THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCUAT, ELO.QMjSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. gpoltimbiittt. '31mtars,,Pa., Friday Nov. 5, 1863. Ouu cutciniHirury h adciitine lilionctiw In I.U paper, tn llio heading to Ms paper wo co in largo typo "C'oi.u.mha Count.'1 ,OW,Brjind Grant havo namcJ Thursday, cliirgc. Qtiltlia revival is in progress at llenlon. sonio forty person I having joined tho church. Tho Christian denomination liavo it in ovember 18th as Thanksgiving Day. I'ooit HoL-8K.-Tho following weio tho Ottitf friends should rcnicmlcr that an votes nl' tlm iliirnnt t,.n-...t.s..., .... .1.., i.... , IL- . , I tvitiiuil1 Ull IIIU 1 UWI JesdaylMxt nn election for Justico of tho Houo Quc-llcm. (Ircciiwooil, l'or. 12. F'l ill l.t. ..I.,.. !.!.. m I.!- ...... . .... ...... ... ... ' f ".u m una juwnsiup. igaiiis, ui ; .ut, no.laiU, l'or, 4, Again'!, '"Si lto.iring Clock, For, CO, Against, 1 1 01' OCTOlIEIt 1S(VJ AT I.',,- OKI A, .!... .u. , , , .W , TtMDfftATUUr. i I LooMSBUnoTjObsorved at cuntUc Max- ,!um (SO'oruthe 3d j Aver go 3SJ0! Min Jium 23 jOnAlip 20th. I TllINOS must havo Lecu "mixed" in tho Oil. ilepubli'caa olfico this week. In its Centralis Directory it mentions a society of which tho GenerAJ BwEiTZKit hai been appointed pcoplo there havo no knowledge. IrtfrrisoioUtovciiuc in Western l'cnnyl- ... H'nia. ?AmiI Judas pockets tho. thirty Huaiii.KT devotes over n column of 01 pm.1 of .'silver. to "'our Ktnin Kitnnlni. " 111. !,.., Ml iditor- icnoianco of the mlijo.-t may bo judged from tho fact 0H last iMday that part of thu estalo o' lllat fl'rCMMita himas being elected for two tnry llauraan Known as tho Swisher fiirm 'l""3 ",a"au 01 inrec tilts nl nNithnn MilW fi.r Amisil rni,., .UesUad.'consisting of 88 J acre's was sold .""J1 O'lAULLS It. Uuckawv has been ,M CIirle Ocarhart for $3537. elected a Democratic State Senator from tho Ad' XVih (I'cnnsylvania) disliici. lie is una of A TRACT of mountain land near Mninville. ulen or whom any parly ought to be longing'to the heirs of Jacob Sliuman, do- Proud, llo was an honest Senator in Con- F- bed, consisting of 5001 acres of land was BfWi d will bo an honest Senator in tto uju on Saturday las', to Win. T. Shuman and JiCgisuturc. J'rtn. f.ftlin W.'Bhuman for S172V ii '1 " f . ... ISathkii Pkiisonai,, Tho following milieu ft' 'Justices; of Ihu 1'eacs elect tit tho lalo ul "delinquent mbsenber wo eliji froin thu '-ictions,- nho wish (0 nccopt and take thuir Allc,lt0'ii Demncmt. It i rather personal, ' &missions,!hould lose no tinio in notifying h J Prothonolary of their intention so to do ' 1 'jlherwiao ihey may fail io get (hem. TllEOdd Fellows of Heiwiek iironosa hold- ,J'i;a Festival and Fair, on Thanksgiving thit our icadors havo seen in along wliile. ' T. i nursuay, November JKtli. tlio proceeds ,""- "" "wi but to the point : Joo Lazirui. of Catasaumta. has been reading our paper sinco Aug. 1, 18C0, without Having for it. Would like tO SOU Villi ('1111111 down with 18.27, Joseph. It you don't, wo aro going to make tlio best "local ol you i bo,pplied towards turmsliiiig their new nT'JI.-rifricic! Gazette. ll rOBnESPONUEM, in answer to our rag-,1- .tinhBof last week, ftiggcsts sonio 0110 of VTl fnllnwinff hoflntirnl Tnilinn nninn. n. n Istiliito for Long Pond. Wo would prefer tl10 Wckt a 1an!i!y of llico birds which J&i 'NonnuiihannmU.ow. Wuttami.nin. "'cru distributed through various Kction- of PAinuiDUK buooriNU. As tho time for shooting paitridges or quails is at hand, wo would again remind our moit'inen that about a year ago, after considerable expense, the Central Oamo Asaoeinlion procured in fcUpVl'ienkusseiinuin, Vawataw, and unophhownat tuttinu'k, ,i. - IVANTED. Wo want at this office a bright, tho county for tho puipoe of propagation. The experiu cut has proved a succe-ft, an it is hoped that in pursuance of tho undciMan ing that the partridges wcra not to be dis tTeTjntelligent boy to learn tho printing turbed this season, that spoiL-men will iln'.Tlin nnnlicaht havn n oninnetnnt I not Hinot them, and bv next it Wledgo of the oidinary KnglUli branches is expected there will bo plenty for all. The M leht in our comn.on f-chools. The opening members ol f 0 Association have pledged -iDneTone. and as (line arc already several tlieinsclves not to Ei.tiiiL thu pailnilgi'.s this '""olicants wo shall take the most competent S"ason. Jlm rnliitrtj hhyrtum. '. Applications must be made at once. VrwspAVEB.ClIANnn. After ncaily forty ;!..!trs ofjeonsUnt, labor as editor, Col. L. L. fctlfci joDrivato life, having sold his JJ" ividc j 'cine-half interest in tho Stmuhird "-'lirpMtner.'Andrew II. Hopkins. Age Local JMoticcs Music For everything in the way music go to AUtatt's, Court House Allev, of Lost. A pass book formerly belonging to THE KALEIDOSCOPE 11. nTTTA."1"'' o'.""y "to. -lis fluctuations and lla vam concdrm." SO. CI. THE MUI) CAMPAIGN. No innn who over served In tlio'Annv ol tliu Potoumc noiMlfi nn oxplanntloti us ui nvmvi ui UK! llillllfMlH (.'.tinlKllgll' Of Ihti "Onitid Army 1 I tlm Knt" Is allu doil to. tiiirnsldi', smnrlliif; uiidcr tlio dtfnit uilniliilstcrcd In front or Fn d oilel:sljur(', mid fearful of tho populnr einiuor 01 "un to Jllclilnoiid," which had proved M'cU'Hiui'h dytrntloit,L'oii toivL'tl t Iks Iilfu of a sudden attack In n.ld-wliitir 011 Lei's Hank. His nrmy was In a unftii tuiinto position for such a movement, tn the. Hr,t place ho distrusled Iiiiiist'lf. Ho Iwd stated In his te.slimnny before thu Committee on tho conduct of tho war that "M'Clcllan could command tlio Army or Tho Po tomac better than any other general In It." In tho next placo tlio Hubordlnatu generals and tho nolitlurs had lost all coiilklenco lu his iibllity.arter tho Fred erickuburg Jlasco. And hero I may add that tho American soldier Is 110 mean critic In military matters. Ills Ufu Is In tho hands or liU superiors, and while willing to give It, lr necessary, his in telligence eiiHhles him to perceive at one when n blunder has been made. The army was in a complete state or (li nioiallziition. Suspicion, jealousy nn I doubt rankled lu the breasts of the su perior olllcers, and all discipline ami or der Mcciiad to ho lost among tho com mon soldiers. Desertions nveiagcd near ly 200 a day, and SO.OOO absentees woro recorded on tlm morning reports. Orders weio Issued to tlio nrmy to bo rv uly to march on Saturday, January l"tli, but tlio movement was postponed until the following Tuesday. Though tlio point of attack was kepi a profound Riciot, no one had any faith In its sue-co-s. In fact wo all left our tents and camp arrangements in perfect order, exp.viing oon to return and reoccupy them. Up to Mils lime the weather had Lieu remarkably clear and pleasant, but 110 sojner did the march begin, than tho skies began lo wtcp copious ttars ns If in piotest against tlio Intended sacrl- llce. The Left Ciiand Division (Fiaiik llu's) 10 which our iiatli iy was attach id, niovid Ihiough Ileitis nod tinfrc illienled weods Ion position luiimily occupied by Sumner's (Jiaml Division, and encamped for the night not lurfioni llie Itappalmtinock.Thi! iiilantry moved with diilicully, but it was almost ini pofslhlo to get the aitlllery in position. Tho mon were compelled to atvouaa on tho cold, wet ground, without even Tho order is Issued subject to the 01 1110 i-reaiuetii ot tlio united field. n States, With ids usual lack of discretion, Lincoln placed tho disgraced officer lu command of tho Army of Potomac, and only learned of his mlstnke after Chan ccllorsvillo. QtJiKN SAnn? list of letters remaining-in tho Tost Offico at, Dloomsburp;, Nov. 1. HarreyCM ICciincdy W I) IlrnnnDJ Karlz Peter Hurry Win Keler Win Ihirr Mary Keller Lliza Kistcr Win T . Kciublo S W Kislr ltenj ' Klugh Mary Lass Mlizabctb Mann Harry Miller John Philips Samuel PcalcrllK " Purse I Isaao Kuisci John Stiokcl Caroline 2 Scigler Mrs Tremblo John Thornton Minora Vandcrslicc Joseph Watkins ltoxio7 Weitzcl Lot B Young Mary Persons calling for any of tho abovo letters, in pieaso say tncy aro advetlised. 1). A. liECKIXV, 1'. M. resnian Win bllen Israi'l DiekulnanO II a irinecr .lira F. 'oust win (Jrnliam T L arrctt John (UrdncrT L Henry JI ( Hcacock Jnsinli Hertz John '1 Hcacock Miss K Hai ct Viola Harlman Marietta tlartman I' Hiucbouch Itacy Hensehold Chas Hollincsbead Win IkelcrW Receipts of ."THU COLUMBIAN" for Oct, 1860. Hiino Whipple W .ToliliHnn Jnsel HutiilH innn ai rsiiinii Inrinon llrnn. I 0 llntlnnn ItlaukN. Wm llrlnk I'.. O. Wi-nt '"l declinln?1bealth induce liitn to lake A. Mussulman, stamped on tho covci'Milootiii. and many a one will dut his rheu I step; Mr. Hopkins is a man of keen uurg iron Uo. llie Under will please ictuni HIeet. ri- able writer, and has had much it to tins oflice, I ' ' : TllK npapcr experience. 0 hope to see tho n'iniIarJ.-.flourikh under his management. itU the only Demon utic paper left in tho if largest and best selection of puio frcth medicines, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, lirusbes, Stationery, and Fancy Oooils just opening at llenJersliott's. Call soon. 4 rraBiFlGUBES: Total Vote in this Sena- '.'-i-'ullDistrict, 16,780. liuckalew, 8,200; "'f'hitaiOTW. 6.493; Chalfant, 2,003. Huck- ii.e t . .1., . , er h -issuciaiioiis win uu iieiu ui .uiiiviue, on t, ti 'ite, yCr" 5 VCr Satuiday.lhe ISth of Xooir.ber,at IOo'c!,k tl f,,l,fant,,10; A.M. The exercises will bo interesting. jnallanifTCCeiVCU KM (Will unc luie 111 HUl'iAt inTtWdistrict. Outside of Mon'our imjr i.u ITOIP. uui .v.s. ...... w. "... iA?n.Z.r.t . a.-totn ., di'i.kndio 1 inai assortment 01 ran anu anuani.u. u-aun wviu uuuunu, hiuh- .JTW IVI.VIHHMUI, ... .. r, , ... . .. ... .... .1 , t 1 !,!.,,. nMiSr.fwt,W, wonl.l make bis Demo- "1,cr l"i ,-'u"Ut! "'"'' I'liuers on navo ,., . ."." "s ';.'!'' tf.mioi, fri. ....! n ..!,. ,ni ju-t laid in. You will mi-s 11 licat if you do fastened to 0110 piece details of Infant 11 in. , - iuiClJOIOi A liU lUldl 1tHIUMUiiu w I . .... ..- .1 ...... . not stop and sco them. They also kerp tho ry assisted at too wnccis, out eacn ei- very lestof Gioceriis, and Furnishing Goods, fort sank thoni the deeper. Tho poor A JiEt.TlSO of tho Columbia County Teach er's Associations will bo held at Millville, on There should bo a large attendance. matl'in and broken health from that night. Morning came, but still thu rain de scended. The men wero wet, cold and disheartened, yot must movo forward, tl.o hor.-es weru unfit for service yet must pull on. OtiiH, caissons, trains, pontoons, ambulances, wero all mixed up, and constantly miring lu tlio but toniless soil. It Is impossible to give correct idea ol' Virginia mud. It not mud, but a combination ol mire and quicksand, which seems to dissolve uu dor thocontiniied rain, yet is as ndho The total Demociatic vote ., T 1"..'.'.? . . . Inn.lo awn ino.wuinei, given 10 rawer, was iu,vi-o. Ttr IIO-K Jeab . Supper. Tho bear shot several nucli enterprising men de.crvo success and liorsew sinvereti as inoy toneii xnroiign ii","inliiMhfnnl..A. vnnScliluonibach. while tbi-v nm eniiivini it. the inire.or nelL'Iiod nitifulLv under the rraV-a hnatjnBiexcureion at Long I'ond, was icpeatcd strokes of merciless drivers, ved ud in elegant style at his saloon last , m ,,.. ,. n,,n,iwib riiinn, iiimi m. nw almt In f-.'-.l Y -' ! i- -UllSl 1 LUUUl l.LUUlu11ia UI lUU ......... v. yj. ....t. ....... ,,v..wu..w- ... TfXrXl whole .btou. is fbunJ in Dr. Vmtfs their tntckB, utd tho Hho of march wa, sent:, wine of cnur.c Hawed irftclv. and Alteralive KstracL or Cnldcn .Mcd:il )U. lUrtrkoU by their UeuU boUiCS. Wlusn tVfllliWp'nJ Iifi'mn hrninv niul nwirv. dull- T r,i thn tnnn fiin nut frnm fivluiiistloii. tliOV . ,' . r'"; . . 11 " . , ' 1 v vi j iv u .ic.i vjiiuiv; m iumiv.-.ii 1 1 1 .1 n. 1 ..w. . , fv".-& "!'J j-Kulaiilie, It is a eat wero laid asldoin .he mud and cover f, i7.v..-..!' restorative t inc. and nerve torco cencrntor. -n nun uu'iiimu. " .viViV"' ' 0.1.1 1...1. 1... . .1....1 and hencB in all eate.s of Nervous or General The plan of attack seems to havo been v.' ; m- .1 t,;'. 1 in Debilitv. nothinL- cm tutial it. Sold by diug- to m.iko a diversion at or below 1' redei '''rnMZXe,fom,'wlhear It was kill- V, or send three dollars and twenty-live i,ksburg, hilo an actual crossing wou d ' inT sacoid oZn t ' V. i'ioico, liulTalo, N. V., bo made above so as to turn Leo's llank. Z&rKV. , ?.0r&. ,! ,ei thieo boules. IVco of exniess On Tuesday Uunuide issued an luldress r.fiii; tfSio.lii'fin tho mountain at the time, charges. I know. tho facts. ,ht AuEniqAJljlUsTlI.K. Wo have been to tho army, in which liu stated that wo wero iiL'aln to attack tho enemy, now Uun eu Jrarders and Jrapper, 111 litttng weakened bv haviiiL' sent forces toXortl out heiu, find Ayer's medicines ono of their Carolina and tho West, and calling upon . a. .1.1.. ..:!... .e 4.........1 w o .1 1 11 , i , I musi iiuiiiai.iu auiLie.s ui iiiiuiu. jiiuuuu ,,' f n i r. . ,. ..1 .,. ,, tho Indians know their uses and have an r.uii.-'siniuia iuniy. ji is a won. 01 11 .... f ... . ,,,, ,,,. tn. , A .. I 1 ! I.. I. 1 1 1.. 1.. 111..... I MW.U.IIll .I....VIM. . "V .'V ..J". u , UUUI1U 111 ViULII. " 1" uu KlMlllli:iy IIIU3' ,. , . , ,, ,,. h! r. . . .... . . ; . creatmcdicino-curosick inrn.' a' d hisrein Savages aro 1 ot fools if they aro uiisopliisti cited in some of the arts of civilization.. Montreal Pilot. Ids army to make another ell'ort to glv tho enemy an overwhelming defeat Tho address was received in omliion silence. Notwithstanding the almost stipur human clforts of horses and men, no )dlu a I.IIII.UI. IIUIIIUI- 1 . . io. dr.... ,.i,(,l .,, "Tl. evcl1 quicker 1 ttmbia to'Jtity Invasion." Tho book is a interesting one, and a valuable conlri- 6a'tn the political history of the country. ilE oljowing ars tho names of purcliaseis lamounts paid for (lilTercnt tiacts of :ilCH& Uicbb' Ever Kstale. ".'ul' uV'r'hV'Farin near lilooni'burg, 011 .1 .ul) i,r lovti. Liiru Wk have meived 'ASch'ol History of Pciinsy!unia fioin Iho e.iihc.-t scttleuieut.s lo tho present lime," by J. it. Syidier This book which has been adopted by Iho Hoard of Control for the use oft hp Schools i.f Phil- "'Vttfe0. ii10 buildings sold (0 Samuel John- ujcliilii:i, is written in a concise ytt coiiipie Y'' et 8Cr0, Tlm r011l!U'"l,C1' "'' licnsivo manner and sceuu tu bo admirable in lOpgetbcr with tho "Still Ilnioe" lot lu evc,y luf.,L.c.t It meet y lesp with very general adoption. rublNied by J. I!. Lippincutt&Co. Philadelphia at :?1 .0. For Hale by A. I). WeblJJIhoinjburg. 3t" A MuniTomous Aiifioi.K. Wo arb liied the movement, and ordered Iho tinny nf this idea of "hiifiinL'" humbug medicines Imck to their winter quarters. 'I hcu all by this time, If not before, hail dlscov oral our design, mid bad a strong furcu on tho opposite side, tlio river ro: rapidly tho bluffs were innccessiblo our men could not all reach tho river and tho artillery, even if across coui not maneuver. The enemy, posted on tho opposite sldo of tho liver, enjoyed our dilemma A largo canvass was displayed bi'.ir lug llie wotds, "IJiiriisliloi-luil; In thu mud." They tauntingly asked, "Why dun't you lay your pont'ims?" "rfh.ill wo send u detail of South Carolinians to assist you'.'" Ilurnsldo at last saw thu futility o Logal Notices. ADMINISTIIATOH'S NOTICK. KSTATK OK liMAR mtNEIt, lirc'll. i-vltcra nfndnilnlstrullim ou tho eslnlo of Ellas miner of Locust townalilp, (jolnmbin county, ileo'U., have heen crantcU by the lloKlntcr of said county, to l'eler Mwank 01 Locum Iwn. All per sons liavlKclulmorOemnmliiHKHlMttheil('cisl. ont are reriuestfHltoinnkotlicmknowntan(l those lmlcuied to make pujtni-ut, l'l.TKIl BWANK, Ot. Ailmlnlatrator. A HDITUlt'S iSOTltJK. XX KSMTE W 1IKIIA1III ItAl.t., lllc'll. In llm Orelmns Oournif the county of eiilum bin. Tho Amlllnrnjii iiliiti'il by tlio (.'uurl, lo rc port illstrluuiliiu of ilKilml.uice In tho hnnils of ivter Hit, executor tie bonli nun of Ulchard llitll latonr Orange 'low mill)!, colunibl 1 county, dee'd III meet tno parlies lntereaHil, for thu nurnoso of his nppoliifiiicnt 011 Wedni-nilny, November Will, lWntaoVlork 1'. .M.,nth!soltlielii Ulooms bum, In tnl'l county, Allparlles Interfiled nro rripiesteil lonitenil, or bo debarred from coinlim In lur n part of Ihe Kihl mini. V. II. IlI'.OCKW AY. Auditor. Oct. W-lw. Agricultural Soci ety. li:i s I 00 4 10 2 m 2 oU I IM I M 4 Ul 2 i Jacob Wciincr 1 iv ai Colliini Teter Fnrver 'A .1 Madison II T Locknrd HO Murphy James Creuen 2 00 1 00 2 C) 2 (10 2 00 2 00 2 00 IS 00 AUDITOU'S NOTICE. r-srATr. or claiia M'nowKLt., ulc'd. In tho orphniw Court of Columbia county, tlio AuiUtoi aniiointed by tho Court, to make dtstrl bullou of Iheeiitatoofmid Clnrn M'Dowell, lato nfsoott towimhlp In iho county of Columbia, deed, will mitt Iho parties Interested, for tho rurpoanof his appointment on Hutimlav tho lath day of November next, at 10 ocloek A.M., at tho olllco of Itobcrt I'. I lark In lllooinsburg, in knld county. All parties Interested ore requeued to attend, or bo debarred from commit In foi 11 pint of thoNiild fund. . , JOSHUA M.COMI.Y, Oct. ayCJ-Itt-. Audlli'r. lXlCCUTOlt'S NOTICE. XJ UrATE OK JOHN KILK, llEC'D. I.t-tter lestainenlary on tho estate ol John Kile, Into of sjugirlouf township, Columbia COUlltV Imva libnn irrnnln.l l.v II,- tln..i.t ,.r Coluiiibla County to llldiaril Kilo of HiiRorloaf iwi.. v.uiuuiom euuiuy i-a. aii persons having Claims agnlniit the estate arc requested lo present ....... .u ...u ....... U.VI 1110U.JIIUUI lUWUKIlip, VUI- unilila county, pu. Those Indebted to tho estalo ellheron 1 note, Judgment, mortsnge or book ac count will make payment to thu Kxecutor with out dolny. . ..,,. . UIOHAlll) KILK, Oct. 22.'li0 0w. Uxecntur, S 00 2 10 4 UU 2 0D Siiuuel App'eman 1 .10 11111 11KM 1110 township Mrs Ellen Kmiiis Thomas If. Bond it K l.lltlo M lireckblll J (I Qul.k liiillli'l UCIKCr llr.l .1 1.1-Uer Johu Miller .ncllst Iwjt CI Ins Cieoiiiu John P. Walter W 1) W eWeiihalu-uier Ailain Oerlnrer () II a M Hotomon Ilarnhard 1 .V, Wm Masteller 2 IM O.I Kramer A lltn 4 fill Imvi.l lllldebriinil 2 lJ H u Mack 4 00 Ul 'Columbia Comitv 7." () SOUi!' John 3 00 iWUWoldenhamcr 2 1)0 iWm M'Kco A M'Carlen .fleo Moore 4 ..i.'Kzeklel Colo 2 Ulilllutehli s,t Yi.ho 1 aj I)r W i: liarrctt 2 60 Y'J II Hoyt 2 0-lllN Koslenbatider 4 uu Iw II Clllmoic IIA J I'eaitlo 4 CO Jullaiua Davis I U K II Ikeler I'rli iulslilp Klie co. 0 O I Tniunai Iloirman iiv it .louuson !i;l John Demott 2 ecu imretni-ioflho 1 Ul P.iorof lllonni twp4'l 40 ) Wellii er Sr. aron mer Jr Lewis sehu.vler John W Mowrer . A (leriuan obelt M, Uutltr. Uli am linker i litre I vd lalzaJ Maltlu Saintitl Sinllh inniiiiniti uaiudl l'liitK tia Ssinltll I.eM ll.Millnu .loiiu llrtiuer U'm Heaver Will Tiowluhlce John tlaboit 4 00 00 2 00 2 .11 2 M S O) 2 Ul 0 IM 511 2,1 :i .1) 2 .11 2 ;to 2II U OJ 3 .VII liiotillliert ."ilH 2 UH llniton .1 I'.ir 1 l II 00 Xuvler Weruut 2 IK) 2 IHi III' lllihl ."ill) 2 nil llr 1-; C Ktater S .11 3 1101 ' 1" II Co'u 2 ui ,i-: k sshuiti 2 ra 2 U) T.llJ.Mi I'etermni 2 2 Ul II) Uiweiiberir 1 1 1 cs tkt National 12 on 2 0') Wm Peacock 3 U) 2 u) mil Iirlu'ld I Ol 2 (VI llcury llalinau 2 L0 2IM , A UDITOH'S NOTICE. LHAtll .VT ,..r.'n in ma urpimim Court of Coluinbla couuty, tho Atullturnpiioluted by tho court, tn n alio distri bution of tho estate of said Daniel tl. lint, late of OriiliKe twp in tho county .or Columbia, dee'd. win meet iho parties interested, for tho purpose of his appointment on Wednesday, November, at Ju o'clock, A. M., at my oilico lu HIiwmsbtiiK, lu soldcoillily. All parties Interes ted aro reques cd to attend, or bo debarred from coming lu for a part ol thu Mild fond. , ,,, , IlilOCKWAY, Oc!.22.'i!!Mw. Auditor. Foundries. gHAIH'IilCSS A. IIAHMAN, EAOLE rotflMlY AND MAK UFACTUIUhU I1IOI-. BTOVKS A l'LOWri WHOLESALE A IICTA1L THE ClILEnnATIU SIONTROSK iROSt HKA AMD THE 1IUTTON WOOIIEM I1EAU I'l.OWd. C'aitlnysand Fire Illicit for rcpatrlngeltyRfoves. All kinds of Urns or iron casting made to order upon short notice. II. K. HII Altn.lJsH ,t , H. IIAHMAN, llioninsburg, I'a, 1'ruprletori.'ii'J-tr. JkT E V F r It M, NATIONAL lllOX WOIIKS BILLMYEH & IIENHIE. Tlio subscribers respectfully call tho attention of the business community to their Works slum cd on tlio I. II. It, It. above tho Depot, ii loo st an una pa, KOUNDIUtS, MACHINISTS) AND IKON HMlTlISt. JI A N U V A C T U It E H S OF Sileam Knglncs, Hollers, Baw and Uriel-Mill Machinery, Hhaftlng, Pulleys and Hangers, They also mako all kludsof Threshing Macliines otthc most approved patterns and tho Celebrated Montrose Iron lleam flows, Cook, Parlor, llar- room and Work-shop STOVliS, Heaters aud 1 1 full assortment of Tiro bricks, and castings con stantly on hand for lepalrlng Stoves. Several dltreront sites amldcslgus of Cellar Grates. They aro also prepared to furnish Car Wheels and Axles for Mining purposes and General Mining castings. Iron and llross castings for every de scription of Job work. Agricultural Implements made and repaired, l'urliciilar attention given to Iho repairing of all ktuds of Iteapers; extra parts on hand. Juno l'.'CtMf. Miscellaneous. E A I) V II I 8. LAZAJtUK i MO ItH IK' C P. h V. II 11 A T D Dry Goods & Notions, lAfcO.NIC THE CAT- AHSiOCIATION, AT DEATHS. VANNATlA.-Oii IhoSTth lust. Harry Y, Son or Tiioiiiiiii, find iMaryiiici j, vaiiuuita; agcil 14 mutitliHiiiiil Uil.o . HUOHi:V-At CntawIfcMn.on Thursdny. Oct.Hth iKt'tl nbuut 32 ycfirs. TN THE MATTI2K OF O- AWIWHA M UATAWISSA. 'la Ai.ii Wjiom itSIay Conckun: Thc nolle', that I. II, Kresholtz, Of-orco K. Ollheit.M. V. JI. KJIiip. Walter Hcott, W. II. KoimS -J, II. KnitUe. W. II, Abboll, C. i;11in, IsaaoH. Mnnruo, John K. Hobbtns, John Thom iim.hihI c. u. i;rrckvay,bcliiKcllizunoril)oMtato of lVinis lviiniii, being di-siroua uf ncnulrliiK an. I uiijoylnetlioimiminltles mnt prlvllegt", of u hotly rnrporuti, havb oxhiblteilaua prfsentt-U tt thf Uuutttjf Common l'leai ufCuluiubla county, an tnt.(nnnontluvritlti;,t)urportltigtobethu nnx 1immI tliarter ol thn "CulawUsu MasoutJ AsmocI aiii)ii,M tuwnthliiorCutawlhBa, in tho county of Colu i, Hpcellyititf tho objects, artlcli-K. condi tions, name, Mjl or title, under which they hauatH(Mlatrd and mean lo associate. And tho a!d Court hiving eruiud and examlued tho aid iNsIriHiiciit.iiiKl round tho obJccU and con dilioiis therein het fmih and (-nniiiliini! tn im l.iwlul and not injur. out to Iho community,ha o ill recti d said wriilnir to int 11 led in tlm Pmiimnn. iur,v i tiiureiu s'tm uuuniy nun uoiico touogtv i u aceordhiir to law. nnnlleiitlnn lms l.ocii made to said tVmtt lo grain said charter, and ii.ii. ii nn Hiuiicu'iii. reiis'm oo Known iO 1110 con mry. I iv tho lit st dav of tho next term ol Mild L'ouit, to wit. on the First Monday of December next they will dtcrce and declare the nersntis ho usxociated to become nnd bo n corporation or uun.v jHjiiin.-, muuruiiit; t j inn huiu ii nicies aim conditions, mid to havo continuance by the iiiime.hiyio or uue, m muuiniruineni mention- Uloomsburg, Oct. 2i,VJ-3t, l'rotliy. QRANQKVILLK FOUNDHY, MACIIINH HHOP AND AGIUCULTUUAL Tho uuderNlizned desires to Inform hta friends ami thu tuibllc yenernlly, that ho has rebuilt and enlarged his Foundry uud MftchlDGfihop.atid re moveu au ins uuhiiiess iroin Liigm rjireet io ine abovo named place, where lu connection with his t'uundry ho will continue tu manufacture Wheeler's I tall way Chain Horse-Power and Thresher, (luinnned), CarnoU's l'atcnt. THUESUUU AND CLEAN Ult. either overibot for Tread-l'ower or undemhot with Lever-rower, llo uio mHUumcturia lo outer nnd tits up all kinds ol MILL OKAItlKG. Circular Saw Mandrela. Patent. KH.Ioct fnr Raw Mills, tho latest Improved lion lteam lMows of uiuereiu kiuus v ouu en ueuul 1'unva, JJOlloie Corn l'lowH. and l'low I'olnts of every descrip tion Kt-'ueriuly used throushout tho couuty. IKON K UTILES, IJLLL8 Cellar Orates, StoMN.Slcd and blelgh Kales, and in itici t'tn iiiiiiK k uerauy iuuuu m n country FoUll'JrV. llitcf wlHttlnntn rttiri'luiRn Murlilni'M would ilo Well tutxutntne his machines, and the lmproetnentN iiixito on the which nt it-it:. i i.u ier rim. or me iriciiou is laueu oil. A L MACH1NUS AHi: WAltllAKTKU tolvo(;oodfiatlsf.ictl.)n and terms made to suit uicnasers. .n uiiius ir e untry piodueo tatceu nexcluuine Un rimvKMid ea-illims T hunkitil to Ills itkiits and natron for Mist fuvoih he would still imH itnie to noli. it ihiame. WILLIAM 8lIIUVLF.lL Apr.a,Wli UiiiiiKevillc I'a. Illoomitlitirg Alnrrkt lteporl. Wheat per bushel aye - Corn " , Oats. " , t lour pel imriel Cloverseed H , , Flaxseed Butter allow 'oLatut'H IMio-' Appls ... Hams M H . Mdi s and t-hmilders litird pir ponnd ... II ay per ton I.OK No. 1 Heoteli pts ,!l, j , ll'.onm LI'MIIRIL Hemloek Hoards per thousand feet I'lne " " " (imuinclii. Joist, Mantling, IMnuk, Hemlock) Wlitiiylt, No. 1 per thousand- , MUiuy " " it A fl.2 J I Mfi o,l !' ., 8 '.a "E P '.' so .. . '.5 S12 e io SI) SIB UO 1-n-ii .. lu 10 ... f 115 .. 1S1C Llk-lit hlrcct MnrUtls. CoriiTted weekly bv Ivtor Knt. wliolcsalo and reltitl dealer Mi uraln, lluur & feed and i;eneial nif-relinlidlzo. Wiiuut per bushel 51 8 lto ' 1 dim ' ' . 1 u Corn new llutkWIitid Oats Wlieiit Flour per luu '"- niul; Wlieut ( lour Corn uud Uuts Cbop, ifiiui, .... Hutu r per It. , Kt.'t;s per duK. I'otiUueH pr bus Drksl Atitilos " btuoktd Klde uit-ul pr tt isuouiuei Hum " hard " 1 4 () 4 liU 2 41 1 60 4- 2 10 18 13 fer fcr$100 per acic. Irecnwooil townslup lo m. I.jer ) per acic, M. tlio ; rami in .ladi.son .tuwnsliip erf tlnTfarm to Annio Wcllivor. Silfijfjlie.Qrist Mill in Ejcr's Orovo that nru constantly tlirown into Jrui; ttnics, M-nililniici' t)f tllwiiiliim wm lost. Hi g- tm,'XiST tprJCOOO. and aro inci'piy an nrii03iiion upon mo ioiii- uiuuuis nuuuuui i.u... ...u.. llbnjo.aud lot in Eyer'tt Grove to inumly. Hut, wlionan arliclocnino into lliq liiilicnw K1 miii'iLwji.v iuuuu up wun fellirerldr$1050. maikct tliat is ruiVy woithy of comment, wo tlip iiuinc-rims trains, wlillu tliu li.ul aro happy to irako nuLlio acknowledgement, ruaiH ini'vi'iiti il nmiiy irnm oucyini tno s nf iho Cuieitf. htiniL- In- nnr i.x. trustinc that sniue hiitielit may nri'0 tlicro- nr tier. Mun htniL'slcd nil liver thu c .un mint1' TjiTf , lnv,. l,M..r.l-,f' I frnm T)r. 11. X. l'ii'ico. nf HufTulo. N. V.. trv soarcitintr mmrloiH untl mtioin. It IttLithA-countv enndidatea for mintiui? U thu proprk'tor oi I)r, Saijo'si Catunh Kern- lookotl like n Imdly lufiuitc(l nrmy wna'U.cketfl wero not uped at tlio edy, and wo tako pht$arc in calling attention Jlflu tlio wieiny crowed :ti uuh unw9 in ii . . , i , w t ... ., , i ....... J ..,.. 7. I ,,..,,.11.,.,! ..WIm). I'l-iilld luivn Lixm 10 11 UC'CauU u .iryiy tl tu vv tl 'von o wi wjijiwjihwh .... . nnd a kuio euro for that loathsQiuo dKoe, matlo to tlifiu, Catarrh. It U fiold by mo-t Drui Asp, or Hurnsldo then h:v tliat no coma no mav bo tibtaiucd for Sixty CVat-t U roiirh tho Inniror bo usoful to ttiu Army of tho To ttuiirtC. msto.iu t)i HL-ciny nwowii iit'ii duueiod, liowovor. Iio laid tho lilnmo uiiuu hU Hubonlhmto otUcers, and on ii H dBaUJwkkiintiunllv. Wo ronuat our Onk of tho Itsv rc.Ul mccetul etiterpn? Krid.iy, .lumniry lasmMi iiLsutiuunn unit. ' L'JKi. .I.. ...ll'..1l uuPL .Lit. ! lnrLnr f.. d nn.) n..ll.iV Itil flftllirfll OrtlOf Nil. 8. (1 IsSlll L' .Hull liU lint"-! ivVceli but into abuse ot Mr. Ituck lf.rrW(,(.ss t Jt s. . . . . ;ii 'Ir.f,. W0 'anegc u auuior oi our urticjc, .h W. Li ! 1 1 . C f ! i. i'ii tU ' Special Notices. rpiIK ONLY IIKLIAIJLE GUIIK X roll DYHI'KI'SIA IN TJIK KNOWN WOHLU. Dr. Wlslmrl'sfireat American lvuneimlu I'illH ana rino irtuvinr Lortini nio a puwuvuuim in fniunie i-uro ioruypcpsm in nn niosi nutiravaieu fnr m. unci nn mutter of how lonir sttindln?. Tbey pcnetiulc tlio f-oi-rct nljodeof thin tcrrlhlu ilbeasi', unit exlciiiilnnto it, root uud tmnvli, ftreer. Tlu-y alle Iat niori- npmy und hllcnt MiU'erlni; than tonmio fun tell lliey nro noted ftr curing tlio most, (Ubperuto uiul Iioi'U-!h cahes, wlieu t-vciy ) nuwn int-una fall toull'oia rellff. No form of ilyhp-psla or Indigestion can its 1st int'ir nuntiruiinti power. Dit. wisuAitrs riNU Titi:i: tau coiuhal It is tlio vltnl nriiH'Inlo of tlic Vino Tree, ob- t iliK'il by u pL'Ciutiir pnux-kii In tho itlsllllutlou of tin.' nir, uv wnu'ii lit niaiu'sv niftncui prnperucs Rrerttninct). Jt tuvlifniutcs tho illfhtivo urgnns nml rt storiiS tlioanptiti.1. Itbtn'titlioiiH thu do ullltnti'd hyntcm, Jt purifies nnd enriches tho blood, nnd expeU from llioejhtemtbecorruption whlcli Hcroluia breeds ou tlio luugs. It dissolves the nicunsor pb login which stors tho air passu m's of thu lunyi. lu honllns prtnclplo acts upon tlio In Hated nf tboluiips nnd thront, pen L'trutlnu toeAclidUtased part, relieving pain and btiUlulut; lulUmm.illon. It Is tlio rt-sult of years iitstudv uud cxiii-rlnicnt. and it Ltoirorcd to tho allllctcd'wUli posdltviuisMirancQof Its power ti mire tlio following dlca&ef. if tho uatleut bua nut Uk long delayed u resort to tho means ofemo: uouKumpiiou oi ino i.ungs, uouKUfioro inroat. and llrenst, llronchltls, Liver t'inopUInt, Itllnd nnd Weeding flies, Abtliina, W liooplug touyh, Dlntberla. Ac. A medical uxpert, holding houorublo c-olleulato ntlou of patients at thi'oftlctt parlniM. Associated Willi niiu ru turw cousuiiiiiK poj niL-iuus ui kuowlcdaed buituence, whoso bOrvlcen uro utven in tno pumio fkek ot- cirAimr. 1 his opportunity loiI'oreii by no other Instl luiioti lu iho country Letters from any pint ot tho country, iuU.lns advice, will bo promptly uud ur.vtulilously ros ponded to. Wlii'io convenient, remit Ltnces hliould tusu ttiosliapo or. DH.vrrrf vu ruaT-uf rice ouuli. I'rU'o of WUlmrfj Atnerlcan Dyspepsia 1111 Si n box, Kent bv inull on receipt of prlee. I'rlce of WlNhturt h 11 no Trto lur Cordial 1.7) a bottle, nr 811 per ttozen. hem uy express. AIM luiiiiiuiueniiuiiH ffiiuitiit ixj iuiur(Htu, L. H. V. WJHlIAUr. M. H. No. lit.' North Hero ml Hireet. Oct, KUl-Sm. Philadelphia. PFHkod.lMTho fact is. noor Sanders is. yjPtli Uf&7tvi nearly as lad a toumer as mail by addrcinK tho proprietor twabnvf. V N ' IWPMlf.i ut tat U n3 reason why Quvhiml Jfwtdf innui .i rut, llfermUted to plunder tho county iSSttivs tho wholo countv and thai Sale. Their i-ytem offers a greater (Jun.s, Hooker, MrooU-, mid Nowton, ,iLutori 3,4Wi of, them weio l'v r WrtiSiiUllmlfjit vottall told iii tlio one mejul articlo. at a puoo that comoi. fjUOlT':w.wS)oof them voted on HeimMi. within tho reach nf all clasps than any FU 'MNNi, Banders in pihit'tig Challant other. T . L. ... ik.. .i. i v .i. . .1 a...i .wl . rLmL. IiVunl'Hi. L' VOleU, Willie tlierp M""")' 'i pureimw m uu uiju.miu .ri mn .s r C l!m 'tu nililiii "iiiini-") rn4iviu wtv.tmn,-, Col. 'ltylor. Prcaldont Lincoln rwiHOd to upprovo tUN oritur, and nrevpted tho nltfrnallvo. Hurnsldo's roslKimtlon. Tho order (lUmisiln Hooker rwd in fidloWH Kkbt. (Jen. Joseph K. I Took or. rnjor iW'i MKiSrjuet ho did nrint them was It U a well underslool fut, thnt ceitain mi' r.A- 'irf jz - i. . ,, .': JWW to nrint tlio nuines of tlio countv cItocs ul puoji pay tlio ucalcr a very UrKtf .Mic'rfiailiTSd.n n .tl0 ,riil, f 'I, ,,tP n i j nm renliiL'Q (if iitollt : Till nniuMi'S alnirst 4)i4M,J(a:iit,t!i(;iii used. Tlio wndidatcn noccsniry, i-iertallj' m l-aney uwu, Jewel fiiH, f Wnk l,i, for what w8 a,, act ry, Silver Plated Ware ,, of ,,, a deal TTQji:!L carrying out nw (Mifagemcni er uue.- rci. uutivHi. u. a. uii.v w ,i imviiiK iwon yumy oi unjitsi twin un IM1AJTB in Alt i l.nrti 1 .ol liin. fii.l finn III lk.ll 11 UU U L'CL Ul II ill It, illl'l M OUIIUCM HI I IIl'L'L'A.liirV ITlllL'iaill.l III IIIU llL'llllinUI 111 nurcliafo in miull nuantilies : and when tlio superior ouiwin. anil ul nm iiiiiiiuriuw, ' .... . . uiul Intirlmr hv Hit. i.ii. .rill t.iiin .if liU 1 .r.. 1.1. lil liVtliriMi nr linn- l lli.nlit v .l- .', ... j,. ..... ... ... FJ'ry.lo"oiir party. Let him re-t cm '.M'rlif U'ljliij "riii(" money. Tlio "le lu i",1 . 'ibe toasted lio would make out of tli "'.ii'.-' ,'et'luetion nuplit not to ineludo conlri 'V ' l0fuHW. Hden. At all evints tlio "At:."- vWrMndidotes aro under uu uLlicatinn. ill ."Sli"10""!!!0 pny I'ilii ono cent lor work tho liaiula oi tnu peopio. exelusfycly In tlm Interest of Ihe klump guoiis ,ro nmi uy nir or i mr iineiem e,..v . ;.lllIl):iN;ori'il to orcatH ills of nioreliantii, ami o.icli clriiK.i a very iPllat thu hiIihIh ofolllciTa who linru urun unifll. tliu lilieo lieconios dnillilu tlio iissoelatl'il Willi llllll. 1111(1 luivIllL'. llV original co-t of maniilactiim UToro teiieliins omlsslatis anil (itliprwlso, iriiulu ri'piirts llllll taLllLL'IMUl 1.1 llllill ..W.V Ulll lllt..t-ll r. n.n.ll.1 I .1 ... I r . 1 lltllin UIHIU .. ... I .if i.i i i i . i . .1 .t. c. in Ai inn ........... ii i in miuii ii i " -") " luibllinuiv KpcrtKini' in iiibpiiruKiiiK on uiuw,iorjceniiior uim in I ostnny to our uiiiinut fit.. lio.non. ueiu innn onuusniij tonrts oi ouit-r oiuei-rs. ih nnviiv uu. 'i',ni " ly'orearllialloii, Kien if tilth an otlina- Their sale aro o iiiinif n-o lliey inaU caeli mUat'il tlio sorylco of tlio LTultnl Stutc, ; I nfelXm tlieui. Hi, e.,ur,.eS would u ar.ielo a npeeiulty often Imying all a ,,,u SolllfrluUcrNU proii H.Mtorliopato ami piposterous rounder, faclurer can produce, llieir ylem (,'ivei . . wliun to inucli Dallcnce. iluulty. ,u , . ilh,iSalinuuiUer of tickets of Ids las. univcrfal satisfaction. Itcud lluir odvetti-0' raci.t. w , thpiiiuall'nuiiiUer of tickets of Ids las. Ilssue.wlilch wero used ut the election. univcrral catUfactlou. mci.t Head lluir odvetti-0' innllilonco. cunshloriitlun. mill patriot i. . i- . '.i.u.. ... .i.. Ulll Uro lliio irom uvury buum i in ma 9 GUAND JUllOHS DECKM I1KH TKUM, 1SC9. liloom. Jacob H. Kvans. Ledtinrd H. nunert. Geortre Ilasserti iifrwicjioro'. uimrics jac'ison, Hudson Owen, Ilrlarrreelc Jnsiih Tliomas. I'litiiwlsi. Uenry J. Miller, IlenJ. B. Fortner. wmrc.-wm, jjfiini". Cdiivn rhfirn. TohnL. KItnp. KislilriKC. oik OetirKe l'onler.Juniei M. Dewltt, tlicenn-ood. SunueIM'Hcnrv Jacob Welllver. Ileinlofk. Kotli Hhociniilier. John llnrtmiiti. in, ."vi'iMicnnci. ijocust. Niias tl. jonnton, Mllliln. Levi KlkcndiUl. Orunge. James H. Uarman. Pine. John V. VowXc. lMicirlo:tf. Jntnis lluiilmfton. Chiihllim Mooic. I'jniFKO'l'KD SI'lJOTACLES, ' AM) KYK OI.AHi'lfi One nf the llim will Lent the Btorc of their Auout. JIIsh A. D. WE1III, OTATIO.NElt, ni.ooMsiwna pa., One day only, Trldoy Kovcmlier S, 10J. lie attends for the purpose of assisting Jllsj A. D. Webb lo llttliitf Hie eye In illillcult or unusual cases. TliofcosumirlLBrrom Impaired or diseased .tIs- Ion are recommended to avail tlitmselvcs oftlils opportunity. ' OUIt W'KCTACMW AND EVK-OLAHSIW AUH AcKNowi,Ki)ai:D to m: 'nn: .MOST 1'EItKnCT nsslslaiico to slgbtever mnmifactmcd, unit enn always boielled upon ns affording jierfect easo and comlort while strenBllienlui; and preserving thol.'ycs most llioroujlily. We tuko oecaslon lo notify tlio 1'ubllo that wo employ no pedlars, and to cnutlon omilnst Ihoso prctcndlns to have our goods forNule. o.i. isia-tr. Stoves and Tinware. jKW STOVK AND TIN SHOP. Main Street one dour nLovo 11. tMiilenhiiirti Btote. A largo AHiortincut or Movck, HeaterH and Itiiniiiw I'onatamh on hand, niul lur halo nt thu hnvest ratCH. Tinning in nil Its branches I'urerullj-nttemU'd to, uud witisfattJon MtiaranltfU. nn Toru oi mi iLiniiK vuoiesaiu nnu retail, a trial 1 requeued. Aiir.9,0Ulf TOVl-i3 AND TINWARE. riUlAVKHSK JUROUS. X i)i:n:.Miinit tehji, im. hiht wti;t. liloom. .loi-eoh Hharoless. Isaiah HaKenbiich. (.nesier u.iurr, jinnes jv.r.yer. !rliiii?reelf. Admn Holt. Jonntlinn V ck Andrew Fowler, AlbertMinllli. llenlon. Isaac K. ivrlcKOaum, jonn Appie- mati. teairp. wm. liower, Himuei ureveung. f'nlitwKvii. Moses Hnrimali. Lewis Metz. Ctntrnltn lloro John Llirlslmnn. John V. Unrmon, Oscar II. Millard. 1' Ishlneereelc Josapli U. llllll an. FMuklin, JaeobHnyiler. lre.'mv,od. .Inhnsnn If. Ikeler. Wm. If. llav- nian, NelMin Freas, Jonathan II. Miller, Isauc l'ivnns. .inclcson. .lolio uaniz. locust. Wm. Fettennan, Joseph Thomas. .111111 in. .s.iiiitieHweiineiihlscr. Dinlel SI. Hut- tenstlne, llcnjamln Votie. .Maine. wm, ixinKeoiierjfer. Mud son. IMutel Andy, l'loe., Lewis Chambcrlin. hcott. i'hllip T. llanman, John Turner. SECOND WEEK, Illoum. Stephen H. Urelsbaeli, Thomas Il.uton lller.-Hobelt C. Delhi, Hrlineieclc. Aaron Kclelmer. Peter Havman. Win. llrlttalu, H.ilil.l Uamlu.h. lierwieic novo-. uewii u. .ii iienry, win. j. Knurr, Jo-iluh II. Dulson, John W. ldmmau. Keuton. John ll.iker. Kamuel Kriekbaum. Jiiliu Ashelmao. calawlssa. l.i'WH eller, l.Vntie. Himuol liower. Flshlnscrcek. Ullxs Weuner, Daniel H. l'olter- bOll. l-ran kiln. unnion lciuieunau. llreenwond. llumtilirev litrltor. Charles Uvea Win. W..l'arker, rharles liruuistetler, .laclisou. win. lieM, jonn jnyetit. Ml. Pleasnnl. I'lilllpKllue, Uliilnn .Mollrlt. Maine. Wm. II. UU. Madison. Wesluy .liihnson, Mllliln.-Wrbihter W. Hmlili, Aiimn Andrews. Mimtuur. Johu Y. Ulbbs. Oianye. John Megnrccll. I'lne. John Sweeny, Henry J. Poller. Keolt. lilisha II. l'uisell. Notices. TSTlt A Y. (3A M E TO THE PIlEJf- ill isi-s ofthe.ubsi'ilber,lu Husarloaf township, Columoiiiemiiity.iin or unoui 1110 .vin oi rcp leinlier, Itlii, n lllUi 111:11- i;tl. with ear marl: on tilit ear. 'J'he owner Is leuuested to come for mal il, prove pi openy, pay en.irues anil tune n away, ollierw Isu sou will no n A. M. IIUPERT anuounces to his friends aud customers that continues the abovu busluebs at his old place on MATN STHEOT, IlLUOMHDUKO. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY MTOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, aud every va riety of article found In a htove aud Tinware Es tablishment lu The eltles, and on the most reason able terms. Hepal rliiR done at tho shortebt nolle., B DOZEN MII.K-PANS on hand for sate. jyjtU.KIl'S riTOIlK.. ritOiH'ltKIVAI. yl fi'ltlNO ANIiaUMMEl't OOOUs. 'I'lietnbMiriiHTlii." rttn'art' frlim tte rules Willi mint tier lsriie wtul H( t hsnrniiit ur Bl'LtlNO A..D HUMMMMKM, purchased in New YoiknnU I'UllaiiclphU at the "west llaurc, and whiili.lm li) delsrnilfil io sell ou as modcrato terms, ns'onu & procured ilu wnere in Hioomsburi;. Ills stock cbmpWues LADII' bite's UtlOJKs ' . ot tho choicest si j le. aud Ulatt uuiiloo., tojei her wlthnlafiie assnttmsnt 6t 'fJry'Oooits irirl 11 r r- i-enes, consisting ol iho followlnn artlelii CarpelB, 1 , Oil Cloths, ' Clotuii .'(Mlniiirea, rtrin,l, -81111,; '- . Wliltc' Uo'dd,' , , Hoopwirts, . .. ii , n.U.t I'-Muifins,' ni ill' "i flolleivkntp . 1(( I ' '- ,ii: i sfelrttvaro Queonswore, ,. uardwaro BooUi and Hlioe, ' ltats and Caps - ' lIoopNctK, . . -i-l Umbreitan, I)ol:lntf-aiiisi'.i, t Tohac-o, -t?oire, , ,, ..inifm. , Tew, ' niw, ' Allsec.' ' . Oluser, I ,,- , , Cinnamon, Nutmegs. AND NOTIONS oi& ItALI.V. lu i, ctcrjlbfng usually1 kept In' tountry stores, to wlitcli no Invite, thu atteultou of the pnbllo scnerally. Tno lltelnst pri'oowill bo raid for country piodiuoln exchangu for goods. H, H. MIl.t,i:Kt.KON. Arcaxto Iluildlno,Hloolliliur3-. Ph. c. c. 3r a ii n NEW STOVE AND TIN SUOP. OS MAIN MIKKKT, NEAKI.Y Ol'POSITi: UILLER HTOItK, HLOOMSJiUHO, TENN'A. Tub ninlenltimM Iuih Just rttted up uud opened his new STOVK AND TJN SHOP, u thit i!nou, where he 1h inepnred to make up uewTiN WAKKuf all liludi In his line, nnd do repalriug with neiilnesn and dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms. Hu also keeps on baud HTOVHS OK VARIOUS 1-ATTKHNH A8TVLE3, which he will well imoii terms to suit purchasers. Ulvo htm a call, lie In a yowd mechanic, and Ueservluirof the puhllo tmtioune. JACOH METZ. Illooinsburti, April W, U'7, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. law direct. Hiiiiarlont.Oct. 9, tONCll Of tlM tllU UKOitUt; MOO UK. IASTHAY.-OAMK TO TllK 1MU2M J Ises or l he Riihscrlbcr, In Huat louf township, Ciuumhla county, ahout the midda of Stptcm Lk't, ulti;i) lli;il'i;il, hiippuu'l to he twojeara old, hiarlccd with a notch on the topol the left car, and a hilt in the right car. Tho owner is re fiih'Mnl to I'onio lorward, prove jiroperly, pay fluiire and tuko her uwi.y.ur Mm will be depos ed ofaccuiMlnu' to law. JObllUA a. HDiS. CcutWl, Oft. 211, lSCJ-3t lSTKAY.-CAMKTO TIII3 VMXU Vj l,cs of tho suUcribcr, in Hutjarloif tuwnMilp, Cui urn blu t'ounty.ou oritboul the llrM of Mp t,.i.,.f iLu . iti.i. KTtfKlt. Vf.irdui' nasi. tear muik on rltflit car. AUoiitcdliuo baci; liclf.r,- yuai lln pjst.curmurlc onrixnt ear, inouwuer I-i nciuejitcdto como forward, iirovo property, pay riMi'm' uud tukthcm away, plhsrwlso they will be bold accord Ins to law. feu'urlonf, Oct. 19. ISO Ml gLMUHKNA IN DIVORCE, iit Iho Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, .mi, m May ivnn, in?j, .MAHV M'millAHTV, uy ncr Lfxv iriunn m. iturrv, t to, IAW in lHvote. lli:UNAAII Al'MUKAUr 'lo thoahovu namcil leanotidt nt i You nro here by untitled that tho bubpiunu uud alias tu lipoma lu tho uooVo case iiaving been returned mm ett inventus, jou tite hcieby miulriil to nppt-ar lu tiiHcourt on thctlrst Monday ot December, A. V, t. t j uiuwcr tho complaint lu this rase. JdOUDKUAl MII-UMtU, Wlurlll'. iilooniKburs, t)et. -J, It-ty-tt. "jVT E K C II A N D I S E NOTICK 18 1I1.UERY OIVLN" To my frlcndb and Urn public xtncrally, that nil lilnd&of DRY (iOODS, OltOCKKIES, Q U KENS VA Jt E, NQTIONB, AO., ate cnnMnutly on hand and lortalo AT IIAHTON'H OLI) KT4.ND liLOOMMlCl'.O, DV JASU'-S K. IIYKU. rolo A gcii I for Ki.mb' l'lioaritATE ow ir. liart'o hd iciiMantly mi hand. lttb'b7. AMMOTU GROCERY. J. II. M A I 7. n, m is anu iuos brut:i.r, lii.ouMauL'ua pa. Thelrgebtnnd Itet KIimU of flrocerii.8 and I'rovihloiiN in the County. A splendid Int of Ilainn, iSlde-meat nnd iSlioul ders, Ten- Cotn-cs and Spices, rondu aud Do mettle Ki ultn a upclaHy, a largo lot of E R U I T J A R S mi hand ft tho 1m pattcrmi. oooih Dr.Mvr.ur.D to any vaht or Tin: TOWN Juno IS'WMf jOTY'3 WASHING-MACHINE, LATELY MUCH IMPItOVfiD-AND TIIIl NEW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Improved with Howell's Talent Double Cor Wheels.nnd tho Talent Mtop, nro now unques tionably far superior to any apparatus for waih lnp eloihes ever invented, unit will finvo their cost iwico a enr, by savins Vnbnr and clothes. Thoso who hio used tlam (jive testimony us follows : Ruaded to do without it, and with thenfd of Doty wo feel thnt wo are masters of the position,' "Jt 1 worth one dollar n week In any family," yt I. Tribune, "In the laundry of toy home thcro Is n perpet unllthnnksqlvinifon Mondays for thelnventlon." Itcv, U7ioiturc . Cityler. r,verv week lias eiven It a strnnirpr hnl.l imnn tho alfections of the Inmates of thu laundry." "I heartily commend lt to economists or time, money, and contentment. ifor. Ur, JicUaws. "Friend Doty Your last Improvement ol your Washing Machine Is a complete success. I nuic you 'our Machine, after a yearn use, is thought more of todny than ever, and would not bu par ted with under any circumstances." .Wort Jtub inton, "Ycur WaslilJisMacliInehas been in dally uso in our l.iundry. and the housekeeper expresses herself ns highly idea&cd with it. It certainly ac complishes a greater amount of work, with less labor, nud does not wear the clothes near i-o much us the old fashioned wash-board, lty using it.oue laundrcNslHiUopcnsed with." Wm, M,I Round, Superintendent of Infant Jiepartmcnt of 67, Cti(irmej A'urscr, Y. l,Cii'. "After a constant uso of iho Universal Clothes Wrlugerfor more than four years in our family, I nm authorized by the 'powers that be,' to give lt tlio most unqualified praise, ami to pronounce H nn tndlspensablo part of the machinery of housekeeping. Our servants havo always been willing to use it, nnd nlways have liked it." Henry Ward Jieecher, PRICES. A FAIR OFFER. Hend the retail price, WushcrSH, Extra Wring er $K, and wo wilt fovard cither oi both ma chines, free offrelght, lo places where no one is sell lug; andsoBure are we they will bo liked, that we agree to refund the money if any one wishes to return tho muchtnes Irua of Height, after a month's trial, according to directions. No husband, father or bioiher should jicrmff llinilt-ii.i.ruri . .f um. a 1 . 1 11 .. ..-III. tlm I ..,.. j tlr,... two days in a 3 ear, when it can bo dono better. more Jur and a Universal Wrlnuer. tauvasseis wan exclusive right of sale mase haoJustiec(lvcilfrcm llie fpstoni-mftiUM a laigp nud well i-olccled Rtotk ofl. j - 1) R Y G O OM) H . cmi Ks r MT.t Mn or Cns-slmer, ' , .lenn, . ' ' . ' ltit lilciK'liftUt -Ilrowii'MttslUu ' TlelitnitJ, Table Lf it nK, ' t , CoUonA All wool ilannels, i . ' . .ec., e.i f ' , , -t Arslflt-uekof Indie dress goods. Latest RtylettAi nlterns. Spfooj of an utmls -Oooil stock Bioevles, (Juecnswate, Ktono wnre, Wo(m1 t willow ware, Tlour it Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for oiuanlnr. Tin, Bras 4, Ac. All goods sold cheap fur euli or pio duce. Ilo would call tho attbntlo'i of buycra to his well and carefully Polected iiMurtment which comprise evtrj thing ivsimlly kept in Ihe coun try, feelh., conlldcnt Uiat ho can sell them goods at such prices us will em-tire satisfaction. Nov.5,tt)-tr. C. C, MARTI. Gr lore epedltlously( with less l.ibor, und no in try to the garment, by n Doty Clothes Washer, nd a Universal Wringer. t'auvasseis wan exciui tnuuev fust sollina them, Sol if by dealers generally, to whom liberal dis counts are made. It. C. I(UOWNINCl,Oen. Ageut, :ii Cortlaudt Htreet, New York. Oct. 13,J-3m. M ) N K K ll T I ON H It Y . The uudeisUiiul would iupectfully aiitioiineo to ttje public 1 hat he has opt 11 ed u KUtST'OIAMM ONKKCTIONKKV HTOHK. Irj thfi;fitldui lately .M.cupiesi by Tox X Wbh whdtf be U piepurrdlo: jurnUh all kimUor PLAIN at KANUY VA$UlVlh,; FUi:.Nt;I OANDIKS, Vtu FOHK1UN A DOMESTIC THUITH, SITTH. ItALSINH, AC, AC, AC. WlfUbKSALK OU itKTAIL. W'11 iIm ndt wlh lo Infollil voil. Tender, that Dr. Wonderlul, or any other man, bus dUomeied 11! it- in edy that cures Coiitumptlon, w tin the luuys are luilf coiikiiiiuii, lu sboit, will cheaii disens t n whether of mind, body or esiaur mako men live in ever, anu ieaou(i.n in i le, or wiuu ui unik.iiiid Is dettiemd lolnmLeae f Mibluuarv isphere u bllktsful 1 uiudHe, tu wli ourileacii It self shall be but n Mdu show. Ylth nvu heard t nougu 01 mat uimi oiatiumnugeou una we uo jiot wonder Ihul yuu lit nby thlry, tie become diustiHl it. liu rt when I Itli tlm tbat Dr. haife's Catarrh Heme y will o sou turetho worht eases of Cut "libit I mdy mfclfvtly which thoiikJituU can tt-htlfv o. 'Jivttiit IbatwlUbo convincud. J willju j iUf) lU wjtnd 3 cauuso of iiuairii iuui, 4 luuuot ture, VOU HALK II Y MOVi DUUOOIhTrt KVKUV WlILlti:. Tiii'i:Onlv50Ck:i Hent by mall post lor sixty ctutsEourt paeKues a-.o1!, or one uoen lor f ma. u tw.i. rent hiamp for l)r HauV pamphlo on.i'utsrr A'ldu sh the Tropi felort It. V, l'lKUCK.M. D.'h Orti.'Mtn, Ciiujo, N.Y. I J M 1 L E S. IIih uiidt-rslirncl will ehii-rfnlh- mall OKKKl to nliwhoMUlut the lUdjw aud lull directions for pieparliiKAtHl UbliDf u simple and Iteautllul Veeetablo lislin. that will Immediately remuve 'lau, I'tt ikltK, TliHpUjt, lllouhes, and all ernp-r tlous nnd impurllhs of t ne hUin u,-viug the saino Mli. en ur, kinouiu mm ueauinui. Hit will also sriiit mitvl li uti uetloiis fiir nro- tluelng by veiy simple nieaiu.u luxuriant uiowtJi ol Hair 011 a bald head or suuKith face lu less than thirty ihijs from first uppileiition, 'llie aboe eanbeobtulned by return mail by uddressliiK 1 UO-s. l CJIATMAN, Cliemlst. tt it II,.sr tlOsl 1G1 ll...i4.unir'kT.u VavW Aug. ti,W-ly. ' JT HAS NO EQUAL. tvaui nation, iiurroN mom:, dvkiuicamino, AP HKWirtU aACJUISK, 'llieflist aud only lluttoiiIIoIaand Sewing Ma thine combined in Oie world that can do all lilndsut hewiug netdedju llie family! from tho ciuret cloth lulho lluist fabric, lt will work beuulllul lluttou Hules, Kjelet Holes, Embroid er over tho edge, do "Overseamlng" us by hand, .iini tui binut ui nuriuiiu, iiemmiug, reiuug. Cording, llraldiitg. lltuding, Huttllug, Tucking, Ualher and bew onut Ihe Mime time, ThU 1 ccilaluly lar in aduuce of All Others. I T H A S NO E (J IT A L ; HIsuUo tho cheapest intrinsically as well ns thu best, el lut 11 Is leally two Machines comblu ed In one (by a simple and beautiful mechaulcul umuiKeiuuiii netui neiore Hiixiiui'iiiiijetl ny liu liuiii ingenuity.) making either IawIs. Ktltvb.or UullonlloIuMlKh, usoccuslon may nqure. It Is ut the siitine time, m mplo lu eonstiuctlou. cmupurallvely i.olselcss, euMly uudeislood, aud tu a word combines with thene advantage exclu hty Ut wm, the viotdftiutt!c qutddu$vuU vth m. Wo hawtiUi I'OK HALT tho "TIulu Ameil can," u beautiful fiiully Machine ut a lloduced Trice. 'JlilsMuchliii) dies all that is dono 011 the Combination" except button Holes und Over feamtuu work. Jjidiisand in lemeu.wedesliM ill lo eon oand see this gitut novelty of the age, now 011 cxhlbiitou and lor sule ut Olllce, tor. Mslu uud Market htreelK. Don't lis Uu Afttils tvhouioin Ihe habit of con dinmlngall muehlnes but what they represent but eoii4uanIexuMluotho Machiuuuud Its won; then Judge for joursilvcH. MlSNi. UAM110 A LA KM, Agents, for Luxeine, Columbia, JorlhumberltuiU uud ,Kctiuylklll counties, A u turn Wa.ntku. Oct.W.' 11 v lu hhoii, h full assortiaeut of ull goods liK Hue ol buslm-ss. A great arlcty or IM) U li H, TO VH, AC, suitable for lltn Holidays. Particular fcttcull given to rt It H A I N t OAK KB, uf all kimlN frtsu et-ry day, OUUIHTM I'AN'IMKH, OH I H T M A H T O Y H. Mini HHtlsfaettoii In A call Is solicited, guaranteed. Nov, iri. Itf7 will b KCKHAHT J A CO 118, Millenary. 170RTY THOUSAND CASIOS OF JL goods wero shipped from our hniu.o lu One liar, to families, clubs, and meiebauU.iueYtiry part of tho country, from Maine to California, umouiitlug lu value to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Our facilities fur transact Im this immrnsfl im. iness uro better than everbefore. Wbavo agents In all Iho principal cities to purchase goods imiui the Manufacturers, lmpoiters, und others for CAHU.nnd often at an Immense sacrifice from the original cost of production. uur siotjt consists, in pan, or tno tuuwmg goods:- roiiu wis. iwjkkpik. tJiinix I 'diinnu it iiir'Ufiiiiu Dress Ooods.TnbtoLlnetil'owels.lloslcry.tiluMs ,kirts, Corsets, sc Ac. Hller.I'Iated ware. Hpoons plated ou Nickel llvir. Desert l-'orks, ilvH-Lolihi pluted ('aklms, rllanuiii Ware, Glass AVare, Table und Toiktt REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT l'ISTEIt ENT'fi STORE, IX LIOIIT STREET, or SIRING AND SUMMER UOODS. TH15 Huhcribor ban Jvtit rcelvod and ha ou hand at liW old stand iu Ught Street, a large and sclocl ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE puicliasednt tlie lowest ilgnrc, nnd which ho determined tu sell ou as modsn.te terms nn bo procured elsewhere lu Light Rtreel, FQll Ctt&Il OJZ COUXTJtV WiQDTJCL. Ilia stoeic consIsLs of (i A D IKS1 DR. ESS G OODb, choicest styles aud latest Xaslilous, Calicoes, Muslins, Gmghnni!, Flannels, HiTsItry, Carpel, W'Jkft, bhuwh, READY 31ADE CLOTHING, tfatiiU'tts, CnsslmerH, Cgltouadf:!., Iventatky Jeuas. AC., Ac AO. GROCERIES, MACKEit.i., (ueonuwAto, Cedarvare, JUirdwro, iledlciues, Drugs, Oils, TaiuU, Ac. ROOTS fe SHOIC3, HATS CAPS lushoit everything asually kirpt In ft, eon n'ry stole. Tho patronage of his old frleiiu k" the publlo generally, Wreti.lfullysol!el'od. The UUhett market price juM for coUntr ro duco, TKT EH l'AT. Light Stleet, Nov. ii 17. F IRST CLASS GOODS.' TliesiOwjiiber haa JuU thorprMy. re,ioeked his .store, In Catawls-a, lately occupied by M' Nluijli & Shuman, and now olfei-s fui tale A COMTLl-TK STOC3t OF DilSTOOUD, SI Ilrll t'ntliTtf. in I'rfiiit vni j'.ieganv irencn uiul tieiman raucy Goods. .iviiuiiiui . jjvjsi'iu)hi AiuuiiiN, tno iit'wesi aim tholct'St Styles lu Morotoaud VelvoL Ulndlne. Morocco Travelling Dags, Handkerchief aud Gold aud 1'luted Jewelrv. nf the newest si vies. We have also made nirniigcmciits with some of tho hading TublUiilng Houkcs, Hut will en a bio, us io sen ine Hinuoarti anu laiest. wonts 01 jKipu lar authors ut about one half the regular prlro: such as livnox, .Moo 111:, llt'iixs, Milton, nud Tin n son'! WoiiKH.lnmll Ult.nd Cloth llln I lnss, and htindfedsor otheis. Tl,iese and every thing else tor ONT. DOLLAK fOU UACU AUTKT.K Wo do not ollVr u slhgle arl icle ot mercliundho that can be sold by regular dealers uv uunpricc., WedonotaKkiDu tohuy goodsliuin us unless wo can sell them oh caper tlmu you can obtalii them in any otherMity,-while the greater purt ef our goods uro Bold ut ubut, ONK-UALV TUV. HLGlTLAIt ItATU-V Wi want gool reliable agents Jn even isrt of the Country. Uy enip!o ing your ejsire time to form cldicuud sending p.s order, you enn obtain the mostUU'rul commissions, eliher in Casu or MeiU'iiANiUHi:,amtiUlgoodsscntby iH will be as represented, and woguaruutco Hallsfaction to every ono dealing villi our hou-e. Agents should colletL tt 11 cents from each cus tomer und forward lo us in advance, for Det-ciln-tive Checks' of iho uorxt wu koIL. Tlio bolder ol thu Chetks huvo the prlvlteguof either purchAsiPg Iho nrtlelo tlaireou deMiHAd, ourCiitaloL'tie. iiumberlneover 3V1 dliriit nr. tlcltw uol ope ot which tail, hjpuv(hiisedlu the tuuul way lor the snmo money. 'ihondvniiUKeitofilrttseiiJinsror Checks nro thesi-: We me eonstanlly buying tmall lota of very vaiuaoie gotsis, wuicu are mil on onr eata logins, ami for which wo Iasuo checks UU ull are sold; besides, lu cvtry Uigo club we wilt put Gro'-erle.s and gyneral merol.niUfto whhli for uualily und uilely w;lu eompaio lavorably with any iu ti.e couiurr, vjire luif unbh n-sorr- mem 01 t , S 1 R I N1 d' G 0 0, D S whleh U will dUpnsoof for CsfSh.-ui" CiHinliy pro duco. AlCimghls Dry GofHlsTwi'l be irnd all thu latest and UvU julttlh 1 1 k , MUSLINS, . . 1 , GINGHAM.-, , CALICOIOS,' " ' 1 ' 'I'l.AN.SF.r.Hj WHAV1,S, , 11 cviimVa ' .llltf'AOnKU'HS, ctiriONADi-H, UUKHKSWKrtH, JLAHDtVrAK ' cu.mVAiu:, imyproiir, J VAUNIHIIH -it. 1 ' II ATS fc tV6t IM lO'VH A ft! lOES ..A 'l.. r... I t. ......... In.n It.,.. . f ,..,..,1., .IIW. .1, .... I, .. ...llll'li l. ,,., 1 ..i.uu.. .Ji-iu.lQlUi ioI'Ih LiuslucfcB. AKliolitis au.l siiijs lor casn Iw can oi:'or ul Jiccit liU pri.. M li.w ir not luirui'li.iiu iiiw-moawif.. itstquHuis "IJUICK MLB, AMI tllAJ.I. PHOl'ilh." COAT. OP AO; UlPS (ustunily cm hnt:d nml lor m1.- nt tiw loHf-.t iiuufit't rivU'w. li.riocl.llnltenlliini'ftttUotliPhelci'lininil Jlutld I ni; iDuU'tlut, Cnlliry. Mi4mnln' 'J'nol-i, and lltliuwilin u uu i.uki, iu wuivu .ii: viiuutiuu ill lmllili, '" lt .VJ K V U U lIltAt; K.P. . rtitlsmo- u"" !roF.rii nVihsriiTLK. Apr. Cut, I'a, M 1SS LIZZIE UAIIKI..KY Ims Jnst returnt'd from rhUuJrlphla, und has IjdukIH, und Is now circrlni: Iho best assortment uf fancy aooiw, Till.MMlNOH, iioNNirrHAcic. evt I I'xIilMted In UlooinsliurK. ami 1. prepared to imtUii up drrssts mid nil olhtr ftrtlolcs of frtnale wnrdrntic, ut short noti. and in tuo best ami T.ATFHT SPHINCl HTYI.KK liiiums in Hit Hmiisr' liulldlligM, on West Mnln Mtreet, Cnll una her srlul sloelt ol r-prlni; GimkU. M.i- I, '!. COM KT1 1 1 NO N UV. Hid uiidfrshfiutl beis lcuvo tu Inform her lilt mis and the publlo generally, tltat sh has (l'peu in llLOOMfcJtUUU, mii stock ol mMH in the lino or M1LLINKKV nntl THIMMINOH til itoiinectUtii with Drtss Mnlting( and Is pre pj td In uddlthm, to roiou stkaw it a in uu un shortest notice, and tn the best style of aiu m v i riees eurup uuu worjt ftuvisiuctory. MRH, U. KLIMU. UtthlHtu October i, 17. cheeks for Watihcs, QulIU, 111a nk els, Dress Tit- (riiK, or sunio tuner iiriieies oi ume, pit wimoik memlMTS 0 the club an opportunity 0 purch(tnnj un atttcle fur uboxd one quarter vf Mm lulue. "in etery oruer amouuiinu mover 3 necom nan led lie tlintauj.h. Ihrt AeiiiL mav rf lain t no unti 111 t-tvij uiuu uiuu etw, j.w jituy ue re PAY T1IK KXP1UCSS CH AltQIi This offer Is moreefbeclallv toatslHt Apntj In tho Western and Southern IStates. but Is onen to Ull l lllU'llirjq. UOJl M1HH10NH; Acents wlllbo nuld leu rcr rent, tn ('a.h nr .ililLimnun'r. iii-n iiit:j r 1 l.lj VI 1 II r.J K VP I IKK clu, for which below wo give u liurtlalLUt ot fmiiiiiiKKlmist ' for oruer or aao. fioin u club of Thirty we will pay tho Agent, us eommlssloii, ds, Drawn or lileached H heel Ine. Good Dr,ss Tats tern.AH)l Hfuiaio bhuwl,l'ieucli Ciulmcie Tunis ai.d tt Tatter. 1, Tine Largo Willie Cbitutet ptt iu eie,, vie., ur 1i.' ill CASH, Koran order of 830. fioin a CJub of Fifty, wo will pa tho Agents ('mnmlstlon, 4) jards Sheeting, oue pair heavy Wool liluukets, Tojdiu Dress iMittern, Handsome wool Hmiaru Hhuwl, bllver-Cuse Watch, ele , etc.. ur ilw .n ctth, l-'or on order uf S1UU, from u CIuj or Ouo Hundred, we will pay tno Ageut, us commission luOyurd einul j aid. w hie bhtetlng, ColnHller Iluntlnu Case waich. Uleh I.niiir Witnl Khuwl Hultor uil Wool Tic ne h Cussliuere. He,, vie or 110 In earth. ' We do not timiloy ouy TrvelUw AgenU, and customers should not pay money toneisons uur. porting to be uur ugruts, uuhn perwnitUy uc ijuuiuted, HKUSi UONKT ALWAYS IIY llFQISTEltEn LKTTEUM rur luruicrpunieuiurtt seud lor ifttaiogu!, TAHKhlt tit CO., W t 100 Hummer M., ltostou. Must, i Oct, ley-am, C.UJTILHfN C.Vmil Alu'w.cluan iluwtblo, e3t(U-, nud l ri.ooRi'ovERiwui A ,u' htljulc for ull-i lotl i 'uu tUiid thu eubl. Tills carpet Is, produced by a nemillarcombLia- ( llou nft.tron. heavy irj vrlMietl lu ornamen tal colors, arid coated wiiha touuh, oIuaIIc, water proof enamel uhtch rect ivrs t'io water, protect theelorsuudsipereuduTfe-waWiUw. uud ren ders the eurpt t blight and V-unlirulln the ex tseme, Its udvuutage aro t ftjllow.; lis cost renders it u all. M. io ullclussest It U eaceetlluKly smooth and (Mossy, aud lt arcumu tates next no dust ; Utitiea not require tu bu token up and cleaned like ether carpet, und thus save uimh labor und trouble; liy re-coaling with Iho Cumpllllou L'uuuu 1 oceaslnually ns the cum) may require, (which vh but a ti llle.t tt will nisi luuemi'ieiy, oven uu tigi ,unu always up pear new and bright: In its use u reHnnn whatever Is placed uiori the ip. r lor wear, but escluslvd ly uiku she wntir-pioof cobtingr. (he I'nued pa per being untdniUy to uviuo tuutoU-4s. Taper nas reeeniiy neen tisi4 lor u vuiiety vi j ur poses, even for trunk m, i-oor, flour bain, imd weai'ingui parel.bul the ttrM attempt, tilnr iu i uicpe or Aiuerlcn, to convi it it Hitu curpi 1 1 r ttoor cove ing. un uomtueit touv isu t utlrv succiwi , we uue iuutuiM.d uie rigm lur loiumuia county und can JurnUh Um eiK- to merchants ut inunuiueluieis pihf, i -Y'iu ore UivituI io U m il evvtmine thn gfls ut our slorv. .M K lt(A'V, lUAL A CO. llloumaburtr, Dee, U'tiMf ET THE JUi.'V. f't fi t'OI'lrt'l , t V.4T 1 Itt 'tl i ltv H the l tftf I ii P' ti it i 1 til u uer luvutdii. The subscriber lu BLcntftrtLw pqvu inwuUou, tiiu ii t i U'-rs I y mull or In erion wilt be pu irpCy ttttfriidisl -to. MaylJ.'ts J ,U, i ( i MAN.