xi QfflUimlrhw AND BLOOiISI3URG. PA. FRIDAY MORNING NOV. D, 10G9. J- TUB COliUMUIAN Ims III. I.nrfifst Clroulntlon or miy imper pillillslieil In Northern I'cnnsylT aula, ami I. Alio n much larger sheet than any of It.colein porarles anil Is therefore ill. u.st medium for advertising tit thte eeetlon oflhe State Controversial and Correctional. Tin: t'liANKiNd I'iuvii.kuk: -Tlio Danville Intelligencer of Oct.SOth sy.', It Is bad enough for inoiiiherd of Con Kress to send uscles-i iiollltcnl documents tlirnugh tho tunllD, "but n woro nbuso to seo an Ex-U. 8. Senator, liku ono wo have In this district, acting nioro out rngcously still bybendlng thousands up' on thousands of copies of his newspa per though tho mall under his frank when his term of olllco had ended six months before." Wo pass tho grammar of this extract, and also tho evident blunder by tho writer In expressing his meaning. (Ho really means that tho franking of cer tain papers Is an abuse, and not tlio seeing It done.) To tho hody of his nc rusatlon wo reply : That tho franking privilege of mem bersof Congress extends to the 1st Mon day of December following tho expira tion of their terms of bcrvlce. This U an oxpress provision of tho I'ost Offleo Act of March 2nd 1803. That Mr. Buckalew has not franked "thousands upon thousands" (nor hun dreds either) "of copies of his newspa per," or of any newspaper, through tho malls, cither boforo or since tho explra ' tlon of his term or service. That ho has no newspaper "his news paper" to frank through tho mails, If ho desired to u-so his privilege for such purpose. No doubt Chalfant refers to the Co lumbian, in this high-pressure article. But Mr. Buckalew has no pecuniary in terest In (his paper directly or indirect ly, nor has any other human being be side) tho avowod Editor and Proprietor. A few oxtras Issued from this oillce containing tho olllclal proceedings of tho Senatorial Conference, wero franked through tho mails early inthecampaign. They were certainly proper for public information, but tho whole number so distributed was less than ono hundred and probably did not reach fifty. Tho oxtras issued by us during tha canvass wero generally distributed by private hand, and several hundred distributed through tho Danville Post Office had postago prepaid upon them. Theso details may bo thought trivial v but as wo have personal knowledge of tho facts wo chooso to glvo them in or der that Chalfaut's small slang shall bo duly exposed as both malicious and false. Abuses of tho franking privilege which well deserve censure might be mentioned upon which our critic has been profoun ly silent. Among theso was the uso of hand-stamps by members of Congress for frauking their names, which could be used by others, and were so used ex tensively. This "abuso" Mr. Buckalew always opposed and assisted to break up last winter. Again, it has been too common a practice for members of Con gress to furnish franked envelopes to tholr friends for uso In their prlvato correspondence. Tho Representative from our own district (Mr. Mcreur) has furnished such for uso in this town, and, wo havo heard complaints of an exten sive uso of his frank to cover business, correspondence at Towanda. Why docs not Chalfant assault Mcreur for tills evident "abuso" of his prlvllego Instead of abusing our lato Senator with out cause and unjustly? There is a plain, short answer tothis question : Chalfant has never run as a candidate Jor.ojjtce against Mercurand been beaten by him six thousand voles ! had taken form. Tli.it purchase was mado by us upon our own responsibility, and for business reasons alone. As to Mr. Jncoby's nomination, mado long afterwards, It was an Independent trans- nctlbn with which, likewise, our Sena tor elect had nothing to do. Tho admissions of Bradley, or his writer, In tracing tho Senator's caieer, that "his political record, t o far as his constituents nro concerned, Is ns clean nml bright ns that of most men (" that " wo do not brllovo ho' was dishonest," and that in tho Senate at Washington " ho was not a noisy tlemagoguo but a gentleman," and "galifcd for himself tho good opinion of the best men of both parties," mako up a pretty strong euluglum, though they ur6 hardly In keeping with other parts of tho article In which they appear. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO CHAT, J3LOOMS13UHO, COLUMBIA CO UNT M AlVBRTSEMBiTS. PA. A Superfluous Defense Bradley, In tho llepublican, comes elaborately to tho defense of Haycock. whoso portrait wo drew recently with a freo but faithful pencil us that of tho lluest known specimen of "a leading Republican of Sullivan couhty." And here our neighbor makes u complete mistake. Whllo he Is Indlgiutnt niid Chalfant furious over that fine subject - tho woes of Haycock Haycock him self Is In a Htato of supreme content ment. A friend writing to us from Sullivan, says: "Haycock Is pleased with his notoriety." Of course ho is Ho has published "a confidential let ter." Ho has been proclaimed away from home a "leading man" of his party, lie has held sweet companion ship with' oilr neighbor" tho leading Republican" of Columbia county and also with tho man of tho Intelligencer, that "regular Democratic candidate, for Senator ' who camo to grief at tho ro cent election. And then ho has had a first-class notice In tho broad columns of tho Comjmman. His cup of enjoy- meat Is full,andasielshappy, Itfollows that Bradley may restrain his tears. township Elections. Hka Vi:k-JusUco Of tho tfeacefNathan Brcdbcndcr, Consiablo j. Andrew Shu man. Supcrvlsorsj'O.P.Drlesbach, Con rad Ervlne. Poor? Overseers"! Henrv Hoii3e,0..iVjIi6iigenbcrgerIn9pictorsj D. Oeafheart'O. Bredbender. Judge of 'Jecllon; Joel Bredbender. Auditor; Mien Mann. School Directors ; John Hcmilngcr, Isaac lCllngurman. Bkn'ton -Justice of tho Peace : I. Iv. Krlckbaum. Constable; Samuel -kpple-miln. 'Supervisors ; Samuel M'llcnry, Tiios. Davis. Poor Overseers ; Reuben Qlbblus, Jacob Woolever. Inspectors ; T. B. Cole, llusscl lvurns. Judge of Election Geo. Poust. Auditor,; Wm Applqman. ,Schnol Directors; Jeremiah Stiles, Peter Kase. Bkkwick Chief Burgas; II. O.I'reas. Assistant Burgess: W. C. Barnes. Town Cutincll; W. 11. Woodlu, S.B.Bowman, Daniel Reedy,, Michael .Fronts, R. II Eaton. Judge of Election; Alox.Thomp soil. Inspectors of. Election; O.II, Wells, J. M, Siiyder. Poor Overseers; Richard Thompson, 0. H. P. Kitchen. School Directors; S. 0. Jayne, A. B. Jl'Cien, Jno. Eggert. Constable ; II. M. Hock man. High Constable; Honry Rucli. Iir.oo.u Justice of tho Peace; J., II Kurmau. Constables; M. C. Voodyard, J. S. Evans. Supervisors; Jacob, Troup, Samuel Mellck. Thoa. Knorr. InspcC' tors; u. W. Slorricr, N..J. Ilcndorsliot,,: Judge of Eloctldn; John L,aycock.Audl tor; Wm. PcacoclcSchool Directors; C.B Brockway, E. R. Ikeler. But ah OitnEK Justice of tho Peace; ndrew Suit. Constable; Ci.O. Hostler. Supervisors; Nathan Sltler, J. C. Smith Ellas Wilkinson. Poor Overseers; Geo. Evans. Thos. Adams. Inspectors: Wm. Sltler, W. B. Har'.man. Judge of Elec tion ; 3. 1.1. Bower. Auditor ; E. D. iVdatns. School Directors ; Wm. Walp, Daniel Pursel. Cat a w i ss a Justice of the Peace Constables: J. L Shuman, G. Campbell. Supervisors ; Lewis Bradley as a Biographer. Our neighbor of tho liepubltcan (or some ono through his columns) has un dertaken to glvo 'a sketch of Sonator Buckalew. It is a strango jumble of compliment und censure, but like all new performances In literary art may deserve some notlco If not a formal ro view. Wo shall quote a few passages and append our comments, Tho writer says t "In early life ho was, In accordance with his teachings, an ardent Whig." Ho voted in 1813, upon age, for BenJ. A. Bidlack. Democratic candldato for Congress, (thero wero wo believe no State candidates that year,) and In 1814 for'Shunk fpr Governor. In short, his first vote was given to tho Democratic parity ns havo been his votes and voice over since. AH thiols completely eer tain and beyond dispute. Tho writer next 8peaka..of, "him whom wo have selected to represent us in mo senate unuuiucr uunng me com ing two winters." "V It is rather likely that"tfe"Bradley or ills writer had very little to do with selecting tho Senator for "tho coming two winters." But wo may Just here mention for tho Information of Our Jejuno writer, that tho Senatorial term III this State Is for three years Instead of two. Again, ho Bays: "Mr. B. en tered heartily Into tho Johnson move ment for'tho organization of a new par ty, hoping thereby to make himself the great central flguro of a popular party etc." Thero is not ono word of truth In till statement. Tho Philadelphia (Johnson) Convention was endorsed by tlio Demo cratic State Committee, and Messrs. Wallace, BIgler, Hughes, Woodward and other leading Democrats attended It, Mr. Buckalew was almost tho only man of our party, in n promln cnt posi tion, who was not it mombor nor active ly concerned in It; and ills iiamo wo be llove was almost the only ono among thoso of tho Democratic member of Congress which was not published to tho original call for tho Convention, "Tho great central figure" of the John bon movement was so wonderfully In conspicuous at tho tlmo as to wholly escape observation. But, seriously, the tale is simply stuff. The statement that Sonator Buckalew "endeavored" to win thosupport of tho old Democracy of tho county by pur chasing tho Star and Democrat, placing its pditor In nomination for a county of. ilccj Ac," is quite untruo. Ilo had noth ing whatever to do with tlio purcnase, Tho Verdict of Tuesday. ' Vn begin with Massachusetts., In this Stato ClafUu, radical, is reported elected Governor by about 10,000 major ity over Adams, democrat, though ho received but a minority of all the votes cast, the worklngmen's candldato hav ing polled some 15,000. Tho city of Bostou gives Adams about 3,000 major ity. Tho democrats gain four or llvo Senators. Last year Massachusetts gav a majority of 77,000 for Grant, Tho re sult on Tuesday, thorefoie, shows a rad ical loss of 57,0001 Next come wo to NowYork. The Empire State elects tho whole demo cratic ticket by majorities ranging from 10,000 to 20,000. One branch of tho leg lslaturo Is certainly and tlio other prob ably democratic. A small vote was polled in Now"York city,bu't considering tho effort made by tho friends of Slgel and Greeley, who wero both candidates on the radical Stato ticket, and tho up parent IndJffdrpncd of thb'domocrats of tho city, tho majorities for tho demo cratic ticket, (43,000 for Nelson ovo Slgel and39,600 for Allen over.Greoloy, are quite respectable, But largo demo cratic gains wero made In tho rural dis tricts, and there were uniform radical losses throughout tho Stato outside Now York city, Brooklyn and tho river counties. Tlio redemption of the iegis laturo Is n great point rained. In fact it gives tho Stafo'to the democracy' for years to como. New Jersey responds to the greeting of New York, with working'majdrity of democrats in each branch' of tho leg lslaturo. This disposes of Mr. Cattoll who was" foisted Into tho seat In tlio United States Senato filched from' Mr Stockton three years iJInco. No Stato officers were, chosen. And now gallant; faithful, vigilant. Maryland'echoes back tho cry1 of vie-' toryi Tho'Democracy havocarrled the' Stato by lit least 25,000, and tlio' legisla ture Is unanimously democratic. Not a vestige of radicalism' Is tobe 'seen on the map of Maryland. From tho Northwest, so long under tho baleful influence -of falsa political doctrine), como tidings of democratic gains arid radical defeat.' In Minnesota tho heavy majority for Grant last year, is nlmost swept away and it is claimed that'therols iV democratic-majority in tho legislature; In Wisconsin tho'dcin ocrats gain about 'IS',000 on list' year's election; In Chicago' mid Cook 'county, Illinois, which gave Grant nearly 10,000 mnJority,the radicaIs arosent to Coven try, mid in Alabama tho man and brother" lias voted the right ticket. Largo democratic gains in Wost Vir ginia are reported. Tho legislature of that State, which, last year, contained (10 radicals and 18 democrats, Is In doubt. Now, what is tho lesson taught by theso results? Ono year ago tho States of Massachusetts, New York, Nt-w Jer sey, Maryland, Wisconsin and Minne sota gavu 01,837 majority for Ulyssos S. Grant. On Tuesday last they gave about 20,000 majority for tho democrats If this be not a rebuke to the National Administration, a sharp, stlnglng.stag- goring blow to remind tho stolid smoker In, Uiu. Presidential mansion that ho must tet fils house in, order, there Is.no virtue In tlioeloctive-fniuiliiiTeianir tho oaiior. is. naming .moruianat a paper Hon. Ct K. Buckalew. This emfnent statesman, whoso term as U.S, Senator expired only last March, basjust lieon ro-olec(ed,to tboSlatoSen, ate, a position which lie occupied once before,. By an unfortunate split, three candidates wero 1 1 the field, two Demq er.its and one Radical, but Mr.iBucka lew hau Isomcly distanced both his com petitors. Wo rejolco over tills consum mation; for the Democratic parly needs in tho Senato commandlngHbilitlcs such us Mr. B. possesses. Few men iu tho State, if any, are his superiors, either in parliamentary debate pr.ostuto leader ship. Intellectually ho belongs to tho school of statesmen of which Judgo Jer emiah B, Black and Judge Sharswood ((ro shining lights inon who stand, in respect to real ability and personal In tegrity, head and shoulders above those oven who aro usually recognized as lead ers. SucJi men aro wanted In the coun cils of the nation. Lcuitloicn True Democrat, IIOHSK RACI.VC! EXTItAOJtlUNAUY, San Eiiancisco, Novomber 1. Tho two hundred milo raco yesterday, with relays of horses, for $1,000, wus won by Ntli Maury. Timoi 8 hours 69 min utes. P. Metz, Jno.Sterns. Poor Overseers; Abel Thomas, Peter Kerns. Inspectors; J.M Hawloy, Solomon Ilelwig. Judgo of Election; N. P. John. Auditor ; Henry Holllngshcad. School Directors ; S. 11, Dctmer, J. K. Sliarpless. C;N'fiiAi,iA Chief Burgess; William Shuman. Town Councils; Wm. Pelfer, Robert Earrell, S. Van Huron, David Black, Jr. Sath Thomas.Higli Constable Philip Heffron. School Directors; II. J Hughes, H. D. Mellck. Judgo of Elec tion; Win. P. Hannou. Inspectors; Jno, J. Laughlin, Henry Jasper. Poor Com missfoner Miles M'Nalloy. Auditor; Jno. P.IIannpn. Ce.ntiie justice of tho Peace; Oveiriecrs; R. Bellis, I). Herring. In spectorsi ,C. M'Hcnry, B. Allabuch. Judgo of Election; A. w cicii. Auuitor; E. O. Rlckctts. School Directors; John nydcr, D. Hnyman. , . 'I'ls-i-- Juslku Peace: Jno.Loro. Con. stable; Jas.brlblcb'r9.-SuporvIsors;Win. Arter, E.Hunyan. supervisors; J .Long, L.A. German. Inspectors; J. shoemaker, i.Ungcr. Judgoof Election; J. Drclblo- bis. Auditor; Jno. Bruner. School Di rectors: J. LoliL', Win. Karshuer. HtJOAnixur uonsiauie; w. v. Kllo.Supcrvlsors; J.R.Kril!!,0,L.Moorr. Poor Overseers, J. R. Frlu.Jno. Lowls. Inspectors; A. B. AlbertBon, O. Larish, Judgo ofElqction; Jno. W.Kile. Auditor; D. Lt wis. School Directors; J.H. Fritz, W. II. Moore. Scott Justlco PeacejU.G.Crovellng. Constable; S. Kressler. Supervisors; T. Crovllng, W. Kressler, P. D. Keller. Poor Ovorseers; Daniel Snyder, Henry Oman. Inspectors; G. NV. Crcvellng, J Terwilllger. Judge, of Election; E. B. Pursel. Auditor; J. S. White, T. Croyo- llngjr. School Directors; W. G. Glrton, G. W. Johnson, C. S. Fowler. ROAltlNO ClUIEK-Constnblcj J Loiigen- bcrger, Supervisor; G, Crulg, J. Lovan. Poor Overseers; W. Drlcsbacli, J. Rorlg; Inspectors; Geo. Cralgj C. Dyer. Judgo of Election; J. ILRhodes. Auditor; I Iloidstlnc. School Directors, John Mowry, J. 11. Rhodes. AT O T I 0 E XX WlilTMt ... mi uir.i iii-Kipr IniM li-n in v but anil boanl wliliout JustouiM-, tills 1 toKiyu iiii tiro lliatl will imViiii lebl vt her coiitructlnit from thl .Ulcniut toihM ull pen.., ; lintburluit Iter nt my expctiie. jAMfci iu-.ni. Nov. 5,'09-lt. " TSoMMlTTEE "NOTlCi'-Notlco Is J hereby iilvcii that tho llrst nml fliml ncmunt wAndi-ow ;VttM in Committee M (Stephen alp, a!unntlo,lnielbyJame 1'. Kreiu one of tho ileoM,, In the Court of Common l lcn of Colijm; bla county, wbtch liccount will be vronM tu tha Court for connrinatlou.ti. ., on Wednesday 1110 Mil any Ol Jicci-n.uer ..r... ,.,.. Nov. Via-Iw. rrothonulnry. A DMINISTUATOR'S NOTICE. Letters ol administration on tho cstute nf John tit,..,n into nf mmitmir twn.. t'olnmuln Co, tUctased. Imvo been grnutcd by tha HeiRtcr oi township, Ailminisirftior ucooma on,cwu-...-., aii tioruntit bftvlntr clnfmn o renueMed to mnko them known, and thoso In debtcu lomauopnymenu ..,..,. Admlnltrntdr, tie lonii iioji, aim testatnrnto nnncro, Nov. o,'uy-oi. AUDITOIV3 NOTICK. KSTATK OK WILLIAM MtLNES, DtCKASFD. in tho nrnimnH (Jourt Oi the county. of Colnm bin. Tho Auditor nppolnted to dhtrlbuto money In hands oi Miierni, ansuw irom nnio ui b trigned will meet the purtloi interested, for the day of December lstynt ten o'cIorkA. m. nt his OiltOOlll iwoQinsuurn, in bhiu i-ounij . n.u I'limm InteresteU nro rcqiifsieu mo niieua. or uo uronr rud from coming In for ft part of tho wild fund, Xdv.-VCMt. AudlUr, TIKVALlANT8KN'AT0KSUIlAUaua TA.Mo..Oct. 81. Qovcrnnr htunlmr. Iain Iiuh annolntod tho Hun. r.nr m either as party or adviser, and hud no vncanoy caused by ilui deuth of Senator nunii:uSu oj ji uniu iuo oegoiiauon i j-essenuen, Constrthlei II. D. Knorr, Super visors; Daniel Neyluirt, Allen Shell h funer. Poor Overseers; Win. Shaller, P. Creasy. Inspectors; Jeremiah Ilngen huch, B. Stlncr. Judge of Election. .las Koch'er. Auditor ; L. Creasy. School Director; Wm.,Dcnnis, Edwnrd Henry Co'nyxguasi N. & S. Justlco Peace Constable; Jno. Crn'ney'. Su pervisors B.Doughcrty. Poor Overseers; Pat. Burkor, Win. Goodman. Inspec tors; Pat. Burke, Daniel Curry. Judge's of Election. Anthony Welsh, Richard Thornton. Auditors; Martin Flanagan Wm. Heffron. School Director; Daniel F. Curry. Fishing Ciii:i:ic Justlco Peace Al bert Aininorman. Constable; S. Buss. Supervisor; John Weiiner, A. J.KlIrio. Poor Overseers; J.Sutton,C'.B.'3Inoiiry. Inspectors; Lewis Blshllnc, E. M. Luu bach, Judgo of Election; Jno. Emory. Auditor; W.'W. Hostler. School Direc tors; J. J. Stiles, J. P, Creasy. FitAKkl.lN' Justice Peace; J. T. Boeder. Constable; Geo. L'aubucli. Su pervisor's. M. Iloagland, O. 'Meudcn hall. Ior Overseer; S. M. IIoaIaud. Inspectors; C. Aitley.'I. Mendenlmll. Judge of Election; J. Cleaver. Auditor; T. P. Cherlngton. School Directors ; S. Cleaver, Geo. nartniaii. Giii:exwooi). Justice Peace; W. W. Eves. Constable; J. V. Glliaspyl Super visors ; Aaron Recce, I. Iv. Musgrnve". Poor Overseers; J.'W. G Irtoii'.Wm.Roto. Inspectors; Jno. P. Kestor, G. W. Utt. Judge orKlectlonjJ.W.Ileeee. Auditor; Geo. Masleis. School Dltcclors ; J. II, Ikeler, R'. J. Eves. IlEMtocK Juslico Peaeej'T, J. Van dersllce. Constable; D.Nelhart.'Ejupervl'-s-jrs;,' H. II. Wagner, II. D. M'Brltle.. Poor Ovciseers; P.l'ullC, EII Olil.' In spectors;' W. J.'IIartman', W; M.llnrt- man. Judgoof Election; M. Q, Glrtoii. Auditor; W.. II. Shpeniakci'. Scliooj' Directors;.. Alo, P. A StroiiH. Bpm boy. jACKsds- Jusiiio I'bAcej Constable A. 'Manning. Supervisors) A. M'Hetiry, V. WUo. Poor Overseers; .Henry llurllnulnJ.Savage.lnspectors; J, ,h, Hess, W. Tj. Manning. Judge of .Election J. Lunger., Aiidltbrj'A.J'.Derr,1 School Directors; Jo's. Yorks, E. "Fritz. LocutiT. JUstlco I'bace'l W.H.R6lii bold.;uonstitblej,f. Fettcniiitn. StiitOr visorj Jacob' Stltie, Jno. Kline. Po6r Qycrseers; C. Sc'hmdli'J'.'lfelwlg. In spectors; Jno. Reihbbid, D.Sllh'e. Judgo" of Eectlbn; J. I'. Walter'. Auditor; M: fitiyder. School Difect6rsj J. 0. Wlt6r, llll-'arlnger. " MAinsd.s' Justice Peace; Cqhstable; Ovefk'gh Iiis'rjfcctors; Jno. Mou'scrY'V. Wcller1. Judgoof Election; Jno. Smith. Auditor; G,W. Suppleo. School Directors; Sam'l. Fnrnsworth, Writ Shult. Maine. Justice Peace; W. T. Shu man. Consthbler A. J. Bemlnger. Su pervisors; J. M. Nuss, N. Miller. Poor Overseors; R. Shuman, M. Grover. In speetors; W. Fisher, J. M. Shuman., Judgo of Election; WnLLongonbcrger. Auditor; U. J. Campbell. School Direct tors; DavId'Shuman. Ji J, Gcariiart. Mifi-'mn Justlco Pcaco"; Cou ntable; P.J. Latitz.Stiper'rs.G.Shuiuan, P,MIchael(L.Creasy.l'oor Overseers; L. Eckfotb, II. Hetler. Inspector; If. Suhweppenhelser,Siniuel Nuss. Judgo of Election; P. Creasy. Auditor; Sam'l. Snyder1. School Directors; J. J, Hurtzul, I.-Audrows. !Montouii Justice Peace; Constable; E. WOlliver. Supervisors;' Y. llOlllnsliead, J. N. Gordon. Poor bverscers; P. Hefinbach.S. Glgor. In speetors; P.A.Evins,J. Roberts. Judge of Election ; I Deittrlch. Auditor ; I, Mowroy. School DIrrctbrs; Pet0r S. Karshncr, M. Raucli. -Mt, Pleasant Justlcoof tho Peace: T, J.Welltver. Constable; J, Jkeler, Su pervisors; Win, Howell, A. J. Iklor, Ppor Overseers; U. Howoll. G, j$vorotf. Iospecters; A, Vanlck, g. Cavaneo. JUdgo of Election; J, Mnrdaii. Auditor; D.R.AppIemiin, School Directors; Jtnac Applemau, D. Stroup. 'OitANau Justice Piiico ; J, U, liar, man, Constable; M. U. Keller. Super visors; R. Bollox. D. Ileldcbrttqt, Poor Tcrriblo Disaster. Chicago, Oct. 28. A special dispatch from Ciirbondale, III., says that tho steamer Stonewall, which kit St. Louis Tuesday evening for New Orleans, heavily laden wltli passongers.und nor- 60s,mulcs,hay and other freight general ljtook lire last nigiit when near Neely 's Landing, and despite nil efforts to savo her wus burned to thu water's edge. When thq llro broke out every effort was made to hind, but thu steamer was bo heavily laden that sh'o could not be brought nearer than 100 yards of tho shore. Great confusion and terror pre vailed. Thcio wero about two hundrod cabin and deck passengers on board, quite n numbcr$f whom wero women and children. Tho flames spread will great rapidity. Scores of men sprung Into tho, water and attempted to reach tho siioro by swimming. iuariy ml of theso wero lost. Every conceivable oh jeet that equl'd bo obtained wus thrown into tho water, and to theso tho passen gers' clung with all tlio tenacity of life The'steainer Utile JiivHjAij.Capt.Crane on h'er way' to .St. Loiiis, reached tho 8C0110 during tho flro and picked up irom ino water an mat aro Known be taved. Tho.pllot, engineer, stoker. carpenter and forty-four passengers, nro known to bo saved. Tho Captain, the clerks, and other officers, tho deck hands anil many passengers wero lost. The books and papers of tho boat wero lost also tho, cattle and other fielght on board. A number of persons died after reaching' the shore from cxposuroin tho water, Thero was no explosion. All the women and children were lost, near ly, If not all, being burned to death Tho conduct of tho officers and pitssen gers is said to have been heroic. Such an appalling scene has not been wit nesscu on l"o Mississippi tor many year3. The saved wero kindly eared for by the oillcors of tho Belle. Memphis and were taken to St. Louis. OftliM&Ml passengers, only about were saved. ; W, M'Niifch'. SuiifervlsijrsT eanlc. ItfSelliiv ers.-dTWise. Poor1 SV.RrDemfitVn'M'eblliiiii. LOOK, HEAD, AND M-iAKN, rflf T Tit V Great Shoshonces ltemtdy I or tK CICI.KIlItATmi INDIAN I)R. LEWIS J03I1EPHUS, of (iieill.lliiEUl'ilicilTrllioofWin.lionei-'i.Coliiin fit,. Tnrrnnrv ia imw luriwiu 111 uit ui,ii.. n ia nii nnh.tiiirr crrflt liKllnnreinpdr. U war- rttiitcJ.ainl In broml und t-mplmtlo lungungp, we 2.000.000 1UU0K WANTED nifl will tm received hv tho undersltrnptl until Thursday, November 11th, 1C0. l'orV,000,ixi0Mood woii'Uurni iiricu,iu uo ueiivcrcu. nnu wt-ii jiuck' ea it reiiuirciir un mo n ui mo STATE UOHriTAIi FOH TIII3 INSANE, At. lianvtllp. ilnrlntr tho summer of 1S70. One-lirth of the miniitity to bodellvcred In cneh 111 UO liiuiiiii hi Kiuj nun"! uii'ji, iiu"oi- Beitember. HUite intho bid the Jorgest n well ftS Hie BIUUllL'Hl. CIUUIIHIJ llllit Villi U lUHHnlit U nild niNO llio monui m wmni iney chii ins ucnv crctl. . H. HCIIUIiTZ, M. I. HUJVt. lunviiic, ucuu, uiw. iMuvnit;, i iu QOUUT IMIOCIjAMATION Ihr lion, U lHUiui r Roal Estate Saloa. . ...li.r r iltlil I f v 1 1 I 1 'I' i I i fri Ih ,r ho V " nml -""i l ol I "l"1,1","1,' , m 1 11 I"I' 'IK'" I. Kxi ' lit ,r i A W I iii.V-i'irllii JiiiJ"'1 li',Vii ;,'i, ml "r" . iikIiIm .1,1, ,, , ,, ,' ' JS B nf Ilii- i-nulllU-i f CJillllilliln. Hlllllt I l M ml wrntu . , , ' .!!, Kvu i i nii'i iiii-iio", i"'';.",ri."1,",1,. '.: i.hh!,""! ii"-kKiii-.t, ihhiuiv i i,l " Jioom l y of Hrlvt. In II") 5'"r, "J.,1 iTinn'",,.! in front. Tlio li-riinru rmuo i.iWo ,fr,thrli t ,?...s,i!.,l.cll.l '"V,1'l,"i!'.!:; rf ,r'6y "W " ,,u ""'' imny uj,Vn" J.QMB "l.'WX,.X E on Tlio i Jloiulny, , , ... . , iimniiiL-r ne.xl. lo con- Inciim mo ,in iv - ' tl""!".,.(,..,"!t.-o .tcl ll.ni.nlnn JlliliM llrtVO l"li.g tlio "ail. T..y r rrcc-...b..r noxl, una to continuoonewocu. . ,.,.....,.. ,,, ho mnnonl cure Tof Ulilln-n.M ol the Hironl, Miur.. j,tCr8of tlio Pence, niul I o ?".?',m .hui nnd l""or, KldncvB, DlKostlvn OrKtns, etc., y well ,3a couniy oruolmn .In, , t "t ,"f !,"' ,",Y10 r Mcmfuln, Iho vnrloui okln ,ll?.nsc, Huinori, tll(.r m tl.plr iiroiwr jicrnon nt 111 o 1, and nil discnici nrhlna from limiurily of tho forciioon or ,ild Ulh il.iy )?':,,,1,,i! inilcM. to I, nml. exccntlng the third ua of Coimimptlon. oriNl nlsllloiiii nml other f 'i'n",r Where thll Krrnt luineiiy nn uecn 111 uso n .lothosolhiiigi wiucii.i" i.,. ,".,,r i,v lini indeed effected Bomo of tho most mar- , i jone. Aim .,i Vi,o Mii. '',hnriruV-..ny.,o iff the JM of U vploun curra ever rccordol in tho nnnnin rtf hutorlcnl medicine. Burh beln tho camo It. n.l.llllnn In ltd f(irtl1f 1'Ctlontl in COl umhla Territory wo defy humanity to dlsrmto tho fact that this Great HlmshimofH Itemed n tho remcay orrcnicuies oi mo i n t-imirj , mo greniCM ixion tr iniu ut mc ui buwci- IDR liumnii ty. , .viannrnciuroa uy ur. loium v nnat V. V. I'orMlebrnlldCftleralnMedlcInc, in Moonn burg, Va. reconlrancc, luted atlllooms- ino year IKin nun m nlnetv, llnu ' ni Hvrn. .,.ZY.nr nf llio liulcnelldelico of tlio Unit s Ale. uf Xmerlen. JipltUKOAI SI1IM ' V,r lllOOIllftUUIIj, u.u. nucerngrci-ably totlielrnotleej. Hitcdn t UK. i ""."" ." :r1.. ,.,V,,,lh nlnetv. v-y-' lire,, no,, ij --.- ,.,,- Publications. A' QENTS WANTED TO SKLh t; II a ji n is " I-1 N actual cum-: oi-' st.'iinKi'r. and con- MU.Ml'UUr,, ilV lllli Q it EAT HIIOSIIONEKS KEMEDY. (I..i.v,i N. Y.. 1SC9 UK. Vousa A into. I tlealiuio inform you II, nt Iho marvelous enYeU of llio (lienv Khoshonees llemetly In our famllv linvo hei-n crentcr Ihnn nny ono could lmvo expert cd, .My ,inuliter was nnucieii wnn Hci-oiuinus LoiiMiiniHion, nno na,i V o u HUSINESS INVALL'AIII.K TO M E M I In IVilumi jr. 170H HAIil'i 1 I1 A liousQ und lot nh nil ly. thin few mllos of lllonmsbuVi iL Ktit "y, " ,,,,,;nl,Uf;i ly 1"f"''t',l I'Hwf,, tifjr-r, nrlslng lllltovlllniieH, near one of ,i i, ',"-iaC0 1 III the Mule, und In n Inornl i' ' ' JHB OCR community, D W E Thorn U ii Htinr Ii M N Q II oin.rs! P t nnu HliocmaltcrBlioii, llarn nnd itthtrmni, Any cruon ucvinne a ko.kI h-ono mi .ar leiViJVA. " "l" "3 "'' f i 1 it ., i-. -liii.i, ... i, .i , 'm poii a A Ii E J-V Geni l'l,o undcrslKiied oireixlodljpnv,,,..., L'.j9 nlo, on rcnsonablo terms Iho ""'PtMNajj VAIjUAUIjE HOTEIj STANti W nt ti'irlitHlrcet. Coliiiiililaeoiiiily.l',i i,. jB uel uVhle."11 '" """ "UW """I 1 JaOjTl1 It In fiiv'ornlily loealed for tim irB.., enryj OIIHLKJ BALK "A.TB L tonsit OP VALUAULU li:h Ustvtp r-T In iiurfmancoofniiiirderofthfjorpiiam J J-l (ircoinmuiacouniy, ri., on NiUurd noon, H.inmel Neylmnl, ndnilnlMrutM,,!. c'hni) tntu nf llebcfca NntrlQ Into ni i Vnt.-J. . nH f-ahl mm .Id county, (lecuused, will expose ifH;,,!5Wl ihllo vtMidno. on tho iirvmlse-f, ncertai t JU8T1 id Iot Bitiuto U (Vntro townshin ,f, 0 s-t- ...Inlnltnr Ml.nnl TU'll A I tl i-u i 1 "ll ti IOH discribed at follows, to wit: on the t ZZL bind nflhlllp Miller, on tho eusthv La i12 -Cntn)bcll in tho Hoilth by tli) SVihV FPro Cnntlnndon thu west by land of Oliver i K" on which Is ert'Ctcd u twontory jther FK AM K DWKLMNO I10LF table, a' well of water at thoddnr.aj. TiH WAttltEN'B MANDItAKE Arn nnilnnhtnllv thn host Hut hurt la Pills for use In Mils malarious section orcmintrs cveroircied to tlio public. They net directly upon theUvcr and biliary ducU.nud enrry of tho poison which orouuees rsicic-iieaiiariu, iiiiiousncss, iivit 'oiiinlnlntN. LhlllH and Fever. Ill lout and Typhoid 1'evern, nnd all diseases wlilcli nriso irom lorpm ncuou oi uie iiver aim jiowcis, js a regulator for tho bowels they nro unequalled. no hure aim oris lor nr. warren b ijivor A'lim. unlv Auencv hi lUoum-iLurir. iiiindershotLs imif? Store. Oct. SCO-tf. an open ncrmuioiiq uicer on ino neeic, sno nun t vcr. Merchant, ijvery .liccintuH-. bail Cough, Pain In tho Lung and severe NUht ,,!...,,' Manufacturer, Kiery Farmer. HwoatH. huo expectorated much Mucoua and i.t,rv Miuincss Man, and Kvcry oung Man. lllo6d. had nonppetitc.and waurcatly exhaust- v0.,li ten times tin price. Att-enU are havhu rd. fcho was not able to pet out even to church " , cess. Tor circulars and lull Informs for moro than nvt-ar. Hhe wi attindcd by phy- t' , ,i,iP1,.u ucUTO. n Fiauie, a wen in waier ai uionnnr.fiii Il'i", iu, mm iiiu k c-i. iiu in Niiiu ii u me mwiiii Tl.HMHOl-' pUIUiTO SATjK Or VALUAUIK lit. At E.STATK. Tho underRlsnod, F.xecutorof the last will of .Tames Kvcrltt, late ot O ran go township. Colum bia eonnty, deceased, will xposH to public fale, on tho premises, on Haturday, No ember mil, IfjCi), nt ono o'clock In the afternoon, tho follow ing described real estate, to wit! A Tract of Land containing In the whole about ono hundred ncrcs whereon are erected a STONE DWELLING HOUSE, a Frame Bank Barn, Htone Hprlng House, Wag on lloiiho, and outbuildings; a well of excellent waterandaneverfalltnKHprlng.us aUo n large oichnrd of cholco appto trees. The property will b3 ollered In twn parts, an divided by tlm public road leading from Thoman 41' Henry's to Jes&e Ilrumstetler's, orns a whole, tobtiit purchasers. Also at tho same time, a THACT OF TIMBER LAND, containing about Twenty-FJvo Acres, tbo tlmbor being mostly plno nnd oak. Market and saw mills convenient. Terms mado known on day of tale, by MOSn"i KVKIUTT,- Nov. C.'oD-lw, llxecutor. slclans, nnd took cod Mvor oil for nearly two years, but sllll continue I tonlnk, and the doctor at last stated thut recovery was nut of tho ques tion) and that all he could do was to relievo her KuHerings; wo fullv expected her death, but wero providentially Induced to try a boitlo of the (treat tholinpts Kmnpilv.niiil.tlm olfocls belmz m maiked, we ofcourso eontlnucd its use; Hhe has taken six bottles, and the Ulcer on tho ucckt the hxprctnratlon or lllood, tho N Is lit Hwcnts, rougn, Debimy, ac, iiaoan diappcaiea, ami Rtrangc tohay Mie has nctunlly iulti recovered ner lormer neanii. Mv niece from lllmlra is nlso inklnit tho Item rdy for Hyupcpsla with good Kcsiilts. Tlio dls- coer,v oi Mien a itemeuy is vii:u mis uccu iou llClNlfll, With (Iratfful lleg.nds, MltH. 11. 1 STAOO. StAIlK Till: ThS PIMO Y OV TUB ItHV. UK. T .,.,.11 nn1nltli..t ihlll. M... Un.r. I.,.- dau?Uler,hfi nas used the Shoshonces itemedy, and can testify In the lullot unnnir to their ntgii stauaing, ami to llio reliableness or their ItectorofHt. IVter s Church Oeneva, N, Y, Ail uruggiMs sen me nemouy at 81, n i iAi.' a m.. Publishers. ltartlord, Conn. " Unquestionably the Ursnmimnru iru w Ii AlU'KH'S MAGAZINE. BLIC SALE Communicated. Centhalia, I'a. . ,Nqv. 1st. 1809, J Aln. EDi'ibit l)EAn,Sijt:ltei)lioniu" & Co., hav tnkuii tlio contract to build tho now Breaker, now in courso of crecllon In .Montana near this place. Tho lumber is coniinp; in fast und it is honed thu wor'k' will, lie finished by tho 1st of Slnrch. P'iioiiiis "Us-ans .(- Co., lmvu tho con tract for linking tho -lliaftj it Is now sunk .sixty yards. Tho work Is pro-gi-f ssIiik favorably. Mr. Morris lloliln son thOj owner, isiijjuWi'c spirited citizen, and understands coal affairs thoroughly. Thero Is no doubt but tliatlio will push tho work to completion ataii early'date.. This will.bo iiiiothoraiso to our oi,d of tho county. Mr.,Jloblnsou Intends to build ton o'r twenty substantial and coinfortablo dwelling houses for miners. They will bo mqro spacious1 and comfor table dwelling.', than usual Us they will bq built so 'tlia't'Uvofamillo.Honly can oc cupy,'", block'.' As It Is at present four families nrd general huddled togetlier In simllnYljulUUilgs. Tills of courso is inju riou.V'to health, and coinfurt', niid' this fact Is well tnbwn to tills enterprising .operator. Th.o' lucreafo of populatioii hero wl(h tv sufllclent supply of labor for tho iheli employod.at ii.falr'eoiiipen satloiij (4 orgeat benellt to tlio fatiViers of 6ur 'county. They can ralsoabun danco' of garden Bufl"6f till kinds lit for use, anil reccivo it ready 'nirtrket. for it hor'e. Aj'u'ou'sii'belonglng to Mi-.M.IIuglies of Ceiitrallahariiryssod. to Jauieii liry", son jr's., carriage, while standiiigfrtlcd',' 'at Lelby's Hotel at'Mouunj'jph! Ycd '"eM?iliyfpl'gllai;e'kV9t I'ooso.ran offnnd was found on tho iiiountalii.tho carrlagq broken, and tho horsa It (s said, slightly injltrcd,- Tho ' t of tho chain must hdvosllpped tliou'gli tho brldlo rlpg. In alluding to tho death ofMr.Llght foot', h last,)veok's Issue, iustead of 11 vn children It should ho one. My Infon mant not to blamo for thjs instate. A vouko married niiin by tho nanio orJohn imtler, wnanccldeiilly shot at Raven lluu, fourmllcs .east of this bo rough on Tuesday last. Ilo is in a very critical condition mnl fears aro enter, lalned Sot Ida recovery. Hu was. an. In dustrious and good citizen MtyJiiUIer hiw frleud.i and Byinpii, thlzvw lutthls borough. That ho may Bjieedlly iccover Is tho fcincero' wish of your CorretipQiideiit. i), y, jA Use jor Hotii Hands! It woulj bo a food thing for 'nif n nnd women wero they tnught in childhood to uso llicir loft hand oiually with tlio right. Tho uso of tlio right hand pnlyi'nr certain actiond ifucli ni writing an'd working' with mechanical tools- is entirely conventional, and lli crotloeHtut appear to bo any. reason why people should not ho anibi dexter in dvtry kind of manual work, l'er torn who have lokt thoir light hand by uoel. dont fiwiuently acquire groat facility with tho1 loft after sonio practice, but grown' up poixKw have not always the tat!eneo to be take ttelnsclvoi trt tliti necossary practice. Ily children the thins would bo acquired in (cntilly, it' means wero taken to load them lo the practice ol it. Children living in housoj where two languages are spoken, acquiro both with great facilily, und what is true of tongues would lo equally ro of hands. V A I. U A II L II HEAL KST A T U. In purnmuroof nn order of tho Orphans' Conrt of Columblu Cuuniy, rnufiyl-nnla,on Bnturituy. November wtli, 1S09, nt 10 o'clock in tho f rrnoon Hiram J. Itcedcr, ndmlnUtralor ofDnvhl Uolu--bneh lalo of Locubt township in said county, de ceased, will expose to Bale, by public vendue, on the premises, u ccrtntu TRACT O LAND, bounded nnd described as follows, lo wit: On the north by laudsof Hlephcn Ilnldynnd Mlnner IIlleH, on tho east by land of N. Kostenbfluder, on tho south by land of Win. Bench, nml on the west by land of Samuel Bhuler, containing ONK HUNUIIKD ACUEH, more or less, on which are erccicu n two story FRAME DWELIjING HOUSE, ll.im nnd outhouses. Also, nt tho snmo time nnd place, will b sold the p'raonnl property of said deceased, viz: Two head of Horses, tno Mllrh l!tws, ono Ilelferlloas. one.Two-llorso WdRon, one HprltiH Waon, Wht-itt, Corn nnd Oats by tho bushel, Household and Kitchen Furniture, with n lot uf iithor articles too numerous to mention. 45- Conditions mado known on tiny of sale, by IIIltAM J. UllKDKl!, Nov. 5,'CO-lt. Admlnlstnitor. WIDOW'S APPRAISEMENTS Tliefotlnwlnsappmlscmontrf of real nnd per- have been tiled In tho olllco of tho It, sister oi iiuuiuu, cuuuiy, uuuer i,,o times oi i;ouri, una will bo presented for absolute continuation, to the Orphans' Court to bo held In llloomsbunr. in and for said couuty, im Monday, tho cih day of dcc. imijuiiwoo'ciock r. M.. or said my, unless exceptions to such eoutiru, annus sre,pievlously II led, of which oil persons interested iu said estates will talco notice : 1. Widow of John ItlchardH late of l'lne twp. Witlow uf John Conner Into of llcntoil twp, dte.'d.' .1. Widow of David l'.obrl ach late of Locust iwp. iiecu. 1 Widow of Churles Hcfs late of Mini In twp. deed. 5. Widow-bf John Denlutt Into of Jlntllson twp. deo',1. I ' IS. Whlnw oi Kdwnrd S'chlck lalo nf CuLiwlssa iwp.,ui!u nj ; i 7. Vldjiwof Ellas Bitter into of Locust twp. XoV. liki-it JOIIN-O. I-'ilKKZH, lteglster, Kruioicit'B aJ1'IUJ-J. iNOTICi: Iri hereby given to nil lesatcc-s, creditor nnd other liersons ltlterostoJ In thnnAtntfj. or t,m rn pectlvo deceitents nud minors, tli.it the follow lusndinlnlstrMlonnii I Kii-tnllnn mecounts have .vt, Mien .ii iiiu uiuuu ui (IIO KCUlbier OI (JOtum- bU county, nud will bo presented lor' contlrinn, tlon ond allowance In liu grjlian'Vourt, to bo hc-M In llloomsburg.ou ilondny. tho 13th day ot JJpe, itou, nt two o'elo.'.ila the alternoou of B1I1U flll. !.-.Ael.''."!!'.'.,,f'!' J- Hulehlson ndin'r of Ucv. '.!','.) " iulonf l-'lshlnucroektwp, deo'd. .. . . "i --ion's j.veriii,t.xr, of jam i livorllt lato of Orann two. ileo'd. a. rlrst nccountot Wm. Ntnl und C.W.Hnyder Exr's or Wm. Nnyilcr lalo of llloom twp. deo'il. i. Aceountpfl'eter Kut ndin'r Willi tho will iitiiiiuAcii uiivuriiuam jvune, into or urano twp. 3. Account bflt n. jreues'i (luaidtan of Mary lledlno minor chllil nri- ,ii,uii,,af v II. First nud Ilnnt nccount of Ilallls StlrllnB ec? V ' "lr w' I'H"er Jnte of Bloom twp. '7;!')'rll,n,",, ,fl.n!1.1,nt'.:o""' "f- S. Miuman "J"' fVi;J.isliitilu-K.laloiof, Montour twp. if. i'lr.trmut 11,11 mioount of Neliemiall' Reeco ....... . -.(in., iieevo Ul 41CI1110U1C twp. U-C U. II. Vofoiml of Lewta Christopher adm'r of. Ui-o: nil" iS , 9 SIon""'r 'WP- deo'U. ""i I'n'imi iicuount oi oamuct ey lie VI Jr 8t,t,W ot Solo""," yolgeltj ..IVJ'1,"11!1"' ,?"."! necount of Cyrus Itelcharii Nov.5,'C0-lf. joun a. ntun.K. Heaister. llovr Ho.t, ttrr'i Ultttr. cure yiirrU. 'TJIlt WltOJ.li STOUV IX A MUT811liI.U Tlie'olHee of the stomdci Is to convert the food Inlpu creunt-like tml-fluld, called Chyme. This Iseireclediwrllyby llienctloqol a solvent, roll 04 tho gaktrejilye. whlcl( exudes from (ho coat lnBbfthol,t6macll,, and purtly'uj'a Iriechanlcal inovemtnt of that lofg an, which uliurns, us It were, the dlssvlvlug alnitnt, Tho Cliymo pakso from thp ,stoiuAli Into, the. deodeuurn, or en trance to the' bowels', where t is sulilectnd (W action of the blhyiutl the nutritious portion of it' ""wmh "u nuia called Chyle. whlch even', tually becomes blood. Now, It is evident that If llio great solvcnt.'tho gastric Juice, Is not produce! In sufllcleht quart tlty, or llho raechauical action of the stomftrli Is notfcufllclontly brlsli.the first proccnof Ulges tion wUl bo but Imperfiicily, Performed, it Is uliocUorthaliriho'llver,-wlich plsys such un inipOrUmtjiart iuelmlislng the nourlslilng'por.' tloupf ht rhyme Into the material of the blood, ' "'flftftW I rl" any unnatural condition, tho secondVrocess WU )0 tlio'roughly ncoom pllKod. The result of tho two failures Is dyspep sia, complicated with biliousness. Tho mods In wjilch HOHTinTKH'-i I1ITTKRH operate lu nieh eases is ths; they .lnvlgorulo the cellular membrane of tjio ktomach.w hlclt evolves the gustrlo Juice, thereby Insuring un uniplo ulllClsney vftlio iluld to pnuplelely dlssolvo the food. They nlso act upon tho nerves, uf (he. Mum ach, causing nu acceleration of tho mechanical movement necessary t,i reduce tho food to a homogeneoul mass. They also net perlfleully upou the liver, treiigihcilng It, and so eiubllua It to produco un ample mid regular supply of blle.for tho purpose of converting the nutritions par Holes of the 01,j-me into Chylo, nnd promote the passage thloujli the bowels uf the useless debris, Iu this way, IIOSTinTEIia IlITTEKH cure dyspepsia nmj liver eomplalut. The explanation Is plulu ultnple, ilill,iophlcal, and Hue. rpitlAIj LIST FOR JL. A. U, IbW, r 1I.ST wi:i 1 Jackson. DEC. TEUJI m Marl., Utile, Vocum. llnuphawnut, Clarlc. Little A Freeze. Clark. Freeze. Whttmoycr, Little. Clark. IliocUwuy. Clark & Fleece, Knoir. Miller. Clark. Little. Freeze. Kaliler. Clail:. Clark. Whltmoyer. Ilrockwny. Whll, noyer. Utile, Clark. Clark. Fl'eexe. Darkley. Clark, 1'teeze A Little. Wultmoyer. Freeze. lu.-ze. Darkle. Little. Clark. Utile. Kahler. Clark. Freezf, -rthodef. I-ltllo & Free,-. WJillmoyer. ' Levelle. freeze. Ikiler. Kuotl. ClUlll. Whltmoyer. Little. Clark. Kaliler. WhUmoyf-r. Freeze. Droskwuy. Msrrllrotheis. fAbrahiM U. V, Se bert. fWilllnm l)avl, vs I Margaret llrahany. I The West Dranch In's. Co. Isimon C, Sldve. flMwanlM'Callct. ol. ! s (.John Hweoney. SLavIua llavennort, vs William Kllnetop. (John Coleman, vs ( Michael Cronau. John Cooper, vs lunlellluwcrct.nl. (Isaac Fegely, J. vs (.James W. Kaukey. (Abraham Young, vs (.Jacob Wouliver, Charles It. Green, fCh ll'c fLui Gei ter riehuj. iiicas N. Mo er. jmrper's Mnit.iilne,irt hum Iho Illustrations contains Irum mi.v u "he ",'" " M' " Yn i maiteriiuiii any snini.li i-i.-i.u..w.. ...... v Kn-illsll language. tV,i'cl .Voices , the i'rt-J.. The most l opulur iionlhly In tho world Xcw York obierur. . , , . . . i-.. ,.,kt r.-r..r in ii-rins ot enlo-jv to the hmh .r,...lixreltenees of Harper's Mojtazluo n Journal wllh a monthly circulation ot nbout t ,.. r.ui ,...,.u.-, ulr.,i inures nro 111 liO fUUIld sonio of Iho choicest lliihl nud general rending of tliciln', WU spina Ol liin sms "ii i.-....... oftheculiuieottho American people; and the popularity It has acquired Is meiUed. Ijich 'Miniberiontalns hilly lit piiges of reading mat- ... ,..rl,ti,W ,Illll.tttl1l'll with i-lld woihI- cut's: uiidltcoiiihlncslu Itself tho ruey innuihly nnd tho nioro phllosoihlcul iiuarleily, blended With tllO Utsl lelllUICS OI llio iiuiiy jouiiiui. i t...u ,mI i,tt-r In Iho illsselllltinlloll ul n lOVO ol puielltcitttuic TitL'n.NKH'sG'iiWtlo.-tmcrlcuii i.lltTHIIire, JXl'ltlirfl. t, iu,,na,,rn,n i unite, k nf Journal sm Iho Cd tlAH.,1 ni'imiirenient nf lllimer'S. All tllO pcilodltnls wnlch tho Harpers publish nro almost ideally well eelltcd. I heA'atum, X. 1'. wo can aecouui lor us sueecsw wiuj .mco..., ple fact that It meets precisely Iho popular tuste, llirillSUIUH 11 Vlllll-lJ UI ,,Kl,u,uaimv,.,. reuulug lor an. iua juium, xauivn. SUBS3IUPTI0NS.-1B70. ti:ums: 1Iahi'lk'.s MA(iAZi.vn.ono year 5 i CO. An I'.rlrn f'nnv nf fillhrr IllQ IMttirazluC. Wctklv rivi'Miit-icrlbi'rMiLLSl IXJt'uch. In one remittance: or, Six Copies for C'JJ w Itlioiit extra cony. Wubscrlpilons lo JIiirper'H Mtiguilne, Weekly, niiti iiazur. iu uiii) uuuiL&fi iui uiiu ljii . civ w. n. two ofllarper'H rcriudUaU. to ono uililrcps lor ono year, 17 00. Uuclt numbers cxn bo huppllcd nt uny time. A Coinnlt-to Ket of llnrner's Mmrftzine. now I COlOpriSlIlg iy OlUIIlfS, 111 111ML I'lUtll UiUUillgi will bokont, bv exnreHo.trt'lizht at exneusu of iur cliikstjr, fur ti 'ij per voiumt. Hlntjiu oiumen. by , limn, pfip.iia, w. uioui eftts, ior miming, i As ft -ul 4. hv mull, iinslti.ilil. l no pu-Jiajjo ou nurpur s iiiitiiiu i uiu u I e:ir. wlilcn must bu p.ikl at the subscriber's 1)1)81-UII1U', JllUieM n4 iiiinii r. iiiifintf i,na Oft. :!Vtii-tt, 0V Voilt. lullio PMiIuomtilitfU'n-aoijk n liln of (Vntrp oml cauiitv air, 'Lai HALK:-lVn bef eentLr 1 Tllii1 of tlio jmiclinso money at tbo Hiililiiu hoi ten per cent at tho etmllnimtlim nW".''. lourili, the Imlaucu In ono U'ur Un.TeiiL. iBHt HlLeit--ni 1 1 win iiiu until iu n inn hi j, nrm A.ni!JXM.YtaE VQ bus o'ld liv tho iiintprliMifil Vir IstltU thu InfU will nml Tesliinienl of Win, Uh. IlaZt' of Centre township In tho cmmly t,r u J.i, leeeascu. .u inai eenain nicssunae ul .UtH1 if i.tiui Hiittaio in lemru lounMUut: ountv. lullolnlnu UuuU of H.uii'u-1 i'ianplj Ueorgo W.lialler, Lh.ules Lie ui.'l 1l 1M ((uilalnlin; !? oni: iiuxniu:n and hixty YAW more orlehS. actual amount fnln nr r' treJl Hurvey, nbout ono huinluil und tliiny AXm.' wiUQii in iiii proven ami iuuo-hi Kiaicm tlon, nml bilanco well thabciea, Jvrled One lMiUilt .Kvi'lUtui rwur.uxi hoise fghT' House, u hru, t tit Wnirnn Hlutl. Corn Ci IbK.liuSiv. iwn. I Une of Water, ono at the bain and tlio uUwn TtiMi rianlc House, ami iv koo-i (.print; ofin;, JJm water at tho frame dwelling Iiuik w house. MB TermHiiiitilounou'ii tynpMiiMtioiH;i' -niiilcn,liincd. or Kilwatil .M. Wnnlhi l: Jw. Cotiitnbt.i county I'a. T l'OHsebKiou o Miui prejuisi's win ih ElKaiirS vl im, isto. 4Ct ,v Knmr i exposed lominn fnie on iup xwmiiv JMVM WAUDl.V nt , v eai neny, rurrion 1'j.r, p Ull LIO SAL E -jjjg '-ividi nt-'Liin eoiuoW. Culliliner, I D.ivld Lewis (luarillan of , wioueirsoijoiiiiiiessdecd. IcolllnsKntllU". (Wm. Ikeler, ! v I John favnge et. al (Henry J.Vesple, - vs (.Isaac Drum it terie tenaut (Henry J. Venple, A s (.Is.lao Inula i lerro tenant. Minion u Shlvo vs Ulnuuali K. Armstioiijr, I Henry liable 1 l'etfr IIou-er.lerre tenant. Austen Chureli v I Andrew Claris, (Hirali l.Vic, s IWiu. JIuileller, tt. nl. I John l'rleu, i vs IRamtiel Gi ti-il. I Ueuhen H, Klun. vs IKllshall. I'ursel. I K.ira A.l'eterm.iu's adm'if Iviilenilno Wont, ut.nl, illldcon Arndt. s John U. Iiclby. f IlobertH.'Huniplon vs iniehard Wulklns. (Thomas lleutleU -( vs (.Uriah t'haiiiberlln, (A A J. llelnoehl lt.'ielt.i "A Cojii't.KTK rictoniAi. Hisroin IIF TUB TIMfcH." "7'Ae best, cheapest, and viost aucceiifiil Jttmlly lMtrlnthc Uilton" Ii AlU'KH'S WEEKLY. Sl'LKNDIDI.Y ILl.UHI'llATI-:!). In November will bo conilneneod ".Man ainl Wife," a new serial story, splendidly Illustrated, by YVIIUlo Collins (Author of "Tho Woman In v, iiiu, piame," "Armauaie." ana "llio Misinstone.") Xewbtibscilbcrswiilbe suppllud with llarner's Weekly from the commencement ofthe htuiy to the end ol lb7U lur l'our Uulttrs. Th tVifictil Xoticel o the 7VfM, Model ,'ewpaler of our counlry. Com- iwauuuA 1!. It. It. Co. coi en y, i,tt vs in. r-ehuyler. Monroe lliundiige :ilsh,t ji. riusoll. Alexunder folly V M LAIInasCole. ehaelOruNi-i- u,c. 1"' IW li:i ( Mleliae vs (If. f.Mi p.etu in all thu uepaitnients or au American raiailyl'aper, Ifarjier'H Weekly has earned tor iiheirarl-tit tolls title, "A Journal of civiliza tion." .A t w York JJunliuj iW, ltarixr'H Wueklv iiuiv bu iinri-tsc'iifitU'ilfftnr. ed tiiu bet newsnaner In Aiaerlc.i. A, l imit. jtcnUciit, inu arucies upon puuiis (jUuHitona whleli np peur lu llarpci'H Weekly ituiu ueek to week lorm a lenniruubloneilesof briel polltleal essays, 'ihev are UlKilimuUhed bv elL-nr nml im.Iiili-iI htateaient, by goodeoininon-beuhe, by indtpen uemo and br.alh of view. They uiu the exi'ic.is- iu ui iiiuiiuu uuijutiiuii, msii principle, biioug leulliiK. and take their idueo iminiiL' tbu hti iiewi)uper writing of the lime AWi Auurieaii .suuscnip'riojss.-io'o. TUltMS : Haki'KH'h Wixklv, one year $ OU. Au Ilxlra Copy of clthtr the JlaBajlno, Weekly or llu2.ir wilt lid supplied t'rutls toi every Club of r lvo Hubscribers in !l ou i-ucli.lu one lemlttunu-: or, hlx copies lor 8-JUUJ, Viiihuutexlra copy. nuliserlbtrs lo Hurper's Magazine, Weekly, and llaur, to ono tuldiess for ono year, to to: or, two ot Harper's ftilodlcuis, to one address for one ear, 57 U). Hack Numbers can bo mppllcd. ut any time. 'tho Alillusl Volumisnf Harper's Weekly, lu mat clotli bludlnu, will bu scut by eipress, iit-o ul ixiwiise, lur S7 eueh, A coluplelo (set, eoinpils luf Jhliteeii olumes, tent on receipt ul cash ut llieraloolti 'Ji i,er vol.. ,,ifl,i i putcliaser. Volume XIII. leuuy Juuuarj 1st ls;o J ho Kiitai:o on Uurner's Wielilv l ysi w pain at ino buuacrtucr'M v a ii u a ii l 1; it 1: a i, in mil huh i ii. u ui mi iMiKi in iuvuq iut r", of Columbia eonnty, IU., on Matunltj 1 tt 18 1 ilny of November next, at 10 o clods In It. noon, Teter Knt, AilmlniKtrntorof JjtnrtKt"" lute ofLocUht'towiihhip, lu Mildcountf.ilt.'jntf will expose to nale, by jaiblle Vfinlut- j! premises, a eerlnln itpnl I.stntf tra -IBB partly In Locust nnd pintle In tntali Jlll hbln boun led on tho east by l.in.l of Jtalvtt, and Ik.uio Krwln, on tbenorlh uy Iinfli Cibitm uel Yenrrr and Inane lluath, ihi ttiti m, laudsof Fiedi-rhi Holder and J. Pnimhc -.W fl I on tlioBouth by land of J. OiUien nml tifl contnlniuti Seventy Tour A-iph tnon,(r"n whttli are elected a Jhall TWO STORY DWKIjIjIXo Horifejj a lot; bum, a hinoltft hotie, a praK n iniV ahpititK of never fulling wikr llti,r It( mere-is aiKo u largo uppiu urnum nn-'" irulttiees. Two third j of the land nr. and the balaueo tlmbtted. Tuom-sm o f r n tfucu t tint purehabcr ut llietiuif (itoi ntia V ihe estalu of hiud deceased. (-Itu He in '''".t,-! hhlpsot l.oeuittnnil Catuulss.iaudiouaii IRQ, said. CULiMAN.t.iaBM .TKUMS OF BAI.Kr-TenperctiitofocM-jWI of the pure Havo money at ino fctrlklHS1 tho property; tho balance of the fuuitn, wg ion per etni ut me conunuauun uibuuit.- , fourib. tho balnnee. In ono yrartlirrci'''tr a ai Interest from tho rotittrmutlim iu veul l'urchaser t'i pay for deed H!t', jjg'jjtinuifl Oct. Jl'.'69.-lw, Ailiuiuis' 'itea - - . - "(sent Ul-' AbUAllbK ill'iAli l-"l In mimmnco of an order of t lie Orp of Columbia eounty. Ta,, on S.ittir.la i dn of NAviMiilmr. Ihf.'l. al. It) o'cltu k Hi noon, Wm T. Miumiin mat Wai M Vf ulnlutp.itititi ,(n.,.r ! Ian l, .1 't Her. ml towiinhlp, luMihi couniy, di-renso! sale by publlo vendue. on the pri-mlM ' , lowoa; real csi.ae, io wm . v Trnut No. 1. Kllnaln In mWl towmn1-!! ded by lands of .Ineob 111 own. Ih.i0 SID1 Paula lirouer, and Daniel uenn'n. -vppea JIarr. IlllL puH-otUce, .UUii Oct. iUiJS-yt, JiAiti'Klt &. inioTiii:itM, New Yuiic, Clark a Hroekway J Peter Hehug, JInorr.' Tjeezo &, Abbott II u i ley. Hurley, JJrockwuy Cildy. Clark. Knorr, Kahler Ikeler. Little. Frceu Knorr. Clark. Clnr " ' Freeze & Kuliler JtohlsoUi Clatl:; Frocto. Froize, IJrockway, Uiwell. I'reeze, Whilmnyer. llroclmiiyi ij'houiiisoii. l-'rteze, -I I Charles I,eo J Jacob II. Creasy III. V, fiallumn. Juiues W, Saukey, use. tJiicob Hlroun.. f James Wjankoy"use.- IA'lexanclerl'lienry. i win. nancock, vs ICharles, Uooue. I Win. Mrr, ' UIuijhesA Uuclile. UJ. Dyke 1. vs ' U oter Kaso I Daniel irower, Jr. t ' Vs I Daniel Hower, Hr.'s Aclmrs. I j nomas Hushes, use, 1 vs ' LWesly Ituekel. f Hoblnson & Co. -t vs 1 Jacob Ale lis. I ueorgo JIustersA Hon, Isamuol llruiiler. JDauiel Hhuin.ius AUinr's. (.Muthlas Alstelter, et.al. IJi. T. Howell (.t.ul. i vs I Mary 1-:. (In eh, frreiierlck Hosier, IClliloon O. Hosier, et, nl. William A. t'aso. 1 "-t Jitfiviilorij of Utifori. 2'tcaiitri1 lion," iVlll'KU'.S UAZAll. unit, Jub-uc H (John J lO.Ii Ii JJ4Hi:COI,l-:MAN,l'rolh'y Tho tivp. of Hiiotl, i Jaepbs, vs lohusou. suniileiiieiit i-iiiiliiliili,, .r...... patterns ol useful ai ttelebueioiupuuies tho luncr orluyj.SlVlou,i';,r "'" eleuW. .IJarpcr'is JIaiiroijiitaliwlO folio pates of tho slzoof Harper's Weekly, prlnttil uu wiieil iie calenacrua paper, unit Is puull8hcu,wcekly. S CViffcal Xotlcea of the Ireu. ter!,"sr e$e" a v2,",'"?1""' M(" P'e'les,- liat. ?il i ,ni ''""K'i1 ." '""iehe lu'edltorJ nte SJ, i f?,,l'tc'u.1 y 'V1."!"1- tho elrclo it W "umUUeS'o'meri't: lieU lulliousamtsol lumillef. uui lia Sumi.l.7.;i iiaiu iiueu uiu Uemauil. 'iiiu yuuuic lady who buys u kiinsle. number ot llarixifrilitiar w inaUo nsubscilUerforlltc.-AVie J'JrA Jii'ulw jVl I ho Jliiiar is ez colleut. Lmo all tho i.criodl. f.te.S?! ? !. ''.?. ll'irpei's pnbllsl llVaiil uyiui, neuiuiieu, UllU Iba c sss hr ln.lnr t i eVs n avV, V .mnttV l!"- iluuut. aro n. ,r,7v"..,.'f'.?"' "V.'.1-''' ,v""vu SrB ssssss tii'ti Bood-nulUlea niculor, Vic .Vudol, , ,Ai if,"1! ,lb0 '".'''i11 !'' heliiB sensible, of eouveylne usiruitlou, oi Kivlni; esculent patUrns in every lep irimeui, ni.uoi noma well siocm-u VliliKooa H-iilUBiimturv-irn(ciai and Uejlactor, SUlriUlUl'riON.S...107O. TISHMsJt iUla-lin'sllAZiii, one icar ou. All KXtril ConV (if l.lLliar I1,u I .... r . "I ,,1i'ar 5 "' bo supplied grot'ls for eitry eiViti J. T1IOKNTON won ill unitnuiifrt uiu un (i viriniiv. iii and eompletentssorti ai, I'AlNiH, WINDOW bHAPKfi ------ luiuii, TAB.SI.IJi, ounce to iho eitlzeinoflllo,)!!.! irV.nent0ofU'JU''trmVlJa,1' I!, W I ND O W 8 II mm, conns, TAs.si.tji. iiml ull (other Koods lu his line of huslin Iho newest nud most npproviil pat "",D m's'-?,!1 yuy ,0 1,0 rl" ll 111 IiIhVH bl et py. ' 1 1 "u,"n't exira rSubscrlpltons tu llarpor's llnsazlne. Weekli- . .v.-, . uttu uuuii-H iur ess. All nsor ina Mir.vui-f ji a , ' A i,I,,1. i'V?" !!.'"- TT K 13 1) U a -M "B i ii v k n to j o u i. Uliffli .l 1. ...m , . an .li.iiit..,, iV.ii.i." , " lo n"l" address tiou , t ... K. r.Nr-.lJDHAMil; HON. one year, tl et), Hack Numbers can ba supjiliea lit any lime. OK. 1, nud II. Of Ihuper'K HlZ.tr. for tho vr.nr- 1SU.VU. uesuiilly hound WwZSnmSlIKZfi,' Si'lh y "" frel-l'V Prepaid, lur ti 1 B lliepostatio on Hurper's Pazar Is S) eenla a 5offiS!f1,ASSS.J" ,""J 1,1 ",0 '"ViliM HAltl'KIt 4 JinOTHl-niS, New Vorlr, 0248,626 J ST 5 IHlSt- Oct. SU.'CO-tlt, A liL KINDS Of JOU JMUNTINO For Purt Wtlir, eia luisctoorsiea ramp, ssureij iiiieieit, durtbli uj rella. clsieostltetli. CWJeUfuUea.il woodsa Pubid. and coil Uii thin hill tha monty. fcuii; trrsagod ) u to I. nuD.frtsiinc. lad la coutructlon io Bland. ikit in one cm put II up end Hiplllnrepilf, IHI; 0EJI AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOW MAD Oet.t,'g.Cm, "VH1-I1E11 glil-,'ptlil .th Ikn- neat ineasuie. Tho lmnrnvc, uents nu tills trn, Un ono halt story rraino DwelllnK Ilnu-f 'Jut Il.irn, and other out housis, a b1 'j -nllhu dour nl tlio ilwelllns; a k",IPI S? ' nllctenrcit land and in a isms I Mu"- rra Trsct .Vn.9. Pltll-ilo 111 nM",;,'JciCo lundedbylanilsorriacyJi.liii,JIJ"1'S,, Yetter.nna Iieirsoflleury ro','isn. eg, talnlnt; .til 110 ACRES AND I'l'.i'ujw Tt.n t. ........... ...,i0 .... ,i,!4 o.i,' :i'l filmy Stono Dwelling lliinse. a B""1.1!"'" Wfi and all noeesmtyoui ImlMluiis n kpuu. jm anno iiaiii nun jioummmihii'hi" iirul ortiiarii.u vineyiirii.iinu a K'"V' , h- Itood Itult. Oni, huudioil aud i''nl) fill cleared laud, ulul ill a uoiid, slide J '"' tiS thu balaui'u Is wi ll tlmbeieJ. , ,E T.....I v -1 uli, l Hi, I Jmumleil by 'lands of Itudnlpli r;!'11'-" Ulfl, 111'llSlll ulll llll Vllill Hill I , , . hart, Henry llowmiiu.ilee'il.. "'l J " iieu xetier, eoniaiuuiK TJu .... l m ia.j AOIIKS AND ID l'lilM-lli-'Jii ilmpi-oveliientson this ir.ul an ,,att uirstory fiainoilwi'lllni!ai!-ll",; i." 1 wellof water nl tlio door f ' YiTV 'Jhe ono ii a coo house, nnd out hulldlims, ne iilvliniil. -J ho hind nil clenredi of cultlvatloil. ' ' . ... J,IUO 1110 ChttltO OI KIIIU UCl'eiiM'i. un.l laus township of Malno and wiiiiity , ilon,uf tho property! one-fuiirin - j tn IIia iaii l ..t Ihn roll lriiuuo one-thlra of the purchase w'i. ifi chamed iii6nihesnldpii'i,iIses'lrLnl I nl life of'lilUabclli Vefter, '1'1? 'i B icr, ana ma Interest I ncreoi iu "".."Lrf 1 it-uuiany pnui to neriiy iu l" ',,(. chusersou ihe Urst day of AIJ'.'Sji, evory year durlni: her natural Hi;'. . 0 to be computed from thu ttrst ? ".,' 187D.nnd tho biilaucool Uiopuiciu .- , paid Inono yi-ur from lhocoullr,uii" . t with lull i,-Kl mi thu sauiu fiolil I'a Al'tU A. D. 18-11. 1I1j1.- ... rl) I 1 Oet. 109-tr. p U 11 L I O SA I- K. VALUAHuThIIAI- Kir-tTE r .....J ....rfil,.llri" ... Hiiiauiiiieo Ul Ull .tlili . - j.1 lit iu unniniiin county I'ennsyiv.i" . : ey - November II, l,tl, nl Wu'cioek In '',,Jit)l Hlluinlloss, iidinniUlltttor. 4i'.f I,, lato ot l- l.hlniicreelt timlishlp, '" t , .u.1L (ItCOUSL-l I, will eziioso to sale, by 1'""' Ofi remises, u certain incsiui' I '11 ACT O V liA-NJ' Ii rislilnuoroelc Inw'''1'',"'? on the premises,. T said, bounded i,y lands of I 'on e J (,t J , andJohiiAiidruwsonlhoensi, J"""",' fi the south, Nathan Hmllli on He "JSC 1 1'eiiler and oihers nu Iho liortli.ev''.rii, -ft, it UNUlt 111) AND Tllllt I Y.I'IS ; or less; of whlth onu hundicil ' Isud. Thtro Is on iho premises utii"" t Hiiuso, l-'ruuiu iliirn, out houses, IT,r fi and good water. Also. .,niiTt. s A OKltTATV T.OT Ol'' fill01' f . - - - siumioiii ino vii ago or as'"".-,.,, ., .j UlWIi.lilu n.ll.lnl,,;. U'lllliilll 1 1"" , iiuuynn.unui-ornol ndJolulna William J P'V'r, -W luuviin.iiiiill'iiriii.iriiucolcinall.eiiii1: r- foui (h oiunucru. whereon is.'1;;1'. Wi'lf Delll,,L- i.TiT:..'., ..n ,i hulKIMV ,r,ii t. 111,1410 nilLU14 lllLlJ 1I1B L'ailll" . ..(, l(IVlll,-" . .1 BibiMiiPiu uiu (owiiHitip no fi in firlhM.ff.!iMeiir.iriSW-: il.ll'd ol Ilm oiiihMkn nioutiV iv" 11 ! I 'A tu .1114 IIIU I'UlllinilHUU" -" ,, ..ill 1 thu puichase nnmey tu one-yef !j riu tho remalnliiL' third to rviuu" V. a, ... - tlio Inteioit tlmienf to lu iiindully of lliuiuireliajter uurlnu the niu"i- ri iu ncr oy mo imien" ,n n llielr helri nnd assluim IhjWH "ll i u-i rooovt rim lie i utri 4S in -" . i ulor.eovuublelil tills I'ouil.l"! , herdeetstu her slaiiu of l" l-j" , - ' hull ho imld to Uiu p i sous 1' i , u luereto; the iwu Inst piymeuts 17" I11n1.lv ,1,,., r..- , 1. u 1, relllls I I. aroulnijin iiioViiinls -s at II''' ',"!. riii-erv.d. ii.-,iu win in, made I" 11 or pur- lwirsuud P-- .e-s"m""'" , I , i s lit veu on ,he ins iij 01 " ' ciuuu or iitu- hts.-rs ,-unpi' 111., ,,. .,,,l..,.U.. L 1 I . ill U1 lor the ruiivvtaiicliiv and Me'.-M . i II lllAM imilll '"aiIii! ol'"' Auotloneer. ,, ,, I'Hl,lNlJl-KEKl.',Bi',t, 17, Cl-tr.