tei- Bloonftog, Pa., Friday Oct. 22, 18G9. K.'WtiW.VNKOdl- linsMiirloil a Hunk Slow i llidfoid t'oxt oflico, cm hit nf Main mul ..fljit;.' WjejriJJgivo the. complcto ollioial rcluniH I" tlffelectloii in tliN Statu liy Oouritic.i in ion as'llifl'lablu is completed. fe' I'NPI.ETON mailo a gallant fiht in Ohio, 10 wrti ilofcatcd he cut down Irantnforiiy of ht year ever 'J.",OW. A, fine picket fenco i.-t lieiiiR built imvinil iobaojprt or lliu Court Huo Yinl in ejrdinco wilh tlio rceoinmcndati c tu of tlio i st Gl-a'nd'Jury. $($$;' YomfcA., couple of peecs of cloth, will : returned to the owner, by proving proper f flndfpayniont of advertisoinent. Inquire t ilils fffiec. I MBjSFuki:.k, Claik, Millaul, Mtiupcr, ilvcjmdi.BrocIiway have gone on a hunt ig'cursion to tho Long l'ond. It looks or tiiUch'likb a Salt Hivor expedition. llQHtt MoIJenhv will fell valuable persni I prupcrly at liii icMdvnc in Ileiitoii on liu'rjdny, October liSth. lor p.u titulars "e'ailvcrti'sotnciii in iiiiullicrculumii. I AfjOrdcr known as the Knightu of I'yllii. s has been organized in this place, and unit irijo Odd Fellows Hall every Monday eve ingjllt starts under the most favoiable apicoJ.' - bun' friend lternaid Stolincr lias finally iiuplctcd his hotel, mid it is now open for lie rcccjit!. n of gui'M.". In appearand" ami ira"tigcmcnt, it will compare favorably wilh ny.in tliis section of the Slate. k The County Coiiiiniioncrf, in respon.-u iji' 6iggcstion of tho State Supciiiitcndcnt fjCoruiiion Schools have allotted a room in liOjt'ourt House In Mr. liarkley, our County upcrintctident. r -- UNUSlfAt, labor was thrown upon the clou onjolTiccrs at the recent election and It was uT-just to pay them (or those longest cm loySd) for an additional day. This was romptly done. jjDKNTl.Y there was not n full vote at the .cent election in the South Cotiyugliaui dis rittSThis delieeney of vote did not change ojnsuU upon the County or State iiountu .onsbut yto i-hall hope for a, fuller vote hero' hereafter. ,".. i ... - jTllEBB is n tie for the third time within lio'rc'collcclionofthe oldsr inhabitants, upon lio election of Justices ol the l'eace in lllnnin mnship? Kx Sbeiill' I'urman is chosen as ne'butvthere is a tie between Thomas and Jrpwer.'' -A new election will bo n cessary il i second Justice i. to be cho.-cn. ffr JTiie circulation of tlio Coi.u.mhian is now -third nunc than that of any other pa 'lrmblidhcd in this section of tho State. K ich lapMjs read on the average I y at Wt four crFOns to that nn adverti-euieut iiiicitcd in DucolumnK reaches ten thou-aud people. If.youhavo land or goods to sell, the Cm. :mma'n is your best medium for advertising. jTMlffi After tho Conceit la.-t Thursday veningftwhen niot people had gore, Mr. 'liarclnerbctt, the popular coinio singe1' I'roni Scratiton, gave us some oi his pet pieces. He, andlMr. Powell also f om S sr.mton, sang die 1'Larboard Watch," and with the nost comio pathos "The .Jcn-ey IjOvciV an 1 Tho Grecian Ilend " tho latter with most rcrfect Grecian Ilend gestures Chailey i-, a eweljinoy his shadow never glow less! .YWf'-' A MIVKIl ( rus. jKhad intended to noticofever.il aitieles eonlaincd in hi-t week's Danville Tnlillifjru ef, buthall let them p iss. The notice of lio-'iucetftig at which (icn bint spoke was 'cryunTair, as were sundiy stalcintnts, irompted by the pa-sionsof the Ivlitnr. con erning his opponents and the late election, liufour, readers, we daio say, have heanl nough about Cballant for the pie.-eul, and n view' of tho fact that he received hsi Ihun me vote in eiyhl in the district, at the election, io may" safely be allowed to rave on for n imo, without any particular notice beyond bat already given him in our column !DECll)Km.V Cool. Some of the iccuitly iectcd County officers uio aheady icce'r ing luns fruui our iriighhoi' San lers for having irinled their 'l!ekct. Wo doubt whetlnr Ir; Sanders printed any tickets at all, but I' be did tliey all boie the ii.ime of Thomas Jlialfiint, and coneqiietitly were ueles in ibis County. The tickets minted and eiieu latcd from this office wcro voted by 114.15 Democrats; thoo I'or which S.mJeis claims rliy'worn u'ed y only 2.14 Democrats and Uonublicans. has no el.iini up ni any ol mr aindidales I'or pay becauso his tickets were bogus, and weie not used by the paity. (lis treachery compelled us to piint a full supply for tho entire County, for which we aliatl claim pay finui the c.mdid.ite elected. bEltKNAW:. On last .Monday evening, wo weroTtho rucipient of a fino serenade, by the oanuianu meniiicrs oi rrieniltliip rlro Uo. Nojlli of Philadelphia, 'file editor of this jeurnal -responded in a few appinpiiato ro marks, whereupon tho procession proceed d to pay a liko compliment to Dr. liradley. K'riendhip i'iio Co. was orgmized August lTtb 17'JO, and is located in tho IStli Ward, Iliiladcldi'u. A full account of tho Parade appoars in another column. Wo are pleased toThoto that un'iko many similar oigauizi ttons when on a visiting tour, they conducted ttismselvos dining tle ir entire stay liko gen tlemen, and won tho confidence anl re-pec' otiour citizens by Uieir gooil onlcr ni d dt-ci pnnp.t wo nope tnoy may come again. ETiE Con ckiit. In another column wo in sort a communication from "Criticus" on the subject of the Into conceit at tlio Normal Sajiosjl Hall. Wo do not altogether agree f"- ji . co'rcl")l1"1'1" "'" Sivo in in a near, lns'as wo do everyone w'mi writes nn a sub Jcetlrj a proiier manner. Vo.wtic present and enjoyed (he piocecd ipwfrom beginning to end. We hopo oi.i IfflSieAl fi lends, however, wt.l excu-o us for making oua suggction. The mot of tho Piu'sioTwas now, and i any of thu seleclion m highly artistio thai the mas of tho people i.wiucr uimcrsinou nor apneei neo ineiii 'juia II not Uj well lor tho sale of tho hrj are not uiuie.illy educated lo pro-cut Ileif, popular piecos? Somo few of the many jnelodib's which touch the heart, and carry the i mind back to the days of our childhood vliSK' our ,1"""-'W "ang them to lull us to neon or soothe our pain. ,Mut wo say it? oucii Junes as our organ-giinders give us in "ojpirueis, which uioimi ru'le, striku liome tpthoipoiml.ir heart, JVp admit t lint tho pieces si lceted reouiio aoro talent, moro skill, uinro art . but the lobjecj; of niudo should bo to ple.ivi by its '.melody, and not astonish by its variations or 'Jho difficulty of its execution, Lh lilt: I!i:stii,TiN Tin; Statu. We publis'i the official voto nfthuStato in another cob unin as wo find it in tho Morning J'utriot of Harrisburg, mid uppoo it to bo correct, (leary has 1,01)0 majority and Williams, for .Judge, twicu ns much, This result is or.o greatly tn bo tegiellcd but wo mint submit. Thu worst voting was in 1'hiladjlpbiaainl In Fitizei no county. Al.riinutm the county has been thorough ly canvawed in tho interest of Iluckalew, not one Tucker meeting has been held by tho Democracy.'1 Ittpublican Oct. 13. "How activo and untiling these scivantsor Asa J 1 acker wt.ro in iirosccutiug a vigorous uarl.irc, our own people know from their ex pel lenco. Not a township was tiasod by tincativasscd and scarcely n school I ouso in our county but icsouudcd to tho voices of these paid politicians." llrpnWmu, Oct. lit), TIuho who do not liko one of the nbovo statements may take thr other. "Uood peo ples, you pays your money and jou takes yout choice." Tin; TtttiTS. Owing to tho bad condition of tho track, the trotting was not so fast as might have been expected from the horses entered. The first trot for tho farmer's purso of $L'.5, was won by Waircn M'!Icnrys Tour year old marc, diiven by Krank Wagner, in tlure straight heats. Time o.lfl, 3.12 and n.tlS. The second trot for tho fanner's purso of $.11) v.s won by lick's lior.-e, driven by Al. Miller, in three stiaigbt heat. Time U.-IO, 2.47 and 2 17. The third tint tor the purse of $7,1 was won by William" driven by b'i:mk Wagmr. The hist trot fur tho purso of .?2(), was won by Star, driven by James McKce, in tlneo straight heats. Tiiuo 2.3,1, 2.35-i and 2.3S. Xiocal Ei'oticcs, Go to Alstatt's, Court House Alley for all kinds nl' uniMc.il iii-tniiiients, sheet mit-ie, tie. Vl'.liV Xtrr.. Many nieo ihiugs were lo bo seen at the fair, hut nicer goods, and l.ir eheipor can bo found at Aliller l- Wolf's Store, w hieh h is lately been rcplenMiud by a first class stock of goods, which they offer at nnusiinlly low piices. Those searching fur bargains em do im better th.ui by cilling lo see their really supeib stock. Just Kix-divkh. -Tlio largest dealers in general incrchandue in this County, as is generally known, are McICclvy, Ne il & Co. Hut to their otheiwKo largo stock, they have added the finest 'election of furs ever seen in this section, ivmiptisiiK' all kin Is u-tully worn by ladies or gentlemen, and running from the finest to tho Invent grades. Having purchased in large quantities they are enabled to sell at miu'tially low rates, and would ro peetiuiiy asi me puhtio lo call ami examine their slock. Wk iIomi-o (.-. call the attention of our citl .ens to ttie spleniliit aortinent ot lamps which Moyor liros. havejiist pro;ured. No nich collection h is over been soon in ourentn inurity be'brc. l'vcry grade of lamp at all prices can bo found, as they were bought to satily tho demands of all classes of pur chafers. 'o Tin: liUitKs, It has no Ilqual Tin !ehbrated American liutton Iloleoverseam and Sewing Mach inc. that were on Kx- n. onion at Die I'.ur la.t week, ami wvro awarded the Hiyhcst Premium, are now on exhibition and lor sale at the old Post office. corner of Main and JIarket Sis. 13 very amity should h ive ono to save time and labor. Instruction given to any one with a view to tct the inci its of the machine Kvcrj ma chine wauanted to give entire sati-faction, and warauted one year. Call and see them opeiatc before pureha-ing cUcwheie, and satisfy yourselves. ,.t Missks Ha.miio Si hKf., gents I'm- Ij'i.i'rne, Columbia, Northum- beilaud and Sehujlkill Counlie.-.. Aunt wanted. Comniunicatcd. OUIl I, AST COXCKKT. Too nmiiy pi'iqilo ore incliiicil tojmlgo persons mid tlil'i;;s liy tlieir IliniK-i il sueeoss mill if vo put this stiiiichiu! up mil iisl; how it wus with tlio In-t con cert, wn mti-t coulV.ss, that it was Hourly afalluro. In-to:iil of tlio cxiioetod SOU tlii'io wuro w,irei'ly lot) lioaror.s anil that number was u jj;roat deal larger than wo couli! reasoiinlily -piut in that cold mid utoriiiy w,'ittlii.'i-. I'Viim anar- tlstleal point of vicnv, it was u complolo nUCUiMS, wlilcli MlLve.s.i is no much till) moro to ho woinU'icil at, us hiiiei1 the lust I'oncvrt scatwly a fort ii'lit Iml ohipsoil, mid tlio mosnif l!m io!m u-nls liiid l), ('M doii" williuiil intu-li i 1 1 1 1 -rr 1 1 1 - tioa id' tho Usiml recitations niul tlioir regular ussoiis. rnu m u -.k; wis wi-ll eltosi'ti, pcili ips ti litllo lo el Hsl.-al. r,i .'titimi'r.iUi all tlio (,'00. 1 iiorfiiniiois would liu almost impossible, 'l'liu l'i.ino l'rio of tlio thron litllo Missm Vrmw, Carver mid Vanlliisklih ; "Tlio l'rolle of thu Kro's" by Miss Julia Waller. tho Piano Duett by Mis.so.s Hilling ami ltiiekiik'W, tlio Vot-nl Duetts of the Misses Pursel, John, lliiehingiiam mid lluehaluw ami that of Messrs, Meiulen- hull mid Penman weie imleed l'udiI. Tlio Phwio .Solo of Mls.s Powell, the VolmI Solo ol ill.ss Uupert, tin- ono of Mih-. M'Kelvy, thu uiiiu-liint; and Calls- tlienles of tlio Primary ileiiartment niul Model School, (he Vocal Solo of .Miss Klwcll, tho Piitno (Juartotto of Mis.sos A. ntul li. Carvor, idlssun Powell niul Stiydcr,nnil tlioSoxtolto wuro v ry koo I. Qood, also, wero tho Vocal Solo- of MiM lloiidurrfltott, "Tho Ui'irMf (iirl" by llttlu Matidu Fnezo, " Tho .Maid of .Sorrento" by Miss liarton, tho Vocal Solo of Miss Carver and "Tho Mart-lie Triomphalo" by Mises It. Pu.iston and M. Klwtdl. Miss. Aliio t'arver's Piano Solo and Mrs. Pest's hong; Hie "(Jruniro Cilrl" Wfio f.xtelleol as usual; but the t-rowiiins piecoof tho uvoniii; was the Solo mid Chorus "Iiill.imuiatus," irom Stabat M.itoi',by Mi.s. Ilmtnuil tho lilee Class. Tliat was a tio.it. Wo cm insert with fullest tni. b that no where In this Ktato could a moro tho.-ough musical education ho obtain- id, orbutltTslnn and b -ttor p jifoi ui ors.it tho piano bo m ulo. Tlio now quarter ha.s jtist beuii Willi this wio!. Cumi'lM. JAt'Kso.V, Oil, is, 8ti!l. Mil. MUTint: Tho cry lias been amon tlie eitieiis id' isoiiio of tlio mir rouiidlii townships that the peoplo ol Jat-ltnoii township must starve Ik-c.iiis' tho laud was loo p i ,r to produi-o fieiii a living. To show uii that Ihls is not tlio cao 1 will ii'hito to you a himplu fact. I bought a liinu in JneUsou town- bhlpand nfterwards sold (JI acres of it toUeorjroP. brlU. Muf.irmu I a part ol It with biii'Uwho.it ami thero uovur was any tiling put on tho ground in way of Htibstuneo but I went, Ilvu biisliul.s of fimu to tliei.ero and alter g.itliiTliig in Ills hucUuheat ho llnds It has yielilo.l lliiil lllty-oniv litishelrt to tlio acre, I Utli I-- that u poor ciop V Yours Ac., i:. i-'uiTz. COLUMBIAN AND DEM0C11AT, BL0QMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, rircincn'a Tat-ado in Bloorasburp. TUIWDAY, Oct. 10th 1 SGI). Tub riemlslilp l-Tro Conijiany No. 15 of Philadelphia with their Jlrnss Hand, arrived tho day tirovlous. when thnv wcro escorted to their npartinmil.s by tho hrlondflhlp Klru Company No. 1 of llloouisburi', toL'uther with tlio lJlooms bun? Hnw llaiiil. i-.iiriy in tho tnorrdnu; tho Priendshlp 1'lri) ClllntinllV Nil. 1 or llliwmitil I,, rtf headed bv tho lilonmslumr llr.isj lt ,,,fi and followed by their (ruestd.tho Friend, ship Hro Company No. 15 of Phlladol. iiuia iiiiu uieir JJ.inii, proeeeileil to tho depot In or ,er to meet the Continental Jloso Company No. !! of Danville. wu ine nrrivni or tlio train thu O.tn villo tomp.tny wuro necordliiKlv escor ted to lliePIreiii ui's qtiarturs in Hlooins biiri?, ntul all dismissed till 1 o'clock P.M. At tho llOllr lllllvilnteil thnilliTWent eomp.inleti Pirmcll In proce.s,lon nt tho ewihs iioiei, mr (im urumi rnr.ule, tlio jicmlslilp Firo Company No. 1 of liloiimsblll'L' tilUllii' tint I ml. I iooiIihI lie the lloomsiiurir lir.iss Hind, followed oy uie criemislilp Klro Uo No. Io or Phila'd. liuided bv llleli- Itros Itiml. and hist eamo tho Continental Hose Company No. II of Danville, nil having their e.irrhiges ami tlx tit res uracefullv ilecorated and equipped. Tho proees. Mini, wan diaruiltiK music marolieil to Market Square, when they halted, form eil into a square, mid in belialfor the la dies or lllooiiisbur, U. 11. Ikelermuih- tho following lemurks, ilurlni: which ho presented to tho PlillnM. I'iru Com. pany No. lo n buiutil'ul niul eosllv wreath : Mil. Itci:t, i:u said: Asa member of tlio I'rimiilslilo l-'ln. Company of Itliwnishurc;, and with tlie kind suggestions of its olllcers, I have heun Induced to undertake to address you on this otv.i-iou ; mid I trust that your liKluigeueo will enablu mo to pur lorm my iiisk. isitor.s and .strangers as you aro to most of our people, and to tbissecllon of iiiecouiiiy,aiiu tippearlngasyou Ho with uniformity, order, character and Intelli gence prominent In your every, look and iictinn, wo frel that we uro only per- tormina a duty by extending In this wav, our thanks to you ror vour .visit and our wKhes lor your futuri' health and orosiiorlty. Wo. ol'CollimbhiOiuu- ty.mul even of the little town or lllooms- burg In our retired position from city lift) and location, uro necessarily so Iso lated from the frciiucnt rav..i;es of tiro and its ilostrucllvo Humes In tho busv Initials of cities, that it Is almost im possible for us to abiircciuti! thu worth oi your orgauizaiion. nut pos-essinj.' ns we h'jliove, our propur share of Intel iigoiieo, wu Know ot tlio many ilanii'' leats performed by llremen In their i fortH to save both lifound property. Wo havo read of tliosu whom you havu ie.s ctied when bolls rung; out their merriest peals, when h.ronj: men mid tender women shed tears, copious. L'tishlnir. li ars not of subjection and slavery.uot of ttKotiy ami illstre.ss, but or exultation, irr.ilituile andjoy ; for their miraculous ileliveraucu' Those iiiuniorie.s come to us frees h on tills ocf.isiou,mid one would as soon aupposu that your legions couhl hin-osoonersent back tho Mlssssilppl to lis fountain head than to havu hummed the burning tide,or stayed the flames of soniooiuioiire.siii.it navoso recently taken place in your own city of Phil.i- ileiiua. rue iron nerve aim intiepiil ilariii'' of oritanii'.atlon.s liko your own me proverbial throughout tlio world. When heartle.is villains Incendiaries in our midst, would destroy our pro perty and, our lives, it Is left for your, mid .similar organizations, "mid from merchant's counters, shop and den ; to rul-o ranks of lioii-liearted men ; to hat tlo Hro to death," to locate the engine, to guidu tho hose, to climb tho scaling ladder, to stand on tlie tottering frames mid trembling walls mid regulato thu falling; timbers enveloped in .smoke and Hume, and when driven buck to form again with renewed energy and llrm- ucss closing up your lines upon thu in- ces-ant and destructive tnlu or Haines : .mil frequently, when tlio blazo of de struction sweeps uway columns of un organized men liko mi inundation, whuu 11103' tieo in consternation nun dismay, it is only left for you to push on your columns and some of your comrades to certain death, breasting the continued lilazo and without tear, lavor, leo, or ru waul to riscuo lifts and savo tlio proper ty of all endangered, but your own. To all, who relied, it must boa source f nrido and nleuauru to reali.o tint no lilo and daring; deeds of Hrcmen. and to know that "their elforts uro successful only through their disciiiline. their courage, ami their gratitude. And al low tlie pioplo ol litooiiisiiurg, inrougli me, to iMUgratulaloyou for the spirit ol it li in ii which wo witness pervading vou ill; your perfect tli-fijilliio nnd order. your strict regard tooocdleme of your olllcers, mid yoiirgravesenseof subordi- tiatton all ol which jtlslllles tho belief that in your company il is distinctly understood, that uvery inattention dr duty will bo hcrioiisly mid promptly punished, that thu Prienildiiii Kiro Cum pan No. U1 of Phila'd. will Pever bu involved in tnu dl-gracu and danger which the negllgeiico of a few may pro (luce. And permit mo to .iy further that while you have thu will, tho order and tliediscqiliuo which Is emuhit.iig yuu lo tho glory of your fellow citizens, remember that without thesu till your elforts for tho good of your coiintryuieii win ne in vain, xno uravo m.io mat luutivt to his duty is worth little moro ki Ids c ittutry, than the coward who deserts her in iho-hour of danger. Wo have, us you see gentlemen. Pirn Companies belonging to thu town of liloouisinir.', iillliougu small m number in comparison to your own, when full. and perhaps not no perfect in discipline, onlcr and obedience; recent in orguui. station, young in experience, bunco not mi ell'ectlve in their efforts toqueiicli tho nrey eieuieiu. i et iney nru me piuio of i hi r people, ubsolutu nocessjiyt grow ing branch of human organization in mil- midst, desired and desiring to grmv here, and which wo do not intend to displmitor root out, but cultivate, uotir- isii nun protect, until, ir possible, wo make It as powerful and ll'ectivo as your own. Ono of tho objects in Invi ting and inducing you to visit us at this time Is lo secure to our Fire Com panies souiu of tho advantaged you pos- sr-s, and havu them ccjso to look upon other companies as lights and guidesoii oec.isiins like this. Gentlemen. I extend to you in behalf of thu Indies of Itloonishtirg, their wul come, mid their warm sympathies, and wiien you nave the sympathy ot iho la dies you need not lear dislavor, ani mosity or opposition from any sourco They hit vou higherapprochitlou of your 1 1 i 111 tin 1 1 and gratuitous labots than the tii.i'o population of our country. The tender nynipiUhics of tlieir all'eo tloimte naturo are always ready to ro lievu distress encourage tho good and eiiiulato tho brave. Who but a female warded the death blows from the head of Cant. John Smith V Who bin woman idileil and cired for that adventurous traveller, in pursuit of science, Mango Park, on tho burning sands of Africa nnd wet bis lurched lips in Ills dying in mi, tits '.' Who but woman attends to our earliest wants and boothe.s the pillow of death V Who but womii wus last at the cross, mid first at tho .Sepul eher'.' And lotho Indies of lilooinsluiri:. wu are mainly indebted for the enjoy moot and toartsius of this o.e.isi,Jti;i n I ill their behalf 1 now hold in my hail 1, this beaiitllul garland ol bowers; Mm plo and tlllsi emiiig as it is, yet they, through me, present it loyour eon. any as omit eiiinile of tlieir sincere thanks and unluigeil gratitudo lor your visit hero i your valorous deeds lieietofore, mid your present endeavors to place fellow firemen in tho .silo of upward progression mid improvement; for yotirellorls tonwukuu in similar organl zitious the best medio, I In which to pursU" their labor. Hoping over to bo wormy oi your pro.souciyauit wnen next wo iiiuet th.it it will bo with Increased mid unalloyed pleasure, uud with a stilt lilguur aim at improvement and enjoy, meat i havo done. Mr. John .ItllVles. thief of tlio Phlla delphla Piru Company, on receiving i no, wrcaino s.uu : Mr. Ikeler. mnl ll,M,i,,rli I,, ti... ndle or lllooiushurg. 1 accept this bsautlful speclmun of tho handiwork of liu opposite sex, with the spirit In wlch t wai presented, extending; tlio slnceru thanks of our coniiaiiy as well us my own, to tho ladltH of illoomsburg, for tliWnmrkofillstluctloliantl respectauul for thu hospitalities which wo havu re ceived from your people; nnd trust ero ion.', u win receive a visit rrom as many of you and vour neoblo. And l assure you ir wo havu a clmnco to ro turn tho favors and klndncm hIiowii us on this occasion, wo will gratefully ro- ,-IMIIMt Tho procesdon then iii.uchod through thu principal .streets of our town, lo tho Pleasure and doltt'iitiir nor iiennii i dlsmisHlng only to partake or a rich treat In the shape of a Fireman's Hull given in the large and commodious Hall of thu "Columbia Ilottsu." Kvery thing; passed oil' pleasantly and to thu entire sullsf ictioti of all concerned. IliU'oitTini, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A DMINISTIIAT'OIPS NOT1CIC. J:- S'-SrAlKOl' KI.IAH UlrNtTlt. l,l','t, i.iltu oriuliiiliilsl. alien on il,,, i siiilu of IIil.w llltlu-r (if l.,-il.l lnu-,wl,l., c.l. ilM-'tl.. havi, 1,1 I'll L-riiiili..l l.v Ih.. ...r.,.l t i-ounly, in IVii-r Muunlc ul liouil li,. All u.r. Eons liavlsui'l.oiiism ilrnialulsui-nllisl ll.i-.U. fin un- riiiiisiisl liiiiiiikclliiiii kiiovn,iuiil iliose ll.l.V.Ml-l. II. IIIIIKI! ,l.l,f, lit, ,, , l-KII.U SWANK, Hit. DM. AOlililiKllut'r. I ITlllO-f lift- Vieif.i- " sw. ivibo .11111., -t v r.si.iTi: in- mtiiAitt) iml i,, bi:i ii. . i " 1 !f Onili.ins fiiiirmf ihe iiuiiuy nf Coliiin ...... .ui.wkiii!!i..irii iiiiiiii'ii oy inu tiiurt. tn 11- porioisirioulliiii in tiiaUilniiitt 111 tliu ImihN of . '" "mm mm ol loclmiil null i,i ni,r oniiiKu i,,wi,iii,, i iiiiiniiii t county, iii-u'u l I line! tuo luirlles liiU'itaicd, for thu mminse . l'l,"la'oelit on WccliiiMlny, NiAtmln-r itli, lMi'lutl! o'clock 1'. M..U1 Ills ollleu In III us- "wis, in saiiusiiiniy. All piirllis IliliKstcil urn jtiliiMlcil liialieii.l, i.r lie ilel, in uil from eomlni! .. , .,,., , f. 11. IIUOCKWAY. JVt.JH.lO-Jiv. Alnlllt.1 AUDITOU'S NOT1CK. S:srATK OS-t'l. Ill l M-ln.vi.i-tT. ,.t,.-i, Hi i thu iii,li,ins Until i nf I'liluiiililii cnuniv, ttie AlliUtiiriiiiioliile,l hy tin- Court. In m.ilti, .IMil- LMIlllllt ol lllilt-Atiltl) of hiliil Clnr.L M'll,,.i,.ll I ,,,. i ., i 1 111 "" m"y "r toiiiniiii.i, IMirpoM.ofliH il .pi,i ill iiiiu L on .S.UiiMnv llm l::t It iliiy ol .SiiM,iiln,r in-xl,iit itiiicituk A. St., at Iho olllcu oflioljtrl I'. I I, nk In 111,,,, m. I, (,, v,,l,l loinily. All imrlli-H llili'usli'il inu liiiiitsliil lo ulli iul, in Imiluliuruil liinu coniln- in l,,i it putt ,..,.. JOSHUA M.C0MI.Y, Oct,;,-i,n-l-. Aiuliior. liiXKCCTOH'.S 1-J liSrATK OK JOHN NOTICK. lAtlurs tiisluininuiry on iho eslitlc of John Kile, lulu ol Muxurlo.if lownslilp, t-Vltmiol.i i-ounly ham bum munli'il l,y ilu, Iti-ulslcr ol t-iiiiuiiii iiuiuuty lo lllthittil Kilo of hiuiuilnuf ,..e- .iiiiiniiii i iiuuiy i-.t. ah pii'M.iis li.tilnii liitiliis nt,Mliii,uliuistiiluulo luiiiusU'il io pri'sunt .... ...v i.Ai-uu.,1 in ouurio.ii towiisitip, vol llliiblu county, l'u, Thosti luilulilcil lo tliu istiili' uiiiuroii iiuiu, juilKllli.-lll, lllorlgni-tj of liuok uc- I-Ollllt Will Illllktl tlltVIIIt'llL II, thu I .ll'i'llli.i' li III,. mil OL-l.iy. , ..,.,, UtUtlAltt) KII.H, Oct. SLVUMiW. llMiinor. A UIHTOIt'.S iWNCr;, Xi. isr.vu: or ham m. o. K.sr, iih'h. In thu ui phuns Coin i oi I'oiutiibU county, ti, AiiUlurnppoliiUtl by Ihucoiirl, to u uku iiisln. Initiou or llii'istiilcol snlil Ij.iniul U. Dot, l.tlo of Oralis tWi lit thu iiilllily ol follllulilll, iltt-'il. ill II lili'i'l Iho p.ullis llili'lestitl, ror Mm pmposu oi his iippolutinuiil on Weilni'sil.iy, Aon-miH-r Mil, lslii, nt IU oVIoik A. .M., nl my ollltu In iiliionisiuirn, in nilil I'oiuily. All putties lotuvs Iisl inu ii'iiui'sii'il to iiUftiii, or Im ili'h.irii'il Irnni I'oiiiliu- In for ii ii in r lliii ;ilil finui. Ott.8.V(,'J-liv. Ait.Utor. JJUIihlC SAI.IO ot- vai.uaiii.u un.u, iwtati:. In luiisti iticu of un outer oflhu Orphans' Court il l oluiiibt.i i-ounly, l'u., on s-titiinlay tliu anli l.tl- lit .NOVUIIllli'l- III- I. lit o'L-IO.-lt III liu, ull.ir. noon, ss.iiiitiL-1 Ni',iliiiul, luliiilnlslriilorol tin, es Into ol IH'IMT.I .Nitlu litluol IVnliL'loMiishlp, In sulil I'ounly, lU-i't'iisi'tl, will usposu to s.tlu, by piililtu ciiutu', on lliu iirt'iiitsus, ii i-erlii I ti llousu niul Lot sllu.uu In IViitiii lownslilp urim-sulil, I'ontiiliilii!,' uliout TWO Afltl-M, btiunili'il niul ilt-sciibml us lollows, Id wit: on Itiu noilh by l-illil ol I'lilllp .Miner, on Ihoullsthy l.tiulol K. I.. v ..ii,,,,..,, on in,; miuiii ny mo .Mil tu lllilliflt tun il ntul on tliu west by 1 ,utt of ollvur , vims on wliU'lt Is t'l't-cli'il u livu story FHAJIK DWKLIilNG HOUriK. a stable, u well otwiitornt thoitoor, n lot of fruit. ll, is, .VI-; l.liu lliu l-M.ltu ot sum uL.t-itM'l, hlltltu lu tlio lownslilp oriviitru mul i-ounly uioiisit.0. , ., JhlsSl". COUI.UAX, tlirllc. T U.MS 01-' SAI.l'::-T,.,i iii-i- i-.int ,,,Pii, oflhu piiri-luiso iiiouiy ut iho siiikluit iluwn or it." unti.-llj , fcuu U.11.I111X- ui tliu louilll, ILSti tnu li'it p,-r i-i'iit ut iho rontlrlii.itltm ubsoloti-; thri'o fourilis, tnu biiliiui-u iu onu ii-nr Uit'ri.-.iiiLT, wltn iim-ii'si. unin inu i-,iiiiiriii tti'in uti, , .,,,, SAMIIKI, .SKYlIAltl), Ocl. J.','t,t-lw. AUlilluUUiilur. fjo tax coLiiiccT'onsT I'iio collectors of county tux on tho souin stile oi thu river uro rtqueatin lo pay lo tlio Trcnsoi ui ol Colli inhl.i cooniyion Monaiiy, tho fcilli of .No v. iioxt.jiucit un mnountof County 'lux, th.it wncn u Kloil to that iiltiiuly pttlil, will miiko tuo-ihii,is of iho wiioli- county tux; una thoso on thu north slJu ol tho liier to uiiiko puyincnt ou tho Tus o iy lollowtni;, tho Dth, in tho sumo itiumu'i u. tuuno tiro riiii,'sioil to do on iho sin. homo lew iiu o nlre.uly pulil moio ihau two tlilrja ol Uio miiouul. 'llu-y will not bu uoufi iil toinoitiin (hu nbovo nuuifil tiny. t'ollt-ctori will ilo well to coiiipiro Uieir itilpll catus Willi thu nbol o slali-liieul, tliuso who h.tvi llltlsl.ir Ulletl to lililke their pilj incuts, mu ro liH-sicil to be proiiii't nl IhU time. CullcctolS ol I'loN lolls cari lltu n iUl'all'il ti. nu'i t on llm siiliiuil.o s niul st-tllu tiit-lrtluplli'iiti-. ttiou l.tiliui; tocouiply with Ihoiibuvc, will Imu, iht'u- it units phii-cil In tlio hiinils ol tliu Siberia' lor collection. Fiirlber, thu ninoont of 1I04 lux nsscssoil U 11b nit stiiucli-ut to pay nil orders Issuisl ptlnr t'. Is-i'l, lliu sain,) shoulil be collcctcil ItiiiiieOlaloIi . Wu liavi-colielllilt'il Hint nit i-ollcetiiri. uru lo co'l locl mul tjy over tho alumtiit of tliclt- iln lax by December lerm of I'oill t mul 111 cum- luey ilo thai, they will bo ptlliiltteil to luilcclil it 1 1 ot-tlers 101 sl.eeji O'liuilo isstieil by tliu Commissioners 111 1 vloits to ImD.Iii c.i':h of their respeellvo tiiivnsblps Wo Iiiuk) this wilt rt Celvu lliiuii'iliaiu til lent Ion. M. 1 llM-l, I 1). Yl'.'Aunit, l Coin's. W.M. 11. lillll'IC. i net. i.'.'ii'j-lw. I") KPOUT OFTTIK condition ok Xi) thu rirst iiiloiinl u.ink oi uiooiiisbiir, ut uie close ol business, October 111 II, W.il. itiworitciH. Loans ami Dlscnuiils JUJ.IST.tlt 1'. Si. UdiiiIs Io hil Ulo cill lllllliou, ul,0 0, Iiiiu front Ilcilceiuliii; mul llcsemi , Anents, iUSi),!-) line Irom oilier National Il.iliks, ll.lll.'.li I'miciil Kvpettses, l.'tl'i.ll Taxes p.ihl, 7U.I.HJ Cash llems llnclll.llllir ktalilps,) fi!i,7S l''l,ielloo:il Curicliey lllieliulllij nickels,) S"i,li I.i ll Tellili I' Notes. ll!,l!)., Cnltal Htuct: nil. I In. .Surplus Fund, 6ll,(HHIt l.-.'ll.'.N l,UV(-ij , 1 (.751. l-WJUJ.-JO 7M, J, v m 1MM-UUIU Kxchau'. IllllTeKt, IViillLand I )S Nalioiial Haul; circulation onl.l.tn Indivlduiil lMiOsllh, Cahler'K ehet Us mil stand I ni, Jitiu lo National 11 ink-, " " oihuc li.iults an 1 lUiuicn, Klaln of Peiin'a. Cotiutv oi Columbia. KS.- f.J.l ri iislin. I'asldi r of Iho I'lrl Vullmtit It.iiilc oi Itlooni-lairu, do solemnly nitlrm lliai the1 abovo Klaiemenl is tiiie, u thu boht of my Unowlcdo and belief, .1. I'.TlWriN, Oushler, Subscribed aiidalllnned to buioro in.' iliU 1 lib day of October, WM. rKAU'(CK, ptuuxry runnc, jou.v ic. fntoT., y Correct. (IKDHOK IKUHIICS, Ulreclors. I ATTsr. WM. M'KIXVV, J ! Oct, W.'ii'J-lw. ! mmik oxi7y TirIjIahijK culTr: ; X itllt 1VcI'K1'SIA IS TMK UN(i.V ! WOHld). Jr. Wishari'hdivat Amerlnin Dypepsln VHU and l'inu Tree Tar I onlt i are a hm1iic ami In f dlible euro br dypt'psm lu its moil auravjtetl form, and no inatler of how on ht.tmliiii, Thuy peuetiain Iho Ms-ret abinie o ibis lertlbto disease, uud cMerinluato it, loot and hiaiicb, i foinviir. Thy ullevlnttt inoiu nKon ami KlU-nt Mtllerin than lotuuu ca.i tell They uru iiuiud tor cut I iu the tuowt dinperato and hopeleiis imson, when eeiy uouu n.iuus Mil toairord ivllt'f. No foim or di-psla or Indict ion cuti u sll their peui'liallii power, im. wish vitrvi visn tiiki; ta rt toitinAi.. U It the vital mlneiplo or thn I'lnc Tree, oh. t uned bv a peculiar ptoeexii lu thu tlii-tiilaliou of tbu lart Uv whicli lis liiylifU medlc.il pinputh ai o retained, Il tuv mu rates tho dlucMiw oivaut an 1 1 bturcs thoappi'illo. it hirouthous the de btlli ted KjfcU-in, It purities and tnrichcM thu hliHid, acdf.ll lioiil the xMelU the eoi rupllon which Hcinluu brueiU on thu lunus. Jl ilissuhes the iiuuiHtir phletxm uhU h mo,. tho tilr pasa lifi of tho lutiU'i, Kit he.illiu pilnciplo acth upon the IniUlciUurUeu oi thuluiinh ami tin oat, pen eli.itlu toiMchaihtntfd i irt, ielle liu pain ami huhdulng Inilamm.mon. U i tho result ot e.irb of htudy and expei mieiil, and il uoilf ie to Dm atlllctud Willi p'tive u-tsui.ilieo of tt powil' t" cui-' tho I'lllowinudi'-i'iwo, ii itu-paileui has not tuo lotudclaveil iiit'tcin to tho means o: ctiri i ousiiiupiiou oi Hit-1 tui'.t.oiin.K.it. Tiiroai, and (Ir. at, llroui'hitH, iavur Complaint, lllliid mid Itleedin I'Hv, Alhma, Whooiiln : L'otmh, Ulplherla, Ac, A inudlcil expert, holding hunurible loltcl tto diploid ih(ilovoti'H Ills en tiro tlmo lo tbu i-xaintii-ailoii ol paltontviit tin- oillce parlor. Associated with hint aiethreo eoiottiltim; ilislciaiiM ut uu Uliowledied olullieuee, wit 'so or ivvi 1110 tfiWU tOlllA ptlbliO KHKK ot t'MAKOK, Tiii opportunity i oiluitd hy no other hull tut ion in Iho country Letters Iroui any part ol Iho country, atiitnj iMlviee, wilt bo prompily uud liraluiiiouly n-jHiado-l io, Whviu tsiiiveuieut, rciulltauceh Ahoutd t.iKo tlio hhap of. im.u'iu on rosr-un-'icis uitni-at. I'llcoiif U'iliiirl's Amiilcau i)ytpcpsl.i TJIU il a ho, Sun bf mull on iccclpi ol price. t'llcutit WiahuitH rim. iie I'.u t'udla gl.')a buttle, or f 11 per doM-n, tu-Hl by expicss All commuiilcationt hhouUl ho lutiiicvtt d, j ii. i. wiHiiAiir, i. i ,S. m North Het-4)iid Klieet. (K, !f!,W'h l'lilladcliihU pVO MONTHS FHi:i:i Kit HUM Till! Mosr 1-01-CI.AII .H'VlrNtl.K HAllA.INK IN A MMIIIA. TMK IdTTIii: COHPOUAli. lINTlltl'.liY OtttUINAI. AM) l'HWT fl.AKH. All lir-w siilist-rllM-Mi fur Tiik I.itti.k Chiimiiiat. lor llm new )citr, wliosn iinmi'H niul money uro si'tit In licforu Dm lust of NoM'tnbir will n-rclxo tliu Novumlicr unit DctcmlicrNos, of im K H 1 ; I ; ! TKUM8, ONK DOIiLAH A YKAIt. hinui.i: cow, twei.vi: uknth. Tho t.lttlo L'oroom! tills u l.il-irr r Iri'iilnllnn 1 1 lit It fltlV oilier Jul I'll Ho Alntrnxlttii III Din xinrlo. niul Is lutlcr worlli llm piu-o thmi nny olliir II. "H"-' in" "III Ml I, I IS 1 1 tsi, Ili't'iius.Mil Us Inoiit'iisa cli-cut.itlon, ivn nrn en. itliliilto luiiilsli Itut Hip low iirlcnofOuo Iinllnr ii Yi-nrj mix ioilis, out! ycitr, i't sIiikIu niunhrr, luteins; or fri'u toitny onu who will try to rulsu a t lol. IttMiitirul iiri'intiiiiiH fori-luti. KulisiriliB now. iNe voiiinu'H IickIii Jnnimr' niul Jul i btirlc nuinlitrs inu ntwiiyi, bo uni. Ai.riim) i,..Hi;wi:t,i, co, l'tibllRlicrs, Olllcu or '1 he l.lltlii t orimrnl, Clilt-uitJ, 111. I1. S.-Wp nlso l'iil,ti,li tho f.illiiii lns i "TIIK SCHOOL KESTIVAL," An iirUnul ttuuitcTly Mnciulnc.ilcMildtexclu slvi'ly lo Hi-lHHil KiiiiMiuiiiiniiiis. KMiililiions iliuii-au.t,i ic. i-ii,. l lllyci-llt uyciir, SJ H.llill-lo copy lici'iil. Till! I.IIT1. CrOltl'OItAl.'Sl NKW III)' IK'. MtAViNd 11KKDVS DHAWiNO I,Ks.ONS," Tlie Ih-si Ihlneofilio kitiileicr Issii.vl. price Jl.."l lorc-ioin iiiniiiui;; hchonl Lillliilll, so celll. Snlil I1.1 bi)'iUseliei-,ors lit oy 111 ill on leietpt of price. Mil's. Mlf.l.KIlsl NKW 1!00. "run ltovAi, ito.M) to i'ohtum:." A itelliilitful mul lustruitlio Moiy for bojs. 1'rlie, Sl.:m. si. ,1,1 by booksellers, or sent In- mull on lucelpt or price. Also uiimcinus other books. Ailtlless ns above, Ai.rn;:i) i,. HUvi:i.r, co., ruiiiistieis, Ocl. 'J.'.'IS) II. - CltletiKO, III. REAL ESTATE S A LEs! J) III VAT F. SALI-: Ol-' VAI.UAllI.l: ltHAI, 1 STATl-i Iheru i it! lie ollereO for snti! the propel ly ly- iiri tni.. 111 .un- nun u nail lulus iruill .ll'isei HIM II cum prising iwo hmiilieil iieres mole or less, onu lillllilri il anil llllyol liblcli mu ckariil, lliu bul lous' 111 0.1k aim ehcstuiil tuilber. l-'ol' paillculms mnl itrtits aililless or call on . , , joii.n ji. ts.Ml i ll. Del. 1,'l'iMni" Jcrseyliiwii, IM. p U II liTorfATrK i) r V UAlllii: ltKAIi IIHTATIlt Will l,u exposeit to putiltc finto 011 tho premises on Tuesday. Dclober lUh, I'li'lat 11 o'clock In the in it i moo. toe rem isiiiti-iii ueiirKi i.reistu, ue ceusu.1. sllililu lit Cataulssii anil Maine town ships. Columbia county, lyim- on Cataulssn eieek miilabout Ihrru miles front Iho town ot I'lilKMlssu, which bits been dliliUil Into twosep urate Iriu Is anil will be sold separately. Tho one Iruct slluatu In Cataiviss.i township niljolntnp; i -mn .,1 .111111 1 lllll.-loil. lie.llKU Dieisiu, Jl, uoiiii.iiuuiHii, iiiiu oiuers, cijiiiiiiiiiuk 12fi A CHIOS AND 17 PEHC1IKS, tin which Ik errctt'il a lnrK nml curntnmlloim lIUlt'K )VK1,I,I.N(1 IIOUM:, let tcli en mul oilier cnnL'hlcnt uutlmtttllnifH, Willi ti lart;u Inmk barn wjioii limikp, hay hou-ii-, dr, This tract contains tilty iicrus if tiinhcr latul, ibnut tlilrty-llvo acres of which Im heavy vhltu oak: Ivlnir nlnnir tint I'litawlsMv Itallro.ul, Tliero is u go(Hl orchard on Iho lueiniM Tim otlit-r trncL 14 situate In Mnlnn townshtn. tuliulnihi: I tin atio u tuciitinneil tract, ami (amis of Itciihcn Miuiuun, .lacoh Mitt ears. Win. Hitler, a ml tit ht'iH.rim tain ins nno huiulreil ntul nlnclecn aiitl one-halfaciis, on illicit is eioctctt u two Kloiy FJIAMK DWKMjING JI0U3K, a iio.(l Hunk liarn, Ac. This tract contalnn about lumiy-iut; neies or heHy liili? oau limner, i limntonK lliw Catawlssa UillrnmJ, with about twenty acres of other timber, Thero Is also an orchard on tho iieuUve. irJVnns nnulo li now 11 on day of iulu by Attorney tu f.ictand ono ot tho HclrH nf tho Iccedi;iit. Oct. l,'(S)-3t. pUHMO SAliK. iW VAIA7A11MC ItHAT, 1 '-STATIC. In pursuanco f an older of Iho Orphans Court or Columbia county. I'a., on S.t unlay the 'JUh day ol No ember, lt', at in o'clock In tho lore noon, Win T, i-humaii nnd Wm JI. Vetter, Ail minlslrators, Ac.,oi lunkl Vettir, Into of Maim township, in said county, deceased wilt expose lo suloby publl i endue.on tho premises, Uio lol hw lim real est te, to wit: 'irncl ii. 1. Hllnato in said township, bono 1..- I. .tni ..r l.i. ..t. iir. i. iin urn... liau HI llrower.und Daniel lleluliold, containing ai ACRES A XI) 60 PKIICIIES m at incnMiic. '1 hu luiprovciucnts on this tract uro a ono nml one h ill story i'ruiuo Duelling llouve, a l'raiuo I tarn, and other out houses, u koikI well of water at thu door ot tho dwelling; u whh apple orchard tin t ii'iiriM iiiiiii uiki in il b'i'jh hi ft i u ot eiuuv i lion. Trti .No. ii. Kit unto lu said township am bou n tied bv lands ofKtncy Job n,. lucoh uud Allied t uui'i, nun ueir.soi iieiny tiowiiuiu, tiec u, con laioiui 1 10 ACHKS AND 13( VEUCHKS. 'Ih" improvements on this tract nro n Two Moi stono Iiuellimr IIouc, u K'xtd Il.iuk llaiu and all ue e- .nr,v out buddings a spi Imi ot nevi r t.ii IliU waiei al tho dwtdlinu houvc, a uood pump at i In- llui u :i nd Hon-., c.vo upi!e on b ird-t.pi .odi Kit n.iru. a v nn ..urd, and a uemrpl sej elion i.ooti iriu t. im, hundii'd aid tweufy aires of eii-.itcd laud, in. I hi i toi sinti' ol in It i ut I-ut tbe balaii'-e K well tliiiheitsl. Tt-ncl Xit, :i, situate In said tow uOllp. and hounded b IiiikN ofltiulolpli shuman ami otb 1 1 s heirs or Jacob Gearharl , dei'd., John tiear bail, Homy Ituwuun.dee'd., and Jacob ami Al (red Yflter, rontatuiiiK 1!W ACRKS AN I) 10 PEHOIIEri. Thcjiuprovemcnls on this tract nro none ami omf liftlfhlory (rnmc dwelllni; a yood Hank Ham, a Koo I well of water al tho door of tho duelling hniiM uud out hu!tdlm:s. airood onmr uonlo on ha id. 'I hu laud all cleat eil and in iiKodhtatu of cultl ation. Iiiito the iMato of said decrnf d, sltuatoln tho lownslilp ol .latue ami eomm'nrnresnht, Jiissi-: LOMIMAN. i' oik. C'oviiiTioNsorsAi.v:: Ten per cent, of ono (mirth o tho purcha-e money to bo paid ut thu di iklns itowuol thoplopellj; otte-louitli of tWothlnls jess i nt' i en per cell i, ui i no eonniiuaiioii oi sine; nue-tlitid or tho purcha.su money to leuiahi charm d upon tlie mid pn iufsot durliif,' tho natur nl tlioof i:il.abe(h Vetler. widow of JJaiiic' V t ler, and the Intel est Ihcieof to liu annually at d icmihuly paid to her by tlio puichaser or pu. chasers on iho hist day of A pi 11 of each and every J ear durltm hci miluial Hie; suld Interest to bo computed troin thu tlist day ol April A. IK ls7i, and tlie balance ol thu purchasu money to be paid 1 u onu year from tlio con tli mat ion ol tho sale with Inteiest on thu sainu Irom the Hist day of AptU A. 1. JsTi', WIU.IA.W T. KIIUMAN, William n. vi;Tii:it, Oct. l,'(i!)-ti. Admluistiators, puniiic SALE of valuaum: iu:h i:sTArn. Tho uiuleislmied Heirs of tho estate of Jacob Kyer, lato or tiieiituood tow nshlp, deceased, will expose to pub In sale on tbu prcmKeKiit the various tlates sitecllieil below, the foJlouin'' real estate, to wit: 1. Tho t-'arm sltuato In Illoom twp., bounded hy main road lead rnu from lilooncoiiiiit; to Lliiln stn el, lauds of Jjimch Fieeze, Mrs. M.mu, M'Kel vy. Neal tV Co. I r. Iltittcr, Iltoomi'iiiu J ion Co., and others containing ubmil ITu m n-v, to bo sohl III two pal ts us follow a. Tint eusteiu jxtitlon of the amc containing ntioiit lOOaires upon which Is t-iui-tcd a Iiame dwelling house, barn uud othei necessary out bulldlUKK. Ii. The remaining portion ol said farm, It being iho wesl cm poidoiiof thos into coutaliiim; about Til tiered ntoie or less the two pai Is lo be illW.Hd by a line ruiiulm; nearly ma ih and south, 1, A lot contaliilm?altoiutiao)(sadjolhi)the nlxivo ineiilloneil trni l I) lit unv n us the "still liotistt b.t ' ujKdi whh li l en-cled a two story dwelling iuaise and Atabte, wilh other out build Inns. il, A fat ui containing about CVi acres situate In KUhltigtlcek twp.. bouiuled hy hinds or John (J. Moore, Abraham Voting, Wm. Kie.uner, I'lilllp Appleuiaii nnd others, up'in whleh Is enetedfi larye frame house, and barn, together with other necessary out buildlugti nnduUoa tenant hoiiso, I, A farm eoitUilnliu ithout JlOncieii sltuato lu Greenwood twp bounded hy lauds of Itobvt Itobbiiis, Helr of Uobert Montgomery, ilecM,, II. A. Miller, and other lands or Heirs of Jacob Kl er, dte'd.. upon which iscicctcd lUrame house an 1 barn, w llh all Ihe uecesMiry out bulltlln;s. 5. a lot llnu south nud ndjtdiilng No. 4 con taining trout -it to it'acies, 11 poifou cleared the lematnder Umber land. 0, A lot lying west of and adjoining Xo, I toij tahilmf 10 acres none or lcs, 7. The 1 irm sPualo U Madison twp,, hounded by Little I'Uhlngcieek, lauds ol Jacob Demon Jacob Manning, Heirs of Uobert Mnntimmu 1111 1 otheis.coulainliig About licit s, to he sohl in thn-e pirua tollows, a. About u acies more or less of the eiihlern iHiitlon ofti e same (No. 7) iiug 1101 Hi ot De motes eieek upon which U erect eda fiame house and name barn with ud other nieesary out buildings. li. About 1-1 ncies more or less of the western portion of tbesame .Vo, 7i lylnn 1101th of He uiolt'K ci eel; upon w hlcb IsnNo erected a t""iiw hoiiM'. bank barn, and other out buildings two i;ood welUot water aiul 101 excellent spill);; (if water 011 (he piemlsc, c The tem.ilnth r ol trad No. 7 teln the llm tier laud ol si Id tuut tying south oi JicmotL' ci et k (MUlaluiiM abtuit 7.j uen-x, muie or U, s. Alotol lutd sitiiuo In Ml. I'leusant and MadiMin twps. ,t Hiu tided by lamU of Amos 1 Ket lei, H ulieii WIU011 and olheic.coiitaluhiii about J.' iieus, upon which Is t-iiettd a houe and bin ble, 1 0. n uudlltdcd yue hull ol u large three story in u u griit mill situate In liver's drove, in. An undivided ono hairof 11 hotiu and lot dm ite In Jeer's tliove, I I, Two Inu w it III 11 fie town plot of I vers iuie, ti) ai each ol which In tieitLdu britk iu elliiu hoiis., IU. oim lot wiMiln the town 1 lot ot j;yr tlioe, iipiui u ho h t reeled u two story iraiue stout houe, ia. h w nil lou wlihln the dot of wild town upon which are en did Irame duelling houses. I 1. heeral acaut lots wlihln the plotofH.kid town. ' 1.1, A saw mill with yood water pour sitiMte on lhoMuitheui boidtrofsutd town. TIMI.S OF hAM No. I m bland:' to Ih sold Tuesday Oct. 1( ' tn. b .1 e,l I. 5,H s, " Weilutsday.Oei Nos. li, nui, 'h, ii.i.i, FrMay Uct.'d, No S, lo bu sold h.itui'tUy, Oct, ilrd, . 19th. r.Oeuith. leiins luiiile known out av of salu. t hlllp Kyer, Henry Hyer, U llllam j:er, Annie Welllver, Mainuret .lobnsoii Catharine A, Alle Lui iiida D. imUt, Abble lluiiynn, Mary lit ndersholl, t harlty JiihiiMin. Hllnt WellUer PhlneuH Wtlllvir Wslilnloii WtUUer, MISCELLANEOUS. Y' Wll rA l.ltAllIilJ ItlOAlj lCSPATK FOlt M.M.Ii. A'lllbtlKolil bv tlio lltiilcrAluncil Kxprlilor nf tliu taut Mill mill Tihliiineiil of Viii. Waritln lalu or t'eiitrii lowiishlii In tliu coiiuly of I'oltiiuliln ilecefiseil. All tlial eel lain mu iMiuifu mul tnu L or liiiul Hlliiiitu in i f'liirn loivtishi,! (joiiitn bin rotiuty, iiiljolnlm; laluN or Hainiiel Crevellin Ueori-H W.hhallir, t'liarlen l mul llavM lnv contalnliiir ONK llUNDitHO AND H1X1V A JtlH moio nr lrs; nrtiinl nmntnit tolia nBccrlnlncit liy Biirvfy, nlwutoiioliiiiiilietl mul thirty ncrei of wltlcll In ImiuoM'il mill Iuuk'hhI ntltlu of cilltlvn lion, mul liutiiiico well tluiberetl, Wltcreon In irecteil, oni: fitA.Mi: i wim.mnu iiotwi:, ne riunlt ilwellliii! House, u Iniuo tmnk Hum WnKoii Mheil, Com Crilii.,l'lHiy, Tho koikI Welln "f " liter, onu al tliu hum anil lliu oilier nt tlio iioii-e, null it K fipilllU OI iteltr llllllllfC waler nt lliurrmiiuuiullliiu liuiiio Willi unrlnir house. '1 eruiH lnaitulcnoii-ii livnoullcillntt rlil,p o. n,,. iintleri.lmicil,or 1 Mm ma ii. Wmillii lllooiiiRluirir tolltlnbla eomily l'u. tt i-iSS "" ' ,irc"llsi'" ul" l)i'eluii Ajirll 11 Ilie Lliol-n luoitfiK- U ,i..f r... nH I.. thu lilli ilny of Noveluliir liext.llio miiiiu will lio uxposeil to imlillo saluoii tho pn mleil. u .-ii..-- Aill)l.sj, r;xe(lllnr, Oct. I (IJ-Oii- Wi iithtrly, Curuotl Co., I'a., 170UTY TIIOCHANI) CASKS OF J. Kotnls were shlplieil Irmn our liollse 111 Dim i em . io i.ii i uei.ciu tin. ntul uif-rr-nnnlit. In i.ei-i-v 1 1 11 i.l tin- eolllilry, Irulii .Mnlnn lo OlirurnlH, aliuiuntiiit; in altie to oer ONK .MIliKION HOU.AHK. Our l.icHIMi n f .r IfntiKdt itiu it.it. i.mi.i.ii.i.i,!). iicr die l)tlb r t him ever b-mie. Wtlmu nurnis in all the pilm ipid It us lo i unh.iie utxnis noui the .Vamifnrtuicis, Importers, and others tor IrA.oi.fiid niieiiutun Immense sariiiit,.. from the oi iniiial eo-,t ot piiiduction. nui stotk tousiHts, m pari, of the following . Miawls, niankt ts. tjuilts. Cidtoiw. tliimhninK. Jiiess (MtfidsinbluJauMnrow i-N,IloHcr ,llloi.s KilMirdMatcil ware, Hpootis plated on Nickel piivir, iwm'II J o' lis, tuchotile platisl Castorft, liuianula aru, (ilan Ware, 'table uud l'ockct tiiuto, in creai variety, JlhKaiit l rcnch mid (Jertnnn rancy (!oods, lUautinil rhotornt. Altaims, tho neust and tholuMMylcMlli Moioecoaild Velvet IHiidlnu. Morocco 'liuM-lniiff liaiss, Ilundkuchlcr nnd (Ilovc Hosts. AC. (loid nnd l'lateil .Tew dry, of the newest M5I1H. ! e hii o atso made urraimeiui nts w Itli some of tboieadlim riibil.siln JIoiisik, Hut will limbic ns to hcII the btandard uud lalest works of ponu l.ir MitltotH nt about onediall thu uvular price! iii'h us lt iifN, tMuoiu ItiMiNs, Mll.ios-, and ' KNN60N'H WOIIKS, 111 Illll (Ultlllld Clotll ItlllJ J 1 iks,- aiidhuudiedsol otheis. 'J bc-oand every lliiiieLsu tor 1 ONU lHHXAU VOi VAVil AUTJl'MJ. I Wo do not (dri'raMnulenrtlcbMit tuorrhnndlKo that can b sold by rtKidardwileis ut our price. Wo 1I0 not ask ) mi to huy K'Hids tiotu ns unless asu can sell thtm claapur than you can obtain them in any olher way, whllu thu greater part .f our goods are sold at about ONIMIAT.J" Till: IlKOULAIt HATEU, Wei want Kood reliable ngonls in evert' put of the Country, I!y employing oiir spare time to form clubs nnd scnuiim us orders-, j on ran obtain the most liberal commissions, cither lu Cash or M KKtltANPtSK, and alltioods sentby us will be us repiesenttd, nnd wu Kuarantee sutlstnctlon to etry ono dealing with our house. vj;entH should collect tt u cents rrom each cus tomer and forward lo us in advance, fur Descrip tive chocks oftheinnil unsi'll. '1 be tioldeis of tlio Uhciks have Iho privilege of eltlu r punhasiUK the artlclo thereon described, ororcxchamrinK lor nny nrllclu mciitlout-d on tair L'ataloKUe, iiuiuberluKoxer JtVJ dlllerent ar ticles. not 0110 of which ran ho putchased In tho Usual way lor thu same money, 'J ho advantages ufilrst seiidlni: for Checks nie these: wo nro coustnntly buying small lots of cry niuanie tooiis, winch nru not on our e.ita loKuts.aiitl for which wo Isvue clucks tli I nil nro sold; besides. In evtriy lato ilub wo will iut ebei ks for WnliheM, liullts, lllankels, ltress Pat terns, or some fit her ai tides of nlue, ?m inj wtnf mmihtTX nf tfir rliibtm ni)imtu)iit nf jmrvhasnuj u,i uith'tf fur about unv tjuutttruf Ui talur, "In every order amount In; loo er accoin panletl by thocash, tlii Auent may retain S'.Vjo, and lu evciy order ofoir SluD, S-Mji) may be ic taiiusl to PAY THE KXPUKSrf CIIAHGRS. This oiler is inoieeoeciatlv toassKt Aironts In tho Western and .woutnern Wtaics, but Is open to all customcis. COMMISSION H: Antnts willbe paid teu per rent, In Cash or Mcichandlsc. wlten tliey rn.b bi '1111:11: km i hi: it.uii, for which below wu i;l.e. u partial List of isomimiMuiis,; Koran order of S:io. fiomnrlub of Thirty, wo will pay Iho Aeul, as coninilsslou, us ds, Itrownor itleachctl Hheetlm;, Uood Dress Pal U rn,Wools-nuaiorthuwl,l',ieuch Caslmeru l'ants nud Vint l'alter.i, I'lao Lariw Wlittu Counlei pane.elc., etc., or 8 !.) In cash, Koran onlcr of $50. liom 11 Club of KJfly, wevlllpa the Aiceiit ns Commission, j janis Shei 1uk, Duo pair heavy Wool Blankets, I'opllll Diess p.ittttn, Ilaudsouio wotd Htpiaru Shawl, hllver-Caso Walch. ete , etc., or fu.lto ,n ra-di. l-'or nn oidrr of SlOU, from a Clu. of Ono II until oil. we will ouv tno .Vucut. us commission lanyards "ood aid-tdu Sheen tic. Coin-silver Hunting Cnsu Waich, Uieh Lom5 Wool Shawl, suti 01 ud Wool 1'iench Cassltuere, etc., etc.. or tniucash. Wo do not employ any Travelling At;eiit.s, and custonitrs should not pay money to persons pur port liu to be our agents, ioi n j rmnnUy oc- si;m iiini..v AbWAs, uv ijrnisrKut i MrrrKis I'or Ittrlhtr p.irtkul.unst ltd lor Catalogue-. I'AItKKU A CO., US A 10) Hummer St., i.oston, Mass. Oct. lco-i'iin. I.Kr rs PnoriCT Oi'itshLvrs. Tho physical strm tine of ihe strongest hmuati beln Is vul nerable oerwheie. Our bodies are endowed by n ituro Willi a eetial 1 illative powtr, width piott , to. m, l some tnnt, Horn umvhole somt iiilhienee; but tills pi-oiettlou Is linperlect ami moot ho ixilidy relied mi In uuhe.ilihy re uloni, 01 under ciu'umttiiic.i jl' nioie tlian 01 duiaiy ilaiifiel. Tneieloie, ll is wImIoii;J bspIU tleiift ; it Is common vem-u to pio iiluuii ilnstuch eouiini m.i. by takltit; imautlitoio in udv.iuce; tn fittier words, by butifj ln tho system with nosniTi'EU's stomach nrriKits-tho mot com. letu prolcctlveas dust all Iho epidemic ami endemic maladies that lias eer been admlnls leiedluuiiy tuuutry. Asanmedyfor !.spep sia, there is no medicine that will compare with it. Whoever Millers Iho pangs of indigestion, unywhcieon thof.uo of tho eaith where IIOS THTTLU'rt STOMACH JUTTl.ltS can be procur ed, does so voluntatily; tor, i.s sun 1$ us truth v Is's, this invaluable toiiie nnd alleiutie would rt stoic his ilKuidi ted slomuch to a healthy con dition. To the ncnmis It is ulso tsptciully lee ouimendcd.uml In cascioi continued eotihtlpa tiou It niooailoiiNspeedy and permanent lellef. In all t aes of icM rand uhuu the lU'l'J'KItS Is mote potent than any amount of ijululne, while the most dant,' rolls eases of bilious lever yield to lis wonderful i opei l It. Those who havo tried the niedlclno will neer us, another, for nny of the ailments which tltu HOSnrrTHli IlITI'lUW prolesses to subdue. To tho.e who have not made Iheexperliucut wo cordially lecommeud uneaily application lo the JirriLlls whenever they uio stricken by dlM-aso id tho digest I vo oi-L-aus. t- iln nut wish In liilnrin Jim, uaili-r, tluil umli-itiit. ur any utlicr unin, Iiuh itlsctivm-il n rviniHly Unit i-lnt-s rniisuiiii Inn, wi-ii llm Iuiiuh uro liiiirrnni-iiiiitil. In hlinrt, will die all lIUi-us-. s nl,,.,cr c,r nili',1, Ii.hI.v ni- tola ur iuuku nit-n liu- Inn-M r. ami Ic.ivi- ili-aii in pi (i., nr w.int uf Mn.li, iiii.I Is iliklitniil iniinakcnv 1 suliliinarv splinin a lilUsliil 1 uniilisi', tn wh iiiirlleiivun it Kilf hluill In-Iml 11 klili- slum-. Ylrh uvi- hi'iml 1 llniiuh nt lll.lt lilllil iil.ilitiinliiii;i 1.11 linil Mi- iln 111)1 wnink r III. ll 51111 III -i-liy llilry. III' lirinliu- ulsi;iisiiii with it, litiiiu lu-ii r (1 h 1I111 tli.ii lr. Nim-'ii rut.irili Krllin will in. jnli illlnttli wnlhl nisi'J uf l'utl I Ii-l 1 ultl lishitivilv wllii-ll llinllsiiniH t-.lll li-sllly n. 'Jl it I'll lli.llwlll Ini iniivllll-i'il. I W Itl tilV 5'iHI It w III I ynll C.UO i)f Ciitarrli Dial 1 i-.uiinii i int. FOHHALKllV Miisi Dltt'GlllSf.S I'.VKltY, Wlllllii:. I'llll K IISLV 3D CUNT-). Ki-nt liy niiiil )nst jinlil Inr hlxly ccntsl-'ou f t luukiiKi-H $J.iiii, nr nun iliizcii lnr$l.lu. Si-tut a tt 11, ri-lil hliiiiip Inr Ilr Jsimu'N mliitllli (in ratlin A'l'lnss tliu l'ln,lk tor, It. V. ril.'ltrK, Jl. 1)," Ji n, ii, o:i.3im. ill I 1. 11 11, x. v. AMIW FANCY 1'UIW! JOHN I'Attl.lKA, ns n-ti Ktrii l. .ll,l, ll, ,ril. l.l, .-.- i,..i un, I Mh hlri-il Isiuilli l'lila,'i,.i,,i, ,. linrli r,.Maiiulm-liiri-iiii.l D.ali r in all kimls ami iilallty ot 1'ANI'V l'lMt-s 1-lllt I.AIUIN AND Cllll,- .. , , llltllN'H WllAlt. Ilaxlllj I'lllaruiil, ii'iumlPliNl ami liuiirnvcl my nlil anil l.iviuulily liiinu u l-'l'H I I'l l 1 1 ' M.ni nl lnulim lniinrli-it a vi-ry liugi, niul ki.tLiiilia ak s,, Hlii, nl ni all tin- ,lll, r.-iil liiiiils nl Furs iiiim IllM liiiuil.i In l.niiii., ainl hiiM, hail Iln in iiiail, lli liy Hu- iiiiwl kkllllul wnll;iiit-ii, I wnnlil -rrk. ii-aiuilj ini iuiny hli ii.ls nf u-.niui-ia ami u,. lai-i iu ll.iiiitli-s, m i-.ili ami i.Miiiilnii my vt i-j-l.li;ii anil Li'.imlllll nknrllilel:l nl J-".ni -v Klllv Inr Ui, Ill's iiikI lliililuii. I inn ,l..i .....i .! M-llill as liny mil is, a, any nllu r li-.-ii-i tiilil.i . .1,11 ruin - in laiiltil. -s'ii llltsri'lil'l'MlllaltntiS In imi It h. Oft. l,Y,(l.lin. 7IS A., htrl-'il, i'hii'dJ.iph'til. .'or Pure Wilcr till, rtlvbrutuq l-nuiji 5"SoQUTCHtn- cuurtiy laiteicss. durablo un, rclU. bli; pqiult tli, fi-u.1 (.M-riubUiDii! -muJiii J-iiiuii, tnij 024-C626 vautiT st F1luv c 'H Ic l s than hall the money, bin!? arra-i,--! ,a as 10 l,o lion-rnif.-liij, anilliironilrilclli'ii .iiiiii,tu tlmt any one ca.i nut it up tni keep It la repair. OESI kKO CHEAPCSI PUMP Ntv Kite Oct.'.'.'.'JD.Ulli, QO-l'AUTNKItSIIlI- NOTICK. Iho iiiiilcrklunc-il liad i ntiifii nun (ii-iiaitiiKr-klllli ns I iilllnlu-ialiil.Miu liliiUn.ut llm NmIIiiiiiiI riaiiiar-iiri-inr.iri-iHiii,iiil l.y l. i,-r Iilllini, r. 1M:iHI llll.l.MVl.n' .J!'.0 '."."'"' " "r'ni i'lll Ik!1-. u if'.f v I.. UOKKr, to wlintii all imu liuliliUil klmulU IlliViiiihluini luiin tl.'ul , IftiiwsTWir.i v.v-. -iss-.s-iTrTrguay-xi-s PA. LEGAL NOTICES. A iMHToK'a notioj:. JlX. l-SrATK UI' SMl i;b MATIIKlt, iJFtKASKI), 111 ine orphans Court o the county or i;oinm lilu, 'ihe AudllorutpolnUit by tbt Court, to repoil distribution ot the balance in the hands of John S, Matin r.oxi dilor of Hamm 1 Mnlher !Mn or (trcoiwnod Iwp. Columbia county, der'd, will meet the parties Inleiested.ror the ptirpONU or bin nppolntmnitoirihmMlny tliu'th day or Octn oer iow ui, lenu chh k a, m, ui insoiiico in iiummn burif. In natdcoiinlv. All Mirth h hit nieit uio leiiueslid to iilleiiu. or budelmrted from eom iii In lorn iwirt of tho said lutid, ItOIIUilT F. CLAKK, Kept, 17, CO-Jtt Auditor, Al)tIXJSTJtATOitS K0T1CJ5. hwrATK OK t HAklit-X tlRrt, nkl'F'.ASU". Letters or iiiimiuisirniion 011 1110 esinieoi uiias. Itiss. into or M lllltii township Columbia Cminty, dtccaseil, liuvu been granted by tho 1u.KiH.1cr 01 sum Louiiiy.io.ieieiuiaii j, iiesn, au di lnlRtrn tor. who resides In II uuliesvllle Lycoming Co.AII personn liming claims or demands iiualnst tbu Milil fhtatu nro reroiestrtl I o lreselit them lor Settlement without delay, and thoso indebted to iuuku payment, JKUKM1AH J.IIIWM. Sept. 2i;VJ-bt. Admlulstrator, puiiic"sALi oi- valuaum: lttLvii iistati:. In purmnncoof n Mnndnto Issues! out or tho Court or Common Pleas of Columbia cmuityiml to me directed, will hu exposed to public sale on thu premises at Malnevllle, Columbia Co. la.,on Saturday the Uiith day of uctolier next nt one oYIocit In the nfternoou of said Uny, tba fcdlow liii; described real (state, to wll: A certain men sun ue mnl tract ot la ml Mltmitu to MhIuu iu o.. In theiounty ot Columbia, bounded uud described i'S follows, to wit: hcKinniDK al a stoiio lieap. inenee oy ntul u hall thence by Inndof Jacob Hosier south sixty-six Lldtim-fH wtsl.iihiHtv-eiulkL neri'lu-N tun stout; thence by land ot Wm, Unit, south seven- t -Mx and om-louith diKtees west, nlntty-ftair oeicnes 10 a sioue: iiicmo nv iiuiu 01 jncoo t i man noitli, eighty ihgreefl west, lorty-tbreo peiuhes: theuco by land ot tho siiinu south Uty ut Kr tis west, Ihlrty-tour perehcH lo a hlckui; Ihcucoby land of John huunian north eighteen dtKne.H west, forty 0110 pet eiieu to n stone; tlie me by Innd of tho same south slxty-sl.v do rees west,thlity-elK!it pirches to a post; theuCe oy innd or Ueorgo nml Itudolph Hhuiiiau, north lvel o deurtiM west, sixteen nnd n half perclus ton post; tiieuco by jandofthe same, north two andone-lourlh degrees last, one hundred nnd twenty-two perches to a point near tho KriiKO lliaise: thence by land of ine same north. Blxty- stx decrees tasi, eighty-six peuhtN to u pine dowli; theuco by Inni of Ihesame south seventy tnreo ami une-iuuiiu uerees eusi, nnyiwo perches lo nn oak down; theuco by land of Hen ry Deir, (J id con (jcarheart, John JCllbgeriuau, and Isaac Vetter, noith slxty-slx and one-hull degrees east ,thlny .seven perches to 11 stono heap thence soutli setuteen decrees west, two bun dled and sixty perches to a stone heap the place of bcfEtmiliur, containing Ihe hundudund nine-ty-slx and one half acres neat measure. Tht! above tract ot land Is unstated, ami well timbered, with Hock Oak, Yellow l'lne, l'ltch Plnoand Chestnut. mujidi;cai MII.LAUI), Oct. 1,'tU-ir. hheaiir. INSURANCE AGENCIES. QLOll K M U T U A I, lim: insurance company o V NEW YOItK. I'llny I'ucinan, Piesldeht, II, C, rrecmnn.Hec Cash capital over S-!,tX.W,, nl paid. J. II. IIOHISON, JiLOOiMSHUHO, I'A ii:xi:raIj ai:st, l-'or Lucrue, Ia coming nnd Columbia county Aug. IM.VJ-Iy, J N H U it A N C 12 A U E N(JY. Wyoming tllO.m Ktnu , I,()li),tHic Fulton SOO.OUO North Amcilcji 3fi0,)00 City International 1, 100,010 Niagara l.UUO.OOU Putuum M Mtim Merchuuts 3.Ti),000 Sprlnytleld 570,Oil Farmers' Danville '. CW.duo Albany City loo.oou Lancaster City , , HCO.OuO York Horse, Death A. Thtit Home, New H:ien 1,000,'JCJ Danville, Hoiso Thclt FUKAH HUOWN, Apent, inaiti t9-Iy. IiLoonauuiOJ, Pa 11 K A D T IL 1 S. JiAZAJCUS efc .MUJMtliS' c j: i, it a t j: i kkkkotki) 8im;jtacj-i;s( am) i;vu i;i..usn;. Oiieonbcllini will iHiatthuMuiooiihelc Agent. Mi?, A. U. V K U Ji, hTATIONJUi, JihuoMsnunu pa., One day only, 1'ild.iy Noeiuber3, Ni). ilu attends mr tlie purpusa ol assisting JIIsh A. I). Webb in llltlua' thu e o In dillleult or unusual 'JJiosoHUll'irli Irom Impalml or diseased vis ion are recommended to avail themselves or this opport 11 tilty, OlTJt bPJlCTACUlS AND AllH ACJCxovij;iKii;i to nt; Tin; most mtrixT usslsiam-e to flht ecr inanur.ictured, and run ulwajsljoielledupon us airoidliii; perfict euc und coniioit while stti'iiathenlnj; and preseivint; tho Kj oi mast thoiouhly. Wo (alio occasion to notify tho l'ubllc that we eiupleiy 110 pedlars, and to caution HtMiust those putundlus to have ourgood-i for si I e, OL'i.yj.'tij.tr, I? J. TJIOKNTOX J would aniiounto tothecltleiisof lllooms buiuand vhinily, that he has Jti-tiect ied 11 III! and ( omplt teussorttueut of WALL I'Al'llil, WJ.MIOW SilADKh I lXTl i:i, t'OlEPs, 1'As.sl.I.M, and all (other KootU In his line or business. Alt thr newest nnd most nppioed p.itlerns ol tin day are iilttfttH te be found in histstabllshtueiit, Mar.,i.L'-tr MhIuHI. below Market. N 0 T" ICE. All rcri.ntis kiinwlni! tlir-msr-lv lii,l.l,tn,l In tlio iimU-n.li-i)t-il nn Imoir, unto nr ntlti-rvvlHo ani lii-n liy iiiiiiIIlhI llial uuUks M tlli'iiii iiW aro iiiiulo nf 1110M1111', Mltliln . Mii ks, all huili ai-. (-mints- nr plalins u-lll 1,0 fcrtili-il liv li-u.il iii-ih-cks, lll(Kunbui!,l)i I. 'i,u-Iw, li .MtNUKNUAl.l.. JOTICK TO STOCK IIOI.DEUS. A ilu lih-nil nr.1 pi ri-i-nt nr"-inUiiorili,iro nn llui I'.ipllnl Miii'k n( lliu CnlawUsa llrlili-K I'niu imn.v will ho iili hy lliu Tn-iiMirer nt filnillU-o In LatnMlsMi.iin ami iitu-rot-l. Iiuh, Ivbi. oi o. k liii.iuiur, 'lUUlsllll'l-. M0Ni'i'uVU11 1!(HI-NTV Ann. Tn I)iiillniti " llui iiiiviil nn Nnto Tnlal Ami. 1'iitil f ir 1 1 uilimtivi'K " " TraiKiinii.iiliiu " ' .Nulrs llli.l iii'iil KXiilUluliillU Tnlal iv.t Ami. T.iv iiiiinilo " llnriiiMcil l',ilal Mnl. ui 1 r.ir in vnlunli-m I'lannmrintliiM ' Nines niul J .ioickI I xnm-iatlniu Tnlal 7HU.7I flOAii Mni'Kim 11 JOHN (I. (JUIIK lnA.li- .MnwiiNi ,VtlilUl. p I M 1' I) K S. flu; iinili-rklKiioJ w ll rlivorruily mail (liu ki to nil ului Mikh 11 Hid ltiil,o anil lull lUm tluna fur iiC,ailni!iiiiii 11.I111; n kliniilii ami lliuiiiitui yiki-lalilii lliillii, Hull Mill liniiiiUUli ly h-iiiuvu luii, 1 r. t-l.u-a, riinplik , liiiiiclitk, ami alt irnn- UnniiiiiliniiiuillU'K()iiiio.iin.Uavliii;tlioMiiiio mil, ilcar, kimmlli anil Inaullliil, . lloilllaUi)ninl,ii1(k) Uktnictlomi lor iw !'!'V I .'ft'''. '.r', "1,""'lf "'i''isii luxuriant uiuw III if i.l."Jri"" "J"'1'' ml or '"'"'tli Uiu lu kr (l,an tli riyilaykiinin ttriiii.,ication, Ih iilKniiiatilicnhiaiiiiii liv iitnrii mull hy niMr.-k. -nil). J...CIIAI-AIA.S ;,i nim!st. y . r.,i. lUix ol, IU) liniailwii)-. New Vmit, '-iijx, I, i'iJy, REAL ESTATE SALES. I ) HI VAT K SALE. X IW VArXAHJ.K HV.M, WATl, Iho tiudi'rKlKiif'd, JAeiuloi ol c nis I rv. I.ito frilloom township deiHHif, otitis nl iiivuit sale ti eer'aln bouse and lot.sMtiaif'l in liKinms burtt.on ICok Street, litmiidcd b Ioim oi I, W, A Jl, C. llnttman, atid by iinotla r I it t oniui; to said estate, contnlnlliK se iit-tori( u-i t riouf. The terms ere rensiHiuble, ntul po s.kii.h wilt bo Klvtti wit 1. 111 1 Jiii ilayn an. 11 i, . Apr.W.W-lf ' p"A 1 v"at if sa1j k Of ; it 1: a I V A L U A II ii I- 1; r a i-1,. Tho undersigned otfot atptlVAtfl sd. tut tn si Mmtii In i JihlimrreTt loWtisli'i' 1 bounded hy Intuit ol AbiHbflttt Voting Appinnmijiiiui Jlenry lo'er isonlillfiliig ONE UUNDHEI) ACirfiS nliuut Rpvrnt, tulilvuttoii.t tyncrcRrlcarrilnil In utkhI hIhIi tliu Iintaiirnilirtriy tlmtier, 'Hii-i-im f.ll lllC'liri llllSl-Hllirailld llHHSOMlhl inu IllHIitltlut., Iriiini fiiirn nml nut liill,iiin, u,hi Mr iilni llirlll)- Irult trL-cs. Terms rf'niiiiilili, tMsp'4tmi Rlvpn t,ti 1 1n nistt of AitII next. 1'ot' imrlli-iiliinintiiiiy in t'HAIll.lX J. KU.SMl'.H A l-.l.ll.-.. Ki't..V!D tf. Oil Hie lili iniM . J? o 11 SAIi Iho tinderslcnrd offei to dlmiostrnt irl.itn snle, on reusotinble tenm the VAIiUAUl.E JJOTEL STAND, nt Ij tcht Hlre-t, Co'lnmbia county. Pa., know ti n the ' Walnut Hotel," nnd tiuw'oeeupiael by Sum urlKlliif, it Is raornb1y looted for thn tmnwartbn of busiuiss, nnd If piouerly kept, Would not (all Pj iliilill ll iMIHini'Ult' MlfMIK, eiucftlloiwtiHMotlH' , )0-re-sMon, condition etc itulacloniy auswtieU by . , C, II. llJtUKWAV. .US.aVG0-tI. Agent. D U It Ii 1 C SALK O K VAUJAIILK UKAJ liSTAIK. In tnirsuaiico of nn order of the OriiluiiM ffnrr f I U7.ernu eounty. I'a.. on Mondav tin' li'itu n- October lMDatono o'cloik lu the alb rioxm o NHi'l nay ai tno house er leu is lie on Uie pieiu ises uojoiuintsuui piemue in ioiu-i t uiiMtip Columbia county i'a. Law son Ituuhcs Adiiuni tralor of thu Lstate ol John IluheH iti oi 1 1 ui- ura, ljiircmu uoiiniy ufioiM'-i, auii expose lo sulo all tliose two contiguous tiucls ol i.uei sit uate lu the township ot locust in the count v ot Columbia adjoining lauds of .John Ji.tc. Han nah I.eo nnd others. 'Jhollrst theieoi e.,.. ,( niws nluetynlne acres mat sixty Meii pithiH hlch Is moio than hall ckaud un I n :i it slate of cultlvalion, the bal iiico IhuU t oiMer id. The second Iheieof coutufnfiiH .nim-o two neres, of which n few n risnie c'eaieil, I i. most an ' 1 1 is iiiuoer iiuiu, eonnisy unfjj l.il,v lliril y white oak, chestnut, xeliow nine at, a other timber all ol which would make net 11:101 1,1 vpmI million Teet of lumber; tho land Isol e ilhnL nnat it v. llolh of said tracts mo nelt wnlcn i with springs and ustieum of water runuiUK tluougii satdtiaets nnd a public roid runs thuuli or Joins on said iracls, nlso Ho other coin iuons iiiii'is 01 Lima uiiiiht iiuiu tiiiiuiu III Kl uiWIl- ship miJolulUK lands hereloloru decilhrl, Tho oiu 111 si lueieoicoouiiiiion ui ueieniu 1 . 1 pi mi-t"-. tbesecond thercsircfnitulnlnir tiueit s unit Tn perches, thethlidtheruot containing o' ..m -t and en perciicn, inu luuriii iiieieoi coniuimni 7 1 u res nnd jH-rches, the ilttti thcieol em tuimn rj ncies nnd UI ptTches, strict measure. Ail ol tho aforesaid tracts nro considered the lest timber- eni la mi in iniu vicinity umi imvo tht-nii tt it ad vntitaiir by I.iyiiiK so near tho best ti.ii!.i and good loads to marJct-t, U: seven mtb s tu i;cn- nana, nine nines 10 .suiand, unit ai.-l 1 I ,ilf miles lo Catawissa. Fanners. Lutuh.-.-nii n. , o.ii operators, siuculatois and olheiH win pie use to remember tho day ol s de. An examlnatlo.rof said pronetty wdl be tkio liest riconnneudktion of it. Tihh'.ih. nu nn. derslned admlulstrntoi will beat tl Ii use of i,ew is i.ee on me aujoiuin preiiu-e. 01 f-atur-dny previous to thed iy of t u with u 1 . mil deslio of showing said lim bur nui 1,11.1 s to all nnd eery person lui iiiis, . 1 ih sin-ti . i . uuo belore the sate.ulso omotner lot lu t nu uvu ship (near Hl.ihtouii) uiIjoIuiiik liu. - u w.Aow Tioxel, Joeph Call nnd otheis.cootainln -lueifs nioiuor less iiuoiom.ii mmi 10 00 hv. I ut liiu iupeiiyoi (siuu ofi-f.iisru. J.. II. e JUL,l.liB, IV l K, K), U, TKUMM OP SAIil.:-T.-u ner cei.t ..f 1 om-. chaso money tobc paid at the stiik.m; d ua of 1110 propeuy, one ioim ies inu lea p 1 e nl on thocohilrmuttonolKale, onu thiid on tt.e thst day of Apt 11 bTU at which tlmo possi -.0.1 will u- niiiotuo.i miiuiiiiuijiMK' iiuni 011 liu 11. mi hjij of April Is." I with inteiest on same tiom ihu llrst day of April Is7U, the purchaser to p, in .'.wi nnd stamp, J.AWsuN it l OUl,s Ailiuii :i tor. IlLGttsVII.LV, .St pt. llV'W-St. p U IS Ij I C S A L K. v a lu a 11 mTk f : a r, i :sr ti:i In nuruinco ofan older nfilm in ohno Hilt ol Columbia county Vennsj Ivanla, on li ay -otiiirirr 11, ivcF.ni cpoi'IOCK 111 IIM' loietioon' iiiiaio iiess, uuiiuiiiMiaioi. oe,, o; .)ini llCsH late nf Flshlimciti k tounshio. fu sm! '.nt I deceased, will expose to sale, liy publu- on the pieiulses, a certain uicssuhkc nml nduo. TllAOT Ol' liAXD, .lluali-ln l'lslilnucrd-k tnwnslilp. i-niii n aimv. Milil, tmumU'il ty lanils ut Cornelius , innan ami .luiin Andri'Mk nn iho disi, .innali ll nn tlio sotitli, Nntliuu huillli nn iho ni'si, ami lion. I'l'iili-rauil nthi-rs nn Iln- nnrlli. cniiinii i- (i'K lll'NUltl:!) A.NllTlllltlV-l'lVl-; AU.cs, mnro nrliss;nl Mhidi nno htiiulrcil mn-s i- ; n .iroil liunl. Thero Isnti llii'iiri inisos ntM-nsii.t - I ,'.nno Ilnuso, Frame llaru, nut houses, npj- , i,r, . ard ami gooil waler. Alsn, A CKItTAIX LOT OK OIIOI XI), sniinicin 1110 villaxo nr Ashuiy I'i-i i loun-lili, iiiljninlii,- William llpjnin, Itllliyall.liuilCnruelitlsCnlciiliui.eniit.i.,, Iiiuilli nl all aele, wln'iiiiu Is oris teil liuelliii House cm-ami a half kii.ii h a l'miiie s-tahle; late Ihu isl ilo nl sui, d situate In the li 11-ltl nnj enniity tiloi . il; ph nun and stll, .1 i.s-.i; l ill.l ..man, ( , k. 1-C.)NI)1TI0N-. lit- siAI.i::-l 11, '.nil nlie-thllil nl Ihe pun 1.1.1 moliij u 1 e i,.., ui Uio itdliLlniktiainr on the iluj ol ah; nui third ol the pureh.is,-in,,uoy U.s li n . , , m he piikliin the (null r 1, 111, inn ol Kilt-; n,i, i l,,i,i 01 the puu-lKtse muni 111 ,.ne Je'ir Irmii is,i,(luuu. tlnu of kale, with Interest finui (nnfl' in ,it,,i m kl.; lliu I'eiiialllllijj ihlril tou-maln In Ui nnuds of Uio imrclrisir (luring lliu n.iluial In, I. ny llesi, tliu uidow nl John Hess, ih e, a ,,1 m l Iho Interest thereof lo he anuualli .111 1. , , -ly paid to her hy thu putcliaier or iniu 1 .., ( is or Uieir helrkauit usslh-UN holdllii; lie- 1,,. to ho reeovensl hy dlsiress nrotherM.' . ,,-s are iri'ueruble In this Cuminouwi.-ili',, , m heriliefjsu lier khaie of tho pure!ia.,e in, iuy shall he paid to tlio persons leuil'v cuiitlnl llieli to; Ihe two last paj ments lo V in uml In-liondkiiudmurtyai-e on the pn mlsew. iho train KroMlm; on tlio plilillscs nl ll.o limo oi Kale U leservtd. Deiiln will bo nudo tu tlio puriluser or piireliaserkiinilpossossinuol thek -vtralpri-iii. I.e. ijleunn tho tlrst ilny nt April next, tin pur. eli.lseror mnclmsers eoliiplilnawltli ih,- 111, ,io H.ili-iliuUiltllnunotMile. Tho 1 lllehi.si is 1 , 11 iy lor tho ciiUM'jiuiclng ami llevenm-slai.ii ,. JjlAM llLRK. HlllAi! 111--.S. Auetlntucr. Ailm.-i Mnlr, l ljlllNUCill-.tK, bepl. 17,'li'J-tr. pUIlLIO SALI3 OK valuaiju: !il:AI, iistati:. In 1 ur)llahce of 1111 order nr tlio Dri.li ins' 1 ,mrt ot 1 oniiiililaeounty, l'l-iinsylunila, im a-'ltl vv ol lulll.lt, wrii, ici.ii, at M o'elotk In Uietuu linon, Anion -MaHellir, Buardi.iii of .1, lennuli f. llai.lllllll.AruIiiilila A. 11 ,iii u. . . 11,111, ,.,.1,, iiiiiinr (iiiiuuu lIllUlllllll. lllle nl lflllii. tmeiwlili. I.. . li, ny "i, my, , hdlie. ileiiaaed, will ulsiso In k.ilu li 'pu ,.u , on the piemi.i-s, tho iniinr.-in JltiiUAUli AND TllALT.-S I 1' t ", iu. lollouii, In wll ; . 1 All llnit nu-.u.ie ami 1 , , klluulo 111 kaid toll liship, I uimlnlai. . , lislullnws: heglim.ll.; ,u u 1,111,-, ll., lu I nf llaulel Nll.s tin Hu Miller , ' ' llllie dltileis West 11110 1,1,11 lleit 1.11.1 ihi'ilu 1 klinie; Hi, in. 1, lalul m 1, , .j h.til, M.uth Hwiiti-ii, .,11,1 a i.-i , insl, ki.lilit-IHi.,.i.,., mi,. ,,,, ,. u. Iitiul 01 ilai-i Kllin , nurtli kiiiii , ,,,, etikt one iiunilrnl and nlnetii n' in ri'i. kioliei UielKi-hi l.imlo, Jleiijamin Ililrt.v and one 0111,1 i.m ,l, .... .Lj ... ., 1 ail, , ,1 ,ldii .ly. ,,er. i el'H , hy 'o u ,rln ciie tu tlio plaet-ol tKglnuim;, uulllaliiu .( Kimviwo ALl.U-sANl) AU.OV, AM i l-i-l- . niikkiiut-i. una trait uf 1 ,,1 1 . -u ,to 11 kaid towiuuip. ijoiiiiill l,y imiUk if-John (luirhuri, Jokcpli i.eigir, tkUiteof li..,, , 1 , ,V, r. ilemiMd, SliehiieHifiiviraiiil.iilierk,,., u .i.'im 1:111111 y-i:tiiur atos xi. -m ,uiIT l'Kltl IIIW, more or 1ih.n. nn wl,1. 1, 1. i.,t . .. llm si-, liarn, and nllur mi'liull.lin An. 3 -A Ira.-t of wiimllaiiil iui 1 lOMUk lln, hollllded hr Lllldk ot Iljn., I In-lit, lk.ilahhliui!inn'ii helm mid uiliw, CONTAININO hr:Vi..N-lfci:N . ; nivln-veuty.fourrmri-hos.i.i.iri-.i u- apjiuitenmii'ik, A. -I.-A Hurt 8rllli.il sllu.le , . .1 111, hmim ,il hy Imi.t-. 1 innui y.u. lamlk of l'.ltsiaU lh Kim, .,!,,. 1 ,,, of kftld deoi-liked, I'llill.uuuiK l'OL'll AUiKs, JIOHK Hit I.I'hs with tlleapliuiumiliee!.; l.iU' Uiu on.Ue deiva.ed. Js IVlmiv, lllimiu.hitrit, Oil, 21 Jv'i. 'il 1I1I ik. 1 niiiKiuf. . 0 su;e.wrei ntr ,,,1 thud nf Uie piiii-iiiiko mniiiiy in u Plll'l I Iho 1 lie uilarilluli 1111 tin- il. .- 1.1 ..it. j Uli h.iso lllnlley tiks leu is l e, 111. In till' tsilltlMillltliill of sal. r ..ii,, .il.i.. 1 ni:t'.l,l I , I nil cIi.'imi inline 111 line )iar linru inn. sale, Willi inleioKl Irom ennlllmallnni n niiilnini; liunl in lemalii in u- 1. nil Iwser (luring ihe natural lilVinf in 1 il. II.111 nan. .leeM und ihe Int. ,, aiiiiiiallyaiiilnmilMi-lypai.lpuiii,,, 1, , I iiuhukiir or pmol . iik.h.kiirUu Ir 1. ,, klliim IlilldlllK Iho la, m, si , lid 11 ilikiiokkiiriiUti-iulsi'u. i,.,t n,, , ,,v i Im t i-iiiiiiiniMiaa: 1 11.1 at 1 1, 1 kluir ol the 1 uiehiii, ninitev u, ,11 1 Ihe puknlikll'li.illj 1 11I11I11I iln 1. ' .- 1 , UllllllUln ri.-kililie.l In h.ind ai,, on ilii' piemlki li. V M, tin m In.-1,11 iiiImk al ihe lime nfk.T. iki.keni.i. ,, Uiiiiuitvtutliopiirilii'M'rdi piiieii.iM 1- M kkiiai - 1 lla kii 11.1 1 it mlMk nii h on day nl Apill next, iln 1 iiiiliwti , r 1 ., I uie ,' (k. l ' HI ner ,1 in ' iikt I' II.M pli Hill II pos. ' Ulkl h', elk implitii; ultli 1 In. nlH.ie kluiwl 11,11,111 ions 01 j.'1 i n.. "'iii. in pay mr me 1,1.. lug and UeMiiiic ktempk, . ,.,uu, AAUON JIAM1 I 1 1 i: N T I si T U Y 11. iv uuwMt, nrjsTiM'. liCklitctlully ottern Ills prolekklniml Miilrri to tlio ludleii anil Kiititlenien of llluuiuklii.it' .,liul clulty. Ho tk pi.purtsl uiiitti nd vuii'iiuu , I puniiiietiiiluiiii In lliDllneot Ida iiiii...iimlili,l lprolditl with 11,0 Im kt linnroiid 1 . .., , 1 w. I.fcl II which will he iiikerlod on 1-,. I 1 1 p, klUor und rubUr !,. to look a w, 1, 1 o n n ural leitli, 'I'leili etirui-Uil hy all,.. - iw uuikt apprutst nitihndk, ami all opiiuti, ..- nn llm lei tli careful!.' imi pioperly att,nttisl tu, Hthltlt-mu and o.Iim' u leiv dnoik lilixvo It'll t'uurl llou.e, kiimii Mde. lltuomiburif, Juu.d.'i'SU I'on m:at aku cmue .TOU PRINT1N01. Oil Mill I ill 11 Im i It'll, I 1111 H u