inaii"M iiiiie I ft" ..I Teacher of Vocll Jiusic "' MissJullaM.'1""' Tinchiror iiiisluM' TUIMIl. tnrm trill IS'lllinB . ami until our tioai'dlns Inh . cy, on uppiicaiion in u ho fiimliliiul tvllli holllis til Hi e Ills belter for students to w , eniniiot tno term, uui tiio tuey can enierutauj muni. u onco ijulcklu S10. NVA'UUI 'i'lio (Ireat Tradp ImiT"'.'.' V action and ten- n.,riiin,i..i,, ,i lrl uru ii'conunended to purcliaso of ,.II1U tireui iniuu .m r he dealer locattd In their iicliihborho .1 Y tve. (Incorporati .1 ny tho S at "! ons whero no denier is Z"MMJi ih bolld rillver Watches at W I'hosphalo may ho piocurcd illrecllt' frrii ! Mm' i:KruvliiBS full " " uuilirsluued. ' " J "om ino ttlMllx n ,-)ur Wulcin. ar I' IIAI'UH A WINS Mu,..,f.w.l....... AuL'eiVl'.1n ,,eluwaluAte.,'hadilpl,la. fPO M AN U FACT U R K US. mVs?'? nVl0 ". AM.IJN'H FATKN TANTI-LA-illrincdj It S it""" "" U''I'"''-"0U "' ' BUHI: FltKVFNTIVl: OF KOAMJ IN HTKAM 4ivJ4l,f,lir. jno article will ho furnished at Hu Dom.akh K.'W"0 "l!1"" '"" uii"o iuu tamo lor TEN DOLL.UW FKtl AS'NUJt FOH KAClt w im. , Vi""i '!" u"',lnf tl "Anll-lJimina1 W ho suppl ed liviH, If lies red. at low urlees. ALLI.'N A NIIKDLKS, Dealers in Oils, No. (isoulli Delawaro Avenue, I'lilladelphlu. Clrculurs will bo sent on applliatiou, seji'.'rij'j-lai, 1 1 lopes, w iiu-ii iiri. ordeuil aro malted, il l'i J ,, nr ces: is il'Ih I. nanit i"- rlll l,r..l ',. 'I'Uflllt' ver llunilmr w'ut'eli as prrni'.1!111 W K 0 O N T I N U K TiiManulacturo our well-known Mnnures. AVix iVKiioiiae tj .one una .(miuomulul IriiiiiVc.und J'XJl U VIA N QUA A' O, No. I (ienuluo Clovcrnmeut, t, ".ii . Via nisicraiKi nyiiraullo Cement a...i(iryast,,..,.,Y - -1 ' ' Ml Ul, A DISCOUNT TO DF.ALKHS. ALLF.N A NKKDLIW, .Houlli Delawaro Atenue, Flilladllplilu. in HU. ii'V,r "f.'Yj.'? ,1U ,"00'ul'l'tiii! Iron Coiuiui.,, i'.-i tt-tit. ' tvr iiiiiiiini; wuicii 117 i": .i.rrt' BiavliiK cnlltles Hi" holder '""V, j uoilli fiom S '-. 1.1 3750. ll!l'"l". .'' . till. V, ,11, 1,, ,.,.,, 1,11 lu.l b no 01 imr slmk H w''"t money askid, wlillo the .-1 waicn worm tiai. ui 1-:..,.u. onco beloro '"'fJ!) in i o1 i liroadtvay, t or, 1 1 Oct. I.V'ltl.1 111 II. lRVINK'riUin-- iM l'l 1) 1 ' i-nnnroit mouetiiak 1 nai ls the most successful nifjlli tlioeurii ul Dyspipsl.i, Lit- r' Dtieuse, akiio Fever, and di ismauot-nureiy 01 , ..i,. R00T.S AND IH-"1, , One doi-i i nne.u-lin ulves II n lulr trial , wilhout II. It'i' , ell'ceted liiCcntruandlhl';!' ''V HunlluKilon, and ttlieic 1 h'lf.,u last sprinir. IVopIo who h"' '.(,, lho aiiovo dlseasJ-s fur tlio last " . 110 1'byslclaii lould iia'h cuicd and healthy ty llhlll'!,,1.,l,l 'ti (IIIKAT INDIA" It bus never lulled lm -," raiiKcment of tliohtunu""- I hope nil who are niuu 1 1 diseases wlllaiply lor tin; If ,"" U CINi: which iuu ' -'.h"'1,," 1 ,,1 ModleliioKloro III LIkIiIH '"'ou I'u., or of Ids ueiieiul aKcni AltelltS wallllll. ,,,.11 1 'I Ills iiudliinu is pii'piuou '""n " W'" nicT'i'iii-: Hi'Wr. V . i 1 .-iiiiuson-s iiipji-i .ii-s tlio lust 11 (iial.i"-"" ' eter IVl,lll'V..,,:u.,.,ali i'lil''',1' ers'o.. wHI bJ', tly "".'."Sriii May 15,'W J 1.W I ffX1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers