THE KAUM Hlt'S COLUMN. It 1'ayn to Koop Good Stock. Wlillo tho writer wiw recently riding In company w.ltli i well known sliifjo proprietor, In tho eastern turt of Now York State, tho latter pointed out n lino farm lying in n fortlln valley, of wlilch ho was proprietor. "StnKO routes must bo prolltabto hero nliout," wo remarked. "I assuro you," was tho reply, "that I havo never paid n dollar on llio farm from my stago route. There," pointing to a liitmhoiuc brood maro in tho (leld, "Is where tho farm camo from." Tho ntilmul, a "Ulack Itnwk." hnil foaled eleven colts j seven of theso had been sold for tho nggrcgato of $8,1(10, nnd this had nearly elenred tho farm of debt. Great caro bad been taken in chclco of tho sire, and as tho stock bo camo known, each colt brought a higher price, until tho last ono sold, a few weeks since, realized tho handsome llg uro of $,1,000. So much for good blood although it should bo added that tho owner's personal attention was given to each animal. II o would trust no other hands to feed, groom, or twin them. (Would ho havo done this with less val uable stock'.') Tho sumo expenso for feed and caro of ordinary colts might havo brought, pay an uvcrago of $200 per colt SI , 100 la all ; showing a gain of over $7,000 resulting from breeding first class stock. Similar examples can bo found In every line of farm animals. A breeder ofhwino in Pennsylvania has realized it fortune, in a few years by keeping tho best. Vermont sheep raisers havo found $.-),)00 to $10,000 bucks prolltablo to buy; a poultry fancier of our acquaintance paid $;J00 for a siuglo trio of fowls, and will make money by tho operation. Wo do not advocato a mania for pay ing enormous prices, but theso cxtremo cases provo what every farmer should feel that he cannot ntrord to breed in ferior animals. Tho ratio of increaso in profit Is far greater than tho outlay for good stock. Tho few wido-awakc farm ers who are taking advantage of this fact have it all tho easier, because1 so many of their brethren havo not yet "faith in high farming. " a. E. Todd, in tho "Church Union." Tho Tomatoo Worm. Wo do not beliovo pcoplo aro suffi ciently alarmed about tho worm w hlch lustseason, for tho first time, wo bellevo, nuulo its nppcaranco on tomato vines. A gentleman of this city ha3 within a day or two discovered theso poisonous insects In his garden. Wo copy tho fol lowing from tho Utica Observer: "Tomatoes in this vicinity aro ripen ing daily, and pcoplo should bo on their guard lest, In picking them, they should bo poisoned by tho worms which Infest tho vines of tho tomato plants. Thcro has been considerable question of lato as to the manner in which tho tomato worm poisons persons, some believing that it did so by means of a sting.whilo others have asserted that it communi cator) its poison to any object by squjrt- Jng it. .Recent developments In Syriv euso provo that tho last theory is tho correct one. Thrco persons havo recent' ly died In that city, of poison adminls- tired by tomato worms, nnd tho mem bers of tho medical profession thcro aro much excited over this now enemy to human existence. Dr. Fuller, of that city, recently captured ono of theso worms in his garden, and now has It securely enclosed in a glass bottle. Ho finds upon experimenting that It cats and digests daily about twenty times it own weight of tobacco nnd tomato leaves. It eats constantly, only stop ping to rest occasionally for a minuto or two. Investigation shows that tho mat ter ejected by this worm is as poisonous as tho bite of a rattlesnake. It can throw this poisonous matter a dlstanco of ono or two feet. If any of this mat ter falls upon tho skin of any person, it immediately causes tho parts tp swell, anil In a few hours death will put an end to tho agonies of tho sufferer. Per sons picking tomatoes should wear long wriated gloves, nnd should In some manner protect tho face, if necessary, A very serious question arises in con nectlon with tho destruction and deatli caused by theso worms, and ono which it is quite important should bo answer cd so fully and clearly as toset all dotibst nt rest. Tho question is as to whether a tomato which has been partially de voured by theso worms has not had suf ficient poisonous matter left upon t to poison tho ono who may cat it. Until this question Is fully nnswercd, tho only safo rulo to observo is to throw away all tomatoes which havo been partly eaten by theso worms, bo tho portion which has been devoured over so small. aiUNniNO IlAY FOK FEED. A WrI ter in tho Maine Farmer says : For somo timo past I havo been making observa Hons and experiments in animals' food, and obtaining what I beliovo to bo nn Improvement, I tako tho liberty of com' munlcatlng to your club tho results, Qrass being tho natural food for live stock, it Is easily and properly lnnstlca. ted, nnd as a consequenco its nutritious matter Is easily extracted. With hay, however, tho caso is different; for, when fed in sufficient quantities, tho animal, especially if Its teeth havo becomo Uat tencd by gi attempts to satisfy itself ly selecting tho leaves and tender branches. To obviate tills difficulty and prevent wasto, cutting hay In short lengtbshas to an extent beconiogeuenil, nnd Is, no doubt, a step In tho right dl rectlon. My belief Is that wo should go still further, and grind the hay as wo now grind oats ami corn. It is thought that owlng to its glutinous nature, hay could not bo reduced to a stato of meal, or, If to reduced, tho cxpenfo attending It would not Justify. To test this I eon structed n cutter and crustier on now principles, and tho result was beyond my most sangulno expectations. Ten tons a day ran bo ground with ono ina ehlno, at n cost not to exceed ono dollar per ton. Ground In this manner hay Is not unllko ground oats, snvo In color, Its weight being from 32 to 30 lbs. per uutiii'i, iMixui wiui ciioppeii kcu,tucii as corn or oais, it inauesa cnoap, excel lent food. Thus wo ell'cet liy ino chanlciil means what tho hard wnrklui? or decrepit animal is incapable of doing pcrieci inusiiciiiiuu. A oviT nt ono of our hotels, tho other evening, was discovered by tho iiroprlctor rullier 'tenderly embr;ieing tho chambermaid, Tho landlord re buked him fcomewhiit angrily, and wanted to know tho rcw-ou of fcuch con duct. "fciiuply oboying tho rules of tho uoum, "Mini wiegueBtdioinungioiiniru tacked to tho room door, "Don't it read 'Any neglect of servants tdiould bo re ported ui tho ofUcoV I do'l want to ho reported nt tho olllco for nrglcrt of fer vi'iils, do 1 V" TUB YOtJiVO FOLKS. Karl Kntz. In the midst of tho llnrlst forests there is a high mountain, of which the neighbors tell nil corts of stories; bow tho goblins mid furies daneo on it by night; nnd how tho old Emperor Red beard holds his court there, and sits on his marblo throne, with his long beard sweeping on tho ground. A great many years ago thcro lived In n vlllago at the foot of this mountain ono Karl Kntz. Now Karl was a goat herd, and every morning hodrovohls Hock to feed upon tho green spots that are hero and thcro found on tho moun tain's side. In tho evening', ho some times thought It too lato to drive his chnrgohomo; so ho used in such to shut it up in a spot amongst tho woods, whoro tho old ruined walls of somo castlo that had longago been do sorted woro lcftstaiidlng,nnd wcro high enough to form a fold, In wide! ho could count his goats, and let them rest for tho night. Ono evening ho found that the prettiest goat of his flock had vanished, soon after they were driven into this fold. Ho searched everywhere for it in vain; but, to his surprise and delight, when ho counted his Hock In tho morning, what should he see, tho first of tho flock, but his lost goat! Again and again the same strange thing happened. At last bethought ho would watch still moro narrowly; nnd, hav ing looked carefully over tho walls, ho found a narrow doorway, through which it f-eemed that his favourite nuulo her way. Karl followed, nnd found a path leading downwards through a cleft in tho rocks. Oil ho went, scrambling as vell as ho could, down tho side of tho rock, nnd nt last came to tho mouth of a cave, where he lost sight of his goat. Just then he saw that his faithful dog was not with him. He whistled, but no dog was there; and ho was therefore forced to go into tho cavo and try to find his goat by himself. He groped his way for a while, and at last camo to n placo whore a little light found Its way in; and there ho wonder ed not a llttlo to find bis goat, employ ing itself very much at its ease in tho cavern, in eating corn, which kept drop ping from some placo over Its head. Ho went up and looked about him, to seo where all this com, that rattled about his cars llko n hail-storm, could conio from; but all overhead was dark, and ho could find no cluo to this, strnngo business. .At lasf, as ho stood listening, lie thought ho heard tho neighing nnd stamping of horses. Ho listened again; it was plainly so ; nnd after a whilo ho was sure that horses were feeding nbovo him, and that the corn fell from their mangers. What could theso horses be, which were thus kept in tho clefts of rocks, where none but tho goat'j foot over trod ? There must bo people of somo sort orotlierllyinghore; nnd who could they bo? and was It safe to trust him self in such company? Karl pondered awhile; but his wonder only grow great er ami greater, when on a sudden bo hoard his own namo,"Knrl Katzfecho through tho cavern. Ho turned round, but could seo nothing. "Karl Katzl'i again sounded sharply in bis ears ; and soon out camo a llttlo dwarfish page, with a highpeaked hat and a scarlet cloak, from a dark corner at ono end of tho cave. Tho dwarf nodded.and beckoned him lo follow. Karl thought ho should llko to know a llttlo about who it was that thus nought his company. He asked: but tho dwarf shook his bead, answer ing not a word, and again beckoned him to follow. Ho did so; and winding his way through ruins, ho soon heard rolling overhead what sounded llko peals of thunder, echoing among tho rocks: the noUo grew louder and louder as ho went on, and at last ho camo to a court-yard surrounded by old ivy-grown walls. Tho spot seemed to bu tho bos om of a llttlo valley; abovo rose on every hand high masses of rock; wide brancliiiig trees throw their arms over head, bo that nothing but a glimmering twilight mado its way through; and here, on tho cool smooth-shaven turf, Karl saw twelvo strange old figures amusing themselves very sedately with a game of nine-pins. Their dress did not seem altogether strange to Karl, for in tho church of the town whither he went every week to market there was an old monument, with figures of queer old knights upon it, dressed In tho very samo fashion. Not a word fell from any of their lips. They moved about soberly and gravely, each taking his turn at tho game; hut tho oldest of them ordered Karl Kat z by dumb signs, to busy himself In set ting up tho pins as they knocked them down. At first his knees trembled, as ho linrdly dared snatch a stolen sidelong glnnco nt tho long beards nnd old-fash-ioncd dresses of tho worthy knights; but ho soon saw that as each knight played out his gamo ho went to his seat and there took a hearty draught at a ilagon, which tlto dwarf kept fllled.und which sent up tho smell of tho richest old wine. Llttlo by little Karl got bolder; and at last ho plucked up his heart so far as to beg tho dwarf, by signs, to let him, too, toko Ills turn at tho flagon. Tho dwurf gave it him with a gruvo bow, and Karl thought ho never tasted any thing half so good boforc. This gave htm new strength for his work; nnd as often ns ho flagged at all, ho turned to thosaino kind friend for help in his need. Which was tired first, ho or tho knights, Karl nover could tell, or whether the wine got tho better of ills head: but what hu knew was, that sleep at last overpowered him, nnd that when hoiiwoko bo found himself stretched out upon tho old spot within tho walls whoro hu had folded his flock, and saw that the bright sun was high up in the heavens. Tho samo green turf was spread beneath, ami thu same tottering ivy-clad walls burrounded him, lie rubbed his eyes and called his dog; but neither dog nor goat was to bo seen; and when ho looked about him again, .tho grass seemed to ho longer under his feet than It was yesterday; and trei hung over Ills head, which lie bad eith er never seen before, or had quite fur gotten. Blinking ids head, and hardly knowing whether hu was lit Ids right mind, hu got up and stretched himself: somehow or other ills Joints felt slitter than thoy were, "It serves mo right," told he; "this comes of sleeping out of ones own bed," Llttlp by llttlo ho rec ollected his evening's sport, and licked his Hps as hu thought of tho charming wine hu had taken so much or. "Hut who," thought he, "can (huso people bo that come to this odd nlaco to nlav at nine plus?" (onlimicd ) COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, PA. DRY GOODS. moo. ocrronuw ihod. IIP YOU -W-A-nXTT BARGAIN IN DRY GOODS, NOTI O N K i IIO.S1KRY, (1I.OVKH, At!., AC, UO TO M. P. LUTZ. MAIN STREET OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, DLOOMSBURG, FA. Apr.lil.rai-lf. G REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER UNT'H HTOHK, IN LIGHT HTIIEF.T, or SIRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THK subscriber has Just received ami has nu linmt nt his oM stand In Light Hired, n large and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nt the lowest figure, and which lio dotermlnedtosetlon as modernto terms ns be procured olsewliere In Light Street, FOK CASH OR COUXT11Y PKODVCK. Ills Ktock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles nnd Intent fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flaunels, Hosiery, Carpets, Hlllis, Hlmwls, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Bntlnotts, casslmers, Cottonadca, Kentucky Jeans. AC, A" AC. GROCERIES, MACKEUaL, Quocnswaro, Cclarwnre, Hardware, Medicines, Dru;s, Oils, Paints, Ac. BOOTS A SHOES, HATS &, CAPS in short cvervthiuir usually kept In a conn'ry storo. Thp patronage of his old friends li"" the puuuc generally , . icn(itviiMu nu"". The highest marUct price paid for country pro duce. VEI&tt KMi Light Street, Nov. 8 16tf7. HIST CLASS GOODS. Tho Mibscrlher has Just thoroughly restocked his store. In Cntuwlsm, lately occupied by M' Nlnch & Shuinnn, nnd now oilers for sale A COMPLETE STOCK OK Dili- GOODS, Groceries nnd general merchandise which for ounllly and vnnely will compare, lavornbly Willi uny In idu country. Ho lias a fresh nssort inetit of SPRING GOODS which ho will dispose of for cash or country pro duce. Among Ills liry Goods will bu found all llio latol ami bent patterns of MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CAI.KJOIW, Kl.ANNKI.S, SHAWLS, SILKS, CASSIMKIIS, UUOAIICLOTIIS, COTTONAIIKS, .IKANSAc.AC GIIOUUUIKS. GI.ASSWAIIM, QUKHNSWAIli:, HAltllWAlli: :i:oAiiWAiti: DltltGS, OILS, I'AIN T M, VAItNISIlIX e. 11 ATS A. ''APS, HOOTS & SHOES ami, In lad, a complete lino of guisK Is longing lo his buslines. Ah lie nil) h nml sells inr eaMl lie enll nllnr.' lo lliep in prices as iimv ii ntn lower limn must deateis. II is motto Is "UIM1K Mi.l-S AMI hMAI.I. 1'IIOKIIS." COAL OP ALL KINDS Constantly on linnd and lor salo at tho lowest market rates. Mono l'liiLLirs piiospiiati:, lspecial attention paid to the selecllonol llulld Ing iii.iterlnl. Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools, nnd HarUwnieol all kinds, to which llio attention ot builder. uudolheiH Is ieUesleU. GllAIN P 11,11 CHASED. A fulr sluirn nt nnltlie etlstlom Is lleslted mill (no etlorts will bo omltKd to give entire sallslac- JOSEPH 11. KNITTLF. Apr. 10,00 lira Catawlssn, P.i. J M P O it T A N T NOTIC E. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY O P DRESS GOO I) S, at Tin: NEW STORE, HROWER'S BUILDING, The i-plelidld looms of J. J. IIUOWEll, arc completed nnd now open to the public Willi the K I N E 8 T KTOCK ever offered in liloomsburg. All the NEW E S T STYLUS of Dress aoods, Silks, Cloths, Cnsslmei-s, Linens, Flannels Ac, CARP E of every fclylo anil for all prices, great variety, A full lino of T S , Oil Cloths In SUP E R I O R Colfces, Tens, GROCERIES Sugars, Spices, warranted puro nnd good, GLASS AND QUKENSWARE, In carefully assorted variety. a io ves, hosier y, J!OOI BKIItTH, CX)ItSKTH AND A C0M1I,ETK futortmcnt of WHITE GOODS, Tho public nro earnestly Invited to examine Uk-ho line K'mhIm, before jmr clmhliitf elMitlKro fiml uro Kiinnuitccd fcatlsluo- tlon. Nocxitnsuorlroubloliai. Uvn PpurcU to jnnko Till! MOST COMPMCTK i-ktnliliriliiuent In this net Ion or llio Btato. j. j. imownit. May 7,ClMf llloornhburtf I'h. nNT INlEND AbTONISHlNO AJ TllHW'UKMJ I'UMI'INU OIL, HUT VA TICK, K A Y'S P U M V S, UHIIU AM) ADMIIUU) JIY KVKUV ONK. Fjtnecl.illv tho hull ph. l.olnii 'trulv the hulltn1 IrU'iul, worltlnj much ltituruinl i-ukUt Ihnn Ihn oM trt'U) limp They don't maun Mich ii Mop nml don't (ilUet mi niueh leonnmnd lUo Ihnir In Urn winter, the wnti-r nut running xn Iouk idler ui Hitt ing. llavliiK t alt tn thu ttl iiri'inlum at every luir iney imvu neen uxunmeu: uuu reemiuiU'D dedhyult liiKumnco ltiniaidcM, mi acenuntnl ueUum out inure water in lt lluuinml with leh labor, they throwing a hnrrel ut water a minute. All wo jukUn trial, and wo are conlldent wo can DRUGS & MEDICINES. Hair Vigor, For rcslorinrj Gray Hair lo ils nalural Vilalily and Color. A iliesMiig uliicli H n1 unci) agicealilo, IkmIiIiv, niul fUcrtuul liir pi'i"-(ir lug lliu Imir. Fmhd or grtiy Inn's it soon restored In iV.i urtyimil color tetlt the gloss and fic-hness of youth. Thin Imir Is thick- ciii-il, falling liair ilieikcd, ami lmlil-Iti-n nlluil. Ilmiili Hot alway.", cured by it inc. iVutliiiu tan icstoio llio haii1 vlici3 tlu follicle nro destroyed, or the gland atrophied nnd decayed. Rut such a remain can ho ncd for usefulness by tins application. Instead of fouling tho ha'r with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uo " ill prevent llio Imir from turning gray or fulling olf, mid consequently prevent baldness. Preo from tlio'o deleterious mhstniiccs which mnko i-omo preparation ihingeioiis and injurious to tho hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING,' nothing clso can bu found so dcsjr.'dy Containing neither oil nor dye, it uoe not toil whito lanibric, and yet laits long on tho hair, gmug it n rich glossy bistro ami a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., PltACTICAI. AND AKAI.VTICAI. ClIMIlSTS, LOWUbb, MASS. l'BIOEl tl.00. vyer s Xw'd.Jioo. Oathai-t,io Pills, tho purposes of a Lasativo jv rerli ip3 n oiip ineili- JJ cluo U . nniveiMilly io- fy ipiiiu-l hy fveryhoily as a c.illi.iin.jiur ever A iiny hol'me so univci'R.d- 1 nd)itctl .Int.i tiic. In t Vuiyi'ounfrynnilamuna nil t-l.iM!4, as tliU inil'l hut e indent nnriMlUc rttl. Tho obvious lea Mia 1?, that it U a nioiv re- itlA rCmciiy than any other. Thoao who h.ivu tiiml it, know tlut It cured Ukmu: those who havo not. know th it it rurtM theh neighbors nnd fi lends, mid all know that it iloei once It does always that It never 1'alU tlirou,;h any Dull or ncslector in composition. Wo luo thousands upon thou- uid n ccrtliKatc3 uf ttien rcinai kablc en res of tho ft.llowliu eomplaiaU, hut Mich cures aro known In c ery nei?Iiioi hood, and wo need not publish them. Ad iiited to all acs ami conditions In nil ellmatc? ; nuit dniiu' neither calomel or any deleterious druc, Uwv may ho taken with safety hy nnyhixly. Xheir t-u'.ir co itini piesercthem cverfre&h and makes tln'in tleaaut to Lake, lillo bclns purely cgetablo tin liai in aiinc fi out their wta In any quantity. They operalo liy their powerful Inlluenco on tho viscera to purify the blood nnd stlmulato It into healthy acllon remove tho obstructions of tho htmn.ieh, boweh, liver, and other orpans of tho body, rcitnrln? their irrofrular nctlon to health, and hv loncetins:, uliercver they exist, Buch dcrangc uicuH tu aro tlio ilrst oriKht of disease. Minute directions aro given In tho wrapper on tho box, for tho following complaints, which theso rtlli i.iptdly cure: For Ii NpeiKtl.k or ffiidi?ftlon, Untlrit ne, jj.'msriior nnd Mt of Appettto, they i-hould ho taken moderately to ttimulato tlio stom ach anil restore Its heatthy tono nnd action. l-'or fdri-r Coinilaint and its various nymp. touis. Billion Ifi'iiitaclii', Mck Iltuidaclio, Jutifiitlt'H or J re on McLnrsii, lllliuu Colic and IIIIIoiiN JfcV'r, tliey should bo Ju ilklously taken for each cac, to correct tho diseased iii'lioii or temovo tho obstructions which cause It. For llj-fti'iitorynr IHurrhoea, but ono mild do-o i (rencrally lequired. For 1lliiMiitmtUui,OMt, Ornrol, Ialpl tatlon oT flit Heart, lain In tlin llurU nnd Aiin they should bo continuously t iken, as required, to change tho diseased nctlon of llio fcystcin. With Eticlt chango thoso complaints dH appear. For lripjr nnd lrop4ca3 .Hn ellinirs they thouM bo taken hi largo and frequent doses to pro dut'c tho elTcct of a drastic purge. For Miippri-xitliiii alarpodoao should bo taken ns It produces tho dcsiml effect by sympathy. As a Dinner I'ilt, tako ono or two J'ills to pro mote digestion and relievo tho stomach. An occasional doo stimulates tho stomach and bowels into healthy nctlon, restores the appetite, nnd invigorates tho system. Henro it Is often ad tiuitageons whero no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, nllen finds ttmtadoso of lhee J'ttt makes him leel deciiIMt) tietter, from their cleansing and renovating effect on tho diges tive apparatus. ., f, AYJin .C- CO., VrnctUnl Chemists, X OW7:i;. MASS, U. S. A, Kh..i, Kh'. ideate voti, Again: Jt U moro blinple, It having no lower uox luu'KtKi wiin tow mm mnow, nicii u mo uruatest trotiblo lu Uwltve piiiiip. Another great HilvantuL'Q is. 1 hat when you uit j'ounronottimipellod tudiliik foru wholoyear now pump riTCH I'INi: OH I1LACK OAK WfKIt, Our pump Ulng inadoof wild cucumber wood, wiucu in irto innn tahie, uimi inmu longer in wa ter. It bus 11U0 moiiv other ndvantaets. which 4'auonlr Ik) foutid out by 111111; them. Thev havo U't'it lit 110 In too northern part of tho Htute for tuenty yearn 1 Killing rapid ly v very where. All orderN tltrougli tho ii?t olllco or kit at ItU resldeueo Jlepburu stnet koutl) Hldu of the Jliu lu, wilt bo promptly alio tided to, by AlXUtfKAY, WlLidAUitpoKr. I'A, MuiuifHcliirer, a. j, ruicorr UATAW1S.-4A, I'A. Agenl, Nn orders will bo received mi I on nddrcbued 10 Mr. K'uy or to Mr, i'lt-heutt tiUngeiif, July fl,'WlV. Nu W. SAMPLE & GO, ' Corner or Main Street and L. & B. Hail Uoud, BLOOMSBUBG, PA- . tin if Tl11llO MACHINISTS, IRON AND 1 liAoo ruuJNiin.o; BLACKSMITHS AND BOILlilt MAKKUS. IMANUrAOTUIlKRS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, j!:m:uai, JIIACIIIMl WORK AUD UIUMIIIS. MIMi (inAUINd, BIIAFTINO, l'UM.KYH, HANCIKIIM, llliAl) 11I.OUKH, saw hvexxjXj a-EA-nnsra- of all .kihstdS; CASTINGS FOlt FUUNACKS (!AU WltHlII.S AND AXU AND UOIiTjINO JltliT. AN-I) UHNI'.UAI. MININd UASTINOB. BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS, OA It HON l, CO M I 'OS 1 1 1 0 N C A S 1 I N U H AND IIADIHT JIKTAIi HUliFIHIiD'H (JHIiHIUt.VTHI) (II.OI1M VAI.VIW, HTOI COOKH, OIIKC'K VAI.VKH, A III COOKS, oil cues, STKAJI WIlISTIiKS, STEAM OUAOE3, STEAM FIFE AMD FITTINOS a03MST.JSTTI.-Y ON- HAND. JOOK, KRi.D, AND LEAltN, THAT TUB Urcat Slioshonccs Kcmcdy I OK THIS CBI.EII1IATKII INDIAN Dlt. LEWIS JOSIIKIMIUS, nf tnuillitliifpilli('tl Trllioof Slioslinncci.C'oliira- uii. , vi riiury in ni.w liir MUU III I tlu UUIOU. 'IhlHnll IHiKhrKMllli. LTcnt ritniilv. iciirrnnloil niul lu liroail nml cnipliiitlc liliiKiinKe. wo ciiu unli ly my, may Im rulloil ukiii tu iinku u pernia- ueni. curu 111 till uisrusi'H 01 mo Tliroal. l.lUlL. Llvei. Kllllll'VN. Dll'sLlvn Oririitiu. i'lp. Ah i-1I uHsrrnriilu, iIih vnrlous Kklu iIIi-hivs, Huninr., ami alllmpniUyor IliBbloocl.exctptlns tlm tlilrd .H'li" IM VIllMllllHIlll. Ill Canada wlit-ru tills great remeily liai tieen In uku for a Kliort tlnm It liau lndct'il cirt'cteil Buino nf tho most uiarvclnua curt'n ever ri'cordeU 111 llio iinnalN iiflilhiorlcal mrdlciiip. Snclibelni: llieriibti In addition to IIh funuc r ri'iioun in t'ol. iiinlilaTi'rrliory wo defy humanity m uisniite thefiict that tills llreat Minshoneix Uemt'ify la tliorcinidy ofreincdli'H nftho lu-h Century, anil thoureatcstljoou ever laid at tho altar of Miller iimliumanlty. l'rlce of tho Heme ly In largo pints, 81,53. Manufactured by Dr. Voiihb a llron., at Hyra cumj, H. Y. Kor halo by all dealers lu MeUlclclne. JQhuooists wniTE tiiuboi-' the QHEAT SIIOSIIONEES HEMEDY 1 (AMTIUCTS Of J.ETTEUS.) Geneva, N. V Feb. 13th, 18(19. l)u. louNO 4 into. I find my hule of your valuahlo llemcdlcii greatly lncreanlni:, in fact your (IreatHhoahoneeH ItemedyU KlvliiKlhobei,t al i willRracllon,andilolni!lut us It la recommend ed toiln, bcveral ImvlliBeveu eomo In to tell ino how much they had been benefited from lu use, 1 liuvo hold out of It again, etc. etc. WH.LAItl) N, HMITII. Micrman, N. V.,Marcli, SJth, 1W.1. Hu, iniiNd & lluo. I alarled your llreat Hhoi. liouees Iteinedy by giving uway one boitlu tun Miiitlriiieil Dyspeptic, 1 1 in rekuft Ims been ample. ltgtvt-H unlverHul balUlacilou, mote tliaii uny ntlier modli'lnewiiliavuliaitlu tliuhtorofnryiarH. l'riim wliut I havo heeli or the Hlioiihoueea. 1 fiel Justlued In reeiimnioiidliiu It. Hcud mu hlx iloz, innw, It will feell lu three iiinutliN, etc. 1IYUO.S FUNNIIH. Walertuwn, N. Y., Manh 15lh, WO. im. Wiu.viiA lliui. YoiirMioshoiiica Itemody la giving good nitlfactlon, ami bella belter llmu any other new meillcluo wobuvo everuttemiited to Intrmluee, an Monro nearly outor II, wnil ua In luu.10 etc, II. I.hWIH Jt to. Vil ff. Morgnn Kl t'lilrngn, III. Feb. Isth, lsi. 1HL. lOL'Nd it lluo, I bavoaolil over ten iloz, of your llreat Hlimlmnei Iteinedy alreiuly lnud a greatliuniberoflho Shml eea pllln.1 tglea uulvcrfcal MillKlaciluu, 1 havo not heunl ouo to wnom I havo wilil. but what M'aliof It In lliu lui!licil ternia, niul m ouuiienil It to other and ua I am nearly out of It, plcasu bend mu balfn gruM moro at oui'O, eU!.,elc. UKO. IlltOQICIIU. l'nco oriho Iteinedy In largo plnl,SI,i"i. lliinuiaciiind by Hr, Young i Hiiw., nt Hire cum', N, Y. l or nale by all dialer In .Medicine, E OONTINU K ToMunularluro our well-known Manureii,Miiirr nUoliuvu furKulo ' J' Ji Ji U VIA Ar O U A N No, 1 (lenulna Government, O, Hh Oninn r.and riaterand llydmiillnlViiient together Willi n i ipli'loiiksiirlmentnl Uurulng iind(JiilngOlla,at lull-mai ltd mica, Hiiper-riinsphaliiof lline, . . Ku iK-ranuilM, Animoiiluled, . il,i. A DISCOUNT TO DKAI.KIW. AM.U.V A'NI:KPIiI. ISHuulli Delaware Avenue", rjinaSglplilA. KHTAUI.ISIII:)! in 1SH. Agents nnd solo Manufacturers of Hall's Fatcn Double Discharge Turbine Wheels. BLACKSMITHING, HEAVY OU I.I01IT FOIHHNOH, AG33NTS FOlt SI-IIVK'S GOVKllNOU, ACKNOWI.KIIOIU) TO 111: Till". BIMPMiST AND I11XT IN TIM', WOULD. UEAMEItS, TAPS AND DIES, MADE TO OltDICIl. HOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. OltDEUS FOlt I1RIDOE IIOI-TS AND IKONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS . OV THK I,ATKST IMI'IIOVEI) PATTKIINH. TIIRESIIINa MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. Buckky b Reapers Reimiimh), AND AM, r.XTItA l'AIll'S I'llltNIHIIKD. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF MORTON'S PATENT MAY itAKK. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS AND SATISFACTION (II YEN May 7,'C'l-tr O It M O N F. Y 11 F. V U N I) F. D , rHEELER'S WAY PATENT RAIL For HiilobylhulllooiiifcbuiR Iron C'niiiimny. Aug, I i.'tiu-yni C It A I II O K S E -1 O W E It. Tho subscriber hereby given notlco that linluu rf-jiiiri'lmsed thoold slnnd at IJghl Street from Win. Schuyler, whero ho Is uuw in.imir.ielurliiK thu W II E E L E II P A T E N T , niul is picpnrol tnfuniMi f.irmers with tlio most rt'imuiu iiiuciiiiieN ever oueicu v uiepuiiiic, i no Wheeler Miiehino Is no longer an experiment m It Iiiih been In constiuiL u-o for yenm mul tlio yearly Mile of tlilMpnientexcieilNtlmt wf all oth ers eombl.ied. Work (tono ut our shop N wnrrnnti'd for ono year. A Ino, am-nt for Wheelor'H (.'omblneil Thresher ami Winnower. For further partlcularK apply to or address J. M. lUn.slllHK, I.lht Street, Columbia county. Vn, Juno 2-VCiJ-lni. IliLrAUUS! UILIJAUDSM rjO MANUFACTURERS. ltll!httO USO" ALLEN'S PATHS TANTI.T.A. MINA" will lie ihstied on uiuilicutlou lo the un derHlgned. Itlsn suhk rur.VENTivn of kcai.i: in stkaji 110ILKIW. Tho article will ho fiirnlshcil at Hix Doi.i.aim per Can, or wo will hill rlghu to miilto and iino the humu for TKN DOLLA1W 1'Klt ANUM FOlt KACH liOlI.KU. Tho niaterlalH for making tho " Antl-Ijimlua " will ho Mipplled liy ua, If desired, at low price. HlghlH forC'ouutteii, stalen or other TerrlUiry for sole at fair rated, ALLKN & NHEDLES, Dealors In Ollx, No. WHoutli Delawaro Ave nuo, I'lilladelphla. Circular will lie bent on appllcallou, l,ep2l'09-ni. c. C. M A R R linveJUHt received from llio laslciii mnikutx n largo unJ well selected htiH'U of D It Y a O O D s , CONHIHTINU OV Ciuslmcrs, JeaiiH, Host Munched & lliuwii Muslins, OuilcocK, Tlcklugi, Tuhlo I.lneiui, Cotton A All wool HunucW, .tc., Ac., A good BtlK'lC of Ludlcndrensgonl, Ijilest hlylcs a imtlern. HpUva of nil kind, UoihI hloek groceries, lIueeiiHware, Htouo ware, S'imh1 a willow ware, Flour A Chop, AUo Kitchen Cryntal Hnap for cleaning Tlu, llraiH.Ac. All good Mild cheap fur audi or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyer" to his well ami rnrefully keiecled m.ortiuent which comprise everything iikually kept In llio mini, try, fetllug conlldent tlmt ho can kill them gil at mieh price us will oimuru hatlr.iclloii. Oct. l,XU-lf. t;,f, MAlllt. piPORTANT to iiuii.dfiw, housi:iioi.di:iw atoanth. The iitideiklguiil would uiiiiuuneu lu llio clll. nensiif lllooniKliurg and Nlclnlly Unit Im I pio purullnciccuto II O Drt II, H 1 (1 N, AND O UN A M KNTAI, FAINTING lu all tlx brauche. P A I' 15 It IIANQIN O Cull fully utti n, lid to, hli let iilleHlliiinobuiilneiianilgool workman, klilpltln believed will incut u fulr khow of public liutromigu, Hhop on Cuthatlno Hlrcet between T hird mid Fourth. HarJi.'UO-ly, yjf, f. UODINIi WILLIAM II. OILMOUK Ha opened a line llllliiird Kalmm lu iidilltlon to his m il known HKsl'AUItANT. lie has.l tables Willi all Hie latest iiiiprovemiul.snlid In perfect order. Hu keep on hand Din best LAUKK llUFK AND ALU which the market afford. OYHTIIIW lo bo bad ut all time when In M'Uhou, also lleef Tongue, 1'lckled tripe, clam, Ac, Ac. The public are Invited to cull, nnd iuo prom ised utMiii-tlon;elther lu hlllluulsor leliesh inent. Ill CIOAltS AND TOI1ACCO cannot bo excelled, liloomsburg, Jan. 1,'CJ. 0 MNII1US LINE. The undersigned would resioctfullynuuouuceto theclllten of llloomshnrg and the publlo gene rally thu ho I running an OMNIUUSLINK between till placo itud the dlircrent railroad de IHit dally (Sunday excepted), to connect with the several train going Houtli uud Wet on the Cata. wlssu and Wllllainsport llallroad, and with those goiug North and South on the Lackawanna and jiioomsburgltallroiul. lIIOuinlhiiseHro In good condition, comma. iiioun and comrortuhle, and charge reasonable, I'ersous wlslilng lo meet or see their friends de. part, can be accomodated upon reasonable charge uy leaving timely notice at any of the hotels. JACOB I. aillTON, Proprietor, FILLER'S STORE. KKEMH AllltlVAI. OK 81'ItINd AND HUMMKK O0O11H. Tlie subscriber ha lust returned from the cltle with another large and select assortment of Hl'HINO AliD BUMMER OOOIW, piirchoncd In New York and Philadelphia at the iwesingure.and whlcli ho Is determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured else wuere m uioomsuurg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DKESS 0001)8 of tho choicest styles aud latest fashions, together with a largo :assorlment of Dry Uoods aud (Iro- cerie, consisuug of thu following article Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmeres, Khawls, Flauuel, Milks, Whlln lior.lK, Linens, f I(mi HklrlM, Muslins, llullowwnre Cedurwaru Itneenswiiro, Hardwire IllSllH llllll HIllM'S, Hat and Caps lloopNels, UmbrelUn, Lisilillig-IIIasiiii.,, ToIi.mss, Collie, Hunurs, Teas, lllce, Allspice, (linger, Clniiatuol, Nulnitts, AND NoriONH UKN ItAI.I.Y. lu abort, uerylliliig usuahy kept In country stores, to which im Invite u, uHenllou of tho punno generally. Tlio highest prlco will bo paid for oouury produce lu exchange lor goods. H. II, MII.I.KIl AriON. Arcade Uulldiugs, liloomsburg, 1'u. "yH HAVE ON HAND cook Hroviw, I'AIll.Olt HTOVf, htovi: piPi:, T .NWAIIK A HOUHK FUUN1H1IINII UOODS, At prices Unit cwi lint fall tu suit purchasers . . HMITII HKO'H. HepUJI.IiU-lf, Oiaugevllle, fa. GROCERIES, ftc, IRANI) Ol'HNINO (IHAtMl II '..l,", II IANMI OI'ENINll (lltANI) OPKNINJI (IUAND OI'UNINH FALL FALL FALL KALI. FALL AND AND AND AND AND or WINTF.II WINTFIt WINTFIl WINTLIt (IOIIIW, (IOODH, (K)OIW, (lOIIIIM, WINTLIt tlOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting of eonslsllng of consisting of DRY OOOIW, DIIY (1O0 DM, DItY OOOIW, DHY(100DS DItY (I001M, HATS II ATS HATS HATH HATH HOOTS hoots hoots hoots HOOTS AND CAI-S, AND OA I'H, AND CAPS, AND CAIN, AND OA I'H, AND SHOES, AND HIIOKH, AND H110I.S, AND SHOES, AND HIIOES, HEADY-MADE CLOTIIINO. HEADY-MADE CLOTIIINO ItEADY-MADE CLOTIIINO, HEADY-MA DK CLOTIIINO, HEADY-MA DE CI.OTHIPO, LOOKINO-OI.ASSF.S, LOOICINO-OI.ASSES, LOOKINO-OLASSES, LOOKINO-OLASSES, lJOKINO-ULAKHIX. NOTIONS, NOIIONS, NOTIONH, NOTIONS, NOIIONS, PAINTS AND OII.S, PAINTS AND. OHM, PAINl'S AND OHM, 1'AIN'IS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OHM, UHOCEH1ES, (IllOCEUIES, (IIIOCEKIFM, (IHOCKHIKH, OHOL'EltHM, llUEENHWAIti:, tiUEENHWAHE, liUEENSWAHK, ItUF.ENSWAHE, UUEENHWAlE ItAllDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHK, IIAKDU'AKE, HAHDWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, HA1T, HALT HALT, FIHII, fish, FISH, KITH F1H1I, MISCELLANEOUS, BLtJOMslllllUINOIiMALMn,,,,, F.IIAltY INMHIJ'II;. 110AHD OF INHTUUcrioj, IIENItY CAUVEH, A. M.,,, 1 Professor of Intclleclual and m,,,,,, Ct tneory inn priwtlcoof Miss Harah A. Cnrver, VtMM. Teacher of French, iinim,,, ''"Jin bmnclies. "n'1 Isaao O. Ilest. a t 1 Professor of An0,eti,1,,,,iM,1Etf .1. W. Ferf,. ,. W Professnv of Mathcinnllos. nn',j ' ; Ironomy "'""'"nn Itev, I). P. Jolm, . Piofo sorof c hemlsirv .'! K. M. Itnln. Tenclier nf Keogrnphy. history n,,,kly! .lames llmwn Aw.1 lunt teacher of iiialln.n',,,!! ur inimir. MlR4 Allen f r.n.. , ...... . ,u PlIllllH,,,!.,, . Mrs. Hnltln r. 'eaeher of Vocnl Muslonnd lustrum Miss Julia M.lliiwi Tenehirof model SrlinJ. 'Pli. CUT. turn. ...Ill - ml until our boarding linll l r,. V v n ni.tillniillnn I... i.-i. . . r bu furnished with homes In pleiisiiifJl. UHAIN OHAIN UHAIN OHAIN UHAIN AND HEEDS, AND HEEDS, AND HEEDH, AND HEEDH, AND HEEDH, Ac. AT AC, McKELVY, NEAI, 4 CO.'H, McKELVY, NEAI, A CO.'H, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'H. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'H. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'H. Northwest corner oi Main and Market St reils, Northwest corner of Main and Market Htreeui, Northwest corner of Main and Market Ht recta, Northwest corner of Main ami Market Htieels. NorlhwcNl corner of Main uud Market Street, HLOOMHIIIIHO, PA 1ILOO.MHI11IHO, PA llLOOMSllllltO, PA IiU)OMSIUIHO, PA IILOOMSIIIIHd, PA. IRON AND NAHM, IKON AND NAHM, I HON AND NAHM, IKON AND NAHM, IKON AND NAHM, In large quanlllhs and nt reduced rale, nlway on nanu. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. - - - . . . - "II I 11 lln-.i 11 ling in inu icrui, nut when u,i, r o I Lev can enter at auv 1 1 .. 'if, J.UOVKR A HAKKIfN rpHE NEW HARDWARE STOR1 I NE I'LUH ULTItA. Having enlarged our Store Hoom and Just OPENED A NEW SUPPLY, dlrettly from Ihe MnuiifiielurerH, purehaseil fur cash, on u declining in.-irkcl, w e are pri-pulus! lo olh r the Hiiliu- lo FARMERS, MECHANICS, HUILDERH. andtherestof Mankind, a general slock, com prising nil llio kinds and iilnlllb'N usually kept In a city Hard Ware Slore, suitable to the wauls of the coillily, at unusually low price. All thosewhoariHleslrioiiKorpurt basing good In our line can suwiMomy hj looking lu at Ihe New Hardware Stole. Please glie u no ill and evainluo our slock Ac, HUN YAN .V WARDEN, Apr. M.0!)-lyr lllooiusburg, Pa. gTOVErf A N 1 ) TI N W A 1 IK . A, M. RUPERT anuouuecs to his friends and customer that contluues the ulxive bust lies ut his old place on MAIN HTREirr, ULOOMSIIUHO. CusUimers cuu tie accomodated with FANCY HTOVEH of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and every va riety of article found lu a filovo and Tinware Es tablishment lu Huiiltles, iiiHlon the most reason able terms. Itepalrlugdoneutllieshortostnotlco. 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. jEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON 2CAIN STREET, rlEARLY OPPOSITE HILLKK' UTOKK, ULOOMSIIUHO, PENN'A. The undersigned has Just fitted up and opened lib, new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n this place, where be I prepared to make up uewTiN WAKKof all kinds lu Ids Hue, and do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms, lie also keeps on baud HTOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLUS, which ho will sell upon terms to suit purchasers! Olvehlinncall. Hut n goud mecliaulc, aud deserving of the public putrouage. Bloomsburg. April a. 1W. J AC0U M ETZ- Jacoh K, Smith. !. It. Hei.tzku g M I T II & S E L T Z E R, Iraportersand Doaler In Foreign and Domestic mm II A It D W A It E, OUNfl, CUTLERY, AC, KO.I00N. TIIIUI)HTI1EET,A1I.CAMX)WIIII.I,, Nov.22.07-.f.1,"n'Am':U,1IIA- A U O II S HAW HONK PHOSPHATE OF J " SUPER NTAXDAlll) Li mi:. n'AJUlAA'TJW. ,''''' '!' V'1 Vjlrl.,I-lba ts. !m that K ; ' ' Iirlved of Uielr organic malier--ti,u FIRST PREMII'M ELASTIC STITCH FA.MIIA SEWING MACHll 4T, IIHOADWAY, SUV VOI'.K Cheslnnl Slrwl Plill.uli J I-l J J E f-I II I 1 IM) I NTH o v i:xi i:i(mj ltcauty nml rjfutklty of Hllch. lVrffCtlon and Simplicity of M.wlur Uhlnj; linth llircmlH tllroclly fromltf No rustt'iilnK of ni-aiii hy h-uij m of thri'iul. Wltlo rano of niipllcalUm viw . ailjuslnicnt. Tho (.nun lelalnn ItKlHiuilyninlCr wnhhlnt; ami IrontiiK. IU'Nhlr Kilolng all UlmNnf umkili Hcwlim Madilncta, thcbo Miu)ilnu most I ieaut I fill ami pennant nt Yjuk ornamental work JO 3 -The Highest rreinhiiiiNiit alMIif KxhlhltloiiH of tho Unlli.l Slain t; '.: have heeii nwanluil llio (lm'i MnchlneH, nnd tho woik iloiu lit Uirin exliltiltetl In competition. l;r senls m ,1,'e uso",', K ' IV f WSS 1- liriilirw urn n.. ......i . i. .. . . lilmi'erno'S'," S I K V E H A.N I) W IRE O L O T 11 , a A N V 1' A V T U 11 IS II II v HELLERS IIHOTHEIIS OS! Muilset HU. el, l'lilhulilphlii. pi. Ul,'b!l-3iii, 4-Tho vely hlghist pn . rtli THE LEdlON OF HllNlili, -tlio reptiseutatlvo ol tlie dioi. i ..I Machines, at tho ExpiHltlon I nu" 1V17, thusnllesllngllieli' glest mi' all olher Hewing Maeblues, F 0 R H A 1. 1! II Y It i r. .a., id obaS? jiLooMsnrna rx M Sbv Julio ri.'llD-ly 11 September and Oct. Pi 'ji i I. W. IIAKTMAN W A T i!5ct. FOR HUMMER lll!ISt''"l'Sj1 LAWNH AT 1.1 ct. 05 ft. LAWNH AT LAWNH AT l,ai DRKSS C()()l aT l,00 DRESS (iOODS AT E. 11 I K a 0 an aid. URICSH !()OlS AT ' 2(ld. DKHKH (K)Ol'.i'u THUMB CASH OR IltOI I S Wet, DRHRSUOOIW aT Id ft. DRIW.S (MOW AT aid. DRKS.S OOOIW AT A CARD TO TIIK hM Mr. H, O. Collins wishes lo lii"fj! II .utf I' lllooiiiuuilvlclullythath.' '''vjn p do Dulles hnlr-worlc wllh n. at"'" v ,11 Ills worlt .ouslals of Hwllch.s. V , Curls. Ac., Luillea wishing a'O U1,1";,! i ft llll , IIIU IM IUISII1.IW. .I"." HI "1 .ailing on mm hi in , ..i.iiirft1' . llloik uptlulis. Cash uii .''."isH.i'r H. C. t!v,1':. UnJ '. lo N. ii,-uuiies liair cu"i" i.l1iii me ut Uulr reBldunco If duslr.-u.' .loue a to,